The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 01, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 30

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AGENTS titOD canvassing. Advertise D:
llall'a "Sexual Knowledge" and "Eugen
lcs" and our other books and Bibles, and
see the dollars come in every mall. Enor
mous demand everywhere. "We received
orders, SI orders, $si)ti cash from ow
trial advertisement, making over 2u0 pei
cent prout. See our advertisement
magazines. Let us show you' how to get
some of these dollars, as others are doing.
One received 23 mail orderH tne n:s
three days; another orders li'-i first order.
Join us and get your share of this success,
"We furnish electros and circulars with
your name and address, and mail books,
postpaid, to your purchasers. Order as
you i:et orders. Don't have to Invest
cent to carry stock.. Get our New Flan for
Auents and Mail Order Dealers. inter
national Bible House. Dept. S, Jtith and
Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa.
N established manufacturer of mechanical
and atrencv specialties, nas a number ui
permanent, temporary and side-line po
sitions ODen In your locality. Agents, gen
erni a sents. salesmen and district man'
agers are needed. The line consists of
several new, high-class, 3-year-guaranteed
Beneiiel products and sells to all classes
ana occupations in cities, email towns nu
rural districts. Experience not required,
as distribution is made in a new way ana
there is no competition. This is an unusual
opportunity for anyone with limited cap
ital to get into business paying from $33
weeKiy to uw yeany net ptoww. "
guarantee vour success and give you
credit if needed. Send name and address
at once for full particulars to CHAS. E.
BENEFIEL CO.. Inc., C-2 Industrial blag.
Indianapolis. '
OXO-GAS portable lamps. 30 days' free
trial ; 350-candle power of brilliant llgh
for 5c a week; no wicks to trim; n
chimnevs to break: a necessity, not lux
ury; scientific combination of kerosene
vapor with oxygen, producing most won
oertul and economical light in world
every user a booster for repeat sales; big
money ior rename wonters ; exclusive
franchises granted. Gloria Light Com
pany, 1272 Washington blvd., Chicago, 111.
FIFTY cents (in quantities) buys full-size
compressed air clothes washer, weign
onlv 2 nounds. Women crab it at $l.uu
$00 per cent profit. Thoroughly cleans tub
of clothes 3 minutes. Washday no longer
dreaded. Mrs. Marrick earned $90 first 3
weeks; 14-year-old Kansas boy made $55.40
outside school hours during beptemoer.
tend for catalogue today, get your county
rlht; It's free. Wendell Washer Co., 128
oak. Leipsic, o.
BUSTLING man or woman representative
in each locality, IS to OO years of age. To
join this society, introduce our meraoer
ships. Part or full time. $50 to $500
month. rvery member you recommend
gives you steady income each month
thereafter. Honorable, dignified en&aga
xuent. Experience is not required. Only
one appointment each locality; hurry be
first to apply. Write I-L-U, 1251, Cov
ington, Ky.
10 TO $25 a day for hustler having bust
ncss ability and some capital to operate
and sen electric automatic corn popping
machines: dron nickel in slot, machine
pops corn, delivers bag, salt and butter.
Attach to electric current anywhere, no
attendant required. Write at once for
exclusive teritory. Bullls Automatic
vending- Co., Hi N. Dearborn, Chicago.
x"OC are looking, for me, you are seeking op
portunity to connect with large manufac
turing concern, selling through exclusive
agencies line or gooas in Dig aemana;
proposition can make money with right
from start, has unlimited opportunity for
future development, l have it, write me.
Manager, dept. 40. 1336 W. Bancroft, To
ledo. O.
400 PElt CENT profit or your money back!
"riarpoon castor tor every Kind of iur-
niture, slides without wheels; only castas,
that does not and cannot come out. Every
2 cents yields JO cents for agents, who
can make $12 to $40 a week. Special of
fer this monttt only. Harpoon caster Co.,
Terminal bldg-, Hoboken, N. J.
WAKE $30 to $6o weekly Belling our new
auu-candie-power gasoline tame and tiims
Ing lamp, for homes. stores. halls.
churches; no wick, no chimney, no mantle
trouble; costs 2c per night; exclusive ter
ritory; we loan you sample. Sunshine
Safety Lamp Co., lo3f Factory bldg., Kan
saa City, Mo. &
START NOW! In a business that can be
operated from home; spare time to begin;
possibilities unlimited ; fortunes made;
field now greater than ever before: no
canvassing, capita! or experience re
quired. Write now for literature, tells
how to establish business and become your
own boss. ai. i. bmitn, Orm, v astx.
We have a brand new proposition and
want a first-class man to take charge ot
our portrait and trame business in his
local county, no capital required. stg op
portunity to right man. Send age and ref
erence today for full particulars. Miley
btumos, 422 Minor mag.. Kansas City, mo.
WE furnish you capital to run profitable
1 business of your own; become one of our
local representatives, sell high-grade custom-made
shirts, also guaranteed sweat
ees, underwear, hosiery and neckties, di
rect to homes. Write Steadfast Mills,
Dpt. 1. Cohoes, N. Y.
WE start you in business, furnishing every
thing; men and women, $30 to $200 week
ly operating our "new system specialty
candy factories' home or small room any
where; no canvassing. Opportunity life
time; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., box S,
East Orange, N. J.
AGENTS wanted, agents are coining money
selling our big 10c packages of 20 assort
ed postal cards, 4'5000 varieties' "big
profits." Sells everywhere at sight. Sam
ple package 10c. Particulars free. Sullivan
Card Co., 1234 Van Buren st. Chicago,
HUSTLING man or woman representative
in each locality, part or full time, $50 to
$500 month; every customer secured gives
you steady monthly Income; experience not
required ; only one appointment each lo
cality; hurry, be first to apply. Write
T-L-IT, 1211) Covington, Ky.
AGENTS Salary or commission. Greatest
seller yet. Every user pen and ink buys on
sight: 200 to 500 per cent profit. One
agent's sales $620 In six days; another $32
In two hours, Monroe Mfg. Co., X44, La
Crosse, Wis.
HONEST man wanted in each town to dis
tribute free advertising premiums; $15 a
week to start; experience unnecessary;
references required. Address McLean,
Black & Co., 232 N. Beverly St., Boston,
6TATE agents, big crew men very best
.store novelty placed on market; agents
are meeting with phenomenal success
throughout country: only those financially
able to conduct state agency need answer.
Cniversal Tape Moistening Co.. Cincinnati.
SELL rich-looking, imported 3x6S rugs, $1
each; Carter, Tenn.. sold 115 4 days,
profit $57. You can do same. Write sam
oi offer selling plan; exclusive territory;
sample rug, parcel post, prepaid, 98 cents.
Kotidan, Importer. Stonington, Maine.
