The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 15, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 32

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(One of Many.)
Office 6ecretary Employment Department.
Y. M. C A-
Towns man, stranger, seeking employ
ment ($20 bis total caah asset) It I pay
lou S5 for employment membership I will
ve only lis between me and starvation.
Secretary If you pay 5 for employ
ment membership you will novo the x. M.
C A. with all its resource between you
and starvation. ,
iieButt young man Joined association.
In less than a week he had satisJactory
employment. '
Record for 1918:
Colls for men from employers 26o
Positions filled iW1
Special employment membership guar
antees member will secure employment or
membership fee will be refunded. Gives
two months' full privileges. Including use
of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath, etc,
and 10 months' social or house privileges
including the services of the employment
department for the entire year.
All young men seeking employment in
commercial, clerical or technical lines, are
cordially Invited to consult wilh the Sec
retary of the Advisory and Employment
"x- a n: t r-n w inquire to secure an exper
ienced calendar salesman to handle our
line in tins territory, one witn an
hshed trade only; we have long been rec
ognized is the leading manufacturers ol
i., calendars.
monthly calendars, blotters and leather
novelties for advertising purposes. It you
are a real producer, this is an unusual
opportunity for -ou .o form a very desir
able connection with a progressive house.
Our commissions are very liberal. Don t
waste time answering unless you nave
had experience, unless you can furnish tne
best of references and unless wou are pre
pared t.. wcrk on a straight commission
basis, lomnission payable on acceptance
or ord--j. Address immediately, Kobert
Chapman Company, Grand at, and Morgan
ave., Broi.i-iyn, is. i.
TRAVELING salesmen can easily
Increase their Income by calling on
retail mililnery and department
stores in spare time. You receive
2 on each 4 order. Insure a spe
cial outfit by writing at once,
George K. Henderson. 1182 Broad
way, New York City.
SUCCESSFUL, salesmen working small towns
increase your earnings during spare time
l.v i.liieinir our ouneh boara assortments
we guarantee merchants' tales; can use
nniv men now employed as salesmen
capable of earning 0U per week; state
territory. See our Dun and Bradslreet rat
ing also rating of those who copy our
au and plans. Devon Mfg. Co.. Chicago.
"WAN 1'EU First-class salesman to sell the.
best line of ciders and soft drinks In the
I'nited States to all classes ct merchants
in small country iowub; salary MOO per
month and expenses. Crown Cider Co.,
Department "A," 207 S. Commercial St..
St. l.ouis. Mo.
FIRST-CLASS foreman on cake and
pastrv. .iUl Washington St., Van
couver, Wash. Phone 40S, Vancouver.
PRACTICAL man. with family, familiar
with horses, for general farm and orchard
work, salary at rate o tii Per mouth,
permanent position with good opportunity
to a.-uuire small farm to right party with
not less than 2.1U cash to Invest; scl'"'
miiJ More on premises. X T'.'H. Oregonian.
"WANTED Young man with motorcycle to
do special delivery work on Sunday morn
ing. If ou have a motorcycle and nave
nothing special to do on Sunday morning
it is your opportunity to make some ex
tra money, call today and see manager,
room 2U2. Oregonian bldg.
I WANT someone to clear about 8 acres on
faudv road, one mile from town, for the
use of Inn. I for 2 years; has been slashed
once; best of land; good place to raise
Iio.'-'s- about two acres can be plowed now;
will iniUd house when cleared. io8U East
Burnside St. ,
SALESMAN Calling on clothiers, gents
furnishers and dry goods trade to nan
ale manufacturers' raincoat line as sloe
line; give references and full particulars.
Rex Raincoat Co., 11 s. Desplaines, Chi
"MANAGER for proposed laundry; must oe
thoroughly capable and experienced in all
details of the business. In reply state In
p-iriieubtr experience and references; man
who can take some stock preferred. U
'-. Oregonian.
SALESMEN residing ill or making small
towns; take orders on our special plan
all'. wins return of unsold goods; makes
uuiek easy sales; it commission each or
der; A.-ile for pocket outfit today. Can
field Mfg. Co.. 2U$ Sigel St.. Chicago.
SALESMAN", experienced, for Oregon; sell
all' classes of merchants; staple line.; es
iiiolitiieu bouse; position will pay $2o00
to ytooo yea.-ly; expenses advanced against
cointnis'ions; stale selling experience ful
Iv. 1). W. Barrows. Detroit, Mlclt-
HONEST man wanted in each town for spe.
clal advertising work; $10 a week to start;
experience unnecessary; references re
quired. Address at once McLean, Black &
1 "o., 232 N. Beverly St.. Boston. Mass.
EXCEPTIONAL salesman for high-grade
proposition: one who has made good; ex
clusive territory, liberal proposition. Write
todav stating qualifications. Butler Elec
tric Co.. s.'.O Oiis bldg.. Chicago.
BE your own master; stop wage slavery;
formulas and instructions for manufac
turing six big sellers and 100 business
opportunities sent for 10c. Chas. S. Mat-th.-s,
Oregon City. Or.
WANTED 2 moloicjcle riders, with own
machines, to ride in motordrome touring
the U S. ; pood salary. Apply Tom Hale,
care ol Rice & Dore. Winter quarters.
L ountry e'lul, grounds
tli a v u ho tjikes pleasure and interest
small livestock to go Into business for
himself dealing In Eastern bullfrogs; un
usual jjooil proposition. Write Aqua Life,
Seymour. Conn.
SPECIALTY salesmen: why not add a live
inolic -maker to your line? Big commis
sions, sure repeaters, will not interfere
with reuular line: write for catalogue.
Hoodwiu Mfg. Co., ?4s VanBuren. Chicago
OOOD warie--, steady employment, for work
man hi tliis trade, few months only learn
ie:r, positions guaranteed. Watchmaking.
Ensravims School. 210 Commonwealth
bldg.. Ot it nndAnkeny. Portland.
"WANTED An experienced and capable man
to take charge of selling second-hand au
tomobiles, must be a live wire. Main
2iM MON'i'ii -.-r man who can actually pro
duce results selling Portland property; no
real estate asents wanted: out-town man
pr. f. -i-rivi. A I) 77U. Oregonian.
WANTED Immediately, two experienced
men on door patching, for fir door fac
tory in oreson. Write Immediately giv
in Kperienee. AV 23, Oregonian.
"WANTED Two reliable men. See manufac
turer Sunday or Monday: permanent po
sition. sm;n capital required. 251 East
1Iril South.
"IOUNG loan about 20, wholesale house as
essislant to cashier: answer own hund
uritins: state a g experience, references,
telephone number. AO S09. Oregonian.
SALESMEN make $10 a day on our punch
board deals', great sellers, sure repeaters,
l.'oll Novelty Co.. 171 N. 9th St., Phila
delphia. Pa
WANTED First-class machinist who thor
,tii?htv uuderstands the erection of ice
machines. Out of town. Call 733 Morgan
DO you want $10
dav. side or main line.
premium and Punch Board Deals?
Five propositions.
American factories
ompany, ci.
Louis, Mo.
CASH advanced you weekly selling my
hardv. guaranteed stock, excellent terri
tory," hustlers make money; Washington
Nursery to., Toppenlsh, Wash.
JNDUSTKIOUS. capable married man for
fruit ranch; prefer man looking for In
vestment as well us permanent place. Pat
terson. H4 I'nion ave.
