THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, POKTLAND, 3IAKCIT 13, 1914. World's Greatest 'Cellist 4 Gabrial Ysaye Violinist Carl Bruchhausen Pianist Combination Concert at HEILIG THEATER THURSDAY MARCH 19 8:15 P.M. PRICES: SOc, 75c, $1,$1.50, $2 SEAT SALE TUESDAY, MAR. Direction Lois Steers-Wynn Coman - -YHW" msn im n in si fiii 17 than money, and the other is a wealthy old squire, who offers the girl a fine home and position In society. Kathleen has a hard time to decide, but Anally accepts the younger of the lovers. "A Film Johnnie," a Keystone farce of considerable merit, is scheduled for the comedy feature on the bill and it Rives promise of meeting with much favor. The Mutual Weekly, with its numerous animated views of world wide happenings, and Miss Anna Mats chlner, talented soprano, are also on the bill. Next Wednesday the eighth chapter of "Our Mutual Girl is scheduled. Margaret nays a visit to Toyland and becomes a benefactress to a number of crippled boys and girls. GIOBE FEATURES MARY FUMER 'Quebtion of Dress" Title of Third DoIIie of Dailies Story. The Globe is showing today the third Collie story, entitled "Question of Dress," in which the heroine. Mary Ful ler, takes the part of a mannikin. Some elegant costumes are shown at a fash ionable restaurant. DoIIie is accused of "borrowing" her beautiful gowns, but the editor of a paper comes to her res cue in time. "The Portrait," a two-part Vitagraph of more than usual strength, is also a feature. It is one of those real life portrayals, full of exquisite touches and expression. , "Mrs. Malbney's Fortune" is a splen did comedy, in which Kate Price and Tom Shea take the leads". The woman is lifted from poverty to sudden riches. She tries to play the part of the rich widow, but is glad to return to her bumble but happy home. PICTURES TO BEGIN AT 11:30 White Slave Films at Heilig to Ran Continuously. Owing to the unprecedented success of "The Inside of the White Slave Traf fic" motion pictures now playing at the Heilig Theater, Eleventh and Morrison streets, they will be run continuously today from 11:30 A. M. The new per formance will begin every hour and a Tialf after the above starting time. Be ginning tomorrow (Monday) and con tinuing Tuesday-Wednesday, the start ing hour will be 1 P. M. and the be ginning of the new performance every hour and a half after that hour. The revalence of the great white Flave traffic in this country, in the past yen" or two, has forced the authorities to !;. thought to a means of suppress ing this threatening evil, which has already assumed such proportion as to become the most serious matter of the present day. There is hardly a day passes but that an account of a white slave ease is recorded in the daily rress. At the present time some of the vilest cases are being tried in the I courts, while others are Just coming to light. The pictures were prepared by Sam uel H. London, a former Government investigator, who is regarded as prob ably the greatest authority on the sub ject in this country. "THE GHOST BREAKER" COfflXG Portland Playgoers . to See H. B. Warner's Latest Success at Baker. Manager Baker, of the Baker Players, has Just secured the rights to present in this city II. B. Warner's latest New York success, "The Ghost Breaker," and will offer it at the Baker for the week following "The Bridge." opening next Sunday matinee. This will be its first appearance in the West. It is a farcical melodrama, with most unusual plot and situations. The first act opens in a fashionable New York hotel bedroom. It is early morning, and a Spanish Princess iB awakened by a man trying to gain admittance to the room. He finally breaks the door and turns out to be a fugitive from the police. This introduction leads up