The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 11, 1914, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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mo e
National Honor Declared More
Important Than Indemnity
1 of $25,000,000.
Negotiations Being: Carried On in
JYlendly Way-night to Use of
Canal on Equal Terms Is
Part of Demand.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Colombia,
places other considerations above
monetary indemnity in the settlement
of the long standing: controversy with
the United States over the separation
of Panama from the South American
country, according: to Julia Betancourt,
the Colombian minister In Washington.
In the treaty of settlement that Is
being: negotiated, but which has not
finally been agreed to. Minister Betan
court said today financial recompense
tor the loss of Panama was held by his
government secondary to stipulations
which deal with the recognition of the
Colombian law fixing the boundary be
tween that country and Panama and
the right of Colombia to have the. same
rights to use the Panama Canal as the
United States. Until the details of the
two questions are finally agreedto. It
was said the amount of money to be
paid to Colombia by this Government
would not be determined although $20.
000,000 has been reported as the ap
proximate amount. Another report has
fixed the Indemnity at $25,000,000.
"As for the supposed $25,000,000 as
the salient feature of the agreement,"
Minister Betancourt said, "the legation
wants it known that in the settlement
of so Serious a matter Colombia con
siders the amount of money a sec
ondary matter. The question of honor
involves matters higher than mere dol.
lars. The negotiations are being car
ried on In a friendly way at Bogota
and at Washington, but pending the
absence . from Colombia of American
Minister Thompson, it is too early to
talk of a final settlement."
Colombia feels, it is said, that the
granting to her of tbe right to use the
canal on the same terms as the United
States, Just as though the canal were
still in Colombia territory, is a prac
tical recognition to the nations of the
world that this country thus repays the
Inheritance right which the South
American country has In tbe canal, as
would have been the case if Panama
had never revolted.
Mr. Thompson, who returned to this
country because of hts wife's ill health,
expects to sail for Colombia early
next month to resume the negotia
tions for the treaty which was nearlng
final settlement when he left Bogota
Xrast of Original Emigrants Passes at
04 in Ixmdon.
LONDON, Jan. 10. Mrs. Jane Rob
erts, widow of the first president of
the Republio of Liberia, died here to
day at the age of 91. Her late hus
band, J. J. Roberts, was elected pres
ident In 1847 and served several terms
afterward. He died in 1874 while in
Mrs. Roberts died at the residence
of J. R. Archer, the negro Mayor of
the London Borough of Battersea.
The aged exile was born in America
She was the daughter of a Mr. Waring,
a Raptlst minister, who emigrated from
America to Liberia.
Mrs. Roberts was said to be the last
survivor of the original emigrants to
Liberia. In the course of several visits
to Kurope with President Roberts she
was received by Louis Napoleon while
he was president of France, by the late
Queen Victoria and by the late King
Leopold, of Belgium.
Carrlson. Demands Wider Jurisdio
lion If Pay Bill Passes.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Secretary
Garrison declared today that he would
not Indorse any militia pay bill that
did not give the United States greater
Jurisdiction over the state troops, in
cluding the power of send'ng thetn on
foreign service without calls for volun
teers, as was necessary during the
Spanish war.
"The Dick bill does not go far
enough," said Secretary Garrison. "I
want a bill which will give the Federal
Government adequate, tangible results
In return for the money advanced."
Under existing law the organized
militia can be used only within the
borders of the United States.
Old-Time St. Jacobs Oil Penetrates
Bight in and Limbers You Up Get
a Small Trial Bottle Now.
Kidneys cause Backache? No! They
have no nerves, therefore cannot cause
pain. Listen! Your backache Is causod
by lumbago, sciatia or a strain, and
the quickest relief Is soothing, pene
trating "St. Jacobs Oil." Rub it right
on the ache or tender tpot - and In
stantly the pain, soreness, stiffness
and lameness disappears. Don't stay
crippledl Get a small trial bottle of
"St. Jacobs OH" from your druggist
and limber up. A moment after it is
applied you'll wonder what became of
the backache, sciatica or lumbago pain.
