THE SUJJAV OKJitjrOlA, 1'UKILAM), JANUARY 4, 1914. oompanylngr his expedition was a large corps of expert photographers and motion-picture camera -operators, and undertaken, or a dangerous trip Into the jungles, these intrepid men of the camera and film were In the forefront. The Ralney expedition consisted of OS white men. 325 black men, 135 cam els, 40 horses, 60 dogs. 54 oxen, and 150 sheep on the hoof. Mr. Ralney, Pro cessor Hiller. of the Smithsonian Insti tution, and others, and their personal retinues, met Allen Black of Australia and Augustus Outram of the Trans vaal at Port Said, and while traveling to Mombassa, completed their plans. Dr. William Johnston was added as physician and syrgeon. and a staff of photographers. At Mombassa the com plete Sofari. or hunting journey, was arranged. Black giants of the Wah kambahs. lithe and agile Swaheells, thin and wiry Kavandas and Kharkuas, "the courageous Inky Massal, and smart Somalia, all African tribesmen noted for their endurance and other worthy qualities, accompanied the expedition, some as employes and carriers and the remainder for the love of the sport. Mr. Ralney's expedition cost him over $250,000 and the time consumed was one year. POWERFUL FILM AT STAR "The Inspector's Story," Gripping- Talc, Well Pepicted. After a splendid week with "Port of Doom," the new Star Theater today re sumes Its two-change-of-programme-a-week policy and will signalize the event by presenting an entertainment com bining beauty and power . The feature of the programme will De a beautiful society drama entitled "The . Ancient Brooch." It is a story of the theft of a jewelled brooch by a society woman.. The guilt is assumed by a nobleman who took the crime upon himself to shield his sweetheart, who was suspected. The screen play is re markable for its many thrilling situa tions, which follow in logical sequence and the exquisite frocks worn by the nobility. The scenery Is most gorgeoXis and the Interiors possess a realness f which entirely displaces, any stage set ' tins of stiff and marring effects which so often detract from society plays of this nature. "The Ancient Brooch" is In two reels and will hold the attention from Its beginning. In addition to this feature, there Is a Vitagraph entitled "The Misadventure of a Mighty Monarch," In which the famous John Bunny enacts as funny a. role as he has ever appeared In. Added to those will be the Pathe Weekly, containing the unusual num bers of the most Interesting interna tional news matters. There will also be the usual welcome .Keystone "Love and Dynamite." "HEARTSEASE" IS AT GLOBE Vitugraph Drama Takes Prominent Place in Picture House Bill. This Is surely Vitagraph, day at the Olobe. Two special releases are on the programme. "Heartsease," a de lightful story by Mrs. Breull, with llogvrs Lytton and Carlottade Felice in the leading roles, is one. The scene is first laid in France among beautiful surrounndings and later transferred to England. Mary is a lovable girl, but her English hus band is too cold and severe. She dies. She leaves two sons, the elder like his father, the younger having tne lovable characteristics of the mother, but when trouble in the shape of storm and Tire overtake them, the father realizes his love for both and all ends happily. Lilian Walker and Cutey Van in the "Street Singers" is another big hit and shows some of the "behind-the-scenes" views in, the Vitagraph factory. "Skelley's Sketch," a Biograph com edy, is fun for fair. Skelley sells him self, after death, to a local doctor, who takes fereat care of his purchase to the delight of friends, but to the despair of Skelley. How Skelley redeems him self is one of the great riots of the play. . Miss Lewis makes h-er farewell bow. The Armory Friday, Jan. 9 PRICESt, Floor, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Balcony, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00" ' Seat Sale Opens s Sherman, Clay & Co. Next Tuesday January 6, 10 A. M, MAIL, ORDERS BEING FILLED as she Is going on a vacation, to re turn in about two months. The Hughes sisters, classic musicians, will be heard Monday. ALKALI IKE IS IX NEW BILL Favorite Western Character Feature of Columbia Programme. Alkali Ike, favorite Western oharac "ter, is billed for a return engagement at the Columbia, beginning today. He is appearing in the hilarious Essanay comedy, "The Awakening of Snake ville," and is supported by Margaret Joslyn, the 300-pound photo-play favor, lte, who takes the role of Ike's wife. Other familiar Western characters in the cast are Slippery Slim, Mustang Pete, Rawhide