The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 15, 1914, SECTION SIX, Page 5, Image 79

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PHANTOM Are almost entirely in
tuitive, depending upon your first
impressions of people and of
places. Good literature should appeal
to you and you have ability in literary
lines. There is much of the psychic
shown. Are skeptical in some things
and like to see, know and understand
before you are willing- to believe
against your intuitive Judgment Could
be cynical if in the mood. Have the
sensitive touch that would enable you
to play some stringed instrument well
or make you a good Judge of gems and
fine fabrics.
VTHl J. E. No penname given. Can
work hard when you have to. Would
do best in some mechanical or cloFicai
l position or in manufacturing. Tou must
not allow yourself to become discour
aged if things do not go Just as you
think that they should. Have a tem
per and when very angry are not al
ways responsible for what you may do
' and say. Cultivate more order and
more of the spiritual and be careful
In choosing your friends that they are
those who will enable you to advance.
F. C. B. Intellectual and refined in
your tastes and if you had the means
a you would surround yourself with all
that was lovely. Would take great
pride in a home of your own and excel
in housewifery arts. . Are fond of music
and could play some instrument well.
Are unpretentious with no desire to
make others think you -greater than
you are. Would do well as a librarian
or secretary if necessary for you to
be self-supporting. Are fond of travel
and if you had the means would see
much of the world.
Enclosed by F. C. B. Are impulsive,
quaint in some things and have much
of the temperament that belongs to
the artist; -sensuous, imaginative, in
ventive. It doea not take much to
make you discontented. There are
times when you are slightly inclined to
look on the dark Bide and so miss
some of your opportunities. Have a
mocking wit that sometimes makes
enemies for you. Apt to cherish some
fad and can be eloquent about it. Will
have many infatuations before settling
down to one person for life.
Eureka Have some ability as an
elocutionist but if obliged to be self
supporting it might be a long time
before you could make it pay. Could
make money as a dressmaker or cos-
turner as you have good taste and con
siderable facility in planning things
and blending colors so that you might
eventually build up a lucrative busi
ness and be merely the head of it while
others did the manual work, for you
have talent that could be developed
Into business ability.
Miss Lena N., The Dalles Tour
Questions cannot be answered in this
department. You are dissatisfied with
your life as it is and so it causes you
to neglect some of the chances that
otherwise would have helped you to
attain what you sought. Are change
able and the things which you long for
now will lose their value when they
are really yours. Have shrewdness and
subtlety. Have a keen sense of the
ridiculous and will need to be careful
that it docs not cause you to make fun
of the weaknesses of others.
Mrs.. W. M. H. Are independent in
thought and action, self-reliant with
good business ability that would en
able you to do well In commercial pur
suits if you did no1 assume too great
financial responsibility. Are a great
talker, liking a bit of gossip now and
then with congenial friends. Would do
well in some position where your abil
ity to criticise would be of value to
you. Are generous and like to give un
expected pleasures to others.
Brownie By cultivating more hope
fulness you have the ability that
should enable you to make your life
In every way better. Are careful and
painstaking in your work and have
gentleness and patience, perhaps at
times too much, carrying the burdens
of those who are better able to do so
than you. Could do well as a teacher
or principal of a school or head of a
deoartmcnt. Tour tastes are simple
nnd refined and while you like to make
as good an appearance as your friends
you are not extravagant.
Dutch, MeMinnville Would do best
as a business manager or promoter or
in some official position where you
could be the managerial head it you
did not permit yourself to. become too
severe a Judge of the work done; were
not too exacting. You need more of
the optimistic spirit and do not permit
yourself to become discouraged if
thing3 do not go Just right, for it is
those who master obstacles by sheer
force of will who win out in the battle
of life.
Eboracum Your sensitiveness makes
you place a wrong interpretation upon
things. You are positive and aggres
sive sometimes, but that depends upon
where and with whom you are as to
whether you shrink from comments or
thrust them aside and determine to
make the best of things. You have
great pride and earnestness and in
dividuality. Would be most successful
In something that you could do within
the home that required carefulness and
clever management. Are liable to suf
fer some from nervous disorders.
