13 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 8, 1914. TO EXCHANGE. The harbolt realty company, inc. 730 LEWIS BLDG., 4TH AND OAK. MARSHALL 4200, A 7138. $ 5.000 25 acre near Oregon City, fine soil, about half In cultivation, highly improved as noultry and dairy ranch, fully stocked and equipped; incumbrance $10O0; to trade lor good home in Fort land $ 5,000 Good 8-room house, walking dis tance, to trade for small farm, fully equipped, same value. 1 (5,500 320 acres yellow pine timber. KREE AND CLEAR, to trade for city income. $ .S00 SO acrea fine river bottom. FREE AND CLEAR OF INCUM BRANCE, part trade in good city. $ 7,000 Fine home, Mt. Tabor, lot lOOx 150. FREE AND CLEAR OF IN CUMBRANCE, to trade for home in California ; prefer between Frisco and Palo Alto, up to $10, 000. $ 7,000 Two first mortgages and SO acres. well improved. White fnUnon, FREE AND CLEAR OF 1NCUM bra nee, to trade for good city in come, about same value. t 7,500 133 acres, Yamhill County, well improved, incumbrance $2750, to trade tor residence. Fort land. $ 8,000 356 -acres, highly improved, rich bom, riK'i- a L Biiiiiu:i, iiiuuiiiui nui.c $ 8,000 200-acre wheat ranch, Garfield Co., Wash., well improved, mort gae $2000. trade for something in Willamette Valley. 9 8.000 100 acres, A-l alfaifa land, Colo rado. FREE AND CLEAR OF IN CUMBRANCE, trade for Portland. S 9.730 Elegant modem home and three extra lots. FREE AND CLEAR . OF INCUMBRANCE, Los Angeles and vicinity, to trade for good Portland, or valley farm. $10,000 100x100. close-in apartment site. mortgage $5000. trade for cheap lots or small piece close-in acre age. $15.000 Fine S-room house. CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCE, and 20 acres beaverdam, incumbrance $4S00, to trade lor city income. 915,000 Strictly modern residence, Taco- ma, and 0,000,000 feet timber, FREE AND CLEAR OF INCUM BRANCE, to trade for good farm close to Portland. Might put in mtie casn. 915.GOO 100x100, close-in apartment-house site, improved with 10-room mod ern house, mortgage $9000. Want one or two lots lor equity. 915.000 100x100 and 10-room house, busi ness property, on Sandy boule vard . CLEAR OF INCUM BRANCE, to trade for stock of merchandise. 917,500 Two pieces vacant business prop erty and two houses, incumbrance SI 500. to trade for good close-in improved farm, fully equipped. $IS.000 130 acres, all under cultivation. highly improved, railroad station on property, good for subdivision, incumbrance $6000, trade for city income. $:tU,000 Two-story brick bldg.. good val ley town. Income $2100, trade for well improved farm, valley. 945,000 1280 acres, half In wheat. ALL FREE AND CLEAR, to trade for good city Income, and might as sume. 9S,300 322 acres A-l bottom land in the valley. 25 acres in hops, to trade for apart ment-housd cr other ood city income up to $60,000. THE HARBOLT REALTY COMPANY. INC., 710 LEWIS BLDG.. 4TH AND OAK. MARSHALL 4200. A 7158 Manufacturing proposition, under full operation, making money; build ings insured for $40,0O0; price $60. OuO; owner must retire; consider any first-class property, everything clear of mortgage. Owner could be in duced to remain for a year if de sired, to operate plant. 2000 acres irrigable land, close to railroad; has water lor part of tract, with small outlay plenty of water can be had for entire tract; $50 per acre. Consider exchange for Port land property. L. K. MOORE, 317 Board of Trade Bldg. THINK OF IT. .Commercial orchard at less than $300 per acre with complete buildings and neces sary implements gratis. 00 acres in Asotin County, Wash., 70 in 7-year-old apples, lo acres pears, cherries and small fruit; 10 acres alfalfa. Price. $25.ooo. Mortgage $SO00, 7 per cent, 5 years. Ex change equity for property in Oregon. Washington. -Idaho or Alberta. Might as sume sonic on business property if income warrants. A snap. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO.. 512-513 Yeon Bldg. $:io,500 Miscellaneous city income property, incumbrance $7000; also industrial stock to the amount of $bOoo, paid 12 per cent dividend last year. Desi'e to trade this for good Improved stock ranch, fully equipped. AK 795. Oregonian. ltin ACRES high-class fruit lands, 2 county roads touching, 1 R. R. survey going through in the near future; 6 miles south west of The Dalles. :io acro3r 1 miles from Hood River, 14 mile of It. R., surrounded by 20,000 land; It is all practically undeveloped, but high class. I want a home in Portland or vi cinity and will assume. I am right, you get risht. B 770. Oregonian. INSIDE PORTLAND PROPERTY FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 74x100 feet, on Third st., 7 blocks from Third and Morrison sts. ; will exchange for farm close to Portland: most be clear of incumbrance and on a good road. See owner. 404 Gerlinger bldg.. or pone Main NEAR McMIXNVILLE. 65 acres, 55 in cultivation, all fenced and cross fenced; span of horses, 2 cows, pigs and chickens: all equipped; price $7000; nits. $1750 0 per cent. Exchange for good residence property in the city. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO.. 512-513 Yeon Bldg. EXCHANGE Good (i-mnm bunsalnw. 2 lots, for dairy ranch up to $7o0o or $son; prefer stocked. Must be good. See Mr. Roster. Realty Dept. of IIARTMAN & THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark.) 10 ACRES for rent: fine, well-laying land: has been cultivated ; fenced and smail house and barn ; good neighborhood ; 6 miles from center of Portland. 1 mile from electric line. Owner might sell or fx chang w part or all for city property. Inquire J. F. Iladley. 310 Spalding bids. I'OI-! SALE Two f ir.e first-class suburban homes with from 2 to 4 yt acres various fruits and all conveniences; or will trade for improved farm south or southwest of Portland. Write W 70S. Oregonian. or call Tabor 2449. "WILL trade line home for auto: S rooms. 2 baths, sleeping-porch, toilet in basement. 4 porches: lot 80x100; value $S0O0; my equity $17M); will take auto and you can carry balance at $50 per month, including Interest. A H 757, Oregonian. FOR sale or trade, 320 acres of sunny Southern Alberta wheat land, also an im proved 320-acre farm in South Dakota; would t jke new auto. For particulars write or call. H. W. Bowe, room 829 Y. M. C. A. $30110 EQUITY in a beautiful. West Side residence lot or ai.artment site, bet. 19th and 2oth: 20 blocks from the Postofftce; one house and kit or auto on $3O00 value, unincumhei ed ; state location. AH 755, Oregonian. F W M O D E R-V 5 -ROOM BUNGALOW. H A WTH O R X E Dl ST R I CT, FINE LOC -TION. RENTED FOR 20 MONTH PRICE $:i:tr.o. WILL TAKE GOOD LOT UP TO $1000, BALANCE TO SLIT. AF 727. ORE GONIAN. 0 ACRES level tract 1 miles north of Vancouver city limits. 