OREGOX1AX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 1913. i 1 I . . ' t CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBECOXIAX TEltrHOXES. Printing-Room .. ..77. T070. A W city Circulation Main TOTO. A Wo MuwUI Editor iS-n aS Sunday Editor Mam 70.0. A Composing-Room Mam 70,0. A flS Superintendent Building- 7O70. A 609S AMCSEMEJfTS. BAKER THEATER Broadwar and Morrl sonFekr Plaers In Shore Acre. Thu afwrnoon at 2:1 and tonight at 8.1S. ORPHECM THEATER Broadway and Tay lor) Vaudeville. Tola afternoon at J:15 and tonight at 815. IMPRESS THEATER 'Broadway and lam hill) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 7:30 and . PA NT AGES THEATER (Broadway and Al der) Vaudeville. Tnls afternoon at 3:15 and tonlcbt at 7:S0 and . vn. rui.- iti'B f Fnurth ttrtS fctark) M-r.lcal comedy "The Managers," and The Twelve Tango Dancera. Thl; afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at :30 to I 10:45. PEOPLE'S THEATER IWt Parlt and Al- i derl Churl's Hawlrey in "A Message r'roni Mara. ah eea. X:V STAR THEATER (Washington and P-.rl;. AF.rADE THEATER Washington. between sixm anil Broadway) Exclusive first-run pictures dally. COLUMBIA THEATER (Sixth and Waah- tngtcm) Conunuoua first-run pictures from 11 A. M. MAJESTIC THEATER (Washington and Park) Continuous flrat-run motion pic tursa. GLOBE THEATER .(Eleventh and Washing ton) Continuous first-run motion pictures. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Orders for copies of the New Year's Oregonian, which will be issued on January 1, 1914, to be sent to friends, should be sent to The Oregonian at once. Price 5 Cents Postage in the United States or possessions, Canada or Mexico, 5 cents. Foreign postage-10 cents. Address The Oregonian, Port land, Oregon. l-KK Ki f OS!OSTET WITH THE LOW RENT WE FAT. , THE NAME IN THE BOX goes a long way towards telling the quality of the diamond it contains. t-i.... . .. v..n- a Ji-imnnit oti to a resDonsible . 1 urn .via e- . i firm, one who has a good reputation, who will srive vou a sruarantee max means soiueiuuig. " it is imperfect they will tell you so. Where they have but one price, no special discounts to anvone. We mark our goods in plain figures o.-orvhorlv ovts the same Driee. That is one yi of the many reasons why we sell so many Ai li diamonds. said he:' "oh, dearie-look at this ad and if you insist on giving me a present might as well make it something I want and can.use." Our Special $100 Diamond Ring Is a Wonder ' ONE OF OIR SPrX'IAL Look at our show "windows for diamond bar ..11 mnr-VoA in nlsiin fienires (the same price to everybody), $10, if 15. $i $37.50, $-30, $65, $75, $150, $250, $500, $750, $1000 and $150(. Px-autiful Diamond Pendants with one, three, five, seven or -more diamonds, from $25 up 40 $1500. l!tt FWCY DIAMUSD ''Iff.' ri . , ' w r.tr t h f. : ri m n - of the very latest beautiful !:!. 1 a style. 5. :, J100, iiaU anu up. f 'OH AI. C A M K O K I Mi 8 In the pink coral from 17.50, 110, nd up. OI R BRACBLKT WATCHES can t be beat. They are popular with the smart set. and our low prices make them sell J6.50. 7.50, 3. $12.50, lo, J18. $20 and up. STORE OPEN EVENINGS Neil Mackenzie s Fi neral Arranged. Nell Mackenzie died suddenly from heart diaease Thursday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. M. Wiest. Knappa, Or. He waa 78 years old, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and came to America when he was 11 years old. Funeral services will be held at 1 o'clock Monday In Dunning- & Mc Kntce's Chapel. His son. George, waa killed in a logging camp at Clifton two years ago. Mr. Mackenzie had re turned with Mr. and ..Mrs. Wiest from a visit to a neighbor Thursday night After he had retired and was reading a book in bed. as was his custom, he called for his daughter to give him .some medicine. Just as she reached him he dropped dead in her husband's arms. Mr. Mackenzie