8 TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 18, 1914. BK.iL E8TATK. for Bale -House 717 east :tth st. x. IRVIXItTOX D1STKICT. UXLY $130. Just finished, 5-room bungalow, reciiion hail, harucoa Unors, Ilropiai-e, nice decmc fixtures, mou trti plumbing, cabinet kitchen, fuii basement iih cement floor aud iuuliiJi-y trays; this im a little gem tor the money; uptrn today for in spection between 11 and 4 o'clock; take Broadway car to Kegents Drive and K. 'Tth st. and go aouth 31 block; in the immediate vicinity are some of the nicest homes In the city. See it touay sure. Exclusively for sale by W. A. BARNES CO.. 04-40 Lewis Mig., 4th and Oak Sts. Main 2081. -'8t0. $200 DOWN. Five-room buagulow, Two blocks from Hawthorn. 344 East 30th street. It is brand now. On a hard street. Hardwood floor in hall. livluK atid dinlns-rooms. Fine place. Dutch kitchen. HhII seat. Fine buffet. Shades and fixtures. Best of plumbing. Dry basement. 40xlO0 feet. If you are looking; for a good buy. see this one. i , R. S. trPARUND. OWNER, 30O E. 3tlth St. Tabor 451. -ROOM BUNGALOW. Dutch kitchen, buffet, fireplace, shades, fixtures; piped for furnace. $-900. EASY TERMS. On East Weidler, near 42d; 2 blocks to Candy road: 'J car services. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 618 Board of Trade Bids., 4th and Oak. LET fS FEATHER YOUR NEST. New r-room modern bungalow, furnished complete with new furniture, fireplace, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, large, light bed rooms, bath, oak floors, cement basement, furnace, all rooms tinted, electric fixtures and shades furnished; lot 50x140, near school, 3 blocks to car, cement walks, curbs, pratlwl streets, water, gni In and paid; Rose City Park district. $3300. $500 c-nsti. balance to suit. Ask for Mr. Hoi slngton. PROVIDENT TRUPT CO., 2d Floor Selling Hide.. Rlh and Alder. Main 1800, A 0261. FURNISHED BUNGALOWS. We have two 5-room and two 6-room bungalows, furnished complete, with very nice furniture that we can sell at a great sacrifice: they range in price from $3200 to $oSS0. with $5u0 to $1000 In cash and easy monthly payments; the house and lot Is worth metre titan the price asked. If not sold soon they will be withdrawn from the market and rented, as owners are leaving town. Phone 2081. W. A. BARNES CO., 404-405 Lewis Bids., 4th and Oak Bts. PAY 1T A MONTH AND OWN A HOME. Brand new. strictly modern 5-room house, including fireplace, beam ceilings, et-ln bookcases. Dutch kitchen, etc. in f!n neighborhood, for $2400. Pay three mouths rent at $15 per month and if you like the house this rental applies on pur chase. See me today (Sunday). (The most liberal offer ever made by a Portland builder.) A. N. Searle. corner E. 78th and B. Ollsnn sts. (Take MV car.) IsEW 5-room bungalow, fully modern; hard wood lluore, built-in fixtures, fireplace, furnace, electric fixtures, window myites, cement baaebent. laundry trays, in fact everything to make a place convenient and comfortable; It can't be duplicated for the price; only $3000. Located in Rose City Park; easy terms, or might consider equity in good lot. See Mr. Boster. Realty Dept. of HARTMAN THOMPSON $5200 New 7-room home. Just completed. Ex cellent finish and workmanship: modern In every respect and all built-in conven iences; large corner lot; all street Im provements in and included in price; near school and Broadway car. Alameda Park. For UTTiis see Mr. Hoisington. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 2d Floor Selling Bldg.. Sth and Alder. Main 1S00. A 6261. A BARGAIN IN BUNGALOW. In order to raise money, we offer for .Mio, our $1250 equity In a very attract ive bungalow, built six months, modern, balance can be paid like rent; no trade; bungalow has fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases and buffet, full basement and large attic; Is well arranged: full lot facing east. See owner, 113 E. 61st st. North, 200 feet south of MV car. 11RXISHED 6-room bungalow In Lester 1'ark, only one block from Alberta car corner lot 40x100; $1300 will handls this act quickly. BROWN REALTY COMPANY. The Firm That Does Things 230 Piatt Bldg. Phone Main $042. $,-iti0 Good modern house. $230 cash with easy payments. $itO0o The best house for the money: modern and fine location. $7000 This house Is a beauty: must be sold at once at a great sacrifice; make me an ofler. All these houses are in Irvington district. WESTON. Mar. 8910. A 5774. MODERN HOME, $8000. T large rooms, furnace and fireplace, lot 60x100 ft.; walking distance; at 6S4 E. Couch st., near E. 20th; this Is a good house at an honest valuation and terms may be arranged. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 4Q4 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M. 86H9. A 2658. Sr&O CASH. ' ' .-. TTTT Mnv-Tir $2000, splendid modern 1H -story. -room Bungalow. fuLJ cement basement, good fur nace, fine location, good car service. A Kt'PPER HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. PARTY LEAVING mr Offers his elegant bungalow home' of 5 rooms and sleeninir nnr,.h v.... .... ., finished throughout, has furnace and ail built-in conveniences Including a . Tireless . ' Il,r 3uu. on terms. nil East 4154 today for particulars. $ .V.150 LA UR EI. HURST HOME $.-Sl.-,0 rew. modern. rnmwlor, , choice location: hardwood floor, sleeping porch, 4 bedrooms, lighting: fixtures, etc. $o09 cash. DTET3 A RTNOLER, 819 Railway Exchange Bldg. STOP PAYING K EVT I can sell you a house on the West Ride that rents now for $13 per month. It is on a 50x100 lot, one-half block from street in kuou neignDornooa. price $1500 $500 cash, bal. your own terms. See GEO. P. HENRY. B20 Henry Bldg. $1100 5-room house. Investment for real bargain hunters; corner lot with business futures nn line; E. Gllsan st. This property Is worth j i sun, i an - m fine st. Phone Main 1721. $275 NEAT little house of two rooms; good lot: graded streets; water, etc; conven ient to cars: get wise, save rent; $25 cash $13 monthly, or $50 cash. $10 monthly. ivurmit HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce, ONLY $2. a month buvs flne flv-i-rtnv home: has all modern conveniences, as ,uin-t, iKiiiM-natB, etc.; targe nreplace, Dutch kitchen. full basement graded and seeded: cement walk around nouse; no iranea. fall Kept 2.4. FORECLOSED SALE, by owner. widow. f modern B-ronm home, worth. $4000. for , $3OO0 now before the first of month: small casn aown, rest in city lot or small tent- house. Woodlawn 326. NEW 5-ronm bungalow in Rose City Park for $2.1UO; I20O down: flrenlaee. hntTet. hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen: double construction; one-half block to car. Phone owner, i anor bo. $1S00 6-ROOM house, near Prescott t and Irvington carline. lot 50x100. lots of fruit, street work all paid: a bargain for someone with $00 cash. C. De Young; A oi. v. nmiiurr ui commerce. NEW modern bungalow. 7 rooms and aleen Ing porch. Rose City, $3O0O. Your own terms; win taKe lot. Hmltn, 014 Couch oiag. SPLENDID HOME IRVINGTON. Corner lot, 7 rooms, good easement garage; i-imu, wortn u.no. feast 273. W. H. HERDMAN. $!I00 FOR ."