14 THE SUNDAY OltEGOXIAy, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 8, 1914. ' . On-oaTlMTUS, I BCMiB, OFPOriTUMllES. I ROOMISO-HOLM I I , I ATTENTION BefoTs buying or soiling your business Investmcut Department. PROVI DENT 'i'RL'ST COMFAM Y. Ark for Mr. Chamber! in. , UuU-Ull Selling Ruiiding. Kotice: Only Legitimate Business Propositions Considered. KUR 1 NVK6TORS ONLY. Hotel (coun t ry town ) $ 5,000 Paying hotel (city 11.000 ilercantila business ."j.Ouo Mercantile business 7.000 Hardware business .Yuno 3airy route C.'SOO gal. milk) o.00 Abstract Co. good buy 4,500 Manufacturing proposition 3O,0'O Hotel and post of lire 3,500 Motion store itoomlnp-house (worth $1000) 5l& Uuniiry (worth $!M.uOO 17.XiO . Partner wanted with.... 3,000 34 a leery and confectionery 3. 7iH I Timber claim liuO.tkmj Confectionery 1,500 1 Importing proposition 5,000 1 -importing proposition 15,000 Xrug store 4.5O0 Meat market ( 'i in tercet) 40o Partner for saloon 3.500 Printing office 2,50o Keataurant hi Interest) ......... . SOU Cafeteria, location per mo... S00 These and other propositions sea Mr. Chamberlin, Provident Trust Company 'J0U-T21 Selling Bldg. CAN YOU USE ANY OF THESE? ?H50 buys cigar store doing good busnless 3..o buys restaurant which is a money maker. ;;oo buys barber shop making SI 50 a month. $ii50 buys barber shop doing very good business, -'.o bus s on-half interest in business making o er $PJ5 month and better. too hu s groft-ry sturu making better t lui ii a 1 i v ir g ; handles confectionery and t-it: ft r 75 buys restaurant doing good busi ness. M'0 restaurant; will make terms; fine bijsm- fcr. r . J5, delicatessen, central I v located ; nii'pt.y.ina kop. Minn, printing thop. in good location. .115), barber shop; line fixtures, good lo cation. i;n a interest in ladles ana sMiti. furnishing store ; will have a good partiif r. , $l&tMi, pool and billiards, candy and cl Rsrs, lunch counter in connection; dandy location. $0110. srrocery doing better than $600 cash a week. $:tS0O, confectionery, cigars, tobacco and serves light lunches; making money now ; line Summer business. Sl.'Ooo. drug store; centrally located Grocery at Invoice ; will run between 150 and $2000. We have a good chance for someone to buy Vi interest in a pool and billiard room. PAGE CO)., 245 Vt Morrison, room 0. ''IOV to Make Money In the Mail Order Business" Interesting. Instructive pam-phie-t tree: fact stories of men who have made fortunes from small beginnings; I started small a few years ago. and built ip second largest mall order business of its kind in the world; the new parcel post means tremendous increase in mail order business; learn how to start big paying business of your own ; write for my free literature today. Randolph Rose, 163 Rose b I d g. . Chattanooga. Tenn- EXCEPTIONA L OPPORTUNITY We have the exclusive agency for the best pa ing proposition In the laundry business in the Northwest. This can not be beaten aed we have all the necessary inf jrmatioii, as well as the photographs Come and see Mr. Chamberlin with PROVIDENT TRUST CO., lnt-21 selliiuc bids. fc: INTER E.ST in pool hall in the heart of city; month orofit; price for 2 days , $ 1:85c spot cash. Tnls is $2000 be low its value, but the owner must have money rluh t away ; it. is urgent. So take advanlai of this lifetime opportunity. It's o'euuin. nad wijl bear the strictest in- estimation; only '2 days to sell in. Page 'o., "15 if. Morrison st.. roo?n 0. 1'A KTI ES wish inp to invest any amount from $ i oo up in Black Fox propositions ja vitiij yearly d 1 v liirids of from 4s to 3u per ent. investigate; dividends be t inning next October. This is a straight, reliable unci lirst-class business, absolutely ti'i ; iio I'm ke whatever; writer received 40 per ecnl di t.U nd last October in cold cam. A m 7q. Ores on Ian. "WORTH in veal igHting. as head of growing manufacturing business present outlook jus titie broader held that opens the way to several good positions for state and cMs-tt-iet iiKinagerH that can carry sufficient supplies for prompt deliveries; personal interview at lo4 East 14th, near Haw thorne. I HAVE half in teres t in one of the best gvoet ry st ores on the Ear t Side; J must scl I ns my contract w it h a large concern -.i i is for my uttd 1 vided services ; my part, tier is one of tho best grocery m en in the business. Tli is will stand t lie closest in vfst iaatiun. P 74, Oregon iun. I'O U NUR Y AN NfX"cii IN E SHOP LOCATION. Springfield has one of the best locations In the Willamette Valley for a foundry and murium shop. For further Information write J . A . Sea ey, secretary of .Business Men's flub, Springfield, Oregon. $1 2,00(1 H TG 1 1 -CLASS SHO E STORE IN CENTER OF CITY, WITH OR WITHOUT LOCATION. M ILL TAKE PART TRADE AND PART CASH. WORTHLESS PROP ERTY Ni T CONSIDERED. THIS IS A HON A Fl D E PHOP08ITION. AC 605, OREGON1 AN. 1 A N V FACTF R ERS agency business ; sell the goods for S) of the large manufactur ers of the United States; want a reliable partner able to invest some money, which will be secured; will pay $l'Oo month; references furnished and required. Call room !orKau bids. 1RUGGIST or di us clerk, here is your chant: to get a good drug store on very favorable terms. Will sell ray stock for S3 boo, with $1000 cash and balance on terms. This Is a good city location. Phone owner. C -SS5. PARTNER wanted for old established of flce business; this Is a bona fide proposi tion; Investigation solicited; moderate in vestment required. Particulars. MR. WOOD, !0." Board of Trade. HOG RAISING. I have place well adapted to hog rais ing: want man with few hundred dollars, with or without services; quick returns. Y 700. Oregonlan. G HOt :EKY Tt) TRADE. " A1 grocery in best Eat Side location ; Invoices about $:;.uu; win trade a large part or all for good East Side property. !-;:i. Particulars 03 3 Yeon bldg. P.USI NESS OPPORTUNITY. Parmer wanted with $2ooo to buy half interest in HiO acres; has J.",000 cords of No. 1 cunlwood, ;o-j miles from R. R.. 33 miles from Portland. K 7o0. Oregonian. l-'OU SALE by owner, casli grocery; good location; stock and fixtures invoice about 1700 and is clear; imit have $1'J00 cash, balance terms to right party: rent $J0, Ineiuding 4 living-rooms. Woodlawn IttS. Tl SETTEE partnership, an up-to-date flower store in growing city of 20.000 in 'entral Washington. Only one in city; -T0. A V SPIi. Oregonian. ATTRACTIVE proposition for sale, fine motion -picture theater, in market for a short time only ; terms If satisfactory. t'hon Marshall 8S0 for full particulars 3' A li I NEIL uaiiteii for a grow inE business to check . n.l nhip the goods that are mamnactured; pav good salarv, also share 1-ii.mh?. ttu'Tii ,t. Aioryan bldg. CJ EN ERA I. agency Ktoclt remedies; trade es tablished for ers: ;0 customers Portland stock invoice about. $1 2."5. Manager. C7 Ella st. lrOR SALE- Shoe stock and fixtures; a good business chance ; stocl will invoice about $.0o0 : good reasons for retiring. Address GOOD BUSINESS MAN with $2000 can se euro control - manufacturing staple - pro duct: pays 100 per cent. Trademark reg istercd. AG G96. Oregonian. N EXPERT rubber worker has unlimited up-to-dut rubber compounds to sell: a chance for live business men. D 734 Ore aonlan. ORO KRV utore. elope in. doing a good business; will trade for house and lot .win invoice about $2uoo; might assume orne. East l2:t. SOLID cash business partner wanted; duties Ught and good proffts: lust right for ac tive young man: 'r.o required. MR WOOD. ?0.