The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 29, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 30

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XCAI ageiiU, with selling ability and
email capital wanted In Salem, Albany.
tKugene, M.edford, Koaebura, Pendleton,
Jlaker and Astoria to sell a high-grade,
low-priced office specialty manufactured
ir a million-dollar company; exclusive
selling right In your territory as long as
you secure orders; tnis is a strong oppor
tunity for ambitious workers; give full
particulars about yourself first letter. H
S3S, Oregonian.
&UCOtiaFLL salesmen working small
towns. Increase earnings spare time by
jt lacing our punch board assortments; we
guarantee merchants sales. Can use only
men now employed as salesmen and capa
ble of earning $no per week. State terri
tory. See our Dun and Bradstreet rating,
also rating of those who copy our ad and
plans. Devon Mfg. Co.. Chicago.
A. PRINTER-KDITOW who can take entire
charge of small, finely equipped country
newspaper and Job office is needed at
once. Pay. according to your earning ca-
fiaelty. Prefer young married man; de
ightfut climate. An excellent opportunity
for someone wishing steady position. No
boozefis liters considered. Write or wire
L.. K. Harlan, lone. Or.
AREN'T, Catholic, to represent popular Il
lustrated Cat holic family magazine ; one
who will devote his time to securing of
subscriptions In his own town and sur
rounding towns. May appoint sub-agents
In towns he cannot work himself ; good
opportunity for riht man; state experi
ence, references. P. O. box 1077, New
WANTED A first-clnss head waiter at the
liofbrau-Quellc; Mo booze-fighters or
gratters wanted. Apply Monday, 11:30
A. if.
WANTED High-grade salesman to sell the
best line of ciders and soft drinks In the
United States to all classes of merchants
in small country towns; goods in demand;
earnings unlimited; 25 per cent commis
sion, witht $40 weekly drawing account.
Crown Cider Co.. Department A, -07 S.
Commercial St.. St. Lours, Mo.
SALESMEN to sell a high-grade, sanitary
specialty to rural and suburban trade.
Widely advertised article, needed in 0
per cent of American homes. Keady seller.
Oood commissions. Meet me at room 331,
Imperial Hotel, between 1 and 5 o'clock
SALESMEN Well-known manufacturing
concern, established TZ years, wants to add
two experienced traveling salesmen to its
organization, account of business expan
sion; state experience. Lock box "O,"
Lemon t. 111.
SPECIALTY salesmen wanted. Why not add
live money-maker to your line? Big com
missions, sure repeaters; will not interfere
with regular line. Write for catalog.
Hoodwin Mfg. Co., l'MS Van Buren, Chi
cago. SALESMEN, residing In or making small
towns; take orders on our special plan
allowing return of unsold goods; makes
quick, easy sales, $4 commission on each
order. Write for pocket outfit today.
Kurd Mfg. Co., 212 Stgol, Chicago.
SALESMAN wanted, for unexpected vacan
cy good salesman experienced In specialty,
advertising, stock ot bond lines. Perma
nent, well-paying position, with splendid
chances for rapid advances. Personal In.
tervlew arranged. AV 4, Oregonian.
j. LEADING- daily newspaper on Puget
Sound requires the services of a high
class advertising solicitor; one capable of
handling large as well as smaller ac
counts; give age, experience and ref-
SALESMAN Capable specialty man. Ore
gon ; staple line, new, exceptional terms;
vacancy April 1; attractive commission
contract weekly for expenses. Miles
F. Bixler Co., 26-13 Carlln bldg., Cleve
land, O.
COUNTY MANAGER for a new model pat
ented househo'.d art 1 fie selling for $3.50;
half profit; ifs to $a:i a day; life job;
sells over and over again to the same
pe4le; samples loaned. Sales Manager,
12a Sycamore fit.. Milwaukee, Wis.
STEADY employment, good wages, many
openings, few months only learning; posi
, tions guaranteed. For full particulars.
Watchmaking. Engraving School, 216
Commercial bldg., Cth and Ankeny, Port
land. STEADY man to milk and care tfor 8 or 10
cowa and do odd jobs to fill in time, or
else man to help milk and do general
farm work; no booze or smoking around
buy dings, good wages to right man. L.
Frey. Toledo, Wash.
WANT man to work on ranch: pay $3 per
day; must loan advertiser $12uQ for four
months; money secured by Ileal Estate
bond, with S per cent interest. AF S&i,
HVANTED Two young men, single, over 21,
to travel with manager and solicit in coun
try; experience not necessary, but must
be willing to work Call after 30 A. M.,
Carlton Hotel, ask for Mr. Craton.
SALESMAN wanted; energetic, of good ad
dress, for Portland and vicinity for a
high-grade proposition; experience not ab
solutely essential; reply in own handwrit
ing for Interview. C 883, Oregonian.
COLLECTOR., know East Side, Lents to Al
berta, good memory, liking law and in
vestigating, take charge collectors later,
wheel furnished, $."i0. $." raise each month.
Answer fully. AP 808, Oregonian.
SALESMEN Look, opening with "King of
Middies," to sell popular priced middies,
waists, children's dresses; only traveling
men need apply. Max Manson & Son, 8th
and Springgarden, Phila., Pa.
COOK, small hotel, ?-5; 3 hotel waitresses,
camp waitress, $20; kitchen helper,
525; general housework, ?30. Hansen'
Employment Office, 340 ashington St.,
room 7.
CONG poems wanted; I'll furnish mubic and
publish if accepted; have paid thousands
in royalties; est. 16 years; booklet ana
particulars free. John Hail, Pres., Co
lumbus Circle, N. Y. C.
Uilili who can operate typewriter by touch
system and take shorthand; must be neat
and accurate; good position and perma
nent; salary medium to start with. K 8U3,
CilKLS writing a rapid hand and experi
enced in doing addressing work, apply
Monday morning, 8 o'clock, 310 Spalding
WANT young or middle-aged lady to travel
for business firm, $15 a week and ex
penses at first-class hotels. Call Monday,
4!t4 Morrison, rooms 1 and 2.
.WANTED Experienced girl for general
house work; downstairs; good cook; wash
ing or ironing; email family, good wages.
Marshall 2'JS.
I WANT a young maid for the care of an
elderly lady; must be neat, refined and
know her duty. Call on Mrs. Hi inn, Mon
day. Mallory Hotel.
WANTED Cook for small camp, must be
neat and good cook without incumbrance,-
$35. Address or phone Mrs. W. A.
Thompson, Bar View. Or.
.YOUNG girl to assist with general house
work and care of two children in small
family; no cooking; references required.
544 E. 40th st. X. C 3US4.
J'JRST-CLASS cook for cafeteria for 1 meal
a day. Catholic Women's League, 120
1th st. Main 2451 after 10 o'clock.
WAITRESS, country, $30; chambermaid, $25;
cooks. Howe's Agency, 35-270 Mr Wash
ington. ffWO experienced ladies, solicitors; pleasant
work aj)d big commission; permanent po
sition to right parties. 418 Mohawk bldg.
V A N T E D A girl . to assist with general
housework. 077 Schuyler St., Broadway
WANTED Lady solicitors for city and
surrounding territory. Apply 40S Mor
rison St.
yv AN TED Experienced general housework
girl, willing to go to Medford, Or. Phone
.uarsnai i oopo, uei ecu ju uhu j.-.
