The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 19, 1914, Section One, Page 5, Image 5

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Ex-Secretary Bonaparte Says
Not to Retain Control of
Canal Is Absurd.
Garrison Would Be Forced to Stand
Idly By Even While Japanese
Fleet Steamed Through to
Attack Atlantic Cities.
WASHII.n'OX, April 18. Advocates
r.t the exemption of American coast
vis& vessels from Panama Canal tolls
liad their inning- today before the Sen
ate canal committee, when the first
witness appeared in opposition to the
repeal of the exemption clause.
Ex-Attorney-General Charles J. Bon-appj-te,
of Baltimore, Russell L. Dunn,
ot Kan Francisco, and Representative
Humphrey, of Washington, attacked the
repeal on various grounds. James
Brown Scott, secretary of the Carnegie
Kndowment for International Peace,
was questioned by Senators Bristow
and O'Gorman as to the motives of
the organization in participating in the
propaganda for the repeal of the ex
emption clause.
Conditions Declared Different.
Mr. Bonaparte asserted no nation
would have been so foolish as to build
the canal with the understanding that
it was to derive no special privileges
from the canal. He said the position
that the United States was bound by
the same conditions in the use of the
canal as the other nations of the world
was "unreasonable and absurd under
all circumstances."
"If we were at war with Japan, our
garrison on the Isthmus," said he,
"would be mere Idle spectators of the
peaceful passage of the Japanese fleet
to attack New Orleans or New York.
If we were at war with Germany, the
troops would look tranquilly on while
Herman vessels traversed it to take
San Francisco, and the net result of
our enormous expenditure for the con
struction of the canal would be to
make our coast much more vulnerable
than It was before."
Mr. Bonaparte contended that the
rules of construction required the Hay
Pauncefote treatji to be interpreted as
not requiring the United States to use
the canal on the same terms as the
other nations of the world.
Bounty Regarded ah Winer.
He contended there was no question
that the exemption granted a bounty
to the owners of coastwise vessels and
added he believed it would have been
wiser, as a matter of form, to collect
the tolls and refund them.
As a general rule of law. Mr. Bena
parte told the committee, when one
person grants "to all persons" a right
to use his property, the grantor is not
understood as including himself among
those to whom the grant is made. A
specific expression to include the
grantor is necessary to bind the owner
to the conditions, he added.
"Applying this principle to the pres
ent case," he continued, "if it had been
the intention of the parties to this
treaty .that the United States should
use he canal only on the same terms as
other powers, then to give effect to
that understanding the United States
ought to have promised in so many
words to observe these rules In its own
use of the canal.
Western Industries Affected.
Russell L. Dunn, of San Francisco,
said the collection of tolls on Ameri
can coastwise ships would Interfere
with the passing of California lumber
through the canal. He eaid that a re
duction In the price of California, pe
troleum would follow if that product
passed through the canal with no tolls.
He said that "free tolls'" would develop
borax production in California.
Representative Humphrey said the
benefits the Pacific Coast states had
expected from the canal were about to
be given to British Columbia.
Senator Bristow aroused Dr. Scott's
ire by asking If the Carnegie endow
ment was not espousing the claim of
Great Britain in advocating the repeal
of toll exemption and circulating some
700,000 copies of Senator Root's speech
favoring the repeal.
Dr. Scott Insisted neither he nor the
endowment was consciously advocating
the cause of England, but that they had
taken their position irrespective of
what Great Britain desired.
Conrlct, . Wearing 14-Pound Shoe,
Makes Clever Getaway.
Leavenworth! Kan. April 15.
Wearing a 14-pound "Oregon boot" on
his left leg. Carl Miller, alias Bu
chanan, serving a ten-year sentence in
the United States Penitentiary at
Leavenworth, escaped from Thomas
Kinnane, guard, at Rockford, 111., while
on his way to Madison, Wis., where he
was to appear aa a. witness before the
Federal Court.
Miller, when convicted in Chicago in
1911. for forging a postoffice money
order, attempted to escape in the court-
, room. The Oregon boot was placed on
him as An extra precaution.
Fortune Comes After Legal Battle
Lasting- More Than Two Years.