-. hnar.1 of Trade. eiKE storo and slioe repair shop, together established f .r a number of vear- will tMnd invesrigttt!,.n. VP 744, OregonlAn. TARTNER wanted to )ep tend office take customers out to nee stores, etc good nay. Particular. 'Vja Morgan bldg. 3iESTAL'R-NT. West Side", seats 4S daTly receipt i. from $ rt to $r.0, living rooms if desired, -'. "0 T.unilr Exchange. XRtG STORK. Grays frosFlng; new stoek! fine location: ft. Scott ear. ,VM st S E ami tiOth nve. phone Tabor 42.".?. MAN of h b 1 1 it - with $4(10 ihould earn fev ern I h ii mired tlollR rs tnont hi v traveling in xelueivotcrr!tory. .ton Swetland bldg. PRESSING pa r 1 or. living 00 re"n t 1 5 : long lease, good bargain. Marshall 1373. AT.OON for sale. For particulars ad Ore as AG 691. Oregonian. RESTAURANT for saie et sacrifice, account owners sickness. 2H9 Hawthorne. OPi'ORTUMTY VOn A HIGH-CLASS MAX. T WANT A MAN THAT KNOWS THIS REAR ESTATE Bl'SIX KS a. NOT ONE THAT THINKS HK DOKS; THIS IS A MOXEY-Al AK ISO OFFICE. A D WANT RKAI, ASSISTANCE; TO THE MAN TH AT CAN SHOW A-l H INFERENCES AND ABILITY I HAVK SOMETHING TO SHOW VOIT. THIS WILL TAKE 10.0v0 KOR INTEREST IN THIS CONi'IiKN AND PIKERS NOT WANTED. JE Vol" CAN'T (JiVI-; A - I RKK E R E NCKS I N YOUR ANSWER DON'T tlEPLY. EVERY TH IN G STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Y I . OREGON I AN. GENERAL PROVISION" STORE. Clearing over f.ooo a year net profit; flne valley town; established 8 years; for sale at invoice of goods on hand; all new stock. About $5000 to $7UO0 will cover everything. MILLINERY STORES. Two fine little country millinery stores are placed with us tor sale; one at $300 and one at $7.0; stock all new. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., -0i Morrison St. FOR SALE BY OWNER. The best-paying little general store in the valley. Business will invoice about $2500. Monthly business from $1200 to $lu(io. Kent $28.25 per month, In cluding store, warerooms, barn and six nice living-rooms. This is a high-class business and only 8 miles from Portland. Will stand closest investigation. I will explain my reason for selling. To ar range for date to see store, call Main l0SS. If you call Sunday, call Main 4;i95. If you haven't the money and don't mean business don't answer. CASH PAID FOR GROCERY AT ONCE. Must stand fullest investigation and not too high rent. AB 726, Oiegonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. INVESTMENT WANTED (NO PATENTS.) $2000 TO $10,000 WITH SERVICES. ACT I VE, W I DE E X P E R I E NC E ( GOOD COM. RATING). BUSINESS MAN (BANK REFERENCE WILL CONSIDER LOANS. STATE N A TURK OTr BUSIXKSS TO GET ATTENTION. K 720. OREGON I AN. YOUNG man with reven years hook Keeping and general office experience is desirous of connecting with reliable firm where he tan in wut a few hundred dollars. A H 'iSJ't, Oregonian. I HAVE $100,000 for investment in a sub stantial, profitable enterprise, combining safety with good returns. AV H79. Ore gonian. RESPONSIBLE! couple, of wideawake busi ness experience, will lease apartment house, furnished or unfurnished. Main v806. MR, GROCER, are you in need of cash? Will you sell part of your stock at a' good discount for cash? We can aid you. Busi ness confidential. AK tiby, Oregonian. STORE WANTED. We have client with $2500 to $3500 to buy country general or notion store. Par ticulars 1 A Vftnn h!H cr WANTED Grocery stores, rooming-houses, restaurants, most any kind of business; have cash buyers?, also some dandy clear jjiuyvriy. oe-) uago, i;iay St. WANTED Small grocery and confectioner:, state price, location and amount of busi ness weekly in lirst letter. J 742, Ore- gonian. WISH manufacturer's agency for Oregon territory. Good office appliances pre ferred. Can guarantee results. B 72U. Oregonian. OFFICE connections in law firm by ex perienced Eastern lawyer, desiring tb lo cate in Portland. S 715. Oregonian. I WISH to invest $ti000 and inv services in good business, I am not a broker. N 713, Oregonian. WANT to buy an established business up to $3000. all cash; give full particulars tirst letter. AN 737. Oregonian. IF your business has real merit we can seil It. If without merit, don't bother us. " oc on 'jv . o i n k i on mag. EXPERIENCED -PARTY wishes modern ho tel In live town. T 717. Oregonian. WANTED To learn cleaning and pressing i" ' "'"w. r i i . urcgonian WANTED Drugstore in country town, $2000 to $4000. AV 88S, Oregonian. STOCKS AND BONDS. TALK WITH FLETCHER. 800 American Realty Co bid 400 Beavis-May Oil bargain '2i00 Fidelity fopper way down .3 0 Pac. States Fire cheap :"0 Portland Concrete Pile special All stocks and bonds permitted by the Corporation Commissioner to be sold I WANT. Port. Gas & Coke Provident Trust 10-Oxluo. Union ave., corner, to trade for Telephone or Realty Asso. bonds. r btj i. H j-.jt, vi'o Ablngton Bldg. SO SHARES Potter Coin Machine, par value $600 ; will sell for $3000. c 731, Oregonian! ROOMING-HOUSES. CLIENT WANTS ROO M I NG-H uUri E OR APARTMENT-HOUSE. Has 1 1 4 acres, all Incur, ivation. near Tigard; Una soil; well located, near Ore gon and S. P. Electric. Will exchange for good rooming-house or furnished apartment-house. Price $7"U0; clear ot in cumbrance, PRIGMORE & YOUNGER. INC., - S43-S4U-S.V) Morgan bldg. $300 a month' clear pro"fTt 84 rooms, modern brick, splendid cor ner location; all large, light rooms, clothes closets, running hot and cold water, heat and water furnished by landlord. This is one of the good paying houses. Price $b000, $2000 to $3000 cash required. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 300 Board of Trade, 4 th and Oak sts HOW ISS TH1 J ilvu 7 19 rooms, all furnished: fine location, rooms all taken : :t von' iA-,. , c-c r. per month; thia place clears every month ctfv o nil expenses to ; price lor days $800. DIETZ & RIXGLER, 1 Railway Exchange Bldg. few I 'l lt'VTl' V linTi,-- r County seat town of 30'0; 70 rooms very best of furniture, annual business of 30,000; tine bus -and team, brick build ing, s team heat, telephones In all rooms full particulars will be given to those in terested. Bis Yeon bldg WOULD you give $1000 for an apt. house, completely furnished and hot water heat, that has for the past 38 months cleared $50 each month over and above all ex penses ? I am the owner. Vrite me Other business compels me to sell. j 754. Oregonian. ROOMING house, 10 rooms, near 12th and Taylor sts. ; strictly modern, first-class furnishings, nice lawn ; will sell cheap. Nice for a home, and a good money maker. Many more good bargains H. W. GAR LA N D, 101 4th st. LIST WITH lS. If you want to sell or trade your hotel or apartment house call and see us. We have several clients who have cash and good real estate to exchange. 018 Yeon b 1 d g. ROOMING and apartment house. SO rooms near Wash. st. Ftrst-class place, modern, books open for inspection; clears $250 mo. AVill sell cheap and give terms. H. W. GARLAND. 