-room house, 50x100 lot In woodlawn, $000. cash. bal. o years. S 645, iregonlan. Isi;W house. rooms, bath and hall, hard wood Hoorfs. fireplace. 774 Multnomah st owner r,3 Clackamas. Phone C 25H2. liousi-i and 3 lots on carline at your own price. Annresa A v 770. uregonlan. ilnlif.'RN- o-room house on Broadway, $4500, part casn. f-none isi ftvdl. UKAL 1MTATK. CASH. 0 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH ooxloo LOT. HAUD-St KH'AChJ STREETS. STKEfiiT l.Mr-RoVEAlbiNTS ALL PAID. xtuiuuiui uw 7-roum home, only two bloocs lrom riuvvtuorna ave. and Eudt j4m u. ALL ROOMS HAVE PLENTY OF SUN LIGHT. HARDWOOD FLOORS IN LIVING AND blMNd-KUOMS. PRESSED KK1CK FIREPLACE. BUILT-IN BOOKCASES. BEAUTIFUL WIDE BUFFET. FINE ELECTRIC FIXTURES. VERY -BEST PLUMBING. COMPLETE DUTCH KITCHEN. 4 LARGE BEDROOMS WITH EX TREMELY LARGE CLOSETS. SLEEPING PORCH. 12x16. PRICE CONFIDENTIAL; $250 CASH, BALANCE TO SUIT. CALL OWNER, TABOR 2608. SEE THIS SUNDAY, SURE Only $2S00, beautiful new modern, except furnace, 5-room bungalow, large floored attic, pretty living and dining-rooms, beautiful buffet, fire place, cabinet kitchen, full cement basement, laundry tubs; in fact a swell place with large lot 40x1231, Just reduced for quick eale to $28oo, ou easy terms. Right on Hawthorn carline, double constructed through out. House No.- 3d7, East 54tll St. Go see l Sunday. DORR E. KBASET & CO. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bids;. $3250 30O CASH, EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. - 6-room bungalow with good attic, very large living-room, nice fireplace, buffet and ail built in features; full cement basement, floored and laundry trays; fine furnace; this house was built for a home and well constructed throughout; you will like It. W. A. BARNES CO., 404-405 Lewis Bids.. 4th and Oak Sts. Main 201. SPECIAL. Large, l-room house, full cement base ment with plastered celling, living-room, dining-room and den have best hardwood floors, 1 bedroom on ground floor, 3 very large, light bedrooms on second floor, one bedroom furnished with large dressing room, large furnace, inside coldair intake good fireplace, cabinet kitchen with hard maple floor, house has cement block, foun dation, hard-suriace street with ail under ground Improvements, In one of Portland's -most highly rertricted sections; price $4250: can handle on verv easy terms. W. A. Lovett. 415 Selling bldg. Phones Main HI 35 and C 1588. 25 PER CENT less than actual worth; 18, 200 sq. ft.. Portland Heights, pith mod ern 9-room residence among the pines overlooking the city and harbor: beauti ful views; large., sleeping porches: apple pear, peach and cherry trees; berries and roses; a beautiful mountain home almost In the heart of the city; must go; $4500 will handle. BROWN REALTY CO.. The Firm That Does Things. 220 Piatt Bldg. Phone Main 9042. WHY NOT OWN A HOME? We have Just completed a very attract ive and modem home. It Is all ready to move Into. Only 17 minutes, out, two blocks from car; 6 fine rooms, including large sun room, full basement, furnace, fireplace, oak floors; beautifully tinted ad finished In old ivory ; complete with liKht fixtures and window shades. Price $4100. A small cash payment and only $40 a month, including interest no mort gage to assume. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. " 1405 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 3718. A 44S4. WEST SIDE HOUSE, "NEW." THE PRICE IS RIGHT $t700 T rooms. large sleeping porch, fine view, walking distance. Price Includes all street Improvements paid. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212-21 Selling Bldg.. Phones Main 1800 or A 6261. $30 DOWN $30 PER MONTH. New, cozy six-room house, 1009 Knott street, Beaumont carline; sleeping porch and other modern conveniences; hard-surface street ; price. $3750, covering every thing. This Is a snap. FIDELITY REALTY & MORTGAGE CO., Owner. 604 Piatt Building. Phone Marshall 0025. GOOD INVESTMENT SNAP PRICE. 126x100 in Aiblna. 5 cottages renting $10 each, total annual Income $600: near ly 10 per cent Investment: fine site for apartments and ground sure to double in value in 3 years over present price, which is $6500. time on part; price in cludes paved street and sidewalk; 10 min utes' walk to Union Depot over Broad way bridge. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. SOS Board of Trade, 4th and Oak Sts. ALBIN'A HEIGHTS, 8-room , modern resi dence, range, carpets, linoleums, shades and electric fixtures included in the price; a, genuine bargain; lot 40x100; about 100 yards from carline; must have money; $2000 will handle this. BROWN REALTY COMPANY, The Firm That Does Things. 220 Piatt Bide. -Phone Main 042. THE BEST BARGAIN IN TODAY'S PAPER. You can verify this statement in a half hour. Corner lot in Arleta. Four-room house with bath (plumbing brand new), chicken-houses, good lawn and lots of roees. Price only $1375. pay $175 down and balance any way vou want it, from $10 a month up. 6743 53d ave. S. E. (Between 9 and 5 o'clock.) $100 DOWN, MODERN BUNGALOW, $2100 4 rooms, fireplace, bookcases, every room tinted, window shades, cabinet kitchen. Ask for Mr. Revnolds. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212-21 Selling Building. Phones Main 1800 or A 6261. A FORCED SALE. $2025 Splendid 6-room bungalow, full BOxlOO lot, strictly modern house, near WR line; sidewalks all In, $400 cash, bal ance easy terms; owing to sickness this must be sold, is fully $500 under the mar kec KT'PPER & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME. $10.OOO. rooms, including billiard-room, son room and sleeping porch; white enamel finish, beautiful lighting fixtures; lot 75x 100 ft., near Irvington Club, at 404 E. 22d at. North. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M. S6H9 A 2658. $2450. EASY TERMS. 5-room bungalow. block from Rose City car; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, many closets, extra nne kitchen, full base ment; this is below value. See Mr. Russell, HARTMAN THOMPSON (4th and Stark.) SNAP. Modern 5-room bungalow. one block from Hawthorne ave.; paved streets all paid for; this is a fine house and worth $3500: must be sold this week; will take il-whi. S.SOU casn, $is per month, v a, urtgonian. FOR SALE Lot and 2-room house. $10OO, $15 per month, same as rent. Phone 62H3. For Hale Business Property. BUSINESS property in one of the best su burban districts of Portland. Lot 50x100. Store 36x70. Also good barn 16x20. with loft. Property is leased with a arowins business In It, on a fine thoroughfare. Cars pass tne aoor. S40oo will handle this. .Business is on tne mend. Buy now. BROWN REALTY COMPANY, The Firm That Does Things. 220 Piatt Bldg. Phone Main 9042. 