. f 14 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. MARCH 8t 1914. . " HELP TT ANTED MALE. HELP WANTED MAI. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WAITED MALE OR FEMALE. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. " INCIDENT SPECIALTY SALESMEN. EDUCATED WOMAN. FISK Teacher. Agency secures positions for Bookkeeper and Clerks. Miscellaneous. Housekeepers. lOna of Many A manufacturing company of National An attractive traveling position is open teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 435. YOUNG Danish couple no children, wants WANTED Position us housekeeper or I Office Secretary Employment Department, reputation requires the services of several to a woman with pleasing manners and i ' I CAN DO ANYTHING! position on dairy, about April 1; woman cook by an experienced lady: no objec- 1 f . m C A. high-grade salesmen to sell their line of good intellect. Must be 25 or over and -..-..,.,-, If you have a difficult Job of any descrip- first-class cook, man thoroughly exper- tions to going In the country. Address ' Young man stranger, seeking employ- office specialties, the market for which have a high school education or equtva- HELP WANTED MlSCELLALOt tjbn whicn requires a 100 per cent efficient ienced In dairy and stock. Well-known room 17. at 103 Union street, The Dalles. ' jnent (120 his tolal cash asset) If I pay is enormous. The devices are not only lent. The position Is in the sales depart- w.XTPr .mh..." . workmen; vour work man to handle, don't wait and worry, but with Babcock and tuberculin testing. Ref- Or. , you 5 for employment membership I will equal, but are superior to similar devices ment of the famous on autT Jobs Days for teaching trade or let me hear from you! erences as dairyman from large dairy. xEAT. respectable woman, 43. unlncum- have only 15 between me and starvation. and are sold at very much lower Prices- r-TH,-lTv amomubiles ulumbmg. brick- - Write full particulars and wages to J. F. L.-. bered. desires position manager or house- I Secretary-If you pay 5 for employ- We want men of character and ability STODDARD TRAVEL LECTURES. faying- o'nl? few Months required. 700 I KNOW HOW TO DO EVERYTHING. New Butte Hotel, 0th and Davis sts.. Port- kwr or TOmtal-hon; ex- xnent membership you will have the Y. M. between So and 40 years of age. who have students last four year." Write for In- RALPH SOMMERS. 21, Grand Ave. land, periVitced: good city references. AP 814. tatlo-n! "8 reSOUrCe6 be,We!n ulTolvl iTVLrtrt "womaTof ' S ?v Tr'ade School Contract- 5l&ASS SALESMAN. I pay liberal WANTED Position In dry good, or depart- Qrcgonia,,, ResuUYoig man Joined association. lngs and advancement offered by this the highest refinement. No experience re- ing -o- Los Angeles. comm.s.lons. 76 7. Oregonlan. ment store as window dresser, In less than a week he had satisfactory company. From men of the above type quired. Generous weekly guarantee to SALESMEN, experience unnecessary, easy Miscellaneous. Jr ,?,, ' v ? v'eaS 'experience; ex- a. food ranch ,c0',k- want" houekeePr employment we Invite correspondence, which will be right party. work ble Day write largo list openings . sun position by lj years experience, c position or cook for crew of men; will Record for 1013: treated confidentially, giving an outline - P y- offering opportunities earn 100 to 3"0 YOUNG Scandinavian couple, no children, cellent references from Pacific Coast work fQ harvest opens. Calls for men from employers 2B.15 of their past experience, age, etc. AC GEO L SHUMN4CO month while .you learn. Address dept. want position on farm about April 1: stores. Eastern states and England. Pho- Ay or,i, Oregonlan. l,.on.ef0.?..m.P.'?.:...ml 778, Oregonian, 337. Wash. SJns " sran'an'danilSVr" nn t'L oIedTrJrtre': WANTED To do housework in private Special employment membership guar- SPECIAL WANTS TODAY. , LACE AND DRESS TRIMMING latl0"' Chicago, New lork. Kansas City. "tRerr:lcu, n and wages? J F L New Wash. family for room, board and some wages. . nte-s member wll secure employment or Head man to pile lumber lor dry kiln. SALESWOMEN WANT ED San Francisco. . S,,Vf h 1 PortUnd AP.T : -777; T by young lady who wants home with re- (Sfersssa tSSSr I.HjSreSS8 BHn&OtlBKn HSF3SS SHre;ip- Tl foun am en seeking employment m "everal others. ,., ---,. ,, Aiply the Superintendent'. Office, free. National School of Engineering, references. G 777, Oregonlan. Oregonlan capacitj. AT. 83. children, Write 104 Last 6.th st. N. ' eommereial clerical or UchnTcal 1 are AclTlc EMPLOYMENT COMPANY vv THE BON MARCHE, 2110 West Seventh, Los Angeles, Cal. and wlf wlth chlidren. Hoi- r!Snlan- WIDOW. S3, wants housekeeper-, position .oy1n-Uea to coVsuU wlSh the 'sec- 222 and 224 Couch St., bet 1st and 2d. Seattle. Wash. OREGON Barber College teaches you the ., man good worker and' wife good MKCI;VIC warn- position; experienced a widower's or bachelor s home; excellent retary of the Advisory and Employment ; barber trade In weeks; pays you while cook, formerly caretaker of a clubhouse; '"'pumDsnTVratoline f engines and The nnniin "orker- no trlt!"s. AE .0. Departments. . SUCCESSFUL salesmen working small learning; tools free: tuition reduced this references wants Job as such, or on a o". tD"mPof mf? Ca do anv nme fit- Oregonlan. , ii,!