The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 22, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 30

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Office Secretary Employment Department,
X. M. U. A.
Young man, stranger, seeking employ
ment ($20 bis total cash asset t If I pay
you $5 for employment membership I will
have only 15 between me and starvation.
Secretary If you pay $5 for employ
ment membership you will have the Y. M.
C. A. with all Us resources between you
and starvation.
Result Young man Joined association.
Xn less than a week' he had eat is factory
Record tor 1918:
Calls for men from employers 2053
Positions filled 141
Special employment membership guar
antees member will secure employment or
membership fee will be refunded. Gives
tv. months' full privileges, including use
of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath, etc.,
and 10 months' social or house privileges
Including the services of the employment
department for the entire year.
All .young men seekng employment In
commercial, clerical or technical lines, are
cordially invited to consult with the Sec
retary of the Advisory and Employment
SVAXTED We desire to secure an exper
ienced calendar salesman to handle our
line in this territory, one with an estab
lished trade only; we have long been rec
ognized as the leading manufacturers of
art calendars, commercial calendars,
monthly calendars, blotters and leather
novelties for advertising purposes. If you
are a real producer, this Is an unusual
opportunity for. you to form a very desir
able connection with a progressive' house
Our commissions are very liberal. Doa'l
waste time answering unless you 'have
had experience, unless you can furnish the
oest of references and unless you are pre
pared to work on a straight commission
basts, commission payable on acceptance
or orders. Address Immediately, Robert
Chapman Company, Grand sC and Morgan
ave.. .Brooklyn, x. I.
GRADING throughout, 12 to 15 teams, with
No. 2 or No. 3 wheeler; must be accom
panied by foreman who understands hn
business; 4 to G weeks' work, near Cor
Vallis. Or.: camo ir round and water fur
nished; must bring old tentage; this work
cannot be contracted on yardage basis.
Write at once, stating price pr team per
ay of fraction thereof. Address bids to
business manager. Ore. Agricultural Col
!WANT single young man to milk and take
care of milkhouse; must be clean and so
ber. drv-hand milker and careful and con
scientlous- about work; give age, descrip
tion and exoerience. etc. in first letter;
nermanent place to man who can make
irood: board:- bed and Day good; reason
able hours; unless you can and will milk
clean and do work according to directions
do not apply. Harry Aebahr, corvauis, or.
TRAVELING salesmen" can easily
increase their income by calling
-on retail .millinery and department
stores in spare time. You receive
$2 on each "$4 order. Insure a
special outfit by writing at once.
George JC Henderson, 122 Broad
way, New York City. 5
3ft' E want salesmen that have confidence in
their ability to sell our goods on a com
mission biLHis: staule line, our own guar
antee behind our goods, backed by 40
vears' exnerience: we assist you in work
ing up a permanent business that will
bring you good returns. W 817, Ore-
WANTED Man with some BDecialty exnerl
euce to call on a selected class of people
in the interest of a high-class proposition.
Liberal remuneration, permanent empioy-
, niei , chances for advancement. Refer
ences. See Mr. Reardon before noon. 25
Cnamber Commerce bldg., Portland, .Jr.
WANTED First-class salesman to sell the
best line of ciders and soft drinks in the
United States to all classes of merchants
in small country towns: salary $100 per
month and expenses. Crown Cidec Co.,
Department "A," 2o7 S. Commercial St.,
St. Louis, Mo.
To sell stock in legitimate, distinctive
enterprise ; exceptional opportunity never
before offered; high ' commission for re
liable men; no trlflers wanted; illustrated
particulars on request. R. M. Armstrong,
Vice.-Pres.. Austin, Tex.
SALESMAN artistic changeable sign; selling
readily to retail stores; big commissions;
also great opportunity for party with some
ca pi till to employ sub agents. Inter
changeable Magnetic Sign Co., 21S West
18th, New York.
IF YOU are a hustler. If you will solicit
your friends and acquaintances. If you are
not afraid to make a house-to-house' can
vass 1 -will show you how to make from
$23 to 410O weekly. Let me tell you about
it. 720 Northwestern Bank bldg.
SALESMAN Experienced any line, to sell
general trade. Pacific territory; unexcelled
specialty proposition; commission contract;
$35 weekly expenses. Continental Jewelry
Co., OS 12 Continental Bldg., Cleveland,
We want a few good specialty salesmen
to sell high-class specialties to merchants.
Apply lo04-5 Yeon bid p., Monday morn
ing betwen 10 A. M. and noon.
liONLST man wanted in each town for
special advertising work; $15 a week to
start;, experience unnecessary; references
req'uired. Address at once, McLean, Black
' & Co., 232 N. Beverly St.. Boston. Mass.
WANTED Party with teams to take con
tract to log: and deliver ties to railroad;
about three months' work for 4 or o
teams. Address Hillsboro, Or.4 Box 444.
Phone City 114.
"WAN "ED Family men expe rienced in mill
and yard work, for mills In this city. No
booze fighters wanted. Americans, Scan
dinavians or Germans. Address M. A.
Hood, Raymond. Wash.
GOOD wages, steady employment, for work
man in this trade; few mouths only learn
ing; positions guaranteed. Watchmaking,
Engraving School, 210 Commonwealth
bldj?., Gtu and Ankeny, Portland.
WANTED Sales managers for Portland and
Coast cities; lrresist ible, quick-selling, re-
peatlng specialty line. Homebrew Com
pany, Spokane. Wash.
GENTELMAN to write fraternal insurance
and organize for high-class order for men
and women. S. M. Wade, Hotel Portland,
Sunday or Monday.
.DO you want $lo a day. side or main line,
retail, Premium and Punch Board Deals?
Five propositions. American Factories
Company, St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED Fifteen good solicitors to go on
road, long trip; salary every night; trans
portation paid. Call between 5 and G
eveginKS. 35 Third st. Room 309.
'WANTED Good rustler to canvass for
household necessity, city or country; good
commission; experience not necessary. In
quire 220 Swetland bldg.
OFFICE MAN WANTED Clean business;
good opportunity for right man; Inves
tigate thoroughly; . small investment re
quired. 323 Lumber .Exchange.
$18 PER WEEK, outftde-nien to handle a
first-class proposition with old-established
house. Call today between 11 and 2, 617
Worcester bldg. 7
SOLICITORS for dt;; and surroun ding
towns. Some good territory left; fast
selling articles; big commission. 701 Swet
land bldg.
each; all or spare time; no correspondence
course. .. Details free. Atlas Publishing
Co.. 42. Cincinnati, O.
CASH advanced you weekly selling my
hardy, guaranteed stock, excellent terri
tory; hustlers make money ; Washington
Nursery Co., Toppenfsh, Wash.
A CONVINCING talker to represent a re
liable business firm in city; good oppor
tunity to right party. See Monday A. M.
43G Railway Exchange.
"WANTED An experienced collector; should
have motorcycle; must give bond. AL S34,
YOUNG man with banking, clerical knowl
edge, able to operate typewriter. AC 790.
iWANTED Two bright young jnen for so
licitors. Fine proposition for the rieht
man. 433 Washington st.