G. M. C, Lebam, Wash. Hopefulness
and ambition are the predominating
traits. Are self-reliant, independent in
thought and action, yet you shrink
from too much criticism and are apt
to resent it. The imagination is too
large and causes you to act too often
upqn the spur of the moment without
reflection as to what the result may
be. Generous and kindly. Would do
well renting property and collecting
rents or in insurance. Have good busi
ness ability but not financial shrewd
ness. ,
' An Old Resident of Portland and Sub
scriber of The Oregonian Originality
is marked and you would never be
satisfied to merely pattern after other
people, but desire to try new ways of
doing things. Have artistic apprecia
tion of the beautiful. Would do better
in a profession than in commeroe. Are
fond of home and its pleasures. You
sometimes have premonitions of com
ing, events, especially when danger
threatens those who are absent from
or especially dear to you. This some
times has a depressing effect upon you.
Do not humor this tendency too much.
Myra Caution and suspicion are
quite marked as if at some time one
In whom you had placed great confi
dence had been untrue to the trust. If
you should do anything indiscreet you
would take good care that no one found
it out. Have pride and some selfish
ness, but are capable of making great
sacrifices in time of real need. Are
naturally a leader drifting to the head
without any particular effort upon your
part. You think rapidly and are on
the. alert for all that Interests you.
Would do best in some official position
where you were manager.
W. R. F. You are reserved, with
some self-consciousness that prevents
you from appearing your real self when
in the presence of those who have the
power to suppress you. Could do best
where you could follow certain rules
or patterns. You learn quickly but
are not always rapid in execution un
less you think it necessary. You look
upon young men more as good com
rades than from a more sentimental
standpoint and will have fully as many
friends among them as among those of
your own sex.
Charles Swock You have creative
genius that would enable you to do
well in anything where you could both
design and execute, especially in lines
where there was need of symmetry of
form and color. You are quick to see
and understand but possess the rare
gift of being able to listen well. Are
not easily discouraged, yet more will
power would be of value to you. Could
under certain conditions be hard and
cruel. Have passionate intensity of
R. E. P. F. Gentle, gracious, con
siderate and refined, yet with sufficient
vanity to give you a desire for praise
and admiration. Are patiently per
sistent, yet could be unyieldingly firm
if you felt in the mood. No matter
how much you might love a person they
might so offend you that you never
could take them back into your life
again, and while you might forgive,
would prefer that they keep away, for
there will always be a barrier between
you. Would make a good teacher in
the fine arts or languages.
Hillsboro Forceful, energetic, com
bative; you are capable of making a
masterful struggle against strong odds
if you have to. Are proud of what you
have accomplished without th'e aid of
others and like to talk about it now
and then. Would do well in law,
journalism or politics. There are times
when you consider a lie justifiable.
Know how to keep things to yourself.
Would be an ardent lover husband, a
devoted friend and comrade.
Ativ You build too many castles in
the air and it is hard for you to bring
yourself down to practical things, al
though when you do you are thorough
and take pride in doing your work
well. It is hard for you to save, no
matter how good your resolutions, for
money has a way of slipping through
your fingers in spite of all that you
can do. Your greatest happiness is in
making others so, and. you enjoy most
the pleasures which you can share with
those dear to you. Teaching of music,
English or the languages should be
congenial If necessary to be self-supporting.
Pitot. Eugene It is a good speci
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A BERLIN inventor has, after many
"years, succeeaed in making an
artificial man, "Occultus," who
can walk and make other' human move
ments, such as speaking, singing,
whistling, laughing, etc.
Any person in public can give this
artificial person orders and Occultus
will follow them out. He obeys every
word such as "go." "stop," etc. Some
other person tells him 'to turn his eyes
toward right and. he does so. Anoth
men, too, telling of patient persistence
and the gradual building of a career
for yourself "without faltering, with
out rest, building better up to best."