11U 4th st. SNAP 10 rooms. fine furniture, almost new. income $ 100; rent, etc.. $45. Price $350. $10O down. 5ny Davis st. Phone Marshall 5572. FOR SA EE on acount jf sickness, hotel. - - rooms, central locality ; cheap rent ; $1 100 ca.sh ; might exchange for clear house and lot. Owner, O T6. Oregonian. MODERN house. 24 rooms, excellent condi tion, doing good business; part of furni ture for sale; equipped also for board- jog. Geo. W. McLean, Eugene, Or. THE best bargain In Portland. 40 rooms, new brick building, water (n all room 3 steam heat, good location. Can be bought on easy terms. all 88 10th st. $40 R ENT, including heat and w utcr: 9 roonB; furniture for sale reasonable. Main 10 ROOM S and restaurant, good location, 3 years lease; $25 month; $550, half cash. K 72H. Oregonian. 3z-tiOOM hotel, rent clears $200 per month; price $3700-: $700 down, or a euod lot: bargain. N 712, Oregonian. WANTED IB to 30-room rooming-house well furnished, within t blocks of tho Public, Library. M 739, Oregonian. WE HAVE a party with" $2000 cash who wants 25 to 30 rooms on West Side. 30 Henry bldg. FOR SALE by owner, pood rooming-house on T-Ia-t Sde; $1750; terms. AG 6'jS. Ore gonian. 12 ROOMS of housekeeping rooms for rale" $250. 828 14th St. FURNITURE In ! rooms in 12-room house. nt'UBP lor re'u; leaving c-ty. 4T. Main st. W-ROOM rooming-house, closo in, clwap. in. 1 1111. wner. BY owner. 26 rooms. 2SZ 13th. Close in full, Including piano. BEST paying downtown 4-room hotel at a saeriiiee. v its, oregonian, NOB HILL 11 rooms; other interests; one. third off. IP to 12 A. M.. 5i4 Kverett st. ONE week offer .11-h.k at price; alwav f nil : clears $50 month. Main 4170. FOR SALE, cheap; 9 rooms: rooms all rent ed; close in; part cash. Inquire S9 10th st. 12-ROOM furnished lodging-house. $35. with light and water. Inquire 212 Aider. FOR SALE 12 rooms, 6 housekeeping apt; income $35 month. 286 Clay. MARY E. LENT 508- Northwestern Bank Bldg. HOTELS, ROOMING. AfAKTAI ENT HOUSES. SOLD AND EXCHANGED SEVEN YEARS PORTLAND'S LEADING AGENCY. 1 invite new customers and refer them to my long list of those already locatea satisfactorily. CO U RT KOtTS AND CONS I DE RATE TREATMENT TO ALL. T HAVE THE GOOD HOUSES. LARGE AND SMVI.L, and will sav- you monev. I DIVIDE M V COMMISSION WITH THE BUYER AND LOCATE Vol' RIGHT. HOUSES LISTED EXCLUSIVELY. SOLD WITHOUT PU BLICITY. HERE IS ONE HIGH-CLASS AND KX C LUSI VE. 1 25 ROO M S, FO R A LI VE HOTEL MAN; here. Is your chance. Equipped with all modern conveniences, largo lobby, private baths, reliable party with $15,000 cash will make a fortune hurc. YOU CAN'T MAKE A MISTAKE in buying this P5-room HOTEL, cleurlng $0O a month and turning guests away all the time. If you have unincumbered real estate and some cash, come in and talK it over. OTHER BUSINESS REQUIRES OWNERS TIME, and I am instructed to sell the furniture and furnishings, with rooms all rented, of thia nicely furnished hotel of over 50 rooms, lobby, elevator, ni;e light, clean rooms. If you have about S2000 cash, c:in cut the price right in two 'if sold this weelc THIS IS WHAT YOU "WANT. 40-room. white pressed brick corner ho tel, rent $18o, best furnished house of its size in the city; lu baths, a respectable place where you can live with your fam ily and clear $200 a month with regu lar roomers; $2uOO cash required to handle this. 30 ROOMS, MODERN. New brick building, 1 unning hot and cold water in rooms, furniture coat over $000; will sell for $2,0. wiih $1500 cash. 22 ROOMS PRICE $05O. West Side location and very nice; a chance to buy and sell aain at a hand some proiit, A PA RTMEXT-UOUSES". HERE IS A WINNER. THE PLACE THAT MAKES THE MONEY. S7 APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room suites, with all built-in conveniences; this owner can prove that he is clearing $400 u mouth, but owing t. other interests must go East, mid will sell; requires $4iMiO cash. 28 2-ROOM APARTMENTS. Cheap rent a nd the bt lease in the city: profits over $300 a month; about $2000 wiil handle this. 13 APARTMENTS. New and high -class, rent $150; makes a nice home and $HM a month profit; price $3Smi; will accept real, estate, but must be unincumbered. SMALL PLACES. 2 ROOMS, PRICE $ 50 24 ROOMS, PRICE $ 1 500 16 ROOMS, PRICE $IOO 12 ROOMS, PRICE $ 5oo 12 ROOMS, PRICE $ 350 If you want a place. HERE IS THE PLACE TO FIND WHAT YOU AV A NT. REMEMBER. I DIVIDE THE COMMIS SION WITH THE BUYER AND GIVE YOU A SQUARE DEAL. MARY E. LENT. 509 NO RTH WESTE RN BA N IC BLDG. 6th and Morrison Sts. FREE AUTO S ERV1CE Phone Main S560. MAIN C. V. RY AX & CO. 8551 319 Failing Bldg.. 3d and Wash Sts. HOTELS, ROOMING. A PT.-HOUSES. HOTELS, HOTEL!!. 70 rooms. $0500, in heu.rt of city, a real money-maker ; hot and cold water in every room, private ba t hs ; price $0500, $1000 will handle; Inspect this first. 40 ROOMS, $2000. $750 DOWN. This hotel is in a fine downtown loca tion, beautifully situated for transients. 3S rooms, $3500 ; a beaut y 71 rooms, haif interest $4500 40 rooms, $2S50. half cash. APARTMENT-HOUSES S2 rooms, $8500, half cash. This fine whUe brick apt. is only 6 min utes' walk to P. O. : a beautiful corner; is a 1 ways full ; 5450 mont h profit ; peer of them all. 1 nspection solicited. 32 APTS. $510O. This fine brick apt. -house is the beet moncy-nutker on t lie Coast. We recom mnxt and stand back of this house; it is as wax and always full of rclined people. Trial till satisiied. cj ROOMS, $1500. $50O DOWN. This is a modern a part men t-house lo cated O minutes' walk from P. O.. ulways fill; a lady can do all the work and etiil enjoy life; consider this carefully. 30 ROOMS, $2000. This modern apt. -house is a fine close-hi West Side location, one and two-room suites, hoi and cold water in each suite, steam heat, electric liht and oue sure money-maker. 32 Rooms. $ 1P0O. Half Cash. 42 Rooms, $3401". Half Cash. 1! Koiui, 8 1 5tKi. Half Cash. ROOM ING-HOUi-ES. 24 rooms, a beauty. $l5no. 2'J rooms, must go, $050. 12 rooms with piano, $550. 3 8 rooms, $1300 ; a love.'y corner. 3 0 rooms, beautiful f urn iture, $300. BOARDING AND ROOM I N G . 10 Rooms Only SI20U. If you want the cream of boarding houses Inspect this, it 'ias the 1 one and uppcuram-e and A-l class of boarders. C. V. RYAN & CO.. 310 Failing Ltldg. WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR FARM. 125-room u partment. 53 apartments, each with private bath: none better in tho city as to location, appointments, furnishings or profit, lease 7 years, cheap rent ; pays $55o a month over alt ex penses; first-class proposition in every re spect ;f urnishitigs and lease for nu.le or trade for farm; value- $20.001 ; will as sume. - O. C. U. ELLIS & CO., 309 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak 8t. 70-iiOoM M DEKN A PARTM ENT-HOUSE. Cleurs $2-Mj per month net.; West Side, In - easy Mailing distance; mostly all in '.'room suites; furnished throughout la leather upholstered and mission lurniture, r.xminstcr carpels and brass beds, at a eusi of i$ IO.000 ; our price only $0500; ?15UO cash. $27cO mortgage back and $2:100 trade. S e Mr. DeForest. ii. Ii. GOODK1XD CO., INC.. "Suite 402 Wilcox Bldg. WANTS A ROOMING-HOUSE. One acre near Lents, all in cultivation, G5 fruit trees, small fruit, new 4-rooni bungalow, 30 chickens, level ground, trade cquiLy of $ 1000 for room ing-tiouse, mort gage $000, on ea.Fy payments. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 309 Board of Trade. 4th and Oak sts. APA RTM E NT! I OU S E TO TRADli 74 rooms. all two-room aparimnts, steam heat, new brieli building, present in come $S25. Price $G7O0. Will take some cash and balance in good real estate. This will stand the closest investigation. Call 618 Yeon bldg. REMOVAL NOTICE. MARY E. LENT. JjOS-oOO Northwestern Bank Bldg., 6th and Morrison Sts. hotels, rooming, a partment houses sold and exchanged. Phone Main 8500. Free Auto Service. 22 ROOMS. EXTRA GOOD. A-l location, near Washington st., fur nishings cost $2Soo; cheap rent with lease; if you want a bargain in sleeping-rooms, both permanent and transient, see this. Price $1800. O. C. R. Ellis & Co., 30U Board of Trade, 4th and Oak. NOTICE. MAIN C. V. RYAN & CO.. 8551 31Q Failing bldg., cpr. Rd and W'ash sts. HOTELS. ROOMING, APT. HOUSES BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED. None 100 large, none too small. 21 years in the business. 20 liOOMS, all on one. floor; furnace heat, good lease, low rent, A-l location, good furniture, good carpets. Will sell very cheap. Give reason when you cull. Call at 88 10th st. Some terms. This is a good one. ELEGANT FURNITURE. Cost $2200 5 months ago; will sell for $s,"K if taken before the 15ih; owner leav ing city; nothing better in the city; hot and cold water in ail rooms, furnace heat. Ca i 1 0 1 S Yeon bldg. 1 WILL sell my 40-room rooming-house at a sacrifice; on account of death, must go EHFt : brick building, hot and cold i ater, steam heat, rent cheap. 413u W'ash. st. Uy owner. , 20 FINELY furnished housekeeping and single rooms, large bathroom and halls, all on second floor of brick building, cor ner, center of city ; lease and easy terms. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 253 Mad iaon st. ROOMING -HOUSE S We have t h e mj from l to 52 rooms: if you are looking for a 11 yt li In g in th is 1 Inc. cal 1 and see Page Co., 2-15 Vi Morrison, room 0. 3d ROOMS, steam heat. 3 years' lease, rent $5 per room, good furniture, A-l location. Will take some trade and will sell rea sonable. This is a bargain. 88 30th st. FOR PALE -Rooming-house; lease and fur niture; Nob ' Hill district; 0 rooms; ' two bathrooms ; modern ; all full anl paying. Oolng East, cheap. C 729. Oregonian. 12-ROOM rnomlng-house, high-grade furni ture, in fine location. Just what you are looking for. Will m a ke t erin s. 1 1 goes for half its value. Call SS 10th st. N IN E rooms Russell ft., $20 per month ; right pfrs.m can make monev; some fur niture. Call TOOSt Wilcox bldg.. Main or A 1343. FOR SALE 30 furnished rooms, new furni ture, steam heat, near approach of new interstate bridge, Vancouver, Wash. W 705. Oregonian. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Gold cross and chain; return to 301 East Oak and Water ts. and receive re ward. LOST Friday night . leather bag contain in g money, keys, banlSbook. Reward. Phone Main 1424. LOST Will party taking umbrella on the Montavilla car call Tabor 484 or notify 2135 E. Olisan. LOST A gold watch and fob. Finder call 609 McKay bldg. Telephone Marshall 2500, i'HB following articles have been found in the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may se cure same by applying at barns as indi cated. Foil nd on cars Se 1 1 wood barn Phone A 0131 1 hat, 1 valise, 1 music stand, 3 umbrellas, 5 miscellaneous parcels. Piedmont barn Phone A t131 2 um brella.;. 2 gloves, 1 purse. packages. Savier-st. carhouse Phone A 01 3 1 2 umbrellas, I lunch box, 1 glove, 1 package meat. LOST Lady's bead purse on 23d and Love joy car, about 2. P. M. Feb. 4, containing $175, $105 In gold tied in handkerchief, about $10 in a small black velvet purse ; liberal reward: no questions asked. 134 N. 23d st. Marshall S81. LOST In Lipman, Wolfe's store Friday ; lady's purse 'containing watch, monev and other valuables. Please return to 221 E. 50th st., and receive liberal reward. Phone Tabor 50 50. LOST Bull terrier pup, black saddle on back, brass padlock on collar, answers to name ot Don. Liberal reward. 1530 East Lincoln. Tabor 2409. LOST In Meier & Franks on Wednesday a package containing a silver locket and a gold chain. If found Phone Marshall lo2t$. Reward. LOST Friday night, January 31, a large mink muff. Reward will be paid if re turned to number 22 Keeler Apartments. No questions asked. I LOST Gold bar pin set with 8 pearls, be tween Kim ana 1,. .Aiorrison ana -1st ana Johnson. East O0S4. LOST Cameo ring, noer glove counter at Meier & Frank's. Reward. Thone A llos or M. 30S2. LOST Gold watch and fob, Wed., between E. 2d and Washington sis. and 25th and Em worth sts. East 52. He ward. LOST On Mississippi or Kenton car, straw suitcase. Please return to Oregonian of fice. FOUND On S. I, train No. 30, one pack age: found on S. P. train No. 70, woman's umbrella. GOLD .PIN, wreath iiici-siiig croas and crown; set with pearls; initials C. S. Find er phone Marshall 53:13. FOUND Eik cuff button. Call at 212 Ab lngton bldg. Main 2430. LOST Elk tooth cuff links, initials T. E. iciui 11 tj ciitta l'iuUi re. arc. LOST Corner 23d and Hoyt sts.. reading glasses- In case. Phone Marshall 3405, SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. FOR SALE. $150,000.00 6 Per Cent Irrigation District Bonds, East Fork Irrigation District, Hood River, Oregon. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Directors of East Fork Irrigation District at their office in rooms 0 and 6, Hall bldg.. Hood River. Or., until 1:30 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday, February 23, A. D.. 1914. for the purchase of the whole or any part of an issue of one huudred and fifty thousand 150.000.00) dollars of Irri gation District bonds authorized and issued by the above named district, in denomina tions of $1000.00 each, dated July 1, 1913, payable in yearly installments in those percentages of the whole isue as by law directed commencing w ith the expiration of 3 1 lears from date of Issue and ending at the expiration of 20 years from date of issue, and bearing interest at the rate of c6) per cent per annum, payable on the first day of January and July of each year. Coupons lor the interest are attached to the bonds, and both principal and interest are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the Treasurer of said district, or at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon in the City of New York, N. Y. The above described bonds are issued for the purpose of procuring necessary reclam ation works, and acquiring the necessary property and rights therefor, to irrigate and reclaim the lands within said dis trict, and otherwise carry out the. laws of the State of Oregon relating to irrigation districts. The legality of these bonds has been ap proved up to this date oy Messrs. Dillon, Thompson & Clay, of New York, N. Y. Un qualified bids only will be received, and the successful bidder will be furnished with an original copy of the opinion of the above mentioned attorneys, covering the legality of the bonds. Ka bid must be accompanied by a certified check or cashier's check on some responsible pank for an amount equal to to two ;') per cent of the face value of the bonds bid for, payable to the president of East Fork Irrigation District, to be forfeited us liquidated damages in -ase the bidder shall withdraw his bid or shall fail or neglect to take and pay for said bonds, should the same be awarded to him. The bonds will be sold to the highest re sponsible bidder, provided, however, the right to reject all bids is hereby reserved. All proposals should be marked "Pro posals ror Irrigation District bonds." and addressed to C. R. Bone, President of East Fork Irrigation District, rooms 5 and t, Hall bldg.. Hood River, Or. By order of the Board of Directors of East Fork Irrigation District. Dated January 21. 