-. ,nr , who want, a posi- towns, Increase your earnings spare time term; extra Instructor; years In business; ranch. K 70.. Oregonlan. ?&J S? 1 ',' , machinist'. TO have charge of small furnished apart- 1 m C .'l S S . ftiS by placing our Punch Board Assortments; WANTEDExperienced waitre.se. to assist posl,lon guaranteed; special Inducements -ANTEDp0,.tlon-onr an,h- sood orchard 0?k. a produce references; wm refe? mint-house. Brooming-house. as working , J wanTa "nian who no? content to re- """'"not emloveas salesmen cl- Tuesday afternoon. Apply Monday, .eventh to ladies. 2:13 Madison St., . 2L?d man can handle any kind "of machinery: fo form "employed.. B 78." Oregonian. housekeeper. Phone A 7222; reference. ceive each pay day but little more than nly men now en2P'0ed aBia. ,jt 'lor- Meier & Franlt Co. GOVFRNMENT positions postofflce, rail- Qon-t have to be watched; age 35. single. r J 37, Oregonian. .nouhtt ,uet acua expense. I want pabl- ""r'" .7. 'Pr'SVt - Sd F""e E- SFS Sm 'expenc'iT cutting WANTED -Position as housekeeper, no ob- lKLit?r?bS pirns:aUvonthMfg.yc'..CCPhifca0gUor . - JTSSL SS? IS Jl iZ WILLING and KEEN to tackle a buameas HONEST women wanted In each town to H35. Write today. Patterson Civil Service months' stenographic experience; mod- best reference. Address P. O Box 135. Yamhill. Sunnay after 11 A. M. which is making other men 0000 a year SALESMAN wanted to take the State of demonstrate well-known article; 115 a School. Rochester. N. Y. erata salary. L 793. Oregonlan. Oregon City or Phone B 287, O. C. and more without any of their own money Washington and British Columbia on a , .,, r -, rents an hour for r . . , ..,. hi. 1 : 1 ; "n!8" "r j Itomestlea. Invested. Perhaps you are one of the commission basis, representing manufac- ' "J 5 nH-np. unnecessary Mo- COMPETENT person wishing to better ms eXpbrienCED baker, married man. wants LANDSCAPE gardener, married, with many : manv holding down a Job when you have turers1 line; must be familiar with hard- spare time, experience "n"teJ1v - present position can le arn s"ein'"f,1I. steady position in city or country. Ad- years of practical experience. ' also fruit. EMPLOYED lady will care for children, or the ability to fill a position. Are you ad- war9 or plumbing business; a groat Lean, Black & Co., it . .oeveriy advantage about different waj.oi Beii . dress y. M., 204!, Washington St.. Port- flowers and vegetables, wants position on do light housework evenings In exchange vancing from year to year, both financial- chance for a real live worker; reference Boston. Mam. positions by sending lor Iree.JtZ " ls-4 land. Or. private place, city or country. C 709. for board and room. Sellwood 651. iyreacapaMrof' doing 7mHou5are not get t" """"" ' Prt" - - wk SSStS? tTSS rtTve-f tU "rwFnl WANTED Outside position a. -alesman. Oregonlan. 16-YEAR schooigirl wants position, nurse if,? or fhii -,?. ..o and see me I home; no canvassing; legit mate, we pay ; -' ... .lth have machine, married; I know the city; A PRACTICAL, sober, economic and up-to- girl after school. 596 Rhone st. ?tfi&l&YuoUffiX. Xtlll Sv. feanrttiCto'rar825c.nd Unlverfal '? fX' -W 5Sbw work.nginsid. AS 738. Orego- d n d b k b d, k q VJs r, sflhoDu0la.resnoVw gbe?. Sreai n- House 304 Commercial bunmngeve- cou-e. Write m-n. fry Vdres Baker'r: . -r. J go me you can qualify and I will show you mend for positions to take our course in land, onio. io. ii ustratea caiaiogu-. Louis. Will anvwhere- 2 years' experience as ave. East Portland. Phone Tabor ..3d. WOMAN, hotel cook, farm or camp. 114 hoewyyCcaann1akeyr.u00 a year with the gasoUne . e"Bineerig omoblj repairing WANTED Cjrl 14 to 16 to jv. with young Mo or.ng. Box 40-M, Roe hldg- St. Lou maT' T. .SSSlMl. ENERGETIC young man. experienced In N. lath st. Call Main 7064. ffi?V:SSEVV"S; ggnood,rUirSg8. iTCV. fY0" t'DSlne &rXMl?T&&XS; LEARN, the real ma,, order bus'ness and Hh ; hmgaaeC,lfndgd4eaTentdeW, ager. Provident Trust Cornpa.,, -12 Sell- SALESMAN for a first-clasa merchant tal- and other conveniences. Call or write make 25 weekly In addition to present WANTED Bookkeeper, young married man "J" f ith reliable rm In or out of city WILL read to invalid or blind person ;t Ing building, Portland. Oregon. lorlng e.tabfihraent; must be thoroughly T. W. Powers. 1110 B. Stephens St., Port- Income; sixteen comp ete Lessons 5 keep set books and can use the type- t lth reliably firm in t or o, city. nlghts o a nig - . , ,., .,, cxnerienced and have some knowledge of land. circular. Jack McCarrin Co:, 211j N. writer. References required. No other ' reierence.. . 6 to 9 o'clock, or will do office work. W'ANTEI-fealesmen and sent, in eery mfeawmnQa0wsa goo steady pofition ..x... v -.., the ages Philadelphia, Pa. need apply. X 781. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED pruner of trees and shrub- clerical, cashier or stenographic; refer- ?otyscai0Tirreat0profiJUveanremWdayorSan ..""rlrtt" mE." nwer stat.? expe- ZxS I WILL start you earn.ng 4 dai.y at home wNTE. - By experlen-ced mlddl.