The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 03, 1914, Section One, Image 1

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    84 Pages
Section One
Six Sections
and Sondar Magazine.
Pages 1 to 18
"iii ' ;
SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 3. 1914. ---V! " " tt?t
Surrender of Water
works Demanded.
Scattering Shots Fired as
Federals Beat Retreat.
Serious Attack Not Expected, but
Food Situation Begins to Cause
Apprehension Xo Orders
to Advance Given.
VERA CRUZ. Mexico. May 2. A con
siderable force of Mexicans attacked
the American outpost at the water
plant nine miles out at 11 o'clock this
morning, according to a wireless mes
sage, which asked for aid.
Supporting troops were ordered for
ward by train from Vera Cruz to El
Tejer, where the water works are sit
uated. Mexicans Are In Uniform.
The Mexican troops were In uniform
and consisted mostly of infantry, but
there were some cavalrymen, evidently
belonging to the regular establish
ment. While no fear is felt by the Army
authorities in Vera Cruz that the Mex
ican troops will make a serious attack,
it is realized that considerable incon
venience soon will be caused unless
something is done to open the roads
into districts where garden and dairy
products come from.
The Mexicans threatened to "attack
immediately unless the Americans sur
rendered their position at the water
works at El Tejar within 10 minutes,"
but failed to fulfill their threat.
OqUjIdk Position Held.
The Mexicans are still holding a posi
tion beyond the waterworks position
and the troops have received no orders
to advance. At 11 o'clock this morning
a Mexicap force estimated at from 300
to 500 men appeared beyond the water
works station. As Major Russell had
received orders not to assume the of
fensive, he and his men watched the
Mexicans with much interest.
Suddenly a Mexican lieutenant and a
non-commissioned officer bearing a
white flag advanced and presented a
demand for the Americana to surrender
Within 10 minutes.
Major Russell's reply was:
"Hurry right back and do not waste
any of the time your commanding of
ficer has stipulated."
Preparations Blade for Defense.
Major Russell then made prepara
tions to resist any attack, at the same
time sending a message to headquar
ters in Vera Cruz that bis outpost was
Back at headquarters Brigadier-General
Funston and his staff have been
conscientiously working out the details
of the new government which General
Funston has been instructed to estab
lish. The wireless message from the water
works station at El Tejar brought
about a quick change from this work
to that of active army duty.
Within a few minutes headquarters
had notified Major John H. Russell that
reinforcements were on the way to aid
him, and in little more than an hour,
instead of the 240 marines composing
the command of Major Russell at the
outpost of El Tejar, there were in posi
tion to support him more than 1200
men, while the entire garrison of Vera
Cruz was In readiness.
Seven companies of the Fourth In-
(Concluded on Paso 2.)
about r- cA?Ary
Protesting Against High Fence
Around Field, Retaliation Sought
in "Glomming" Balls.
THE DALLES. Or, May 2. (Spe
cial.) A Dalles woman broke up the
baseball game between The Dalles and
Hood River high schools here this
afternoon. The locals knocked the balls
over the fence for several home runs
and every time they put the horse
hide over the fence a woman who
lives in the" vicinity, and objects to
the high board fence which was recent
ly built around the ball park and next
to her property, "copped" the balls and
refused to surrender them.
When the last ball had been put
over the fence and the woman
"glommed" it, the game ended in the
seventh Inning with the score 16 to 0,
in favor of The Dalles.
This was a big athletic day for the
students of the Hood River and local
high schools being the time for holding
the annual ball gtynie, track and field
meet and tennis ir.atches.
The locals overwhelmed the Apple
City athletes on the track and field this
morning, winning the meet 86 to 40.
Hood River won three ot . the four
tennis matches. Erma Bennett and
Mary Gray defeated Adrienne Epping
and Ella McDonald, of Hood River, in
two straight sets, but. Frances Baker,
Lawrence Herschner and Thurston
Laraway, of Hood River, had little
trouble in defeating Erma Bennett,
Frank Tyler, Ben Cohen and Wilbur
Hostetler, of this city, in the other
tennis matches.
President Prepares for Expected Hot
Summer in Washington.
WASHINGTON, May .2. In anticipa
tion that President Wilson will spend
much of the Summer in Washington,
a large tent has been erected in the
flower garden just south of the White
House, where It is expected the Presi
dent will transact much of his busi
ness during hot days.
