THE SUNDAY OTJFCJOXTAN. PORTLAND, .JANUARY 4, 1011. 11 FOR KJEXT. U.Mimn Wilta Uvard la Private Families, I Wo oung ladies can hava pleasant steam heat ;d room and splendid meals la re I tnd homo, with ail conveniences And homo vileses ; in walking distance on West Side. Kate $22.50 pwr mo. Phono Marshall 2433. WALNUT PARK. Modern hom, furnace heat, good fu mi ni re, piano, phonograph, nice front room Ir man and wu'e or 2 gentlemen; good homo cookins. Call Woodlawn 1025. la-.AUTIKL'L furnished room in refined pri vate family; modern, steam heat; very pretty home, large parlors, use of piano and home privileges ; board If desired ; 1 Lfe in. Phone Khhi 6422. FU RNISIIED room, with breakfast, house modern, home privileges, terms reasonable to two young men or ladies. Phone Mar shall 58 9 all day Sunday and after 5 in the evening. IiM E-COOKE r food in unlimited quan tities Five minutes walk from Postoffice. Room end board. $6; satisfaction assured. Miss Ellis, private boarding. 221 10th. i .'orrier Salmon. Phone Main 7635. SMALL pleasant front room with board In private family, home cooking, modern conveniences, walking distance ; price reasonable; also table board; $3 per week. 2S East 9th st. North. Phone E. 6018. N E WLY furnished front room in strictly private family for married couple, single man or lady, or lady with child. Near school, 1 block north Richmond car, on 39 th, 1 152 I von st. Terms reasonable. FOR. y! 5L C. aI MEMBERS- Furnished rooms, reasonable In price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club ladlitles; special rates at cafeteria. Cor ner frth and Taylor sts. JjuakIj and rocm, $5 per week; good home cocking; ideal place for jolly people; walking distance. 214 Union ave. phone K a st S.i77. KG E front rooms, modern conveniences, uii three car lines, eisht minutes' ride ; v. ith or without board ; rooms $2".50; with i.owrrl. $6. 323 E. Grant, cor. 11th. B K Aim KUL furnished room suitable for a wiih board, piano and home comfort; h's'i vouiik man wishes roommate. 191 11th st. m ai n 681. IlOOM and board In fine, comfortable home with hoard, for 1 or 2 young men; every convenience, walking distance. AG 644, i rconiua. corn,!-: having attractive home In Laurel hurst would take congenial couple, $15 p;r .weok including board. AR 474, Ore gonian. NH 'LL furnished, rooms, excellent table board, attractive home, 6 minutes to busi ness dlst rict ; meal patronage solicited. nil lith gt. RELIABLE and trustworthy woman can care for an Invalid or 1 or 2 children; good home; could take charge of same daily. 471 E Burnside st. BOARD and room for 2 In family of three adults; bath and living-rooms connected, ideal place for home-loving .people. 940 Helmont. Tabor 4778. .ROOM and board, suitable for one or two; modern conveniences with all home privi leges. Prices reasonable. 750 Lovejoy. Phone Main S0S6. ROOM and board, exceptional opportunity, in elegantly furnished Nob Hill home, 15 minutes' walk, real home cooking. Phone Marshall 5471. MODERN' newly furnished front room for I or U young men, well heated, all home privileges ; excellent table ; references; walking distance. East 187&. COMFORTABLE room, $2 week, with board $0 wpelt; lor 2, 45 each; walking distance. 445 0th st. ROOM and board for 1 or 2 young men In private family. Phone Main 244. Furiiis bed A purtments. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. 49-57 Trinity Place. The II neat apartments on the Pacific r 'oast, with every modern convenience; apartments furnished and unfurnished ; tf-rnis reasonable; references required ; fur nished bachcior quarter with club room. Manager, Marshall 1101. l BEAUTIFULLY furnished apartment with all modem conveniences, will be available in few days for very desirable bachelors or adults; no children. STELWYN APARTMENTS. SERENE COURT. East First and Multnomah Sts. The most up-to-date 2 and 8-rooA fur nished apartment-house; each svite ha two disappearing beds and two dressing rooms; all outside rooms; roof garden and sun parlor, phone East 1426. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia. ' 2 and H -room apartments, furnished strictly modern and new; references; close walking distance; service first class. THE UPSHUR, 20th and Upshur sts. Fur nlshed 2-room apts., $15, $18 up; steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment; public bath, electric lights, g&i ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take S," 2-Sd or "W" car north. Phone Main 3523 VILLA ST. CLAIR, 12th and Taylor. Moat modern apartments on the Pacltio Coast ; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. MORTON APARTMENTS, Cor, King and Washington. . 4-rootn ants., furnished and unfurnished. aleo 8-room furnished basement apt. ; walking A 1103. distance; cheap rent. Main 10 8 a. SAVE 15 PER MONTH. Three large furnished rooms, $22. B0, In cluding table and bed linen ; larj;e rooms ; mi carl in e. See this sure. Tabor 2293, Last 1322. FOR RENT 6-room modern apartment, hot water heat, walking distance. West Side. Rent $-'16 per month, including heat, hot and cold water. M. E. Lee, 622 Oorbett r hldg. tiHACi: APTS., a 4th and North rap sts.. 5 large rooms, front veranda and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, water, heat, phona, strictly modern, unfurnished. N E W "V OR K APTS. NewlyurnTshVd. "very central, 2 and 8 rooms, large kitchen, baths, heat, light and both phones; $16 to $25 nor month ; also sleeping-rooms. East 7th and Bolmont GLEN COURT APARTMENTS! Corner Park and Taylor. Best location in the city; well fur n is lied, in 2, 8 and 4-room suites ; first - class service. THE WESTFAL, 410 5th, cor. Hall easy talking distance, elegantly furnished o and 4 -room apartments ; steam heat, pri vate hnth. Concrete building. Elevator. M .in 2c7'.i, GRANDESTA, East Park and Grand ave. New building ; nicely furnished ; private phono and baths. automatic elevator; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 2uti. THE WINSTON, 341 14th St., at Market. New two and three-room apartments, completely furnished; walking d istanoe, P t ice a reasonable. Phone Main 17S9. THE CHKTOPA, ISth and Flanders sts., 2. 5 and 4-room apartments, furnished or un furnished, modern; lots of heat and hot at er. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park st., at MadtBon. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ment ; rates reasonable.' N li'E 2. 4-room apartments, partly fur nished: also nice furnished rooms at K illi ngs worth ave. ; low rent ; Inquire on premi.jfg. Phone Monday, Main 6821. AVALON Nearest to Union Depot of East Side apts. ; one front, steam-heated room, sultablo for 1 or 2 gentlemen; also 1 8 room apartment. East 1067. THE LET A High-class 5-room. balcony sleeping porch, like in private home. All outside rooms, 403 W. Broadway. Mar. 3217. THE M K1NI.EY APARTMENTS, hhI th and Morrison sts. Very central ; J and 8-room apartments, furnished com pletely, private bath; room $20 to $21.54). Til E DAVENPORT, 54)6 JEFFERSON ST. Single rooms, steam heat, hot and cola watir, phone and electric lights. HAVE furniture for 6 rooms; will share ex pf nues with couple, Euet or West Side ; i ilVrenccs. AF 627. Oregonian. THE WINDSOR APTS 2 rooms furnished; nothing nicer or more homelike anywhere, corner E. 14th and Yamhill, walking dis tance. NICELY furnished, Ptam-heated, 4-room wpart meut. Main 2317, apt. 1, The Marl- borouph. TJI E LOIS, 704 Hoyt; very desirable new 4-room furnished apartments; modern; references. Marshall 2011. BL'ENA VISTA 12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart mentd, -hest service. Apply on premises. THE STAN FIF.LD. Nov 2-room opts.; Ilpht and gas in cluded: $15 up. 2i4 Porter st. Main 7392 DRICKSTON". 