SALESMAN, who understands jute or cot
ton bae trade; city, outside; state exnerl-
ence and salary desired, q fiZi, Oregonian.!
WANTED Sober, industrious married -man
without children, to take care of horses!
Apply 8S E. 7th ?t. North.
FW good advertising solicitors who have
the future in view and wish to connect
with growing concern. S2'2 14th.
WANTED A barber; must be first-class
man, $15 per week and commission. Ad
dress Iowa Barber Shop, Independence. Or.
WANTED Man to go to S. F. on salary and
commission, or good proposition for right
man: must have $250. G S40. Oregonian.
PHOTO coupon: best offered; beauty con
test started. Cutherth Studio. Dekum bldg.
LIVE photo solicitors; good money; new
proposition. Moore Studio, Elks' bldg.
.YOUNG man to learn the barber trade. Cal.
S3 2 Mississippi ave.
PHOTO AGENT, something new; extra com
mission paid. Farony Studio, Royal bldg.
FIRST-CLASS salesmen mornings to call on
merchants 502 Swetland bldg.
with patentable Ideas write Randolph
To.. Patent Solicitors, Washington, D. C.
& Co.
MAN wanted who understands bee a.
837, Oregonian. -
WILL PE:d clear lot for building me con
crete driveway. 620 Henry bldg.
TRAVELING salesmen wanted everywhere.
Chance to make $25 weekly and expenses;
fine course In salesmanship free to our
representatives. Interstate Tobacco Co.,
Denver, Colo.
SALESMAN For high-grade new patented
s specialty; man with protectograph, type
writer or cash register experience; give
record and age for interview. F boJ, Ore
gonian. BUSHELMAN, first-class, sober, reliable,
married man preferred; steady job; $25
week. Nancekivell Tig. & ' Cleaning
Works, Wenatchee. Wash.
WANTED Carpenter to do carpenter work
for rent of furnished room in good apart
ment-house on West-Side. AC 842, Orego
nian. SALESMAN for high-class specialty Com-
mission; references. Lumoer x-
change bldg.
BOY over 1G to learn pants pressing.
12S 2d St. Room 9.
WANTED A general housework girl, to
take care of lower part of house and do
washing and part of ironing for a
small family; must be good cook; also
a girl for upstairs work and most of care
of child 2 years old; good wages to the
right parties; references required. Phone
luarsnan ys until March 20.
LADIES $10 to $25 week copying and aa
dressing letters unaer our instructions;
worK evenings; stamped envelope tor par
ticulars. Alkan Co., llll Alice fit., Oak-
Jand, Cal.
FREE rent of partly furnished 3-room
semi-basement apartment, to parties no
children) for light janitor work; perma
nent. Lajj ana see i:;o hi, a 4th at. Sun
nyside car.
w AMfcD Thoroughly experienced sales
woman to sell and to buy waists; must
possess extra good taste; unless you are
aj. onn x answer; state salary wanted
ana reierence. AS 800, Oregonian.
Bill clerk demonstrator and saleslady.
Competent, willing and experienced.
AT 851, Oregonian.
WANTED Competent girl over 20 for gen
eral housework in email family, good cook
ana laundress; must be neat and willing;
good wages. Call Main 2122 after 9 A. M
THREE energetic women for soliciting good
money-making proposition. Ring bell 1,
at GIG Pettygrove St., between a and H
A. M.
TWO refined, competent women for family
cook and second work out of town. No
washing. References. $23 and $30. AV
til), Oregonian.
WANTED Lady, fluent talker, introducing
pleasing proposition to ladles; entirely new
field; salary and commission. Phone C
WANTED 2 experienced garment pressers
and two lady bushelmen; good wages.
United States Laundry Co., dry cleaning
department, ISO Grand ave.
WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman to
assist with housework for her room, board
and clothes; treated as one of the family.
Address lock box 345, Rainier, Or.
LADIES for work along child culture line.
guaranteed contract or. ttO days at $u
salary for 7 hours per day. Phone -East
WANTED A middle-aged lady for light
housework, family of 3; good home and
small wages. Address G30 East 18th St.
South, or call between 5 and 0 1. M.
GENTLEMAN with best of references has
daughter of 9, wishes to hear from young
widow as housekeeper. AJ 807, Oregon
ian. LADIES to travel, demonstrate and sell
dealers; $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare
pttiu. bio Swetland bldg. Call mornings.
GIRL wanted to do plain sewing In ex
change for piano or vocal lessons. Call
oodlawn 1203.
ivt, gins to learn beauty culture; pay
wnue learning; position guaranteed. 400
414 Dekum bldg.. Sanitary Parlors.
EXPERIENCED stenographer; rapid, ac
curate, willing and reliable. V 634, Ore
gonian. .
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, steady
place for right party; small wages to
start. Y 824, Oregonian.
RELIABLE woman, not under 25. for posi
tion with local firm; not office work. AH
SiJ, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
cb ildren ; small salary. Phone Woodlawn
WANTED A nurse girl to assist with care
or cnuaren afternoons, inquire at 674 i.
Morrison st.
LADY solicitors, steady work, salary and
commission. D. Moy Hotel, Yamhill, bet.
to. ana 3, room xuu.
WANTED Experienced sleever on shirts.
Apply in person. Crystal Laundry Co.,
zist ana hanay roaa.
THOROUGHLY experienced millinery sales
woman ; none but experienced need ap-
piy. .rtoDerts Bros., dd and Morrison.
Washington bldg.. 270 Washington, room
3o, near 4th. Phone Main 883G or A 3206.
YOUNG girl to assist with general house
work. Gi7 Schuyler St., Broadway car.
Call mornings.
WANTED Competent girl for general
Housework in lamiiy oi 4 aauits. Good ret
erence. Call 505 Gltsan.
YoL'NG lady, who can use typewriter and
act as Wll clerk; give reference, phone
number, aj 82u, oregonian.
WANTED Lady stenographer who has had
experience in law on ice. .ao. areas Alv ooi,
GOOD, reliable, middle-aged woman to care
lor DaDy, z in iamuy. caii 20o Mer
chants Trust bldg. for particulars.
MILLINERY apprentices at 405 Morrison ;
small pity while learning; first-class work
LADY to solicit and travel with photog
rapher. Call Sunday morning, 282 Fourth
street, room 1.
WILL give room, board and carfare In
good home to young schoolgirl, one who
will be permanent. Woodlawn 2272.
WANTED Experienced marker and distrib
utor. Phone or call International Laun
dry, E. 6th and Oak.
GIRL - wanted to do cooking and general
housework; small family and good wages.
1HK E. Glisan.
WANTED Competent girl for
housework. Phone Main 365.
Myrtle st., Portland Heights.
Call 562
MAKE MONEY writing short stories or ar
ticles; big pay. Free booklet tells how.
United Press Syndicate, San Francisco.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vfavi Co.. 609 Roth
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
CAPABLE, refined and reliable young wom
an for responsible position in dentist's
office. W b20, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; good wages; small family. 714
Lovt-joy st.
WANTED Business woman to take full
charge of local office. Salary and com.
Ana, own handwriting. W 832, Oregonian.
