oi 11 TO EXtHASuE $ 5.tAH -2-story, 7 -room modern houe ,on blor-K from car in how City Park, r ill take lot or lota to n vaiue of one-half the property. io0. 9 lo.wfl 12 acre m Wasnington. nar Vat;wuver, &t acres cultivated, . acre orchard. io acre pi tially rleared. acres wte or pasture land rreek ant! railroad iuu tarough tt place; good house and barn; ih is one of the best ranch you w'il f.nd in Wasnint,tn ; want Port land property, improved or vacant. I A. R. C. ) 1 4M Large lot on Eut 33d at., to trade as tUst payment on bungal.r. l.Wl.) I Good 4-room house and full lot. un incumbered, as part payment on uoue near 52d and Division at. a 4,000 6-room modern house, witn thr piupe.-ty at Bend. Oreuon. 5o:;.i $ 4 0OO---'" aT-s, near Tiilamoolt, unln incunatjr -."' 60 aci e cultivate!, iniiii fa.r buildings. wur:h twice the mono , traue for house near Port land. 74l. $ 4.5 i fr.re soxlO lot, on Council rrtt ; Improvements In and pa.d for: unincumbered ; want houia oi M.n val'e; trnr from debt. .V)22- SEE OCR EXTENSIVE LIST UK EX CHAN'" PEro.ie trading. THE 'FRED A- JAi'OKS COMPANY. Ma:n '6 "'ashlng-ron St. A 6-07. 7 ACRKS NEAR HILLSBORO STOCKED Thia place Is all In cultivation. lc J- rom hoiiFW with clo.-ts. pantry and waan room, electric 1-ghts. Rood barn and ail outbuild ings, local d J'jai a f-w t-is from ie;re ar ldu station. Trie soli i f :rt-c:asf. t'o'i younxr bearing orr.iard of difft-rect v.t relies . br n if a.l klnas in fact rv-rything for wincn oU iuuM wish. Willi tne place t;iK the following personal pr-.p-r. v. 4 cows. 1 ho. harntM and hue. pies. rhiekena 1 fe-Mi uti r. 1 r.ew separator. Hero in a chance to trade In our home nl rr.'vf on to an attractive dtun tr v pla. t- fuLy tqutpped. Price W Will t.ik-; a twine in P"t up to $jiO. Balance easy terirML DORR E. K EASE Y CO.. ;d f.oor Chamber of Cummrc B.dff lO-ACRE suburban home, on the Orecn Kc:.ic li miles from Portland: a low H-rnom houK. tine brick milk house, good ue.l cn.'-k-u house, tine faini.y oicharc. in the. c.ty liinus of a live town, m-ar tatlon ail in cuttivation; best on in tt .4 1 lev pricr. $.i.V'0. clear of iucuinfrHn-e ; would consider an exchaoK for ,lcoIhrt property (or aoout the same value. v . . l-an. AitinKton blug. - i l- ivit fc'VCH JkNTtEl. Wheat land la Eastern orenon that will paT lu per cent on the money invested. H.M, arm m (Vitliam County. $.VUH. iMO acres in Snennao County. !i'.ui. acre In .:rman County. J.i.OW. ' If you want w hiit iand. stock or aifaira land. e Mr. Hulw. realty dept. of HAKfilAN - THOMI'so.V CHOICE WHEAT LAND FOR SALE ON CROP PAYMENT PLAN OR EXCHANGE FOR FoKTLAND OR WILLAMETTE VALLEY P Ri PE KTIES. I HANDLE ONLY MT OWN PROP ERTIED. THESE WHEAT LANDS ARE HK'.HI.Y IMPROVED AND DESIRABLY joA elrod!si9c6rbett bi-ilpinq. WILL TKAD3 Ey CITY. $0(0 worth of clear c.ty prope.ty will buy equitv u d lo-cre tract near Van r u-ah : all cleared except 1 oivi: 'old larm house and barn, few Ola f. ult tr--; iuortK-i s..-'. EL WELL REALTY CO.. Grand T neater Uid.. Vancouver. Wash WILL tak a econd-hand piano aa tirmt payment on 4-V lot. Hull run water piped In strevt; oniy 20 minute from center of city, one block from city achool. Easy Davments on balance. See owner. M- Piatt bldK- Mutnwet corner Park and aa inKi Fol It lots in Kanaaa City for auto; Ford j"cr. nicely Improved, at Aberdeen. S If Dundy farm for residence or some ihlng oi good value. Wm. Moncrieff. 3Mi t.. Mark St. F L R T Y acrea of good land right on the urevron EI--trlc. nearly all In cultivation, ciear of Incumbrance. Will exchange a.i or a part for good Portland property. AN .", Oregonian, MODERN .-room house for lots or acre age; give phone. L t-4, O refill an. Fua 8 ALE Horse, VeWciea, Etc nOkiESASU WAGONS f'Oft SALK OR RENT. Second -har.d vehic.es bought and olo; new wan on and auto beds mad, to order; livery lurmshed to buaincs paxUea at v-ial rules. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 4-0 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East ?-. B IHO. Ul'YS team of work horses that weigh Iba.. thai ara in good Ilesh and are g..od worker and walkers; thay are too heavy for my work, the reason ior sewing. Inquire ltfJS East Ninth at., corner Bel mont, upstaiis, , TTe"IURPHY HORSE A MULE CO. ll on commission, horse, mule, vehi cle and harness. Auction sate every Monday and Friday, lo A. M- private sales dail. E, bib at., near Haw thorne. 6ilo. BIk., fat, loo-pound work horse, cheap for cash, or wiil taae gooa .-wv-o. . small team in exchange. 177 Last Mark st. ii v car to euu v uu, mcu w est. 50 HEAD of horses just arrived. 100O to 17v. well broke, 3 to 8 ears . d, well matched teams; also some we have taken In exchange ctieap. UM Water, foot of Montgomery. Prul buetter. Maia r'a. BEST BARGAIN IN CITY. 4 head of good work horses, wagons and single hemes; no reasonable offer refused, S05 Alder at. WANTED from owner Good farm fr cash buyer; send description; don't p.iy big coiuini&sioxis. Particutar-i free. Western sale Agency. 11 luneapoas,Minn, WELL broken o-yw-old thoroughbred colt, very gentle, for sale or trad for chickens. Gresham line, Bellro atauon, K. F. D. S. box 142. WELL mai-hed pair of Shetland ponies, surrey, harness, saddles, bridles, cheap on account ot leaving city. &$4 East 34th l. FOR SALE Shetland pony, u year old, darU bay mare. Inquire E. F. Nudd, Cen traiia. Wash. FOR SALE A bunch of 21 horses and colt, well bred, suitable for stock ram h. Ad dre9 room h Broadway im y.. Portland. IIC GOOD farm horse weignt U''0. Inquire for sale cheap, it Frazier 4t Mc- lean stable, 2tH Mh at. ttWVKR OAI.LKD EAST. Must sell a good UtK-lb. tervm, mare and horse, nges Taud, oo- Ataer. 1 14 Hi ..mi mart weicht :". best work ers, h.u i-' s an i wagon, cheap. $.liO. od H. -tii. oostoca car. 4 GOOD !ile or light w oi k hors.-a and several cheap farm t-ams for sa.e at i-'a N. H.h ct b-tren Burnside and Couch. SALE T- alii horse, weighing -I-tvl Inquire Eaton Hotel or call Main t N;. bi; mare, in foal, WW Iba.; also an -moiuh-old colt, for sate, cheap, -"Je".' ItHrri.'M.'ii 9. KIRST-CI.ASS horse and wagon, tl.it day. 54 Front St, FoR SALE old. -.o- -NiNj-ii. team. A.uer. and 8 SErt VICE ABLE team, your own price; party ir.g t-last. E. Yamhill st. ON E Tea in of marn suitable for ranch work, j ... takes the team. i7t E. 7tn. . r. - h rs s '. their feed. J " ranch Oregonian. PimiMM, Orgmo and Mot-lcml triaiaefita. M i ST s.ll my beautiful mahogany upright piano; v ;i. cr.tice this spleudi-I ir:tru nifi.i. i;;.. tall tcxta . E G.isa.u tl (ji. ta i. .k, cor to -.. Tabor S.''J5. ONE new cello, also collection of violin. Gall Sunday or week days. 404 Buchanan bldg. I'i A NO wan: tak.-n. n. pfu.ue F;.t EXCliANt.E ar ! villi tC-. vti for stora tie vhl'dren; wili eveiy care pa urajafi gold watch, mandol for phcuogi a ph. Ma BA 1 Y grand p ano. coat $1"W: make me an o.ier; city lota, roomings ho ue. dla-n-.P9. rash, etc M rt45. oregonian. GilSON mniol as. Whyte Ljdle banjo; ctih or tiis'.aui leuts. 