-a.ed bery J-jJ"'""-' ences. AK 707, Oregonlan. ' tro trouble: used for past two years sat- nence and what salary expected. P bio. Eoc.d home for one who will be kind to , spare lime, silvering mirrors; no capi- marii a 3o0 as janitor or day and night 20c. an hour Address postal. 1. McDon A UOOD Krl want. work ,n prlvat6 tHmlly ; ' lsfactorlly In automobile, motorcycle and Oregonlan. fhe children; Dutch preferred; only Prot- tal; free Instructive booklet, glvlns plans watchman; with best references. Call aid. - btarn ana ootnBts. can do aU kinds of hou5ework; nkes chll- iiicycle tires; preserves the tubes and THE RELIANCE Life Insurance Company, estants ned apply. Address, care of Re- of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. ot. East 1542. G 7S1. Oregonlan. dren; West Side; state wages. AE 77S. doubles the life and milage of the casing. o( pittBburg. has openings for a few good publican Dally, Corvallls, Or. Boston. Mass. , WB want to go to Aia-a; man has 8 years- SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. oregonlan. stops all leaks and punctures, from pin to men ,n the clty. experience not absolutely refined German girl with good ret- WANTED Energetic young man of natural experience In shipping on trail, also all- YOUNG ladv pianist will accompany vocal SO-penny spike, instantly, without lost , of neCessary ; references required; our policies 1 al Leork on the ability for Seattle clean-cut BIG MO.NE1- around good man; wife good cook. J 800, Bookkeepers and ateU..craplifr.. students and practice with violinist; also air: ta 'more than M per center ire of llfe, accident and heath are lnnova- steady work; wages 20 per month. MAKING BUSINESS: no schemes-rare Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper with knowl- teach voice and piano. Phone Marshall Pmo8n4yhb8ack Tme TutomobUe Cat S! C-ImS 1- IT 208 Mown'SW Address Feller . Barkman. Hubbanl. Or., opportunity: ?000 required. Box EXPERIENCED-mnndifewnTworH; edge of stenography, desires position; good .150. pany 531 Alder st., Portland. Or. Phone ... lj ' FolU"nd' ' ' lookins after farm. Phone Woodlnwn speller and penman; quick and accurate . CHEERFUL 0ptimisti0 woman, with un- Maln 8121, A 7612. SALESMEN Well-known manufacturing WXN-TEDReflined, experienced, capable BE a detective: earn $25 to -o weekly; Mr. Kastner. or address 6 Rivere St. Mr. tjigures LcreterenLe3.Sellwood 2-93. limited supply good nature, would like t,. ' STl,e?n red traveMng salesmen children-, nurse, familiar with care and chance to see the world with all expenses Lusi. BOOKKEEPER and typewriter. several read to or cara for Invalid or children TRAVELING salesmen can easily f0Idlt. 'anaLon on ."?oSnt of business training yoang chlidren good wages: de- paid. Loralne System, Dept. 6., Boston. ( year- -experience, want, pemtanent posl- few hours dally. AN 796. Oregonlan. increase their income by calling on . expansion? sfte exiJerlence; personal in- sirable place if satisfactory. Phone Main Mass. to country r beach or ln city: can give tion; city references. Phone Marshall CURTAINS laundered. 25c up. Called retail millinery and department tervlew will be arranged. Lock box "O,' 380a. iiuLER Barber College will teai.h you best of reeI.enceS; wages J40. Phone 19u0.roomUu. for aellvered. Flans dinner parties. stores ln spare time. You receive Lemont. 111. MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Worn- quickly, cheaply and thoroug h ly. pa Main B260 between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. FEMALE stenographer, bookkeeper, with cooked or served. Best of references. r cL0nouatf.ht$ty0rwrWnTaaonce: wTNTElMan and wife for farm work: en la now located at :room 303 Polio. ToVteTclsne A i-'f N WANTED-Position-aperlntindenT-of some experience, want, position. AG 761. Sellwood 1696. George K Hde"on list Broad- steady Job; man must understand gen- ,eJl0r'i0nInl , fr tree catalogue, a., larSe ranch; have had experience and can Oregonian. EXPERIENCED teacher wants pupils, even. wav New York Cit? eral farm work, and care of horses and assistance given to women and girls. In MAKE YOUR BEER. WHIsKA. lve be3t o references. AT 775, Ore- STENOGRAPHER, ten years' experience. i,1(!S; grade and high school subjects, ln- way. New lorn, v.1.5. etock Apply Monday between H and 12, tervlew. conndentlal. Simple, easy, genuine extracts stamp Bonian- wishes substitute or permanent position. eluding French and German. V 76. Ore. WANIED-First-class salesman to sell the "$J, ,4' to Herbert W"1131"8 at WANTED-Experlenced trimmer for out-of- for information. Ambrew Agencs. box . eJiperlenced flreman, oil bor3030. : bZlSTot 1 - de", and Vo?t drinks in the Seward Hotel. town position 11,6, Portland. wood w w Job. do re -- B,-. woman with a 3-months- Unlted States to all classes of merchants REALTY SALESMEN. -x-hi?. Siiiinerv- Broadway and DO EASY, pleasant coloring work : kome, work: stirctly sober; good references. Call having knowledge of bookkeeping. Mar- old baby, wants to