THE SUNDAY OREGOSIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 11, 1914, FOR hALK, Typewriters, ALL makes for sal or rent; sent! for il lustrated catalogue; larstwt a took, low sat prices; easiest term; machines sent on approval to any point on Pacific Cuust. Wholesale Typewriter Co. Phuue Main 06S1. Washington. REMINGTON typewriter, $HK Stein's Pawn ah op, 26 North tith. MIsceUaneo us. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. BEE US FOR ANYTHING IN THE MA MACHINERY LINE. Boilers aingines Iam ps Blowers Kails Pulleys ' Belting Cable ' I-beam Channels iifipe Pipe fittings Valves Building- material Radiators Hope Packing Plumbing- supplies Corrugated Iron Pipe. Pipe. Pipe Sledges, Wedges Wires of all kinds Tents Tarpaulins Wagon Covers Canvas Snatehblocks Plow steel cable Tat Rest Stock 1n the City Our prices and terms cannot be beat. J. SIMON" & BROh Front and Grant Sts. ROOFING. Weather-proof, ready to lay. 1- ply. 50c roll, JOS square feet. 2- plv. 7c roll, 108 square feet. L'-plv, $1 roll, 108 square feet. Nails and cement. 25c per square extra. The verv best heavy rubber roofing pa pcr. Feels like rubber, wears like Iron. Simple and easy to lay. Perfect satisfac tion guaranteed at prices never heard or before. Lower than coat of manufacture. Selling direct, to you makes these prices HlKPARli FOR THE RAINY SEASON. Samples Mailed on Requett. CENTRAL PLUMBING A MACHINERY COMPANY. 226-22S Front St. IF YOU NEED PIPE. SEE US. -tnch pipe, S'ic per ft. 1- lnch pipe. 3ic per ft. 1'i-lnch pipe. 40 per ft. llb-lnch Pipe. 5Ho per ft. 2- inch pipe. 6c per ft. 2H-inch pipe. 9o per ft. 3- inch plpa. 10e per ft. 4- inch pipe. 37c per ft. Ail pipe first-clans. Prompt shipments and satisfaction guaranteed. P?-0"1" lintr and threading our specialty. We tnKe orders for all kinds of piping and thread ing. Give us a trial. J. SIMON A BRO., Front and Grant Sts. IF YOU NEED PIPE, SEE US. ".-inch Pipe. per ft. 1- inch Pipe. 3o per ft. 1'i-inch pip. 4 He per ft. 1 fe-lnch pip, ohto per ft. 2- inuh pipe. 6c por ft. 23 -inch pine. 9c per ft. B-lnoh pipe, 10o per ft. 4-inch pipe. 17c per ft. All pipe first-class. Prompt shipments snd satisfaction guaranteed. P tlng and threading our specialty We take orders for all kinds of piping and thread ing. Give us a trial. CENTRAL. PIA'MBTNT. A MACHINERY -COMPANY. 22C-228 Front St. ROOFING. Weather-Proof. Ready to Lay. 1- ply, r.Oo roll. 10S sq. 't. 2- ply. 7-"c roll, 1S so,, tt, 2-plv. 1 roll, 108 sq. ft. Nulls Hnri pemrnt 85c per sq. m The verv best heavy rubber rootling pa per. Feels like rubber. Wears like iron. Simple nd easy to lay. Perfect satisfac tion guaranteed at prices never heard or before. Lower than cost of manufacture. Selling direct to you makes these prices PRKPARW FOR THE RAINY SEASON. Sample Mailed on Request. J. SIMON A PRO Fron t and G rant Sts., Portland. Or. PLUMBING SUPPLIES Complete stock. Prices right. Satisfac tion guaranteed. CENTRAL PLUMPING A MACHINERY COMPANY. 226-228 Front St. PLUMBING SUPPLIES Complete stock. Prices right. Satisfac tion guaranteed. ' J. SIMON A BRO.. Front and Grant Sts. RAILS. RAILS. RAILS. Helavers all sizes. $22.50 Per Ton. CENTRAL PLUMBING A MACHINERY COMPANY. 228-228 Front Street. OT.OBB CABINET SAFE, 6H ft. high, S ft. wide. 2 ft. depth, complete with Inside equipments for filing papers, card system, double letter filing system, etc.; cost 165. practically new, sell for $100. MEDIUM-SIZE WALL SAFE. 3 ft. 9 inches high. 80 Inches wide, 23 Inches depth, cost $120, sell for $7o; will sell either one. but not both. R 649, Ore- eon tan. $12.50 SAVED. Tw-down vltrous china toilet, all com plete, 41 2. BO; guaranteed positively new our price $1 2.SO; plumbers charge $25. CENTRAL PLUMBING A MACHINERY COMPANY, ' 226-228 Front Street. $12.00 SAVED. LOW-dOWn VltrOUS China toll all a i plete, $12.00; guaranteed positively new. '-'ur prices i-.ou. lumbers charge $25. J. SIMON A BRO.. Front and Grant Sts. ONLY 10 days left to take advantn- n the closing out sale of unredeemed pledges --ma iotinB fji waicnes, aiamonds, jeweirv, kodaks, violins, opera classes. rampnn sealskin coats, sealskin muffs, mink set and sealskin and otter set: solid oak and plateglass showcases must be sold at once : no reasonable offer refused. Uncle m j crs, 1 1 mm PIPE f PIPE ! PTPK Black and galvanized, second hand and new. H to 6 inches: all nlumhtno- mm. pile, bathtubs, closets; special prices this week; contracting. Jobbing. estimates K'en on application. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. 269 Front street. Main 6325. VRESH MUSHROOMS at all seanon ing in your cellar or shed; Ideal Winter --'wp. gooa prices, steaay p routs, quick re turns, no canital reonired ffnr mv math od and full particulars address Bureau of . unroom inaustry, iept. 112, 1342 N. mi r i nicago, in. 4-CTLIXDER, 2-cycle 22-80 Erd engine, oi pump, sight feed system, set of coils, mag neto, expansion tank, 2 Shebler carbu lings; price 1150. Call and see. Hattle house, care Portland Rowing Club, be tween 10-0 Sunday. FOR SALE cheap, small engine, lathe and gas engine. Sun typewriter and phono graph. N 618, Oregonlan. BARGAINS in shotguns, rifles end revol vers. Beauregard, 702 Main st. Van couver.. THREE fine cloth dresses, never worn, or will trade for something I can use- half price; slge 86. AO 661, Oregonlan. AUTO DRIVERS. attontlonRusstan fur llned coat Al condition, for sale cheap. A K 661, Oregonlan. POR SALE 12-H. p. 4-cycle marine en gine. Best of condition. Thi Is a bargain Eaat 537ft. TREADLE-POWER printing press; size flx 13; uses three printing rollers; six go with the press. J 890, Oregonlan. STEAM ENGINE and boiler, six-horsepower, all on one base. $60. j 691. Oregonlan. WFLL-ROTTET HORP! AND COW MA N 1 RE. PHONE EAST 42P6. GRAFLEX, 8 A. 5x7 Celor lens; $75 cash. Main 5Cg. HOME-MADE jellies and can fruits for sale. Woodlawn 644. FOR SALE Miscellaneous. W E CAN 8AVB YgU MON E Y. Hee us for anything In the machinery line. Boilers Kn eme bynamoi Pumps Blowers . Kails Pulley Belting Channels CabU Pipe Kyubeann Pipe fittings Valves Building Material Radiators Rope Packing Plumbing Supplies Corrugated Iron Pipe. Pipe, Pipe Sledges, Wedges Wire of all kinds Tents Tarpaulin Wagon Covers Canvas Snatch blocks Plow steel cable Largest Stock in the City. Our prices and terms cannot be beat. CENTRAL PLUMBING A MACHINERY COMPANY. 226-2i.'b Front Street. NOTICE. H, B. Davis, for years In the wholesale scrapiron and second-band machinery busi ness, has built his new warehouse, yard and office at 38-3Dl Water St., near Alout gomery. around U. Ry. and Oregon Elec tric trackage, where he will buy and sell all kinds of second-hand machinery and sup- fillee, railroad and logging material, re aying rails, scrap iron, steel, metal and rubber; have on hand great lot of high and low-pressure boilers, engines, pumps, dynamos, laundry machinery of all kinds; would sell or trade. H. B. Davis, 8tfl Water st. Mar. 466. 