TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, JANUARY 23, 1914. WANTED-REAL ESTATE. WANTED, ALAMEDA DRIVEWAY. We have a party wishing to purchase residence site on the Alameda Driveway, to consist of not less than 10.000 square feet , would prefer more; must be right price and terms, with unobstructed view. What have you? P. E. TAYLOR CO.. Inside Property Dealers, Ground Floor. Henry Building. WANTED House, St. Johns or Mt. Scott carline; Kive phone. T 651. Oregonian. KOR RENT FARMS. fiOO-ACRE DAIRY RANCH. Lease this fully -equipped Ideal ranch f"r a term of three years, on Columbia River with boat-landing and R. R. sta tion on place. 30 miles north of Port land; no stock on place, but plenty of good buildings; an attractive lease will ho g i ven to responsible party. JACOB HAAS. 308 Gerlinger bldg. WANT 6-room modern bungalow, built-in conveniences, with sidewalk in and paid inr in good district on East Side, free of " incumbrance. in exchange for Im proved and stocked acreage. 502 Dekum Mdg. TTTr RENT 3 7 acres garden land, near Baverton. macaaam roaa cuy. ?"od Jmp.rovement. -ohool . half rental in wi r. wftv Kxchange bid UNi: to live acres cleared, rich bottom land for rint or Bell on easy terms: ctrJc station on the place; one hour's ride Irom "ortlum?" g"od buildings. U09 Northwest null?., w non ie . vahm TO I.KASB Modern dairy farm wlt B io on SecUorTl-ine road; will sell cows or par?; barn will hold 40 cows, six horses. Ml tons liny. Tabor 6123. HKiH Income farm for rent on H h"y with Identical adjoining one for sale pay m, the latter after the f ourth bv the Income of both. -) s-1- -" WANTED 1 00 or 200 acres good cheap loKBed-off land with running "a1""0' too far from transportation. Owners only. H B7. Oregonian. volt rfst cheap, for a term of years, at mt renter. AV :. Oregonian. 17.. CRi:s 80 acre, cleared; Mt. Hood Road ; orchard, mill race. crg C a J IT, I Gladstone ave.. b. W corner Take Woodstock car to 3-M. . x.rn BFNT or sale. 'JO acres near Oregon Ir?,y wth or without stock: improved; no irnES all snder cultivation new build 80 At " -. - rr 71 a Oreaonlan. Inns, near am'"" FOR SALK TD1BEB LAXPS. SAWMILL FOR Write Morgan A Walker. CorvaUls. Or. . . . , , t- i- t a vns 11 Al nriA VCotVT Tk bought .v-yru rri C. J. M'CKACKKN 3Q4 M KAY BLDG- 602 Dekum bldg. - Nortn CHEAP BTUruls-. Idtal location for a mill; run ntng to railroad spur. S 3 oth st. WtXTEP TIMBER LAXU8. ... ..rR-n ro let a contract to log-off front l team proposition. Address h. .04. Ore gonian. FARMS WANTED. 1V4.NT improved farm up to $10,000 ; VpVaSr? parent; have 1'-: S t,UhP".roo5.oS feet timber; . acre, have been farmed.; '? HRY KUPPKR & HUMPHRY. 2 1 2- - 1 :( t:hamber of Commerce. IlAVB constant cull, for farms. 40 acres "I"1 LI"? e;i.PalC?-wi. $of loed off "and; "own". .hould write. Dowlu Mc.'hesney. 002 Title & Trust bids.. Portland. - ' Wl3; 4o to 00 acres with 10 to 20 i acre, cleared at 30 to S0 per acre V . ill J pay $Hioi cash. A good price. Will sell quiCK to our mun. ticwpituv 13-i;ia Chamber of Commerce. WANT improved farm about 100 acres. V vicinity if Salem, no mortgage; : r ful home in Pasadena, Cal. clear g lY"i particulars in letter or call at 31o Abmg ton bldg. "WANTED Tualatin farm, close in. Ha cuy income property to exchange. Am no real estate agent and wish to deal with oKns1J220Orejonlan. W ANTEU Irom owner Good farm for cash buvii" send description; don't pay big commissLms Particulars free. Western Agency. .Minntfttuii. .ii...... WANTED Large tracts of land, suitable for ,v''v"T. iv nartlculars in :',0'"n zf".'Vl'roir;. 420 Chamber of Com- nierce. VANTKD Good hop farm for a live client; Eive fullest description in first letter. I. r UCnS, -t -V nonmv full particulars: "$2000," cash. Address .). Bain. 1724 10th ave. K., Vancouver, x. v. Wli want direct from .owner good ranch land tor our clients. R. F . Bryan. 509 hamper ot t ommerce "WANT acreage farm near mill where; I can got job. l 711. Oregonian. WANTED TO BZKT FABM HAVE renters for hundred farms, every description: give full particulars and ex clusive agency. P. E. Lamar, 502-8 AXTKD T orent small larra, woum 1 1 . . , ...j txf rent: want some farming Implements on place. Loula t V.arHa Wish. .. : T. ...... i n,.itv i WILL trade tine joriiauu iu. v,. ---..i, h,.nir.iiow for stock of dairy ranch and lease same for term of years. AC (u, oregoniau. FARM on share, preferably with soma stock and option to buy- H. H. Neufeld. Lenta, Oregon. WNTK1 Farm to work on shares; must have some stock. W. J. Higgins, 553 oth W ANTKU To lease furnished farm on sliares. 'V to '0 acres, Al reference. 1150 1-;. Tillamook st.. city. a. r m or poultry ranch to develop on shares or salary; beet references; reliable worker. AT 702. Oregonian. V NTKT) To rent small farm; give full pa r t icuhtra. lH K. Uh at. N. VNT to rmt good chicken ranch, equipped with buildings S 6r8. Oregonian. VA NT to" rent fully equipped farm. NTo RppnlB. AC .sl, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. WH T have you to trade for 11 acres on the Oregon Electric. 0 miles from city, clear of incumbrance? Will accept city property or mortKjtfes. Price $3500. Owners only. L tHl, Or.'gonian. H VK a n'W, modern 5-room house, street paved and partly paid. Will sell on easy t-rms cr trade for 'a small farm; price $3'ioo. Room . Washington bldg. in ArURS adjoining Newberg, fronts on county road; all in cultivation; want home in Portland, value J4M10, an even trade. 300 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. VXRlOSTTlIOTRD H block on East Broad wav $o00, to exchange for modern home; no inftntod values. Phone owner, Wood Iflwn 2209. NlfU" TKVI N Cm TO X home. modern. large t ; will accept automobile or clear lot as part first payment. Owner. AE S4, Orrim i.in, X fni ported r-oach at all ton. weight 1550 !ls., n ef best In United States; will sell for half cost on easy terms or exchange f.r auto or real estate. M 702. Oregonian. Fo"CRF. wheat farm In Umatilla County; will -xMiar ge equity of $7000 for Port land propfvtv. Albert Harala. 801 Mis sissinpl ave. Phone Woodlawn 636. WANTED To trade 2 relinquishments for City - property or acreage. AM 708, Ore srnnian. TO KXCHANGE 2-pass, car In fine running Avd-r. ?r good twin motorcycle. N 076. o j-c go n I a n. ; , WILL tr-ide my working interest in going creamery worth $2500 for house and lot in citv. 303 Lumber Exchange. WILL exchange Portland lots for acreage or small house and lot in or near small town. K 601, Oregonian. $4110 i'Ol'ITY choice pleoe river-front aere scr for 1 rvlngt on or laurel hurst home; will apsmn-. AM 6ft4, Oregonian. LOTS on" Portland boulevard, free of In cumbrance, trde for grocery. AO 706. "rfronian VALLEY farm Wind to exchange for Port land hotel or apartment-bouse. AD 661. Ore gon l a n. WANT gun d ei'neral store In ex- change fn f"ll detail r Eastern Oregon land. Give AJ t6. Oregonian. DAIRY ranch In Columbia County. Oregon. 