448 11th Three-room apart ment, two Holmes beds, one two-room apartment; ail outside rooms, Marshall 67. KE A RNEY A PA RTMKXTS 5-room fur nished apartment. 21st and Kearney, Main T 1 1 E M ARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 6-room; every convenience. Main 7516. KING DAVIS APTS.. 54 N. King 3 and 4 room. high-class; references. Main 205B. llKRMENlx. 40 Hal!. 2 and 3 rnoins: moci-t-rn. M.un 4 - $ . THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Tlnll st. One 2 room. furnished. Main 42!U. IN ALL parts of the city. Portland Rental t pui'pau, 502 Broadway bldg. Main 0413. V. 1.1J' 1 A NT r Y furn iFhed 4 -room front apart ment. Florence Apis.. SS 1 1th at. FOR, H.E?iI. Furnished Apartment, OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOU R SERVICB W HEX HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, from 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $55 per month. If you want one. telephone Main 2U15 Sundays, or A 201S Evenings call Mr. Balden, Marshall 2290. Our automobile will call at any address wuh our agent, who will be glad to show these apartments. References required. We own or control the following:' Cecilia. 22d and Glisan sts. Clay pool, Vt-h -and Clay sts. Columbia. Uih and Columbia. Ford ham, 170 Ford. Hanthorn. 215 12th St.. near Main. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near 11th, Hanover, 105 King st.. near Wash. Ordericigh. S2 Grand ave. St. Clair. 170 St. Clair st,, near Wash. . - Francis, 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington. Hith and Everett sts. MORGAN. FUEDNER & BOICE. S 13-821 Morgan Bids. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts. This new four-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4 room suites; reception hall, electric auto matic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds built-in buffet and writing desk, gas range, icebox, plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the P.arker. Phone A 1744,- Marshall 2361. STRANGER, TRAVELER. Do you want a cozy home while in port land? Daily, weekly or monthly rates. You will always find comfort, conven ience and courteous treatment, and be close to the center of the city at the WHEEL DON ANNEX, 10TH AND SALMON STS. HARKIMAN APTS., 164 N. 24th St., one large, most desirable 4-room furnished apt., all modern conveniences and private phone; references required. Phone Main Unfurnished Apartments. M E LCLI FFE COU R T, East M ornson and 1 1th sts. 2 and 3 -room apartments with built-in modern conveniences and disappearing beds, free phones, vacuum cleaner service, electric elevator, etc.; all large outside rooms ; references required ; $25 to J 35. CHETOPA APARTMENTS. ISth and Flanders; walking distance in a refined neighborhood, 4-room apart ments. Including all modern conveniences; free phone, vacuum cleaner service, elec tric elevator, etc.; all large outside rooms, unexecelled janitor service; references re quired; $30 to $37.60. BELLE COURT. TRINITY PLACE. 8-roo:n apartment. Including all the modem, up-to-date conveniences; hard wood floors, tiled bathroom, Dutch kitch en, free phone, etc. A place you are glad to call your home. THE BERYL, Love Joy st., near 21st; 2 and 8 room modern apartments, with built-in conveniences, disappearing beds, free phone, vacuum cleaner service ; refined neighborhood ; large Summer porches ; $22 to $35 ; also one 2-room furnished apart ment $28. Inducements made to permanent ten ant 3. Apply on premises or call. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. Main es-m 269 Washington st. A 6267. THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup 5-room unfurnished apartment, with bath and all modern conveniences, telephone, steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc Take W car to 21st and Northrup. phone Main 487. WALKING DISTANCE. REX ARMS APARTMENTS, 18th and East Morrison sts. 5-story fire proof building; til 2 and 3-roora furnished and unfurnished apartments ; automatic ' elevator, balcony, tiie bathrooms, all latest Improvements; rates, $25 to $8i I' OR DHAM APARTMENTS, 170 Ford st. . near Washington The best 8, 4 nd 3 roum apartments in the city for the money; finished in mahogany and oak. handsomely papered walls, elegant tiie bathrooms; rent from $85 to $52.50. HEINZ APARTMENTS"; 14th and Columbia. Two, three and four-room apartments, furnished. first-olasa; reasonable rates. Main 7837. Home A 8615. LUCRETIA COURT. On Lucretla St., north of Washington; best reaidence district, walking distance; open court; rates reasonable ; references. Mgr., Mai-. 1518. Janitor, Mar. 150O. HANOVER A RaIvTM ENT sTk ing and Wash. Irgton streets Absolutely fireproof, new, modern, sanitary; two or three-room apartments, with bath, from. $20 to $37.50; private balconies. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 272 Broad way, corner Jefferson; easy walking dis tance; 8 or 4 rooms, with private baths; very reasonable rent; best service, splen dld arrangement. All outside rooms. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14TH AND CLAY STKEF.TS. One of our best 4-room front corner suites, unfurnished; references. ROOSEVELT 5 rooms, heat and hot water, nicely arranged; $32.fiO per month. Port land Trust co., or Janitor. ttoS Kearney and 21st ate. HI SLOP HALL Hawthorne and E. 6th St., 1. 2) and 8-room furnished, modern apart men ta ; service first-claes. unexcelled car service, or walking distance. SOUTHAMPTON APARTMENTS. 10th and Hall. 8-room unfurnished apartment. THE DEZENDOR F. 208 16th, near Taylor. Main 4795. 8-room furnished and unfurnished apta ROSE FRIEND Cor. Bioadway and Jeffer son. Elegant unfurnished apartments; flrst-claaa service ; private phone; rof. KINGSBURY, Ford near Washington; high clasa, unfurnished apartments. 3 and 4 3-ROOM APT., light, heat, phonerbath free. $4. off per week. 410 Jefferson. r Flats. - CONVENIENT, ell-located 8-room flat, gas stove and gas heater; reduced rent to good tenant. 693 Everett, near 21st, Phone East 8. FLAT. 4 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace, gas range, hardwood floor, linoleum on kitchen and bathroom; adults. 268 Vi East SOth st Tabor 223S. IRVINGTON FLAT. 5 rooms and aleeping-.porch ; thoroughly modern and very choice ; reasonable rent. 32 1 East 14th st. North. IRVINGTON Very desirable, cheerful six room upper flat; private front and sleep ins porches; large attic; adults; rent $30. Phone B 2704. Look this up. UPPER 6-room modern flat, paved street, good car service. $12.50 month. F. N. Clark & Co., Title & Trust bldg. Main 5423. A 7617. 6 ROOMS, new. modern fine view, all con veniences;, $15, to right party, including wat;r. 61st and Belmont. Mt. Tabor Tabor 3233. $22.50 5 rooms, new range and gus heater, at 884 E. 1st St., near Broadway. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co agents. 404 Wilcox bldg., phones M. 86i0, A 2658. 3-ROOM upper, all modern conveniences. In cluding gas range and waier heater. Large well-arranged rooms. 260 E. 25t h st., near Hawthorne. Phone East 80iS. LOWER flat, $20; 6 rooms. 666 Hoyt st. See Mr. Hyde, Janitor. St. Francis Apart ments, 21st and. Hoyt sts. NEW modern flat 7 large rooms, range and linoleum. . Cor. E. 12th and Burnside. East 2301. FLAT of 4 large rooms, lots of ground for Harden or chickens, on Portland Hts. Mar. 4S-S0. CARPETS for sale and 4-room flat to rent. Apartment 1, Buck Apartments, 21st, near Flanders. & AND 6-room modern flats, $20 and $23. West Side, walking distance, fine condi tion. Woodward, 104 2d. THOSE beautiful flats on 15th and East Morrison st. are now completed and ready fur occupancy. Phone East 161$. . 11-ROOM modern flat on 10th St. near Stark. Inquire 427 Burnside st. Main 82SS. A MODERN 5-room sunny upper flat, $20 per nionin ; corner or hi. lith and iti. Davis. Rose City carl the. UNFURNISHED lower flat, 844 4 Montgom ery, near Broadway, reduced to $15, l. 2043. . HOLLADAY ADDITION Beautiful flat. Cail 413 4 Wasco st. Phone East 3S05. 6-ROOM flat, choicest location, West Side. Inquire 17 5 16th at., corner Yamhill. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 731 lioyt st. Inquire 180 6th st. Phone Main 6273. SWELL 4-room flat, strictly modern, with garage. $14 4 Maegley. Tabor $088. MODERN 7-room flat; rent $30. 12th and Mill. Call 430 Mill. Main 4013. MODERN 4-room flat, 894 Benton, 1 block north of Broadway bridge, $is. C 2021. PLEASANT 5-room lower flat at 127 East 17th at. Phone B 2634. IN ALL parts of the city. Portland Rental Bureau. 502 Broadway bldg. Main U4fta. MODERN 4-room flat, 39 4 Benton, 1 block norm or tsroaa way or sage, $ is. c 2021. TEN MINUTES' walk from P. O.. 5-room house, modern, flat. Afain 3000, E. 52S7. ONE 6-room. upper corner flat. 635 East Madison st. I 'hone East 234. . TWO modern 4-room corner flats, upper and lower, furnace. Phone E. 5, B 1 404. MODERN furnished 4-room upper flat, gaa electricity. 11 E. 60th st. N. K)R REST. flats. FREE RENT until Jan. 1, on a beautiful 7-room flat, best part of West Side, close in, strictly modern, newly painted and tinted. Keys at The Fred A. Jacobs Co. Main 6869. 6-ROOM FLAT. Close in. East Side, fireplace,, beamed ceilings, built-in bookcase, polished floors, furnace heat, gas range, rooms large and everything up to date. Price $25. Nellan & Parkhill. 303 Stock Exchange bldg.. Marshall 2SS2. HIGH-CLASS 5-room upper or lower flat; nice lawn, large porches and verandas, fire place, furnace, gaa range, bookcases, buf fet, paneled dining-room, all light outside rooms, new building; nothing nicer in city; select neighborhood, clone in. 253 East 17th st. Main 7342 or Sunday East 1315. HOT water heated 4-room flat, glass-inclosed sleeping porch, built-in buffet, bookcases, disappearing bed, Dutch kitch en, gas range, etc., $30' p?r month, includ ing heat, hot and cold water. 305 E. 21st st.. near Hawthorne ave. B 1086. 5- ROOM flat, 780 GUsan at., near 23d st. car ; new. modern, convenient; hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace; select neigh borhood. Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce, 813 Morgan bldg. 6- ROOM lower flat, with modern conveni ences. t32 Marshall st., corner of 20th. Rent $30. BEAUTIFUL new flats in Irvington. 412 East 17th st. North. Phone East 2680. Furnished Flat. $25 COMPLETELY furnished 5-room mod em flat, fireplace, furnace, silver, linen, china and everything for comfort, close in. Phone B 2466. MODERN 4-room flatS furnished, all out side rooms, gas and wood range, $16.50; f one unfurnished 4-room flat for $12.50. 539 Commercial Court. $16.50 Small, neatiy furnished flat, with sleeping-porch for 2: choice location, walk ing distance. 6H9 Belmont. 6-ROOM modern furnished flat, very de sirable ; -East 20th st., near S. P. car shops. 664 E. 20th, Sellwood 708. $22.50 WELL furnished four bright, sunny rooms, with sleeping porch, choice loca tion. Adults. E. 5043. 4-ROOM flat, furnished or unfurnished, bath, porches. Eaat 4811; walking distance. NICELY furnished 3-room flat, water. phone and bath, $26.5Q. 230 4 N 18th st. 4-ROOM modem furnished flat for rent, in truding piano. 3S24 3d at. 6-ROOM furnished flat, modern. 573 Eaat Salmon, corner 14 Lh. Main 7795. FURNISHED fiat, Eait 1230. complete, $21, Phone IN ALL parts of the city. Portland Rental Bureau. 603 Broadway bldg. Main 9493. Housekeeping Booms. The Beaver, 12th and - Marshall sts; fur nished for housekeeping ; caa ranie, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free, $12 per month up; a clean plape, best in the city for the money ; short distance from Union Depot. Take H or 16th st- cars north, get off at Marshall. No dogs. $1.60 to $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone E. 6039. 406 Vancouver, 203 Stanton, U car. THE UPSHUR, 26th and UpshuruTnTahed 2-room apts. ; steam heat, light ; $15 up. Main 3528. Take ' S' 23d or "W" car north. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor East 8th, nicely furnished housekeeping suites; reasonable. ROYCREST, 175i2th,large " rooTns7furna"ce heat; complete for H. K. ; all conveniences. FURNISHED h. k. rooms cheap. Cambridge bldg., 3d, cor. Morrison. Phone Main 945. L 2. 8 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely fur- nished. 5454 Washington, near 16th. Housekeeping: Rooms In Private I-'amtliee. 2 LARGE well-furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor, front rooms, close In, West Side; water and lights free; $12 per mo. 846 Clay st. Phone A 7208. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms $10, private house. Four-room apartment, fur nished, with use of piano, $17. Phone Tabor 483. THREE or four newly furnished housekeep ing rooms, free phone, bath, light and water; garage If desired. 81 E. 35th sL, corner E. Stark. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, conveniences, lights and heat furnished; walking distance, $3 per week. 509 John son. WELL furnished housekeeping. 2 rooms and kitchenette, bath, phone and heat. 265 6th st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In suites of 2 rooms gas, hot water, telephone all outside. 606 Front st. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, running wa ter, neat, pnone, oatn, nne location, zzi 13th. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, pleasant. clean rooms, heat, light, water, oath, reasonable. Main 4R44. 2 NICELY furnished conencting housekeep ing rooms. Phone Woodlawn 2764. C78 Gafttenbein ave. NEWLY furnished 4-room suite ; water and bath; S16 month; no children over year old. 350 24th st. $15 TWO neat, modern h. k. rooms walk ing distance; no children. Mar. 584. 450 TWO or three desirable rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping. Apply 541 6th at. TWO corner furnished h. k. rooms, gas, electricity, walking dlBtanct; also single h. k. room. 655 5th st. Marshall 5758. ATTRACTIVE and modem 2-room suites, completely furnished for housekeeping; all conveniences, 372 Broadway. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms In flp-t. $16; three blocks eaat end Broadway bridge. 