do light housekeep- ' In "mall country towns: salary '100 per We have an opening for a first-class W holesale Millinery. Broadway ana Eod pay, no canvassing, no experience re- B r,7T. shall 6060. ing in exchange for board and room: montT and expenses. Crown Cider Co.. man. understanding Portland values; our Morrison SI quirei Illus. particulars free. Helping SERVICE chauffeur with good ref- yoLNG lady desires office work; expert- oareferenees. AF 751. Oregonian. Department "A," 207 S. Commercial St.. . large "st of exchanges la l'Z WANTEDr-By wholesale how .experienced Hand store.Chicago erences. don't smoke or drink, want, to 1(ekced as assistant bookkeeper; references. EXPERIENCED girl wants upstairs work. St. Louis, Mo. K??. Vs. VrthKn it stenographer, salary $60 i"00- A LADIES, make shields .home. S10 100 iHvf. for pivate faml,y. AM 811, Ore- Phone Woodlawn 423. sewing or second work ; references. W. G.. .WANTED- A re.iabe steady man who uses 'T,;. '"f Bat;esman A1 I?4Ptr0erneCEeonainadn.referenCe " stam'tdd? enve. J: . COMPETENT stenographer, experienced In 10 landers.Marshallo7 ; A 21.81. ' SSr.Vrw.ft7p.clSS .ra ' iS'YiT'sHS'H1 WANTE, .r. o, ; rekrrcSo.?taDePpt. 110B, Kalamooi. TINSMITH an da, I -around cn,. flc. work: saIary o. Phone EXPERIENCED .aundress wants ladles' ; ffitWhoS trfaedyanhd8hrnad,ie,h0oUrnses n K.T.T Zr& LifS: STt SrS " kind' ' T POSITION as stenographer by woman, in and cows. Call today, 10 A. M., at 101 perience and references. AD ii2. Orego- Main. cor. 2fith st. nuestlons free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 5 : . or out ( city. Address D., care G. A. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work N. 11th St., or addresg AC 779, Oregonlan. nian. COMPETENT stenographer, one familiar ;i4t.-L, Rochester, N. Y. ATTENDANT or nurse, position wanted by Halvorson, Kennewlck. Wash. Monday, and Tuesdays. Call East 6ALESMAN wanted for automobile acces- TRUSTWORTHY people either sex to travel. wlth bookeeping preferred: must be of RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. clerks, car- man 'd ''jjf-a,"8",, 'plraon-as- YOUNG lady desires position a cashier or from 7 to P. M. only. ory on a commission basis; one who has exhibit out feature attraction. HORRORS neat appearance; give experience and sal- rier" exam soon; parcel post demands ae tiv-n- references s 803 Oregonlan olfice assistant; reference. F SU4, Ore- CALL us up for fine French hand work: a car or at least understands something OF WHITE SLAVERY." picture theaters; ary d S3G, Oregonian. "a- , cierks; act at once. Pacific sage glen, references. b qui, oregonian. gonian shirtwaists, fine lingerie, etc., laundered of a 'machine preferred. Either city or can make $100 weekly. Inclose stamp for - --n nr"lnn mfiwinir belts at "tates School McKay bldg.. city. SUCCESSFUL dry goods specialty salesman ... TT. ; ; t; T7T; " ,,..,. bv exp-rts. Phone East 5230. : ,,. vvrii. nnaliflcalloM fully to particulars. QUEEN CITY FEATURE LADIES Earn 10 per 100 making oelts at states school jicivay 1 . . nosltion have sold the lobbing WANTED Clerical work with a reliable : E AF 748" Oregonlan COMPANY, Dept. 327. Carthage. Mo." home; no canvassing. Enclose tamped. pHARMACIST wanted who wishes to Invest narger 1 housed from St Pau io llrm; 2 years- experience in large ins. of- INTELLIGENT and reliable day worker AF 748, oregonian. addressed envelope. Standard Supply Co., rervlces or money, or both, in the drug " 'aHf ? . . i 814 Ore mntari "ce. V 609. Oregonian. wants work, for Monday and Tuesday. TWO high-grade salesmen to open new re- SALESMEN Aluminum cooking utenells Manly, Iowa. business; live young man is offered an the Coast for 10 years. G b!4. Oregonlan. - bookkeeper or ledger clerk- Tel. C -8S0. ttLrSr-'? ffiliiEm. :fSrnX 5Xiir-ad genera. exceptional opportunity. T 811, Oregon CHAUFFEUR , r years- experience, wants AfeTT bkkp ledger c.erk. GQOU , cQok w,3hes u , iTforv Must closm once'S B On. that get the business; exclusive territory housework: two ln family; German pre- n i(jea see interesting incidents. 0n"an PretLrrea. u to, Apt- 8 family, where second g.rl Is kept. Phone litis mi u!B10 Craft.' buildinl to 3000 men; state experience, references. ferred; reference. App y Henry Jennmg 'XvRITE moving picture plays, got checks " n Zi .,, young girl stenographer and clerk wants Marshall CJ8. Se" la-St. ' " Aluminum Products Co.. Lemont. 111. & Sons, or Phone East 3191. Stamp for Information. Photo Plays, box YOUNG man. commercial c" Yk in real TstaWofHce. " Sunday, only. CASHIER-Experienced in restaurant and MEN prepared, equipped and established in SPECIALTY .SALESMEN WANTED-Why EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; 11,0, Portland work badly gU e me a c" you Y 703. Oregonlan. grocery work wants employment. T 777. hi real estate business- immediate oppor- not add live money-maker to your line? must be good cook; no washing. APP'y BECOME detective; earn big wages, exper- 2 ; ; - vounl, i.,dv WOuId like position oregonian. fT?nm&'n4 Big "--'-".SfJr'cau' VS' M I'" "'"fS Deta.PB.X D t GSlTW Addres.' Georg" Vta M office whefe "Mr I. i. re- YOUNG woman wants chamber work: home , full particulars. National Realty Co. interfere th regu aril ne Write for cata- 130&. ar international Detective Bureau, uu cooking in family. Address George, ,red As 750. Oregonian. nights; West Side preferred. W 772. ' (Co-Operative System). 