IS THIS SlAUAl" UKKUU.MAA', JORTT.iASfIJ. DECEMBKK 2S. 1313. Furniture Clearance Begins Tomorrow Every Article Reduced Excepting Globe-Wernicke Cases and Ostermoor MattressesSee Back Page Sec. 3 - ----- ' -.. ..... ,PO"JIAD.O(UOOII 128611 so ora ?c?tt-7itz snrsss; N On Koo4J nttt, JaoattVrr 29, 1'auiea car acnaal January Clearaaee Sale -and X aa determined ttt this Brent h all ost-4e rrary previous ditxmaic Sale In the hlatoi7 of tale Store. - tM feopla of Portias expest of the Iteler frank Stor tha rraetaat acfclereaante la Berohantlelsc' ant tha Boat aaesplsc oat-clearing of atooxe Boat mil at thla tine. Brery artlole mat raoaeat. with the oxoaptloa of oo ahlca yon hTO baivht to eall at contract yrlcae. and aa canal grooorlee will. tea opta frca thla aalt. .Clearance amat ha tha spperaoet thought for thla event and prloaa a aaooadary- aanaldaratlos. rieeae adrlee'tbe Juolielty nreartseBt la wrltlc-, oaa ditloa of yoor atooka end Jnet how deeply yea. think 1 adrlaabla to est prleaa to laaur tha coat rapid ana eartala daaraao ct on Mrehandla. lot 'a sake thla a sailing event aoob aa has sever boaa known In thla City, and tfcla yea will do I am confident.. "Plain facts, plainly and truthfully told, are the strongest means of conveying to the people your message about the merchandise you have for your sales," was my answer to the executives of this store when called into conference as tWhe best way to have every woman and every man in Portland learn of this, the greatest Clearance Event, ever known to this store and with that thonght as the consensus of opinion, I have embodied -in this advertisement the inside story of our Annual January Clearance, which begins promptly at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Here it is, from the manager to the buyers, from, the buyers to you I Read the story every word and we know you'll be here early tomorrow to reap the good and the astounding savings Jhis sweep ing Clearance offers you. PUBLICITY MANAGER. Jewelry PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: Tbe prices I am marking: Mesh Bag's and Vanities for Clearance are sim ply wonderful. Any one of these would make a most acceptable New Year's grift. I am offering: 7-inch German Silver Ring: Mesh Bags, kid lined, with fancy French gray frame: 7tt-inch French Gray Silver Frame Unbreakable Mesh Bags; also the celebrated Beecher Silver Mesh Bags in 6-inch frame. All these at the re markably low Clearance price of $2.9. The Beecher Fancy Chased Silver Vanities can hardly be distinguished from Sterling silver, and these have full compartments. Very specially priced at 11.39. The newest fad in Vanities, the "Auto Vanity," reduced for Clearance Sale to $2.49. It good values and low prices count, these Mesh Bags and Vanities should not remain long. Tours truly. Every Article Reduced Except Contract Goods and Groceries LPaBaaBI 0& Men's Clothing Men's Furnishings PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: Here is just an Indication of what the Clearance Sale reductions will be in the Men's Furnishing- Section: All Men's 12 He Initial Handker chiefs reduced to 6c. All Men's 17o Linen Initial Ker chiefs reduced to 8c. All Men's 25c Linen Initial Ker chiefs reduced to 10c All Men's 35c Linen Initial Hand kerchiefs reduced to 15c I All Men's 50o Linen Initial Ker chiefs reduced to 25c All Men's 75o Linen Initial Ker chiefs reduced to 35c All Men's $1 Linen Initial Handker chiefs reduced to 60c The foregoing is merely an example of reductions taken in one line; of equal importance are hundreds of Items throughout the department. Yours truly. jfeA PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: The Men's Clothing . Department is prepared for the Clearance Sale in every particular. Every garment in our entire Third Floor Men's Department is to be re duced from 10 per cent to 50 per cent less than the