Are better fitted for professional life
than anything else or something of an
official nature. Are unpretentious, a
little too much so; it would be better
if you had more of the ego to compete
with others. Kindly, considerate and
R. S. V. P. Much that you accom
plish is through nervous will power
and as a sense of duty,' sometimes over
taxing your strength in your anxiety
to accomplish' certain things. Are fas
tidious, liking to have everything spick
and span around you. If you mean by
success purely a certain amount ot
fame, yes, you are capable, but if you
mean financial success, then if you
cannot afford to live without being
self-supporting, do not try it, for the
road is long and disappointing. Be
content with home and dear ones.
Sister Friend, Hillsboro Your ques
tions are not all answerable. You will
be happy and contented if you make
the most of your life and do all things
well so far as you know how. There
is no more honorable profession than
that of nurse and you could eventually
become a capable one. They have a
power for good only second to that of
the minister and tho physician. While
selfish in some things, you are gener
ous and kind in others. If you take
proper care of yourself your health
will be good.
, Ralph, Ferry It is a nature that
needs good surroundings and compan
ionship, for he is cajable of splendid
attainment or going the pace, accord
ing to associates and teaching. Has a
temper. Is positive and aggressive.
The intellect is in some ways almost
precocious. Is critical regarding things
fhat do not please him. Could become
very successful as a carpenter and
builder or in some special line of agri
culture. Is not afraid to work when
he has work to do. Will have to guard
against liver troubles.
Mac. With a little more persistent
will power you would make a good
bookkeeper. Positive, lacking in pa
tience, and allow little things to worry
you more than those of greater mo
ment. You have some vanity, but It
causes you to keep yourself well
dressed and to make as good an ap
pearance as your friends. The intel
lect is good; but learn to concentrate
your mind better upon tasks that may
not be entirely congenial to you. Will
have many affairs of the heart.
Robert Jones, Oregon City You
write well for a boy of your age and
show fairly good, application and an
excellent memory. Law or surgery
could be made a lifework if you wished
to develop your talents in this line,
but you could also become proficient
as a civil engineer or surveyor. Cul
tivate a little more tact and diplomacy.
Have good vitality, but need to take
plenty of out-door exercise. Can keep
things to yourself that you do not
want others to know.
C. O., Clatskanie There is no reason
why you should not succeed through
hard work, or become, as you say, a
"prey for grafters," for even if you have
had no education you are by no means
ignorant. You have combative will
power that Tesents imposition. Would
do best in farming or raising of" stock
and could become skilled in finer' me
chanics or as an electrician. The
er tells him to turn around and he so
Occultus can also speak and answer
questions, and Is able to sing, laugh
and whistle.
Occultus is not an illusion or a ho-kus-pokus
trick. He can b placed in
a throng, and wherever h6- stands, on
wood, stone or carpets, he can always
The Becret of Occultus is with the in
ventor alone, a Mrt Whitman. .. .
memory is good and should enable you
to retain well the things which you
learn. You are thrifty and do not like
to see things go to waste.
Truth, Roseburg You write marvel
ously well for a man so old. The
memory is exceptionally good. You
like to tease when you know you can
and to play a joke on some one is a
delight. Have self-confidence and
would do well in commercial pursuits.
You need a very active life mentally
and physically, or you might drift into
Indolence. Are very secretive, and,
while you "hate a liar," you might
stretch the truth a little to make a
story sound well.
Curious, Albany Neatness, love of
order and some Impatience are shown,
with the reserve and. dignity that for
bid too much familiarity from others.
You like to command and to be obeyed
and would do best in some vocation
where this would be of value. Be care
ful that you are not too clannish. Will
be apt to have more friends among
those of the opposite sex than your
own. While you like pretty things
and to dress well you know how to
economize if need be.