1 40-HORSEPOWBR Economical boiler at a snap. J. SIMON & BRO., Front and Grant Sis. FOR fc-A LB Filing equipment at one-ha. J letter sections of nine drawers each, with number one bases and number 1U tops to make four stacks four sections high ; in good condition;- cost $483.20; will forward cuts or photos on application. Address Willamette Pulp A Paper Co.. or phone Main 1, Oregon city. RAILS. RAILS. RAILS. Relay ers, all sixes, $22.60 per ton, J. SIMON A BRO., Front and Grant Sts. LOCOMOTIVE crane, made by Yale A jiowne, in nrst-ctass conaition; cost s:wu; we will sell for S2250; terms to suit. Write for particulars. M- BA RDB A SONS, "The House of a Million Bargains," 240-243 Front St.. corner Main. FOR SALE Beautiful sunburst brooch dia mond and pearls, 9So, also beautiful horse shoe stickpin set with ten pure white dia monds, $0U; chance of a lifetime. Address Mrs. F. R. Smith, General Delivery, Port land. Or. ED ISON Home phonograph, cygnet horn. suiKhtiy used; plays two ana rour-minute records ; cost $45 ; price with 50 your choice four-minute wax records. $35 ; reg ular price $70, $5 down, $3 monthly. Port land Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder. FIVE second-hand roll-top, 2 stools, 8 flat top, 2 bookkeepers' desks, 6 rotary enatrs, 8 arm chairs 1 T. W. desk, 8 tables, 1 60-Inch mahogany roll-top desk and chair. Bushong A Co.. 81 Park U Main 104. SEWING machines. 27 drophead machines of different makes, attachments complete and guaranteed, $8 to $25 ; snaps. Sewing Machine Emporium, ll0 &d, near Yamhill. Main 431. GOOD Chili and lunch parlor with connec tion luncti counter in saloon. excellent location. Fine for the right party. Will se cheap. 311 Davis st., or phone East 1939. FOR SALE Buff & Buff engineer's transit in o. i, inverting eyepiece, graduated to 80 seconds. 2 KM) Chicago tapes; 1 Phila delphia level rod, tripod and plumbob. Call Marshall 20i6 after 4 P. M. SECu.ND-HAND billiard and pocket tables. uuii i ona rennisnea, completely equippea, at prices from SUH upward; liberal terms. The Brunswick-Halke-Collender Co., 40 5th st. Phone Main 768. A 176V. FOR SALE CHEAP, one engineer's wye level, ifc-ineh telescope, good as new ; also one Gurley transit; both Instrument in excellent shape; for price and particulars write H. S. Hall. Home Valley, Wash. REMINGTON typewriter with Wahl adding attaenment ; nxe new; cost zn, my price $loo. $15 cash and $10 monthly. 206 Alder st. BEAUTIFUL feather, flowers, a magnificent aruc-ie, suitaDie zor an occasions. ben a 50 cents for sample rose and prices. R. C Piper. 128 N. 6th st., Portland. FIRST-CLASS used Edison Home phono graph, with BO two-minute wax records, $14.50. $5 down, $2.30 monthly. Portland Phonograph Agency, 810 Alder. SAFKfc Mosier Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy term; safes opened and repaired ; bargains in second-hand safes. 108 2d st. phone Main 7676. IF you ere in need of a pair of cumputlng scales, eee me or can Main 8807. Modern Meat Market, 23d and Marshall St.; rea sonable. NEED money ; even Intr or afternoon dreys imported lace. chirron. black velvet. trimmed marten fur; coet $156; size 36 or call Marshall I4t. LOGANBERRY PLANTS. 1U YEARS OLD. 1- UK BALb ; UKUW BETTER A.ND BEAR YEAR SOONER THAN TIPS. N 6B0. OREGON! AN. WE sell brand new four-minute Edison wax records 20c each. Portland Phonograph Agency. 850 Alder. JUST like now, visible Monarch $100 type writer; price oi. o uown, $d monthly. 850 Alder. LADY'S 5-stone diamond ring, cheap; must sen; i need tue money. m. obo, urego nlan. BLUE serge suit, long velvet coat and even ing dress; good condition. Size 88. Price $12. East 6874. FOR SALE Beauty parlor outfit, cheap; also millinery store. 1 102 H Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE 250 bushels of good Burbank potatoes. Inquire H, W. Forbes. Llnne maa station. SHOW cases, cost $50 each; will sell for $40. $10 down and $10 a month. 309 Stark. OFFICE partition, mahogany and glass par tition, first-class condition. . AD 620, Ore gonlan. BILLIARD table and pool table at half price; good as new. 1094 Corbett st. Frit place. ONE new Royal cabinet and one Singer sewing machine, all complete, $15 each. 349 Morrison st. DON'T pay $35 for an Oxipathor when 1 will sell you the same one for $20. Call evenings. 344 Montgomery st. SNAP Excellent $43 gas range, $15; guaran teed. 194 13th st, Taylor. Marshall 8713. INVALID chair, walnut bed and Bmall side board of simple design. Main 69&9. NATIONAL cash registers. Get my prices. Povey, 3."tl i Wash., basement. Main 606. WANTED Small gasoline engine for a No. 7 Remington typewriter. East 4397. WE sell anything. Room 2. Worcester bldg. No fakes. Apply Ingram Co. FOUR showcases, tables and other store fixtures cheap, jhu Bd. 80-INCH hotel boiler, new, combination gas and charcoal. Chef, University Club. FOR SALE Medlum-sised safe; will sell reasonable. 71s Swetland bldg. NEW $120 safe, never used, for $80, at 112 oneriocK ojock. NEW fur-lined overcoat, suitable for auto 1st, $50, cost $S0. Woodlawn 3022. COMPLETE paid-up course In higher ac counting, witn oooks. c. s.. Box 801, city. SODA FOUNTAINS, from $50 up. Call up Dunn, Marshall doiz. BARGE ROOSEVELT, 140 ft. long; will be soia cneap. zo ban ftaxaei st. 8 GOOD feather beds for sale. 7206. FOR SALE Mosler safe cheap. Mr. John son. L'-t- Jtn st. WILL sacrifice my 2 diamond rings, each 4 carat. v ti. uregonian. NAVAJO and other rugs. Clock. Royal type writer for sale cheap. Marshall 67. $65 BUYS fine diamond ring. Tiffany set ting. 320 Lumber Ex. bldg. DIAMOND 7-8 K., white, bargain. Come see after Sunday 808 Northwest bldg. 10.000 Japan pear seedlings, Oregon grown. Harris. 178 W. Kllllngsworth, Portland. Or. DESIRABLE kitten free to good home. 62. Oregonlan. ELEGANT black Spanish lace, 8 yds. cost $r0; big bargain for cash. Tabor 5056. REMINGTON 22. repeater, nearly new or trade for larger calibre. lSVi R- 2Rth. N SODA fountains from $50 up. Call up Dunn. Marshall 5012. FOB 6 ALE Miscella oeoua. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. Boilers Engines Pumps Pulleys Shafting Belting Gearing Kails Cars " Cable Iron and steel Babbitt metals Pipe, pipe, pipe Fittings Building material Sash weights Winches I -Beams Dry kiln trucks Radiators Dry kiln supplies Vault door Sidewalk door Rope hawsers Oil, oil. oil Belting, belting Packing a team trap Drums of all kind Plumbing supplies Large stock at the night price Roofing, roofing Rubber roofing Corrugated roofing Brick siding Pipe, pipe A complete line of Plumbing supplies Sawmill supplies Machinery supplies Loggers supplies Steamf it tors' supplies We guarantee to save you money. See us and we'll do business. M. BARDE A SONS. THE HOWE OF A MILLION BARGAINS 240-242 Front St.. corner Main. ROOFINO PAPER. See our genuine rubber rooming. The famous "E DRAB 2." H-ply. 50c. 1-ply. $1. 