The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 19, 1914, Section One, Page 4, Image 4

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Judge Gives Important Ruling
on Pennsylvania Law as
it. . to Vivisection.
Jury lias Case on Outcome of Which
Depends Trial of Five Other Mem
bers of Medical Faculty
, of State University.
PHILADELPHIA, April 18. An im
portant Interpretation of Pennsylvania
law on vivisection was made Friday In
In the trial of Dr. Joseph K. Sweet,
charged with wanton cruelty to dogs
sfter operations, when Judge F. Amedee
Bregy, in addressing tne jury, declared
that a person guilty of wanton cruel
torture of an animal shall be guilty
of a crime, even though the cruel treat
ment be done for scientific purposes.
Dr. Sweet is assistant professor of
surgical research in the medical de
partment of the University of Penn
sylvania. Five Others Are Affected.
Five other members of the medical
faculty of the university are also un
der indictment for alleged cruel treat
ment of dogs after operations and the
trial of their cases depends on the out
come of the proceedings against Dr.
Sweet. The Jury retired . late in the
day and court adjourned until Monday.
If a verdict is reached in the meantime
It will be sealed and returned when
court reconvenes.
After the case went to the jury the
University of Pennsylvania authorities
amide public a report of a special com.
mittee of the board of trustees and a
resolution adopted by the full board
relative to the teaching work involving
animal experimentation.
Committee Upholds Faculty.
The committee reported that the
charges against the members of the
medical faculty were, "as far as could
be ascertained, absolutely without
The trustees adopted resolutions ap
proving the report and also approving
the continuance of the methods of in
vestigation in the medical department
of the institution.
During the closing session three wo
men were removed from the courtroom'
find a young man was taken into
custody for hissing at a remark made
by counsel for Dr. Sweet. The defense
asked for the withdrawal of a juror as
. resuit of the incident. This was
denied, by Judge Bregy.
Vancouver Body Appointed to Inves
tigate Union-A venue Deal.
" VANCOUVER, Wash., April 18.
(Special.) The committee to investi
gate and confer with the County Com
missioners concerning the terms upon
which the right-of-way for the Co
lumbia River Interstate bridge may be
granted over the right-of-way of the
Portland. Railway, Light & Power Com.
pany on the extension of Union ave
nue, in Portland, was announced to
day. The members are B. L. Dorman,
W. G. Drowley, F. M. Kettenring, R- C.
ugg and A. B. Eastham.
It is feared by many that the Port
land Railway, Light & Power Company
will have the bridge bottled up so
that no other road can cross unless
complying with conditions set by this
Club Needs Money to Send Big Dele
gations to Conventions.
Charles K. Berg, president of the
Portland Ad Club, has sent to all mem
bers of the club an .announcement of
the campaign to raise funds for send
ing a great representation from Port
land to Vancouver anJ Toronto to the
conventions of the Admen of the WeBt
and the Admen of -he World. .
One of the first stunts planned to
raise the funds is the taking over by
the. Ad Club of three nights at the
Baker Theater, April 28-30, inclusive.
when the stock company is putting on
theelasco play, "The Easiest Way.
Between acts on those nights the Ad
Club will have several special attrac
tions and committees are going into the
field soon to make sure that there will a vacant seat in the house on
the nights that the admen have taken.
Portland Retail Merchants Elect
; List of Officers 'for Year.
E. J. Jaeger, of Jaeger Brothers, was
elected president of the Portland Re
tail Merchants' Association at its an
nual meeting Friday at noon.
With him will serve in the ensuing
year the following corp3 of officers:
First vice-president, E. D. Tlmms; sec
ond vice-president, J. Plageman; sec
retary, Fred Buffum; assistant secre
tary. W. B. Shively, and treasurer,
Wilfrid P. Jones.
The elective officers will constitute
the ; executive board, with the follow
ing other elected directors: Charles F.