Ike, Albany Are practical and earn
est, applying yourself to whatever you
may have to do until you have com
pleted it to your satisfaction. Would
do well in mechanical pursuits or in
commerce, where you did not have to
assume heavy financial responsibility.
Have versatility and are changeable in
your moods, but generally bright and
hopeful. ' Enjoy good books and intel
lectual companionship and like to study
out the details of all that interests.
Hobo,-Albany Are quick to see the
amusing and have a. ready answer for
jest or sarcasm. You make friends
readily and are a pleasing companion,
keeping yourself well informed upon
the topics of the day. Have some com
mercial ability and could also do well
in a profession. The memory is good
and you like to have things in order
around you. Would be exacting in this
respect with those in your employ.
Need a little more assurance.
Interested, Albany You have pride
and self-respect that gives you a desire
to so live that you will meet the ap
proval of others. Have, application and
concentration of thought strongly
marked, and if you have a task to do
you will never be satisfied until it is
completed to your satisfaction. Cau
tious in some ways and not easily in
fluenced against your better Judgment.
Would be successful in intellectual
Dorothy Darling You show a large
amount of individuality for one so
young. Are careful and painstaking in
your work, but do not like to be hur
ried or have some one continually nag
ging you. The memory is good. You
love the beautiful. Could excel in
illustrating and designing if you cared
to develop the talents you possess In
this line. Also have musical ability.
Are devoted in affection and know how
to keep things to yourself.
E. B. Would ao best as a civil en
gineer or surveyor; next to that would
be most successful in mercantile pur
suits. There are times when you al
low yourself to become a little de
spondent. This you must try and over
come. Cultivate a. little more self-reliance,
a little more assurance and con
fidence in self that you may be better
able to compete with others in the
battle of life. Were you a Christian
would make a good minister.
Permelia M. Bright and on the alert
and never quiet for any great length
of time. Critical of the faults of others, ,
but sensitive when others criticise
you. Have sequence of thought, but
are not logical in your reasoning. Not
always patient and sometimes de
spondent and a bit difficult to please.
You like to have everything of the
best, but are inclined to pride yourself
upon how far you can make a dollar
go. Are best fitted for home life and
should marry one of a sanguine nature
who Is ambitious and not afraid to
work. .
Gray Eyes, Astoria Self-reliant,
with independence of thought and ac
tion and not very closely bound by the
laws' of conventionality or narrow
creeds. Would do best as a teacher
or bookkeeper. Would be hard to
please if selecting a companion for
life. Your first Inclination is to "do
unto others as they do unto you" and
give back hurt for hurt, but you may
think better of it upon reflection. Are
capable of looking out for your own
D. T. Have individuality and would
never be content to be a mere fao
simile of some one else. Have intensity
of feeling that causes you to enjoy and
suffer with, equal keenness, but are
not particularly susceptible. Are sys
tematic, and when you have once put
things in order do not like to have
them disturbed. Would be most suc
cessful in journalism or medicine.
Your will is of the impatient order
and you have a temper.
Mrs. W. A O. You have the talent
mentioned, yes, combined with an af
fable and pleasing personality and
fairly good concentration, but you need
more Belf-confidence and forceful de
termination. You sometimes shrink
from putting yourself forward, but
when compelled to do so you will do
your part well. You love the beauti
ful and discord of all kinds is repug
nant to you. Affectionate, tender and
a womanly woman that should find
greatest happiness within the home.
M. L. B., Gresham Are too strongly
influenced through the emotions and
by your surroundings for your own
best good. You need greater firmness
that you may put from you the temp
tations that come Into every life. There
is enough dramatic talent to enable
you to become a good elocutionist and
reader if you- wish. Do not allow
yourself to become discouraged, for
that will only interfere with your ad
vancement. C. D. W. The spiritual is not largely
developed in your nature; you are too
M tip- - )A
- - 1 I
fond of worldly pleasures. Should
marry one who Is tactful and a clever
manager, with high Ideals. It would
depend upon whether the wife was
liberal and broad-minded. Have dra
matic ability. Would make a good
promoter or broker. Are sensuous and
fond of the luxuries and would be gen
erous so far as pleasure was con
cerned. Bo careful In choosing your
women friends. Cultivate higher ideals,
more thrift and spirituality. Generous
and magnetic.