1L, a. Uvcbtr. 4t "a V ashsnirton st- LA K'.K Columbia phmocraph and too tec ;. traie for p;ano. AJ 6ltl, Orego rlan. v Fl . K Iar in guitar. rwt lo. prlre ri fA c.irn. .1t per month. Port Tun. I Phonograph Agency, g.-.n Alder t. ,.iK 'f "ade i'or ..ins xvij lone, set -l ir i'of. in cae, l.a ptttlu Ml Ft y.ivi v, t t. Phone Kat i7lr. -ALE l';ai.ola. ptac.ically new. Main .17 fr rni. fli no .t"- Morrison. Tu RENT A sweet-toned Arpo a.l Fenton Mdg. upright piano. :TM i; ;.lac. for 7 a - .'. ile or rent cheap. CaU FOR 8 AXE. Piano. Organs and Musical Ioirtr meat . 3ECOND-H AND piano on sale- thta week from $l-6 up. among- them art Kimbal.h, Schubert. WiUards. Holme Son.. Stemba h & Dreher's. Weber's and man other reliable makes. Now u your oppor- tnmtv m .-.. a irood bar-tain In a secona hand piano oi Ktancaiu rnase. French Kin no Mfg. Co.. loth a Reed- nd Stark sib. A 1m-0 UP-TO-THE-MINUTE SS-not player piano that Is almost like new can be tad th:s week for including bench ana library of music rolls. H re is a snap oh a strictly hiKn-trraue instrument. lieed French Piano M:g. Co. loth and Stark sts. BEAUTIFUL piano, mahogany rase. Just like new n every way; ou will have to s-e this to appreciate the splendid value; i'l at a most unusual aacrifice. Pn..ne Marshall 44i and ask for Apart ment 4 . FOIi FA L.E Genuine bargain; hltrh sada L.a.rr niano. new; must se;I at once; p-ivate party; ensy terms can ue r rar.sed. t'ail any evening or Suuday. Phone Wooiilawn J 641. EoOK. a the 8S-note player piano in oi:r inctw I T oniy ...-. i nrn riic and try it. This is some snap. Keed- French piano Co. sis. 10th nd -tark RARE VIOLINS. Two won-erfully mellow, rich, deep toned tolins. magnificent Instrument. for ale by privaie owner. See them at Morrisnn St. A LADY'S" finecluster diamond ring also small solitaire, will exchange for drivins; r.t. must be a ood one. lu40 East Salmon street. 1 WILL trade phoiivijrraph ; Kxchanife. lot at Oce.tr View for a uue lot. f lbO. 0i Slock DttCi'.LE orjau. mai.-a! foot pedal Eatey Cuapel Seliwood 2 4 3. Duca. Birda. Pet Stock. T v. O oton Hoy nr y il-.t- male puppies at the Prisco Terrier Kennels. Little Frisco ! L'ttle Rinfo at etud. East lith P.t rrisor;. Eartt I.tt'i. HAVE 3uO fine Homw pigeons for sale; i have to leave my place and will take reas on Me ofrer.AV Oregonian. AT tTuTInd for sale. Ens ish bulldog. Tommy Lersford. J. Nicholson, Estacaaa. Or. Ht'CE -St. Bernard pup from prize winning registered, pedigreed mother; trained to pull. R.tchat. R. 2. Spokane, Wash. tv- vTi-n m hnv rood hear or nanther dog want one that is guaranteed to be Al and no other. Address O tt .. yregpn-w-. A . E D A L E T Ei ib.l EiT-S lor p:u. guards. l:auteri. I.;(o : Kennels. Estacaoa jr BOSTON TERRIER Phone Tabor -1J1. Jl.iasy and full of life. .I'lTZjmpf. e. .- Washington st. Furniture for baisv BANKRUPT FURNITURE 44W iVAHINHT N. We close our uoose Wedut-sday even lnt Last three days of this sUe. Strict ly up-to-date furniture at lowest prices ever seen. FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale reas onable, $-O0 cash, balance taken out in room rent; tht is a nice, clean place, on corner. Marshall Sl. BEDS, cots, ureaser. carpets, chair, tables. cook atove. etc. East T41i: or ca.l any ua between ? and 3 1. M. 4i8 E. l'.th st. N. FURNITURE of six room for sale. Just off Washington street. Renter pay my rent. Apply li- lth st. FURNITURE complete of 4 -room apartment :,hs bed V ilton rugs, bedding, 'men, d;shes, 10O. Phone Marshall lto0, apt, St. 4-ROOM bungalow, furnished. Oriental rug; will aacrifice lor casn. i-arty i'mu. ," Phone for appointment, mornings. Is mi. "i.ivv i.iui-k wH'nut h-datead. with box mattre, with or without hair mattre. 4-jv Carter lane, portiana rteigita HtjUEfor rent, futnitur for sale; pnea 4.o Phone Main 4J04. r i KNITURE 10 room for aale, J1S0 cash. J.il 5th st., city. GARAGE for rent. 12:9 E. Everett. Automobile SACRIFICE. 1913 HUDSON 101S. -cylinder, 6-passenger, Delco electrle, self-starting and lighting stem. thor oughly overhauled in our shop; brand new set of 3tix4s-lnch tire; this car in A-l condition and the biggest bargain ever offered in a high-grade car; oot new over !o0O. wrm FIRST CHECK FOR $1150 TAKES IT. Open today from 10 to V2i come In and look it over. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, Broadway and Couch St. Main S7. A 495. 1913 PUICK. $350. 5-passenger, 30 H. P., ha never been out of our posnssion ; will give year! guarantee and service the same as if you paid it original price; here i & good car at the rirht priee. HOWARD AUTO CO., Bulck Distributor. 14th and Davis St. AUTO CLUB RATES. If you Intend buying an automobile, can pay cash or want terms, and have no old car to trade In, let us hear from you. In clubs of two or three you can save money on brand new car direct from the factory. A postal will bring full par ticular. Autornoblle Pales Underwriting Co., Box 10J, Portland, Or. 40 H. P. ArBT'RN, $S50 Term. Flve-passcnger, Just overhauled, electric lighted, two extra tires with the best of equipment. HOWARD AUTO CO., Ruick Distributors. 14th and Davis Sts. STUDEBAKER DELIVERY. $4.--0 Term. 20 H. P., covered body, capacity 1000 lbs.. Just overhauled and guaranteed; we will paint and letter rig to suit your business. HOWARD AUTO CO., 14th and Davis St. OOOD BUSINESS CHANCE. Paylnsr stag and auto run for good man who has 7."o .to pay down on a new car to make two autos for the run; must be able to abow you have a clean record. AL -." Or-gonlan. BUICK ROADSTER, gT.irt. 1913. 80 H. P., Gray electric lighted. osd only a little by us: years guarantee, same a a new car with service. HOWARD AUTO CO., 14th and Davis Sts. AUTOMOBILE' OWNERS. Send me $.'.? nnd I will send yon a formula for making absolutely the best puncture cure on the market, also 1 gal.. -no'irh to treat 4 tubes ready for use. Absolute Never Leak Co., 4u ilay at. STRICTLY first-class 1010 five-passenger Cadfl ac. s'tlendld tires, top. glass rront. mechanically A-l. Price $4.0. $RM) down, balance $25 monthly. So0 Alder st WANTEIJ lood auto for A-l grocery store. Investigate. Phone Tabor 3448, B 2445. tpen Sunday. A I TO. 2 H. P. roadster, cheap for cash. A I condition, fully equipped. 190 3d. near Yamhill. ii A I: AN TEE auto repairs, contract rate. Reliance Garage. Hawthorn. Auto V orate. MICHIGAN 40 H. P.. 1912 model. A-No. I nd.tion. I am going to take best offer. B SIS, Ortgonian. PASSENGER Packard In good condition; ui.l exchange for smaller car or give t.-rms. AG tilO, Oregonian. -I A SS K S G E R 1912 Cadillac. In excellent condition, at a prlre that will Interest you. M 28. Oregonian. ON f" Ros'h miinfto, Jut as good a new. 4o. paciifc Tire tt Supply Co., 33o Burn. side st. BARGAIN at the price. $4O0 cash for a 1UJ0 m-K-L-i ,i-pa!4-iik,er Warren, good reason f. - te'ling. AN 015. OregnnUn. DEAD STORAGE. 