16 TTTE SUNDAY OKEGOXTAX, PORTLA5n, APRII. 2G, 1914. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. KBSTAl'RAXT CONCESSION. One of the best paying concessions at the Oaks Amusement Park to let, THE OAKS TAVERN. Exclusive privilege for a fine IUVCH COUNTKH, dairy foods, frankfurters, etc. gASOX OPENS MAT 23. This is an excellent opening for one who understands this business. No intoxicating liquors allowed. Call at the office. Oaks Amuse ment Park. JOHN F. CORDRAY, Manager. JLN aggressive man with business ability to tarRe controlling Interest with me In a going manufacturing concern requiring ad ditional capital to handle rapidly increasing- business. Manufacture a specialty for which there is a wide market with excep tional profits; man with lumber and woodworking experience preferred, al . thongh this is not essential. References given and required and these should ac company first letter to receive reply; $10.oo0 to 325.0OO. AV 151, Oregonian. TOCK of merchandise, consisting of men's clothing, furnishing goods, hats and shoes, amounting to about $l,o0o: will sell for cash, or part cash and balance real estate or good security. This store Is well locat ed, with reasonable rent, and Is a cash business. Owners have other interests to which they must devote their attention. No agents, no triilers; only those who mean business need answer, N 022," Ore gonian. - DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. For sale at a bargain, new and second hand furniture store; price $100, or will invoice and allow liberal discount ; must sell on account of other business; wiil bear investigation. J. r. WINN, Independence, Or. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. Unincumbered lot. WxlM, on Mt. Tabor carline; worth $0000; and nearly three acres near Concord Station, in Spalding Addition, worth $3500. o trade for a rooming or an apartment-house. McKenzie & Co., 515 Gerlir.ser bids. GROCERY, building, stock, fixtures, every thing new, location and rent right. Opened three weeks ago, but owner obliged to sell, doing $"0 a day at- start. Can you beat it? Invoice $750. P. W. Persels, 20U Stark st. BAKERY, lunchroom and confectionery, on main street, brick building, rent $43. 3 year lease, doing $ 1200 cash a month, wholesale and retail trade; if you want something good, look this up. AV 177. Oregonian. " CAUTION, BUYERS. Eefore closing deal for so-called interest In established real estate business, get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 818 Chamber of Commerce Bids. WANTED An Idea! Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas, they may bring you wealth "Write lor "Needed Inventions," "How to Get Your Patent and Money." Randolph & Co.. Patent Attorneys, Washington. D.C. FOR SALE Hotel of 05 rooms, dining-room and kitchen, fully equipped, in connection; operated over 25 years under eame man agement; god lease; price $1500; just the place for man and wif e ; present owner wants to retire. L 1)22, Oregonian. FOR SALE Old established general mer chandise business, located in one of Port land's best suburbs; inventory around S40OO; investigate this. C. Hussey, trustee. 4 th st. LIGHT grocery nnd confectionery, busy transfer point, $40 daily cash business, with ice cream season just opening, noth ing better m I'ortiami lor amount in vested, $1200. P. W. Persels, 203 Stark St. FEED STORE for sale in a good live town; no competition. Invoice about $1500; good paying proposition; anyone interested ad dress Nibler jc Son. Gervais, Or. Terms caen. YOUNG lady operating small centrally lo cated business, wants a party to assist her who can makj a small investment. In- quire at 427 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d acd. Stark. DRUG store and physician's practice wanted in good country town; please give full par ticulars as to sales, price for store and prosp-ets for physician's practice. AF 819. Oregonian. DRUGSTORE, finely located. West Side, op posite school, carries nice line confec tions and stationery, new fountain, good trade, can be handled with $1000 cash. P. W. Persels, 200 Stark tsv WAITING-ROOM. Cigars, confectionery, soda fountain and l!ght lunches; a good-paying business, close in; cash and some trade. See owner, at 113 2d st. MODEP.N clothing store for sale In growing city of 4000 population ; good reasons for selling , will consider tnsiue real estate in exchange. Big proposition for a young man. bv-t, oregonian. MEAT market, best sur. urban shop in Port land, doing $lO0 daily; this is an unusual opportunity in this .ine; it can be bought right or would trade for city property P. W. Persels, 20!) Stark st. AN unusual opportunity to lady or gentle man to Invest between $20,000 to $30,000 in a business netting 15 per cent, guar anteed; money secured by property worth sijo,ohii. AV. lot, oregonian. LAUNDRY MEN. 4 10.000. ulace is clearing S150 a week $10,000. Do not have to sell, but wish to retire. v rite to R 041, Oregonian. AN automatic business readilv cared for evenings for sale; work easy; $75 a month profit ; no previous training needed. AN 917. Oregonia.i. I'OR SALE $8000 stock hardware, half cash and half real estate; cheap rent; good location. Address Oliver W. John son. Springfield, Or. MCR confectionery, with poolroom in con nectlon ; located on transfer carline; sell cheap for cash or terms to right party. fnone 1 anor juiii. BIG SNAP. Cleaning, pntslng and repairing bus! Tiess for sale cheap. Call in at ldlfAdams BUCC I." CM ALL hotel and restaurant, splendid lo cation, always full, long lease ; rent $23 For quick sale. $330 cash. G. A. Sarles, 715 Spalding bldg. &IILLI NER Y NI C E LITTLE BU SINES S A snati for someone; will have to see to appreciate; leaving city cause of sell inir. Phone East 4939. BIG SNAP. rtestaurant tor sale: small amount of money will handle; owner must leave town. Apply 2(17 Couch st., city. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, whole or half ln tere3t in first-class paying restaurant; partners do not agree. AG 804, Orego nian. HAVE some good Eastern territory for a live salesman with few hundred dollars; big seller; large profits. N SJ1S, Orego nian. "WE are in 1 of merit. Front Ft. position to market any patent West Coast Specialty Co. 2S FOR SALE Pawnshop and second-hand business in connection ; good reasons. A V 15:t, Oregonian. MILLINERY stock to trade for lot; good trade; line location. Call on or write o.vner. 204 N. Jersey at., St. Johns. GROCERY stock and fixtures, new and first cias3 ; will invoice aud discount. 1191 r.fr st Sherman. $l!ou Country store, postoffice, 30 miles Portland; money maker. AB SSI. Ore gonian. ONE-MAN business, netting $135 to $173 per month; prie $1200. $1000 down, bal ance from profits. AE 010, Oregonian. BT owner. sellinR account of other business, confectionery and cigar store, fine loca tlon, chap rent. 224 Washington st. FOR SALE On account sickness; barber shop, cheap and on easv terms. Call 421 Burnslde. Phone Marshall 1K31. MEAT market for sale; Includes good young team, wagon and two good routes; a bar. gain. Lida Sinbor. Troutdale, Or. FOR SALE Nifty 4-chalr barber shop, best location .Norm tna; cneap rent, long lease price $70(1. 