MAKE your own whisky. Universal Import
Coast Agency. Stamps for information.
P.nx 1170. Portland.
rEA D ones make bf g money; stamp for
particulars. AV 6S, Oregonian.
FLAT WANTED Younp couple wants 4
rmm furnished flat. East or West Side;
reasonable price. B 77". Ore go n i a n.
MORE than 150 people are on our waiting
list for places at from $20 to $150 per mo.
Particularly want houses in Irvington,
I.aurelhurst, Rose City, Hawthorne or
pood West Side locations. If good mod
ern places, worth the price asked, wj
want them and can rent them, eitner
furnished or unfurnished. Main 5423 or
A 7017.
Title & Trust bldg.
Summer cottages at Seaside, Or., to
rent for season. F. H. Laighton. Seaside,
WANTED A house with at least 4 bed
rooms, at Seaside, Oregon, for the next 6
months; state price and location. G 770,
i iregonian.
WANTED to rent on March 7 by man and
wife, a small house or bungalow, pre
ferably one with garage ; must be neut,
clean and reasonable. X 756. Oregon Jan.
FOUR or 5-room bungalow or cottage Mt.
Scott car preferred; rent $12 or $14. AT
7i5, Oregonian.
WANTED Modern, well furnished house,
responsible, couple. East Side or Heights
preferred. AV 913. Oregonian.
VAXTFjD To rent six or seven-room mod
ern house, Irvington district; no children.
A J 761, Oregonian.
WAN TED to rent small furnished cottage ;
rent must be reasonable. E..H. Matthews,
511 Morrison st.
WANTED 7 or S-room house in good con
dition, with garden lot and room for
chickens. AC 77-. Oregonian.
Fl'RXTSHED bouse or apartment. small
family adults: close in, best references;
prompt pity; reasonable. F SOS. Oregonian.
VACANT house. S or 10-room house "9 pre
ferred), close in; reasonable rent. Call
MimhalP ".S24.
4 OK .".-room modern bungalow
by yoVig
counle: Hawthorne, Sunny side. Rose
Park or Irvington district. East
TO i -ROOM unfurnished apartment, give
location, price and service. AM 772, Ore
gonian. roin-ROOM lower unfurnished modern
flnt, near ISth and Marshall. L 7!S, Ore
gon lan.
HOFSE, with garden, chicken yard and fruit.
East 3161. 054 Maple st.
WANTED Desirable bungalow, Irvington.
Main "001. Mr. K. Phone Monday.
HAVE clients for all kinds house. P. E.
Lamar. 502-8 Lumbermens bldg.
MODE RN bungalow with 1 or more acres.
30 minutes out east. 22 Aina worth bldg.
SMALL, nicely furnished apartment wanted
by refined couple; must be reasonable to
permanent tenant and not far from Busi
ness section; references. W 780, Orego
nian. Rooms.
GENTLEMAN requires board and room with
private family ; reierences. V. Dorange,
I14S Morrison st.
A YOUNG man wishes furnished room wth
breakfast, closo to water-trout. Ai 740,
GENTLEMAN wantJ good. comfortable,
warm room, private family prefurreo ; state
price. AK 710, Oregonian.
2 OK 3 unfurnished rooms, clean and light,
with bath and back yard, on East Side.
K 714. Oregonian.
WILL give voice and piano lessons for fur
nished room. East 40U9.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED By young man, board and room
in strictly private family, within walking
distance. West Side. Give phone number.
R 70S, Oregonian.
EVENING meal in private home; must be
near 21st and Flanders sts. Main 2180
Business I'lacett.
WANTED A small suburban store with liv
ing rooms In back: rent not more than
HO a month. V 7tJ5, Oregonian.
WANT deskroom or office space in Yeon or
Selling bldg.; must have both phones; per
manent; furnished or unfurnished. Ad
dress F 7SS, Oregonian..
FURNISHED Also unfurnished; very suita
ble lor gentlemen. Karani bldg., 1st and
Pine sts.
FOR RENT Front small hail room and
connecting sleeping porch. 30(5 12th st.
Furnished Rooms.
Room and private bath, $1.50. 2, $2.50
per day; room and bath privileges. $1,
$1.00, $2 per day; same rate for one or
two persons In a room; weekly and month
ly rates are reasonable. Figure up your
room rent and carfare, then get our price
for a desirable room; both telephones, not
and cold running water, clothes closet.
steam heat and a fireproof hotel, modern
and clean in every respect. "Bus meets
trains and bgats.
733 Washington St.,
Cor. Lucretia Place.
Under new management, large, pleasant
rooms; phone, hot and cold water in every
room; 30 private baths; rates, $j.o per
month up. Main 623.
West Park and Morrison Sts.
Affording all the conveniences of a mod
ern hotel ; located in the heart of the
theater and shopping districts; $1 per
day and up. Special rates by the week
and month.
4 th. iriay. 4tu.
Nicely furnished rooms; homelike, re
spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold
water, private baths; Winter 's.tes, $3 per
week and up; special attention given to
tourists; give us a call; you will like it,
for you get your money's worth Mid then
Eleventh, between Morrison .and Yamhill.
70 clean and quiet rooms, with ever
modern convenience; rates single or double.
Daily detached bath $1. private $1.50
Weekly detached bath $5, private $(1.00
Corner 12th and Washington; steam
heat, hot and cold running water, pri
vate and detached baths; single, $3; suite
2 rooms, $6.
Washington st. at 13th.
50c per day and up; weekly $3 and up.
Special monthly rate. Phones, bath, steam
FOR Y. M. C A. MEMBERS Furnished
rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build
ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club
facilities; special rates at cafeteria. Cor
ner 0th and Taylor sts.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 20th and Washing.
ton sts. Elegantly locaieu, new, moaern.
clean, quiet; outside rooms; private or
public bath. $2.50 week up; same f"r one
or two rersons.
124 14th St., cor. Washington Nicely fur
nished rooms; strictly modern; rates 3.o
week and up. Marshall 1470.
HOTEL EDWARDS Grand ave. and East
Belmont Rooms month up, -TJ.;0 up
with private hath ; large, pleasant lobby ;
absolutely a respectnble hotel. East 32.
HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh t- New,
modern brick building, steam heatea. pri
vate baths, hot and cold water; comforta
bly furnished; transients sollciced.
LARGE front double room, steam heat, run
ning water, large closet, parlor, p nones,
14th, near Taylor. Phone Main 1153 .
OUNG man rooming at Y. M. C. A. wants
roommate to reduce rooming expenses. In
quire Y. M. C. A., 6th and Taylor.
Strictly modern; private baths; en suite;
rooms $:i,50 up. Main 472, A 4783.
THE RANDOLPH, cor. Sd and Columbia
Furnisbed rooms, steam neat, hot and cold
water, bath; $2 week up.
