TTTE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 21, 1913. 8 PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PRUH?I SERVICE at reasonable price. Pacific Title & Truat Co.. 7 Cham, of Com. AtlOKDIOX fUATUili. STEPHAN Hemalilching and acalloping. accoid. aide pleat, buttons covered, gl. aponged; mail order,. 33 A.der. M- EM... AssAYKKe) AND ANALYSTS. UuMAXA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-teaung work.. 142 2d ,t- ATTORNEYS. J. R. oilEENKlELD General practice, eo n.t. . . i . i-1 iiaiii. iniurlea. etc k..mni,i I.. n office,. 707. iVS, 7U Stiiing bldg. I'onault.tion free. WM. aC LAFOKCE, Counsellor-.! law. lull Failing bloc- ART HATTKJtSS WOKK. &IAT AKcJ&afciti renovated and to order. Til, only special admirable shop. Marah.ll 2tt.ii. BAKUKIUt' tlM-UES. a vxncxfKli EXT. We to notify our (riends that we are no loi.ger with the O. B. 3. Co.. but have a supply house of our OWN. and wil. appreciate any business you care to give us. according you the same treatment as curing the past live year,. KEMP BAKUHHd' SUPPLY CO. Lee Kemp. : tib. St. Harry h.emp. UIIAT Bi lMllNU. O. P. GRAHAM P.oai i.u.'.Joig and repair Ink'. Marine .ays. Abernethy St. CAKl'KT WaAHXU, , lOKTHlVEiiT IICIS CO. Rugs from old carpets, rag rugs. ISSS East bth. ' ft;l.HXQll Bl'TTO'a. BA1K; tji. THE 1KWIN-HUUSOX COMPANY, oth st. i'honi-a Main S12 and A 1254. t HI KOPODISTS. IrVllliaui Ealelle and Deoane Deveney. the only scientific chiropodist in the city. . Pallors. K02 Gerlluger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Mam JjR FLETCHER, .septic chiropodist and foot specialist, treats all Ills of the foot without pain; 24 years- experience: lady ....B..n ,nt AMlf hide. Main feit2. ChTkoPODV and pedicuring. Mra M. D. Hill. Offices, 420 Fliedner b;dg. Maln34i3. R. and Mrs. Fletcher, painless chiropodist, over the Haaelwood. Main 3713. A 6ia. CHI KQ1'K.MT1C PHYSICIANS. lH. Jl'MAHON. 121 4th St. 1.00 modern equipment; chronic cases one-naif "truat prices; results guaranteed In writing. COAL. 1IIAWATHA" Utah hard coal, preferred by Government, guaranteed by mine agent. Ed'.fsen. 22 Stark t. Phone west 303. COAL ANl HOOU. KNIGHT coal haa no equal; a clean, hard, quick-firing, long-burning Utah coaL Al bir.a Fuel Co.. sole agent ' FOR FIRST-CLASS DRY SLABWOOD CALL 3.r NOHTH HTH. MAJN 3544. COLLECTION AGENCY. ,ETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Maio 176. No collection, no charge. CL'HKK-NT and delinquent, personal Injuries. Legal adjustment Bureau. 528 Lbra. bldg. D.VNCtNti. FKOK. WAL WILSON School Lessons 25c; waits, two-au-p. three-step, stage dancing . taught, morning, afternoon and evening; guarantee to teach anyone who walks how to dance. S3 0th St.. between Stark and UI1K BIS. rnoum .main iwi piitVATE Inftructlon. Individual or class, by vaunt lady: Tango and all latest so cial dances; aaaist at teas or clubs; refer ences of the test. C S16U. 3UXGLER Dancing Academy Social and fancy: tango, oue-eiep. dwiu, j...... and class. 231 Morrison. Marshall 313. AOBKIXHK.U IMPLEMENTS. Witchc.l. Levis i Slaver Co.,Morrlson and 2d. It. M. Wade A Co., 233-26 Hawthorne ave. A KC iTFr LIT I K.V L WIRE IKOS WORKS. Portland Wire A Iron VI k. 2d Columbia. lUIIRUIi.LEBI.GGY TOP CO.. 200 2fl t- Iitrhell. Lewi, as ewer Co..Morrlaon -ai 2d. Alfo- LAMPS AND KADIATOK, KEl'AltUNU. POltTLAND ALIO LAMP CO.. 010 Alder at. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. p.ALJ.OU Will'jlll'. 7ttt and oak st BAGCAO ECH El KEO AT HOME. i!agi,-uge t omniDU. Irauafer, Park t Oavl .. . I. .11. I, . I ( t I U Lewis-Stenser Larger fcupply Co., lOth-Mor. I11CY1 LES. MOTORCYCLES SUPPLIES. I'.Al.Lo. 4c Vi'l I'. 7lu and Oak st 1'Of'K F. P. Keenau Co.. lvo 4th street. BICYCLES AM) SUPPLIES. DAYTON CYCLE Co., 247 Ash street. . ' -.. . . I'.oval Bakery ConL, Int., 11th and Everett. .... . 1 1 1." 1' u 1' UrtCHCK .-,1 vi i ..... HENRY HE1.M1AR11, 13th and Burnslda. "rn.uui:i- VflRKS- p.lHTLANI) t'Aivli,:E WKS., ) nniiliN WHLfc-fc-f.S. SPRINGS. . V 1 lo North Fourth Street. Main B33K. cascakV'bark A'U GRAPE ROOT. KAHN BROS., 191 FRONT ST. CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER P. T Crowe A Co.. 40 ourtn street. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSKT A DliVEICS, 1-11 N. Front st CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Par Lla Oae time Mm ad. two coaMTuClTv lljBa. - taiue ad. ibrre -voruilva tima baute aU. Mx r ifvci rC4SUtlv tim. .A4k jtie abo rates apl t wdvertUruiesi bader ToOa utl all uer ciaaaiUM- tuu rmcfcft tb (ullnwium pit uat in Wanted. Male- t.ilittloa Mutd. t eoir1. r Ueui, Kwuiu. frlU. ,1ubIIJa. atuu4u aud tuiavd. trUai aimtioa. liaio ou ibr riaaulicatiaaa la 1 ciie ru b IjmiIoh. vlca uuo adariiMmrni la doc run la coav -rtiti. tM im wu-l4ui rata appllea. rtix Hief of d ruiuti a mum llna mm rab aderiiraiai aud a mL ovuaiad fur lUn tw le. On "rUa.'ed ' aJrrtivmento chars 1U h uucu u iba aunitHsr ol t iHartutf ia lUo ier. rsataii- mt IUa auiulMtr ul wortla iu stt. Uuc. Mmhlium Clttu.Mj, OrDtan will accept claairied ad rttmu.a wver (be lolevaaue, prwvidins lUo adenir I a UbM'4-ttfwr tt either pbuoe. N will b uuiU or tbo pbaa till hill VIM leHuered follwMiar d, . Uriiir uM'U-ot aavertiMUieBla will b aeptf-d aver lue pbuue diewa upM th uriiutiea 'f ptt utat of titsbttt tdrtr t.eiuu. MtuuiUi uud rrwaal adciterarnt noi accepted te 4b tic' . o.acr fr uu luerUua tmly -itd tor mmitura iur rai." -Uu0-oiioortuPUie," K,uif-ll-t" aad Mintia to Hnt." iae 0cenln will not Kuarantaa aeeumej or a reio:tiii.U lr crrara acruxfUig In tc.rub.