36 N. 2d st. MOVING -PICTURE outfit and films for sale for amount loaned. Call Stein's Pawn Shop, 'jo c.t h st. ? ortn. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. 75c. Other work low. Majestic Ptg. Co. basement, park and Washington sts. LA D Y or gentleman to take charge of of fiee; small payment required; handle your own money, yu: tiroaawny Diag. YOUNG lady wishes to buy an Interest in small business ; I prefer place where sal ary is guaranteed, t'. o. Box llfis. DEALERS to handle rowboat motors; ex elusive territory. If. & A. MFG. CO., 4', 1st st., Portland. 2-CHAIR barber shop, best town on Col River, cheap for cash, 80 6th st. MEAT MARKET for rent, nice fixture. good location, rent -o. 20 iamnUL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. G. A. SARLES, 715 SPALDING BLDG. j Cafeteria and bakery for sale; doing $4o per day or better on $8 daily expense; will sacrifice if taken at once; am called from city. Drug business that is paying- well; s. nice suburban store, up to date In ever particular. Will seil at the right price. Do not overlook this opportunity. Grocery store on Alberta carline; will sell stock, fixtures and furniture of four living-rooms for $850 and will lease my store for $10 por month. Am forced to sell on account of sickness in my family. This is a splendid opportunity for elderly couple. Grocery business on East Side; one of the best locations In city; can be had at the right price. This place should do $30.- 000 per year if properly handled, as the location is right. INVESTIGATE. Department store in a good live city; stock will invoice about $23,000; will take good income property up to $15,000 and the balance in cash; not necessary to pay spot cash if you have good security; we do not need all the money ; this stock is 80 per cent new, in fact the entire stock is practically new and up to date; if you are looking for a well-established busi ness, INVESTIGATE this. General mdse. store; will invoice about $4500; did $30,000 business last year." This will take about $2500 to handle, or will trade for income city or farm property un incumbered, of same value. This is a good buy and only 30 miles from Portland. Hardware stock suburban business estab lished 4 years and business is paying well. 1 will sell on invoice for cash or might consider some -trade if same is desirable. This is a good proposition for some person desiring to step into an established busi ness; stock will invoice about $11000. Grocery stock in live Valley town, do ing a fine business; will invoice about $3500. Will take $2700 cash or good se curity. This business 13 only 20 miles from Portland; electric train passes door with depot on opposite side of street. This is worth, looking into. If you are looking for a business of any nature I can help you without any cost whatever. I have many good propositions that I cannot advertise. Come in and see me or write. I will be pleased to assist you in any way I can. G. A. SARLES, 715 Spalding Bid. EQUIPPED POULTRY RANCH. 94 -acre poultry ranch near electric railroad station at Cove Orchard, In Wil lamette Valley ; on county road ; new, cozv bunealow : larce livine-room with fireplace; large front porch overlooking beautiful valley; built-up neighborhood ; brooder-house 24x24 ft.. equipped with new commercial size Incubators and brooders: Doultrv-house 50x12 ft. Bored well (this alone cost $215) furnishing plentiful supply of finest water; place ail newly fenced and cross-fenced; oak Dosts and woven wire. Here is rare opportunity for the man who desires to engage in profitable busi ness raisin (c "broilers and fryers" for the Portland market. Four trains dally Into Portland. Idle time can be profitably em ployed at good wages working on farms, orchards and hop ranches in neighbor hood: in fact all the family can find profitable 'employment here at harvest time. On this place one can have fine gar den. keen cow. Dies and raise poultry b the thousand. No hiph cost of living here. Will sell this ranch, equipped just as It is for $1500 less than actual worth; $2000 takes it; will give terms of $600 casn, balance nice rent.; no iraaes con sldered; the cash talks; this is a "snap if there ever was ' one. J. W. CROSSLEY, owner, 515 Corbett bldg. Main G173. IMPORTANT. IF YOU "WANT TO BUY A BUSINESS WRITE OR CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND ASK FOR MR. CHAMBEKUN. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 209-221 Seiling -l51dg. Portland, Or. $145 CIGAR stand; this is a bargain. 310 Lumber exchange Diag., ana siarK sts. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANTED. FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. I want to buy an agency, prefer non- hoard company. Give as much inform a tion as possible. Confidential. C 038, Oregonian. ATTENTION Tf you want to sell your business quick for cash, call at once; we have several Eastern people with the money who want to get in business. Room S2U Morgan bldg. CARPENTER with some cash would put money and labor with lot owner and build and sell ; Piedmont, Irvington and Rose City iarK districts, preierrea. ai Uiis, Jregonian. I CAN sell your business if the price is right and you have a good proposition to offer. If you have something that is saleable let me near from you at once. O. A. SAKLKS. 710 Spalding- biclg. I AM going to buy a hotel and have the cash to buy when suited; submit your propo sition; want from 25 rooms up. AG it ID, WANTED To get In touch with towns in Orecon that have no banks with view of locating. Address Carl Mueller, Elm wood. Neb. WANTED Small drug store in Portland must be a bargain ; give details In letter. Address A V la-j, Oregonian. WANT to meet man who has farm and ii Interested in raising hogs. AE 920, Ore' goman. LUMBER brokerage Would like to join re sponsible lumberman in that business references exchanged. E 043, Oregonian, BEING a stranger, would like interest in any kind of business, small Investment; owners only, aj u4, oregonian. WANTED A country grocery store, price nut i-xceeaing juuu. n y.:, oregonian. WANTED Grocery stock in exchange for lots or acreage and some cash. Main 1166. WANTED To buy "What have you ? a retail lumber yard. d 04S, oregonian. STOCKS AND BONDS. TALK WITH FLETCHER. 10 Ewbank Elec. Transmission. .. .bid 5000 Fidelity Copper bid 12 Mt. Scott Cemetery stock. . .cheap 5000 Oregon Home Builders bid 530O0 Realty Associates' ser. 1 special L25 Umbdenstock & Larson H- B...bid A 11 stocks and bonds permitted by the corporation commissioner to De soia. I WANT All stocks permitted to be sold. FLETCHER. 225 Ablngton building. ROOMING HOUSES ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. CIS Yeon Bldg. Main 4S1 OLDEST FIRM LARGEST LISTING 78 ROOMS. TRANSIENT. Very best of f urntiure, steam heat, baths; cost $10,000. clears 350 monthl For very best of reasons owner must sel at once. Let us explain the situation and show you this place. Price $0000, $3000 casn to nanaie. ooast notei. 