, - ... TITE .STjyPAY! OREGOyiAJT. POBTLAyP. DECEMBER 81, 1913. - ------ W fWn Every Evening Until Christmas-" Gold Bond" Stamps Given With All Purchases -Redeemable in Either Cash or Merchandise gSWaists. Sweaters. Dresses, Silk Petticoats. Second nooTDoUs, Art GoorpTctures. Infants' Wea7on the Third Floor 60c Box Chocolates 49c In the Candy Dept. tomorrow, 500 boxes of delicious Chocolate Creams in holly-decorated boxes, 60c a box, special at, box 49 Fancy Boxed Candies, 25c-$10.00 Lunch and Dinner Monday Served from 11 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Soup . Cream of Celery, 5c Fiah Baked Salmon, Egg Sauce, 10c Entree Veal Stew, with Dumplings. Boast Leg of Mutton, with Jelly. Salad? Shrimp 6, Salmon 5c Qneen Olives 5c Slaw 5c Celery Hearts Sc tickles 5c .fruit Salad 5c Vegetables 5c Pastry 5c Tea, Cof. 5c mmmx casern 1 1 Women's $5 Sweaters $3.49 On the second floor, tomorrow, Great Xmas si nf Women's Sweaters in all sizes and in shades of red, gray and white; made in ruff neck style and medium weight witn Kmi-in pockets; excellent values and very nanosome, durable and desirable garments; CO regular $5 values now reduced to r"" $2 Combination Sets $1.19 600 Men's Combination Sets three differ-; ent combinations to select from, each in great variety; - Pure Silk Handkerchief and Tie to match. Silk Hose and Tie to Matoh, or Silk Suspenders and Silk Garters to match; regular $1.50 and $2.00 1 Q values, special tomorrow only at r A A Entire Stock of Women's Furs on Special Sale Tomorrow at Vz Off valuable and practical Christmas Gifts on sale tomorrow at one-third less than regular prices. In the collection are rich Purs of every description, both sets and separate pieces. See these tomorrow. This is the way price reductions run: $18.50 Marmot Fur Seta reduced f or this sale to S12.33 $27.50 Brook Mink Set priced during this sale at S18.33 $30.00 Isabella Fox Set at the one-third reduction, S20.00 $45.00 Fur Sets specially priced for this sale at S30.00 $ 7.50 Brown Coney Muff reduced for this sale to S 5.00 $ 9.98 Black Coney Muffs on special sale at only $ 6.69 $15.00 Marmot Fur Muff reduced for this to only $10.00 $20.00 Rich Far Muffs priced for this sale only 813.33 Regular $4.75 Silk Petticoats for Only $2.98 500 Silk Peticoats of messaline and taffeta silk, plain and jersey top styles, black and all shades;' beautiful garments of splendid quality and well finished. Regular $475 values, priced for this Christ- Q QO mas sale at the low figure of f)s70 Chiffon Waists Now Priced at One-Third Off Beautiful Christmas Gifts Dainty Chiffon "Waists in all shades; V neck, long and short sleeve styles, with dainty lace collar and smart button trimming, all at one-third off. $5.75 Waists 83.84-10.00 W'sts $6.33 $7.50 Waists S5.00-$13.75 W'sts 89.17 $10 Embroidered Scarfs $3.95 Women's 75c Neckwear at 50c 100 beautiful Imported Lace and Em broidery Scarfs for evening and dress wear. Come in white, black and colored embroidery; large sire, fine quality; $5.00 to $10.00 values, for Q this sale at reduced price of V''' 1000 pieces of women's new and dainty Neckwear; dainty styles in net and lace; fichu collars, jabots, Medici collars, fancy stocks, etc; large variety; CQC regular 75c values, special, each, Hand Smb. Neckwear; Extra Values now at $1.98 to $5.00 500 pieces of dainty hand embroidered Neckwear, in cluding new styles in fichu collars of fine quality net and lace, all handsomely em broidered; spe- ?C flfl cial S1.98 toPUV women's Emb. Neckwear $1.25 and $2.00 Values, $1.39 Women's beautiful new col ored embroidered Neckwear; dainty collars of crepe de chine, handsomely embroid ered in a large assortment of styles and patterns; the reg ular $1.75 and $2 J-I OQ values on sale at -ARCHES ARE WANTED 60,000 Oranges Large and Good 30c the Dozen 