"St. Jacobs Oil" is harmless and doesn't
burn the skin.
It's the only application to rub on
a weak, lame or painful back, or for
lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, rheuma
tism, sprains or a strain. Adv.
checks and money orders. Watson said
that he was a. newspaper man.
Attention of the police was called
to him, it is Bald, when he attempted
to buy Jewelry here, tendering two
checks for $400 each in payment.
I'cdcral Law Against Loitering on
Duty Is Invoked.
CHICAGO, Jan. 10. Michael B. Coyle,
a mallcarrler, was Indicted today by
the Federal grand Jury under the
statute which makes loitering by post
men while on their route, or delay by
them In delivering their mail, a crlm
Inal offense. It was charged that Coyle
failed to complete his route Christmas
day, but left his bag, which contained
several registered packages, at the
home of a friend.
Five years' imprisonment and a fine
of $500 may be imposed for violation
of this law.
Cookbooks Mislead Housewives as to
" Use of Valuable Food.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. American
housewives waste valuable food and
increase the cost of living when they
throw away suet or use It for soap
making says the Department of Agri
culture in a statement today.
Suet, the experts contend, contains
the same food value as lard, and is a
satisfactory substitute for frying pur
poses and shortening. Cookbooks have
misled the housewives, they say.
Attempt to Buy Jewelry 'With. Check
Undoes Iowa Man.
CHICAGO, Jan. 10. Charles L. Wat
son. 23 years old, of Belle Plaines, la.,
confessed to Chief Postal Inspector
Ftuart here today that tie had stolen
$15,000 from a mail pouch In Belle
Plains January I The sum was In
Ckrlitnuu Drawing at Madrid Con
ducted With Elaborate Precau
tions for fairness.
MADRID, Jan. 10. The climax of the
state lottery season was reached in the
drawing for the Christmas lottery,
when novel precautions were taken to
Insure honesty. The three prizes at
stake amounted to 11,000,000 pesetas,
or about $2,200,000.
The drawing for the winning num
bers was done in a large hall of the
Casa de la Moneda In the presence of
a delegate of the government and other
state functionaries, with the public
filling up the benches In the body of
tbe hall.
The numbers of each of the tickets
sold were placed in separate metal
balls. After being mixed they were
poured Into a gigantlo transparent bar
rel, in which they were further agi
tated by a mechanical contrivance. The
same process was gone through with a
barrel of smaller dimensions, contain
ing balls in which were placed the
figures of the various prizes.
At the moment of drawing there was
dead silence In the hall. Interrupted
now and again by whisperings and Joy
ous exclamations. Two children from
the State Orphanage drew first a win
ning number then a ball denoting the
amount of Its prize. When the biggest
prize of 6,000,000 pesetas was drawn
the reporters rushed for their automo
biles In a body, and In a few moments
special editions of the papers were on
the streets announcing the winner, who
was a resident of Madrid.
The tickets for the Christmas lottery
cost $200, but it was possible to buy a
hundredth or even a thousandth part of
ticket, and often whole communities
of poor people are thus rendered afflu.
ent at Christmas by their share of a
ticket bought by the few cents which
they have saved up.
Motor fillip Finds Excess of Asphalt
in California Product.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. Califor
nia crude oil is too rich in asphaltum
to be a success for internal combustion
engines. Captain C. Jensen, of the
Danish motor ship Slam, the first to
visit the Pacific Coast, which took on
a trial tankfull of oil at San Pedro, re
ported today that the oil was so thick
he could not start his engine with it.
After they had been well warmed up
the oil would burn, but even then it
showed a tendency to gum the valves.
On her. voyage from Copenhagen to
San Pedro the Slam burned oU from
will be -ccepted for new $375 pianos.
See Graves Muslo Co. removal. 111
Fourth street. Adv.
Mrs. John It. Walker Dies.