3 to $.". rer month. VAN HORN TRANS. CO.. 40 2D ST. Silently used tires from $3 to $25 ea.; vul-';i!i'-;nir. 2.c tire; repairing. 2v7 Madison. NEW deiiverv wa:ous at second-hand prtcea :rej.on MoMne Pl.w Company. I2." BUYS Maxwell runabout; good condi tion. Howard. fGS Morgan bldg. ackard In A-l shape; to0 cash; snap. P CCI, Oregonian. this LOANS on autos and motorcycles. 2U0 A'der aK. FOR SALE Ull Cadillac roadster. In good condition. 2- Salem t. Phone Main 3-t2. WMSSENGUR late Ftrd, al.o Buick road ster. 3M th st. Main 42'. ELECTRIC coupe for sale or exchange for gas car. Call 40 Montgomery. FLANDERS 20. suitable for delivery. Wood lawn 1241'. i4rt Misa.M.ipi. FOR8AXE Autouiobtlea. AUTO SNAPS. GUARANTEED USED AUTOMOBILES. We have the following list of used car that we have traded la on new Cole and Loziera. W need the room. For quick sa.ea will nami an attrac." c price. 1810 Stndebaker Carfnrd, 7-prsenger. 40 horsepower. fully equ4pped; good tires and in A-l condition; amap, TOO. , 1013 Hudson. 6-cyllnder. 5-pasenger, fully equiyped; electric lights and electric a If -"tarter. brand new tires and in A-l condition; a sacrifice for quick sale; l2o0. 1911 Michigan. " 5-passenger, 32 -horse pow er. 450. 1011 x Cole, 5-passenger. 40-horepower, fullv equipped; guaranteed 6 months; $S0u. 1013 Michigan. f Ive-nassenger. 40-horse-power. fully equipped, A-l condition, like new; cheap for quick sale; $o. See u for light deliveries It will pay you to ee our line of used cars before you bay. Wo can save you money. Liberal term If desired. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, Broadway and Couch Sts. OWNERS have purchared new Chalmers and left with us cais listed below to ell on terms: lil Chalmers "So, -pnsenser. 110 Chalmers "4U." 5-tas"enSr- i:H2 Cadillac. 5-pnssenger. l!l! Peine roadster. lMi rorbin pony tonneau. l'.Hl Buick delivery wagon. rill! Chalmers 110 coupe. l!il:i Studebaker. li-rasstr.gcr. 112 H-c Under locomobile. l'.n:t R. L. E:ectric It'll Detroit electric. All In good mechanical condition. H. L KEATS AUTO COMPANY, Purn-ide and Broadway. A RENEWED PACKARD Is the best motor-car Investment toslble at Res cost tnan a new iacnn i.u k. flr?t and heaviest tlepreciation removed. The same pride of ownership remain be cause a rebuilt racKara n - ance nd ability of a new Packard We guarantee these car the same a new packarus ana purcnasra m tha full measure cf Packard ervlco the same a purcnasers oj. new We now have a few of various types. FRANK C. RIGGS. COP NELL, ROAD. HD AND WASH. STS. BUICK, $45i Term. 05 jj. P.. 4-passenger, detachable tour i Z ...itihu frtr hniin'M durins th week and pleasure on Sunday. Run ly ROoti miles: guaranteed in perfect condi tion In every reapect. HOWARD AUTO CO., Ruick Distributor. 34th and Davia St. EIO SNAP IN USED CARS. Ore Pullman 40, 5-passenger, completely rebuilt. $1150. , , Oiie Chalmers 40 roadster, completely rebuilt. $1U0. One studebaker 20, good condition, 000. Cash, dj trade. PACIFIC TIRE SUPPLY CO.t 330 Burnside St. FOR SALS. txt nn w have onunla of 1913 car. traded fti on . our new li14 cars, which are for sale cheap; also a 1911 Cadi lis o and Hudson; these car are guarantee. by ua. APPERSON MOTOR CAR CO., Factory Branch, 68 N. 28d SL ELMORE CAR, $300 -Term. 4 -pass , 22 H. P., Just overhauled, with all necessarv equipment; a oargain. HOWARD AUTO CO., Bnick Distributor. 14th and Davis Sts. MAILING list!, auto data; full car Orcvnn mum and com'l car owners : list lists by counties, machine or complete; alpha betical list, m supplement iunu " month. $:i per year; 25 cent! copy. First issue January 3. Auto-Lien Record, 8-ti Mohawk bldg. Ph M. 15&4, Portland. TRUCK with Job for sale; 1913 stone truck clearing siu per cay at preon-, oum mfrait clear 30 per day; I have about $HK0 paid in. bal. monthly; will trade my equity with Job for light car. B o4. Oregonian. WE have over $10000 worth of automobile parts, uch as bodies, wheels, axles, trans-mis-dons, frames, fenders, radiators, steer ing wheels, etc. All slightly used, but in first-class condition, very cheap. Pacific Tiro & Supply Co., CZ0 Burnaide at. MR. BUYER; MUST HAVE 050 MONDAY; HAVE 1913 CHALMERS 3fl. PERFECT SHAPE. 5 NEW TIRES. 2 EXTRA RIMS; NEED MONEY. FIRST CHECK TAKES IT. LOOK THIS UP. F o3. OREGON IAN. NEW Baker electric coupe; will ell on terms or exenange tor gooa iruiu . Is the best thing of the kind ever offered in Portland. 1L H. Price, Mar. A 6711. SPLENDID opportunity to secure a high- grade T-pnstnger l-ierce Arrow, el lor 2."kh cash; in good condition; will demonstrate at any time. Ail C45, Ore gonian, 191 F FORD, run 2500 miles, first-clasa cundl Uon. looks like new; party leaving city, reaaon for telling. $450 cash, $i00 on time. W oodlawn n t a. IP voir are a machinist and want a gooa -n.n.-i Kn r f runDOUI. li'io iiiouvi u-a son" for S200 rash, here le your chanw. AX 613, Oregonian. I HAVE a 7-passenger, 6-cyllnder touring car with factory guarantee. w;i 4- .waii ry na Dart navment: terms on balance. L 611, Oregonian. uL-ur i. a hnrmin if vou are in the mar' ket for a serviceaoie car, a muuci passenger Pop for only $850 cash. C 62I, Oregonian. ONE ROBECKER tire pump. new. Reg- mar price -o, our price -.". PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO., 330 Burnslde St. Au-re tnr on different makes of automo We are neaouuariera ioi an auiub of used parts. Pacific Tire &. Suplpy Co, S?0 Burnslde st. . WiVTED. MOTOR. Have you an electric veh icle motor In working order for sale! av ne, urego niaui. IF you want a candy I'-p&ysenper nupmo- bile lor jw co-n neio J--444 ity In good condition and running order, AN Oregonian. WE have three Cadillac car to be disposed of at oncs W1NTON MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washington Sts. 4-PASSENGER top tonneau; six-cylinder engine, with self-starter; will trade for cltv property; no equities. L C12, Orego- nian. FOR SALE Small 3-passengeT coupe; good as new; will ell at half Its original cost: new tires: elegantly -finished and painted. M 825, oregonian; tn?ipn two-nassenger roadster, used ie than three months: price $2250. L 613, Oregonian. 4-PASSENGER. 