The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 26, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 32

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A part men ts.
GIRL, wants permanent housekeeping
rooms within walking distance of the
Multnomah C:ub ; must be r?aEona'o:e and
moOevn. 1' 1 1 oat. Mai-lt:i!l OlisO.
A iiOUM with about TOO square feet floor
mice, not too far out. for religious wrv-jt-t
s. Also If possible un adjoining tudy
r.m. i hon! "Vou(Uawn 2309.
U KNTLK MAN wants room and breakfast or
ho;rd where there are no other roomers.
!41. Oregonian.
j;i"Sl.K's man wants room wlt)i sleeping
P'trt h in rei'inU home. Portland Heights;
vefereucet exchanged. R 139. Oregonian.
"V WTKU Nir.-lj furnished, airy bedroom,
private fami:, -Not. Hill. G f42, Orego
nian. WUIET sunny, furnished room in private
iirman or English family. West Port
land; slate price. K 042. Oregonian.
1 1 ooiiih With Board.
IIO.M E-LOVI NO young gentleman want a
hoard and room, private family, two
locals; ntiisia and yard with flowers are
inducements; children or Hast Side no
objection; give phone number. Address
A i. 030. oregonian.
"WANTED By young married couple, both
employed, room and board in strictly pri
vate family on West Side; give phone num
Itnr and address; references exchanged. L
!:tn. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady employed, wants room and
board in private family northwest part
of city. G !32, Oregonian.
GKNTI.EMAN wishes room and board in
select private family; two meals; give
lowest terms. N 027, Oregonlnn.
WANTED Place in family for invalid lady;
no washing. Phone East 2S22.
MODERN furnished room; steam heat, hot
iind cold water in room. The Westmin
ster. Oth a nd Madison.
Fl RMSHED, also unfurnished, very suit
able for gentlemen. Kamm. bldg., 1st and
Furnished Kooma.
52.60 Per Week 128 No. 6th St.
Rooms nice and clean, hot and cold
water ail rooms; large lobby; steam heat;
for $2.50 per week ; just think of It; ho
tel accommodations for $2.50 per week;
clean and perfectly respectable for $2.0
per week. Only 2 blocks from depot.
K. Z. DUKE, Mgr.
207 4th st. Cor. 4th and Sainton.
Two modern, up-to-date brick hotels,
private baths, H. and C. water all rooms;
no extra charge lor 2 in a room. Free
baths incl. Phones. Special rates to tour
ists. Give us a call.
East Morrison and Sixth Ms.
The hotel of the East Slue. Modern in
every detail. Live lie re and save money
on your room rent. Special rates for the
Summer to permanent guests.
Eleventh, between Morrison and YamhilL
New, clean rooms with steam heat, hot
and cold water, telephones, large closets,
3 mirrors, medicine chests, comfortable
beds, large tiled baths. Rates for two pvr
Bons, $4 per week; $1 per day and up.
$2, $2.23. $2.00 WEEKLY Hot water, baths
free, all hours. Large, comfortable, well
furnished outside rooms, clean as wax,
and a quiet place. Phone calls always an
swered. Inspection invited. Hotel Cad
illac. 3d St., near Jefferson.
Washington St., at Thirteenth.
50c per day; weekly, $3, monthly $11
up. Running water, phone in each room,
steam heat, fireproof bldg.. ground-floor
lobby, all-night service. Business is good.
BEST $2 and $2.50 rooms in city; large,
clean, comfortable, outside rooms; plenty
baths hot water all hours; nice, quiet re
spectable place. Hotel Cadillac, 3d st..
near J ef f erson.
Corner 12th and Washington; steam
heat, hot and cold running water, pri
vate and detached baths; single, $3; suite
2 rooms, $0.
West Park and Mor rlson sts.
Before looking elsewhere, see our newly
furnished rooms at our attractive rates.
Morrison St., at 10th. . Central location.
'Summer rates," 6oc per day up. weekly
$2.50 up. Neat rooms, running water, free
phones and bath, steam heat.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 20th and Washing
ton New. well furnished, clean outside
rooms; all have running hot and cold
water, phones; Bingle, en suite; $2.50
week up; tourists solicited. Main 31.
LA ROE light sleeping rooms, well fur
nished and clean, electric lights, free
balh. $1 to $2.25 a week. 13d V Russell
st. , cor. Al bina ave.; walking dlstan c e.
FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS; Many of the
furnished rooms reduced In price; shower
baths, special rates at caietena. 6th and
Taylor sts.
HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh st. New
modern brick building, steam-heated, pri
vate baths, hot and cold water; comfort
ablv furnished; transients solicited.
124 14th St., cor. Washington. Nicely fur
nished rooms; strictly modern; rates $3.50
week and up. Marshall 1470.
HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and East
Helmont Rooms $12 month up, $22.50 up
with private bath; large, pleasant lobby;
absolutely a respectable hotel. East 323.
.Strictly modern; private baths; en suite;
rooms $3.50 up. Main 0472, A 4783.
YOUNG man rooming at Y- M. C. A. wants
roommate to reauce rooming expenses.
Inquire Y. M. C. A.. 6th and Taylor.
BR, light, outside rooms, hot and cold
v ater, neatly furnished, $2.50 per week
and up. 6132 Williams ave.
$2 per week and up. strictly modern;
transient O'-c 2''7 Lurrabee st.
HOTEL SHARP. 107 4th st.r rooms 50 cts.
and ?1 per night; $2 per week and up.
THE KING. 3G9 Jefferson; nicely furnished
rooms, modern, central. $2 per week up.
WANTED Gentleman roommate. Jas. E.
Tern pieman. it 7 t;th st.
Furnished Koonw in Private Families.
FURNISHED room Highland Court Apart
ments, 22d and Glisan ; walking distance.
Marshall 3102.
448 T A it LOR Small, cozy front room, $7
month; also large front rooms suitable for
two; rent reasonable. Fine locality.
QUIET, clean room, good surroundings,
close in, $1 .20 week. 2H2 Tenth st.
SUITABLE for 1 or 2 people. Bath.-Walking
distance. Quiet. Phone Main 7240.
TWO choice Portland Heights rooms; pri
vate family; close in. Phone Marshall 300.
$ti MONTH Furnished room, all conveni
ences. walking distance. 438 3d. Main 4712.
10 HANDSOMELY furnished front room.
4::4 10th st. Main 32i6.
11 FOR gentleman in private home. 04
Lucretia st.. Wash., near 23d. A 1903.
210 3 2TH ST., sunny, modern, nlcelv kept.
reasonable, near White Temple Church.
( SLEEPING porch, single beds; hot and cold
water, i . rioyt. .Marshall 4703.
LARGE airy room, with or without board;
walking distance; West Side. Main 33O0.
NICELY furnished front room, walking dis
tance. 248 N. 20th.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms in a swell
private home. 71 Trinity Place.
TWO beautiful furnished rooms in attrac
tlve private home. Main 9287.
NICE front suite and sleeping porch cheap.
533 Yamhill.
NICELY furnished rooms in good nelghbor
hood. with or without board. 687 Gliean.
FURNISHED rooms, $1.75 week and up. 189
West Park.
WANTED Nice man to share room ; nice
fellow. 135 14th st.
Sl.T'O WEEK Small, well ventilated room.
2K8 12Ui st. t
NEWLY furnished rooms, walking distance,
rate reasonable. 427 Main.
LARGE room, suitable for two; walking
distance. Ca'.l 422 Hall st.
. E W, furnished room with bath, walking
distance. 08 Hoyt. Mar. 1023.
ICE. light, clean rooms, $1.00- up ; heat,
phone, bath, fine location. 221 13th.
