The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 22, 1914, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Congress Committee Orders
Four Locked Up, Finds Five
t in Custody Later.
Charges of "Peonage" In Colorado
Coal Mine Region Under Inquiry
When Strange Mixnp Is
Disclosed to Probers.
TKINIDAD, Colo., Feb. 21. Three
from four leaves two. This was the
mathematical proposition that threw
the Congressional Investigation of the
Colorado coal strike into confusion late
today, for the Hduse eub-committee
Instructed Serfreant-at-Arms Martin
Jakle to intern four witnesses and hold
them Incommunicado under penalties
therefor provided, and after seeing the
bulky form of Mr. Jankle securely
planted before the door of the witness
room for several hours suddenly dis
covered that it had locked up and fed
an extra man. ,
It was Representative Kvans, of Mon
tana, who first made the discovery. He
thought himself of interviewing Jakle,
captain of the guard.
"How are the prisoners, Jakle?" he
"All right," replied the upholder of
the dignity of the Congresa of the
United States In the coal fields of Colo
rado. "The two who have already tes
tified are locked in another room one
on the witness stand now and the other
two are here."
Extra Man A cronntrd For.
"The other what?" almost shouted
the Congressman.
"The other two, of course," calmly
replied Jakle.
Mr. Evans descended upon the hear
ing like the coyote upon the goat
"I want the eergeant-at-arms to ex
plain how many witnesses were given
Into his custody," he announced, inter
rupting the peaceful session.
The sergeant was produced. He ex
plained that there were five men when
he got them and that none of 'em had
got away not on the honor of an ex
Illinols Sheriff.
"But there were only four when we
ordered them into custody," said
Evans. "They were the four Italians
from Delagua, whom we had sent for
to testify on charges .of peonage.
Who's this other fellow and where did
he come from?"
The five witnesses were then lined
up for the inspection of Giovanni
Minetti, whose story on the stand yes
terday caused the order for the four
men's summons. He pointed out the
four whom he had told the commission
were held in the Delagua mine against
their wishes. "I don't know dat feller."
he added, pointing to the fifth.
Operators' "Witness Being Held.
Frank E. Gove, attorney for the Vic
tor American Fuel Company, then
stepped into the breach. "I assume the
responsibility for the presence of this
man," he declared. "He Is the one who
signed contracts for the Italian work
men who could not write. We thought
he would be a valuable witness."
"I have the fullest confidence in the
integrity of Mr. Gove," Interposed E.
P. Costlgan. of counsel for the miners,
"but I submit that it is an astounding
situation when the committee's own
witnesses ordered held incommunicado
are locked up In the same room with
a. witness for the operators."
The committee was puzzled. Finally
Chairman Foster ordered Anof Yaml
colll, the mysterious fifth man. placed
on the stand for immediate Interrogation.
Danish Versailles to Bo Created in
Honor of Dr. Jacobsen.
COPENHAGEN, Feb. 21 (Special.)
Dr. Carl Jacobsen, Denmark's great art
patron, just before his death confided
to a friend that he Intended to create
a Danish Versailles, and the publica
tion of the plan has led to the determ
ination to carry out his Ideas as a me
morial of his services to the nation.
The large sum to make the plan a. suc
cess will be available from the Carls
berg fund, which was instituted by
Jacobsen and to which he donated
many millions for the encouragement
and promotion of art In Denmark.
The Versailles, as planned by Dr.
Jacobsen. will be erected in Frederlks
borg, where the beautiful castle of
that name with its extensive gallery
of art and national historical treas
ures is already located. In connection
with the castle all of the skill of the
landscape artist and sculptor will be
called upon to create a Versailles Park.
Representative Haw ley Seeks to Pro
tect Salmon In Columbia.
ington, Feb. 21. Representative Haw
ley Is preparing a bill aproprlating
?50.000 for the establishment of a num
ber of small fish culture stations along
the Columbia River, believed neces
sary by the. fish commission for the
preservation of the salmon Industry.