1t Portland home. F 712. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. 480-ACRE farm. Alberta, close to good town. R. R. crosses farm, well improved, good buildings, 1,000; want flrst-class Oregon property. SOO-acre Sherman Co. farm. :.00 In grain goes with place ; good buildings, lots of water, farming outfit; price fO.OOO; owner consider other good property to $T3UU; balance long time, low interest. 3280-acre farm, JoOO in grain. deliv ered to owner in warehouse, clear of all expense ; elegant buildings, ample water, farming outfit worth $J0.0O0; price i0 per acre; consider other good clear prop erty to ?ci0.000; balance to suit at 6 per cent. Manufacturing proposition. In good Val ley town, under full operation, making good money. $60,0()U; insured for $40,000; clear of mtg.; owner getting along in years, wants to exchange for any good property; owner will remain and operate plant for one year if desired. Dairy farm, near Columbia River, not far from Portland, very fine buildings wheh cost over $15,000, also stock with place ; price $40,000: consider other .good trade to $25,000. balance to suit. Eo you want to own a large wheat farm, with email capital ? Listen a mo ment; 2600 acres, unimproved, Klickitat Co., 90 per cent elegant land, spring water, $17.50 per acre ; adjacent lands raising 20 to 30 bu. per acre of wheat; a small payment in cash or property; no Interest for first year on balance, then tt per cent. Highly improved alfalfa farm, 400 un der irrigation, more easily irrigated; main irrigation canal crosses farm ; very fine buildings, clear of mtg. ; price $05,00o; consider good Portland property. $00,000 inooTfte property, fine Oregon town ; consider good farm lor greater amount, balance to suit on long time. L. K. MOORE, S17 Board of Trade Bldg. OREGON FARM TO EXCHANGE. 147 acres, 23 acres under cultivation, 1-aore apple orchard, 3 -acre peach orch ard, balance timber ; running water on property, 8-room house, big barn and outbuildings; spring water piped to the house and barn ; soil is a black loam free of rock and gravel ; on main county road 3 H miles from Parker Station on South ern Pacific and H mile from Buena Vista Price $150 per acre; will accept houses in Portland to $10,000, $5000 cash, bal ance S to 5 years at per cent. Interest annually. Old age only reason for dis posing of farm. CALL AX & KABER, 722 Teon Bldg. 50 ACRES in Clarke County, 4 miles from nmgeneia, mile irom boat landing; excellent soil, all but 5 acres In high state of cultivation; good orchard, hotuse, barn and outbuildings; good team, colt, 4 cows, heifer, some hogs and chickens and all Implements go with farm. Price $7500. Take house and lot up to $3500, with $2000 cash and balance terms. 56 acres, 1 mile from Canby. 2S acres under cultivation, 9-room bungalow, barn and other outbuildings; family orchard; with farm go two horses, 5 cows, 5 sow, 1 boar, chickens and all implements. Price $12,500. Take city property up to $8000, balance mortgage. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. 60 ACRES In Idaho, 39 miles east of Spo kane. 1 4 miles to railway station ; 20 acres In cultivation, balance easily cleared; all good soil; running stream, spring wa ter piped to house; about three acres in orchard and small fruits, best varieties; fine place for dairy and hog ranch; price $5000. Will exchange for acreage or small farm in Western Oregon. L 687, Oregonian. 15 ACRES near Woodburn, Improved, for good Portland property. 0 acres near Beaverton, highly im proved, for Portland lots. 40 acres in Clackamas, Improved, for Eastern Oregon ranch. Many other trades. GILL & DUFUK, 312 Ablngton bldg. FOR EXCHANGE. A 820-acre homestead relinquishment in Umatilla County (200 acres good wheat land, balance grazing), for a 1013 model Ford. Reo or other equally desirable 5 passenger automobile in A-l condition. A snap for whoever can handle it., Want to trade quick. Box No. 437 Hermiston, Oregon. ItiO ACRES level land, part logged off; large part covered with woods; on penin sula between two- rivers, one being navi gable; makes fine game preserve; good cottage; near good county road. Will exchange for Portland improved realty. Value $4500. Address AV S40. Oregonian. WANT LOTS. Modern bungalow, built 6 months and at tractive. Rented $20 per month, but can give possession. Will take lot or lots for equity of $1250 ; easy terms on bal ance. LUEDDEMANN. RL'LEY & CO., yi3 Chamber of Commerce. DO YOU WANT TO TRADE 7 We have good Portland property, good farms and good business opportunities to trade one for the other. If you want a square oeai see F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce WHAT have you to trade for SO acres, near Lylo. Wash., $JO0O; 120 acres, near Mc Mlnnvllle, $4O00; 160 acres, near The Dalles, $40OO? Will trade for city prop erty or some kind of business; owners only. Address owner, P. O. box 647, city. STOCK, in old line Insurance company not listed but paying dividends, for new S or 6-room bungalow, value around $2500, clear or nearly so ; give location in first letter ; prefer to deal with owner. Y 661, Ore gonian. 100x100, corner Grand ave. and Prescott; price $3500; equity $130O; will exchange for farm If clear of mortgage. GODDARD & WIEDK1CK. 243 Stark. St. $17.000 Tillamook and Flint sts. 100x100, large house and barn. Will make excep tional bargain and take small acreage, as part payment. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO., 4th and Pine Sts. 140 ACRES in the upper Willamette Valley, 40 in cultivation, old buildings, splendid . orchard, excellent soil, no Incumbrance. Price $5000; Portland residence wanted. V 5Slf Oregonian. A FINE general merchandise business to exchange for a ranch or city property; it must be clear; give full description and price in your inquiry. E. F. Gilbert, 101 w asningion st., Vancouver, wash. 39 LOTS IN VANCOUVER To exchange for a ranch up to $15,000; lots $SO00 ; 2 blocks from carline. E. F. Gilbert, Vancouver, Wash. $500 ECUITY. modern 6-room cottage. Mt. Tabor district, to trade for anything clear of incumbrance; prefer small auto, motor- "oat ur ciear mi. j UregoHlan. WHAT have you to exchange for 480 acres of Alberta land, all fenced and in cultiva tion, with usual buildings, at actual cash value? V 681, Oregonian. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, 2 lots, fenced in cumbrance $110O. equity $1200. want va cant lots, rooming house, good automo bile or small grocery. AK 703. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE $RK0 stock in Portland manuiaciunng concern doing a profitable business for a small ranch or city prop- erly. lO ACRES, all In cultivation, all choice soil DHiom eiecino une ; ?ou per acre; want city property not heavily incumbered. W x ij.tiu lur n. Bioi K or aairy ranch up to $10,000; some good contracts and va cant lots. Oall Main 1166 or 720 Chamber oi vjom. Piag. 14 ACRES BEARING PEARS. Close to Medford; nice house and barn; jjni-e uuue on a mgn-claas home same value. Call 406 McKay. Main 034. UKoi-i'.Klfc.S or general merchandise wanted In exchange for 4-year-old orchard and alfaUa land in Rogue River Valley; give i-iii ,iriicum i h. Vj t .:, uregon tan. EQUITY In a 5-acre 4-year old orchard tract for house and lot not over $3000. $20,000 EQUITY In first-class 4 block for nuiruvcu irm wiiiamette vauey, or tim ber. AB 6uU, Oregonian. lOO GOOD building lots in rood growing , ' " a u areas ownen, AD 6.j2, Oregonian. EXCHANG E 6-room modern house with 3 cots, small barn, for small Improved farm AS 627, Oregonian. WHAT have you to exchange for a $700 equity in a fine building lot on 36th and Knott. Rossmere? Call 406 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE for Southern California or will sell cheap, two lots, iSd and Sand v C Jayne. Corona. Cal. J" LAND in Idaho. $3000, to exchange for grocery, laundry, picture show; could add some cash. AV 830, Oregonian. 56 ACRES In Linn ton district, low price big profit; terms; some trade. See owner 210 Lumber Exchange. ' HAVE 191 1 Buick W trade for good Jot Walnut Park or piedmont. K 680 Orego nian. EXCHANGE $M0 eouity in" $35fV 7-room modern houpe. close In. for ciear lot. D 67S. Oregonian. $2000 EQUITY, mortgage $40f: 2 lots and house, to exchange for close-In acreage. Owner. Main 5004. Will assume. LAND to trad for city property. Oregonian. $300 FIRST mortgage to trade for motor boa u O 784, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. $o750 Rose City Park modern bungalow; equity $1350. for lota or acreage near city. $3000 Sellwood corner with 6-room mod ern house; equity $1000 for lots, acreage or house closer In; will assume. $3000 Modern bungalow on 50x115; equity $1400 for lots or acreage and assume. 45500 Modern home on corner East Weidler; equity $3500 for lots, land, small home or ranch; as sume. $5000 Modern residence on 50x100. close In, for good ranch ; no incum brance either way. $4500 New, modern 7-room house on 1 acres near Tremoflit Sta., for ranch same v&l. ; might assume $1 500 on right platee. $5000 Free and ciear lots on Peninsula for good ranch ; assume and might pay some cash difference. $5000 Modern 7-room R. C. Pk. home; mtg. $2000; want Imp. acreage. Mil waukie dist. ; assume same amount. COPPER, 415 Chamber Commerce. PORTLAND PROPERTY. Trade for a Stock Ranch. We offer all or any part of the following property In exchange for a large stock ranch, either with or without stock: House and lot, E.. 3 5th st., near Davis; house on Multnomah st.f 1 house on 24th St., 2 fiats on E. Davis St., lots in Ank eny Heights. Portland Heights, Free mont St., Mason st. and East Stark st., fc.ll centrally located; 4 section In "Western Washington and $'J5O0 in Beilingham property. Total valu ation about $80,000; small encum brance of $4000, which will be cleared. We will have the owner of this high-class income property in our office for a few days. Come and submit your stock ranch. He'll get right- down to business. DORR E. KEASEY A CO., 2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg. BY THE OWNER. One of the most beautiful farms in Ore gon, in the Willamette Valley, near Yam hill, 85 miles out on Fourth-street electric line. 320 acres practically all cleared. A splendid property for dairy, walnuts, fruit or a diversified farm. A gentleman would be proud, to own it. Will trade for city Inside property. Price $40,000. Some of this land was sold as high as $250 an acre. Phone ALEXANDER MORRISON. Marshall 276. 57 North 3th st.. Portland. FOR EXCHANGE. Highly Improved apple orchard Yakima Valley, 1 acres best variety apples, 10 bearing. bearing in two years, 4 mile to Selah. a good shipping and trading place. Good road, streetcar in front of house, 9-room stone house, modern. Price $25,000, mortgage $8750. Will trade for apartment-house or store building. For further particulars, write owner, P. Ber gren, Selah, Wash. MERCHANDISE STOCK TO EXCHANGE. Stock general merchandise of 'about $22, 000, well located in valley town, doing about $45,000 yearly, stock Is clean and up-to-date: good profits; expenses are very small. This Is a money maker. Will ex change for valley farm or Portland prop erty. 608 COMMERCIAL BLOCK. Marshall 4G45, 2d and Washington. Eta. BUNGALOW FOR FARM. 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW ON DETROIT AVE. PRICE ONLY $3250, CLEAR OF ALL INCUMBRANCE. WILL TRADE FOR FARM IN VALLEY UP TO $4000. E. B. BARBER. 505 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $55,000 HIGHLY improved alfalfa and hog rancn, beautiful river rrontage. Want income property or wheat farm. $03,000, including 3 tncome properties. Will exchange for Portland income property and assume large incumbrance if necessary. GEO. E. ENGLEHART, 213 Lumbermens -bldg. EXCHANGE 1 acre In City of FreSrio, Oat., tiaoraao Aaanion, value Slow, lor neat, modern 5 or 6-room bungalow on East Side, close to carline; will pay some cash difference if property Is worth It, or as sume mortgage. What have you ? Thos. H. Parker, North Powder, Oregon. FIVE beautiful acres at Rockwood, Base Line roaa, just 10 miles from courthouse, just a few blocks from two car linos; will con sider good equity in house. Must have some cash. Price is right. See owner Monday. 603 Northwest bldg. THREE lots on a good carline. valued at $4000 ; free of incumbrance ; to trade for farm land or acreage, improved or unim proved; will assume if price is right. Ad dress owner. Park Hotel. 5th and Glisan. BEAUTIFUL new modern home, well lo cated. value $15,000, equity $8000, trade for clear lots, contracts or apartment house and assume. Address AG 686, Ore gonlan. BEST residence property in good North ern Missouri town, for good, well-located chicken ranch or good stump land. Must be near railroad, and price right Value $3 500. AR G99y Oregonian. $14O0 CHATTEL mortgage, payable $50 per in u urn. aiiu ouu 10 souo casn equity m modern house and lot. CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO Main 40i7. 