MAN wanted to keep time and look after
supplies in logging camp; must furnish
first-class reference and age and how
much experience. AV 10, Oregonian.
(CARPENTER bids wanted for Irvington
residence. Andersen Construction Co., 523
Lumber Exchange bldg.
"WANTED Married man for general farm
work, neai Portland: steady work for a
good man. ?0t N. W. Bank bldg.
"WANT capable married man on ranch: to
good teamster, steady work: must have
reference. 515 Chamber Commerce.
MAKE money writing short stories or arti
cles; big pay: free booklet tells how.
1'niterl Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
WANTED Solicitors, good proposition; your
monev every nteht. Call at :1S5 3d St.,
Sumhty. bet. 3 and 5 P. M.. room 301).
WANTED At once, two men to learn auto
repairing and driving for Spring work.
Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne.
WANTED A good man with little money
that understands the wet wash laundry
business. Call 002 Couch Bldg.
GREENHoL'SE man and gardener at Hen
' dee station. Oregon City car. Hendee
Brot hers.
$100 WEEKLY profit, spare time, home;
mail order business: don't worrk about
capital. Boyd H. Brown. Omaha. Neb.
PHuTO coupon: best offered; beauty con
test started. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bldg
YOl'NC, man to b-arn drug business and de
del i v e r ; stateHi; AFTT 3Ore g onlan
l7lYF photo solicitors; good money; new
proposition. MooreStudioI Elks' bldg.
PHOTO AGENT, something-new; extra com
mission paid Sarony Studio, Royal bldg.
TWO lirst-class solicitors, only experienced
men needed. 101T Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Wood turner, piecework.
Man with heavy logging team. $5 das
Sawmill yardmen, south.
Baker, city, J12 wk., room and board.
Farm hands and milkers; good wages.
SPECIAL, Laborers for state irrigation
work. Eastern Oregon; ship Sunday
night, eight hours' work: numerous others.
Office OPEN SUNDAY U A. M. to
222 and 224 Couch St., bet. let and 2d.
WANTED Experienced watchmaker. Ap
ply Superintendent's office, between 9 and
It) A. M. Meier & Frank Co.
CHAUFFEURS and heavy-duty gas engi
neers are In great demand. We want
sober, reliable men who we can recom
mend for these positions, to take our
course in gasoline engineering, automobile
repairing and driving. Tuition, part cash
on enrolment, balance at time of .gradu
ating. Pacific Auto & Gas Engine school,
188-190 Chapman St.
Are you in an office with a bunch of
dead ones? This office sells and trades
property every day. Do you r i want
a good live salesman. See manager City
Main CS09. 21 Washington St. A6-bi.
SALESMAN We have tried for thirty days
to hire real experienced men for the big
gest selling specialty, no competition, ever
offered the best firms of Portland.. 1 ell
us wiiat you will do not what you have
done. Must give age and record. C So..,
WANTED Man with some specialty experi
ence to call on a selected class of people
In the Interest of a high-class proposition.
Liberal remuneration, permanent employ
ment, chances for advancement. Iteler
ences See Mr. Reardon before noon, o-o
Chamber Commerce bldg., Portland, Or.
WANTED I will teach several young men
the automobile business in ten weeks by
mail and assist them to good positions, rvo
charge for tuition until position is sc-h'.ii-
St. Price, automo
bile expert. box 463. Los Angeles. Cat.
MEN prepared, equipped and established In
the real estate business; immediate oppor
tunities for energetic men; booklet and
full particulars. National Realty Co.
(Co-Operatlve System). 7th floor Pacific
bldg., San Francisco, Cal.
SALESMAN experienced any line, to sell
general trade. Pacific Territory; unex
celled specialty proposition; commission
contract; S35 weekly expenses S E. Kline,
sales manager, Do-11 Crafts bldg.. Cleve-
land, Ohio.
TWO high-grade salesmen to open new re
tail accounts for staple line; established
house; larse commissions; protected terri
tory; must close at once. Continental
Jewelry Co., 98 11 Continental bldg., Cleve
land. SALESMEN Well known manufacturing
concern, established 22 years, wants to
add two experienced traveling salesmen
to its organization account of business
expansion; state experience. Lock Box
"C," Lcmont. 111.
WH I sTTe Y salesmen calling on Jobbers and
large saloon trade to carry as side line,
popular price line of bottled In bond whis
keys direct from distilleries; strictly com
mission basis. Lee Levy & Co., W hlskey
Brokers, 222 Market, St. Louis, Mo.
SALESMEN Do you want $12 day side
line, working small towns on Jewelry pre
miums, on punch board deals? Western
Jewelry & Novelty Co., Hunter bldg., Chi
cago. t
SALESMAN Capable specialty man, Ore
gon, staple line, new exceptional terms;
vacancy now; attractive commission contract-
S35 weekly expenses. Miles F. Blx
ler Co , 228-11 Carlin bldg.. Cleveland. O.
W ANTED Famllv men experienced in mill
and vard work, for mills in this city. No
booze fighters wanted. Americans, Scan
dinavians or Germans. Address M. A.
Hood. Raymond, Wash.
DRY GOODS salesman; want young, single,
thoroughly experienced man who under
stands gents' furnishing and stock keep
ing country Btore; salary $l0 and ad
vancement. Call No. U 245 'A "Wash, st.
LOCAL manufacturer wants man for Port
land; line patented specialties; call on
offices, business nouses; musi give se
curity for samples, r or appointment can
C 3030 Sunday.
sTleSMEN to handle finest, most up-to-date
line of advertising signs, calendars
and novelties in country; big money for
hustlers. Write today for particulars.
Mahon Novelty Co., Kenton. Ohio.
WANTED Married man for general farm
work on Hood River apple ranch; wife to
do family washing. Call at Seward Hotel
1) A. M. Monday and ask for G. M. Up
tegrove. Al'TO driver for wet wash laundry route.
Wage $5 per day. I0O cash deposit re
quired. Call at 29 Union ave.. at 10 A.
A., Sunday,' prepared to put up deposit
and go to work at once
SALESMEN to sell our check protector: it
sells to every person who writes a check;
circulars information free; sample 2oc.
Terry Mfg. Co., 122 colton bldg., To
ledo, O.
WANTED, by established wholesale candy
house. salesman to handle Eastern Oregon
or Grays Harbor on commission. G SOU,
each: all or spare time; no correspondence
course. Details free. Atlas Publishing
Co., 42. Cincinnati. O.
EXPERIENCED salesman for patent house
hold necessity; must be seen to be appre
ciated. Call and investigate. 220 Swet
land bldg.
A GOOD G1KL for cooking and general
housework in a small family, to go a
short distance from the city. Inquire at
54 North 18th st. for further particulars.
GIRL wanted Have excellent position for
girl thoroughly experienced in general
housework. 1235 Alameda Drive.
SCHOOL GIRL wanted to care for child
couDlc of hours every afternoon. Mar
shall 48.
AGENTS to handle specialty used In every
household: no experience required. Room
314. Willard Hotel.
tw ANTED Experienced lady marker and
sorter. Crystal Laundry. 21st and Sandy
HOUSEKEEPER of ability by widower with
boy of 8; nice home. Dest ot reterence re
quired. AN 804, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED in selling ladies' tailored
suite, references required; good position.
K 711. Oregonian.
