The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 21, 1913, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Out of Town Folks May Shop Here as Satisfactorily by Mail as if They Sould Visit This Sale in
Person. Your Mail Orders Will Receive Our Best and Prompt Attention. Our Store Will Open
at 9 As M. and Close at 9 P. M. on Monday. Tnesday, Wednesday. Phones Marshall 5Q8Q, A 211g
Canada Shipping Dairy Prod
uce Experimentally, Need
ing Food at Home.
Elgin Board of Trade Riises Stand
ard In Anticipation of Heavy
Imports, as Offset to Re
daction in Tariff.
CHICAGO. Dec SO. (Special.) Com
mission men and other dealers In but
ter and eggs In Chicago declare there
hare been no shipments of these com
modities from Canada to speak of since
the new tariff bill putting them on the
tree list went into effect. Some deal
ers say thejr expect no heavy shipments
-of butter and eggs from Canada at any
time of the year, while others declare
that not much of this produce will
reach this market at any time of the
year, because Canada needs it all for
home consumption. What little has
been received has been sent here large
ly as an experiment, it is Bald, and the
Canadian shipper received the same
price as is paid the American farmer.
While there have been no heavy ship
ments of butter from Canada, several
heavy consignments have been received
from other foreign countries. Among
these are New Zealand, Russia and Ar
gentina. ,
' Caaada ot Shlpplas Eft.
We have had no shipments of eggs
from any foreign country since the
new tariff went into effect" said Rich
ard J. Coyne, of Coyno Brothers. "We
have had two heavy consignments of
butter from New Zealand, but they
have not been' heavy enough to affect
tue price here. There has been Borne
butter from Canada, too, but these ship
ments were made as an experiment by
the farmers of the Dominion. They
have received the same prices as paid
t- the 'American farmer. I do not
know, however, whether they got more
for their shipments to Chicago than
tliey could have obtained lit the Cana
alian cities. I am of the opinion, how
ever, that there Is not much. If any
uiffeience. Etf? are scarce and ship
ments from all directions are nirnt. we
have had no Canadian eggs in this
John W. Ixw; of Warne & Low. and
George R. L.inn. of Georgo W. IJnn &
Son, expressed themselves along . the
came lines.
Baiter Conine From Abroad.
"Our firm has had no shipments of
ggs and butter from Canada," said Mr.
Low. "We hava had some butter from
i rgcntina. New Zealand and Russia,
Tiut not enough of either to affect the
prii:e to th consumer or to the pro
ducer in this country. There may- be
omo Canadian produce In this market
next Spring and Summer, but this Is
tlio Winter season in Canada, and the
Dominion needs all its own produce.
Prices there. I understand, are about
the same aa in this country."
That the Elgin Board of Trade ex
pects. a rush of foreign butter to Amer
ican markets, was evidenced when on
Jlonday the officials of that organiza
tion voted to raise the standard of
Klgln butter from SI to 9J points. C
IL Potter, president of the board, de
clared that a reduction of t cents a
pound In the butter tariff means that
American creameries must produce a
better grade to meet foreign competi
tion in the markets of the United
States. The change affects alt batter
(.old on the Elgin call board and all
that Is sold under the rules of that In
stitution. The board also voted to
amend the by-laws, extending Its terri
tory from the upper Mississippi states
to the entire United States. Butter
made anywhere In the country under
the new role, complying with the
nualltv standards of the board, may
be sold on the call board In the future.
Ilotctman 'Makes Good' to Tenement
Kiddies of Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 20. A crowd of
nearly 75 children from the lower tene
ment districts invaded a leading hotel
here today and demanded their dinner,
informing the manager that Santa
Claus had invited them. Their demand
was complied with. Although the hotel
manager had not been apprised of
anla Claus' arrangement for the
youngsters, he ordered prepared a din
ner complete in every detail. Including
turkey and all the fixings, and the
children went away fully satisfied.
It came out during the dinner that
a stranger passed through the neigh
borhood a few days ago with the in
formation that Santa Claus would be
at the hotel Saturday, and invited all
the children to dinner.