302 Henrv BMc I HAY E 1 U acres high-class Seattle acre age, two blocks from electric line; will trade for equity in Portland house and lot or lots, cash value $1200. P 712, Oregonian. WILL exchange well located modern 9-room home, valued at $7000. for farm or acre age of equal value. Give full description and location first letter. R 682, Orego nian. WILL give my $1800 equity in Vernon im proved property, also 10 acres unimproved fruit land near Mosier, Oregon, as payment on well-built bungalow, close in. Room 36, 313H Washington St. VACANT lots in this city and cash for ROOMING-HOUSE; trade any value from $1000 to $6500, either apartments or rooms. 309 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. UNINCUMBERED income-bearing prop erty in small Southern Oregon town, main line of S. P. to trade for home or in part , payment for home in Sellwood or Wood stock. Phone Monday. Sellwood 2002. 4-ROOM house, 40x120 lot. In city; sell or exchange for close-In lots or small acreage clear of incumbrance; near Portland; own ers only; state price and particulars. AF 6ti3, Oregonian. 240 ACRES Irrigated land Grand Ronde Valley $30,000; will exchange $18,000 equity for city property or good general store In Willamette Valley. AM 005, Ore gonian. CALIFORNIA for Portland, beautiful view lot, $800. Oakland, Cal.; what have you? Lot. farm implements or stock. A 742, Oregonian. $1500 EWI ITY in 5 acres apples. 5 years old. near Woodburn, value $2200; will take auto, lot or farm stock and implements. M 606, Oregonian. EXCHANGE For stock of dry goods or groceries; 320 acres good timberland, about lO miles southeast of Brownsville, Or. AV 817. Oregonian. WANTED Lot In exchange for 5-room modern new house and small monthly payments. Holgate, bet. E. 3th and 40th sts. TRAOT of resident lots, olose in, good dis trict; will sell or trade for income prop erty, also timber claim close to Astoria. a 001, wregonian. 12S0 ACRES, valued at $51,200, which In cluded $9512 equipment, also 3914 crops, valued at $12,000, some trade. Owner, la bor 3248. I H AV E a very fine residence property In Willow Springs. Mo. Will trade for Ore gon property or a good paying business. Address Box 152. Rainier, Or. STOCK of merchandise, value $8000. and mortgage $2500. for clear lots in Port land, or improved property clear of in cumbrance. AddresaAB 660, Oregonian. EQUITY of $12,000 in fine Idaho irrigated land on railroad, for something of equal value in Oregon, or for Eastern property Address AG 668, Oregonian. WANT Eastern property for good wheat land In Central Oregon. Address AG 667, Oregonian. WANTED 40 acres or less in exchanm for I Portland property. Give full particulars in iirst letter. iuw, uregonian. OREGON CITY line. 6 acres, fine soil. 6Vc fare, for lots or houses. Owners only N 678. Oregonian. 40 ACjtES at eaga or good town, under ditch, trade good, equity In house or for hign-ciass auto. tan fi4 Couch bldg. WHAT have you to exchange for 50 quarts of assorted home canned fruit, extra flue ' AF 6.T3, Oregonian. GEORGIA farm for Minnesota or North Dakota land. Swank. 611 Northwest bldg. UNINCUMBERED lots to trade for Portland property or auto truca. a a Dor 848. 40 ACRES, valued $5000, 20 miles from Portland, some trade. Tabor 3248. HIGH-GRADE player piano to trade for furniture. Tabor 1282. CASH and stock to pay for late model auto In good condition. G 692. Oregonian. WANT BUSINESS Have 40 acres at" $150 and some cash. AP 700. Oregonian. 8 ROOMS, house furniture i exchange for lot. R35 Front, corner Market, 40 ACRES, Clarke County, for lot, house or automobile. 19 Morgan ide;. EXCHANGE TO acres for Portland property. Give phone. Y 667, Oregonian, TO EXCHANGE. WE ONLY TRADE PROPERTY. WE DO NOT SELL. $10,600 7,000,00 0 ft. yellow fir timber, in cumbrance $3000; to - trade for good residence to same value. $11,40057 acres, close to Boise, Idaho, 40 inches water" right, all paid up; to rtade for something in or around Portland; incumbrance $3&0O. $12.000 8 ,ots and 2 houses, with an In cumbrance of $1S0G; to trade for good farm. 5 $12,350 8-room house In Ladd's Addition. 40x128 lot and 100x100 lot, all free and clear; to trade for good ranch of 16 to 20 acres close to college town. $12,500 100x100, on Division street, ft ; houses and store bldg. ; income 1 $85 mo. ; Incumbrance $240 0 ; to trade for valley farm. j $13.600 Two-family flat bldg. and a 7 room house in Rose City Park; incumbrance $7000 ; to trade for valley ranch to $10,000. $14,400 240 acres, 3 miles south of Trout lake, 40 acres in cultivation, stock, implements, hay, grain, etc.; to trade for city, $14,600 140 acres, 6 miles from Roseburg. 135 0 prune trees, all farm land . to trade for city property. $15,000 36 acres on Willamette River,' 24 miles from Portland, $2600 mtg.; will consider good city property. $16,000 3 houses and 9 lots, incumbrance . $5100; to trade for good stock ranch equipped, up to $25,000. $16,000 3 60 -acre Idaho ranch, all Irri gated, incumbrance $1500; to trade for something in or around Portland; will assume. $16,500 110 acres, farm land, on Tualatin River, 73 acres cleared. 65 in clover, mtg. $4S0O; will trade equity for Portland property or stock ranch. $18,000 -120 acres,, close to Forest Grove, with an incumbrance of $2500 ; to trade for city vacant property. $18,500 Have good A-l Irrigated land in Idaho, also 50 acres of 3-year-old orchard, free and clear of in cumbrance; to ' trade for first class stock of merchandise from $5MJ0 to $20,000. $19,200 320 acres of A-l wheat land, close to The Dalles, incumbrance of only $2200; to trade for good city income and will assume. $20,000 160 acres. 18 miles east of Port land, on Baseline road; with good bldgs.; Incumbrance $3000; to trade for good city income prop erty. $20,000 4-family flat bldg., on West Side, with an Income of $120 per mo., mtg. $7500; will trade equity for valley ranch. $20,000 70-room hotel in good suburban town in Washington, incumbrance $6000; to trade for good ranch to 40 or 50 acres, close to Portland, and mortgage back on hotel. $22,000 80x100. 8 houses, free and clear; to trade for good stock of mdse. $25,000 100 acres of A-l beaverdam land, all diked, good for Chinese or Japanese gardens, in Southern Oregon; free and clear; to trade for city property and will assume lo.0OO to $20,000 on good income stuff. $48,300 322 acres, near Gervais, 200 acres in cultivation, 20 to 30 acres real beaverdam, 25 acres bops; to trade for good city income prop erty ; will either assume or pay up to $10,000 cash. THE HARBOLT REALTY COMPANY. 710 Lewis Bldg. -Cor. 4th and Oak Sts. 186 ACRES, 5H miles from Willamlna, 30 in cultivation, 50 acres slashed, bal ance timber; house and barn, 21 head of stock. Price $li50O. Take city prop erty or acreage up to $8000. 202 acres, 4 ',4 miles Irom Willamina. 40 acres In cultivation, house and barn ; exchange for house up to $3000, or valley farm of 60 to 100 acres. 