LADY presser wanted in suits who can help
la laundry. Main Hand Laundry. 607
Washington st.
EXPERIENCED waitress, room and board
Included; apply Monday Alexandria Court,
f.3 Ella st.
OPERATORS on custom pants, experi
enced. -05 Jefferson st.
FINN or Swedish girl, 2 in family, $3 per
week. Phone is 3104 Monday morning.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework.
3l'0 11th st. Phone A 163G.
GIRL for general housework; no cooking.
77 Marshall.
WANT stenographer, Oliver machine; state
salary and experience. S 8t0, Oregonian.
YOUNG girl to assist with housework. Ap
ply 741. Irving st. mornings.
WANTED Experienced trimmer for men's
hats. Apply 185 4th St.
WOMAN under .10 to keep house for wid
ower. R 864, Oregonian.
CAN use good . designer.
&- Co.
Apply Lowengart
WANTED Trimmer
Lowengart & Co.
and maker. Apply
OOOD house-to-house ennvasser; commission;
good money. 316 Chamber of Commerce.
GIRL for general housework, small family.
Phone k. 4oO arter l o ciock Sunday.
WANTED Middle-aged colored woman for
general housework. Phone E. 168.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work. Apply Apt. S3, 705 Davis st.
WAIST finishers: must have long shop ex
perience; no others. 434 Morrison,
A COOK wanted, private boarding-house.
GIRL to assist with housework and care of
child. Phone C 1200.
WA-NTUD Lady barber. 821 Burnsido.
services of two experienced saleswomen
for their silverware department. Only
those who are thoroughly experienced and
can give the very best reference need ap
ply. Permanent positions and good sal
aries to those who Qualify. Apply Monday
morning, superintendent's office, 7th floor,
between i and J0:J0.
WANTED Household mechanic for a posi
tion in small family of three; no children;
West Side, close in, house throughly raou
ern; hardwood floors throughout; auto
matic water heater, vacuum claner, built
in Jirelees cookers, and cook with gas en
tirely. In fact all improved tools lor a
through mechanic. We do not entertain
or put on any dog, but want a girl who
understands English and is a good cook
and capable of running the household;
nve nights off a week. This is a business
proposition and a snap for the right girl.
Phona Sunday, Marshall 5ftS. Any other
d-iy East 3u8.
Hotel cook,
2 waitresses, $20 and $25, r. and b.
Colored girls, gen. work, $25 and $3o.
Girl, gen. work, $3(1.
Kitchen help.
Boarding-house cook, out, $25.
Housekeeper, out, $20.
Girl for shooting gallery, out, $23, r & D.
New positions dally.
26.1 Morrison st. Ladies' Dept.
Become our local representative, sell di
rect to wearer, latest Paris and New York
Spring-Summer dresses and waist fabrics.
Pleasant, dignified, very profitable occu
pation. Write for plan. Steadfast Mills,
aept. o, oout-a, i.
WANTED Musicians, women preferred;
violinist, celloist. vlolist, flutist, pianist;
motion picture house ; evenings only and
Sunday afternoons, $15 per week; must
be able to fake; good field for teaching.
Address R, Daily Budget. Astoria. Or.
WANTED Ladles to have their hats re
modeled; cleaning, 50c; reshaping. 50c;
rimming, 25c to 5Jc. See what a wonder
ful change we make in your old hat for
little money. Mack Millinery, 542 Union
WANTED Refined, capable woman to take
charge of small board in g-houo on busi
ness basis; must be good cook and ca
pable of managing. References given and
required. In answering give telephone,
A 010, Oregonian.
SALESMEN WANTED The biggest bonan
za in history; big article, quick seller,
household necessitv; have opening for five
live wires. Call 11 A. M. to 4 P. M. to
day, room 3o4 Hotel Navarre, 11th and
Alder sts. -
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wom
en is now located at room 303 new Police
Headquarters. Information, protection or
assistance given to women and girls. In
terviews confidential.
WOMEN sell guaranteed hosiery to friends
and neighbors; 70 per cent profit; full or
part time; big seller; make $10 daily. Ex
perience unnecessary. International Mills,
Box 40UO, West Philadelphia. Pa.
WANTED Girl, 24 to 30, general house
work, small family, good wages; must be
neai. willing, good cook: references.
Phone or call 9 to 1. 77u Northrup. Mam
5 LIVE, aggressive women for A-l selling
proposition; make to o a uy , oicau?
work among best class of people. Apply
between 2 and R P. M. Monday. 738 Cham
ber of Commerce.
WANTED Excellent cook for suburban
home. Summer months, some housework,
city references; three in family; none but
most competent need apply. Wages $45.
AV 6S, Oregonian.
WOMAN for general housework in country;
small farm and fruit ranch, all adults, no
objections to one child; state experience
and wages expected. Albert Hawkins, R. F.
D. No. 1, Vancouver, Wash.
LADY that can play piano to take small
interest in and charge of piano and sew
ing machine store in McMinnville; good
town and country. Address box 50. Gas
ton, Or. '
$3.00 PER day, expenses. Introducing well
known, high-grade line; steady work, ex
perience or capital unnecessary. Write to
day. Brorby, mgr., 363 Monon bldg.,
Chicago. .
LADIES now employed in offices to make
extra money easy; no money required; par
ticulars upon request. Frank. Shuman. Co.,
16s N. Michigan blvd.
GIRL wanted for 1 month in small family,
plain cooking, wages $25 per month. Call
at GST Gantenbein ave., Sunday P. M.
Phone Wood lawn i!f3.
WANTED Woman to oversee high-class
hotel kitchen; must understand cooking
and salad making; no other need apply.
Phone Matn 7100 after 9 A. M.
WANTED Woman over 25 years of age,
good address and possessing some buil
noes ability, to learn corset lining. Apply
407 Selling blug
WANTED Middle-aged German woman to
care for Invalid old lady at Oregon City;
good home and $15 per mouth. Phone
$2.50 PER day paid one lady in each town
to distribute free circulars for concentrated
flavoring in tubes; permanent position. F.
E. Barr Co., Chicago.
WRITE moving-picture plays, $50 each, all
or spare time; no correspondence course;
details free. Atlas Publishing Co., 42,
ATTRACTIVE selling proposition, by new
high-class house, for refined women, good
acquaintance in Portland or vicinity. No
experience necessary. Main 8258.
GIRL, over 20, to go out a few evenings
each week as companion for young married
woman. No work; expenses paid. AC Sou,
WANTED A young lady bookkeeper and
stenographer. Answer own handwriting ;
state age, experience, telephone number.
B 82, Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework; must be good
cook ; two in family ; references; wages
$30. Telephone Home A 5250 Sunday before
2:30 P, M. or address F 810, Oregonian.
GOOD home, small wages, for lady to care
for home and little girl of 4 years. 81
E. 35th, stark.
DRESSMAKER, at once; plenty work; good
proposition. Sherk & Co., Ken ne wick,
w asn.
WANTED Lady to teach typewriting at pri
vate house; state hours and price of les
sons. AC fi-4, Oregonian.