The visitors ranged in age from B to
13 years, girls and boys being about In
equal numbers.
Ordinance for Municipal Enterprise
in San Francisco Falls.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 20. In the
final te.-t before the Board of Super
visors. Mayor Rolph's veto of a munici
pal opera-house under the agreement
with the subscribers provided for in
the ordinance orifclnaUy passed by the
I'oard was upheld by the same Board
today. 14 to S.
The Mayor held that, the ordinance
pave the subscribers, their heirs and
assigns perpetual rights to boxes and
l.olce seats, which were Incompatible
with the democratic spirit of a truly
r.-.unlclpal enterprise. The Chamber of
Commerce, and the wealthy subscribers,
who had pledged approximately JS00.
t'i'0 to the project, condemned y;e May
or's veto roundly and there had been
muoh talk of re-ecactting- the ordi
nance over his veto.
Xaval Observatory Finds S'ew Star
Which Is Becomln-r Brighter.
WASHINGTON. Dec 10. The new
comet discovered by Delavan at the Ja
Plata Observatory, it was announced
tonight, has been seen by scientists at
the Naval Observatory here. It was
observed last night in the five-inch
finder of the large observatory tele
scope and apparently is becoming;
brighter. The comet, which is said to
have a bright nebulosity, is thus de
scribed In a report by Secretary Dan
iels: "Ijist night at 8 H. S M. 47 8. P. 11
Washington local mean time, his posi
tion was 3 II. .01 M. ( i north S3 right
ascension and degrees i minutes 57
seconds south declination. That is. the
comet was west of Zeta Ertdani. about
No waitine Instant E-elief Gt a
Email trial bottle of old-time St.
Jacobs Oil Doesn't blister.
What's Rheumatism? Pain only!
Stop drugging! Not one case In 50
requires internal treatment. Rub
soothinr. penetrating "8t. Jacobs OH"
directly upon the "tender spot" and re
lief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil"
is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica
cure which never disappoints ana can
not burn the skin.
. Umber uo! Ouit complaining! Get
a small trial bottle from your druK
glst, and In just a moment you'll be
free from rheumatio and sciatica pain,
soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't
suffer! Relief and a cure awaits you.
"St. Jacobs Oil" has cured millions of
rheumatism sufferers In the last half
century, and Is just as good for sci
atica, neuralgia, lumbago, backacne
and sprains Adv.
I M. and north about 1 degree, 9 min
utes. At nresent it is moving . west
bout 41 R. a dar ami north about 5
degrees a day." v
Widow Seea Assart tlaa. Bat Has
Felt Haafeand'a Presence and Is
Rat SarartsedL
Come here when I am far away.
Fond lovers of this lovely land.
And sit quit still and do not say.
Turn right or 4eft or lift a hand, -
Bat eft beneath my kindly trees
And t,i far out bavond von Ma of seas:
These trees, these very stones could tell
How lonr I lovea tnem and now wan
And maybe I shall come and sit
Beside you, sit so llleiu.y you win not reca
of It. Joaquin aimer.
OAKLAND, Cal., Dec 20. (Special.)
Has the ghost of the poet of the
Sierras returned to his home on "The
Heights? '
"Yes." declare those who say they
have seen the unmistakable figure of
the tall poet walking for a moment
about the cairn ne built and where, in
compliance with his wishes, his aahes
were scattered to the winds.
At other times these folks say his
form has been discerned in the shadows,
pausing beside the monument wtrich he
built to Fremont, and gazing as If in
meditation at the distant Golden Gate.
Mrs. Abby Miller, widow of the poet,
who is living at "The Heights" with
their daughter, Juan its. says that she
has many times felt the presence of
her husband, although she has not yet
seen his apparition.
To Mrs. Miller there Is nothing un
usual in this phenomenon. Between
the rugged soul of the warrior-poet
and bis wife she said there existed a
perfect understanding, and to them
death is not an impassable barrier.
Wife and Xephew, Found Together,
' Shot Without Warning.