WANTED Woman lo do janitor work in
small apartment-house for rent ot apart
ment. B 811. Oregonian.
WANTED A young lady to pose as artist's
model: give telephone number. ai ius,
Oregon ian.
COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper.
Annlv in handwriting stating salary ex
pected. AD 703. Oregonian.
WANTED Girl for general housework, 2W5
(' nth N.. cor. Clackamas. take 1. or
B. car.
LADIES to join crew selling Coos Bay lota
011 new plan. Call afternoons, 010 Henry
KKl.l. Silica Paste on money-back plan
sells easy; nays big. 402 Labbe bldg., 2d
and Washington.
YOUNG girl wanted for light housework.
East 5028.
WANTED Experienced millinery trimmer
city. AF 707, Oregonian. 1
TWO nurses wanted for hospital work out
of the city, call 31 join st, ounoay.
SMALL chorus girls for road show; good
amateurs considered. T 804. Oregonian.
WANTED A girl for general housework
3 adults. 605 E. Morrison st.
WANTED Competent girl
housework: small family.
for general
311 Kearney
j? KFf XED rltv solicitor: educational work
salary and commission. R 806. Oregonian
EXPERIENCED nursemaid wanted; mention
age. experience and wages. H 5S0, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED waist and skirt finishers
wanted. Apply 500 Hoyt st.
WANTED Ladies that are good talkers.
Call Room 04 Eilers bldg. Tuesday.
WANTED Woman to work In country. Call
nfter 1 Sunduy atD80 Belmont st
LADY for housework, small family; good
wages. B car. 43 E. 2.',tli N.
GIRL for second work. 581 Jackson St.. Port
land Heights. ' Phones Main 2957, A 5324.
WANTED Young girl for
work. T30 Overton st.
general house-
YOUNG girl to assist with general house
work. 0I! I.ovejoy. Apply mornings.
WANTED Two qualified
328 1- North lTth st.
WILL Miss Copeland, the nurse, please call
up Marshall 3171 at once?
GIRL for general housework; must be good
cook. 600 Thompson st.
WANTED Experienced finishers on custom
pants, steady work. 1-8i 2d. room a.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Thomp
son's Restaurant, 427 Washington St.
CHAMBERMAID. 20, room and board.
Two waitresses, out, $23 and 130, lars
paid. .
Two waiters. In. 25; room and board.
Family cook. $3.1.
Girls for general work. llo to 3o.
Colored girl for general work.
265 Morrison St.. corner 3d.
Become our local representative,
ft ... ....... i..itMt Fans and
York Spring and Summer dress and waist
fabrics; pleasant, dignified, very profit
able occupation. Write for plan. Stead
fast Mills, Dept. 40, Cohoes. N.
HONEST women wanted In eacn town o
demonstrate well-known article; 13
week to start or 30 cents an hour for
spare time; experience unnecessary, ac
Lean, Black Co.. 232 N. Beverly it..
Boston. Mas. "
WANTED Neat-appearing girl for office
work; must be expert stenographer and
understand a little bookkeeping; also good
penman; salary oo per u.uutu
...,,..,,. t ,,iini to riant party. Call
til.l McKay bldg.
WHY DON'T YOU WRITE moving picture
plays. IT'S EASY. In BIG DEMAND; S2o
to tlDO paid for them; $1 brings VOL.
and WHERE TO SELL. Photo Plays,
Box 1176, Portland.
A RARE opportunity, make comfortable liv
inir home sewing olain seams; no canvass
ing; steady; no triflcrs; sewers in country uaneeinltv: send 10 Cents pOSUlgO;
returned if not satisfactory. Home Sew
ing Co., jobbers sewing. JPO. Chicago, 111
WANTED for perfume department, an at
irn.'tivn uiiunvoiMn not over 22 years of
age, who possesses all 'the qualincations
of a nrst-class saleswoman; must have
auburn-red hair. Apply by tetter to r ajt,
WANTED Girl for general housework, no
hard cleaning: must be able to coon anu
iiu. .-lillrirti irnnd home for right party.
Kt :;7:io. Take Irvlngton car. 20.1 E.
15th st. N. Call between 1 and 5; refer
ences. RELIABLE girl may have good home and
reasonable, wages to assist with general
housework and care of two children; no
cooking; small house, small family. Phone
C 3084. .
YOUNG refined German girl with good ref
erences 'o assist In Housework on the
farm; steady work: wages 1V per month.
Address Feller i Barkmun, Hubbard. Or.,
;oute 1. '
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wom
en is now located at room 303 new Police
Headquarters. Information, protection or
assistance giveu to women and girls. In
terviews confidential.
BE AN actress, win fame, high salary. Big
motion-picture company wants applica
tions from ladies with some ability to take
part in productions. Address P. O. Box
572, Los Angeles, cat.
SONG poems wanted; I'll furnish music and
publish if accepted; have paid thousands
in royalties; est. 16 years: booklet and
particulars free. John Hall, Pres., Co
lumbus Circle. N. Y. C.
WANTED Experienced young lady
housework; one who will appreciate a
good home and moderate wages, call or
phone after 12 Sunday. 410 East 5."th Bt.,
Hawthorne car. Phone Tabor 5320.
TWO capable, unincumbered, respectable
women to help us In a broadly useful and
permanent work. win appoint ah w,Y
view on receipt of letter.
Address M Sill,
LADIES Start fascinating home business;
tinting postcards, pictures, etc., spare
time: make $12 weekly; no canvassing;
samples 10c; particulars free. Artint, 4o"i
180 Manhattan St.. New York.
WANTED Competent lady stenographer,
steady position, good hours; state experi
ence; salary $12 per week. Address in
own handwriting H 802, Oregonian.
ATTRACTIVE young woman between 23 and
2S years of age for demonstration and of
fice work. Apply I4H-. Broadway between
Alder and Morrison.
EXPERIENCED sewer for making and re
pairing unmbrelta and parasol covers.
309 Morrison St.
EXPERIENCED, capable girl for cooking
and general housework; wages $35 to $40.
440 E. 8th st. North, near Tillamook.
Phone East 504.
WANT good seamstress to learn corset man
ufacturing; steady position and good pay
after learning. Call Monday between 10
mid 12. 4H4 Morrison, rooms I and 2.
WANTED Young girl to assist with house
work; three in family; no children; wages
$10; or schoolgirl for rooiu, board and
carfare. AE Mill. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady stenographer and cashier for
music house. Must have some knowledge
of music: give previous experience and
wages expected. A 854. Oregonian.
COMPETENT saleswoman, thoroughly ex
perienced in corsets; none but experienced
need apply. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morri
son. LADIES earn $10 per lOO making belts at
home:' no canvassing; enclose stamped,
addressed envelope. Standard Supply Co.,
Manly, Iowa. '
each; all or spare time; no correspondence
course. Details free. Atlas Publishing
Co.. 42, Cincinnati. O. -
WANTED Experienced girl or woman for
general housework; oerman preterreu.
1200 East Glisan St. Tabor 5257.
LADIES to travel, demonstrate and sen
dealers; $25 to x.rf) per ween; raurunu
paid. 615 Bwet'and bldg. Call mornings.
WANTED Refined young woman to take
care of children; one who will go nome
evenings. 327 West Park.
FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay
while learning; position guumuiccu. -vv-414
Dekum bldg., Sanitary Parlors.