had traveled all over the world. Hots Will Carrt Christmas Baskets. Twenty boys have volunteered their services to play the role of Santa t'luus this week and distribute the baskets which have been provided for the poor families of Portland. All the hoys are members of the Portia ml juvenile government, and more prob ably will be chosen to help with the work to provide against delay in dis tribution. Commissioner Ilolman saki yesterday that the Portland Heights LIUD naa mnua rrii(5ciiiniw iw , u.otatt some baskets of toys and candies for tne cnnoren ii me obiciiiwii numc. Japanese: Prists Arrive. An Im portant exhibition of Japanese prints Is now open at the Museum of Art. These print" cover the history of this art and are full of rhythm of color, line and mass and of delicate wokrmanship and acute observation of nature. One hundred prints are shown. The mu seum wil be open during the holidays at the usual hours; week days. to b: Sundays. - to . a. with free admission the afternoons ft Tuesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday and Sunday, with the exception of Christmas Day, when the building win oe cioseo. JAEGER THK STORE OF 41'AI.ITY, . ! MOHRlbO.V STREET, BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH. Until Christmas You Can Buy . .... Mat-v, Hsmn R. F. Higley and a party of men from Fort- land made an automobile trip 10 Welch's Hotel, at Mount Hooo, ibsi Saturday. December 13. They lert Portland Saturday night at :30 o'clock and reached Welch's Hotel at 12:30 o'clock Sunday mornfng. At 11 o'clock they undertook to reach Government Camp, and arrived wnnin iw that place when they encountered 22 tnches of snow and were compelled to turn back the automobile. They walked to the hotel, whicn tnej reached at 1:30 o'clock, uney emereu through a window and registered their names as follows: B. G. Higley. Fred Hinz. W. E. McElwell. M. eu-ie. and B. F. Finke. They returnea w Portland the" same daT- The Steer That Cost nas Deen m,rrh.ud bv Frank L. Smith for his Christmas trade. It brought l-2 a pound, live weignt. it is no '""'"s in front of Smith s Market, 228 Alder street When you come to see It be sure to bring the children. Smith will cut up this famous Christmas beef next Tuesday and Wednesday. Buy all your meat at Frank L. Smith's. Here are nis prices. Airioin sieark. i-v- Rib steak, 20c. Leg pork. 15c Salt pork. 15c. lg mutton, 1214 c. Shoulder mutton, 7c. Breast mutton, 8c. Hams. 18c Mutton chops. 12c. Picnic hams. He. Turkeys. 28c. Fine butter. 65c Herring, 8c Roast beef. 12 'c. Round steak. 2oc. T-bone steak. 10c. Roast pork. 13 Vic. Pork chops. 17 ic Liver; 7c to 10c. Loin mutton, 12V-C Bacon. 20c. Mutton stew. 7c. Sausage. 15c. Chickens, 18c. Smelt. 8c. Boil beef. 1 lc won Deei. jit. . . . . c Be sure you get in Smith a Market 228 Alder street, between First and Second streets. Adv. Miss Bkroland Allowed 15230. Miss Alma Bergland, who was Injured when she fell from a car at the corner of Washington and Twentieth streets last Julv, was allowed 85250 damages by a jury in Judge Cleeton's Court yester day. She brought suit through ner ai- More Election OrriciAus Needed. torneys. W. A. Burke ana j. . AlthoiiKh many applications for ap- mona. for 810.500. She alleged that she oointment as election officers have fell because of the careessness of the been received. Commissioner Holman company's employes in starting the car said yesterday that only enough have before she had alighted. As a result been received to till a small percent- of the fan s),e alleged that she is suf ... -1 v. k.iyr.1. At the next elec- r ...... a ra 1 vsin of the facial . . ' w, iiw " - iieriiiK I'""1 j tion 3912 election officers will be re- rves an4 muscles, and is WAGES TO BE LOWERED COI NTY COMMISSIONERS MAKE RE VISION OF SCALE FOR WINTER. Courthouse Carpeater to Be Let Oat and Eligible Lists of Employe WUI Be tilvesi Departments Wages of county employes working on the bridges, which were raised last September oy a special order of the Commissioners, were reduced again yesterday to the orisliial figures. All the bridge foremen, carpenters and la borers are afiected by the new order, which will be followed after January 1. Until the order of last September, the foremen received 85, carpenters 83.50 and laborers 82.50. An increase to 88. 