LARGE sleeping rooms for gentlemen; walk
ing distance ; reasonable. 400 Taylor at.
$ 1 1 FRONT R OO M '. p 1 easan t ly furni shed.
468 Clay st. Main 8244.
ROOM, board if desired, 3 minutes walk to
P. O. 20ii 10th.
T WO clean, airy rooms in private family;
b:ith and phone. $2 per week. 315 E. Nth.
1 OR RENT Furnished rooms at 243 North
20th. near Marshall.
$1.00 WEEK, furnished front room, free
pborv. bmii, close in. 42lt. Jefferson.
LARGE furnished room for rent, $10 per
month. 4os Main st.
TWO fine front rooms. $4 and $3.50 week";
nice basement suite, $3. 34! 12th st.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, $9, $11; strict
ly modern. 447 Columbia. Marshall 6042.
PRIVATE room, close in, 303 13th a Licet.
Furnished aooms In fnvate Families.
CONGENIAL gentleman, with steady posi
tion, may have pleasant home with widow
and little daughter; modern house and pi
ano; loom $8- week. 04 Brainard, cor. MIhs.
ave.. 1 blk. south Killingsworth. Miss.-ave.
or St. Johns cars. C 1130.
LARGE, airy front room with 3 windows,
suitable for 2 ; all modern conveniences;
breakfast if desired ; a 11 home comforts,
witJi private family. 018 East Salmon. B
1713, Tabor 217..
LARGE fiont bedroom and sitting-room.
Nob Hill district; private borne ; would
rent reasonable to congenial man or wom
an. Please apply in person. 772 Everett
st. 23d-st. car.
WELL furnished room in West J rvitigton ;
&U conveniences; no other roomers; within
walking distance of Broadway bridge;
Broadway or Union ave cars. 406 E. 8th
st. N.. S. E. cor. of Thompson. E. 1846.
LARGE well-furnished room suitable for 2,
electric light, large closet. 2. windows,
good bed. pleasan t surrounding ; a home
place close in ; reasonable. Main l370.
181 11th.
NICELY furnished front room, with alcove,
suitable for one or two; also a small room
wit h modern conveniences, in good neigh
borhood in private family. 401 10th, st.
I'hone Marshall 1261.
FL'KMSHKD room, modern home ; geull s
man preferred; - blocks south Hawthorne.
Call or. phone Sunday or after IS P. M.
weekdays. 301 East 4Sth. Phone Tabor
lOOti. Breakfasts.
YOUNG man having pleasant room wants
roommate ; w alking distance to business
center; rent reasonable; references ex
changed. AO 940, Oregonian.
TWO large, pleasant rooms; also sleeping
porch, suitable for young men employed;
close in. References. Phone Marshall
202 12 th St. Large 2d-floor room with
sleeping porch, running hot and cold
water with bath. free phone, walking
distance. Alain 037.
3 BUSINESS women can lind pleasant
rooms in family of two, reasonable, home
privileges; strictly ilret-class, East Side,
close in. East 0027.
FOR RENT Newly renovated large fur
nished rooms suitable for one or two gen
tlemen; bath, heat and telephone. 200
12th st.
WELL furnished airy room, suitable for
single ladies or gentleman, desirable loca
tion. Will give breakfast If desired; rent
reasonable. 1000 Thurman st.
SLEEPING porch and living-room in an
apartment-house, one block fri Camp
bell Hotel; all conveniences; $13 per munib
for one; $20- for two persons. Main 0270.
NEATLY furnished rooms in strictly private
family ; walking distance. Z65 Hoyt, near
17th. Marshall 557b.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in good
home; references ; Nob Hill. 73ii John
son st.
NICELY furnished room in private home,
modern, walking distance, reasonable. 75
E. 10th North.
FURNISHED ROOMS, reasonable; walking
distance. .15 4 Morrison, corner Chapman.
Marshall 175.
NICELY furnished front room for one or
two gentlemen; walking distance. AS 834,
NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for
one or two persons; reasonable. 401 Broad
way So., corner Harrison st.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
1 or 2; private family. 4S8 E. Burnalde;
walking distance. '
IRVING TO N Beautiful bedroom with fire
place In modern private home near I
and B car and club, c 271.
LARGE room for young man, well fur
nished, walking distance. 5!i3 E. Taylor,
corner 10th. East 2000.
NICE front rooms, reasonable rent, walking
distance, modern accommodations, obi
LOVELY front room, first floor, suitable for
one or two; other rooms, $1.25 up. Mod
ern. ;iss Salmon st.
$1.5u WEEK, neat, small front room, con
venient and close In; home privileges. 440
0th st.
ONE or two desirable rooms, with bath ;
. walking distance. 206 Grand ave. N., cor.
of Multnomah. Tel. C 2803.
FURNISHED room to rent in modern home.
West Side, near Multnomah Club. Apply
023 Wash. st. or Marshall 703.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms for 1 or
more; board If desired; use of piano, and
home comforts. Main 63 M . 01 Harrison.
COMFORTABLE, clean room, new furni
ture, beautiful location, central, reason -able.
OSO Everett at.
LARGE light airy room suitable for 1 or 2
gentlemen ; walking distance. ' 300 East
Broadway. Phone East 2375.
LARGE ELEGANT rooms, 2 in a room, with
board, $20 a month, 1 block off of Wasli
ington. 029 Everett st., near Trinity.
FURNISHED sleeping porch with beautiful
furnished room in an up-to-date modern
home. Mar. 349. 123 N. 23d st.
$3 LARGE, airy, three-windowed room in
elegant modern flat; gas, electricity,
walking distance. 17 16th near Yamhill.
COMFORTABLE, large room ' In refined
Jewish family for gentleman only. 3'jl
Jackson sc., near West Park.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Suite with tine
view; all conveniences; - select neighbor
hood. Main 4844.
FURN (SHED room in private family of 3
adults, close in, on carline. For particu
lars phone Marshall 51.
Unfurnished Rooms,
424 JEFFERSON Two clean 'front rooms,
private entrance ; walking distance ; mod
ern conveniences.
THREE rooms, pantry and bath, first floor,
rent $S. 203 Hamilton ave.
UNFURNISHED front room, running water;
cheap to good party. M 130. Oregonian.
SEVERAL unfurnished rooms, main floor,
private entrance. 171 .3th st. Main 0451.
Rooms With Hoard.
East 1st and Multnomah Sts.
The most up-to-date 2 and 3-room fur
nished apartment-house ; each suite has
two disappearing beds and two dressing
rooms; all outside rooms; roof garden and
Sun parlor. Phone East 1420.
SS6 Montgomery at., at West Park Mod
ern conveniences; rooms with or without
bath; excellent table service; reasonable
rates for regular or transient guests.
14th and Jefferson st.
An excellent residential hotel ; attract
ive rates to transients or permanent
guests. Main 0283. A 0628.
WANTED Two young men to fill vacancies
In bachelors' club, close in; must give sat
isfactory references. Board and room $30
month. Address AC 021. Oregonian, giv
ing occupation and phone number. -
Residential - hotel; . home attractions;
only place in city with sun porches; table
board; low rates, permanent or transients.
THE STRYKER. 554 Couch, corner 17th;
desirable corner suite with first-class .table
board; reasonable rates to permanent
ONE nicely furnished outside room, all home
comforts, suitable for two persons, includ
ing breakfast and dinner; $25 per month
eaah. 11 17th st., cor. Yamhill.
BUSINESS women and students will find
good board and room. $4 .and $4.50 week.
Portland Women's Union. 510 Flanders.
CASA ROSA 300 Jefferson, cor. 6th, room
and board for 4 or 3 young men ; very rea
sonable, home cooking.
THE HAZEL Now changed to family ho
tel; special rates; strictly home cooking.