Bill, Dr. Klll'em and Beaky Byers. The adventures of Alkali Ike with his Amazonian wife will afford many laughs. How Detective Cleek solves "The Mys tery of the Dover Express" Is shown in an Edison play that for plot and deep mystery is unsurpassed. It Is a story of the murder and robbery of a wealthy diamond merchant on a railway train. Cleek is called In to solve the mystery and succeeds after other detectives have failed. "The Abandoned Well" is a Biograph drama filled with sentimental situations and tells the story of the struggles of a young man, forgotten by his foster father, who has promised to give him assistance. Rupert W. MacMurray will sing- new songs and Karp's orchestra has pre pared, several special numbers. SIAJfTELL COMING FOR WEEK Productions Will Be Shakespearean Excepting Richelieu. . - 1 An event of unusual theatrical im portance is the coming of Robert B. Mantell to the Hellig Theater for one week beginning Monday, January 12. Mr. Mantell is featuring this season an elaborate production of Shakes peare's historical tragedy, "King John," which will be his opening bill and will be repeated on Friday night. Be side "King John," there will be six other classic plays all Shakespearean with the exception of Bulwer Lytton's "Richelieu," which will be given on Tuesday night. January 13. The repertoire in order is as follows: Monday night, "King John." Tuesday night, "Richelieu." Wednesday matinee, "Macbeth." Thursday night. "King Lear." Friday 'night, "King John." Saturday matinee, "Hamlet." Saturday night. Richard III." Drama Reading Circle to Meet. A Bpeclal meeting of Drama Read ing Circle will be held In room F, of the Central Library, tonight at 8 o'clock, to consider work along new lines for the coming year. All mem bers are urged to be present. Il -fr o- ff HEATER. WEST PARK AND ALDEH. "Look for the Moving Bear" Today AS o Leak Klesctma A stirring modern photo play drama in four parts, starring . Miss Carlotta "Nillson supported by the Famous Players- Company, under the direction of Daniel Frohman. People Say: "It has a Wealth of Appeal" No increase in Prices.. Balcony, 10c. Lower floor 20c. Box Seats, 30c. Box seats may be reserved by phoning Marshall 880, or A.-2087. Continuous Performance Curtain Rises: 11:30 A. M. . 5:30 P. M. 1:00 P. M. 7:00 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 10:00 P. M. o o o Coming, Week of January 11 Victor Hugo's fcT Is. HZ 11 Les Miserables 11,000 Feet of Film. New Show TODAY Combining Comedy, D r a ma, Travelogue and Educational Sub jects. FEATURING "The Ancient Brooch" Society Drama "The Misadventure of a Monarch" Vitagraph Com edy, Featuring John Bunny Pathe WeekJr Around the World With a Camera -- Keystone Comedy Always a Good Show 'Exclusive Home of Keystone , . -- Ten Cents Always Choice of S00 Seats -rX HEIUIG THEATER Eleventh and Mnrtms Sts. Phones, Mala 1 and A 1122 NIGHTS BtXiWMNO TOMORROW KLAW Jt ERLAXGER PRESENT " OTIS MATINEES vf:d. ASAT E'E IM IE IR. Arrangement With Charles Frohman ITT "AN ARABIAN RIGHT" MET BY EDWARD KNOBLAUCH Produced and Managed by HARRISON GREY FI5KE MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED NOW SEATS NOW SELLING AT BOX OFFICE PRICES BOTH EVENINGS AND MATINEES Lower Floor, $2; last 4 rows, 11.60. Balcony, 3 rows, $1.60; rows, 1; rows, 75c; 4 rows, 60c. PERFORMANCES ONLY ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY SUN. JAN. 1 1 MATINEE NIGHT EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMME Globe Tlhetejr ELEVENTH AND WASHINGTON Today, Monday and Tuesday 66 99 Special Feature in Two Parts Rogers Lytton, Carlotta De Felice, Kenneth Casey "THE STREET SINGERS" Special Vitagraph Feature ; Wallie Van, Lillian Walker, Wm. Shea, Biograph Farce, "SKELLY'S SKELETON" Miss Lewis Soloist All Seats 10c Portland's Model Photo-Play Theater Offers Always the Best Attractions. BUI Sunday to Wednesday i "THE AWAKENING OF SNAKEVILLE" Two-Reel Essanay Comedy. Positively the Funniest Alkali Ike Feature Ever Released. "THE MYSTERY OF THE DOVER EXPRESS" ' Clever Edison Detective Play. "THE ABANDONED WELL" Sentimental Biograph Drama. RUPERT W. Mac MURRAY ' Baritone. Karp's Orcbestra. Open 11 A. Mto 11 P. M. 104 Admission lO THE WINTER GARDEN CO. PRESENTS (fiABY 1TDESLYS Speaking: and Singing In English, In A MODERN 3-ACT MUSICAL COMEDY . "THE LITTLE PARISIENNE" MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED NOW from both In and oat of town. REGULAR BOX OFFICE ALE OPENS WEDH JAN. 7 Matinee Lower Floor, 10 rows, $2.00; 12 rows, $1.50. T3alcony. 