Nicely furnished rooms, day or week.
THE WESTONIA, West Park, near Morri
son; modern conveniences; newly rurnished
25 11TH ST., The Lendora, clean furnished
rooms, reasonable.
Furnished Room in Private Families.
$8 NIOE modern room with sleeping porch,
$10. 3S4 College st. Marshall 2:;J.
SLEEPING rooms from
$l.5 to
week. 195 N. 17th st.
PLEASANT home on Portland Heights for
young lady. AO i$2, uregonian.
LIGHT outside room in apartment-house;
all conveniences. Marshall 4 1
$10 HANDSOMELY furnished
room. 434
JUth st. Main 3296.
LIGHT, airy rooms, walking distance, bath.
neat. 414 aiarKet st. .Main ;jui.
ICE front rooms, plenty heat and hot
water, reasonable rent. 6S1 Glisan st.
NICE warm clean roomj), private home,
week and up. -6 Vj North 10th.
$10 NEATLY furnished front room, all con
veniences, nrepiace. .s.i rarK st.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in good
home; reference; Nob Hill. i33 Johnson st.
ROOMS $2 and $3, heat, bath and phone;
walking distance. 3-.t l-tn et.
FRONT room, clean
and cheerful; moderate
2 (iS 12th st.
448 TAYLOR Nice, large front mom, suit
able for 2; small front room, $.
BUNGALOW Lower floor, fireplace.
very reasonable. il. Glisan st.
LEAN furnished room cheap.
fi E. 8th.
JO ELY furnished room. $7-50
Rich. car. UJH Caruthf rs st.
INK furnishings, large windows, east, mod
ern. r0t Belmont. E. 3tMS.
NEWLY furnished front room, $10 ;
Lincoln High. ne-j1 Park st.
NICE sleeping-room, free phone, heat, bath.
nTS Irving st. Phone Main fiois.
URN'ISHED rooms with or without board.
2Wt 10th st.
PRIVATE family, nicely furnished room.
heat, bath and phone. 7! Hoyt st.
NICELY furnished room, close in. walking
aistance, private xamny. ;yt w eft park.
FURNISHED steam-heated
room. Marl-
borough Apts. Apt 33.
LARflE room, very desirable, $15 month.
Apt. "4 uezenuort apts., 20S Kith st.
LARGE front room in new home, breakfast
and dinner if desired, r 814, Oregonian.
1ITH ST.. the Lendora Clean
nished rooms, reasonable.
28 E. CLAY, between 11th and 12th, 2 fur
nished front rooms. f. per month.
EWLY furnished front room, close in and
reasonable. 401 Broadway.
MODEKN room. 2 in family; gentleman
preferred. B 2-S3H.
$10 AND $12 Steam-heated furnished
rooms, bath, pnone. t.o.j't. Glisan st.
NICELY furnished room for bachelor.
NICELY furnished front room suitable for
or 2 gentlemen. 414 Salmon.
N EWLY furnished front room, private fam
ily, ..iii per week. 13th.
LARGE, light, comfortable front room,
home comforts, cheap. 442 3d st.
FURNISHED. $10. large room, kitchenette,
porch, walking distance. 507 E. Wash.
WELL furnished front room, $fi month;
light, heat, suitable for two. 701 Savier.
furnished steening
$S and $10. 1 11th
NICELY furnished room. 218 NorUi 2uth.
J. O. GILLEN, Pres.
pacific Witt anb Umpplp Company
PORTLAND, OREGON, Feb. '27, 1914
Oregonian Advertising Dept.,
Please insert the inclosed ads in Sunday's
paper. We also wish to mention we have been get
ting splendid results from our Classified ads in
your papsr. If our returns continue to be the same
in the future, as they have been in the past, we
hop9 to increase our space considerable.
Yours respectfully,
PacificTire & Supply Co
Furnished Rooms In Private Families.
A LADY, having a lovely homo in Piedmont,
minutes noe irom w aanineiuo
wishes 2 ladies, employed during the day
to share It at $25 per month. X 751, Ore
LARGE, beautifully furnished front room.
hot or cold water: two closets, alcove,
built-in drawers, four windows; private
porch, walking distance; west Side. Main
NEWLY furnished, bright, sunny rooms,
Every modern convenience; splendid loca
tion, two blocks off Washington fit. Easy
walking distance. Reasonable. A 119,
Marshall 5542.
ELEGANTLY rurnished room in a swell pri
vate home ; first-class board if desired ;
suitable for two young men, 71 Trinity
Place. ,
NEWLY" furnished room, 2 east windows,
large closet, all modern conveniences;
East Side, walking distance. Phone Sell
wood 9S9.
FURNISHED ROOM free to lady who will
stay with children few evenings a week,
or board cheap for light assistance.
Phone East 4 74.
MOTHER and daughter, alone, wish some
nice people to share a 5-room apartment;
piano; everything first-class; close iu;
would give board. East Oi.jO.
VERY desirable single and double rooms.
not water ueat, pnone, batn, piano, large
lawn and porch. Close in. !i55 11th st.
WEST PARK, fine room for one or two
gentlemen, in modern home, sleeping
porch. Marshall 4216 forenoon.
MODEKN front rooms,
apartments. Marshall
near 2itd.
NEWLY furnished room for gentleman, id
modern fiat, with private family; home
privileges. Main 8fi2S. 4G4 Jefferson.
SLEEPING porch, also small room; reason-
aoie; aesiraoie location. iiu tioyt, juarsoaii
NEWLY furnished front rooms, suitable for
two; modern conveniences, reasonable.
SSU Broadway.
CLEAN, warm furnished rooms with all
modern conveniences, single or en suite,
$1.50 up. 262 12th st.
CHOICE furnished room, gentlemen, modern
Dome, waiKing aistance; reierences. oo
Lucretia st.
LIGHT sleeping room, everything new,
double bed, bath, phone, walking distance.
346 Clay, near Broadway.
ROOMS, $2.."0, $-J per week; nice and clean;
steam heat, bath any time, phone. 4j
Columbia bU
BRIGHT, nicely furnished room for rent in
modern house, with board. Home cook
ing. Phone Main 61 8.T.
WILL rent to a gentleman a nicely fur
nished light room at a reasonable price.
Call 441 11th st.
FINELY furnished rooms, all conveniences,
use of parlor and piano. 434 Mill. St.,
cor. 12th.
420 JEFFERSON Desirable room, reason
able; kitchen- if desired; also one room,
$1.50 week; excellent board next door.
PRIVATE FAMILY Sleeping-porch, walk
ing distance, phone, heat and baths; rea
sonable. Main "if 19.
COMFORT A'BLE, airy room, good accom
modations, reasonable, central. 680 Ev
erett st.