GIRL for general
cor. Mill. Phone
B 1(12.
338 E. 25th,
WA.tJft'ED Miudle-i
a , crippled lady.
woman to
WANTED Lady solicitor; salary and com
mission. Apply 733 u Washington.
WANTED First maid for laundry and sec
ond work; private family. Marshall 3654.
WANTED A neat girt
work. Sellwood 153H.
for general house-
GIRL for general housework. 715
cor. E. 21st.. phone C 12o.
COMPETENT gir to assist with housework
and children. Woodlawn 593.
GIRL for general housework; good home in
suhurhs. Woodlawn 1HHS.
A COMPETENT girl for general housework
in family of adults. Phone Marshall 5513.
GO on the stage,
loss. Swetland
particulars free,
bidg.. Portland.
EXPERIENCED girl, general housework,
three in family, good pay. 574 E. Salmon.
WANTED Two well-appearing solicitors;
good pay. Address AJ 824, Oregonian.
WANTED First-class cook, small familv,
new house, good wages, phone Main 328.
LADY solicitor, good pay. Call 48614 Wash
ington st. Portland Hat Works.
N. 4th st.
:o work in coffee house. 28
WAIST FINISHERS, experience, must be
dressmakers by trade. 434 Morrison st.
WANTED A neat girl for general house
work at once. 1106 Mallory ave.
for general
6th st.
housework ; references.
WANT girl for second work, family of 3.
Apply mornings. 02 King st.
SKIRT MAKER and fitter. The J.
Acheson Tailoring Co.. 129 21st st.
EXPERIENCED finishers on custom pants.
Steady piece work. 128 H 2d. Room .
COMPETENT cook for general housework;
3 adults, lfll 14th st.. cor. Morrison.
CAPABLE girl to assist housework ; pleas
ant home, good wages, phone East 2726.
WANT 3 lady solicitors all this week.
502 Swetland bldg.
WANTED Girl to
602 Schuyler st.
do general housework.
A GOOD girl wanted for the kitchen at 70
W. Park. Call after 2 P. M.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work E&et 2329. 766 Schuyler.
SILICA paste almost sells Itself;
big pay.
easy work. Washington.
To begin school next September, eight
months term, salary $75 per month; must
nave naa several years experience in un
graded teaching and must furnish refer
ences: also must be able to give regulai
vocal work required in a school, and be
able to give piano lessons to pupils pri
vaiety; teacher must taKe care oi n
own bouse, which is located very near
school building, and must board herself.
For complete Information write Chairman
Trustees, District 20, Grimes Pass. Boise
county, iaano.
services ox several tnorougmy experiencea
saleswomen for their cloak, suit and wash
goods departments. Do not apply unless
thoroughly experienced and able to give
the very best references. Apply Monday
morning, superintendent omce, 7tn noor,
between 9 and 10:30.
"WANTED Girls of 16 years and over to
learn the business; prefer girls living at
no me ana tnose witn goou euucations,
Apply superintendent's ofuce, 9 to 10 A.M.
eui noor. Aleier & .t rans:
TWO waiters, out, $25 and $35; 3 waitresses.
120 and $25. R. and 13.; Z girls for gen
work, $25, fare paid; cook boarding-house,
out. $25: Swedish hotel cook, $40, R. and
B.; girls for gen. work, $25 and $35; girls
to assist, $15 to $20.
203 Morrison, Cor. 8d.
TWO well educated, ambitious women of
to Introduce
Good salary and commission to righ
party. J. c. Conway. Henry bldg., Seat
tle. Wash.
HONEST women wanted in each town
demonstrate well-known article; $15
week to start or 30 cents an hour for
spare time: experience unnecessary. Mc
Lean. Black & Co., 232 N. Beverly at.,
Boston, Mass.
WANTED throughly experienced woman for
alterations in suit department or a ae
partment store outside of Portland; one
preferred who is dressmaker as well; state
where previously employed, amount or ex
perience. AV , Oregonian.
WANTED Sunday school teacher, or other
active worker, for some special work in
connection with the Sunday school work,
Pleasant employment and salary of $45
per month. Give phone number, and lull
address in answer. AH 806, oregonian.
A RARE opportunity, make comfortable Iiv
in? home sewing plain seams; no canvass
ing; steady: no triflers; sewers in country
towns especially: send lO cents postage
returned if not satisfactory. Home Sew
Ing Co., jobbers sewing. JPO, Chicago, 111,
WANTED Musicians, women preferred
violinist, celloist. vlollst. flutist, pianist
motion picture house; evenings only and
Sunday afternoons, $15 per week; must
be able to fake; good field for teaching.
Address K, Daily Budget. Astoria, or.
START fascinating home business; tinting
postcards, pictures, etc., spare time; make
$12 weekly; no canvassing; samples 10c-
Particulars, Artint, 581, 130 Manhtn,
New York.
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wom
en is now located at room 303 new Pouce
Headquarters. Information, protection or
assistance given to women and gins, in
terviews confidential.
WANTED Young or middle-aged lady to
travel for business firm, an attractive
salary and expenses at first-class hotels.
Call Monday. 4t4 Morrison St., rooms
and 2.
WANTED Young women for chorus work;
must be over 18 years old, of neat appear
ance, and have good singing voices; ex
perience not necessary. Apply Lyric Thea
ter arter 1 f, ai. today.
WANTED Fivo live, aggressive women for
A-l selling proposition: make $3 to
day easy; steady work among best call
of people. Apply between 9 and 11 Mon
day. 7SS Chamber of Commerce.
WOMEN sell guaranteed hosiery to friends
and neighbors; 70 per cent profit; full or
part time; big seller; matte Jw dally, ex
perience unnecessary. International Mills,
Box 402S West Philadelphia, fa.
WANTED GirW for general house work in
family of three; references required. Call
75i Halsey st. Broadway car near 22d
St. Phone East 27G7.
LADIES Earn $10 per 100 making belts at
home. No cavassing. Enclose stamped,
addressed envelope. Standard Supply Co.,
aiamy, xowa.
$2.50 FEU DAY paid one lady in each town
to distribute free circulars for concen
trated flavoring in tubes. Permanent po
sition. F. E. BaiT Co., Chicago.
LADIES to write fraternal insurance and
organize for high-class order for men and
women.. S. M. Wade, Hotel Portland, bun
day or Monday.
each; all or spare time; no correspondence
course. Details free. Atlas Publishing
Co.. 42. Cincinnati. O.
GIRL to assist with eeneral housework.
children, in small family, a good, nome
and moderate wages ; reference. Phone
C 3084. 544 E. 4Gth St.
WANTED Girl to help with general house
work; one who lives near woociawn ana
can go home njghts. Mrs. C. B. Harris,
485 Alnsworlh ave.
WANTED Earnest young men and young
women who desire thorough training in
practical shorthand, typewriting, account
ins: orivate and individual instruction,
Courses rigid. Results sure. Day and
evening. ftO'J-510 Wilcox bldg.
VV .AjVi lbD Salesman, lady or gentleman, to
handle high-class proposition. Only live
wires need apply. Call between 9 and 10,
411 Wilcox bldg.
THE local representative of an Eastern cor
poratlon wants salesmen; 35 per cent
profit ; must have best of references and
hustlers. AH 821. Oregonian.
