THE SUNDAY OREGOXIA3C PORTLAND, MARCH 15, 1914. PERSONS AND EVENTS IN WORLD NEWS CAUGHT BY CAMERA Newspaper Photographers in All Parts of Globe Catch Men and Women in .Characteristic Poses. yozsi7i rrc?e Jumper . iAM ss ' " f iv'' iM F&&2.' -" ' Pi. -flF f ir'-jL-h. V" 1 1 "y ' - ' i s TT VzlN i 3 if s&2r rif x .- 1 ; ; ' 4f 70 :;llk ' H -TJT--- n r , ? .k . . Ik? 'KS , . - tSilw WriM fz ff-sSE: M : i f . I A )L . i IL- fi, ,L -r-I - ' - J V ' L-,i yf, -A V rTt - cordingly. the Supreme Court quashed Mr , ffT - J ' - JJP4 "j- ''"4 ifSN, " - the verdict of the Berlin Court, and LiS t - ly.'S,? " 6 t JTk 'Vf.Hw. U ' ' " 1 ordered the case to be retried in an- American Ambassador to France. My- I I V v U- ' ?, i"i?: ;Wir i A ron T. Herrick. were striking figures III , J h a h Persian hall ViolH In PftHs. where I 111 Ji the young people are among the lead-1 I I I s ? 1 j i- f li .1 t .i ti ir tnniu 1 affair lilt i - X 13 Cot ' 19 y YORK, March 14. (Special.) i Constance Bennett, who is only 19 years old, has won the title ot the "feminine Steve Brodie." Brodie was the first man to jump from the Brooklyn Bridge, and Miss Bennett is the first woman, or rather girl, to do the same thing from the Williamsburg Bridge, one of the three connecting Regardless ot the fact that the May or and the Commissioner of Bridges had refused permission to do the dar ing stunt. Miss Bennett, beautiful, charming and versatile, not to mention "nervy," just climbed up to the five inch rail of the bridge anr? calmly strped off. Her parachute opened almost imme diately. Almost before "Dare Devil" Rodman Law, the "Human Fly," had taken his header off the same bridge after the fair young bridge-Jumper, Miss Bennett had reached the icy wa ters of the East River. Just to prove how really feminine sha is, her very first "question after being pulled out of the water was to tlsk Mrs. Law. the wife of the "Dare Devil," If she had brought her powder puff with her. Prince Paul does not like the fact that of the nobility Troubetsskoy, who to be reminded of he is a member and prefers to be on equal terms with those about him. is here to exhibit some of the marvel ous creations which have won for him one of the highest places in the world of art. The prince is a powerfully built man nd is a close student of Tolstoi. He was born in Russia, but loves America find Americans, not only because his another is an American, but because of the kind treatment accorded him on his previous American trips. On his last visit here he completed a buet of the late J. P. Morgan. He is now completing a bust of Thomas F. Ryan. He has completed several portrait statuettes of prominent Americans, among whom are Miss Barbara Ruth erford, the daughter of Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt; Franklin W. .Roosevelt, Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and several others. The prince Is a strict vegetarian, and a number of his works plead for the vegetarian cause. After his exhibition here In New York, he will probably take it West. The world's greatest discoveries of radium-bearing ore have been made in Paradox Valley and the La Sal Moun tains, near Placerville, Colo. Carni tite ore, hundreds of tons of which must be treated to extract a. single gram of radium. Is shipped from Placerville in sacks to France and England, where there are facilities for its treatment- . The great Scotch ice game .of curl ing has an enthusiastic follower in the Earl of Stradbroke, who Is a devo tee of all the sports of Winter, and spends part of every Winter in Swit zerland. He is e, man of great activ ity, being president of the National Sea Fisheries Protection Association, president of two hospitals. Honorary Cplonel of a regiment, and member of the council of the National Artillery Association. He has been an aide de camp to the King. He was born in 1862, and succeeded to the title in 1S86. . Next to bathing and boating, tango at Palm Beach, Fla,, and old and young engage in the steps of the maxixe, tango and hesitation with fervor and zest. Throughout this popular Winter resort, wherever music plays, and pol ished ballroom or veranda floors per mit, dancing is the most popular of in door amusements. There are 22 children in the largest family in France. Madame Malet, the mother of the brood, whose home is in Southern France, "is still a compara tively young woman. She has asked President Poincare for a Legion of Honor medal. Madame Malet has been able to raise all of the 22. The youngest child is 14 months old. The oldest is 24 years. The breadwinner of the family is let ting his wife do all the talking for the medal. He simply contents himself by pointing to the collection as evi dence that she is entitled to one. m m Greater interest was displayed in the ski jumping contest which was held at Ottawa last month than in any previous one. Following the announce ment that the Duke of Connaught, the Governor-General, and his party were to be spectators, society of every de gree flocked to the scene. Alex Olsen was deprived of the jump ing championship by Jack Lockerby. Mr. and Mrs. Myron T. Herrick, Jr, ing is the most popular of amusements