FURNISHED room, near car and Mult
nomah Club; breakfast if required. Main
FURNISHED room suitable for 1 or 2 ladies;
disappearing wall bed; 6 blocks from P. O.
Caii Main 6S19.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished steam - heated
room for refined party in private family.
Fordham Apts., 23d and Wash. Mar. 1H40.
LARGE front room, with closets; also small
room; electricity, phone, bath, piano;. good
new furniture ; reasonable. 475 Morrison.
TWO girls in West Side steam-heated
apartment, wish to share with another;
gladly exchange references. Main t&38.
252 u S. BROADWAY, near Main at., cosy
front room, for gentleman; bath and
PLEASANT room, with bath, modern house,
walking distance. 206 Grand ave. N., cor
ner Multnomah. C 2.s3.
DEZEXDORF APTS. Nice front room, all
conveniences, walking distance. Call Mar
shall 2407.
VERY desirable, neat, clean, comfortable
rooms and reasonable. 093 Glisan near
ROOM and sleeping porch at new home In
Laurelhurst. Rate reasonable. Call Tabor
LARGE nieely furnished room; bath, coiir
Meeting phone, electric lights. 311 Fifth,
near Columbia.
MODERN furnished front room, suitable for
man and wife or to men. Investigate. 520
Everett Et.
FURNISHED room, all modem conveniences,
near Wash. 34 N. lRh st.
BooniN With Board,
ONE elegantly furnished outside corner
front room, with all modern conveniences
and comforts of a home, including 2 good
meals daily; suitable for 2 persons. Only
$5 per month each. 1S1 17th St., cor
ner Yamhill.
ltth and Jefferson Streets.
An excellent residential hotel; attractive
rates to transients or permanent quests.
M;tin !2S:i. A 6628.
3S Montgomery St., at West Park Mod
ern conveniences; rooms with or without
bath ; excellent table service; reasonable
rn-tes for regular or transient guests.
. A residential hotel; large sun porch;
rooms with or without baths; home cook
ing; table board a specialty.
BUSINESS women and students will find
good board and room, $4 and $4.50 week.
Portland Women's Union, 510 Flanders.
THE HAZEL Now changed to family bo
te!; special rates; strictly home cooking
.'IS:! ad st. Phone Main 7094.
735 EVERETT, large, well furnished rooms,
all conveniences, home privileges, good ta
ble. Main 6316.
ELEGANT rooms, facing the park;
claws table board. 374 Park st.
Kooms With Board In Private FamilieN,
ROOM and board. 332 10th St.. walking dis
tance. Phone Main C97!, A 2St5.
BABY or child to board in my borne by
mother; best of care. Mar. 3499.
A REAL HOME for two business people.
Irvington. Phone East 3220.
l..r0 WEEK, clean front room, quiet home;
close In. 292 10th.
ROOM with bath and board in elegant home
469 Clay.
FINE prUate home, open to young men.
Main 739S.
SOUTHERN family, home cooking, easy
walking distance. West Side. 694 Everett.
:;OOM8 with board, 389 Taylor t.
G.N. SMITH, Mgr.
Rooms With Board is Private Families.
TWO very desirable rooms, one large, suit
able for two ladies or gentlemen, with
board, in private family; good home cook
ing; all modern conveniences; few min
utes' walk to West Side; price reasonable.
2S East 9th st. North. Phone East 6013.
ATTRACTIVELY furnished, steam heated
front room, suitable for two young ladies,
excellent board, and home privileges; every
convenience, very homelike, easy waLking
distance, on West Side. Rates very rea.
sonable. Phone Marshall 24.iS.
TIRED of hotel life, have rented large
house; would like a, few gentlemen room
ers who want a real home and good home
cooking; music, pleasant evenings; close
In. 440 3d st. Phone A 30t7.
LARGE, lovely furnished front bedroom In
strictly modern home of private family
of 3, including breakfast and dinner, and
all home conveniences, for $22.50 to a gen
tleman of good habits. AJ 7oti. Oregonian.
UST opened, nice little boarding-house,
close-in. good locality. 105 E. 11th at. S.
Pleasant home, fine rooms, large closets.
Southern cooking. Prices reasonable.
Large front room, furnace, fireplace,
piano, laundry privileges, 12 minutes' walk
to P. O. $25 month. 411 10th st.
LARGE,- airy front room with or without
board, suitable for one or two; 1 small
room, modern home, close in. Marshall
4410. 474 Salmon.
WANTED Little girl to board, good subur
ban home, best of care, washing, Ironing
and mending $10 month. Y 747, Orego
nian. WANTED To take care of 3 or 4 children
over 5 years of age, Jn country home, 4
mile from schoolhouse. For further infor
mation call Main 1076. Commercial Hotel.
WITH- refined family, modern home, busi
ness people to board or board and room;
( references; best home cooking; 10 min.
walk down town. l-'S N. 18th st.
FURNISHED rooms, 1 in room, $8 a month,
2 J12; room and breakfast, $15; room and
2 meals, $22.50; private home. Marshall
LADY alone would like man and wife to
board ; no children; prices reasonable;
more for company. 864 Vancouver ave.
Take "V" car to Shaver.
VERY pleasant front room, with board, easy
walking aistance, line neighborhood, moa
ern Conveniences; verj reasonable. Main
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with board,
suitable for 3; separate beds; use of piano
and home comforts; also sleeping porch.
Main 63M. lll 11th.
ROOM and board, $0 a week; 2 in room, $5
each. Free phone, bath a-nd heat. 326
East 1st st. X.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In refined
private family, modern, steam heat. Very
pretty home. Piano and home comforts.
Board if desired. References. East 6422.
FURNISHED room with or without board;
suitable for man and wife or 2 ladies. East
Side. Good neighborhood. Tabor u02n.
FOR RENT Room and board for children,
private home; good references. Tel. E.
S 3 67.
NICE, clean rooms, single or double,
or without board; walking distance,
at .V'O Couch st.
A NICE front room with board in private
family for two gentlemen. Phone East
4440. 353 Union ave. N
WIDOW woulu like lew gentlemen to room
and board; everything new and first-class.
32.". 13th.
DANDY, pleasant rooms, reasonable, home
privileges, board optional. 325 Broadway
West. Main 3994.
ROOM and board in lovely home, plenty of
hot Water, walking distance. 335 11th st.
Main 7265.
BOARD and room in private family for la
dies, $20. Rose City Park, & block carline.
Tabor 2109.
NICELY furnished room, excellent board,
in modern flat, walking distance, reason
able. A :i7o2. 54 i u 6th si.
WANTED A nice, bright girl to share
apartment ; tine location, very reasons hie.
Apartment 2. Phone .Main 41. A 6641.
NEWLY furnished room, excellent board,
reasonable, by widow with no children.