50 H. P., six-cylinder car; newly painted; this Is a bargain. I 614, Oregonian. ?.p53PV(!FR Packard in good condition : will exchange for smaller car or give term. Win ton Motor car lo., Main FORD roadster, practically new. fine condi tion, cheap for cash. AS go. Oregontan. FOR SALE Ford motor In first-class con dition. Call Woodlawn 136 after 7 P. M. Automobiles W anted. DO YOTT NEED CASH? Wanted, 5-passenger 1913 or 14 used car; will pav up to $S00; positively will not deal with agents or brokers: only owners: must be snap. P 58 4. Oregonian. WANT good auto for equity In 7-roora mod ern house. Willamette Blvd.. bard surface street, large lot, $1500. C 41. Orego nian. WANTED Runabout, 4-cyL, in good condition- will pay cash; give make and ful! description In first letter. AH 602, Ore gonian. BEACH lot to trade for auto, runabout or B passenger Ford; no Jualt considered. N 622. Oregonian. WANTED o-p. auto; trade unincum bered real estate. MeCroskey, 142 2d st. WANT 1P13 Cadillac. S2"0 cash, monthly. B 2S, Oregonian. $10M EQUITY In lOOrllO University Park, bal. $8.V. for auto."- B 824, Oregonian. WANTED To exchange taxlcab for 5-passenger Ford. A 78. Crgontaiu Poultry. WHITE LEGHORN thoroughbreds. Wichita strain, the kind that lay eggs. Hens, pul lets, cocks and cockerels; reasonable. C 2507. THOROUGH RR ED single-comb Buff Orp ingtons: sr:ne prise stock; young and old. CaU East SOth st. North. Take Al berta car tjo Jarett st, $ blocks east FOR SAXB AUCTION SALE On account of quitting th business. 1 ha-.e decided to sell m entire herd of cows at public sale at my place. 1 miles south of Hogan Station (on O- W. P. line) and miles south ana east of tires ham. Or.. Friday. January If, at II o'clock A. M. ; la head extra good cows. 14 of them fresh leas than four weeks, all have been tested for tubercu losis and passed O. K ; 1 jersey ouu, a- vear old : U scrinir alves. 4 small calves. a shoats, loo- ciiikens, swarm of bees. team of ponies, milk wagon, o;a top cug ir v iit ri .-in hit harnrM na ir of horse cov ers, saddle, cream separator, lhz -horse gasoline engine, teed cutter, grindstone, ly patent staccniona. uteei range, piano, sewing machine, rocker, 4 chairs, dresser, household treasure, dining table nhonocranh and records, milk cooler, milk cans, milk bottles and crates, shovels. forks sr. J other tools: sale rain or snine terms of sale, cash. P. J. Neururer, own er. W. S. Wood, auctioneer. FOR SALE Good family cow, rich milk this Is no scrub. Inquire R. W. Ferlus. I.tnnemann, the G. V . r. MacbLneo 14xlS ENGINE. 1 IS-h. p. Jewel Engine. 1 lV:-h. p. Bull Dog Gas Engine. 1 2-h. p. Bull Dot Gas Engine. 1 G-h. p. Bull Dog Gas Engine. 1 5 -in. Gold Pumy. 1 10-h. p. 2;it'-Vult D. C. Motor. I .li:-h ii. .ViO-Vttlt D C. llotor. 1 lixj-k. w., uo-K. P; il., d 01) -Volt D. C. Generator. 1 25-k. w.. jf-R. P. M.. 550-VoIt D. Cl Motor. 1 1-h. p.. SCO-Volt, D. C. Motor. 1 7Vi.-h. d. . -JU-Volt. Three phase Motor. 1 50-h. p., 9WJ-R. P. M.t 220-Volt, Three Phase Motor. 1 o.'.-h. p.. 1J0O-R. P. M-, 220-VoU, Three Phase Motor. 1 o-h p., 1HOO-R, P. M-, 220-Volt, Sin s-if phHRH Motor. 1 10-h. p.. 64JO-R. P. M., 110-Volt Single Phase Motor. 1 2-h. p., 1-NlO-R. P. M., 220-Volt Sin gle phase Motor. :t 'n. wimonris Crushers. 1 14x21 A Lie Chalmers Crushing Roll. 1 It 14 Smsle Cylinder Kase Traction .ngine. 1 Koots Combination Concrete Mixer. 1 xi Two-Cylinder Kase Traction see us for all kind of new and second hand machinery, for rent orTor sale, re pairing and rewinding ; all work guar anteed.. H. M. II. ELECTRIC CO.. 31 North First st. Phone Main 9210. ifiNGINES, BOILERS, PUMPS. SHAFTING, PCLi-EfS. GEARS. BKLi'ING. CABLE. Anything ever manulactured. We want what you don't. We have what- you want. Write us your inquiries. It pays to kep in touch with M. BA RD E & SON S, "The Hoiiae oi a Million Bargaln."-240-242 Front St., corner Main. Electric motors for aale or rent. Complete electric repair shop. 1 Walker Electric Works, 10th nd Burnslde. Main 5075. MOTORS and dynamos bought, sold and re paired; largest stock of second-hand ma chinery on trie coast. ROBT. SKEEN ELECTRIC WORKS, 400-402 Gllsan St FOR SALE or trade. 3 h. p. gasoline en gine and Mclr pump. Fred Fritz, Route 1, Box 110, Gresham, Or. REMINGTON 8-ton refrigerating and ioc machine. Phone Main ib4. A WOODS i:i-inch- moldin ling i K 815, machine. In good running order, Oregonian. .Typewriters. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER PRICES. UNDERWOOD, 4 & o, $ ::7.5t and. . . . J12.50 REMINGTON. 6 & 7. $17.59 and.... 20.00 L. C. SMITH & BROS.. 37.00 37.1H) 50.00 40 00 17.50 MONARCH, visible .... ROYAL. 5. visible ROYAL, 1. late model.. SMITH PREMIER. 2... r Ua, visible model 24.. lio.OO BL1CKENSD RFER, 7, with case.. 12.50 BARLOCK, visible 12.00 OTHER MAKES FROM $12.50 UP. LARGEST STOCK ON THE PACIFIC COAST. TERMS $3 cash and $5 per month. All machines guaranteed. Any machine sent on' approval. Typewriters routed. Cata log on request. TH2 WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., Phone Main 50S1. 321 Washington st THIS MONTH 100 No. 3 Oliver visible typewriter at a sensational price; terms. $3 a month; 5 days'- tree trial; completely equipped; guaranteed same as If regular catalogue price were paid. United Stales Typewriter Exchange, --Dept. 13tt Federal Life bldg., Chicago. $15 TO $05 will buy a GUI rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose from and workmanship guaranteed; terms t suit: catalogue mauled on request. THE J. K. Gll-J- COMPANY, Sd and Alder sts. Main SOOO. A 606S. WE save you from r0 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illus trated folder; retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS, alt makes, $10 to $05. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 2u2 Stark st. ML'LTIGRAPH machine and equipment, hail price. Main 035a. N ITW, ratei rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut P. Dt C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407 MitM'ellaneous. FURNITURE SPECIALS. Bridge & Beach steel range, large size, $25; upholstered couch, $2; Singer sewing machine idrpssmaker's special), for $22.A0: folding beds. $5 to $15; hotel dressers. $5; full size dressers, ?H.."0 to $15; large size hr wardrobe, 5: chiffoniers with plate mirrors, in golden ash, $8.&0; whlt maple dresser and chiffonier to match, S12.50 each: several line ok buffets, $7.50 to $25; square extension tables, hardwood, $3 to $6.o0; round oak pfdestal extension tables. J10 to $15; muhofcantzed bookcase, with glaa door, $9; four-burner gas ranges, $7.50 to 110; gas water heaters, 5; No. 7 cookstove, $6.50; No. 6 cookstove. $9: brnas and iron beus, any size, J1.50 to $10; j;;ir white curled hair mattresses, remade, for $15; heating stoves of all kinds from $1.50 and up. Easy payments at above prices. Goods delivered free to any part of city. All kinds of exchanging allowed. Western Salvage Co., 545-547 Washington sL, bet. ltjth and, 17th sts. Both phones. ROOFING PAPER. See our genuine rubber roofing. The famous "EDRAB 2." 3 -ply, 50c 1-ply. $1. 2-ply, $1.25. 3-ply. $1.R0 Nails and cement included. Al rolla contain l0- square feet M. BARDE & SONS, "The Hoiife of a Million Bargains." 