original selling price. This Includes Men's Fancy Suits and Overcoats in an endless variety of ma terials, styles and colors including our regular 135.00 garments. A feature will be Suits and Overcoats selling: to $35.00 reduced Suits to $18.70. Overcoats to 317.00. Our entire stocks of Men's Odd PanO in different weights and materials (ex cepting Uniform Blue) will be reduced 20 per cent. ALL BLUES AND BLACKS 10 PER CENT OFF. Rugs and Carpets PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT:- I Brussels. Wool and Fiber, Seamless Women's Apparel Millinery Laces and Embroideries PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: For this Great Clearance Sale. I have in the Millinery Department one lot of Felt and Velour Hats, usually selling from 32.00 to 34.50, to sell for Clearance at, each, 60c one lot of 3.1.00 to $6.50 Imported Velour and Silk Plush Hats to sell at 31.45 one lot of $2.00 to 13.00 Silk Velvet Shapes. In black only, to sell at SSc one lot of 320.00 to $35.00 Imported Hats to sell at $8.95 and all imported Hats, ranging in price from 335.00 to $95.00, to sell at just Half Price all Im ported Flowers, Including Corsage Bouquets, at 14 off and all Fancy Feathers at H off. Yours truly. Linens and Wash Goods PUBLJCITY DEPARTMENT: For the Clearance Bale I've decided to offer some of the finest Imported Table Linens and at prices remarkably low, even for Clearance prices. The quantities purchased were so large that we are able to quote exceptionally low prices, and hotel managers, boarding-house keepers and others who buy in large quantities will find it ad vantageous to replenish their supplies for the next six months, during this sale. ' I am quoting prices on some of the larger sizes, which are very fine qual ity damask and of the famous John S. Brown A Son's manufacture. SO x 90 in. Cloths, worth $9.00; Clear ance price $6.00. 90 x 90 In. Cloths, worth $10.00; Clear ance price $7.50. 90 x 90 In. Cloths, worth $15.00: Clear ance price $10.00. 90 x 90 in. Cloths, worth $28.00; clear ance price $15.00. 90x 108 in. Cloths, worth $13.00; Clearance prtce $7.00. 90x 108 in. Cloths, worth $18.00; Clearance price $10.00. 90x114 In. Cloths, worth $27.00; clearance price $18.00. T also have a lot of Kmmry LIea Cloth. Crater I1eeea and Srnrfe. which are lace trimmed, embroidered, and some have hand drawn work. These pieres are slightly soiled from the Holiday rush, and are marked oae-thlrd to oae-balf off rntalar prices. Japanese Drawn Work Laark Cloths, beautifully hand embroidered, regular $4.00 Lunch Cloths, 45 x 45 In., at $2.50 each; regular $5.00 Lunch Cloths, 64 z 54 in., each, $3.00. Dlnaer Napklaa, full size, fine heavy weight, pure Irish damask of excellent grade Regular $8.00 Napkins, dozen, $6.00; regular $15.00 Napkins, dozen, $10.00; regular $25.00 Napkins, dozen, $15.00. Austrian fine linen damask Lurk Cloths in handsome stripe effects, with border to match and hemstitched all around; regular $5.00 Lunch Cloths, each, $3.38. Pure Irish Linen Napkins, fine quat Ity, in pretty floral designs, size 24 x 24-Inch; regular $S.OO dozen for $5.00. Battenberg Sideboard Scarfs, fine hand worked, 18 x 52-inch; regular $3 Scarfs, special at $1.25 each. I am also making some very special offers in piece goods, which should not be overlooked; for instance, there Is the regular $1.25 yard all-linen Table Damask, full bleached, 70 Inches wide; special, yard, $1.00. Napkins to Beaten, size 23 Inches, the dozen, $3.50. All White Goods Reduced 50c Mad ras Waisting, 39c: $1.25 yard Embroid ered Batiste, yard, 8c; $1.25 Eyelet effects, 28 Inches wide, yard, 98c Colored Waah Goods 32-inch Scotch Ginghams, regularly 25c, special . at 12 hkc yd. Silk and Cotton Foulards, regular 36c. special at 19c; regular 60c Voiles in Dresden patterns, special at 25c yard. Crochet Bed Spreads, extra large, hemmed or fringed ends and