Berg, J. C. English, C. G. Whltemore,
A. A. Dekum and W. A. Knight.
W. A. Marshall, representing the In
dustrial Accident commission, and A.
G. Clark, president of the Pacific Coast
division of the Admen's Association,
made talks.
Increase in "Free" Merchandise Is
7 Per Cent for March.
WASHINGTON, April 18. Both im
ports and exports were greater last
month than in March, 1913, according
to figures announced yesterday by the
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com
merce, March imports totaled $181,930,039.
' against $155,445,498 in March last year,
1 per cent of this being free mer
chandise, against 64 per cent in March,
1913. Domestic exports last month
were $183,921,571, against $183,446,790
for March last year.
Board Complains About Some
City Appointments.
In an effort to weed out Inspectors
not under, civil service - Jurisdiction
in City Commissioner Dieck's depart
ment. George W. Caldwell, president of
the Municipal Civil Service Board, has
sent a letter to Mr. Dieck In
forming him that the temporary ap
pointees must be dropped and their
places filled with persons duly quali
fied under civil service rules.
It is said there are employes in Mr.
Dieck's department who have been ap
pointed over the heads of persons who
have taken civil service examinations
and are on the waiting lists. Mr. Cald
well's letter to Mr. Dieck reads as fol
lows: "It has come to our attention that
for several months there have been
working under temporary appointment
several persons with the title of in
spector. From the present informa
tion it is the judgment of the board
that the work being done by these
temporary appointees is such that It is
placed within the scope of the exami
nation for persons who now comprise
the eligible list of senior inspectors.
This being the situation as it appears
to us. we think that appointments
should be made from the eligible list
and the temporary appointees should
be discontinued.
"Matters of this character and other
matters coming before the board seem
to furnish ground for considerable
complaint among those who have taken
examination for various kinds of mu
nicipal offices, and it seems to us that
we should all strive to comply as nearly
as possible with civil service regula
tions to the end that there should be
no just basis for complaint."
Plan of Advance Study of Problems la
Declared "Best Yet" by Edward
Kiddle and C. L. Hawley.
Two State Senators from other coun
ties have already accepted the invita
tion of Multnomah holdover Senators
to co-operate in preparing an intelli
gent programme for reducing taxes,
eliminating useless state commissions
and consolidating others in the inter
est of greater efficiency, before the
next Legislature meets.
Edward E. Kiddle, holdover Senator
from Union and Wallowa counties, and
C. L. Hawley, candidate for re-election
as State Senator from Benton and Polk
counties, were in Portland yesterday
and said that they would co-operate
to the fullest extent with the Mult
nomah Senators. They thought the
plan of studying out the problem be
forehand, so that prompt action, based
on thorough knowledge of the subject.
can be taken by the Legislature, as
one of the best to be undertaken In
many a day.
Senator Kiddle proposed to make a
special study of the tSate Sanitary In
spection Board and of the appropria
tion for the destruction of wild ani
mals, with both of which he is famil
iar, in co-operation with the work to
be done by the Multnomah Senators.
Senator Hawley, who was a member of
the education committee of the last
Senate, will study the appropriations
to be made for educational purposes.
The Multnomah Senators will hold a
meeting with members of the State
Railroad Commission in Portland some
time next week. At this meeting one
important subject for discussion will
be the suggested transfer of the pow
ers and duties of the State Tax Com
mission to the Railroad Commission.
Election Cards and Candidates Placards Flooding City and Country
Districts W. L. Robb Urges Republicans to Support Ralph E. Wil
liams for National Committeeman Charles A. Johns Talks to Alberta
Voters News of the Candidates.
ELECTION card time, certain sign
of Spring and. primaries, is again
on the Job. Imagine what 252
earnest candidates for state and 41
for county nominations can do in the
way of election"-card circulating when
they set their minds to It, and you
gain an idea, Just an Idea of the heft
of cards and other campaign litera
ture descended upon this city. Most of
the candidates haven't more than
tapped tho first layers of their card
supply, at that.