Horn Nervous mental temperament,
with keen 'perceptive faculties and
large intuition and the restlessness
that keeps you active even when there
is no need for it. Are largely psychic
and would do best in scientific pur
suits. Reverence Is shown, and upon
some questions you mightr border
closely upon fanaticism. Are thrifty,
and while you will not deny yourself
the things you feel that you can af
ford, at the same time will try to keep
your expenses within your income. Lia
ble to suffer from nervous and stomach
Marven "Vitality above the average
to combat disease and insure long life,
barring accident. Intellect good and
reasoning logical when not influenced
by prejudice. There is dramatic in
tensity of feeling, and when deeply in
terested could become very eloquent in
behalf of some pet theme. Could suc
ceed in law, civics or theology, but
you have a temper that is not always
angelic. Have self-confidence without
Tat Would do best in large enter
prises where others could look after
the minor details while you planned.
Are to some extent venturesome.
Would make a good contractor or pro
moter. Ambitious and hopeful, like to
be at the head of things and boss the
job. Have inventive talent that helps
you out of many a dilemma. Are some
times too candid and outspoken and
should be more secretive. Generous to
prodigality and it is not easy for you
to save.
Tateau The imagination is abnor
mal and would lead you to undertake
too many schemes were it not for your
tenacious will, which may be a little
check upon it. You think rapidly and
act too often upon impulse. Have
pride and assurance, are genial and
magnetic and can make friends read
ily. There is much of tho dramatic
shown and you would do best in some
thing that would bring you into direct
contact with the public. You like
praise and admiration. Be more -thrifty.
Felix Would do better as a stenog
rapher, private secretary or librarian
than in anything else. Can learn to
.i : ajo
THIS 17-room bird house was built
by a blind authc. and naturalist,
John T. TImmons, of Cadiz, O.
Mr. TImmons is a b J lover and stu
dent of nature, who believes in the
protection of insect-destroying birds,
and in his written work as well as in
the work of his hands is doing his best
to care for them.
i I trii 1 La Iww '
play well, but not above the average.
Are neat and systematic in your work
and like to make as good an appear
ance as your friends, but are not ex
travagant. Learn to be more secretive
and do not confide your private or
business affairs to others unless very
necessary. Do not depreciate your
own work. Are sometimes too self
conscious. Mrs. G. M. F. Did not send penname.
Have persistent application, good vi
tality and thoroughness, a combination
which should be a great factor in your
advancement. Slow to forget a wrong,
even though you might forgive, and if
necessary for you to be self-supporting
would do best in something where your
artistic appreciation of the beautiful
would be of value. Are faithful in
love and friendship. Extremely se
cretive. Geraldine, Ridgefield, Wash. Are, to
a large extent imitative, liking to
pattern after those whom you admire
and you can always do better work
when your efforts to please are ap
preciated. Should avoid severe climatic
changes and not neglect colds. Are lia
ble to suffer some from catarrhal trou
bles. Like to tease. Fond of music.
No special talent is marked. Your
last question cannot be answered.
Thomas Nacnod, Pendleton You are
deserving of great credit for what you
have evidently made of your life. The
intellect is good and backed by cour
The Reason Why Ice Is
IS ice colder in Winter than it is in
Summer? Many persons suppose
not. To the .unthinking, ice is ice, and
cannot be any colder or warmer.
Try it and see. Take a thermometer
and bury it in a large cake of Ice In
Summer, or in a house where Summer
temperature obtains. It will indicate
32 degrees. This is not under all cir
cumstances the freezing point of water.
Under normal conditions when the
temperature of the air is hovering
about 32 degrees for several hours,
the formation of ice may begin at that
This bird castle was constructed by
the sense of touch alone. It contain.!
