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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1914)
r ' THE "SUNDAY ORECxOMAy,' PORTLAND, JANUARY 18, 1914. . 5 i DESIGNS vt-r "-. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17 (Spe cial.) Models have been received at the studio on the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Grounds of three of the four sculptured figures representing the elements. "Earth." Fire," "Air" and "Water," the work of the eminent sculptor. Robert I. Aitken, who Is In New York City. From these models will be made the gigantic figures that are to be placed upon the level of the upper floors of the. grund central court of the sun and stars, at the four points of descent GOITER, CAUSES, EFFECTS AND WAYS OF POSSIBLE CURE ARE DISCUSSED Dr. Rossiter Answers Questions as to Disease More Common in Girls and Women Than in Boys and Men, and Blames Nervous Excitement in Large Measurts Snoring Also Analyzed. BT FREDERICK M. ROSSITER, M. D. Y principal theme this week is suggested by the following let ter: "Portland, Or. Dear Doctor: In writ ing of diseases, kindly say something about goiter. I am told the unbeliev able thing that 50 per cent of the peo ple of Portland have them, Yv'hat is the cause? Is it the much vaunted Bull Run water, brought from the mountains; the lack of Bunshlne, damp atmosphere, absence of much heat in Summer, or such reasons that they etate? "Personally, I think the climate of Oregon delightful, best in the Union, and I know much of the United States. I never had such health anywhere, but I have a horror of such a deformity as goiter for any member of the family. "Is It fatal? How long does It take to run? Can It be cured in the begin ning? Why are some exempt or Im mune? m. C. S." The statement you quote is certainly "unbelievable," and, more than that, it Is absurd and ridiculous. It is true that goiter is much more common in Oregon and Washington than in many other states, but a very small percent age of people have this disease. There are some communities in these two etaten where simple goiter is very common, and ether parts where the trouble is rirely seen. Goiter Is an enlargement of the thyroid gland In "the neck Just below "Adam"s apple." The gland sometimes enlarges, due to too much blood, for the blood supply to this important gland is very large, about eight times that of the brain proportionately. While this gland may enlarge very much there does not seem to be any perverted function. What the cause of goiter may be Is one of the questions that medical science cannot answer definitely jyrt. It is to be observed that goiter is much more common in girls than In boys, and more common In women than In men. But boys are not exempt from this enlargement. Goiter occurs fre quently In girls at puberty, and com monly during'pregnancy. German Physician Investigates. Isolated cases are found in every locality, then again goiter seems, al most to appear in epidemic form. " In this country It Is most common In the two states mentioned, and in Michigan and New York. In Europe it is most common in Switzerland and in moun tainous districts. The appearance of the disease Is associated with drinking water. It Is possible that the water contains some thing that causes this trouble, but what that something Is no one can state. A German physician made a very thorough investigation of this matter some two years ago in the dis tricts of Lower Germany and Switzer land, and he advanced very lnterest- FOR COLOSSAL FAIR FIGURES REACH SAN FRANCISCO 4 lntothe beautiful sunken garden in Its center. "Fire." the most atHVInir nr 1 ures. is represented by a giant, half miiniucui, uuiaing in cnecK the flame crocodile. Which in sfrnrHlni. It. freedom, that it may descend upon mo people or tne earth. The dual per sonality of the fire god is powerfully depicted through this and the accom panying suggestion of beneficence con veyed by his holding in hand the burn ing ember from which the fires, with out which man could not master the earth, are kindled. "Earth" is symbolised In the figure HEALTH A XI) EFTICIKSCY, BOW TO MAINTAIN BOTH. By Frederick M. Rosslter, 11. s.. M. D. Questions pertaining to health, hy giene and the prevention ol disease will be answered 111 this column. When for lack of space and when questions are not suitable, answers will be made by mail, providing a Htamped envelope with address Is inclosed. No questions will be con sidered without the name and ad dress of the sender. No diagnosis will be made in this column. ing as well as original theory as to the cause of simple goiter. He Inves tigated very carefully the source of the drinking water, the nature of the rocks, the gravel, and the character of the water beds. Places were found in the mountains where the streams flowed over beds of shell and fossils of fish. He observed that goiter was common where the water was received from such a source. His conclusion was that the water dissolved certain elements from the fish fossils, and this substance gave rise to the goiter. This much is true, that goiter la most com mon In certain mountainous sections, and the conclusions ot the German physician may be correct. If there Js something in the water that gives rise to goiter, then there must be a second factor to be consid ered, and that is susceptibility, for only a small proportion of those who drink the water have the enlargement. Moreover, we must ask, why is it so much more common in girls and women? The majority of those who are trou bled with enlargement of the thyroid gland have only a slight abnormal de velopment. This comes on very slowly I have known a few instances of women well along in years whose gland en largement was very great. The goiter may press