The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 05, 1914, SEMI-MONTLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 11, Image 91

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Quick Return
The spring in
handle brings it back
for the next stroke.
Keeps the bit in the
screw. Just push!
Fine for cramped
places or one-hand
jobs; or for any job.
It's one of the new
Richt and left Ratchet: and Riid.
Special attachments can be had for
drill in, counter sinking, etc
"YANKEE" Quid Return
Spiral Ratchet Screw-driver
No. 130 Price, $1.85
Your dealer can supply you.
"rlte far"' Yankee' Tnnl Bonk" for mechan let and hmite
hoidtrt.vr Yankee' Toolw in the Gamut " for motomtM.
NORTH BROS. MFG. CO. Philadelphia
Iot vend me one e-nt Jtut let aw bi-t
ix months. I claim to have the only uccemfu.
core for bunions ever made nnd I want yon to let
me tend you & treatment, FhKE, entirely at my
expense. I don't care how many so-called cure
or shields or pads yoa ever trit. without saccess
1 oon tear howdiasosted you feel with them all
son have not tried my cure, -ud 1 have such .to.
Jute confidence la it that 1 mm coins; te send
.wtreetsjiewt absolutely I'RKB. It is a
wonderful yet simple home treatment which re
lieves you almost in.tantly of all paint H removes
turn cause of the bunion and thus the usly deform
ity disanpears-all this while yoa are wearin
tisnter shoe than ever. I know it will do all this
and I want you to send Tor a treatment. Kfcfc,
at mv FIDfrno. hnraii bnn.
jou win men ten all your
friends about it just as thorn
C'.&U others are doing now.
write now, as this announce
ment may not appear in this
paper again. Just send your
name and address and treat- I
men t will be sent you promptly
la plain sealed envelope.
3So w. seta St.
j JJfInvestingforProfit I !
! I rKkhi For Six Months j
1 P. m.7nr name ,nd adtlrene rlfht MOW and I ;:
will send yon Inveeting for Profit roaKastne abso- ::
tree for six months. It tells how to Bet tit '
iitmotearnluKsfroni jrourmoncj-bowtotelt food
InTeatments how to pick tlie moat profitable of t:
I: sound lnTetmenta. It reveals how bankers and cap- 1: 3
itallata make Sl.OOO row to 22.000-ln fart I :
i iTJr"" Investing Information that
i should enable yon to make your money erow pro- l.
portlonately. I bare decided this mouth to give ?' '
'i Sl'i.n,?.",,, "haerlptloiiato Investing for Profit
: rKI Everv copy la z.l
Worth at Least $10
V-i irrvtae vrhmpm a foe-tan . 8md yonr turn and 'i
SadreM now. mantion thia paper and ft Pr introductory
' tu ".ptionl Conditions my prevent r-pectin tht offer. 'r;A
-i rtkeit now. You'll be eTtiluv to pa llic a copy aftf '
; you have read it six Month w f -J
I:-;; H.LBtiW.Pb., R.MW.J.ckBlTaCaicw
and Alauaac Isr 1 914 has s-24 paees with many
colored pUtet of fowl, true to life. It tell all
about chickens, their price, their care, diseas
es and remedies. All al-out lapses term, their
price and Irveir operation. All about poultry
house and how to build them. It's an encyclo
pedia of chi-kidom. You need it- Only 1 Sc.
C C. SHOEMaKCR, ftoi 1052. Frssmit. Ul.
Old Coins Wanted
t3 to $600 paid for hundreds of Old Coins dated before
1J. Send. TEN cents at once for our New Illustrated
Coin Value Book.slie4x7. It may mean YOUR fortune.
CUEIi CO, Coin Dealers, Box IS. I.ER0Y. H. Y.
I f ofVe
lnarraHx( he Uun t?M t-w a-
Lawrence. Wahin(rton. I. C. and New
York City. EsUt. BOOKLET EEEK.
Money Making Poultry
Olir H-i.)tI T mmiitnmrirtlmm firm -Kt-w
S.r. dwrk. Md riin. Prix, Bnt mUtci .:
an. Lswutsncn; oldMtfva; Zth rw. Fin. caUloe
r ki-;k a. . Just to.. Bas I4S. Bas sleisaa. lewa.
rfcATirMTQ That Protect (and Py
IJAlEJllO Sea.1 Sketch otMod tot Search.