The supply of salmon is decreasing and
it Is believed this is due to the destruc
tion of the salmon fry by the larger
fish and the commission believes this
could be remedied by the establish
ment of a number of stations where
the fry could be protected until they
reach the length of a finger when the
dancer from destruction is not so
Mr. Hawley will have the support
of the fish commission for the bill.
National Leaders Propose to Sum
tuurizc American Jurisprudence.
NEW YORK, Feb. 21. More than
. " 1 n ul u;u Amen
inci urm luuiKin ana organized .nmuemy oi jurispruden
- i v o id iuo ii uuucLion or a
"complete and comprehensive state
ment in sj-stematic form of the entire
body of American law."
Among its organizers are ex-PresI-dent
Taft. United States Senator Root,
Attorney-General McReynolds, Alton
B. Parker and Joseph M. Choate.
Station Agents Plan Organization.
BOSTON. Feb. 21. Tho Order of
Tlailroad Station Agents voted today
to send organizers throughout the
country to increase the membership.
The convention indorsed the S per cent
Increase in freight rates asked for bj
Get a Small Trial Bottle of Old-Time
St. Jacobs Oil and Rub Backache
and Lumbago Pain Right Out.
Ah! Pain Is gone!
Quickly? Yes! Almost instant re
lief from soreness, stiffness, lameness
and pain follows a gentle rubbing with
'St. Jacobs OIL"
Apply this soothing, penetrating oil
directly upon the ache, and, like magic,
relief comes. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a
harmless backache, lumbago and
sciatica cure which never disappoints
and doesn't burn the skin.
Straighten up! Quit complaining!
Stop those torturous "stitches." In a
moment you will forget that you ever
had a back, because It won't hurt or
be stiff or lame. Don't suffer! Get a
small trial bottle of "St. Jacobs Oil"
from your druggist now and get this
lasting- relief. Adv.
Eastern railroads and adopted a. reso
lution objecting to statements of
President Emeritus Eliot of Harvard,
characterizing the Influence of rail
road organization as detrimental to
the public interest.
Hleh Court Holds Evidence Insuffi
cient to Convict of Killing Youth
on Top of Train.
REDDING. Cal.. Feb. 21. On mntinn
of District Attorney Chenoweth, of
Shasta County, Judge Barber of the
Superior Court dismissed all chut-ire
against Daniel Fleming, of Oakland,
convicted more than two years ago of
the murder of George Valller, of Ta
coma, on the roof of a Pullman car in
or near Redding August 25, 1910. He
was a railroad detective. The mother
of the dead, youth was active in the
Fleming was to have gone to trial
again on March 2 by order of the Su
preme Court which, in reversing the
lower court, held that the evidence
was insufficient to convict.
In view of this ruline- and the fur
ther fact that the people of the county
were opposed to spending $50,000 on a
second trial and that many of the wit
nesses at the first trial had scattered
in the Interval of two years, the Dis
trict Attorney said he felt it would be
a waste oT time to press the case fur
This Is the first time In the history
of this county that a man granted a
second trial by the Supreme Court of
the state has found It unnecessary to
avail himself of the privilege.
Humphrey Says Foreigners Have
Taken. Markets ; Fitzgerald Denies.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Prosperity
and depression were pictured again In
the House today by Democrats and Re
Representative Humphrey. Repub
lican, of Washington, arraigned Demo
cratic contentions of the beneficent ef
fects of the new tariff law.
"Since the present Democratic tariff
law took effect." he added, "the for
eigners have captured our markets, and
me Balance of trade has been against
us for the first time In the history of
the Nation, since the-old Wilson law
went into effect."
Representative Fitzgerald. Democrat.
of New York, replied that under the
Republican tariff law there was a
deficit regularly at one time of the
year because of Inadequate customs re
ceipts, and added that by June 1 pay
ments aggregating 780,000,000 or 90,
000,000 for the ten months of the last
calendar year would begin to be paid
under the Democratic income tax laws.
