The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 12, 1914, SECTION TWO, Image 19

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NO. 13.
. Higb-Grade Furniture at Half -Price
$7000 Worth of Beds, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Extension Tables, Buffets
China Closets, Dining Chairs and Parlor Suits The surplus stock
of the Oregon Furniture Co. HALF-PRICE CASH OR CREDIT
$35 Colonial
Dresser, Half
Price, $17.50
Large Colonial Dresser ; tha
greatest Dresser bargain of
fered here. Made of solid
oakj quarter-sawed, beautiful
figured Circassian walnut fin
ished in the popular dull vr&x.
The size of base is 22x42, with
French plate mirror 24x30.
Regular price $35.00.
At Gadsbys' Half -Price
T" 'l 1
9 ri a
for (
r La a i o r
? 1
48-Inch Top, 8 Feet Long.
This extraordin
ary value Is only
one of the many
now to be picked
up In our store.
We have SO or
more of them. All
quarter - sawed
oak. beautifully
figured. Sise of
top 64 In. when
closed; open. i4x
120. Note the
heavy 4-lnch rim.
the 10-lnch pedos
tal and heavy Co
lonial feet. "Some
bargain this,
at S29.50
Other Pedestal
Tables as low
as 87.50
Gadsbys' Big Special
Brussels Rug 9x12 Feet
& H 1 DC
f 1 loOO
These Rugs are special quality with us. We
have them in a variety of patterns. The col
orings and general designs are certainly excel-
lent. Gadsbys' special price J?1 1 QC
at only V A0-
Rugs Never Sold So Cheap
Come and see for yourself if you ever saw
such a variety to select from so
reasonably priced.
"-r iTr-if"'! rt- --rutin- r"i r n
$45.00 Steel Range
A regular $43 Range guaranteed, with high
closet and duplex .grate, .spring-balanced oven
doors. This is a heavy, substantial, durable
Rang-e, made of the best quality cold-rolled steel.
Adapted for coal or wood. Oven thoroughly
braced and bolted, asbestos lining throughout,
nickel-trinimed section-plate top. CJOQ Cf
Gadsbys' special price iptiJ.JJ
Convertible Into a Bed
With Two Motions
ipj3ss4Haai3 AAA
Above is pictured the Duo-Fold Divan Bed when opened up and ready for use aa a bed.
But two simple motion-; are all that are necessary to make the change from divan to
bed. It is unnecessary to move the divan from the wall: the back remains stationary.
There Is enough space between the spring to allow the mattress and bed clothes to re
main when folded up. When used as a bed. you do not sleep on the hard upholstering',
but on the mattress that can be placed over the springs, thus making- your bed as com-
I fortable in every way as a full-sized regulation bed. Gadsbys' price is 830.00
This Davenport
Only $25.00
Has Automatic Action
Has a, receptacle for bedding:
makes a comfortable bed. Frame
is of oak; seat and back are up
holstered over oil-tempered steel
springs, covered in Chase leather.
Retails at $30. Spe- C An
clal this week iB.J,VJJ
$19 Library Tables $9.50
$19 Library
Tables S9.SOI
This handsome Library Table is
quarter-sawed white oak, with rich
deep natural markings, honestly
made, beautifully finished, either
fumed or waxed golden oak;
height 32 inches, top 42x28, legs
are 3-inch ; largts drawer with wood
knobs. Other stores ask $19.00
Gadsbys' half
$45.00 Five-Piece Parlor Suit, Half Price, $22.50
" -1
Did you ever see so much parlor suit for so low a price, consisting of: 1 large settee, 1 large arm
rocker, 1 large arm chair and two reception chairs. The frames of the set are solid biroh, finished in
pretty dark mahogany, and are well upholstered over fine coil springs and covered in tfJOO E-f
brown Spanish chase leather. Regular price $45.00; special y2 price pt.JJ
-i lj griT i 1
Z, A?
"-' V . J
ll This Style V
This Style
Gadsbys' Gas
Ranges Always
Buy yonr Gas Range while the
price is low. $20 Gas
Ranges, special at P JL J
Other Gas Stoves as cheap as $6.60
Gas Plates as Low
as 50c
We guarantee our prices
30 to 50 per cent lower
than the mail order con
cerns, department . stores
or wholesale houses, on
this great special lot.
No Hatter What bu Want In Furniture
Tf you have Furniture that
doesn't suit want something
more up to date and better
phone us and we'll send a.
competent man to see It and
arrange to take It as part
payment on the kind you want
theGadsby kind. We'll make
you a liberal allowance for
your sroods and we'll sell you
new Furniture at low prices.
The new Furniture will be
promptly delivered. Have Fur
niture you'll be proud of.
Peet and Salveson Sent In as
Seals' Victims After Vet
eran Is Hammered.
3 O Vounjc.p.
J110 Mohier.J. .