GIRL wanted to take care year-old baby,
good home, piano lessons, small wages.
754 E. Main. B 3263.
LADIES to travel, demonstrate and sell
dealers; $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare
paid. 615 Swetland bldg. Call mornings.
TWO wide-awake lady resident demonstra
tors to travel; salary and expenses paid;
permanent. G. -E. W., Q 11th st.
WANTED Lady partner, vaudeville sketch,
experience not necessary; already have
booking. G 868, Oregonian.
DRESSMAKING apprentices wanted. Apply
Mme. Loftus, E. SS. Room 19, Healy
bldg., H7 Grand ave.
WANTED Six girls to learn beauty cul
ture; one-half commission while learning.
821 Morgan bldg.
WANTED Lady, 2v or 30 years of age, for
general housework. Inquire Sunday morn
ing. 312 East 15th st. North.
LADY servant wanted in Laurelhurst; small
private family; German or Swedish pre
ferred. C 8S1, Oregonian.
FOUR capable women wanted at once for
ell or part time, by city , firm. AK 862,
Oregonian. '
COMPETENT girl . for general housework ;
small family; no children. Call SSS Lovejoy
st. or telephone Main 7577 or A 5575.
WANTED A maid for general housework;
must be good cook; small family. 69
North 23d. flat 1. Marshall 2421.
WANTED A maid to do general house
work; must be good cook; good wages.
Apply 211 N. 19th st.
FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay
while learning; position guaranteed. 400
414 Dekum bldg.. Sanitary Parlors.
Washington bldg.. 270Vfc Washington, room
85, near 4th. Phone Main 8836 or A 326.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
YOUNG woman for dining-room work In ex
change board, room, husband and self.
2S4 Main St.
WOMAN alone nights would like working
girl; give her a good home; do her wash
ing; very reasonable. C 1573.
WANTED Good girl for general housework.
Apply at once at 345 E. 37th st.
WANTED Girl on power machine.
Hat and Cap Co., 26S 3d.
GIRL for general housework.
Knott st.
Apply oSl
WANTED Good girl for general house
work. 881 Mellnda ave. Main 0319.
COMPETENT girl wanted for general house
work. Apply 701 NorthTip st., apt. B.
GIRL for general housework. German girl
preferred. lrvington. Phone East 657S.
A NEAT-APPEARING young girl for gen
eral housework. 1015 B. 15th N.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
49S Marguerite ave. Tabor 25S6.
SOLICITORS Household specialty; costs SO
euU; sous $3, . 2S iith t, . i
MAN and wife, without children, on gen
tleman's place near Portland. Man must
understand caltle and general farm work;
Must have furniture, permanent position
at good wages for competent parties. Ref
erences required. Apply 10 to 12 A. M.,
or 2 to 4 P. M room 50 Hotel Nortonia,
WANTED Earnest young men and young
women who desire thorough training in
practical shorthand, typewriting, account
ing; private and Individual instruction.
Courses rigid. Results sure. Day and
evening. 500-510 Wilcox bldg.
WE will pay you $120.00 distribute relig
ious literature in your community; bO
days' work; experience not required; man
or woman; opportunity for promotion;
spare time may be used. International Bi-
hie Press. Philadelphia.
TEACHERS wanted; principals, rpecialists,
grade; half-rate enrollment; state qualifi
cation. N. W. Teachers Agcy., N. Yakima.
F1SK Teachers' Agency secures positions for
teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4b35.
I WJ5H to correspond with some family
with harmony among themselves who
wish to take a bright, attractive little
girl, past 4 years not cripple ) for com
pany ; parents respectable, but not 4 of
means, to pay board, but will furnish
clothes;- a place for the Summer; those
who use alcohol, drinks In home or arway
to any great extent need not answer this
ad. Address Copenhagens Cook, Kelso,
We have a fine suite of office rooms
for a dentist in fine brick building. Good
business center, suburbs of the city. II
you want a fine location or are thinking
of changing your location for the better,
please investigate this. It's a" good op
portunity. AC StiO, Oregonian.
WANTED rAmbicious workmen; your work
on actual jobs pays for teaching trade or
electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick
laying ; only few months required ; 700
students last four years. Write for In
formation. United Trade School Contract
ing Co., Los Angeles.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date
cars; electric, civil engineering,
surveying; metnods most practical ; room
and boai d while learning; position se
cured ; sa tisf action guaran teed ; catalogue
free. National School of Engineering,
2110 West Seventh, Los Angeles, Cal.
SALESMEN, experience unnecessary, easy
work, big pay. Write, large list openings
offering opportunities to earn .$10O to $"i00
month while you learn. Address Dept ,
40. National Salesmen's Training Asso-'
elation, Chicago, New York, Kansas City,
San Francisco.
GOVERNMENT positions, postoffice, rail
way mail, other branches are good; pre
pare for -''exams" former U. S. Civil Serv
ice Secretary-Examiner. Booklet II 3si,
free. Write today. Patterson Civil Serv
ice School. Rochester. N "-
ARE you a lover of flowers? Join the
Rosary Club; it means money as well
as pleasure to you; send self -addressed
stamped envelope for particulars. M. E.
Baldy, Hubbard ave, and J3 road way, San
Gabriel. Cal.
CH ACP'f'EURS ami repairmen are in great
demand. We want sober, reliable men
who we can recommend for positions to
take our course of instruction in auto
mobile repairing and driving. Pacific
Auto School, 18S-100 Chapman st.
LADIES, sewing at home; material fur
nished; no canvassing; steady work;
stamped envelope for particulars. Calu
met Supply Co., Dept. A loo, Milwaukee.
I WILL start you earning $4 dally at home
In spare time, silvering mirrors; no capi
tal; free Instructive booklet, giving plans
of operation. G F. Redmond, Dept. 30.
Boston, Mass.
BE DETECTIVES Earn $150 to $300 per
month. Travel over the world. Write
Fidelity Secret Service, Desk 105, Wheel
ing, W. Va.
RAILWAY mail clerks, P. O. clerks, car
riers; exam, soon; parcel post demands
many more clerks; act at once. Pacific
States School, McKay bldg., city.
BE a detective; earn $23 to $75 weekly;
chance to see the world with all expenses
paid. Loraine System, Dept. 57, Boston,
YOUNG men, become Government railway
mail clerks $75 month; "pull" unneces
sary; sample examination questions free.
AV 028, Oregonian.
GOVERNMENT jobs for women; big pa;
Portland examination soon; sample ques
tions free. Franklin Institute, Depu 700 L,
Rochester, N. Y.
MAKE $8 daily silvering mirrors; no capi
tal, free pamphlet giving details of op
eration. Write Keitel Co., Dept. 19, San
Francisco. Cal.
ttAlLWAY mail clerks commence $75 month.
Portland examinations coming; sample
questions free. Franklin Institute, Depu
S47-L, Rochester, N. Y.
DO easy, pleasant coloring work, home ;
good pay, no canvassing; no experience
required ; illus. particulars free. Helping
Hand Stores, Chicago.
OREGON Barber College Now is the time
to learn the barber trade; positions guar
anteed; paid while learning; tools free;
tuition reduced. 233 Madison st.
