10 TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTIiANI, JANUARY 11, 1914. . TO KXCHAJTOM. f TO EXCHANGK. TO EXCHANGE. f TO EXCHANGE. FOR SAX IS FOB BALK FOR SALS. L SARBOITS TRADES. B l4nm, strictly modern Borne. with Incumbrance of 92600; to trade lor 101s or aoreage. 9 ( 1-rMm, strictly modern home. Kon City Fork. Will take lots for equity or will consider a little cash ana acreage. I $.$00 t-famlly flat building, lncum- trance $4000; to trade for acreage. i Incumbrance of $6000; to trade for ,) gooa hock rancn, up to $2d.ooo. Must have stock on It. r $17,000 1 flat buildings, for 2 families eacn; to trade for small ranch. .$17,000 B0xl04 concrete building, with an Income of $125, Incumbrance $4500; trade equity for good rancn. $19,600 87 acres Irrigated land, Boise vimy, eiccinu luiiioQ ou piacw, plenty of water; as fine land as . t there Is in the valley; Incumbrance $6000; to trade for Oregon prop erty. IS0.OO0 worth of good miscellaneous city property to traae lor gooa rancn. $75,000 equity In miscellaneous property, with Incumbrance of about $16,000; to trade for good wheat ranch. $35,000 100 acres of A-l dike land, Southern Oregon, and $15,000 city Income property, to trade for city Income up to $40,000. . $38,000 1260 acres, all In cultivation. rented for one-third of crop, all fenced and cross-fenced; well and gasoline pump costing $1000; in cumbrance $S500; to trade for good city Income property and will pay $8500 cash. $40,000 164 acres, subdivision, within 10 miles of Portland, all platted in small tracts, incumbrance $19,000, to trade for something ud to about . $25,000 or $30,000, city or farm. In cultivation, 25 acres In hops, good buildings, 20 to 30 acres real Reaverdam, incumbrance $9000; to trade for good city Income proper ty and pay $10,000 cash. $36,000 2 high-class ranches. In high ! state of cultivation, good producers. incumbrance $18,000: to trade for , good city Income property and pay r up to $20,000 cash. THE HARBOLT REALTY -COMPANY. 710 Lewis bldg. TO EXCHANGE. Good lot In Overlook, free of Incum brance. $1500; for Improved, farm up to $.1000; difference In cash. 100x100 in Holladay Park Add., In hlgh clnss residence district; $6500; free of Incumbrance; for Improved farm on good road near Portland. 0-room modern house near Union and Killlngsworth avenues: $3500: for im proved ranch of about equal value. xo acres in Washington County, 4 miles from Ry., with few improvements; $2500; for city property. 01 acres, 3 miles from Estacada, on good road, near Sprlngwater; house, barn and out-buildings; orchard; 22 acres in cultivation; some stock and Implements; $6000; for house up to $4000 and $1000 cash, balance mortgage. KAUFFMANN &- MOORE, 825 Lumber Exchange. 20 ACRES FRUIT LAND, 0 MILKS OF Portland, lft miles north of Vancouver city limits; 100 rods from hard-surfaced Pacifio highway and from fine graded school, close to Vancouver Lake; 16 acres under cultivation; all level, tandy loam: about 250 fruit trees; rather old 9-room house; 80-foot well, with 1 ft H. P. engine: f'lenty of pure water; an Ideal place-vto Ive among the finest prune orchards m the West; price $05o0; will trade for stock ot general merchandise. Lenia Merchan tlle Co., Lenia, Idaho. WANTS LARGER FARM. We have choice tract STU Arrren near , Portland and adjoining good electric sta tion; nearly all In cultivation; fine to subdivide Hr for anyone wanting smaller farm with city advantages; price $18,500: 1 will trade for larger farm of about equal value in Willamette Valley or Western Oregon and would like some stock and equipment. , LUEDDEMANN, RTJLEY & CO., 013 Chamber . of Commerce. WHAT have you to exchange for these? State all particulars in first letter. 1 New 8-room modern bungalow on E. 30th St., one block from Hawthorue ave. and carllne, Portland. ton. one block from Mt. Scott carline. E. Portland. 3 Fine 8-room house and 3 lots at For. est Grove. Address owner, K. N. Staehr. Forest Grove. Or. OiLT-EDGE business property, leased to one tenant 7 years ago and runs four years more; price $12. OHO; no Incumbrance; in come $7o per month; always paid prompt ly; will accept farm up to $8000 if clear and will take mortgage back for differ ence; In 4 years more the store can prob ably be leased at $125 per month. GODOARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. WHEAT AND ALFALFA FARM.. 850 acres in Eastern Oregon, prac tically all in cultivation; 40 acres in al falla. balance grain land; good buildings, abundant water; price $30,0O0, clear: wants income property and might assume small amount. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO., -Vi Chamber of Commerce. lO TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 2S0 acres. 6 miles west of Dufur. Or., 100 acres in cultivation, 140 more can bo cultivated. 10 acres aln alfalfa, plenty of water, buildings of all kinds. I ft miles to school; price $50 per acre; $6500 in cumbrance runs 7 years at 6 per cent in terest. For further particulars address box 165. Dufur, Or. INCOME PROPERTY FOR BIG FARM. Good Income property In Portland, will pay 10 Per cent on price of $60,000; will trade for wheat or stock farm, east oi west of mountuins, up to $45.0oo, balance can run and Income from property will soon pay it off. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY A CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE WHEAT LAND FOR SALE ON CROP PAYMENT PLAN OR EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND OK WILLAMETTE VALLEY PROPERTIES. I HANDLE ONLY MY OWN PROP ERTIES. THESE WHEAT LANDS ARE HIGHLY IMPROVED AND DESIRABLY LOCATED. J. O. ELROD, S19 CORBETT BUILDING CATTLEMEN TAKE NOTICE. 1320 acres, with lots of outrange. In Eastern Oregon, where plenty of rain falls; river runs through place; 120 head cattle, 70 horses, 50 hogs, 1O0 chickens, plenty hay and feed, to exchange. Owner, Wll liam Johnson, 527 Chamber of Commerce. ALBERTA LAND TO TRADE 640 acres In Alberta, 8 miles from rail road, unimproved, but practically all good land and ready for plow; will trade on cash values for Portland property or land near Portland. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. TVE HAVE several exclusive listings on gilt eug income properties to exchange. If ou want something else you would like better for your property, call on or ad- COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 5 IS Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. t'"" tvt ii v in ltiuxiuo, corner Grand ave. and Prescott; incumbrance $220o, to trade tor unincumoereci 40 to SO acres, unim- proveu. GODDARD WIEDRICK. ., 243 Stark St. 7-ROOM modern house, complete, with fur nace, s-ioot retaining wall; lot 75x100. otreet improvements in and paid. No In cumbrance. Price $5500. Want Improved farm of 40 acres or more; no inflated values. Hatch. 327 Lumber Exchange. MT. TABOr" HOME" " $.1200 EQUITY in $6000 modem, new 8-room house to trade for bungalow, lots or land. White. 