THE Washington Teachers" Agency desires
teachers tor hundreds or. vacancies in tne
West for next year. J. D. Seeley, Mgr.,
Carey, Idaho.
MAKE $25 every week In spare time; write
moving-picture piays; we snow you now;
stamn for information. Scenario, box
1176, Portland.
WANTED Photoplay writers, great de
mand, good pay. We ll teach you. Ad
dress United Picture Play Assn.; San
TEACH ERS wanted ; principals, specialists,
trade; half-rate enrollment; state qualifi
cation. N. W. Teachers' Agcy., N. Yakima.
ACTIVE, experienced canvassers wanted.
Catchy magazine proposition. Liberal com
mission. 714 Swetland bldg. .
FISK Teachers Agency secures positions for
teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4835.
BECOME detectives, earn big wages; ex
perience unnecessary ; send 2c stamp for
particulars. International Detective Bu
reau. Duluth, Minn.
LADIES, make shields nome, $10 100; woik
sent prepaid to reliable women; particu
lars stamped addressed envelope. Eureka
Co.. Dept. 110 B, Kalamazoo, Mich.
YOCNG men, become Government railway
mail clerks. $5 month; pull unneces
sary; sample examination questions free.
AV 928. Oregonian.
OREGON Barber College Now is the time
to learn the barber trade; positions guar
anteed; paid while learning; tools free;
tuition reduced. 233' Madison st.
MOLER Barber College will teach you
quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you
while learning, furnish tools free. Write
for free catalogue. A, 48 2d st. North.
GOVERNMENT jobs for women; big pa ;
Portland examination soon; sample ques
tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 700 L,
Rochester, N. Y.
BE DETECTIVES Earn $150 to $300 per
month. Travel over the world. Write
Fidelity Secret Service,, Desk 105, Wheel
ing. V. Va.
RAILWAY mtfil clerks commence $75 month.
Portland examinations coming; sample
questions free. Franklin Institute, Depu
H47-L. Rochester, N. Y.
RAILWAY mail clerks, P. O. clerks, car
riers; exam, soon; parcel post demands
many more clerks; act at once. Pacific
States School, McKay bldg., city.
GIRLS between 18 and 5 years to learn
comptometer add In g machine; good posi
tions provided when course Is completed.
Call 44S -Morgan bldg. Miss Fitzgerald.
MAKE $25 to $100 week. WRITE MOVING
PICTURE PLAYS. We show you. Stamp
for information. Sceniaro, box 1176, Port
land. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen. wages
about $100; experience unnecessary. Send
age. postage. Railway, care Oregonian.
NAMES and addresses by mail order houses;
big pay; home work; Information for
stamp. Direct Appeal Co., Plymouth, Ind.
WANTED At once, two men to learn auto
repairing and driving for spring work.
Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne.
GI RLS Learn beauty parlor work; earn
money while learning. The Hair Bazaar,
Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash, and Park.
WANTED Photo coupon agents; commis
sion. Do Luxe Studio, 604 E tiers bldg.
CHAUFFEURS and heavy-duty gasoline
engineers are in great demand. We want
sober, reliable men who we can recom
mend for these positions to take our course
In automobile repairing and driving. Tu
ition easy payments if desired. Pacllic
Auto & Gas Engine School, 188-190 Chap
man sL
DO you want to secure a good money-making
business, one that will last indefinitely
providing you exert your best energies?
where a small investment will put you
on easy street : exclusive territory ; $600
required. AG 808, Oregonian.
WANTED Ambitious workmen; your work
on actual jobs pays for teaching trade or
electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick
laying; only few months required; 700
students last four years. Write for in
formation. United Trade School Contract
lng Co., Los Angeles.
SALESMEN, experience unnecessary, easy
work, big pay; write for large list open
ings offering opportunities to earn $100 to
$500 month while you learn. Address dept.
466, National Salesmen's Training Associa
tion, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-
to-date cars; electric, civil engineering,
surveying; methods most practical; room
and board while learning; position se
cured ; sa tlsf action guaranteed ; catalogue
free. National School of Engineering,
2110 West Seventh. Los Angeles, Cal.
GOVERNMENT positions In postoffice. rall-
ay man, otner branches are good ; pre
pare for "exams" former U. S. Civil Serv
ice secretary-examiner. Booklet H35 free.
Write today. Patterson Civil Service
School, Rochester, N. Y.
Large earnings. Men with knowledge In
demand. Taught by former TJ. S. Gov. De
tective. Gov. System, 1501 Fort Dearborn
hldg., Chicago, 111.
WANTED I will teach several youne men
the automobile business in ten weeks by
mail and assist them to good positions;
no charge for tuition until posftlon is se
cured. Write today. R, S. Price, Auto
mohlle Expert, Box 463, Los Angeles, Cal.
I WILL, start you earning $4 daily at home
in iare iime, silvering mirrors; no capi
tal; free instructive booklet, giving plans
of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 56,
Boston, Mass.
PERSONS to write and copy letters. $10 to
$25 weekly readily made by following our
practical directions. Send self -addressed
envelope for particulars. Brooks copying
Co.. 930 Pa. ave., Washington, D. C.
HAVE exclusive Cal. state right for sale
of very best selling article; will dispose
of half interest to right man: he must go
to S. F.; small amount m"ney needed:
this Is something good. G $30, Oregonian.
COUPLE to live In suburb, accessible to
city business; rent to be paid by light
chores; woman to assist with houspwork
for cash. Address M. E. T., Route 1,
Box 3."., Hillsdale. Or.
detective: earn S25 to :
veekly ;
chance to see the world with all expenses
paid. Loraine System, Dept. 57, Boston,
PHARMACIST Young man, ambitious and
square; $1,100 of your money and $7500
of mine make for you the opportunity of
a lifetime. H S.'iO. Orego n i an .
instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, dook
keepinj;. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4253.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
AM a competent bookkeeper and office
man, German, married and have 2 chil
dren; five years of experience from ledger
clerk to office manager with one of the
largest firms on the Coast. If you need a
reliable good man, please write. N 834,
HIGH-GRADE office man, executive ex
perience, good knowledge of systems, fa
miliar with bank, public service corpora
tion and manufacturing lines; excellent
references. Opportunity for advancement
a large factor in determining amount of
salary wanted. AR 841. Oregonian.
ENERGETIC young married man wants
work between 11 A. M. and 3 P. M.; can
use typewriter; no experience soliciting;
good references. O 840, Oregonian.
YOUNG, experienced typewriter and office
man, well recommended, presently em
ployed, desires position with good firm,
preferably small town. AP 851. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, thor
oughly experienced office man, wants j
position ; quick and accurate at figures;
references, isast ouao.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. conscientious
worker, with local references, wants per
manent or temporary work, at once. Mair
OUNG man with two years experience as
stenographer wishes position, with some
bookkeeping. Call Woodlawn 1272.
CARPETS, draperies, shades; 10 years' ex
perience as salesmau and mechanic AT
831, Oregonian.