Tne tent is to be fitted with tele
phones, push buttons and the other es
sentials of a modern office. It is situ
ated conveniently near to the executive
offices, -
Young American Encounters Delay
in Obtaining Depositions.
COMO. May 2. (Special.) The trial
of Porter Charlton, the young Ameri
can accused of having killed his wife
and placing the body In a trunk, which
he is alleged to have thrown lmi Lake
Como, has been postponed until next
November owing to the delay in ob
taining the supplementary evidence
which was sent for In America.
The murder occurred nearly four
four years ago, and Charlton was
brought here from the United States
for trial on August 30 last.
Roanoke Girl Beats World's Broad
Jump ark Four Inches.
LYNCHBURG, Va., May 2. (Special.)
Miss Dorothy Cure, of Roanoke, class
"14, at the Woman's College annual
athletic meet today broke the world's
running broad jump for women when
she cleared 15 feet 7 Inches, beating
the record by four Inches.
Miss Cure cleared 4 feet 5 inches In
the running high jump.
Fall From Window Fatal.
Alfred W. Woodhouse, 26 years old,
who lived at the Euclid Hotel. 673
Washington street, was injured fatally
early yesterday morning when he fell
from a window in ue hotel to the side
walk, 25 feet below. He , was found
by Jack Gillis, a driver for the Oregon
Taxlcab Company, and was taken to
a hospital, where he died two hours
No, Concessions Made
to Mediators.
Scheme Regarid as Move by
Dictator to "Save Face."
Constitutionalists' Position Is They
Can Capture Rights Federals
Are Trying to Save and
Demand Surrender.
MEXICO CITV, Mar 'hf situation
In Mexico City today bad every appear
ance of becoming serious for the ad
ministration and in well-informed cir
cles it was expected that Provisional
President Huerta might resign at any
EL PASO, Tex., May 2 Constitu
tionalist leaders here are convinced
that Vlctoriano Huerta is ready to step
down and out under pressure from his
cientiflco supporters, who, with an ac
curacy of knowledge denied the masses
in Mexico, are said to regard complete
rebel success as inevitable.
For this reason the constitutionalists
will make no concessions before the
Argentine. Brazil and Chile mediators.
The mediation of South America is
believed by constitutionalists to have
been accepted by Huerta as a means
of "saving his face" and the good
offices of the Argentine, Brazil and
Chilean government, while accepted "In
principle" by the constitutionalists,
are viewed with suspicion.
Carranza'a Agents Designated.-
Carranza will be represented at the
sessions of the board of mediators In
Washington by Rafael Zubaran. now
in Washington, and Louis Cabrera, on
his way to the United States froa
gpain.. .Cabrera was president of the
Chamber of Deputies at Mexico City
at the time of the overthrow of
Madero. , Jose Vasconcelos, a lawyer
of Mexico City, and Francisco Urquldi,
who is in charge of the rebel agency
at Washington, also may act. It is
understood here that Huerta's repre
sentatives will be Francisco De La
Barra and Jose Castellot.
The attitude of Carranza's agents, it
is said, win be defensive. They say
they regard the whole scheme as de
signed to save for the supporters priv
ileges which the rebels now feel as
sured they can capture. They will,
therefore, oppose any proposition other
than the unconditional elimination of
Huerta and the complete recognition
of Carranza and the party of which he
is the chief.
War Pressed With Vigor.
The departure of Villa from Chihua
hua, for the front today, and Carranza's
Impending departure for the south are
Indications of the rebel Intention to
prosecute the rebellion with renewed
vigor. It is understood among them
that the United States is not displeased
with their declination to accept an
armistice, but the truce having been
declined, Carranza is eager that the
campaign should be pushed to the
earliest possible conclusion.
In the opinion of S. muel Belden, a
legal member of the junta here, the
Federals have fought their last real
battle against the rebels.
"They fear to defend Saltillo," he
said, "for the desert south of them of
fers too great an obstacle to further
retreat. It is the worst waste in Mex
ico. They may fight at San Luis Po-
(Concluded on Page 6)
The Weather.
TESTERDAT8 Maximum temperature, 75.2
degree; minimum, 60.3 degrees.
TODAY'S Probably fair; cooler; westerly
Mexican forces demand surrender of Vera
Crus waterworks. Section 1. page 1.
Rebels will make no concessions before me
diators. Section 1. page X.
Wei! -in formed diplomats think flag Is -up
In Mexico to stay. Section 1. page 2.