1 914. GEORGE K. WILBUR, SC NOTICE OF SCHOOL BOND SALE. $100,000, The Dahes. Oregon. Sealed bids wilt be received by Board of Directors until 5 P. M. March 4. 1914, for the purchase of $10o.000 bonds to be issued by School District No. 3 2 said district, including the City of The Dalles) of Wasco County, Oregon. Each bond to be of tho denomination of $1000, dated March 4. FJI4, bearing in terest at the rate of 5 per cent, payable semi-annually. Principal payable after 1 0 years. Col lectible 20 year d from date. Principal aud interest payable at ot'fice of County Treasurer. The DaHes, Oregon, or at the fiscal agency of the State of' Oregon in the City of New York in lawful money, at option of buyers. Statute provides that ' bonds must be sold for best price obtainable, and. for not iess than par. All bida to be accompanied with a cer tified check for 1 per cent par value of lid. Bids received for any one, more or all of uaid bonds. Bonds issued in accordance with sub division 1-7, section 2, chapter 172, gen eral lawa of Oregon, 1913. ADDENDA. Population School District 12 6000 School enrollment 1077 Floating indebtedness school district. none Bonded indebtedness school dis- trict $ 20.000 Cash on hand January 1, 1014. school district 10.000 Assessed valuation taxable prop erty within Ecnool district No. 12 5,328.043. EDWARD C. PEASE, Chairman. MAUDE UDDON. Clerk. REQUEST FOR BIDS. In the matter of the assignment of L. Davis. As assignee of the above-entitled estate I will receive sealed bids up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Friday, February 33. 3913, at my office in Portland, Oregon, upon the following property, formerly be longing to L. Davis, situated in Lie store formerly occupied by L. Davis, at Beaver ton, Oregon. A stock of goods, wares and merchan dise, consisting mainly of clothing, gents' furnishings, ciioes. etc., of the in ventory value of $0Sa.21, ana Fixtures pertaining to the same of the Inventory value of $14.50. Total value of merchandise and fix tures. $702.71. Certified, check covering IO per cent of the amount offered, must accompany each bid. Inventory may be seen at my office and the property inspected upon appoint ment. Dated Feb. 6, 101 4. K. L. SAB IN, 740 Morgan building. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Josephson's. Bankrupt. Request for bids. I will receive sealed bids for the fol lowing property, situated at Roseburg, Oregon, In the" storeroom formerly occu pied by the above-named bankrupts, uo to and until 12 o'clock noon on Friday. Feb ruary 20. 1934: Stock of goods, wares and merchandise, consisting of dry goods, shoes, gents' f ur nlshings. ladles' furnishings, etc., of the Inventoried value of $73S3.53. Fixtures pertaining to the .atne of the inventoried value of $1644.67. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office and also at Roseburg, Ore gon, where the property may be inspected. Dated this 2d day of February. 1UI4. R. i.. fciABlN. 740 Morgan bldg., Portland. Or. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned. 401 Courthouse, until 0 P. M. February 10. 3914. for type and type machinery to be delivered at the Jefferson High School. Specifications may be obtained at tho offn-c of the under signed. A certified check for $50, pay able to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Di rectors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Krbmuarv 7th. 1 914. Signed R. it. THOMAS. School Clerk. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse, Port land, Oregon, until 5 P. M., February IS, 1 914, for electrical supplies, hardware, lumber, paints and plumbing supplies. Spe cifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid pay able to the ' undersigned must accompuny each proposal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated, Portland, Or.. February 5. 1914. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. J5OO0 SCHOOL bond issue. School District No. 32, Washington County, Oregon, 0 per cent. For further data writ Tohn M. Wall, Hlllsbora. Or. Proposals Invite!, SCALED bids will l,j received at the office of it; uudertiiKTieri. 401 i.'ourthouse. Port land, Or., until o V. M.. February 'Ja. KH4, for text buoka to be adopted for tin- usu of the pupils in the district for a pert.nl of four y.urs. SpecifiULlona giv i'lg titails and mttiiids of procedure may be obtained at the office of the under pinned. Xi.mi-d of dirtutors reserves the right to reject onv iiiid nil bids. R. It. THOMAS, School Clerk. Portland, or.. Feb. T, IU14 bKAl.UU l.icis will b: received until 4 P. M. lebruary 12, ism, at tho office ot the I'ort ol" 1'onland. for food supplies for the succeeding three months. Specifica tions may l-e procured upon application. 1 lie rilit to reject uuy or all bids is re served. J. .. DOYLK. Assistant Secretary. .Uifeeellarjeous. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE BY ORDER OF COURT. The administrator of the estate of Charles H. Ktptner will sell three-chair barber shop, with taxidermist ornaments of animals and birds, and novelty mirror and picture frames; shup located at 260 Ash st. w. PICK, Administrator. 2.".o Oak st., or 414 McKay bids. II Y wile. Mrs. C. P. Southwell, having left my bed and board. I will not be responsi ble for any bills made by her. C. P. SOUTHWELL. FINANCIAL U FEU CENT loans on farms, orchard lands, city residence or business property to buy, ou-.ld, improve, extend or refund mort gages or other securities; terms reusor. able; special privileges; correspondence in- . viteo. Dept. I 74j Henry bids.. Seattle. a3h. ; CIS Commonwealth bldt... Denver. Colo. e: lui nish the money at a low rate of in terest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent if we do toe planning and builoiiiif for you; ii will pav you to see us. i.. K. Hailcy Co.. Inc.. olM Abington. Whi BUY MUKiTUACliS ., A.U .NOTES WESTtiliN LiONIJ & MOKTllAGB CO.. Sv 4th street, Board of Trade bldg. CASH PAII for sellers' real estate con tracts and monthly payment mortgages; my own money: no delay. A. M. odeil. . Concord bids.. Main C4S. CASH nail ror good fiist or second mort Kafces n real estate or sellers' Interest In contrae : for sale. li. K. Noble, 316 1 ui:i!er:i,t:iis blug. $JU00 Oll.T-EDuK bonds, paying G per cent, maturing - years; will uiscount to net 7 1 per tent. II. 11. Carquevilie. 70S Selling bldg. Main 4!it:t. AaOU'J'UAUK LOANS, noterf, contracts, mort gages "ifirst aud second), equities pur ehased. 