cut cor ners, regular $2.75, special at $2.19. Pillow Cases, sizes 42 x 36 and 45 x 3 inches, regular 15c quality, special at llo each. Tours truly, PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: Meier & Frank Store. Gentlemen When in the New York markets this year I bought a quantity of Silk, Shadow and Chantllly Lace Flouncing, In black, white and cream advance showing for Spring styles. These Laces have Just arrived, and I'm putting them In for the great January Clearance Sale. They are the finest quality Calais manufacture. Early Spring styles point to a lavish display of filmy effects, and at the re ductions I've made on this Flouncing this will be one of the best offers of the season. These Laces would sell ordinarily from $2.25 to $4.50 a yard, but I've concluded to mark them at $1.98. The second Item is .an exceptional showing of Shadow Lace Flouncing, in white and cream, 12 to 27 Inches wide, selling regularly from 65c to $1.25 yard which I'm pricing at 49c a yard. Also an assortment selling usually from 40c to $1.00 reduced to 25o a yard. In Embroideries I've the finest lot of the popular Convent Edges, in widths from 3 to 9 inches, in dainty floral and eyelet designs suitable for lingerie, selling usually from 35c to 85c yard, which I'm reducing to 25c Another splendid item is lawn em broidered flouncing, 18 to 27 Inches wide, in conventional - and floral designs. Including ruffled baby flouncing, selling always from 85c to $1.25. which for Clearance will be priced at, the yard, 69c PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT : The Women's Apparel Department is, Indeed, prepared forthis. the great est Clearance Sale this store has ever known. In response to Mr. Meier's letter we're giving- you the following details, though It is impossible for us. In this space, to more than touch upon the possibilities of this great sale. Every garment in our immense stocks comes under the rule and prices are lowered to meet the demand that this be the GREATEST OF CLEARANCE SALES. Dresses for all occasions; Suits, fancy, plain and severely tail ored; Coats for all needs; Skirts, Waists, Raincoats all at extraordi nary reductions. For instance: Afternoon and evening dresses, selling usually from $20 to $45, are re duced to $9.76 and $26.26. All suits, selling always $12.60 to $65, now $8.98 to $38.85. Coats dress -and utility coats formerly $10 to $40, Clearance Price $5 to $24.45. Immense reduc tions are made on all style waists, including a great showing of Lingerie Waists selling ordinarily from $1.60 to $3.75 that we've reduced to 98c and $1.78. Splendid double-texture rain coats, usually $12.60, are reduced to $7.46, and the Jest of the stock of these garments reduced in proportion for clearance. ' Undermuslins and Infants' Wear Trimmings Books and Calendars Children's Apparel, Women's Negligees PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: In my departments I'm making splendid reductions on Sweaters, Bath robes. Petticoats and House Dresses. In the Children's Department. Dresses and Coats will be most deeply cut in price. One of the good offers I'm making Is a regular $5.50 "Klosfit" Petticoat to be sold at $3.35 $3.50 and f3.2i Chiffon Taffeta Petticoats re duced to $3.89 and $1.95. Another spe cial is $1.75 Crinkled Gingham and Per cale House Dresses reduced to 93c In the Children's Department ' the underpriclng Is most pronounced, and I'm sure all mothers will appreciate the great bargains to be obtained In this department during the Clearance Sale. My merchandise Is In perfect condi tion, and my prices will be the lowest possible. PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: ' The Book Department's representa tion In the Great Clearance Sale is to be unparalleled, and the very deepest reductions will be made on the great stocks to be found in this section. I have a splendid