Suffrage Decision Delayed.
SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Feb. 21. The
Illinois Supreme Court adjourned to
day without giving a decision as to
the validity of the woman suffrage
act. This means there will be no de
cision In the caee of Scown vs. Czar
necki, ' appealed from Cook Countv.
until at least the April term of court.
If your bones ache, your nose runs
and you have the blues, you've got
the Grip.
To get the best results take Humph
reys' "Seventy-seven" at the first
sneeze or shiver.
If you wait until your bones begin
to ache, until you begin to cough and
wheeze, and the Cold becomes set
tled and hangs on, it may take longer
to break up.
A small vial of pleasant pellets fits
the vest pocket 25c at all drug
gists or mailed.
Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., 15B
William Street. New York. Advertisement.
Sure Indications
of Lung Trouble
Among" the indications of threatened
Lung; Trouble are a continued cough, fever
and night sweats. A change of climate
often helps, but it seems that something
more is needed to stop the cough and
sweats and arrest the progress ot disease
Eckman's Alterative, after many years of
use. Is known to be most beneficial In
bringing about relief, in manv cases com
plete recoveries. Investigate this ease:
Schell City, Mo.
"Gentlemen: I had a terrible cough
night sweats and pleurisy in my lungs. 'A
man who heard me coughing advised me to
take your Alterative. I paid no attention
to him then. I got so bad the doctor said I
should go to Wyoming. I did. and when I
got there I steadily grew worse. Then 1
remembered what had been told me about
your medicine. I began taking it. with no
faith whatever, but before I had taken three
bottles. I could eat anything. Fever and
night sweats stopped and for over . v.Q..
I have been well and In better health than
l ever was.
(Affidavit). TV. V. BOM A ft.
(Above abbreviated; more on request.)
Eckman's Alterative has been proven by
many years' test to be most efficacious for
severe Throat and Lunar Affections r
chltis. Bronchial Asthma. Stubborn Colds
and in upbuilding the system. Contains no
narcotics, poisons or habit-forming drugs
Sold by The Owl Drug Co. ana leartino-
gists. Write the Eckman Laboratory. Phlla
delphia. Pa., for booklet telling of recoveries
and additional evidence, Adv.
Your Mail Orders Will Receive Our Prompt and Careful Attention Express and Parcels Post Packages Prepaid on $5.00 Purchases
Free Deliveries to All Parts of the City and Vicinity March Number of The Criterion of Fashion Now on Sale at Pattern Dept., 5c.
Pacific Phone Marshall 508O
Stamped Gowns
$1 Grade at 79c
For this sale we offer a fine lot of
stamped ready-made Gowns. They
are made of fine quality longcloth
and are shown in all sizes. They
come in all the best styles with the
popular kimono sleeves. Many
pretty patterns to select from.
Regular values at $1.00, priced for
this sale at only ..79
Home Phone
-A 2112
This Store Opens at'8:30 A.M., Saturdays at 9 A. M.
Closes at 5:30 P. M., Saturdays at 6 P. M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Stamp ed Waists
50c Grade at 33c
Here is your chance to secure a
pretty Waist at a bargain. They
are stamped on fine quality lawn
in either eyelet or satin stitch.
They come with enough material
for any size waist and in the popu
lar drop-shoulder effect with either
long or short sleeves. Regular 50c
grade, on sale at 33
Every Sec
tion of This
Store Is
ill v. fim"W, r nl 1 "v V X Wf
With Splen
did Values
The DUrchases that. ha.VA ViPPn mnrlo f rw tliA -n our cantsn-n litAi-. : i -1 j , i . ..