240-2-12 Front st., corner Main. nx8'i EMPIP.E State camera and $60 Voigtlander F. 5, C lens and shutter. V p!ate holders, tripod, all brand new, also 7A Zeiss convertible BHxSiA lens, camera without bellows, $200; two tripods enlarging attachment for any size camera. Mt. Hood stuaio, i at u and unaan. uaoor 740. FOR SALE. Two large French ranges, 2 large box stoves. Railway Equipment Co., First and Oak, JUST like new SlOO Monarch typewriter. visible with fill latest attachments. Price only $00. $10 down, $3.50 monthly. 350 Alder st. SIX months' tuition In a leading business college at a bargain; easy payments, t ail East 163, after 4:30 P. E. LATE model 5 Underwood, will sacrifice at two-thirds new price, same as new. AG 626 Oregonian. NEW light oak flat-top desk, two office chairs, one desk chair; also other equip ment. 517 Henry bldg. PURE, well-rotted cow manure. Geo. W. Lindsay, gardener and dealer in fertili zers. Phone evenings Sellwooa 1685. FOR SALE Adjustable dress form cheap. Call at 205 Salmon, room 0. OAK roll-top desk, cheap. 6 Lumber Ex- change, aft 1 o'clock P. M. Brunei, 1P13 RACYCLE bicycle, with solar lamp, $30. Phone Main 552S. 262 Stark St. NATIONAL, cash registers. Get my prices. Povey, 351 H Wash., basement. Main QQ6. 1S-KOOT launch, 12 h. p. motor; will sell cheap. Main 9028. USE Basse tt's Native Herbs for rheuma tism. r-2 tablets for 25c. All druggists. 60c EACH for 58.50 vacuum washing ma chines. 3-"H 4 -Morrison street. FULL-DRESS suitt worn half a dozen times; cant $: sise 42. at $17.50. Tabor 3105. MAN'S bicycle, boy's bicycle, typewriter and framed blackboard. East 2433. FEKTILIZER for sale; cow manure. 4 2 7. FINE drop-head Singer machine, also Edi- si-n phonograpn, -:o recorue. main FOR SALFJ Two pooltahlea and one combi nation taoie, v out, viciuiii-u. WELL ROTTED HORSE AND COW MA NURE. PHONE EAST 42S. McCLASKY 200 file bookkeeper for sale. C. H. Smith Hardware Co.. St. Helens. Or. FOR SALE Good vaudeville net. suitable for two of either sex. a t-. oregonian. . QR. oak sanitary desk, chair, $48. Safe 4v. Mar. 2415, Hardin, FOR SALE or exchange for piano, a set of minx- furs, worm I- o. I wv. sre-ronian. WE sell anything. Room 2, Worcester bldg. No rakes. Apply in tram vo. FOtt SA-LK fjaccll ieoua. 40 YEARS IN PORTLAND. RETIRING FROM BUSLNE33. 21 -jewel Hamilton, Elgin and Waltham watches, in 14-kart 25-year cases, $1& Steel-blue diamond earscrews, guaran teed perfect; original cost $220. only $170. 1 -karat Etcel-blue diamond, guaranteed, only $21KA Imported pearl and Japanese emerald Lava. Here, guaranteed; original cost .5; lor $35. Genuine elk teeth, gold mounted, from $5 to $15 each. 14-karat solid gold 23-Jewel Illinois Railroad watch ; original cost $175; only $05. , Miscellaneous articles, such as kodaks, vlonns, opera-glassed, silverware, etc, at greatly reduced prices. Bear in mind that my entire stock must be sold as soon as posalble, and that a am making substantial reductions on every article, ' UNCLE MTERS, "40 years in Portland." 71 Sith st., near oak. WHEN SELLING YOUR SCRAP RUBBER, METALS OR IRON. DEAL WITH TBE LARGEST DEALER. Bl' DOING SO YOU GET HIGH PRICES, GOOD TREAT MENT AND PRUMPT SETTLEMENTS. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER YOU ARE HERE OR IF YOU SHIP US THE GOODS, iOU GET THE SAME TREAT ME.si. THIS METHOD OF UUXSG B L.S1 N S FUR 26 YEARS HAS BROUGHT US THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED PEO PLE. WE ARE POSITIVELY THE LARGEST DEALERS IN SCRAP MA TERIAL IN OREGON". J. LEVE, WHOLESALE DEALER IN ALL GRADES OF SCRAP RUBliEii, Mlll ALS AND CAST TRON. v OFFICE AND METAL PLACE, lSd COLUMBIA Si., PHONE MAiN 51US. RUBBER "VV AREHOUSK. 07 FRONT ST. IRON YARDS, S. J . COR. WATER AND MILL STS. PIPE SPECIALS. -In. black, 2-a hand pipe, 2c per foot. 1-in. black, 2-d hand pipe, 3c por foot (This pipe is practically new.) lH-irit-h practically new black.. 5c foot 1-mch 2-d hauu black pipe 5 c foot 2- inch 2-d hand oiack pipe 3- lnch 2-d band black pipe..... 4 - Inch 2d hand black pipe 5- inch 2-d hand black pipe 6- Inch 2-d hand black pipe b-inch 2-d hand black pipe 10-iuch 2-d hand black pipe.... rite for further information. 7 c foot .14c y loot .17 ic foot .25c foot .30c foot .50c foot .i5c fool Wo take pleasure in answering you. M. BARDE & SONS, "The House of a Million Bargains.' 240-242 Front st.t corner Main. WE ARE closing up our business and will sell our furniture and fixtures dirt cheap, for instance Comptograph adding machine, cost new one year ago $300, fur $150. Like bargains in - Globe register, Y. & E. verticle flies, roll-top desks. Under wood typewriter and desk, standing desk. safe, electric fans, house phone system six instruments), and numerous other bargains. MICHIGAN AUTO A BUGGY CO., 514 Alder St Main 3966. v E have an extra large lot of new steel split pulleys, shafting, cable, drums aim ail Eizes ot pipe mat we win sen very reasonable in oruer to reduce our stock be- fore the first of the year. Write us your wants; we take pleasure lu answering. M. BARDE & SONS. "The Houee of a Million Barga'ns." 240-242 Front St., corner Main. FOR SALE. 1 20-inch bandsaw. 1 16-inch machine lathe. 1 blacksmith drill press. 1 blac-fcsmttb forge. 1 S-H. P. gasoline pump engine. 1 12-H. P. gasoline engine. 1 4-H. P. steam engine. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., 1st and Oak. JUST- received carload genuine rubber roof ing. Ail roils contain ius square reei, nails and cement. Remember, this Is genuine rubber roof ing and does not crack by bending. Our stock is fresh and pliable. M. BARDE & SONS, "The House of a Million BarEns." 240-242 Front St., corner M iln. 1 NATIONAL cash register, with concealed adder up to $lu0,000; good as new; price $50. 1 Smith Premier typewriter, good con dition, $25. 1 mimeograph, good condition, $10. C. T. GEORGE, 10li, 4th St. FOR SALE. 15 steel tray wheeloarrows. 8 dozen R. R. picks. 2 dozen R. R. shovels. 1 concrete mixer. 6 concrete cars. x RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., 1st and Oalc LOCOMOTIVE crane, made by Yale Towns, in nrst-ciaS condition, cost $ooou, we will sell for $2250; terms to suit. Write for particulars. M. BARDE & SONS. "The House of a Million Bargains." 240-242 Front St., corner Min. SEWING machines. Singer, D. H., attach ments complete. $ia; White, $12.30; -New Home. $:S; Standard, $22; New Royal, $14; Willamette, $15; Sew Easy, $14; Davis, M2.50-; complete and guaranteed. Sewing Machine Emporium, 10 3d, near Yam MIL Main 941. NO. 4 SALE The Scripture text calendars; thoughts for the dally meditation; the ex cellent calendars for the homes; 12 beau tiful pictures Bible. The price is 30a, with postpaid mail. Sent to address, a. C. Loes, 4t9 East Ash. SECOND-HAND billiard and pocket tables. built and rennisnea, completely equippea, at prices from $100 upward: liberal terms. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46 5th st. phone Main 76S, A 1769. ONE second-hand roll top, two flat top. two bookkeepers desks, tnree rotary chairs, one bO-inch mahogany roll top desk and chair. Bushong & Co., 91 Park st. Main lu4. HEATER, medium, nickel-trimmed ; folding tub. bench aim wringer, aimosi new; ior electric lixtures. typewriter, motorcycle. G., t4S Haeaalo Bt. SAFES ii osier iSa.fe Co., manufacturers; low prices, eas: terms; sares opened ana repaired ; bargs.ns In second-hand safes. 10S 2d st. Phone Main 7670. SAFES New and second hand; low prices, easy terms; sales opened, repaired ana painted. PL'RCELL SAFE CO. and PORT LAND SAFE CO.. S5 5tn St. Main U3UU. ALMOST new Edison Amberola, 33 latest records; pay aitierence lor motorcyc.e or other personal property. AO 661, Orego nian. FOR SALE. 1 JO-K. W electric light plant. I 1 T-T. P. D. C. motor. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., 1st and Oak. hui-L-ToP of ilce desk, chair and late model Oliver typewriter, tor sale at big bargain. Phone Woodiawn 644. i.-NT a visible typewriter 4 months for $4 delivered. 244 Stark st. phone Main 6273 or A 4441. A No. 6 REMINGTON typewriter, practi cally as good as new. $25. Phone East S3 43 or AT 622, Oregonian. FOR SAlyE Quarter oak roll-top desk and swivel chair, cost $125. 423 Chamber oi Commerce. ONE 32-inch bandsaw, 1 8-inch jointer, complete with pulley and belting. Tabor 8105. "SIDWAT" collapsible baby carriage, with two-year guarantee. Almost new, $10. Marshall 3178. p-oa SATI5 A solid oak sectional bookcase, top and base almost new. East 5t.9o. 2&6 Haisey st. WANTED MISCEIXANEOCS. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture; highest prices paid. Seiiwood 16s2. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitar Bauty parlors, 4tn Dekum bldg. LIGHT oak counter, flat desk, filing cabi nets; state prices. A J 61JS, Oregonian. HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld, 35 N. d St., cor. Coucn. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more ctsh for any kind or furniture. aaio e-gp-u WANT a 6-fL glass showcase; Tabor 4029. also tables. WANT to buy a 1-karat diamond and tire less cooker, Y 592, Oregonian. NATIONAL cash register; price must bt reasonable. Main 600, A 300 fl. WANTED To buy some second-hand ba kery tools. 9S9 Division st. WANTED Good second-hand small organ, must be cheap. East 5142 WANTED Large flat-top desk and office chairs. AM 651, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for small diamond; must be clear white stone. P 680, Oregonian. WANTED To buy combings; switches made to order. 551 East Yamhill. East 1710. WANT safe for lot In South Portland. 652. Oregonian. WANTED -4 pool .tables In exchange for taxlcab. A 677, 'Oregonian. PAPERHANGING and kalsominlng from $2 room up. Call East 63J. CANOE WANTED Best offer geta cash. Call Mar. 4357. ' W ANTED Complete set of chiropodist's in struments, cheap. AM 052, Oregonian. COLD-FRAME sash, second-hand, for cash. Marvin C. White. Sherwood. Or. CASH BUYER DIAMONDS, PIANOS. MAIN 4617. i WANTED MJSCBIN EOUS. YOU are sure of steady employment, yuod vi-aK-i; few months oniy learning. For pai tic-ilar. Watcnmai;ii!K-Engraviir-Optj cai School, 216 Commonwealth bldg., 6th aiid Ankeny " . LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front sL, buys second-hand furniture, carpets, Bto.'es. ranges, hardware or tools ox any kind. Call A 7 74 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 ays and pay all the cash It is worth. " iliiams ave. Furniiurc. exchange, pnone East u3lS. WE pay highest cash prices for second-hand billiard and pocket tables. The Bvuns-wick-Balke-Coilender Co.. 4tt 5th street Phone Main 7C'J A 170U. WANTi-D TO BUY Good tei, wagon an, harness for ranch; must, weigh 2400 to $25ut lus. 147 Front st. Main 33. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. H-gueit prices paid for ae-'uud-iiand Clothes. 340 1st st. Juain 13S3, A 30&1. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest caaa prices pmd lor ladies and ents castoti ciouim ana sn.s. Alain 9263. 2U4 3d si. WE buy lor cash second-hand National casfl registers aim seil them on easy lermd, registers guaranteed. V. J. iacaaie, Uo- Burnsiae. Main lbl6, A 1616. WANTED To buy enough second-hand fur niture to furnish H0 rooms, must be bar gam for casn. 87 Taylor st. Phone .uain 7-tki. Haynes. bh-uMJ -HAM) FURNITURE WANTED Buyer cajis promptly; estimates eivea 1M 1st, near Yam mil. Main Vo. SPOT CASH paid for housiold gooj. C 51. Pennell 351 1st st. Phone Marshall 4205. FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for second-hand clothing and I urnuure. Call Main 9272. tiO ;d st. Phoue A 0r03. SECOND-HAND MOTORS and generators. Robert Skeen Electric Works, 4uO-4U2 Gli san st., coiner 9th. WANTED--Soda fountain and four show cases for drug store. 651 Union ave. N. John Dick. WVlfc,D A first-class stereopticon foi church; must bo Al and cheap. Phone Taoor5o4. DO not sell or give away any of your fur niture before you can tne Bell Auction House, 191 2d st. Marshall 4 7 Ho. WILL exchange first-class talking ma chine outfit for good bicycle. Portland Phonograph Agency. 350 Alder at. WILL exchange first-class talking machin for plumbing. Portland Phonograph Agency, 3o0 Alder st. WANTED to 54-karat diamond for cash must be perfect and a bargain. S 617, Ore gonian. WANT to buy a stump puller, must be in fc'ooa con iu ion ana cheap, aj oii, ure gonian. WANTED Typewriter, latest improve merits; must be bargain for cash. L 046. oresonian. WA.NTt.J Marine gas engine.. 12 or 14 H. r., lor casn. c e-42, oregonian. HELP WA-N TUP MALE, SALESMEN Aluminum cooking utensils and specialties; hardware and department store traue, connections preferred. Price that get business. Exclusive territory to $30 uO men. State experience and refer ences. Aluminum Products Co., Lemon t. Hi. WANTED Special representative (gent: man or lauyj at Portland and in every county in Oregon to represent the Cath olic E icyciODcuia, Diligent workers can earn more than a gooa living. Audi ess The Encyciopeuia Press, 525 Market t. San Francisco, Gu.1. WANTED A thoroughly .txperlenced shoe salesman tor eon airy lown, one compel to take complete charge ot stock; staie where last employed ; will require oest o reierences as to character and. ability. Ad dress AT 620, Oregonian. SALESMAN for general mercantile trade in orekun. to sen a new nrouusition ot mer it. Attractive commission contract for 1914. Silt, weekly tor expenses. Miles F. Bixier Co., wholesale jewelers, Car- lin bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED Young man for stonography and general office work; applicant wm not oe ' considered unless he stai.es age. experience. phone number and Balary expected; ref erences requireu. A.auress at oojl, urego man. SALESMAN Experienced, staple line: sell retail merchants, Oregon ; $150 monthly advance against commission contract. Splenuid opportunity ur man of