2-ply. $1.2S. 8-ply. $1.50. Nails and cement included. Alt rolls contain 108 square feet. M. BARDE & SONS. "The House of a Million Bargains," 240-242 Front st., corner Main. 1 40-H. P. Economical boiler at a snap CENTRAL PLUMBING & MACHINERY COMPANY, 226-228 Front St. BARGAINS In unredeemed pledges In all lines. Stein' Pawnshop. 26 North 6th st. Liberal loan at reasonable interest. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WHEN SELLING YOUR SCRAP RUBBER. METALS OR IRON. THINK. OF FOUR THINGS HIGH PRICES, GOOD TREAT MENT. HONEST WEIGHTS AND PROMPT SETTIFMSNTS. THESE FOUR THINGS YOU ALWAYS GET WHEN SELLING YOUR SCRAP MATE RIALS TO US. THIS WAY OF DOING BUSINESS HAS ALWAYS BEEN OUR CUSTOM SINCE WE ORIGINATED 2 YEARS AGO. WE ARE THE ONLY FIRM IN PORTLAND WHO HAVE- OUR RUBBER WAREHOUSES. IRON YARDS AND METAL ROOMS IN FOUR 6EPAR AT E BUILD I N't! S. J. LEVE, WHOLESALE DEALER IN ALL GRADES OF SCRAP RUBBER, METALS AND CAST IRON. NOTHING TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE TO HANDLE. OFFICE AN METAL PLACE. l6 COLUMBIA ST., PHONE MAIN 5198. RUBBER WARE HOUSE. 37 FRONT ST. AND 208 HALL ST. - IRON YARDS. S. E. COR. WATER AND MILL STS. WANTED 600 homesteaders to join our colony being organized,- Special Induce ments to those who enroll now.. For in formation see or address, with stamp for reply. John W. Sutton, Secretary, 846 V Colugibia. S. H. BARGER. THE AUCTIONEER, will auction your furniture or what not at your residence for you or will pay highest canh prices for same. We sell at Bavgor Auction House, 36S E. Morrison st.. at auction prices at any time. E. 1022. WANTED TO BUY 100 NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS BY COMPANY OPENING RENTAL AGENCIES ON THE PACIFIC COAST. WILL PAY MORE SPOT CASH THAN ANY OTHER DEALERS. COAST BRANCH. -T 650, OR EG ONI AN. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO., 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 0072. Our buyer calls promptly. WE want to buy. $1000 worth of aecond hand furniture in the next 30 days and pay all the cash It is worth. WllHams ave. Furniture Exchange. Phone East 036. WE BUY STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE, WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. NEW OR SECOND HAND. WE PAY TH E BEST CASH PRICES. THE FAIR DEAL MAIN 227, A 8263. NOW Is the time to have your lawn mower ground and jour sewing machine repaired; we call for and deliver. Portland Lawn Mower Hospital. 535 E. 17th st. Sell wood 205. WANTED Second - hand comptometer In good condition. State model and price. Address Willamette Navigation Co., Box C, Oregon City, Or., or telephone Main 81, Oregon City. WE pay highest cash prices for second-hand puiiara ana pocKi taoiea. -j. no cruu w lck-B&lke-Col lender Co., 46 6th treet. Phone Main 70P. A 1769. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED." Highest cash prices paid for ladies and gents' castoff clothing and shoes. Call Main 0263. 294 3d st. The reliable buyer. WANT to buy a second-hand floor showcas 7 or 8 ft. long, scales, computing cheese cutter and Ice chest cheap. G 625, Ore gonlan. WI5 buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy term registers guaranteed. W. J. Macauley. 854 Kurnsid. Main ism, a ism. WANTED Second-hand 11th Edition Eney- cloned la Brltannica; India paper; flexi ble binding; state price first letter. O 650 Oregonlan. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. Highest prices paid for second-hand clothes. 4o ist st. jviain ibm, a dosj. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer call promptly; estimates given, 184 1st st.. near YamhllL Main 4T73. SECOND-HAND visible typewriter; state make and price. A. B. runt, Beaverton, tx. jr. d., or. SPOT CAST paid for household goods. C. M. Pennell, 351 1st at. phone Marsneii 4Z6d. LET me figure your painting and wall tint ing, prices reasonable, .fiione laoor -'jja Monday morning. A. l. uarung. WANTED Boys clothes In good order from clean homes; ages 14 ana it years; cneap AC 658, Oregonlan. WANTED Diamond, size about one karat mast be cheap for cash. Address AP 667, Oregonlan. CASH paid for furniture, pianos and mer chandise. Room 15 cam Dnage biag.. ioo 3d st. Mam 045. SECOND-HAND MOTORS and generators. Robert Skeen Electric Works. 400-40a Gil san St., corner 9th. DR. and wife will rive chlropractic-osteo- pathlc treatments to one or two In family Tor modern living rooms, o o9, uregoman, DO not sell or srive awav anv of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House, 191 2d st. Marsnan 47S3. WANT to buy for cash, a billiard or pool outfit ; must oe cneap so it wui pay tc move It. Main 1611, morning or evening DROPHEAD Singer sewing machine; must bo In good order; state low est price; no agents. A K tm, uregonian. WANTED Best large blue diamond $150 lot and $200 cah. Will buy. Call C 284: before noon or address 690 Rodney ave. WANTED A 2-sated surrey or carriage with harness; must be in good condition and reasonable, sellwood van. WILL pay cash for high-class desk, table WANTED To rent or buy a second-hand Invalid chair. Call Woodlawn 2979. WILL pay cash or "will rent 60-inch sani tary desk. Main 6809. 10 TO 20 feet counter and shelving. Sellwood 01. NEAT kalsomining. $2.50 room; woodwork cleaned, painting, etc. Phone M. 495. WE want JtlO.OOO worth of second-hand fur nlture; highest prices paid. Sellwood 16S2. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty parlor. 4tjn uenum Piag. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any Kind or rumiture. Main oyoi. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Main flrtO, A 3606. CASH BUYER DIAMONDS. PIANOS. MAIN 4617. GAS engine wanted, about 12 H. P., marine, 4-cycle. A 678. uregontan. HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld, 85 N. 3d St., cor. Couch, WANT furniture 5-room house; cash. AR 61, Oregonlan. wpULD share car with parties moving fur niture irom uenver. son ii:th st. WANTED Second -hand restaurant equip ment or an Kinas. wooa, jiu nth st. READY cash for furniture. See us first. 