18 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 18, 1914. ii . . , . . . iiL Store Opens at 9 A. M. Including Saturday Have Furs Repaired Now And Be Prepared for the Cold Weather. Expert Furriers Only Employed. Fifth FJoor, Main Bide . Our Free Rental Bureau Will assist you in locating houses and apartments. Reliable list to choose from. . Fourth Floor. Attend the Cat Show To be held January 22d, 23d and 24th At Meier & Prank's. Store Closes at 6 P. M. Including Saturday Final! 8 Days of Unparalleled January Clearance Sale! Everv A rticle Reduced! n Meier &Prank? s Mammoth Store! (Excepting Only-Contract Goods and Groceries) Final Clearance of Fancy China Plates There aro 1000 German, Austrian and French China Plates in this lot at Clearance prices. They're in 4, 5y2, 6y2 and 7-inch sizes and there's a comprehensive assortment of beautiful colorings and artistic designs. 20c to 30c Fancy China Plates Special, 9 40c to 75c Fancy China Plates Special, 34 Meier It-rank's Big; Bucmnt Store. Mall Orders Killed. Final! Six Days' Disposal of Women's Apparel! 225 Suits Deeply Underpriced for Clearance An Extraordinary Sale of Women's Dresses Sizes for Women and Misses . $25 to $30 Afternoon and Evening Dresses, $16.85 This is a remarkable collection of Suits, consisting of three Beautiful models, made of velvets, poplins, crepe de chine, distinct groups, fashioned of serges, cheviots, corduroy, wool crepe, charmeuse and serges, in all the fashionable and tweeds, in various colors, including browns, navy, black, staple colors. Charmingly trimmed, and made in the sea- ru-rw-nv.nA-n tv,-.-., irnf) in(n n,-i,nj son's most popular models, and suitable for evening or after- Copenhagen tan and mixtures. Made in plain tailored style noon gt le of e'ach ig nlustrated-sketched in our or fancy cutaway effects. One style of each is illustrated Garment Salons sketched in our Garment Salons. $ 7.50 to $10.00 Afternoon or Evening Dresses 5.00 Regular $16.50 to $22.50 Suits reduced to 11.65 $15.00 to $20.00 Afternoon or Evening Dresses S 9.75 Regular $25.00 to $32.50 Suits reduced to S16.95 $25.00 to $30.00 Afternoon or Evening Dresses $16.85 d ,,! tR nn Air nn ,,., Qj co ak. $35.00 to $48.00 Afternoon or Evening Dresses S22.45 Regular $35.00 to $45.00 Suits reduced to 22.45 v -MeierFTUkGmts.i.iUl.s..iFiM,,si.i.BidK. Delineator One Year 60c This is an exceptional offer and there are just 22 more days in which to take advantage of it. Delineator to be called for at Meier & Frank's Pattern Dept., Bal cony, First Floor, Main Buildingr. w va-a, lit fc.a.w . v a. $6.98 Shadow Laces, Brocades, Chiffons and Embrioderies 50c to $1.25 Shadow Lace Flouncing:, 39o 10 to 27-inch wide Shadow Lace Flouncing, in beautiful patterns, for waists and dan cing frocks and trimming purposes. Regu larly 50o to $1.25 the yard Mon- QQ day's price, yard 0C $6.00 to $8.50 Novelty Chiffons, $5.00 42-inch Novelty Chiffons, in a variety of plain and fancy colors, suitable for waists and gowns. Reduced for Clear- dC AA anca from $6 to $8.50 to, yard OoVJIJ $16.00 Velvet Brocades, Yard, $6.98 42-inch Velvet Brocades. Gold grounds, and exquisite novelty effects. Suitable for evening wraps. Radically re duced from $16.00 to, yard. 75o to $1.25 Embroidery Flouncing, 49o - 15 to 27-inch Embroidered Flouncing and 8 to 12-inch Bands, in eyelet and floral de signs. Suitable for gowns, waists and lin gerie uses. Regularly 75c to $1.25 j yt Q reduced to, yard.....,.,. -TrJC Short Lengths 45-inch Embroidery Flouncing Reduced Baby Irish and English eyelet designs. Lengths 2 to 3 yards. Regular $10.00 Length Flouncing reduced to, length S6.75 Regular $20.00 Length Flouncing reduced to, length S12.00 First Floor, New Bids. White Sale Table Linens Fine quality Table Cloths and Napkins of heavy-weight pure Linen soft satin finish round and oval designs of the very latest weaves at the following reductions: $9 Pure Linen Table Cloths, size 72x72 ins., special .--$7.65 $11 Pure Linen Table Cloths, size 72x90 ins., special $0.35 $13 Pure Linen Table Cloths, size 72x108 ins., special S11.00 $16 Pure Linen Table Cloths, size 72x126 ins., special : . . 