upon the larynx, restricting .the breathing and causing some cough Pressure upon the veins of the neck may give rise to headaches and drowsi ness. You ask the question, "Is It fatal?" In answer I can say, no, providing it remains a simple golfer When a slight goiter developes during puberty it may continue for some months or possibly a few years and then disap pear. A slight enlargement of the thyroid gland during pregnancy Is a favorable sign. On the other hand a rapidly enlarging goiter during the later months of pregnancy may be an element of danger -during the hours of labor, because of the pressure upon the breathing passage and possibly be cause a toxic condition is produced. For many years simple goiter has f'' Jig of a woman, a beautiful and impressive conception that cannot fail to inspire admiration and awe in all who be hold it. The third figure, that representing "Air," is equally delicately conceived and executed. The observer gets at once the subtle Bymbollsm of the sculptured figure that gazes down upon earth, understanding, thoughtful, breathing softly upon it the air with out which man could not live. In one been regarded as a harmless enlarge ment, and so it is when it does not become overactive and cause a too free absorption of the thyroid extract. A thorough study of the simple goiter by surgeons has shown that this en largement of the thyroid gland may continue for many years, 10, 15 or 20, without symptoms, and that then serious symptoms appear either gradually or suddenly. Therefore a simple goiter may become very serious and even fatal. So in many instances of simple goiter symptoms of the serious type, or exophthalmic goiter, may develop after many years. The simple goiter may come on slowly and cause a slight noticeable increase In the neck measurement and then remain stationary. It may seem to go and come. In some instances it may grow to such proportions that the neck in front is obliterated. In some instances goiter seems to respond readily to treatment. In others the enlargement is merely held in check. A serum treatment for goiter is being developed that offers the best results of any treatment aside from the knife. Where the enlarged thyroid Is a source of disfigurement or when it is causing any pressure symp toms a surgical operation offers the complete remedy. The mortality from this operation Is only about 1 or 2 per cent. Exophthalmic goiter presents an en tirely different story. It Is one of the most serious diseases we know of in connection with the ductless glands. As already explained, the word goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. The word "exophthalmic" means a bulging of the eyeball. The eye looks as if it were being pushed out of its socket. It is staring, and more of the white of the eye appears, giving more or less of an expression of fright. So the two words used to name this disease express two of the symptoms that appear when it is well developed, but the name is misleading for the serious symptoms of the disease may appear and yet no goiter be apparent, and also no protrusion of the eyeball. The word "hyperthyroidism" is now being used to express the true condi tion that exists and that caunes all of the other symptoms. This large word means too much activity on the part of the thyroid gland with too much absorption of the thyroid secre tion and hence tremendous disturb ances In the entire body, but especially of the nervous system. If the thyroid gland Is absent at birth, or Its activity Is diminished, the development of the entire body and mind is dwarfed and stunted, giving rise to what is known as cretins. If the gland ceases Its activity in adult life a clumsy degenerative condition of the body develops, known as myxedema. So this gland, though so small, ex- band is held aloft the evening star, and above and below are birds, poised and in flight. The remaining figure, "Water," has not - yet been received, and no intima tion has been sent out as to the form it will take. Its receipt is looked for ward to with interest. In the sculptural scheme of the Court of the Sun and Stars, one of the most impressive features of the entire Exposition, artists and sculp- ercises a wonderful influence In the body economy. Exophthalmic goiter is most common in women, occurring most frequently between 20 and 25. It seems to be as sociated with a nervous disposition and a nervous heredity. Some observers claim that heredity has much to do with the disease. It is possible that many individuals are living right on the border line of hyperthyroidism and the necessary condition to start the trouble is some definite mental excite ment such as grief, anger, worry, shock from the ' loss of relatives or dear friends. Dr. Ochsner says that the shock from the untimely death of some near member of the family is often attended by the throwing of an over amount of the thyroid extract into the blood and the first symptoms of goiter appear. All observers of the disease are agreed that there is a definite rela tion between an excitable and over strained nervous system and exophthal. mic goiter. Dr. Mayo says that this disease often follows an attack of tonsilltis or sore throat. But whether one has this disease or does not is entirely a question of increased secre tion on the part of the cells of the gland and being thrown into the blood, the system is poisoned. Further than this not much is known about this subtle and mystrlous disease. The size of the goiter has nothing to do with the activity. The name given to this disease has been the means of many errors in diagnosis, and much delay In recogniz ing the trouble. When a diagnosis of tuberculosis ,is not made until the germs can be found In the sputa with the microscope the disease is