1. H. Lewis & Co.. li Lewis bldg flO.OOO BANK for sale in Southern Oregon. HAMMOND MOKTGAGE COMPANY, 4::-424 Chamber of Commerce. CHURCHES, Sunday school, societies, will receive our plans for raising funds by ad dresglng box 34s, Portland. Or. VK MAIvi short-term loans, $000 upward, on approved bankable securities. Kobert son Bwing. 207-S N. YV. Bank bldg. KITILDlNCi sale contract, part paid: about $r.oo; payable, monthly; liberal discount. At 72o. Oregonian. rent SALE 7ot mortgage, 3 years. 8 per vii... iiii'i-Jveu piupt-uj. WOOQiaWn o01tl. 'VE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Hok ertson & Kwlns. -'07-t N". W. Bank bldg. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. GKO. T. MOORE CO., 01s Ablngton bldg. J4..0 MURTGAuK, It month? to run; -will discount ".. 42L" Chamber of Commerce. Money to Louji Real Ktate. JO.uuo TO LOAN at 6 per cnt on close-in improved property. Will divide. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 4-M-11M -Chamber of Commerce. AND 7 J'Klt f L N'T M TG. LOANS. Save time and money by seeing us first: Jlotiti to s-ju.U'O for immediate loan. A. K. HILL. Henrv bldg. AND 7 1'HK CENT MTG. LOANS. Save time and money bv seeing us first, JIOOO to L'0.(loo for immediate loan. A. K. HILL. 41!1 Henrv bids. MOHTGAGB LOANS. 6V- TO 1. s. H. . E. MOON 12 Y, Main -10. Room 421 Failing bldg. 1 HAVE 1000 to loan 4m real estate; I de ire to do business direct with principals; a;-eiiis need not apply. Call Ola Piatt bldg. 7 PER CIS NT MONEY. ?l.";.llon-$jo.ooii. also amounts from '-00 up lo S::ooo. ready on city property. EU.MOND GRIFFIN, .".ol Oerlinger bldg. $1C00 To LOAN on Portland real estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423-424 I'hamber of Commerce. $200,000 to loan in sums to suit! miilditig l'-ana; lowest rat?a. W. G. Beck. 315-31S Failing bids. MONEY for LOAN'S on unproved city property; current rates; u0 commissions. Wilt, MaeMuster. Jul orb.-tt bldg. PRIVATE monev. easy terms, mortgages. United Realty, ct; Gerlinger blil&., 2ii and Abler. JIORTGAGH LOANS. Real estate security, current rate. 201 Stock KxuhaiiKo okIfr.,:(t and Y amhill. $000 OR $600 to loan at 8 per'centTmust be good real esate security. Coe A. McKenna & Co., 727 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $51,000 TO LOAN CITY OR FARMS. J. . ROI'NTltEE, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Hirrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg., 3d aid Stark sts. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amount OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., Inc.. Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. MONEY " for immediate loans on residence and business property. U. S. .Mortgage & Investment Co.. .",12-513 Yeon bldg. TO LOAN By private partv. $400 to $.iotj on improved, clear, city real estate. Phone Pt onee. Rose, East 4SC8. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ES TATE AND FARM LANDS. GEO. P. V c tv t At. "JS rlt-J.-SRY BLDG. $5000. PRIVATE' money, or pyrt. to loan on improved real estate; give full particulars. A s C.i .7. O fei- on is n. PRIVATE party has .",0lt to loan on first mortgage on improved city property, no brokerage. Address G 71. oregonian. TO LOAN $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. SO 4TH. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. LOTS of 7 per cent money to loan on city real estate; kindly submit your security. H. M. Carquevilie. 70K Selling bldg. SEE us today for loans on Improved city property. 0 to S per cent: $300 and up. Cellars-At nrt on Co., S25 Y'eon bldg. $1000 AND op to loan on your home, long time, interest (I per cent per annum; monthly payments. All fi'.'4. Oregonian. $."iio TO LOAN. Improved ciTy propertv. S ler cent; no commission. AP 740, Ore Ionian. MORTGAGE LOANS. Real estate security, current rates 201 5 Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill SlfHio TO $".0.!e0 on improved cltv property: amounts t suit. Herman Moelier, Wilcox Dl'lg I HAVK funds to loan on real estate or mortgages: must be first-class security. N 70s, Oregonian. WILL BUY MONTHLY" PAYMENT. Second mortgages mid sellers' rnrtnpta Smith-Wagoner Co.. fil'J Stock Exchange! Money loaned, real estate, contracts & mtga bought. H. Mlley. 204 Oerlinger bldg. MORTGAGE IAJANK, any amount, no delav Henry -. Prudhomme, S07 Wilcox bldg. MORTGAGE LOAN P. ! AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON' CO.. 229 STARK ST. ' MONEY, any amount. 8 to R per cent IT. Seitz tfe Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. W. MONEY TO LOAN, ft' AND 7 PRR ppvt F. W. TORGLElt. lOit SHERLOCK Bl.bo! mortgage t.oa::s AT and 7x, FRE J S. WILLIAMS. P2 ' 1ST ST. $1000 TO .'.0O0. private funds for good loan Phone Talior 2,"20. STATE FUNDS, n per cent. W. E. Thomai. ajrent Mtiltnomnh County. 4"y Ch. of Com. $200, $350. $000, $900. $1200, $1SOO Fred W. German Co.. 932 c ham. of Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. T4. TT A R D I NG, 1111 Ch. of Com. $1000 TO loan 3 to 6 years, 8 per cent. Vnduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Com. MONEY to loan, city or farm lands. J. J. Cflhalln, flS." Chamber, of Commerce. QTJICK service on mortgage loans any "iount to $20,000. Main 8429. .tiuo '1 o LOAN on real estate security. Phone Main 932S. $2i't AND 110 to loan on real estate EOIO REALTY CO.. 206 Abler St. HAVE. $1000 to loan, realty security at S per cent. A Al 7o7. Oregonian. HAVE $2000 or any part thereof to loan for 1 ars. A. U. Wl I lough by. Main 20o. PRIVATE party has $2000 to loan on good real estate security. Y 701. Oregonian. 520O0 AND up 011 Improved realtv. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. $1000 TO loan on good securitv. principals only. Howard. 019 Morgan bldg. $2."oo OR part on good cltv properly by prl vate party. F 741. Oregonian. $200O WANTED. S per cent, on improved city property. Main 116R. $400 AND $1200 private monev to loqn on Portland real estate. Phone Main C3t2. Money to Loan Real Kstate. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN. S3U.0O0 at 7 per cent, at 7 per cent. i:..'H)0 at 7 per cent. Jl'ioO at 0 per cent, 70it) at 7 per cent, $'IOO at 7 per cent. S.'ioOO at 7 per cent. JOOd at X ner cent, liut) at 8 per cent, Jibuti at s per $&i0 at 8 per cent, fZ-jij at s pei- cent cent. M'KEXZIE & CO. Gerlinger Bldg. .Main t'801. Money to loan in sums lo suit on improved real estate security V'Ou to 5u.0flo. Prompt service. Lowest rates. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 4L':t Chamber et Commerce bids. FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN'S made on improved Portland real estate. 1 rorapt . consideration given to applica tions. PORTLAND TRVST COMPANY OF OREGON. Northwestern Bank bldg., Sixth and M orison sts. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY' FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE Ac TRUST CO., altS Spalding Bldg. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 5 TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL. 300 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. TO LOAN Money on improved farms. Money on improved city property. Made without red tape. Prompt service. Courteous treatment. Lowest rates. R. H. Blossom, 310 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security at reasonable rates in sums from $.i00 and up THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 171 Fourth St., Betweeti Morrison and Yamhill. ON improved city property or for building purposes. 