40-ACRE relinquishment, 35 open plow land, 5 In timber; fenced 3 sides: fine spring, on main county road, 2t miles to railroad and town; cheap. Hatch, 327 Lumber Ex change, INVESTMENT. West Side, paying 10 per cent net. $7500 cash will handle. Purse & Co., 81S Cham ber of Commerce. FOR SALE. Poolroom, cigar stand and lunch coun ter, business averaging $25 to $50 a day; $1000 will handle. S 649, Oregonian. $2900 Best buy; $300 cash, terms to suit; store building; 5 rooms; in best location. Owner. 205 Jefferson st. FOR SALE, by owner, apartment flats. West E-lde: price $10,000; pays 12 per cent net J 606, Oregonian. -v FOR SALE Confectionery, light groceries. with 5 living-rooms; tobacco and cigars. Phone Tabor 4783. Call Monday. INCOME property earning lO pel1 cent; $50OO: $300O will handle. Owner. AO 688 Oregonian. REAL tSTATE. For Sale -Business Property. $20,0011 INVESTMENT NET 15 PER CENT. 51-room apartment-house and stores, West Side, specially desirable for parties wish ing to personally operate same; no agents. Call mij. Wilcox bldg. BARGAIN Apartment-house site. West Side, close In. t75QQ. F 69t;, Oregonian. For Sale -Acreage. lO ACHES CHOICE LAND. I am buying on contract Hi , teres choice land, all under cultivation, no waste, for $1000; good spring, on county road; well settled neighborhood; just at edge of town of Yamhill. l.have paid in on contract $25o and cannot make furtiter payments, will seil and assign my contract for $150 casn. balance payable $25 monthly, which Includes interest. v The Southern Pacific 1-cy. commences op eration of electric cars on 3th inst. NOW IS GOOD CHANCE FOR SOME ONE TO BUY 10 ACRES FINE LAND AT LOW PRICE AND ON VERY liASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. Q 00V Oregonian. 10 ACRES NEAR GARDEN HOME. mile from Oregon electric station, 8c car fare, all tillable, ifc In cultivation; the price, $325 per acre, is $150 per acre less than any other similar land in the vicinity; terms $IOOO cash, balance long lime, per cent; we have inspected this property and know it to be one of biggest bargains on the market; no trade. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE BARGAIN. 11 acres- in Tlgardvllle Heights, all cleared and ready for the plow; five blocks from store; this is positively the best buy that was ever offered; price for the next 5 days, $25041. onlv half cash. DEITZ & RIXGLER. 316 Railway Exchange Bidg. $;.i0 FOR a acre, close in on the West Sile. On a half-acre like this vou can raise all your vegetables. small fruit, chickens, etc., which means over half of your living. Terms $20 down, balance $10 per month. This property is only 15 minutes' car ride, 5c care. West Side; best value in the city. M. E. Lee, 522 Corbett bldg. ACREAGE BARGAINS. $3500 10-acie improved ranch just off Pacific Highway, nr city limits Vancouver. $5000 5 acres near R. C. P. car and N. 72d st. ; $2000 cash, balance & years. $5500 8 acres near city limits on Mt. Hood line; $3400 cash. COPPER. 415 CHAM BER OF COMMERCE. KLECTKIC LINE, eight blocks of station, chicken and fruit ranches near Portland, new Subdivision near Gresham; 5 acres $40O, $500 $700; 3 acres $500. $700; 10 acres $750. $:iC0, $1000 per fract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or., $25 to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 3Q9 Yeon bldg., Portland. FOR SALE. Fine 86-acre farm. Joining ;ood town, all under cultivation, lies level, but is well drained; adjoining property selling for $2oo per acre and up; will sell mis fine place for $tl00O, cash, bal. to suit; only oo nines xrom center or fortlana. H. A. DRYER. 510 Lewis bldg. 3 ACRES TIGARD, ONLY $650. Fine soil, county road in front, only S miles to city limits; $05 cash, easy pay ments on the balance; cheapest acreage around Tlgard. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO., 210 Gerllnger bldg., yd and Alder sts. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HflVE Two acres, near Ryan Place, oc fare, all In bearing fruit; good modern iiome, windmill, barn and poultry-houses; $1000 below actual value; $5u0 cash handles it; will take one or two lots in trade. C. De YOUNG & CO., 614 Chamber of. Commerce. 8 or 12 acres of splendid soil, well lo cated: stakes are set for electric line through it; all level and ready for the plow; stores, schools and churches handy ; near the city limits; level auto road. 1 will sell this on very easy terms- Harri- . son, 511 Gerllnger bldg. 0 ACRES, MODERN BUNGALOW. On Oregon Electric, 12 miles from Port land and 12c fare; bath, hot and cold water, gasoline engine for pumping; a beautiful place and onlv $3250. C. A. RUFF, 823 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE equity $470 In 10 acres, 20 mile's irom Portland, small house and partly cleared land, fenced and some fruit trees; out of work and have to have some money: will take any offer within reason, balance is in small monthly payments. Address 1242 Michigan ave., city. liAVl. subdivided my Willamette Valley far.n, one of the best on the Oregon Electric, into 5 and 10-acre tracts; deep, rich loam, all in cultivation, level, near station, school, store; you buy direct from me ou easy terms. Full information, my representative, 02J Chamber of Commerce. POULTRY RANCH. 6 acres, all equipped in a good town near Salem: 1600 people; lots of fruit, good buildings and warer over the entire property; price only $2500; $1200 cash. C. DE YOUNG & CO., 514 Chamber of Commerce. ONE acre aud 5-room new and modern nouse, oeam ceiling, Hull Run water, at Gresham, 5-blocks from car, sidewalks to place; a snap at $1750, for this week only terms. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 1-ACKE lots near city, only $350. ' x-w avies nne c:ear iana, per acre. 40 acres tine clear land. $40 per acre. 100 acres good clear land, $27.50. Best acreage any sizes at your own terms. P. E. Lamar. 502-3 Lumbermcns. VANCOUVER 5 aeres, practically cleared. on county road, east of Vancouver; cost $1000 three years ago; big sacrifice for quick sale. Address owner, who Is leav ing for New York In February, AP 669. Oregonian. OSWEGO LAKE, ' RIGHT AT STATION. Acre tract, fine grove of trees, boating and fishing, electric trains, 10-cent com mutation fare; will sell on easy terms. Call 210 Gerlinger bldg ON 4TH-ST. ELECTRIC. 4 acre and 7-room bunfraiow, close In, beautiful view, fruit, berries. chicken house, barn, etc.; bargain at $2400; small i,".-"ic"1 who. ey iwrniB. UWner, diL-k E. 14th st. N. East 2O90. 10 OR 2t) acres 13 miles to Portland, 24 to wuu , MtBi yi son; nes laeal; Dest of water; only $100 per acre, $150 cash, bal. $100 per year at 1 per cent. W. H. SEITZ & CO.. 310 Spalding Bldg Main 0584. 