-ucd auveriUMrmenta, Ihe OrsMilan will aat be reiaalbl for mure I baa ffut uu-urrftri gnwKtitam tj uj rttcu.ct tfifeced tor mure wan l" Sfw Todar all adTertlnemeota ar tba ed bj weuaure eM. 14 linca t (be t" - Kcmltlsneea most pecempaay oat-of-tjaa rtlrr, AdtcrtKpmrnt tn reeelre prompt clawlfl- -.atuKi muM be In Thf Orccuulan oftic- l :e lo o'dcK at nUbt, earapt latard.. 1 Iodine for The pun.taj rcconin will b o'clock Mtnrday msbt. Tbe of X ice will l. cpn until la- a'cliM'k 1'. a uul. and all ad, rocctted te late r proper euuetf. , ai.,.n .H be run under I .HicUus "Tee Cat in vt?i:J.,,. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Hlrth PtlLEV To Mr. 'ami Mm. Hiram E lls r.-2i Thirty.ii;hth avenue . E.. l,:.!it: f 17. a son. e'MKKWlM'lJ T. Mr. end Mrs. James Itpnvr.! St-.erwooil, 2-. Gray. Crossing. 1 n.I.-r i;. a i!auKiiter. H fT'-l.' Mi. and Mrs. Frank Hamll t..fv Cui'is. 1 1 .. Vil!iama avenue. Pec. i. a JirsSKlJJENT: To Mr. and Mrs" Henry J. Ilr.:d.':i2. :'.n-". East Frt -eichih atret Nur:)'. I'nember 12. a 'n. VK"KS T. vr. and Mrs. James Ambrose tVix-lia C lbert RaJ, Ixnta. December 1. o.l!;:hli'r. ' t ;l'illT-T.i Mr. nd Mr Charles T. rizi. Cio- Thompson street, December 3. a ton. i'uHKK To Mr. and Mr James M. . .!'.... imtl Kei;- strt-et. December IT. a liil--V.ler. PK'.'T VES To Vr. and Mr W. A. Pet t ... V.'S West Alheita. December 14, a ;.: J -t.-r. hunt:: To Mr. and rr Christian Bonte. I - N- rth Nmvieenth atieet. December 14, a I' ' t.Mil.TON To Mr. and Mr R. C. Ham !'. f.. 2' Fourteenth e'.reel. tlctober V a tiitb. ?) i r. IKIIBIT.X To Mr. and Mr fm Jai-kson s'leet. October 27. a aauxbtrr. Marriasre 1JceaMa. !.CON nl'-TONKPEKG Htlirh E. I.eon r.'. liv nd Hasel B. Stoneberj. Mon- ir ii'.i . UoVVLLL-ARLOCH A. E. Uoa.U. Cor. BUSINESS DIRECTORY DANCING. Mr. and Mr,. Heath', School, 109 2d at-, beu Wash, and Stark, and Allaky bldg.. 3d and Morriaon eta. Lessens daily, waltz and two-alep guaranteed in 4 leason.: cumm Mon. and FrL eve., S to 10, at 109 2a at. IKSMAIi . SXPEJiT dresamaking and ladies' tailoring reasonable, ii Huasel bldg.. 4tn and Mor rison. DRAFTING. PATENT AND COMMERCIAL DRAFTING. WM. C. BCHMITT. it'3 Henry bldg. M. 1285 ELECT KIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired.! We do all kind, of repair ing and rewinding: all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co.. 21 First at. North. Phone Main mriu. WE buy. sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand mutors; repair work aspe- . i j . western ciecti". TT " ". EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. HAN LEY Employment Agency. 28 Jecond St. North. Main 727. A 22IW. P. J. Hanley. prop. Re. phones. East ItfU. C 3027. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THKOAT. Treatment, bv specialist; glaase. ntted. Dr. F. F. Cased. 41S Dekum bi- 3d & V ash. FIRE LNSCBANCE. LET OWEN SUMMERS write your flre ln aurance. (t-1 Morgan bldg. Main S429. FbTjBVlTMACIlIXB SHOPS. PHOENTxIroT Works, East 8d and Haw" thorne. General machine and foundry work. HOLbE MOWO A. D. MOODIE. 103 E. Water St. f," Lateat Improved, machinery for handling heavy bodies. Brick building, specialty. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; develop ing, printing and enlarging. P.LLMAl..K PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 345 Washington St. LEATHER ASPrESIESG8. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished looe. AO "oi , "machinery. Engines, boiler" aawmllls bought, aold nd .xchanjed. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. MEhSEXGER 8EBV1CK. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Day 'and night aerMce. x huuw - MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher: pupil :ilk vol Fliedner bldg. A 4180. Mar. 1S21. FISCHER TRIO open for engagementa; re- .. i .11.... tmam Main 8138. CcpuuuB, ' Ml-hlf UHOOLM AD TEACHERS. 6CHOOL OF MUSIC etaff of teacher Ore. gon conservator 01 "XATrBOPATHic PHTSICIAXS Dr. Grover. specialist In paralysis, net-rou . k. . a nH.nn in hid. M. 3142 cnronio ohowq. v ' OPTICIANS." MUNSEI.L Optical Co. Quality classes, sec . v.1,. - -i .T Washlncton. on a xioor x. '- . OSTEOPATHIC "PHYSICIAN B. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 0 Morgan bldg.. cor. Broadwav and Washington at. 0"1 phone. Main i;49; residence. East 1028. PATENTS. PATENTS aecurea or ine iui, !. trsted guidebook and Hat of Inveptlona Dnv a,Mu' natent se- I cured -y us advertised free In Worlds Progress: sample copy free. Victor J. Evans a Co.. East Washington, P. C. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY Advice and books free. Highest refer encea; beit reeult: promptnea. assured. Send sketch or model for frea search. WATSON 3. COLEMAN. Patent Lawyer 624 F at.. Washington. O. C. WHOLESALlD MA1WFACTJJRERS PICA AJtu nii.r-a . WLSTEIt.N' Tool i Pie Works, 2QB Pine at. . ...... . . BTiupivr. FLEISCHNER-MAYEK t CO.. 207 Ah at, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Stubb. Electrical Co.. 6th and Pine at MALARKEY Sc CO., Inc., 149 Front Itreet. ELOUB- MLLLS. CROWN MILLo. Loard uf Trade bldg. Albera Bro Milling Co.. Front and Marshall. BALFOUR-Ol'THKIE 4c CO., Park and Oak. H M. HorsEIt, Board of Trade bldg. NORTHERN GRAIN A WHSE. CO.. Bd. Td. THE W. A. GORDON CO., Board of Trade. GROCERIES. WADHAMS CO.. li'J-io 4lh . "u , iu i:iwin. PORTLAND' HAIR GOODS CO.. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKUM BLDG. THANH AUSEIt IIAI CO.. 53-53 Front St. nAi. J. H. Klosterman Co.. Leading hay dealer. HIDES, FUKS, PELTS, WOOL, TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO., 03-65 Front St. HIDES. PELTS. WOOL As'D ECUS. KAHN BWOS.. 191 Front street. IKON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East 3d and Burnside Sts. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. Complete stock of BEAMS. ANGLES, CHANNELS. PLATES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORK SI'PPI.IEH. CHAS. L. MASTICK CO., 74 Front; leather of everv description, tap mfg. finding valiis. Or., legal, and Barnlca Mae Oarloch, city, SENiiEH-MERRILL Oma C. Sanger, city, 14. ami Jennie 11. Merrill, city. 26. PETBUSoN-JO.NtiON Gluuard Peteraon, clly. 2., and Lena Jonson, city. 20. CROMS-GRAY Frank E. Cross. Hebo, Or., legal, and Iiesnte Gray, city, lesal. NORTHRUP-ROSi.; Leigh A. Northrup. Arleta, legal, and Frieda Rose, Arleta. legal. 1'KiiR i -Xi'COLM c. Berry, city, legal, and AlareeUu McColm, c!ty, legal. KI NKABHAI-O Mikkl Kunkaa, Prosper ity, nr., leni, and Helena tslo. eltv. legal. VOORHIES-PEUKINS Max B. Voorhies. city, legal, and Nellie C. Purklns, city, legal. Cook's Floral Shop. Floral deaigna of a'.i kind,. Main 77o. A 77U3 12u 4lh atreet. M ECT1?0 NOTICES. CHRISTMAS 'BALL. Prospect Company. No. Ho, V. O. W. re quest your presence at their annual Christ mas ball on Thursday evening, December 23. 1SI3. at the W. O. W. Temple. 128 Uth st. Member friends cordially Invited. Come and let us make It the beat ball of the sea son. Refreshments served. Prizes given. Lnion niuaie. RONNIE ROSE CASTLE, NO. TS. THE ROYAL HIOH l.A.XDEP.g Regular meeting Monday evening. December TX, at V. O. W. Hail. l:s 11th at. Election of officers. Re freshments. I.. P. HEWITT. I. P. MR. A. H, PITTMON. Sec. .KlRKrATRJCK COUNCIL. NO. S227. K AND L. OK d. -""0" party, entertainmem. .' i tiull Krcadwav and Morri- ..... WLUv K.:tO sharo. Dec. 2l. lion. John V. Logan will denier a snon eciuic on re-ent trip through the prinaipal ceunlrie, or. Europe. I mon n.un-. i,-iiii nd frier.ils cordially invited. Free admis sion. ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN; FIDr'.L.I't'V LiilurE. No. 4 Members are reuri.:.-ii io ,:tnd the funeral services of W. e. Penaie at 2 P- M. today from running's Undortnklng Parlor K. th and Alder aid. Lodge services at the grave. 5 H. ZANE, Recorder. MULTNOMAH CI HOLE. NO. 74. W. O. W Members come to pur Chrlllro.s tree. Frlriav evening. i.e -ember -i. 191S. 12 llth at. Brln th- iMldren! , , NELLIE J. I.OTTRITZ. Clerk. KNIUKTS AND LAl'IES OF SECl'RITT will give a card pa-ty and danca Mimilay evrnlliif. December 22. at their hall, fr".1 Fifth street. .vdmissmn i.ic. inmu n,u.. ForiTT LOPC.E.-NO? . FRATERNAL! I-NION- OK AMSKICA. wi'.l give a dance M.mdav eve.. 1).-. 22. In the SXllng-Hirarh, bldg.. ifh and Washington. Admission, 25c. i PORTLAND ARtTlT'B Big spec!.! 500; party Paiurtiav evening. Orient Hall. East , Sllh and Alder. Kverv Tuesdav afternoon. Member. nd frtrnds Invited. Admission ..e.l j ITJIERAI. KOTirSS. MACKENZIE December 18. Veil Macken zie aged 7rt vears. n month, and l.i days beloved father of Mra. A. M Welst. of Knappa. Or. Funeral aervlcea will be held at Dunning Mi-Entee'. er.ap-1 Mon dv December 22. at 1 o'clock. Friends respectfully Invited. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. . ' KEVXT December IS. Patrick Kenny, aged Tl yeara Funeral will take pi tee from Punning A McF.ntee'. chapel Monday. De cember 22. at S :' A. M. Service, at St. Xirv't Cathedral. 8 o'clock. Friends re spectfully invited- Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. MOVKOX The funeral services of the late Hens Monson aill be heid at Punning A McKntee's chapel, tomorrow (Sunday), De cember 21. at 2 o'clock. Friend, re spectfully intited. Interment Rose City Cemetery'. T" PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENT A i 1U1U- E.13. Mason. Fenwick A Lawrence, Washington. D. C. Established over half a century. Book let free. References. John D. Jones, C. L. Lenhart. Kerr. Gifford It Co.. Kelly. Clark U. & AND foreign patents obtained by Peter Haberlin. 40S Chamber of Com merce, Portland; Victor bldg.. Washing ton. D. C. Patent procured by J. K. Mock, J,rT-t-lw. late of the U. S. Patent Office. Booklet free. 1010 Board ot Trade bldg. R. C. WRIOHT 22 year- pracUce. li. 8. and foreign patent 600 Dekum. bldg. PLAYER PL4NOS. WHEN' vour pianola or any kind Player piano is out of order, write or phone to V. Kraemer, 550 Couch. Marshall pert player piano repairing, regulating, tuning and polishing; work warranted, moderate price. ' PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York ts. Main S4A RUBBER STAMPS. JSK.VL&, BRASS SK8 1 PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 221 Wash. st. Phones Main 710 and A2710. . : . . . . . ..r-. .t rrtMPiNT. S2 6th st. Phona Mam 312. A 1-5. SEWING MACHINES.