mm tmmz KJ 'I ,.'4... WITH APOLOGES TO LITTLE MARQflFlZT JlEWWAN - 7jm WWmim If I i 1 - the Atct6tfaYTrer?& Alone, 'caxzse, Tfek jbt So Tizcch Vq-rk to 2o. T - Say 77ns Is Getting on Jfy H&rve f F&o-ple fctlike a lot of Chessy Cats.' Grrin ,0rriti, Gnrn M Ifike to Know What's Fctxiny 7Lbout jrtyflachi&e f Tre a GoogL Wotionto Get Out . an 'Walk I" " -TEE' 7 ." -"A ! .,.;ua m, "177 SII Tftaf fiutoToiZciyfTKent ESTHER H 90 0 OpL t4 - t TX? EiflTim hr -T-fin JtlastlThought V . t HA yyris:g Y? Tlaxv -VVhn Vi i 7Z JixK&vy Ba.ctz jvozify ttvs xroixce IT CWCE? n m ABOUT THAT HIMG ATSMY CAR f I jp.-.v.- ill if hi 1 I vvi - .iJw'-ni .1 i r M ( I t I ' - ' : J ! L' . . : : : ' I 1 1 I Qtxick! Tut on Pads Fzcr Thin f to Thisf ir Sta.frvnoMe'hx'e Reporters fvom tke Y.GNa-nA OtherYaverps.Sent latest FscaToxoL A yaurlittle 6irl.FzTstJ't.xe You: Going to Spank UeP t - jrnnt ntKr dhvulu y vot '