84 and 83. respectively, was authorized on the recommendation of Superintend ent Murnane, who said that efficient men could not be obtained at the price, the county was paying. The reduction to the old wages was made yesterday. Commissioner Light ner said, because the Commissioners beMeved that during the Winter It was not possible for the men, all of whose work is out of doors, to earn the larger amount during this season of the year. t An order was passed by the "board vutorduv diui-nntiniiinir the nosition of courthouse carpenter, to take effect January 1. The incumbent is A. J. Cummlngs. The Commissioners will notrfy Road master Yeon, .superintendent Jackson, of the County Farm: Mrs. A. B. Y. Spaulding. of the County Hospital; M. J. Murnane, superintendent of bridges and ferries, and W. A. Eatchell. super intendent of machinery, that in the fu ture when they desire to employ new helpers a list of eligible will be fur- 1 v. - . 1- 1 111 ....laA V. rnmmt- sioners. This order was passed as a suggestion, none of the departmental heads being required to confine their appointments to the lists provided by the Commissioners. Efficientserv ice, appropri ate packages await you here regardless of the nearness of Christmas. the fifteen-dollar dressing rfQ OC robes and smoking jackets for nJ0J the ten-dollar bath robes OC and smoking jackets for. . . . nDJ0J the five and six-dollar smoking jackets and bath robes with slippers d0 QE to match for vOiOtJ To be seen in the window as but one sug gestion of the thousands of practical gifts for men and boy 8. Ml 1 1 Stamp Jjtmammimsmm "" 1 . , tiCS Kl'HK. PRESIDENT Succeeding A. B. Steinbach & Co. Optn Evening Till Christina When you see this border around an ad-think Kuppenhehner Clothes at The Lion I 1 rtL vn I! Ill i auired. and all these must be named bv the Commissioners. To secure oni rials who will be willing to serve, the Commissioners have requested that all who are desirous of being placed on the lifts send their names to the Com missioners. Hoosiers to Meet Monpat Nu.ht. The regular monthly meeting of the Indiana Society of Oregon will be held tomorrow evening in the auditorium of the Central Library at Tenth and Yam. hill streets. There will be music and Interesting Illustrate.! lecture on the HawaWtn Leper Colony by Or. J. C. O Tay. All Hoosiers and their friends and others interested cordially invited. First Presbyterian Cm-R..-n. Twelfth and Alder sts.. Rev. John H. Boyd. P. TV, pastor. At the mornlns services. 10:30 A. M.. Tr. Boyd will speak on the wonderful Christ. A chorus of 75 voices will assist the choir at the even inr services 7:no P. M.. in giving selec tions from Handel's "Messiah." Sub ject of the evening services "The in escapable Christ." Adv. "Etes That See Not." Ix-ctnrc sub ject Sunday evening at K. P. Hall. "A man Is not admitted interiorly into the truths of wisdom or the goods of' love, except so far as he can be kept In them to the end of life." from Swedenhorr's Pivlne Providence." Rev. C. A. Nuss. baum speaks, llth and Alder. 