121 Grand ave. East 162 HELP WAN T D MALE, INCIDENT (One of Many). Office Secretary Employment Department, T. M. C A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset - If I pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If yuu pay $5 for employ ment membership, you will have the Y. M. C. A., with ai! Its resources, between you and starvation. Result Young man joined association. In less than & week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 1918: Calls for men from employer 2685 Positions filled 1941 Special employment membership guar antees member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded. Gives two months' full privileges. Including use of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath. etc.. and 10 months' social or house privileges. Including the services of the employment department for the entire year. , Ali young men seeking employment In commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, mill workers or In other sk-filed lines ,are cordially Invited to con sult with the secretary of the advisory and employment department. HAVE you thought of your future? Has your joi a bright future for you 7 If you are not getting ahead. Investigate the offer the U. 8. Navy makes you. If you are over 17 and an American cltlsen it will pay you to look Into these oppor tunitiesthe many chances to learn a useful trade, the good pay while learn ing, the steady work, good food, chance for advancement, the healthy, rugged life. All these things are fully described in. an Interesting free booklet, "The Mak ing of a Man o' Warsman." Send for tt Aow and read it carefully. Talk It over with yuut parent or guardian. Then go to the Navy Recruiting Station. Morgan building, Broadway and Washington sts., Portland, and talk it over with the Navy men there. Costs you nothing to be ex amined. You'll be surprised at the ad vantages offered. Address Bureau of Nav igation, box bo I. Navy Dept., Washington. D. C. - SALES MANAGER IN SECURING THE SERVICES OF A SALES MANAGER WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER AS INDUCEMENTS TO A MAN OF RECOGNIZED ABILITY: FIRST' "A PRODUCT WITHOUT A FLAW." SECOND, A SALARY BIG ENOUGH TO SATISFY "A BIG MAN." THIRD. OUR ACTIVE AND WILLING CO-OPERATION. WE WILL CONSIDER ONLY MEN OF RECOGNIZED ABIL ITY AND EXPERIENCE. IN YOUR REPLY, PLEASE GIVE A BRIEF AC COUNT OF YOUR QUALIFICATIONS TO INSURE AN INTERVIEW. P 678. Ore gonlan. OUT of the very creditable number of re plies to our last advertisement we were able to pick one dandy good man. He is certainly one of the type of men who continue to "keep the dignity of selling where it belongs." Now the point is. we need three more. Just like him. PER HAPS you are ? To settle it, write us a letter, but, don't for "the love of Mike." confine It to "I AM A SALESMAN, phone, etc.," get confidential and TELL WHY, and Jf you wish we will keep it a secret, but. above all things. "Tell us." We an ticipate your Interesting letter, addressed to x fllO. Oregonlan. WE have A-J selling proposition that'll maxe live iirst-ciass men irom o to iu a day easy. Must be clean-cut and ag gresHive. Steady work among best people. Apply between 9 and 11 Monday, 805 Chamber of Commerce. CAPABLE salesman or man with retail ex perience to begin work at once selling our caeh credit system, which is taking both wholesale and retail merchants by storm; one salesman earned $5.'!5 during 16 days' past work; Join our sales organization and earn from $:WOO to $5000 for 1914. J. A. Kidwell, president, Dayton, Ohio. WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between ages of 18 and ao, citixens of United States of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to recruiting officer, Worcester bldg., 8d and Oak t.. Port land, Or. SALESMEN Three experienced traveling salesmen for 1U14 by oldest manufacturing concern in world in Its line; none but experienced men with good references will be considered. Address Lock Box O, Lena on t. 111. I WANT a real man, a genuine real estate man, a man who DOES things. X want George himself, not the man who "Lets uoiKs no it. Are you ueorgo ii so, I want you badly I P. E. Lamar, 502-3 Lumbermen's bldg. SALESMEN Agents to sell Fesler Fountain Shaving brush ; easily handled ; $2o to $100 week; steady Income on repeat busi ness. We have new Interesting sale plan. Full particulars free. Fesler Bales Com pany, Dept. 175, 266 West 23d, New York. SALESMAN, experienced, for Oregon; sell all classes of merchants; staple line: es tablished house ; position will pay $ 2600 to $40 00 yearly; expenses advanced against commissions; state selling experience fully. . w. Harrows, uetroit. Mien. A SPLENDID opportunity Is offered to the right men in uregon to make goou, im mediate money and build up a permanent business; whole or part time. Address firompuy, .National casualty to., rort and. Or. WANTED Two rood salesmen on commit eion to represent targe manuiacturer ot a staple line, business established 10 years; some funds necessary to run the business with. Aaaress Manager. 4UH at cade bldg., Seattle. SALESMAN, clean-cut, up to date, making small towns, can increase income aunng spare hours; surprising results obtained bv men of ability ; elegant sideline ; prompt commissions. Belmont Mfg. Co, Cincinnati, O. EXPERIENCED married farmer to take charge of small ranch near city, owner has Just obtained ; not much more than a home and living the first year. Ad dress Ownor, P. O. box 1 106, Portland. WANTED Good, live salesman for a steady position wiio is willing to worn on com mission basis for three months, then on straight salary; one familiar with grocery trade preferred. W 615, Oregonian. GOOD, live young man with some experience in hardware ana machinery line as order and stock clerk. Give experience, refer ences and salary expected. Apply In own handwriting. AD 618, Oregonian. SALESMEN wanted; laces, embroideries; only men with trade among dry goods and general stores need apply; liberal proposition. Merk ft Co., 416 Broadway, New York. WRITE moving picture plays; $&0- each; all or spare time ; no correspondence course; details free. Atlas Publishing Co.. 42, Cincinnati, O. WANTED Band saw and eh ape r man; state age and reference, where previously employed and whether married or single. Address AV 717, Oregonlan. 8ALE3ME& calling on clothiers, gents' fur nishers and drygoods trade to carry rain coats, watch samples as a sideline. Rex Raincoat Co., 11-17 S. Desplalnes, Chicago. WANTED Competent ranch hand, $20 per month, room and board, till April i then more. Address A. G. Herald, R. F. D., Nortons, Or., TO SELL our check protector; It sells to every person w ho writes check : circulars. Information free; sample 23c. Terry Mfg. co., liz coiton Diug., 'roieoo, o. DO you want $10 a day, side or main line, retail, premium and punch board deals ? ' Ten propositions. American Factories Company, St. Louis, Mo. CASH advanced you weekly selling our hardy, guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. LIVE salesman to represent us. sell our products city and vicinity. In replying state experience, references. Metalock Mfg. Co., 25 Pine st., New York City. SMALL job for young man, piano player. 