ability. E. L. Rice. Detroit. Mich. FIRST-CLASS salesman, or inexperienced man of good posum-iiies, for permanent work with large established company; work starting January 1. .ur. Prentiss, 26 Oak st. Call Monuuy between 11 and J. ABOUT five men to chop wood by the cord and clear land; also work on hop rancn later; suitable for married man or parties prepared to bach. State phone, rei. and lult particulars. Al uj, oregonian. SALESMEN to represent us in Kelso, Wash., Tillamook, Coquille. Cottage Grove, Bend Madras. Very best of coods: uremium in ducements. Grand Union Tea Co., 44fc Washington St.. Portland, Or. WANTED Two advertising solicitors who can earn trom icu to 4uu per montn. Must be on A-l man, with good appear ance; no others- need apply. Apply Or pheum Theater, between Xl and 1. TWO young men to travel. Don't call if you are over 22. Must have nerve: dosI tion offers real opportunity with liberal terms. Call a to S:30 A. M.. 12 to P. M. Mr. J amies on. Hotel Washington. NOTHING like a good profitable trade, steady employment, many openings, few mouths OiiiY learning. w.ucl.:u(vmK. i graving, optical school, 210 Commonwealth Diag., bin ana Anneny, jroniaiiu. WINDOW CLEANERS WANTED, EXPER IKNCED MEN ONLY. AMERICAN WINDOW CLEANING CO., B ASEAiE N T OF BOARD OF TRADE BLDG., BE TWEEN 9 AND 12 A. M. WAN TED By old-established candy house, experienced salesmen to work Eastern Oregon and Grays Harbor territories out oi .Portland, on a commission oasis, in 625, Oregonian. SOLICITOR. Can use two A-l solicitors; no others need apply. Call 2 to 4 P. M. Sunday. 3U3 Oregonian bldg. AN old-established local corporation wishes the- services of three salesmen. Call be fore a A. IL Monday morning, 215 Colum bia Diag. BRIGHT, -ambitious boy over 16 years old to make himself generally useful about store; $1 a day to siari. Boyd Tea to., 209 Salmon st. WANTED Wide-awake men to learn re pairing and driving trucks and automo blies; charges very reasonable. Call 4v6 McKay bldg. WANTED The best crew manager in the city for medium-priced kousehold spe cittlty. Give reierences and phone. Y 602 Oregonian, "WANTED Two first-class colored waiters for Country Club. Give experience, refer ences, address and phone number. AC 624, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced solicitor and deliv ery man for out-ot-town grocery, young married man prererrea. Appiy risners gro cery Co., Linntan, United Railways car. MEN to write accident Insurance In every town In Oregon and Washington; good territorv lor managers. federal Casualty Co., 410 Railway Ex. bldg., Portland. WANTED Men to give us thtir patent de veloping and specialty manufacturing; mechanical expert, model maki-.f,-. rortland Model Works, 142 2dst., Portland. LIVE salesmen should investigate our proposition for 1914; everything la ready for action; join 3 at once. See Mr. Short, Brown Realty Co., 03 Piatt bids. WANTED Young man for stenographic position with wholesale house; experience and good references required. AR 617, Oregonian BOY, strictly reliable, about 17, work after school; opportunity to learn busi ness; give references for honesty. AH 03, Oregonian. 1100 WEEKLY PROFIT, spare time at home. Mai! order business. Don't worry aoout capital. Boyd a. Brown, omana, Nea. CIGAR SALESMEN Carry line of cigars on road. $100 per month and expenses. Experience not necesssary. Continental Cigar Company, Wichita, Kansas. SALESMAN that can make good with sta tionary, sundries or specialties, wishes po sition on road or in city, representing 'wholesale house. AT 623, Oregonian. WAN, ED Swede comedian that can sing teno, for vaudeville sketch. AP ill), Oreeonlan. FIRST-CLASS checker for restaurant; only thoroughly experienced need apply; must show A-l' references. A C 615. Ore go n ion. GisNTLliMAN pianist wishes young man about 16 with medium voice to sing for pastime for both. AM 652. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young man for bookkeeper In wholesale house; state age, experience and reference. AD 600, Oregonian. DENTIST, Oregon graduate. Telephone Monday, Main 111CM5. SALESMAN to call on retail grocers; In vestment required. AP 625, Oregonian EXPERIENCED tilesetter. Inquire 111 6th st. A. Ellison, Sunday. MEN to work on gold dredger, $2.50 to $4 per day; must have $200. CaU at 9fr 1st st. WANTED 2 reliable boys with wheels, over 16. Apply 15 North 12th, corner Burnside. HELP W ANTED MALE. INCIDENT (One of Many). Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, strauser. seeking employ ment tf20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 tor e;nplo: rueiit membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If ;;ou j.ny ."i for employ ment membership,, you will have the Y. M. C. A., with all its resources, between you and starvation. Result Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory emploj mom. Record for 11 months ending Nov. 30: Calis for men from employers '2-f9 Positions filled 17:4 Special employment membership guar antees member will seeue employment or memijoisi.ip fee will be refunded. Gives two mc.itiis' lull privileges, including Use of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath, etc, and lo mopths' social or house rivileea, lr.cludm tht- services of the empioymc.it dcpjrtn;ei.t for the entire year. Al' young men seeking t-mployment If commun-ia;, cieucai or technical linos, or as enjncev.s tire men, meciiamcs, mactiiu Ists. Ciiii-cnters, miiiworkers or in other skii-cd i-i.es. ure cordially invited to con sult w it:4 tne sv-'i'eiary ot the advisory !..; empio f.iOiit uepiii-iment.' JiAVci ycu llioiigh. of your fu'.ure? Has your )oh a or: slit futuie for you? if you &ie :iot gcti.ng bliChJ. it, vtstijate tne offer lu: U. S. Navj niKgs i ou. if you are o 4tr 17 ad a:i American citizen it will pa you io look intt) iiitco oppor tuiiititri tne many chances tt- It-am a useful traue, the goou pa while learn ing, llio steady work, good food, caauce for advancement, the healthy, rugged life. All these things are fully desc; ia. d in an interesting lrt-e booklet, "The Mak ing of a Maa o' Warsman." Send for it notv and fad it eareiuily. Talk It over w'th youi parei.is or guardian. Then go to the .savy Kcenming Station. Morgan builuiug, Broadway aim V. s:i:ugto:i sts., Portiaau. and taik it over vv.u; tne Navy men tnere. Ousts you nothing to be ex amined. You'll be surprised, at the ad vantages offered. Aouiess Bureau of Nav igation, uox 6ol. Navy ept., V asmrg.oa. U. C WANTED A real salesman to represent ua tj-clus.veii in the counties oi i.j.ie, uouj las. Marion, Benton, Lincoln, PoiK. laia hill and iTacaamas, tei inning -tan. 1 lii4. we have a large, wcil-Kn.-wn ai.d in evei-y way first-ciass line ot ecius.ve copyright calendars, tans and advertising specialties. Our line is so attractive bud varied that each and every bus.ness in every town in the country, without regard to size, can be successfully solicited, our goods are very attraeiie, out no more so than our reasonaole prices, .