3 FINE acres In Parkrose. Purchaser oald $3300. Now has $1600 equity, which he will let go for $1000. Pick this up. Dorr E Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Com merce bldg. iu ACKr.ft, level and clear, unimproved, half nine iiuni iown ana ranroaa, 20 miles from Centralla, Wash. Black loam soli. For sale by owner, Richard Carlson, 212 East 28th St., North. ON Oregon Electric, close to Whltford sta tion, 2 41-100 acres, fine bungalow, equiupert for poultry, fine creek, fruit trees. s'..c fare. Green, 240 Salmon at. Main 3889. HALF ACRE at station on electric line, on Johnson Creek; good lte for suburban home; price $1000; ensy terms GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St SIX acres. Base Line road. 2 miles from Gresham, 7-room house, barn and out buildings; value $5000, terms LU1R1DEMANN, RULEY & CO., 9 IS Chamber of Commerce. REAL SNAP IN ACREAGE. Close-in. 5c fare, two desirable Improved tracts, cheap; part cash. Phone owner. East 4217. SACRIFICE ONE-HALF PRlrg, Two acres garden land, buildings, all fenced; one mile to good town; widow; easy terms. K 681. Oregonian. 4 JVCRES. Tlo A Ft TV Cultivated, perfect drainage and close to station, cheap; buy for cash. 406 McKay Main 934. FIVE acres, all in cultivation, 5-room house, 2 chicken-houses, barn, bearing orchard and berries, on electric and county road; bargain. Woodlawn 3.!7V SECTION LINE ROAD 4 63 acres, fronting this road, 4 miles irom tne city at i per acre. STRONG CO.. 605 Concord bldg. tOK SALE or trade. 5 acres in Linn Coun ty. Or.; will consider auto. Call $000. AH 0-!6. Oregonian. i wu acres, witn snack ana hothouse, on eiectrio line; no rocks or gravel; $1100, easy terms. S 65T, Oregonian. 3 ACRES close in on electric; best of soil; no rocks or gravel; price $1400, easy terms. AR C73, Oregonian. I WILL sell my 5 acres, near Treraont. suit, able for platting, at a sacrifice for cash. K 077, Oregonian. 3 ACRES, close In, 4 blocks ."rom electric line; price $1440; easy terms. Phone B il'O i. 12 ACRES set to full bearing prunes. 4 mile i'j electric nne ana station; Dargain. Owner. J 34 E 13th N. PURCHASE price $5.00 per acre. You can't beat It. 70O acres, if taken at once. A snap. una, oregonian. SO ACRES, part beaverdam land, close to Portland, for quick sale $2500 cash or might give time. 603 Oregonian bldg RIVERFRONT acreage, fine view, choice frontage. Owner will sell on easy terms O 707, Oregonian. HAVE several buyers for acreage. Ward Company. 425 ch. of Com, bldg. $10 DOWN, $10 month. corner 80x140, cleared. Apply owner, R 871, Oreconlan. It HAL KSTATK. For bale Acreage. CHICKEN, HOG OR DAIRY RANCHES. FRUIT, BERRY OR VEGETABLE FARMS. 0. 10, 20, 40-ACRE TRACTS. SCAPPOOSE ACRES NEAR PORT LAND is ideally adapted for any of the above purposes; 240O acres divided in tract any size to suit from 4 acres up. at prices ranging from $25 to $05 per acre. Terms 10 per cent down and 3 years in which to pay balance. Railroad through the land, plenty water everywhere and no rocks; soil cannot be excelled: good gravel roads; land is eas ily cleared; district school aud store on property. If you are looking for a nice home, in a good communitv, and also an Investment that will make vou some money, investigate SCAPPOOSE ACRES. Should you run short of funds, you can go to work any day In large logging camp located on this property at wages ranging from $2.50 up. Call or write for de scriptive literature or asli for representa tive to call on you at home evenings. Phone Main 6967. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY & CO., 9ti Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES $1375. ' $o00 down, balance easy' terms; 5 level acres, between Base Line and Troutdale, at Just about half price. We can deliver this for $275 per acre and it is worth $500 to $600: e sold acreage across the road for $.S0O per acre last Spring. Let us show you the biggest bargain you have been offered. 10 acres for $2750, of you want it. Fine for chicken ranch .close to streetcar, less than mile. DORR B. KEASEY & CO.. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. POULTRY AND FRUIT RANCH. 14 1-3 acres, hillside land, gentle south, ern slope, located only 22 miles from Port land, within 1 mile of Scappoose and best auto road out of Portland; flag station 1ii mile; small house, spring, tro full-bearing apple trees; acres seeded; fenced, in good neighborhood: near large creamerv; fine soil and easy clearing; price $10O per acre, easy terms; would make further sacrifice for all cash. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY - CO. 013 Chamber of Commerce. ' SPECIAL ATTENTION. 40 acres, first-class level river bottom land, fronting on the Willamette River, now In crop, at electric transportation near Salem, at only $150 per acre: will sell on terms of nothing down if you will Im prove the property; here is your chance to secure some of the best land In the state with no money down. Call on or ad dress COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY 618 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE. 100 acres in Illinois Valley, Southern Oregon, about SO acres In cultivation, 26 acres old slashing, easily cleared, red soil, most of it can be irrigated; price $60 per acre including water rights and ditches. For further particulars address route No. 1. box 29, Kerby. Or. 45 ACRES FOR PLATTING. Close to Portland fronting on two car lines and fine county road. Onlv $400 per acre. Adjoining acre tracts sold at $750 per acre. STRONG & CO.. 605 Concord bldg. FOR SALE or trade, 5 acres near Beaverton, under cultivation. Phone Tabor 237. Irrigated Lands. THE ideal irrigation project, south of Port land, with water in the growing season, at the very time when the crops need it. Easy terms to bona fide settlers. See W illamotte Valley Irrlg. Land Co. 260 Stark st. Homesteads. RELINQUISHMENT ON HOMESTEAD. 160 acres, 6.000,000 to 7,000,000 feet sugar pine and fir in big timber belt, some cleared, new 3-room house; am no locator, must leave and will sell for what I have In It. $1000. Address P O. box 421. Roseburg, Or. I WILL leave for Bend Monday, 19th, at 7 P. M. with some homesteaders; I can locate you on .220 acres of good land. See rr.e at 187 Mil st. William Pando. HOMESTEAD relinquishment on 160 acres. 2.060.000 fir and pine, close to river and road, in body valuable timber: will sell for $100. 603 Oregonian bldg. HOMESTEADS just thrown out of reserve; good farm land, plenty of outside range. 431 Mohawk bldg. WANTED A good homestead or relin quishmeut. B 671. Oregonian. For Sale Fruit And. FOR SALE Bearing orchard, near We natchee: best varieties apples; orchard , had splendid care: 7-room gas-lighted house, good barns, outbuildings 4 horses, tools, sprayer, cow. furniture, ready to move in; owner lives in East, cannot give attention; small payment down, balance easy terms; write for detail. M. B. Fos ter, Fulton, N. Y. For Sale Farms. FARMS. , $3500 100 acres. Long Tom River bottom land, near Eugene; extra good; terms. $4500 Tualatin River bottom land, near Tualatin; 30 acres; big bargain; $20OO cash. $5000 4l-acre improved ranch near Gas ton: 700 bearing Royal Ann trees, stock, etc. Terms. COPPER. 415 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 10 ACRES. 5 acres under cultivation, fine roads, good fences and orchard, well drained, good 7-room house. 