402 Ross Bt., cor. Dixon. 2-ROOM suite, complete housekeeping; free light, heat, phone; Sunnyslde car; new apartments. 1163 Belmont. B 2012. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $1.25 and up. 455 E- Ankeny st. Phone East 47.35. PLEASANT, heated room, modern conven iences, with use of kitchen. 407 Jeffer son st. Phone Main 6384. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, heat, light, gas and phone; $18. Call Sell wood 9Q2 or S55 Clinton st. RESPECTABLE young woman to share apartment; rent reasonable. 824 13th st., apartment L. SUITE of two housekeeping rooms, all con veniences and reasonable, close in. 251 Broadway. THREE clean, nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, bath, gas and phone ; rea sonable. 825 E. Stark. Phone E 6014. TWO modern housekeeping rooms, electric lights, bath, phone, $12 ; walking distance. Phone A 3062. WILL rent half my house to small family; near Jefferson High. Call Sunday and evenings after S o'clock, Woodlawn 2887. 2-ROOM euite with hot and cold water, electrlo lights, gas ranjfe, $22; also one for $?0. 214 13th, cor. Salmon. THREE nicely furnished houskeeping rooms, hot end cold wlter. Phone Sellwood 791 or take Sellwood car. 438 Nehalem ave. FRONT housekeeping rooms, close In, hot and cold water, first floor, telephone. 28 N. 11th st. FURNISHED apartments for housekeeping. $15; 1 front room and kitchenette, f ur nished. Main 6630. BEAUTIFUL lare front room, with kitch enette, for couple; fireplace; you'll like it. 1S1 14th. THE BOONE, 405 Davis, corner 14th, single and double housekeeping rooms; free phone. liRht and bath. Marshall 5443. HAWTHORNE district, 8 furnished H. K". rooms, with garage and electric light, bath and phone, $16. Phone Tabor 2538. THREE- housekeeping rooms, furnished, close In. 249 Grand ave. N. 361 TAYLOR,, suites and single housekeeping rooms, free gaa, bath, laundry, phone 507 E. WASH., large, housekeeping facil ities, $8 per week; 3 rooms $10. $2 PER WEE KjH.-K. sul t ablator working people; close In. 181 14th. LARGE clean single H. K. room for couple; running water. 181 14th. $4 PER WEEK. 2 large rooms, running wa ter, close in. 3 81 14th. LARGE room and kitchenette In modern home. 504 Eaat Ankeny, corner of 15th. 105 20TH. CORNER Flanders; neatly fur nished Housekeeping rooms. $2.60 -TWO connected housekeeping rooms on second floor. 888 5th et. NICE rooms, newly papered ; fine, central. Nob Hill: phone. 594 Everett st. TWO furnished housekeeping-rooms. 227 Cherry St.. $3 week. Phono East 801O. LARGE H. K, room, hath, gas, electricity, free phone. 651 E. Morrison. ONE OR TWO large connecting rooms, cor ner, light houeekeeplng. Main 67?5. NICELY furnished front housekeeping rooms, close in. 546 Yamhill st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; alt conveniences; $12.50. 125 E. 46th. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, close in, reason able rent. 21 East. 15th st. ONE larjre housekeeping room, with alcove; free laundry, heat, light. 505 Overton st. LARGE housekeeping room, gag and wood furnished. $3. SI 1 Main : man preferred. 305 6TH ST. Walking distance, larse front room, modem, sunny, furnace, moderate. 354 SALMON Two lovely rooms, furnished or partly, for housekeeping; other rooms. l-Uft RJNX. Houaekecptag-Booniw fn private family. ONE large front living-room, clothes closet and good-sized kitchen, baih, modern, one block from Williams-avenue carline; walk ing distance to West Side, $ltt ; bedrooms $10, $tt, $7, with use of reception hall and parlor; up to date. One block from Wil-liaius-ave. carline. 804 East First st. N. TWO or three rooms for housekeepers; the are extra large, outside rooms and scrupu lously clean ; fireplace, combination gas range ; Axmlnster carpets and completely 'furnished; 1 furnish all gas, lights, heat, phone, water; rent only $20. 614 ith st. Main 2752. $16 FOUR fshd. IF iE Pa., lower floor, yard.- 412 Vancouver, Broadway and U cara.-W. stoves, gas plate, organ, machine, bed, sanitary couch, Sunday, 1 to 6 P. M. Week days Main 8392 first. R. G. Drake. FOR KENT. 2 large, clean, completely furnished front 11. K. rooms firet floor. free lights and phone, sink, porch, yard; child taken. 7M E. Yamhill. E. 2091. A CLEAN, neatly furnished front room for housekeeping, with kitchenette; also other rooms, all modem, fine location. 828 Clay st. Phone Marshall 42S0. GROUND floor of cottage, three rooms, well furnished, all conveniences ; also single room; only a lady in the house. 107 N. 15th, near Glisan. . BEAU TIF UL rooms, single or suite, phona, electricity, bath, neat, laundry, close in. reasonable. W car, near 20th. 669 Kear ney. LARGE, clean, front light housekeeping room; electric light, bath, gas, phone; only $12.50 month ; also single housekeeping room, $2 week. 171 13th. Main 9451. WANTED Young wowian to share thiae- room apartment, very reasonable; refer ences exchanged; gtve phone number, AC 626, Oregonian. DESIRABLE rooms, furnished and unfur nished, water and telephone free, walk ing distance. inquire 260 Grand ave., North. Holladay Add. Tel C 2S03. NICELY furnished housekeeninar rooms, sin gle or en suite ; rent reasonable ; furnace heat, bath, phone. Call today or after o:ju f. m. weekday a. o2 Johnson. 2 LADIES or man and wife can have 2 nice housekeeping rooms in modern house, all conveniences, $10 per month. 798 Eaat L'btn st.. w-w car. 3 3066. Blouses. FOR RENT. 6-room house, 1321 Corbett st, $16. 6-room house. 966 E. Glisan st- 320. 6-room house, gas and electricity. 1049 xu. urant St., $10. 10-room house, 600 Front St., $20. 5- room cottage, 633 E. Market at-, $18. 6- room cottage, 1332 Corbett st $12.60. THE LAWRENCE CO., 171 Fourth St. M. 6916. A 2816. FREE RENTAL LIST. Complete list -of houses and flats for rent in all parts of the city. Free for the asking. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 6869. 26y Washington st. A 6287. BEAUTIFUL, NEW, WHITE, 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 004 BROOKLYN ST., HARDWOOD FLOORS, WHITE ENAM EL KITCHEN AND BATH, CEMENT BASEMENT, FURNACE. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, GAS, LARGE FLOORED AT- . TIC. $25. PHONE OWNER, MAIN 7750. MR. GILL, SPECIAL INDUCEMENT to a responsible tenant, to rent a cozy 5 room cottage, with fireplace and furnace, walking distance. East Side, at $18 per month. The Fred A. Jacoos Co. Main 6869. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR KENT. J. J. OEDER. Real list ate and Rentals. Cor. Grand ave. and. E. Ankeny. FOR RENT 5-room modem houae. Waver leigh Heights district, hard-surface streets, 2 blocks from car. ONLY $16 per month. Phone Marshall 8939. Jor dan, 619 Lumbermens bldg. LAURELHURST. For rent or lease, elegant modern 8 room residence, with billiard-room, tiled bath and garage, phone Tabor 1381. TO RENT MODERN 9-room house at 16th and College, furnished or unfurnished, to responsible parties. Call Mar. 5b4, or 459 Montgomery St., for key. $15 6-ROOM HOUSE. 