KANSAS CITT, Jan. 10. Mrs. John
R. Walker, honorary vice-president of
the Daughters of the American Revolu
tion, died at her home here today of
heart disease. She had been 111 a year.
I Hope Other Suffering Women will
Give Peruna a Trjal as I
Have Done
Mrs' James
F. Sutnmltt,
1006 East 8th
6t Musca
tine, Iowa,
writes: "It
has been some
time since
you have
f - a me, hut X am
jf 3 getting along
aU right. Tou
j jtalr ttiv TiAr
mission to
publish my
t e s 1 1 monlaL.
Certainly you
may. I will
Bend photo
with this mail
and hope my
t e s 1 1 m onial
will he of benefit to many mothers,
for Peruna has surely done wonders
for me. I will answer each and every
letter sent to me.
'I recommended Peruna to a friend
f mine whose daughter was suffer
ing with a. very severe case of bron
chitis and the doctor did not do her
any good, so I told her mother about
Peruna and she began giving it to
her daughter. Now she is well and
strong and working every day.
"We are still using Peruna when'
ever we need it In our family. We
would not be without It. My hus
band's health is much Improved by
Its use. Also, I have used It with
great results. Peruna has cured me.
I hope other suffering women will
rive Peruna a trial."
Those who object to liquid medi
cines can now procure Peruna Tab
Ask Tour Drug-grist for Free Peruna
Lucky Day Almanac for 1014.
Mrs. J. F. Summltt.
Tempting" Low Prices on
SilLzs and. Satins
Sweeping reductions on the season's
most popular weaves in plain colors,
black and novelty weaves. Every
thing at a reduced price (except Skin
ner's Satins). You may well judge
the values by this offering of:
Yd-Wide Silks at 89o Yd
Hundreds and hundreds of yards, all
bright new Silks. Included are yard
wide Black Peau de Cygnes, Black
Pailette de Soie, Black Swiss Taffe
tas, Black Satin Duchesse; also over
forty desirable shades in yard-wide,
pure silk Swiss Finished Messaline
Silks; regular $1 and $1.25 on
qualities; Clearance Sale . ... ,07C
Sale R. & S. Silk Poplins
For tomorrow and next day we ar
ranged a special showing and sale of
R. & S. Silk Poplins, a very beautiful
silk and wool fabric that drapes nice
ly. Comes full 40 ajid 42 inches wide
and in most any wanted ! Q
. , V JL ej
color; clearance, yard .
All Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled at
Clearance Sale Prices Principal Portland Agents La
dies ' Home Journal Patterns and Publications All the
Latest and Best Styles Are Here at 10c and 15c Each
The New Home Journal Style Book Is Now 2c a Copy
The Business Hours of This Store Are From 8:30 A. M.
to 5:30 P. M. Daily Except On Saturdays, When We
Open at 9 A. M. and Close at 6 P. M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Telephones Pacific, Marshall S080; Home, A. 2112
Annual January Clearance
And the Whole Store Crowded With Money.
Saving- Opportunities Everything- Is
Seduced Except Contract Goods
Women's and Children's
Shoe Clearance
We personally guarantee every pair,
although they are sold at lowered
Women's Button Shoes
Don't fail to profit by this special un
derpricing of "Women's serviceable
and stylish Button Shoes. They come
in the popular low heel styles ia gun
metal, patent, vici and Russia Calf
leathers and in all sizes and widths.
Shoes that are right up to the minute
in appearance and of guaranteed
quality. Regular $3.00 - Jo AO
grade at, the pair . ., ,J0
Children's Shoes at $1.59
A special underpricing of several
styles in Children's and Misses' But
ton Shoes in all sizes from Sy2 to 2y2.
They come in tan calfskin, velour calf
and gunmetal leathers; regular val
ues up to $1.50 a pair, di CQ
clearance price . .. ,.
All Men's and Women's Slippers
Now Selling at Cost and Less
MM'Wmm. m the -bargain world- " .