GRAJBTZ, Germany, Dec 20 Count
Matthias MielzynskU a millionaire
Polish nobleman and a member of the
German Imperial Parliament, shot and
killed his wife and his nephew early
The Count, who is residing: near here
at Castle Pakowymokrz. one of his
many country seats, heard sounds in
the night which he thought were caused
by thieves. He seized a rifle and made
a search, during which he found his
wife and nephew together in her room.
Without a, word of warning or expla
nation, the Count shot both dead. A
woman companion of the Countess was
the only witness of the affair. She was
seriously wounded by one of the bullets.
That clean coaL Edlefsen, 212 Stark.
"My husband and myself Have
used 'Seventy-seven' for Colds with
great satisfaction, and think so well
of it, that we want your Medical
Book, in hopes of finding a remedy
for stomach trouble."
"Seventy-6even" leads to the use
of Dr. Humphreys' system of medi
cine for all diseases, his Manual gives
the treatment and care of the eiek,
ask your druggist or send a post card
for a copy, free.
The Dollar Flask, holds more than
six twenty-five cent vials for sale
by all druggists or mailed.
Humphreys' Horaeo. Medicine Co., 158 Wil
liam Street, Sew York. Advertisement.
Clandular trooble, vsry frequently diag
nosed by physicians as "Tuberculosis In
the Olandt." has been found to yield to
Eckman'a Alterative, when other treatments
did not rrlns relief. Eckmans Alterative la
a medicine which dunnc the past rltteen
years, has brought about many recoveries
even in a number of supposed hopcleu
cases. Read this:
357 Laraston St., Phils., Pa.
"Gentlemen: In March. lOa. my doc
tor pronounced my case "Tuberculoma . In
the Glands." and a number of operations In
a hospital tailed to benefit me. In the
meantime a friend of mine advised Eck
man'a Alterative. The wounds in my neck
were still open and :n a Irtrhtful condition
when I started to take It. After using two
bottles I found t was Improving navlng
ained welsht. could eat and was able to
sleep 1 continued using it until I was well,
which was in Jiovember. 1910. On Novem
ber 11. 11. I started to work, and since
that time 1 have not lost one days work
through sickness. highly recommend
Eckmans Alterative to anyone who is suf
fering from aland trouble ,
(Affidavit) JOSUFH B. H HUTJi.
(Above abbreviated; more on request.)
Eckman'a Alterative has been proved by
many years" test ta be most efficacious for
ever Throat and Lung Affections, Uron
cMtla. Bronchial Asthma, stubborn Colds
and in upbatlldtng the system. Contains no
narcotics, poisons or tablt-formlng drugs.
Sold br The Owl Drue Ce. and leading
cl run 1 1st. Writ the hVckmas Laboratory,
Philadelphia. Pa., for booklet telling of re
coveries and additional svideccs-Adv,'
Furs For Gifts
SJfclh OFF
Our Regularly- Low
Selling Price
Bathrobes 'and Kimonos the -best
styles in Serpentine Crepe, Flannels,
Silk, etc. All colors at all prices from
$1.25 to $10.00.
Only Three
TJnderpricing" of
Dolls, Books and
$1.50 Large Kid Body
Dolls with moving eyes,
priced 'at $1.19
$3.50 Folding Doll Carts
with Rubber Tires, on sale
at only $2.98
75c Dressed Dolls at. .49
$2 Dressed Dolls at $1.49
25c Cloth Body Dolls, 19
50c Cloth Body Dolls, 39
35c Gift Books at 15
Large Picture Books at 5
25 Alger's Books . for
Boys, Aesop's Fables, Pil
grim's Progress, Grimes'
Fairv Tales. Robinson
Crusoe, etc. ...... 25
If you are hurried or worried, if that bothersome question of what to give hangs heavy on tout mmd if you have
do the things you should do, turn to this store for the solving of your perplexities. . It w a Btoye that av il almost Jh
most prolific field of gift suggestions. With Christmas but three shopping days away, time 8el
evervthing to save you as much as possible. All gift things are displayed so you can ell tfovemedZhh cS
stationed at every turn and courteous'and attentive salespeople will ijait on you promptly. louwiU find entoe store filled JJJ;
ma Gifts of Oualitv eifts that carrv with them the full measure of Christmas sentiment; gifts that will be appreciated most ana remem
g JJ hassled Come here tomorrow, Tuesday or Wednesday, and stay nntil your every need has been supplied. Our
, store will remain open on these days from 9 A. M. until 9 P. M.