3S3 3d st. Phone Main 74.
Rooms With Board in Private Families.
$2u EACH Front room for two, modern
conveniences. 88 1 7th. near Everett.
BOARD and room, home cooking; strictly
ftrst-class, 422 Jefferson. Marshall 3758.
FURNISHED front room, with or without
board. West Side. 655 Irving st.
COZY room and 2 meals a day. Pnone Ta.
bor 3 5 13.
CHILD to care for in own home, M 931,
WANTED Children to board; beat of care,
$1Q month. AD 908. Oregonian.
WANTED to board and take care of child,
girl preferred. Phone Marshall 1001.
2-ROOM corner apartment, modern, walking
distance. 443 Hassalo, Corner East 7th.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms,
with board. $25 each. Main 717, Monday.
NICE large front room with alcove sleep
ing porch, with board. A 4009. 102 N. 22d.
COZY housekeeping room; very homelike
close in. 400 Main st. Phone Main 309.
ROOM and board; all home privileges; $5.00
and $0 a week. 320 E. 1st N.
ROOM and board in private family, near
carline. Main 6."4.
NEWLY furnished large front room with
board. 003 East Madison. East 1!3.
WANTED A child to care for; good home
ana iest ot care. rjast 2707.
PLEASANT room, with board, in strictly
privatef amily, for 1 or 2. 560 E. Main.
ROOM, board, two gentlemen, private home;
sleeping porch. 676 Ladd ave. East 2333.
BABY or children to board. A mother's
care, rtererences given. Marshall 34itt.
NICELY furnished front room. $11. with
noarn -t; strictly nome cooKing. 12th
GOOD home for small children. B 2b34.
Rooms With Board In Private Families.
LARGE sunshiny outside room with square
bay window; aood home table, large closet,
suitable for 2. fine neighborhood. 10 min.
walk to Wash. st. ; $30 for 1; $50 for 2;
references exchanged. Marshall 470.
Call after V. M. Also 1 small room if
VERY desirable front room ; t wo large win
dows leading off from upper porch, with
board In private family; good homo cook
ing; all modern conveniences; few min
utes' walk to West Side; $3 week. Phone
East 00 IS, 'Sth East Wh st. N.
WANTED Two young men to fill vacan
cies in bachelors' club, close in ; must
give satisfactory references. Board and
room. $30 month. Address AC 92. Ore
gonian. giving occupation and phone num
ber. LARGE, light front room, nicely furnished,
suitable for two; good location, very short
walking distance, modern and homelike,
with two meals a day, $22.50 per month
each. A 2840. 34!2 6th st.
NICK furnished room, light and airy, suit
able for two young men; will give break
fast; use of piano and parlor; home com
forts. 050 Glisan, near 21st. Phone Main
1 41 $.
NICE single room, with or without board;
well heated and 'lighted; near bath; re
fined people; references exchanged ; $20
per month. Marshall 4073. Call after 1
P. M.
COMFORTABLY furnished front room, suit
able for two gentlemen; modern home, in
cluding two meals; $24 per month each ;
also single room at $20. Phone Sell wood
CLEAN, sunny room, modern conveniences.
homelike, with or without board; would
. like to rent two roommate $20 per month;
two meals. 454 Montgomery st.
NEAT, well-furnished front room, suitable
for 1 or 2, with board, $25 per month ;
phone, bath, all conveniences. 3 minutes
from Postoffice. 320 Salmon. Marsh. 3798.
BAKERY, confectionery; ideal location; do
ing a. splendid business; living rooms; low
rent; furnishes all supply lor .two inde
pendent bakery routes; $000. 311 Lumber
$21 AND $22.50 a month and up, very de
sirable room, 10 min. to P. O. Private
home. All conveniences; excellent table
f board. 440 Cth st. '
LARGE, airy front room, convenient for two,
in a private modern home, with or without
board, also & small room for one. 474
Salmon st, Marshall 4410.
$25 PER month for excellent board with
nice sunny room, congenial surroundings
with modern equipment. Call any hour at
700 Lovejoy. :
WANT two tpersons or man and wife to
room and board, private home, beautiful
lawn, roses and cherries, block from
W car. 004 Lovejoy.
PLEASANT room, good home cooking ;
phone, bath and all home comforts; 3
meals, walking distance; $18 a month.
525 Clay St.
LARGE, beautiful furnished room, good
board, use of parlor, piano and home
comforts; reasonable; excellent location,
r.ol Harrison, near 14th. Main 0881.
GENTLEMEN For first-class home cook
ing, lovely rooms and home comforts, in
cluding large porch, use of phone, piano
or organ, call Marshall 2705, 020 Everett.
VERY nicely furnished front room, two
meals, suitable for "two; all home com
forts; also sleeping porch and dressing
room combined. East 4040.
PRIVATE family, beautiful home; will
board one or two people cheap. Tabor
NEWLY furnished room; excellent board;
reasonable; by widow with no children.
430 Jefferson. Main 6746. f
COUPLE would like small children to board,
nice home. Phone B 3178. 740 E.l7th.
Sellwood car to Rhone.
WANTED Two gentlemen boarders and
roomers in private family. 207 Clackamas
and Graham ave. East 4034.
MODERN home, excellent board, home priv
ileges, to young men only ; reasonable.
East 301HI.
NICELY furnished room in modern home;
walking distance; West Side; excellent
home cooking; $5 week. .Marshall 3t30.
WANTED 4 young men to room and board
in Irving ton home ; home comforts and
cooking. J 93 7, Oregonian.
LADY, alone most of time, wants couple or
lady to board; nice home. East 3083.
Walking distance. References.
WANTED- Summer boarders, modern sub
urban kome. good car service; terms mod
erate. AO 023, Oregoniau.
LARGE furnished front room, running water,
breakfast and dinner, $4.50 per week each.
N 131. Oregonian.
TABLE board in Southern family. West
Side, easy walking distance. Marshall
MODERN home on carline, excellent board.
Home privileges, in walking distance;
reasonable. 01 E. 10th. N. Kast 5200.
424H JEFFERSON Room and board, pri
vate family, reasonable rates. Call and
WANTED 1 or 2 children to care for; good
home and reasonable; in private family.
R 940, Oregonian.
ONE large well furnished housekeeping
room, small kitchen, wood furnished, $11
per month 311 Main st.
NICE room with breakfast and basket
lunch, all conveniences, walking distance.
Phone A 3738.
WANTED Gentlemen to board in first
claes Catholic home; very reasonable. A
05'J, Oregonian.
2-ROOM apartments, heat, hot and cold
water, free telephone, walking distance.
Summer rates. 328 Mill st.
LARGE front room with alcove, use of par
lor and piano, with, or wtihout board.
Main 0116.
FINE room suitable for 2 gentlemen; home
cooking: close in. 202 Tillamook st.
East 6376. v -
ROOM and board with Scotch family; terms
moderate. Ill 17th st. North.
COMFORTABLY furnished room, with board.
Phone E. 4492.
ROOM and board. 332 10th at., walking dis
tance. Phone Main 6979. A 2866.
NEWLY furnished room, with board. 166 N
22d St. Main 2334.
FURNISHED room with board. 32o 11th st.
Phono A 1636.
Furnished Apurtments.
WESTFAL, 410 5th, well-appointed 3 and
4-room apts., by day, week or month,
furnished or unfurnished; concrete bldg. ;
elevator, private baths, etc ; 7 min. to
shopping center; pleasant place for the
Summer; $20 to 3.oO mo. .Main 20.
THE only modern, exclusive, fireproof house
in city. All kinds of service. 1 large
apt... living-room ltix2, beautiful dining
room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. 1
7-room duplex apt. 705 Davis st. Walk
ing distance.