NEW YORK, April 15. As a result
of a decision by Justice Page, Frances
Mary Cavanaugh, a servant, will come
into a fortune of $37,800. The decision
was the culmination of a legal battle
lasting more than two years.
The girl's father died November IS,
1892. Her mother had. died two years
previously, and her maternal grand
mother died two years after the death
of her son. The girl a mere child
then later entered domestic service,
and her employed assisted her in her
Prisoners, in Tombs Sec Picture
Drama or Terrors of Habit.
, NEW YORK, April 16 Two hundred
prisoners in the Tombs, many of them
owing their downfall to the use of
drugs, according to officials of the De
partment of Correction, saw six reels
of moving-picture films dramatizing
the terrors of the drug habit. The faces
of many of them showed that the les
son struck home, and one muttered as
n. particularly telling scene flickered
before his eyes:
"That shows you what the eiuff will
do. It's to get the habit."
The pictures were shown with the
approval of Commissioner Katharine B.
Davis, of the Department of Correction.
Those present to observe the effect of
the scenes on the prisoners were Bur
dette G. Lewis, Deputy Commissioner
of Correction; Ernest K. Coulter, coun
sel for Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt in
her campaign against the drug evil,
which resulted in the recent passage of
stringent bills at Albany to suppress
the traffic: Frederic H. Robinson, of
"The Medical Review of Reviews"; Dr.
Helen Knight and Charles B. Towns, a
specialist in drug habit cures.
The films were presented in two runs,
first for the oldtimers on the seventh
and eighth tiers and then for those on
the firth and sixth tiers, ranging in age
from 18 to 30 years. Among the pris
oners were 10 who are awaiting trial
for homicide.
After they had viewed the pictures a
number of the prisoners were interro
gated with a view to finding out what
sort of an impression had been made
upon them.
Mr. Lewis said that he believed the
pictures had a good effect on the men.
many of whom owed their present
troubles to the use of drugs. He said
that the pictures did not portra'y some
of the worst phases of drug evil, al
though they were telling in their ef
fect. It is proposed to take the reels later
to Bedford Reformatory and to Hart's
Senator. I'olndextcr, of Waabincton,
Starts Boom for Roosevelt In
Speech to Convention.
INDIANAPOLIS, April 18. The plat
form of the Progressive party, unani
mously adopted today at the state con
vention; pledges the party to work for
the elimination of all breweries and
saloons in the state and Indorses the
Hobson resolution now before Con
gress. The platform attacks the Dem
ocratic Administration and criticises its
Mexican policy.
Other planks indorse the initiative,
referendum and recall for all elective
and Judicial offices, a state-wide di
rect primary law, the short ballot,
equal suffrage for women, home rule
for cities, elimination of the judiciary
from politics, prohibition of injunc
tions in labor disputes, revision of state
laws to eliminate technicalities, a min
imum wage for women, free school
books and a law to compel the giving
of ample notice before a strike or lock
out. Another plank opposes the approval
of any treaty with Colombia which
provides for the payment of $25,000.
000 to that country.
Albert J. Beverldge, ex-United States
Senator, was Indorsed unanimously for
United States Senator. He accepted the
Senator Poindexter. of Washington,
in a speech before the convention,
launched a, Roosevelt boom. He criti
cised the Administration's policy to
ward canal tolls, and added:
"Now it is proposed in pursuance of
the same futile policy to pay $25,000,
000 of the people's money to the Repub
lic of Colombia, presumably to buy its
good will. There seems to be a mania
in this Administration for making
treaties. It is urged as a " basis of
peace. As a matter of fact, they are
the source of our controversy and dis
agreement, leading to unfriendly rather
than peaceful relatione. This proposal
of $25,000,000 to Colombia is nothing
but an unwarranted raid upon the
American Treasury."
St. Louis Woman Sees" Two Sons and
Daughter Married ii Day.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 15. Three
members of the Wors family were
parties to a triple wedding per
formed in the office of Justice Werre
meyer In Clayton. The six principals
stood in a semicircle and answered the
usual questions in uinson.
A double wedding was all that had
been planned, the couples said, when
the party left the Wost home for Clay
ton. Charles Wors, Jr., and Miss Ma
mie Dondas were to have been only
spectators, but after the ride out
through the blossoming countryside
they decided to wed, too.