LOT 1 Nos. 5, 7, 9
and 12, selling regu
larly to 12c a yard, on
special sale now e
at the yard
LOT 2 Nos. 16, 22
and 40, selling regu
larly to 22c the yard,
priced special
at, the yard .
Best 15c erade- Moire and Taf
feta Ribbons, all colors, in.
on sale, yard . . .
Best 25c grade Moire, Taffeta
and Fancy Ribbons,
the vard 1 -M
Best 35c grade Moire, Taffeta,
and Fancy Ribbons, 2Sc
the yard '. .".
For Xmas - Silk
U top and
Jail sizes.
Stockings, made with reinforced heel and toe and with elastic gar
ter top, all sizes. One or more pairs in fancy holiday box, pairr$l
Each Pair in a Fancy Holiday Box
Cinderella Silk Hose With Gold Band Top, Best
$1.50 Grade at $1.19 a Pair
Each Pair in Fancy Holiday Box
A very important sale of the celebrated Cinderella Silk Hose
Stockings that are well known for their fine finish and unusual
wearing quality. They are extra heavy Black Silk Stockings, made
with extra spliced heel and toe, and heavy gold band garter top. All
sizes, in black only. Each pair in fancy holiday box. 1 l 1Q
Regular $1.50 grade priced this sale at, a box . . . . . . . .P x A
BigSale of Art Goods Gifts for the Honsewife
Our popular and ever busy Art Section has brought forward many
inexpensive and appropriate gift articles for your consideration and
inspection that space does not permit us to tell about A visit here
tomorrow will prove most interesting, as these items illustrate:
An unusually fine line of Battenberg Scarfs and Squares slnnvn in
many stales with renaissance braid and plain linen centers. '-The
Scarfs are 17 by 54 inches and the Squares 30 inches. Both QC
are regular 75c values. Priced for this sale at, each ...
The Most
The Best
Shopping Days Before
'J"" There's No Time to
Sft Experiment Now! Q f I
jBlF XI Those.. WhoAre (
JjP I1 Wise Will Come j
. fBf ? Direct to ThisStore
Sale Taffeta
A special purchase and sale
of several hundred bolts of
extra heavy Taffeta Rib
bons, shown in the best col
ors, -such as 'white, tan,
cream, light blue, pink, red,
turquoise, . brown, res eda,
maize, orange, etc. Three
creat lots, underoriced as
- w
LOT 3 Nos. 60 and
80, selling regularly,
to 30c the yard, spe
cial price, the 1 jTf
vard. only lol
i (n
10-yard bolts No, 1 Ribbons, all
colors, priced at, l Olfo
the bolt A
10-yard bolts No. iy2 Ribbons in
all colors, on sale at, 1 Cr
the bolt
10-yard bolts No. 2 Ribbons in
all colors, on sale at, OKn
the bolt ....M
Is Always
W e nave just received a very vu.gv uu
tation of fine Silk Hosiery, including the
most fashionable colors as well as black.
One or more pairs will make a charming
gift that will bring, more than a passing
pleasure to the recipient. Why not choose
from these assortments?
50 A PAIR for Women's, Fine Black
Silt TTrsf madft with elastic lisle earter
heavy silk-tipped toe in lavender,
Very special at this low price.
$1.UU A PAIJi tor w omen's J?me jdxui
Fashioned Silk Hose in black and the
mnsf fnsTiinnahlft new shades. Hisrh-erade
in Value-
in Quality
Gifts for Men
Are Here at Lower Prices
Than Elsewhere
Pay a visit to our popular Men's Section
just inside our Third street entrance-
and see how very completely we 've antici
pated your holiday needs. Here you'll
ez-A Ainrtlafa o oonrfm onto nf jiTvrnwnriate
gift things such as any man would
Suspenders, Bathrobes, Smoking
dreds of other tilings, all at lowered prices.