WANT girl for general housework, after
noons only. Apply 00 .ast itrant ot.,
near 24th.
GOOD, reliable, middle-aged woman tor
housework. Inquire 4to para st. alter iv
MAKE money writing short stories or arti
cles; big pay: tree oookiel tens now.
United Pres.- Syndicate. San Francisco.
BUSINESS firm needs a woman not under
25 who Is trustwortny ana capaDie; ex
perlence unnecessary. B 805, Oregonian.
YOUNG eirl to assist light housework: room
and board; small compensation, iau jtro
Halsey st.
Washington bldg., 270 . Washington, room
nr ,U tl,.. laln rr A X'-'Hlt
00, near 1111. nv,,. . . -
liTRl. for household work and cooking.
Phone Main 41511 or apply In afternoon at
office S9 and 30. Washington Plug.
W'ANTED Experienced chambermaid. Call
after 1 A. M. Monday, o'.iov- aiorrison i.
WANTED Earnest young men and young
women who desire thorough training In
practical shorthanu. typewriting, accouut-i.-,,--
nrivniii and Individual Instruction.
Course rigid. Results sure. Day and
evening. 500-5 lo Wilcox bldg.
THE "Washington Teachers' Agency desires
teachers for hundreds of vacancies in the
West for next year. J. D. oeeiey, mgr.
Carey. Idaho.
HOW to get on the stage; complete course
in tinff- amateurs wanted: company
forming V. Leola, Studio 203, Royal
Annex, 350 i-i Morrison. Second floor.
TipicHKws wanted: nrlnclpals. specialists.
grade; half-rate euro -ment; state qualifi
cation. N. W. Teache s' Agcy.. w. lakima.
w U'KKk'I.Y nd expenses to reliable men
women travel appoint agents; experience
unnecessary. Jap-American Co.. cniragp.
xri.-v jh mn agents for easv-selling ar
tlcles: iiujt the season for them. Call
mornings at 820 Going st.
WANTED Live, energetic canvassers, 582 E.
0th south, men or women.
FISK Teachers Agency secures positions for
teachers. 310 Journal oiag. .ain oou.
mi ..use nleasant colorine work, home
good pay, no canvassing; no experience
reouired: illustrated particulars free.
Helping Hand Stores. Chicago.
MOLER Barber college will teach you
quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you
while learning, furnish vtools free. Write
for free catalogue, a.. 4 2a st aorta.
WANTED Names and addresses by mail
order -houses; big pay; home work; In
formation for stamp. Direct Appeal Co.
Plymouth. Ind.
tj a 1 T w a v mull flurltH eommencB liS month.
pnrrinns ev Aminntions coming: sample
questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept
.i4.-s-L. Rochester, N. Y. -
n a 11 WAV mall clerks. P. O. clerks, car
riers; exam, soon; parcel post .lemands
manv more clerks; act at once. Pacific
States School, McKay bldg.. city.
KitfiRTf4 ANT), anv svstem. and bookkeep
ing courses, enroll now. E. B. U.. 629
Worcester block. Marshall 875L
MOVING picture operators earn $15 lo $35
weekly. We teach you quickly. Theater
practice. 417 Rothchlld bldg.
LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen. wages
about $100: experience unnecessary. Sena
age, postage. Railway, care oregonian.
tllKl.s Learn beauty parlor work; earn
money while learning The Hair Bazaar
Majestic Theater Plug., waan. Bimra
l- fetrnnt inn f m H.!M nniirv 1 n kj. UWK-
keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258
FULL course taught movinff picture oper
ating at nnir price, --o ,q ol.
269 14TH ST. M. 8S03. EXP. INSTRUC T,
Do you want to secure a good steady
position at a good salary, one that will
last Indefinitely providing you exert your
best energies in the Interest of the com
pany? Do you want a place where a
small BhKoiuteiv secured investment at
this time will guarantee the above? For
information, 4 is iumoer At-uaue
2d and Stark.
WANTED Ambitious workmen; your work
on actual Jobs pays for teaching trade or
electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick
laying; only few months required. 700
students last four years. Write for In
formation. United Trade School contract
ing Co., Los Augeles.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date
cars; electric, civil engineering,
surveying; methods most practical; room
and board while learning; position se
cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue
free. National School of Engineering.
2110 West Seventh. Lus Angeles. Cal.
sii.kha' t..Yi..,-i.neA unnecessary, easy
work, big nay: write large list, offering
oimiirf iimri..i oorn 1fto to AoOO monfn
while you learn. Address Dept. 400. Na
tional Salesmen's Training Association,
Chicago. New York. Kansas City, San
WJIY DON'T YOU WRITE moving picture
plays. IT'S EASY. In BIG DEMAND; 2o
to $130 paid for them: $1 brings YOU
and WHERE TO SELL. Photo Plays,
Box 1170. Portland.
OREGON Barber College leaches you the
barber trade lu 8 weeks; pays you while
learning; tools free; tuition reduced this
term; extra Instructor; years In business;
position guaranteed; special Inducements
to ledies. 2.13 Madison St., 252 2d st.
GOVERNMENT positions, postoffiee, rail
way mail and other branches are sood.
Prepare for "exams." former U. S. Civil
Service Secretary-Examiner. Booklet H-.
free. Write today. Patterson Civil Service
benoo, Rochester, N. Y.
I WILL, start you earning 4 dally at home
in spare time, silvering mirrors; no capi
tal; tre. instructive booklet. Giving plans
of opei ut ion. G. F. Reuuionj. Dept. 0,
Boeton. Mass.
PKHSONS lo write unci copy letters. $11)
2.", a week readily matte by ioiiowiuk om
practical directions. Send self-addressed
envelope for particulars. Brooks eppymg
Co.. b.e I'a. ave., Washington. D. t".
BE a detective; earn $25 to tu weekly;
chance to see the world with all expenses
paid. Loraine System. Dept. 57, Boston,
Mass. .
GOVERNMENT Jobs for women, utg pay; examinations April D; sample
questions free. Franklin institute, weyi.
ut) L. Rochester. N. Y.
LADIES make shields home $10 1U0; work
sent prepaid to reliable women. Particulars
for stamped, addressed envelope. Eureka
Co., dept. HOB, Kalamazoo. Mich.
YOUNG men, become Government railway
mall clerks. 575 month; "pull" unneces
sary; sample examination questions free.
AV" D28, Oresonian.
WANTED Energetic man to manage big
money petting business; must invest Sbuu;
no schemes or real estate. G 4,31, Orego
nian. YOU can make YOUR OWX LIQUOR, BEER
at home. CONCENTRATED E.IK.ttl;
Stamp for information. Ambrew Agency,
box 1176. Portland.
BECOME detectives, earn big wages; ex
perience unnecessary: send 2c stamp par
ticulars. International Detective Bureau.
Duluth, Minn.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
LUMBERMAN. bookkeeper - stenographer,
with 20 years' mill and wholesale expe
rience, desires position; familiar with
price-making, railroad tariffs and routing,
cost-keeping, collecting and all the details
of a lumber office; best of references;
surety company bond In any amount. Ad
dress K 810, Oregonian.
YOL'NG married man. experienced in log
ging, accounting; understands all cost re
ports, payroll work, distribution of sup
plies, etc. ; ft years In last position. A-l
references as to ability and character.