200O Portsmouth ave., 4 blocks from St. Johns carline. Call from 7 to V this even ing. ADVERTISEMENT writing; you can qualify and earn $25 to $100 weekly; experience unnecessary; prospectus freer P. D. Co.. 272 Page bldg.. Chicago. WANTED 10O men for Robert Mantell's productions at Helllg Theater. Apply stage door, 4:30 P. M. Monday. WANTED Two hustlers, commission basis to start; fine opportunity. See Newman, 40U Lewis bldg. WANTED Live, wide-awake salesman that can show results ; permanent position. Call room 737, Morgan bldg. WANTED Mining blacksmith to sharpen drills and repair mining machinery. Ad dress AV 739. Oregonian. WANTED Two good milkers to work on dariv farm ; Germans or Swiss preferred. Reply to E. H. Lester. Walviile, Wash. PORTLAND Jobber wants salesmen calling on retailers to carry sideline punchboards. seal cards, etc f 6SO, oregonian. SALESMEN WANTED. Good article, big territory. 63 First St. SALESMAN, house-to-house selling, salary guaranteed. Sunday morning, 431 Morri son st. WANTED Men to write health and acci dent insurance. Oregon Surety ft Casualty Co.. 301 Board of Trade bldg. 104 WEEKLY profit, spare time at home mail order business ; don't worry about capital. Boya m. brown, umana, Neb. PHOTO solicitors, $100 diamond ring given free. Barony Studio, 846 Morrison. BAKER, f I rst-class baker on ca ke! AV 7 79 . Oregonian. PHOTO coupon ; best offered ; beauty eon test started. Cutberth Studio, ekura bldg. HELP WANTED MALK. WANTED Men to represent us perman ently In leading fruit belts of Oregon and Washington. Experience not neces sary. We teach you. Willingness to work and learn of first Importance. References required, Oregon Nursery Company, Or euco. Or. WANTED Bookkeeper who understands shorthand and typewriter for financial firm; must be abstainer, steady and en ergetic; one speaking German preferred; bond required ; small salury at beginning ; t ate age and experience. H 10X1, Ore gonlan. SALESMEN, aluminum cooking utensils and specialties; hardware and department store trad connections preferred; prices that get business; exclusive territory to $3000 men; state experience and references. Aluminum Products Co., Ieinont, 111. SALESMAN lor general mercantile trade in Oregon, to sell new proposition of merit ; attractive commission contract tor 1914; $35 weekly expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., wholesale jew elers, 226 -2 Carlin bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. 1 DESIRE to get in touch with an earnest, aan bilious young man who wouid appre ciate an opportunity to secure practical business training; trltiers not wanted; will give the right fellow a boost, write for interview. L 670. Oregoniun. W ANTED Will pay salary and expenses to gentieman or lady of good appearance to act as traveling manager to appoint gen eral and. selling agents responsible Coast company ; experience not necessary. B b4, Oregonlan. WE MUST have two district manager" ai once; good opportunity to make gootr ir you work: vou are your own boss: very little money required to start with. For particulars call or write Golden West Mfg. &. Distributing Co., lbS Chapman st. $tRH per day introducing greatest household seller; not regular bouse to nouse woik; boats it all hollow ; exclusive territory ; liberal commission. See H. B. Tompkins, 723 Cham, of Com. bldg. ORDER CLERK, young man, 20 to 80 years or age, ror oraer ciera in wnoiesaie anu. retall market; must be industrious, quick, and accurate at figures and a good pen man. M 606, Oregonlan. STEADY emyloj ment, good wages, at prof itable trade, many openings, few months only learning particulars, watchmaking, engraving, optical school, 216 Common wealth bldg., 6th Ankeny, Portland. MAN or woman to join me raising poultry! I have several acres, some buildings in Portland suburbs; can raise all feed. Write me how much money you can put in. i t4V, Oregonlan. y WANTED Men to clear land In exchange tor good lots, near Montaviiia, light clear ing. McCoy. 2l3 East Stark. Altamead car to end, four blocks north, one east. van iuu a j . SCALAR Y and expenses, gentleman or lady of good appearance, to act as traveling manager to up point general and selling agents. 145 Broadway, room 9, after 10 o'clock. IF YOU are lookina for a permanent do si tion, farm worn, and wouia be interested In acquiring a small farm In a good die trlct, easy payments, small amount of cash, write H e3, Oregonlan. SALESMAN, experience any line, to sell general trade, unexcelled specialty propo sition ; commission contract ; 3o weekly expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 98 -2 continental otug., ijieveiana, umo. SALESMEN $10 day introducing areatest cigar trade stimulator; dealers eager to install; every demonstration a sale; act quick. Oswood Novelty Co., Danville, 111. MANAGER for general merchandise, per manent position, small town, good sal ary, small Investment. Tabor 805. 4800 onth st. s. E. HIRED man to work on farm, 12 miles from city; good job for hustler; give references ana state previous experience. v bod, Oregonian. WANTED A man piano player for moving picture show work. Sunday and eveninea Give phone number and wages expected. C 6o, Oregonlan. CIGAR salesmen to cary line of cigars on road; $100 month and expense: experi ence not necessary. Continental Cigar company, vv lcnita, Ktn, WANTED Printing pressman who Is able to take an Interest in a closed corporation and invest $1000; salary $25 per week. ad mi, oregonian. UNUSUAL opportunity with future for high grade salesman. Address AD 640, Orego nian. CANVASSERS "burglar-proof door key holder"; good paying, easy sellers. Apply after 4 o'clock, trunk factory, 382 2d. A RARE opportunity for men of ability ; A-l, good, easy to sell, big commission. D 688, Oregonlan. WANTED- Linotype operator, one able to invest $1000 In a closed corporation; sal ary the scale. AS 618, Oregonlan. JUVENILE character and heavy for dra matic company. Boston Booking Agency, Panama bldg. 506-8. $20 TO 950s week easily made selling fire insurance at reduced rates. K 658. Ore gonlan. WANTED, at onoe. two men to learn auto repairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage. 445 Hawthorne ave. WANTED A man to conduct special sales on merchandise stocks. Apply 426 Lum- CARPENTERS wanted to do repair work and take the same out in rent at 19$ Ivy st 6 -room house $12 per month. WANTED Youth with motorcycle. Apply this afternoon. Clarke Bros., 287 Morri son st. ACTIVE, experienced, ready salesman, by high-class firm. Phone F. A. Steeble, A 20 no. WANTED State manager for circulation and advertising company. AO 678, Orego nian. WANTED Man in butter factory. Quick in movements and handy man ; state ex perience, salary, etc. L 633, Oregonian. ADVERTISING solicitors, good city weeklies, commission ; contracts cashed. Clyde, 2o7 stock Exchange. WANTED Man familiar with light lathe work. AC 680, Oregonian. BOY 1 years old to make himself useful. Lion Clothing Co., Morrison at 4th. WANTED 3 men to cut 1 00O cords wood on shares. Address 912 Ellsworth st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. A LADY to keep house for man and chil dren, $80 per month. Wm. Hosklsa, Sat sop. Wash. COMPETENT girl will care for children or uo any Kina of worn evenings, tan eeu wood 65L STENOGRAPHER, light work. $25 monthly to start. Call today. 