9 rows. si. uu; t rows, be; 4 rows, sue. , -Evening Lower Floor, 10 rows, $3.00; 8 rows, $2.50; 4 rows, $2.00. cony 5 rows, $1.60; 4 rows, $1.00; 6 rows, 75c; 4 rows, 50c Bal- WEEK beginning MONDAY, JAN. 12 ROBERT B. MANTELL In an Elaborate Production of KING JOHN AND SIX OTHER CLASSIC PLAYS MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED NOW ARRANGEMENT OF PLAYS Monday, Jan. 12 King John Tuesday, Jan. 13 Richelieu Wed. Mat Merchant of Venice Wed. Night Macsetn Thursday, Jan. 15 King Lear Friday, Jan. 16. King John Sat. Matinee Hamlet Sat. Night Richard III Be rare and Inclose a stamped and self-addreased envelope to insure the return of your seats. PRICES Nights, Orchestra 10 rows, $2.00; next 12 rows, $1.50. Balcony 50c, 75c and $1.00. Wed. and Sat. Mats. Orchestra, 10 rows, $1.50; 12 rows, $1.00. Balcony. 60c and 76c. REGULAR SEAT SALE, FRIDAY, JAN. 9. Phones Main 6 and A 1020 Matinee Daily T ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee ...lSe 2Se SOo Night 15c 25o SOe 73s V BROADWAY AT TAYLOR STREET Week Beginning Monday Matinee, Jan. 5 th THE AMERICAN ACTOR 17 J. TV TP AND HIS COMPANY, IN AKE THEATER Broadway and Morrison St. Phones, Main 3. A 6S60. CEO. L. BAXER, Manager. Home of the Famous Baker Players Week Commencing TODAY (Sunday) Matinee, Jan. 4, 1914 One lonff Hnfferln icretiu of laughter r-. L Dorothy Shoemaker ' 4 J 4 LOTTERY MAN By Rlda Johnson Young A farce that is really funny. That ran a whole year in New York:. That's going to tickle the fancy of Portland playgoers as nothing else has in many moons.. The story or a young chap who raffles himself off as a husband, and who starts something he never dreamed of. Original, rapid and full of gingery Great cast. Stage under di rection of James A. Bliss. Matinees Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday. Evenlnga -3c, 35c, 50c. 7Se Wed. Mat. 25c Mob. Weekly Bargaiiii Sunday mad Saturday Matinees 25e, SOe Next week, AuKUitna Thomas' grreat modern drama, AS A MAN THINKS 66 Vi ib di c all mi " CDTn I TMHC K V The Famous Australian Bushman and Stock Whip Expert ALBERT VON TILZERThe al"Jt'yi&V.' AMt"trd bT EDNA SHOWALTER MARGARET ILES & CO. SHARP & TUREK ASAKI MATINEE DAILY-IOOO SEATS AT 25c Matinee Jfefk Every Day Fourth and Stark Street Keating Flood, Proprietors One Week Beginning Monday Matinee, January 5th KEATING & FLOOD COMPANY PRESENT The Merry Musical Hit HoheymoonTrail ' Cast Includes Myrtle De Loy, Jack Westerman, Harry Bowen, Allyn Lewis, Harry B. Cleveland, etc. $1.00 Show at 25c and 15c VIOLIN RECITAL Given by Pupils of E. O. SPITZNER " 3aM'ARY 11, S: O'CLOCK P. M MASONIC TEMPLE West Park and YatMfclll. ADMISSION 1'REG. , laies! ic Tli eater :PRESENTS: Paul J Wis ainey s Bier African Hunt IN SIX STUPENDOUS REELS The most marvelous motion pictures ever taken More exciting than any play 5 Days, Beginning Today On account of the enormous expense of securing this wonderful production we are compelled to N slightly raise the price of admission Balcony 10c, Lower Floor 15c, Boxes 25c UNEftTJALED VAUDEVILIE BROADWAY AD ALDER ST. Week Commencing Monday Matinee, January 5th SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT S BERLIN MAD CAPS 8 Direct from Germany, la their senaatlonnl Wtntersrarten Danse Keme La France & McNabb In "Jail Joys" "Belles of Shandon," With Charles Rile & Co. Pantagescope Rena Arnold Queen of Vaudeville Aerial La Fayettes Midair Athletes Pantages Orchestra EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION THE ALPHA SEXTETTE America's Foremost Musical Stars pONT FORGET THE DAILY BARGAIN MATI-VEE. EVERY SEAT 15) Popular Prices. Boxes and Plrst Row Balcony Reserved. Box Office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones, A 2236, Main 4636. Certain 2:30, 7:15, 9:10. 2:30 MATINEE EVERY' DAY 2:33 . lcht Prion. 16c. -C3r Anj Mstlnes ttont ISe. I L t . : - - - "rn-n-tnHi ...n ifkiV-L , n vh.-ii.ii1 V, A C , , r,-ft....a Anericm'M Finest Tbanl IsULLITAN CONSID.VN Froprletars BROADWAY AT YAMHILL Week Commencing Monday Matinee, Jan. 5 SIX DIVING NYMPHS HALF DOZEN BEAUTIES DISPORTING- IN HUGE TANK Greatest Aquatic Act In Vaudeville. 3 Yoscarrys Europe's Foremost Comedian Acrobats Whyte, Pelzer & Whyte Musical Nonsense Hermann & Shirley Mysterious Masquerader J Orville Reeder Piano P.hiend H Jas. F. MacDonald 0 b'lng-ingr Comedian sa Hedwiff Stavne celebrated her 120th birth day recently by doing her regular day'ft work, that of a goose herder, near Warsaw, Russia. She sews without spectacles. Assuming the population of the United States to be ino.OOO.ono, one man out of everytAO owes his means of livelihood and usefulness In some degree to Edison.