Nothing stimulates like success. For years our Annual January Clearance Sales have
gamea steaauy m lavor. Ana deservedly, we tnink, because each year the scope of its help
fulness has broadened both in variety of stocks and attractiveness of values. Glance through these items. Come and compare
vames. oee wnat wonaenui savings - ;
are possible at this sale.
Clearance Sale of
Knit Underwear
Well-known makes, in thoroughly de
pendable qualities, now offered at price
reductions. They are sure to interest
thrifty shoppers. See if you can equal
these offerings:
women, $1.75 grade, the Suit. . .P
A special underpricing of "Women's Fine
Ribbed, Gray wool Union Suits. They are
perfect fitting, well finished garments,
shown in all sizes; regularly C1 OQ
$1.75 a suit. Clearance Sale. p
VESTS AND PANTS for women, on
$1.50 grade, each at. OcC
Fine Winter weights, cotton Vests and
Pants in elastic rib; neatly finished gar
ments, in all sizes and styles, in both
cream and gray colors. Garments OQp
regularly sold at $1.50 Clearance. Olt
UNION SUITS, specially priced . HrlZC
Parents who would economize would do
well by profiting by this sale of Children's
Fleeced Cotton Union Suits. They are
weU-fittmg,weU-finished garments, shown
in all sizes in both gray and cream color
Union Suits of standard quality, A Q
regularly 75c Clearance price rJC
50c Cashmere Hose for Children, This
Sale 36c Exceptionally durable Black
Cashmere Hose for children. They come
in a very elastic rib and in all sizes. They
are the kind sold everywhere at 50c a pair
and well worth it; Clearance Sale
price only, the pair . OOC
The Men's Section
Men who would economize in the buying
of personal needs will, find this sale of
more than usual importance, for all lines
are now offered at Clearance Sale Prices.
MEN'S PAJAMAS, $1.50 d- C
grade, the Suit, for p
A fine line of Men's Outing Flannel Pa
jamas; well fitting and well finished
throughout. They come in military style
with silk loops and in all sizes. The kind
regularly sold at $1.50 a suit, !J OP
clearance price only y1'
$1.75 Pajamas at $1.45
Another fine line of Men's Outing Flan
nel Pajamas in Military style with silk
loops. They come in all sizes and in me
dium heavy weight. The kind regularly
sold at $1.75 the suit, , c1 ATL
clearance price only P xJ
Men's 20c Wool Socks at 10
One-half price for this splendid line of
Men's Natural Gray Wool Socks. All
sizes, made with white heel and -
toe. Regular 20c grade, clearance.
Men; $1.25 grade at
One of the best known and most reliable
makes of Men's Natural Wool Gray Un
derwear now selling at a lowered price,
both Shirts and Drawers in all sizes. Gar
ments of perfect fit and finish that sell
regularly at $1.25, QQr
Clearance price ' I7C
Entire stock of Men's Umbrellas at Clear
ance Sale Prices.
The Ready-to-Wear Section
This is your best opportunity to purchase
fashionable new garments at ridiculously
low prices, for everything throughout our
entire Ready-to -Wear Section now bears
a, lowered price. For tomorrow and Tues
day we've arranged ai extraordinary sale
Women's Fashionable Suits
The most stylish models of excellent qual
ity materials in both plain shades and
mixtures; values to $30.00, (q qc
your choice at . . p57.iJ
We cannot urge
upon you too strong
ly the importance of
your attending this
great sale, for every
suit in the assort
ment is a positive
bargain at the above
low price. We've in-
eluded our entire re
Hmaining stock of
S; strictly high - grade
Suits. The assort-
in ent comprises a
large' variety of the
season's most popu
lar models in both
novelty and plain
tailored effects.
All are handsomely
made of the best of
materials. They
come in navy, fash
ionable plain shades and mixtures, and in
most, 'any wanted size. The Coats are
well tailored and perfectly finished
throughout. They are shown principally
in cutaway styles with kimono sleeves or
in plain tailored models. The Skirts come
slightly draped, plain or with side slit.