Congress session likely to encroach on cam- !
paign. Section 1, page 2. 1
Tolls bill made unfinished business In
Senate. Section 1, page 5.
Iomest!c. .
Cup defender meets with two accidents on !
sailing trial day. Section 1, page 0.
Henry J. K tiers favors free tolls on coast-
wise traffic. Section 1, page 6.
Representative Foster publishes correspon- ,
dence of futile effort to settle strike, :
Section 1, page 6. . j
Suffrage breach In Chicago almost healed on
day of biggest parade. Section 1, page ft.
Two collegiate oarsmen will strengthen
Portland crews this season. Section 'A ,
page 4.
World mark broken and Coast record
lowered at Berkeley meet. Section 2.
page 1.
Northwestern League results: T acorn a 4,
Portland 1; Vancouver 5. Victoria 4; Se
attle 13, Spokane & Section 2. page 2.
Gill net season Is on, bat most of catches
in Willamette are made with -lines. Sec
tion 2, page 0.
Portland Golf Club to he opened today. Sec
tion 2, page 4. .
William Hay ward gives rules for weight
events. Section 2. page 5.
Joe Tobin still leads Coast League batters.
Section 2. page 2.
Fish are plentiful in streams close to Port
land. Section 2. page 5.
Pirates appear real rivals of Giants. Section
2, page 3. .
Pete Schneider, Seattle pitcher, goto g at
top-notch form. Section 2, page 2.
Dave Gregg big surprise to fans. Section 2,
page 2.
American golfers believed to be in better
trim than English. Section 2, page 4.
Business men take to volley ball. Section 2.
Page 4.
Armory boxing card announced Section 2, i
page 6. !
Fighters tardy In signing for matches. Sec-
tion 2. page 5.
Coast League results: PortlP-nd 5. San Fran-
Cisco 2; Sacramento 9, Oakland 2; Venice I
4. Los Angeles 2 (10 innings). Section 2,
page 1.
Automobiles and Roads.
Eyes of state now on Clackamas County.
Section 4. page 4.
Governor Is busy on Good Roads day. Sec
tion 4, page 7.
Bad roads reported In Central and Eastern
Oregon. Section 4, page 7.
D. R. Rteger brings Briggs-Detrofter car
from Spokane, Section 4, page 5.
City and country have been welded by the
automobile. Section 4, page 6.
Pacific Northwest.
Special session of Legislature probable In
Washington. Section 1. page 8.
Ezra Meeker would use ox team to adver
tise Pacific Northwest. Section 1. page 7.
Women active In registration estimate now
placed at 220.0OO. Section 1. page 9.
Aberdeen Carpenters" Union quits Central
Labor Council that condemns sending
troops to Mexico. Sect-ion 1. page 1.
Junior week-end festivities at Oregon. Uni
versity begin Wednesday. Seel ion L
page 7
Lone woman breaks up 10 to 0 ball gams
at The Dalles. Section 1, page L
Filing of draft of new charter for Seattle
precipitates row. Section L page 8.
Real Estate and Building.
East Side looms big In prospect. Section 4.
page 12.
$142,000 transfer is week's banner. Section
4. page 10.
Building permits for Wednesday total 152,
250. Section -4. page lo.
High school building at The Dalles to cost
$100,000. Section 4. page 11.
Commercial and Marine.
Canned salmon one of cheapest food articles
on market. Section 2, page 6.
Wheat rallies at Chicago on reduction of
warehouse stocks. Section 2. page 6.
Sales for profits give Wall street market
downward tendency. Section 2, page 6.
High water this year Improbable, saya Fore,
caster Beali. Section 2, page 6.
Notice served that Bear will not be un
loaded by longshoremen. Section 2.
Page S.
Portland and Vicinity.
Judges shift with opening of Mar term of
Circuit Court. Section 1, page 13.
Psychological tests being applied at Reed
College. Section 1, page 11.
More farmers offer products at Albina pub
He market second day. Section 1. page 11.
City bakeries scored by market Inspector
and ratings given. Section 1, page 12.
R, H. Thomas discusses safety of children
in school buildings. Section 1. page 11.
Rose show classes fixed for exhibition June
9-10. Section 1, page 10.
German Glee Club, of Jefferson High School,
will give two German plays Friday. Sec
tion 1. page 13.
Miss Dallas Perkins Jumps from 19th to
first place in contest for Rose Queen.
Section 1, page 10.
John Manning says only three state commis
sions are needed. , Section 1, page 15.