Candidates' placards, tacked on old
barns and fences all over the city and
through the country districts, are an
other sign that tne primary election
campaign is In full swing. Some of
the former circulators of nominating
petitions are turning a few dollars by
undertaking to post these placards
throughout the county.
Speaking of the placards brings to
mind the plight of one candidate in
Portland four or five years ago. He
was a good-looking candidate, and his
friends advised him to go strong on
placards containing a large photo
graph of himself. He ordered 20CO or
He was looking about for somebody
to post them up, when along came an
honest-appearing fellow who offered,
for a consideration, to see that they
were "circulated." A bargain was
struck. The candidate insisted only
that, as the time was short, they must
be circulated quickly. He was unwise
enough to make an advance payment.
That night the man who was to do
the "circulating" took all the placards
down to the terminal grounds and
tacked them on the sides of freight
cars. Not a car escaped. The placards
were "circulated" all Tight. In the
natural n.ovement of traffic thi can
didate got some fine advertising in
Spokane, Seattle. Tacoma, San Fran
cisco and Chicago within the next few
In a formal statement, W. L. Robb,
who withdrew as a candidate for Re
publican National committeeman from
Oregon several days ago, has explained
his reasons for so doing. Mr. Robb
says: V
I take this means of explaining to
my friends and Republican voters of
Oregon why, after filing my declara
tion to be a candidate for the nomina
tion of National committeeman, I
withdrew, or rather, declined to com
plete my filing.
When I filed I was sincere in my
desire to secure the nomination,' as I
thought it would be a contest between
Republicans, but when I learned that
Charles W. Ackerson, who, on January
8 registered as a member of the Pro
gressive party, and on March 14
changed his registration to Kepubli
can, had filed his declaration for the
nomination for National committee
man. I deemed it my duty as a loyal
Republican to withdraw my filing in
favor of a man whose Republicanism
cannot be questioned, so I declined to
complete my filing In order that Ralph
E. Williams, the present Republican
national committeeman, might have a
clear field. Mr. Ackerson during the
last year has been a most persistent
vllifier of the Republican party, and
his change of faith as late as March
14 and immediate filing of his candi
dacy for Republican National commit
teeman shows conclusively that he and
nis co-woraers want tnis olllce to lur
ther vilify and disrupt the Republican
"I sincerely hope that' all good Re
publicans in Oregon will look into this
matter and support Ralph E. Williams,
as there is no doubt of his Republi
canism. -
Rainier, Clatskanie,. Astoria, Seaside
D. 0. Mills' Holdings at Death
Appraised at $36,227,391.
Son and Daughter Receive $17,509,
901 Each After AU Deductions
Are Made, and Half-Million
Goes to Charities.
NEW TORK, April 18. The estate of
Darius Ogden Mills, who died at Mil
brae, Cal., January 3, 1910, has been
appraised at $36,227,391. it was made
known yesterday. The personal estate
of Mr. Mills was $31,947,391 and real es
tate (4,280,000. The net estate, after
deductions for expenses and commis
sions, amounts to $35,019,803.
The residue of the. estate is divided
equally between Mr. Mills daughter,
Mrs. Elizabeth Reld, widow of White
law Reid. and the testator's son, Ogden
Mills. The share of each is $17,009,901.
The public bequests of Mr. Mills,
amounting to $500,000, are as follows:
St. Luke's Hospital, San Francicso,
$100,000; Metropolitan Museum of Art,
$100,000; American Museum of Natural
History, $100,000; Home for Incurables,
$100,000; New York Botanical Gardens,
$50,000; American Geographical Soci
ety, $25,000, and National Red Cross
House Provides Actual Expense Only
for Members.
WASHINGTON, April 18. The House
struck the time-honored 'mileage ' al
lowances for Congressmen out of the
legislative appropriation bill today and
provided for actual expenses of mem-
bers to and from Washington. The
Senate has yet to agree to the proposal.