56-ROOM APARTMENT. Thoroughly modern, rent reasonable, good lease, clears $150 a month; $1500 cash to handle. The furniture in this place is tne very oest. uavenport. 32-ROOM APARTMENT $1800 Steam heat, all two-room apartments rent $100; good lease, all on one floor $000 cash to handle, Sacramento Apart ments. 2G ROOMS. RENT $75. Furnace heat, all 2-room apartments, clears $75 to $80 monthly. Price $700, $400 cash, to handle, urover Apts. We have them ALL SIZES. See us be fore buying. 23 YEARS IN THE BUSI JS?. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. 613 Yeon Bldg. Main 41 85-ROOM APARTMENT and ROOMING- HOUSE, fine corner brick, with steam heat ; furnishings cost $S500; all good as new; nest lease in the city; rent S3 room. We can give you the best trade In the city on this place for a good piece or acreage, city property or irrigated land. O. C. R. Ellis & Co., 309 Board of Trade, 4tn ana oaic sts. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR RENT. 17 rooms. 1 bik. off Washington st close in ; well arranged for boarders or roomers and best location in town for that purpose ; no lurntture. F. N. 'CLARK & COMPANY, Title & Trust Bldg., 89 4th St. FOR SALE Classy little apartment-house. 25 rooms; $50. All modern appliances except heat; good furniture, easily kept, money-maker; price $70O, no trades. GOO Flint St.. between Page and Russell sts. SACRIFICE sale furniture 8-room, clo-rn flat ; must sell. Come and see. Right downtown. 20Vi North 10th St. IS HOUSEKEEPING rooms, new furnltui o. rooms all full, only $125 required; this Is a peach. 248 Stark st. NEATLY furnished. II rooms, all rented; good income; $::00. 1R4 10th st. North 12 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for sale cheap; $150. 32S 14th st. Main 2725. APARTMENT house, 15 rooms, very cheap; clears $100 month. 518 Abington bldg. M Y roominjr-house on easy terms; good lo cation. AddreM O 031, Oregonian. APARTMENT-house, 15 rooms, very cheap; clears $100 month. 51S Abington bldg. FOR SALE Nine-room boarding house, cheap; rooms full. Marshall 705. ROOMING-HOUSES. MARY E. LENT, 50R-9 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HOTELS, ROOMING, APARTMENT HOUSES SOLD AND EXCHANGED. WILL EXCHANGE THIS HOTEL, 150 ROOMS, Want to exchange for good valley ranch up to $10,000. This Is one of the best located houses In the city: has large ground-floor lobby. Will sell all or con trolling interest to live hotel man. 54 ROOMS. New corner brick building; 10 baths; all outside light rooms. This is a plck uD for S400O. Will consider part real es tate and $2000 cash. 22 ROOMS. This Is the best small house !n the city; all new furnishings, near 12th and Mor rison sts. Will consider lot up to $1000. APARTMENT HOUSES. 30 APARTMENTS, y This is the most beautifully furnished house in the city; has social hall and roof garden; everything that makes a high-class home for nice people. If you want something; nice, this will suit you. Price $7000; terms arranged. 30 APARTMENTS, 20 two rooms, balance three rooms, each with private bath, disappearing beds, all completely furnished; all rented. This house has automatic elevator, private lockers, is strictly uf to date and has a good Income at very reasonable rentals. Price $5000. will take some real estate. 10 APARTM ENTS. A classy place, very largo rooms, pri vate baths, dressln g rooms, all new and homelike. Price $2200. 14 ROOMS. Nicely furnished in housekeeping suites, this makes a good home and a nice little income. Owner, leaving the state, will sacrifice for $600. IF you don't see what you want In the above, come In; I have all the good places, large and small. MARY E. LENT. FOR SALE Hotel of GO foomi, cen trally located, modern brick build ing, artistically furnished in Circas sian walnut and mahogany. Blge low Axminster carpets throughout, equipped with stationary vacuum cleaner. It Is absolutely one of the best furnished hotels In city. Price $12,000 or will trade. AD 832, Ore gonian, APARTMENT HOUSE. S5 rooms, 17 2-room apts., 17 3-room apts., absolutely the awellest proposition in the city, all ants, have large dressing room, private baths, elec elevators, large social hall and reception-room, furnish ings are simply elegant. Every apt. taken ana a waiting list of o; y-year lease at reasonable rent: house clears above all ex penses over $250 per mo. Price $7000. asy terms. DIETZ & RINGLER, 816 Ry. Ex. Bldg. THE BEST 50-ROOM HOUSE In the city is now on the market; ele gantly furnished, thoroughly respectable, private baths, entirely modern and, best of all. is now DavinE better than S300 month clear profit and has done so for months past; this looks like an extrava gant statement under present conditions. but see it and you can have proof. Price only $4500, terms and some trade. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO. 309 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. EXTRA FINE. 14 rooms, modern, up-to-date house. extra well furnished, has 2,0 steady board ers and Is clearing $200 per month above an expenses. 1 ou can buy tnis swell place for $1150, $80O cash, bal. $2a per roontn. DIETZ & RINGLER, )l Ry. Ex. Bldg. 132 ROOMS, brick building. In the location where you get the business. West Side this is a big naying lodging-house: pres ent owner has made a small fortune out of it and now has too much other business on his hands; price $2500. $1000 will han die It; rent $275. O. C. R. Ellis & Co., 309 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. HIGH-CLASS ROOMING, BOARDING HOUSE. Knob Hill district; fine maple and ma hogany furniture, new 6 months ago; 1 rooms; rent $65; clears $175 monthly; price $1700; $1000 down, balance easy terms. Associated investment Co., bin Yeon bldg. IS .ROOMS, fine furniture, located near 10th ana Jeirerson ; swell place to live; ail housekeeping; no work: owner must sell this is a snap ; don't overlook it; price 3ou, your terms; less tnan ja.uo a room you can t beat this. Call SS 10th, near Stark. 22 ROOMS near Washington and 13th. ele gantly furnished, cost J2S00. cheap rent. good lease; you can clear $100 a month on this place, or would make good boarding-house. Price cut to $140O, take lot worth $600 as part. O. C. R. Ellis & Co., 300 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. BEAUTIFUL little select boarding and rooming-house. West Side ; well filled in cluding fine Kimball piano, nice income, makes pretty home, low rent, must sell immediately. COAD 121S Northwestern Bank bldg. x 40-ROOM BRICK, RENT $100. Here is a snap for someone; owner really must ' sell or trade; consider good acreage or city property. See the price, $1200; trade or terms to suit. Call 86 loth, near Stark. $:;00 CASH, balance $70O easy, 24 elegantly xurnisnea nouseKeeping rooms. actually worth $2000; in one of the choicest loca tions of the city; rent only $100. This Is a good buy and will pay for Itself quick. 214 13th st. MARY E. LENT. 508-9 Northwestern Bank Bldg., 6th and Morrison Sts. Hotels, Rooming, Apartment-Houses Sold and Exchanged. Phone Main 8560. SEE THIS TODAY. 