388 acres, 4 miles from Willamina, 125 acres In cultivation, 165 more cleared, balance timbt-r, 11-room bungalow, barn and outbuildings; stock ana Im plements. Price $80 per acre., Take good property up to $1 6,000 In ex change. 64 acres, 8 miles from Willamina, 400 acres bottom laud. 200 in cultivation, 15.000,000 feet timber, 10-room house, barn and outbuildings; $75 per acre. Take good income property and as sume up to $S0,O0O. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, . 325 Lumber Exchange. WAN" T 5 "LARGE R FARM. We have choice tract. 37 acres, hear Portland, at electric station. Nearly all in cultivation. Fine to subdivide or for any one wanting smaller farm with city advantages. Price $18,500. Will trade for larger farm of about equal value, in Willamette Valley or Western Oregon; would like some stock and equipment. LUEDEMANNV RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR EXCHANGE 100 acres timber, about 1 mile from S, P. Ky., Douglas County, Oregon; certified cruise over four and one-third millions. Also two 40-acre tracts In Lane County, near S. P. Ry.- to Florence; contains over 2.0O0.OO0 ; will exchange above for unin cumbered acreage or residence or stock of merchandise in Western Oregon. A V 802, Oregonian. - FINE FARM FOR TRADE. Nearly 21 acrs, good soil, location, buildings and roawt, fine trout stream, all stock and implements, a real fine place. Price $i600. Will take part city property. Uttle cash, balance time. If you see this you take It at sight. F. FUCHS, 4-'0 Chamber of Commerce. N 10 ACRES To exchange for city lots or equity In bungalow; is c;lose to school and main county road ; equity $2000 ; mortgage $1000; longjtime to run. CALLAN & KASER, 722-24 Yeon Bldg. 20 ACRES near Sunnyslde, Wash.; 12 acres in flrst-claas commercial orchard and re mainder alfalfa land ; all well drained : good buildings; unencumbered. This prop erty, with proper care, will pay high in terest en la vestment. Price $7000; Port land residence wanted. X 664. Oregonian. I AM the owner of 120-acre farm, close to good town, Eastern Oregon; on account change of business cannot look after it; is In good shape, 95 acres in cultivation, ready to move on; price $6000, no incum brance; want good city property. T 0S4, Oregonian. . GliiT-EDGK business property in Fo-est Grove ; leased 6 years ago and runs 4 vears more; price $13,000; no incumbrance. Will consider farm In Washington County in exchange. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. $3O00 DENVER home for Coos Bay or C'o qullle River logged-off land, in good dis trict for garden or agricultural land. What have you to trade? A bargain to the right party; must move to lower altitude. Elza Thompson, 4041 Vine st., Denver, Colo. WANTED Two to five lots in Rose City Park or equally desirable location, in ex change for 10 acres choice leoel land. West Side, near Cornell road, overlooking Tual atin Valley. 303 Phoenix bldg., cor. 5th and oaK. GOOD house and 1 1-3 acres of land close in on East Side; value $4000. Will trade for a good farm up to $5000, and assume or pay difference fn cash. KUPPBR & HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE 5-room cottages and 50x100 lots each, in town of 2500 inhabitants, all clear of incumbrance; will exchange any or all for Portland property ; will assume or pay cash difference. Jordan, 619 Lumber, men's bldg. 80-ACRE SNAP. In Waldo Hills, half cleared, six-room house, barn, outbuildings, plenty of fruit, well watered; $4OO0. Will take clear Port land property to $250O. balance 6 per cent, Guthrie. 500 North 26 at. WILL trade for clean stock of hardware my residence in Nob Hill district, value St'oo0: interior nicely nnlshea. hurd-sut face streets, near two carllnes; give lo cation and amount of stock In first let ter. Apply B 680, .Oregonian. GOOD DAIRY AND S'tOCKTRANCH. 155 acres on the coast, with stock and implements, for only $6500. Will take $3500 clear Portland property; balance time. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber, of Commerce. I HAVE FOR EXCHANGE mliriy bungalows, farms all sizes, acreage any location, stock ranches, rooming-houses, and many more. H. W. GARLAND, 191 4th St. 10, ACRES, commercial orchard, 5-year-old trees, clear of encumbrance, price $6O00, located In city limits good valley town; will trade for city residence and assume. 808 phoenix bldg.. Bth and Oak. 10 ACRES of fine Irrigated land near good Washington town, worth $3000, clear of Incumbrance, to turn in on e n Irvirtgton of Laurel hurst home up to $Vl0O. X 663, Oregonian TO EXCHANGE. PRIGMORE & YOUNGER' S EXCLUSIVE EXCHANGES ARE WORTHY OF INVESTIGATION. 8 acres, one-half mile from Pasa dena, Cal., on Villa ave., 6 acres 2 -year-old navel oranges; price $8000, mortgage $8000, 2 years at 7 per cent; this is a good piece of property and in & fine district. Owner will consider Portland prop erty. 520 acres. located on Willow Creek, Eastern Oregon. Heppner Branch, right at the station at Mor gan, Orv: there is 40 acres In al falfa, with a prior water right, with all the water you want ; good 9 room house and fair barn;1 all farm implements go with the place; there is 350 acres wheat; the owner cut 6 tons of alfalfa to the acre last year; price $20,000. Owner will con sider good Portland property In ex change for same. This is absolutclv A No. 1. 20 acres near Sunnyslde, Wash.. 1 mile to R. R. station, 12 acres full bear ing apples, 1 acre grapes. 3 acres alfalfa. 1 acre pasture. 2 acres plow land, l acre with buildings; pack ing house, storage cellar, house and barn, all In good repair; paid up water right with maintenance fee of $1 per acre; 8000 to 10,000 boxes of apples a year; also could keep some stock. This is a beautiful place to live as well as a monev rnaker. . Price $12,000. mtg. $2500. Owner wants residence property In Portland, Tacoma or Seattle, clear of incumbrance. Our December sales amounted to over $200,000. Try us with an ex clusive contract. PRIGMOREJ St YOUNGER, INC., 548-849-850 Morgan Bldg. GLENART REALTY CO.. 421-422 Chamber of Commerce.' 10H acres 2 miles Woodland, on Lewis River; 7-room house, etc. 8 acres clover, tree fruit and berries. Price $4000. Will consider modern house. o154, Jwith 5-room house. Gresham, : an? 4 Iots University Park, $1500. will consider acreage on Base Line. 5 acres P. E. R. R house, barn, or ,f?.00: 10 acreB Clarke County. $1200. Will consider house or lots. 7-room house Spokane, rented for $20. Price $3000. Will consider house or lots tn Portland. 5-room modern house, with furniture, complete. Price $3500. Will consider lot. FIVE acre, close to MoMInnvIUe, all cultl vated; will sell at a sacrifice on easy terms or trade. What have you to offer? 5 acres, close to Raleigh station, on county line, near Council Crest, plowed and fenced, worth SAOOOr m v nrii Q.