collection of dainty Leather Gift Books for New Year's tokens; New Year's GreetingCards and Booklets that I'm reducing, for clearance, to lust half price. Also our great assortment of calendars will be sold at half price. One especially good item Is our Bible offering that is every Bible Is NOW HALF PRICE. All sets of the works of the standard authors will also be sold at Half Price during the Clearance Sale. In addi tion to these few items I have men tioned, there will be an immense assortment of books of all kinds all most radically reduced In price. Corsets PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: Complying with the request from the Executive Office that I send you a list of the lowest possible prices on high-grade merchandise from my de partments, I have selected from tbe Women's Musllnwear Department $1.25 Gowns lace and embroid ery trimmed to sell for Clear ance at 92c; $1 Colored' Crepe Gowns, ' trimmed with lace and rib bon, special at 75c; $1.50 to $2 Nain sook and Cambric Gowns, embroidery and lace trimmed, to sell at $1.23; $1.98 to $2.50 Gowns of cambric and nainsook, trimmed with lac and em broidery, to special at $1.49; $3.50 Nainsook Gowns, beautifully trimmed with embroidery medallions, laces and ribbons, at $2.49; $7.60 to $10 Gowns, exquisitely trimmed, to sell at $4.69; $2 and $2.50 Skirts, made "In new straight model of cambric and nain sook, at $1.69; . $3.60 Skirts, with lace and embroidery flounces, at $2.45; $6.60 to $7.60 Skirts at $3.98: 75c Cor set Covers at 65c: 69o Corset Covers at 89c; 69c and 75c Drawers at 47c; $1 White Aprons at 66c; all French Hand-made Underwear at one-third off. In the Misses' Musllnwear Depart ment I have $1.69 and $1.76 Skirts, In sizes from 8 to 16 years, lace and em broidery trimmed, to sell at . $.1.22; $L26 Skirts, finished with flounces, tuck's and embroidery, at 79c: $1.60 Princess Slips, lace and embroidery trimmed, sizes 14 to 16 years, at 97c; Children's $2.60 French Handmade Skirts, with hand scallop edges, at $1.69; $1.50 to $1.75 Corset Covers, lace and embroidery trimmed, at 73c In the Infants Wear Department I have $5 Flannel Skirts, beautifully hand-scalloped, to sell at $2.29; $2.60 Barrow Coats, of all wool or Stork nest Flannel, special at $1.59; $1.60 hand-embroidered Bibs, made with heavy pads, at 85c; $1.75 Dresses, lace and embroidery trimmed, made with dainty yokes, to sell at $1.29; $1.25 Handmade Skirts, with scalloped -bottom, at 86c; $3.50 Handmade Skirts on Waists, of nainsook, finished with scalloped edge, to sell at $1.76; $1 Dresses, of muslin or nainsook, at 79c PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: When in the New York market last August I placed orders for Trimmings to be filled in December, in anticipa tion of the Clearance Sale. AH the trimmings now reduced will be in great demand this coming season for party frocks, for they are the advance Spring trimmings. I am offering an entire line of -dress trimmings at one-quarter off, including the popular jets, pearls, gold and silver beads, narrow edges and appliques; also embroidered bands and ornaments, festoons, eto., in all the new high colors and color com binations, such as will be worn on the new Spring garments. All . buttons, frogs, tassels and or naments will be sold during the Clearance Sale at 10 per cent less than usual prices. Reeardine- the Clearance Bale in the Velvet, Wool Ingrain Art Squares and Rug and Carpet Department: would Granite Art fequares. ana maue im-' say that I've taken all discontinued mense reductions upon the entire stock, t patterns of Wiltons, Axmlnster, Body I as per the attached list. Clearance Sale of Roars. ' Discontinued Patterns, to Close Out. Extra Inn Stae Wilton Ran 10 ft 6x12; 10 ft- 6x14; 11 ft. 3x15; All nt off. Rrtrolnr S38.K0 Wilton Rags,. $20.50. size 9x12 ft. Heavy pile. Regular $00.00 Wilton Roars, $47.50. Discontinued patterns, vxi it. Regular 30.00 Wilton Rags, 821.50 Size 6 x 9 ft. Very special. (40.00 Wilton Rags, $27.50. Size 8 ft illi It. $54.00 Wilton Rags, $4&0. Size 8 ft 9X111 It t. f JS.OO Wflton Rags, s 11.35. 