30 rooms, fine furniture, in heart of city; rent $125; sell half price, $250 cash; terms on balance. 322 Vt tark St., corner of Sixth. APARTMENT-HOUSE, coast location, thrif ty little ,city 5u00 inhabitants, making good income ; price reasonable ; must sell immediately. COAD 121S Northwestern Bank bldg . 18-ROOM rooming-house, doing good busi ness, in excellent location; must seii at once on account of having to leave the city soon to attend to other business. Phone Marshall 1028 or call at 229 i 1st st. ROOMING-HOUSE of 17 rooms, running wa ter in rooms, best location in town; tran sient ; good money-maker ; a bargain. Write St. Charles Hotel, Raymond, Wash. 9 ROOMS. $125 REQUIRED. Beautiful close-in cornet; owner must sell ; rooms always rented and a bargain. Call 8S 10th. near Stark. HOTEL PORTOLA. 3d AND BUKNS1DE. 00 rooms, long lease, low rem, iraue for house end lot or good acreage close in ; give terms. ROOMING-HOUSE. 30 rooms, steam heat. new furniture, 2 blocks from approach ot Interstate bfldge; half cash and trade. Vancouver, Wash. L. 041, Oregonian. $25 CASH, balance $15 month, aecures ele gant furnishings. 8 rooms, modern, pretty lawn, fine location ; rent only $22.50. Price $275 ; cost $550. oOJ Hancock st. U cars. SPECIAL SNAP Owing to circumstances will sell for half price if taken today. 187 16th su North. GOOn furniture. 7 rooms, cheap, close In, West Side; no agents; going away; will sell to second-band dealer after three days. Address G 945, Oregonian. INVESTIGATE. bargain. 9 housekeeping rooms, centrally located, clears $23 over rent, besides living rooms. F.ent $35; for quick sale. $27o cash. 1SS 14th St. 30 ROOMS, all on one floor, rent $100; fine West Side location ; clears $150; best buy in transient In town; price $700, cash. Call 8H 10th, near Stark. WANTED A good, rooming-house, in good location, on easy terms. FLINT REALTY CO., INC., 332 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Hotel In good, small town with bright future; near R. R. Price $3500 cash; bear investigation. M. W. Goodman & Co., Lostine, Oregon. BARGAIN 10-rooms; must sell on account of sickness; paid $500; will take $250. Marshall 2000. 20-IIOOM hotel in good location, for sale by owner or trade for house and lot or lots. Inqu Ire 308 Couch st. 149 LOWNSDALE. below Morrison, 10 rooms. nice housekeeping suites, good furniture. clean room. Terms phone owner. Main 1013 18 ROOMS, alt apartments, no work, fine furniture and cheap rent; must sell. Main 3628. FOR SALE Lease and furniture; modern ; close in; brick; rooms full; $2500. Owner, E 94 6, Oregonian. 00-ROOM apartment and rooming-house; ill ness compels me to sell; your own price. Call East 0522. 8-ROOM rooming-house; clears $35; neatly furnished; no reasonable offer refused. Call 190 13th. ONLY $650 for 17 rooms, close In. nice place, $200 cash, balance terms. 602 Broadway bldg. SMALL well-paying 11th. Call mornings. rooming-house. 215 SPECIAL NOTICES. THE best Investment In Portland for woman or man who wishes to take one-half In terest in a business that Is over 0 years old and paying large dividends. Can be secured for $3000 cash. My partner goes East ; will sacrifice his interest If taken at ouce. S U24 Oregonian. 6PECIAL NOTICE. Proposal Invited. PROPOSALS for mares, milch cows and heifers. Department of the Interior, office of Indian Affairs. Washington. D. C. April 17, 1914. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the sealed en velope "Proposals tor livestock for Sioux Agencies" and addressed to the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs. Washington, D. C, will be received until 2 o'clock P. M. of Monday. May 18. 1914, for furnishing and delivering 1092 heifers. 46 milch cows and 46 mares at the Cheyenne River Agency; 621 heifers. 66 milch cows and 66 mares at the Standing Rock Agency; 2743 heifers. 206 milch cows and 206 mares at the Pine Ridge Agency ; 104 heifers, 14 milch cows and 16 mares at the Crow Creek Agency; 2639 heifers. 344 milch cows and 336 mares at the Rose bud Agency, and 1067 heifers and 2 mares at the Lower Brule Agency, as per speci fications, conditions to be observed by bid ders, etc., which will be furnished upon application to the Indian office, Washing ton, D. C; the U. S. Indian Warehouses at Chicago, 11L; Omaha, Neb., and St. Louis, Mo. ; the Superintendents of Rose bud Agency. Rosebud. S. D. ; Cheyennd stiver Agency, oneyenne Agency, s. v. ; Pine Ridge Agency, Pine Ridge. S. D. ; Crow Creek Agency. Crow Creek, S. D. ; Standing Rock Agency, Fort Yates, N. D., and Lower Brule Agency, Lower Brule. S. D.. and the office of the newsnaoer In which this advertisement appears. Bids upon tne Dianas lurnlsned are not anso lutely essential; they may be made In any other form provided the conditions are opserveq, cato sells. Commissioner. IN the Superior Court ot the State of Wash ington, Clarke County, in the matter of the estate of George H. Curtice, deceased: Notice of sale of personal property No tice is hereby given that pursuant to aa order of the above mentioned court that the undersigned will, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., on Wednesday, the 20th day of April, 1914. at the Curtice store build ing, in Yacolt, Washington, sell to the highest bidder for cash all of the store fixtures and all of the general stock ot merchandise belonging to the above named estate and situated In and near said store building. . Said stock of merchandise has been In ventoried and copies of said Inventory can be seen at the office of R. L. Sabin, sec retary of the Merchants Protective Asso ciation, Portland. Oregon, at the office ot xi. L. Parcel, attorney tor said estate. Van couver. Washington, or at said store la Yacolt. Said stock of merchandise Inventories as follows: Ready-made clothes of all kinds. .$1790.6 Shoes aud rubbers 22D3.55 Hardware, furniture, etc 5oT-0S implements, machinery, supplies, etc 1508.81 General merchandise of all kinds 2440.71 Total $8037.71 a lea April lo. 101-i. SARAH E. CURTICE. Administratrix of the estate of George li eu rt ice. deceased. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON: In tho matter of W. H. Rodenhlser, bankrupt. REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting of groceries, dry aoods. shoes, drugs, notions, crock ery, implements, etc, of the inventoried value of $3o5.66, and fixtures pertain in r to the same of the Inventoried vuu ot $S0&.21, situated at Parkdale, Oregon, in the fctore formerly occupied by W. H. Rodenhlser, bankrupt, up to and until 1:00 noon on Monday, April 27. J014. Certified check for 10 per cent of tne aaiouut offered must accompany each t.d. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office, and at Parkdale, Oregon, where the property may be inspected, R. L. SABIN. 740 Morgan bldg., Portland, Oregon. D ated Ap r il 15. 1914. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DiSTRlCX OF OREGON; In the matter of Sunset Grocery Co., bankrupt, ' REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will receive sealed bids tor a stock of merchandise consisting of groceries, soaps, sundries, etc., of the Inventoried value of $2843. 