- Machine of all makes, new nd M-hand, for sale, rented and repaired. M ! Sl Machine emporium, " . SHOWCASES.BAJiK STORE FIXTURES. FOR reasonable prices see Weetera Future ec snowcase v.o., ... . MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch ; new and old window rilmavand cabinet worn. STOBAtiEAND TRAN8JB PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor. 15th Pnd Kearney... Just completed ne ; fire proof warehouse for household "; pianos and aulomobUes: contama separate Fire and vermin-proof rooms, "f,1". piano-room, trunk anl rug A, moi- age for carload shipments; ans d inc. reduced freight rates o n good to aud from East In through car Main 0O4U. an uctM.". c O PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offices d coStmodu. 4-story separate Iron rooms and 0'reP0i, fo? valuable.: N. W. cor. 2d and Pine 'la Pianos and furniture moved and pautea ' forehipment. apeclal rate, made on goods '"our through car. to all domestic ana forelsn port. aniii PORTLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Main 810. 206 Washington. A l". Piano, and furniture moved and packed for .hlpment. Special rate. mad. on good. to dometlc and foreign fr"' car aorvice. " ' OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 OUsan G'nerra'andToV Jiehindonnermin7.VkV1"oweV.t Insurance rates In the city. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO.. en,rm uansffr and .torage, safe. P'J"?" furniture moved and packed for Wpmenj; rr. - .nn inin vuis for long distance moving. 87-89 Front at. Main547jrAji24.. Z oil i ' n. Uar.tial 21 C. C. 1 e 1 1 fc ; - - "-V,H ana East r urnnui, -.-. packed for shipment and senerax tranHtamng; x moum PORTLAND"aUT6" DEL. CO.. dray age and storage; furniture moving and packing. 27 No. Front. Marshall if 30. A B.5t. TRUSSES. EXPERT TRUSS F'TTING at the Iaue- Davis Drug to.. " . ...-,..-... F. B. LALLUKl'a CO.. 231 Pine st. - ... . t.-.-.. nlTB Balfour. Guthrie & Co., Park andOat MLV8 AND WOMEN'S "NECKWEAR. r-ni..mhia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 3 Fifth st. BRADSHAW BHOS., Morrison and Tth t ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Pnrtl.nd Wire A Iron Work 2d & columola- ' . . c. ' V . ! Tviv vlnvKHKi RASMUSSiiN & CO.. J"Ma. .al)?lTavlor glass, saah and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. W . p. t I 1 . 1 . f . H I-iii ,iiu , .. . a , A I1-' Tl PIONKKR PAINT CO.. Ie6 FIRST ST. PIPE, PIPE "FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. hl-tu Front Jlt - iTMlilN'll AND STEAM SUPPLIES., C4-00 ....... ... 1 lir'RT IHRHIi P. W. BALTESVCO" 1STAND OAK STS. "TrODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKDI.nG A FARRELL. 140 Front at. . .... ..... urvltiru TU'IVK sum . . 1 . ... -. ...... . Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrgp. 1. . n ATBk IDIVVf. COLUMBIA-DIGGER CO., Foot Ankeny at. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER it CO.. 12th and -Pav' V. . . . m w w w if.11 rwn V PORTLAND Iron Worktlth and Northrup. r- , a ,y.wJ1 A mT H-WTV1 TVfi rOLIMHU BLfFLY C p., 8 Front U niiiii'D a Ernst Ml'Ier V,Rll Paper Co "2 1st St. Mori-sax WALL PAPER CO., 230 2d st- ... . . ..... niiiRlcfl Portland Wire A Iron Works. 2d &. Columbia. FUNERAL NOTICES. HALL At 28 South Portland avenue. Brook. Isn. N. Y., after a ahort tilneas of acute kidney trouble. Miss Opal Hall, age 3o years T monihs 20 days. Beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hall, of Monmouth, Or., sister of Mrs. Laura Miller, Mra. J. M Stover. Mrs. C. E. Herren. Mr Claude Skinner, Mrs. Nathaniel Wither and Visa Dora Hall. Services will be held at the home of her sister, in Indepen dence. Or., after the arrival of the re mains, which are expected any time af ter Sunday. Burial In the family lot at tlie Buena Vista Cemetery. NELSON December 20, 1913, at his late residence, 13 W. Webster t Erich Nelson, aged 73 years 11 niouths 8 days, beloved father of Samuel F. Nelson aud Joshua Nelson, of Rock Island. 111. Funeral serv ices will be oonducted tomorrow iMonday), December 22. 11)13. at 2 P. M from the Augustana Lutheran Church, corner Rod ney ave. and Stanton at. Friends respect fully Invited. Interment Rose City Park Cemetery. Muskegon. Mich., papers please copy. Remain, at Pearsons funeral par. lors. KIKSCHENMAN At his late residence, Bth ave. and Nelson t.. Lent,, Dec. 19, Charles Kirschenman. aged 3 years. Funeral serv ice, will be held Sumlay. Dec. 21. at 2:30 H. M., under the auspice, of Mt. Scott Lodge, No. 1S8. 1. O. O. F., at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy A Co . Lents. Friend. Invited. Interment Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. BENVIE At the family residence. Oak Grove, Dec. 10. William K. Benvle, aged ol year. 4 months, o days, beloved hus band of Mrs. V. U. Benvle and father of Ruth Benvle. The funeral services will he held at th. conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc.. East Side Funeral Direc tors, 414 East Alder si., at 2 P. M, Sun day. Dec. 21. Friend, invited. BARRETT November 1. at Bait Lake City. Peter A. Barrett, aged 2 years, 7 moutha and 6 daya. Beloved huaband of Georgia Barrett -und only gon of N. Barn rett Deceased was a member of Columbia Lodge. No. 114. A F. and A. M. Remains at Dunning A McEntee's parlors until Monday. 10 o'clock. Cremation private. tjick The funeral aervlces of the "late Ronald Dick will b. held at Holraan". funaral parlor, at 2 P. M. today tsuu. day). Friend. Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. rONEKAL MBECTOHS. MR. mWARD HOI. MAX. Use leilig fw. oral Uretr. TUlrd .treat, corner SaJ. aaaa. Lady .Mtaiaul. A loll, Mia MI. w. h nmsiMi. inc. de Ioner.1 IHreeWra, 414 Ka4 Alder at. tul 6S, B UtS. DIT'MNO A M'EXTKK. faneral directory V h a.d 1-loe. Phone Main 40. Lady at- teada.t. Offlc. of Coroner. "sKMlis rXOTRTAKISO COMPANY. Sd and CJay. Maln415. A gU. Lady attendant. CEMETERY EEAUTiFUL SIOl'ST SCOTT PARK. It. tiraeity .Inaularly appropriate. It. rare pe-eullarly "nmrstlvr of atfactloa aad urmary. Elegant and rammsillsaa vtaltora' real rooms. Perpetual ear.. Ita llnrd, pleading service. Kearkad hy ML Bcatt or t amadcro cara Both pkoaea. OREGOaN HUMAM SOCIETY OFFICE fO. 33 l)IOX AVEM'E, COK1EK MARKET STREET. 1'aowe Eaat 1423, 8 SHIS. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment ! notica. Prices reasonable. Report all case of cruelty to this offloe. Open day and nttfut. DIED. PRATT In this city. Dec. 19. at the resi dence of her daughter. Mrs. T. J. Ripley, SSfl East 6th St., Nettle E. Pratt, aged 52 years. months. 1 day. beloved mother of Mrs. V. P. Dillon, of Chicago, 111., and Mrs. T. J. Ripley. The remains a!e at the conservatorv chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 Ea,t Al der st. Funeral notice in a later Usue. FITZGERALD December 20. Richmond Fitzgerald, aged 17 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Graham F. Fitzgerald, of 1773 Fiske St. Remains at Dunning McEntee's parlor Notice of funeral la ter. XAGEIr December 20, John- L. Nagel. aged 18 years, beloved son of Mrs, Otto Xagel. of 1770 Druid st. Remains at Dun ning A- McEntee's parlor Notice of fu neral later.. FO.iD At Shipherd's Spring. Carson, Wash., Dec. 20, -Charles D. Ford, of Sa lem. Oregon, aged 54 years lO months 6 day Remains at Holman's funeral par lors. Announcement of funeral later. TOO LITE TO CLASSIFY. glO 5. ROOM cottage. 1 block of Llewellyn School. I block Sellwood car. East 15th and Tolman ave. Modern 6-room house, 2 sleeping porches. S bedroom electric lights, across street from school, 2 blocks to Sellwood car. 581 Henry ave. .J. W. Ogllbee. 145 V, let. Main 1858. HOLTZ STORE REQUIRES SERVICES OF 60 BRIGHT YOUNG MEN FOR MONDAY,. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY. APPLY BE FORE 9 A. M. MONDAY. SUPERINTEND ENT. HOLTZ STORE. VEHY comfortable front room and kitchen (bedroom if desired). Plione, light, bath, heat: walking distance. 233 Chapman. Marshall 938. WOMAN to work In part payment of her self and husband's room and board; small private family, new. modern home; no nonn-ptvlvR clear, fruit, confectionery long lease, cheap rent; arranged for light luncnes ana ueiimheaseu. w b. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA. hornless, never used, cost 47.our-eil sf.ou casn. oia Yamhill. 1 2-ROOM suite, plenty of light and air, very reasonable. Phone E. 32ou. ow union ave nue North. LOST One gold monogram fob, initial. LADY to board three small children; must be reasonable, u o-e. uibiuuiu. $200 EQUITY In 11100 house for anything; . e aok rw,nnlan rai jmyiuoiun. v.v. - r . WANTED Room and board by .Ingle gen tleman. West Side. C 620, Oregonlan. MEW TODAY. Auction Sale MONDAY, 2 P. M. ,211 FIRST STREET FORD AUCTION CO. You will find a very nice assortment of furniture of all kinds for this sale, among which you will find some very good dressers in quartered oak and other finishes, heavy metal beds with g;ood spring's and mattresses, round oak extension table, very pretty buffet, massive sideboard, very fine large oak rockers, some with leather seats; din ing chairs, steel range, heaters, some sets of new dishes, good carpets, rugs, art squares, comforts, blankets, sheets, Killow cases, table cloths and napkins, itchen cabinets, kitchen treasures, etc., etc. "We Sell Again on WEDNESDAY, 2 P. SI., And Have Several Very Nice Lots to Dispose of - Oy THURSDAY WE WISH YOU ALL A MRRY XMAS FORD Al'CTIOX CO, 211 First Street. Leases- A modern fdtnily hotel to be erected at once in vicinity of 14th and Morrison. Re sponsible tenant wanted for this buildinir. Reliable party wanted for fine brick apart ment house, mostly furnished. Apply GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY . Stock Exchange, . 3rd and YamhilL Beautiful 10 Room New England Colonial Heme i Located in LaurelhursL Just completed. 75x100 Jot lawn in. Inside finished in enamel, with mahogany trimming. Sep arata malH'n room with bath. Hot-water heating. Plate-glass windows. Solid I brass hardware. More closets and in side conveniences than you ever saw in a house. Built by highest-class builder in city. 15,000, including garage and all street improvements paid. Phone MIL 8TEVEXSOX, MAIN 1508 or A 151B. LAURELHURST HOME Very swell seven-room bungalow, with attic, three bedrooms and breakfast room; oak floors, two fireplaoes, pass pantry; (ot 75x100; one block to car. A bargain at t850O; $3230 down, balance terms. Let me show you this. On Royal Court. C. M, ZADOW . 