to an agreement between them, by which he engages himself to go to Spain with her and solve the mystery of a haunted castle on her estates, which has caused her no end of trouble. She smuggles him on board her steamer, sailing that day, by hiding him in her trunk, and they have some exciting adventures dodging the police. The third and fourth acts take place in Spain, and this intrepid young Ken tuckian experiences one thrilling and exciting adventure after another, which are mixed with a. broad vein of comedy and end in a most charming romance. "The Ghost Breaker," being entirely new to Portland and coming with a New York reputation, should prove a gold mine. GHOST WALKING IS PROMISED Dr. Eddy, 'Spiritualistic Medium, to Give Seance at Heilig. r "The Ghost" will walk at the Heilig next Sunday night not only one but many. Dr. Eddy, the noted spiritualis tic medium will give a seance at that time for the purpose of demonstrating spirit power in the light. Dr. tddy is said to come to Port land with the indorsement of the Royal Society of Kngland, which is said to have tested him for three months in every conceivable manner that human ingenuity could suggest, and at the finish presented him with a parchment certifying that the manifestations were beyond human aid. He is said to court fullest investigations and con ducts his operations in the strongest light surrounded by a committee. In the seance at the Heilig he will produce the famous "Katie King" test which has caused a great deal of com- BAKER THEATER Broadway and Morrison St. Phones: Main 8, A 6360. Gk-O. Li, BAKKK, Manager. ' Home of the Famous Baker Flayers- Week Commencing TODAY (Sunday) Matinee, March 15, 1914 The Brest modern drama of capital and labor. The The Man Between or By Rupert Hugbes Grace Lord A vivid story of tho eternal struggle between the two great forces. A play of supreme interest to all classes. The thrilling bridge-building scene. Genuine structural ironworkers from Local No. 29 in action. Riveting machines, en gines, forges, red-hot bolts, steel gir ders. Realistic, inspiring and true to life. The great strike, mob rule, mili tia. Immense cast and production. Reg ular Baker prices. SEE "Evenings 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c. Box Seats $1.00. Sunday and Sat urday Matinees 25c, 50c. Box Seats, 75c Monday Tin Special Bargain Perform- n (J It lEbt alien ALL SEATS, except Iiohi&uC Wednesday Matinee "EXT WEEK THE GHOST BREAKER (First time here). remaps once In a hundred years there appears in the musical world a Hinger who has been as lavishly gifted by nature as Titta Iluffo. In speaking of 'his voice several of the greatest critics of the day have not hesitated to say that Ruffo stands alone and un rivaled in the history of music T TTAR FFfi April U 4-0rpheum FIRST NIGHT Chicago Grand Opera Co. He can sing a high C with as much brilliancy and force as a dramatic tenor and descends to the lowest bass note with a " profounditv of tone and resonance aa did ever Plancon in his palmiest davs. It is doubtful if any color atura soprano can sing cadenzas and runs as does this marvelously gifted man nd he trills with the facility of a .Melba. THt'RSDAY. 4PRII, 2 "' A V A M.BR1 A RI'STICA X A" and "PACI.HCti I'RIUU, APRIL :i -PAnsil'AI," (One of ten per tormnnerx In America I SATLRDAY, APRIL 4 "AIDA" (MatineeH "TOSCA" (Evening;. PRICKS Entire Lower Floor, . Bnlrony Dress Circle, S: Haleonv, 9 rons. Ml last 8 rows, $3. tialler.v, 2 rons, fat Gallery, 5 rows, 1'.50 j Gallery, last 8 rows, f 1.5. Mail or personal reservations made now. Address all communications nd make all checks payable to . ., Portland Grand Opera Assn., 415 Sherman-Clay & Co Bids;. Phone Main 4757. EXTRA- HEILIG THEATER Eleventh and MorrUon Sts. Phones, Main 1 and A 1123 OWIXO TO PUBLIC DEMAND ENGAGEMENT EXTENDED TODAY I MARCH 15, 16, 17, 18 TRUTH-TELLING MOTION PICTURES THE INSIDE OF THE WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC FIRJST PERFORMANCE TODAY, 11 13 A. M. Monday Afternoon and Balance Week Performances Begin 1, 2:30, 4, 5:30, 7. 