7th floor Pacific log Hoodwin Mfg. Co., 2949 "Van Buren. . walte and waitress, S60 luth Minn. . . . N- clty- V. iitn,- u.,lv w-tms position- knowledge of Oregonlan. bldg.. San Francisco. Cal. . Chicago. . camps; 2 camp waitresses, $30; nurse girl. GOVERNMENT Jobs for women; big pay: position wanted, married man. as gar- 1'h '"S. "? tvD-riVing'- ePend LAUV wanti position as saleslady and fitter INTELLIGENT young mano SALESMEN' ped. f ..JUr coo Hansen. Emp. T;aX,nAe,tea Tl. Oregonian8 ?SLSS2 Isf-- :T sum r'a'isa.-- -7 ; gSrlb-- all answers strictly confidential. AM 787. commissions; "ate se-1 Ing experience lull.. flavoring in tubes Permanent po- mail clerks. $75 month: "pull" unneces- nlan, YOUNG lady wishes position; knowledge ln cni dren afternoor, , and evenings, gooj Oregonlan. W' Barrow' Detroit. Mich. sltjon F. E. Barr Co.. Chicago. 8ary. Bample examination questions free. married man wishes position- g shorthand and typewriting. Main .428. rem"- -l ir-nall ouz. SALESMAN General mercantile trade. Ore- AOENTS-300 .PER CENT .PROFIT; FREE VVANTEDCornpetent woman-for general AV 92S, Oregonlan, experienceTa rde'lng68 Tbs. Ore? .EWBSCEn stenograTher desires per- PKIVATE eg!'h "'oS Ore gon, to sell new proposition of merit; SAMPLE r "ew J office windows" housework on farm near Hood River. SHORTHAND, any system, and bookkeep- gonlan. manent position. Phone Marshall 2751. l"rn teaU,cr- " bUl- VWTSSLSSTSS: IT?!! ntsetlT before "noon"" 2" d 00.0.!, MARRIED man with 2 ffndren wishes Dmakers. SKILLED .aundress wishes engagement for brdgCC.eWve?andaleOjeWelerS' WRITE MOVING PICTURE PLAYS; t5 KTTrTmrASSl VLT Or.0" W' '"W FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailoring M-day; fine lingerie a specialty. Main c"Sp HStl""--a W4S "rri: HaircSHfS5 -.s inber -k: fprVI g-C wlT,,, SSS: ve ,T-yy- pf JV , ,w woman gja. JCvee1,raynd'oh.S.8-10 CatiDenta' SAlESMAN ,o represent u. ,n Oregon- our g""?-, -.. Pbone Sellwood SrTXP oX 1 - man orh.all Wood.awntfter ME COtTl?g$Z?gk- eVool wlxTED-A woman or girl who wants S.e'T'feTO.. ah" A-l E-iar. day; Veferences RELIABLE Swedish woman wishes wash.,,, IhI1IvSE DavenntdrIowaMldland S"PP'y CmPaPy' W PlretHS Oregnlar81'0" "P nl.Tr- Sli,,'' TWadW "'dDe3dayg- ADDRESS LOCK BOX '514, PORTLAND. W" ANTED Two young men to take Interest COMPETENT jacket maker; HsZ errand kneeDlnCE.0464 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258. EXPERIENCED cook wants position In . or "e"8- d "afi" price'right. GERMAN lady would take orders for nice ?" - inakeoo'dhrngyforrighTpikle5r,510a0rr S" CTVKn, SSn.T L! aT "01 a KcilEaSdTvenrUs,n7w"rikrL?Cahweeo0staPrt: EXPERIENCED nurse for baby. . months " PAIXTER-Good all-round hand, married, LADT thorou gh.y -P EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. experience unnecessary; reference, re- l!9- Oregonlan. omT wUh reference. Call Marshall 3654 - ' oncg men to learn moving wants wQrk. BOod references. B 816. Ore- JVprlce Waging and Ironing: prefer chamber quired. Address at once McLean, Black & WANTED About 5 experienced I salesmen. after 5 P. M. A-turoperat??g 417 Rothchild bldg. ponlan- 1530. work. Ma... 3.6b. Room Co., 232 N. Beverly St.. Boston, Mass. big-paying proposition to nustiers, Booa - general housework, family of : - h-irln"' STEADY, reliable man wants position on M . ...... T4FGFR will open Bchool of RELIABLE waitress, can also take charge Piflonrtuaranteed H. Z ' U?gn " g-lSvga- IPIi&S 'MM 6TiTSTTLlXP:iNSTRUC'N: l S bldg.. btn ana Anneny. r-ortiana. or dJaCent territory. Apply room 702 4th ave.. Seattle. Wash. 1 A 3"-'- Woodlawn li'45. dress L fcUJ, onsoman. 1VANTED Traveling salesman for our low- Spalding bldg., Monday morning, ask for WANTED A girl to assist with general SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CARPENTER with family wants work; .vnerlenced dressmaker at $3.80 per COLLEGE girl wishes to work for room and priced dress fabrics and blankets; we sell M r. Procter. housework Call mornings at 702 Marshall . ! , ... . needs It badly; will work reasonably. Alv P cel eiven. Telephone Sell- board: walking distance from Williams the retailer direct and pay ttood com- . MQVIXC. PICTURE PLAYS; 50 st . bet. 21.t and 22d. Dookkeepers and Clerks Main 717. A 1517. ll,'"' 6' and Russeil sts. Phone Woodlawn l.i-. m!f, imo Phnadelphia Pa each; all or spare time; no correspondence CLEVER girl: must sing and play the piano TR.-I?(,?tw';M WELL-RECOMMENDED German, care for nu..v.K,Kn 7, general sewing in" DRUG stores, notice: Experienced labora- Mllls. Box 119-, Philadelphia. Pa. course; details free. Atlas Publishing Ce,0Kr vaudeville act. - Call Sunday. V ANTS POSITION atock Bardenlng; can milk; c.ty or coun- D?iK.,1NiS per dav Mrs CareyT 170 tory worker will work one or more Hours WE can use a few more house-to-house Co., 42. Cincinnati. O. , gwls's Hall, cor. 3d and Jefferson. rDable"' a'nd Inergefc Maple "line try. V 80S, Oregonlan. mi'hst Mrs. Oare. daily. 