3 to S ears' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money udvanced as build lg progresses. The Equitable Savings : Trust Association, 'J4u stark st. MONEY TOLOAN-"to 8 " PER CENT? Any Amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-4''4 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN In sums of $1000. $1500. $21)00. $2"0O, on improved real estate SCOTT-B EESLE Y'-DEA N E CO. 211-12 Abington bldg. $15,000 TO LOAN on flrat-mortgage secur ity at 7 per cent; also $1000, $ir,oo. $1700 ami $7000 on firsi-morlKaire security at S per cent. E. A. Baker. S13 Selling bldg Phone Main 1700. MONEY" TO LOAN. Good supply for city and farm property 6 to 7 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second st near Washington. $2000 TO LOAN AT S PER CENT GODDAR1) & WIEDRTOK. 243 Stark st. J-'OOO TO LOAN on improved property. Hammond Mortgago Company, 4-:i-4J4 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 THREE years, city real estate. 743. Oregonian. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. NEED MONEY QUICK? You can act it Today. WE LOAN ANY AMOUNT, to Working People and others on Plain Notes. Furniture. Livestock, Pianos, Autos, Storage Receipts, Real Estate, Motor cycles or Diamonds. WE BUY MORTGAGES. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CON Fl DENT I A I.. Rebates Given if t'aid Before Due PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY 413 Al AC LEA Y' BLDG., Let ween 4th and eth sts. on Washington st. open s A. Al. to (i P. .u. mcry da ; Sat. till s P. M. MONEY! Al -' K. AION'EY! SO CHEAP THAT -NO UN U SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. SALARY LOANS WITHOUT SECURITY. YOU CAN REl'AY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS OEE OTHERS. THEN SEE Uo. STATE SECURITY CO., 3Ui FAILING BLDG. WHY PAY EXORBITANT RATES'.' W e w ill loan ou money as low as 1 per cent on your diamonds and jewelry. Ve are the most liberal licensed money lenders in the city. our establishment is located at 334 Washington street, near Broadway. Get our prices on forfeited uiainoiia 1 HiaCe. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS ou - diamonds, watches, jewelry, automobiles, musical instruments. Ail Interviews strictly confidential. Flby Company. o2o Lumber Exchange. A C C O M MODATION LOAN CO. Loans on plaiu notes, salaries, chat tels or anything of value, confidential. CJltrteous. 317 Lumber Exchange bid-; Main ros. $uo 'To $.ttKJ to loan on liirnlluie, autos. pianos, storage receipts, diamonds, mort gages and real estate at ;; per cent per month. Write E 70S, oregonian. E loan moiioA; at lesal rates on pianos, lurimure, autos, , livestock, storage re ceipts, reai estate, etc. Manhattan Mort gage Co., 31 u Abington. Alain 026b. AIR. oil MRS. WAGE EARNER. Wishing money without security quickly, quietly and cheaply. Mercantile Credit Co., 32S Henry blug. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, jew elry, xiianos ano wareliou.se receipts. Brown & Co.. room 'j Washington bldg MONEY to loan on diamoiKls or anything of value at 3 per cent. Apply 4 13 Alacleav bldg. WE LOAN money on diamonds and jewelry at ball' the rates charged Ly LroUeis. .vlarx .fe Bloch, 74 3d st. 1MA1ED1ATE and confidential loans ou fur niture, pianos, autos aud motorcycles. 200 Alder st. MONEY sold on Installments ; confidential; bmimi lcu people, r. s. .New 1011, Henry bldg. LOANS on diamonds and jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 '. 3d. near Alder. LONS on leal estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. Roll, room S, Wuslungtuu bldg Loans Wanted. WANTED from principal, $4000 3 yre, 7 percent, modern 9-roum resilience. Chas. Rlngler. 310 Railway E.c, bhlg. WANT $3000 from private party on cloae-in vacant valued at $10,000; s per cent; no brokerage. p71ii Oregonian. $000 WANTED on $2000 home! modern; owner lives in It, 8 per cent. D 743. Orego nian. 41.00 WANTED on $20,000 riverfront prop erty, private party ouiy. c 730. Orego nian. WANTED $0000 at 7 per cent, lirst mort gage on farm worth, $12,000, 110 brokers. $1000 ON choice quarter block Wnverly Heights; liberal interest; principals. H 710, Oregonian. WANT money, on fine farm, security; first mortgage, 7 per cent. J. H. Harlog, 200 WANT $12.".o or $1300, Hrst mortgage, for S vears, s per cent. Tabor 24S. Al 711. Oregonian. 1 WANT 10 borrow SIM10, three years, o per rent, tirst mortgage; no commission. AT 740, Oregonian. WANTED $2500 six or 12 m.. ill lis; ample security; Yamhill improved farm. AC Jlti. Oregonian. WANTED Loan of $2000 to help build handsome 7-room house; will pay cm mfsslou. Phone Alarshall 3040, room ."2o. $300 TO $(5000 worth of first-class live real estate contracts for sale; liberal discount. AO 735. Oregonian. WANTED Loan. lpici. 7 per cent, secured by Improved busine.-s property, value T4QOO: oi-i ate .party. X COS. Orego?ii:4n. M O N E Y VA N T K d! Wanted Sln.ooo, three years. 7 oer cent. West Side Income. .1 7.M, Oregonian. v ANTED 1200 at s pet cent for 3 lo j reafi on a first iiioi'l(;a'e. Inquire Gilleu State Bank. White Sainton. Wash. TO borrow $2000 011 lilgh-class modern bungalow in desirable location; now under eonmrui'tion. AD 0t.". Oregonian. $.".000 ON modern residence; 100x100 lot; will pay 7 per cent, 3 to a years: value $11,000; no brokers. D 732. Oregonian. WANTED $2.-..O0. at curily in the city. Henry bldg. li per imitli ol. best sr. Ilouck, 3ol $330 TWO years, on 20 acres unimproved Multnomah Co. AS orts, oregotibin. WANT- This week. $41100 to $0f.uo on $26,000 farm. 43o Worcester bldg. $1000 ON VMC:int city lo:s worth J2V-n. 01 Stock Ex. bldg. WANT S7oO loan on Alberta district bunga low. Howard. 01! Morgan bldg. LIBERAL rliscc-j-ir, contract drauinc s ;,ct cent: miliin required. .1 7-Vl, tlrfunniim. WANT to borrow- $700 at II per oTTit. Port -land real estate security. p. 0. Mo In.iO. $2lHIO S PKR CENT on West Side Income property: principals. II 71S, Oregonian. WANT J1300 loan on Hawr'io.-ne-ave. bu:i low. M. 1234 or Tabor 322. WANTED :t.00 on s.sooo Income property; no brokerage. Ea.t 2.''. $lso0 WANTED on $0000 iniprored farm in 4 miles of Portland- E 73i, Oregonian. FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. WANTED OX A-l Slici UlTY. flN.uuu -at 7ia per trent. value $0.00n. .too at 71,-. per cent, value $15. 000. ."i04 at S ppr cent, valuu JJO.OOO, farm. al S pt !- cent, value $7t,0. S.?..no at 3 m-r ernt. value $10,000. N 1 h m at & jer ctnt. value 42."u. HUU ui S per cent, value :;."i.0, acre- M'KtZNZIK A CO.. iHin vsyi. il3 cierlinser Kid. 51S.UU0 WAXTKL. 1 Mant to burruw siS.Ouo for 5 vcaiF. at per t ent per annum. St-ouri tv, in riu property worth at east $40.0t: on voxn that will be hartl-surfaccd thin reason. Profpr to iK-al direct, but will j.av com mission t; relinbie agent. No phone in formation. Don't bother unless ou haw tho tnont -y. Address Box tifc. Graham, Orep-on. $uOuO WAXTKD aL 7 pr cent for 3 vea-r on Ruod business corner, ToxlOO on Vniou avenue. Kami valued at f 7..00. Huild ing at $;0 U0. Total security ll,tm HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 4 424 Chamber of Commerce. 