Surety bond in any amount. AP 80s, Ore
gonian. BUSINESS man, trained in commercial and
insurance lines, wants connection wilh
reliable concern: have filled executive and
managerial positions, salesman and office
man; references given and bond furnished
if required; give details first letter. S
T1IS. Oiegonlan.
BANKER, experienced in .mercantile lint
young man, married, 13 years in West.
Portland references: competent to man
age office or store, act as cashier or book
keeper; in or out of city. AT 800, Ore
gonian. EDITORS Man. 9 years' experience, seeks
dally or weekly location. Last editor daily,
city zu.uou. lun tune cuaige 01 lepwit.
Best references. Wants steady place, mod
erate pay. Might lease. AD 780, Ore
employment ror spare tune; tuny compe
tent, with best of city references: can fur
nish bond. Address W". A. Read. 03O
t'hambet of Commerce, city.
YOL'NG man of '20, food stenographer, book
keeper, 4 years ottice experience, now
temporarily employed by wholesale firm,
desires permanent position; moderate sal
ary. Main 7410.
A. GOOD live general store man wilh yeari
of experience; a No. 1 salesman and Kooa
stockkeeper. Oregon, Washington, Mon
tana. Knighton. Box J 040. Raymond.
YOUNG married man. experienced in book
keeping and ortlce work, desires position
in office or collecting. A-l reference.
Willing to furnish bond. AM 805. Ore
gonian. "YOUNG man of 21 wishes position in store
or clerical work; 4 years' experience in
wholesale hurdware; can furnish best of
references; will leave city; moderate sai
arv to start. C y37, Oregonian.
AN experienced and capable business man.
salesman, ornce man, corresponueni, etc.,
wishes position with reliable concern; com
pensation secondary to permanency. A
t?2S, Oregonian.
THOROUGH accountant, office manager and
credits desires position ; oesl ot reicrences.
can demonstrate ability. AJ 771, Orego
nian. HOTEL Thoroughly experienced hoteiman
Jeslres position as bookkeeper, clerk or
cashier; best references. AN S02, Ore
gonian. BOOKKEEPER Thoroughly experienced
bookkeeper desires position; up to tiate
in detail; first-class references. A Ou,
Oregonian. ' .
WILL audit, open, close, balance or write
up books, detect stealing, install or correct
systems, etc.;. charges reasonable.
WANTED Small set of books to keep
nights by man. 7 years accounting ex
perience. W 794, Oregonian.
AN experienced accountant wants a
extra sets of books to keep evenings.
MM, Oregonian.
POS1TNON by bookkeper-stenographer; t.
years' experience anu best or reierences. k
S15, oregonian.
YOUNG man wants position in office as
stenographer typist una assist in general
office work. P 817, Oregonian.
AS bookkeeper or cashier; had 8 years' ex
perience; can give many reierences.
sjs. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER. stenographer and thor
oughly experienced office man wants posi
tion. East 5036.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, college educa
tion, wauts permanent position; references.
A B S2lJ, Oregonian.
POSITION by experienced bookkeeper and
stenographer. L 817. Oregonian.
TOUNG man, attending college, desires
clerical position, any hours. Call A 2816.
JAPANE.SE man and wife, cook or house
work in private family, or restaurant or
hotel. AC W!H. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED colored man with refer
ence, wush windows, clean house, garden
work. Main Solth
WANTED Position on ranch: fruit work
preferred; 10 years' experience. Phone E.
31 39.
POSITION as auto driver, 7 years' perfect
driving: best references. Henry Perlet, 28'j
Caruthers st. Phone Marshall 1000.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants a place,
keeper, in a widower's family;
wages. R 803. Oregonian.
sm.lll EXPERIENCED realty man with auto de
sires position; salary or commission. A J
7RO. Oregonian.
FOREIGNER, middle-aged, speaking little
English, wishes position on farm. X 701,
-TRAVELING salesman wants nonconflict
ing line for Willamette Valley. C S28,
YOUNG man.
Sellwood 532
21. wants any kind of work.
ELECTRIC craneman. year's experience, de
sires position. W 70S. Oregonian.
WORK wanted with any kind of tools for a
nominal sum. Tabor i
TWO experienced ladles, cook and helper or
waitress, camp. W 7!2. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, reliable chauffeur wants
position. Sellwood 4
FURNITURE packer wants vork; has ex
perlence. Main 717, A 1317.
MAN wants rough carpenter work. Cal
Monday. Main 717, A 1.117.
EXPERIENCED gardener and Tawnmaker,
by hour. day. season. Main 2306.
WELL recommended German, care for gar
den, lawn; can milk. AE 79U, Oregonian.
YOUNG advertising lumber man, 24, wants
growing part in correspondence or sales
department of lumber of other concern;
two years manager of manutacture and
marketing of product of small Idaho mill,
wholesale and retail lumber experience;
. still employed; bookkeeper, typewriter,
. business school and two years university
training; graduate International Corre
spondence School's complete advertising
course. Opportunity must be the bigger
part of salary. Don't you need me on
your staff? Address AV 22, Oregonian.
GARDENER wishes permanent position on
private place, April 1 or Marc. 25, 21
years old, single, nrst-class practical
perience in growing flowers, vegetables,
-outside and greenhouse. hotbeds, cold
frame, earing and planting shrubs, tlower
bens, llower gardens, lawns, fruit trees ana
foliage plants, etc., 12 years' experience,
Al ref. rences; please state full particu
lars and wages. F S32. Oregonian
I am no "has been," "will be." but am
a good, live, general store man, with
years of experience, well posted on mer
chandise and a No. 1 salesman; good
trimmer and card writer; Washington.
Oregon or Montana. What have you to
offer? AV 4.1. Oregonian.
ENGINEER and general mechanic; refriger
ation a specialty; don't use liquor or to
bacco; 9 years with last employer; can
refet tu same; have A-l references. Y
Oregonian .
EXPERIENCED butcher wants work, shop
or slaughter-house or grocery store; must
liner, work couutrv nreferred: married.
Address box 135 Oregon City or phone
B 2S7.
EXPERIENCED physician and surgeon de
sires to become associated with a physi
cian in Portland needing an assistant; ref
erences given and required. Address
Physician, Box 43. Aloha, Or.
waxteii Position by stationary engineer,
7 vears experience in sawmills; have own
indicator and tools and am good mechanic;
can refer to ronner employers as to ct,
aeter and ability. AL soo, Oregonian.
Y0UN1; man, with a general office, credit
department, claim department and selling
ov..ii,i. i-. having a business college edu
cation, uesires position wltn reliable him
in or out ot city. Li OOP, regoiuan.
vm:x; man. experienced wire man and gen
eral repairing, would like a position as
helper to learn more. In city or out. will
start for reasonable salary. Y 783, Orego
VOI'NG Japanese couple want positions,
wife to do housework, man uants driving
auto and take care of garden. AC bob.
COLORED COOK, not afraid work; years
experience meal. roil. ptcs. tarts, sauce,
soups: tivu days' tioticj. C 838, ore-
1 NEED work, clerical or manual; am 4.,,
married. Mason, variea experience; gooa
references. 102 Webster st. Telephone
C. 31104. H. L. Burdick.
YOL'NG man attending Holmes Business
College desires a place where he can earn
his board and room by work out of school
hours. Main 513, Monday
EXPERIENCED Hawaiian-Japanese chauf
feur, licensed, wants position in private
family; well acquainted with .this city.
