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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1914)
4 TIIE StTTTDAT OREGONTAX, rORTLAXD, JANUARY 18, 1914. PCIEfrr J if - y ' - - - 1 1 1 f iti' - -I III! ' j i 4 II A t t . 4 f i U 'iV'.yl?-" v v 111 II I 4 y' h : : ' J1' li t Ji -,', v ""11 1 W" c i ill n W - yar )jW J' ' r'- (Continued From Page 8.) Flrla" and "school boys" once again. School was opened with an appropriate school song- at 8:30 and all sang: lusti ly, m they had when they went to school. Chairs were arranged as reg ularly as th quarters would admit, rmbling a schoolroom and each "pupil" was given a little book, containing- verses, made In the form of a little slate, bound with red, and with a red pencil to fill In the answers. Di plemas were neatly filled out and passed out to the graduate after school had been completed at K "commence went. Xn the dining-room the color pcheme ef red was carried out with red Xlowers, red shades and even the can riles contained red. A recess was held nd "school" called again. The "school" was composed of the following pupils: Major Joseph C. Castner and Mrs. Cnstner, Miss Virgina White. Lieuten ant James M. Hobson and Mrs. Hob--eon, Lieutenant B. Lenta and Mrs. Lents, Dr. Oeorge B. Vosburgh and Mrs. "Vosburgh, Lieutenant Robert L. "Weeks and Mrs. Weeks, Lieutenant H. I Taylor and Mrs. Taylor, Miss Slzop. Captain King and Mrs. King, Captain llarry A. Hegeman, Lieutenant Samuel A. Gibson and Lieutenant Paul W. Newgarden. Mrs. Vosburgh served the coffee anj Mrs. Castner the ice cream (tnd cake. Lieutenant Fairfax acted as Schoolmaster. n ' Captain C. T. King and Mrs. King entertained at dinner Thursday even ing Major Jere B. Clayton and Mrs. Clayton, Captain Herbert C. Oibner and Mrs. Oibner, Lieutenant Leeson O. Tarleton and Mrs. Tarleton. All of the officers are connected with the Medi cal Corps. m Several women of the post attended the reception given by the Wellesley Club In Portland at the University Club Wednesday in honor of the presi dent of Wellesley. Mrs. J. F. Morrison Informally en tertained at a sewing party Thurs day afternoon. EVENTS OF THE WEEK. J The seventh of this season's parties given by the Rose City Dancing Club wag held Thursday evening. January la, at (Jnrlstensen s -Mail, and it wao said by those present to be one of the most successful parties of the Winter, Many of the newer members were pres ent and all regretted that the next party would not be given until Feb ruary 6, making . it three weeks be tween these parties instead of v two. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Prank McCrillis. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Blaesing, Mr. and Mrs. W. W Banks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elmer Maxon. Mr. and MrB. D. F. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney kj. nasmussen. Mr. and Mrs. H. E carr, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Goss. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Deely, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Htevena, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chatten, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Levan, Mr. and Mrs. -t... i. mgnam, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Ed wards, Mr. and Mrs. N. U. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Z. Duke, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Runyan, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jack son. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Karnopp, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Carney, Mr. and Mrs. -C B. Hurtt, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Russi, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hotch kiss, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stose, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Skiff. Mr. and Mrs., M. D. Hawes, Mr. and Mrs. B. Danis, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. J.' W. Vogan, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Elrod, Mr. and Mrs E V. Littlefield. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mc Pherson, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McPherson, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brawaer, Mrs! Keats, Miss Hazel Koontz, Mrs. Card, Miss Carr, Miss- Eva Whitney, Miss Sterrett, Miss Bent. Miss Morgan. Miss Blackmar, Miss Carney, Miss Hayek, Miss Imes, Miss Jennie Bostrom Miss Flore nee Murphy, Mrs. Lillian Conser, Miss Jennie Rasmussen, Mrs. C. M. Carr Mrs. Heldinger. Miss Ethel Mitchell Miss D. E. Stonley, L. B. Cornell, S. A. Crysler, Harry H. Pearce, H R. Hayek H. C. Weber, R. K. Terry, J. H Miner! C. F. Byrne, Lloyd Robinson. L. H. Peter, George E. Hipburn, Albert L. Stone, George M. Vinton, L. K. Adams. A. H. Smith, D. F. Clarke, J. F. Alexan der. Paul H. Carr. Dean Vincent, H W. Reichert, C. H. Mayer and H. D. Rasmussen. A number of Portland people were entertained royally at a surprise party given In honor ox tne lata wedding an. nlversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clay Levy, of Cascade Locks. On Saturday evening there was a dance and Dutch lunch, followed by dinner parties Sun day at which Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hen drick, Mr. and Mrs. L S. Strasburger and Mr. and Mrs.- H. C. Levy were hosts. Those present for the week-end were: Mrs. John Bracher, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jordan, Mr. and - Mrs. Ray C. Mead, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hed strom. The Misses Eva Roche, Florence Velguth, Irene Collins. S. Nancy 711 liams, Muriel Massey. Messrs. Robert Gleason, Alfred O'Brien, Asbton Jen nings. Chester Hughes. Raymond Roche, Carl Munson, James Leavens, Sarsfleld Norton. Emon Chaloupoka, of Portland; George Gage, of Stevenson; Freda Herbring, of The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hendrlck, the Misses Bess and Bertha Hendrick Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, L C. Pennock, Mr. and Mrs. I. !S. Strasburger, and Mr. and Mrs. H. C Levy, of Cascade Locks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Alfred Larsson were given a surprise party last Monday evening- in their home at Troutdale. the occasion being the anniversary of Mrs. Larsson's birth. The friends quietly gathered and amid cries -of "Congratulations" they took- possession of the house. A most enjoyable even ing was spent, with music and games. Dainty refreshments were served. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Raker, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Lumsden. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dod son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rand. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. L. Kummer, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Larson. Mesdames Ellen Wright. W. F. Servias. J. H. Hudson, L. Helming, Allie Delaney,- A. Edmund son, Charles Belmer, M. Mariana, W. Crawford, Lida Surber, Fred Zimmer man, Will Wright, Ruth Brink, -James Robertson, Misses Frances Turner, of Portland, Mabel Inglis, of Gresham, Olive Wilson, Anna Crawford, Opal Gurber, Harold Hudson, Leland De laney. A pleasant evening was passed at the home of Mrs. L. A. Steinyertz on Mon day, where she gave a tango party in honor of Miss Mary Hickey and Miss Fannie Hickey. During the early part of the evening the guests were enter tained with games, after which a buffet supper was served. The re mainder of the evening they passed in dancing. Those present were: Miss Mary Hickey, Miss Fannie Hickey, Miss Elsie Palmer, Miss Frances Ruth erford, Miss Gladys McAllister, Miss Nettle Church, Mrs. B. D. -Van Court. Mies Mary Hewes, Miss Sylvia Bagley, Miss lone Morrison, Mrs. M. A. Randall, Mrs. E. L. Crockwell. Mrs. S. E. Miller, Orover Link, Isaac Dellar, Adolf Unna. B. D. Van Court, H. M. Teets, Joe Ce lestine, Fred Frigas, Gus Crockwell and J. D. M. Crockwell. The Misses Hickey are from Victoria, B. C, and have been the house guests of Mrs. Steinyertz for a week, before taking up their residence' in Portland. A smart affair of the week wax the bridge luncheon in honor of Mrs. Mil ton Chamberlln by Mrs. Clay Morse on Wednesday at her home Vn Rose City Park. The dining and living-rooms were artistically decor - f Oregon grape and marigolds. The color scheme was carried out in yellow and green. Mrs. CUamberlin leaves for San Fran cisco for a month's visit with friends, where her husband will Join her and they will return together. Covers were laid for Mrs. Chamberlin, Mrs. G. W. Peterson, Mrs. M. D. Brom berger, Mrs. Eugene Mann, Mrs. Harry Jay Brown, Mrs. Clyde Meach. Mrs. G. W. Perclval, Mrs. A. F. Flegal, Jr., Mrs. Ida Gay, Mrs. S. Silverman. Mrs. Harold SeharfC and the hostess. Miss Lucille Chamberlin called during the afternoon. Mrs. Chamberlin