2r0 fruit trees, close to Pacific Highway, and fine graded Ideal homespot. fsuoo. Will trade for stock of merchandise. Address AV 980. Oregonian. " STEEL MOTORBOAT HULL. " Cruiser type; cabin built and canvassed and ready for paint: built by Detroit Ship building Co.; value $400: will trade for lot or what have you? Fred W. German Qp., 014 Cham, of Com. W ILL exenange income Irvington flats for w ell -selected vacant lolts, F. E. Bowman & Co. EQUITY in o-room modern furnished $3nuft bungalow for building lot. Owner, 307 Broadway hide- Main 6199. TO EXCHANGE. W. J. SUMMERS. Marshall 3761. 305-306 Lewis bids. $40,000 Alfalfa ranch: paid-up water rights; must be sold;" :rade for city nouses, timoer. acreage, Eastern property, ur mercnanuise, siv.uuu Aieronanuise stocK ana duiiuiiisb a going proposition, paying 20 per cent net on investment; will con sider Portland, property, witn small amount of cash or good security. $33,000 Subdivision, near good Idaho town and eauitv in Portland in come for cheap land west of Cas. caaes; win assume equm muuuuv. $30,000 Clear property on principal street. East Side, for well stocaed ranch oi equal value in v auey. $25,000 West Side income; can give un usually good deal for S 15,000 equity in thfs for anything of equal value. $21,000 Equity in well stocked and im proved ranch for apartment' house, city lots or Improved in come. $20,000 Equity three sections Central Oregon wheat land for property east or Mississippi tuver. $15,000 Equity in good West Side prop erty for Eastern property oi loitjred-otf land. $15,000 Hif,'h-grade residence, choice lo cation, furnished complete; equity $8000 for smaller home or clear vacant. $10,000 Equity in several good houses, East Sice, all in Al condition, for wheat ranch and assume. $10,000 Extraordinary offer. Automobile, motorboat. new Jewelry and stock of merchandise, all clear, for same value in unincumbered, real estate. 9 9.5O0 Residence. Nob Hill district equity of $4000 for vacant lets or smaller house on East Side. $8,000 Modern home. Ladd's Addition; mortgage $3500; will take five or six-room clear bungalow for eauitv. $ 7.500 Three choice residence lots, Mt. Tabor, equity $5300, for good or- cnaru iana. 9 6,000 Two clear lots, Chicago, for Ore gon or Washington timber. 9 5.500 Sixty-five acres, good buildings. near Sandy, mortgage 9700; ex change for city property or good securities. $ 5,000 Clear lots, Seattle, Tacoxna and Astoria; take logged-off or raw iana or Portland property. $ 5,000 Timber claim. Curry County; good logging proposition; equity $3000; owner wiu assume on roruana property. $ 4.800 Timber, 100 acres, Jackson County, clear; want city Improved and win assume small amount. $ 4,500 House, clear, good city. Middle West; want timber, acreage or Portland house equities. 9 4,000 First mortgages and clear prop erty in Portland for stock of merchandise, 9 4,000 ISO acres pine timber, Grant County, for Eastern property. 9 3,300 Eauitv in seven-room no use. on West Side, mortgage 91700, for oesiraDie tsast siae tots tor im mediate development. 9 2,500 Equity Ross City park home, new and modern, hardwood floors, hot-water heat; exchange for smaller house or close-In acreage. 9 3,000 Equity choice lots in Laurelhurst for late model auto. W. J. SUMMERS. Marshall 3763 . 305-306 Lewis bldg. INVESTIGATE THESE TRADES 9 and 1-3 acres in high state of cul vation, walking distance to 5c cars; value $10,000, for farm near German Lutheran Church. Wanted, a farm near German Lutheran Church as part payment for a fine 220 acre farm, with stock; value $22,000; will give 10 years time at 6 per cent for bal ance of difference. 20 acres, 10 minutes walk from Kings Heights cars, beautiful view, value $20, 040; will trade for farm up to about $15, 0H'I. Many other good trades. F. FucJis, 420 Chamber of Commerce. A SEVEN-ROOM house in a beautiful re stricted district, located on a 50x100 lot. east facing, furnace, fireplace, gas and electric lights, burglar alarmed; and a va cant corner lot located next to house and lot, all in lawn, beautiful shade trees and flowers. Street improvements all in, both front and side. Will exchange this house and two lots for a house and one lot in a good restricted district. R 771, Orego nian. LOTS or acreage up to $2000 for equity in a nice modern 8-room Laurelhurst home; lot 50x140; fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, built-in conveniences, gas and electricity ; the property is really worth $G0o0, but too large for owner and will take a great deal less. G. S. SMITH & CO., 432 Cham .of Com. WEST SIDE SNAP. 50x67, corner, on one of the leading corners for an apartment site; good house now paying good income; can be bought for $10,000; might consider good East Side propertv up to S5000. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Marshall 5823. 210 Lumbermens bldg. 23 ACRES. Very rich clover land, all in crop; just a little more than one mile from Mc Minnville; price right; terms to suit pur chaser. DUDLEY, ARCHER & CO., Northwestern Bank Building Marshall 4023. a 3252. GENERAL merchandise business to ex- cnange ior Portland city property up to $40O0 and' must have $500 cash, located about 25 miles from Portland, In a good location. In an ideal location. See E. F. Gilbert, 101 Washington st., Vancouver, Wash. ST. JOHNS property for equity in 150 acres or iana, -j. nines irom n. k. station, on main county road ; nice stream the year round; here is your chance for stock ranch; price $3500; $700 mortgage, 3 years. G. S. SMITH & CO., 432 Cham, of Com. WANTED By reputable businessman. a good profitable business that is estab lished and has good asset b; will give in payment $25,000 free and clear real estate cash figure; prefer an office business, but am open to any good proposition that is out of debt. D 835, Oregonian. DO-ACRE improved fruit farm at Mt. Hood, Oregon ; good orchard and improvements; plenty free water for Irrigation; for gen eral merchandise stock or four-family flat up to $12,00O. Full artitjKars on rtuest. Owner. J 838, Oregonian. GOOD-PAYING livery business in thriving valley town, invoice about $4000: will ex change for ranch in Oregon, Washington or Idaho. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO.. 306 Spalding bldg. M. 7592. HAVE $2000 lot in Vancouver, Wash., soon be business property; wil exchange for 6-room bungalow in Portland; state lo cation and price, which must be right; owner. w 1 ( o. uregonian. 44 SHARES- industrial stock, paying 10 per cent. Price $4100. Will exchange for improved prooerty In Portland. GODDARD & WIEDR1CK 243 Stark st. WANT to trade two beautifully located, close-In view lots In Spokane, small house on one, value $2750, for Portland resi dence under $4000; give full particulars, AS 737. Oregonian. 8-ROOM strictly modern bungalow, full basement, a beautiful home, rOxl0O lot; free from Incumbrance; $3750 for im proved acreage. Hatch, 327 Lumber Ex change. FOR SALE or trade, house and full lot, five blocks business center, Tillamook ; take cattle, team, wagon, hogs, etc., to $500, balance time; always well rented. AS 728, Oregonian. , A FINE modern house in Irvington district; no incumbrance. Would exchange for va cant lots or dairy ranch about $5000 KT'PPER & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. $15,100 MTG. at 6 per cent interest, will ex change for acreage or income property; ask for M r. Therkelsen. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO.. 306 Spalding bidg. M. 7592. IMPROVED East Side property and some cash to exchange for a West Side apart ment site not over $10,000. E. J. Geiser, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WILL take a good work team as part pay ment on five acres and give permanent position; commercial orchard. V 778, Ore gonian. $20,000 APARTMENT-HOUSE, clear of in cumbrance, completely furnished, return ing 18 per cent, to exchange for good farm. 402-3 Panama bldg. FOR TRADE Equity in eight-room house, Willamette boulevard. S4500. for vacant lots or first payment on Rose CItv Park bungalow. 716 I st.. Hoquiam, Wash. NEW bungalow. Rose City, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, $2650; will exchange for lots in restricted district. AH 744, Ore gonian. W I LL tke lot (Rose City Park or Haw-thc-r.et to $300 on well located cottage, larere lot. fruit, garden, close to school and car. Thomas, 92 1st st. SPLENDID 10-room house in Lau re 1 hurst. Will trade equity of $0000 for acreage or timber or clear lots. Balance of $10 000 easy. 7 per cent. M 722, Oregonian. 40 ACRES good alfalfa and potato land un der good ditch; plenty water; for vacant tots $3."i00. J S?2, Oregonian. CARPENTERS 25 beach lots, value $1200. for build In jr $;jno beach cottage. Dr. Swain. Broadway, cor. 2ftth. WILL exchange life Insurance in good old line company for rolltop desk. H 774 Oregonian. OWNER has $1800 equity in house, Ala meda Park, to trade for clear lot In Portland. ap 74, oregonian. FIRST-CLASS lots In Salem, Or., as part payment for Portland improved property. AR 79'!, Oregonian. MODERN bunga!ow for few acres close to Portland. W 769, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. NO HARD TIMES WITH US, ' OUR METHOD GETS THE BUSINESS. WE ADVERTISE EXCLUSIVE CONTRACTS ONLY. U WE HAVE NOTHING FOR SALE. ALL OF OUR LISTINGS ARE EXCHANGES. 2720-acre wheat and stock ranch in Eastern .Washington, $20.0O0 worth of personal property goes with this. Good buildings and near tra importation. Price $100,000. Will consider Portland, Seattle or Los Angeles income property. 1000 acres, Al wheat ranch, located In the Pendleton district, SOO acres under cultivation; good buildings and equip ment. Price $40.00r. ciear of Incum brance. Owner wants a high class resi dence in Nob Hill district of about equal value. Might consider Irvington home. 1800 acres. Eastern Oregon wheat land, 1200 acres in cultivation, 200 acres more can be cultivated, 100 acres of Al stand alfalfa, 12 miles fo store, church, school, etc., 20 miles from Prineville; two sets of buildings in good repair, railroad under construction, goes through this place. Fully equipped with stock and imple ments. Price $60,000; clear of Incum brance. Owner will consider Portland property. ' 180 acres near Grants Pass Id the fa mous Rogue River Valley; SO acres of V Rogue River bottom land In commercial orchard, alfalfa, etc All kinds of stock and implements. Price $40,000, mtg. $15. 000. Owner will consider Portland prop erty and will reduce the incumbrance to $6500. 351 acres near Grants Pass, on Rogue River; 70 acres in alfalfa, 35 acres in commercial orchard, balance miscel laneous Crops and pasture, buildings are modern and cost about $15,000. fully equipped with stock and implements. Price $65,000. Owner will consider stock of general merchandise up to $50,000, or Portland or Seattle property. 115 acres, 2 miles from Carrollton, on Columbia River, 5 miles from Kelso, near the Pacific highway, on a good gravel road. Good buildings, stock and imple ments, etc. Price $50 per acre. Will take $2000 in trade, balance cash and terms. These are just a few of our exclusive listings. If you have anything to ex change, there Is nothing too large or too small for us to handle. Come in and see PRIGMORB & YOUNGER, INC., 846-849-850 Morgan Bldg. $50,000. Brick apartment-house, leased, centrally located, for close-in farm. $25,000. Industrial property on the Peninsula, clear of incumbrance, for a home not exceeding that value. $20,000. i block, Thurman street, for flats p. other imoroved property up to $15,000. $25,000. Grand-ave. corner, clear, and cash for other inside property. $25,000. Clear of incumbrance, vacant city prop erty and cash for other city property. $100,000. Income business property: would con sider well-leased wheat ranch. For meritorious propositions consult ex change department of GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. Stock Exchange Bidg., 3d and Yamhill. 100x100 CORNER, beautiful 10-room house. $12,500; will consider good acreage. 6-room modern house. Hawthorne dis trict, $4250; will consider good farm. 10-room house. 6 lots. $2500; will ex change for property anywhere. 6-room modern house. West Side, $4000; will consider good vacant lots. 10 acres, all in cultivation. Vt mile from electric station. $2500; will consider house or lots. 160 acres. Scotts Mills. 70 acres In bear ing fruit; price $36,000; will consider in come bearing property. GLEXART REALTY CO. 421-422 Chamber of Commerce. READ THESE CAREFULLY. 2 modern bungalows, blk. car, $7500. Clear. Want farm same value. Modern 4-room flat building, close In, $10,000. Clear. Want farm or acreage. 15 acres hear Beaverton, Clear. Want modern house, same value. 54 acres near Wilsonville, stock and im plements, $0750. Want house to $3500. 50 acres near Damascus, $8000. Want hpuse to $3500. 15 acres, close in. East Side, well Im proved. $6000. Want house. We have many others to trade. . ENDERS & HARTSHORNE, 431 Chamber of Commerce. 10,000-ACRE stock ranch, $15 per acre; buildings, etc., for income property. 100 acres alfalfa land, stock, buildings, etc.. price $100,000, for income property. 4S0 acres wheat land. Morrow County, $06,000. for Portland property. :t20 acres, Gilliam County, S25 acre. Seattle bungalow, $2000 equity, for Port land. Goldendale land for home or bungalow. DIETZ & RINGLER, 316 Railway Ex. INCOME PROPERTY. We have brick income property In Spokane, bringing In 10 per cent on price, $45,000. Will take a farm in trade up to $35,000. and give long time on bal ance. This property is fine steady in come producer. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. 3 ACRES BEAUTIFUL SITE for suburban home, 12 minutes' walk from 5c commutation fare; over half in bear ing fruit trees, some buildings, on mac adamized road. 4 miles Courthouse; right price and some trade If good will be taken in. Inquire room 2, 73 6th St., near Oak. PALO ALTO HOUSES. 2 modern houses at Palo Alto, Califor nia, well located, rent for $35 each, cash value $5000 each, clear. Will trade one or both for home in Portland, as owner desires to move here. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. HOICE residence lot, good surroundings, im proved street and near good car ser vice; lot is clear of incumbrance; will exchange this as part payment on a home up to $4000. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. REALTY SALESMEN. We have an opening for a first-class man. understanding Portland values; our large list of exchanges at his disposal. See manager, city department. The Fred A. Jacobs Co.. 269 Washington St. HAVE nice cozy home in business part of Montavllla; want to exchange for good house and more ground not beyond 10c fare; good square deal for .someone. See W. R. Haizlip, 407 Stock Exchange bldg. IMPROVED farm of 14n acres In Upper Willamette Valley, unincumbered, excel lent soil, price $5000, to trade for a mod ern home in good section of Portland at actual value. AL 779, Oregonian. LOTS or acreage free of incumbrance to trade for 5-room bungalow ; Rose City Park preferred. Owner, 406 Railway Ex change bldg. VALLEY farm, stock and machinery for business in or near' Portland up to $10. 000. Will take part in city property. H 771, Oregonian. SPECIAL BY OWNER. Fine improved 20-acre fruit farm to exchange for good Portland property; no agents. Phone Tabor 1700. 100x100 CLOSE In on Belmont st. ; Income $2. per month: price $30,000; might consider some trade. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg. FIVE-ROOM modern house, well located, clear, for about 10 acres, with or without improvements, on electric line. 410 Yeon. Mar. 24:12. I WILL exchange some good clear Califor nia lots for rooming-house If clear. C 817, Oregonian. WHAT l.ave you to exchange for a strictly good quarter section in Alberta, fenced and 70 acres broken? AL 777, Oregonian. WANTED To exchange equity in Irvington home for acreage near Portland. L S13, Oregonian. LOT, Alberta district, price $900; will con sider acreage close to Portland to $1500. 4 22 Chamber of Commerce. 1913 AUTO, seven-passenger, electric lights and starter, for clear lots. AO 783, Ore gonian. MUST sell my apartment-house, have equity of $15,000; trade for anything of equal value. AM 777, Oregonian. $4000 EQUITY West Side house for lots on East Sideor clear acreage. AM 780, Oregonian. HAVE merchandise clear, trade for Port land property clear. A M 778, Oregonian. $600 EQUITY in 6-room cottage for good launch AP 810, Oregonian. CLEAR lots to trade for runabout auto Owner, 406 Railway Exchange. 5-ROOM house, close in. for lots, acreage or small auto. AC "76, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE. $3p00 $2000 equity in 10 acres fine prime land to exchange for lots or on bungalow in city. 93500 Modern 6-room bungalow in Alameda. Cal.p mortgage $S0o; want Portland property or ciose- in acreage. 4000 5-room and 2-room house with five lots, clear of incumbrance, to exchange for small Improved farm of same value. $6750 Equity of $3500 in modern 7-room house in Laurelhurst for clear lots. $7500 25 acres at Santa Rosa on Ore gon Electric, no incumbrance, to exchange for Piedmont or Walnut Park property. 98750 70 acres alfalfa land. 2fe miles from Hermiston, Umatilla County; B0 acres in crop, balance ready to seed ; free from mortgage ; want city property or valley farm. $9000 120-acre valley farm, improved and well equipped and stocked, no Incumbrance; will exchange for Southern California ranch. $17,500 Equity of $7500 in Al hog and dairy ranch to exchange for Port land or Caliiornia property; only an hour ride from Portland. $20,000 64 acres. 35 acres In commercial fruit, balance creek bottom; good buildings; on main county road, close to store, postoffice and school; stock and machinery with property; exchange for good hotel or income property. $25,000 810-acre stock, ranch, close to railroad ; good buildings, plenty of water, well fenced ; equity for Portland income or general mei chandise. $30,000 Inside corner, partially Improved and rented; equity of $22,5O0 for fully equipped improved ranch and assume. CALLAN & KASER, 722-24 Yeon Bldg. 13 ACRES nearly all cleared, fine stream of water, old house and barn, good soil, 5 miles to good valley town; take lots or equity in house and lot. 42 acres, nearly all In cultivation; good springs and running stream, good soil, no rock; trade all or part for house and lot and will assume some mortgage. 1114 acres, about half cleared, half is level creek bottom, balance hill land; all good soil, partly fenced, 4 miles to good town; trade tor vacant lots or small busi Hess. Several small tracts of good land, partly ciearea, wen located, to traoe ior any thing; in the city. We can get you a trade on anything you nave, real estate, business or automo bile. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 212 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. REAL BARGAIN. 24 acres in choicest portion of Hood itiver v aiiey, it acres run d earing com mercial varieties. The orchard and aualitv of soil for orchard growth is not excelled in (he valley. Creditable and complete improvements, with 1000-box capacity storage-house, all near station; the in vestment will make the money and satisfy you If you will buy or exchange for the oest. io,tuu; win taxe 910,000 in Portland property. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Marshall 5823. 210-11 Lumbermens bldg. I HAVE FOR EXCHANGE Acreage, clear, for equity in house. 7-room house, Sunnyside, equity for lot $05,000 ranch for city property. 5-room bungalow for Improved acreage. Acreage, an sizes, ior business. Paying business, $2000, for house. 6-room house for lot or land. Cafeteria, $1500, for real estate. 10 A. all im., $4000, for house and lot. Many more good propositions. H. W. GARLAND, 101 4th St. ALL OR PART TRADE for acreage near Portland. 0 lots at Kenton, small bungalow. 15 acres. White Salmon partly imp. 5-room house, near Irvington. 5-room house, near car, GOth st. 5 or 10 acres at Orenco. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Com. WE HAVE FOR EXCHANGE: Good farms. Good city property. Good business opportunities. One for the other. Do not bother with schemes. If you want a square deal yon must be wining to give one. r. Fuchs, 4jo chamber or commerce. IMPROVED Portland business corner, re turning 11 per cent. Will accept one acre improved or unimproved on Oregon City or Estacada lines, suitable for home for old couple, as part payment. 402-3 Pan ama bldg. EDISON rotary mimeograph, nickel-plated Cannon minute camera, Fairbanks Morse power spray pump, studio camera with stand, sewing machine, auto delivery box. Want typewriter, phonograph, etc. AK oi. uregonian. HAVE good 820 acres in Morrow County Oregon, all in cultivation, clear of in cumbrance, $7000, to exchange for good roruana residence. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. 