BROADWAY Central bloek, a few cosy fur
nished rooms and apartments: modern in
every particular; walking distance of
business center: new brick. 3 blocks east
of Broadway bridge. Summer rates. East
Neatly furnished 2-room apartment. 20
minute walk ; low Summer rates, $3.00
per week up; light and gas Included. The
fctanneia, -o gorier st. .Main iou:.
THREE rooms, private bath, sleeping porch,
XxH closet. heat. phone, water; newly
tinted and well turn Inn ed. ool E. Yam
hill st. Phone East 1710.
ONE completely furnished 3-room ant.. $20,
Also one 2-room apt.. $17. Best value In
the city. 17 lith St., near lam hi 11.
GIRLS want young lady to share well
furniflhed 4-room apt. with them. A 3047
Sunday. Main lOS week days. Mailoy.
Modern two rooms, completely furnished ;
fib, 918 ana u. Aiarsnaii sum.
HAMMERSLY COURT, 250 12th at.. 2 and
3-room apts.. close In, modern, reasonable.
Phone Marshall 20o3. References.
NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall. Main 4299,
Birmingham. 390 12th st. Marshall 434.
FOR RENT Fine 3-room nice furnished
apartment, water, light, heat and phone
xree tyj Aioenn bi.
NICELY furnished 4-room apartment for the
Summer cneap. tan mornings, a 1708,
tne Morion, Apt.
THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders sts.. 2.
3 and 4-room modern apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished ; references required.
FOR KENi uacneiors apartment, among
trees, fortiana j-ie ignis, per month
AK 9 2d. Oregonian.
THE ELMS. 14th St.. near Yamhill, 2 and
3-room apartments, clean and cozy homes.
walking aistance. $i to $2o.
ALTON I A. 19th and Marshall sts. Large,
airy. 2. 8 and 4-room -apartments; quiet
ana exclusive neigunornooa.
341 14 th st. at Market, new 2 and 3
rooms, rumisnea. reasonable. Main 173.
3 AND 4-room furntahed or unfurnished.
The BJelland. A 1867, Main 1867, A 1857
BOZANTA 3-room suites. $25; outside
1S9 23d st. N.. near Johnson. Mar. 295
A RDM AY TERRACE. 395 12th St. Large
j-room apartmenia. Airs, jonn ran, mgr.
COMPLETELY furnished apartments. In con
crete block. $12. 1162 Union ave. North.
DRICKSTON. 44S llth. Strictly modern 2
and 3-room apartments. Marshall 57. ,
WELL furnished 4-room apartment ; piano
walking distance. E. 3202 or B 1033.
FLORENCE 3 and 4-room front apart
meats, completely furnished. 3S8 llth at.
Furnished Apartments.
223 till san Streets.
Walking Distaucc.
Beautiful furnished 4-room apartment,
all ntce, bright outside rooms. Walking
Marshall 3102.
to you want a coxy home while In Port
land T Dally, weekly or Monthly rates
You will always find comfort, conven
ience and courteous treatment and be
close to the center of the city at the
Fifth and Columbia Sts,
Six minutes' walk to theater and shop
ping district.
Transient or Permanent.
Modern 2 and 3-room furnished apart
ments, with kitchen., bath, phone, etc.;
all outside a part menus; -French doors. In
dividual balconies, awnings and screens;
.delightful Summer apartments.
Only to $26 per month. $5 to $7
per week for our completely furnished
for housekeeping, 2-rooin apartments, in
cluding electric lights, private phone, and
all modern conveniences; new brick bldg.,
S minutes' walk from P. O. Lincoln apts..
corner 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377, A 413.
12th and Taylor.
Most modern apartments oa the Pacific
Coast; furnished complete.
Roof garden In connection.
Wajking distance. References.
CUMBERLAND, W. Park and Columbia sts.
very choice 2 and 3-room completely fur
nished apts.. all modern conveniences,
beautiful location, faring the parks; five
minutes' walk from business center. W
always maintain our reputation for first
class, clean apts., with best of services, at
reasonable prices; references required.
GLEN COURT APTS., corner Park and Tay
lor sts.; large 4-room apartment with bay
windows; also single room; both facing
Park st.; also 3-room apartment facing
Taylor st.; all splendidly furnished; Urst
clas service, can be occupied now or the
1st of May.
Fifth and College.
Clean, cosy three and four-room fur
nished apartments, very cheap.
Also bachelors' apartments.
Heat, water, phone and Janitor service
CHELTENHAM High - class furnished
apartments, 2, 3 and 4 rooms, tor low
price; hardwood floor, all outside rooms,
look east and north, fine view, fine resi
dence district; best service. 19th and
North rup. Phone Marshall 4599.
Corner I'ark and Taylor.
Best location in the city; a cozy home;
well furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room suites;
first-class service.
14th and Columbia.
Two. three and f.tur-ruum apartments,
furbished. first-class; reasonable rates.
Main 73o7. Home. A 3015.
NEW YORK APTS. Newly furnished, very
central; z ana 3 rooms, large kitchen;
baths, heat, light and both phones; $16
to $25 per month ; also sleeping rooms.
East 7th and Belmont.
K. 35 1 h and Belmont.
Furnished apts. with private bath, mod
ern, built-in conveniences, neat, phone,
light and water free. Tabor 1S89.
SEE the Overton Apartments Furnished
and unfurnished; cheapest and best in the
city ; pri ate phone, bath and electric ele
vator: no Inside rooms; new manager.
Take "W" car. 274 N. 2lat St.. cor. Overton,
3 large completely furnished outside
rooms $20, with bath, phone, table and
bed linen. B 3041. Tabor 2293.
Furnished and unfurnished apartments,
private balcony. 414 llth st. Marshall
THE AVALON Largest, lightest furnished
apartments in city, j ana 4 rooms, near
Union Depot. Day, week or month rates.
2b0 Ross. East 10G7.
New. modern, furnished 2-room apts..
bath, phones, dressing-room, fine location
110 N. 21st st. Marsnall 4140. W car.
29 Trinity Place. 2. 3 and 4-room fur
nished apts. ; private bath and phone
Address Marshall 1950, apt. $6.
Furnished 3-room apartments with all
modern conveniences, $18 per month and
up. 5l9i Williams ave.
2 and 3-roora furnished apts. ; phone,
steam heat, electric lights, best of serv
ice. Phone Main 0435.
PARKHURST Apartments, North 20th and
Northrup, furnished 3-room apartments;
light outside rooms; all modern conveni
ences; "W" car.
2S6 llth st.; close-In. modern, furnished
2-room apartments, $25; under new man
agement Phone Main 2286.
Montgomery Apts., cor. 3d and Montgomery;
new. modern uric a. ouiiaing, automatic ele
vator; 2-room apts., furnished complete,
lu mu. walk to P. O. ; $20 to $30. M. 9466.
Corner E. Morrison and 7th stivet; cozy,
well -furnished 2 and 3-room apartment
' private phones and baths. $1S to $27. 0u.
FOR RENT to right pary, newly furnished
apartment uuring june, uuiy, Aug., af pi, ;
West Side, close in; references required.
AJ 888, Oregonian.
THE ROSEN FELT, corner 14th and East
Stark. 3 and 4-room apartments, rurnlsnea
or unfurnished; modern and strictly first
class; Summer rates. Phone East 3703.
EXCEPTIONALLY clean, bright, attractive
homelike 2 and , 3-room zurnisned apart
ments; fine location ; positively best in
Portland at $22.50 per month. Tabor 540.
Park St., at Madison.
. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart
ments; rates reasonable.
NEWLY furnished apartment, all outside
rooms, within walking distance; Janitor
service, $20 a month. 404 llth st.