418 Railway Exchange. Marshall 592S 1 A BbAL'TIFL'L home, artistlcallv designed - and well located on East Side, built 1913; price S15.000; will exchange equity $3000 for small houses or vacant lots. C 656. Oregonian. 6-ROOM house, now rented, lot 50x100, St. Johns, value $1500, clear, and some cash. to trade for a modern house up to $3000 LUEDDEMANN. RULEY & CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES hack of Linnton an d close to United Railways, unimproved Incumbrance $1500; will exchange $r00 equity for un incumbered house in citv. Art jr. rr. gonlwn. 60x151, R. R. trackage Sullivan Gulch, for ' house or acreage. LUEDDEMANN-. RULEY & CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE ir.0 acres improved Alberta, Can. : trade for lots or house: owners only. AP 620, Oregonian. t. i rtrn cqiinj niiyot ran lot lor auto, diamond, or what have you? Owner, Ma,n . Sfn or Main 0451. EQUITY In completely furnished r-room - bungalow for building lot. Woodlawn 1430. Main 6100. LOT 25x100, .'.Orti St., irvlngton Park; pi Ice 200. $150 mortgage. Will take $25 cash, balance merchandise. Main 137.1. $350 5-passf riger R-E-O to trade for cheap ranch hoies. 100-100 's Hawthorne ave. HAVE a piece of close-in. West Side prop erty, has some Income, also some incum brance, is 3 blocks from Morrison; ill health of owner induces him to exchange for any good, clear property; price $35,oou. Want a good stock farm, some alfalfa, go to $50,000 or $00,000; have to offer as first payment 1000-acre Sherman Co. wheat farm and crop, clear of incum brance; $30,000. 96o-acre Sherman Co. farm, close to town. 230 in crop, all goes with place, fair Improvements, best part of county, $2o,000; consider property In or near Portland to ft, balance long time at 6 per cent. 320-acre farm, all but 100 under plow, 1500 in grain, all goes with place, lots of water, elegant buildings, farming outfit worth $20,000 with place; $30 per acre, owner consider valley or Portland prop erty to $05,000, remainder your own time at 0 per .cent. Perhaps you would rather have fine unimproved wheat land for $17.50 per acre; 260O acres, Klickitat Co., sell ft or all; lots of water on the tract; will raise from 20 to 30 bushels per acre; take small payment in cash or property, no Interest first year, after mat B per cent and 10 years' time if you want it; If you have an outfit and a small amount of property, here is your chance to acquire a fine, big farm In a very few years. Mercantile business wanted; might go as high as $25,000 or $30,000; have a fine piece of land In Alberta, close to R. K., $22 per acre and clear of mortgage; 060 In the tract. 040-acre alfalfa ranch, 400 now irrigat ed, more ready to Irrigate; fine buildings, some stock and machinery, water rights paid; everything clear of mortgage; price $05,000; consider Portland property. L. K. MOORE, 317 Board of Trade Bldg. $50,000 APARTMENT property. $5000 in come, to trade for lots or acreage close In. $100,000 income property, on Washing ton at. near the Carlton Hotel; to trade for lots or acreage close in. Taylor st. corner, unincumbered; to trade for Improved ranch or income prop erty. West Park st. unincumbered corner, near the Arlington Club; to trade for apartments. $30,000 unincumbered Irvlngton Addi tion lots; to trade for income property. High grade stock ranch; to trade for Portland, Seattle or California property. Yamhill corner close to Broadway; to trade or will sell on terms to suit. 120 acres near Oregon City; to trade for lota or a home; will assume. 10 years' successful business Is a suffi cient guarantee for a square deal. M'KENZIE ar CO.. 61S Gej-.Hnger Bldg. Main 2801. WILL exchange 7-room modern home In Rose City Park, with unobstructed view of city and Mt. Hood, for acreage with good modern house on Oregon Electric or Mt. Hood Une. not too far out. This house Is double constructed and very best of material and finish. Large living and dining-rooms; glass Inclosed view porch; large lot; 3 blocks to R. C. P. car; 20 minutes out; price $0500. Ask for Mr. Iloislngton. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 2d Floor Selling bldg., Main 1800. A 6261. A MT. TABOR HOME. A FULL QUARTER BLOCK. FOR COUNTRY PROPERTY. A . beautiful 10-room house with all modern conveniences; very large living room, paneled dining-room and set-in side board; library, breakfast-room, 5 bed rooms, full basement, furnace, well-kept yards, bltuminized streets; a elegant house in an elegant neighborhood; value $12,500; what have you to exchange for owner's equity of $7500? LE NOIR. 228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FINE CALIFORNIA HOME. Near Los Angeles. 314 acres, in highest state of improvement. 2 acres grapefruit, oranges and lemons, 1 acres flowers and tropical plants; beautiful, modern 12 room house, servants' cottage, garage and stables: a gentleman's ideal country home; price $35,000: will" trade clear for Oregon farm west of mountains and might as sume; we have photos and full data. -LUEDDEMANN, RULEY" & CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT to exchange my equity In seven acre tract, well improved, about 450 peach trees, 9 almond trees, about 25 apple trees and other fruit; trees 5 years old; four-room house, good barn and all other outbuildings on place; trade for unim proved lot or acreage; this snap will not be on the market long. Inquire at Port land Tent & Awning Co.. 16 Front St. N. HOTEL BUILDING FOR FARM. Large, modern, brick hotel building. In fine town, completely furnished, worth $0O.O00; a big paying proposition; owner wants stock ranch in Willamette Valley up to $60,000, balance can run LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE. I have several ranches and some good improved city property . to trade. Want a good hotel proposition or good merch andise stock In a live community, or will consider a good going business in the city; no schemes or patents. AP 608, Oregonian. WANTED Rooming-house, pool hall or theater, for any part of $00,000 worth of Pasco City lots, clear if your property is clear; this Is a chance to buy lots that will double your money. G 626, Oregonian. NEBRASKA PROPERTY Or stock of goods wanted, to exchange for Willamette Valley farm at $70 per acre; 00 per cent cultivated. White. 41S Railway Exchange. EXCHANGE. Will exchange my $20,000 clear River dale vacant property for $20,000 home in Irvlngton or Holladay's Addition. AM 632. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE MEN! Want to exchange for Income property, 800-acre stock ranch in Roseburg district. Submit what you have. C. F. Young, oij. i.jnuBiiB jjia. eipoKane, wash. 7-ROOM strictly modern house 44th stT. . v oiurnH. iot ouxiuo, value $4000, mortgage $1800. Will trade for lots. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY & CO., trio tnamper or commerce. CASH AND CLEAR PROPERTY. For cash equity in Portland property; B4 acres. $1600; 4 lots. West Portland Tni-lf tJtn. xi-i .1 , ....... - ... .. ,Ui.o. ?iicauuiiu, a uv; all clear. Smith-Wagoner Co.. 512 Stock Ex. CLEAR acreage, on electric line, for one o iwis near pars: in Laurelhurst might consider modern home in Laurel hurst. Address AT 620, Oregonian 1000 ACRES fine farming land, 6 miles from llvest town in Montana; will trade part or all for stock of merchandise up to $40.000. N 616, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, grocery stock, store building and residence, terms, or would rent; doing good business. Write John S Wert, North Yakima, Wash. 640 ACRES in MoPherson County, Nebraska; will take small farm In exchange, bal ance cash. 804 East Slst st. c W. Hota- boom. WIDOW with $10,000 income property in Denver will trade for Portland property, preferably with an Income. AC 017. Ore gonian. WANT to exchange lots, clear of encum brance, for equity In modern bungalow. Columbia Trust Company. 618 Board of $1000 IN clear lots for equity in house up to $4000. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO., immoer 01 commerce. TRADE A block of well-located lots. West Side, for 160 acres timber or part tlm- FURNISHED house. 100x100 lot, on carllne must sell this week; make me an offer 5206 41st S. E. WILL exchange income Irvlngton flats for ncu-jucaieu vacant lots. H. E. Bowman & Co. 20 ACRES of Irrigable land, unincumbered. Harney County. Oregon, to trade for good aun.i.njunc. .o-i onenocK Diqg.. city. 34 ACRES on carllne, near in; price $12,000; take city property to $8OO0: terms on remainder. G 651, Oregonian. BY OWN'ER-rGood city income property niijijuvcu in 1 111. io agents answer. K 660, Oregonian. WILL exchange new fur sets for a 3 A' Kodak or electric motor, ft to l-horse-power. . S 637. Oregonian. 10 ACRES on Oregon Electric to exchange for bungalow. M. C. Davis. 502 McKay. Marshall 4460. I HAVE good city lots to exchange for farm or acreage. M. C. Davis, 502 Mc Kay. Marshall 4469. WE want city and valley property for good exchanges In wheat and stock ranches. Bell & Orldley. 223 Lumber Ex. bldg. IRVIXGTON home, $10.000 will take bunga low or clear vacant to $5000. W'rlte own er. AB 66S, Oregonian. $30.000 210 ACRES irrigated land. Union County; will exchange $18,000 equity for city and assume. AB 604, Oregonian. $8000 BLOCK river view lots for house same value. AB 665, Oregonian. FOUR lots at Long Beach. Wash., to trade for late model roadster. A 670, Oregonian. WILL exchange my 7-passenger for a 5 passenger. AL 603, Oregonian. FOIt EXCHANGI-: My equity in gol player piano- for phonograph. Phone Tmttor 80. 80 ACRES FOR TRADE. Best land near Portland and only $125 an acre. 80 acres of finest berry land In the country, right at railroad sta tion and boat landing. The place is protected on three sides and has a gradual slope to the south; 22 acres in cultivation, water piped by grav ity to house and tor Irrigating pur poses. This is nearly all tillable land, 4 acres set to strawberries. 8 acres more ready to set out this Spring. 3 acres set to selected fruit trees, good 5-room house, new and another old house, good spring. Ow ing to the favorable location straw berries ripen from 2 to 3 weeks ear lier than the Hood River berries. The place is clear of Incumbrance. Will exchange for city property in Portland or Boise, Idaho. Price only $125 an acre. DORR E. KEASET & CO., 2d Fir., Chamber Commerce Bldg. WHEN NECESSARY TO GET NEW EXCHANGES, SEE THE OLE.N'ART REALTY CO., 42l-22 Chamber o commerce bldg. 6-room house. West Side. $4000; will consider small ranch close to Portland to Furnished apartment, ground, building. $.46,000 will consider mortgages or lots. West side. m.?.';room modern house. Irvlngton, $8600. Will consider tfood located lots. ai.11SL123'fxWfsnlns,t?n st- west of 234 8t-: $10,000. will consider good land In val ley. Hi acres, 6-room house, barn, etc. 2 blocks electric station $3000. Will con sider close-in property X' Itt.AU 111 IS unless you have a good farm, stock of merchandise, apartment building or good acreage worth from $10,000 to $25,000 which you will trade for part or all ot the following: 4 lots, $2400, no mortgage. 40 acres, $2000, no mortgage 160 acres, $4000, no mortgage 2 lots, $100o, mortgage $00. 2 lots. $loou. mortgage $250. 1 lot, $1100, mortgage $50O. New 6-room house, $4000. mortgage $1800. 6-room cottage, $3500, mortgage $1000. First mortgage $2500. 8 per cent, due months. Fine 7-room, $8O00 home. aiee Frank Hager, 500 McKay bldg. FO,R exchange I want to move to Portland; I have $20,000 worth of gilt-edge prop tr!yln EuKh. $12,000 farm close by and $4000 worth of lots in Roseburg all free and clear; will trade all or part for Port land property clear or nearly so; want a fairly good residence up to $500 and would prefer income property for balance. 20 ACRES, Yamhill Co., 2 miles from New berg, 7-room house, large new barn, all in cultivation: 3H acres bearing prunes. 7 acres loganberles, best soil. Price $6500, or will exchange for strictly mod ern, brand new house In choice district about same value. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. WILL EXCHANGE equity of $23,875 In 205 acres In Tualatin v alley, two miles from North Plains, . on United Electric. for Portland income property and assume to amount of this mortgage. Price $36,000. Callan & Ka- 80 ACRES. CLEAR OK INCUMBRANCE. Thurston County. Wash..,- containing house, barn, small clearing with fami.y orchard, on good road. 3 miles from rail road town; will exchange for house and it? Portland .worth $3000. Address O WANT 10 to 15 acres not over 20 miles out. either cleared or uncleared. Price must be right. Will give two lots value $oOO each, and $20O cash as Initial pay ment. Want good terms on balance. SMITH INVESTMENT CO., 00 5th Street. .Main 8770. MODERN 11-room residence In Irvlngton with sleeping porch and garage. 2 fire places, strictly modern In every detail. Price $10,000, will trade equity of $5500 for good land clear of incumbrance. Dorr E. Koasey At Co., 2d fir. Chamber Com merce bldg. PORT ANGELES. My holdings in Port Angeles amount to $0000; must leave on account of health. What have you to exchange for the above or any part thereof. Address P. O. Box 101, Port Angeles, Wash. WANTED House and lot, $3500 to $5000, in exchange for stock In Irrigation com pany, under state supervision; returns on stock guaranteed by $50,000 bond; would assume some Indebtedness. A 726, uregoman. WILL trade a cigar stand in good location for city lot valued up to $1000; would pay a little difference If the property Is worth it; reason for selling, have other business. Call 201 Burnslde st., between 10 and 1 or after 6 P. M. Monday. A FINE 6-room house on corner, 1 block from Alberta car, value $3200 for lots; prefer them In Vernon district or acreage. Give description and full particulars first ' letter. A 727, Oregonian. SAN' DIEGO FOR OREGON. Wanted Good improved Willamette Valley ranch in exchange for close-In property to San Diego, up to $20,000. R. S. Babcock. 