4:t .Teferson. Main 6746.
WOULD like to have one or two children to
care for. under .srhool age: good home
and reasonable. A 10 76:;. Oregonian.
CONGENIAL young lady wishes roommate;
good board, piano, home privileges; rea
sonable. 191 11th st. Phone Main 6 Sfc 1 .
LA ROE rooms, closet, fine place, running
water and good hoard. 575 Morrison t.
Phone Marshall 4923.
CONG EN I A L ouug ihhii wishes roommate.
Good board and homo comforts. Reason
able. 191 11th st. Main 63S1.
CONG EN I A L y oung lady wishes room male;
good board, piano, home privileges ; rea
sonable. 191 11th st. Phone Main 63S1.
FRONT room, reasonable rent, for I or 2.
All homo conveniences. 3;s 5th st. Mar
shall 367.
ROOM and board for one gentleman In up-to-date
private home. EasL 10 th and
Davis. B 1US2, East issn.
WANT child over 3 years old to
good home and reasonable. AO
care for,
NU, Ore-
N1CELY furnished, homelike rooms: board
and room. $25 to ?3U per month. 748 Love
joy near 23d. Phone Main 9267.
ROOM, with or wlthaut breakfast or room
and board, steam hefft and hot water, bath.
Phone East 6620. 240 E. 16th.
CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate.
Good board and home comforts. Reason
able. 191 11th st. Main 63SI.
A NICE front room for rent, with board,
in private family. 907 Gantenbein ave.
Take "U" car. get off at Skldmore st.
32S 10TH St.. well-furnished rooms,
cooked meals, prices reasonable.
BSTRO PARK, for young men. 455 13th.
FOOTHILL GRO VE. youn g ladies, M. T.3U9.
IF YOU are tired of hotel fare, looking
for a good home, No. 57 Trinity Place.
ROOMMATE for business girl, good board,
walking distance. 335 1 1th. Main 7265.
FU RNISHED rooms with board ; sleeping
porch. 3iii 1 1 tit et. Phone A 1636.
ROOMS, with board. 302 Park st.. corner
Columbia ; modem ; references exchanged.
JfTFtMSHED room with all comforts; board
if desired. 331 Montgomery.
ROOM and; board; good home cooking. 473
Muin st. Marshall 53D5.
ROOM and board, good home cooking, near
2 canines. 496 E. 27th st. S.
ARDMAY TERRACE, 395 32th st. Large 2
room apartments. Mrs. John Cran. mpr.
ROOM, board, two gentlemen, private home,
sleeping porch. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333.
r L it NISHED rooms with board,
f-rsnn. Ladles and gentlemen.
HOME In refined private famflv. with or HERMENIA. 4"0 Hall. 2 and 3 rooms; mod
without board; moderate. Mala 2327, era. Main 6444..
! TN H. CHAMBERS, Sec y and Treas.
Koointt With Board In private Families.
BOARD and room, with bath, for two; use
of sitting-room, sewing machine, laundry;
no objection to baby, or confinement case
nurse with references ; very reasonable.
Tabor 477S.
Fnrntt-hed Apartments.
12th and Taylor.
Most modern apartments on the Pacific
Coast; furnished complete.
Roof garden in connection.
Walking distance. References.
THE UPSHUR, 2oth and Upshur sts. Fur
nished 2-room apts.. $15, $1S up; steam
heat, hot and cold water in every apart
ment; public bath, electric lights, gas
ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take S,"
23d or "W" car north. Phone Main 3523.
Fifth and Columbia.
2 and 3-room apartments, furnished;
strictly modern and new; references; close
walking distance; service first-class.
570 Couch, one block from Washington,
walking distance, 2 and 4-room modern
apartments. all modern conveniences:
best of services; under new management;
reierences required. Main lina.
300 Williams ave., cor. Halsey; nicely
furnished 2 and 3-room housekeeping
apts., strictly modern; walking distance;
prices $20 to $30. Take U. car. Phone
East 3273
NEW YORK APTS. Newly furnished, very
central ; 2 and 3 rooms ; large kitchen ;
baths, heat, light and both phones; $10
to per montn ; also sleeping rooms.
East 7th and Belmont.
12th and Columbia.
The best two and three-room modern
furnished apartments In city; prices rea
sonable. Phone Marshall 25i3.
Corner Park and Taylor.
Best location in the city; a cosy home;
well furnished in 2, 3 and 4-roora suites;
first-class service.
iSEiu the Overton Apartments Furnished
and unfurnished; cheapest and best in the
city; private phone, bath and electric ele
vator; no inside rooms ; new manager.
Tnke W car. 273 21st and Overton.
THREE outsldo sunny rooms, with balcony.
piano. Ma Vila nd china, silverware, pic
tures, table and bed linen; West Side,
watking distance; beautiful view. Main
GRANDEPTA, East Stark and Grand ave.
Nw building, nicely furnished; private
phone and baths, automatic -elevator;
moderate prices; walking distance. Phone
East 2 US.
341 14th st., at Market.
New two and three-room apartments,
completely furnished ; walking distance;
prices reasonable. Phone Main 1739.
ONE and 2-rooui furnished housekeeping
apartments unci sleeping rooms, $1.50 per
week and up.
365 Stout, Corner Morrison.
3-room furnished apt., also 3-room fur
nished basement apt.; $5 per week. Main
10S2. A 110S.
208 Hith, near Taylor.
New and completely furnished 5-room
apt., all outside rooms, every modern
convenience, walking distance.
14th and Columbia.
Two. three and four-room apartments,
furnished. first-class : reasonable rates.
Main 7337. Home A 3615.
LAMBROOK APTS, 430 E. Yamhill 2-room
furnished apts., with lights, bath nnd
private phone. Also one unfurnished apt.
E. 135. B 3401.
H1SLOP HALL Hawthorne and E. 6th at.,
1, 2 and J -loom furnished, modern apart
ments; sei vice first-class, unexcelled car
service, or walking distance.
AM going away ; will rent my 3-room fur
nished apt. reasonable; high-grade fur
niture, Oriental rims, Ilaviland china.
Phone Marshall 1521.
THE A V A LON, nearest to Union Depot of
East Side apartments, 3 and 4 -room,
steam -heated, private bath and phone.
East 1967. 2S5 f'.oss St.
Park st. at Madison.
Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart
ments; rates reasonable.
Montgomery Apts., cor. 3d and Mont isoine r,
new, modern brick building; automatic
elevator; 2-room apts.. furnished complete.
10 nit, walk to P. O.; $20 to $:i0. m. 9466.
3 large furnished rooms, $22.50, In
cluding table and bed linen ; on carline.
See this sure. Tabor 2293. B 3041.