J 1 0 I .
I 3 O O Tfnnart.l .
o o o o WHurcn.L
U 1 K.;:nau.S.
O l O O Moraa.m. .
O 2 2 1 Hcthrr.c. .
0 o.lvlanfler.p.
112 0
OH) 111
0 1 v o
:t 1 o o
1 4 3 O
1 ll 1 o
10 3 0
Granted That San FVanclsco Was
Oat In Front All the Way 'Dutch'
Taps Lei field for Doable
and One Over Fence.
Parlfle Coaat League,
Oakland at Portland, six games..
Los Angeles at Son Francisco,
sevsn ami.
Sacramento at Venice, seven games.
Nort h west era Leagoe.
Port Is nd st Seattle, stx ssmes.
Vancouver at T scorn. April 14. 15
and 19.
T scorn at Vancouver, April 16.
17 end 18.
Victoria t Spoksne, six limes.
After the fourth not an Oak reached
first until, with two out in the ninth.
Gardner doubled to right an J was
thrown out at the plate by Morsn on
Qulnlan's sinlo. Score:
Oakland Sacramento
B H OAF.1 11 li OAK
Murphy. 2.
7.a chfr.m.
ok.. . . ,
iieyer. p. . .
Krultt.p. .. 2
MJu lon.. x O 0 v
tUartlner. .1 1 O O o;
Tnts'.s. .S4 11 2 10 3 Totsls. .:1 8 J7 1 1
Multilist on batted rr ;yer in e-ond.
tUardner bailed lor hu;a in ninth.
Oa) land 3 o O 1 O ( O 0 O 4
Ulta 4 it 1 4 o 11 o O 2 11
Sacrstr.ento 3 0 0 3 ft
iit 1 l m 1 1 4 u u a
Kun. Murphy. Kftvlor. lletlins. Prultt.
Toutttf. Mohler. Hallinan. Morrn.. KoUrrr.
ttolclk Oair. Ness. a a burn. 1. harso ci
fest to 1'rultt. viyr pitch-M on innlnc.
- runs. 1 hit. 3 st Tw-hae hits.
Oardner. Rohrer. Hslllnsn. Klawlttar. Three-
ima I'ruut. Pirui k out. by Pruiti 4,
by Klawitter . Piiri on off Oerer 2.
off 1'rullt . oif Kiawutpr lilt by jtiiched
ball. Mohler. by tieyer. 1'asaed bil'., Koh
rer. Kum responsible for. tlyer U. I'ruitt J.
K Is w It tr 2. 1 f t on bAK L 01 : Uad i.
Sacramento 6. Time of same. - :u0. L'm-
pires. Finney and Phyte.
rotxcr Hreaks IXttlc Klnpcr In Fall
Stopping Iicard'a lilt.
LOS ANGELES, April 11. Venice
easily outplayed Los Angeles today and
won the game, S to 4. The Tig-era
knocked Crabb out of the box and Mc
Kenry replaced him, but could not
overcome the lead of the Venetians.
The Angels' tl.lrd baseman. Metier,
broke his right little tinker in a fall
in the f:ftij inninsr. when he stopped
Leurd's single. lie was replaced by
Sawyer. Score:
Los Angeles I Venice
Pacific Coat League Standings.
1 Pet ' Y. L. Pet
I t-08 Angeles 7 4 Portland 4 o
hTan. . 4 .WK orainnto. 4 5
I Venice 6 5 .040. Juklund .... 3 7 .Juu
Yesterday's Kesults.
At Ssn Krancisco an Francisco 14. Port
land 4.
At Los Angeles Venice 8. Los, Anareles 4.
At Sacramento Sacramento p, Oakland 4.
J SAN f KA.NC1SCO, April 11. (Spe-
ciaL) Walter McCredle stagred the
slaughter of the innocents at Hecrea
; tion Park today, and after the San
! Francisco baseball public had laug-hed
until Its respective sides ached from
the unusual exercise, the score that
was pinned up on the bulletin boards
looked like this: San Francisco 1 4.
Portland 4.
The slaughter of the innocents mas
a case of working recruit pitchers in
the face of certain defeat. With HiB-
B-tnbotham literally batted out of the
box In a little more than three innings,
McCredle turned the engineering of the
a it OAK
S 2 7 0 OTarllsle.l. .
1 l.esrd.2. ...
0 0 Kune.m . . .
0 0 lavlea.r. ,
0 t llosp.v.
1 0 linrtou. 1 . .
1 u l..t lit. J . .
1 OT.lilolt.c. .
1 0 W huv.p. . .
0 l
0 3
1 i
1 1
0 1
1 0
0 4
0 V
4 0
0 o
I 4 5"
: 11 e 1
4 o
1 u
0 O fttfi
6 0 0 0;
:'f'f.! ....