1-OAX WANTED. l.tOU wanted on acres of cleared land in Tualatin Township, .half mile from iu-vn' niall house and barn on plac. JVIU pay S per cent for this. Value $.;..uo. X It' tr Tt ifiv f-v- Ttri ni - . - i llllO J". .IV. .Have chattel mortgasu lor .t50 due in 0 months. Good security. Will sacrifice for $oOO. K. H. BA RU Kit. in Chamber of Comnu re.. MONEY WANTED. Want $1.-j,uom on West Side apartment house, will take Kood vacant or timber til to $.OUO, balance cash. 1 Tj.j Orco- AT S, Ml. Scott. $1M Ainswortli. J-''n ;tt IS, Courtney Station. a 1 uc .'..".O". omT-.'V? '.S house aMd K. Alberta. PM 1 I H- A.iQXKi: iy-gt ot k Exchange $7tm. Slouw AND $1700 wanted on iTmdT7u hom.-y. eaeh worth. mor.: t hati double amount asked: wiil pay !s per cent and expeiK&o it) privaLo jiuitv. V 7 "n On -n-nian. MONEY WANTED. Want $LOoo on marter section land near Redmond, will pay b per cent. K 727 Ore Ionian. 30 SEEKER'S eonUaci r,- ;iL ni.ti.U discount, r- Waving moiuhlv w n It ini-Mcs: huimalow aim lot ; ij.io.l securu y. Jas t Eogan. M. Spalding bidi;. LTitMt W A NT ED on new , mod.- in home i i best part of Mi. Tabor's fines humps;. tv S per cent to privalo party. S 7 l. Or. -gonian. I WANT to borrow from private party $'JOo at b per cent tor years, first mortyaun on modern i-room residence, t mill not Iay brokerage. W Cut, Oregonian. MOXEV WANTED. Wanted $:iuon. three years. S per cent ; seven -room now house, close in. 1, 7J0 Oreeronian. TO borrow $loflO for building loan troin pri vate parties; two good lota as neurit , worth $000; will pay 8 per cent. Sec Mr. O. L. Stelnau, G Ky. Exch. bids. MONEY WANTED. Have 8-room mndern house. wll located wish to borrow $JoOO, threo years. AB 7-S C" I rilllliail. EO R iSA LE $50 chattel moi t ga ko, puyablo i.t pnr mo., with Int. ; will d iseount S J." and xuaranteu payment. p 74,0, ure gonian. PRIVATE party wants loan of 2e0 and will give 40 acres of good land! I'nwliia Co., Wash., as security lor same. AD 0S, Oregonian. ?1S00, 8 per cent, i Vcars. private partv Rose City Park res. X 7o7, Oregonian. VKlUiUN'AL. HA1K-1IAI R-1IA1 R-il AIR. CiV-inch switches Ji.-t." li 'V-iuch switched l.'.t.". i 1 a iruicssiiiij -j.-, Kacc mubs.ic u.n Shampu'J Manicure, ,"c ; o for l."'o J 'J scaip treatments .v Supei riiioua iiair removed by el ecu ic necdie; yiiarunU'od not to retutn. 'in hair in any shade; switches any length ; prices halt. Sanitary Tariois, loo 41 Uekum bids.. :5tl and Washiugloii. NATCItOPATTUC TREATMENTS WILL GIVE VOL' 1IKALT1I. I have, thti most e.pnsi c. finest equipped private oil ice on i he Coast. l use .NO medicines or operations. I uso evor moiiern, up-to-d;: te method used in A iTH-rira or Europe. My results in all ac cepted cases are most u onUei f ui. Ovi. r I'OU'J testimonials at my office, t'onsulla t imis free. E. lallory N'aturopatn. Rothchild blda. N1SDETH SANITARIUM. Fully etiuipped wan eiecuic iiht baths, t-ake oven-;, full hydropa title. electric equipment antl Swedish massage, etc.; rheumausm, nervous aud chronic Uiieat.es ti 1 0 Eo vcjoy si. FE1HVET &l I1ANEBL T. Ecadiny wit aiid loupe makers; fii.est stock of human hair poods, switches tiom 'Joe up; hairdressmjr, ma n i u r i :i face and scalp tratiucn ts ; com bin made up t'- older. 17 7111 near Morrison. Maln'bV-. S W liUiSH ".' R A I XK1J NEHSE I r elsi n- l ora graduate ; rheumatism, nervous aud stoin a.cii ainnetus under physicians, direc tions; bath, massage. n. V East Hill si., second door sou i u from East A nkcuy car. 1 i no. Phone East -To. B lh'j'!. frEFEREEEuLS HAIR, moles, etc.. porma nently removed. Electric needle process. Established J b S 4 . Physicians' references, lady operator, at" room 22 Russell bhly., corner 4th aud Morrison. Phone Mar. ll4. GE KM AN TRAINED N ERSE Trea nuents lor rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; matu aiiil baths. 4j- Salmon st., cor. EAn. Ma rshall oO.'t, open Sundays. OBESITY Cl'RED. llfduced my wulsht 1HJ lbs. ami pirth measure 14 inches in eicht months without lutiiioine or diet. Writ box - 7 . S p o K a n e , Wash. "li 1 1 El" M AT ISM no more"; compounded by E. Davis, St. Eouis, Mo. Eor sab by all i, rusUts. $1 bottle. It iicver tails Write lor particulars. EX PER1EN ED masseuse gives treatments at your homo if desired. Rheumatism anl nervous diseases a specially. i 'hone ii 2 1 OS. OAPAEEE and refined young man will take eiiai e of your homo white absent even -ittKs; fond of children; references. jU 7-1, .tresoniitn. EASTERN trained operator gives scalp mus-.-utyo and facial treatments, ollieu 12, Jo OlIi. MADE OK YOL'R COMBINGS. Switches, ti.'ic; curls and puffs. 7"jc. San itary PeaiU J'artors, -HIM Dekum bid;?. Til E in poor hea It li that want -d ii f cul at the Natural Sanitarium, 1 7s R. 60 m st. Take M t. Tu bor ca i. ej. unnn Jurva. J E you have corns or ingrowing naile, see Dr. Ethel A. Siicry, expert chiropodisL. I l' Panama bide;., d and Alder. ii tvS. STIC V EN'S, jo ca is Eo it la mi's leauin palmist and clairvoyant, has her iaic booki ni saie. -J'iVj i!'-'' t- upon uaiiy. STEAM bathf, electric treatments. Missy Alice Langc. .'.o: Northv.est bid)?. Main ::7ir.i. houi j 10-h. KUb A lv devebtphia inclndinK 4xl. me Pit-tnrc 'o., liox Ihc T'tM, t r 1 1: t i i r .Wjc. icy with order. tiuruelt r.l. pus t land. tv. So PI I 1 A P. S El P, mental a nd spiritual scl ent is t. .'to'j A iiky bid k. Qui st ion and mes s. n iy tit . W ed.. s o'clock. Main S'JL'.i. ni I liOi'ubV t i .-a t men t s. SL'nCii.-. -M i s. Pot i er. 4 I NorthVi. : v ibra; oi y sea i p Ft bldg. Open V 1 1 It A To I ; Y treatmeii ts, sea: p sha in pooing. t ff ii-e - Hoti'l Gordon, lam hi 11, West Park. it'-i-i-oNS i;i phieiio:og, paimi.stry und i " : 1 1 i i 1 1 !':;.". i;t h st. l'hoti-.i Main Honrs 1 t. ; to S. ECHi EN Nerve Tablets rest ore lost vi: a J iL ; LT.O per box. ti lor Sl.JO. Stipt -Taylor Drns -. -Nl Morrison. OCR health ctlll'irc courses restore yuil hii i tb and 1 fe. School of Applied V m a physics. Stock Exchange bbiR. M R 3. . S. MORRISON wSteam baths uimI t : ass;t u fir rheumatism. luinliaso. le. Ma'lison. A -147", Marshall '.tO. Ldvori-s; lawyer. !'" years' experience, ru liable. Advice free. 4i. 1 Rot h.-,iM V.t l!b7'i Wash si. GRADUATE masseuse for paral sis. r'lfum attsm iitid nervous diseases a specialty. 1-0 Craliarn ave. ; take Mississippi ear. C t'.)t. SVEDIS1 MASSAGE Scalp treatments. IjTj 'loT'len. W:-t 1'ark and Yainbill. M AXuTUINi; A N D SCAR P Tit E ATM E N T. 4t N'l.otliwest hide, tit h und Washington. M KS. N EEE1 E SPUING, chiropodist. AldM st.. ojfi'-o 4". It 1 iti I " ; nd ina n icurl ng. Main Kii'. tint .Northwest Mdg. M A N h T RING, faer- and s alp trratmeht. 4H Northest bt'iii.. fi! it ami Washington. ravK si., :i . . .i . to t. .-V. MARIE NEVINS. electric baths n.l ti-at- ments. l not iic n i i.t mh g. .t a in il 'js. RHObA PIERCE, manicuring. "JUJ u, Mor rison .t .. c ;.i h. room s. M . m.A.AU, iiuiniHii-iiis. fae and sea in t -,,,tm.nt .4.i; Vtirihu,..! li A EM OF XI GS. ecu pound Ro . a I Tonic Talikts. ."0 4 E'n Is fit. Plume Main -GO::. M OLKS. superfluous l;n :r rei-.uivn! Mrs Si pHI'- 4--EIeiiner blri. Main :'.47". ECGENE CUNNINGHAM, yimr uioGicr has d:ef'. s'.'ALP lnnssa-'e am! s'r-tm; i.iiin ;. 50 Xam hill st.t room 1; houis II to b. A