All the Representatives from the
Northwest except Bryan of Washington
and French of Idaho voted in favor of
continuing payment at the rate of 20
cents a mile, and both Bryan and
French supported 20-cent mileage until
they were called on to go on record to
If the Senate adopts the new basis of
mileage, members and Senators will
receive only the actual cost of transpor
tation from their homes to Washington
and return, which will materially cut
the allowance of the Pacific Coast
Representative Laff erty will lose more
heavily than . any other member, for
under the new basis he will secure only
the price of a round-trip ticket for one
person, there being no dependent mem
bers of his family.
Sons of Revolution, Decide on Statue
for French Admiral.
WASHINGTON. April 18. With Am
bassador Jusserand. of France, and
and other towns in Clatsop and Co
lumbia Counties will be visited by Dr.
James Withycombe, former director of
the Oregon Agricultural College ex
periment station, and Republican can
didate for Governor, in a campaign trip
on which he started yesterday. After
returning to Portland next Monday, Dr.
VV ithycombe will go to Central Oregon
visiting Bend and Prineville. He will
campaign for three days in Crook
Archie F. Leonard, Republican can
didate for Sheriff, Is planning to do
some extensive campaigning in East
em Multnomah County within the
next few days. Mr. Leonard, who
served for six and one-half years as
chief field deputy under Sheriff Ste
vens, will visit Troutdale, Falrview
and Gresham in the course of his trip.
Ex-Governor T. T. Geer, candidate
for the Republican nomination for
Governor, returned to Portland Friday
after two days of campaigning at
Silverton, his boyhood home. He also
put in a day each at Gresham and in
the Oswego section of Clackamas
County. After filling three speaking
engagements in Portland the first of
next week, he will go to Seaside, As
toria and other river towns. Mr. Geer
reports a growing interest in the cam
Leaving Portland next Monday
Frank S. Grant, Republican candidate
for Attorney-General, will go to Red
mond. Prineville and Bend. On May 1,
Mr. Grant expects to make a campaign
trip to coos county.
Charles A. Johns, candidate for the
Republican nomination for Governor,
addressed voters of the Alberta dis
trict Friday night in Baker Hall. Al
berta street, near East Seventeenth. He
centered his remarks on high taxes
and an economical administration of
the state government.
"With all due respect to recent Leg
islatures," said Mr. Johns, "the fact
remains that the total expenses of the
state for the years 1913-14 are more
than three times what it cost to run
the state in 1905-06. The Leglsla
lure of 1905-06 appropriated $2,012,
4.72. wmie our last Legislature ap
propriated the enormous sum of $6,
173,475.17. Here is an increase of more
tnan $4,000,000, or more than 200 per
cent in eight years, for the- cost of
maintaining the government - of this
"I want to tell yon people that any
business man or corporation that would
conduct its own affairs in ' the same
way and with the same business meth
ods that the affairs of this state have
been conducted for the past eight or
10 years would go broke. It is not
so much whether it is the fault of the
Legislature or the fault of the people,
or whose fault it is, the fact remains
that it has cost too much to administer
the affairs of the state, and I maintain
that the right kind of public officials
could and would in a large measure
remedy the loose business methods that
have been employed."
Mr. Johns compared the cost of main
taining the various state offices, includ
ing that of Governor. Secretary of State,
State Treasurer and Attorney-GeneraL
He showed that the increase . in ex
penses of these officials for the pres
ent biennial period with that of 10
years ago was from 150 to 300 per
cent. This he characterised as need
less extravagance, asserting that the
increase in population Justified no such
increase in cost of maintenance.
George S. Shepherd, Republican can
didate for Congress, spoke at a meet
ing of the Sellwood Commercial Club
last night.
Madame Jusserand as guests of honor,
the Sons of the Revolution began their
triennial convention last night on board
the steamer Southland, bound down
Chesapeake Bay on a trip that will in
elude historic Yorktown, Fortress Mon
roe and -Virginia Beach.