8:30. POPULAR Ofi PRICES -J - SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 2 2 Appearance of the Famous Indescribable Phenomenon EH V AND HIS COMPANY LJ. LJ jl ' of mediums In an entirely new programme, producing such phenomena as Materializa tion of Fners and Forms. Flowers are Drought to the Audience by Unseen Hands. Spirit photographs. A human being-, isolated from surrounding; objects, floats In midair. Floating tables, chairs and the famous "Katie King-," materialization seance, etc., etc. NO'l" I.V DARKNESS, BUT IN OPEN LIGHT WATCH DAILY PAPERS FOR PRICES, ETC, CITY MAIL ORDERS NOW. BOX OFFICE SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 20 6 Nights Beginning Monday, March 23 Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Triumphal Return Farewell Visit Maeterlinck's Exquisite Fantasy THE BLUE BIRD SAME ELABORATE NEW THEATER, N. Y, PRODUCTION PRICES BOTH EVENINGS AND MATINEES Lower Floor, first 14 rows, ?2.00; last 8 rows, Jl.oO. Balcony, first 5 rows, J1.50; next 4 rows, $1; fol lowing 6 rows, 75c; last 4 rows, 50c. ment- Questions written and retained by the interrogators will receive full and intelligent answers. There, will be other manifestations of his power and the affair promises to arouse the keenest interest in the subject of spiritualism. Corral lis to Hold Style Show. . CORVALLIS, Or., March 14. (Spe cial.) The merchants of Corvallis will hold a style show beginning Monday, March 23 and continuing: to tho end of the week.' Elaborate interior decora tions of stores will be made, and a number of merchants plan to Import ex pert window-trimmers for the occa sion. It is also the plan to have some sort of street decoration. The first style show ever held in this city was that of last year. The style show this year will be more elaborate. Chile. Imports more than 100,000 cattle annually from Argentina. PEOPLES THEATER West Park & Alder 4 Days Only SUNDAY Commencing v ; VANGELINE Adapted From LONGFELLOW'S Immortal Poem In 5 Parts 1 1 f Any Seat J lUC Any Time With an All Star Cast MADE IN ANNAPOLIS VALLEY AMONGST THE ACTUAL SCENES DESCRIBED IN THE POEM A Stirring, Enthralling and Impressive Drama. Magnificent Film Production. Supplemented by Splendid Educational Pictures also One Reel of Good Comedy MISS JEWEL JAMES The Popular Singer, in New Songs. New Program Thursday GLOBE Theater 11th and Washington TODAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY t Mary . Fuller in Dolly the Dailies "A Question of Dress." Two-Part Vitagraph The Portrait A Life Portrayal Full of Heart Interest. Sparkling Comedy Mrs.Maloneys Fortune with Kate Price and "Wm. Shea. Dorothy Lewis ' Soloist 10c ALL SEATS 10c "The House of Comfort" 3 Days, Starting' Today Big Double Feature Programme The Price of the Necklace 2 Parts 2 The Cost of a Woman's Whim A Strange Mebdy 2 Parts 2 The Charm of Music, . A story you will enjoy Billy Strong In character sonss Snakeville Fire . Brigade a real comedy Special attractions for St. Patrick's Day THEATER ANNOUNCEMENT ---ii-S--- s----mms-sssssssms.s..