OSITION by experienced bookkeeper-ateu
ograpner; oest reierences. am 3 1, ure
gonian. Y'OUNG man wants position as stenographer
ana assist in general omce worn. v bju,
BOOKKEEPER wants work by the hour.
82 1, oregonian.
WHAT have you to offer a live wire? Un
derstands dry goods, men s and Women
clothing, from A to Z. Buying, managing
and hustling are my strongest points. Have
the finest references from New York
houses. Am 35 years, 6 ft., of good per
sonality. Give me a chance to prove my
ability. Robt. H. Watts, 417 South Boyl
ston, st.. Los Angeles, Cal.
HuKOUGHLY experienced driver and re
pairman wishes position driving car for
private family; Is driving delivery car in
town now. Salary expected $ltl a week.
Phone A 164.
WANTED Position as city salesman for
wholesale concern, or with real estate
firm; am married, temperate and a hus
tler. D 879, Oregonian.
WANTED By an experienced all-round
printer, a position as linotype operator,
either In or out of the city. AV 8. Ore
gonian. MAN and. wife want situation on ranch; am
Eastern farmer; no children. Address x
850, Oregon ian.
ELECTRICIAN, familiar with telephone
construction; will leave city, u 853, Ore
gonian. POSITION as auto driver, 6 years' perfect
driving; best rererences. .Henry .f eriot,
Marshall 1000.
EXPERIENCED driver and repairer wishes
position driving p ivate machine in even
ings. AF 821, Orogonian.
OUNG man of 1'4 wishes position as chauf-
feul for private iamuy; best or reierences.
AM S39, Oregonian.
MAN and wife, first-class cooks, want work;
out of town preierreo. Percy Howell,
511 Everett t.. Marshall 4034.
YOCNG man with references and bonds de
sires work. 4 or & hours a day. AN 837,
(ANTED By man and wife, position as
managers in notei in country or oeacn.
Y S21, Oregonian.
PAINTING, paper-hanging. $1.50; experi
ence. Protestant only. Tabor 73o. E. E.
AITHFUL Japanese desires situation as
general housework Immediately. H 836,
COLLECTOR with bicycle, familiar with
treets in Jit. tscott section, satary 540
per month to start. AN 852, Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese wants short-hour work,
morning or noon. F 8b 1, Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese wants a position at bar
or liquor store. G 4i. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wants, posi
tion In private family. H 8.i, Oregonian
garden ; can milk. W 843, Oregonian.
OUNG lady wants position as bill collec
tor. Rest of references. W 831, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED gardener wants work, day
or hour. Care 01 lawns, etc. -rei. sell iy:.
X PERI ENCED autorepair man wants pos-
BRIGHT boy, l(i years
AP 842, OreROnHin.
old, vanta work.
FIRST-CLASS engineer, ice refrigerators,
etc. Mill or factory. X 762, Oregonian:
BAKER, recently from Germany, work sec
ond hand or helper. M 836, Oregonian.
WINDOW cleaning, white.
Phone Main 7268.
work ruaranleed.
WANTED by middle-aged man. Job as Jan
itor. 136 E. Cist, and Belmont.
YOUNG man wants work after school and
Saturday. AO 842. Oregonian.
CONTRACT to haul with auto truck:
April 1. AV 9t)9. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced and re
liable chauffeur. Sellwood 416.
GERMAN correspondent wants work by the
hour. V S.12, Oregonian.
CARPENTER wants work, day or contract.
J. Young. 6014 49th St. S. E.
BY man and wife, position as cook in camp.
AJ 811, Oregonian.
RELIABLE, middle-aged Swiss wants farm
work. AK 850. Oregonian.
POSITION, janitor, ran do any kind tint
ing or gardening. Main X0S1, room 3.'
Have you enough faith in human na
ture to be more interested in what a
man WILL do than in what he HAS
done? Can you use a man who is full
of ambition, energy and earnestness?
Will you advance him in postlon and
coiorv aa fast as he proves worth It?
Will you give him the opportunity to
make himself so valuable to you thai
vmi can't afford to lose him? I am 26
years old and married. 1 want such a
position as this and I want it NOW!
Address AG 811. Oregonian,
YOUNG MAN with practical knowledge of
the business wants position with fruit or
vegetable cannery. Experienced In deal
ing with farming communities. Might in
vest later if opportunity offered.
843. Oregonian.
xuUNG man, 24 years of age. wants posi
tion as confidential or private secretary;
Is good publicity man, newspaper writer
and office manager; if you want one that
is a wonder in this line of work, answer
my ad. AE 825. Oregonia
prwiTn- wanted by creamery man
long experience, acquainted with every
branch of the creamery business; has
successfully managed own business; A No
1 references; small town preferred. AO
S53, Oregonian. t
POSITION wanted by a ladies cutter; eight
years' experience in a first-class estab
llishment; will be able to take up new
position by April 15. Address AV 9o7,
DRAFTSMAN wants evening work, experi
enced in map, topograpmcai ana mecimi
cal work; some knowledge of architec
tural and structural dratting. Telephone
Woodlawn 3109. ,
WANTED Work by a Mason in good stand
ing and vouched for in Portland lodges;
experienced in shipping and firing boiler.
X 812, Oregonian.
MALE experienced cook wants steady po
sition in the city; good, eober and reliable
all-around man. Call Main S8. Ask for
Brown, room 44.
YOUNG man, experienced couchman and
gardener would like to have position with
private faniilj, sober and industrious; ref
erences). AC 838. Oregonian.
POSITION by first-class meat cutter, 12
vears' exnerience: wining 10 ieae cuj.
Jones. 3l4 Columbia m.
Phone Marshall
CHEF or steward, 17 years Eastern experi
ence; economical; thoroughly competent;
healthy resort, club, seaside or camp;
would rent or lease. P 827. Oregonian.
ENGINEER with long experience in timber
construction, railroad location, street im
provements, road work; good draftsman
and estimator. M S31, Oregonian.
YOUNG chauffeur wants to drive private car,
in town or out; have long experience in
repairing and driving; am a sober driver.
H 835, oregonian.
WANTED Position in gents furnishings
department by experienced salesman ; A-l
references; four years' experience. D tfl.
EXPERIENCED general office worker, cor
respondent, typist or timekeper desires po
sition anywhere. References. AT 835,
EXPERIENCED gardener wants permanent
position with private family, thoroughly
reliable sober ami competent; best
erences. AL 84v Oregonian.
YOUNG married man. two children, must
have work as teamster, general farm work
or anything; experienced and reliable. C
874, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, single, wishes a position as
gardenei at institution or private place;
experienced; can give references. AF 804,
AMBITIOUS young man 23, been employed
by furniture company for 8 years, de
sires change: any line, with chance for
advancement. AM 850, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, Japanese, with good experi
ence, careful and sober, also good house
worker, wants position in private family;
can do own repairing. AN 851. Oregonian.
CARPENTER and cabinetmaker, fast, good
workman, new or alteration work, wages
40c per hr. ; references. AH ttOu, ore
gonian. t
WATCHMAN, experienced, no
bad habits; many references.
children or
Phone East
MA.UC.IED man wishes position, gardener
or houseman; references. AD 805. Orego
nian. FIRST-CLASS bread baker, married man,
wants steady position. 204 Washington
st. Main 4879.