It will be a traveling convention.
business sessions being held on the
oat between stopping points. The
steamer will return to Washington Sun
day. The feature, of the session last night
was the adoption of a resolution ap
pointing a committee to arrange for
the erection of a statue to Admiral
Francois Joseph Paul de Grasse, the
French naval officer whose aid during
the Revolutionary War brought about
the capitulation of Cornwallis and his
urrender to Washington at Torktown
in 1781.
Ambassador Jusserand recently called
ttention to the fact that Admiral De
Grasse was the only foreign command
er who took part in the American Rev
olution who was not honored with a
Protective Tariff Scores Over Free
Trade Gospel la Argiment of
Hitch School Students.
April 18. (Special.) The protective
tariff scored a victory over free trade
in the seml-flnais in the State High
School Debating League here last night,
when the Oregon City team won a two-
to-one decision over the Klamath Falls
duo. The winners upheld the negative
of the question, "Resolved, That the
general welfare of the United States
would be fostered by a complete appli
cation of the principle of tariff for
revenue only."
The debaters for Oregon City were
Elbert Charman and William Miller; for
Klamath Falls, Forrest Peil and Wil
liam Hagelstein.
The Judges were: Superintendent R.
L. Kirk, of Springfield; C. C Collins
and E. Kinney Miller, of Eugene.
The negative maintained that every
downward reduction in the history of
tariff legislation in the United States
had been followed by a period of flnan
cial depression, and that the partial
reduction of four months ago had
failed to affect the high cost of living.
The winners excelled in delivery,
Charman made a strong speech in
rebuttal. Peil presented a logical argu
ment for Klamath Falls.
By winning tonight's debate Oregon
City qualified for the finals in the
State High School League to be decided
here during Junior "week-end.
North Bank's Kast Side Quarters to
Be Ready May 2 5.
Immediate construction of the
North Bank road's temporary freight
house at East Morrison street and
Union avenue was authorized Frl
day with instructions to have the
building ready to accommodate mer
chandise freight traffic beginning
Monday, May 2a.
Effective on that date the North
Bank will handle less-than-carload
business for its East Side patrons
This will give East Side shippers the
transportation service that they have
been praying for and will make com
plete the invasion of the Hill roads
and the Northetn Pacific of the East
Side shipping district.
Foreigner in Two Years Learns Eng
lish and Convinces Officials.
SALEM. Or.. April 18. (Special.)
Inability to speak the English lan
guage once put Matto Marinovitch in
the Penitentiary. Ability to the lan
guage now. will free him.
Two years ago Marinovitch bought a
watch of a man at the Forest Grove
depot. The watch had been stolen.
Marinovitch was unable to make the
police understand. Now the authorities
de understand and a pardon will be is
sued tomorrow.
Two years study of the language has
enabled Marinovitch to tell his story.
Liquor Plank Only Fight Promised
by Indiana Progressives Today.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 18.
Hundreds of Progressives from all o-er
the state were gathered here tonight
for 'the state convention tomorrow.
Former State Senator Albert Beverldge
as temporary chairman will make the
opening speech.
The party's declaration on the liquor
question in its platform promises the
only fight of the convention.
Klre Destroys Home.
Fire Friday night destroyed the house
and contents at 6703 Sixtieth avenue,
Southeast. The occupants, the names
of whom the police and fire depart
ment were unable to learn last night,
were away and had not returned at 2
o'clock this morning. The loss Is com.
Good Bowels
Growing Children Need a Mild
Laxative to Foster Regular
Bowel Movement.
As' a child grows older it requires
moro and more personal attention from
the mother, and as the fnuctions of the
bowels are of the utmost importance to
health, great attention should be paid
to them.
Diet is of great importance, and the
mother should watch the effect of cer
tain foods. A food will constipate one
and not another, and so we have a
healthy food like eggs causing bilious
ness to ' thousands, and a wholesome
fruit like bananas constipating many.