25c per hour. AF 753, OreSonlan. canvassers; want men capable of ad- SAIjf.SMAX Acquainted with grocery trade; WANTED Experienced operator, and- fin- sne'claltv straight salary or salary and GOOD rook and steward, experienced In ho. K r make a lomr coat or REFINED young woman wishes children xp0Az irTHurasi ggy ay- v fSIS Aiantcni. I?,? w?4 awis: oon.ggen tor nt gpHrSr' " --ad- re for- "c hour-Irvinsto'1- -- cas- . WANTED Refined, capable woman for re- Oregonlan . COMPETENT moving picture operator ......... j-essmaklng and tailoring COMPETENT Swedish laundress wants - AN extraordinary opportunity for a good CIGAR SALESMEN, $25 per week salary. j sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 009 Roth- wiclET business man. educated and wishes position, city or out; can furnish -"tO-NA r , p!,d . prices reasonable. ,nur days. Woodlawn y.lo. eeSS Z'-cSVtIZc chUd b,dgP. 4,h and W-bington. oXl" llrt references. S 771, Oregonian ajr8.oVngr40,Co294. WANTKD-Laundry work by the day. Phone you. Robinson Manutecturing Co., 288 N. CO.. Wichita, Kan. FIVE girl, to learn beauty lure, pay smerecD,ovtlelf Mlvng compensa- WANTED-Situatlon. by experienced black- remodeling at home or by A 1799. "' WANTED-Itellable man to see manufac- TtS Sm? o S man, 'salesman, solicitor, cor- smith mine himber of machine shop. AC Vd-V; satisfaction guaranteed; refer- WOMAN want, washing Ironing sewing by PORTLAND manufacturer wants salesman VVAVer Sunday or Monday regarding per- 4U Dekum bldg.. sanitary " respondent or advertising writer; marr ed; .84. Oregonlan. 1 ences given. Tabor 1027. da, S hours, 81.50. AR 789. Oregonlan. for Oregon. Sell to dealers and take manent position; small investment. 254 WOMAN for general housework at Thomas- high-class references. AE 780. oregonian. GENERAL machinist wants position; can r.Rpc.SMAKER wishes steady position; bus- youNG girl desires work evenings. Can charge of other salesmen; 100 surety re- E 14th South. James Jackson. sen Apartment-house. 402 3d, corner ol CLASS MAN DESIRES POSITION do toolmaking and metal pattern work. or family- willing to "do some house- do anything. Y 764. Oregonlan A-Mor SStiS? B"hWlCk SUnday --f-mt.V: ToTZUZZ LADY'rworklnboardlng-houseforher .Ie. W - watchman by mid- tT, A.WoE?v. lLZr jail-' "M 832 LUmDer ."B SPfeKoS TO. Ri ecoand.troan: referenCeS- " SonsTyorhome. Tabor day. g-y . ar a-CLASS general merchandise man .VSZZ'&JZ 'SJU.' 'SK COLIRL ntsw hour.' Ught 'edo. O. rienco unnecessary. Jap-American Co., St., near Clay. with many years' experience wants po- of wages. V 775. Oregonian. will make engagements in iam work dally. Phone Tabor 2146. "wSi 'JSZZTSZ cSsioJI SArL"v ,10 day .ntroducing greatest JlO jS.. far'i MARRIE6 man w , -e.POsltlona, dellv- m an klnd f f ,, sew- r S&SS .V""""' 'ai? 1 Ca" m"'n: "n-rAm all round good of- yVrJ,rr. AD 7S3Oregonla ' LACI, curtain, hand laundered. Phone Main J,Coo1. pcZXAnyfti ff,! WP, " JS. T ror: VtS.ltSiS ARLNDstr?cat?y snobe?rmphoCa.Palle82?l- NOVELTY waists made to order. M- W.U ., rf , rf , , , V"eAnN;jEorsKmea?b.Irnar WE want men to post and tack sign, for Z. "tfZZcXW inlSSS" room""- """ 8ber- rh"e son. Hote, Gordon Phone Main 2Q2 PE.ENCBD. rellned y, fu.l :aBx3SenHfwllS-w Ad: which w. will pay JJ" MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. ; Cn AV 890." Oregonian. YOUNG man desire, employment; exper- DRESSMAKI.NG-Pr.cc reasonable. Tabor ? colored , ,inM day.a dress K. C. Eldridge, Independence. Or. for particulars. Martel, Dept. 1-31, WahlnBtun bldg., 270V. W"hlnBton. room W...Tpr po,tlon aar;cord and statlsti- lenced porter-Janitor and elevator oper- worl any kind Marshall 0035. Independence Creamery. Lh.L 35, near 4th. Phone Main 88.16 or A 3-66. WAITED Po.ltlon a. recora . ator. Tabor 3768. WANTED Position as sewing help with work, any Lin. BONG poems wanted. Ill furnish music YOUNG man with sale, ability -to take MAKE money writing short stories or arti- Vny POsUloof like Mature: have had YOUNG man. 24. desires work, well ac- dressmaker. Phone A 1-39. rC-mT " and publish if accepted; have paid thou- exclusive sale of article In "ate. Large bl fre8 booklet tells how. 7 ,'. practical law experience; local pualnted with city; references. Phone DRESSMAKER by day. stylish and rapid; 31...), room u. sands T In royalties; est. 10 years; booklet profits. Must be able to carry .150 .tocl. united Pres. Syndicate. San Francisco. references. P 810. Oregonlan. Woodlawn 1438. reference. Tabor 4044. DAY WORK Laundry and cooking, house- and particulars free. John Hall. Pres., 402-3 Pan"f-- GOOD cook and general housework girl, also STRONG. willing boy. 15 years old. wants a BOY wishes to secure light work In the i-PIECB dresses."!ir.ult. S3 .50 up; satis- work. Tabor 47.3. Columbia Circle. j. 1. c. STOCK SALESMAN. a rellable girl as children s nurse; good hom8 in country where there are no chil- country and attend school. V 771), Orego- faction guaranteed. Main 6306, Robinson. REFINED, kind young lady wants position WANTED For a live wire proposition two K 813. Oregonlan. wages. 