862 Sacramento. $2 8 8-room house, 624 E. Morrison. $25 8-room house, 7 81 E. Yamhill. W. O. WADDEL, 210 Lumber Exchange. $10.00 5-room house, 1 blook to Llewellyn School, 1 block Sellwood car, 128 East 15th, cor. Tolman ave. Phones Main 1858. Sellwood 608. FOR RENT Modern, 7-room house, one block from carline ; gas. full basement, large yard, 15 month. Inquire 751 Grand ave. North. $22.50 6-room modem house, furnace, gas, electricity, 2 blocks Sellwood car, 581 Hen ry ave. Phones Sellwood 508, Main 1858. $18 7-room modern house, 1 block to Llew ellyn school, 1 block Sellwood car. 12fi3 East 15th. Phones Sellwood 508. Main 1858. MODERN' 6-room house, 587 Crampton and Milwaukie sts., near new car shops. Phone Main 1859 or A 7931. SMALL, modern bunealow. furnace. fire place, gas range and sleeping porch. 1123 t,? AlH TV 111" 615 EAST 87th north, new. modern in every detail: hardwood floors, hot water heat. iast awvz. JUST think of It, new 7-room house, quarter Marshall 1017. ELEGANT 5-room bungalow, Hawthorne district, furnace, rent $22.50. Marshall wi 1. $7 MONTH Clean 3-room house. No. 84 East 67th st. North. Montavllla ear. In quire 410 Washington st. Main 5003. 4-ROOM bungalow, close to car and school, 75x100 lot, fruit, berries and garden; terms. Seneca C Beach & Co., 92 First. $20 7-ROOM house, 301 E- 11th, near Haw thorne, or will rent upper or lower half separately. Main 6030 or East 963. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow, aplcndid neighborhood, fine view, $23 month. Mar shall 4827. DOUBLE house, Montgomery st., near 4th; 22 rooms, $65. H. A. Holmae, 60S Beck bldg. Phone Main 6552. 5-ROOM modern, house, fireplace and china closet, one block from car; rent $16, 1119 Concord st. Woodlawn 2654. COTTAGE of 4 large rooms, cosy and clean, 2 lots, barn; rent $10. 703 5 43d ave.. Kern Park. -Take Mt. Scott car. Main 9370. TO RENT 5-room house. 617 Overton st. Ga, electricity, bath, $15 per month. Key hfxt door, or phone Main 6821. A MODERN 6-room house near railroad bridge, cornr-r of K. Hassalo and East jst. Kent $25 month. FOR RENT 5-room house. Stark St., bet. 10th and 11th, West Side. $20. Inquire 635 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 7-room house, Northrup near 21st, $40 month. Vanduyn & Walton, 615 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN bungaluw; 349 E. 51st st., near Hawthorne; comfortably arranged and nicely located; $17. Call Tabor 4202. 8-ROOM house, 166 North J8th St., suitable for home or rerentlng rooms. Main 6518. TWO modern 8-room houses. 771 Hoyt, 74 ft Irvins;. both near 23d. Main 6317. MODERN 8-room house 699 Flanders, near 2.V1. Phone Main 6030, East 963. FOR RENT 6-room house. 2'.5 Cook ave.. near Williams ave.; reasonable rent. 5-ROOM cottage, 670 Tagsart at., $14. Take W-w car. Marshall 4317. 8-ROOM house, newly re finished. 369 11th at.. $22.50. Fred B. Williams, 92 4 1st st 5-ROOM house, 709 Davis stTTbetween 21at and 22d. Marshall 3539, Main SPSS. HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath. 09 E. 1 9th North. Inquire 380 6th st. Main 8278. MODERN ,8-room house for rent; nice lawn, corner lot. 42 East 15th st. G-ROOM modern, flat sleeping porch. 4084 Park, $20. S82 East Davis. S-ROOM modern house, Laurelhurst. steam heated. $30 monthly. SS2 East Davis. DESIRABLE 6 and 8-room houses 388 and K9Q San Rafael, close In. East 16S5. MODERN 8-room house, electHe light, gas and furnace. 60 Ella st. Main 68S7. ATTRACTIVE 4-room cottage and bath, Portland Hel gh ts carline. M ain 8972. 7-ROOM modern house with furnacs. 853 Montana ave. Phone Marshall 1209. NEW 5-room bungalow, Richmond district, $22.50 monthly. Marshall 3017. FOR RENT 8-room house at 407 4th st. Very low rent. M. E. Lee, 522 Oorbett bldg. 8-ROOM modern dwelling, cornerEast15th and Aide Phone A 4609. 5-ROOM house, modern conveniences, $20. 404 East 11th st. N. Broadway car. THE OILMAN, 1st st., cor. Alder; furnished housekeeping-rooms. $1.50 week up. NEW 6-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, $25. H62JBJ. Franklin. HOUSES I N"" IRVI NO TO N FO R RE NT. EA.-'T 273, W. U. HE RDM AN. FOR RENT Cottage on St. Johns carline, $8 month. Woodlawn 1042. 5-ROOM bunjralow. furnace. 49 th and Haw thorne. 310 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2432. i FOB KENT. 6-ROOM modern house, corner E. . SOth N ort h and W y gan t, one block from Alberta, car, $15. 6-room modern house, 3u7 North 19th st. West Side, $20. 6-room house, 1679 Oregon St., $16.0O. 4 5- room modern bungalow, 1102 E. 21st st. North, $16. 6 - room m od ern houae, 8 45 1. Kelly street, $21. 6- room house, bam and 1 acre of ground, $13. 5- room f;at, furnace and all other modern conveniences, $22. 6- room f 1 at, f u rn ac e and all oTher -modern conveniences, $24. 2-room flat, close in on East Side, $S. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 133 4 First St $22.50 7 RMS., steam heat, furnace, paved street. $25.0O 7 rma., corner. West Side; newly painted. $27.50 8-rm. bungalow. E. 3Sth ; never been occupied. $35.00 8 rms.. West Side; furnace. $40.00 8 rms., Willamette Heights, com plete, fine view. We have others. Main S36S. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 518 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. HOUSES. $ 20 4 rooms at 467 Market at., near 13th. $25 6 rooms at 288 North 17th at., near Fettygrove. $25 6 rooms, modem, at 849 North Twenty-eighth street, Willamette Heights. 0 11 rooms, suitable lor lodglng-nouse, at corner Tenth and Yamhill ts. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M. 8609, A 2653 696 OVERTON street; modern 9-room house, large sleepinr porch, $40. N. 23d, near Nicolai, 5-room cottage. sio. EAST SIDE. 73 Union ave. N., 10-room house, ar ranged for roomers or two families. $30. 617 Union ave. N., 5-room cottage, $15, 940 Mallory ave., 4-room furnished flat, $15.00. Inquire 29 Stark st., nr. 2d. FOR RENT Looking for an extra good home, recently built Centrally located, fine neighborhood ; 6 rooms, swell sleep ing porch ; everything right up to date; rent reasonable to desirable tenants ;" gar age if wanted. Call 747 East Burnside st HOUSE TO RENT 167 E. 7th st. North, Holladay Addition ; strictly modern house, 7 rooms, sleeping porch; first-class condi tion; $85, or attractive reduction on lease of two or three years. Key next door or call up Tabor 1800. FOR LEASE Beautiful country home, new modern house, hot and cold water, eta, ; on two and one-third acres; within two blocks of Oregon Electrlo station, Tlgard. 60 minutes from heart of city; good car service. D 655, Oregonian. 7-ROOM house, hot-water heated, 1 block from Sellwood car and within walking distance of Postoffice. for rent at very low figure. The Westlyn Trust Co., 604 Broadway bldg. WE have houses and flats for rent, both East and West Side. Please call at our office. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 103 Fourth st A-8504. ALL OR PART OF 23 ROOMS. JUST VA CATED AND USED AS A SUCCESSFUL FAMILY HOTEL. COR. 17TH AND COUCH- MORNINGS, MAIN 7160, ROOM 408. FOR RENT New, modern 8-room house; good plumbing, electric lights ; very rea sonable rent Also good 9-room house. East Taylor St., $20. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. GOOD four-room house, large chicken-house, barn, ground 125x100, $10 month; good for cow, garden, chickens. See it, 14S9 East Ash., Montavllla car to 55th. five blocks south. McMillan, next houst north. LADD ADDITION near Hawthorne, new modem home, 5 bed-rooms, sleeping-porch, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, gas range, carpets. Let owner ahow It, rent right phone East 1224. $15 PER MONTH. Cheaper than owning your own home; strictly modern, 8 rooms and reception hall; furnace, bath, Dutch kitchen, etc., 20 minutes out. Phone Tabor 672. FOR RENT Nice, clean 7-room corner house, with reception hall, and 6-room upper flat, very reasonable. Phone B 1392. FOR RENT 6-room modern bungalow, two 60x100 lots; good neighborhood; conven ient to trolley; rent $12.50 to reliable ten ant. J. O. Elrod, owner. 519 Corbett bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Beautiful, modern seven-room, residence near cars, school and club ; fine view ; for sale. Owner, 1006 Spalding bldg. Main 866. ATTRACTIVE 5-room modern bungalow furnace, gas, electricity. Furniture for sale, good as new. call I3b7, ast Lin coin at 4Sth st. i-ROOM house, enamel finish inside, gas, electricity, bath, on quarter block of ground, fine lawn, fruit and flowers, at university farit, $so. pnone zuain i-v BARGAIN 6-room and 8-room house, newly painted and papered; beat location In city, 14th at., between Salmon and Main, West S Ide. Phone Tabor 1468. WE can rent your house for you. HACKER & THERKELSEN, 806 Spalding bldg. M. 7592. DESIRABLE nine-room houae. West Side, close in. Apply 616 Corbett bldg. or call Main 6716. $18 Former rent $30, 6-room bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, V- block car. jjm ith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. FOR RENT at Portsmouth, 4-room house, two lota, fine garden spot; rent $7. Phone B 2199. FOR RENT Five-room modern bungalow, good location, fine car service. 10J5 E. 16th. at. N. HOUSES to rent in all parts of the city. HACKER & THERKELSEN, 806 Spalding bldg. M. 7502. SIX rooms, 15 minutes' ride to business cen ter, good district. West Side. $12 month. Marshall 1916. 619 Morgan bldg. $35 Good nlace for business, one block west of Portland Hotel; six-room house. Phone Marshall 4440, FOR RENT 3-room cottage, 1 block from car; good yard, chlckenhouse, lawn, phone Sellwood 1978. MODERN six-room house, furnace; lawn; 1 7 tli and East Couch ; rent reasonable ; desirable party. Phone East 2985. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house with furnace. 863 Montana ave. Phone Mar shall 1200. NEARLY new 7-room house, cheap; newly tinted; sleeping porch; Richmond carline. 93 9 Woodward ave. Sellwood l.51. 8-KOOM cottage, newly renovated, corner E. 29th and Stark. Tabor 384. Furnished Houses. 4-ROOM home, acre of land and fruit trees; unfurnished, $10 ; furnished, $15. Phone between 11 and 1. Marshall 8081. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room cottage, corner lot Hawthorne district ; lots of roses and berries in season. 3 -18 E. 34th. RELIABLE couple may have my partly furnished house at $15 mo. for good care. 1173 Hawthorne ave. $20 3-room bungalow, bath; 13th St., near Portland Academy; fine view. 351 W. Park. Phone Mar-hall 4215. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house; hot water and heat, fireplace, piano; all ready for occupancy. Woodlawn 3229. MODERN 6-room house, well furnlBhed, basement, furnace. 90:1 East 8th N. ; rent $25. Call Main 5908 Monday. COMPLETELY furnished house, Richmond district. $28. Cnll at 919 Division st, WR Ncar. Cor. SOth. MODERN bungalow, 6 rooms fully fur nished, very desirable location. Phone East 1137. WANTED Party to share f-room furnished bungalow, could do some work for owner, bachelor. F 667, Oregonian. 6-KOOM furnished modern house. Tel. East 3070 before 3 or call 540 E. SOth st, WR ear. NICELY, f urnlshed 5 -room cotta ge. Side. Call Sunday, 4J5 Broadway. MODERN furnished 6-room bungalow at 855 E. 87th st Tabor 3334. 6-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale 23 East 15th St. $13 COTTAGE furnished. 734 Pacific st. East 1218. fltOOM bungalow, f urnlshedT" $22.5X Call evenings or Sunday. 1115 S. 10th st. N. -ROOM house, completely furnished, $2 i. 334 Tillamook st. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house in Irving ton, on carline. East 434. $20 FURNISHED four-room modem cot tage. Inquire 173 Morris st. MODERN five-room furnished bungalow at Westmoreland, $25. Phone Sellwood 1222. IN ALL parts of the city. Portland Rental Bureau, 502 Broadway bldg. Main 94ii8. 6-KOOM modern, completely furnished house, walking distance. $40. East 2411. 4-ROOM furnished house, $14 a month. West Side, 3 5 min. out. Marshall 52 . 5-ROOM house, street. Woodatock. $14. 208 Alder NEATLY furnished modern T-room house. Tabor 3857. . FOR RENT 4-room cottage, furniphed ; wa ter, lights: no children; $1. East 1502. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room houae. 841 Wasco st. Phone C 2678. CLOSE-IN, newly furnished 5 rooms, very modem; rent $25. Phone East 356. Xa RENT Fumlkbed liu; I HAVE a nice home to rent reasonable to j 300 feet or garden land, lots of fruit, rooa cow, stable connected with sewer, chicken house and park. Call Marshall 14o9. JOUPLB, with no children, can have rent of nicely furnished modern house, 6 rooms, 2 lota, for board and room, of boy 12 year old. 4025 64th St., Laurelwood station, Mt. Scott line. Call Sunday. A THOROUGHLY modern 6-room house, close In on East Side; furnace, fireplace, three bedrooms complete, piano; will lease to responsible party for year. A. H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKay bldg. Main 232. FOR RENT Three blocks east Broadway bridge, residence containing two four room and bath apartments, furnished ex cept linen; coal heaters, gas ranges. Phona Woodlawn 859. 4-ROOM cottage, furnished, 3 blocks from achool, half block from car; larpre yard; $15. 1067 Eaat 25th st North. Take Al berta car. WE have furnished flats and houses from $13 up. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 51S board ot Trade bldg. Main S3ftS. WOULD share my comfortably furnished, strictly modern house with refined couple; West Side, close in, cheap rent. Phone Marshall 4357. 6-ROOM furnished cottage, $20; near Clin ton Kelly School, car and S. P. shops. Phone Sellwood 1665. $25 MODERN furnished house. 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace and lawn. 66$ Union ave. N. Inquire 618 Lumbermens bldg. NEATLY furnished 7-room modern house, piano ; adults; nicely located. 289 E. 47th fcouth. Uawtnorna ave. -ROOM house for rent, partly furnished, $2. 1176 Clinton st. Inquire 1133 Clin ton st. NICELY furnished 8-room house for rent or rent part ; good location and car service ; owner, Marshall 8059. 6-ROOM furnished cottuge on East Taylor; rent only $20 to desirable tenant. 807 Wilcox bldg. Main 2744. MODERN 9-room house, nicely furnished. $40; partly rented; brings $32.50. 360 tnapmaa st NEW 6-room house, completely furnished. K. Z'id and Hawthorne ave.; will n-ave. Eaat 1419. THREE large roonxa, newly decorated, pan try, closet, gas, 1 block from Montavllla car. iu month. Owner. 168 E. 72d St. N. 278 BROADWAY Furnished 4-room cottage, electrlo lights, bath, central. FURNISHED complete, new, modern 7. room nouse; rumace. 