5 acres in pasture, no rough land; barn. R F. D., mail and telephone, 500 yards to store, church and school, fine soil, well wa tered, good neighborhood 6 miles from Vancouver. Price $2500. one-half cash. THOMPSON & SWAN, 512 Main st., Vancouver Wash. A MODERN AND IDEAL RANCH. 600 acres on Columbia River. Equipped with modern dairy machinery. Good build ings, family orchard, an abundance of water. Boat landing and railway station on property. On best county road in Oregon. No trade w-ill be considered. For iuii particulars aggress. A tuo. Oregonian. FOR SALE 40 acres, 12 mileB east of Port land, 2 miles south of Gresham; improved, $1500 worth of buildingsT springs and creek on place; price $75 per acre; terms Write G. S. Macartney, Box 205, Cleoue, Or., Route 1. or call Ta-bor 4606. ONE of the best-paying fruit and stock ranches near Roseburg; 950 acres at $40; $7000 cash, balance good terms; fruit alone last, year sold for over $50oo cash. Owner Main 9545. fed ACRE3 near good town, 30 in cultivation well fenced, good house and barn, 3 wells, Orchard. IS acres slashed, some timber: price $2500. $1500 cash. Hatch, 327 Lum ber Exchange. SPLENDID small Improved farm 10 miles irom west Esiae $touu; stuuu cash: takes less for all cash. Owner, 1041 Woodward ave. Sellwood 1730. STOCK RANCH SS250; ANOTHER $12,500. completely equipped; particulars, ask G 671, Oregonian. 20 ACRES. 6-room house and outbuildings. racing ;n Lewis rviver. A snap. Owner 1131 E. ,29th St. N. Woodlawn 038. 800-ACRE wheat ranch, 5 miles from Con don; lu acres in crop, small payment dow-n. M. Fitzmaurice, Condon, Or. SNAP Must sell, by owner, lot 50x100. Elm- hurst. ,ast o.id, netween .Broadway and Hahev. Sell wood 5rs5. Own a Driving Horse It's Great! How would you like to own a good driving horse and carriage and not pay very much for them either? From time to time there are splendid bar gains offered in the Classified Adver tising section of this paper. Suppose you turn to that section now. Per haps you may find there the very bar gain you are looking for. If not. you can almost surely find a horse or car riage or both at the price you want to pay. by simply putting in this paper, a little Want Ad which will cost you bat a frw cents. Learn tc Use "TheWantAdWay" REAL K5TATE-. -Farms, CHOICE ACREAGE. SO acres fronting on the Tualatin River. 22 acres in cultivation, acres slashed, 2 acres in grove, 400 bearing fruit trees, mostly apples, all kinds of small fruits, new bunga low, barn and outbuildings. 2 miles from Tlgard. 1" miles from Tuala tin. This place must be sold. lO acres. 8 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture, with a new modern seven-room house, barn and outbuildings. One fine driving horse, cow, chickens, farm Implements and household furniture, located near St. Helens on the macadamized county road. Price $3700. Can give very liberal terms. 20 acres near Reedvllle. all in cul tivation. Soil and location the very best. Price $235 per acre. Terms. We also have from one-half to 10 acre tracts fronting on the Willam ette River, between Portland and Oregon City. For fuller particulars see THE LAWRENCE CO., M. 6915. 171 4th. A 2815. FOR SALE At reasonable price, and terms to suit, a farm capuble of supporting a cow to the acre, or raising 300 sacks of potatoes. Excellent land for onions and vegetables. Rail and river transportation. Will sell In whole or divide in several small farms to suit buyer. Could also lease a portion with privilege of pur chase to desirable, thrifty persons. R. B. MAGRUDER, . Clatskanie, Oregon. 30 ACRES, 15 acres In 4-year-old aoolo and pear trees, good commercial fruit; 10 acres piow iana; can raise onions, balance small brush, easily cleared : cood 4-room house. barn, shed and chicken-house; two teams or mares, z yeaning colts and good cow, new Bain wagons, covered hack, 2 good buggies, new $35 disc harrow, plows, cul tivator and potato digger; living stream through place; dandy place for hogs and chickens, 26 miles from- Portland on newly electrified S. P., 3U miles from good town. My equity and persona.1 property very cueap or win iraae ior good Portland property., man can work on orchard near by with both teams 5 months at $ per day. F 692, Oregonian. 31 ACRES. 4 miles northwest of Forest Grove, near Thatcher, on good rocked road, close to school and church; flne soil; 7 acres In cultivation, 6 more easily cleared, bal ance good timber, which alone will pay for place; good road for hauling wood, which sells at from $4 to $4.50 per cord In Forest Grove; owner sold $700 worth since August; 4-room house, barn and outbuildings, family orchard and berries, 3 horses, chickens, furniture and all im plements go with place; price only $3000; $1200 cash, balance terms. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. 40 ACRES. 4'j miles from Battle Ground. Wash., on R. F. D., cream route and tel ephone. 20 acres in clover; some alfalfa; 1 acre In kale; family orchard (various fruits): creek and spring on property: soil sandy loam; 7-room house with ce ment basement, barn and outbuildings; 4 cows, 2 horses, 6 hogs, 60 chickens, mow er, hay rake, cream separator and house hold furniture; numerous small tools and machinery. $5500; $2600 mortgage, 4 years. 7 per cent, or will exchange for house. KUPPER HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. IDEAL HOME FARM. 78 acres, mile to Oregon Electric station, 2 miles Southern Pacific and 30 miles to Portland; land practically level, beat soil; 55 acres in cultivation, balance timber: creek in rear, making it ideal for hogs or dairy; 12 acres in hops; house 8 rooms, surrounded by oak shade trees; fine new large barn ami outbuildings, family-orchard- stock, feed, vehicles, machinery and tools included; this is an extra choice farm: price very low. $13,0oO; $5000 cash, balance 10 years at 0 per cent. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. 160 ACRES $9000. Located near North Powder. Or.; 60 acres In cultivation; 50 acres bottom land; good timber and pasture; good water right; 6-room house, barn and outbuild ings. Household furniture, o milch cows, about 50 chickens, o work horses, 2 sets harness, 2 heifers. 5 2-year-old colts. 1 brood sow, 2 wagons, 2 plows, 1 mower, rake and haying outfit, 2 double hacks, 1 new buggy and double harness. Good black soil. t KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. JUST WHAT VOL' ARE LOOKING FOR. A dandy little farm, consisting of 21 acres, all in cult.; soil suitable for most any kind of crop; only 4 miles from good college town, on county road and R. F. D. ; good improvements; price, . Including wagon and team, two sets harness, surrey, 2 milch cows, 75 chickens, 800 bushels po tatoes, several ' tons hay in barn, plows, harrows, etc.; $3500; $1500 cash will han dle It. J. D. WINN. Independence,- Oregon. A REAL FARM" Because rt is equipped with horses, cows, young stock, bogs, -poultry, hay and grain for a year; Winter crops grow ing, fences, orchard; buildings are fair, springs, well, 122 acres, 85 in cultivation, good soil, roads and surroundings. Near good town, 39 miles from Portland. $100 per acre; terms. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 303 Stock Exchange Bldg., ' Portland, Or. ONE OF THE BEST STOCK AND DAIRY RANCHES IN OREGON. 840 acres, 320 acres in cultivation and under the ditch, nearly all this land can be Irrigated by a private reservoir which goes with the place. This Is first-class alfalfa land and can't be beat for a dairy and stock -ranch. Will consider some trade. KELLER Harness co 49 North 6th St. 60 ACRES. 20 under plow. 12 cows. 3 horses, . wagon, buggy, harness .all farm tools, cream separator, chickens, 2 hogs, large house, barn, spring and running water; only one and one-half miles from depot and creamery. Price $8500, half cash; this Is a money-maker. SCOTT-BEESLET-DEAXB CO., 211-12 Ablngton Bldg. SXOCKED DAIRY RANCH. On-Lewis River, 4o acres cultivated, lots of pasture on balance; 158 acres in all, fronting on river, watered by spring and running stream, water piped to buildings, . four cows, three heifers, hogs, chickens, lots of farm machinery and tools- Ideal stock place; price $35 an acre; $1500 cash will handle, balance time. $4X AN ACRE $40 160 acres. 50 in cultivation, more nearly cleared, creek, 2 springs, family orchard new house. totrn, best of soil, on county road, 4 miles from station. 85 miles from Portland. $40 an acre. V, cash; might take $2000 In property. ' Mr. Kneeland. 608 Commercial block. FOR SALE. Have a fine list of personally Inspected farms at prices from $25 per acre to $150 per acre. If you are open to buy, come and let me tell you .what they are. If you have a farm to sell that will bear investigation list It with me. E. B. Barber, 505 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall BS62. WHEAT FARM. Morrow County, near Morgan. Oregon. 1200 acres finest wheat land; known as Whltcomb ranch: those Interested in wheat land will address W. M. Acchonbrenner, Morgan. Oregon, or call at 11 Washington bids.. Portland, Or. FINELY Improved place, 3 miles north of Newberg. 476 acres, good roads, one large, well-built dwelling, one smaller one. several barns and mllkhouses. fine water; about- half improved, balance flne stand of first-growth timber; will take some Portland property in exchange. Apply B. M. Lombard, 8d and Madison streets. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 149 ACRES IN FAMOUS SCOTT'S VALLEY DOUGLAS COUNTY, 130 acres In grain, well watered with good springs: would Make a fine dairy farm. Price $50 per acre, easy terms. Will F. Smith, 540 East 21st st. North. East 571. BARLOW. BARLOW, BARLOW! 85 acres, all In cultivation. 2 miles to Barlow. One of the finest pieces of land in this district. Fine for hops. Price 512.000 ; $4000 cash. $JO00 trade, balance S years. If you want a bargain see this. Fred W. German Co.. 832 C. of C i FOR SALE. 8-acre 4-year-old apple orchard, 1 mile south of Sutherlin. Oregon, at a bargain: 820 aares In Canada for sale or trade- all In cultivation and lea:ed for one-third crop delivered in eleva'or for 1914. Ad dress C. H. Rhodes, Sutherlin, Oregon. $35 PER AORB. Including stock, hogs, horses, feed, ma chinery, etc. 1440 acres, 2 miles of Colum bia River and Xorth Bank roacL Purs A Co., 818 Chamber of Commerce. RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland: near electric line; bargain for all cub, By owner, 182 Morrison st. REAL ESTATE. i-ur Sale -ir'arma. IDEAL STOCK RANCH. $23 PER AGRhi. buys this fine stock ranch of 238 acres, lo cated midway between Portland and Se attle, with local markets that will take all stock produced at the very hisheav prices; about 40 acres of bottom land, nearly all in cultivation; 13 acres in tine clover meadow ; the entire tract is the very best of soil, no rock or gravel ; 150 acrea tillable when cleared, abundance of sood free outrange ; ine water sup plies, plenty of fruit, house, 3 bar us. etc. ; on good gravel county road in well set tled section; school right at the place; miles from town and within 5 rniies of three good sawmill towns; very easy terms. GOOD L.ITTLB FARM. 20 acres, ail fine, black loam soil, 2 acres cleared, some partly cleared; 4-room house, barn, etc ; some fruit; living water; also 1 horse, 2 cows, 7 head o young cattle, 2 dozen chickens, wagon, harness, hay. etc. ; good improved 40-acre place ad joining can L; rented by owner of thie property for $25 per year. Lots of g-ood free outrange; 1 mile from railroad and river town; price $1600, some terms. Al vord A Co.. 218 Board of Trade. XSH WORTH LOOK ING UP FOR SALE OR RENT 380 acres, with enough cleared -land to produce 150 tons oC hay 160 acres nearly level, balance fair ly level, some atones; 12 sections of logged-off lands that can be used for ran se. The owner claims that the place will run 500 head of cattle 9 months out of a year and Winter 200 head, or keep 3000 head of shep throughout the year; 50 head of cat tle can be bought with the ranch for $2050. and 8 horses and a stallion for market price. Place has 4 big barns and an old 0-roorn house; some fruit. Will sell the place with cattle for $11,550, $4000 each. Will rent without cattle, 5-year lease for $5O0 ($i00 per year), renter to buy stock. Will trade for property clear of incumbrance that is bringing an income of S per cent. This looks like the best stock proposition in the Northwest, and ia only 60 miles from Portland. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 204 Failing bldg., 3d and Wash ington sts. ALFALFA AND DAIRY. 65 acres, V mile from Heppners $40, 00O high school; 26 acres in alfalfa- 6 acres garden, fruit and vegetables; bal ance wheat and pasture land. Willow Creek and Balm Fork Creek meet on the place. Spring furnishes 2-lnch stream year round. 2 houses, barn. Icehouse of 123-ton capacity; hog-houses, chicken houses, slaughtering pens and scalding vats. Buyer of this place can sell $4500 worth of prod uce to one purchaser every year for cash each month. $1000, balance to suit In as small payments at $100. Price $6500. KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL OFFER. A splendid 5-acre tract, all under cultivation, has 60 fruit trees, also small fruit. Comfortable, 3-room. house, large chicken - house, land level, good soil and on good road. With th place goes about 100 sacks of potatoes, about 160 chickens. This place Js between Hillsboro and Beaverton, about 1 miles from streetcar station; can be bought for $1700. OTTO A HARKSON, 133 1st at. ALFALFA RANCH. 280-acre alfalfa ranch, 0 miles N. W. of Prinevllle, 240 irrigated, machinery in cluded, buildings, other improvements; one of the best ranches in Central Oregon; al falfa ranches are money makers. Price $2&O0, mortgage $10,000; win take part trade for my equit v. ELIZABETH SPENCER. OWNER. 917 Board of Trade. Phone Main 2132. FOR SALE 57 acres, 22 miles from Port land, on R. R. ; 20 acre under cultiva tion, rest alder and easily cleared ; -room house; water in house; tile drain age; good poultry-houses, barn and other outbuildings. 