13.60 $19 Pure Linen Table Cloths, size 72x144 ins., special 17.15 Napkins to match, 26x26 in., a doz. SXliOO f irst f loor, AeivBldg. Popular Wash Goods Final Clearance of Gloves! Leather Handbags V2 Price $1 Black Sateen Petticoats, 69c Final Clearance . 50c Figured Voile in Dresden, Persian and Floral designs, yard, 25. Exclusive Dress Patterns of Voile, spe cial Half Price. 25o Japanese Striped Crepe for house dresses, waists, etc., yard, 19. All Ratine at Reduced Prices Meier Jt Frank's Flm Floor, !Vw Bid if. Mall Orders Filled. Every Article of FURNITURE Reduced Excepting Ostermoor Mattresses Globe-Wernicke Book Cases 35c Bath Towels 25c Bath Towels of bleached Cotton Terry soft and absorbent heavy weight hemmed at the ends. Good, large-sized Bath Towels priced for January "White Sale 25. 35c Face Towels, 25c Hemstitched Face Towels of pure linen, with pretty floral border. $2 Battenberg Scarfs, $1.25 Hand-made Battenberg Lace Scarfs, with ' linen medallions. Thesje beautiful Scarfs are 18x50 inches in size. Mercerized Damask, Yard, 45c Snowy "White Mercerized Damask, with dainty floral patterns. Durable and neat for every-day use. In 64-inch width.. Meier Frank's Flrnt Floor, New Bldar. Mall Orders Filled. Women's $2.50 Imported White Lambskin Gloves full elbow length, overseam sewn, two clasps at wrist; sizes 5 to 7; fine quality French lambskin, in white only, d -i C E reduced to, pair Women's $2.00 -$2.25 Gloves of Famous Makes including Perrin's, Dent's, Trefousse, Rainier, etc. ; overseam and pique sewn, in suede, real French kid, mocha, chamois and Cape, for street wear; sizes 5y2 to 7, though not every size in each style; black, white and colors ; reduced for final clear- J -t ty f ance to, pair Women's $1.25 Imported Lambskin Gloves two-clasp short gloves, overseam sewn; black, white and tan with self and contracting stitched backs: sizes 5y2 to 7; excellent quality soft pliable skins, reduced to, mq Pair I7C Women's $1.50 Real French and English Gloves two-clasp overseam style, including Dent's Gloves in tans, Bacmo Cape Gloves, Per rin's Chamois and M. & F. Special Imported Gloves: broken lines of colors andQ sizes, reduced for clearance to, pair. . . JQC $3.00 Dent's 16-Button White Gloves French lambskin, in full elbow length, two clasps at wrist, overseam sewn; in white only and in all sizes; reduced for clear- tf aq ance to, pair. tp lttO Meier A Frtnk" First Floor, Mala Bide. Final Clearance Silverware ! $15,0G0 Stock at 20 Reduction $4.25 Casseroles, quadruple silver-plated, in pierced design. Specially priced at $2.99 $3.25 Silver-plated Sugars and Creamers, hand- "burnished, at, the set, $2.39 . $3.00 Sandwich Trays, quadruple silver-plated, new est designs. Specially priced at $2.19 $2.25 Crumb Trays and Scrapers, silver-plated. Specially priced at $1.79 $2.25 Silver-plated Butter . Dishes, each $1.79 $3.00 Silver-plated Butter Dishes, each $2.39 $4.50 Silver-plated Baking Dishes, each $3.59 $7.00 Silver-plated Baking Dishes, each $5.59 $2.25 Silver-plated Syrup Pitchers, each $1.79 $2.50 Silver-plated Bread Trays, at each $1.99 $3.00 Silver-plated Bread Trays,, at each $2.39 $2.50 Silver-plated Cake- Stands, at each $1.99 Meier & Frank's First Floor, Main Blda- This is a wonderful sale of Leather Hand bags and Shopping Bags, in all styles, fitted and otherwise. (See Sixth-street vestibule window.) They're of Pin Seal, Morocco, "Walrus, Pigskin, Automobile Leather and Vachettes. These bags have 6old from $5.00 to $28.50 the sale prices range from $2.50 to $14.25 just y2 Price. First Floor, New Bids. A Final Clearance Sale of Trimmings, Trimming Furs Beautiful Trimmings, jets pearls, rhinestone, gold and silver bands, apphque, festoons, garni tures, wide and narrow flouncings, braids, pas sementries, embroidered effects, Dresden and Oriental colorings "-suitable for all trimming uses, reduced as follows: ' $12.50 to $13.60 Trimmings reduced, yard $8.98 $ 9.00 to $10.00 Trimmings reduced, yard $6.98 $ 6.75 to $ 8.00 Trimmings reduced, yard $4.98 $ 4.25 to $ 6.00 Trimmings