DEslRAFLK furnished and unfurnished
apts. and flats iu all parts of city. We will
locate you without charge. Portland Ren
tal Bureau. 5r2 Broadway bldg. Main 9493.
$?1 AND UP, all modern outside 2 and 3
room apts.. heat, electricity, hot and cold
water. phon- furnished.
; R E E X C O T E , 1 4 North Grand Ave.
Corner Eact Morrison and 7th sts.
Cosy, well furnihsrvl apartments, 2,
nnd 4 -room suites, $ 19 to $:9.
THE CHETOPA. ISth and Flanders 2, 3
and J -room modern apart men ts, urnishel
and unfurnished ; lots hot water and heat.
ANGELA APTS.. ,19 Trinity Place. 2, 3 and
4 -room modern apt. Marshall 1950, Apt.
12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart
ments; best service. Apply on premises.
THE LOIS. 70 4 Hoyt, nicely furnished l
room apartment; modern; references.
Marshall 2011.
ILLIHEH APTS. Pleasant outside 2-room
housekeeping suites, $20 and $23 per
month. Phone Main 9f'02.
2 AND 3-room flats, good location, every
convenience. across Broadway bridge.
344". Benton. Call 6 P. M.
GARDNER, cor. of 13th and East Ash,
large 3-room, with porch, vacant March
1 ; walking distance; references.
ONE furnished 2-room corner steam-heated
anartment; easy walking distance; only
$ 1 2. 56 month. 187 17th. near Yamhill.
New 2-room apt. ; light and gas In
cluded; $15 up. 201 Porter st. Main 7392
KEARNEY APTS., 5 rooms, light and airy,
furnished. Apply Janitor. 672 Kearney.
AND 4-room 'furnished or unfurnished.
The BJelland, A 1SH7, Main 18tf7. A 1S57.
Love jo v Apts.. 17th and Lovejoy. Main 215.
2 and 3-room furnished apts., reasonable.
ROSENFELD APT., 3 rooms, furnished or
unfurnished; rent reasonable. East 7"3.
20 Well furnished 3-room apartment ; pr)
vate bath. fi4S Thurman st. Main 30V.2.
Furnished Apurtmcnts.
Furnished and unfumishesd apartments,
from 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $55 per
month. If you want one, telephone Main
2ul5. Sundays, or A 2015.
Evenings call Mr. Balden.
Marshall 2290.
Our automobile will call at any address
with our agent, who will be glad to show
these apartments. References required.
We own or control the following:
Cecilia. 22d and Glisan.
Claypool, llth and Clay sts.
Columbia, llth and Columbia.
Kordham, 170 Ford.
Hanthorne, 215 12th St.. near Main.
Knickerbocker. 410 Harrison, near llth
Hanover, lt5 King st., near Wash.
, Orderleigh, h2 Grand ave.
St. Clair, 170 St. Clair St., near Wash.
St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sts.
Wellington, ltlth and Everett sts.
fcl3-621 Morgan bldg.
Fifth and College.
Clean, cosy three and four-room fur
nished apartments, very cheap.
Also bachelors' apartments.
Hat, water, phone and janitor service
Do you want a cosy home while in Port
land? Daily, wekely or monthly rates.
You will always find comfort, conven
ience and courteous treatment, and be
close to the center of the citv at the
49-57 Trinity Place.
The finest apartments on the Pacific
Coast, with every modern convenience;
apartments furnished and unfurnished;
terms reasonable; references required ; fur
nished bachelor Quarters with clubroom.
Manager, Marshall 1101.
East First and M ultnomah sts.
The most up-to-date 2 and 3-room fur
nished apartment-houses; each suite has
two disappearing beds and two dressing
rooms; all outside rooms; roof garden and
sun parlor. Phone East 1420.
East First and Multnomah sta.
The most up-to-date 2 and 3-room fur
nished apartment-house; each suite has
two disappearing beds and two dressing
rooms; all outside rooms; roof garden and
sun parlor. Phone East 1426.
THE HARKElt, cor. 21st and Irving Fur
nished nnd unfurnished apartments. In 2,
3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; electric
automatic elevator. disappearing beds,
built-in buffets and writing desks: plenty
of closet room; individual bath and toilet,
vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2!;i.
570 Couch, ono block from Washington,
walking distance, 2 and 4-room modern
apartments, all .modern conveniences;
best of services; under new management;
references required. Main 1 192.
WESTFAL, 410 5th. near Hall Concrete
building, elevator, private bath, elegantly
furnished free: three and four-room apart
ments. 525 to $4o; easy walking distance.
Mai n 2079, A 29irt.
LADY having cozy small apartment on
upper Washington st. wishes lady em
ployed during the day to share it at $25
month ; Christian Science preferred. Main
A NICELY furnished front apt of rooms to
rent very reasonable bv nurse who reserves
one room. Westfall Apt. 60. A 2839 M.
$7.50 COMPLETELY furnished, steam,
heated sleeping-rooms, near 23d and
Washington. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock
$M G-ROOM, steam-heated, wU-furnistW
apartment, near 2:id and Washington.
Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange.
0th and Madison. Has furnished room
NICELY furnished apartments for 2 or o
months; reasonable to right party ; no
children. Keeler Apts., 3 4l1i and Clay.
YOU ehould see that nice 3-room furnished
apartment at 22S East 2uth st., 2 blocks
from Hawthorne car.
BEU LI LA APTS. 3-room furnished modern
apts., fleam heated, corner liiion and
Skidmore. Phone. Woodlawn 3529.
FURNISHED apartment in agreeably
cated residence. Address 49 N. 17th,
phone Main o5S.
BANNER Apartments, 4 Si) CJay st.; modern
two rooms, completely furnished; $ltl, $1SS
and $. Marshall 2n"4.
2-KOOil apartments, furnished. at 2 14 V
Killingsworth ave. ; low rent. Phone Wood
lawn 0S0.
STEAM heated four-room apt. furnished,
modern, walking distance. Cottel Drug Co.
OR 3-room furnished apts.. close in 191
14th. Main 4175.
BuZANTA, o-room apartment, 25;
hall, bath and phone. ISitu 23d.
I niurnished Apartments.
E. 1 1th and Morrison Sts.
2 and 3-room modern apartments for
rent February 1. Contain all built-in con
veniences, free phone, vacuum cleaner
service, etc. References: $20 to $35. Also
2-room furnished apartment, $30.
695 Lovejoy,' near 21st.
3-room modern apartment with built-in
conveniences, disappearing beds, free
phone, vacuum cleaner service, refined
neighborhood, etn.; $20.
Trinity Place, near Washington.
No Vancancies.
Reservations now taken for waiting lint.
Inducements made to permanent ten
ants. Apply on premises or call
Main C.S09. 269 Wash. St. A 2fi7.