414 Corbet. Bldg. A 1416, Maranall 02. LAURELHURST Beautiful New Homes and High, Slchtly Building Site For Sale on easy terms iu th (in eat, mo!; Highly developed close-in residence park In the city. Being located in the very htrt of the Eaat Side residence district, wild bent of car service, an4 sur rounding LaurelhursL Park, the peer of ail natural scenic parks in the world--' Phone for our Auto. Main 1503 or A 1515. and let ua ehow you around. MEAD & Ml'KPHY. Bales Agents, SUrk Street. Tract Of- tue fc. 4ith und l-Uhun Sts. labor aJ38. WALNUT PARK SNAP Modern six - room house with attic and three bedrooms, fireplace, book cases, paneled dinins-room; buffet, Kutch kitchen, cement floor, laundry trays: corner lot, 60x100; hard-surfaced street all in; worth $5500, now ,3500; 1 1000 down and (25 per month. C. M. ZAUOW 414 Corbett Bids. A 1410, Marshall 3. SNAPS 100 x 10 corner at' east end . Harriman bridge; some In- come: snap 25,000 5il2D Williams ave. and Rus sell St., best business corner on East Side. Good income.. 843.000 GEO. O. MAIR, 82S Railway Exchange. Marahall 8674. INCOME FLATS Ten modern flats, all rented, select West Hide location, five blocks, from City Hall; corner lot, 100 x 1U0, worth ,54,000, Must sell. Will take .35.000; 910.000 down balance easy terms. Lot alone worth $30,000. C. M. ZADOW 414 r.raett Bids;. A 1418, Marshall 8S. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any amount 6 to 8 per cent. W. H SEITZ. Sl Spaldlns Bldg. Mala 584. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CE0NAN Sea. "paJdiMS Bids. - Fortlaad. Or. NEW TODAY. AUCTION SALES . At Wilson's Auction House 168-8 FIRST ST. iNcar Morrison St.) REGULAR SALESDAV MONDAY, KE1ESD&Y AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT 10 A. SU SPECIAL FOR MONDAY'S AUCTION We have eon.lsned for positive .ale to the hlKhest bidder some cholee pieces of HIRH-VH1DE FL'RMTl'RE, DUAPEK IES, ETC, comprialnar one Square Pi ano, suitable for beginner; oue Simplex piano player; 1 An&relua piano player; one Eastman 3io. 4 Kodak, in -fine con dition; seven piece, old Bold parlor fnr nitnre, very artistic frames, uphol stered in finest silk coverings; gold corntcee, with draperies sofa pillows, with genuine Oriental covers. These good, are very appropriate for stage settings. One solid mahogany parlor cnltinett one roa.slve famed oak pedes tal: oak dinins-room suit, including buffet l extension table and set of leather seat ehairst 71 piece decorated Haviland China; .ilverwarei double par lor Roxbury carpets, and other miscel laneous fnrnlture. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY we ahall sell furniture, carpets, stoves, etc from private homes. WE SELL AT PRIVATE SALE UPRIGHT PIANOS in fine condition. HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE -of all descriptions. ROOM-SIZE RIGS, various makea and sixes. STEEL AND GAS RANGES, Water Heaters, etc. Hoods sold at private sale fully guar anteed and delivered free. WILSON'S BANKRUPT-STOCK STORE Corner Second and Yamhill. GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hard ware and nil kinds of Merchandise at Wholesale. STORE FIXTURES Cash Register, Scales, Showcases, Fireproof Safes, etc at very low prices. J. T. WILSON, PROPRIETOR. Cash paid for furniture, dishes, bed dine etc.; also stocks of merchandise, etc. Main 1S26. A 4243. AUCTION SALES SPECIAL On Monday and Tuesday DEC. 22d AND 23d AT 10 A.M. Monday, at 10 o'clock sharp, we will offer for sale to the highest bidder 100 of the finest sinking; birds in the city. These birds consist of Hartz Mountain, St. Angel and Linnets; also several goldfish and howls. We will also offer for sale anything- in our large stock of buffets, sideboards, dressers, combln ettes. brass, Vernis Martin and iron beds, culled hair, silk floss and cotton felt mattresses, dining-room tables, library and center tables, dining, rock ing; and easy chairs, rugs, carpets and linoleum; wood, coal and gas ranges; also some high-grade walnut, golden oak desk and filing cabinets, four large plate-glass hall trees; a fine lot of bedding, spreads, sheets, comforts, wool and cotton blankets, dishes and silver ware. s NOTICE. We wish to state these birds were all raised b" Mrs. Barbur, at Tremont Station, and are the very best breeds that money can buy. Any one wishing to talk to Mrs. Barbur in regard to birds, phone Tabor 127. Be sure and be at the sale at 10 A. M. sharp, and get the choice of this stock. v Bell Auction Co. 191 SECOND STREET. J. A. Mearow, Auctioneer. 16G-X6S PA"K STREET. ON TUESDAY NEXT, WE SELL THE FURNITURE, RUGS. ETC.. OF PRIVATE HOME. WE HAVE MOVED THESE GOODS TO OUR SALESROOMS FOR CONVENIENCE OF AUCTION SALE, comprising library and parlor tables, rockers, couches, chairs, oak cadilla secretary bookcase, lady's parlor desk, cabinet, large mirror, box couches, Axminster and Brussels rugs, pictures, very costly upright folding bed, quartered oak dining-room suite, vlK., pedestal table, buffet and leather seat chairs, table linen, full size brass beds, steel springs, silk floss and felt mattresses, mahogany, birdseye maple and oak dressers and chiffoniers, full s i x e and three-quarter iron beds, springs and mattresses, pillows, steel range, cookstove, gas ranges, AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. Intending purchasers should inspect the above goods tomorrow, as every thing must be sold on Tuesday, as Mr. A. C. Curry leaves for California on Wednesday. In addition to the above goods, we shall sell several new rockers, etc. suitable for Christmas presents, AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. ON THURSDAY WE SHALL BE CLOSED, Wishing our many friends and patrons A MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS. W. C. BAKER C, A. CROWEI.L. Furniture Dealer, and Auctioneers, lHU-ltiS Park Street. BANKRUPT FURNITURE LAST WEEK MUST VACATE PETERS' OLID OAK FURNITURE 17.MI Peters; Buffet. . .......... $ S.SO Peters; Umbrella .Stands.. l(l.