YOUNG married couple, "Swiss," desire
plnce on farm; experienced milker; wom
an good housekeeper. N 8;6. Oregonian.
A SUMMER school wanted; young married
man; 14 months' experience. A 887, Ore
gonian. TIMEKEEPER with five years' experience
wants position; good references; will leave
city. AO S40, Oregonian.
YoUNG married man wants farm work that
beats a $65 city Job; raised on larm. A
8Ni, Oregonian
CHEF cook; gnod
out ; economical,
room 03.
in all branches; city or
Main 3020. 209 Market,
WANTED Painting. tinting. paperhang
ing; prices reasonable. Phone Sellwood
87. B 2030.
COACHMAN or stableman, thorouRhly un
derstands horwes, not afraid of work, mar
ried, total abstelner. X 819, Oregonian.
upAViiiKR exnerienced cook.- wants po
sition in familv at Medford. Ray. bti
North 10th at., city.
WANTED by man about 60, a place to
look after poultry and horses; perfectly
capable and reliable. B 832, Oregonian.
EX PERI ENCED pruning, gardening and
iawn cutting. 20 cents an hour. Address
postal. K. McDonald. E. Stark and 30th si.
PAINTER Good all-round hand, married,
wants work, $3."0 per day; good refer
ences. F 802, Oregonian
FIREMAN with considerable experience
around engines wishes position. Y 809,
GOOD auto driver, six years 'experience,
wants position; references. Phone East
TWO respectable, active men want house
and yard cleaning, gardening, etc. Ad
dress Dp Soto House, 291 2d st.
GARDENER, life exp. In any kind Of gar
den work, wishes position, private place;
references. W 819, Oregonian.
A JAPANESE school boy wants a domestic
situation; speaks good English; with lit
tle wages. AJ 803. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants position in a garage to
learn to be a repair man ; small wages
to start Phone Marshall 2395.
EXPERIENCED lawn and garden work
done properly and satisfactorily. Phone
Main 23!o
JANITOR, married, wants position In apartment-house;
experienced; good references.
Tabor 4750.
JAPANESE couple want position, man good
experienced cook, wife wait on table and
housework. S 834, Oregonian.
A RELIABLE young man wishes job as soda
dispenser or assistant; references. Tel.
Main 4H34.
WANTED Work man first-class lady tailor.
268 Third. Main 86.0, room IS.
WANTED Situation
Main 7Jt54. A 5370.
as janitor. Phone
Bookkeepers and Stenographers,
WANTED An office position, stenographer
and typewriter; business college stAident;
not afraid of work; moderate salary for
beginning. AJ 822, Oregonian.
YOUNG, willing, inexperienced stenographer
wishes position. Will do anything in of
fice work. Main 32u9.
A COMPETENT stenographer wishes posi
tion; take small wages to start. AL S43,
YOUNG lady, knowledge of shorthand and
typewriting, splendid girl to meet the
public, wants position. K 8X9, Oregonian
BRIGHT young lady stenographer, compe
tent, experienced, must have employment.
Phone Main 7681.
YOUNG lady with several years' experience
desires position as bookkeeper or as as
sistant bookkeeper. Phone Main 8384.
REFINED younpg lady wants position in a
doctor's or dentist's office. C 861, Ore
gonian. RELIABLE seamstress would like place In
nice, weil-to-do family; no objection to
children. L b06, Oregonian.
POSITION by experienced typist and ex
change operator, permanent or temporary.
N S'A'.K Oregonlam
POSITION by experienced, accurate steno
grapher and bookkeeper. Mrs. Miller, 642
Flavel ave.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires circu
lar work or copying. Stenographer Main
STENOGRAPHER wishes position in office;
some experience; start small salary. Main
COMPETENT ctenographer desires position.
Main U42S.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, rapid, accu
rate, willing worker. Phone Marshall 2751.
WOMAN will read for invalid; Is also
stenographer. Phone Woodlawn 47.
YOUNG lady, living with parents. wVsbefl
office or cashier work. L 839, TSrnian.
STENOGRAPHER desires position; one and
hall years' experience. Mala 7304.
Bookkeepers nnd Stenographers.
YOUNG woman thoroughly experienced gen
eral store, ready-to-wear especially, seeks
good permanent position. Has done buy
ing In all departments. Small town ad
jacent to Portland or Seattle preferable.
Main 4122. Room 1.
POSITION by young woman who Is a thor
oughly competent stenographer and office
clerk. Over five years with large publish
ing house In Nebraska. Best references.
Address AV 11, Oregonian.
VERY competent stenographer and office
assistant wants position; 14 years' exper
ience in law office and as secretary to
railroad president. T 830, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, accurate,
a years- experience. Phone .hiast liiiuo.
Ores msKen.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailoring
by expert German dressmaker of unusual
skill and ability. Alterations provriy
done; fit and work guaranteed ; prices
most reasonable. Mrs. Teademan, 389
Main St., near West Park.
DRESSMAKING, one-piece dresses, $3.50 up;
worKing gins trade soitcitea; woric guar
anteed. 432 Montgomery st. Phone Mar
shall 134!.
DRESSMAKER desires day engagements;
first class. 109 18th N. Main S1S3. Mrs.
40S JEFFERSON, competent dressmaker
will make waists and skirts from $2 up
suits reasonable.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailoring;
all work guaranteed ; reasonable prices.
Mrs. Thomas, Marshall 5040, A 62H4.
CUTTING, fitting and designing by th
hour; one-piece gowns from $8 up; work
guaranteed. Main 79."0.
AN Eastern dressmaker, besfstyle in dresses.
wraps, alterations; pertect fit guaranteed
Mrs. Rhoads, Marshall 1020.
B'lRST-CLASS dressmaker, titter and de
signer; party dresses and evening coats a
specialty; $3 per day. Main loOf.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailor, open
for engagements; references. Phone E.
DRESSMAKER will make one-piece dresses
for $5 until Easter. Room 007 Merchants
Trust bldg.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress
by day or home. Work guaranteed. Ta
bor 149S.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker does neat sew
ing by ,the day, $3. Phone Marsh. 707,
room 29.
FASHION A ELE dressmaking, dresses 47
$10; skirts, $3 up. Phone E. 3394.
WANTED Sewing by day by good home
dressmaker. East 2SS2.
BY competent dressmaker; suits,
dresses $3.50 up. Main ;:U 8.
PLAIN sewing by day or week. 231 Nar
tllla st.
DRESSMAKING, children's
cialty. Tabor 7.
DRESSMAKING. $2.50 a day. Call before
8 A. M. or after 0 P. M. Tabor 1547.
EXPERIENCED dressmaking and altera
tions by the day; references. Marshall 3322.
DRESSMAKING and tailoring, first-class
work, reasonable. Mar. 42-S1. 250 N. I'.Uh.
REFINED, matured, experienced nurse maid
would like position with reliable family;
best wages. Call East 018 or 2S9 E. 2d st.