It is also to be considered that the
child is growing, and great changes
are taking place In the young man or
young woman. The system has not
yet settled Itself to Its later routine.
A very valuable remedy at this stage,
and one which every growing boy and
girl should be given often or occasion
ally, according to the individual cir
cumstances, is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin. This is a laxative and tonic
combined, so mild that it is given to
little babies, and yet equally effective
In the most robust constitution. At
the first sign of a tendency to con
stipation give a small dose of Syrup
Pepsin at night on retiring, and prompt
action will follow in the morning. It
not only acts on the stomach and
bowels but its tonio properties build
up and strengthen the system gener
ally, which is an opinion shared by Mr.
John Dey, of Bloomfield. N. J. He has
a large family and at ages where the
growth and development must be
watched. Little Marie has thrived
Take one of our high
power Field Glasses
on your auto vaca
tion trips or walks
afield. Give your
boy or girl a pair
with which to study
bird life. We have
good glasses for
$2.50 and up to $125.
Woodard, Clarke
Wood-Lark Building Alder
Moving; Pictures, Vaudeville Girls. Box
ing, Music and Oratory Signalise
Sixth Annaal Banquet.
OREGON CITY. Or, April 18. (Spe
cial.) With after-dinner talks in the
nature of an oratorical contest, ex
hibition boxing:, moving pictures, music
and vaudeville, not to mention Beveral
display features, the formal opening; of
the new quarters of the Oregon City
Commercial Club tonight was as in
teresting; as it was ausoicious. There
were between ISO and 160 at the sixth
annual banquet and the programme
which followed was distinctive for Its
' With a eulogy on Oregon City, Rev.
T. B. Ford, of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, was the first prizewinner In
the oratorical contest among after
dinner speakers. The prize was a large
cake. Other speakers were John A.
Bexall. dean of the school of commerce,
at Oregon Agricultural College, and
T. M. Sullivan, president of the club.
Three models of Improvements, com
pleted or under construction, in Ore
gon City, were a feature exhibition.
These models, made of papier tnache,
by Robert Crawford, of the Willamette
Paper & Pulp Company, were of the
Second-street steps, the Seventh-street
elevator and the fire tower.
A moving-picture show, music by the
club quartet and an orchestra, vaude
ville by the Marshall and McDermott
girls, boxing by Bruce and Woodward.
who went three rounds, and Lewis and
Spangle, who went six, completed the
Paris Police Say Xliey Have Band
of Cosmopoliton Thieves.
4 PARIS, July 18. Count Maximilian
von Montgelas, a Bavarian nobleman,
and four persons with him were ar
rested today after a hot chase on the
Countess von Montgelas also was ar
rested after a search of the apartment
disclosed a large quantity of stolen
The police assert they formed one of
the most redoubtable bands of cosmo
politan thieves.
Charles Baish, Who Disappeared
Wednesday, Drowns Xear Canby.
OREGON CITY. April 18. The body
of Charles Balsh, 14-year-old son of
H. M. Balsh, an employe In Atkinson's
An Aid to Growth
I Vi. sZS- fV h
( H " -
especially well on Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin. Mr. Dey considers it the right
laxative for young and old and has
found none better for young children.
The use of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
sin will teach you to avoid cathartics,
salts and pills as they are too harsh for
the majority and their effect is only
temporary. Syrup Pepsin brings per
manent results, and it can be con
veniently obtained of any nearby drug
gist at 50 cents and tl a bottle. Re
sults are always guaranteed or money
will be refunded.
Families wishing to try free sam
pie bottle can obtain It postpaid by
addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 419
Washington street. Montlcello, 111. A
postal card with your name and address
on It will do.
Make safe
your outing
in the
We have
them in
many stylos
25e to $5.00.