well ad vanced, and has a strong foothold. When Bright's disease is not recognised until albumen and casts are found in the urine the disease is well es tablished. Likewise when exophthalmic goiter is not recognized until the eyes protrude and the goiter appears the disease has a good start. Much depends upon the early recog nition of this disease. The first symp tom to appear is the rapid heart action. The heart beat is seldom under 100, and Is more likely to be 126 to 150, and it may be so fast that there Vs dif ficulty in counting it. During sleep It may be almost normal. There are very few other conditions that give rise to the persistent rapid but varia ble heart that is characteristic of exophthalmic goiter. The nearest ap proach is the heart action in excessive cigarette smoking or in chronic al coholism. With other causes eliminated a constantly rapid pulse during the waking hours should lead to a strong suspiction that "hyperthyroidism" Is developing. An I have already said, an enlarged thyroid gland may not be present at all. or at least It cannot be made out, but when it Is present it Is one of the cardinal symptoms or signs, like wise the protruding eyeball. But next in importance to heart symptoms is great muscular weakness and trem bling, and great exhaustion. There are numerous other Important symptoms of the disease, but I will speak only a little of the mental con dition. There is often extreme ex citability bordering on hysteria or de pression approaching melancholia. Mental concentration is difficult, and the memory may become very deficient. The treatment of this disease is '..M,..uM(-...i., .,. MlliUIHlu.iBiiLiiiMiw f ... . f 4 tors have found their greatest oppor tunity. Here is suggested, in allegory, the influences of the unfathomed forces of nature upon mankind; and here, wonderful, scintillating figures of the stars that encircle the , court suggest Infinite space and distance that la endless. At night the magnificent Tower of Jewels, with its million lights, will diffuse a soft radiance over the great court transforming It into a beautiful colorful fairyland. such that the patient needs to be so constantly under the personal ob servation of the physician that noth ing more than general statementscan be made here. One of the difficulties is that the patient often does not seek medical assistance until the prom inent eyes attract attention. The earlier the disease is recognized the better are the chances for permanent recovery. During the early stages of the dis ease good results may be obtained by absolute mental and physical rest and freedom from excitement, attention to diet, supporting treatment and ice bags to the heart and over the "goiter. Moeblus. who is the author of the serum treatment for goiter, lays much stress upon the diet and says that the patients should not eat meat, should use vegetables, fruits, eggs, cereals and milk freely, and very lit tle salt. In many cases certain med icines have given excellent results and many cures have been reported. Those who do not respond to the best medical treatment after a short trial should consider an operation, for this offers the surest hope of a complete recovery.' Many will not consent to an operation except as a last stand and then it often is too late to obtain the best and safest results. When the exhaustion and serious symptoms have depleted the strength, the operation is not always the most satisfactory. In one of the largest surgical clinics in the world where more than 8000 operations have been performed for goiter, statistics show that more than 50 per cent are cured in a few weeks, 25 per cent in a few months and 25 per cent improve, but have a relapse of, the rapid heart or trem bling. The mortality now from the operation Is 2 or 3 per cent. I have the following letter from Walla Walla: "Walla Walla, Wash-, Dec. 24. Dear Doctor When I read your article of the 14th of December I breathed a sigh of satisfaction, and said, "Behold, a doctor after my own heart. (I mar ried one of the species.) You are truly on the right track. I said 'Amen' to everything. I've tried it out and know, but I'd like to amend It. This is my procedure: I am one of those critters who can't sleep but a few hours (is it genius or cussedness?), so I rise early (1 usually repeat the twenty-third Psalm first, unless I ate too much for supper and feel stupid), build the fire, heat about two quarts of water, make it soapy (use castile) and dip a Turk ish towel in it and proceed to rub myself down: then I finish up with the towel (all soap rinsed out of It), dipped In clear cold water, and I feel just grand. . But I forgot to tell you that after building' the fire I execute some dancing steps a la Indian, a la any old thing, and I pretend that I am kicking a football. I do various stunts to get up heat and circulation, for I consider this very important.- "I have a very exceptional cat, who sits and watches the performance and gives the sign of approval she purrs (when she isn't after my feet). I rinse out my mouth and throat and nose with soda water and drink a glass of water or fruit juice (lemon, orange, apple, or pineapple, or grape Is grand). Carrots Good for Kidneys. ' "Then I chew a raw carrot while I work, or write, or read the late Mexi can news. This (the bath, exercise and k -M " -v; ' ' - I ft wr - ic ..i.Mi.