MOLER Barber College will teach you
quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you
while learning, furnish tools free. Write
for free catalogue. A, 48 2d st. North.
LADIES make shields home, $10 100; work
sent prepaid to reliable women. Partic
ulars for stamped addressed envelope. Eu
reka Co., Dept. 110 B, Kalamazoo, Mich.
BE DETECTIVES; big pay. easy work, trav
el ; wonderful opportunities; experience
unnecessary. Fidelity Secret Service,
Wheeling, W, Va.
$100 WEEKLY profit, spare time, home;
mail order business; don't worry about
capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Neb.
instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, booa
keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 42a8.
SHORTHAND Individual Instruction; 6
month' course, $5 per month. 303 11th st.
WANTED -Party to manage small store,
small amount of money required. Phone
Tabor 1403.
NAMES and addresses by mail-order houses;
big pay; home work; Information for
stamp. Direct Appeal Co., Plymouth, Ind.
LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brake men. wat;es
about $100; experience unnecessary, send
age, postage, rtanway, care oregonian.
24 WAYS to make money, start a business
of your own; particulars 10c Jenkins Co.,
Chlppeway Falls, Wis.
GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work; earn
money while learning. The Hair Bazaar,
Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash, and Parte.
MOVING picture operators earn $15 to $30
weekly; we teach you quickly; theater
practice. 417 Rothchlld bldg.
HOW to go on the stage; particulars free.
502 Swetland bldg.
269 14TH ST. M. 3893. EXP. INSTRUC'N.
Book keepers and Clerks.
CLERK In general merchandise store, ex
perienced and have good references; have
also had experience as assistant shipping
clerk in wholesale furniture; am 23 years
of age, single: will go out of town if re
quired; expect $15 per week. A. E. Wanke,
$43 Karl st. Phone Sellwood 1000.
I WANT a position where diligence and
ability will lead to something; am 30 years
old, married and have had a good busi
ness training; 12 years' experience as
salesman and In clerical positions; local
references. AP 857, Oregonian.
experience in the lumber business, both
at mills and in wholesale offices, wants
situation; clean record, best of references
and can furnish bond. Address AH 816.
BOOKKEEPER and office manager Prac
tical knowledge of lumber business; seven
yeara' experience on Coast; references as
to ability In handling accounts and corre
spondence; married; age 30. AV 64, Ore
gonian. YOUNG German, good bookkeeper and sten
ographer in English and German, wants
position; outside work as timekeper or
clerk in construction camp preferred. AG
836, Oregonian.
CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST requires position
at once, as secretary, grain man. office
man or auditor. References. S 863, Ore
gonian. DRUGGIST of experience, registered, would
FIRST class bookkeeper. conscientious
worker, who can furnish local references,
wants permanent or temporary office po
sition at once. Phone Main 2372.
EXPERIENCED stenographer with legal
education, best references, desires position,
private secretary or correspondent. P
ft'S, oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by young man with 8
years' experience in clerical work ; can
use typewriter, good penman. AC 843, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man, stenographer and bookkeeper,
wants position. Call Woodlawn 1272.
YOUNG man from school desires position as
stenographer. T 846. Oregonian.
JAPANESE cook wants place in family, city
or country. A 817, Oregonian.
MECHANICAL superintendent wants a po
sition; has had 30 years' experience :a
master mechanic of main line railroad
shops, master mechanic and designer ol
machinery and equipment for logging rail
touds and camps; also superintendent ot
shopa doing marine, mining, mill and gen
eral contract work. Up to the minute in
machine forging, finishing and heat treat
ing chrome, nickel and vanadium steel ,
has learned a great deal; can forget mticu
and has the Inclination and ability to
learn more ; last recommendation covet s
12 yuars under one management; ready for
business after May 1. Audress "Efficient,"
care Timberinan, o4 Union block, Portland,
WANTED Permanent position by respect
able, up-to-date farmer; German, thor
oughly qualified by education and practical
experience in all branches, including mod
ern dairy methods, poultry, etc.; qualified
to organize and systematize the working
force and get the most out of men, stock
and soil, reliable references. Address, C.
H., 127 Sth ave., Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Some Zi more gardens to take
care of through the season ; best refer
ences; reasonable; lawn work and prun
ing; new gardens laid out by Koennerke &
Fdemann, landscape gardeners and horti
culturists, b6 North 21st at., Portland,
Or. Phone Main 5499. '
SITUATION wanted by married man; handy
with carpenter and blacksmith tools; 4
years on last Job in charge of repair shop
on large ranch; can fix all kinds of ma
chinery; willing to go any place. K boU,
Oregonian. .
WANTED Position on ranch or full charge
by middle-aged man and wife; had 20
yeara' experience in cattle and grain; can
repair all farm machinery; wife first-class
cook and housekeeper; no children. E Wii,
EXPERIENCED bank man. familiar with
all lines of Insurance, wishes to corres
pond with bank or firm desiring the serv
ice of a capable man. Best of references.
Employed at present. Address AV 7ti, ore
gonian. POSITION wanted by competent sawyer and
filer, expert circular hammerer; can work
with band or circular; foreman millwright
or auy place It takes a good man. Can
give good references. AV 77, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by a ladies' cutter; eight
years' experience In a tirst-class estab
lishment; will be able to take up new
position by April 10. Address A V" 07,
WANTED Driving or repairing In auto or
gasoline traction engine; 7 years' ex
perience; best of references. Young mar
ried man, will also go out of town. Ad
dress B 862, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED salesman would like to
make Alaska territory for reliable house;
have been over ground; open for proposi
tion. AJ 8:12. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, single, wishes a position as
gardenei at Institution or private place;
experienced; can give references. AF 8V4,
cords or more;
buy stumpage;
price. Address
four-foot or rlckwood, 50O
must be machine Job; will
give full description and
11SS Greeley St., Portland.
LAWN work of
experienced ; I
me up. East 51
all kinds; am thoroughly
guarantee my work. Call
2. 84 East 12th st. B. C.
Housepainting, cleaning, law n mowing,
GEO. L. S PRAGUE, Main 2041.
AMALGAMATOR seeks position with min
ing company; capable taking cnarge of
mill. A. D. B., 1274 East Alder St., Port
land. Or.
WANTED Work on fruit ranch for season,
man and wife, experienced help, no chil
dren. Address J. F. Worst, Lylo, Wash..
R. F. D.
MARRIED man wants position on ranch; 25
years' experience, dairy and general farm
work. Address Box 220, K. F. D. 1, Lents,
Or. No children.
EXPERIENCED traveling salesman wants
work on road or in city calling on retail
merchants; can give references. B 6 GO,
YOUNG man attending Holmes Business
College desires a place to work for his
room and hoard outside of school hours.
Call Main 513, A 2504.
YOUNG printer wishes position in or out of
Portland; had 4 years' experience in Job
and ad work; can feed and make ready
on platen press. AM 844, Oregonian.
WANTED By high-grade specialty sales
man, one or more side lines out of Port
laud for Northwest; must be goods that
repeat. Address G 869, Oregonian.
GOOD Norwegian farmer, with family,
would like to work, or take care of farm.
Call or write to 734 Foster Road, Port
land. Or.