08; fixtures pertaining to the same of the inventorieu value of $&iCG.50, and wagons, horses and harness of the inventoried value of $225, formerly belonging to J. F. Day and G. A Day. partners trading as Sunset Grocery Co., bankrupt. In the store formerly oc cupied by said bankrupt at Salem, Ore gon, up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, May 4, 1014, Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory may be seen at my office. and also at Salem, Oregon, where the property may be inspected. R. L. SABIN, 740 Morgan bldg., Portland, Oregon. Dated April 24, 1014 . IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United states for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Walker & Woodford, bankrupt. Sealed bids will be received by the under signed for a stock of butcher shop tools ana fixtures of the invoice vaiue of $532.54 together with fixtures and miscellaneous items, consisting of a National cash reg ister. 1500 lb. Chase auto truck and other fixtures of the Invoice value of $517.75, up to 12 o'clock noon on Friday, May 8, 1014. Inventory and goods may be ex amined at my office in Dufur, Oregon. Terms cash and a cash deposit or certified check of IO per ceut must accompany each offer submitted. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved and sale to be subject to approval and confirmation of the court. - Dated at Dufur, Oregon, April 22, 1014. L. B. THOMAS, Trustee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of N. I. Braunstein. bank rupt Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned for a stock of merchandise, consisting principally of furnishing goods, clothing, hats and caps, suitcases and shoes, invoice value of $1457.b0. together with fixtures of the Inventory value of $136.50. up to 12 o'clock Monday, April 27, 1014. Inventory Is on file at Room 4u2 Fenton building, and the property may be Inspected at the prexuises, 271 Front st' Terms cash and a cash deposit or certified check of IO per cent must accompany .acn offer submitted. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids submitted. Dated at Portland, Or., this 21st day of April. 1914. H. W. SITTON, v Trustee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of Geo. F. B roc ha. bankrupt Re quest for bids. I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting or groceries, cigars, candies, etc., of the In ventoried value of $740.21, and fixtures pertaining to the. same of the inventoried value of $213.85. contained in the stora formerly occupied by the bankrupt, at No 270 Williams avenue. Portland, Oregon, up to and until 12:15 o'clock on Monday, April 27. 1014. Certified check for IO per cent of the amount offered must accom pany each bid. Sale subject to the ap proval of the court. Inventory may be seen at my office and the stock Inspected upon application. R. L. SABIN, 40 Morgan Bldg.. Portland, Or. Dated April 22. 1014. I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock ' of merchandise located at Park Place ( near Oregon City), Oregon, consisting' princi pally of groceries, queens ware, hardware, paints, building material, shoes, drugs, do goods, notions, etc., inventoried at $3410.15. together with store fixtures inventoried at $720.05, up to 12 o'clock noon of Thurs day, April 30. 1014. Terms cash. Cer tified check or cash deposit for 10-" per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right ts reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen and stock Inspected on application at my of fice. 740 Morgan bldg. Dated Portland. Oregon, April 21, 1014. R. L. S.sBIN. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Bids will be received on May 5 and 6 for the continuous construction of sixtv eiKht 08) miles of the COLUMBIA HIGHWAY, from Astoria east, through Clatsop and Columbia Counties. Cost of work approximately $500. OOO. For further particulars as to time and place and details, address STATE HIGH WAY ENGINEER. Room 442, Courthouse, rurimuu, urcKuii (Signed) H. L. BCWLBV. &tato mgnway r-uglnoer. NOTICE FOR SALE OF 43,75O.O0 CITY OF SiLVEKTOX IMPROVEMENT BONDS. The City Council of the City of Silver ton, Oregon, will receive sealed proposals for the purchase of $43,750 0 per cent, 10 year (optional after the first year) 1m nrovement bonds. Bds to be filed with the City Recorder on or oefore o clock f. At., May 4. 1914. The uouncu reserves tne right to rc Ject any and all bids. JOHN T. HOBUTT. City Recorder. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. The undersigned administrator will re celve bids for the next 30 days on 14 lota In Glen wood Park Add. to Portland these lots must be sold to settle up an estate. For further particulars address J. A. Bishop, 244 south Liberty St.. faalem Oregon. Miscellaneous. BARGES for rent. Pattulo, bldg. Phone Main 1410. 338 Sherlock LOST AND FOUND. LOST Child's bracelet, engraved "Mar garet"; reward. 420 Harrison. Marshall 4351. LOST Gold bracelet, set 3 diamonds: re ward if returned S. F. Michael. 1056 Cleveland ave. Phone wood lawn 2295. LOST Eveelasses in case, between 24th and 25th on Northrop st. Phone Main 2058 A 475. Rewaxa. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found oa the cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Company and turned in at tbe different dlvmion points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as in dicated. Sellwood barn. Phone A 6131. Camera, 1 umbrellas, 2 gloves, package ot collars, book, purse, music rack. Piedmont barn. Phone A 6131. Two um brellas, 5 mlsc, articles and pkgs.. Ankeny barn. Lunchbox, pursu, stickpin, suitcase, 2 umbrellas. Savier-st. carhouse. Phone A 6131. 3 umbrellasv piece ribbon, pair gloves, suit case. 2 suit boxes, mdse., baseball mlt. LOST Wednesaay evening, between North Bank depot and 21st and Nor thru p. fob platinum gold locket, diamond setting. Monogram M. M. Reward. Owner, Main 211, A 2131. McKinley Mitchell, -'l' 4: Stark. LOST or strayed. Airedale dog 1 year old. weighing about 5o lbs.: collar with brass buttons, license No. 176; return to $69 Regents Drive, Alameda Park. Reward. A. K. Porter. LOST A watch with monogram M. M. on cover. April 17, cor. 2d and Alder or Hawthorne ave. car. Reward. 632 E Madison. East 2014. LOST Brown waitet with insurance data. ' between Portland and Linn ton. Owner, 315 nan way Kxcnanye oiug. LOST In or near 1st Congregational Church f-unday night, gold pin, scrolls, opal cen ter, pearls near edge. Phone Tabor 8907. IXST Black hand bag. plate marked "P H. H." Main 3407. nth monogram Reward. Phone LOST Ladies filigree fountain pen. green Ink ; reward if returned to 692 Hancock st., or phone East 1Si4. LOST- A cameo setting from ring; valuable only to owner. Return to 41 Fourth, st. Reward. LOST Gold-headed lady's umbrella. Re turn to Brault, 203 Stark, and get re ward. LOST 5 keys on ring, on Washington, near 6th. ; return to Painless Parker, 2d floor. 