-nn t from incumbrance: will sell on easv terms or will trade for a home and assume. 13 acres, close to Gaston station, unin cumbered and cultivated; to trade for a home and rav difrerenco in cmh 120 acres, 6 miles east of Molalla. some Improvements, worth $75 an acre, price vei it trade ror 101s or a home, M'KENZIE & CO., 515 Gerlinger bldg. Main 2801. 20 ACRES, NEAR TIGARD. New, modern, 6-room house, large living-room with flreDlace: elftrio lic-hts private water system, beautiful view, good own, mi miuci cuiuvHuon, tiesiraoie envir onments; convenient to stores. schnnl church and railroad station; fine road Into Portland; a beautiful suburban home ranch; price $12,000; will consider ex change for Portland property, free of ln- cumuiauL-e. j. vv . urosstey. 01a corbett bldg. UMATILLA CO. WHEAT LAND. 640 acres good wheat land in North ern Umatilla Co., all in cultivation 2l0 acres in crop now; good buildings: all necessary stock and tools included. Price $28,000. or without personal property, $23. 000. Will trade for Income property, or valley lands, or for stock of goods. LUEDEMANN, RULEY & CO.. u Chamber of C ommerce. 140 ACRES FOR $14,000. Near Roseburg. fenced and eroBs-fenced for good paper or vacant lots or income property and time on part! 65 acres cleared, 25 acres easily cleared, balance good pasture and wood; 1 mile to good general merchandise store. nostoffice. blacksmith shop, church and school, two springs and two wens; good, deep soil. "L' vi Chun 1n.11. WHEAT AND ALFALFA FARM. 850 acres In Eastern Oregon, practically all In cultivation; 40 acres in alfalfa, balance grain land; good buildings, abund ant water. Price $30,000 clear. Warns income property and might assume small amount. LUEDDEMANN. RULE Y & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. WILL soli or trade my Interest, in a strictly up-to-date jobbing and retail corporation, growing business, in Portland, amounting to about $4000; books may be inspected, providing party means business. Please do not bother if you have not the money or real value In real estate to offer. H OfiO, Orejonian. TRADE. WE MATCH TRADES. TRADES. Main 1254. 520 Henry bldg. LOTS FOR HOUSE. 4 good lots, all well located, total value $3700, clear. Wiil trade for house of about even value. Must be near car. LU E DDE MA N N RU LEY A CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN RANCH FOR SALE. 10 acres cleared, improved, buildings old, 6 miles from postoffice. Exchange equity for Portland home. Inquire Mr. Hadley, 310 Spalding bldg. Main 6584. $20,000 In acreage on new Portland and Oregon City, for unincumbered E. Side residence property up to $15,000. AG 651, Orego nian. TO TRADE. FR3E AND CLEAR LOTS FOR EOTTT TIES. HOTELS, CIGAR STANDS OR AUTOMOBILES. MAIN 1254, TABOR 12 ACHES at Morrow Station to exchange ior cuy properiy. acres under cultiva tion. 8 acres good timber. Price 2-oo Ay res & Smith, 511 Ablngton bldg. Main C'b6. HAVE modern 7-room house, fine condition. $4500. Want California home or- small acreage, win assume. Give full particu lars and price. Owner. AF 656, Ore gon Ian. NEAR UNION AND SHAVER. 7-room modern house. Imnrovemnt nil in. total incumbrance. $ltitt0; want clear lot. White, 418 Railway Exchange, Mar- snati fivis. MT. TABOR HOME. $3200 equity In $6O0o modern new 8 room house to trade for bungalow, lots or acrettger v nue, is ftauway Exchange. 5 ACRES level land on Salem EIectri nn incumbered, 85 miles from Portland; trade ior grocery or wnai you nave. p 693, Oregonian. HAVE 8 lots, fine district. 4 blocks Rrnnd way. car. value $8000; will trade qulty . .tnju ior rnourm w or 1 -room nome, re stricted district. V 671, Oregonian. 320-ACRE dairy and hog ranch, equipped 5 acre; win taice nair in trade; $60 00 cash required to handle. Owner, Main 9.45. or can BSB'rt unsan at. EQUITY of $8000 in $14,00Oflat property, which rents for $150 per month, to ex change for city property; will not assume AH 654, Oregonian. lil ACRES, all in cultivation, fenced. Vs mile frrm Oregon Electric. 11 miles to Courthouse; $4600: mortgage $16O0; pre fer vacant lots. W 674. Oregonian. FINEST bungalow In Sellwood for clear lots first mortgage or late auto. Owner. V 082, Oregonian. GOOD timber land wanted In exchange for clear Portland lots and house equities. B02 Dekum bldg. - rj-P.OOM house, close in, improvements all In and paid ; equity of $1750 for good lot or mortgage. AM HOT. Oregonian. FOT EXCHANGE Farm land for printing office .equipment Write particulars to 1107 E. 1th st. N-. Portland. Or. WANTED to exchange, lot In "Westmoreland for equity In acreage or small ranch. Jf O. Salisbury. Glfldstone, Or. DRIVING horse and buggy tn exmange for lady's diamond ring. 724 E. Ash. East 4KOO. - APPLE. 620 Henry bldg., for exchanges. TO EXCHANGE. TRADES CAN YOU MATCH THEM? $3500, home Hawthorne district, $1500 equity. $15,000, fluts. $10,000 eouity for farm or acreage. j $5O00. Spokane modern house, rented I $35 month. ( $sooo, wheat land, 320 acres Gilliam 1 County, for Portland property or acreage. I $j.uu per acre. Irrigated airaira lana. cultivated, 300 acres, for Portland. Se attle, Tacoma hotel or bu nines! property. Sawmill, 320 acres timber. $U0tM; $4000 equity to trade for what have you? Acreage Clarke County. Wash., near Sifton. $40 and $60 per acre, for Portland income. West Portland Park, 2 lots to trade. Clear lots for auto. DIET55 & RINGLER. 816 Railway Exchange bldg. EQUIPPED and producing Canadian coal property. 5.000.0OO tons demonstrated high-grade domestic coal (not operating). "None better mined In Canada," on trans continental railroad and nearest source of supply to the best market in the wortd, 1. e.. Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Ad joining properties paying hundsome divi dends, netting better than $1 per ton ft o. b. cars at the mine. Will sell absolute control (70 per cent of bonds and b.$ per cent of stock) for $100,000. on easy terms, or will exchange tor clear vacant prop erty or will assume upon income propertv, $40,000 spent in additional equipment and development will put this properly in shape to net $50,000 per year for 100 years to come. A great opportunity to get live for dormant property. See or address David Wilson, Multnomah Hotel. STOCK RANCH. 140 acres all first class land and prac tically all now In fine pasture. Over half tillable when cleared. Splendid wa ter supplies. Family orchard, 5-room house, large barn. etc. Also 2 horses, cow, 5 fine sheep, chickens, some tools; on county road quarter mile from school and railroad station; 5 miles from good town. Free out range that will support 00 head of cattle adjoining. Price $4000. Amarillo, Tex., income property paving 6 per cent. Value $3000. Clear, for Ore gon or Washington. Lincoln. Neb., strictly modern residence of 0 rooms, barn. etc.. value $5000 clear. W ant small place suitable for home. -Good 5-room hous 2 blocks from car. Trice $2300 clear. Want acreage Two good lots near carline and some cash for auto. ALVORD CO.. 218 Board of Trade. 