675 Braxee .t,IrvmBton. dren; want to stay with good Christian nlan. nni?wvjKiV(- alteration work by day or as nurse girl. AS 700. Oregonian. airni GOOD tailor wanted at once. 715 Hawthorne Io. Cffi X' TOUXO llveeeOne commonwealth bldg.. 13 N. 6th CQLOREp porter wanted. 1M 4th .t. . car. WELL known credit mar Jj jr .nd H yune Sellwood 1413, S TM, Oregonlan. -; xTe1TTiNGKU woman wants houseclean- ANTED- Strong, active young man who K "9- f i!? IfnHllZ bTanurse W- -lIlS- houseT PVeekvrc HELP WANTED FEMALE. , Kit! mrTUsTnESS MA N H av e you found the egonfanT era. perience; experl- WANTED-To U ofhy d. phone. E 802. Oregonian. , UP-TO-DATE ostrich feather curler and RELIABLE woman, not under 25, for Posi- Jletent and reliable bookkeeper you CARPENTER, fast workman, understands can clve references as to character and .....- ,,f7ny kind by colored woman; Is ii.LESMEN wanted to represent u, in va- shape" beginners need not apply. Hart- tion with local Arm; not office work. D "klng for? II not. can find him by all kinds work. $3. per day. AL 812, abillu-. Box 184. Belgrade. Mont. ""'Vood cook. Main S.-.50. rious sections of the state; premium in- ness Plume Shop. 301 lamhlll. 807. Oregonlan. , . . ...... w,,h ddresslng AD 76.. Oregonuin. Oregonian. . EXPERIENCED nurse wishes position car- curtains -draperies, linens laundered ducemente; established since 18.2. Grand CAPAB,.E giri to help care for children in WANTED Neat young girl to assist with d accountant, office manager. RELIABLE and sober man wants work ol lnlI ror infant or children. Phone East called for. Tabor 317. Union Tea Co.. 448 Washington st. exchange for music lessons. Phone Sell- housework; three In family, wages 10. 4tu'' ced Portland and Ea st. would like any kind; wuges no object. Address K by expert. v: CANDY salesman for Gray. Harbor and wood 201. Call Sellwood 149 be ore 10.30 A M. cSou with large concern. AB 788. 807, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wouid read to Invalid, act a. r?. eTSTeh". Eastern Oregon; experienced only; good FypFkivcED maker and designer on OS- WANTED High school girl to work tor Oregonian. Al ALL-AROUND blacksmith or mine companion, travel or do office work ln L" -' - - proposition to right party. AG 755, Ore- fncies. Hartness Plume Shop. 361 room, board and carfare. Call Sellwood ----- te accountant will audit. blacksmith wants work in or out of town. sanitarium. D 805. Oregonian. COOKING and serving for dinners, tea. and "ia"- YamhlU. 149 before 10:30 A. M. ALLL Address F 830. Oregonlan. iDDLEGWhsplTartralnVd nurse, cases lunches. TaborJIT. ITOL7NG. strong man to work in merchandise ;VANTED Competent German girl for sec- GIRL for general housework; young girl ments. etc. Charge, reasonable. Ander- JAPAxESE cook, 10 years- experience, at once- best reterences; will take full EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. storage warehouse, with idea of taking an Qnd work. references. CS9 Everett st. to assist with housework and care for son. Tabor 2.93. want place private family. A 869. Ore- charge of work. Mrs. Thomas. Tabor 51 '.4. 0c per hour. Phone Tabor 4750. bonTau"reahe AM s'f'orelSmSn?8 GIRL for general housework. Call at 408 children. Phone Main 4446. N, married an, 27 years of age niam ; UNDERGRADUATE nurse want, cases; any- COLORED girl wishes laundry or general bond required. AilJ.go; v rd st Willamette Heights. WANTED Girl who sings and plays well would like a position in clerical or book- JApANESE gardener, first-class. 10 years' thing taken; terms reasonable. Main 3878. housework. Main 6265. f?Se wiDchool girl to work for board. tl tt v...- experience, f.ower. and vegetables. A --- EXPERIENCED woman wanu. day work Snfbldtr Ed C U" SINGERS. ETC. 417 VLs Z "are trained nurse Z or CASH advance.1 ou weekly selling my ROTHCHILD BLDG. f?th St N Rose City Park car. ence. Al references. In or out of city. R . shoeing. AE ,96 Oregonlan. given Invalids: city reference. Tabor 2213. night: responsible person. C 3293. hardy, guaranteed stock, excellent terrl- LTbYaiems. quick seller. Call room, 221 Yr,..r ' - bookke;Per hotel out of 776. Oregonian. ALL-AROLN D bak want, pmlt Ion ln city PRACXICAl nUr,e wants confinement cases. WANTED Work by the hour. Call Sell- SerirKh"" 6 Carlton Hotel Monday until 4 P. M. OLM LADt 'S. Silm lull WANTED Position as bookkeeper by young or .c""-p ' lZ " eon.r, 1168 l'n'0n ve- 'va 22"" S"S' Nur.ser Co.. To,,penliWa. .jIDDLE-AGED lady to do light housework; particulars. AC 781, Oregonlan. man. Neat and rapid writer: Quick and WANTED-Palntlng by day or contract. SE maternlty. chronic, city references; SCHOOL GIRL wants place to work for DO you want 10 a da,s side or main line, f-en. 383 Constance St. gr-HOOT f-IRT to assist with light house- ac?' at f'R""- References furnished. h. 3803. asslstwork; Sllperweek. Main 3051. room and board: carfare. Marshall 3179. retail Premium and Punch Board Deals.' SCHOOLGIRL to assise w.ir. -.B"v nouoe A(. Oregonian. FvrrttlFVrFI) machinist wants work 2a- . ; . . r Five propositions. American Factories WANTED Picture theater piano player. work and care of children. Sunnyside. Z, . , nr ,--. -m 47 r.? or driving good T ref Main 4M88 GOOD, practical nurse, doctors' references. NEAT, refined girl. 19, wants position in Compan St. Louis, Mo. 468 Dekum av. Apply before 12 o'clock. Tabor 4027. I NEKD work clerical or manual am 4... rage or driMng. good ref. Main 4..S8. Main 61.37. ' doctor's or dentist", office. Tabor 1322. AN experienced' solicitor; no curiosity ttek- lADT- swimmer, for water .how; 30 week-- NBAT girl for housework, no children Call references. 