Watm E. ralraiia. Patent Laxcyer, Waaaiastaa, D. C
glanced through as a child of twelve,
and had so completely forgotten that
she could recall nothing about it when
in the normal waking state.
HX) psychical researchers, of course,
the discovery of facts like these was
chiefly of interest because of the aid
thereby afforded in solving many of
spiritism's most puzzling problems.
But to the student of normal psychol
ogy their discovery had a far wider
significance. Especially suggestive
was the fact as demonstrated by
the hypnotic experiments of Gurney,
corroborated and extended by simi
lar experiments made in France by
Liegeois, Beaunis. Binet, Janet, and
other scientific investigators that
subconscious memories have at times
a singularly dynamic power, impell
ing a person to actions for which he
can give no reasonable explanation.
If the existence of subconscious
memories were a constant fact in
ordinary life and the automatic
writing and crystal gazing experi
ments made it certain that this was
actually the case it seemed a logical
inference that in ordinary life like
wise subconscious memories might
exercise some . influence over one's
thought and conduct.
A person, by birth perhaps of a
neurotic tendency, experiences In
childhood or early manhood some
shock that profoundly distresses him.
It is so disagreeable that he wishes
to forget it as soon as he can, to put
it wholly out of his mind. This he
succeeds in doing, so far as his upper
consciousness is concerned. Sub
consciously, however, its grim mem
ory image Is ever with him, and Is
ever seeking to reassert itself.
Weeks, months, possibly years, pass.
Then there comes a period when the
person who has had the shock gets
into a run-down condition, as a result
of illness, worry, overwork, or some
other cause. It is now that the sub
conscious memory once more emerges,
not directly but indirectly in the form
It may be of a "phobia," or irrational,
obsessing fear: an attack of neuras
thenia or psychasthenia, or some hys
terical symptom. These, figuratively
speaking, are so many monuments
symbolizing the forgotten experience
which at bottom is responsible for the
sufferer's ills.
In all such cases the one thing
needful to effect a speedy and lasting
cure is completely to resurrect the
burled reminiscence, drag it, as it
were, into the full light of conscious
ness, and then destroy It by "sugges
tion." Obviously, in order to do this
it is necessary by some means to ex
plore the patient's subsconsciousness.
And here again psychical research
has been useful to medical science by
demonstrating the value of hypno
tism, automatic writing, and crystal
gazing as methods for "tapping the
subconscious" and recovering latent
memories of disease-creating import.
In France. In Germany, in Austria,
in England, in our own country, ex
perts in medical psychology are dally
utilizing these and other devices
which they have recently worked out,
as helps in bringing back to health
and strength victims of nervous
Capped the Climax
Pat had been held for murder on
the ground that a hat such as he wore
had been found near the murdered
man. The defense easily established
that it was a hat such as was by no
means uncommon in the neighbor
hood and might have belonged to any
one of a score of people. It was prac
tically the only evidence and the pris
oner was discharged. He arose and
addressed the court:
"You say I can go, y'r Honor?"
"Yes, Pat, the state has not been
able to make out its case against you."
"And I can never be placed in
jeopardy of me life again for-r this
"No, Pat, never again. Is there
anything you want to ask?"
"Yis, y'r Honor; will ye be koind
enough to give me me hat?"
""'"""Lir' 'I
til A
$6,000 tlllS Vear om Is .?." ' sTrapfruit and orange trees 5 miles
7 !, , I, ... eof W.uchule. Florida. That's part of Mr. Steve
oritlin income. He II get good returns, too, from other groves and from vege
tables between the rows of young trees. The Combination Soil makes it easy
for you to work into an income of J.W to $I0.M, growing vegetables until the
citrus trees develop.
Sunshine and Dollars
in Florida
If yoa want to shake off that
lrw shacltlaa. live in a climate
where you can enjoy outdoor life
the year round, clinch a good in
come now and independence for
your old ag-e THIS IS THE
Com to Wauchula District,
Florida. On a small acreage that
you can buy on extremely easy
payments set out young- grape
fruit and orange trees. Then
plant vegetables btwn tha
traa rows.