600 pieces of wood and weighs about
200 pounds.
- The structure is of his own design
and shows a remarkable sense of grace
and proportion for a man deprived of
his sight.
age and great self-esteem that. If not
closely watched, might become egotism
and make enemies where you should
have won friends. Have sequence of
thought and logical reasoning with
much of the dramatic that gives you
a love of splendid scenery and lit
erature and art that is above the aver
age. Would have made a fine surgeon
and specialist. Be careful that women
do not have too strong an influence
over your life.
Anxious There is delicacy of
thought and refinement shown, with
love and tender consideration, yet you
are positive and not easy to convir.?
that you are In the wrong. Are crit
ical, expecting too much of perfection
from others, and are fastidious in
many ways. Are precise in all of your
work. Could excel as a teacher or in
certain branches of art. L'nder certain
conditions, despite the delicacy and
spirituality, you could become cold and
hard. Could do best in stringed music.
Maple Stelwyne Impossible to grant
your request. Are independent in
thought and action, broad-minded And
believe in doing as seems to you best
so it does not interfere with others.
Have some egotism that needs to be
curbed. Are fond of display and like
to enjoy all of the pleasures of life
that you can as you go along. Need
a very active life. Would make a good
saleswoman or head of a department.
It is hard for you to save. Are ven
turesome, quick to see the ridiculous.
Really Gilder in Winter
exact degree on the thermometer. On
the other hand, a bucket of water
exposed during the oncomir.g of a cold
wave may not show a thin film of
ice for sometimes an hour or more
after the mercury has passed below
the 32-degree mark.
But 32 degrees is the temperature
of melting ice. If a piece of ice be
thrown into boiling water and left
there until it is almost gone the small
particle extracted will still be at 32
degrees. Ice can never bo got above
that temperature.
Mixing salt with ice makes it much
colder. This is illustrated in the mak
ing of ice cream. The ice in tho
freezer goes down to near zero.
For many years zero was supposed
to be the. lowest temperature that
could be reached by artificial means.
For this reason the zero point on the
scale of the Fahrenheit thermometer
was fixed where it is. But today a
temperature of 3S3 degrees below zero
may be reached by chemical processes.
But while ice never can be warmed
above 32 degrees, it will become chilled
as much below that point as the sur
rounding atmosphere does.
How would you like to bo tho ice
man? It is all right to bo the ice
man in the good old Summer time.
But ask the man who has to deliver
ice on a zero day in January or Feb
ruary if the ice is any colder than
it is in July. He may never have given
it a thought. Zero days are so few
and fleeting; Summer days so long.
But, as a matter of fact, a piece of
Summer ice, if he could suddenly pro
cure it, would be something of a foot
warmer for him, as it would be 30
degrees warmer than the air circulating
around the bottom of his own wagon.
Ice will cool down like anything else
on a cold night to zero or below.
What should prevent It? On a day
when it is just freezing temperature
a block of iron and a cake of ice in
the open air will stand t 32 degrees.
If the weather becomes warmer the
iron will warm up with the weather,
but the temperature of the ice will re
main at 32, although in the bulk it
may diminish appreciably In the melt
ing process. But with a falling tem
perature the iron and ice will become
colder, too, and the one just as much
as the other.
As the ice grows colder it becomes
harder and more brittle. This fact is
observed by skaters on the ice on a
clear night when the thermometer
stands at 10 degrees above zero or
lower. They realize there is something
out of gear when they cannot with
ease and grace describe the figure 8,
or the "hickory bend," as it is called
in the country. The ice has become
too brittle and chips.
Those who have been in the Arctic
regions tell us that water thrown on
the ice there will shiver it like pour
ing boiling water upon cold glass, the
ice being so much colder there than
ihe water.
The Real Saints.
(Cincinnati Enquirer.)
The men who spend all tlreir time
reading the Bible will be surprised
when they get to heaven and find
that the men who always paid their
grocery bills are occupying reserved
seats in front.