1525 "C" St., San Diego. ICO ACRES, NO INCUMBRANCE. Will exchange 160 acres clear of Incum brance, 30 in cultivation, in fine farming country, for good business. What have you? AO 674, Oregonian. 120 ACRES of developed coal land In North Dakota to exchange for Oregon property. What have you? U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO.. 812-513 Yeon bldg. $2000 FIRST mortgage, well secured, at 8 per cent Interest and $1270 equity in lot In Ladd's Addition; will exchange both for a house and lot. E. J. Gelser, 420 Chamber of Commerce. I 3wN realty equities and interest-bearing installment contracts to value of-- $35. 000; will trade all or part for improved farm or paying business proposition, either in or out of Portland. AT 682, Oregonian. 280-ACRE Improved dairy and stock farm. Yamhill County; all stock and Implements, $So per acre, accept half trade In small farmi balance 15 years, 6 per cent. A 794, Oregonian. 60 ACRES, Improved, Yamhill County, $80 per acre; new house, barn, springs, county road, 40 acres cultivation, accept half trade. AV 795, Oregonian. NEW 7-room Laurelhurst house for ranch or acreage, or take lot as initial payment balance monthly. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. 100x100 ON FRONT. Exchange for acreage up to $12,000; bal Joe long time; Income $100 month; price ,t afiuncr o., STOCK Ex Al COMBINATION player piano, large li brary of music: win trade for lots or acre Call or write B. R Craft, 326 CASH grocery to trade for city lots; must be worth $1300 and no debt; will not as sume; no agents. Owner, 303 Lumber Ex- OWNER would trade fine corner, 2 lots new 2-story house, very best construction, for small farm, close In, value about $4000 ( l'noT- -in 1 . . rT ' . . 1 . 911. " FOR SALE or exchange. 2-room house and lot 60x10 0 feet. S. E. front. In small town In N. w. Montana on Great Northern. Tabor 4568. MY equity $500 in a nice home, well lo cated, modern, furnace, etc. well finished, roses, fruit trees, chicken-house, for lots or acreage. F 648. Oregonian. SHOTGUN, value $50 to exchange for phono graph; double-barreled, hammerless Rem ington, almost new, with accessories. E L., 310 Worcester bldg. A'ILL take city property as part payment ' " atrra improveo; lavorable terms on balance. For particulars address B Sl monson. route 1, La Center. Wash. A WELL-IMPROVED 100 acres of wheal land close to station in Morrow Co., valu $3700. What have you to trade for it Call 406 McKay. Main 034. $2t.O EQUITY on good lot and some cash for a late model roadster. Call 406 Mc- ivaj Alain WHAT have you to exchange for 79-acre timber land; value $1200. AV 1000, Ore aonlan. TO EXCHANGE Wanted, decorating and carpenter work for piano. Tabor 4488 or AS 614, Oregonian. HAVE 6-room bungalow. $3000. clear, for farm; give full particulars. Owner, AT 670, Oregonian. HAVE 7-room modern house, furnace, fine condition, $4500, for house. Minneapolis or St. Paul. Owner. 1 7!i E 80th N. WANTED To trade clear lots or acreage for a good, 4-passenger auto. Ford or Studebaker preferred. M 664. Oregonian. WE have choice Los Angeles property to exchange for Portland. Blain & Strow Abington bldg. TO EXCHANGE $1S0O cash equttv in Riv erwood Addition tract for 1912-1913 light six automobile. R 049, Oregonian. CHOICE corner, 50x100. East 64th, near Glisan: imp. In: exchange for auto and some cash. Owner. Main 8909. FARM In Georgia for something in Orvgon Swank, Cll Northwest bldg. FOR EXCHANGE. . Equity two thousand, high-grade eight room house, steam-heated, hardwood floor. Will take vacant lots, close in acreage or timber. Address AC 663. Oregonian. FOR (SALE. Horses, Vehicle. Etc HORSES AND WAOON3 FOR SALE) OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72. B 1369. FOR SALE Carload of good young horses, ranging from 1200 to 1000 lbs. Also con signment of horses left by Express Com pany for sale on account of using auto mobiles. These horses can be sold from $50 to $125 each. Horses can -be seen at Frazler &. McLean's stables, 6th and Tay lor sts. - 6-YEAR-OLD gray horse, extra heavy boned and low-set, chunk, weighs 1385, abso lutely sound and wall broke; also black gelding 6 years old, weighs 130O broke single and double; gray mare, 6 years old, weight 1300. sound and true. Call Anderson Bros., 241 JefferBon st. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO. sell on commission, horses, mules, vehi cles and harness. Auction sale every Mon day and Friday, 10 A. M. Private sales dally. 240 E. 8th St.. near Hawthorne, E. 6315. JLST 20 head left; young, sound horses. to 6 years old; weight 1150 to 1500: aiso have some cheap ranch horses I have taken in exchange. 881 Water, foot of Montgomery. Phil. Buetter. Main 2208. WH have on hand for sale, several nice ?.ani S-year-old mares weighing from 1100 to 1300 lbs.; also harness, buggy and wagons. The Murphy Horse & Mule Co.. 24Q E. 8th st. FOR SALE One team well-matched blacks 5 years old, weighing 290O pounds; one team young horses, well matched, weigh ing 2S0O pounds; one 5-year-old horse. eiu.ng lovv pounds. 226 Russell st. ON account of sickness, must seU 2 mares. 2 horses. 1200 to 1400 lbs., no reasonable offer refused. "Mm t. c.arv t - and Clay st. Dunford Act.. 4' ' PAIR geldings, age 8 and 10, weight 2700, eervlceably sound, guaranteed good work ers; price $160. Stable on dock foot of E. Alder st. 2700-LB. team of 8-year-old horses and har ness to trade for anything of equal value of about $250. Will give or take dlffer ence. D 672. Oregonian. A GOOD, stylish buggy, rubber tires, used only 3 months, cost $125, for sale $50. Apply Kraemer's Stables, 16th and Jeffer son. FOR SALE One fine delivery mare, 6 years old. weighing 120O pounds; one team well matched horses, weighing 2200 pounds. 226 Russell sU A BARGAIN. Three good delivery horses and wagons, B seta of single harness, 1 set of heavy ..win. HMncBfl. ouo Aiaer, FOR SALE Three tenms of well-matched horses, weighing between 1300 and 1500 pounds; one team of matched horses, weighing 220O pounds. 826 Russell St. PONIES Wall matched pair of ponieT 7 and 8 years old, nice drivers and quite last; will sell cheap or exchange for large horse. Call 103 N. 11th. Take S. car. MUST SELL. Team, weighing 2800; bay and brown; in good flesh; no reasonable offer refused. 60o Alder. WILL sell big 6-year-old mule team with harness for $500. Call evenings. 280 E. SADDLE for sale or trade for 12 or 14 gauge hammerless shotgun. Phone Red WANTED Good team of work horses In exchange for lot. M. E. Lee. 622 Corbett bldg. WILL let gentle mare for good care and feed. Weight 1200 lbs, lO years old. 611 N. 21st St. TEAM of horses for $75. weigh 2100. I have no use for them. Mrs. B. L. Nixon, 454 jjcuuuni sc. SPAN of horses for $65, 1 horse, 120O lbs. $4o. 270 East 7th St. BIGGEST bargain In the city; 4-year-old 10a.. gentle, S6t. bqs Alder. ATTENTION; 1 sorrel horse. 