5000 dozen large Navel Oranges on . spe cial sale tomorrow. Take advan- OA. tage of this sale at, the dozen Xmas Grocery Specials Walnut, new crop. OC. two pounds now tor Mixed Nuts on aaleOfl at low price, pound VJ Seeded Raisin now Of. at three pounds (tor Sultana Raisins on 1A. sale now at, a pound lw Mixed Peel, Orange. OA. Lemon, now at only None Such Mince 1 f -Meat on sale now at .vr Golden Dates now 1 Fard Dates are now f C on sale at, the pound vmA rt. ta or now on sale at, the pound Atmore Plum Puddings each, at UU, to. 1 30tf and as low aslul, Calimyrna rigs now OA on sale at. the pound fcUt Candied Figs are on 1A. sale at. the package Slioed Pineapple, In t w o pound tins, on sale at the very low price olor, two tins now for only! Olives, in quart Jars, 0(. are placed on sale at Table Raisins, very nice. a. niarMd on mala at 4 4 - i 1-pound box for only i wC Men's House Goats and Bath Robes on Sale at Off Entire stock of Men's House Coats and Bath Robes made of best materials in newest patterns and colorings and very latest models from now until Christmas at one-fourth oil. $ 6.00 House Coats priced from now until Xmas at $4.50 $ 6.60 House Coats priced from now until Xmas at S4.87 $ 8.60 House Coats priced from now untfl Xmas at $6.37 $10 00 House Coats priced from now until Xmas at $7.50 1 Rfl TToiise, Coats nriced from now until Xmas at $9.37 5,00 Bath Robes priced from now until Xmas at $3.75 dfe $ 6.50 Bath Robes priced from now until 3.maa at a.P. $ 8.50 Bath Robes priced from now until Xmas at $6.37 $10.00 Bath Robes priced from now until Xmas at $7.50 t " -- i tn Ts " $12.60 Bath Robes priced from now unxu -a-mas at frtj.o. Regular $2.00 Knit Silk Ties Priced at 89o Great Christmas Sale tomorrow of -Men 's Pure Silk Accordion Knit Four-in-Hand Ties in a wonderful variety of colorings. Every Tie in the lot a tasteful and accept- - Jt . hawi a. able gift lor any genuemau; WU g i v ax w lar $2.00 values, priced for this sale Regular $3.50 Auto Gloves Selling at $2.95 If He drives a ear nothing could be more appropriate than a , pair of high-grade Gaunt let Auto Driver's Gloves; made of horse hide, with large or medium cuffs; come in Kwvnm rr hlftflk? regular Sd.ol) values, priced for this sale only $3.49 to $4.50 Velocipedes at $2.98 6000 DollsatreaJReducedW Choice tomorrow of ICO fine Velocipedes with steel gear, steel tired wheels and adjustable leather saddles; from $3.49 to $4.50 flJO 98 values, now reduuced in price to only r-,"M' Regular $9.75 Anto Coasters, tomorrow, $8.75 Regular $11.75 Auto Coasters, tomorrow, $9.75 Regular $13.75 Anto Coasters, special $11.75 Rpimlar $14.98 Bier Ben Auto, reduced, $12.98 Renilar $38.75 Locomotive, tomorrow, $14.75 Every doll a beauty and every one a special bar gainLiberal offerings here for tomorrow omy. Regular $5.98 Dolls, specially priced at $4.98 Regular $4.98 Dolls, specially priced at $3.98 Regular $3.93 Dolls, specially priced at $2.95 Regular $2.98 Dolls, specially priced at $! Regular $1.49 Dolls, specially priced at Regular 98c Dolls, specially priced at only 7WC neguiar ion wua, r- - -- n Regular 39o Dolls, specially priced at only .55 5000 DoUs and Toys, $2 Val. 98c .v. m A V.ntifnl and entertaining toy; a regui pv. So. nnr nrft Srieeial Table tomorrow, uu DCv,y ... ... .i.. n T Bm.n onv nost-card or "J I II " . m . c. a At . T .. . , , rr : C..I-. Train Ttin.nn Will OTOieCl, OU U1C r , .T;i-.- II WO.JfO i.01161 OCIB a V Knirines. Doll UaDs. jviecnamcai iriuus, V"""."" -irr . . . i. 47 sn tv w n for tomorrow at tw - II nels, DoU Furniture, Teddy Bears, Polls, etc. ; values to ga, U pietnre, . cSuy Jt ,, $7.50 Radioptican for Only $5.24 $2.95 V4 Off on All Leather Goods Parisian Ivory and Jewelry $50,000 worth of finest Leather Bags, Traveling Sets, Parisian Ivory and1! Sijver Toilet Sets, and thousands of articles in Jewelry Novelties of re- 4 liable quality and worth on sale 4 " i Regular $9.98 Leather uooas, 9 4 Regular $8.98 Leather Goods. $6.74 Re-nlar $7.98 Leather Goods, $5.99 r . 