- , . . "vi, 0w.i,uaic ia,piu.y cw-nviiig, auu ctirtjcLuy one may gainer, irom an inspection ot the
attractive displays of new merchandise m the various sections, a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of the trend that fashion
is to take in Spring apparel and accessories. A few values from the many shown at this store are presented here for the purpose of
showing which way the "wind of economy blows." Let this be YOUR store. Come and profit by these offerings
Another Great Bargain Sale of
Men's Negligee
They come in coat style and with cuffs at
tached; all are cut full to size and are per
fect in fit and workmanship. All sizes in
choice patterns. Regular $1.00 ej
Shirts for only . . 1 OOC
Previous experience has proven that we can
be depended upon to offer the most unusual
values in our Men's Section in a sale of this
kind. No one will be disappointed in these
extraordinary offerings. Here are some 500
dozen Men's Negligee Shirts priced to you
at less than maker's cost! ,. It's a very foi
tunate purchase of the celebrated Ferguson
& McKinney Guaranteed Shirts. They are
warranted fast color, not to fade and to'wear
satisfactorily, although they are sold at such
a great reduction. They are brand-new
Shirts, made from genuine woven Madras, a
cloth that wears the best of all shirt mate
rials. They come in coat style and with
cuffs attached.. You have choice of all
sizes in neat new patterns. Every Shirt is
cut true to size and perfectly finished. . Men,
they are bargains, and you will readily ad
mit as "much when you see them. Shirts
that were made to sell regularly at CC
$1 are priced for this sale at DOC
Special Underpricing of
Curtain Materials
Both plain and printed styles in Scrim, Mar
quisette and Bungalow Nets; y o
30c to 40c grades at, yard 60C
With housecleaning time close at hand, this
sale will, be welcome to a great many house
keepers. See to it that you profit accord
ingly. The assortment includes Scrims in
plain and printed styles in white and ecru
ground with pretty colored borders. Also
Marquisette with printed border and fig
ured center, or in plain styles. Also a great
lot of Bungalow Nets in white, cream and
ecru. Regular 30c to 40c qual- Q o
ities, on sale at, yard S3C
5 Mil1 S-6I8S $h$ u
v. I
Free A New
Ladies' Home Journal Pattern
During the week of
Feb. 23d to Feb. 28th, 1914
we will celebrate
Home Pattern Week
and will give you without charge any one of
the patterns illustrated above in your size.
There is a simplicity and exactness about these
patterns that wins a woman every time. They
save material and they produce a dress that is
distinctive. The woman who uses one of the
new Ladies' Home Journal Patterns keeps on
using them. That is why we can afford to
give you one free. Select the style you prefer
from those shpwn above.
Get it at our Pattern Counter any day from
Feb. 23d to Feb. 28th, 1914
An Attractive Showing and Sale
Women's New
Spring Suits
Coats in nobby Eton, Bolero and Cut
away models and Skirts in the most
fashionable styles, con- l C flf.
siderably underpriced. . ylO.UU
The new blues, new tans, new grays,
mahogany, etc., as well as the ex
tremely fashionable black and white
checks. The Coats are shown in Eton
effects, Bolero, Cutaway and other
models. They come with kimono,
set-in, or raglan sleeve and are finely
tailored and well lined.
Undermuslins at
Popular Prices
Combination Suits, Princess Slips and
Gowns, made of fine nainsook or crepe,
neatly trimmed with fine embroideries,
laces and insertions; $1.50 d-i -s q
values at, the garment J JL JL "
in all this season's attractive styles, includ
ing the popular knickerbocker, circular,
princess and plain styles. They are made of
fine quality nainsook or crepe in either cor
set cover and drawers or skirt. Neatly
trimmed with Swiss embroideries, laces and
insertions. All sizes.
THE PRINCESS SLIPS come in a large
variety of styles. They are made of good
quality nainsook and crepe. They come
with deep flounces trimmed to match or
plain hem and scalloped embroidery edge.
Neatly trimmed with fine laces, embroider
ies and insertions.