1050 lbs., broke 0.111. uuuoiB, nu. 0 tip Aiaer st. WANT to rent light gooseneck wagon; state WANTED Team for feed; good reference. "uaao .1. SB. UJ L .Jm FINE pair Shetland ponies, surrey, saddles. 607 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PAIR of mares. 1000 lbs. each, for sale cheap - ... uiTiii uiisan sr HORSE, saddle and bridle at your own price. 148 East 3d. AM of young mules and pony for sale. - - .....nun .iu water. GOpi horse, harness and light rig. $73. Diauipn, via ana v-oucn. HORSE. 1000 pounds, top buggy and har- I1MM fni tliln ,--.! Knna . ,.n s y-vw. uwa '.ills L n. (1 SL. WILL use saddlehorse on farm for keep; good home. Tabor 1599 Sunday A. M. A FINE closed milk wagon for sale cheap at 314 Front st. TWO or three horses, will sell cheap for J - ' f xi. unapn. u; StaDlOS. PianoH, Organs and Musical Instruments. PIANO BARGAIN, POSITIVE SACRIFICE C.A?J,OT KEEP UP PAYMENTS (FIRST CLASS. NEW PIANO). I HAVE PAID $132.50, BALANCE $217.50. PAyAsCe tU,tPE? MONTH, INSURED 3 YEARS. SJhL SLL M EQUITY FOR $30, OR " "AVE YOU TO TRADE? AD DRESS OWNER. P. J. BLACK, 210 EDISON Standard phonograph, plays two and four-minute records, and 100 wax two-minute records, $17.50, $5 down. $2.50 monthly. Portland Phonograph Agency, oola Alder. GENUINE Italian chromatic accordlan, cost tor du. stein s pawnshop, 20 North 6th st. ALMOST new Edison cabinet Amberola and records. Exchange for diamond and would pay some difference. AX. 686. Oregonian. ELEGANT, highest grade Schubert piano, original cost $550; will sell at a bar gain. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg. WE sell brand new Edison foar-mlnute wax records for 20c each. Portland Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder. EDISON Gem phonograph. regular $12 model, price $4.50. Portland Phonograph Agency. 350 Alder. FOR RENT or sale A very fine piano. Phone Main 010O and A 1621. FOR SALE New player piano cheap; must , n i.n.jr at once, re p-n. oregonian. FOR SALE Cello with bow and case Phone . ' t Oil 1.. .. PIANOLA and 50 rolls music for sale cheap; terms. Phone B 1995 or Call 615 E. Couch. ALMOST new $500 Packard piano. $250 terms. Marshall 699. after 12. Dogs. Birds, Pet 8ock. BUFF or White Leghorns for breeding; hens and pullets, cocks and cockerels. Grlswold, 8022 65th ave. s. E. Tabor 3426. AT stud and for sale. English bulldogs. Tommy Bersford. J. Nicholson. Estacada, LORD LORIN II, silver Persian cat, at stud to limited number of queens. Woodlawn 227S. 1079 E. 82d St. N. AIREDALE TERRIERS for pals guards, hunters. Laddlx Kennels, Estacada. Or. PEDIGREED tan Great Dane, 2 years old, gentle, a good watchdog. Woodlawn 342. A GOOD bulldog for sale cheap. J 692. Ore gonian. REAL Irish terriers, best of pals rnnd watchmen. Ivy Press, 68 Fourth st. PRETTIEST Scotch Collie In the state for sale cheap. Sellwood 2081. Furniture For Sale. BUNGALOW and furniture, $450 down, bal ance like rent; 5 rooms, beautifully fur nished, strictly modern. Phono- Marshall 268;. 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. FURNITURE of a 4-room flat for- mmIa- brass beds and Wilton carpets, flat for rem, nice iiicauon, waiKing distance. West Side. Phone Marshall 4488. FOR SALE Furniture for 6 rooms, piano, and carpenter tools. Call Sunday, Tabor 3582. " 1 GAS water-heater, 1 four-plate gas range, 1 bed mattress and springs. 1 dining-room table and chairs. 281 Holladay ave. FURNITURE 5-room flat, splendid loca tion reasonable for quick sale. 406H S. Broadway. COMPLETE, modern. 3-room apartment, brand new. best of everything, sacrifice, piece or an. r.asi do tz. FURNITURE of 8 rooms, all or part. Mr. Johnson. 248 13th St. BED. rugs, other furniture, to housekeepers only. Main 6928. WALNUT bed. dressers, bookcase and other furniture very cheap. 720 E. Davis. FIVE-ROOM- house for rent; furniture for sale. 348 Couch st. for key PARLOR, dining and bedroom furniture; very reasonable. Main 0771, Apt. 49. FURNITURE for sale and house for rent cheap, close in. 66 N. 11th st. FURNITURE of six rooms for sale, $200. Apply 82 16th st, near Washington. A FEp T,leces of furniture left. Call Mon day, 408 E. 15th St.) N. East 3433. Furniture for bale. I Automobiles. I Automobile Wanted. CARPETS BY THE ROLL We have 10t rolls of carpet which came from a bankrupt stock which We offer In full rolls for cash as follows: Printed velvet, yard........ $ .75 Wool velvet, yard 89 Best velvet, yard 98 Cork carpet, yard ' 1.O0 Axmlnster carpet, yard ............ Body brussels. best, yard 1.05 Owners of rooming-houses or apart ments will find this a chance to renew carpets at a big saving. EDWARDS COMPANY, 191 1ST. ENTIRE new I'urnisnings residence, embrac ing very handsome Circassian walnut, golden oak and mahogany bedroom fur niture, elegant brass beds, costly pedistat dining-room table, leather seat chairs and buffet, living-room rockers and library table, davenport, rugs, etc Call today. 707 Marshall. FURNITURE of fine 11-room cor. residence for sale on account of sickness; best car pets, large yard,,,two baths, 7 rooms rent ed, for $55, leaving 3 large living-rooms for self; very reasonable price and terms; rent $35. Phone E. 1696. SIX ROOMS of good furniture for sale cheap for cash or terms; will trade in on lot or acreage; good place for -renting rooms. Main 502. DINING-ROOM furniture for sale, consist ing of table, 7 chairs and buffet, also sec tional bookcase. Inquire mornings at 001 E. Salmon or phone B 2464. ONE Bridge Beach cook stove, 1 kitchen cabinet, used 3 months; will sacrifice If sold at once. Phone East 2508. Automobiles. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO. offer soma very enticing bargains In used cars this week. If you are In the market, do not fall to consult us. All cars offered are thoroughly over hauled and In good running order. 1912 REO 6-PASSENGER TOURING car in splendid condition and fully equipped. 1913 STODDA RD-DAYTON 5-pass, tour ing car, almost new. 191:1 40 H. P. 7-pass. touring car equipped with Prestolite tank, clock, speedometer, lamps 'and 2 tool boxes, top and side curtains complete. Tires 36x, nobby ia rear. 1912 PATHFINDER, 40 H. P. 6-pass. touring car, paint like new. electric light ed, ever ready starter, electric horn, extra rim and tire, Stewart speedometer, tires and upholstering Al shape. Franklin roadster, suitable for light de livery and runabout purposes. Exception ally low price. We also have several light delivery ears, including Little Giant, Bulck, Stoddard and others. A demonstration will convince you that our prices are lower than elsewhere. GERLINGER MOTOR OAR CO., 694 Washington st. Marshall 1915. A 191T. USED AUTO SNAP. BUT NOW AND SAVE MONEY LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. COLE 1911. 