Beans,cucumbers,onions, sweet
potatoes steep up tha payments on
the land and males) you salf.
supporting. You live easily, hap
pily, comfortably. It won't be
long before your trees begin to
bend under the weight of oranges
and grapefruit. And now comes
raal fortune. You find yourself
in the car owner class. You can
send your children to college.
You have money to spand.
And you havt the health to enjoy
it. You are surrounded by friend
ly neighbors as prosperous as
yourself. The region about you
is as wealthy as the older states
in the North and West. Four
banks in Wauchula and within
f ive miles bays) nearly $500,000
bank deposits. Wauchula has
grown from 1300 to 200U in the
last year. It has churches, a
modern school system, lodges,
well-stocked stores. Vandolah, a
new town Is growing rapidly.
First-class transportation and live
local markets assure you of cash
for everything you grow. For
your leisure time there's good
hunting, fishing, boating, swim
ming. And all the vear round a
balmy, equable climate that
makea lif worth living.
Hera's tha big reason for your
success here:
Wauchula Offers $5,000
a Year Soil Guaranteed by Bankers
i U..T r l - o i . ... - w
Wauchula Combination Soil needs n
laarantsa. Any man who has bevn In
this district and learned how Its mar
velous fertility supports both vese
tahles and citrus fruits Is convinced.
When you see how It enables men to live
comfortably from the start and to at
tain later incomes of EI.Ouu to f 10 000 a
year you'll say everyUiing we claim Is
too conservative.
But to nbwti any possible doubt you
may have until you can come here and
look things over for yourself this home
company of bankers offers the follow
ing guarantee:
After yoa besia payments on your
land yon are allowed a whole year in
which to inspect it. Coma; down; any
time. Look over your plot and the aeigb
horinc crovea. Talk to tha settlers. Find
out juat what they're making. Than if
you're not entirely satisfied, every cent
of your money will be returned with O
per cent interest.
That's fair! It'a liberal f Yon ta
chances! If we don't prove everything
w e prom lse if your land dn isn't measure
np ta oar predictions yoe're out not one
penny, and you gel 6 per cent interest
on your money for the time we've had lt
Kemember not only a guaranteed
Soil, but good altitude, well-distributed
rainfall, ample draanaae by the swift
flowing Peace River, iavieoratia. enliv
ening sunshine every nioulh in the year.
If there's another land offer as liberal
as the one we're making, we've yet to
hear of It. Come right down here and
prove things.
You'll see settlers who are making
their way with only a little money to
start, i ou'll see people who have been
here m little longer who have every
luxury they desire. You'll see pleasant
surroundings.frlendly neighbors. You'll
see a future for yourself and your fam
ily that has no limit that can be as
uie as you cnoose to make lu
Settlers' Letters Tell of Big Incomes A
Wwitn TJn.. a a. All Trs a imn V
airfnf " ,,U Toa tk1 TO " saeie S3.0O0. tS.OOO. SS.OOO or even Sj.'j'j!r
In SviJ""' ??,!iasa SSr rtIon on the average Incomes made henf 'V
; " - me reai oneness ot tne vi aucnuia oner x ,ai yjf
you must write for our literature crammed full of facts and I 6gurea"LVV
of earnings. Let old grove owners teU you how easily they cleaned ?V i'vc3
s"Ll5 " A' con- L- "" settlers teU yon bow their vege. . .oV
tables and trees are coming on. These men are no more brainy V e"vc
no stronger of muscle than you. Thau-success proves yours. r-
I1.0? w7t" ' or postal or fill out the coupon and S "eS'
mall It. t,et our beantlful Ixjoklets some lavishly illua- r
bnafed m color tVom pbotoaraphe. .Read about the 28.000 S ? cli
mile trip in search, of the land how It came to be S .
marketed. r o"
Study our offer the small amount of land 0 eS"
needed the low prices the easy terms tha c-C
.v,suvua vvi f j& Y
t-:l Box 36, Wauchula. Florida
iirsii-.aiin-.i ariif -me
The study of Advertising Improves the.power of i