THE LOIS 704 Hoyt, nicely furnished 2-
roora apartments, newly tinteu, . znouern;
references. Marshall 2011.
Beautiful apartments, furnished and un
furnished, Including fireplace, etc. E. 3000.
THE W EN T WORTH, 232 12th. cor. Main.
Homelike apartments, every modern con
venience, also single room for gentlemen
4-KOOMS. grouud floor, private bath, piano.
fireplace, books, pnone, light, heat. 228
East 2oth st.
NICELY furnished 6 -room apartment to re
sponsible family ol auuits only; reierenccs;
will sell furniture. L 943, Oregonian. '
NEW HART, 1704 2d, nr. Morrison, 1-2-3
rms., bath, cooking gas. light, heat, linen
free. Phones, automatic elevator.
THE Luclle Court, 20th-LoveJoy, modern.
up to date; well furnisneu; outslne 3 and
4-room apts, private park. Mgr., Mar. 2u31
220 N. 17th st. Main 213.
2 and 3-room furnished apts.. reasonable,
BEULAH APTS., 927 Union ave. North. 1
nice 3-room apt., well furnished. Phone
Woodiawn 3529.
12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart
ments; best service. Apply on premises.
Uofuralnhed Apartments.
3 and 4-room unfurnished suites, pri
vate vestibules, phones and baths, with
steam heat, hot, cold water. References.
W ASS ELL APTS., corner E. 13th and
Yamhill. 4 and 5-room apts.. walking dis
tance, brick building, moderate rent.
Phone East 3232.
6 IX-ROOM apartments, all outside, sunny
rooms ; 3 bedrooms, large closets, porch ;
references. 780 Irving su Phone Marshall
175S. A 1827.
Sixth and Madison
Has a modern 4-room unfurnished
apartment for rent. Main 5582.
HOSE FRIEND, cor. Broadway and Jeffer
son Elegant unfurnished apartments;
first-class service; private phone; ref.
ROOSEVELT 5 rooms, unfurnished, $30 and
$32.60; 06S-670 Kearney st. Janitor, or
Portland Trust & Savings Bank.
WALDORF Court, Irvington. 8lh and
Schuvier, 0 rooms, large porch, modern.
J East' 347. C 100.
American &. Marlborough. 4 and 3 rooms,
central. Mar. 3300. Main 7516. A 2076.
MAYO APTS. 5i)3 ,s Union ave. N.; modern
, 3-room unfurnished apts. E. 920.
THE ORMONDE 4-room apartment, light,
front room. 656 Flanders. Main 8251.
DOVER APTS. 3 rooms, unfurnished, $10.
Inquire 37- N. 24th st. Marshall 4336.
KBARNFY APTS. 4-rooms, unfurnished
Price 20. Apply manager, 672 Kearney.
l'nfurnirhed Apartments.
Trinity Place, ucar Washington.
One beautifully decorated 4-room apart
ment now vacant.
6?3 lo ve joy. near 21st.
3-room modern apartments with built
in conveniences, disappearing beds, free
Thone. vacuum denning service; refined
neighborhood, etc.; $20.
1 nducemeuts made to permanent ten
ants. Apply on premises or call
2Ut Washington st.
Main GSUP. A 6207.
FOR RENT 4 4-room apartments, modern
and complete in every detail ; never oc
cupied; 1 bedroom nnd ' concealed bed if
wanted ; hot water heat, gas ranges and
heater; large front and rear porches;
nicely located ; elegant v low; A-1 car
service ; 1 minutes from Mad ison bridge ;
good permanent tenants wanted. Sec them
today. East 26th and Clinton sts.
705 DAVIS ST. ,
The only modern, exclusive and fire
proof apartment-bouse in Portland.
1 large apartment, living-room 16x27. 4
bedrooms and 2 baths.
1 7-room duplex apartment.
East llth and Morrison.
Opposite East Side Public Library, 4
story brick building, automatic -elevator;
2 and 3 rooms, all outside, with every
modern convenience ; rates very reason
able, beautiful view; walking distance.
19 Lucretia St., between Washington
and Everett. Finest and most moaern
unfurnished apartments, 2 to 5 rooms,
ha ra wood floors, all outside rooms. Itef.
Mr. Mur. 1013, Janitor. Mar. lOou.
IStU and Couch.
3 and 4-room apts.. large sunny rooms,
all outside; private bath and telephone in
each; central; $27. 50 to $30.
lOO N. 18TH ST.
We have one five-room and one six
room apartment vacant; these are beauti
ful apartments. Call and see them.
KINGSBURY High-class 3 and 4-room un
furnished apartments, private balcony,
rent reasonable. Ford St., near Washing
ton. Splendid view, high and sightl,
overlooking private gardens.
THE JEFFERSON, 300, Jefferson St., cor.
5 th. opposite City Hall. A single room,
also two and four unfurnished bay window
housekeeping rooms newly renovated.
Homelike, beautiful view, low rnt.
THE WASHINGTON, 680 Northrup 5-room
unfurnished apartments, with bath and all
modern conveniences, telephone, steam
heat, gas, electricity, etc. Take "W"
car to 2lst and Northrup. Phone M. 4374.
llth and Clay aus.
Beautiful 3-room corner apts., all mod
ern, new, best location in city; central ;
private balcony in each apt.; $30 to $37.30.
way. corner Jefferson ; easy walking dis
tance; 8 or 4 rooms with private baths;
very reasonable rent; best service, splen
did arrangement. All outside rooms.
MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3
and 4-room apartments, $20 and up; good
Janlto service: walking distance ; refer
ences. 712 Wash., opp. 2 2d. Mai n 7134.
GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup sts.. 5
large rooms, front veranda and sleeping
porch ; hardwood floors, water. heat,
phone: strictly modern. Marshall 1070.
rooms, strict I j- niouei u, hard wood tloors.
walking distance, $25 nd $.o. East 13th
and Taylor.
3-ROOM ex.. apartment, entire floor; oa
carline; Portland Heights. Main 9103.
COO FLANDERS 0-room apt.. $45; 3-room
lower apt.. 1. Modern.
Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments,
Furnished and unfurnished apartmenia.
from 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $3A per
month. If you want one. telephone Main
20 15. Sundays, or A 2016,
Evenings call Mr. Balden.
Marshall 2290.
Our automobile will call at any address
with our agent, who will be glad to show
these apartments. References required.
We own or control the following:
Cecelia, 22 and Glisan.
Claypool, lltb and Clay sta.
Columbia, llth and Columbia.
Fordhara. 170 Ford.
Hanthorne, 215 12th St., near Main.
Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near llth.
Hanover, 103 King st.. nr Wash,
Orderlelgh, 62 Grand avenue.
St. Clair, 170 St. Clair st., near Wash.
St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sts.
Wellington, 16th and Everett sta.
813-821 Morgan bldg.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving Fur
nlshed and unfurnished apartments. In z.
8 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; electric
automatic elevator. disappearing beds,
built-in buffets and writing desks; plenty
of closet room; Individual bath and toilet:
vacuum cleaner free ; also 1 each 3 and
4-room basement apt. at $15 and $17.50.
Phone Marshall 2901.
49-37 Trinity Place,
The finest apartments on the Pacific
Coast, with every modern convenience;
apartments furnished and unfurnished ;
terms rfeitsonable; references required;
furnished bachelors quarters with club
room. Manager, Marshall 1101.
208 10th, near Taylor. M. 475.
Furnished and unfurnished five-room
apts.. all outside rooms; bay m windows,
porches and awnings; quiet surroundings.