4 ft 6 x 7 ll I. Size 27x 54 Wilton Rug;, regular $d. 50. special $3.35. Size 27 x 54 French Wiltons: regular $7.50, special $5.25. Size 36 x 63 Extra Rug; regular $7.75, special $5.05. Size 36 x 63 French Wiltons; regular $9.60, special $7.15. Axmlnster Ruga. Size 27x 60; regular to $2.75, special $1.85. , Size 36x72; regular to $4.60, special $3,85. Size 4 ft. 6x6 ft 6; regular $10.00, special $7.85. Size 6x9 ft.; regular to $20.00, spe cial $13.85. 8 ft 3 x 10 ft 6; regular $22.50, spe cial S1S.OO. Best grade 8 ft. 3x10 ft 6; regular $25.00, special $195. Size 9x12 ft; regular $20.00, special $17.50. Extra grade, 9 x 12 ft; regular $25.00, special $19.85, Best grade, 9x13 ft; regular $27.00, special $31415. Seamless, 9x12 ft; regular $30.00, special $23.85. Body Brnssels Bun for Bedrooms. Size 27 x64 Rugs; regular $3.00, spe cial $1.49. Size 4 ft. 6x7 ft 6; regular $11.00, special $7.85. Best grade, 8 ft. 3x10 ft. 8; regular to $31.00, special $18JH. Best grade, 9x12 ft; regular $30.00 and $33.00, special $10.50. Wool and Fiber Ross. Size 8 ft 3 x 10 ft 6, Kapawa, special at $4.95. Size 9 x 12 ft, Kapawa; specially priced $5.35. Size 7 ft 6x9 ft, Kaba;. special at $8.90, Extra Heavy Wool and Fiber, 8 ft 3 xlO ft 6; special $9.85. Extra Heavy Wool and Fiber, 9x9 ft: special $9.85. Extra Heavy Wool and Fiber. 9x12 ft; special $11.05. . Velvet Rags Seamless). Seamless Velvet Rug, 9x12; regular $20.00; special $14.95. Seamless Wool Velvet, 9x12; regu lar $25.00, special $19.60. Seamless Wilton Velvet 9x12; regu lar $30.00, special $334iO. All-Wool Ingrain Art Squares. . To close out size 3x3; special at $5.85.- To close out size 3x3; special at $.05. To close out size 8x4; special at $7.35. To close out size 3x4; special at $8.05, To close out size 4x4; special at $9.35. Granite Art Squares. - Size 9 x 12 ft; specially priced a I $4.15. Size 9x10 ft 6; specially priced at $3.85. Size 9x9 ft; specially priced at $X25. . Tnira irioor aiajn juunainK. Gloves, Neckwear, Umbrellas Draperies PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: ' The Clearance Sale in the Drapery Department is going to be one of the greatest events we have ever inaugu rated. Our stocks are complete in every respect and we're going to offer the best we have at the lowest prices during this great sale. Every thing in the section will coma in for underpriclng yard goods, table runners, kimono or drapery silks, portieres, handsome drapery materi als, lace, scrim and marquisette cur- -tains in the most wonderful assort ment reduced to almost unbelievably low prices. All upholstery goods will be sold at 20 per cent less than the -usual price, while a great assortment of fringes, cords, laces and Insertions will be reduced to Just half price. Space forbids our enumerating even a fraction of the great variety of merchandise we are reducing, or the -extremely low prices we are placing Upon it But we will say that the Clearance Sale in the Drapery De partment will fulfill instructions in every particular it will be a genuine sale at deep reductions. PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: Meier & Frank Co. What are the reductions I shall make for clearance in my various depart ments Gloves, Neckwear, Handker chiefs, Ribbons and Umbrellas? I find, in going through my . stocks, that I can make some very deep cuts in Drices for this great sale. In the Glove Department I find over 5000 ' pairs of Imported Lambskin Gloves I shall specially price at 65c and 73c pair. Entire stock of women's and children's Kid and Fabric Gloves will be deeply reduced. In the Handkerchief Department I've decided to reduce the entire stock also, including