reduced, yard $2.98 $ 2.75 to $ 3.50 Trimmings reduced, yard $1.98 $ 1.75 to $ 2.00 Trimmings reduced, yard 98 $ 1.25 to $ 1.75 Trimmings reduced, yard 89 75c to $ 1.00 Trimmings reduced, yard 49 35c to 50c Trimmings reduced, yard 27 To $5.00 Odds and Ends, mostly Beads, V2 to iy2- yard lengths, 98 To 65c Odds and Ends, mostly Beads, at 12$ FUR TRIMMINGS UNDERPRICED $7.00 1-inch Genuine Fitch, yard only $3.50 $3.50 1-inch Genuine Squirrel, yard only $1.75 $9.00 1-inch Genuine White Fox, yard $5.00 $9.00 1-inch 1st Quality Skunk, at yard $4.75 $8.00 1-inch 2nd Quality Skunk, at yard $4.00 $5.00 Vi-in. Genuine First Quality Skunk, $2.50 $4.50 y2-in. Genuine Second QuaL Skunk, $2.25 $5.50 2-inch. Genuine Silver Fox, yard, $4.25 $9.00 3-inch Skunk Opossum, the yard, $6.00 $6.00 2-inch Skunk Opossum, the yard, $3.25 $2.00 1-inch Skunk Opossum, the yard, $1.50 $3.00 1-inch Natural Opossum, the yard, $1.50 $1.75 1-inch Mole Coney, special, yard, $1.35 $1.75 1-inch Kit Fox, special, the yard, $1.35 $2.50 2-inch Chinchilla Hare, the yard, $1.65 $1.25 1-inch Chinchilla" Hare, the yard, 85 $1.25 1-inch- Gray Coney, special, yard, 85 $2.00 2-inch Gray Coney, special, yard, $1.35 50c 1-inch Blk., White and Brown Coney, 40 $1 2-inch Blk., White and Brown Coney, 85c $3.00 1-inch Hudson Seal, special, yard, $1.50 $6.00 2-inch Hudson Seal, special, yard, $3.00 $1.75 1-inch Russian Mink, special, yard, $1.35 First Floor, New Bldgr. In grade sateen, finished with a neat scallop. Come , , t ... ., . . a u lentns. oeuine usuaiiv at .uu. r?r d for final clearance to VJ7C Reduced Meier & Frank -Second Floor, Main Bids. Exquisite Waists at $7.45 Originally $12.50 to $25 Models This season's most popular styles are shown in these lovely "Waists of Satin, Crepe, Net, Lace, Charmeuse and Chiffon Taffeta and many are copies from imported models. In this comprehensive selection you'll find white and all the newest shades in semi tailored and soft filmy dress waists, finished with beautiful trimmings and laces. They'ro made with long or short sleeves and high or low. necks. Most exceptional is this offering of ex quisite waists usually selling from $12.50 to $25.00 for only 7.45 .Garment Salon, Second Floor, Mala Bids. Dainty$6.50Waists$3.58 Included in this g-roup are Waists of wash able silk Habitue, Crepes and Satins made in simple blouse effect, with low neck and short sleeves also in shirt 6tyle. Other Waists are of nets and chiffons, in white and flesh colors in open-front style, with low necks made with linings of net and colored chiffons, trimmed with bands of ribbon. Reg ular $6.50 Waists. Special at only $3.58 Garment Salons, Second Floor, Main Bids. The Final Clearance Prices In the Bookstore All Standard Sets Dickens, Scott, Thackeray, eta, on sale at...-. HALF PRICE $1.50 Books One thousand original editions, soiled from handling, special 35 Garden Books, Poultry Books, Cook Books all at lO PER CENT LESS All Bibles. ...HALF PRICE $1 to $3 Gift Books art, travel and poetry, 75 25c to 35c Books One thousand miscellaneous editions, special sale price 152 All Picture Books for Children HALF PRICE Meier A Frank's Bookstore, Basement Ai Final Clearance on Curtains $2.00 White Scrim or Swiss Curtains, with. lace insertion, pair 98 $3.00 Scrim Curtains, double hand-drawn border, pair . SI. 89 $2.00 Scrim Curtains, lace border, 10 pat terns, pair Sj1.60 $6.50 Nottingham Curtains, fine quality, two-tone, pair S4.85 $6.00 Nottingham Curtains, fine quality, two-tone, pair . $4.35 $4.00 Nottingham Curtains, fine quality, ' two-tone, pair , $2.95 Third Floor, Main Bids. 3 - aa73m' iQi- Tm& Qualit V Sto re- of Portland Ffftlv. Sixth, TTorHsoty Alder Sta., Dainty Undermuslins New 65c Drawers, pair 49 " Embroidery and lace trimmed. New Crepe Drawers, pair . ; -47 Require no ironing ; ideal for traveling. $7.50 Lace and Embroidery Skirts S3.98 New models in the straight narrow styles. $1.50 Crepe Gowns, special 98 Fetchingly trimmed in pink and blue with ribbon rosettes. $2.00 Cambric and Nainsook Gowns SI. 49 Open-front and slip-over styles. Meier & Frank's Second Floor, w Bids'. II!