N. Sunday between 1 and 5 P. M., or Mon.
and Tuesday until 1 P. M.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as
nurse for infant, small children, or practi
cal nursing; best of ret erences. Phone
East 5704.
YOUNG German girl wants position as
nurse maid. East 464. Miss Strauch, or
S 818. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Eastern trained nurse: own
home; best care, home com torts, invalids;
city reference. Tabor 2213.
COMPETENT, reliable children's nurse
wishes position in private family. Phone
Sellwood 1S21.
NURSE would like care of invalid in sub
urban home; best care; references ex
changed. Box 44. Jennings Lodge. Or.
POSITION either as managing or working
housekeeper for bachelor or widower, in
town or country, by refined, unincumbered
widow, or as companion and nurse to old
lady; excellent cook, neat and pleasant.
Phone Woodlawn 8t3.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants to keep house ;
for a farmer where I can have chickens j
and a garden or will keen house for one -
or more men in the city; am a good cooU
and experienced In housework; have good
references. L 828, Oregonian.
REFINED young woman, neat appearance,
thoroughly capable, would like position as
housekeeper, either apartment-house or
small home; would leave city ; references.
H 8;t2. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by middle-aged lady as
housekeeper in hotel In or out of city;
beach preferred for Summer; capable of
managing; references given. AJ 823, Ore
gonian. WANTED Situation, housekeeper, by wom
an of 35, with little boy of 5 years; good
cook," neat and agreeable, for men on ranch
or camp preferred. Address 134 21st., apt.
38. Main 81S0.
EXPERIENCED woman of refinement with
child of 3 desires position as housekeeper
for adult family. Phone B 2781 or call
7"5 Belmont.
A COMPETENT, refined, motherly woman
wishes position as housekeeper for young
men or widower with child; best of ref
erence. Phone Marshall 707 or A 24S1.
for apartment-house, widower, wlih tarn
ily or employed couple; best of references.
W 828, Oregonian.
REFINED young lady wants position as
housekeeper in nice home ; can sew and
cook; very kind to children. "AP bl
BY middle-aged lady, position as house
keeper in widower's home; good cook and
housekeeper. AH, bus, oregonian.
WOMAN with boy wants work as house
keeper, assist with housework. Address
room 21 The Bennett. 1st and Taylor.
AN unincumbered widow wishes position as
housekeeper in widower's home. C.
4."0H Belmont St.. Portland. Or.
RELIABLE woman wishes position as house
keeper or manager of rooming-house. Mrs.
Hart. Hotel Victoria.
EXPERIENCED girl wants house work
small family of adults East Side. Sell
wood 73.
YOUNG girl wishes house work for a small
family; no children. Apply at 720 Pow
ell st. and 21st.
MOTHER. 2 daughters, cook, helper, camp.
cream ranch, hotel. M. H., 79 Salmon.
Main 3539.
GIRL with experience would like position
as second girl ; write Miss E. Kruschke,
7S2 E. Couch st.. city.
GIRL wants general housework. Phone East
241. '
COOKING and serving dinner parties and
teas. Tabor 317.
31 1 weel laneous.
SCHOOL girl would like position on West
side with nice peopie; wages. AB 811,
LACE curtains, draperies, linens laundered
by expert; called for. Tabor 317.
LADIES fine laundry done at home by ex
perienced laundress. Woodlawn 183.
EXPERIENCED exchange operator
position. Phone Woodlawn 2205.
NEAT, honest, willing girl wants general
housework. Call 2t, Pettygrove st. N.
WANTED Houpe-cleaning
Call Main 3213.
by the hour.
COMPETENT cook, colored, would like posi
tion. Phone Main 9201.
LACE curtains washed, 10 years' experience.
Tabor 2445. Mrs. Scott.
LACE curtains hand laundered. Phone Main
GERMAN woman with boy of 3 wants work
on farm. AG 812, Oregonian.
CORRECT English pronunciation given
foreigners. l(if Lownsdale st.
PIANIST will plav Tor dances or social gath
erings. Phone B109O
YOUNG ladv wishes position in photo atualo,
experienced. Phone Tabor 4011.
LACE curtains hand laundered by
Call for 2c up- Sellwood 169G.
A YOUNG lady desires a position In a doc
tor's office. Tabor 2092.
WOMAN wants work by day or hour.
Baker. Marshall 3412.
EXPERIENCED woman wants houseclan
Ing 20c per hour. Main 5999 or A 2578.
WOMAN wants work by the day or hour.
Main 524S.
day. Tabor 1752.
wishes work by the
WANTED By university graduate, pupils to
coach. Address AJ 812. Oregonian.
WOMAN wishes day work or care children
afternoon, evening. East 5073. Room 5.
LACE curtains hand laundered, all work
guaranteed.' Sellwood 801.
YOUNG ladv wishes care of children day or
night. Marshall ."151.
FIRST-CLASS cook wants place In boarding-house
or hotel. Main 2030.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
20 cents an hour. Phone Tabor 4750.
BAT work, laundry
work. Tabor 4723.
and cooking, house-
EX PERIENCED, woman wnnts day work.
Call, all week. Main 7833.
WILL read to invalid or blind person 3
nights or more each week at $1 a flight,
from 6 to 9 o'clock, or will do office work,
clerical, cashier or stenographic'; refet
ences. AK 7i7, Oregonian.
A SCHOOLGIRL desires place near Fern
wood School where she can work lor her
room, board and small compensation. Ad
dress E. H., 1170 Tillamook st.
WANTED By high-grade specialty gas
man, one or more side JInes oui of Port
land for Northwest; must be goods t'at
repeat. Address AO Sal. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS cook, colored, wish-s a p'.a.e
in the city or country, wages $4o; r gen
eral housework, first-class laundreafc
Phone Marshall 8908.
FURNITURE. 7 rooms,
modern flat for rent;
Phone A 2719.
WOMAN wants work ii
caring for same. Mrs.
S. E. Tremont.
t rooming-lu$?.
Biggs. 0415 7iUx
FITTER, best of reference,
tion in or out of city; alj
AF 8u3. Oresonlan.
id like -Oil
EXPERIENCED colored chamber rnlTid
would like work in rooming-house or ho-
tel. Main !2ol.
EXPERIENCED lady wishes work, day or
hour Lace curtains carefully handlaun
dered. Hamilton ave. a 3t. 'T
YOUNG Japanese girl wants pus
Ily; speaks good English. Sf
phono A 2067.
n lu fam
ith st., or
SITUATION wanted as governess, srammaf
grade studies music taught. References.
Norwegian woman conir .im
position. St. Louis Ageno . A 7L7r
.Main y,'!9.
WANTED Children to care for. J vears and
over, close to school; prices reasonable J
8'i2, Oregonian.
GERMAN lady, middle aged, good cook and
housekeeper, wishes work. A 8mS. Ore
gonian. ic AN hour if you want the one who can
help you at anything: quick and clean.
Phone Last Pf5.
by com Detent lr? v f . ,,-1 a
pearance as head waitress. Apply AA 839,
POSITION In delicatessen by competent lady
of good appearance. Address AN S38 Ore-
N experienced chambermaid wants posi
tion in hotel or rooming-house. Call Miss
Mam 21S1.