-.ssssssssssssssssss-.ssssss-sss. " i Programme Today, Monday and Tuesday The Colleen Bawn IN THREE PARTS Featuring Miss Gene Gauntier in the leading role This picture Tras made in Ireland, and shows Eaken at Beaufort, County Kerry, the Peat Bog: near Killarney Lake, Muckross Head. Gap of Dunloc, interior of Danny Mann cottage, Colleen Bawn Rock on Devil's Island, the bed occupied by Daniel O'Connell. Lake Killarney and the famous Ann Chute Castle. These scenes are absolutely authentic. Officer or Gentlemen A special "Vitasrraph subject in two and a half reels. Tells a story of the duplicity of the wives of three Army officers MISS ESTHER SUNDQUIST, Violin Solos MR. JOE ROBERTS The Greatest Banjo Artist on the Pacific Coast ADMISSION lOc SPECIAL St. Patrick's Day MATINEE The Baker Players in the fa mous Irish romance, Kathleen Mavourneen Next Tuesday Afternoon, MARCH 17 For the Benefit of the Theat . rical Benevolent Association. STRONG CAST BEAUTIFUL SCENIC PRO DUCTION Extra features appropriate to the day. A novel, entertaining and alto gether charming event. TICKETS NOW SELLING Prices 25c, 50c, 75c Phones Main 6 and A 1020 H Matinee Daily g aADVANlitU VAUUtVILLt Matinee .. ISc 3e 50e . Matinee . . ISc 3e 50e Kisht 15c 25c SOc 75c BROADWAY AT TAYLOR STREET Week Beginning Sunday Matinee, March IS The Greatest Emotional Actress Miss OLGA NETHERSOLE - IN THE THIRD ACT OF dArtlU By Clyde Fitch From the Novel of Alphonse Daudct Herman Timberg The Versatile Comedian I,atc Star of "School Days" Mosher, Hayes and Mosher Direct From the Alhainbra Theater, Loudon The Three Varsity Fellows Burns, Ki mer and Grady In A Campus Hrhrarsal" Julia Nash and Co. In the Farce-Comedy Playlet "H t: H FI11ST CASK" Pa r i 11 o and Frabito Street Singers The Blessings Modern Equilibrists "I like the entire company so much that I go to the Lyric every night, and even attend the daily matinee." DOROTHY RAYMOND. Fourth and Stark Streets Keating Flood, Proprietors One Week Beginning Monday Matinee, Mar. 1 6 Just to Make You Laugh Keating & Flood Present The Military Maids The Funniest Musical Comedy Play of the Century, Featuring Bill- Onslow and Tommy La Rose TUNES, LAUGHS AND DANCES AT TOP SPEED Tuesday and Friday Nights Chorus Girls' Contest Thursday Night 50-Piece Dinner Set for 5c Prices Nights, 15c, 25c; Matinee, Any Seat, 15c Portland's Model Photo-Flay House. Fireproof Perfect Ventilation. Always the Best Attractions Shown. Hill Sunday to Wednesday! KATHLEEN, THE IRISH ROSE Two-Part Thanhouser Special, St. Patrick's Day Release, Featuring Maud Fealy. A FILM JOHNNIE Keystone Comedy With Many Laushs MUTUAL WEEKLY - Showing Animated Views of World Wide Happenings. ANNA MATSCHINER Talented Soprano. Co mini? AVednendayi OUR MUTUAL GIRL Margaret Visits Toyland 10c -Admission 1 Oc. i:.kqi;.li:i vaidevii.m-: am) ai.di:ii vr. WEEK COMMENCINC MONDAY MATINEE, MARCH 18 !: G A ii K M 14 X T K X T It A O II D I -V A R V THE RIDING DUTTONS World-Famous Society Equestrians in THE ACT BEAUTIFUL Rhoda&Crampton Patsy Doyle Duncan & Holt Operatic Stars in The Big Sail Joyous Blackface Comc- "Eetween the Keels" .Man dians Who Please Eula Lees Four Singing Clara Stevens & Beauties Company In Charmlnff Melodies Vaudeville's Classiest Danclnjr Act SflKIS. "GO WHERE THE CROWDS GO" , ATINEE POPULAR PRICKS. Boxes and First How Balcony Reserved. Box Office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones, Aii'SS, Main 43ti. Curtain 2:30, 7:1G, 9:10 2:30-MATINEE EVERY DAY-2:30 Nifclit rrifr, 1.m Any Matinee Seat, I5e mm . Ai YAMHILL Week Commencing Sunday Matinee, Mar. 1 5 World's Greatest Juggler B S T KIERNAN WALTERS & KIERNAN in MioHtik . Sidesplitting Shakespearean 'Travesty s H 0 IW STAIN'S COMEDY CIRCUS Mules, Ponies and Other Pet Actors I Edith 1 Clifford 1 Charming m Comedienne B N Mack & I w Atkinson 1 N Musical H Comedy - tars 3 NEW SHOW EVERY SUNDAY Since 1S70 tfie rocket type of life-saving apparatus baa saved the lives of more than 0000 shipwrecked persons on the coasts of Ore at Britain. Ouadaloupo is growing a new kind of coffee, introduced from the Congo coun try. This is known as "coffee roousta. and It was discovered in lb OS.