VVoiter.r.. 3
Moore. I ... a
KlUs.i 4
Johnson. a. 3
Metaer.3. 3
ltrooka.c. t
rrabb.p. . . 3
-awyer.S.. 3
UcKenrv.p 1
Absteln.. 1
Totsls. 14 8 : 4 1 Totn!.; Z- 13 7 14 S
Batted for Juhndin in luntii.
Los Anxeles f 3 0 0 1 0 0 4
lilts IO20111 r R
Venice 0 1 1 0 1 t 3 o s
IlilS 021133 .10 13
Runs, Wolter. KIMa. .lohnion. Metzer.
Bay lest.. Ilosp, Lor ton. Lliscli I ., Fallot t S.
Thirteen hit a. S . runs. t& at bat, off Crabo
2-i innlnrs. hares defeat to Crabb.
Three-base hits. Tlaye. Klliott. Two-base
hit. Hp. Sacrifice hits. White. Carlisle. Ki
lls. Kane. Elliott, liuns responsible- for. Crabb
W hite 2. Urspb oa balls. White , Crabb 3,
McKenrv 1. Struck out. hy White 4. by
Crsbb 1. by McKtnry 1. Ionb plas. It rooks
: se Lrard to liojto to Jtorton. Moien
hsscs. Wolter. Johnson. Mit carer. Crabb.
Leard Lltschl. Hit by T'tc!'et ball. Wolter
by White. Lf nrd by Crsbb. Time, 2 Um
pires, Held and McCarthy.
game over to a couple of his youngsters! PRCSIDKST OK FRATERMTY TELLS
J Harold Feet."- who hails from the
Northwest, and hero Yajvesorii whose
claim to fame Is the fact that he was
produced in Southern California.
It 0-ramd to Herb.
The recruits, cautcht in the vortex of
storm, looked to he worried, and
they played the part. Peet. left
legacy of a B-to-3 score against him by st. LOUIS Aoril 11. A iplnram
HlKSinbotham. found himself in sore from ravtd Jif. -Fultr. president of the
Tram Members Are Adrian! ot to
Jump Contracts muA Telefcrns, Is
I'osted at R rovrn", Casap.
trouble in the fifth, and what didn't
happen to Harold, who wae removed
Baseball Flayers' Fraternity, urging
members of the St. Louis Americans tu
with two on the bases and no one out, 1 mind by their contracts with the local
occurred to Herb Salveson. The Call-
fornian was deathly sick of his Job,
even In that short length of time it
team, was posted today at the training;
cumy of the til. Louis Americans.
The telecram. addressed to Derrill
took him to walk from the bench tolPruit, second baseman, follows:
the pitcher's mound, and with all the!
"Stronply advise players not
kindly assurances of Captain Bill! jump their contracts. YH1 not be a t -
Rodders, he could not settle down to j lowed to play and will have to return
his task in that inninK.
bonus money. Will also be expelled
The Seals ran the bases merrily, from fraternity. Mugnatcs using: play-
swunar at the ball gleefully, and when era to fifrht their own battles and
they finished there were eight runs to 1 players are ones who are suffering.
Don't let them make oats out of the
be registered.
It wasn't high-toned baseball, but
the crowd liked the sensation and de
manded on the instant that the tell I FKDS
ring out the story of just what had
tinnn.n txA AffAr that h. It snM t n thf
credit of Salveson that he straightened Officials Sy Judge Sessions Invali-
out some of the kinks in his arm and
held the Seals runless and well-nigh
hltless or had the boys enough for
one afternoon?
dated Old Contract.
KANSAS CITY. Mo April 11. That
Earl Hamilton's contract with the St.
Lefty Leifield. never wasting; a mo-1 Louis American League baseball club
tlon or taking an extra step, must wa Invalid In the light of the de
have enjoyed the spectacle. He was clsion given by Judge Sessions In Grand
out In front all tiie way from the first Itaplds In e.he Klllifer case, was the
Inning, when, with two on the bases, opinion expressed today by C. C. Madi
Mundorff dropped the ball out of son. president of the local Federal
sight over the right field fence. League team. Hamilton last Thursday
.... . 1 Jumped rrom me cu iouis ciuo 10 ma
Kores Bothers Leftjr. Kn fi.v Federals.
Korea, with a penchant for long- nv invalidating the old stvle of eon-
distance driving, caused the St. Louis tract, reserve clause and all." said Mr.
twiner most oi nis oomer. scoring Madison. "Judge Sessions has Invall-
once tn the second, when he opened dated Hamilton's old contract. Hamil-
with a double, and again in the fourth, ton had stcned on the old form and the
when the same Portlander laid the st. Louis club cannot go into court with
sphere away over the center field fence this paper,, which haa once been de
clared void."