the son and daughter-in-law of the The French have devised a war aero, plane, the first of its kind in the world. It carries only two men a pilot and gunner but it is armed with a rapid fire gun which was made especially for this use and which can be aimed at objects on the ground or in the air without endangering the propeller. It Is Intended especially for use against dirigibles, and as Germany, France's ancient enemy, is the country strong est in dirigibles, it may be regarded as aimed especially against that power. The Curytiba, an old ship, recently was bought by a man calling himself "Chief Sam of Akim," to take negroes to Africa. Sam has been through the West representing to negroes that he will take them to a land of milk and honey, where he is a tribal chief. The British authorities say the land of Akim is under a British protecto rate, that there is no government land to be distributed, and that the immi gration of negroes to the country should be discouraged. Moreover, trey say the place is unhealthy. The Fd eral authorities appealed to by the British consul , at New York cannot find that Sam has committed ,i 4 V2 breach of the laws of the United States. He has solicited money personally in every case, and has not used the mail, and his purchase of this ship is made a defense against the charge of bad faith. Many negroes from Oklahoma have been living on the ship at its dock in Brooklyn for some weeks, awaiting the start to the promised land. ART ON POSTCARDS WINS Supreme Ctmrt or Germany Rules Against Lower Tribunal. BERLIN, March 12. (Special.) An end has just been put by the Supreme Court of Justice at Leipsig to a con troversy which has been waged for a long time past between a number of dealers in picture postcards and. the Crown Prosecutors. By order of the latter a large number of so-called ar tistic picture postcards that is to say, postcards with reproductions of classi cal pictures have been confiscated on the ground that they were indecent, and the action has been upheld by the District Courts of Berlin. Vigorous protests have been made against the attitude of the Crown Pros ecutors in the matter by the Royal Academy bf Arts, the Association of German Artists and- other representa tive bodies, but the Crown Prosecutors have been supported by the Minister of Justice, and all protests were unavail ing. In September last the Divisional Court of Berlin ordered the confiscation and destruction of 43 picture postcards, most of which were reproductions of pictures or sculptures recognized as works of art, and all exposed to public view. An appeal against this decision was heard recently by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Empire at Leipsig, when the Imperial Attorney admitted that the Berlin Court had placed a wrong construction on the matter. Ac- SHAFT TO HONOR BELGIANS Monument Will Be Erected on Bat tlefield of Waterloo. BRUSSELS, March l:. (Special.) The Belgian committee has selected the site for the Belgian monument to be raised by national subscription on the field of Waterloo. It is at the northeast corner of the point where the Route d' Ohaln the famous hol low way crosses the Chaussce de Charlerol. and immediately opposite the Hanoverian monument. This position la as near as practicable to the ground occupied by the Bylandt brigade on the day of the battle. The memorial is to consist of a granite pillar, about SO feet high, erect ed on a inaund, and surrounded by a handsome railing. The principal front, facing the Charleroi road, will be or namented with a military trophy, a flag, and a heraldic lion, all worked in bronze, and underneath there will be the following inscription: "A la memoire des Beiges morts le 18 juin. 1S15 pour la defense du drapeau I'honneur ds armes." In addition to this memorial, a Dutch committee, presided over by the Dutch Minister of War, is collaborating with the Belgium committee for the erec tion of a joint monument at Quatre Bras to the Dutch-Belgians who fell there on June. 16, 1815. Both these monuments will be unveiled as part of the centenary celebration next year, for, which the co-operation of the Brit ish military authorities is desired by the representatives of the Belgian and Dutch armies. Easy Way to Remove Freckles and Eruptions Some women have skin of such tex ture thev occasionally are annoyed by the sudden appearance of freckles, slight eruptions or fine lines. March winds usually play havoc with skins oC that kind.- In such cases if one wiil procure an ounce of common mercol ized wax at any drugstore, apply a little o it before retiring, like coid creain, she can easily overcome the trouble. When the wax is washed off tho nxt morning, flaky skin particles come with it. The entire outer cuticle is removed in this way in a week or so. with all its defects. No bleach could so effectually remove freckles or blem ishes. The new surface is smooth, clear, fresh looking. No pain or incon venience accompanies this simple treat ment. In case of wrinkles which sink be neath the skin, a solution of saxolite, 1 oz.. dissolved in pt. witch hazel, makes a. face bath which is wonder fully effective. Adv. 1