Women's and Children's Handkerchiefs of all grades. The Neckwear Department will offer unequaled Inducements as Pm cutting the price on all Marabou and Ostrich Sets and Handmade Neckwear Just in half; and all neckwear selling usually from 25c to $3 will be reduced to 18c to $2.19. The Ribbon Section will offer some of the most extraordinary bargains wonderfullly low prices being placed upon one of the greatest stocks of Rib bons to be found anywhere. It is utter ly impossible to enumerate these bar gains in the space of a letter, but I assure you they are worth the consid eration of our patrons. In Umbrellas it Is the same rtory. A particularly good fea-.ure will be a lot of Children's 50c Umbrellas that will be sold at 25c Just half. All Um brellas from 75c to $4 will be sold from 63c to $3.15, and a discount of 33 1-3 per cent given on all umbrellas selling at $5 and up. I am prepared with clean, fresh and up-to-date merchandise in every department and will see that the best only is placed before the patrons of this store during this gTeat January Clearance Sale. Women's Hosiery, Underwear PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: For this Clearance Sale I am making more drastic reductions than ever be fore. In the Women's and Children's UNDERWEAR, such brands are includ ed as "Munslng," "Swan," "Sterling," "Kayser," "Harvard Mills," "Athena" and Viola all at Clearance Sale prices. All Women's and Children's HOSE (contract goods excepted) will be sold at much less than their regular prices. All NOTIONS (contract goods alone excepted) will be greatly reduced dur ing this sale. TWENTY PER CENT OFF ON VEIL INGS this includes my entire stock in Mesh, Tuxedo and Chiffon Veils. Such low prices prevail throughout my entire department as to make it worth while for women to lay in a supply for the months to come. Bring the Children to See This Show $50,000 Group of Performing Arabian Horses In a Wonderful Performance 4 Shows Daily 10 A. JSL, 2 P. M, 3:30 P. M, 5 P. M. JPtrtk Floor, New Bias;.. PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT: In compliance with the request of Mr. Meier for good Clearance Sale items, I have taken some exceptional ly good lines of CORSETS (including the popular front lace models), and made such reductions as will Interest every woman. Every corset has genu ine Walohn filling, and are good sea sonable models such aa will be worn with the new suits and costumes. Fitted free of charge. Corsets which have sold in regular stock from $6.60 to $15 a pair, are now very materially reduced for the Clearance Sal to $3.99. Yours truly. Unique Demonstration Tomorrow How to Make Paper Flowers, Favors, Etc -rkn Floor, New Bids;. Restaurant and Tea Room Seventh Floor 50c Luncheon Served Daily From 11:30 to 2:30 P. M A la carte service and after noon tea, 2:30 to 5:30 P. M. Silks and Dress Goods PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT.- One of the strongest offerings I have ever made is this 46-lnch Silk and Wool Radiant Bengaline and Moire Silk' Suiting. These are the very best Silk and Wool Goods the silk looms produce and sell regularly for $4 to $5 the yard. For this Clearance Sale the price Is $2.98. Suitable for making Tailored Suits, Dresses and Coats. Brocaded Crepe de Chine is one of the most wanted fabrics for evening gowns, and I have the best designs in all the wanted evening shades. Regu lar $3 quality, 43 inches wide, spe cially reduced to, the yard, $2.19. For afternoon and street frocks. I have the much-in-demand 42-lnch Silk and Wool Moire, in all the popular shades, including the new blues. This quality usually sells for $2.50 the yard; my clearance price is $1.98. For waists and attractive morning dresses, 36-inch brocaded, figured or striped silk, in both light and dark colors. I have marked this Just $1 less than the usual price. The yard, $1.49. , Yours truly.