66 Hawthorne ave. Store. FOR RENT Store with three living-rooms partly furnished. This afore has been occupied about 8 years as a delicatessen, light grocery, cigars and candy. Now can be bad for a long lease or by the month, $20 per month. Showcase, counter, shelv ing and eras fixtures included: also bed room and kitchen furniture; located 190 Glbbs at. Phone Main 1611. Owner at 805 Water st. FOR RENT 2 stores on 2d and Sherman", suitable for grocery or confectionery; also 2 stores, 21st and GUsan, suitable for tai loring, barber shop, etc. One brick ware house, 30x70, suitable for garage or ma chine shop, rent very reasonable. Inquire H. B. Davis, Main 242. SPACE IN MODERN BASEMENT, venti lated and well lighted; N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts,; suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc.; reasonable rent. Mor gan, Fliedner A Boyce, 813 Morgan bldg IiARGB liyht front room, with large plate glass window, f rontinj Washington St., second floor Majestlo Theater bldg.; rea . eonable rent; also cheap basement space. Apply Majestic Theater. CHOICE corner grocery, just vacated. Good trade. Many apartments depend on trade. Cor. 3d and Harrison st. Th o masse n. Main 77T1. STORE and flat. 36x53. cement basement, paved street; flat modern, 6 rooms. $2S months F. N. Clark Co.. Title & Trusl bldg. Main 5423. A 7617. FOR RENT Stores Nos. 248 and 250 Haw thorne ave.; eaat end of bridge. Appl) Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 2063. LARGE STORE. $30. 290 8d st., near Jeffer son, fine for light manufacturing or sales room. STORE ROOM, corner. $10 month; hard ware or clothing preferred. R 633, Orego nian. WASHINGTON. near 12 th. 18x100, with basement; good light and ventilation; rent very low. 4Q1 Buchanan bldg. NICE light store, 4 living-rooms, good loca tion for any business; price $25. 847 E. &0th. Tabor 2168. BRICK a tore, corner 11th and Hawthorne. for rent. Falrchlld. 832 Sherlock. FOR STORES. FLOORS AND BLDGS.. SEE W. H. WEBB, 605 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. Office, NEW offices, every convenience, excellent service, low rents, central location. Em press bldg., Broadway and Yamhill st. M'CARGAR, BATES A LIVELY, Yeon Bldg. OFFICES In HEART of CITY at prices very reasonable. SUITABLE for MERCANTILE and PROFESSIONAL purposes. Arranged to suit tenants. 303 Swetland bldg. HAVE you an extra room I can rent in your suite of offices with use of reception-room, phones and a portion of stenographer a t nite : i 0.1 jregonian. 4 NICE rooms 4th floor Dekum bldg.; lady tenants wanted; rent reasonable; 40 wom en on the floor; any business In ladles' line. Call at room 411, Dekum bldg. NORTHWESTERN Bank bldg., desk room auu pnone, -iv- per montn. i' Odtj, urego nian. FOR RENT Two nice rooms, suitable for music or art stuaio, js. 4ta and Broad way. Call C 2346 mornings. T DOCTOR'S office, new location. E. 48th and 00th ave., S. E. Take Woodstock car. ROLL-TOP desk lnaludlng phone and other conveniences, o. 1 tnamner or. torn mere DESK ROOM. $10 per month; both phones, vault, lavatory. 215 Oregonian bldg. ROLL-TOP desk, phone and typewriter. Call 505 Chamber of Commerce bldg. a alls'. " 7" DANCE HALL for rent for any night with the exception of Tuesday. For one nlj?ht in each week. $10 per month. Located cor ner Front and Glbbs. Phone Main 1511 mornings or evenings. Owner 805 Water at. Miscellaneous GARAGE for rent, corner of Gantenbeln and Going ats. Woodlawn 318. GARAGE for rent. 122!) E. Everett TO LEASE. AUTOMOBILE MEN, NOTICE. 13,000 square feet, best location for salesroom, accessories, tire supply or ear are. New building, 14th and Burnside. Marshall 813. UNFURNISHED working men's 40-room boarclin-houBB, connected with large manufacturing Industry in city, for lease to experienced, reliable party. Address and references, T 641. Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SOLID BUSINESS Owner wants a reliable partner to tend office, check supplies, etc WH1 pay you $100 month salary and a share of the profits. Particulars. Call room 329. M organ bldg. IF YOU are looking for a nice little hard ware and paint business that a small amt. of money will handle. In a growing dis trict with a great future, phone owner. C 3272. HALF INTEREST in wood and coal busi ness for hustler not afraid of work; small investment required, which Is secured 103 Sherlock bldg., 3d and Oak ats. WANTED Reliable party, familiar with fire insurance, to take interest in establ Ished insurance and real estate business. P 671. Oregonian. WANTED $3000 cash for 1-3 interest In 1 os-ginR- company, machinery and 35.000, 000 feet giod sound timber on river. 324 Lumber Exchange. FUEL PURINES:-' This la old established place, a moany -maker, and full invest iga tlon solicited. Call Mr. Wood, 905 Board of Trad". WANTED Reliable partner in a growing cash business as owner; can't depend on hired help: good pay and only $250 rc quired. Call room 329 Morgan bid g. SMALL amount will handle my Interest In good cleaning and pressing business, laun dry office; rent $15, with good living room In back. 847 Salmon. IF you want a business of any kind or if you want to sell your business, call and see ua. We are In a good position to give quick action. 248 Stark st. FOR SALE A good saloon, doing nice busi ness, centrally located, near Oregon City and Salem road carllnes; investigate. O 644, Oregonian. OLD-ESTABLISHED restaurant, fully equipped, snap; worth investigating. O 64 1 , Oregon ian. RESTAURANT You can clear $100 month. Owner must sell. See t h Is bargain at $ 3 5 0 ; H cash. Inquire 83 IQt h . WANT cook to take otic-half interest In A-3 restaurant; very sma II in vestment for the right man. Call ynn Lumber Exchange. $250 CASH, balance easy, will buy a dandy pool hall. V 641. Oregonian. FOR SA LE Store, cheap. 461 Wygant St. FOR SALE Small grocery. 321 N. 17th st BUSINESS OrPtJUTUNl'l IKS. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC.. 1 Suite 402 Wilcox Bldg., Corner 6th and Wasnington Sts. FREE INFORMATION TO RVYKftS About Busim-ss Any K irni Anywhere. Before you buy s-e our r- f 1 u list of UNEO.U A LED B A R G A I N S . Mr. DeForett. BusincbS Opportunity Dept. $:t.vo cash storeTbusinkss. For sale or t rude for t-ity property, sta tionery, confectionery, choo! supplies and sporting nooiis. PesRively b'n clearing $3500 to $4?00 net above expenses. Owner retiring, will invoice. $450 BAKERY WITHLIVINO ROOM. Bullt-ln brick oven, 5 modern living rooms upstairs : rent oniy $30 a month . fln Earn Side location, very little competi tion; good trade. If you want something good cheap, hurry and get this. established" paTnt and wall pa per. Business cheap, koou 'oration, with liv ing r 00 ma upstairs, in Vancouver. Wash. GENERAL COUNTRY STORE, General Store, with Postoffice. About ti5 families get their mall at this place. This store haualts everything, nearest competitor 8 miles; $20UO cash re quired to handle the dea'. ACCOUNT O F P R O f R IE TOR'S DEATH. $1200, half cash, balance to suit. LUNCH COUNTER and PRIVATE TABLES, seat ing capacity 70; downtown location, on one of Portland's most prominent streets; run successfully by past owner for 7 yars; must be soid at once on account of his death. It's the best buy In Port land and a money maker. See it at once. $SOO HALF. OR ALL $150. One of the finest equipped restaurants and lunch counters In Portland. Best of reasons for selling. If party takes half in terest must be capable to take full charge. CASH MARKET. Doing ?35 to $70 per day. a1! cash busi ness; modern equipment and plenty of ice box room. Price only $S0o. Rent $22.50. $475 CORNER C!GAR STORE. Located on one of the most prominent streets of Portland, doing t he business. Hurry if you want something good cheap. $350 ONLY $.150 FOR A down-town cleaning! pressing and dye works; located right among the large ho tels and theaters; rent oniy $25; all th work you can do. Hurry and Ret thus. WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. We have sold others' ; why not your? K. H. GOODKIND CO., INC., T R A NsTeNT HOT EL. 102-room fireproof hotel ; lobby, dining room and fine bar (coast town, B. C. ) ; was built and well furnished one year ago; t is doing a $6000 monthly business; elec tric elevator and modern oil for fuel ; a fine proposition , cash and trade, on easy terms. For price aee HOME BROKERAGE. 