5- passenger, 30 H. P., Just ui "auiou auu repainiea; guaranteed. HUDSON 1913. 5-passenger, 6-cyllnder. eleotrlc starter, electric lights, nearly new; SNAP. CADILLAC. 5-passenger, SO H. P.; used STUDEBAKER-GARFORD, 7-passenger, 40 H. P.; a SNAP. REO. 2-passenger roadster. 1913 model, brand new, liberal discount. REO DELIVERY. 1500-lb. capacity, panel body. Just overhauled and painted. MICHIGAN 1913. 5-passenger. 40 H. P. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway' and Couch Sts. Main 8SS7. A 4959. OWNERS have purchased new Chalmers and left with us cars listed below to sell on terms: 1910 Chalmers "30, " 5-passenger. 1910 Chalmers "40,'' 5-passenger. 1912 Cadillic, 5-passenger. 1912 Paige roadster. 1911 Corbln pony tonneau. 1911 Bulck delivery wagon. 1913 Chalmers "30" coupe. 1913 Studebaker, 6-passenger. 1912 6-cylinder locomobile. 1913 R. & L. electric. 1911 Detroit electric. 1912 Chalmers 36. 5-passenger. All In good mechanical condition. H. L. KEATS AUTO COMPANY. Burnslde and Broadway. BUICK. $450 Terms. 25 H. P., 4-passenger, detachable tour ing car, suitable for business during the week and pleasure on Sunday: run only 6000 miles; guaranteed in perfect condi tion in every respect. HOWARD AUTO CO., Bulck Distributors, 14th and Davis Sts. MOTOR TRUCKS. Send your name and address on a postal and we will forward you by return mail our new plan of selling trucks of all capacities without any initial payment. Let the trucks pay for themselves. AUTOMOBILE SALES UNDERWRITING COMPANY, P. O. Box 1062, Portland, Or. 1912 OVERLAND. $700; TERMS. 45 H. P., 5-pass., 4-door touring car. nickel trimmed, center control, just over hauled, cost $1800 a year ago; fully equipped. HOWARD AUTO CO., Bulck Distributors. 14th and Davis sts. STUDEBAKER DELIVERY. $450 Terms. 20 H. P., covered body, capacity 1000 lbs., Just overhauled and guaranteed; we 0111 paint ana letter rig to suit your HOWARD AUTO CO., 14th and Davis Sts. USED AUTOMOBILES, must be sold at once; touring cars, roadsters, runabouts, 6 and 7-passenger, zo to 60 h. p. If you .want a real bargain with exceptional value, now is your chance. Landy Auto mobile Co, 351 Alder. WE offer for sale our 1912 Flanders deliv ery; three practically new tires, electric side and tail lights, with Edison $50 storage battery; machine mechanically A-l throughout: Presto tank for head lights; price only $475. $100 down, $25 monthly. Portland Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder. FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED. Are you clever enough to take ad vantage of a real opportunity and buy a used car now when the prices are the lowest and the stock to select from la the largest of any time in the year? GERLINGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 694 Washington St. 1911 FIVE-PASSENGER Cadillac; foredoors. top, windshield, good Urea, Rohrbacker tire pump, clock speedometer, electrlo side, tall and headlights: mechanically first-class; price $725, $250 down. $50 monthly. E. B. Hyatt, 350 Alder. FORE DOOR Hupmoblle runabout. $375- 5 passenger Ford, $.100; 1013 Hupmofelle, good as new, $9O0. Dulmage Auto Co.. 46-48 N. 20th. STUDEBAKER 30. foredoor, extra tire and tube; car guaranteed 90 days by Stude baker dealer; snap at $550. AM 684, Ore gonian. 1913 REGAL, self-starter, electric lights: car run less than 6 months; guaranteed in first-class condition. AM 683, Ore gonian. STUDEBAKER 35. electrlo lights and starter, non-skid tires, nearly new, extra tire, tube, rim and cover; must be sold this week. AN 682. Oregonian. E. M. F. 30, 1912 model. 4-passenger, good condition. $300; will trade for machinery or. Portland real estate. Tabor 8782. FOR SALE or trade for acreage. Cadillac car. 5-passenger. fully equipped, model 1912. Information East 2018. 7-PASSENGER Packard for sale or trade: will take in smaller car. o 648, Orego nian. . AUTO registration lists Directory of own ers, December issue ready. Auto Record, 326 Mohawk or J. K. Gill Ac Co. I HAVE a runabout and launch, want light 5-pacsenger car; will exchange. Miller, 430 Worcester bldg. WE fill out your auto or motorcycle 1914 license blanks with notarial seal for 40c Portland Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder. LIVE or dead storage in fireproof Stude baker building, corner Chapman and Al der. AN 684, Oregonian. A SNAP Ford roadster for cash. Call 690 Washington St. I HAVE a 4-cyllnder Mitchell; will trade for good diamond. Marshall 4985. MAXWELL runabout, 1011, $250. 651 E. 63d North. POPE TORPEDO RUNABOUT or will trade for Ford. 707 Spalding. Sellwood 1897. MONEY to loan on automobiles and motor cycles. J 676, Oregonian. FOR SALE 2 Rhode Island Red roosters. Phone Woodlawn 1771. WANTED A girl to do general housework in steam-heated flat. 787 Northrup. Flat E. WANTED An air compressor. Main 6803. A RENEWED PACKARD Is the best motor-car Investment possible at less cost than a new Packard with the first and heaviest depreciation removed. The same pride of ownership remains be cause a rebuilt Packard has the appear ance and ability of a new Packard. we guarantee these cars the same as new Packards and purchasers will obtain the full measure of Packard service the same as purchasers of new Packards. We now have a few of various types. FRANK C. RIGGS. CORNELL ROAD. 23P AND WASH. STS. A LIGHT delivery motor truck, "capacity loOO pounds; this truck is suitable for quick delivery service; equipped with a body having an 8x3 6 loading platform with 4-ft. stakes running to the top; cur tains are of canvas; engine is of the 4 cylinder, 4-cycle type equipped with a fatromber carburetor, Bosch ignition, etc.; Jones speedometer, storage batteries, lamps, etc. makes the car complete and ready for Immediate service; must raise money at once and this is a bargain at $500; will demonstrate. H 627. Oregonian AUTO CLUB RATES. If you Intend buying an automobile, can pay cash or want terms, and have no old car to trade in. let us hear from you. In clubs of two or three you can save money on brand new cars direct from the factory. A postal will bring full partic ulars. , Automobile Sales Underwriting Co., Box 1062. Portland, Or. 40 H. P. AUBURN. $550 Terms. 5-passenger, Just overhauled, electric lighted, two extra tires with the best of equipment. HOWARD AUTO CO., Bulck Distributors 14th and Davis Sts. BIG SNAP IN 1913 CAR. Owner needs money. Will sacrifice 191S car which cost $2650 one year ago. Has 2 starting systems. speedometer and clock, speedmaker, gas and electric lights, tires in A-l shape, for $1000. Will stand strict investigation. This must be sold at once AT A74 nr.nni.. FOR SALE 1-ton motor truck equipped with a stake body with top; has a 12x8 loading platform; new engine of the 4--cylinder, 4-cycle type, valves enclosed: Bosch ignition; tires are in good condi tion; this truck is ready for immediate service and must be sold at once; price $600; will demonstrate. F 646, Oregonian. BUICK ROADSTER. $750. 