-iu.i ,1. Virility, strength -and beauty mark the design of the two completed panels to form faces of the octagonal center of the Palace of Fine Arts. The panels are executed by Bruno I Zimm, the young sculptor who designed and modeled the statue entitled "North Dakota" at the St. Louis Exposition. , The design. while conventional, shows a wide latitude of freedom In execution. All the figures are strictly classical In conception. The Greek predominates to a large extent In the Ideals and there Is a marked tendency toward the, archaic or primitive form of sculpture. raw carrot) makes one feel Just fine and able to tolerate the shortcomings of your family for several hours at least. "Carrots are fine for the skin and kidneys it is nice grated and added to a salad of peas, potatoes and celery. "I also think it Is important to 'sit on the fence and watch yourself go by, and see If you enjoy the sight. I don't usually, but hope to some day. I like to feel I'm part of God's beau tiful world, but with an impatient temper and an inordinate love of 'sauerkraut and spice' there is a dubi ousness about the prognosis. "I consider fun a prime essential to health and beauty a child's fun, not a practical joker's. "I heartily believe In doctors, but not much in medicine. "Now for some questions. Why do folks snore? How prevent it? Is hay fever a manifestation of Satan, or plain 'ignorance or a real tmescapable disease? Please do not fail to answer J. C. M." Answer I would add my encourag ment to that of the cat No doubt It Is a fortunate animal to live In so progressive a household and It Is the most sensible cat that I have ever heard of. It seems to be very much up to date. I have seen hay fever patients that were perfectly willing to give his di abolical eminence the credit for all their abject misery. Personally, I am of the opinion that this disease Is not due to any particular "possession" or cussedness on the part of man, but that he has it because he is ignorant. Just as thousands of people had yellow fever a few years ago, because they were ignorant and did not know that this terrible plague was due ,to the attentions of a little musical insect. Now as to yellow fever, the days of Ignorance are past and places that were once chanel-houses because of this pestilence have become health re sorts. Yes. hay fever is a real disease, even though some people are said to get it after smelling of artificial roses, or by looking at a painted landscape. It has been known for vein that hav. fever disappeared after the first frost,N just as yellow fever did. so it is no PEEVISH, CONSTIPATED CHILDREN LOVE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" Harmless 'Trait Laxative" Cleans Tender Stomach, Liver and Bowels Without Griping. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, it is a sure sign that your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad, has stomach ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "Call- fornia Syrup of Figs," and In Just a few y m In the central panel, Apollo, the sun-god. is seen in his chariot racing toward the west, while in advance and to the rear of the flaming wheels, the muses point to the promised' land. Each of the eight srreat panels will be 31 feet long and 14 feet high. As facades for the octagonal structure they will be separated by giant figures of the goda and goddesses of antiquity. Sculptors say that Zimm has ac quired a touch similar tn that of his former master. Karl T. F. Bitter, and that the same careful chiseling of Bitter is a chnrar-ttristic ot Zimm's statuary and panels. more than probable that this disease is due to an infection by some micro organism from without. The pollen that is said to cause the disease is no doubt the organism. 1 believe that it is an impossibility irr any pollfn or neurosis to cause all the disturbance that is present in hay fever. Snoring Is Bedroom Music. "Why lo people snore?" I have known some people to ask this question with considerable emphasis and feel ing. How amusing snoring seems to us when several are downstairs try ing to entertain one another, but when you are lying next to the snoring ono or trying to sleep in the room ad joining well, that is another thing. Snoring is due to breathing tnrough, the mouth during sleep. The mouth being wide open the air Is drawn both through the nose and the mouth, caus ing a noisy, vibratory movement of tho soft palate, which hangs relaxed in the throat. It vibrates just as a slivtT of wood will vibrate in the wind. It Is more than likely that people who. snore had adenoids in their youth anal a more or less nasal obstruction, so that breathing through the nose was never very free. Then, as some peopl advance in years, they form the habit of letting the lower jaw drop down during sleep, with the consequent vi bration of the soft palate. Elderly people, who have worn false teeth for some years, and have had considerable absorption of the gums, have difficulty In keeping the mouth closed during sleep and so snore. Snoring is loudest' When one sleeps lying on the back, and to lie on the back is the easiest and surest way to snore. Nasal obstructions such as polypi and thickened turbinates make breath ing in the natural way difficult, so that during sleep mouth-breathing of fers the path of least resistance to those who have these obstructions. The only way to stop snoring is to shut the mouth during sleep. If there are obstructions have them attended, to. If the Jaw will drop down wear a nightcap and tie it up. Sleeping ly ing on the abdomen, which Is the most natural way to sleep, would put a stop to a great deal of snoring. hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of Its little bowels and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless fruit laxative: they love its delicious taste and it always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a 50 cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs." which has directions for bablaa. i-hiM.un r all ages, and for grown-ups plainly on tmcu oouie. tseware or counterfeits sold here. Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Re fuse any other kind with r-nntmt V