6th and Washington and get reward. LOST Ladies' open-face, gun -metal watch with fob, between 407 Jefferon and M. & F. Btore Saturday. Reward. LOST Plain gold pin, leaf shape, about April 16. Reward. Phone Marshall 904. LOST Gold watch fob. with locket with Initials M. W. Call East 537. FINANCIAL. We furnish the money at- a low rate of In terest and save you more than the broker age of 2 per cent If we do the planning and building for you; it will pay you to see us. L. R- Bailey Co., Inc., 324 Ablngton. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. WILL pay the highest cash price for in stallment mortgages and contracts from $10O to $500. A. M. Odell, 005 Concord Mdg. Main 04S2. LOANS on improved inside property ; plenty of money; low rates; no delay; principals only. Robertson & Ewlng, 2o7-2uS North western Bank bldg. MON EY TO LOAN In sums of $lo00, $1500. $2O00, $2500, on Improved real estate. SCO TT-B E ESLE Y-DEAN E CO., 211-212 Abington Bldg. HIGHEST grade mortgages to net Investor 5 to 0 per cent; titles guaranteed by strong banking house. Twining Twin ing. 70S Selling bldg. MORTGAGE lpans, notes, contracts, mort gages tlirst and second ), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' interest in contracts purchased, Oregon or Wash. 11. E. Noble, Lumbermen's bldg. $805 SECOND mortgage for aale at dis count; close in. AO 044, Oregonian. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rou ertson & Ewing, 207-8 N. W. Bank bldg. MOX EY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 518 Abington bldg. MORTGAGES Nelson, fc04 and good equities Lewis bldg. bought. Money to Loan Heal Estate. $5000 TO $25,000 To loan on improved business or apart ment property. A. W. LAMBERT & CO., 404 E. Alder Street. s B 101O, E. 040. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security at reasonable rates in sums or from sov and up. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 171 Fourth St., Between Morrison aud Yarn MIL OX Improved city property or for building purposes, a to pears time; noeral pay meat privileges; money advanced as build ing progresses. lUe equitable savings Loan Association. 240 Stark it MONEY TO LOAN Good supply tor city and farm property, 6 to 7 per cent. MALL at VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St.. Near Washington. MONEY TO LOAN o TO S PER CENT. Any Amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 4o-424 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. J 2.100. J0y, $500O to $60u0 On iortland improved property for term ot 3 years. MaKu application to GOQDSLLL BROS.. 438 Worcester Bldg. $100,000 TO loan at 0 per cent. Will con aider amounts from $5oo0 up on gilt-edge security. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. REASONABLE RATES. Require good security. Principals only. RALPH R. DUNIWAY. 630 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. Current rates, city and farm property. u. MORTGAGE fc 1NV. CO., 512-513 Yeon Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS d to 7 Per Cent. H. E. MOONEY. Main 210. Room 421 Failing bldg, 6 AND 7lc Mortgage Loans; $10o0 to $10, uuu tor im mediate loan, tor prompt serv ice and tair treatment see us first. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. WE have money to loan on first-class mort case. FLINT REALTY CO., INC.. 332 Chamber of Commerce. SEE us today for loans on Improved city property, 0 to 8 per cent; $30O ai.d up. . ellars-Murton Co., fe-25 leon bldg. $1500. $2000. $3U00. 4O00. S5000. Current rates, prompt service. Fred W. German Co., f!4 Chain of Com. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate ln amounts to suit. A. H. Bell, 201 Gerlihger bg., 2d and Alder. TO LOAN $4O,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON, 0 4th. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. w. u. iteca, 3lo 818 Failing bldg. $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS Real estate security, current rates. 201-6 Stock Exchungo bid if., 3d aud am hi 11. MONEY to loan on improved real estate, 3 to t per cent; trneut i. iieriow, liiX Yeon bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS in any amount. OREGON INV. Ai MORTGAGE Co., IncM Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. $T0o, Isio, $150 AND $lo00 to lend on city or farm property; small expense. 507 Ger 1 Inner bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security. In quire of Guuderson. 220 Chamber of Com merce. $i50 TO loan by private party, s per cent, city improved property. Charges $10. C 14 O Oregonian. $7o0 TO lend on city improved property without delay; no commission. 507 Ger llnger bl dg. $1000 TO lend on city home 7 per cent. 5o7 Gerllnger bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARPING. 313 Ch. of Com. 20O. $o50. &OOU. VK0. ftlO-l. S18O0. Fred W German Co.. 114 Cham, of Com. $1000 TO $5000 private funds, for good loans. Phone Tabor 2520. CITY and farm loans, any amount, no de lay. Wm. C. McClure. 414 Falling bldg. 200, $400, Wells 6 $500, $1000. SIT. OO, S25O0. J. L. Co., 324 C. of C. bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT 6 AND 7. 8. WILLIAMS. U2fr First st. FRED MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 229 STAR K ST. MORTGAGE LOANS, any imouni, no delay. Henry C- Prudhomme, 8o7 Wilcox bldg. $1300 West Side security. 7 per cent. J. A. Cunningham, 832 Morgan bldg. STATE FUNDS, G per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. MONEY to loan on city or farm lands. J. J Cahalln, C35 Chamber of Commerce. IMMEDIATE loans, any amount, on real estate. Dubois, 62fl Chamber of Commerce. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. H. Beits ft Co., 310 Spalding bldg. W. MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts and tntgs. bought. H. Mlley, 204 Gerllnger bldg. $900 PRIVATE money to loan, city property, at 7. J S47. Oregonian. HAVE $1000 to $:t50O to loan, security must ie good, an V4", oregonian, FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real tate ANNOUNCEMENT. Owing to increased facilities secured through the employment ot the experienced services of L. M. Phillips, I am prepared to handle the smaller loans on good resi dence securities. M y customers alw a s have ample funds for these and I wilt be glad to receive applications. 1 have aio an abundance of money for the larger loans. Kdward E. Goudy, &O0-1O North western Bank bldg. MONEY TO LOAN In sums to suit on improved real estate security: $500 to 50.hh. Prompt servU e. Lowest rates HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., 42 J Chamber ot Cuiuinsxoa. MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY 5oO $IOCO $1500 $2000 ON IMPROVED FARM PROPERTY 7O00 $11,000 HAKTM AX-THOMPSON BANK. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN. $ 20,000, $ 1 S.UOu x 1 i. 000. 10,000. farm preferred. .ooii, O.O00 4,Oio 2. .".00. 1.200. a 1,000, 0t, 750 500. 2uO. M'KENZIE CO.. r13 Gerllnger bldg. Main 2S01. MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. ! sl6 Spalding Blug. CITY AND FARM LOANS. $1UU0 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZADOW. 