1913. 30 H. P.. Gray electric lighted, used only a little by us; year's guarantee, same as a new car with service. HOWARD AUTO CO., 14th and Davis Sts. BIG BARGAIN. 1013 American (Scout) roadster, used very little; cost $1600; will take $850, Call and see this ear this week, today. NOB HILL SARAGE & AUTO CO , 690 Kearney St. pnone Main 2SO. a 2411. FOR SALE A 30-horsepower 5-passenger 11 11 1 n nnlv . . n V. .... , . , . ' J . o-vuiii. luwu miles, in Dest pf condition. has self-starter, electric " .. ....... ... . .... . ana every moa- ern attachment; cost $1400, will take $750 for quick sale; no trades. Address AN 664, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE SACRIFICE. Owner needs money and will sacrifice his 1913 7-passenger auto In Al shape; has two starting systems, fully equipped. 111 a ao oner. o i , oregonian. 1912 45 H. P., fore-door, 5-pass. touring car HOWARD AUTO CO., Buick Distributors. 14th and Davis. FOR SALE A 1912 model Pierce Arrow . 0 , . , . j , ,...... i .in 11 . 1 111s is ex tremely low price. The oar is in excellent un . uii j. equippea. AJa 661 Oregonian. 1912 SO H. P. MAXWELL enclosed roadster. HOWARD AUTO CO., Buick Distributors. 14th and Davis Sts. AUTOMOBILE TO TRAniC 7 Will take good equity in house' to $2000 uu cmu iur my luia t -passenger car G 628. Oregonian. FORE-DOOR. 5-passenger Marlon, excellent nunuuiuii, cneap. would accept diamond as part payment, or will give terms. N 610. Oregonian. ONE Ohio electric coupe, entirely enclosed, Just the thing for this weather: will trade for gas car of equal value. Telephones mi Dili or A HERE is your opportunity: 1-ton truck slightly used; A-l condition; tires new; price $S40; small payment down, easy iex ma on uaiance, jt. u. oox 106 6-PASSENGER 20-h. p. Reo. in good condi tion, to trade. What have you to offer? McKenzle & Co., 615 Gerllnger bldg. Main 2S01. $400 TAKES a 5-passenger Warren, 1010 model. This car Is in good condition and is a bargain at the price. Address AK 663. Oregonian. FOR SALE A 4-passenger Pope, 1013 mod el for $850. This car is in fine shape. Will consider a Ford car in part payment. C 601, Oregonian. PAIR of bay geldings, 5 and 6 years old. weight 2350, sound, gentle, suitable for immediate use; must sell; bargain. 241 Jefferson st. 1013 REMY, magneto and coil, nearly new, A-l condiiton: price is right. G. Robert son, care Nob Hill Garage, 690 Kearney ot. iei. juain zyy, a 2411. $300 CASH takes Elmore four-cylinder iwuisicr, goou running conaition, a dandy "I'saia; must oe seen to De appreciated. Phone today. Main 299. GOOD, strong team, wt. 2300, heavy har ness and tarm wagon; am going away and will take $125 for complete outfit Woodstock car to 621 East 24th. 5-PASS., four-door Ford car, Buick road ster. Ford taxicab. 1913 Ford, chassey, -i. r. ueuvery car, all in gOOU. Shape. 314 Sixth St., Main 24SS. n Aft itu urart stallion; must be pure bred and registered; will give good secur ity or trade good property. G. Gabbott. 621 East 24th st. CADILLAC car, 6-passenger, fully equipped, first-class condition; $400 cash, 450 easy terms. Can be seen at 266 11th st. 50x100 LOT clear of Incumbrance for auto, no junk, give or take, cash difference. Bold Realty Co.. 206 Alder st. 5-PASS. car. Ford, must be sold by Monday, model 1013. New Market Auto Co., 2d and Ankeny sts. ALTO truck and touring car for hire, best of service, price reasonable. Phone East 4096 or E. 2647. ONE 2-ton truck, A-l condition; price $850. Phone Main 9341. East 2831. 211 Couch bldg. BUICK roadster ' to trade for motorcycle, diamonds, or lot. Call Marshall 3417 to day, ask for Patterson. 1911 RUNABOUT, first-class condition, best offer. 410 E. 39th St. If you don't mean business don't apply. SACRIFICE, $30; steel tired buggy good as new, and harness, also good; 1200-pound horse. $75. E. 6th and Schuyler. FOR SALE Studebaker 20-horsepower 1912 model first-class, condition, new tires; cash only. Tabor 4336. FOR SALE at your own price, serviceable team; would make good ranch team. 1029 East Yamhill St. ROADSTER, in fine condition. $400: will take a 1013 motorcycle as part payment. P 676, Oregonian. NEW Federal truck; good discount, easy terms; leaving city and will sell. V 645, Oregonian. FOR $300 you can get a dandy 1910 2-passenger Hupmobile, In splendid condition. ' Address AM 662, Oregonian. FOR SALE 4-cylinder Maxwell delivery car in good condition; price very reasonable, Aldon Candy Co., 12th and Glisan st. 5-PASSENGER automobile; $250, cash. B 252. FIRST-CLASS horse and wagon. $L25 per day. C46 Front at. $15 BL'i'S nice little sorrel pony. Wood stock car to 621 East 24th. WANTED Team: will exchange 6 acres tree and clear. Marshall 4862. DEAD STORAGE, $3 to $5 per month. VAN HORN TRANS CO.. 40 2D ST. NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prices. Oregon Moline Plow Company. CARBON removed by oxygen process. Re Usnce Garage, 3th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE A tent garage 16x12 on wood frame. Call mornings. Woodlawn 1120. Slightly used tires from $3 to $25 ea. ; vul canlslng. 25c tire; repairing. 207 Madison. PRIVATE garage for rent, 67 East 8th st Phone Main 7452. L. W. Relnhardt. FORD roadster, Une condition, practically new, cheap for cash. X 625, Oregonian. TAXICAB for sale or trade for family car. AT 604. Oregonian. LEAVING city, will sell auto cheap, good condition. Marshall 34. ONE stall at the Irvlngton Bungalow Gar age on Halsey St.. between 22d and 24th. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED A 1910-11 or 4912 Cadillac; must be in good condition and cheap for cash. Call Main 934. 406 McKay bldg. WANTED Runabout; must be In good con. - dltion; will pay cash. Address AK 620. Oregonian. . WANTED High-grade 1912-1913 light" Tlx automobile for $1800 cash, equity in tract atplverwood Addition. R 648, Oregonian. H ILL exchange $1800 equity In $3500 River dale building site near car for A-l auto. Hard-surface streets. Bull Run water, near river. Cash value only. Address AB 655, Oregonian. . DO YOU NEED CASH T Wanted, 5-passenger 1913 or 14 used car; will pay up to $800; positively will not deal with agents or brokers; only owners; must bs snap. L 647, Oregonian. WANT good touring car up to $1000, bal ance cash, for first mortgage $4000, or close-In residence. Address AE 646. Ore gonian. 60X100-FT. lot. one block from main business corner In Lents, to trade for late-model Studebaker automobile- AN l3. Ore gonian. W ILL pay cash or trade unincumbered lot for 1013 or 1014 6-passenger touring car; must be in first-class condition. B 643. Oregonian. WASHINGTON street, corner East 27th, 6Ox50 ft., $1350, Improvements paid; will accept light auto up to $700, balance on mortgage. East S965. FORD for light delivery; also rolltop desk. 893 Belmont, phone East 2088. Motorcycles. WANTED Good motorcycle, single or twin; must be a bargain. Call Main 3105, bet. 12 and 2. 