Late Rufus Mai lory laid to final rest in
services simple and sermon brief. Section
1. page 14.
Memory of F. X. Matthieu honored by
pioneers at Champoeg. Section 1, page U.
Aspirants for Congress vie at rally In
lauding suffrage. Section 1, page 1.
Military Board Finds
Strikers Attacked.
'Lawless and Savage Peas
ants" Fostered by Owners.
Underlying Cause Found to Re Pres.
ence or Soldiers, Strikers and
Mine- Guards, All Armed
and Fostering Hatred.
DENVER. May 2. Absolut respon
sibility for the fatal battle of Ludlow,
Monday, April 20, was placed on the
Greeks of the strikers', colony at Lud
low by the military board, consisting
of Judge Advocate Major E. J. Bough
ton, Captains W. C Danka and Philip
S. Van Cise, of the -Colorado National
Guard. This commission was appointed
April 25 by Adjutant-General Chase
with instructions to report on all the
Incidents of the battle, proceeding: and
subsequent, and to make such report
"without malice or favor."
The officers examined under oath all
officers and prisoners and "as many as
possible of the soldiers, deputies, mine
guards and townspeople of Ludlow and
nearby coal camps."
Strikers Kcfaw Xeattmony.
They made strenuous effort to obtain
testimony of strikers, but without suc
cess, reporting: that "a personal re
quest made on Mr. Lawaon and Mr. Mc
Kenna, strike leaders in Denver, was
answered in their presence by Mr.
Hawkins, their attorney, declining to
give us any information on the ground
that our inquiry was not publicly con
ducted." The board found that the "remote"
cause of this, as well as all other bat
tles, lies with the coal operators, who
established in an American industrial
community a numerous class of igno
rant, lawless and savage South Euro
pean peasants. The underlying: cause
was the presence, near Ludlow, in
dally contact, of three discordant ele
ments strikers, soldiers and mine
guards all armed and fostering an in
creasing: deadly hatred which sooner
or later was bound to find some ex
pression. Greeks Called lauaedUtc" Canse.
"The Immediate cause of the battle
was an attack upon the soldiers by the
Greek Inhabitants of the tent colony
who misinterpreted a movement of
troops on a neighboring: hllL"
Concerning; Louis Tikas, the Greek
leader who was killed in the battle,
the report says, "during the evening
Louis Tikas, James Filer and an un
known striker were taken prisoners.
Lieutenant K. E. Linderfelt swung his
Springfield rifle, breaking the stock,
over the head of Tikas." This incident
followed a heated controversy between
the Lieutenant and the Greek. The re
port continues:
"An attempt to hang Tikas went so
far that a rope was produced and
thrown over' a telegraph pole. This
lynching was prevented by Lieutenant
Linderfelt, who turned Tikas over to a
non-commissioned officer, whom he
directed to be responsible for his life.
Shortly afterwards all three prisoners
were killed by gunshot wounds.
Uullrt Xot Uaed by Soldiers.
"The only bullet found in his body
was of a kind not used by the soldiers,
although the other, wounds might have
(Concluded on Page 6.)
'-" - VO. t' I -LHU
.iTMiMni mci rwAi
vvsi-JiiVsil- UIOLU 1 rl,
aberdeex cakpkxters want
xatiox's flag ttpheld.
Adoption, or .Resolution Condemning
Sending Troops to Mexico May '.
Disrupt Central Labor Body.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. May 2. (Spe
cial.) Because the Central Labor Coun
cil of Aberdeen passed a resolution last
night condemning the United States
Government for sending troops to Mex
lso. the Carpenters' Union announced
this morning Its withdrawal from the
council. The Carpenters' Union, num
bering about 115 men. was the second
largest organization in the council. The
announcement of the withdrawal, which
Is made by the executive board of the
carpenters. Is addressed to the citizens
of Aberdeen. It follows:
"At the regular meeting of the Cen
tral Labor Council of Aberdeen held
May 1 a resolution, introduced by the
Timber Workers' Union, condemning
the action of President Wilson i
manding proper respect for our flag
was passed. The Carpenters' Local. 883.
of Aberdeen, wishes hereby to state to
Us many friends that it worked to the
best of Its ability to prevent the pass
age of this resolution, but. was unsuc
cessful, and that now. under instruc
tions of the members of the union, the
carpenter delegate. t, ih. , ,
Lcouncil have withdrawn from the coun
cil una amuatlon with the Central
Council has been severed."