8 P. M. All welcome. Adv. A Christmas Cantata. "The Christ Child." will be given at the service Sundav morning. December 21, at 11 at the Church of Our Father t I'nltarian). Broadway and Yamhill. Evening at 7:45. an Illustrated Heed College ex tension lecture, on "How- the City Gets nd Spends Its Money." by Professor W. F. ogburn. iv, . v,. r.uui. minister. Adv. Ftrst Conorec.atipnai. iii Rrn. Park and Madison streets. Christmas Sun day In this church. Dr. Pyott. the minister. preaches Christmas ser mons and George Wilbur Heed, one of Portland's best tenor soloists, will sing al 11 and 7:45. Other extra music to iler. Come early for a good seat. Adv. Monarch Metal Weather Strips on your doors and windows will save fuel, rrevent drafts and rattling of windows, keep out dust or rain and make your house comfortable. Let us equip a win dow, free, subject to your approval, to prove this. OfTIre 35S Stark St. Fbones: Main 1425. A 1780. Adv. Welsh Sv.rmon. Rev. J. Rhys Grif fiths will preach In the Welsh langu age today at the Church of the Strangers. Grao! .venue and Wasco street. - - P. M. All Welsh people are requested to attend. MaWwyn Evans will atng. Biuelow Makes Trip. City Commis sioner Fiaelow left yesterday for Spokane and other cities of the North west to investigate the conditions In other cities along various lin-s. He will return tomorrow. "Ti Pioneer CAjtrriRE." raw book, by Rev. O. W. Kennedy, pioneer of 1883. Anecdotes, adventures, etc; 81.10 postpaid anywhere. The J. K. Gill Com. panv. Third and Alder streets. Adv. Tul modern home of Mr. John A Sheoherd. northeast corner 31st and Everett sts.. can be rented. George P. Schalk. 22 Stark street. Adv. John B. Clelanp and Joseph L Atkins, law offices removed from fifth floor to 1028-30Chamber of Commerce. Adv. WooeTEJt sells everything, 488 Wash ington. JLd,T. and muscles, ana ia iiij-,w- ,hr.iit the back and spine. Professor O'Shea to Lecture. it. v. nf education in the University of Wisconsin, will deliver a lecture In the Lincoln High School Audttorium Monday afternoon. Decern ber at 8 o'clock. The subject of his lecture will be "The Springs of Con duct" Professor OSlica is a man of note in his profession. He has been lecturing in Southern California and will make two addresses before the k -' suanciation at Salem. .... i..... i. unHer the auspices 1 ni leciui ' -w - . of the Portland Education Association. . o...nrwv nii-R William X. Benvie died at his home in Oak Grove Fridav at the age of 61 years and 4 months. A widow. Mrs. V. G. Benv e. and a daughter. Miss itmn survive. Mr. Benvie lormeriy ... ' ' i rved as Peputy Building Inspector, for Portland for 10 -r... . -1 U.in tiike Dlace at years. i ue mu"i ----- ' 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Con servatory Chapel ot tne r.v Funeral Directors, in .lr.l at 2 P. M. RERl'ILT SHOES W ATERFROOr. A shoe mav be rebuilt, even a low-priced shoe and made into a new pair that coujd not be had for less thsn 88 to 810. We do this work and with the aid of our special factory equipment and Balti more oak sole leather, we make the -ho- waterproof in the process. Pack g"s from out of town will be returned with the postage prepaid by us. Shoe makers, inc., w est Park and Morrison. Adv. I-oiBi.E Moral Standard Opposed The Alberta Woman's Improvement ... . ih residence of Mrs. t IUD Will ill,-" a . Josephine K. Sh.n.. 1033 East Twenty- fourth street Norm, i '. ' ,h Mrs. Mary I. Stevens win sre--. ... subject, "The Pouble stanaara Morals Is Anti-Christ and Inhuman. All women are urged to anenu. CiRC-rrr Cotrt Ji Rors Draws. Jurors who will serve In the ireu.. i during the month of Jn"y-. hhIv drawn by County Clerk I ' r rid s before Judge Kavanaugh and the lis turned over to snerm " -- - , serve the summons on each of the new i jurors. About 500 names wei- ...-. , Pi-Rivo his absence from the cu., patients of Pr. Milo KirkpamoK w rind his prescriptions for Si""" ,h optical department of oodrd: i-larke & Co.. where they can be re filled If neceisary. Wood-I-rk bldg.. 'der St.. at West Park Adv. " C.envine "Hair-a-GaiV Treatiifin-ts re being Riven by Miss nto1h t her parlors. 31- Panama bldg Ad. Satsu m a tea and coffee set com plete, real value. 8150 only 8. Lncle Mvers. 