ORCHARDIST and gardener wants situation
where whole-hearted conscientious and
capable service will be appreciated. Ad
drees AP SOU, Oregonian.
COUPLE wants work on Farm, where every
thing is furnished; steady worker; no
children; reasonable wages. P 861, Ore
gonian. WANT work on ranch by experienced man
and wife, no children; state kind of ranch
and wages in first letter. Address C. D
M end ota. Wash.
A STRONG and healthy young man, 20 years
old, wants a Job on a farm. Gus Vasilin,
box 2til, Oregon City, Or.
JANITOR and nlghtwatchman In wholesale
house, experienced; good references. J
Kauney, 4tX N. 25th.
WANTKp Position by Japanese in poultry
farm; do any situation offered in poultry
keeping. J. Fuji, 207 Everett st.
GARDENER Sober, competent, wijita po
sition with private family; references. AT
POSITION as auto driver, 6 years' perfect
driving: best reference. Henry Periot,
Marshall 1000,
JAPANESE wants position per hour, any
kind work, every morning. Joe M., 5ii
N. 4th, city.
COLORED chauffeur wishes position in pri
vate family, 5 years' experience on flrst
class cars. AL S."9, Oregonian.
YOUNG' man, 24 years, wants' position as
chauffeur; can do own repairing. A S3i,
I DESIRE a place aa traveling companion,
or will look after your affairs. Business
or confidential. J 886, Oregonian.
HAVE your car repaired at home and save
money; all orders promptly and carefully
attended to. A or Marshall 404.
COOK wants work, city or country ; sober,
steady all-around man ; good references.
269 Market. Main 3920. Room 63.
SHEET metal worker, with wide experience,
wants position tn the country. AL SG3,
MAN wants to clear large timber tract; ex
perienced in marketing cord wood. AR
fed. Oregonian.
MAN with small family wants situation as
janitor of apartment-house. V 858, Ore
gonian. '
MAN wants situation with contractor, ac
tive and intelligent, accustomed to hand
ling men. T 803, Oregonian.
GENERAL handy man about the place,
housework and outside work; handy with
tools. AP 807, Oruronian.
PAINTER Good, all-around hand, married,
wants work, $3 per day; good references.
AE 838, Oregonian.
JAPANESE couple wants position, man good
experienced cook, wife wait on table and
housework. B 8G-S, Oregoninn.
GOOD farm hand, or would like work In
livery stable. Ralph Clark, 40T Union
ave. North. East 5402.
YOUNG married couple want work on dairy
farm ; experienced ; can give references.
808 Belmont St., phone East 2241.
BAKER Cake baker or all around, sober,
experienced and reliable, go anywhere,
steady position. Address J 870, Oregonian.
WANTED By all-round steam and gasoline
engineer. Do own repairing; steady and
ooer; marnea. a frtt, oregonian,
WANTED Position as stationary fireman;
3 years' experience; oilburner preferred.
Call Main 1741.
GARDEN or any kind of work by middle
aged man with mother to support. T
847. Oregonian.
CHEF, cook, good, all-around, economical;
good references, sober, steady. 269 Mar
ket. Main 3J120, room 63.
YOUNG married Swiss wishes work on a
farm; experienced milker and wife as
housekeeper. Y S2S. Oregonian.
JAPANESE experienced cook wants Job in
family, city or country. AC 859. Orego
ntan. YOUNG mechanical draftsman wishes posi
tion as tracer or draftsman after 1 p. M.
and Saturdays. H 865, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED auto driver and repairman
wishes position with local firm; abso
lutely sober. J. P. Hauser, 4915 7."th S. E.
WANTED By moving picture operator, sit
uation; will go any place; Just from Den
ver: stranger In city. N 802, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS family cook, city references,
desires position. A 7175, Main 20119.
IF you want a man that can make things
grow and hens lay, N 860, Oregonian.
JAPANESE Nko couple want position at
housework. Call 225 Sheridan st.
JAPANESE watchmaker wants position. Call
225 Sheridan St.
WANTED Contract to cut cordwood; large
or small. A 11. Oregonian.
CARPENTER foreman wishes position, day
or contract. AL b45 Oregonian,
Alicel laneo uH
Farm hands and dairy help furnished
free to any farmer in the Northwest whe
will write, wire or telephone us his needs.
We have the reputation for furnishing
competent help and can furniBh same on
short notice.
Marshall 3t?4. Phones Home A 3641.
3S North Second St.
DRUGGIST, middle age, registered in Wash
ington, wants position ; can furnish good
refereuce. Address Hotel Porto la, 3d and
YOUNG man, employed afternoons, wants
work early part forenoon for room or
room and board; will do anything. AT
870, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants situation on farm for
Summer. Experienced stockman. Can milk.
Only first-class place considered. Wages
$25 and board. R S07, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by all-around printer;
also experienced on linotype; good habits;
married, aged "2-. Address L. N. Mc-
Go wan, tainas, wasn.
YOUNG man, experienced gardener, would
like to have position with private family;
sober and industrious; references. AN btio,
LICENSED chauffeur wants position to
drive car; sober and reliable. P. O. Box 73,
Weston, Or.
YOUNG man wants situation. Anything con
sidered. l day and board. AO 860, Ore
gonian. ARCHITECTURAL draughting done reason
ably, Al work; bungalows a specialty. Ad
dress AL S04, Oregonian.
YOUNG man would like steady position with
private family, care for auto and lawn.
AO 837, Oregonian.
A YOUNG married man, experienced jani
tor, wishes position in apartment-house
or other; reference. Marshall 4337.
EXPERIENCED man prepared to take gar
den and lawn work. Norton, 251 Broadway.
Phone Marshall 36tl.
REGISTERED pharmacist, locating per
manently in Portland, desires position In
live store. D 891. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position as switch maker
In hair store. E 8SS, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS engineer. Ice refrigerators,
etc Mil! or factory. X 752. Oregonian.
WHAT have you for a live wire in Alaska?
Will make good. AH 833. Oregonian.
WANTED Man and wife to take small
paying business. Woodlawn 3229.
like position; will take relief. Y 847,
MAN and wife want any kind of work.
Phone East 5073. room 25.
GARDENER, landscape, greenhouse man,
wants work. K 86o, Oregonian.
MAN, heavy team, plow, wagon, etc.; want
work any place. Woodlawn 177.
CARPENTER wants work, day or contract.
J Young, 6014 49th st. S. E.
WE do your building, repairing at cost; re
liable, experienced. Phone Sellwood mi..
EXPERIENCED gardener wants care of
lawns, etc., by day, season. Main 23iHl.
Bookkeepers and Stenogrs,.ner.
YOUNG LADY' wishes position in confec
tionery Btore, as saleslady; three years'
. ; nion. ,.nil..rjn rwl fancv nark
ing; best of references. D 88S. Orugonian.
i 'hm i)L"rL''T r. r. , T-t rxnt stoi- rtfT-n t nr. knnwl
edge of typewriting and general office
work; 2 years' experience Portland; best
of references. H iSoO, Oregonian. Phone
Woodlawn 304S.
POSITION wanted by a competent book
keeper and stenographer; lamiiiar with
all work uertaining to an office; 12 years'
experience. Address AE 843, Oregonian.