It is said that several other unions
are so strongly opposed to the resolu
tion that they may take action in line
with the carpenters. In explaining the
situation one of the most prominent of
the carpenters said:
"We believe in our country. We be
lieve in its. flag, and we are ready to
uphold the flag at all times. We may
not have wanted war with Mexico, but
we do want the dignity of the United
States upheld."
Many Seek Homes in Deschutes Na
tional Forest Reserve.
THE DALLES. Or.. Mav 2 (Sn.Mi
Persons began lining up In front of
XX- local United States Land oiti
early as 6:30 o'clock yesterday morning,
ana by the time tne office opened at 9
o clock SO prospective homesteaders
were waiting to file on lands In the
Deschutes National forest reserve,
which were yesterday opened to settlo-
uieuu. ..
Most of the land is under the super
Vision Of iAInlmv T.-J rrr,
'v umy
46 homesteads being supervised by the
"loans America" Makes Paper Ven
ders Give "Vivas' for Wilson.
BISBEE, Aria, May I. A crowd of
American and Mexican newsboys be
came embroiled today in a fist fight
near the railroad station. After vainly
anempung a snow or defense the Mexi
can lads gave in and refused to con
tinue the argument.
The American youngsters were not
satisfied, however, until their de
feated opponents had saluted the flag.
This the foreigners finally agreed to
do, giving three lusty "vivas" for
Gasoline Schooner Randolph Ashore
at Mouth of Rogue River.
GOL DBEACH. Or, May 2. (Spe
cial.) The gasoline schooner Ran
dolph, with a crew of four, went ashore
on the North Spit of Rogue River at 5
o'clock last night. The llfesaving
crew from Bandon arrived today, but
was unable to give assistance.
The Randolph has a full cargo of
cannery supplies for the Wedderburn
Trading Company, which may be saved.
Captain John Anderson is in command
of the vessel.
Eacl Always for Cause,
Women's Rally Told.
Resolution for Amendment Is
Adopted Amid Cheers.
A. F. Flegel. Democratic Candidate
for Congress, Says It Is Use
less to Oppose Sure Thing.
Many Boost Themselves.
Woman's suffrage received the most
pe4athusiastic indorsement of Its career
In Oregon at the Lincoln High School
last night.
Republican. Democratic and Progres
sive candidates for the United States
Senate and House of Representatives
vied with each other In declaring their
eternal fealty to the cause of votes for
With only one exception, the would
be lawmakers boldly admitted that
equal suffrage was a thing they had al
ways been "for," even if they had not
lifted their voices very strongly for It
In the days before it became a fact in
Mr. Kleael Is Exception.
The one exception was A. F. Flegel.
candidate for the Democratic nomina
tion for Congress, who admitted that
he had changed his mind, and said
that he had "become convinced that
women were sure to vote, so what's
the use of opposing a sure thing."
The candidates' speeches were plen
tifully bestrewn with oral bouquets as
to woman's Intelligence, her right
stand on all moral questions and her
record of good accomplished in states
where she has the right to vote. It
was freely predicted by several speak
ers that the solution of all the great
moral and economic questions that now
vex the country will speedily follow
the passage of a constitutional amend
ment granting equal suffrage.
Goods Words Said for Tnemaelves.
The speeches were supposed, by order
of the chairman, to be strictly non-partisan
in nature, but many of the candi
dates adroitly managed to tie the
cause of suffrage to the chariot-wheel
of their own particular qualifications
for Congressional honors, or vice versa.
Thus they devised to say a good word
for themselves while saying several for
The occasion was the National suf
frage day rally, the meeting at Port
land being one of those held in every
city in the country last night to adopt
a resolution memorializing Congress to
submit an equal suffrage constitutional
amendment to the people.
The resolution was adopted with
"Bill" Hanley Late Applaaded.
The candidates and prominent suf
fragists, women who were most active
in the victorious campaign in Oregon
18 months ago. sat on the platform.
"Bill" Hanley, Progressive aspirant for
the Senate, came in late. Just before
the meeting opened at 8:30. and waa
warmly applauded as he took his seat.
Dr. Esther Pohl-Lovejoy was chair
man and opened the meeting. Beside
her on the table stood a large burnished
dinner-bell which she said she would
use If the speakers exceeded the time
limit allotted them, which was 13 min
utes for Senatorial candidates and
eight minutes for embryonic Congress
men. "This day, which Is being celebrated
(Concluded on Page 2.)
Poo? oio crow a