Hamilton was out with tho Federals
Once Just for a brief moment the
Beavers were as close as 4 to S, but I at their work today.
they never had a chance alter that.
doubtless the reason that McCredle In-I GROVFJlt
slsted on giving ms novice a taste oi
lira in the Wild West where nobody
lives, and the dogs bark at strangers. Sioux City Cntclier Cioes to Brook-
Score: ,. , .
C-TT-X" r-TTV Anvil 11 Wnn.vw
4 u I Joseph Clarke, In a dispatch to Pres-
B. H. O. A E
Toan.r. .
Epeu.r. . .
l:oirrr8.2. .
Hyan.m . .
Korea.! . . .
Davl.,1. ..
Klsher.o. .
ItiK'b'm.p. I
Br'sh'r.'.l 3
i'erklns.c. 2
Peet. p.... O
Siv n.p. 2
San Franclsri
li. H. O. A fc.
o O .
J O-Leary.3.
4 fl .Srhi;kr,l. . 3
0 1 Downs. i . . 4
8 O Mundortf.r S
0 0 Hovrsrd.l. 5
8 1 Corhan.1, . 4
1 0'SchmlJt.o. 4
1 1 Lxltleld.p.. 4
1 1
ident Hanlon, of the Sioux City West
ern League club, announced that
3 1 l
0 0
O Oi
Total,.. 37 15 2? IS 1
Total,.. 33 8 24 15 3
Batted for Fuller in fourth Innms;.
Portland 0 1 O 2 o 0 It 1 0 4
Hit, o 2 3 o o o 3 o s
San Francisco 3 0 12S000 14
Ulu 3 1 23 3 1 0 0 13
Run, Kores 2. Davis, Perkins, Tobln.
O I.eary. Schaller 3. Down, 2, Mundorff 2,
Howard. orhan 2. Mhniidt 2. MX runs,
nine hit, off litKKinbotham in 3 1-3 Innlnits
IT at bat, taken out in fifth, two on, none
out: four run, and tour hits off Peet in 2-3
lnnlnjra. taken out In fifth, two on, non.
out. five at bat. Charge defeat to HlKsln-
botnam. Horn, rum M umjorfi. Korea
Two-btM hits Korei. Iowns 2, Kyan.
Basea on balla Off H tftsinbotham 2. Lei
field 1. Peet 1. fcalveon 1. btruck out
Hlfreinbotham 1. Leifield 4. Balveson 2.
Hit by pitcher O'Leary by Salveaon. Dou
ble plays Speas, unassisted: Hiftglnbotham
to Korea to uavn to itopers to HlKirln
bot ham. Passed ball Hiher. Left on bases
Portland 5, San Krancisco 3. wild pltchea
haiveaon. Kesponsmie Tor runs Hlffrln-
botnam o. feet a, leiriein 3. Xlma, 1:4
umpire, naye, ana outnrie.
KLun tt i : n s double dextides
O 1
110 0
3 2 4 0
2 o 13 0 ratl,v.P firnvr 1 inH had lumnArl to
l Q i n r . - - - ------
4 l BO tne jtsroo&iyn r enerai bcacue learn.
14 11 Land left tne team jr riaay at Tulsa,
0 1 oolokla.. the Spring training camp of
the club, rather secretly.
The local management will resort to
all legal means to prevent Land from
playing with the Federals.
Grand Rapids Overwhelmed.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich- April 11. A
team composed of Detroit American
League players overwhelmed the Grand
K&pids Central Leaguers here today.
R. H. FL' R. H. E.
Grand Rap.. 4 6;Detroit ...14 16 2
Batteries. Watkins, Miller, Lett fers
and Lake; Williams, Reynolds and Gibson.
Baltimore Heats Giants.
BALTIMORE. April 11 The Balti
more Internationals defeated the New
Tork Nationals today. Score:
R. H. IS.! R. E.
New York... 1 4 1 Baltimore 3 E X
Batteries Tesrean, Hearne and Mc
Lean; Danforth and Egan.
Bacramento Wins, 5 to 4, Over Oaks
on Pitcher's DrlT.
SACRAMENTO. April 11. Dutch
Klawitter's double to left with the
bases filled drove In three runs In the i
aixth and put the Sacramento Wolve
on the long end of a 5-to-4 score after
Oakland had pounded out nine hits for
four runs in the first four innings.
Beavers Batting Averages
Brown .
Doane ..
Fuller ..
AB.H. ArrTl-vii ... S3 T ,21 -Jl
-i U Derrick .. Ifl 3
30 13 .4" Hawortlv. 17 3 .171
i .4'Ht iraitier.. 6 1 .lftd
a- la -pm 10 a
:t 12 .ax.; tii b'm.. m l ,ifo
jtt y .;;-u iv?st 4 o .ofn
3f 10 ."'Li -svlveon... 2 0
8 Z . . S 0 .OOO