1 SR aa Tj.otlior nls. Sri. 2-1 Our Entire Stock of Regular $;.98 Leather Goods, Our Entire Stock of Regular $4.98 Leather Goods, $4.49 $3.74 $29 $2.24 Onr Entire Stock of Regular $1.98 Leather Goods, $1.49 Our Entire Stock of Regular $1.49 Lenther Good. $1.12 C4.i. P pr,ilo QR. T.oatlipr Goods now at 74 $4.9a Toilet bets at z.4 - $3.98 Toilet Sets at $2.99 $2.98 Toilet Sets at $2.24 $1.98 Toilet Sets at -$1.49- Our Entire Stock of Regular $3.98 Lenther Goods, Our Entire Stock of Regular $2.98 Leather (roods. $9.75 Toilet Sets at $7.31 $7.98 Toilet Sets at $5.99 $6.98 Toilet Sets at $5.24 Fourth-Street Property Own ers Plan Attractions. ARTERY DEVELOPMENT AIM rmirth .trt to tha weit end of each respective bridge. It Is pointed out mat ipjir,, tbe bridge are somewhat dark and nni that this lighting scheme would encourage travel espe cially at night. Notes From SL Johns IHOSPITALS IKE PLANSl CHRISTMAS CHEER TO BE SPREAD ABOUT, EVES FOB SICKEST. Zt6ld Artistic Permanent Adorn nients. Improvement Association Would Make Extension at '. Sooth Pairt of City. Overhead arches, stretching' from eurb to curb, artistic and symmetrical by day and brilliant with electricity by night, will be erected on Fourth street, between Burnaide street and Jefferson street according to plans now under consideration by Fourth-street prop erty owners. With tbe inauguration of electric service on the Tortland. Eusrene Eastern Railway and completion of manv Improvements to both the street and "buildings, the Fourth-street prop erty owners will prepare to make it one of the principal avenues of trade in the city. At any rate they want to make it the most attractive and the best lighted. In addition to making it a high-class business street they want to make It the principal artery to the suburban district now being developed imme diately south of the city limits. Fourth street now ends somewhat abruptly at Sheridan street. Eitiuloi la Proposed. It is proposed by the newly-formed organisation to extend It through to the city limits, giving it connection with Boones Ferry and Taylors Ferry roads. This. It is pointed out, will pro vide access, over a scenic hill drive, to Burlingame. Fulton Park, Capitol Hill. Carson Heights and other additions, as w.h - ,k mtrriea. Such an extension, it is pointed out. will form a direct route from Boones Ferry, Taylors Ferry. Slavtn road. Mar. cuarn road and Patton road Into the center of Portland. This road would be desijrned for heavy commercial traffic, yet it would have Its scenic advantages. Terwtlllfter boulevard, which recent ly was completed, still would retain ... a. arnlc drive and would continue to bo used as a favorite avenue for pleasure vehicles. David S. Stearns Is preslden of the Fourth-Street property uwntm clatton. Henry Teal la secretary. Kearly every property owner In the The plan of lighting tha street now Is receiving earnest attention- it , .... .4 14 n h... ,ka n.Ktinc arrange ments completed by the time the ele5- trlo cars start to operate. . Claafrr Lights Leaa Poaala. The system of erecting posts sup porting cluster lights, so popular In .th.. n.rti nf ih, r 1 1 will b aban doned. If. practicable. The plan of overhead arches Is pftpular. It has been proved successful on Fillmore street In San Francisco. . . .w. am. tlnm tt I a TilinnKd to beautify and Illuminate the approaches tO the Driuges wiw m inn m i iikuliu. arrangement. Overhead arches would be erected on Madison street. Morrt on street and Burnslde street from ST. JOHNS, Or..' Doc, 20. (Special.) A mass meeting- of the citizens of St. Johns has been called for Monday night at the