1 acre pears, 1 acre ap ples, grapes and berries; 1 team mares; implements; 76 chickens, and all house hold good go with place. Price $5iO0; $2000 cash, balance 5 years, 6 pr cent. Address owner, AV 7SS, Oregonian. I M PROVED" FARM Z$ 5 0 P E It ACRE.' 709 acres; 400 acres high state cultiva tion, of which 300 acres in grain, 100 acres ready to seed. 300 acres of timber and pasture. Fair buildings, well fenced, family orchard, phone, mall and milk route; on main county road, 5 miles from good Valley city, on S. P. R. R. Same cash ; your own terms for balance. 303 Phoenix bldg., corner Sth and Oak. IDEAL dairy farms, 40 to 160 acres, prices lowest In Northwest for irrigated land ; terms to euttail conditions; monthly pay ments if desired ; an excellent opportunity to get "back to the land"; Investigate this no obligation Imposed. Call or address THE DESCHUTES LAND COMPANY, 02 Henry B.dg. Portland, Or. FOR SAJjE A t0-acre ranch, one mile from county seat on macadamized road, 30 acres of tide land, 2 acres young timber, small house and barn .and orchard in bearing ; no agents ; no trade ; part on time. Price $;;uOO; would iiite all cash, but $1000 down and reasonable time on balance. Address 510 E. 4th st., Albany, Oregon. FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERS. , If you look for a good farm, no mattex how large or small, or of what kind, we have them; you find as we represent them to be and pay you for your time and ex penses if you do not find as we say. For a square deal and good values foiu your money, see F. Fuchs, 420 Chamfler ot Commerce. FOR FARMER OR SPECULATOR. About 200 acres rich land partly cleared, five miles from good town in Willamette Valley ; $30 per acre, terms on part. Also 100 acres close to Portland and elec tric line, part cleared, no buildings, rich soil; $S0 per acre. OREGON LAND & TIMBER CO., 21 Washington Bldg. WANTED A MAN w ha will pay $1000 for an option for one year on SO acres, close to Gresham and carline; 50 acres under cultivation, all level and good land, good farm buildings, well watered, at a sacrifice price to the man who can put up little cash at this time; must have It. Address A V 707, Orego nlan. 6 1-3 ACRES CHOICE VALLEY LAND A 11 in cultivation to apples, cherries, pears, prunes and berries; house and baJ. chicken-house and other outbuildings; on main county road; price $2000; $1200 cash, bal. terms at 7 per cent, W. J. ALSO?, 306 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 658. $20 PER ACRE 20 or 40 acres, 3 miles from Cathlamet, In Washington; fine rich soil, good run ning water, lots of grass for slock, few large stumps; small payment down, bal ance to suit, 6 per cent. See Seachrest, 332 Chamber oj Commerce. WHEAT LAND. 1650 acres in Sherman County; fine buildings, running water; 600 acres grow ing wheat; fully equipped with stock and machinery; on R. R. Some cash, balance 15 years, 6 per cent. 723, room B, Cham. Commerce. Ask for Mr. Hull. LINX COUNTY. OREGON. 80 acres high rolling land near Holley. A few acres under plow, remainder In timber and pasture. No finer lnd any - where for fruit or agriculture. Price only $ 1 300. STRONG A CO.. 605 Concord bldg. 600-ACRE stock ranch, west of Coast range; 200 acres bottom, y cultivated; fully equipped and stocked ; $4 -W0 worth per sonal property; at less than $30 per acre; jStiO'K) ash will handle. Woodlawn 3022 or Y 598, Oregonian. 320 ACRES cut-over land, 75 per cent tilla ble; land adjoining selling for $150 to . $."i5o per acre; Improved farms on four , sides; 4 14 miles out on good road ; price $20. tenuis or trade. Owner, Box W7, Castle Rock, Wash. CHICKEN RANCH. 10 aces near Portland, mostly cleared, "hew buildings, chicken -house and runs, water and fruit. $500 cash, balance 8 years, 6 per cent. 'Snap. 723, room B, Cham. Com. Ask for Mr. Hull. BEST FARM BUY. Valley farm at half surrounding prop erty, best of soil, good water; all build ings, close to' R. R. See It and make of fer. Address R 666, Oregonian. 80 ACRES, close to town; necessary bulld inss; mostly cultivated; all fenced; mile to station ; good deep soil, no rock. Sac rrice at half price; cash or terms. AR 6ts, Oregonian. FORCED sacrifice, "Willamette 40. neces sary buildings; excellent soil ; $1800; ad joining 40, some improvements $800. Owner. 1030 Grand North. 160 ACRES In Beaver Creek section, Clack amas County, improved; $7200. $1500 down, balance good terms. 312 Ablngton bldg. FINE fruit and alfalfa land, sunny Arizona. $10 to $15 per acre; fertile soil, abundant water, . Ideal climate. Write, Board of Trade," Wilcox, Arizona. ABOUT 200 acre. 1 miles from High School; good road ; shows good income ; foreclosure price $62.50 per acre; terms. Room 339, Chamber of Commerce. FOR 8 ALE! My 5 acres at a sacrifice; house, bam, well, shed, all In flrst-cla-ss condition, close to station, road electri fied. Julius Johnson, Cove, Orchard, Or. FOR SALE 33 acres, clear, farm land; very reasonable. Address Frederick Peter son. Chehalis. Wr . f. D. No. . SNAP for cash, 20 acres good land. 9 mile west of Scappoose : about 16 acrs nearly ready for plow. AB 673, OregonrSn, ONLY 5fc on the dollar, good 160 acres land, $1600 cash. R 665, Oregonian. RF.AI. ESTATE. ROARING CREEK RANCH. The greatest stock ranch buy ever of fered In the West. Price cut for quick sale to the absurdly low figure of $2o.OOO. 1200 acres, $0000 worth of buildings. Two magnificent running streams, oceans of grass and feed. 400 acres of tillable land. This great ranch is located 60 miles from , Portland, one mile from railroad station and Columbia River boat landing It Ires on the Aeaalem road, the finest highway In Oregon, where a thousand au tos pass on the way to the coast. No roads to build, no houses or barns to build Nothing to do but put stock on It. Iu the middle of it there Is a fine old farm with an abundance of the most luxurious fruits, covered with buildings and eur rounded by the most picturesque scenery It is a charming home and readv for oc cupancy. If you can't be happy "here you can t be happy anywhere. Land all of fine quality. No rock. No gravel. One mile from town you don't run the fat off stock driving them to mar ket, ivoad is as smooth as an asphalt pavement. The streams teem with trout. The orchard yields yearly tons of sweet est fruits. You just ought to see the stock on this place to know what it will do as a stock ranch. .JFI Price has been cut this week on this, from $24,000 to $20,000 and we can sell it on any reasonable cash pavment cWrx 4AJT80Ju.tely no fades considered. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. 