was fa vored with a guest prize. Honors fell to Mrs. Eugene Mann. 9 Clan Macleay officers for 1914 were installed at K. of P. Hall on Friday evening by Senior Past Chief W. Mackenzie. The newly-installed offi cers are: Chief, D. H. Gowans; tan- t, D. Duncan, chaplain, D. Henderson; secretary, A. W. Leslie; treasurer, D. A. Milne; financial secretary, A. T. Matthew; senior henchman, W. Bichan; junior henchman, James Gait; sene schal. W. Jack; warder, M. M. Kellock; sentinel, Fred Watson; physician. Dr. W. H. Skene. The officers of the - Clan Macleay Ladies' Auxiliary were installed by Past Chief R. D. Rennie. The officers are: President, Mrs. D. H. Gowans; vice-president, Mrs. H. R. Hewitson; secretary. Miss Mildred Gibson; treas urer, Mrs. W. R. James; warder, Miss Hewitson. The retiring president, Mrs. P. H. Stevenson was presented with a silver cup in recognition of her pioneer efforts in connection with the auxil iary. Mrs. Thomas J. Gill entertained the Bonhomme Club at her apartments in the Glencourt Thursday afternoon. Luncheon was served at 1 o'clock. Violet decorations were carried out throughout the rooms. High scores at auction bridge were made by Mrs. W. S. and Mrs. George J. Hem- meter. Members of the club present were: Mrs. F. F. Brandes. Mrs. W. C. Beaumont, Mrs. W. S. Hamacher, Mrs. George J. Hemmeter, Mrs. E. A- Par sons, Mrs. A. C. Pool. Mrs. W. J. Schmid, Mrs. Neil Sullivan, Mrs. J. E. Sophy. Mrs. C. Wilman. Additional guests were Mrs. Boff inger, Mrs. Ham lin. Everyone will miss Mrs. Gill, who leaves Portland Tuesday for a five months' visit in Chicago. Mrs. F. F. Brandes will he the next hostess at her residence In Ladd's Ad dition on January 29. Mrs. A. M. Wing gave a delightful tea at her attractive home .- in East Couch street Thursday afternoon. The decorations were in pink and white tones. Refreshments were' served in the dining-room, den and billiard room. Mrs. Wing wpre a lovely gown of pink, with white lace. The guests were Mesdames A. M. Lee, A. G. Ott, U. D. Maxson, John Nissen, Lees Moses, p. F. Boody, George H. Thomas. David Levy, W. L Schmidt, M. B. Sherry, R. C. Taylor, W. H. Turner, F. Joplin, Miss Anne Shannon Monroe, Mrs. Friedenthal. Mrs. Thompson, Mra. Ott, Jr., Miss Marguerite Thompson, Mrs. J. C. Westengard, Mrs. G. T. Holtz claw, Mrs. A. C. Carmack, Mrs.- R, L. Mellish, Mrs. L. Duff, Mrs. Paul Mor ton. Mrs. Elinore Mitchell, Mrs. George Stovall, Mrs. Stovall, Jr.. Mra F. O. Miller, Mrs. R. Hayden. Mrs. E. A. Kern, of 100 East Fif teenth street, entertained the members of the German Ladies Literary Club last Thursday afternoon. These meet ings occur weekly and the object is to further the German language. Mrs. Paul W. Schwage. .an active member of this club and recently from Berlin, was elected secretary of the new Ger man Literary Club, which was organ ized last week. The members of the Ladies' Club are: Mrs. Albert Bittner, Mrs. E. Diedrich, Mrs. A. F. Clauss, Mrs. Charles Hacker, Mrs. A. E. Kern, Mrs. Joe Basler. Mrs. Herman J. Blaeslnsr, Mrs. C. A. Bigelow, Mrs. E. Rickards. Mrs. Geodge W. Far- well. Mrs. Paul E. Sehwabe and Miss Knight. , Piano selections were rendered by Mrs. G. , W, Farwell and Mrs. Paul E. Sehwabe. . The officers of Ben Butler Post and Relief Corps were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gray, on Fifty eiirhth street Southeast, to pass the af ternoon in a social time. Music was one of the features. Refreshments were served and a delightful time was en- Joyed by all. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, Mr. Nickols, Mr. and"- Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. H. RigDy,. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Spear, Mrs. Carrie Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. H- J. Worden. Mra M. Hadel, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Carl, Mrs. N. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Cole. Mrs. M. Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Bonbright. Mrs. N. Fleck, Mr. and Mrs. Ogeloie, Mrs. Mary Strickling, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gray, Mrs. Atlanta Allyn, Mra. Wealthy Brumbaugh, Mrs. Fred Horseman, Mrs. Maud Buckler, Airs. J. M. Beeson, Mrs. E. Vellage, Mrs.. J. E. Beeson. Mrs. E. E. Lacy. Mrs. Herbert P. Cloyes and Mrs. John B. Hlbbard gave a shower at the resi dence of Mrs. T. N. Dunbar, In Laurel hurst, on Saturday afternoon, last, in honor of the engagement of Miss Har riet Willie to Fred A. Gries, of San Francisco. Those present were: Mrs. A. W. Cheney, Mrs. H. P. Cloyes, Mrs. J. B. Hlbbard. Mrs. T. N. Dunbar, Mrs. H. B. Johnson, Mrs. V. C. Hibbard, Mrs. H. N. Probestel. Mrs. C. E. Ford, Mrs. W. S. Russell, Mrs. E. Jessen, Mrs. Collin Fowler, Mrs. Fred Irwin, Mrs. Ejirl Kollenham, Mrs. E. Stansbury, Miss Myrtle Bingham. Miss Helen Hughes, Miss Amelia Stark, Miss Marion Park hurst, Miss Dorcas Dunbar, Miss Har riet M. Wyllie. Miss Mildred Woodruff and Miss Jen nette McLaren entertained informally Friday evening at the home of the for mer in Piedmont. Dancing and games were the chief forms of amusement. The g-uests present were Misses Judith Joy, Mabel Warren, Catherine Alexan der, Dorothy Rood, Reva Funk, Naomi Woodcock, Irene Connell, Ruth Wood cock, Bernice Van Scoy, Bessie Land, Dorothy Donaldson, Lula Parkhurst, Genevieve Haven, Leolia Tormoehlln, Stella Tormoehlin, Messrs. Raymond Atchison, Raymond Staub, Charles ' PRINCIPALS IN CHURCH WEDDING. f 1 f ' 'V 4 v4 i W .jar. ir ?! yjK& Sir i-C- - Stallings. Ralph Winchell, Montgomery, Winston Mack, Snow, Earl Everest, William Love, Merle Eastham, Ulysses Giesy and Lee Maurhaus. The William McKlnley Corps, No. 43. held its annual installation at Monta villa. The following officers were in stalled: President, Mary B. Miller; senior vice-president, Sarah Taylor; junior vice-president. Katie Jacobs; sec retary, Addie Rigdon; treasurer, Adella Phelps; chaplain, Josie Starks; conduc tor, Sarah Chamberlin; guard. Mary Stein; assistant guard, Marilla Ken nedy; patriotic instructor, Winnie King; press correspondent, Ida Jones; color bearers, Millie Pollock, Sarah Payson, Jennie Walllck Eunice Savage. The installating officer was Mrs. Chamberlin, with Mrs. Maud Gilman as conductor. An elaborate luncheon was served. e e . Saturday evening, January 10, being the fourth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Steen, they were surprised in their pretty cottage, 122 East Twenty-seventh street, by 30 friends, who came to extend congratu lations and best wishes. The evening was spent most informally in games and conversation. At 10:30 a long table was spread with dainty viands sup plied by those in attendance. Appro priate short poems were read by one of the guests, after which Mr. and Mrs. Steen were presented with a token of love and esteem from the friends who so unceremoniously took affairs In their hands. On Tuesday afternoon. Master Rob ert Beverly Taylor celebrated his 6th birthday with a charming party. Four of bis little friends came with their mothers to spend the afternoon, and children's games were enjoyed while the mothers played bridge. Later a dainty collation was served at a most attractive table. Mounds of snowy pop corn balls centered the board and from the chandeliers hung streamers of white ribbon attached to wee brown mice nestled at the plate of each little guest. Small bright-colored baskets of candy and nuts added to the festivity. Those who enjoyed Master Robert's hospitality were: Masters Joseph Mi nor Roberts, William Laidlaw, Robert Swank and Robert Christensen. One of the delightful affairs of the week was the 500 party given by Mr. and Mrs. D. Clinton, at their lovely home on Dekum avenue. The game was played at five tables, prizes being won by Mrs. C. Hellyer and R. G. Ott, after which a luncheon ' was served. Thoso present were: N. Moody, Miss Berneta Moody, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hellyer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Landen, Miss Fannie Landen, Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson. Mrs, Grace Knowles, Miss Blanche Hellyer. Mr. and Mrs. William Commons, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Atterbury. Mr. and Mrs. R. TURNER COUPLE CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDING, is 4 9 SALEM, Or., Jan. 17. (Special.) One of the society events of the new year in Turner, this county, was the silver wedding on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Small. Sixty friends and relatives were in attendance, and the happy cou ple received many handsome presents. The home was beautifully decorated and a delicious dinner was served. Among those in attendance were; Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Putnam. D. A. Osbourne. J. W. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Gum can, j. a. u. Moore, Mrs. Annie Smith, Mrs. George Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beck, Elizabeth Cornelius, F. A. Moore, John J. Mickey, Rev. and Mrs. George Mrs. I. G. Barnett, Mrs. A. M. Busby, A Massey, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Thomas. E. L. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bear, Muriel Salisbury. G. Ott, Mrs. William Lyons. Miss Emma Lyons, Edgar Lyons, V. C. Campbell. An exceptionally jolly tango parly was given by Mrs. Harry Blanchard in honor of her daughter. Georgia, at their home, 256 East Thirty-second! street, Wednesday evening. Dancing was enjoyed by all until a late hour. I A buffet supper was served, followed by several vocal selections by Miss Lucile Funke. Among the guests were Miss Lola Simpson, Miss Emma Ull rich, Miss Katherine Ullrich, Miss Agnes Sinclair, Miss Lucile Funke, Miss Georgia Blanchard, William Keene, Lewis Smith, Wallace McAr thur, Claude Brown, Kenneth Weir, James Thompson and William Finke. A number of frfends surprised Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Murphy one evening during the past week, at their home. 355 East Eleventh street. A pleasant evening was passed by all present. Games and music were the chief fea tures of entertainment. Dainty refresh ments were served. Among those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Finn. Mrs. J. McDevitt, Mrs. Perry Graves, Mr. and Mrs. James Foley, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. James Burns, Mr. and Mra J. B. Leinenweber, William Burke. Frank Leahy, Joseph Limerick. Dr. De Keyser, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Hanson and William Madigan. District Deputy President Gannon and suite installed the officers of Uto pia Kebekah Joage. JNo. 62, Thursday night, January 8, at Orient Hall, East Sixth and East Alder streets. A large number of Rebekahs and Oddfellows were present. After the ceremony of installation a banquet was served. The officers for the present term are: No- i ble grand, Lillian Prior; vice-grand. Rose Clarke; warden, Grace Broadhead; Inside guardian, Anna GUlman; out side guardian, A. K. Currier; chaplain, Minnie Lewis. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborn, 215 Grand avene 'North,' was the scene of a pleasant gathering on Thursday, when Mrs. Osborn enter tained 42 of the Rose Social Club. The house was attractively decorated with Oregon grape, holly and poinsettias. The afternoon was delightfully passed with music and games, after which a luncheon was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Alice Edwards and Mrs. Mae Angel. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. Laura Frederickson, of 926 East Sixteenth street North, the first Thursday in February. The Kappa Kappa held lta regular business meeting Tuesday evening. January 13, at the home of Miss Sylvia Bagley. It being the first meeting of the year election of officers was held. Those chosen were: Miss Gladys McAl lister, president; Miss Sylvia Bagley, vice-president; Ira Voss, secretary; Isaac Dellar, treasurer; Miss lone Mor rison, editor. There were several parties planned before the Lenten sea son, the first of these being a theater party Monday evening. The remainder oi the evening was enjoyed with music and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ralph Shreve were hosts for a charming informa-1 dinner on Sunday evening at their resi dence. The guests were: Mrs. E. N. Walker, Miss Gertrude Joys, Miss Ruth Kramer, Miss Olga Bramer. Benjamin Jag gar, Edgar Schwartz and Harold Baine. On Tuesday Mrs. Shreve compliment ed Mrs. Divad Ingram, her house guest, with a charming Informal luncheon. Her guests numbered eight. Mrs. Eugene J. Mann was hostess at her Bridge Luncheon Club on Wednes day. Those present were Mrs. Clay Morse, Mrs. Harry J. Brown. Mrs. S. W. Peterson, Mrs. G. W. Perclval. Mrs. Milton Chamberlain, Mrs. Clyde Meach, Mrs. Harold Scharff, Mrs. 8. H. Dykstra, Mrs. A. F. Flegel, Jr Mrs. A. W. Cheney, Mrs. W. B. Shtvely. Mrs. Eu gene Mann. Mrs. Hewston was a guest of the club. Mrs. Harry J. Brown won the trophy. Dr. Byron E. Miller entertained at luncheon last Tuesday at the Commer cial Club Charles Ammerman, an attor ney from Cleveland, O. ; A. H. Cummins, an attorney from Akron. O. : H. M. Cake and C. M. Idleman. Mr. Idleman and Mr. Cake were born and spent their childhood there and as Dr. .Miller spent ing. Miss Mary Barr, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bones, Mr. and Smith, C. R. Curfee, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Barr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Blcknell, Mrs. Sallie Miller, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Booth. Dr. and Mrs. G. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bones, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Barnett and Miss oi AMONDS There is no effect without a cause, and there is a reason for all things. There must be reason good reason for our Diamond Leadership. To state them briefly 1 We Buy Carefully 2 We Never Misrepresent Our Goods 3 Our Prices Are Always Lowest To be sure, other elements have entered into our success. It has been our policy to handle only diamonds of superior quality. The kind, that wlH bring you and your friends to our store. ' Easy Payments Without Extra Charge MARX & BLOCH I,nrg:eirt Diamond Dealer in Orrgon Final Clearance Furs V4 Off The fact that these are Silverfield Furs being offered at this remarkable reduction attests to their beauty, value and absolute worth. Mail Orders Send for Promptly Filled Catalogue Remodeling by Experts 'Silverfield" on your as Sterling eight years in Cleveland before coming to Portland, reminiscence was freely in dulged in. On Thursday Mr. Morris Bromberger entertained the Beta Sigma at lunch eon. The members present were: Mrs. Eugene Mann, Mrs. Sam Silverman, Mrs. Aruthr Laidlaw, Mrs. Earnest Dingman, Mrs. Clyde Meach, Mrs. Frank Miller and Mrs. Morris Brom berger. Mrs Bromberger will be hostess on Thursday evening to the Beta Sigma 500 party. A surprise party was given to Mrs. Emma Sylvester on the occasion of her 64th birthday Thursday afternoon, and in the evening another group of friends made up another surprise in honor of Mrs. Sylvester at her residence, 1168 East Fifteenth street. North. About 80 persons were present. An elaborate collation was served both afternoon and evening. A pleasant party was that of a birth day surprise given for Treffel J. Du- halme at his home. 902 Syracuse street, on Monday evening. Those present were Dora Clark, Rose Reich, Hazel The berge. A. Amerine, Theodore Muller, A V. Purkapde. T. A. Duhaime. W. J. Du hatme, Mr. and Mrs. Audley Thromer. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Muller and daughter Marjorie. A delightful supper dance was given for Miss Rose Dellar. of Spo kane, on Saturday evening at the sub urban home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swanton. Miss Dellar is the house guest of Miss Clara Fleshman. of Twenty-fifth and Northrup streets, and much entertaining is arranged for her this coming week. A number of friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Murphy, during the past week at their home, J5B East Eleventh street. A very happy evening was passed by all present. Games and music were the chief features of the evening's entertainment. Dainty re freshments were served. The Misses Mable and Frances O'Brien will accompany their father, W. T. O'Brien, on a trip to Honolulu, leaving here tomorrow and San Fran cisco on Thursday on the steamship Siberia. They expect to return to Portland the latter part of March. Mrs. Fred Llnd was hostess to the Rainbow 600 Club Tuesday afternoon. Card honors fell to Mrs. James Brown and Mrs. Frederick Barth. A dainty lunch was served, after which dancing and a musical programme rounded out a most enjoyable afternoon. The January dance of the Saturday Night Dancing Club was held Saturday night In the ballroom of the Hotel Multnomah. About 75 couples attended, including the out-of-town guests. The Saturday night dancing club is made up of the younger married set. Mr. and Mrs. James Watt, of 1159 Mallory avenue. Piedmont, gave a box theater party Thursday evening, in honor of Miss Madeline Thomas, of Bryn Mawr, Goble, who has been their guest this week. Miss Ethel Bolger entertained very pleasantly Monday afternoon In honor of Miss Josephine AUehoff, a bride of the week. Miss AUehoff was presented with a set of Haviland china plates. COMING EVENTS. A joint installation of Portland Camp 107, Woodman of the World, and Royal Circle 528, Women of Woodcraft, will be held Wednesday at 8 P. M.. at Wood man Hall. The Circle will Install the following officers: Past guardian. Neighbor Gladwin: guardian. Neighbor Burson; advisor. Neighbor Dellgard; attendant. Neighbor