THE WASHINGTON, 089 Northrup 5-room
unfurnished apartments, with bath and all
modern conveniences, telephone. steam
heat. pas. electric lights, etc. Take ""
car to 2lst and Northrup. Phone Alain 4.;7i.
Unfurnished 4-room apartment ; large
outside rooms, steam beat, hot and cold
water, gas range, phone in apartment,
laundry rooms, etc.; reasonable rates: ref
erence required. Phone Marshall 274.
GRACE APTS. 24th and Northrup sts.; 5
large rooms, front veranda and sleeping
porch, hardwood floors, water, heat,
phone; strictly modern: unfurnished. Mar
shall 1075.
KlNGSMl'P.Y Higii-cinss 3 and 4-room un
furnished anartments, private balcony;
rnt reasonable. Ford St., near Washing
ton. Splendid view. High and tishLly,
overlooking private gardens.
t44 Everett, between 29th ar.d Ella.
Furnished 3-rooin front apartment ; all
outside rooms; strictly modern ; walking
On Lucretia st., finest unfurnished apts.,
all larg, outslOe, 2 to 5-room apts.; hard
wood floors: best service; refs. Mgr., Mar.
15U1; Janitor, Mar.riOO.
SH E F Fl K LDAPA R tTjENTS, 272 li roa d -w
ay, corner Jefferson ; easy w a Iking dis
tance; 3 or 4 rooms with private baths;
vry reasonable rent: best cerviee, splen
did arrangement. All outside rooms.
TWO choice apartments, one 0. one 7 rooms,
in only high-class, exclusive apartment
hoiiFe ; rc;ison:i hie considering ai-r-om ine
d:Ltiois. Walking distance. 705 Davis.
STEVENS APT;!. 791 Northrup near 24th,
6 rooms, front, bark and sleeping porches,
heat, hot wat r, telephone, alt light rooms.
Phone Main 9358.
AN elegant li-room apt., new building, fine
neighborhood ; rent $!; w ill sel ! furni
ture if desired. Phone Main 3360.
AN KEN Y COURT East Ankeiiy and Buch
tel ave. : nicely furnished two and three
room apts., very reasonable. East 2SoO.
20S 1t h, near Taylor. Main 4755.
5-roorn unfurnished apart men ts.
WALDORF COrRT, E. ifth and Schuyler.
Five rooms, unfurnished, large porch. East
547, O 1 !.
DOVER APT?.. 3 rooms unfurnished. In
quire 387 X. 24th st. Phone Marshal!
American & Marlborough, 4 and 5 rooms,
central Mar. .'ISO'1, Main 7510, A 207';.
ROSE FRIEND Cor. Fiodwa and Jel'fer.
son, elegant unfurnished apartments;
f irBt-elass service; private phone; :vr.
THE LEONARD. 3-room apartments, mod
ern, fitlb East Main, near East 18th.
TH E W'eist Apartments. " :t North 23d St..
for rent, 1 unf'irriphed apt.
4-ROOM unfurnished apartment, light, sun
ny, modern. East 3400.
room suite, unfurnished; references.
water heat. 71."
-room apartments; ho:
Johnson. A 1 '178.
THE ORMONDE, modern 5-room apartment
reduced rates. Ci:.;J Flanders. Main SJ51.
roirn. hiirh-chisF references.
and 4
Main 205
FINE basement ant.. 3 rooms, bath, fire
place, close in. b.o ii iaaaera. Main oo-.
Cnfarniahed Apartments.
13th and E. Morrison sts., 5-story, fire
proof building, 2 or 3-room furnished and
unfurnished apartments. Automatic le
vator, balcony, tile bathrooms. All latest
Improvements. Rates $25 to 35.
'Nothing nicer or more homelike any
where. Four rooms, reasonable rent, walk
lng distance. Cor. E. 14th and Yamhill.
MODERN 4-room flat In a good district on
Portland Heights, Dutch kitchen, gas
range, built-in bookcases, hot water and
furnace heat, very reasonable; must be
seen to be appreciated. 733 Pattoa Road.
Ma:n 849.
Isj GLISAN T. j rooms. $25; hardwood
flors, beam ceiling, fireplace, all modern;
gas range and linoleum in kitchen. Key,
Janitor. 714 Glisan st. Telephone Main
5-ROOM upper flat, sleeping porch, den, at
tic, 17 pieces of bnilt- In furniture, rooms
arranged so can bo sirblet for housekeep
ing. b67 East Washington, corner 28th,
Phone East 3S74.
FOR RENT or lease, cheap, a fine 6 -room
bungalow. 740 East 42d st. S.t in Beau
mont; take the car on 1st and Wash. sta.
Open Sunday, 2-5, or phone Main $639.
Martin Olnen.
HOLLADAY Addition, modern 5-room lower
flat, furnace, gas range, hot water beater,
linoleum, walking distance. 260 E. 2d N.,
corner Multnomah.
5-RuOM upper, with gas ran ye, water heater
and all modern coiiveniem s; rge cosy
rooms; best of residence locations. '2U E.
25th. near Hawthorne. Phone E. 3u"8.
NEW, modern, 4 rooms and bath, lower
flat; disappearing beds; best location and
car service in the city; $1S mo. Woodlawn
WEST SIDE, modern ti-ruoin flat, 23d
and Johnson sts. Phone Main y.;7. West
ern Oregon Trust Co., 1HU Northwestern
Rank bldg.
5-KOuM upper, with gas range, water heater
and all modern conveniences; large cozy
rooms; beat of residence locations. 269 E.
23th. near Hawthorne. Phone E. 309i.
MODERN 6-room upper corner fiat, w alk
ing d istance, ICtli and East Alder, fin
est location ; newly tinted. Cheap rent.
SiRgliu, Main 172S.
WEST SIDE, t rooms, close in. modern and
in good, condition; save, carfare; rent $3U.
Apply cigar store, corner Washington and
1 '.th sts., or phone iiarshull o54.
MODERN 5-room flat neatly furnished. 3
blocks south of Broadway bridge, front
ing river; must see to appreciate. 2'J2&
Margin ; $25.
05U PETTVGROVE An unusually pleasant
flat witli sleeping porch, reasonable; ref
erences. Main 3176 or 1253.
NICE 3-room and bath, basement flat, tfteam
heated, unfurnished, at No. 305 llth St.,
i-ear Columbia. Marshall 4553.
IRVINGTON FLATS. Hancock and E. 9th.
5 rooms hardwood floors. Foynton f ur
nace. Gordon. Broadway and East 6th st.
NEAlt Lincoln Hmh, tllh and Mill. 2 mod
ern ti-ioom single flats, newly tinted; low
rer.t. Ky .".25 Ai ill st. owner. C KITH.