1912 TWO-SPEED Indian, equipment ga lore, a dandy, $200 cash. L 667, Ore gonian. POPE, lightweight, 1912, fully equipped. $60. 228 'ij 1st St. THOR motorcycle in perfect order, $30. Stein's Pawnshop. 20 North 6th. Poultry. PUBLIC AUCTION. Thursday. January 15, 1914, at Golden Rule Poultry Farm. Ardenwald station, Estacada carllne, 6 cents fare. WILL SELL at auction my entire lot of S. C. Brown Leghorns, of D. W. Young, Wyckoff and Snow Fluff strains; also White and Buff Rocks 300 head no re serve. BIO BEN, the famous cock bird three times winner of first at Portland show, and many other first prize winners go with the rest. Also two cows fresh soon; one horse, harness, two light wag ons, four swarms of bees . and fixtures; garden tools, household furniture, chicken coops. Incubator, chicken fence, canned fruiu etc., etc. Sale will be held under shelter rain or shine immediately after free lunch, which will be served at 11:30- o'clock. Address mail bids to C. D. Minton, 411 Stock Exchange bldg., Portland, Oregon. W. B. BROWN. Box 33. Sellwood Station, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALJS Thoroughbred White Orping ton cockerels, $3 each. Wanted 73 rods good second-hand 6-foot poultry fencing and a guaranteed second-hand 240-egg Cyphers Incubator. Waldo Hills Orchard Co.. R. F. D. No. 5. Salem, Oregon. WHITE ORPINGTON cockerels Build up your flock by getting a cockerel sired by "King." who won in a walk last month at Portland. They have the blood that counts; good birds from $2.50 to $5.00 each. J. E. Sutherland, Canby, Or. TWO Cyphers incubators, first-class condi tion, 40O eggs each, also pedigree egg trays for same. Dvll Elliott, Rural Route 1, Portland. Tabor 2261. FIVE-passenger Thomas car, electrlo lighted, tires practically new; splendid condition; will trade for good real estate. G. E. W., 00 11th st. Main 8534. Tabor 2645. FOR SALE Young bulT Leghorn hens, all laying; party going to move. 727 Clatsop ave. Sellwood carline. BEAUTIFUL Barred Plymouth Rock rooster, fine pedigree, worth $25, for half price or less. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Several thoroughbred barred Plymouth Rock cockerels; $2.50 your choice. 1240 Division st. THOROUGHBRED S. C. white and brown Leghorn cockerels. $2 each. J. L. Starr, Brush Prairie. Wash. FOR SALE 5-month turkey hen and gob bler. A-l stock. Woodlawn 308. THOROUGHBRED cockerel, full Minorca, one Buff Orpington. Columbia 656. BARKED ROCK cockerels and pullets for sale. Phone Columbia 303. WHITE Rock cockerel, dandy, weighs S.s pounds; price $3.50. 704 E. Salmon. Livestock. 20 HEAD of extra good cows. Jersey. Dur ham and Holsteln, 3 to 7 years old. Extra heavy milkers. Woodstock car to 60th ave.. 8 blocks wesV one north; near Reed College. HAVE very large Durham cow. Just fresh, heavy milker; could also sell young Jer sey Holsteln with calf; very rich milk. i'tlH Russell st. FOR SALE 2 cows; registered O. I. C. pigs. C. A. Warren. Route 1, Vancouver, Wash.. Ellsworth station. 5 NICE Duroc pigs, 9 weeks, $5 each; 5 nice white and red shoats. 4. months, $7.50 each. H. Grebe, TIgard, Or. JERSEY cow for sale. 40O E. 60th St. Take Hawthorne-ave. car. Machinery. 1 14x18 ENGINE. 1 18 H. P. Jewel engine. 1 l'i H. P. Bulldog gas engine. 1 2t4 H. P. Bulldog gas engine. 1 H H. P. Bulldog gas engine. 1 5-inch Gold pump. 1 10 H. P. 230-volt D. C. motor. 1 30 H. P. 550-volt D. C. motor. 1 100 K. W., 600-R. P. M., 550-volt D. C. generator. 1 25 K. W.. G00-R. P. M.. 550-volt D. C. motor. 1 1 H. P.. 220-volt D. C. motor. 1 IVz H. P. 220-volt. 3 -phase motor. 1 60 H. P.. 800-R. P. M., 220-volt, 3 phase motor. 1 35 H. P.. 1200-R. P. M., 220-volt. 8 phase motor. 1 5 H. P.. 1800-R. P. M., 220-volt. single phase motor. 1 10 H. P., 800-R. P. M.. 110-volt single phase motor 1 2 H. P.. 1200-R. P. M., 220-volt. single phase motor. 3 No. 6 Simonds crushers. 1 14x24 Allla Chalmers crushing rolls. 1 19x14 single cylinder Kase Traction engine. 1 Foots combination concrete mixer. 1 6x9& two-cylinder Kase traction en gine. See us for all klndB of new and second-hand machinery for rent or for sale, repairing and rewinding; all work guar anteed. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO., 31 North First St. Phone Main 0210. STANDARD MACHINERY CO.. We reut or sell. Our inventory shows the following equipment: 8 7x10 hoisting engines, D. D. D. C 1 OxS hoisting engine, D. D. D. C. 1 fix6ai hoisting engine. S. D. D. C. 3 7x10 logging engine, D. D. D. C. 1 10x12 logging engine, D. D. D. C. 3 gasoline hoists. 14 electric and belted hoists. 26 direct current motors and generators. 8 alternating current motors. 8 gasoline engines. 17 centrifugal pumps. 10 miscellaneous power pumps. . 11 concrete mixers. 4 concrete hoists. 5 derricks. 2 clam-shell buckets. 3 dragline scrapers. 8 swinging engines. 2 air compressors. 11 air or steam rock drills. 1 steam woodsaw. 5 steam boilers. 6 steam engines. 2 rock crushers. Quantities of cable, wheelbarrows, tools, pulleys, blocks, woodworking machinery, etc., etc. We have what you want. Get our prices. STANDARD MACHINERY CO.. 46 2d st. We rent or sell. MOTORS and dynamos bought, sold and re paired; largest stock of second-hand ma chinery on the Coast. ROBT. 6KEEN ELECTRIC WORKS, 40O-402 Glisan St. FOR quick sale. 12 Ancona pullets and one male bird, all for $15. Call at 874 East roth st. South, corner Harrison. FOR SALE or rent Logging and hoisting engines, contractors' machinery, all kinds. Railway Equipment Co., 1st and Oak. WANTED A small gasoline engine for a No. 7 Remington typewriter. East 4397. REMINGTON 8-ton refrigerating and Ice machine. phone Main 764: BUY or trade for second-hand well drill. A 674. Oregonian. Typewriters. $15 TO $66 will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose from and workmanship guaranteed; terms to suit; catalogue mailed on request. THE J. K. GILL COMPANY. 3d and Alder sts. Main 8500, A 6068. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three months for $4, delivered. Convenient at home. 244 Stark st. Phones Main 6273, A 4441. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illus trated folder: retail department. WHOLE S ALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 WaBh. St. NO. 5 OLIVER Visible Typewriter for sale; has been used but little and good as new. A bargain. 46 Grand ave., phone East 691. FOR SALE New No. 11 Remington type writer. 18-ln. carrier, cheap. Marshall 6040. Rtv. 210. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 262 Stark st. ALMOST new Fox visible typewriter $25. 464 E. 20th st. Take WW car. NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates.. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407.