(""oro mission liberal. Exclusive territory aNaittneu. our company was organized in 1S&2. capnuliuod for $;c0,O.0. v rite at on?e and ei.closw this ad. Merchants Publishing Co., Kala mazoo, Mich. -SALES J I A N V ANTE D. REIuENT PRE FEKRED. FOR STATIC OF OREGON; ALSO CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED FROM TRAVELING DR YGOODS MEN COVERING OTHER TEiti.iToRY, TO R E P i i ES E N T ON COMMISSION B A S . S OLD ESTABLISHED COTTON PiL'E GOODS SELLJNG TO THE RET A.L. Ditl'GOODS TttAOE; MlNlATURn, toA l PLE Kit' ONLY; CONVENIENT SIOE LlNjS FOR MVAFEKiENCED TRAVELING DR1 GOODS MAN. AOuRES Wl'J H FULL PARTICULARS PrlOENiX MiLiS, 10 AND 12 THOMAS ST.. NEW YORK. CAPABLE SALESMAN Or man with retail experience to begin work Jan. 1 selling our Cash Credit system, which Is taking both wholesale and retail merchants by storm. One salesman earned $535 during lu days past work. Join our sales or ganization and eai u from $3ul0 to $ouQ lor lull. J. A. Kidweil, President, Day ton. Ohio. FLANNEL SHIRT SALESMAN. ' We would liko to communicate with shirt salesman desirous of taking as a side line well-known orand "Duke" flan nel shirts; largest and best tine shown; commission only. Washington and Ore gon. Rosen fc Herman, o6 Broadway, a. i. uity. t W 'A.Thu For U. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between aes of is and 30, cit-zuns oi United States of guod charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. 1-or information apply to recruiting officer, Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts., Poit land, or. SALESMEN for Oregon to sell merchants greatest specialty , of day; experienced specialty salesman or merchant preferred; $100 a week to right man; commission contract ; commissions paid weekly ; state experience. Champion Register Co., Cleve land, O. SALESMAN for Oregon to sell merchants greatest specialty of day ; experienced specialty salesman or merchant preferred; iU0 a week to right man; commission contract; commission paid weekly; state expert nee. Champion Register Co., Cleve land, Ohio. SALESMAN, clean-cut, up-to-date, making ehi-U towns, can increase income during spare hours; surprising results obtained by men of ability; elegant side line; prompt commissions. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. SALESMAN To represent us Portland and surrounding territory. Our products sell to drug and cigar trade; large commis sions; strictly high -class production. Ad dress Midland Supply Company, Daven port. Iowa. SALESMEN Three experienced traveling salesmen for 1914 by oldest manufactur ing concern in world In its lino; none but experienced men with good references will be considered. Address Lock Box O. Lemon t, 111. COUNTY manager for a n-w model patent ed houa-ehold article seintg tor $s.ou. nan profit. 48 to $12 a day. -Ma job. Sells over and over again to t ae same people. Samples loaned. Seles Manager, 122 Sycamore St., Milwaukee, Wis. PRACTICAL MAN with family, familiar with horses, for general farm and orchard work. Permanent pcition and good op portunity to acquire small farm to rigat party with not less than $"50 cash to in vest. Write R tt-S, Oregonian. IF you are a salesman, not an ord:rtaker, you can make $4;0 to $MKi per month with our line; we want four cracker-Jacks for next year. Full particulars to the right men. Address Secretary, 706 Ho user bldg., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN to sell our check protector; it sells to every person who writes check; circulars, information free; sample 2oQ Terry ilfg. Co., llii! Colton blcig.. Toledo, Ohio. SALESMAN Oregon; splendid line for ail classes of stores; permanent position; commission contract; expenses advanced right man. American Standard Jewelry Co.. Detroit, Mich. WANTED By wholesale lumber company. an ettectual salesman tor soliciting city , business. Address in own handwriting and give experience and references. O 630, Oregonian. $3000 $10,000 yearly easily made; our ays- tern insures succoss; unparaneieu oppui lu nity; become estuulishea for life; vaiuuble book iree. Interstate Realty-Brokerage Co., Pittsburg, Pa, WANTED Automobile superintendent fa miliar with trade, and a practical ma chine tool man; state business and shop experience, ae and salary desired. AV fey 8, Oregonian. SALESMAN General mercantile trade, va- CitnC JHIIU; 4., Ullli-cinru Oj,!.-..!...,, proposition; commission contract; $35 weekly expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., Continental bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED Automobile garage salesman fa miliar with trade and a. practical niacums tooi man; state busines, shop experience, age and salary desired. AV fin 7, Orego nian. ' BOYS WANTED FIFTY or more to join our class in saiesmansnip; now is uid time to begin; our grauu-Uts preferred Tor commercial positions. See J. K. Havely, 2-io Taylor st. SALESMEN wanted, lacss, embroideries, onrj men with trade among ury goous general stores ne?d apply. All territories. Merit & Co., 416 Broadway. New York. A BRIGHT, active boy for work in office of wholesale house; repiy in own imnu w . iv insr: state amount of schooling: gtvw tele- p li one number. AF 60ft. Oreg oniaii. CASH advanced you weekly selling our hardy, guaianteeu block; uxceueui itsi n toiy; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., T oppenfsh. Wash. DO you want $10 a day, side or main Una, retail, premium ano. puiiuii uuiu Ten propositions. American Factoriei Company, St. Louis. Mo. ADVERTISING man to -qualify to earn $23 to $100 weekly, nome wum, i iiruum unnecessary. Write to p. D. Co., 272 Pag bldg., Chicago. COOK wanted, U" to $15 month; write foi particulars; ni objection to vviaow wita one child. Box 2. Skamokawa, W ash. a vrn-vii man to deliver and clerk In and references. AN grocer v; state v. ages 614, Oregonian. V ANTED, i'.t one, two men to learn auto repairing and driving. ,aii at nawiuumo Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave. I CAN help you if you are making only $20 a week and want io aua:iiw mm e- more. X 574, oregonian. WANTED Men to writ health and acci dent insurance. uif.'Jii pui.iv v-iumw Co.. M1 Board of Trade blag. 2:- TO $40 WEEK inar.-r telling llrw Insur ance . VOL ' " ' :'.. PHOTO coupon; best offered; beauty con test started. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bldg. PHOTO solicitors, $KQ diamond ring given free. Sarony Studio, 346 Morrison. SELL hogs and land easy payments. Ozark Hog Co.. lo Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED Engineer, refrigeration, long job, out of city. Address Jox AV 747, Qregunian. MEN with-patentable ideas writ Randu ;,h & Co., Patent Solicitors. Washington. D. C V