405 Couch bldg., be tween 11 and 1 o'clock. LADlh'S to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers, $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare paid. 615 Swetlanq bldg. Call mornings. WANTED Experienced woman for cooking and genoral housework; good wages. Ap ply morningi. 840 10th. EXPERIENCED canvassers for high-class woman's magazine; good salary. A 672, Oregonlan. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 Washington, room ;ir., near 4th. Phone Main 8836 or A 3266. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. V'iavl Co., 60B Rotb chiM bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED Ladles to sell article every woman wears, $15 per week. Room 311 Heaiy bldg. Grand ave. and East Morrison. WANTED Two young ladles, agreeable work. Apply mornings between 9 and 1 0 :au, 350 Morgan bldg. ELDERLY lady to take care of little boy 1 years old. $12 month and board. Call 1332 0. Main Sunday. k A GOOD girl or woman to take care of 2 children : good home. Hill Hotel, 23d and Wash., room 530. WANTED An experienced cook and house maid in private family; good wages. . Call Monday. 632 Kearney st. COMPETENT stenographer to open public olTice with another stenographer and share expenses. Main 8433. 5 WOMEN capable of selling labor-saving device to housewives. Call at 1334 Grand ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call 735 Kearney after 3 o'clock HIGH-SCHOOL girl to assist for room and board and small wages. East 4487. EXPERIENCED housekeeper for 4 people. 501 E. ItHb st. N. APPRENTICE wanted for dressmaking. 315 Tilford bldg. WANTED A first class receptionist. Stu dio De Lux. Eilers bldg. COMPETENT housework girl; must be good plain cook. Apply afternoons. 705 Everett. GIRL for general housework, good cook; references. rnone j,ast H7i. GIRL for general housework. Apply 29 North 20th St., near Washington. WANTED Waitress; short hours. 344 Morrison st. Royal. LADIES wanted Can make $7 to $15 per week. Call 308 Panama bldg. STENOGRAPHER for temporary work. Call Mar. 1439, Sunday. WIDOWER. 50, wants housekeeper. B 646, Oregonian. GIRL for work, small family, good wages. C 2245. FAMILY and hotel cooks and other help. Howe's Agency, 35, 270 Washington. WANTED A wet nurse. Marshall 183. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 2 women who have tact and in telligence enough to approach women in a business that appeals to every civilised woman. To such women we will give an interest in the busings for their work. Earnest work will make a competency for these women. No capital required. All we want are two earnest women between the ages of 25 and 4f. years. Address only by letter, C. T. Long, 21 East 7th st. WANTED Five live, aggressive women for A-l selling proposition. Make $:i to $T a day easy. Steady work among best class of people. Apply between 2 and 4 P. M.. Aionaay, Chamber or t omnierce. WANTED Immediately, n woman of force. ie.auiB- personality and fair education who Is at liberty to travel throughout the Northwest for us organizing mothers' clubs. Applicants must ho over 25 and well recommended. Telephone Twentieth 86 Culture Association. Main "WANT a married lady in each town to act as my general asent in the sale of an article for which there is an enormou demand. Here is an opportunity to se cure an agency that- will pay you a con stant and Increasing monthly income. pr further particulars address P. O. box fMs, Portland, Oregon lOL-Ac lady who uiuleiuranl bookkeeping and snorthand and be able to take care of collection and fimmcial matetrs; bond re quired, nald by firm; muat be eneruretlc and manager; one speaking German pre ferred, small salary at start; give age nd experience. h irmo. Oregonlan. I WANT several married ladles who hav j or 4 hours' spare time dnilv and a large acquaintance to act as agents for a medi cal remedy that should he In every home; commission basis; should make from $H to 5 dally. Tel. Mar. ai!M. bet. 2 and 4 P. M A HARE opportunity; make comfortable liv ing home sewing plain st-ams; no canvass ing; steady; no triflers; sewers in country towns especially; send 10 cents postage; returned If not satisfactory. Home Sewing Co., Jobbers sewing. JPO. Chicago. 111. LADY representatives n anted ; offer splendid Income, valuable housefurnish ings premiums; goods on credit; spare time work; experience unnecessary; par ticulars free, peerle Products company, Newburgh. N. y, WANTED In office of large automobile shop, women experienced in general office work and billina on L. t Smith tv no- writer ; must be familiar with automobile terms; give reierence. AN 85. Ore gonlan. COMPETENT cook for general housework, small family, at Oak Grove. 2 blocks from Oregon City carline; waes $30. Call Main 61107 after 8 o'clock Monday morn ing. MUNICIPAL Bureau for protection of Wom en is now located at room 30:i new Police Headquarters. Information, protection or assistance given to women and girls. In terviews confidential. LADIES Fascinating home business tinting postcards, pictures, etc., spare time; make $12 weekly ; no canvagsin; samples 10c; particulars free. Artint, 813. 10 Manhtn St.. New York. SALESLADY under 40. who has had experi ence selling high-class literature, to han dle new proposition of exceptional merit in Portland and elsewhere. Write 801 Met ropolitan bldg., St. Louis. Mo. WANTED Capable young women to enter training school for nurses. For particulars Inquire of Miss Rogers, supt., Hoqulam General Hospital, Hoqulam, Wash. WANTED Either sex, $10 up weekly, pleas ant spaie time'home work, no canvassing, send return envelope for particulars. Venn Co., 1111 Alice st., Oakland, Cal. WANTED Young lady bookkeeper end stenographer; muat write neat legible hand. Apply Lily-Pure Butter Store. 