230 Lumbermens bldg. Marshall 5828. WANTS LOTS OR ACREAGE Will trade $1500 equity in modern, at tractive house, built 9 months, for clear lots or small piece of land; balance pay able on easy terms. Lueddemann, Ruley & Co., 913 Chamber of Commerce. 160 ACRES, relinquishment. 3U acres In cult., house and on good road, $500; will trade for good lot; call Monday between 11 ana j o ciock. HACKER THERKELSEN CO.. 306 Spalding bldg. M. TRW. WANTED Good farm in Western Oregon in exchange for. free and clear Chicago income property leased to one tenant; price $35,000. Inquire 303 Phoenix bidg.. - "i itri ulii a 11 (J KJU.K. RESTAURANT, seating 75, choice down town location. cheaD rent: can be had at half cost, $7o0 cash would handle it, or might consider trade nearby property. 323 mmuer Lxcnnnge. NORTH DAKOTA FOR PORTLAND. 160 acres, 120 acres under cultivation. rich, black loam soil, clay subsoil. Price 4PPO. 402-3 Panama bldg. WANT Good furm or ranch in exchange for free and clear acreage close to the city; casn price $24,000. C 833. Ore gonlan. 5-ROOM modern cottage. Alberta district, to exchange for vacant lots or acreage. H. A. STILES. . 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. WILL exchange $1500 contract on house and lot In Rose City Park (payable $30 per month), for two good lots. D S01, Ore gonian. HAVE $1000 first mortgage on 40 acres; will trade for lot or house In restricted district; will pay cash difference. AP 1 y. oregonian. WILL EXCHANGE $25,000 Nob Hill r.l dence for city income or good tract of iana; owners only. 303 Phoenix bldg., corner 5th and Oak. TO EXCHANGE or sell, wood and coalvard in Portland, in best location, with track age on 2 sides. Address N 7S0, Ore gonian. EXCHANGE Modern 6-room house, corner lot, block to car: clear. Want acreage No agents. Mrs. Etta Marshall, S73 East Oak. 380 DAIRY and stock farm, improved, Yam hill County; all stock and Implements; $80 acre, half trade. Box 337 Willamlna, Or. SUBURBAN LOTS. Tulsa. Oklahoma cash;, chicken ranch or vacant; what have you? W 7 76, Oregonian. VACANT lots for 1 or 2 good light 5-pas-senger autos and 3 -ton auto truck and acreage. H. Grebe, Tigard, Or. WILLAMETTE Valley, 75 acres. 50 culti vated, for Nebraska farm. 41S Railway Exchange. , WANT ROOMING HOUSE. Have splendid land to trade for it. LENHART & KELLY, 723 Chamber Com. WHAT have you to trade for equities in city property, also acreage. B 780. Ore gonian. TRADE or sell my $S00 equity In house and lot in Salem for acreage or livestock. 1243 Michigan ave. EXCHANGE Is our long suit. Don't despair but see us. 430 Worcester bldg. WILL trade 200 acres near Tillamook for Portland property. Apple, 620 Henry bldg. 26 ACRES garden land, 1 60 wheat, houses, lots, exchanges. 618 Morgan bldg. 5 ACRES of fine land at Sclo, Or., for clear Portland lots or furniture. Tabor 2014. FIRST-CLASS residence property, Salem, Or., for Portland property. T 7S6. )regonian. ONE or two houses to trade for farm land, or will sell at bargain. AT 779, Oregonian. 1200-LB. truck, best of condition, to trade for lot. AG 771, Oregonian. NO. 32 rifle (Winchester) for 3A camera. X 780. Oreponian. WILL trade B flat cornet in fine condition for camera. East 329, evenings. VISIBLE typewriter for 3A camera. X 779. Oregonian. SEE N. M. Apple. 620 Henry bldg., for equitable real estate exchange. WANT grocery for clear city lots, $900, $2000. Owner. G 780. Oregonian. UNINCUMBERED lot for good typewriter W "SO. Oregonian. ROOM 219, Palace Hotel, for sales end ex changer. WANT Newport cottage for Portland house and lot. 418 Railway Exchange. EXCHANGE 4x5 camera worth $30 for good bicycle. AS 723, Oregonian. EQUITY 6-room bungalow exchange for good auto; snap. 430 Worcester bids- TO EXCHANGE. $18,000 36 acres near Beaverton, 12 acrea beaverdam, balance good, rich soil. All In high state of cultivation; 7 room house, barn, outbuildings, etc. Exchange for Portland rentable houses or flats. - No. 220) $14,000 Modern 0-room house in Nob Hill district, modern conveniences, sur rounded by beautiful homes; now renting for $tsO per month; ex change for Seattle property or good lot in Portland. (No. 0150) $ 1,500 50x100 lot In ML Tabor district; unincumbered; exchange as pari payment on good 6-room house. (No. X. Y.) $ 7.000 6-room house on ground lOOx 217, fruit trees, garden, etc.; In cumbered $3000; want larger home in Portland. (No. 5165) $ 8,000 100 acres at Stockville, Neb.; classed as best land in state; want Portland or California properties in exchange. (No. 229) 9 2.5XH) 1G0 acres in Clatsop County with 2,0oo,0OO ft-et of merchantable tim ber; close to Astoria; want Portland lots or small house, unincumbered. (No. 220 ) OUR LARGE LIST OF EXCHANGES WILL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT. OWNERS WILLING TO ASSUME OR PAY CASH DIFFERENCE. SEE OUR LIST BEFORE TRADING. city Department. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, Main 686i. 260 Washington St. A 6: 67. 8 ACRES on Sandy road, near Portland, all clear, 1 acre good orchard; price $45O0 ; will take Portland property. 10 ACRES on Salem Electric carline, small houe. all cultivated, on county road, fenced; price $3000; will take Portland propertv. 10 Vi ACRES near Woodland, Wash., all in clover, tine land, all cultivated; fine build ings; will take Spokane house and lot. Price $35(10. 100 ACRES 33 COWS In Tillamook Co., mile from R. R. station and bay. All good bot tom; has team, wagon and harness, 3: milch cows and dairy utensils. Price for everything, $20,000; will lake $10,000 In clear Portland or Willamette Valley property, the bal ance $:ioo per year, 6 per cent inter est. Ralph Avkley Land Co., 204 Failing bldg. EXCHANGE. 360 acres, large house and barn, 90 acre3 cultivated, balance pasture; 15 head Jerseys, 4 head horses, full farm equipment, excellent soil. It. F. D. and telephone, 36 miles to Portland, 30 miles to Vancouver, 1 mile electric station; want city property as first payment, bal ance long time, 6 per cent; will assume. 80 acres, large house and barn, 70 acres cultivated, large span mares, 2 cows, full farm equipment, school, R. F, D., telephone.; 11 miles Vancouver, 1 v miles electric line, 16 miles Portland; city property taken in exchange as first pay ment; will assume, D. S. CAMERON REALTY CO., Vancouver, Wash., or 30" Railway Exchange, Portland. CLEARING $50,000 a year; exceptional op portunity to acquire an established busi ness, together with the real estate and complete equipment ; property is clear of incumbrance and I3 valued at $200,000; real estate alone is worth this ; business Is now clearing $50,000 a year. Owners wish to retire from active business and have authorized us to offer this, in ex change for timber or ranch lands in Ore gon, Washington or Calif ornia. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber Com merce bldg. WANTS LARGER FARM. We want farm in Willamette Valley or Western Oregon, up to $18,500, in ex change for a fine tract of 37 M acres of that value near Portland, adjoining elec tric station, nearly all in cultivation and some buildings. Fine for subdivision or for some one wanting country home with city advantages. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. NOB HILL residence in best part of 24th st.; modern, high-clase home: price $13, OOO ; consider vacant lot or house up to $7500. Nob Hill corner, some income; price $12, 000; take good vacant lots up to $SOOO. Nob Hill residence, now rented ; modern In every respect ; $12,500; consider Port land Heights bungalow up to $05o0, bal ance long time. Goldschmidt's Agency, 208-0 Stock Exchange. ST. LOUIS INCOME PROPERTY. Brick buildings on lot bOx2o(J, well lo cated in St. Louis, bringing in good In come. Owner living in Portland and dfc sires property here. Price $."5.0OO. Win consider good farm or city property up to $40,000, balance can stand at 6 per cent. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO.. 013 Chamber of Commerce. 80 ACRES, $25.00 ACRE. 9 acres cleared, bal. timber; 1.000,000 feet good saw timber, mile from R. R. station; good school, store, sawmill: about miles from North Yamhill. Will put $200O to $25oo cash with above place lor residence in Portland. SMITH INVESTMENT CO.. 00 5th st. Main 8770. NICE D-room bungalow in Sunnyside dis trict, close to M t. Tabor or Hawthorne ave t'arss price $:t200. Owner has moved on ranch and will accept some livestock as part payment or sell on easy terms. W. A. BARNES CO., 404-5 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. Main 20M. PACKING PLANT TO TRADE.- Packing plant in one of best locations in Northwest. Modern. 3-story building with all sanitary up-to-date appliances for packing business. Price $50.uoo. win traue ior air an a innaa. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY Sc CO. 913 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGES. We have houses and lots to exchange for acreage and farms, and farms for houses and lots. If you want to exchange on a cash basis see us. GLEN ART REALTY CO.. 421-422 Chamber of Commerce. WHAT have you to trade for 100 acres in Wasco County, Oregon, near Dufur. 4 miles to R. R. ; house, barn, young orch ard, fine creek, all fenced; on county road mall route and telephone. Owner, 4S'2'2 74th St., S. E.. Portland. EXCHANGE. Irvington corner, beautiful, new, 7-room residence and garage; will take part In exchange. ORO. E. ENGLEHART. Marshall 5823. 210 Lumbermens bldg. TRADE or sell. 3 lots, $2300. for 20 to 40 acre imoroved farm, value to $4000. Wm Tinker, 1179 Borthwick st. Phone C 2221. SOME WASHINGTON COUNTY BAR GAINS: UNINCUMBERED half block with moorn 5-room bungalow on Hawthorne carl inc. for sale cheap; might consider vacant lot or pood automobile as fl'-st p nyment. Phone owner, Main ROtt or A 500ft. WEST SIDE corner, splendid apartment site. $21,000; consider close-in farm or acreage. vacant lots or flats and $3000 cash: bal ance can stand. Goldschmldt s Agency, 20S-9 Stock Exchange. ALFALFA FARMS WANTED. We have a number of good propositions to offer In trade for alfalfa ranches. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE on improved road near city limits and station; also nne West ide view lot and others; want smalt house or flat build ing. T SOS, Oregonian. WEST SIDE, fine apartment location, small income. Will exchange sio,.iOO equity for East Side residence property or vacant lots. AF 603. Oregonian. HAVE 100x100 on East 14th, m-ar Killings worth, value $1400; will trade for lot near Rose City Park or Hawthorne carline, and west of 54th st. 363 East 43d. $5o0 EQUITY In 5-acre tract, with im provements, close in on Oregon iMectric, will exchange for diamonds, automobile or clear lot. AF 749, Oregonian. 32-ACRE FARM for sale or trade; good buildings, gooa roads, oest or son ; close in. Price $6500. Owner, P. O. Box z02. Hillsboro. Or. $2000 VALUE 40 acres near Klamath Falls. will traoe ior vacant or improveu prop erty within 10 miles of Portland. AE 779. Oregonian. CHOICE, well-improved South Dakota farm to exchange ior residence in fortlana. value $4000; clear. AB 790. Oregonian. CHOICE dairy land, burnt-over, to exchange for cigar store, drugs, or residence m Portland. AE 7S2. Oregonian. NEW, modern residence in college town to exchange for residence 111 Portland; value $400. AC 782, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Suburban property Port land for registered uurnam or i-ioistein cows. C, 813 Morgan bldg. CLEAR title 640 ac. and 160 ac. Alberta, for Willamette tarms. w 1 w. Oregonian. SEATTLE lot to trade for Portland prop erty : clear. 04 framing oiog. TO EXCHANGE for city property, 160 acres dairy rancn. a aa.i. oregonian. $S500 160 acres, 30 cultivated, part trade. Clear property. 1 ruit w ny c..rfiiij'j. EQUITY in modern bungalow for late 5- passenger auto. l. ei, oregomsn. PHOTO studio; exchange for well located lot. T 80. uregonian. 1500 SHARES Provident Trust Co. trade for lot or acreage, al ito, oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. ONE BEAUTIFUL ACRE. TRADE FOR YOLK EWLiXY. This pretty tract of 1 acre lies just 1 mile beyond the city limits of Portland, out in the fertile Powell Valley, with its macadam roads. It is all in cultivation, has city water and electric lights; ex cellent streetcar service sufficiently close to make it convenient for you to go to and from your work in Portland. It is surrounded by many cozy homes 011 acre tracts. The owners were attracted to this sec tion by the city water, the con venient car service and the rich mellow loamy garden land which will grow anything. It is great these days to be out In the open. Old Mother Earth is warming up. It is sed time. 1. acre as large as a whole city block you'll find that will be all the land you can use. One woman produced $32 worth of vegetables on a plot of ground 20 ft. square. Give your wife a chance to reduce the high cost of living. We'll say nothing of the opportunity to raise beautiful and fragrant flowers to adorn your home you owe her this opportunity at least. We'll accept your equity In your home in trade and relieve you of your burden. Look into this today. It's worth while. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce Bids. 125i ACRES, 2i miles from station, all the Dest 01 sou; to acres in cultivation. Dai ance open pasture and timber; well fenced and cross-fenced; good well and springs, fine 8-room house, hot and cold water. bath, etc New barn 40x52, numerous other outbuiluings, gas engine, 1000-gallon capacity redwood tank, 6 Jersey cows, j goats, jo nogs, iuo chickens. 25 tur keys. 1 team of horses. 1 cream seoarator. buggy, wagon, harness, farm machinery. farm implements, etc. There is 7 acres 01 rruit on tne place. This Is one of the finest places in the Valley. Price $13,000. Will take city property or small place ciose in up to soou. oalunce time. SMITH INVESTMENT CO., 90 5th st. Main 8770. SPECIAL ATTENTION. We have several exclusive liftings of some first-class property very seldom of fered for trade. The owners of these properties do not want them advertised, but you might secure just what you want by calling at our office and letting your wants be known quietly. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 518 Board of Trade Bldg. 200 ACRES, two miles from Drain, 80 acres in cultivation, 15 acres commercial or chard, 4 springs on place, 6-room house with bath, good outbuildings. 3 horses. 4 cows, 7 head of young stock, 4 pigs, 100 nens, ail 1 arm implements. i-rice 000. Will trade for Income propertv in Portland or might consider small farm near Portland. E. B. Barber, iA)5 Cham ber of Commerce. YOU NEED NO MONEY. We have 275 acres suitable for stock ranch, deen soil, sprines and small stream. J,2 mile' railroad station, 20 miles Port land: unencumbered. Price $10,000: will trade for unencumbered city property to wvu, or ciose-in acreage, balance mort gage back on land. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FI KST-CLASS business property in Forest Grove, under sood lease; price $12,000; no incumbrance; want unincumbered Im proved farm up to $10,000, or- will con sider unimproved up to $0000; farms must be near Forest Grove, Salem or McMinnville. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. 4o ACRES. .1 miles from good town, close to Portland. 15 acres cleared, has house una otner nulinings. also 2 cows. 2 calres, 2 horses, wagon and harness. 175 chick en?, also some ducks, turkeys and plffs ana implements. trice s;i.tM. w ill ex change for Portland property up to $2000. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO., 300 Spalding bldg. Main 7592. TIMBER FOR EXCHANGE 20,000.000 feet timber $20,000 3.000.000 feet timber 5.0OO 4.00O.0O0 feet timber 4.0O0 Exchange as part or whole for city 608 Commercial Block. WANT Acreage or clear vacant lots, for SJ000 equity In swell 6-room modern house, with full lot in best part of Piedmont.- rented for $28; mortgage $2500; two years, 7 per cent; will assume. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 300 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. 100 ACRES of fine wheat land at lone, worth $3500. and looxlOO and -room house in South Portland, value $5500. What have you to trade for these? Call 406 McKay bldg. Main 034. 160 ACRES wheat land, close lone. Morrow County: price $3300; lWxlOO lot, 0-room house In South Portland; price $5500. What have you to trade for these? Call 400 McKay bldg. Main 034. TO EXCHANGE, equity In modern home, near carline, for what have you ? Tabor 3010. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. b'OR SALE Delivery wagons, pleasure ve hicles, farm wagons, dump wagons, har ness and robes; easy terms. Studebakers, 3;:o-:;::t; East Morrison st. FOR SALE Light horse, cart and double set of harness. Call Monday, Portland Heights Market. 20th and Spring sts. Tel ephone Main 703. 5- YEAR-OLD Hambletonian gelding, safe for a woman to drive, buggy and harness; can be seen Mon. after 9 o'clock at 42 1st st. Van Horn Trana. Co. PAIR gray geldings, weight 360O; good workers; will take small pony in exchange or cell cheap. Ami-arson Bros., 2d and Jefferson. SELL CHEAP Two-horse covered spring wagon or will exchange for work horse or light farm wagon. 163 .j E. 0th, cor. Belmont, upstairs. TO EXCHANGE Express wagon for farm wagon, stnadard t;aui?e. Address 135 Kil lingsworth ave., room 14. BAND SAW 30-inch Silvers bank saw, complete, for sale cheap. Main 2802. Col. Carriage & Auto Works. 200 Front st. MUST sell pood, serviceable farm team, new farm wagon and harness. 1007 E. Stark st. Trial allowed. BROWN gelding. 5 years old. heavy boned, weight 12'K); absolutely sound and true; $125. 241 Jefferson st. STABLE room to let. modern and sanitary, also 5-room house 62 E. 27th and Oak sts. Main 3843. BAY mare, 6 years old; weighs 1250; sound; hooks single and double; $125. 241 Jef ferson st. TRAVELING wagon with all conveniences for pleasure. See this on? before buying. Call at 11th and Flanders. MARE and horse cheap; good for ranch work. E. 35th st. N. Alameda district. B car. Ye 'low house in orchard. WILL sell gentle horse weighing 900 lbs., buggy and harness, for $85. Call at 200 Union ave., cor Clay. PA I R gray geldings 5 years old, weight 290; good boned and feet, good style and true; bargain. 241 Jefferson. THREE work mares, weight 1200 to 1300 Ihs.. fat a nd good workers. $05 to $100. 110 Iowa st. Take F car. WANTED To rent gentle team of horses with option of buying; must weigh 1200 to 1500. A. G. Mcpherson, Dole. Wash. NICE combination saddle and driving horse, sound, gentle and very stylish ; come and see him. Anderson Bros., 2d, Jefferson. BAY MARE, 3 years, weight 1400; can be seen at 00 East 12th st. North, till 9:30 A. M. every morning except Sunday. NICE pony, weight 750, sound and good saddler, for $30. Inquire 290 Union ave., cor. Clay. FIVE head of good young horses and mares .1ust off the farm; also wagons and harness. 2iO h.. tn st. PONY, cart and harness, $40. 270 E. 7th Etreei. TEAM of gray chunks and heavy harness. $1 75. Front ana iiarKet, DEAL) horses and cattle hauled away free. Tabor 42t'3. STALLS for rent, reasonable. 432 Gold smith St., or phone East 5607 GOOD ttain. 2900 lbs., cheap. J. H. Mc Mahon. 1263 Division 1st. WANTED A good cheap farm team, har ness and wagon. A 1- Hi. oregonian, FOR SALE CHT5AP. good farm or delivery horse. Metropolian Markt. East 2S6 FINE, gentle family horse and buggy. H. E. Pease. Main st.. uer-is. V K R Y c hea p ; new eel i very wa ','(ia and meat slir-er. 103 Foster road, Lents. Or. CHEAP farm team, now wagon and harness at a r.-arain. iv-. c. lamniu s. 4 MARES, all ! foal by imported stallion; 3 blacks, encap. z-t 1 jeneraon sx. $45 BUYS good 34 wagon, OM HiLkorj Tiake. Lau n;acKsmun, a 1 1 . inn. SOME good farm or draft teams. Call be fore 10 A. M. or artor s P. m. Tabor 2i32 $35 P. U S s ood 1 tOO - J b. w orl: ho rse i P good oraer. j- i. 1 nion nve. $S5 1400-POUND 7-year-old fat horef.; lit tle street sore. 149 in. union ave. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Hawthorne ave.. Phone East 72, B 130ft. FOR SALE Brown mare, seven years old. weighs 1200 lbs.; kind and very gentle; good, free driver and very steady lor light farming; am leaving town and have no further use for her. Can be seen at Kramer's Riding School, 16th and Jeffer son sts. BLACK team geldings, weight 8200; well mated, guaranteed in every way, $450; one bay good farm horse, weight 1175, $65; one black mare, good driver, toppy, $100 ; one sorrel, weight 1000; good saddle and good driver, $75; one dark bay mare, good farm horse. $45. 