AC 810. oregonian.
STEADY, reliable man wants position
gentleman's place, care lawn, garden, etc
or as helper around wholesale house,
references. Address F. II.. 115 Webster st.
WANT curpentry work, any kind -ePalr
work, screening, garages and residences.
Phones Tabor 2204, C 2ol4. Ask for
WANTED Position as tlmelteeper In a aw
mill, logging camp or railroad camp. Ad
dress f-. Buzbee. 508 J. Aaams .St.. Ore
gon City. Oregon.
GOOD Japanese couple want place, man a
cook and take care garuen, wiie
table and housework. Mame T. Okabe,
47 Davis st., Portland m
I am -6 veara ot age; would like position
...hi, n,.r,nro cine future: have had
n..ii-nn In accounting; also as
P Sli", Oregonian.
i m a vnntir man of family and in need
if' work as experienced janitor or any
other work lu city. K. Frearlckaon, 11J-
U. Mb. st. ..
FVPERIKNCED pruner of trees anu snruu-
berv and gardener. 20 cents an Hour, .yi
dreis postal E Stark and 30th. T. Me
Donald. .
TOUXf man, SO years of age. wants i
position on farm, long experience; can d;
oil kinds of work on farm. D. fatlve, i,
X. 3d st. '
WANTED Position by temperate.
nll-nround restaurant and hotel man neau
waller or captain job preferred. L tsu
MARRIED man. Herman, wlsnes position
gardener, janitor or any kind ol nora.
handv with tools and horses., 610 Leland
st reet.
i-Yui.-mr.-rRi earnenter. A-l rramer
'finisher, want your wo, either new or
repair, oy me J -
1N a .id wite. cook and helper, In camp or
' famllv hotel, or wife to cook and man to
tin outside work. Frank Dowinna.
1ARDENBR. experienced, thoroughly reli
able and competent, wants permauent po
sition with private family. Best of ref
erences. A B Mi, tiregoiiittii
LAWYER Young attorney, experienced in
Oregon practice, desires position with law
firm- rood references: small salary to
start. I-; Ml. Oregonian
JOB as foreman or manager on general
ranch near school, now employed best
reference: give full particulars. AV UD4.
BOY of IS who is strong and willing wants
work; can do teaming or delivery work,
but will take anything. Call Monday. Mam
71 T.
MAN wants work cleaning uouse; is
man. young and strong. Call Monday. Main
7 IT.
1RRIKD. Michigan man. experienced, all
' around farmer, wants ranch job; refer
ences given. AK got, urr
GARDENER, thoroughly, capable, wants
permanent day work without board. Beat
references. a. ov.
WORK wanted by young man of J4 sirieiiy
sober and steady; nothing barred. Phone
Tabor 3O00.
FIRST-CLASS coatmaker. also can make
pants and vest, wants Job country. Theo.
ardner. aw-i rirsioi.
WVNTIJD From 1000 to ."iooo cords wood
to cut on contract. Geo. Gimmont, U-l
S Hayes. St. Johns, Or.
NEED any kind work bad: mlddle-ageu
man. mother to support, low wages, good
worker. Address C 830. oregonian.
i-ij4T ..nenhiB- can you offer to a lawyer
from State of Washington '.' Address M
Ml. Oregonian.
..riA tnan must have work oi
anv kind; will do short jobs. Phone Main
. .......i.-i-i, . ..( nnxirlou In private fam.
Ily; best of references furnished. W 80S.
wiix-TKii Position as foreman, clearing
.......... . , .i ..- ... i n
land or tanning, or uu.u ........
772. oregonlan!
POSITION wanted as superintendent or
foreman of logging operation. Largo ex-
perience. AO 804. oregonlan.
,mi:i.-ak- ovnerieilC.ed COOk. aild wife,
n- Nh nosllions in itnim.",
homework. Ray. 146 fr. Front st.
vuni-T'.Ri.E ir.Kn for restaurant wants
ivoHt:" references. J. D.. Villa Hotel. 25'i
N. J:d St.. room 26.
I WISH to attend business college; am ex
Terieneed chauffeur: will attena
drive car for expenses.
X 71)0. Oregonian
... ...t-i. hv vunr married man
V.'nn:, ". do any kind of work. Phone
Tabor auuti.
(-1 vit SERVICE chauffeur with good ref
' rfnn'. smoke or drink: want t
drive for private family. 3 S24. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants work; will do anythlm
and Is willing to work. Call. Phone Co
lumbla 327.
LOCOMOTIVE engineer wants position: expe-
r eneed logging o. ""
struct ion. Age 36. K 803.- Oregonian.
WANTED By young pharmacist of good
habits d willing "to work, position In
drugstore. AV mi. urcgonmu.
GOOD blacksmith and repair machinist.
steady and sooer, wam. j
CARPENTER capable on new and alte.a
Vons.'fast workman. Al references. 3.50
per day. i3- v.
D-vnc-Dit'vr'ir.n sash machine man and
"nlaner feeder: married man; want work
r . i,t U TCQ rirftwnflilin
in mailing mm.
SITUATION wanted by a middle-aged man
as janitor, day or night watchman; best
references. Call East uhj.
CAPABLE carpenter wants work as fore
man; rename reitesm-M.
783. Oregonian
CARPENTER foreman wants situation, aay
or contract; J. Young, 6014 49th St. S. E.
FIRST-CLASS engineer. Ice refrigerators.
etl Mill or factory. X 752. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS paper hanger wants woi k by
day or rol
roll. r-none amianail imu-
YOUNG man will work few hours each day
for room and board. M 814, Oregonian.
f. viTORants position, understands steam
heating; references. AB 8119, Oregonian.
YOl'XO man wants position on farm.
7'.i.1. oregonian.
LE4.D BURNER at leisure. Address Gus W.
Gustafson. room 30.1. Washington Hotel.
GARDENER, single. German, also camp
cook, wants position. AM o03, Oregonian.
WHAT have you to offer to a mechanic
with several years' experience In various
branches of building trades as carpenter
painter and paperhanger; will furn sh any
amount of references as to character and
workmanship. AG P04, Oregonian.
RELIABLE man. 20 years' Prl" su.
ricultural Implements mine and mill sup
plies, paints, and oils, electric uP"d3'
10 years road work, wants position Inside
or out; references, cast
EXPERT meat cutter and sausage maker.
years' experience in the very best shops,
city references; willing to leave city. AK
807, Oregonian.
MAN 27. outside city, desires clerical d'
in otnee or store; excenet .- . ,
niHiied regarding character, etc.
AV !'!. Oregonian.
RANCH foreman, first-class man. alfa ta.
grain, stock, married, siriciiy e.
Just off 4OO0-acre proposition; highest rei
erences. G S33. Oregonian.
MARRIED man. experienced farmer, or-
chardlst or gardener, wanes position.
erences. AH 708. Oregonian .'
YOUNG man wishes situation on farm, un
derstands care 01 slock anu mt..i.j ,
moderate wages. AG 807. Oregonian.
WILL work free for anyone until they are
satisfied that will teach me to run auto.
Phone A 7747.
POSITION by experienced poultryman. -1.
single. German, willing to work. AG 80o.
MAN wants position as Janitor or day work
of any kind. Main 3700. Room .1.