EXTRA fine modern S-room upper flat,
choice location, corner 23d and Johnson;
rent ?30. C. II. Korell. Sti7 Wilcox bldg.
NICE, modern, 5-:ocm lower flat, choice lo
cation, cor. 23d and Johnson; rent $25.
C. H. Korell, &07 Wilcox bldg.
COSY 5-room flat, gaji range, heater, very
cheap to Rood party. 2 bloc lcs Broadway
bridge. 207 McMillan.
MODERN 5-room upper fiat; fireplace, fur
nace. West Side, walking distance. East
COOL, unfurnished 5-room apartment, op
posite Multnomah Club. 532 Salmon. Main
5 AND ti-room modern fiats, $20 and $23;
West Side, walking distance; fine condi
tion. Woodward, lot 2d st.
MmOERN t;-room upper and lower flats.
Hth and Northrup sts.; rent $25. Phone
Marshall 1215.
LOWER flat, at 0!1 Everett, near 21st., 5
rooms and sleeping porch, in first-class
condition. Phono East 8.
5-ROOM modern West Siie flat, fine loca
tion, low rent to jjood, parlies. Mr. Wood,
h'i5 Board of Trade.
NICE modern seven-room upper corner flat.
Desirable locality. Inquire 257 Stout st.
or phone Main 4512.
MODEKN 4-room unfurnished flat with a
sleeping porch. 271 E;ist Gth North ; Irv
ington car. Call flat 2 or 4.
tu i i K EXT 5-room modern lower fiat, all
out.siilo i ooms ; cuokstove for sale cheap.
224 E. 1st St. N.
3&',a OVERTON Choice location, modern
fiat, i sunny rooms, attic, yard. Main
MODERN 4-roonv flat, L27 Hawthorne ave..
nt 4tith st: private bath, etc.: rent $lb.5U.
AM 7i3, Oregonian.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms iu
Hat, three blocks east end Broadway
bridge. 4'2 Ross, cor. Dixon.
MODERN 4-room upper flat, linoleum on
kitchen; furnace. Phone E. 5. H 1404.
M IEUN tl-roum, clean, Jtith and Yamhill,
West Side. Imjuire 424 Washington st.
WEST SIDE, iow rent, fine view, sleeping
porches, light, 4, 5, G rooms. Seliwood J87.
HOLLADAY ADDITION Heautiful ' flat.
Call 4 12 l-j Wasco st. I'hone East 3So5.
FLAT of 0 rooms and hath. 731 Hoyt L
lnquir 130 Gtli st. Phone Main 278.
-ROOM modern low er flat; xcellent con
dition. .Ml X. 2;ld, near Raleigh; $23.
Fult RENT I'nf ut m.-lied flat, modern, close
iu. i'hone East 5J73
1 LOWER large light rooms, bath, base
ment, yard. ::!0 Cook av. near Union.
TWO 5-room flats, newly tinted, $!) and $.lo.
Inquire tioSVj 3d st.
EOF K-ROOM flat. Pied in
ing Park. 152 Ainsworth.
t. ovrlnok
Rorth wick.
LIGHT and pleasant O-room heated fiats.
715 Johnson. A 107S.
4-ROOM upper flat, furnished, modern ex
cept heat, no children. 337 ', Sacramento.
4 AND 5-i ooin,
rnt. H'5S CJ.
strictly m
.'eland ave.
iierii ;
2 J!."
4 -ROOM unfurnished flat. modern,
152 E. 20th. Inquire Flat E.
FOR It EXT Moflt-rn 0-room uppt
4 J4 i. tit h st. I iHiuire 421'.- tit h
MODERN 5-room lower flat. b
ear. Key 112 Knott. Phone
I . and
4 1 3S.
Furnished Hats.
5-ROOM lower flat, completely furnished,
Kas, bath, electricity, new and modern,
best in the rity for the money, $25 per
month. 3ii5 1!th st.
- co.l HI.ETEI.Y furnished 5-rooiu mod
ern flal, fire-pi a re. furnace, to I v.-r, linen,
iliina and every tiling for comfort ; close
in. Rhone p. 21ti.
5-ROOM upper fiat, nicety furnished, walk,
ins distance. West Side, all modern, sleep
ing and outside porch. 414 Hall, near 13th.
yOR R I" NT A 5-room. newly furnished,
heated flat, with hath, walking distauce.
I'hone Main 1359, A 7i'31.
FINE 4-room furnished flat with larga
sleepinp porch, arranged for invalids.
Rhone Tabor 5"-t4.
11 ' I j E KN 4-room flat ; alkln distance.
270 floss. Phone Woodlawn 1 '350.
MOiEK X, new ly furnish ed upp r 5-room
fiat. $22.50. 7I Kerby. Woodlawn 5h'J.
FFRNISH ED" flat, five rooms, $45, includ
ing water, IlKht. phone. 23J loth.
MODERN 4-rootn upper flat, all outside
rooms. Tabor 171. Mt. Tabor.
5-ROOM furnished flat for rent. 5i0 -0th
st.. Portland IN-ihis.
NK'ELY furnished 3 or 4-room Hat. 1043
Oant'-nbeiir, corn r Alberta.
4-ROOM furnished flat, walkins distance;
rent reasonable. 03 East Mh North.
FOR REXT A lower furnished fla.t. close
in. at 4 :3 Montgomery, near 1 2th.
MODERN livo-room Hat, furnished, includ
ing piano; reasonnbi-. 2U2 -z N. Pith st.
NICELY furnished 4-room flat, walking dis
tance. 444 Rodney. East 4Sti'J.
Housekeeping Koomn.
t- Ri i.NT suites housekeeping, gas range, elec
tric lipht, free phone, bath, hot water
all hours. 545 Washington st.
FU RNISH EL) !itfht H. K. mms. $ltl; liht,
heat, bath, sewing machine, linen. Call
room 31 S Tonrny bldg.. Sunday.
COMPLETELY furnished 2 -room steam -heated
apartment; walking distance; S I $
per month. IS 7 17th st.. near Yamhill.
THE I.'PSIICR, 2iih and Fpshiir Furnished
2-rootn apts,: steam beat; light; $15 up.
Main "523. Take it ;:d or v car north.
2. MILL ST. 2 and 3-room apartments,
t up; modern conveniences.
143 HASSALO ST. 2-room apartment; heat,
liht. phone free; also parage
THE OILMAN, 1st, cor. Alder -Furnished
housekeeping moms. $1.50 week.
:-ROOM apt., heat, light, bath, phone, $4.50
week. 410 Jefferson si.
I.N ALL parts of the city. Portland Rental
Bureau. -"io2 Hrumlrtuv Mil?. Main i4y;;.
X E ATI, V t'u "nished H. K. and sleeping
rooms, $2.50 aud up. 420 Salmon.