The triple wedding ceremony was
the first ever performed by Justice
Werremeyer, and of all the weddings
in Clayton since it became popular as
a Gretna Green fifteen years ago, no
one remembers when wore than two
couples were joined with the same
Ellen Wors and Frank Downing,
who is making his home with the
Wors, and Joseph Wors and Anna Cop
pel, were the other couples. Mrs. El
len Wors, mother of three of the prin
cipals, witnessed the ceremony.
Mrs. Wors had gone along to give
her consent to the marriage of her
daughter, who is only 17 years old.
Yearly Income $1,320, 000.
CHICAGO, April 14. The largest
Federal income tax in Chicago will be
paid by Julius Rosenwald, president of
a mailorder house. His return showed
an Income of $1,100,000 for the ten
months ended December 31, 1913, or on
a basis of $1,320,000 for 12 months.
More than 1000 returns, including
those of several men of millions, were
filed .during the extension period.
Nearly 30,000 individual schedules have
been filed here.
Mrs. Katherine Clarke.
Mrs. Katherine Clarke passed
away at Glendale recently after
an illness lasting over a year.
Mrs. Clarke was descended from
the Scotch clan of McGregor. For
many years she was proprietor
of the Hotel Clarke, at Glendale.
Mrs. Clarke's sister was mother
of Governor West of Oregon and
she was known widely through
out the state. The funeral was
held Friday and was largely at
tended. "
, f ' -i ',
- f - I i i:
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Former Speaker of Congress
Expects to Be Returned
at Next Election.
Politician of 78 Say 9 Republican
Candidate in 1916 Is Likely to
Be Some Man "Wlio Is Not
Generally Known Yet.
NEW TORK. .April 14 Uncle Joe
Cannon arrived at the Waldorf recently
with a pocket full of cigars and a heart
full of optimism for everything and
everybody save the Democratic party,
which Uncle Joe firmly believes la
headed straight for perdition. Leaning
back In his chair and cocking his feet
on the table, he grumbled:
"Who wants to hear from an old re
actionary?" "Millions. Mr. Cannon," ventured a
reporter. "They'd like to know how
you feel at 78; what you think is going
to happen to the Republican party;
whether you are going back to Con
gress "
"Well," Uncle Joe broke in. "I've had
a helluva time with the grippe. It had
me tied up in double bow knots, but
I'm feeling pretty chipper now. I'm
going to Bermuda in a few days, after
I run over to Washington to. see some
people. I have always wanted to visit
Bermuda it ought to be a good place
for an old 'has been' to boil out in.
"Let me tell you about the Republican
party, son. I wouldn't trade even on
its chances for victory in 1916. Not
even, by a darn sight. What's more, I
thing we'll win a majority of the House
next November. I don't believe we'll
get the Senate. There are a lot of little
states that will keep on sending Demo
cratic Senators because they started
wrong end foremost, but I'm betting
we'll have the best hand in the House
"Me? Wait a minute. Have a cigar.
Got her lit? All right. I'm just as sure
as I'm setting here that I'll be returned
to Congress next November. They only
beat me 700 votes last time, but the
Bull Mqose are petering out in my dis
trict and the Republicans are getting a
lot more gumption. My judgment Is
that the Bull Moose is losing out all
over the country."
"How about Colonel Roosevelt in 1916,
Mr. Cannon?"
"Well, what about him?" snapped the
elder statesman. "I don't believe Theo
dore Roosevelt is as popular today as
he was 13 months ago by a sight.
Where's he going to get his votes from?
I don't believe he'll get any more Re
publicans, but if these Democrats keep
a-yank yankin' around in Congress he'll
get some of their votes. There goes
that infernal telephone."
Uncle Joe informed a woman that she
wanted Senator Cannon of Utah, not
Joe Cannon of Danville, I1L
"Who do you think the most likely
Republican for a Presidential nomina
tion?" the reporter asked when Uncle
Joe surged back to the. easy. chair.
"Let me answer that," he replied, "by
asking you how many of the 100,000,000
people in this country ever heard of
Woodrow Wilson three years and a half
ago? The woods and corn fields are
full of good Presidential timber. My
notion is that the nominee is very like
ly to be a man you hardly ever heard
of. a brand-new discovery. Don't know
but what that would be the most sensi
ble thing anyway."