505 Alder. A GUARANTEE by a firm established 30 year means something. We buy, sell or exchange horses of all descriptions. Satisfaction guaranteed. Frazier He McLean Stables, 5th and Taylor sts. DON'T forget it costs no more to feed a good horse than it does to feed a poor horse. The initial investment is small compared to the trouble and expense ot trying to build up an old cripple. We only have good horses to sell. Kramer' a Riding School, 16th and Jefferson. GOOSENECK wagons; we have just three left; we will sell these at a bargain; if you are In the market, come and see ua. We will give terms to responsible people. Col. Carriage & Auto Works, 209 Front si. Main 2S'J2. HORSES WANTED. Good team to 1100 pounds each; will trade a good lot worth $350; no stove-up or old animals will be considered; come In and get full Information. 432 Chamber of Commerce. GENTLE 1250-lb. roan mare, agd 10, at your price; sore in front foot, but good in country roads ; this brood mare goes a t any reasonable oifer. Cull Sundays or evenings at stable, 200 ft. back of 511 N. 21st st. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO. selis on commission horses, mules, vehicles and harness. Auction sales every Monday and Friday 10 A. M. Private sales dally. 240 East 8th st., near Hawthorne. East 6315. FOR SALE AVell-establishcd tranfer and storage business; good route and plenty customers; must sell at once ; good rea sons to sell. Call Monday morning', 26 7 nth st. MY NEXT auction Bale will be held Tues day, March 31. Those who have horses or other livestock to sell will please write for terms. My last sale was a success. S. E. Kramer, 16th ana Jefferson sts. FOR SALE One well-watched young team, weighing 2300 lbs,; one team of blacks, and 6 years old, weighing 3000 lbs.; one team of horses weighing 2'JO lbs. 22ti Russell. MAN and team wanted for farm work and clearing in Portland suburbs; might buy good farm team. McCoy. 21S3 East Stark. Altamead car to end, 4 blocks north, 1 east. 5-YEAR-OLD horse, about 1400 lbs., very gentle and works single and double: can be bought very cheap. Van Horn Trans. Co.. 42 1st st. NOTICE J. Cohen stables removed from 546 Front st. to 3S1 Water St., rentinc horses and wagons with or without license for $1.25 per day. Main 220$. MUST SELL THESE HORSES. They are ready for work. Team, weight 2500. price $10 ; team, weight 2 200, price $120; there are some others, low prie. 2T.4 East Water. $1S5 SPAN brown geldings, about 8 and 9, weight 2300, with harness. Riht off ranch. Will work in all harness. Can be tried. Call at 290 Union ave., cor. Clay. FOR SALE cheari Will sacrifice my fine buggy to make room for automobile. Call 604 E. 22d st. S., or phone iSelluood lo:;o. XH'G family driving horse, weil I. red i.mi three years old; rubber-tired buny ami harness: ull in good roniiiiioii. IIS N. Union ave. FOR SALE, cheap, chestnut horse i yrs. old and weighs 12u0 lbs. ; also 2-horse covered wagon. 1C3 E. 9th, cor. Belmont, upstairs. HORSES FOR SALE. -S E. 7TH ST. NORTH. I'innoM, Organs and Musical InMrumcmtt. THREE beautiful phiyer pianos model; sell Monday at wholesale to the first who call for them. These players are absolutely new and of best quality but slightly soiled In a manner that we cannot use in our wholesale trade ; terms. E. H. HOLT PIANO Co., Wholesalers. 2U 7, 2 .N Se II f n 1,' B ' 11 FREE $400 PIANO. A sample piano to fce placed with one responsible arty In 100 towns in Oregon and Washington. If you wish to own one of these hish-grade pianos, WRITE To DA V. Address ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 2U7-20S selling bldg. WHOLESALE sample piano, used for dem onstration; will sell Monday at $167; terms to responsible buyer. E. H. HOLT PIANO CO. Wholesaler) 207. 208 Selling Bldg. HEAR the new wonderful Edison disc phon ograph. No needles to chuiipe ; perfect ! v natural tone. Send for cataio;. e sell on easy terms. Hyatt Machine Co. 350 Alder. PIANO, high-grade. cabinet grand, oak case, excellent tone, cost $45" ; I loaned $125 on this piano and will take S12" cash. 319 Failing bids. WILL pay cash for good SS-note plaer piano; state make, age and price; al.- where piano can be seen. Address N 772. Oregonian. PLAYER PIANO. Almost new, cost 5$00 : music cost J 10: all, $:0O cash, $350 terms responsible party. F. S'ti, Oregonian. PIANO REPAIRING. T U N I N G And reftnLshed; expert player, chans from 65 to SS-note. 44t Stark st. Phone Main 447S. Estimates free. WANTED Secona-hand SS-note player piano; state make, years used, price and number of rolls of music in first letter. H 770.. Oregonian. FOR SALE Orchestra music library; also collection of comic opera scores, majority Gilbert and Sullivan ; reasonable. S. N. Stuckey, Aberdeen, Wash. FIRST-CLASS slightly used Home Phono graps and 100 new two-minute records, onlv $1S,75. $7 down, $2.50 monthly. Hvatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE Square piano, in good condi tion; will trade for light runabout. Wood lawn 1453. ELECTRIC PIANO, cost $4S0; use 2 years; is in fine condition. $85 cash. 262 V Stark st. ON account of illness in my home I will sell my slightly used piano reasonable. E 801. Oregonian. VICTROLA, used slightly; records, from the best singers; easily worth $150; $60. Main 1553. FOR SALE $50O player piano, $100 cash ; must s"M; small payment per month. Call Mondav. C. W. C 50 E. 13th st. X. BEAUTIFULLY carved golden oak Ludwig piano, perfect condition; cost -iuu; leaving city: sacrifice for $150. S 700. Oregonian. CELLO for alc; In good condition. J S3G. Oregonirtn. SHL'BERT piano in fin condition, cheap ior casn. Aaures t t. logt, Bird-, Pet Stock. PERSIAN cats, valuable breeding stock, for sale at Stud Emperor Mahomet, A. C. A.. No. 2017. White, deep blue eyes, sound hearing. 1070 E. 32d st. Woodlawn 2275 BOSTON TERRIERS Two fine females soon in season : real bargains if taken quick ; see them today. 5S6 East 12th North, near Knott. Phone East 6223. BELGIAN HARES. Pedigreed and utility breeding stock. Young's Babbitry, P. O. Box 61, Portland. Or. ST. BERNARD pup. male. It months, hand some animal, weight ISO pounds; owner leaving city. Phone Tabor 1275. EDISON mimeocraph in first-class shape. Price. $25. 301 Phoenix bid?., 5th and Oak sts. Phone Main 3347. SEVERAL Boston terrier puppies, brood bitches and stud dogs. East 14th at Mor rison. AIREDALE, Wyndhill Romeo; just arrived from the East; winner of 31 first prlzoe; at stud. 05 N. th, Portland. Or. TWO beautiful solid orange kittens. fi months old; splendid outcross for "Dan delion stock." Sell. 1607. ENGLISH bulldog, female, about year old sell cheap or exchange for fox terrier. Sylvan Farm. Dundee. Or. WILL TRADE 1 0 acres of good land fir roadster of $S50 value. See owner, 513 Worcester bldg. AIIiDALES. Ch. Red Raven at stud. Kenneis. EitacadB. Or. Furniture For Sale. 6 ROOMS, high-grade furniture; nearly new. 5R7 E. Alder. CH I FFON I ER. w it h duh!e glass, perfect condition; one larire Brussels rug. A 4300. t- I'HNiTl'lu: :;-roo!'.i flat tor rent, cheap. E. Cuch FOR SALE Three splendid full bedroom suites, nearly new. at 574 E. Salmon. FVRMTrni' f a tt-rc.om houso cheap for cat-h. 4:: X. V r:oOD J'' ms an T f"nin"-r"om cheap. 1C94 Patton ave. Phone East 264.