TWO and 3-room furnished and unfur
nished apartments, private baths. 00
Glisan. between N. lStli and lath sts;
new management. 1
BRICK building, large living-room, three
windows, buffet kitchen, bath, dressing
room; rent $20 to $2S. Side of Portland
Heights. 353 Chapman, corner Mill.
ton and Kins. 3 and 4-room apartments,
furnished and unfurnished; reasonable
rent, walking distance. Main in52, A 110S.
28TH EAST Glisan St.; 3 and 4-room fur
nished and unfurnished apartments; mod
ern; cheaper. B 1303, East 1400.
HERMENIA. 400 Hall. 3-room modern, rea
sonable. Marshal! 32oo
KING DAVIS APTS., C4 King 3 and 4-rm.
high-class; references. Main 2053.
CENTRAL, cool, li;ht flat, modem, north
porch; opposite Multnomah Club. 302 Sal
mon. DESI R A BLE 4-room upper flat, f tirnace.
pleenlna rorch. hardwood floors. 301 lur
rabee. near Broadway bridge. Main 4SOa.
MODERN upper fi rooms, clean, finished
floors: walking distance. 004 E. 'Main,
cor. lMh st.
MODERN 3 and 0-room flats, close in. West
Side, rent very reasonable to good ten
ants. Call Marshall 131H.
NEW. lower. 3-roorn flat, modern, large
porch, screens, furnac. 140 Hamilton,
ave. A 1243.
0-ROOM newly painted and tinted flat. 13
minutes walk from Washington; $15.
Phone East 4421.
FOR RENT Lower flat, 0-room, hardwood.
Nob Hill, choice location, to responsible
parti' only. Marshall 4701.
MODERN 4-roora flat with sleeping-porch
nnd basement. East Sth st., near Broad
way car. Woodiawn 2001 .
WEST SIDE, walking distance, two new
modern flats. 145 and 147 2lst stn near
Hovt st. $23 ner month. Main 3160.
NEWLY tinted, modern, upper, all outside
rooms; sleeping-porch, walking distance.
424 S Tillamook, near 7th.
UPPER flat, 5 rooms and attic; almost new;
light all sides; in good district, very close
In : one of best. 52S Flanders. Main 4302.
$23; NEW flat, sleeping porch, range, lino
leum, water, heat, disappearing beds. 427
Rodney ave.
NEW 5-room modern flat. 012 Commercial
st. Phone Columbia 4UO.
MODERN 4-room flat corner Falling and
Commercial st. Phone Woodiawn 880.
HOLLADAY addition (-room flat. Call
412 V Waaco st. Phone S0B.
FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 7S1 Hoyt su
Inquire lt 6th st. Phone Main $37$
5-ROOM lower flat, modern, clean. Inquire
529 Everett st., near 16th.
OVERTON, near 23d, modern sunny flats,
porches, lawn, rents reduced. Main 422b.
$1."V 4 lower rooms, bat h, basement, beau
tiful yard around. 300 Cook, Union av.
MODERN 4-room lower flat, linoleum on
kitchen, furnace. Phone East 5. B 1404.
5-ROOM lower Hat. $23. near Lincoln High
School. Phone Kast 0203.
5-ROOM corner flat, linoleum, kitchen
net In; rent $15. Call Monday. Main
7737. ATTRACTIVE 5-room. flat. East Side, close
In. cheap. Sellwood 93R.
FOR RENT Unf urnished flat, modern,
in. Phone East 734.
$lrt MODERN" 4 and 5-room flats, wa
distance. ri Main. r. t.
3-ROOM upper flat, 23d and Northrup.
at 2ti 23d st.
3-room flat.
AVE., complete unfurnished
$15 MODERN 4-room, neat and clean,
carlines. Lust 100 L
Model 4, T6 characters..... $35
Model 3. 84 characters 40
Model 3, long cart-tag'- 40
Models H and 7 ". . 20
Model 10. latest features 43
Model II. decimal tabulator 00
I C Smith Model 2 :
L. C. Smith Model 5. lafest 55
Olivers. $20 to -jit
Smith Premier Model 10 35
Royals 30
Other makes as low as 10
AH machines fully guaranteed. Terms,
$0 cash and $0 per mouth. Machines snt
for examination to any point on Pacific
'oust. Send for il lust rated prVe list.
32 1 Washington St., Port land. Or.
East ith and Huncoc. 2 blocks Broad
way car. wo Ik in c d ista nee : 5 rooms, oa k
and maple iloors, tiled bathroom, Dutch
kii-hen and pass pantry m wntte enamel,
gas ranc and. beater, separate basement,
with Boy n ton furnace ami content tubs;
large attic, plenty of closots. shades and
sen-ens; fine residential district; good ten
ants; rent $25. see t'.ordon, East 0th and
Broad way. East .".; r Fast 007o.
EXTRA good flats, upper and lower, at
s21 Northrup St.. West Side; each has
sleeping porch. - furnace, finished floors,
nice yard and vims; yard and halls cared
for free; upper. $27.50 month; lower. $2a
month; upstairs on premise. F. N.
Clark Sc. Company, Title Ac Trust bldg..
S9 4th st.
Strictly modern four-flat of 4 rooms
each, dose to Union ave. and Russell st.
Lot 0oxlo. Price $10,001.
243 Stark St.
3-ROOM upper or C-room lower; all latest
modern conveniences and . including gas
rank'e, water heater und water cooler.
Best of residence locations. 20S E. 20th
st., between Hawthorne and Madison.
East 3'!tH.
TO un elderly couple, 4 rooms and bath, all
outside rooms; linoleum In bath, kitchen,
dining-room and hall, gas move, hot-water
beat, hot and cold w a ter ; fnt $ 1 2 per
month, and :o minutes time a day. Call
."-.3 Montgomery. phone A 4 0 -!.
FIRST floor. 4 rooms nnd bath, large
grounds, room for garden and chickens;
very sightly, lots of fruit; Hawthorne and
Murray mead c;n end of line. tS0 East Har
rison st. Home nil day.
VERY select 5-room upper flat. Nice
veranda, fireplace, furnace. gas range,
D.itch kitchen, etc. New building. Choice
neighborhood, close In. Phono East 1310.
or A. K. Hill. 141 Henry bldg.
MODERN five-room lower flat. cor. E. 10th
and Halsey ; large veranda, furnace, f ire
pluce, gas range, linoleum, open-air bed
rooms. Holmes disapieariug bed. W. I.
Swank. East 14S. Main Hios. ,
Upper 0-rooni flat, modern, line sleep
In if porch, yard, furnished or unfurnished.
ChU Main 7U07 or Main 22 to.
NICE, clean. muJcrn 4-room flat, with bath;
ba-semt-ni ; fine locution ; excellent car
acrvice. $li. 10 3 S Mallory ave. Wood
Iawn 1241.
FI N E modern. 3-room flat, fireplace, deep
ing porch. j?s range; adults. 2:7 East
2 1 sr. Haw t home car. Open totla v. " Tabor
MODERN flat, three rooms nnd den, open
air bedroom, disappearing bed. gaa ratige.
linoleum. Corner E. luth and Halsey. W.
1. Swank. Kant 14. Main 1 0OH.
FOR KENT Modern 4-room flut. with
baths, three blocks from East end of the
Broadway bridge. Rent fls and $20, in
cluding water. 330 Ross su I'hone . Main
NEW, modern, four-room flat, between
Union and Williams aves. car, near Wal
nut Park, $13 month. Phone Woodiawn
1 I 4'.
$20 0-room modern lower flat at 4 East
l!th st. Nort h, neur Sandy boulevard.
II. P. Palmer-Jones Co., 404 Wilcox bldg.
Phone M 111 Mi'.tlt.