"Tlng-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling!" called the
telephone, and Uncle Joe uttered a com
ment which Is never printed In the
Congressional Record or other family
Journals. He was back in a minute
and had a fresh cigar going with the
expertness of a prestidigitator.
Sawdust, Bark, Chins and Other Waste
Lumber Products Made Useful.
New Industry Promising.
ington. April 18. The high cost of fuel
can be greatly reduced and the profits
of lumber mills in Oregon and other
Coast -states materially increased if the
lumber manufacturers will follow the
example of their British Columbia com
petitors and convert their sawdust,
slabs, bark, chips and other waste into
briquets. In Victoria and in Vancouver
lumber mill waste is now being treated
and made into briquets at a cost of
about 13 a ton. The briquets find a
ready market at $6 a ton and are prov
ing superior to coal or wood for many
In describing the sawdust briquet In
dustry of Victoria and Vancouver, Consul-General
Mansfield, stationed at the
latter city, says this industry is Just
becoming well established in British
Columbia, but because of the success
thus far met promises to assume large
proportions. It has been found by the
British Columbia experimenters that
there is a loes of about 20 per cent of
the cut in the manufacture of lumber,
and the residue from the cutting of
1000 feet of lumber has been found
ample to make one ton of briquets. The
total waste of the British Columbia
mills, he estimates, would make an
nually $1,417,000 worth of briquets. If
made according to the approved process
now in' vogue in the two cities to the
The sawduet briquet process was de
veloped in British Columbia in response
to the demand for cheap fuel which
Would produce less ash than coal and
be less expensive than either coal or
System to Beat Higlt Cost of Living
Results In Lawsuit.
SUNBURT, Pa.. April 14. When eggs
touched 60 cents a dozen recently,
Philip Bradford, of Sunbury, discov
ered a new form of speculation. It
was revealed in Squire Tiefney's court
recently, when Bradford brought suit
against a neighbor to collect rental for
a hen.
Bradford has a lot of hens. Instead
of collecting his eggs and selling them
he rented out the fowls at 2 cents a
day. the rentor winning If the hens
continued to lay properly. One of
therri was rented to James H. Snyder,
but Instead of laying she wanted to
sit and sit was all she did. When
Bradford attempted to collect his rental
Snyder refused to pay.
Squire Tieraey gave judgment for
60 cents against Snyder.
Great Sacrifice Sale of Boys'
and Children's Clothing
"LXERE IS A SALE that no mother can afford to miss! The superior
character of the clothes ordinarily sold at this store justifies a pre
ference by parents, at prices the same as asked at other stores.
When GENUINE and RADICAL REDUCTIONS, such as are offered in this sale are
presented, every Father and -every Mother should hasten to take advantage.
It is only occasionally that we put on a sale when we do, you may depend upon it that
not a price or quality vary one hair's breadth from the TRUTH. In other words, Ben
Selling never permits any exaggeration in any of his advertising
This extraordinary Sacrifice Sale begins tomorrow morning and continues only for a limited time.
Boys' .
Now Is the Time to Supply Every
Need for the Boy.
Blouse Waists
Famous K. & K.. Bell and Puritan
Makes. .
BOc Blouse Waists.
75c Blouse Waists.
SI Blouse Waists.
$1.50 Boys' Hats 98c
Felt Hats, all the popular no
shapes and colors, sale price 70C
50c Child's Rompers
for 39c
Famous "Little Tudor" Rompers, in
ginghams and chambrays, plain
blue and stripes; Knickerbocker
style, ages 1 to 6; "All-Over" style,
1 to 12 years. Best 50c OQ
grades Oa7C
BOc Boys' Caps for 25c
25c Boys' Softool Kciar 19
SOc Boys' Shirts and Urawtri .25c
Extra Special!
One lot of Reefers, carried over
from last season: reds, navy and
gray stripes. Ages i to $1 OQ
10. Formerly 14 to T6.50, 3 1 VO
Secretary Lane Handicapped
in Effort to Co-operate.