822 Henry Eldg. Main 587. CAPITAL INVITED The" finest and most profitable business In the city if additional capital be available to handle our Import, export, mall order, wholesale and rat ail business; good Inducements; will offer $30,000 our preferred stock at $100 per share, par value; 8 per cent annual divi dend guaranteed. Andrew Kan, Asia t to Importing Company, Ina. Established 1882. Washington and Twelfth sts. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON can clear $2500 yearly handling copyright ed specialty that saves loO to 20O per cent In cost of ladies' corse ta; $25t secures stock. Instructions and exclutlve state rights; 20 states open ; a hlgh-olaas, per petual, profitable business for capable party; Inquire immediately. D. Coupland, ' 4 QO Tllford bldg., Portland. Or. POSITIVELY bee t-establ Ished business op portunity In Portland ; one of beat print ing plants in city, owning contracts and copyrights presenting unlimited possibili ties; must dispose of same account bad health or will soil Interest to responsible party capable of managing whlia 1 am away for treatment. $3000 to $6000 re quired. E 632, Oregonian. WB BUY and sell entire bond and stock Issues, $10,000 upwards, of established, sound, profitable enterprises; railroad, steamship, timber, gas, electric, water, mining, industrial and general corpora tions organized, directed and financed. L. N. Rosenbaum suite 912, No. 115 Broad way, New York. WANTED Reliable man to associate him self with legitimate company. Position indoor work, 8 hours ; experience not re quired. W1U guarantee steady employ ment. Commence salary at $100 per month. Must Invest $1000. which will net good return. if you want a fine propo sition, call at 210 Stock Exchange bldg. THERE is an opening for an up-to-dat live man to take charge of a sales force; if you can get results out of salesmen and can invest some money in stock of th company, we would like to talk to you; moro attention paid to the man than the Investment. 203-204 Piatt bldg.. Park and Washington sts. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal for so-called Inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ATTENTION. Before buying or selling a business, sea Mr. Chamberlain, , with PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, . 212-221 Relling bldg.. Portland .Or. CAFETERIA. ONLY $450. This 1 posit 1 veiy one of the biggest bargains ever offered In the city. Old es tablished and doing good business; best reason's for selling. Inquire 618 Yeon bldg. '184.) PARTNER .In cleaning and pressing busi ness; receipts from $65 to $75 weekly; horse, wagon, full equipment; customers in every part of the city; established four years; the best buy on the market. 83 9 Lumber Exchange bldg. A SPLEND n5 opening i s available to the right business man with enough capita 1 to enlarge a successful concern. tat full particulars In confidence about your experience and available funds for de tailed reply. X 620, Oregonian. TWO-CHAIR dental office, complete, with well-established business, for lens than half cost of furniture; $1000 cash (no credit); business coming In regularly; will pay for It In few weeks. Apply 814 Ab lngton bldg. WANT to trade my tailoring buslneaa for same In Oregon town; or sell and buy in Oregon ; my business guaranteed $ 150 per month; gladly correspond and furnish ref erence; sunshine vear round; pop. 450O. J. C. Gibson, Big Springs, Texas. A BUSIN ESS n 1 a n "w i t h 1 5 00 flc apital to in vest may secure a substantial interest in a paying rash business in Portland. Busi ness is weil established and on a paying bus's, but ma y be greatly extended ; no agents. AN tU1, Oregonian. IVK M O N E Y - MA K ING'caTkT K R I A, right In center of business district ; advan tageous lease : other Important matters induce owner to dispose of this Interest ; opporunity knocks. 310 Lumber Ex. bldx- WANTED Reliable party to take charge of good motorcycle agency ; will pay good salary: experience not necessary; must in vest $1250 in the business. A 682, Ore go nian. . A 20-ROOM sawmill boarding-houae, for salu cheap ; present owner truing on a farm. Call at the White House, Linnton. Or. HAVE developed rich quarts mine, good ore. want partner with $Mt00 tn erect mill: can clean up $20,000 next season. M 862, Oregonian. PA RTN Kit w a 11 led n hiirh-cinss confection manufacture; whulesalo house hund les en tire output; a good invest men I requiring but $550. 319 Lumber Exchange bldg. FIRST-CLASS procery on good corner, Ea?t Side, with two carllnes. dean stork, de livery tea in. etc. A snap at invoice price. A T 0V, Oregonian. 10 ROOMS and restaurant, rent $25. 3-year lease; fine locat ion, good business ; $75o, part ccsh. Merchants Rest a urant. Whlt woid Court CA K !:,' E til A . hest location In heart of cliv. showing a profit of $ 1 k per day; must aIl to p rot -.!. oi her holdings ; no agents. A P 4;io. Oreaonien. DO you want a good paving picture skew? We have three and t hey will s'and the most thorough Investigation before in vest in ?f. 319 Lumber Exchange bldg. SPECIAL RESTAURANT SNAP. Bfcbt location . reasonable rent, good f ix t'ires; doing fine business. Price only JtfiOQ. Inquire C18 Yeon bldg. fC450.' WANTED A live bookkeeper and financial man with S20.0U0 to invest in good whole sale and retail business in city. R 630, Oregonian. PARTNER in etttabl1sh"d ofTic only little money needed. 31 Exchange. business. Lumber PARTNER in oTfice business; established fT yea is; pnys $ 1 r.o monthly: reference re quired : $:;no. kii Lumber Exehunjte bid. TA i LORI NO and rlennlng she; for sale at once , no coim-et it1 on ; cheap" with f urnl tttre. Ernest Schei Iter, St. II el ens, Or. BAKE RY Modern, fully equipped ; good lo ra tittn ; ;: rawing d irt rid ; rent reasonable ; a bargain. W. P. Sfnnott, 812 Yeon bldg. PA RTNE R wanted, new hotel, price $280, S200 cash required. Goodwin, Room 2, 52T Third st. MILLINERY store for 'sale, good location. AG 63S. Oregonian.- OFFICE mauaper, salary $100, $25 Invest ment required. Room 31, 1i2Vj Grand ave. FOR SALE Restaurant and confectionery. Se owners. 1 1 1 N. Jersey st., St. John. MAN with ?in;i) t s eery business. AC us partner in gro , Oregonian, YOUNG man. 275 ; will put In possession of a dandy pool hall, t ii !. orejronlan. SALOON Good-piiy In q place. cted location, cheap, rent. A B 639. (J re go nian.