REFINED church woman, employed, will
act as companion s?d care for children
evenings in exchan&e for room. N 861,
COMPETENT stenographer, 4 years' work
Portland, best reierences, wants perma
nent position ; knowledge bookkeeping.
Main 574.
YOUNG lady of business ability wishes po
sition at office work; knowledge of sten
ography. AM 843, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and assistant
bookkeeper; references. Woodlawn o2tl
after ti:J0 P. M.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, reliable, ac
curate and willing worker. Phone Mar
shall 27ol.
WANTED Position by capable woman as
companion to invalid; good references. C
890, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady bookkeeper, office assistant,
good penman, quick at figures, day or half
day worK. ti few. oregonian.
INEXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper wants position. Phone Woodlawn
STENOGRAPHER wants position general
office work; 2 years' experience. Phone
C 1414.
STENOGRAPHER, 4 months' experience m
law office, desires position, small salary to
start. X 84:i, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER desires position; six
months' experience; moderate salary. AF
8;W, Oregonian
A-l EXCHANGE operator wants position;
have had some office experience. Phone
B. 1484.
STENOGRAPHER, 3 years' experience, de
sires employment forenoons. Phone Tabor
POSTING, billing or corresponding done
mornings by experienced bookkeeper. Ta
bor 19i4.
BOOKKEEPE R Beginner, wants position ;
willing to start with low salary; will do
office work. Marshall 3179.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book-
keepkeeper desires position. Woodlawn
8000 or Main 4127.
YOUNG lady with experience in general of
fice work desires position. Woodl'n 3650.
COMPETENT stenographer; experience In
law work. Phone Marshall 4258.
COMPETENT stenographer desires a posi
tion. Main 9428.
STENOGRAPHER, beginner, desires work
few weeks for practice. AJ 818, Oregonian.
BY- experienced stenographer. Phone Mar
shall 2S14. The Irving.
VERY competent, experienced stenographer
wants position. AR 800, Oregonian.
LADY stenographer wishes copying and
piece work at home. Columbia 160.
Dress matters.
WOULD take charge of millinery or dress
making and tailoring department at $100
per month; am thoroughly competent. AB
83. Oregonian.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, hand-tailored
suits a specialty; satisfaction guaranteed.
Special Easter prices. Mrs. Thomas, Mar.
5040. A 62U4. -
REMODELING, plain sewing, underwear
and children's garments; also hemming
and mending reasonable; references. Main
TAILORING, dressmaking, competent wom
an, 33, 18 months Portland; reference;
S2.T.0 day. $2 for 3 days; no meals. Wood
lawn 2086.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, fitter and de
signer; party dresses and evening coats a
specialty; $3 per day. Main 160S.
HAND EMBROIDERY and designing, prices
reasonable. Special terms to dressmakers.
Sellwood 245.
TAILOR-MADE CORSETS, cut and fit to
your measure, $6.50 up; work guaranteed.
5S2 East 9th st. Phone Sellwood 680
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress.
gowns, alterations, by day or home. Tabor
WANTED Sewing by day by good home
dressmaker. Phone East 28S2.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoring,
open for engagements. Phone E. 4705.
PLAIN sewing; children's a specialty. Phone
Woodlawn lb;'.
SEWING, $2.50 a day, ladies Spring coats
DRESSMAKING Children's clothes a epe
cialty. Tabor 7.
MADAME DE BILLAUT, Flledner build
ing. Main 6127. Gowns or suits from $10.
PLACE as nurse girl by strong, willing
young girl; references. Phone Main 26o2.
Sunday, between 1 and S.
WILL take care of children, day or even
ing by experienced nurse, with reference.
Marshall 4837.
NURSE, maternity, anything good refer
ences, help work, $10 per week. Main
PRACTICAL nurse, strong, experienced,
wishes to care for elderly invalid or feeble
minded patients. Phone Woodlawn3407.
EXPERIENCED practical nurse wishes
cases: care of Infants a specialty. Phone
A 6717. Apt. 5.
BY two nurses, more cases, any kind; the
care of delicate child. Invalid or Insti
tutional work. Main 4469.
NURSE wishes more engngements; terms
reasonable; little house work; references.
Main 4i44.
LADIES fine maternity home. 149 E. 76th
N. "MV car. Phone Tabor 2617.
TRAINED nurse wants engagements; ex
perience; reasonable. Tabor 3376.
TRAINED nurse, 1ih.b private home for in
valids; elderly. Tabor 2213.
PRACTICAL nurse wishing maternity work
or day work. Marshall 2486.
TRAINED nurse has own home on Errol
Heights and will take all kinds of in
valids and chiloren to care for, private
room, bign location, fresh eggs every
day; all he conveniences for chronic in
valids and convalescents. Rates very rea
sonable. B 865, Oregonian.
TRAINED NURSE R. N.) wishes position
to travel as companion or nurse, or take
charge of children. TermB reasonable.
A-l references. o 864, Oregonian,
CAPABLE nursemaid wants position with
reliable family. Phone East 618 until 2
P. M. for three days.
PRACTICAL nurse will care for Infant, in
valid or small children at own home; good
care. Call or write 47 E. 87th at. N.
A MIDDLE-AGED, refined woman, wishes
position as housekeeper in gentleman's
home or in elderly couple's household as
housekeeper. Companion and to assist with
serving. AV 115, OregoniHn.
LADY, whose husband is on prolonged trip,
wants housekeeping for gentleman with
child In nice home ; or would consider
management of small apartment-house.
References. V 807, Oregonian.
A RESPECTABLE, middle-aged lady wants
a position as housekeeper in a rooming
house; will take full charge and do the
work reasonable. Y 851, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by a capable woman as
housekeeper for gentleman, widower or
bachelor. Lucie Wallace, general delivery,
CAPABLE woman wants housekeeping,
widower's family, or companion to refined
woman, city or country. S fe5D, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED woman of refinement with
child of 3 desires position as housekeeper
in adult family. Phone B 2781, or call
755 Belmont, cor. 23d.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper would like po
sition In widower's home or young men's
home; can give best of reference. Phone
t:ast 3:t04.
RELIABLE working housekeeper or cham
bermaid wishes position, hotel, good ref
erences. Marshall 4 926.
WIDOW lady with boy 5 years desires
housekeeping on ranch or camp preferred;
references. Main 8180. Suite 38.
RE FIXE L lady wishes position In caring
for Invalid or as housekeeper; best ot
references. E 887, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPING, widower's home preferred,
by widow middle aged; good cook. O
803. Oregonian.
RELIABLE woman wants to keep house ;
good cook; In small family or widower's
home. S 854, Oregonian.
WIDOW with baby a year old wishes posi
tion as housekeeper or general housework.
Box 103, Linn ton. Or.
YOUNG Japanese woman wants position
housework; can't speak English very
much. B 864. Oregonian.
JAPANESE couple want position In good
family; city. Main 6014.
A COMPETENT girl wishes to do second
work, references. E. 24!) 5.
AN experienced teacher would like private
pupils, persons wishing to improve their
knowledge of arithmetic or grammar
' preparatory to a business course, or for
eigners desiring to learn English or any
one desiring assistance In the common
English branches. Have also a thorough
knowledge of German, speak and read it
same as English. "Will teach day or even
ing. Address V. J., 413 11th St.