Desire to Join States In Completion
of Works Is Futile Unless Con
gress Passes loan Bill
to Provide Funds.
ington, April 18. Notwithstanding the
desires of Secretary Lane, the Federal
Government will be unable to do much
in .the line of co-operation with the
Western states to complete Carev act
and other private Irrigation projects
that are in trouble, unless Congrress
passes a bill authorizing: an additional
loan to the reclamation fund.
While the desire of Secretary Lane
was made apparent at the recent con
ference of Governors at Denver. It is
to be remembered that the Interior
Department has allotted to Govern
ment projects practically every dollar
remaining: in the reclamation fund, in
cluding: (20.000,000 lent to the fund by
authority of Congress Several years
aero. Moreover, Secretary Lane has di
rected that rapid progress be made
on all the Government projects for
which allotments have been made.
Bills Are Plgreon-Holed.
When Congress convened last De
cember Secretary Lane advocated a
loan of $100,000,000 to the reclamation
fund and had in mind a plan of co
operating: with the state to- complete
private projects that threaten to be
come failures unless some outside aid
is given. Congress has not acted upon
the Secretary's recommendation; bills
authorizing: such a loan are in the
pigeon-holes of the Senate and House
committees on irrigation, and appar
ently little effort is being- made by
Western Senators to get action on the
loan bill.
This particular loan, however. Is
not alone to enable the Government
Q&asli Waslie
Skin Kept Healthy
We want all skin sufferers who have
Buffered for many years the torture of
disease and who have sought medical
aid in vain to read this.
We, as old established druggists of
this community, wish to recommend
to you a product that baa given many
relief and may mean the end of your
agony. The product Is a mild, simple
wash not a patent medic' ne concoct
ed of various worthies rugs, but a
scientific compound ma' ot well
known antiseptic lngr ents. It Is
made In the D. D. D. laboratories of
Chicago and Is called the D. D. D. Pre
ciiptloa fr Ecsema.
This la a doctor's special prescrip
tionone that baa effected many won
derful cures.
D.D.D for 15 Years the Standard Skin Remedy
Boys' Norfolk Suits
Smart, snappy styles, such as every red-blooded boy wants to wear. The
finest makes in the country. Included are all our famous Two-Pant Suits,
which at regular prices are considered the best values in the citv. All size.
5 to 18.
$ 5.00 Boys' Norfolks S 3.95 S 7.50 Boys' Norfolks g; 5.9J
$ 6.50 Boys' Norfolks $ 5.10 $10.00 Boys' Norfolks S 7.S5
$15.00 Boys' Norfolks.... $11.85
Child's Russian Suits
Natty little Suits in ages 2'z to 7
$5.00 Russian Suits S3.05
$6.00 Russian Suits S-4.75
$7.50 Russian Suits $5.95
$8.50 Russian Suits 6.75
Boys' Knicker, Pants
Every pair of splendid Knicker
bockers in our stock goes on' sale.
Many full lined.
$1.00 Knickerbockers 79
$1.50 Knickerbockers SI. 15
$2.00 Knickerbockers S1.50 '
$2.50 Knickerbockers $1.95
Morrison at Fourth
to co-operate with the states in com
pleting: private projects, but to com
plete all the projects which it has
started. It was found long: ago that
the money now available will not be
sufficient to complete all existing: Gov
ernment projects and it was this dis
covery that first induced the Secretary
of the Interior to recommend a loan.
Administration Support Needed.
Apparently only one thing: will push
the reclamation loan bill through Con
gress, and that is the influence of the
Administration. Every measure that
bears the Administration stamp goes
through both Senate r.nd House with
out serious objection. The reclamation
loan bill, of course, will be objected
to by. Eastern Congressmen and those
from the South, for those two sections
have never been favorably inclined
towards reclamation, but the Influence
of one President forced the reclama
tion bill through Congress, and the
Influence of another can get the J100.
000.000 loan recommended by Secre
tary Lane.
Without the influence of the Presi
dent behind it, this will will have hard
sledding. As yet the President has
done nothing to aid in securing the
passage of the bill so strongly rec
ommended by his Secretary of the In
Candidate for Mayor Wants Noted
Minister as Opponent.
TERRE HAUTEl Ind., April 18.
While he was the Democratic candidate
for his present office. Mayor Donn M.