A GOOD colored young man wants place as
butler or porter, wain o-jiw.
GOOD strong Japanese wants a position in
bar or liquor store, n tai, urcgoman.
Bookkeepers and Stenoaraphera.
t am a luriv rtf wide exDerlcnce in book
keeping and handling money; can furnish
bond and gilt-edge references. Call for In
formation 710 Lewis bldg.
THOROUGHLY efficient bookeeper. capable
of assuming full charge of book, desires
position rcquirl-ig special ability; also
stenographer; experienced all kinds of
fice work: $75. with prospect of advance.
Tabor 4433.
WANTED A position by a young girl, just
finishing business college and having two
vears' experience as exchange operator;
willing to start with small wages. M SOi,
POSITION wanted by young lady experi
enced In lumber invoicing, stenography
and bookkeeping, also expert comptometer
operator. W TBS. Oregonian.
FIR1-'T-CLAS.S stenographer. 8 years experi
ence; best city reterenees. ueaneo B"""
position. Y 814, Oregonian. or Marshall
EXPERIENCED, reliable bookkeeper ana
stenographer, capable ot taxing ciiih -j
,i . t - references: salary $5. M
813, oregonian,
VOUNti lady, good stenographer, year and
half local experience, now temporarily em
ployed by wholesale firm, desires position.
Main 73t!4.
STENOGRAPHER, beginner, neat and ac
curate, would work two weeks for prac
tice and assistanei
ee in obtaining position.
AK SI 2. Oregonian.
STENOGKAPHEll. little experience but
good In shorthand, desires position In or
nut of city. M Sl". Oregonian.
voevn u.iman wlin knows tier business in
bookkeeping and stenography desires po
sition; references; 75. AD 782, Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer. B years' experi
ence, wishes position; Al references. Call
East .WS. between 10 and 5.
EXPERIENCED lady stenographer wishes
evening work: oniee espencuw ,
penman. Main !l."44.
I AM a competent stenographer ana ouue
assistant: want gooa position.
LVDY of experience desires position as
cashier in first-class restaurant : can give
best of references, phone East 129..
YOUNG lady stenographer desires position
in Astoria: had 4 years' experience. W rite
40o TV. Broadway. Portland.
STENOGRAPHER wishes position in office;
romc experience; start small salary. Phone
Main 434.
and Interpreter wants work. Good knowl
edge of English. AH 770, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and cashier, wide exper
ience, desires position; can furnish excel
lent references. Y 7Si. Oregonian;
Al STENOOR APHER-Bookkeeper desires
permanent or temporary work preferences.
O S21. Oregonian.
ElTlTERIENCED- lumber bookkeeper and
stenographer desires position with reliable
firm ; references, tj pop. ieKm
BOOKKEEPER, with 5 years' experience in
renercl office work, desires position; good
references. N 814. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED multigrapher and stenog
rapher desires position, ici.....
shall 4bi-'.
POSTING, billing or letter writing uone
mornings or aiternooua uj e--
bookkeeper. Tabor 1HII4.
STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper wants office
or clerical work, sma.i saiaij.
YOUNG lady wishes office position. Knowl
edge or snortnanu anu yew . t.
YOUNG lady wishes collecting or casnier
work. A J 701, Oresonian
YOUNG lcdy wishes porltion as stenograph
er. K S13. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by experienced stenog
rapher. Phone East j.i-j.
OFFICE giru experienced in nuns. r-nv
B 32S1.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailoring
by exoert German dressmaker of unusual
skill "and ability: alterations properly
j .i tt-nrlf guaranteed: prices
...." ...i.,.ti.hlf Mrs. Teademan. 3SU
Main st.. near West Park.
FIRST class dressmaker, fitter and designer,
evenipp coats and party dresses a spe
cialty. $3 per day. Main 1.106.
MRS SANDERS Gowns: work guaranteed;
If not satisfactory material paid for. Mar
r.nt'J. A C204.
I WILL go to your home in the country
and do your sewing reasonable. AK 802.
WANTED Sewing and millinery done very
reasonable at 40!) Morrison St., room 30.
Call after 2 P. M.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes day en
gagements, gowns, etc.; satisfaction guar
anteed. Marshall 5H8.
RELIABLE seamstress would like place in
nice, well-to-do family: no objection to
children. L 806. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress
'wishes more engagements. Phone East
'OMPETENT dressmaking at home or will
" g"o out. Main :.7H6. 07 Ella.
DREHSMsKINO done by experienced hand,
nrices reasonable. Call Tabor 2394.
DRESSM AKINO and tailoring tirst-ciass
work, reasonable. Mar. 421. 2SO N. 10th.
EWING by the dav by goon nome aress
' maker. Phone Monday, East 2882.
AN experienced dressmaker would like en
gagements by day. Marshall 3322.
DRESSMAKER by day. stylish and rapid;
ref. Tabor 4i44. '
DRESSMAKING Children's clothes a spe
cialty. Tabor 2009
COMPETENT dressmaker desires more en
gagements: $4 per day. Main 6621.
CAPABLE business woman, good appear
ance, age 33, wishes opportunity for Alas
ka: nurse demonstrator, traveling sales
ladv, companion or rooming-house busi
ness. A J774, Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nurse, fond of children, will
care for infant or small children at own
suburban home; reference given. Taor
TERMS reasonable, best care, trained nurse,
rooms, home comforts given Invalids: rei
erences. Tabor 2213.
LADIES, throat, lung, skin troubles treated.
Inhaling, local. In my home: trained nurse;
city references. AF 707, Oregonian.
EASTERN trained nurse. Invalid or obstet
rical cases; reasonable; references. AH
' 799. Oregonian.
WANT case Immediately, any kind, mater
nity preferred; best references. Main 284.
WILL Miss Copeland. the nurse, please call
up Marshall 3171 at once?
PRACTICAL nurse wishes case, chronic ln-
vr.lld. Phone B 304Q.
NURSE, maternity, tuberculosis; housework;
SIO per week. .Main owi.
A GOOD, healthy wet nurse. Phone East 123.
GERM S.N woman with boy of 4 wants po
sition as housekeeper. M. Freese. Route
No. 3, Aurora, Or.
EXPERIENCED girl wishes general house
work or cooking: good wages and best
references. 599 E. 491 h N. Monday.
MIDDLE-AGED widow, neat, good cook,
wishes place in widower's home: will leave
cltv A 2927 or W 797. Oregonian.
yQj;CG German woman with one child
wants position ou AD 778. Orego
nian. LADY wants position as housekeeper for
bachelor or wiaower. r none c. iwoi.
WANTED Position as housekeeper In w.d
ower's home; neat-appearlng: excellent
cook: will make your home a pleasant
place to live in. phone E. 4100 for intei
view. 313 Stanton st.. Mrs. E. C.
MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN wants any kind
of work: will take position as house
keeper where she can take her 14-ycar-oUl
girl. 390 North lath st.
HOUSEKEEPING by middle-aged lady for
widower or bachelor. In or out city; stato
wages 1040 Vernon ave. Phone Woodlawn
YOUNG woman with child wishes a posi
tion as housekeeper. Pleasant home more
than hlgn wages. Tabor 42
REFINED lady wishes position as house
keeper; reference. 32a Clay. Marshall
WANTED By middle-aged lady, position
aa housekeeper in widower's home; good
housekeeper. G Oregonian.