71 Sixth st. Adv. SwOTVH Shawls and auto rugs, tri-h linen handkerchiefs- Mrs. John Cran. 395 Twelfth. Adv. Swi and complicated watches re paired. U H. Miller. 401 Selling bldg. PR. FRErERKK A. Kiehi.e has re turned. Adv. t VRt OF THANK!". We wNh to express our sincere thanks to the manv friends and neighbors for their kindness .nd sympathy during our late bereavement in ede.thf our mnr- H. O. HAT VS. NEW CITIZENS ARE MADE Judge Coke Rejects Three Applicants Because of Immorality. American citisenshlp papers were refused three applicants yesterday by Judge Coke because of immorality. Five applicants were denied their final h the tarnhflald ttlrlst be cause of the Incompetency of their witnesses, and others were oenieci oe- -1- - ll...,. jttA n K nr cause me iiipiMiiio ,.w- -- good faith In their efforts to become citizens. Examination of 38 applicants was made bv United States Naturalization Examiner Hesard. Of this number 27 were admitted to citixenship and 11 were denied. Among those denied were Vlncenio Colombo and Axel P Pederson. whose past life did not satisfy the court, and Gustav Cordes, K hH nrhirMl himself in W State ment to Immigration officers. Those admitted were: . . . i . Dgaal fiaeeAmanns. iaiici i . .......... Joseph Slefanonlcx. Gaitans Tartarine Augustana College, a Swedish Lutheran Institution here, lived up to stories of college boys. Sophomores, who were anxious to Keep mo " ,hir their banquet, kidnaped four of their leaders and carried them off to Camp Bella Island. In tne missi--..., "--" .. i- - j...r.H cabin, tied their cnem iu w , . , hands and feet and left them there.. ' CL0SING OUT. We are going out of the gents' fur nishing goods business 81.50 and Ji Cluett shirts, 95 cents: 2-cent e-arters, 15 cents: 81 ties. 50 cents: 50-cent ties, 33 cents: 85 vests. 8185: Arrow collars j -omta KO cents: mens I1.IU UUB-li r i---F - $2 gloves, 81: l-75 kid gloves, 85 cents; 81.25 tie ana nanun.-" .-.n- sets. 25 cents. Any of the above-named prices means a saving to you and are Suitable for Christmas presents. Inwuj Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark, between Fifth and Sixth. Adv. THE WHITE CROSS. i.ifHn for the treatment of drug and liquor cases only. Morphin ism treated wnnuut ii. ------., - All desire for liquor removed. Inves tigation solicited. 714 Davis sL. cor Twenty-second. Telephone Main 4i or A 1447. R. L. Gillespie, M. med. director. aqv., HOTEL MOORE, SEASIDE . . . ,k. hniMava. There win pe op-.. ari unusually high tides at this "me of the year. Special rates: ts per o. single; a, oounie. Adv. SUNDAY DINNER 50c. . . , a J : ss ma prV tOd&V The exceiiem - for 50 cents will make you 'el glad that you dined nere. iu - 75 cents. Chinese delicacies our spe cialty. The New Kepuonc Morrison st. cor. r-'". -y"" HOLIDAY WEEK T". r. CnaP.al At Gearhart ' By"". ,fi , Ttiiii- low railroad rates "'t uarr 5. Froressor auow., itirnm.r. in . charge of natator urn Hotel reservations i-uis Adv. A REAL XMAS GIFT. Will be the subject of the sermon to . . ' . T.s h. eventh-Day Ad- and Everett, oy -- John. ' CHICKEN DINNER 50c. New Perkins Hotel restaurant- Noon until 9 " M., today. Make reserva Uon" early for Christmas dinner. 76c. Phone Main 5185. Adv. Open evenings until Xmas. Jimmy Dunn. 815-17 Ore. bldg.. elevator. Adv. LEOPOLD DESKS M U Mahogany and oak desks of large figure beautifully matched: flush panels: easy-running drawers; massive build. Macey Filing Cabinets I'lliJ Macey exclusive inter-inter feature r HA i..t...,. ncimMn morn inienurs t w . , ...... - -z - - elastic than any other file made; wood and steel. If vou are moving let us. figure on a new equipment; large stock; everything for your office. - D A P I V I P Stationery& rALIriL Printing Co. 10T 2nd St, Bet. Washington Stark Harris -Ad Trunk Co. for toilet rolls. 