Readers. Magnifiers, Microscopes
. Uta3
for the Scientist, Student, Botanist, Geologist, Prospector or
plain, ordinary hunian, who would look into that world which
the ordinary eye sees not. Instruments from 25c to' $125.00.
mill, near Canby, was found Friday
afternoon in Milk Creek. He disap
peared Wednesday.
A plkcpole stuc.: !n a log led to the
body's discovery. The boy's father be
lieves he slipped from the los while
Mr. Balsh and his son came to Oregon
from Denver, Colo., about a week ago
"AniioUR M ' (live vntir eliildren for
bedwetting 10 to l.r drops In water
before meals the following: Tincture
cubebs. 1 dram; tincture rhus aromatic.
- orams: comp. fluid balmwort. 1 or.
Mix well. This should be given about
one nour before meals in water.
"T. R. A." writes: "I am afflicted
with catarrh in throat anil nostrils.
Weak eyes and headache have resulted.
t'lease advise what to use?"
Answer: Obtain a two ounce package
or box of antiseptic vilane powder and
use it according to directions whicn
accompany each package.
"X. Y. 'A." writes: "My hair Is harsh
nd dead looking and my scuId is cov
ered with dandruff. Can you help me?"
Answer: uet a 4 ox. jar or plain yel
low minyol and tise It regularly and
your hair will become soft and fluffy
nd it win bring bacK tne intense nat
ural color in the hair; your dandruff
will be cured and you will be rewarded
witn a neuithy growtn or nair.
"Mrs. G." writes: "I want something
to Increase my weight about lu or 0
Kounds. My blood is thin, watery and I
ave a pale complexion. Doctors say I
am aenenuc.
Answer: Probably your assimilative
functions are Impaired and aenemia is
the result. I would advise that you be
gin taking three grain hypo-nuclane
tablets at once and continue until your
blood is re-vitalized with red and white
corpuscles. These tablets aid digestion
ana cause tne Dodv to assimilate tne
fatty elements in food, thus giving
color, weight and strength to the abnor
mally thin.
"Tom K." writes: "I have been unable
to work for some weeks on account of
rheumatism. What would you advise?"
Answer: Take the following and I am
sure you will soon be back at your work
again. Mix the following at home and
take a teaspoonful at meal times arid at
bed time: Iodide of potassium, 2 drams;
sodium salicylate. 4 drams; wine of col
chicum, 1-2 ounce; romp, essence car
diol, 1 oz.: fluid balmwort, 1 oz.: and
syrup sarsapariUa, 5 ozs.
"Clara" writes: "I have had a cough
for about a year and fear I shall never
be rid of it, as it gets worse with every
fresh cold I contract. Could you give
me a remedy?"
Answer: I can give you a remedy that
T am sure will relieve you and one that
is absolutely harmless and pleasant to
take. Make a syrup with one pint of
granulated sugar and one-half pint of
boiling water, put on the fire and let it
come to a hotl. then cool and add the
C. Scammon Gets Quick He
suits From Use of Mayr's
Wonderful Remedy.
iL C. iicammon. of 209 Sherman
street. Portland, was a victim of stom
ach troubles. He tried many treat
ments with but littlo promise of suc
cessful results.
At last he tried Mayr's Wonderful
Stomach Remedy and got quick relief.
In ordering the remedy after taking
the first dose he wrote:
"I took the sample treatment and
will say it helped me more than any
thing else I have ever tried and I want
the full treatment Immediately. I have
had several persons send for the treat
ment already." .
The quickness with which it proved
Itself to Mr. Iicammon Is one of the
great merits of the remedy. The first
'-W ft
Amber, Smoke, Blue, Green, Amethyst and
& Co.
Street at West Park
since when Mr. Baish has worked In the
mill located on Milk Creek. The boy's
mother has been notified and started
here this afternoon.
"Your salary isn't enough to support
my daughter." "I'm glad you've come
to that conclusion so early, sir." Bos
ton Transcript.
gfjOn Zetris JIjAci
The question answered below aro
general in character, the symptoms or
diseases are given and the answers will
apply to any case of similar nature.