162 Webster .t. Telephone in, f,ctor7 x "2 Orejonlao Housekeepers. era need apply. Call 10 to 12 A. M.. 318 work. Rice & Pore. Box 270. Mon corning, between 9 and 1. 32! c g004. H. L. Burdlck. jap InFE wishes place a. housework In A POSITION .-"nouVekeeper or manager WANTED AGENTS. Graham ave. EXPERIENCED lady presser, take full 6th. comer Clay. YOUNG man. 5. good stenographer, book- "'Ulfy A S Marn .61. by woman of experience and ability, of .GFN-TS Ladies or gentlemen- work In VANTED Competent optician for evening charge shop. 202 Alder st.. 1-2, Tuesday, girl to assist with housework and care of llkeeper. now temporarily en.nloyed by Priate ramily. a jiain wi. fi'stclass apartment or rooming-house. N A?a r cftvt- eaV? selle-- good work only; state experience. L 786, Ore- - GIRLS to wait on tables Call today. 1 child. Phone C 2209. wholesale firm, desires permanent . posi- NEAT cohered boy wants porter job or any 777, Oregonian. commissi". Write for free particulars. ' onlan Yst t. tion; moderate salary. Main 7410. work. Man. S-00. REFINED widow. 4S. unincumbered, wants Wvnlev Supply Co.. Lewiston. Idaho. GOOD coatmaker and tailor wanted at once. TNTEDA B,rl for general housework. 3 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. SENIOR CLERK Now in the traffic de- CLERICAL work of any kind, evenings. po-itlon housekeeper widower's home; selling our new specialty. Apply in letter to J. W. Edwald, Tllla- Tl7l x4 Alameda Dr Tabor 2774 z partment of the O.-W . R. & X. Co wishes Phone Main 0630. mu.t haVe work at once. X .01, Ore- P housewife wants one. General moSk. Or. State wages wanted. In family. 1364Alameda ur. labor 774. WANTED Earnest young men and young Josltion with lumber concern. T 776. Ore- VOUXG man Blng to school wants to work nian. fy housewife r,toe pITr-mTnENT man.wante-to run lunch 3 fSf S?a'rk ll " ica.horfhi'nd. TgSASSalx- T frjlj J wTNTElJPsTiTon as housekeeper for Gas bldg.. Chicago. counter. For particulars call at Commer- barber snop. ing- private and - Individual instruction. A CAPABLE grocery man desires a pos - pASTRT cook and baker wants position. E widower by unincumbered widow lady ; ob- LIBERAL OFFER to agents who will hus- cial Wine Co, 1267 Macadam. WOMAN to help with housework ln coun- course, rigid. Results sure. Day and tion as buyer and off ice man ; In the busl- r sn3 Qregonlnn. Je.-t good home. W ..4. Oregonian. tie Kor particular, write Burroughs & PHOTO coupon: be.t offered; beauty con- try. Call at 9S0 Belmont st evening. 5Q9-510 Wilcox bldg. ness 15 years; moderate salary to begin in ARESPECTABLE elderly woman wants po- Schaal Mfg. Co.. Seattle. Wash. - test started. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED A girl for general housework. WAXTED Man or woman who can sell witn. ai ..o. or family Main 6014. Japanese Church. sition as housekeeper for wj.lower; no ,OFNTS ,earn aiout the profits made .up- OOr:, Competent glrls. Dome.- 'on . "MSHS VO,, .. l 1, would co'.lndna2 Ad1 ,g: WANTr; wlr gio as- YTQh J stenogra,! and of.ce m.n tl? -Amir,tf " slittlthhousework. Call at 52 Lucretla st. newspapers: experience unnecessary : par- YOUNG expert stenographer and oince man small ages. -tia.n .... YOUNG widow as housekeeper for widower. ber of Commerce. LIVE nhoto solicitors: rood mone.: new i5i?'tn nouseworK. au t Lucrei t, .sfor stamp. Empire Syndicate. wants position; successful road .alesman. jAx and wife want place to work for room 1 with children preferred. AH 75S. Ore- , ,-.-.,.-. .,,,,. ,r ,,n, ,...,. . proposition. Moore Studio. Elk, bldg. WANTED Young girl to assist with house- C183. Atlanta. Ga. AG 754, Oregonlan. and board. Main 717. ; gonian LfcG,T,tMrt lla "on itht for M PirikS WANTED First-class cook for dairy lunch . work References. 345 Montgomery. WANTED Men and women to write photo- POSITION as bookkeeper -or cashier : In or WAITER wants work; experienced; has ref- HOUSEKEEPING, by middle-aged lady, in FaaV;nGishaeco..0An'derson.OIInd." ar lcu" and cafeteria. K 7H0. Oregonian. GIRL for general housework. Phone E. p,ays and short stories: valuable text free. out of city by competent man. 2b .ears erences. Main 717. a small famllv. Woodlawn 2533. or C --. : Z 77; r l ZM'&V ?ri,, care for children: 1. J " " " EARN woman as housekeeper: best of BPlt. IZ'X - WA g,r, for genera, SSiK ggT" WLZZ 7" SITtT"oN JZJZJZ Z 1, in M ' MVWVSSSf Yri fo ork. E!S 5028. W&EDTeM WHEN you want a carpenter cal, East K36. or of city, at once. C SOI. Oregonlan. :ss 11th s... Portland. Or. t . - '