Rosser: clerk. Neighbor Sundeleaf; banker. Neighbor Vena; musician. Neighbor Day; man agers, Neighbors Wortheimer. Day and Crowder; Michigan, Neighbor Donner; inner sentinel, Neighbor Engle; outer sentinel. Neighbor Engles. Neighbor Reiner will be the installing officer. Captain Drake and Captain Nelson will put the work on with a team of the following ' guards: Bertha Mackey, Evagline Donner, Mary Crowder, Pau line Donner, Louise Swiggle and Neigh bor McCurty. After installation danc ing will follow. The public is cordially invited. The Harriman Club will give its sec. ond annual ball at Ringler's Cotillion Hall on Friday. This will be the first club dance given in the new hall and will be elaborate in every detail. It is a strictly invitation affair. The com mittee in charge has arranged several o SK3 Morrlxon, brt. Fourtb and Kll'th O fur label means as much on your silver. novel features appropriate to a rail road dance. One novel feature already given out is the form of iuvitation. which resembles an annual railroad pass. The invitation also serves as an admit card, but is retained by thy holder. The large hall will be decor ated in typical railroad fashion, and railroad music will be played for thu dances. Professor Ringler and one of his as sistants will give an exhibition of tin tango, hesitation waltz and the one step, and a new dance which has never been seen in Portland. The committee is as follows: E. B. Lee, chairman: F. W. Todd, E. B. Stokes, F. W. Slade, Alexander Mil ler, Jerome Blaisdell, Misses Thomp son, Ostruck, DePew, Biard. Wantoeli and Durkin. Invitations have been mailed to several officials out on til--line and a large attendance is an ticipated. The officers and members of the Jewish Young Men's and Yo'Jiis Women's Association ish to announce to the public that on Thursday, Jan uary 22. that organization will have rounded out the first year of a most successful existence, and for that date they have arranged for a large open meeting to be held at Gevurtz Hall. Front and Gibbs streets, at S:30 P. M. A special programme has been pre pared for the occasion, and all attend ing are assured a pleasant and inter esting evening. The Decern Girls have Issued Invita tions for their opening dancing party of the year to be held at Christensen'a Hall Thursday, January 22. As a spe cial feature of the evening the tanxo will be demonstrated by expert danc ers. Other new dances will be included on the programme of excellent musical numbers. Patronesses are Mrs. E. .1. Brown. Mrs. J. Bymhold, Mrs. M. V. Beatty. Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, Mrs. l-'. W. Clifford, Mrs. M. Bartholomew. Mrs. A. L. Lucas and Mrs. C H. Begg. The young people of St. Patrick's Church announce their new musical anM social club, Innisl'ail. It is the inten tion of the members to give several concerts and informal dances beforo the Winter is over. The first concert followed by a dance, will be held In St. Patrick's Hall, Nineteenth and Savier streets, on Wednesday evening, Febru ary 11. m The Illinois Society will hold Its reg ular monthly meeting in the auditorium of the Journal building, Thursday even ing, January 29. An Interesting pro gramme is being arranged, to which all former Illinoisans are cordially in vited. A. G. Bowman, president of the society, who has been In- the East dur ing the past two months, will be pres ent and preside. Mr. and Mrs. Montrose M. Ringlet- Physician Tells How to Grow Hair Well-Knovrn Physician and Nevrs paprr Correspondent Tells How to Promote the Gion-tk of the Hair. A well - known physician who has made a careful study of the hair re cently made the following statement: "It is comparatively easy to stop the hair from falling out, promote Its growth and banish dandruff by the fol lowing simple recipe, which can be made at home: To 7 oz. of water add a small box of Barbo Compound, 1 oz. of bay rum and ox. of glycerine Apply it to the scalp with the finger tips two or three times per week. It not only is excellent as a scalp and hair tonic, but it darkens faded, streaked, gray hair and makes it soft and glossy. 1 use it myself and have no hesitancy in recommending It to my patients. These ingredients can be bought at any drug store at very little cost." Adv. LADIES' SPRING SUITS New Materials Arriving Daily. Will Make Special Reduction to Those Ordering Early. J. K. STERN LADIES' TAILOR, 447 ALDER STREET