468 Hawthorne ave. LADY to take charge of rental department of reliable real estate firm on commission basis. Must have good references. AB 658. Oregonian. A REFINED lady for housekeeper In widow er's home; must be neat, good worker and unincumbered ; small salary, but a good home. AL 695, Oregonlan. W RITE moving picture plays; $o0 each ; all or spare time: no correspondence course; details free. Atlas Publishing Co.. 42. Cincinnati, O. TWO women, sisters, or mother and daugh ter. preSerred. for . waitress and house keeper country hotel; good home. Mar shall 3146. AMBITIOUS, energetic woman over 25 for position with wholesale house; permanent; experience unnecesary. A E 647 Orego nian. EXPERIENCED srlrl for ireneral hniiR nrlr foreigner preferred. Call Monday, 765 Thompson st-, Broadway car. Phone East 4181. V NEAT-APPEARING lady demonstrators for arciey corset uo. Fftone Ethel Hamil ton, East 489L in mornings for appoint ment. LADIES to do a new line of work on cush ions at home, $S to $12 weekly; eena 10c for beautiful pincushion and particulars. 844 So. Hill, Los Angeles, Cal. DRAMATIC and vaudevilhs performers, singers, dancers, chorus girls, register. Boston Theatrical Agency, Panama bldg.. 506-8. WANTED Girl to do general housework, no washing; must be good plain cook. 8U Savier st. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400. 414 Dekum bldg.. Sanitary Parlors. WANTED Young girl or woman who wants home and small wages, light housework, must like children. C 2209. WANTED Young lady" to' assist Fn office work, one having little experience in type writlng. Apply International Laundry Co. EXPERIENCED mangle help wanted. Pal ace Steam Laundry, East lOth and Ever ett. WANTED Ladles to sell article every wom an wears; make $1 per week. Adrian. -tranq ave. anq K. Morrison, room 311. YOUNG lady, away day time, for company nights, for room and board. Call 64.13 East. Sunday 1 to 2. WANTED Trustworthy nurse for three children, one an Infant ; must have ex perlence and references. Marshall S654. STENOGRAPHER, familiar with bank work; state experience, references and salary ex pected. M 668, Oregonlan. AN experienced cashier and bookkeeper for a busy office; give experience and state salary expected. AL 68S, Oregonian. WANTED Thirty young women for Robert MantTl's production at HeiHg Theater. Apply stage door 4:30 P. M. Monday. WANTED A lady bookkeeper for manufac turlng plant; please give references an experience. L 0;S, Oregonian. GMRL to make switches. C51 East Yamhill. East 1710. Call Sunday, 9 to 11. 20 WAIST finishers, experience, must be dressmakers by trade. 434 Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WANTED Contributors for illustrated litef ary magasine; stories, poems, humor; all manuscripts considered; beginners encour aged. Send address. Publishers Copp bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. SOLICITORS Men and women, exclusive territory in city or outside; a money makere for live. Intelligent solicitors ; no other need apply. Call 405 .)kum bldg MAKE money writing stories or articles, good pay: free booklet tells how. United Press Syndicate, San Francisco. TEACHERS wanted ; principals, specialists, grade free enrollment ; state quallflca tlon. N. W. Teachers' Agency. N. Yakima. WANTED Soiocitors to sell parcel post computers. 380 E. Stark st. Owl Printing Co. FLSK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal tldg. Main 4-835. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men, women ; big pay ; write, Ust positions available. Franklin Institute, dept. 340 J, Rochester N. Y. PORTLAND railway mail clerk examina tions soon ; $75 month ; common educa tion ; "pull" unnecessary. For particulars address A V 721, Oregonian. BE a detective; earn $25 to $75 weekly; chance to see the world with all expenses paid. Loraine System, Dept. 57, Boston, Mass. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Custom-house examinations soon ; Parcel Post gaining mor-3 clerks; $900 to $1700; free book. Pacific States School, McKay bldg. LADIES, make shields home, $10 100; work sent prepaid to reliable women. Particulars stamped, addressed envelope. Eureka Co., dept. HOB, Kalamazoo, Mich. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get. Mv free booklet Y-"6i tells how. Write today, now. Earl Hopkins. Washington, D. C. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work; earn money while learning. The Hair Bazaar. Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash, and Park. BE a detective earn big money, easy work; we show you. Write Frederick Wagner. 1243 Lexington ave.. New York, Dept. 837. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen, wapre; about $10O; experience unnecessary; send age, stamp. Railway, care Oregonian. HAM and eggs with hot cakes and coffee. 25c. served all day. Rice A Cocoa Dairy Lunch, 101 6th st., comer of Stark. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. $5 PER MONTH. 393 11TH T. EXP, TEACHER. H K LP W A N TED M 1 M I. LA N KO V fc. PACIFIC AUTO AND GASOLINE TRACTOR SCHOOL. 188-10O CHAPMAN ST. Our course of practical instruction cov ers automobile repairing and driving; also GASOLINE TRACTION ENGINEERING. We have arranged with a LARGE GASO LINE TRACTOR CO- here In Portland and we teach you on their largre traction en gines, giving you the experience that n. other school jn the Pacific N. W. can offer. Tuition cash or easy payments. riv'ViNED men can always find work. The ;f;is'tline engine industry offers a w id iield of interesting, well-paid employ ment. Our instructor has had 10 vears experience in automobile factories and is a uunlifled mechanical engineer. Coma and see. attend one of our lectures free. Oregon Automobile School, 266-26S 1 1th M.. Portland, Or. LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date cars; electric, civil engineering, surveying; methods most practical ; room and board while learning; position se cured; eatlsi'nctlon guaranteed ; catalogue fre. National School of Engineering, 2UO U est Seventh, Los Angeles, ual. SA LKSM KN Experience unnecessary ; easy work, big pay. Write large list openings offering opportunities to earn $100 to $."00 month while you learn; motion assured Address Dept. 4:;, Nut tonal Salesmen's Training Association. Chicago, New York, Kan aa City, San Francisco. WANTED Ambitious workmen. Your work on actual jobs pays for teaching trade of electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick laying; only a. few mouths required ; TOO students last four years. Write for informa tion. United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angelas. LADIES To mukt: rnlelds at home $20 IbO; ordinary plain sewing; can make four an hour; mate inl furnished; work sent prepaid. Sfnd sta-iped addressed envelope for particulars. Paragon Supply Co., ;4 Mynie ave.. Kansas