A YOUNG college woman, desiring to go to
Chicago the last of May or first of June,
will act, for part of her expenses, as a
companion to an elderly woman. AK 871,
WILL read to invalid or blind person 3
nights or more each week at $1 a night,
from 6 to 9 o'clock, or will do office work,
clerical, cashier or stenographic; refer
ences. T 801, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted as cook by a competent
Swedish young lady. Address Rev. John
Ovall. residence 54S Mill st. Phone, Mar
shall 114.
ANY honorable employment for honest young
lady, city or out, companion, governess
or office work; good penman; understands
bookkeeping. K 871, Oregonian.
A RELIABLE colored woman wants day's
work, first-class laundress, chambermaid
or house-cleaning; call all the week.
Phone Main 8!0.S.
GIRL will pay $1 a week and give light
service early mornings or companionship
for room. Marshall 2421. Central loca
tion. WILL take care of children by the hour or
day very reasonable at my home. Can
give highest references; would call for
children. 1026 E. 2Mh st. North.
COLORED woman would like work Wednes
day and Thursday, or would take washing
home. Call Marshall 45G4.
YOUNG woman with tact and ability de
sires position of trust; references. AM 859,
EXPERIENCED German woman wants day
work; curtains to launder. Woodlawn
EXPERIENCED woman wants washing,
ironing and day work. Phone Woodlawn
LADY living on West Side wishes one child
to care for by month; rates reasonable.
Call Marshall 1651.
LADY will give private lessons in English
to foreigners and beginners; reasonable.
P 803, Oregonian.
HIGH school girl wishes to assist with
housework for room and board; west Side.
Y 844, Oregonian.
A HUSTLER wants specialty work; can
take out crew and get results. AD 815,
A RESPECTABLE middle-aged lady would
like housekeeping. Gentlemen preferred.
Phone Tabor 35l4. .
MARRIED woman would like housework,
where she can keep her 3-months-old
baby. AL 860, Oregonian.
MARRIED lady wants chamber or apartment-house
work for use of apartments;
some wages; references. Phone Main 7S57.
EXPERIENCED laundress and house cleaner
wishes work, day or hour. Woodlawn
1 033.
POSITION as companion to middle-aged
lady or to assist with care of one or two
small children. C 884, Oregonian.
A LADY desires position as traveling com
panion to Los Angeles; references. AN 840,
WANTED Position by experienced picture
pianist. Li sou, uregonian
W'ILL care for children any time, day or
"WANTED Day work by experienced party.
East 2171.
A-l LAUNDRESS wants work of any kind
oy aay. vvootiiawn z t uo.
SCOTCHWOMEN want chamber or jani-
THREE girls want work. Main 1428 or call
226 Park st.
RELIABLE woman wants day work. Phone
Marshall 49?5, room 6.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work by the
day. Main 4217.
RELIABLE party wants blankets, curtains
or ramiiy wasning. wooaiawn jul'm.
COLORED girl wants to assist with house
work half days. Phone Tabor 214C.
WANTED Chamber work, cooking in camp
or ranch. 213' First st. Main 7Rtf.
SENIOR in high Bchool will teach pupils
after school. East 5717.
DAY work, laundry and cooking, housework.
Tabor 4723.
LACE curtains, draperies, linens laundered
by expert. Called for. Tabor 317.
YOUNG woman wants day work. Tabor
WANTED By university graduate, pupils
to coach. T 800, Oregonian.
BY LADY experienced fn grocery, delicat
essen and bakery. Phone Marshall 1785.
LACE curtains hand laundered, all work
guaranteed. Sellwood 801.
LACK curtains hand laundered. Phone Main
WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Mrs.
Baker, Marshall 3412.
RAPID and accurate long-hand copying
done at home. Phone A 0717, Apt. 5.
EXPERIENCED lady. 30. wishes chamber
work. Marshall 3412.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work,
20 cents an hour. Phone Tabor. 4750.
LACE CURTAINS hand washed, delivered.
Main 3005.
LAD y wants house cleaning. Phone Tabor
2043 Monday.
LAE. scrim, silk, curtains, hand laundered.
25c and up; wool blankets. Sellwood 1606.
WORK by hour; best city references. Phon
Main 67,77.
EXPERIENCED German !aunqress wants
day work. Cal! Tabor 45nS.
HOME laundered lace curtains; lo years x
perince. Mrs. Scott. Phone Thor 2445.
GOOD, reliable laundress gos out working,
dally or by hour. East l:tO.
COLORED woman wants general housr
work; can give ciy references. East !HMi
TO xell or ooer't te for votirs1f lnp.i nut
man".- LaFf ba!! trait" lor r.tali'ne: I k I
profits; exclusive trritnrv. Mechanical,
Nolty Co.. Gay bldg., Su Louis. Mo. A
Deal with responsible corporation ; we
man ut act ur and distribute best sellers;
factory prices, classy proposition; start
spare time; quick returns; small capital;
absolutely no fake scheme; writ for free
103 E. STH.
MADE forty million dollars. Montgomery
Ward died leaving fortune, original cap
ital probably less than you spend weekly
fur pleasure, parcel post, reduced express
rates otter big opportunities; become part
ner with us as manufacturers; no canvass
ing, no experience; spare time only re
quired; free priuted matter, instructions.
Write for valuable booklet, 'Mail 0der
Success.' Pease Mfg. Co., dept. A2U, 70
Broadway. Buffalo, P. Y.
$$$$$$$$ $ Hustling man or woman rep
resentative, each locality, 18 to 50 yeara
of age; to join this society, introduce our
memberships; part or full time; $.jx to $0oo
a month ; every member you recommend
gives you steady income each montu
thereafter; honorable, dignified engag
nient; experience is not required; .only one
appointment each locality; hurry, be first
to apply. Write the 1-L-U, 1251, Coving
ton, Ky.
DON'T MISS this one Nothing like It- We
offer yqu brand-new household specialty,
recently patented; every woman grabs it;
your money doubled twice every sale; Kan
sas schoolboy made 55. 4 o ouisnie school
hours last month; Mr. Marrick $J0
hrst 3 weeks; you can sell every family
your town; first in county gets exclusive
right to sell. Send for catalogue "W" to
day. Wendell Co., 222 Oak. Leipaic, O.
DON'T miss this one; we offer you brand
new household specialty ; patented Jan.
30. 1014. Every woman grabs it; money
doubled twice on every sals; Mr. Marrick
made 00 first three weeks; Kansas boy
made $55.40 outside of school hours last
month; you can sell every family in town.
First one In county gets ris lit to sell. Be
quick. Send for catalog W" today. Wen
dell Co., 223 Oak KU, Leipsic, O.
HAVE complete line of household necessi
ties that are whirlwind sellers; big profits;
want agents, general agents, resident man
atrers, traveling salesmen; unlimited op
portunity for success, 30o0 a year cleared
easily; best proposition on market; exclu
sive territory given ; do not delay getting
In touch with this. Manager, Dept. 10.
13St W. Bancroft, Toledo. O.