GOOD cook, waitress and housemaid wanl
position for two months while family is
away. AN 806, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED German girl wants posi
tion as domestic, $25. In E. 3d North
EXPERIENCED girl wants housework with
small family of adults; East Side only.
Sellwood 705.
A COLORED woman wants janitor work or
a few rooms to cleau every day. Main
SCHOOL girl will work for room and board,
some wages; has good references. Call
before 3 P. M. Marshall 3323.
WOMAN would like work by the hour or
day. Phone A 17'j9.
MRS. BAKER wants work by day or hour
Marshall 3412.
A HIGH SCHOOL gill wants to caro for
children afternoons. Marshall 51S8.
M iscellaoneous.
WANTED By strong, healthy girl of It
years, place in refined Christian home,
where she may assist in care of small
child or light housework for board, room
and small wages while attending school.
It is desired that there shall be no board
ers or boys in the household. Prefer
Chapman district, but will go to another.
H 824, oregonian.
LAD V, in the ous, experienced in business,
nursing, housekeeping, etc., seeks position
where she can have home with her
daughter of S. Call iS- S. Third st. I'hon
Main 5530.
POSITION wanted by a ladies' cutt-r; eiyiit
years' experience in a lirst-class estao
llshment; will be able to take up new
' position by April 10. Address AV Hot,
SITUATION in some good family as maiu:
no rough work: write for particulars, etc.
Miss Hazel Jones, Bedford, la., care Miss
O. L. Harlan.
111G1I SCHOOL cii'l wishes place with nice
people to assist with housework; prefer
ably on West Side; wages. G b34, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED woman wishes work as
chambermaid, or take charge of rooming
house; city references. Eaat 341b, room
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wains
work in private exchange telephone board;
also understands typewriting. Phone A
GOOD cook wishes work, hotel, camp or
cafeteria: fine at pastries; would do pastry
work few hours nights fur some cafe. In
quire Main ao:t9, Mrs. K.
EXPERIENCED German laundress wants
work Wed.. Thurs.. Fri. after 10 M. Main
GENEUAL housework and cooking for Port
land or Vancouver. Mrs. Jensen, box
4ti3, Vancouver, Wash.
MTL'ATION" wanted to clean apts. for peo
ple employed; also bachelors' apts. Prices
reasonable. J .i, unrgwniaii.
RELIABLE, middle-aged lady, love chil
dren, wilt go out by day or hour; ref
erences given, labor !H3.
Yji;Ni: indv teacher waiil position a
companion" to lady or family going abroad
for Summer. D Hoti. Oregonian.
EAl'tKlEXe'KlJ child's nurse will take care
of children by the hour, 2oe per hour;
references. Phone Tabor
YOUNG ladv wishes position as usher in
theater; has experience. AM -SO0. Oregon
ian. EXPERIENCED colored woman, take home
ladv's fine washing; go out work. Main
251 i).
WOMAN who is neat f.lio capable wants
day work Monday and Wednesday.
Monday. Main 717, A 1517.
WOMAN pi:nlst wants position in movhig
picture show or as accompanist. Call
Monday. Main 717. A 1.117.
WORKING woman wants to give services
part of day lor an apartment or rooms.
Cal; Monnay. Main 717. A 1317.
MOTHER with two children, stranger in
cilv. wants day work of any kind at once.
Marshall 42H.'
WOMAN wants day work for euu.-suay..
Friday and Saturday: strong ana rcnao.e.
Call Monday. Main 717. A 1.M7.
CXPVBLE. neat woman wants work by day
"or week; city references; nursing pre
ferred. Woodlawn 33S'.i.
Al LAUNDRESS wants any kind
work. woodlawn 2705.
of day
BABY or child to uoard In niv homo by a
mother; best ot care. Marshall 349.
COLORED girl wants general -housework
and cooklnc. Main SOUS.
WOMAN wants work in private famio ;
work cheap. AR !07. Oregonian.
LACEtTrtalns. draperies, linens laundered
by exDert.lledfor.Tabor317.
FINE laundry done at home. Shirtwaists
a specialty. Phone Main 2159.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work
"in hotel or rooming-house. Main 147.
EXPERIENCED laundress and housecleaner
wishes work by day or hour. Main 4217.
EXPERIENCED exchange operator desires
position; references. Phone Marshall .144 1.
GERMAN laundress wants day work. Call
Tabor 4308. .
WOMAN wants dcy work, or by the hour.
Main 524S. '
GERMAN nursery governess wants position;
best references. AE SIM. Oregonian.
SCHOOL girl wants place, to work for room
and board; carfare. Marshall .,1.!i.
WANTED by a woman, day work for Mon
day and Tuesday. Phone East t614.
LACK curtains hand laundered; all work
guaranteed. Phone sellwood Sf1.
EXPERIENCED GIRL wants housework
and plain cooking. J" .onn mm si.
WANTED Work by the hour. Call Sell-
wood 06S.
LACE curtains. hand-laundered. Phone
Main I486.
DAY work, laundry or cooking, housewor.
Tabor -1723.
GERMAN lady wishes position as companion
or German tcanner. a .esomm.
WOULD like washing or cleaning for Wed.
and Thur. East '.M'O. room lb.
NEAT married lady of 30 wishes chamber
work; experienced. Call Main 4-'i0.
ANY kind of housework by the hour. West
Side. J S32. oregonian.
LACE curtains washed and stretched by
e-itiert. Tabor 2445. Mrs. Scott.
EXPERIENCED girl wauts housework,
'cook. Call at 14.1 N. 10th St.
East 371
lady wants day work. Phone
COLORED girl wishes any kind of day's
work or general housework. Marshall 5604.
MUSIC lessons in
829. Oregonian.
exchange for sewing. P
LACE curtains, fine clothes, hand laundered,
called, delivered, by expert. Sellwood lOliQ.
LADY wants day work,
worker. Main 3159.
any kind, good
yoi'NG ladv desires a position which
will give business training. Tabor 2002.
GOOD cook and housekeeper wishes work,
city or ranch. AG 803. Oregonian.
RELIABLE girl wishes day work. Woodlawn
3436. .
LACE curtains laundered, called for. deliv
ered. 8.18 Grand nv. North. Mrs. Lewis.
agent In unoccupied territory; liberal com
mission, good leads and exclusive terri
tory to desirable parties. Manager, 404
Liggett bldg.. St. Louis, Mo.
AGENTS for splendid high-grade seller: easy
to handle; large demand. R. & R. spe
cialty Co.. dept. B, 110 No. Silver, Cen
tralis, Wash.
BIG surprise to agents selling specially
needed In homes and offices. Big repeat
orders. Write Helena Mall Order House.
322 E Cutler St.. Helena, Mont.
THREE new games, for cigar stores, pooi
rooms. etc. Retail fl; easy sellers; bi
prolits; sure repeat orders. Fooia Co,
Dept. 34, Harrlsburg. Pa.
AGENTS Win success and a big income;
new money-making plans, methods, sys
tems. 2 issues 10c. Agents' Magazine.
AGENTS WANTED to sell horseradish,
hominy and pickles. Call 2SS Weidier St..
near Williams ave.
LEGITIMATE substitute for slot machines
patented: sells on sight for $1. l'articu
ars Gisha Co.. Anderson. Ind.
AOENTs"wantod to sell -tiur oils; references
required. Valley oil Co.. Cleveland, O.