1 -ROOM, new. modern, up-to-date house. Including fireplace, 2 blocks of Sellwood carline, lot 50x100; price $2930; mortgage $1650; will trade the equity for lots. 5 new houses in restricted district, with small mortgages; will trade the equity for t lots or acreage close In. Good-paying apartment-house. West Side, to trade for unincumbered lots or acre age. 8-room modern house in Ladd's Addition, flft'ii?1" replace and furnace. price $6000, terms to suit, or will trade for lots M'KENZIE & CO., 515 Gerlinger Bldg. Main 2801. FOR EXCHANGE. I have 20 acres of the finest fruit and agricultural land in Colorado, located on fine road just 1 mile from the center of Delta. Colo., a beautiful little citv of about 4000 people; land lies heautlfullv. as smooth as a floor and well drained, an important feature In irrigated land; owlnc to the hlph altitude I cannot live there and will offer in trade for Oregon prop erty $1 for $1. What have you to offer? Box 42, Rainier, Or. ALFALFA FARM TO TRADE. 80 acres near Natnpa. practically all In alfalfa and other crops; pood buildings. Price $15.O00. Will trado for stock farm In Eastern Oregon, or Eastern Washing ton, of about equal value. LU ED E M AN .V, RULEY & CO.. 013 Chamber of Commerce. 120 ACRES NRA Ft r l.' n: v s r? 10'i. miles west of Denver. Colo., and .uumnun eu ; win tracie ror Portlan property and assume some inrnmiiru .r. give full description and location In first lener. ai: t:vi. Oregonian. NEW up-to-date 7-room residence, full cor ner lot. In restricted district, west of Rose City Park. 100 feet from car. Price $4"o0; will exchange for vacant city property up to $2200. Tin lance mortjrnpte E. J. Q E I gjR . jfp C h amber of Com, bldg. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 2 years old In Overlook Add.; lot SOxloO; street assess ments all paid; block to car. Value $:S00. Trade for smaller house LUEDEMANN. RULEY .fc CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. IMPROVED farm. 12 acres, 12 miles from Portland, - near Tualatin; stocked and equipped; will take home in Portlund to $4ooo part payment. Address W li Brown, Sherwood, Or., R. 1, Box M'J. TWO or four vacant lots, value $5.0 each, no Incumbrance, for four or- five-room house and lot. H. G. Bentley, 308 Ger lliiKer bid 5. WHAT have you to trade? I have houses, lols and 20 acres near Scappoose; 10 acres on Oregon Electric line; no agents. Owner L 0SH. Oregonian. fi-ROOM house ; take lot first payment; 10 j acres near station for house in Port land ; 20 rooms housekeeping. 331 Lum ber Exchange. WILL exchunse equity in nice residence. Hawthorne district; want $soo cash and what you have of value. $1100; balance can run 2 years. AS IW7, Oregonian ' FOR SALE. Poolroom, cigar stand and lunch coun ter, business averaging $23 to $;o a day; yiQOO will handle. S 040. Oreonain WANT C-rooin modern, heated house, first class district. My equity modern cottage near 24th and Hawthorne as part payment O t.y.'i, Oregonian. CLEAR lot, Bayocean, all Improvement, value $700; apply first payment on modern bungalow; give particluars. AE 634, Ore- gonian. I WILL trade 2 good East Side plees of property improved, west or aoth st, acre at Lents for merchandise; be explicit in reply. H 0Si, Oregonian. o.00 EQLITY in close-in. East Side; income will pay for Interest on balance and taxes exehanure for slightly or unincumbered property. AR 700. Oregonian. BARGAIN equity $180 in 40 acres S miles from North Plains, Or. ; best soil ; bal ance $H2u, at $10 month; will trade even on lot or equity. AH 037, Oregonian. CLEAR LOT to trade for 7 or S-roo m house on Broadway carline. LUEDEMANN'. RULE V & CO.. 13 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 EQUITY in Portland""" Heights1 ioT value $2000; view of Mt. Hood, for auto mobile in good condition. M 709, Oregon ian. S-ROOM house, St. Johns, lot 100x100 val ued at $;300. To trade for lots. LUED DEMANN, RULEY 4c CO.. 013 Chamber of Commerce. NEW 4-room bouse, furnished. Lot 60x1 0O. Price $1200; will take clear property to $400, balance $13 per month. J .17, Ore gonian. EXCHANGE my equity. In a high-grade player piano for a motorcycle or a va cant lot. AM 702, Oregonian. EXCHANGE equity $HOOO In large modern home, restricted district:, for farm; would assume. M 705, Oregonian. SOLID gold watch, good timekeeper; cost $80 ; trade on good motorcycle or what have you ? C 703, Oregonian. EQUITY in modern 5-room bungalow; will take team, harness and lumber wagon as part. 7013 61st ave. S. E., Mt. Scott. WILL exchange Income Irvlngton flats for v eu-seiecieu vacant iots. t E. IJo man & Co. WANT house and lot or small acreage near carline, Lajrelhurst lot as part payment. I 70, Ort-'gonlan. WORKING man's restaurant, on best street In Portland to trade for real estate. D oregonian. 1G0 ACRES, improved. Alberta, Can.; also 4u acres. Owners only. . A J 669, Ore gonian. ACRES on Oregon Electric; 10 acres improved ; half beaverdam; buildings. $2000. For lots. Sellwood 1551. WILL trade my two houses for good lot on West Side, or close in; will assume. Own er, AS 6;i2. Oregonian. 1U13 AUTO, Al condition, for good fimt mortgage paper,, up to $1250. A 753, Ore gonian, TWO lots in Lebo Park, near S2d st., to trade for auto. A. L. Swaggart, 87 East l2d st. North. MODERN bungalow to exchange for two im proved acres; will assume. AL 714, Ore gonian. TIMBER to exchange for city property. Ay res & Smith. 511 Ablngton bldg. Main 7206 MY EQUITY in acreage near Linnton for sale or will trade as first payment on bungalow. AL 71 1, Oregonian. WE have several choice Los Angeles prop erties to exchange for Portland. Blain & Strow, 313 Abington bldg. WANT farms to .exchange for city properly P. E. Umnr. 302-3 Lumbermens bldg. CITY property and money for dairy farm, with stock. AB CKn, Oregonian. WILL trade bakery in good location for lots or acres. B 677, Oregonian. 40 ACRES unimproved, $1000; trade for city lot. Owners. S70 East 46th. BOISE. Idaho, and Seattle property to ex rhaiigr. O. A. L.. IT. N. 101 n. $100 EQUITY In $1300 lo Whet have yna to trad.' West Moreland. i N. 3d st. IM FROV EO small farm, well located for resided, $3500. Apple, 620 Henry bldg. TO EXCHANGE. FOR TRADE. HOOD RIVER RANCH. 19 ACRES. This is one of the best rant Hood River: it is just four rt t.iere are 10 acres. 