- Magazine Section SECTION SIX Pages 1 to 8 NO. 9. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORXIXG. MARCH 1,191 VOL. XXXIII. 1 1 ' . i . ; ; - ; ; V v. V ' ' - :. r CHtii--,,!! miUm,J ' I.jl jim ijii i-- r i i . i :nir ii u i , 'I . , , 1 ' """"""' "''" ,"" GRADING THE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY NEAR MULTNOMAH FALLS TEN beautiful waterfalls, four of Which are not visible from the railroad or wagon road, will be brought to view with the completion, expected not later than next August of the Columbia Highway from Portland to Hood River. The new highway, which is being built of enduring material and on the best scientific lines, will pass close to the foot of Dalton Falls over an artistic arched bridge. This waterfall, 30 miles from Portland, cannot be seen at present from any road. Many other wonders will be brought to view by the new road, among them the recently discovered Sphinx, whose majestic stone features cover 500 feet of cliff. $ " J, s . ' . t- " 1 - . . i ji ' 1 ' 1 'M1 " "" i j ' ' n: -'f-' "'ill H : 1 1 J II' A , j I --v..':;Vv U lA s- Y , I r v F "4 fi I jCHr i 4- 4. -!f5?r , . . . , r in , - c-i'- 4 : ' r -- i&fmi& r.-- il "v- v.ii N i1 rsS ' - - ::&&yw&-'$ ill '