ELDERLY lady wishing a
wages $3.r0 week. Call
home more than
S44 Grand ave,
EX PE R 1 ENCED restaurant checker "ri
cashier, aleo bakery saleslady, p 80S, Cre-
NEGLECTED education.
private lessons
Eastern teacher.
given to grown people.
M.", Oregonian.
RELIABLE woman wishes housework where
m.. imc ner o-year-oid girl along
reierences. Address 112 East tWth st.
EXPERIENCED girl, exchange light serv-
11 es ior room; prefer central location
oodlawn 23ir.
A COMELY woman wishu .lav ,.-!-
kind. Phone East i?4i.
ss wishes lady's
was h 111 g. Main 2.". 1 o.
DON'T miss this one: nothing iik ir w -
offer you brand-new household specialtv
recently patented; every woman grabs It;
your money doubled twice every sale
Kansas school boy made $.V-.40 outside
school hour last month ; Mr. Marrlck
made ?!h) first 3 weeks; you can sell everv
family In town; lirst one in county get's
extrusive right to sell; send for catalogue
today. Wendell Co., 21 Oak st
Lctrsic. O.
HCSTMNG man or woman representative in
each, locality. IS to .". years tf ago, to
join this society. Introduce our member
Mijps, part or full time, $." to ruo month
every member you recommend gives you
steady income each month tnereafter;
honorable, dignltied engagement; expe
rience is not required; only one appoint
ment each locality; hurry, be first to ap
Piv. Write the l-l.-t;. li'.-.i. i'vinpton Kv.
ii A bl complete line of household necessi
ties that are whirlwind seMei's; bis pronto;
want Uricms. general agents, resident man
agers, traveling salesmen; unlimited op
portunity for success; $;;ihu tar cleareU
easily; best proposition on market; ex
clusive territory given; do not delay pet
ling in touch with this. Write Manager,
Dept. HWUi W. Bancroft. Tot-do O.
WE start you in business, furnishing every
thing; men and women, f;;o to S'uo week
ly operating our '"New System Specialty
Canny Factories" home or small room
anywhere; no canvassing; opportunity 11ft--
!.' ' """rv"ri- ivagsuaie o., box
CENT proiit selling new casv-
mop; every home bus; Martin
sold lot 2 uavs
Randall sells 18 4 hours:
linker made $ 2 hours
oue man s orders
in one
month; get deta
c. a.
Co., is;
.fain., 'J oledo.
AGENTS wanted; agents make 5t0 per cent
profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards"; mer
chants buy 10 to loo on sight; S00 va
rieties: catalogue free. Sullivan Co. lnZi
"Van jHnrt-n st.. Chicago. HI.
AO K NTS. do not accept any offer until you
have ours. Write lor 1 ree sample and
new Spring catalog, just out. Pacific
v-uil .-MMiaiiy to., -U'.a W. First
OIj can make $25 to $0 week selling guar
anteed aluminum ware; complete sales
course fre: answer quick to secure choice
or territory. Div. 20.a, American Alumi
num Mi-,'. Co., Leraont, I1L
Cll and sLato agents for fast-selling office
specialty. liberal commission. Write im
mediately stating teritory you can handle.
Morritt Manufacturing Co , 1470 Broad -way.
New York CH3'.
OPPORTUNITY for live agents: splendid
h.,u5-.ho;u specialty, suitable, for either
x; 110 experience required ; particulars
free. Pierce Supply Co., 024 North G., Ta
eoma. Wash,
$-uuo REFUSED by our Wisconsin general
asent ?or his exclusive sales riphts for our
eleetrlc-flash In g-changeahle-sectional sign.,
selling Itself; $10. Flashlight tgu Works
WANTED Check protector salesman for
nw No. 10 check protector; beats No 30
machine; thousands selling; commission
proposition for experienced agents. N H.
Foot-, Carlton Hotel.
W ANTE D Five live aggressiva women for
A-l selling proposition; make S3 to $. a
day easy; steady work among beat call
of people. Apply between l and 11 Mon
day. 78 Chamber of Commerce.
AGENTS make 53.". daily selling rir new
world beaters, quick sales, big profits, no
experience required. Catalogue and sam
ples free. Curver Co.. Jackson & Caaap
hell ave., Chicago.
GET particulars of best elf-heatlug Iron
on market. Low in price; absolutely prac
tical; 3 sales day means $40 a week profit
to you. Send postal today. Brown
Mfi?. fo., 34:;i Brown bid., Cincinnati. O.
ENERGETIC, productive fire insurance
agents In unoccupied territory; liberal
commission; good leads, exclusive terri
tory to desirable parties. Manager, 404
Li tf get t bldg., St. LouiR, Mo.
WE PAY $3C a week and expenses to men
with rips to introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
7s, parson.", Kan.
AGENTS for splendid high-grade seller;
eay to handie; large demand. R. & n.
Specialty Co.. Dept. B, 110 No. Silver.
Central la. Wash.
THREE new games for cigar stores, pool
rooms, etc. Retail $1 ; easy sellers; big
prof its: ijure repeat orders. Poola Co..
Dept. ;!4, Harrisburg, Pa.
PIN MONEY book, 40 plans how to earn
money; only 25c prepaid. Mail Order
News Dept. 4, P. O. Box 1242, San Fran
cisco. NO experience needed to earn big Income
selling our goods; send for our latest wfh
ner. The Chas. Webb Co.. Box 6, Port
land, Or.
A MANUFACTURER'S big Income offer:
Slooo to $."000 per year at home; previous
experience unnecessary; no risk. Kushion
Komfort Shoe Co., Lynn. Mass.
$50 PER WEEK, selling our new specialty;
every nousewite wants one; general agents
wanted for exclusive territory. 1030 lias
bide., Chicago.
TO sell the latest invention for producing
a brilliant and cheap light; thousands be
ing sold; exclusive territory given hustlers.
Write now. The Best Light Co.. Canton. O.
or WET territory, concentrated Amorew
Agency, box 3 170. Portland.
AGENTS Midget collapsible coat. sjtlrt
hanger, place vest pocket: sells Right, sam
ple. 25c. Eaton Hotel. 10 to 12.
WANTED State agent for Hug Cushion
Typewriter Roller Co. 300 Central bRlg.,
Seatt'e, Wash.
WE ARE closing out below cost all needle
cases jnu other canvassers goods. 4.13
Worcester bld.
LEGITIMATE substitute for slot machines;
patented; aells on Ptyht for $1. Particu
lars. 01ha Co.. Anderson. Ind.
WANTED Agents to handle a high-class
novelty In all live towns; big money-malKt.
2S Helden Place, San Francisco.
AGENTS, learn abont profits made supply
ing perfume. to families. Address Lef
fler &- Co.. Indianapolis. Ind.
CA PTURE big cash profits; be a winner.
Annex Financial success. 2 Issues 10c, tells
how. Agents' Magazine. Chicago.
AGENTS wanted
iny and pickles.
Williams ave.
to sell horseradish, hom
Cail 2S8 Weidler st., near
WHEN, you want a carpenter call East 1T3G.
i .