They are our regular lines that havebeen
selling up to $30, marked dQ nj?
for final clearance at . : ipI0
Silk Petticoats at Half Price
About 250 in the lot. Women's Fine Silk
Petticoats, made of soft messaline and
taffeta silks. They come in plain black,
navy, tan, gray, green, etc., with deep
flounce with floral border. The kind reg
ularly sold at $5.90,
clearance price
r mm mi 1
X 1 IF
Sale Under muslins
This is your opportunity to purchase attrac
tive Combination Suits, Skirts and Princess
Slips at a saving. Regular $1.00
grades, priced at, per garment
this season's styles and are made of good
quality nainsook or longcloth, with dainty
lace and embroidery trimmings. They come
in plain, circular and Princess styles in
either Corset Cover and Skirt, or Corset
Cover and Drawers. Shown in all sizes.
THE SKIRTS Are made of good quality
crepe and nainsook. They are neatly
trimmed with deep flounces of dainty laces,
insertion, embroideries and ribbon, also
scalloped embroidery edge. Pleasing as
sortment to choose from.
Everything at a Reduced
Price in the
Domestic Section
Hundreds of prudent housekeepers are
daily prof iting by the unusually low prices
that prevail throughout our Domestic
Section. Now is the time to save worth
while amounts on your purchases of Bed
ding, Curtains, White Goods, Flannels,
Wash Goods, Linens, etc' Check you
needs from this list:
Choose From These Four Lots of Curtains
and Save
LOT 1 Values to $2.00,
priced at, the pair
A great many styles to select from in
Scrim, Madras and Scotch Lace. They
come in white, cream and ecru and from
36 to 50 inches wide. All are 2 yards
long; broken lines in $1.50, ia
$1.75 and $2 qualities, at 12
LOT 2 Values to $2.50,
priced at, the pair
Very attractive are the, styles shown in
this fine lot of Scrim, Cable Net and
Scotch Lace Curtains. They come in
white, cream and ecru and from 3S to DO
inches wide; 2Y2 and 3-yard lengths in
$2.2o and $2.50 qualities, at,
the pair
LOT 3 Values to
priced at, the pair. .
Exceedingly fine Scrim and Madras Lace
Curtains in 214 and 3-yard lengths and
from 38 to 50 inches wide. This season's
styles in white, cream and ecru. Rgular
$3.50 to $4.00 qualities, Clear- jp QC
ance sale price, the pair ip.JO
LOT 4 Values to $5.00, cjo iq
priced at, the pair pOfrJ7
The finest of high-grade Curtains of
Scrim, Madras, Lace and Cable Net. In
cluded are the best styles in white, cream
and ecru. They come 22 and 3 yards long
and from 38 to 50 ins. wids. 2?0 A Ok
Reg. $4.50 to $5 grades, pair pOmct J
Pillow Cases, 42x36 ins., 1214c grade, 10
Pillow Cases, 42x36 ins., 15c grade, 12
Pillow Cases, 45x36 ins,. 18c grade, at 15
White Spreads, $1.75 grade, priced $1.48
Bleached Sheets, 72x90, 50c grade, at 42p
Bleached Sheets, 81x90, 65c grade, at 55
Huck Towels, 10c grade, this sale only 85
Huck Towels, 15c grade, this sale at lO
18-inch White Toweling with red border,
8c quality, priced in this sale at, yard, 5
18-inch Half-Linen Brown Toweling, best
8c quality, priced for this sale, yard, G$
full assortment of desirable patterns, in
new styles and , colorings, suitable for
dresses and kimonos; 36-inch Cashmere
Flannelettes of 18c quality, at, -l f
the yard. T. .
50c and 65c Brocaded Crepe de Chine at
39c Yard A very popular and dainty
wash fabric, especially desirable for party
dresses and evening wear; comes in full
width and in a large variety of pretty
brocaded patterns in self colors; oq
regular 50c and 60c grades, at, yd.