THE GOWNS are made of fine quality
longcloth, nainsook and crepe in the popu
lar slipover style with short sleeves or high
and V-heck with long sleeves. All are neat
ly trimmed with neat yokes, swiss embroid
eries and laces.. Some of the crepe gowns
are shown in pretty figures of pink or blue.
Extra good length and fullness.
These garments are regular & 1 1 Q
$1.50 grade, priced this sale at. . . P 1 I ZJ
$1.50 Chemise at 75c
A fine assortment of Chimese to select from
at this sale. They are made of good quality
nainsook and all are neatly trimmed with
fine laces, insertions and embroideries.
Some are finished with ruffles and others
with plain hem. Regular values up 7c
up to $1.50, this sale, at OC
Children's Specials
Gowns now selling at 50 to $1.25
Princess Slips now selling at 59 to $1.25
Drawers now selling at 15 to 85
Skirts now selling at 25 to $1.50
Guimps now selling at 50 to $1.25
Pajamas now selling at 50 to 85
Latest Ratine Creations Are
on Display for Your Inspection
1 ymmma
The lew Bilks Are Ready J!
Silks in fabrics that embodv the latest nnd tho hfc Vi-n"
and colorings that bear the golden seal of Fashion's approval for popularity during the coming
season. What we consider the most effective and far-reaching display of charming Silks in our
history opens tomorrow morning. You and your friends and dressmakers are cordially invited to
view it. It forecasts the new season's fashions in Ri lire -ru-ifh
- wii uvuiuvj" CV L Lcl ALLda., J. til
uniy uux- luuuerute prices to pay.
New Foulard
PS5PA fortunate pur
. -'iK t""' chase enables us
iv y.f i i . -. . . .
10 piace tnese most satisfactory
bilks on sale at this low fi rmrp.
They come full .23 inches wide
nnrl in a co-Pf moovn ittiK K;u:.,(.
satin tmisn. Included are a great variety of stvles and colorings
in neat small floral and conventional designs. Beautiful Foulard
Silks that cannot be duplicated in quality elsewhere at 50 yard
opened and placed on sale for the first time, a complete new line
of plain and fancy Trimming Silks from 22 to 26 inches wide.
They come m Turkish, Egyptian and Bulgarian effects in rich
colorings; exclusive patterns that cannot be equaled elsewhere in
oualitv at S1.00 to S2.00 vn1
wonderfully complete showing of the new fancies for Spring and
Summer wear. Messaline and Peau de Cygne weaves in most
every known coloring. Jacquard, self-colored and printed designs
m dainty small effects. Silks of standard qualit' in 24 and 26-inch
widths. You'll agree with us that they are better than usual
values at $1.00 a yard.
NEW TUB SILKS AT 85 YARD Hundreds of yards of those
good, durable Tub Silks that wash like linen. They come full 32
inches wide and are shown in the popular striped styles in laven
der, navy, tan, black, etc. They are all pure silk and are under
priced at 85 aiyard
PRINTED CONGO CREPES AT $2.00 YARD A verv stylish,
durable Silk of soft crepe weave. Comes full 42 inches wide and
shown in the most desirable colorings in rich printed designs.
Neat small effects that make up beautifully: strictly a high-grade
Will" 4- 1 J o" .rtsTh it - OO
o-Liii. ctb d inuuaciie price ip.uu tne yard.
NEW CREPE DE CHINES AT ?1.50 TO ?2.50 YARD A Wonderful honglw th otI forethought to ahvavs provide
44 to 46-inrh width. -nlnriT, Ia -1 t""" j xu vxaiu. aiiu primea crepes, qualities tnat are above question in
44 to 4b-incn widths colorings and patterns to suit every taste for either street or evening wear Prudent shouners will hP J3 3
to purchase now, while the assortment ia complete and whilA w 9TPnff.rin ,i, itti'Z? f-J??Z be prompted
x "s onii vciiuuh at px.uu to M.i)U a yard.