204 Morrison art. COWS ON BUTTERFAT PAYMENTS. CHEAP LAND 8 YEARS TIME. . A.11 ne cows you want furnished on butterfat payments if you buy land at Los Molinos, the famous irrigated sec tion in Tehama County. Sacramento Val ley. You buy your own cows where you like and we advance the money; good cows $75 and up. Los Molinos has rich river-sile land 20 feet deep; all the water you want ; you get the best service in the state because we have three times as much water us we need and we use the surplus to give serv ice; no wait; no turns; no pumping; no storage. Land only one-tenth cash; S years time; a crop of alfalfa this year was worth what the land costs vov; many farmers got 9 and 10 tons, worth $12 a ton ; fine country for cattle and hogs. One of best fruit sections in state; $30 an acre made last year trucking. Tracts & acres and up; all vou want; great rush of buyers; investigate soon. See us at once. TERRY A HARRIS, INC. 81fi-20-2l-22-2S Yeon Bldg. Or write Los Molinos Land Company, Los Molinos. Cal. FIRST-CLASS DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE OR KENT. Four and one-halt iViles from Vancou ver, Wash., on fine macadam -road and electric line, handy to school; 138 acres in all, 110 acres cleared and under cultiva tion, rich black swale and clay loam soil, first-class grass, grain and vegetable land; large family orchard, chiefly apples; fair farmhouse, large barn, dairy and other suitable buildings. An A-l commerrinl dairy proposition. Adjoining land lias been selling froin $200 an acre and up. We are authorized to offer this for a limit ed time at $223 per acre. Or will give lease for $720 per year, with privilege ot paying monthly. Will sell on very rea sonable terms. , THE ELWELL REALTY CO.. Grand Theater Building. Phone 1S7. Vancouver, Wash. CHEAP LAND SNAP. 40 acres, only one mile from railroad station and Columbia River boat-landing, divided by nice stream, about one-half level, balance covered with timber. This land was logged off 2i years !?o. has been pastured since, stumps rot ten and easy to clear, charming view of Co lumbia River.- a fine place for facilities for raising trout for market as a money making side issue to dairying. Cheapest land buy in Oregon. For a few riiivs onlv the price is $OiJO. Terms, $4uo cash down ; balance to suit. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., 204 Mori ison st. JOINING VANCOVVEK. 40 acres fine black loam, no' rock or gravel, level county road on three sides, could subdivide and sell off part; 25 aeres In fine state of cultivation, 13 acres slashed, seeded good pasture, fair huuae. barn and other outbuildings, 2 acres fine prune orchard 7 years old, 1 acre yuunic peach orchard, large faniilv orchard as sorted fruits; good w ell, fenced ; owner is sick and must sell; will lor $20- per acre, only $;000 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. There is nothing near this for less than $300 per acre. ATKINSON &. GILBERT. 112 Wrest 6th st., Vancouver, Was h . 10O ACRES, $H0O0. Located near North Powder. Or.: acres in cultivation, SO acres bottom land; good timber and pasture, good water right, 6-room house, barn and outbuildings; household furniture, 5 milch cows, about oO chickens. D work horses, 2 sets harness, 2 heifers. 5 2-year-old roils, 1 brood sow, 2 wagons, 2 plows, 1 mow er. raKe and out fit, 1 double hack. 1 new buKy ana double harness ; good black soil. KT'ITER & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACHES, 4 1- miles from Battle Ground, Wash., on R. F. D-, cream route and tele phone, 20 acres In clover ; some alfalfa, a acre in kale, family orchard, various fruits; creek and spring on property; soil sandy loam; 7-room house with cement basement, barn and outbuildings; 4 cows, 2 horsoC, 0 hogs, 00 chickens, mower, hay rake, cream separator and household fur niture; numerous small tools and machin ery, $,"30r, SHOo mortgage, 4 years. 7 per cent or will exchange for house KX'PPEH & HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. TWO MTLES FROM INTERSTATE BRIDOR 5 acres, all cleared and under fine state of cultivation, good 7-room, hard-finished house and large barn and all other neces sary outbuildings, good well at back porch, place fenced and cross-f eiiceri. Th is is exceptionally fine land, suitable for ber ries, onions or garden truck. Price $2S7.". $T00 cash balance S years at 6 per cent interest. If you are looking for a good place that will pay for Itself do not fail to investigate. NO TRADES. THOMPSON & SWAN. M 2 Main st.. Vancouver Wash. lOo ACRES 1 mi. to Ostrander. Wash.. $10 per acre. 80 acres in Lincoln Co., Or., $12. 00 per acre. 320 acres In Castle Rock. Wash., $17.00 per acre. Fine dairy ranch in Chehalis Vallev large enough for 150 head ot" stock. MoneV maker for a practical dairyman. 407 acres improved farm near McMinn ville, only $40 per acre. Hundreds of other real bargains. P. E. LAMAR, 502-3 Lumbermen's Bid. 80-ACRE DAIRY VAKM, " 50 acres in cultivation, balance tillable, good pasture, living spring and creek run ning through place; 3 mile to station. mile to high school. R. F. D. and tele phone, 14 miles from Vancouver, 7-room house, good furniture. 2 barns, new im plement and tools, stork and feed, poul try, orchard, etc.: no agent?: price $4000 cash, balance $R0OO long time at 6 per cent. AV 7fi0, Oregonian. GENUINE STOCK RANCH AT BARGAIN PRICE. This Is completely equipped; imple ments, wagons, harnees. cream separator, cows, horses, chickens and hogs, good house,' 2 barns and other outbuildings, hay and grain in barn, crops seeded; on beautiful river. If you look at this you will buy. H ACKER-THE RK ELS EN CO., Main 7502. 3"0 Spalding Bldg. FARMERS. SEE THIS. FOR HALF VALUE. 160 ACRES GOOD DEEP SHOT LOAM SOIL, NO ROCK. AND ALL TILLABLE; CLOSE TO P. E. & E. RY. STATION; ON GOOD GRAVELED ROAD : R. F. D. AND PHONE; REALLY WORTH $75 PER ACRE; WILL SELb ON QUICK DEAL FOR $1000: TERMS; NO TRADE. K 656. OREGONIAN. 40-ACRE BARGAIN. 40-acre farm; lies fine, all tillable; 32 ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION; all new land and all fenced; is only 27 miles from Portland; electric road surveyed within u, mile: $00 per acre, one-half cash. See Mr. .Rohrbough, Farm Land Dept., Main 20S, at HARTMAN THOMPSON 8 MTLES to rail and water transportation. 160 acres, all cleared. $1600. 320 acres, all cleared, $3200. 264 acres with house, good wheat farm. $20 acre. 640 acres with house, fine general purpose farm, $22 an acre. Easy terms on all from owners. In quire Douglas McChesney, 602 Title A Trust bldg., Portland, Or. RANCH FOR SALE. Eight miles from Kelson. Washington, 40 acres under cultivation, 3 20 timber, suit able for wood, plenty of ranch imple ments; six cows, house and barn, of chard, mostly apples; must be sold to pay debts; price $4(0O. part down. Inquire of E. Fisher, Goble Or. 23 H ACRES. 30 miles to Portland, mile to good town; all In cultivation ; good buildings and water supply; price $3700. C. De Young & Co., 514 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SATjE by owner, 480-acre wheat farm. Umatilla County; would take house and lota in Portland as part, lul E. 79th st. Tabor 529S. FOR sale or trade, 3 4 acres, well Improved, clear, best soil, running water, on Ore gon Electric and Fourth-st. line. AV 7S'.. Oregonian. LEVEL, CLEAR, VERY PRODUCTIVE place : SM AUi, PAYii HN'T down, balance 4 years, PAYABLE BY WORK. A 730, Oregonian. A