$2t NEW modern 3-rooiu; furnace, fire
place. Dutch kitcht-n linoleum, gas range
and heater; same without stoves $l; key
corner 27th E. Ankutiy. EA car.
HOLLADA Y Addition, mode. 11 0 und O
room llat. furnace, rane. hot-wat-r
heater, linoleum, a al king distance. 200
East 2d st. North corner Multnomah.
S-RUOM. all modern. 2d-floor flat ; steam
heat; walking distance; 45. "The Giles."
307 llth st. Marshall 4553.
MODERN 6-room flat, w ith 3 rooms iu at
tic; suitable for a few roomers. Inquire
416 th st.
NEW 0-room lower flat, hardwood floors,
fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, liaisi-)
and linn sts., lrvlnton. phone East 332.
& AND B room modern flats. $30 and $2$;
West Side, walking distance; fine condi-
tlon. Woodward. lu4 sd at.
MODERN 6 -room upper flat, at.ic. large
porch ; furnace; good location. 371 1 2 th
St.. near Montgomery st. $25.
120 MODERN, sunny, 4-room flat. gas
stove, steam heat, hot and cold water,
large front porch. West Side. Main 3323.
MODERN 0-room llat, walking distance.
West Side; very reasonable. .Mar. 3444.
Mrs. Jolmbon.
MODERN .'.-room flat, newly painted and
tirittd ; wood and gas range, near Steei
. and Broadway bridge. 2i7 Halsey; $!.
C-ROOM flat, modern, furnished or un
furnished. 247 Halsey st. Phone East
THREE newly renovated flats, 0 and 0
rooms, rent $25 and $30; also cottage. 0
rooms, $2 1 .o0; key 600 Salmon.
MODERN 4 and 5 rooms. 1O08 Cleveland
Phone Woodiawn 2200. Take U cars to
Furnished Flats.
FOUR large, bright rojtns, Nob 21111 dis
trict; nioaern; open nreptaco and furnacc
two porches; reasonable lent to bachtdor
men or muics or married couple. Apply
tZ t-verett st. car.
4-ROOM flat, sleeping porch, private front
porch, modern every respect ; parties
leaving town and will rent furnished if
desired. Call 403 E. Sth st. North, or
phone C 12o.
CLEAN, nicely furnished 4-room house keep
lug apt.. 1st floor, outside rooms ; phone
and wa'er free; rent reasonable. Main
3221. tii5 Glisan st.
6-R0OM furnistied flat; yard. fireplace.
walking distance; $22.00; references. Key
-00 ft out. Aiarsuau Ho.
HANDSOMELY furnished front room. h. k.
if desired; every convenience: cholco loca
tlon, only quiet people taken. 2i5 13th at.
S-KuOM furnished flat and large sleeping
porch; every convenience; 4 rooms rented.
t 2 Ella st., opposite Alexandra Court.
$20 1-RoOM furnished flat; sewing ma
chine, lights, water, phone furnished. 4o7
3d at.
TO RENT to responsible parties, a hand
somely furnished flat, six rooms. West
Side. Mar. 1040.
0-KOOM well-furnished Hat. including water
and phone. $0o.O24 Northrup st. Marshall
MODERN PLAT. S rooms and bath. cloe
in; have to see It to appreciate. Call bun-
day, u j 3 '-z East tark st.
TWO furnished apartments, modern, walk
ing distance: $ 1 . and $IO. Inquire 1 v2
East 20th. flat C.
BY adults, 3 or 4-room .furnished flat or H.
K. apt. Modern, reasonable and close in.
J 142, Oregonian.
NICELY furnished 4-room flat; water and
phone; $2O.0u. 23Q S N- 1Mb.
MODERN 4-room flat; walking distance.
270 Ross st. phone Woodiawn 1S00.
$20 FLAT, 3 rooms, newly furnished, steam
heat, hot water. West Side. Main 35-. "I
FURNISHED a -room flat, facing river. 2S2
Margm st. East 2411.
MODERN 4-room furnished flat. 445 E.
Couch st., near 7th.
4-ROOM modern f at, close to Broadway
bridge, low rent. East 30lu,C 3109.
TWO or more unfurnished housekeeping
rooms. E. 5227.
65k PETTYGROVE Furnished 3-room llat
and bath; very desirable. Main 3716.
NICE lower 3-room tlat. furnished or un
furnished. 433 Vs Montgomery.
$ Very clean single h. k. room ; all con
veniences. 340 2d st. Main 121.
$1H $4 WEEK. 3 rooms, furnished. !S0
Albtna ave.. cor. Hlandena. L ear.
$25 LIGHT, clean furnished flat, porches.
fireplace. 5TO E. Main. Adult-.. Close In.
MODERN 5-room flat. 007 E. Davis St.; rem
2. East 3:14.
Housekeeping Iloomn.
MODERN S-room house, fine corner, large
yard, nicely arranged, fine fixtures. 7u4
Northrup st. Phoue K'tltt 233s.
ROYCREST 173" 12th ; large, clean, airy
rooms, complete for housekeeping, conv.u.
THE UPSHUR. 26th and Upshur Furnished
2-room apts.; steam heat; light; $15 up
Main 3523. Take 'S." 23d or "W" car north
401 EAST MORRISON Neatly furnisl.e.
two-room housekeeping irtiiuui, ver
THE OILMAN. 1st. cor. Alder FurnUhed
houst keej. ing rooms. $1.0O week.
FURNISHED h. k. rooms cheap. CarubrlU
blog.. 3d, cor. Morrison.
FURNISHED 3 rooms and 2 rooms apts.
modern ; reasonable. 2 7 2 W illi.mi ait
1 1 0 i S E K E E P ING apartment. Hotel o.v
land, 20$ 4th su ,
llouaekeepins Boons.
$3.00, $4. 04. $ 1.25 WEEKLY Newly fur
nished housekeeping suite, bay windows.
Kis runges, light kitchens, large rooms,
plenty hot water, baths all hour?, rrco.
Clean as wax. Save can are. Desirable
people only. Also finely rooms at $2.30.
2.n --. 3,1 m.. ncHr .l". f envn.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sta. Fur-
nisnea tor nouseateepiug , gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free;
$12 per month up; clean place, best la
the city for the money ; short distance
from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-t.
cara norm, get off at Marshall. No doga.
DOWN-TOWN housekeeping apartment.
1 ej.-ouaoie rent, includes light, heat, hot
water, etc.
3o0 in Morrisun at.
T Wtt 2 -room and one 4 -ro-m hnuekeepins
suites, furnished, at ;M4 KHMngswortn '
ave.; . low rem. Phono Woodiawn 0, or
Inquire room 202 Stotk Exch. blag., Sd
and YumhiJi.
$1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house-
Keeping rooms, suitable for 3 or 4; free
heat, lauudry. bath. ard, gas. Phone East
flC3 40ti Vancouver. 03 Stanton. U" car.
HOUSEKEEPING. 2-room suites, $11 montu
up; uitable for children, by children's
park. 33 Davis. Phone Marshall 3502.
HOUSE K EE PING and slcepin s rooms. $ 1.23
to 1..jQ week ; $2.20 en feint. 2iM 2d.
1-2-3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms; bi k k bldg. ;
"f. t-l- '3 W III I Oil.
Housekeeping Rooms in lrlvnte l a millet.
10 TWO nicely furnished housckeeplng
rooms, large closet, modern home, free
light, bath and ithone. im. nf Hpunu- ma-
chino and piano, near car. 42 E. Obth it,
Rose City Car. C 2110.
$10, two very nice furnished H. K.
rooms, all conveniences, yard, porch. 407
3d st.
TWO rooms for light housekeeping; hot and
cold water, gas cook stove, bath, nice
yard ; walking distance. 2 4S Dupont st.