City Hall to consider the park situation. Three tracts for P'-k" have been recommended In the First and Second Wards at a total of 0 The Caples. the cainn ana following questions will be considered at this meeting: First Shall these three park sites be voted for at a total cost of 28.600 T Second Shall they be voieo. ir -i. nr -h tract separately, or shall there be no park election? Third Shall the action of the two ward meetings be ratified or rejected? On the decision of this meeting the fate of the park proposition hangs. The Caples tract contains a little less than three acres ami is asm ti . .,.).. ahnut the same luui irati .u"1-"'" r .... area and Is held at $000; the Catllh tract, comprising two pieces, is uo.u . $10,500. These park sites have been 7 , . ... maa,4ns-a if the mass meeting favors them they will be plan on the ballot next teoru.rj city primaries will be held. No special election will be held. a - Tile rtuyai - - following officers: Oracle, Mrs. Charles .... AMni. vr. uaud Reed: vlce-oracle. Mrs. Addle Crow; chancel lor, Mra Nellie Rice: recorder, mis. Vina Swan: receiver. Mrs. Ida Dickey: ....k.i Mr. vAward Corbett: Inner sentinel.' Mrs. Elsle Garlick: outer sen tinel, Mrs. Margaret Lewis: na"s.. Mrs. Anna Moore and Matthew Swan; , in t ,i r..,.tt and M ra. musician, aiibs iu , Viola Johnson was appointed marshal. Mrs. Charles sagen was novii.u V, gate to the state convention, and Mrs. Maud Reed alternate. Peninsula Council. No. HIS, Royal Arcanum .elected the following officers at the meeting Wednesday night: Re gent. John M. Blair; vice-regent. W. R. Kvans: orator. E. U Strickland; past recent. J. N. Edlefsen; secretary, F. C ."-t. a T. Smock: treas- ..... i. J Wrlihf. charjlaln. W. 8. ' , t w r,tn,: en trv. C. S. McOlU; alternate. E. E. Ren. Tha hours mt the library are as fol lows: " ATiernoon, u a.uw, 7 to ; Sunday. S:30 to 5:J0 for reading . . . J JA.aJ . n ..Mtrtfltn If the only. it """ w - library would be used Detween 7 p m. 1 ne iiDrary B uww . . V. . . . i. I 4aatvaH tf U..TI Ing tnat lime, uui i v . 7 It open If the public desires. Those who wish to have the library open Jur. ng this time are asked to notify the librarian. Children are requested not to come after 1 In the evening unless accompanied by their parents. Special attention is given children in the fter. noon, and the evening is reserved for adults. Patrons of the library are noti fied that the. laws of Oregon may be obtained through tha library on appll eUon. , . . . Christmas exercises will be held In the Methodist Church Christmas eve r tha Sunday school. Christmas nornlng. between 7 and 1:10, services will be conducted by the pastor. Rev. W E. Ingalls. It will be r breakfast" meeting. The Baptist Sun day school will hold Christjnaa exer cises Wednesday evening. Present. wiU be given. Harris Trunk Co- tor flttod eases. Ad,. Good Saaaarltam Amuses Special Ttsae for Chtldrea"at St. Vincent's to Fed Ifeedy Ones, Too. ' A Christmas programme is planned for the patients At the Good Samaritan un.nitai Ttior. will ba a Christmas tree for the children Christmas eve In the children s ward, and mere m oe presents for all. The fun will begin a, .inok- Then, on Christmas day. there will be the usual turkey dinner. with plum pudding, mince pie ana an sorts of good things to eat. Altogethei tha season will be made as pleasant as possible (or the patients. Christmas decoration oi ine auapiuu will be begun tomorrow. One of the children, Viola Gordon, who is being treated for curvature oi ine spine anu '1. (ho cr.ar.lnl nnt of the hospital. haS asked that Santa Claus bring her a string of beads, and Superintendent I.overine has promised to . see that Santa makes good. At St. Vincents mere win ue en) morning service and singing of Christ naa rlnrinir the forenoon. Open house will be kept all day. so that anyone.wbo wishes to visit any o. me OLD RESIDENT OF. KELLY BUTTE DISTRICT PASSES T AWAY. I -3 1 1,-in 'K '--aiiii- if--' .