414 Corbett Bidg. A 1416. Marshall 92. TO LOAN Money on improved farms. . Money on-improved city property. Made without red tape; lowest rates. Prompt service, courteous treatment. K. H. BLOSSOAl, 310 Chamber of Com. Money to Loan t batteiandSaLrics, "notice, -n ev address, need money quick? You can get It TODAY. WE LOAN ANY AMOUNT to Working People and Others on Plain Notes. Furniture, Livestock. Pianos, Autoa Storage Receipts, Real Estate, Motor cycles or Diamonds. WE BUY MORTGAGES. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Given if Paid Before Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Z05 ROTHCHiLD BLDG. Bet 4th and 5th sts.. on Wash. st. Open 8A.M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 8 P. M. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. HOURS S A. M. TO 6 P M. SATURDAYS TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., 309 FAILING BLDG. If You Need Money snd Can't Borrow From a Bank SEE US FOR PRIVATE LOANS On Your Piano. Furniture. Auto. Livestock. Storage Receipts, Real Estate. Etc We Buy Mortgages. MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CO.. Main fi2S6; 310 Abington Bldg. WHY PAY EXORBITANT RATES? We will loan you money as low as 1 per cent on your diamonds and Jewelry. We are the most liberal licensed money lenders In the city. Our establishment Is located at 3. it Washington street, near Broadway. Get our prices on forfeited diamonds. Diamond Palace. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS. Diamonds. atchca. jewelry. iuuslca4 Instruments, etc. SEPARATE l)E PT. FO R LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ELBY, COMPANY. 3 SO Lhr. Exch. bldg., 2d and Stark sia COLUMBIA LOAN CO. Swutland bldg., 2ut and 7. Money to loan on salary, chattels, pianos, plain notes or anything of value; confidential. ACCO MMOD A TION LO A N tO. Plain notes, salaries, chattels or any th ing of value, confidential, courteous. S17 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main MR. OR MRS. WAGE EARNER. Wishing nion y without security, quickly, quietly and cheaply. Mercantile Credit Co.. 3i4 Henry bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, or anything or value at 3 per cent. Apply 20a Roth child bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches. Jew elry, pianos and warehouse receipts. Brown & Co., room 9. Washington bldg. WE LOAX money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx & Bloch. 7 4 3d at. MONEY sold on installments; confidential; salaried people. K. A. Newton, Henry bldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Win. Holl, room 8. Washington bldg. CHATTEL loans at leiral rates. Geo. Harvey. 561 East Davis. East 1172. LOANS on diamonds an1 Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 fr 3d. near Alder. Loans Wanted. WANT loan of $750 on 5-room house aud two lots. HARRY" B. HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED From private party. $:;soo to $4000 for 3 years at 7 per cent on first -class Portland income property., Phone Marshall 43S1. $12,000 WANTED at -1 per cent on close-in water frontage, valued at $so,ooh. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., 423 Chamber of Commerce. $7o SECOND Installment mortgage. Will discount $370. I must have cash. AD 003, Oregonian. LOAN wanted ; $100t, 3 years, 8 per cent; security 3 acres and 0-room house; other improvements ; li mi. Newberg. Main 0020. $40 TO person securing me a loan of $5O0 on new suburban house worth $115o. AD O04, Oregonian. W ANT to borrow $500 of private party, on good security; give commission. Box 6H5. Portland saoou WANTED from principal on well-lo cated income property at 7 per cent; value $7000. Waddel, 210 Lumber Exchange $7000 WANTED on new. modern apartments (building loan); principals only. Taylor BulldinK Co.. Mtr, McKay blng. PRIVATE loan. S1200; first mortgage, gilt- edge security; 1 to 3 years. Cal Wood lawn 3111. WANT $1500 for 3 years on fine n w bunga low. Call 310 Board of Trade. Main 7452, A 4401. INSTALLMENT note, $S35, payable $ 22 monthly. Hawthorne district, reasonable discount. P 141, Oregonian. WANTED--$20o0 at 5 per cent; suuuu prop osition, chattel; principals oniy. , t; iku. Oregonian. $n)0 WANTED on residence in restricted a 1st net. conservai ive vit uu ? .ou. run Insurance, good title. P 42. Oregonian. $1200 BUILDING loan Will pay 8, furnish bond : valu of property $2750. Smith- WaKoner Co.. mock r.xcnnnpe. FROM PRIVATE PARTY $10,000 on im proved West Side property, close In. J 8 46. Oregonian. 450 FIRST mortgase, 1 year; will discount $5 and 5 months' interest. 422 Chamber of Commerce. $30O0 OR $3500, 7 per cent, on fractional lot, 8-room dwelling; East Morrison st,; close in. AB t21, Oregonian. $10OO WANTED, S per cent: 5-room bunga low wortn auuDie; v est oiae t. x-.i. pri vate party; good title. P. O. Box 507. $!2.0e0 ON well improved East Side hsf block; will pay 7 per cent; value 925,000. J 94, Oregorin. WANTED $1000. 8 per cent, on improved city property, value $3000. 720 Chamber of Commerce bldg $1650 WANTED from private party. 10 per cent, gilt-edge security. Room 7, 2014 Morrison st. WANT $18,000 on property worth $40, OOO. near center of city. West Side; principals only. AS 802. Oregonian. WANTED $20O0. S per cent years, on unimproved property valued $700O, f private property. AG 017. Oregonian. rom WANTED $1200 on Rose City Park bun galow worth $3000. A, B. Slauson. 02 Chamber of Commerce. $TS0O INSTALLMENT mortB; on nice HeighSs home for sale. (07 Wilcox bldg. WANTED $ltoO on East Side residence. Phone Main 552S. Call for Mr. Green. $11 ON modern bungalow, Mt.' Tabor dis trict; principals only. AR 045, Oregonian. $150O ON new 8-room bungalow; $870 cash; no bonus. AG 10, Oregonian. $5O0 WANTED .108 acres. Lake County, value $2500. Vnderdahl. 301 B. of T., LESSONS in new rarely beautiful metal art craft. 402 Labbe bldg., afternoons. WANT $i: AM 037, 5ft loan on bungalow, 8 per cent. Oregonian. WANT $1000 loan on five acres,. Oregon sty car. a.n w oregonian WANTED I204M). West Side security, close In. Marshall 4014. FINANCIAL. Loana Wsnted. FIRST MORTGAGE lOAX WANTED. $ 1 6. 000 8' i- Ciuar t erl y. Security, large modern dairy ranch. -Best quality valley bottom -a nd be aver d a m. Buildings and equipment strictly modern. Now operated and earning capacity dem onstrated by ownvr experienced dairym11 and veterinarian. Money wanted to extend Improvements which will largely increase earning ca pacity of ranch, and to avail of very ex cept tonal opportunity to purchase addi tional dairy stock. Station of electric trctln to be on premises, t hus bringing Farmstead m'lthln 30 miles of Portland, with frequent daily trains direct. Any further details to interested parties. (Principals only.) AF 005. Oregonian. WANTED ON A-l SEOURITY. $16.Oo0 Vi , value $00.Hto. 8.O0O kv Svfr. value 5o.00, acreage - 7.0o (a 7vc, value 25.(i0, farm. 1.4O0 i r. value 3.000. farm. l.OOO (ii. S c. value 4,mk. farm. 5.1HMI 1 S'-i, discount 40U, farm. 4.50 tit 7',-t, value lO.Ooo. 3.ohi di S'-c, value O.oon. l.o'io dt S'r. value 3.ooii. l.iou (d value 4.000. :;50 uc S'V, value 1.2h. 300 la b'.'c. value 2.000. M KENZIS A COw 515 Gerllnger bldK. Main 2S4MU WANTED One $1600 loan In Rose City Park, and one $2000 in Alameda Park at 8 per cent ; will pay brokerage. Tony G. Anderson. J2S Chamber of Commerce bldg. $20to WANTED at 7 per cent on Rose City Park property, close ti iha Sundv Road. valued at $-i2i. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., 423 Chamber of Commerce. $3K0 AT 7 WANTED" " Want this about June 2 to take up pres ent loan; property located in Irvington; Ooxloo lot. 10-rot'in house. Smith-Wag-oner Co.. Stock Exchange. I WANT a loan of $ls.0io on a choice piece of Aiuer-strov-t property In the retail dis trict; will pay 7 pr cent interest; desire to communlcute with principals directly. Sep attorney. 512 Piatt bldg. $7K WANTED at S per cent oil a new house in Gregorv Ht-lghts, VMlued at $1000. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., 423 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED From private party $50oo on highly improved farm. value $20. OOO; buildings insured for $6000. 500 Com mercial bldg. WANTED $20,0 00 for 5 years 6 per cent quarterly, on modern 3-story brick corner, Washington st-; no agents. E 947. Ore gonian. LOANS wanted on modern residences; $1000; $1200; $1000; $l7oo; $l.soo Interest S per cent, payable quarterly. 313 Chamber of Commerce. $ 05o WANTED at 7 p. r cent on s u bur han business property, valued at $ 17.000. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., 423 Chamber f Commerce. $220i from private party, high-class resi dence, owner's home ; fine neighborhood, improvements in. Value $50Ou. J 945. Oregonian. $1000 AND $1 70O wanted on two properties worth more than douMe umt. asked; pay S per cent and expenses to private party. I I:;.!, oregonian. $35oo WANTED at 7 per cent on an Ala meda resid nco valued at 7500. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. , 423 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED From principal. $.150, three ears. at S per cent, secured by first mort gage on house and lot. near Portland Hei 'jilts ca rime. AM 04 4. Oregonian. WANTED $4."0 011 unfiuiKhed house and two lot, worth $lMMt; (2.oo on quarter block, payttig 5 per tent on $10,000. D !3i, O re g o m a n. PERSONAL. HAlK-H AIR-11 AIR-HAIR. Sfl-lnch convent Hair Switches $4.. INi-im-h convent Hair Switches, gray.. 4.M llairdressing 23 Face massages .2.1 Shampoo -5 Manicure, 25c; 5 for 1 12 scalp treatments 5 w Superfluous hair removed by electric needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair. In any shaU. switches any Ion k t h ; prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 40v 412 Dekum bldg.. 3d an.l VVnyh ington. CAR LING HOrSB. If Act! E. Gurlinhou&ts will Identify himself bv answfrins the below questions he will receive flnnmial benetit: Father's and mother's birthplace. Their apo U living. Nairtes and ages of any brothers or sis ters. His birthplacft and nj;e, married or single. If married to whom, when and where, any children and "your present ad dress. A 005, Oregonian. LADIES. A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Can be easily obtained by the most won derful preparation ever discovered for beautify in 1? the skin ; used by the famous society beauties of Paris and London; can be prepared in your own room ; result Is absolutely surprising; prescription sent with complete instructions on receipt of $1. This is really genuine; every lady needs it. Orient Specialty Co.. room 24ul4 Morrison st. Portland. WE use the best of every natural method of treatment. Including Ilndium, Electricity, Heat. Light. Baths . Massage Manipula tions and Adjustments. Nervousness, head aTie. internal pains. skin trouble, all chronic and acute complaints successfully treated. No medicine. No operations. Con sultation free. Dr. W. E. Mallory, 312 llothchild bldg. NO-FAT-O. A BOON FOR THE FAT PEOPLE. No more dieting, no more exercises, no drugs taken ; perfectly harmless - and is used by hundreds of Portland people m-Ith perfect results; guaranteed under pure food nnd drug net. Dr. Whiting. 4't Union ave. N. Phones Enst 11S5. B 327 S. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's directions; bath, massage. No. 7 East 11th St., sec ond door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 20, B lo3. FEB VET A HANEBUT Leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock of human hair poods, switches from 05c up; hatrdressliig, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combines made up tu order. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 540. WANTED Ladles to have their old hats remodeled ; reshapinc. 3"c; cleaning. 50c ; trimming. 25c up. ree what a wonderful "hanse for little money. Mack's Millinery, 1 M2 Union ave N., near Russell st. Phone Kas t2 3 S 1 . SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles. ec, perma nent lv removed. Electric needle proctM. Established 1 VJ4. physicians' references, lady operator, at room 22 Russel bldg., corner 4th and Morrison. Phone Mar. H43. WANTED Name snd address of persona witnessing automoone accident nt 2d and Ankeny ts. March 1-. lM. at 3:.iu- t-eave name and address at 25 2d st. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE Treatments for rheumatism, mrnosgo. nc, and baths. 452 Salmon st., cor. 13th, Mar shall 5C:t. Open Sundays. EAST FOR APARTMENTS. Nw Management. 3-Day Liquor Cure. Guaranteed. DIVORCES. NO NOTORIETY; ADVICE FREE. ADDRESS AK SOS. OREGONIAN. MRS. C. S. MORRISON Steam baths and, massac for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 333 Madison. A 4470. Marshall 3908. LADI ITS' hats dyed, cleaned, blocked, re modled and trimmed. Portland Hst Works. 4S0U, Washington St. Main 1512. SISTERS' HOSPITAL. OXNARD. CAL.; su perior accommodations for sanitarium and a ced persons needing special care. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mentsi and spiritual sci entist. 3"2 Al!-ky bldg., question and mes sage rtlKht. Wed., 8 o'clock. Main 8225, DIVORCES Lawyer, 25 years experience; reliable; advice free. 404 Rothchlld bldg.. 27 vyashlngton st. MRS STEVEN'S, 20 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late books on sale 201 l- Morrison st. Open dally. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS, switches. 05c; curls and puffs. 75c Sani tary Beautv parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. SCLP and facial trestments. 304 Mac! fray blur. ; m MANICURING, scalp and facial massage. 3o8 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. MR. LOIS A. C.ODARD. please call at room 2ii, 2 47V6 Fifth st. Bertrand. DIVORCES, strictly confidential; consulta tion free. Appointments. H S12. Oregonlsn. MARIE NEVINS Electric baths, treatments, ladles only. 412 Rothchlld bldg. Main 61a. USE P.assett's Native Herbs for rheumatism. 50 tablets for 25c: all druggists. Dr. Olsa Neehyba. chiropractic, steam baths, masFSRe. 509-0 N. W. bldg. Main 3799. SING LEE laundry has reopened at 507 North rup. Phone Marshall 1741. BALM OF FIGS compound RovaT Toma Tablets. 504 Davis st. Phone Main 2303. LESSONS in phrenology, palmistry and card reading. 233 6th st. Phone Main 754S. MOLE. superfluous hair removed. Mrs. D. Hill, 42U Flledncr bldg. Main 3473. ft