MEN and women to sell Whltcomb's "Flex
sole,' unlined shoe for women; no tacks,
no seams, no lining; advertised in mag
azines 12 years ; agents can make $0
weekly; a passible customer in every
home; all orders filled the same day re
ceived ; protected territory. Eastern Shoe
Co., Beverly, Mass.
FIRST-CLASS solicitors for Portland and
open territory in Oregon make big money
selling accident and health insurance in
the largest exclusive accident and health
company in America. Call on or write
Henry bldg., Portland, ur.
WE furnish you capital to run profitable
business of your own. Become one of our
local representatives, sell high-grade custom-made
shirts, also guaranteed sweaters,
underwear, hosiery. neckties direct to
homes. Write Steadfast Mills, dept. 1,
Cohoes, N. Y.
VACUUM CLEANER Representatives de
sired. We manufacture complete line of
vacuum cleaners, hand and electric; each
machine is Kuarnnteed for one year from
date of purchase. Keystone Vacuum
Cleaner Co., 50S Pennsylvania bldg., Phil
adelphia, Pa.
AGENTS, sell rich-looking, imported 30x01
rugs, $1 each ; Carter, Tenn., Mold 115 4
days, profit 57. You can do same. Write
sample offer selling plan ; exclusive ter
ritory. Sample rug parcel post prepaid 18
cents. Rondan, Importer, Stoning ton.
everything; men and women, $110 to 200
weekly operating our "New System Spe
cialty Candy Factories." home or small
room anvwhere; no canvassing. Opportu
nity lifetime. Booklet free. it AGSDALE
CO.. Box S, East Orange, N. J.
MAN or woman, every town, sell GUAR
ANTEED ready-made or custom under
wear, hosiery. Year 'round, "repeat or
der" business. OHIO TEXTILE CO.
(Manufacturers), 243 STATE, PAINES
You get newest improved vacuum brush
machine, best constructed, classiest finish,
ball bearing if desired. Write at once.
Kayre & Co., IPS N. Michigan hid, Chicago.
LEADING accident and health company
wants managing agents every Western
town ; oest monthly premium policies, big
commissions; exclusive territory ; perma
nent income. L. B. Huge, 2d V.-Pres..
Merchants Exchange bldg., San Francisco.
GET particulars of one of best-paying prop
ositions ever put on market; something
no one else sells; make $4000 yearly. Send
postal today for particulars. E. M. Felt
man, sales mgr., HOST Sycamore St., Cin
cinnati, O.
150 PER CENT profit selling new easy
wringer mup ; every home buys ; Martin
sold 131 2 days; Randall sells IS 4 hours;
Pnker made 2 hours; one man's orders
$2050 in one month: get details. U. S.
Mop Co, l3 Main, Toledo, O.
RESPONSIBLE manufacturer desires plac
ing valuable agency, sure repeater, perma
nent income, business builder, easy, no
competition, protected territory guaran
West 42d, N. Y.
AGENTS WANTED Agents make 500 per
cent profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards."
Merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight. 800
varieties. Catalogue free. SULLIVAN
CO., 1234 Van Uuren St.. Chicago. 111.
$2000 REFUSED by our Wisconsin general
agent for his exclusive sales rights for
our electric-flash ing-ch an geable-sectional
siKn selling itself. $10. Flash trie Sign
"Works, Chicago.
YOU can make $25 to $S0 week selling guar
anteed aluminum ware ; complete sales
course free: answer quick to secure choice
territory. DIv. 2.".0, American Aluminum
Mfg. Co., Lemon t. 111.
WANTED Chefk protector Falesman for
new $10 check protector; heats $;J0 ma
chine; thousands selling; commission
proposition for experienced agents. N. H.
Konte, tjanion. noiei.
50 PER CENT profit; gold and silver sign
letters for store and office windows; any
one can put on. "Write today for free sam
ple. Metallic Letter Co., 510 N. Clark.
AGENTS make big money and become sales
managers for our goods; fast office sell
ers; fine proilts. Particulars and sample
free. One Dip Pen Co., 471 Daily Record
bldg.. Baltimore, Md.
MAKE up to $35 dally selling our new world
beaters. Quick sales, big profits; no ex
perience required. Catalogue, samples free.
Curvcr Co., Jackson & Campbell ave..
MEN and women wanted In every town to
handle toilet preparations. 100 per cent
profit. All ladies are buyers. "Write to
day. Shirey Co., 4S26 Geary, San Fran
cisco. AGENTS, ladies or gentlemen; work In home
town or city: easy seller, good commis
sion. Write for free particulars. Wynley
Su pply Co.. L.ewigton. Idaho.
VACUUM cleaners, three bellows, ball-bearing
plain S2.0. combination $3.00. Argyl
Mfg. Co., 759 First Nat'l Bank bldg., Chl
cayo. NO experience needed to earn biir Income
onllinc our roods; end for our latest win
ner. The Chas. Webb Co.. Box 6. Port
land. Or.
AGENTS for splendid hlgh-gmde seller; easy
to hand:e: larce demand. R. & R. Ppe.
claltv Co.. Dept. B, 110 No. Silver, Cen
tralia, Wash.
SELL guaranteed Rlumlnum cooking nten
Bils: sure sale where shown, $30 to $rt
weekly easily made. American Aluminum
Mfg Co.. dept. 302ff. Lemont. Til.
$50 PER week selling our new specialty;
evry housewife wants one; genera! agents
wanted for exclusive territory. 1039 Gas
hide., Chicago.
READ the Agents Magazine and make more
money; 2 Issues 10c. Agents Magazme,
MAKE bigger monev selling our up-to-dfte
novelty sigrp; catalogue free. Novelty Sign
Card Co., desk 30, St. Louis.
LEGITIMATE substitute for slot machines;
patented; sella on sltrht for $1. Particulars
GIsha Co.. Anderson. Ind.
ANXIOUS to earn monev? Rend Pin Money
book. 4-o plans, copv 25c. Mall Order News,
dept. 4. look box 122. San Francisco.
I MIrt2 a million, let m show you now to
do the pame. Frank "W. Williams, Taylor
St., Chlcapo.
WA NTKD A well -furnished modern boue
of 7 nr S roois in a Kfyd West Side
neighborhood, within 10 mmtites ride of
the Postoffice. Phone Marshall 4M.
A" A MED To r nt furnished 5-room bun
T alow. nlio 10 to IS -room houses; we have
cli.!-" ready to rent them. "all Main 1721.
?7."i Pine st. Monday, ask for Slrard.
FUKVISHF.D house with g-Jiraire, Trvinarton
referred. Familv nf 3 adults. Will lease
for loip term. AK S0. Orepronlan.
W A NTKD J or S-rooir furnished flat or
t-ottaire; reasonable rent. H 856, Orego
n i n " . '
W NTKD To rent small furnished house.
Ho In. Address J. A. V.. Pacific sta
tionery Print In cr Co.. 17 Cl st.
V WTKD 1 of Ti-r.Mm f'.Tnislird bunpalow.
e! fe f:i. Wer s'Me preferred. Phone morn-
yi- - -"T-y. - . - f ''1l?:loV in
p.-xtil iU'H' on '-'it '!.; must be mod
ern, about $20. Main CSOU.