7 acres of : pears .lust coming into bearing of alfalfa: an abundance of wat rigation at a cost of onlv $4 five-room house, barn and lots buildings: price $12,500. free 1. branee. Owner will trade frr h- 101s m Portland or acreage near tiand or acreage near 1 IRGROVK SON?: 122 North 6th t. V 7259. Main 4381. ilAKI.i 122 A 72 APARTMENT-HOUSE WANTED r V71' r,operty to Trade. , We have loOxlOO in Walnut II improved with a modern 12-rl Ul m narthorne dition. Improved wit ii -. room hniiKP- in , . ," I highly improver with ... iA and small barn. The- are clear of incumbrance. Toil price. $23.0oo. t uiw n.n .. .t. . 'it lr JVS81 Side apartment-house ul to $35. 000 AND ASSUME OR PA "3 CASH DIFFERENCE. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. -a noor Chamber Commerce bldg. I Ml . i it ;';,A.J"tf"v,'- MII-ES from wilbi-r. 11 MILES FROM ROhEBl'RO. 200 A -R PS I.; t t LTIV AT ION. SOU MORE CMS" BE t. .Wi. ',,jEAR,:nJ OA T1MREK ON' T,'I-,ANl K: fc-'KVE-HAL SI'RIXCS; FA I H BJ.lf.DI.NOS. WATER PIPEU TO MOl'SK 1 Hll K S.JO I'EP. ACRE WILL TRADE iJK STOCK OP 1ID.SE. I P TO $'.O.0U0. - K. Vt. BARBER. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. wkst prop: APARTMENT HOUSE. $35,000. TRADE FOR GOOD FARM. H. CUNTHER. 404 YEON BUILDING. 510.000 GILT-EDGE equity in S15.000. clo 1". Al bufiineea propertv; this property; will speak for itself; owner going to leavo city; if you wnt a good income prop erty, which Is grow-in in value verv rap lilly. don't fail to investigate thin, as the price is right. W. C. Repass. 03 Nortli w est bldpr. $bOoo EQUITY in a modern residence in Jvob Hill district: full lut, 50x100. 12 ruom house, to exchangs for unincum bered city property. What have you to pJf.' Apply ot 500 Gerlinger bldg. Mai" 1M0-ACRE stock ran.-l. t n.- change my equity, assume mortgage.. 7s BOUtlKSS i CO.. s -vn i.grllnsfr BUlg., -Jd and Ald.-r. EXCHANGE modern house, Hawthorne dist , Iota, acreage: give phone. S 643, Oregoniin. FOB SALE. Horw, Vehicles, rite. TEAM of young mares, weight about 2200 eound, gentle and true to work single or double, price $150; also a large mare, weight about 1 SO0, age 9 years, sound and true; heavy with foal; must sell at orwe "r. c jiaaiaon and water st. v i i.u arrive tonight, a shipment of last Oregon noises, mostly of blocky ma:i ""Buinn irom nuu pounds to 1300 pouiu Also some heavy draft and light vv J ai -:o r. i-ttn St., between Bum J "mi voucn. HOTEL BUS FOR SALE. J1 irst-clHKS outfit ; rubber-tired. 10- -"or ous; cosl shoo; will sell for ST. CHA RLES HOTEL, 204 Morrison St. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO. " v'Jiiiiinnbiun, norses, mules, vehicle harness. Auction sale every Monday - mn). iu a.. ji . rnvaie sales daily. Mai ain si., near Hawthorne. o;; JUST 10 head of young horses fef t, 4 to t years old, 1200 to 14o0, but icMina oi Sinai, ae ii very norses iHKen in exenange; will sell very m water at. Phil Suetter. BAY mnw 1 TOO nnu , ,i k,. i. ., pounds; brown horse. 1400 pounds; U bouiiu ana must be said at one r ront st. .u a .i, vr ciK in JIVU lO J.I,U, Weill OTOK .1 from 1 to 6 years old; also somt? goo single -work horses ; one pair of muie. guiiranteea as represented. Phil Suetter. ..-? i v nirr fsi. , loot oi .Montgomery. I'O'i SALE Team weight 2K; also har ness, uearly new 3 wagon and 2 plows, for $l-, or will sell separate. Cull at 1 1 NO M ississippl ave. WANTED to buy good double-seated buggy with top, also several sets heavy work harness, must be in good condition and cheap. AL 707. Oregonian. TEAM, weight 2000, sound, true workers, harness, wagon, enrisi ic w aeon. vounir cows, separator; Oliver place, one bio'?k . south of p. nd, Washington st.. MHwaultlc. v DRIVING horse, buggy and harness. $ ! suiiauie ior lamuy or road use. Call ti don. 5oo:i E. Ud si., S. E., Mount Se ra r. ROAN mare, 7 years old, weighs 14)0, souii works sin trie and double and true, caul anleed every way ; bargain, H4 1 JefTerao Btreet. ?iu TAKES camelback wagon, top, harnef. and team, mare and gelding, weisrht 2O00. J 7 and 9 years old; all fn good shape; bring I" the moiiey W illiams ave. I : FOR SALK, at a bargain, new express or 1 furniture wagons, i nn use single or d Also 1 Hurrey in flrst-class conditb East 10S8, C 10K8. PA IR matched grays, 111 are ami weigh 2750. chunky built, good r as steel, guaranteed every wuy; to sell. Anderson Bros.' Stable. BLACK gelding. 6 years oid. weig sound, single ana double, true a. gentle for any work, $1j3. Guar, for half cost on easy terms or exchan for auto or real estate. M 702, Oroni FOR SALE One team weli-matched hor weighing 2.100 lbs.; one team well-match horse and mare, weighing 270o lbs. -Russell st. FOR SALE One team. 5 years old, wolf ing 310O lb. ; sound, true and wltho blemishes. Russell st. HORSES FOR SALE. Good serviceable ranch team for sa cheap; trial allowed. 1OJ0 E. Yamhill FOR SALE cheap, 2 colts. 2 and 3 year old, out of good stock; 1 3-year-old family cow. 239 Russell st. THE handsomest mare In Portland. 4 years old. dapple gray: work any place; weight 1200. 270 E. 7th st. , GOOD young farm leani. 6 and 9 years old. wagon and harness ; must sell. 1 :i7 East Stark St., MontavIHa. j WANTED A span of horses to trade fori a motorboat; will pay the difference. John Dick, 051 Union ave. North. t ONE light gooseneck wagon, one heavy ie( of double harness; new; cheap for cashj 5733 Foster Road. Phone Tabor 4-4 8 i WANTED Team of horses about lOno lbs. J one camp wagon. Address 5H5 East Starki St., Sunday. 9 to 12 A. M. f OOOD TEAM. Weight 2A0O, tine for farm ; $100 wit harness. SO." Alder. FOOT Main St.. stables. West Side Nice bunch mares, geldings. Come see them : all horses guaranteed. F, ONE bay mare BLACK mare and gelding. 6 years 1 weight 270O mare in foal by regbj stallion; need the money; $'Jo0. 2411 ferson st. I AN Imported Coach stallion, w elgli t Lr: lbs. one of best in Unitc-ri Stntos: wlifs IS years old. ork singXe nt!e for chifcT 1 1 to ris, 1 or double ; ce price $50. 270 E. 7th st. GOOD farm team, weight 2500, 270 E. 7th st. 1300-FOUND hcrse, work single or double price 170. 305 Alder. Marshall 4fi.;b. CHESTNUT sorrel mare, weight 12O0, 505 Alder st. SADDLE pony. $35; single footer. 5o5 A! Marshall 4;:t. 0 LOTS in Tacoma to trade for horses, har ness and wagon. AO 701, Oregonian. sTALLIONS for sale cheap; can be seen at Murphy Horse & Mule Co.. 240 E. 8th. EX CHA NOW paneling for good horse" AC 66, Oregonian. I BIO young team, well matched, harness and wagon, for sale at 251 East 74th N. -YEAR-OLD horse, huggy and harness, $1:5 Apply lo73 East 1 4th st. Nortn. SPA X mules very cheap, must sell at onr-.. t r,at an si. ii. josKnamper. 4 ri WANTED Horse, vjno or over, mare pri i;rifi. 1 ami i t . i.mh, r.MMi JHK. 5O0East Oak. as.: sound Hlirl MllT; UODD HORSE 1000 lbs. can be seen working today. 1!5 4lh si.; t A OOOD milk wagon for sale at 314 Frci street. I I