'The store where quality, assortment and service are supreme. Heitkemper's For many years the popular jewelry gift store and t his'season a littl- better than usual. We are prepared for the latp buyer, as well as the early. Special attention rnlled to our beautiful and generous assortment of LaValliers and Silver Mesh Bags The biggest mistake you can make is to buy before you look at our goods. G. Heitkemper Co. Diamond Dealers and Jewelers 130 Fifth St, Yeon Bldg, . 14 OFF SALE UMBRELLAS All the latest styles In black and colored. Good dependable goods at cut prices. Largest stook on the Coast to choose from. Repairing and Re-Covering All kinds of extra handles In stock. JEWELRY AT CVT PRICKS. The newest things in gold and gela filled lavalllers, lockets, bracelets, rings, scarf pins, cuff links ana bar pins. The guaranteed makes at very low prices. Get our prices on white sapphires and reconstructed rubies set to order. WATCHES A7H CLOCKS. MEREDITH'S Wash-, Bet. Sixth and Broadway. A GIFT that serves some practical purpose is doubly appreciated by the recipient; is a constant re minder of the giver's thoughtfulness, and enhances the pleasure of both giving and receiving. Ladies' Embossed Monogram and Gentle men's Address Stationery in plain and fancy boxes. . Engraved Visiting Cards and "Wig-gin 's Book Form Business Cards, Christmas and New , Year Greetings. Waterman's, Swan's, Conklin's Self-Filling Fountain Pens, all styles, in fancy and plain holders. . . . Genuine Leather Goods of all descriptions, Card Cases, Bill Books, Brief Cases, Tourist Tablets, Writing Portfolios, etc. Brass and Cut Glass Desk Sets and individual Eieces in Inkstands, Calendars, Pin Trays, letter Openers, Clocks, etc. Game and Playing Card Sets of, all kinds. Chess, Checkers, Dominoes, etc; Folding Card . Tables and Chairs. Sectional 'and Revolving Bookcases, Tables, Stands, Chairs and Desks for your library. Leather Bound Memorandums, Ring Books, . and all kinds of fancy books with title in gold. Name of recipient lettered in gold free. Gift Dressings, Holiday Boxes, Seals, Tags, Fancy Cord and ever3rthing to make your package attractive. Open Evenings Until Christmas ' ' EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE" TjrW MA TT STATIONERY & JAntUn Ali PRINTING CO Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers,' Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders "JJ Christmas and Sunday Dinner Tnrkey cemplete,' 754 thicken complete, 50S Meves Restaurant Kzeellent Few Popular Prleea GOOD MfSIC . K. Corner Slath an Wublsslos INCOME TAX BUREAU Commercial Club Bldg. Fifth nd Oak Streets Phone Marshall 1100 nVICEC on aH matters connected with the Income Tax AU llOLo Uw of October 3, 1913. COMPILES return8 or Inv'ua's Estates, Associations and rv IIICTC books and records to facilitate compiling of. tlV JUJIU returns. GENERAL MANAGER, JAMES A. WALKER Our Advisory teoard comprises several firms of Attorneys, and Messrs. Whitfield, Whit;omb & Co., Certified Public Accountants. IGNORANCE 0? THE LAW IS NO DEFENSE TheDghtkifce If you are ctantess plating; bulUlnt see us for Tflrlna) and fixtures. them-J D7 B Sh i s cent 1M Second Street. - PERFECT HEARING FOR THE DEAF Tas IJMIn Gem Bar Paane n Ants- Vawia The simplest, smallest and most effective hearlna device ever shown. It is used under all con ditions in church, theater. s;en ral conversation. Massage stops head noises. fmll tar Free rssastrsW.n. yoodard, Clarke & Co. y ' FORTLASiD, .- Exclusive Arenta. ' Writ for Booklet. THE BOTE CARLTON RESTAURANT 14th and WasbUiatea greets. j Strlrtlj Flrst-Class lirllia. Asaoances a coroplst 10-eoars dlsasr very svsnlns. 5 t a P. M.. for SO cents, hone txtter la tne city at any price. No xtra charts on Sundays or Holidays. A la carte bill all day at lower than popular prices, strictly, fresh gs, pure cream, and good buttsr. our specialties. Msvadar Uh I-ry Week pay. M Cent. DR. GUNN'S Improved liver pills Cum Constipation. Bilioosress. Sick Had enVukaal ?s?lnals will relieve that bloated. 1'