Roberts, on trial in this city on
charges of conspiracy to corrupt elec
tions, attempted to Induce Rev. Paul
C. Curnick. clergyman and prominent
Progressive, to become a 'candidate for
Mayor as his opponent, the minister
yV School on a form
where boys leant by Joins:. Actual contacttin
der competent instruction with the tilling; of the
oil. crowins and harvesting of crops on a 670
acre farm. As the seasons change, every day
bnnss new and real experience. Put the whole
boy to work where he will set the "how" as well
as the "why.- Shops, work with tools and ani
tnals, deep woods, a beautiful lake, tramps, boat,
ma. bathing, sports, right associates, with an ex
ceptional school and camp equipment just the
thina the city boy moat needs visurous. health
ful, out-of-door life in the sunshine. The Sum.
mer Camp Session opens June 1 5th. Get catalog
and particulars from
By P.P.
With D. D. D. Soap
The effect of D. D. T. is to soothe
Instantly, as soon as applied: then It
penetrates the pores, destroys and
throws off all disease germs and
leaves the skin clean and healthy.
We are so confident of the marvel
ous power of D. D. D. that we have
taken advantage of the manufactur
er's guarantee to offer you a full-size
bottle on trial. You are to judge the
merits of the remedy In your own
rar-rtrnlar tut. If It doesn't help yon
t costs you nothing.
D. D. r. Soap is made of the same
healing Ingredients. Ask ua about It.
Huntley Drug Co., Washington at
Fourth; Woodard, Clarke tc Co., Drug
Boys' Wash Suits
Entire stock of Washable Suits,
every garment new this season. Ages
2 to 8 vears.
$1.00 Washable Suits 75V
$1.50 Washable Suits.. SI. 15
$2.00 Washable Suits Sl.SO
$2.50 Washable Suits SI. 95
$3.00 Washable Suits $2.35
$5.00 Washable Suits $3.95
Child's Reefers
$ 5.00 Reefers for.....
$ 6.00 Reefers for
$ 7.50 Reefers for
$10.00 Reefers for
- .
- - $
... $
declined. This was the testimony of
John S. Roper, who declared today that
for five or six years he had served as
a political agent for Mayor Roberts
and was his agent In attempting to in
151 Fourth Street
New Home of
Graves Music Co.
Now Open for Business
Six Palatial Talking Machine Demonstration Parlors, in
polished mahogany and plate glass, are marvels of beauty
and convenience. Special demonstrations of the new Edison
Diamond Disc Phonographs given hourly. Take advantage
of our "easiest way" payment plan.
Graves Music Co.
NEW STORE 151 4th bt.
Full Quart Only $1.00 Express Paid
rTMDS is a special introductory offer we are making to secure
I NEW customers west of the Rockies and if YOU have
never tried Hayner Whiskey, we want you to try it
NOW. Cut out this ad mail it with your order and ONE
DOLLAR in currency or stamps and the full quart bottle of
Hayner Private Stock Bottled in-Bond Whiskey will be sent in
sealed case express charges paid. It's great a Bottled-in-Bond
whiskey of the finest kind sealed with the U. S.
Government's Green Stamp over the cork your assurance
it is fully aged, full 100 proof, full measure as good and
pure as can be produced. It's sure to please you sure to
win your future trade. You take no chances you know we
are responsible been in business 47 years capital $500,000.00
fully paid. Don't put this off order right now and goods
will go forward by first express.
NHTF p",Iir irtlara unit rmll (or FOUR noart tor S i mMMlil-mTVf
AJJrwtm our nmarmmt officm
Kansas City. Mo. c, pui
a-4 Shrpi9 i-ror also st St. Louis. Mo.. Dartoo. 0 Toted O
Indianapolis. Ind.. N.w Orlsans. La.. JscksooTillaTVu BostorTMua.
- 4.73
4 Si
duce Curnlek to become a candidate.
Roper said that Mayor Roberts had
secured the Democratic poll books and
had pointed out to him about 30 names,
whit'h he said were hous.
Also Victrolas,
Grafonolas and
Edison Con
cealed Horn
Diamond Point
Cylinder Phon
ograph. Near Morrison
$80.00 ITtS!