(IO S S.OO 3.00 9 X00 II M.OO T.OO .-. Peters' Hall Trees 4.;t. Peters' Foot Wests im.-vi Peters' Massive Chair. meters rtoi-iieia. . a..MI Peters' China Closet ,M.(o. Circassian Dresser.. . . ;10.00 Circassian Dresner f-jK.mi Golden Wax Dresser...... KM.oo Dining Chairs (six). nait.iMI Buffets .;-. w Dining Tables, .Mt Dining Tables $18.00 Library Tables Hi 2.00. Library Tables gas.iM Brass Beds , i'U.H Brass Beds K YOU DOST BUY HERE V B .$13.00 .s-to.tin .mo.oo .mis.iio 1 7.11(1 . HlH.llll .sci.oo . K i ii.riii u.oo .9 N.VV .a".oo ..(T.IKi tiOTH - 1.17 j. 449 Washington r NEW TODAY. CALIFORNIA Rivergarden Farms In the Famous Sacramento Valley Where they cut 2 tons of alfalfa per acre, 6 crops a year; hops, 2500 pounds an acre; potatoes, S00 sacks, or 600 bushels an acre. Garden truck, all kinds, three crops a year. . Beans, 40 sacks an axre: sugar beets 20 tons an acre- Prunes, $300 an acre. Amid bright, cheerful surroundings, sunshine and abundant pure water sup ply. No surface irrigating to cause unhealthful conditions. RIVERGARDEN 13 A SUB-IRRIGATED PROPOSITION Close to biggrest market on Pa cific Coast. Early selection now of a parcel of this famous es tate will make big money for the live investor. For full In formation and Reserva tions, tall on MR. WATT, with DORR E. KEASEY S CO. 232 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Pnones Main 1189, A 3814, or Even into, East 11582. For Sale SIO.OOO 50 acres, iy2 miles from electric line, 1Z miles from Portland; line anuviai soil, spring: water, 5000 cords of fir wood. Adjoiniug land held at double price. Good terms. $80OO 20 acres, 10 miles from Portland ; all cleared, in fine state of cultivation, 7-room modern house, good bam and outbuildings, hot and cold water in house, water piped to all buildings, on good road. Good terms. A. W. Lambert & Co. 404 East Alder Street E. 640, B 1910 664 ACRES Just three miles from the city lim its out the Powell Valley auto road, two fine farm-houses and several large barns; 450 acres in cultivation, balance good cordwood timber; will more than pav for the clearing; five good springs; electric car station on the place; fine lor platting. For quick sale, 27o per acre; easy terms. CM. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1418, Mar.hall 93 SO Acres 2Vi miles from Butler, Wash., a station on" the North Bank railroad; 3 acres in cultivation; 1,000,000 feet saw timber; running spring; large stream will fur nish electric or water power; best of soil; no buildings. $35 per acre. Ad dress owner, L. C. Bennet Edfewater, Wash. MORTGAGES Bought and S.oId HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK Chamber of Commerce Bldg. (5 TO 7 H. E. M0ONEY a una. 421 Failing BlaUi Mortgage Loans City or Multnomah' County. Prompt service. See us first. Geo. H. Thomas 2(17 Oak St. Itoom S, Alnsworth Bids. Mortgage Loans horrent Rale. ROBERTSON & EWIMG 810 rallies Bldg. Mortgage Loans At Lowest Rates CffiOBGE KNIGHT CIiAEK Main 3154. 1017 Board of Trade Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Loans of J1000 and up at lowest rat.s on Good Improved City properties 11 you need money call today. Our ln sutllrnent payments ar attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. JOS McKay Bldg., Third and Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS Our wn Money at Correal H.ira, Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Commercial Cluto Mlda. yortiand, ur. Bargain, Factory or W.rehooM Bit.. d have 10,wiu square feat in city, with t-Ackaea, close to carlin. and j.aved streets to center. Will let It to tar asuv; amall liavinent dov n ana eaay terma un balance. Give phone number or address for inter view. M uri-gnnlari. COT & FARM LOANS $1GG0 and ip at lowest ra;c. C. II. SADOW Will Saprilk-e Tjsst Fsriut'i :it ia Ptirt:ai-. T fti'i t-s; li nfrfeoti ; fr-1 irtick a'i tvatoi- front; I h.ot-k' from ;.a.-.r?il sir.';t ami turiine; $10,mu uiil handle. M OL'T, Oi-esonian. mortgage loans NEW TODAY. mm 3 LEASED FLATS, 10 PER CENT NET "West Side, easy lerms. GOLDSCHMEDT'S AGENCY, 208 Stock Exchange. VOI R WOTS Will fall In love with thla beautiful Lanrel hurat home when ahe ee It and no won der. Artistic and pretty, with lawn ana flowers VU In. Designed and built for a horn, by on. of Portland's leading architects. It Is complete In every detail and ready to mov. Into. Foyer hal( apaciou. living-room with alcove bav and fireplace, dining-room and kitchen. Three" bright, cheery bed cham bers, glass-enclosed Bleeping porch and batn. Finished in old ivory, polished oak floor, downstairs and lots of closet room. Concrete basement, fuel-saving furnace, garage, and half a block from carline. Price very low and terms if desired. Be sure to see thla you cannot do better. R. W. JOY. Phon. Main 160S or A 1510. $7000 To loan at 6 and 7 on first class city real estate. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 7557 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 5-R00M COTTAGE 73 East Thirtieth St. N., near East Everett Street. Price $2300.00 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 Fourth St. Flats For Sale By Owner PRICE $10,000 INCOME $1100 Elegant modern building; tn first-class condition. Always rented; fine location. Terms. 363 Monroe St., near Union ave. BJSAL. K8TATK I CALEBS. Beck. William G.. 315-81 Falling bldg. BENEDICT BROS.. (Burrell Heightai. B3 Hawthorn, .v... cor. Sl.u Tabor Jennings ft Co.. Main 18S. 208 Oregon la LOGAN, home loans. 816 Spalding bldB. PALMKR-JONlid CO.. U. r. ilM-.Oi-au. Wilcox bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. 100X100 - IN EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD FOR 800. y Restricted district, on 80-foot striiet; good houBes all about. The biggest bar gain in Portland for the money; lots woll worth $lii00; owner will take 00 cash for quick sale. A. N. Searle. corner East 7th and East Glisan Uak M-v car. see me ima cuuoy yu-.j WEST SIDE LOTS Must sell these soon and will make easy terms: 50x112, l4o; 50x100 $:tUo. perfectly level; 5UX1J0, $54-. All on Upper Portland Heights; streets . graded and city water; no assessments to pay; pretty homes surrounding; must sell. Address for further Information, AT 5!)S. Liregoniaii. 325 BUYS a very choice homesite. West Side, 15 minutes' car ride, Ac fare, the best value in the city; terms only 10 down, balance 5 per month. The lot Is 811x110; if you are looking for a property with a big future this will suit you. Ji. E.. tee, u . . BUILD 'ON THIS LOT. Dandy east-front Rossmere lot, only two blocks to car; has beautiful trees and is In best part of this district. Price -Sa.l a to . CALLAN & KASER. 722-4 Yeon bldg. ONE-QUARTER acre tract on the West Side, beautiful view of Mt. Hood, East Port land and the river; the best buy In the city for 31'5; $10 down, $5 per month; this Is ideal for a homeslte; only lo min utes' car ride, '6c fare. M. E. Lee, o22 Cor bett bldg. " APARTMENT SITE. 100x100 In Irvlngton, close to 2 carlinea, and walking distance to West Side busi ness. A bargain for 5o00 If taken at once. Zimmerman, 310 Board of Irado bldg. BEAUTIFUL homesites. close in on th. West Side, containing one-Quarter acre, only 15 minutes' car ride, 5c fare, handy to three carllnes; best value in the city; 335; 10 down, balance 55 per month. M. E. Lee. 51'3 Corbett bldg. BEST BARGAIN ' ON HAWTHORNE AVENUE. Lot a l-:;xl7. facing south, near Mth st price $1SU0; terms. JIOOO cash. . GODDABD & WIBDK1CK, Stark St. MULTNOMAH Btallon, about one-third acre, fine, aigiitly building tract, SS50; i0 car - fare; l."i minutes' ride. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPAM. jTsjMnt.-orth St. LOT 50x104, near Multnomah station, on the Oregon Electric, with Bull Run water Biped In the atreet; price ?2i5; sniuil ' payment down, easy monthly payments on DUlUllCK. --V.V ' o SOW, all caah, will buy z mil on in io stricted district; cemrnt walks; worth 1"00' GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark at. A SNAP. good lota on SSd and Sumner, for lust of what was paid for tain. months ago; must be cash. C. E. Lrnst. S41 wasningioii bi L 7. l'lk S. Jn.nure. worth $1000. 5iO this uet-k: S00 cash. Merchants Res taurant. Whitwood Court, Llnnton. LARGE lot with barn, plenty of lrult trees, near the corner of East Stark and olst si. Need money. Will se 1 cheap. Scott- Beesley-ueane -'J--'-"t . p HAVE a fine lot on 30th st. near Hancock, all improvements in. Will sell very cheap. ScotBeesley-Dcane Co., 212 Ablngtoi, bldg iriT 2ilth and Ivon, corner 76x100; hard EturTfaoetlhsfr1ei.s and sidewalk in and in cluded in price', busmesa locality, $3000. ' AD 4iW, urea"'1"1". S00 lrvinelon district, on Schuyler at. tween L7th and usth ; very tavorable tel be. .... iDvnmh fi tt.rniH- SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Jine bi,, .t. -ii at.. BEST "bu"? "In " Alameda" Park. 50 line view sue, uw ojj. discount for ali casH. IMone C luoi. Main illl. FOR SALE -Lots at corner 41st a"dMa;t Orant lo 4Jd at. Call at l2 6th et. North. Phone C 1UB7; ask for Mrs. Howe. BUILDING lots at a bargain price for cash in good location; act quick. C. A. Zygow- CHOICEST quarter block In lBofi0tu(; owner, 716 Chamberof Conimerce. lo ACRES in, Powell valley, close to ear line; price rignt. "" " plan. 2i00 FOR threee !o"ts; will jell f or 7 Der cent off for cash: $J0.ij tor 3 lots, u lr cei?t off'for cash. N M07, Oregonlan. TRV1NGTOJI BARGAIN Choioe i lot near car: improvements paid; 1600, terms. Main sum. .'i in' SALE by owner, view lot on Portland Heights nar car. close in; exc.ptlonal value X 81. Oregonlan. wTSiand lot. $850, worth $150; term. montniy. i - EQuTTThriot$115. for $60.Mala 7809 af ter l i " - fliii ml.iTcHKAP Lot 100x105. E. Grant. !?ellv.:ood mornings. I1""dOWN, $10 month, corner lot, 80x140, wirinnd. Owner, D 026, Oregonlan. NEAR St. Johns end carline, 100x100; will se.l lor lwo. u ww, v.a".""'" CORNER LOT, 4 blocks from bench. Ocean View, cheap. AK iu. U"s'""- $00ii. BEST buy in Ilun City Park, bioras irom car. g 605, Oregonlan. $! Egl'ITY In lot, at Rose City Park. Cheap. A r m'-,. orBa'Pmni). ii.Mi Klne lot. .10x120. Irvingtun district. Call ov. ner. Main IMIP- r.KO. T. MOOKECO..5J.Vj;lng''' Bldg. ui'i'i' -Xi'MEVD lot near 24th. Jrvlngtrn lot u'oar 23d. both good lott, cheap. C 1030.