Men's 35c Silk Plaited ( Socks in
all sizes, specially priced at 25
Men's $1.50 Fine Silk Mufflers
or Reefers, now on sale at . . .79$
Men's Fine Kid Gloves Dent's,
Meyer's, Allen's, etc., at low
price, per pair, $1.50 and $2.00
The celebrated President Sus
penders in fancy boxes, pair 50
Men's Ruff-Neck All-Wool Sha
ker Knit Sweaters, $5 val. $3.98
Men's Bathrobes that sell regu
larly at $5, on sale at $3.98
Men's Bathrobes that sell regu
larly at $6, on sale at $4.98
Men 's H e m s t itched Initialed
Handkerchiefs, 6 in a fancy box;
reg. 10c kind at S or 6 for. .45
Complete Lines
Xmas Gloves
Here is no other store in the city show
ing a more complete stock of Women's
high-grade, stylish Kid Gloves than
this one. It comprises such well-known
and reliable makes as Fownes', Dent's,
Meyer's, -Reynier's, etc., in all sizes,
styles and colors. Gloves always make
a most satisfactory gift. These are
shown in fancy holiday boxes.
Glove Bonds Issued for
Any Amount
La France Gloves, shown in two
clasp style and in all sizes and
colors, including black and white.
A Glove of unmatch- CI ff
able quality at .p 1 .UU
The Eudora Glove, of the finest
French kid, made with overseam
and embroidery ' stitched back;
all colors, priced 1 Cft
this sale at-;?." ,pi-OU
Fownes' Dagmar, a high-grade
pique-seam Glove, in two-clasp
style, all sizes and colors; a
Glove of standard P1 Cfl
quality at Pl.UV
Dent's Cape Gloves, id both one
and two-clasp styles, all sizes,
priced, a pair, $1.50 and $2.00
Women's Waists
In Fancy Xmas Boxes
A pleasing variety of styles to select
from in Net, Shadow Lace, Silk Mes
saline, Wash Silks, Lingerie, Chiffon,
Crepe de Chines, etc. - All sizes in
white and colors.
Special in Notions
85c Children's Leather
Purses, many styles, 69
25c Christmas Box Paper,
various sizes, priced.. 19
35c Christmas Box Paper,
a great lot, priced at 25
75e Fancy Box Paper of
finest quality, priced. 50
Crane's Linen Lawn F'cy
Boxed Paper, at
$1.25, $1.00 and 50
$1.75 German Silver Mesh
Bags, now priced at. .98
$1.00 German Silver Van
ity Cases, 6n sale at. .69
50c Children's Silver Mesh
Bags, priced at. . .,. . .39
75c Perfumes in fancy
Xmas boxes, priced. .50t
appreciate Ties, Handkerchiefs,
Jackets, Socks, Shirts and hun
Men's Bathrobes that sell regu
larly at $15, on sale at. .$10.00
Men's 15c Initialed Handker
chiefs, 12 each, 6 in box at.70
Men's 15c Pure Linen Hem
stitched Handkerchiefs . . .1212.
Men's Imported nsn Lineu jver
chiefs, 25, 6 in fey. box.$1.40
Men's 50c Fancy Elastic Suspen
ders in holiday box, at pair. .29
Men's $1 Sets, including Arm
Bands, Garters and Suspenders
to match, at 69?
Men's $1.25 and $1.50 Suspender
Sets in fancy box, at set 99
Men's Umbrellas for Xmas at
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.90,
$2.50 to $5.00
Meyer's Cape Gloves, with Prix
seams, all sizes, in shades of tan
and brown, at $1, $1.25, $1.50
French Kid Gloves, of extra fine
quality, made with overseams
and with embroidery stitched
back; Vallier's cele- djo AA
brated Gloves : p-.UU
Reynier's Suede Gloves, made
with pique or overseams, all sizes
and colors; Gloves of unusual
quality, priced CA
at only pi.iJU
Women's and Children's Woolen
Golf Gloves, in all styles, sizes
and colors, special at 25t, 50
50c Teddy Bear Gloves for chil
dren, reduced to 39t