Those wishing further jiflvice. free
mav address. ir. Lewis Baker. OoUeo
lildg., ColleKe-KHwotxl Sts., Dayton, ..
ein'losintr self - addressed Htamped en
velope for reply. Full name, and ad
dress must be given, but only initials
or fictitious name will be used In my
answers. The prescriptions can l
filled at any well-sto-ked drug store.
Any druggist can order of wholesaler.
contents of a 2 1-3 oz. bottlo of essence
meutho-laxene. which you can purchase
at any drug store, and you will have a
pint of the finest cough syrup on the
market today. It Is about eight times
cheaper than ordinary labeled cough
medicines and will last much longer.
"Miss Celia" writes: "I suffer with my .
stomach and have to live on a very
limited diet. I'lease prescribe some
thing so that 1 can digest food and
overcome this nausea and distress."
Answer: Tablets trlopeptine, you will
find most effective if regularly used for
several weeks. They are sold in sealed
cartons with full directions.
"Adam J." writes: "A period lias ar
rived in my life where I find my natural
strength and nervous system failing me.
I do not recuperate as of yore. My food
and rest seem not to benefit as they
should. Am weak, despondent and un
able to perform the duties which were
assumed earlier In life, while my ambi
tion for work and pleasure Is slowly
Answer: I think a powerful, harmless
tonic and nervine medicine will rejuve
nate and restore the functions of diges
tion, assimilation, and elimination by
Invigorating the nervous system. Obtain
three grain cadomene tablets, packed in
sealed tubes and take as per directions
KUen J. asks; "I am only 13 years old
and weigh iyo pounds. I am short, fat
and uncomfortable. i dislike to go in
company, as 1 feel embarrassed. Can
you advise a face reducing remedy?"
Answer: Anyone who is too fleshy can
safely take 5-graln arbolone tablets.
They are sold by wTI--tnf kl druggists
In sealed tubes with full directions for
use. A pound a day, if used regularly, can
be taken off.
"Q. I!." writes: "Please advise some
thing to take that will cure chronic
constipation. I have suffered for years
and have used many kinds of pills, but
thev do not cure."
Answer: I think most of the Illness is
caused by chronic constipation. If the
following tablets are taken regularly
they will gradually effect a cure as
they stimulate the liver and bowels into
healthy action. They are packed in
sealed tubes and are called three grain
sulpherb tablets (not sulphur tablets!
with full directions for taking. They
will also purify the blood and tone up
the entire system. If you are a dyspep
tic, take tablets trlopeptine. These two
medicines you will find in any up-to-date
Mr. C. P. writes: "What should I do
to relieve a severe case of kidney and
bladder disease? Urine is dark, foul of
odor, and passage is Irregular, painful,
etc. Have depression, fever, chills,
pains like rheumatism, and soreness in
region of bladder."
Answer: Forsuch symptoms as you de
scribe, I prescribe my favorite formula
under the name of balmwort tablets.
This Is a splendidly efficacious remedy
for such abnormal conditions. Begin
their use at once as per directions on
each sealed tube, A fl v.
dose proves no long treatment. It is
known everywhere. Thousands have
tried the remedy and now praise it.
Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy
clears the digestive tract of mucoid
accretions and removes poisonous mat
ter. It brings swift relief to sufferers
from ailments of the stomach, liver
and bowels. Many say that it has saved
them from dangerous operations and
many declare that It has saved their
Because of the remarkable success
of this remedy there are many imi
tators, so be cautious. Be sure it's
MAYR'S. Go to The Owl Drug Co. and
ask abo'ut tho wonderful results it
has been accomplishing among people
they know or send to Geo. H. Mayr,
Mfg. Cnemist, 154-156 Whiting street.
Chicago, 11L. for free book on Btom
ach ailments and many grateful let
ters from people who have been re
stored. Any druggist can tell you the
wonderful effects. Adv.