Phone Kast 5537.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for
renu $10; everything Included : running
water; private family. Phono Main 3370.
O'.iO Johnson.
ELEGANTLY furnished lioutu keo ping room,
kitchenette and sleeping puivh ; laundry,
hot water, electric liht; lust door. 123
N. 23d st.
LA RG E. newly furnished front room a let
kite lien, bath, walking distance; very pri
vate; $0 mouth; for ludUs. 2S llth, near
NEWLY huiidfiomely furnished room; one or
two persons; gas for eooking if desired;
alt modern conveniences, very reasonable.
Walking distance. Marshall 0042. A l-ill'.
TWO nice housekeeping rooms to man and
wife who are willing to keep up lawn as
part payment lor same, Nice locution.
tl. K. Couch. East 2l42.
TWO furnished or unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms, private entraneo. overlooking
garden; quiet, central and inexpensive.
Marshall 3424. -
ONE room, fine for 2 working nl?uts; 1
attic room. 1 small miltitble for one ; hot
and cold water. Electric litcht. Free phone,
beat and bath, gas. 470 Main st.
TWO clean. well-furnished housekeeping
rooms, lights, bat bp. sink, clot ties closet,
phone, rent reasonable. 271 Mont gomery
T Wo light room nicely furnished ; K"
electricity, phone; walking distance. ".0,.i
East Washington st.. near lth. 4M.
KEEP houe in four lare rooms, ropapered.
extra furnish in 17, piano. ground f loor
yard, cheap. s 7 llth t.
ONE. 2 und 3 Mrbtly modern h. k. rooms.
aM nly furnished, 1st. 2d and 3d floors.
421 Mam st., between llth und 12th.
NICELY furnlfiht-'d front hutisekccpinx room ,
nil conveniences, reasonable. ;;l Wtt
THREE dean, neat ly f urn is lied hous.-keep-inir
rooms; uil conveniences; $ rs25 E.
TWO beaut I ful front 1 001114, u, ell equipped,
conveniences and close in; rent eticap.
lot Jf fetson. Main 3t;iv
2 Rooms, uh ;y f ununited : hot :md coM
water, irati. cook stove, iii- y;ird; walk
ing dista nee. 24 Dupont st. East 0037.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
$10 a month, light, phone nnd water ln
clnded. 7oQ Gllsnn. Main 13V. or A 7!3 1 .
$14 FOR 2 or $1S for 4 light housekeeping
rooms ; gas range, sink, bat h. wa king
distance. 00O E. Morrison. East 4472.
$12 One beautiful
strict I v modern.
20j JMh
h. k. suite.
North, near
CLE A N single and H. K. rooms, hot and
cold water, steam heat- Main 74 Id. 445
$17 2 LARGE front H. K. rooms, phone,
light, bath, etc.. walking distance, yard.
2.' 3 Chapman st. Marshall 393s.
ENTIRE upper floor In excellent location.
S. S. or Mt. T. car. Phone East 340S.
lOS E. 10th st.
LARGE front room, bay window, fireplace,
with kitchenette. You'll like it; reasou-
able. 404 Yamhill.
NICELY furnished rooms with board, rea
sonable: good home cooking. 34 L llth.
corner Market.
ON E front hot 1st4 keeping suite ; a' I con
veniences: 2 furnished rooms; reasonable
prices. 475 Ciay st. .
LARGE frout room with kitchenette, private
entrance ; also single rooms. 340 Market
st reet.
NICELY f urnihhed 3-room housekeeping
suite, also single h. k. and sleeping rooms;
rent reasonable. 61 t 4th St. S.
$173 CLEAN, comfortnblo rooms, good lo
cation ; walking distance ; modern. Phoue.
K10 East Alder.
THREW unfurnished housekeeping l-ounrs
private family; company more than rent. '
$. month. 4&2 East 2 Sth st. South.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
2 biocks from Multnomah Club. 25tt
Chapman st.
TWO nice f urnibhed house keep 111 k-rooms,
modern, private entrance, first tloor, yard
and bsseincnt. 503 Wwt Main st.
LA RGE front room and kitchenette, clean
and reasonable. 101 Lownndaie st., corner
THREE lovely rooms, all conveniences. 4S1
Chapman St., corner Clifton, Portland
MIDDLE-AGED lady, alone, will rent 2 or
3 f urn is lied housekeeping rooms t
couple. 4 4 E. 12 th N. lr ing ton.
NEAT. clean housekeeping rooms, ve
reasonable. Phone and bath f ree. Adpu
4Q0 Stark st.. new .;'th. (
FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms. 220 N.
10th. Main 2"0tt.
2 NEWLY furnished front rooms, housekeep
ing; gas, bath, phone. 30t Montgomery.
LA ROE. pleasant alcove room, light house
keeping; piano. Main 3:;i. 301 loth st
TWO - furnished housekeeping rooms, hot
water heat. 7M Kearney. Marshall 4337.
410 SALMON" ST. 2 nicely furn. h. k. rooms,
all co n ve n I ences, cen t ral. reaso n a ble.
TWO furnished rooms, light, gas. telephone,
for $lO a month. 717 Portsmouth ave.
1. 2 OR 3 pleasant front rooms, first floor.
Nob Hill. 004 Everett.
NEATLY furnished 2 and 3-room suites,
gas, electricity, phone, bath. 3U2 4th st.
TWO connecting rooms, electric Hp lit. gas.
bath, phone. 21 East 10th st. N.
MERITS of room in us t rep t 1 1 1 cm, come
s-e ; all con vet 1 leiiees. 32 N 1 1 1 b.
ONE attic m nd basement housekeeping
rooms. $0 per month. O-i N. 21st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 215
llth st.. corner of Salmon.
$0 CLEAN. furnished H.
lights and phone, ard. '
suite, frss
E. Yamhill.
$ 1 Furnished house keeping room, porch,
kitchenette. R07 East Wasnington. Garden.
2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms; free phonu
and light. .pop WilMoms ave.
TWO single rooms for housekeeping; located
43 id st.
TWO housekeeping room $1.70 week up.
Phone, bath. gas. SOS 13th st So.
NICELY equipped single rooms, reasonable,
beat, phone, bath, fine location. 221 13th.
3 FURNISHED hous-keeplng rooms. No. tf
E. 7th st. East 43HV
Jul CLAY 2 suites. 1 single, nice house
keepinjr rooms, bat h. lieht free.
$lo 2 connecting furnished b. k. rooms;
ga and bath. Ca'.l . r.01 K. Morrison.
NICE suit light housekeeping rooms; plea
sant loeatlvn ; close In. M-a in 3!t70.
FOR RENT Housekeeping. large, front
room. $10 month. 1 East 12th North.
NICE housekeeping rooms. . 02 Johnson
LIGHT housekeeping, ciotse
sonable. 471 Morrison.
in ; very rca-
G ROUND floor. 3 large H. K. rooms, with
. piano; reasonable. 2!4 Jefferson
3 COZY housekeeping rooms. $12 tcr month.
OSS Pe 1 1 y gro ve . ?d a I n 3423.
$7 PER month. wefJ furnished housekeep
ing room : wood f tvnlshed. 3 1 1 Main st.
DESl RA iO.E H. K. r4 ms; two bed. phon
Kas. bath. 17 Chitpman, near Morrlsm.
ft! REE fine!ieT housekeeping rooms,
with sleeping -porch, close m. East i3K .
iioN T room, small Wcbenette for ligl.t
! it n e keeping.. No chtlfj rcn. 4o Main st.
"11 2 N EAT I' Y furnished rooms, phon.
' b;ith, essy walking distance. 24 E. Davis.
'URNISHED room, kitchenette. $13.30. 211)
Grand ave. North.