City. Mo. WANTED I will teach ecv wral young men the automobile business in ten weeks by mall and assist them to good positions; no charge for tuition until position is se cured Write today. R. S. Price, auto mobile expert, box 4G:t, Los Angeles, Cal. OREGON Barber College teaches you the Iruuer trade In S weeks; pays you while learning: tools free; tuition reduced this I'M-m; extra Instructors; years in business; position guaranteed; special inducements - to ladica. Madison st. 232 2d st GOVERNMENT railway mall clerk, other - ivii service "exams' everywhere soon ; pet prepared former T". S. Civil Service secretary-examiner; free booklet E . W rit today. Patterson Civil Service School. Rochester. N. Y. IF YOU WANT to make money at home ad. dreaslmr envelopes, im-losuig and mailing advertising matter, send return address vjupe. aBiern Mailing Agency. Box 112, Sprlngtleld, Mass; 3-NH CIVIL service positions now opn- sal aries $05 to $lo0; prepare for your exam ination by mail; positions guaranteed; tui tion free. Apply Carnegie college Rog ers. Ohio. 1 Wli.L start you earning $4 dally at home In spare time, silvering mirrors; no capi tal; free instructive booklet, giving plans of operation. G. F. Redmond. Dept. do. Boston. Mass. M OLK'k Barber College will teach you quickly, oheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. Write for free catalogue. A 48 2d st. North. WOMS.N Get Government jobs: big pay. Write for list of positions available. I-ranklin Institute, Dept. 695-J, Roches ter. N. Y. WANTED Names and addresses bv mail order houses; b!g pay; home work; In formation for stamp. Direct Appeal Co , MOVING-PICTURE operator, wanted TS every city; thorouKh tuition: thealet practire. 17 Rothchlld bids., 4th and LAIJ1LS. sewlnu home; material furnished; nn rnvmnj; steady work; .tamped en velop, particulars. Calumet Supply Co.. Uepi. OS. Mllwaukle, Wis. STENOGRAPHERS, a"ny .VKtem ,)rill.l and placed in positions. E B U "'tt Tl'nmMat.w kU.L ' l . - . ... SHOP.TH A ND. TV PEW KITING, $3 PER MO ?H 14TH ST. M. 3S:ia. EXP. 'ySTRUcS SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER with practical experience In wholesale and retail lumber, implement. Dull ding and loan and mercantile lines; operate typewriter; can do anything U an office; no work too hard; go anywhere; ref. and bond. AV 744. Oregonlan. I WILL give one-fourth of my first three months salary to any person instrumental in securing me a position; i am 27 years sold, high school education, good pnmn ti. some knowledge of typewriting; will work at snything. AF 644. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS general office timekeeper open for position; also experinced all branches railroad olflce work ; young and married ; llrst-class local references. X 603, Ore gonian. WILL ACDIT, OPEN, CI-OSE OR WRITS up books, prepare balance and statements, install systems. Gillingham. auditor. 414 Jewls bldg. Marshall 717. THOROUGH merchandise man, general and garment buyer, also write business pull ing ads; highest references; open about .mi. t. n uregonian. W A NT KD Clerical work of anv nature- can do stenographic and accounting work ; railroad and lumber experience. Phone K!a 'rt1 ft n.. ir can -. 1 WANTED Position by A-l bookkeeper and office man. seven years' experience in gen eral banking; references. AN 618, Orcgo nian. EXPERIENCED in bookkeeping snd general office work; can operate typwriter; want office work of any kind; local references. AC 644. Oregopian. WANTED Evening work. stenographlo. clerical or any kind; young man. A 712, Oregonlan. YOI NG man, college education, wants work; good penman and bookkeeper; references. V 621. Oregonian. BOY desires position as stenographer or other office work ; will work reasonable. Phone East 5245. BOOKKEEPER and all-around office msn. with six years' experience, desires position; beet of references. X 6l'3. Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted as bookkeeper or office work of any kind by competent young; man. AO 662. Oregonlan. COMPETENT bookkeeper wants a position. Phone Main 2.172. CAPABLE salesman and office man seeks) change of employment. B 619, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hotel clerk desires position. AC 645. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED office man wants clerical work to do evenings. S 63s, Oregonlan. BUTTONS business college will open Tn Portland. Or.. Jan. 20. Miscellaneous. MAN. wife, want ranch work or will take charge, perfectly capable; room and board must be furnished; try us, wa need the work. Marshall 5723, Mr. Gardner, 31 " 14th st. MAN and wife want Janitor, chamber or any kind of work. Will leave town, go on ranch, work for small v. age. AK 678. Ore gonlan. AUTO mechanic wants work driving or re pairing truck or private. 3."i6 Sacramento. C 2004. WANTED Position as chauffeur, man 25, steady, honest, don't drink, chew or smoke; willing to do other work. Address 6O8 4tlu COMPETENT field man wants position. March 1 with mortgage or real estate linn dealing in farm lands. AV 778. Oregonian. UP-TO-DATE practical tailor and cutter de sires poeltion. moderate salary. D 648, Oregonian. PORTER wants position in or out of town; experienced; good references; hotel pre f erred. Main 717. or A 15 17. JAPANESE chauffeur, experienced tn repair, desires a position In first-class family. A. 711. Oregonian. YOUNG married couple want place on farm, with widower preferred. AB 631, Ore gonian. WANTED Position by a Japanese, In poultry-yard, has many years' experience In poultry keeping. J. Fuji, 267 Everett st. JAl'ANESK boy. gentle and honest, wants situation to do cooking In family. Ad dress 82 4th st. North, city. MAN and wife want position on farm; care for gentleman's home ; both competent. AN 621, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED janitor wants Job; can give first-class references; in city. Main 717. A 1517. AN ALL-AROUND dairyman needs work; will work at anything ; married ; can give reference. P 670, Oregonlan. BOY. attending Holmes Business College, desires place to work for board and room. J 670. Oregonian. JAPANESE cook wants position In family; small wages. V 647. Oresonian. LICENSED chauffeur and repair man wants position. AO 603, Oregonian. JAPANESE school boy wishes position ai any place. A 714. Oregonian. MAN wants position cleaning offices, tem porary or permanent. Main 717. A 1517. WANT work cleaning house, elevator ot Janitor. Phone Main S396. MA N with heavy teams, all equipment, wants work. P. O. box 601, city. JANITOR for apartment, ofTlce or room ing-house. G 652. Oregonian. BOY. 16, wants job. room, board; go te school. Main 6495. YOUNG Japanese wants a situation schoolboy. AH 628, Oregonlan,. V