-.. Mrs. Mathilda Larson. Mrs. Mathilda Larson, who was born In Sweden, February IS, 144, died at her home near Port land. December 18. after an Ill ness of several months. She was married February I, 186S, to William Jlrson, who sur vives her. They-came to the Uni ted Statea from Sweden In 1870. and in 1878, settled on the home on the Section Line road, near Kelly Butte, where they have since resided. Seven of their 10 children sur vive: Oustaf. of McMlnnvllle; John R., Henry W. and Charles. E.. of Bull Run, and Mrs. George pickard, Theodore and Emma M. Larson, of Portland. Thero are tz Brand-children. i ... m.tf i a v-a on onnortunlty doing so. There will be a big Christ Ka nAti.tltl and i mas uiiiiioi v. j rv..ia,rr.- rB trt the children s ward. and as usual the hospital will feed about 800 poor men not paueum i hospital, and a large number of Chrlst- i win ho aant to noor fam- Hies. Generally, an effort will be made to make as many as possiDie uo-vvi during: the feBtive' season. rr.u ,.l.,.nil.nl Clt the COUntV hospital will make things as merry as possible for the inmates oi tutton. There will be a turkey dinner, u e i.nitn will receive ana euii - . some sort of a reminder of Yule season. Mrs. Mary Harner has coniriDuieo. mo sum of 40 toward presents for the pa tients, and prooaoiy mn tlons will be received between now and Christmas. Miss Vante has prom ised to go to the hospital with 30 or 40 singers. ' ASTORIA MAN. IS HONORED L. O. Bellani Will Represent Oregon at Norway Centennial. w c.n..,! A th.a nitv. received a commission today from Governor West appointing him as oinciai r-p-- . . . . , c-. , Oi-aarnn at thS tive oi inw ow - -Norway Centennial celebration to ba held during the coming year. n bratlon opens on May 17, and will con tinue for about six months. Among the unique features- oi xne occasion will be that on July 4 the . vi. . rtabnta. u to - nresent state oi "4 - , : . Norway with a statue of Lincoln, and the Governor of that state and his en tire staff will DO present. Mr. Belland win attena mo lion. U known some of the advantages and natural resources or Oregon wim -view of directing desirable immigration this way. TAXATION VALUES BOOM Astoria Has $2,000,000 More Prop erty Than Last Tear. 9(1 rSnec.ial.) ...tin. n' the valuations of the holdings of the puolic service cor porations as nxea ny mo dui a . , ...... mi All tt the total fcioaru snows - - - amount is taxable within the limits of the City of Astoria. This makes the total oi me .unuui. ... .v,a. t,v ii sg. iil. or about (j rv jici lj iu " -- . - $2,000,000 more than tt was on last year's roll. DIVAGATION. OH AT" "REED STCDEJSTS NOW MAY "WORK FREE FROM INTERRUPTION S." Many Dormitory Members Go Home Bat Those Staying: Drtrrmlne on . Lively Cferlstmastlde. Th innir looked for Christmas vaca tion began yesterday at Reed College There will be no more classes until January 8. The name "vacation," how ever, is somewhat of a misnomer for most of the time will be spent in writing semester theses in economics, psychology, sociology or in any two or three other subjects that the stu dent may be taking. If any time is left after writing these the student may amuse himself by -cramming for the semester examinations that will come three weeks after the return to college. Frsident Foster defines a vacation as a time when a student may work free from, interruptions due to the necessity of reporting for class recitations. Many out-of-town students have gone home for the holidays but enough have remained to insure a pleasant crowd at the dormitory. The dormitory students who have gone home are: Arthur wouck. Live Oak. Cal.: Delbert French. Grass Valley; Ellis . Jones. Brooks; ' Donald Lancefleld, Amity; Everett Trousdale, Ontario; Miss Mar Jorle Silverthorne, La Grande; Frances Kennlcott, Chehalls, Wash.; Harry Wembrldge, North Yakima, Wash.; Charles Larrabee, Bellingham, Wash.; Malcolm Gilbert, Salem; Oscar Koenig. Pomeroy. Wash.; Clark Thompson, Cascade Locks; Charles Rogers, nllls-dale- Fred Brainerd, Vancouver, Wash.; Claude Mewlln. JNewoerg; ' Lackey, Aberdeen, Wash.; Josephine Saunders. Ashland; Dorothy Coffin, North Yakima, Wash.; Priscilla Gabell, Chehalls, Wash.; Dorothy Elliott, Walla Walla. Wash,, and Alvln Shagren. Nahcotta, Wash. . . -ha atiirianta. KtaVinfiT at th6 v"" " 1 j. . , dormitory and who are at greater dis tances from nome are: Lamona. Wash.; August Wlllman. Couer d'Alene, Idaho; ran . . . tt ,4 r.ftM or White Salmon, Wash.; George Axtell, Spokane, Wash., Matthew . Riddle. Grants Forsman. North Yakima, Wash., and Evangeline Putnam. FobsIL Open evenings until Xmas. Jimmy Dunn. 815-17 Ore, bldg., elevator. Adv. YOU CAN PAY$6 MONTHLY You can therefore afford to buy a new piano for Christmas. See Graves Music Company removal adv., page 10, section 3. Adv. The Dalles Mass Meeting Held. m..T. rtiT.T.nfl' n riea. 20. f Sdo- ciaL) To explain to the taxpayers why the proposed new 8100,000 High School Is needed In mis city. u "" held a mass meeting at the Vogt Thea ter last night. The session was at tended by 600 cltlsens. whose enthusi asm Indicated that the verdict at the special election, December S will be In favor of erecting the projected structure. The meeting was anaressea by J. A. Churchill, Btate tsuperinioau ent of Publlo Instrnctlon; Judge Brad shaw and City Superintendent Hender- Thomson's chocoUtes mako appre ciated gifts; 80 oenta and II the peiwd at your alr--id To Grow Hair on A Bald Head BY A SPECIALIST. . , -r ..nnla suffer from inDUBaUUB V . - baldness and falling hair. who. having tried nearly every wveni. tonic and hair-grower without results, i AE(a-na tviam.olvpa to baldness and Its attendant discomfort. Yet their case is not nopeiesa. i simple home prescription has made hair grow after years of baldness, and is sJso uneQualed for restoring gray hair to its original color, stopping hs.tr from railing out and destroying the dandruff germl!? will not make me hair greasy ana can do pui "i - -t- Raw Rum. 8 ounces; Lavona ne Com- po??i nail oraenm. y 'rit. ner: add one arauum 7 " . , . , ," : ' ' fume. This preparation le highly reo- ommenaeo. oy ' " , i, " ," olallsta, and is absolutely harmless, as It contains none of the Plno"" wood alcohol so freansntly found in hair tomos.i AMV. HOW TO SAVE MONEY In the purchase of a high-grade Player-Piano by deal ing direct" with Bush & Lane Piano Co. ' 433-435 WASHINGTON ST. The only music house iu Portland where you buy from the makers direct, and the highest grade product known to the world todav. Tbe manufacturer, with his own name and reputation at stake, stands back of every' instrument this year, next year, .and all the time. Why then add the middleman's profit to the purchase price of your , - XMAS PLAYER PIANO GIFTS Uso easier terms and lower rate of interest .than given-by other music houses. See us and be convinced. Open evenings until Xmas. 1 ' V - ' "v -4 i f?rint-:. , ..... .v. . ... ... Ty ,..TTr?f,!?t,.f a X -V. "V" ..5-S..1l . aV This deUahtfu! W-tttotoox-SI5.'l7n" ToTnT' u tnt Mr. Carl R. Gray. Jr.. pre e?' er'tJ f "1. residence in Chicago. To any n ehange to the Buritogton Jhw. rabl. terml. 8 room,, ground. TJxlOO, ,PSS.S View of rivers, mountain, city un.urpasied. 7Z FABKHTLL. 803-4-5 Stoek Bxeh-nge bid,., Third and TamhlU. MORTGAGE GOLD ' BONDS a a .-nnallT Tha cleanest, safest, up-to-date way to Interest nud-nm too cx . tweof. invert your money, xaaueu 1 : Fp Main 208 A 2050 Hartman & Thompson Ask for FoalRs9t . Mr.Harto