TUT: RTTT)AY OHEGONTAN. POKTXAJTO, DECE3IBEII 14, 1913. lWes with a man of the social world, who receiving a diplomatic appoint ment, abandons her. The unfortunate Ctrl, left In poverty, falla under the way of a Solvation Army girl, who procures for her a position In an aris tocratic family. There she enlists the sympathy of a man who. prior to that time, had been Indifferent to the oppo site sex. She marries htm and bears him a beautiful boy. v The diplomat, who Is the husband's friend, return and the secret of the woman's past is revealed to the husband. The heart broken husband drives her forth and takes from her her boy. She dies, after having once more clasped her boy to ber heart. The husband repents when it Is too late. Another feature of an entirely dif ferent and lighter vein Is "Uncle John to the Rescue," which Is a comlo do mestic entanglement of a trite and hu morous nature. In this, however, the differences are amicably . settled. "Piano Making;" Is an exceed Incly Inter esting Industrial picture, while Gener al Bunco's Victory" la a satirical bur lesque on the amateur soldier. With clever music and a beautiful sew comfortable house, and the most complete, courteous attendants, the Star at once leaped Into the front rank among; the splendid motion-picture the aters In this city. -M1DX1GHT CAM IS TENSE PLAV Columbia Theater Offer Varied BUI Beginning Today. That the extent of a man's heroism cannot always be measured properly by bis actions Is shown In a Pathe photo Dlar entitled "A Midnight Call." which Is scheduled as an attraction on the bill oDenlnc; today at the Columbia, it Is a play that carries a distinct heart appeal and an example of noble seir sacrltlce. It has many tnse and highly dramatic situations. The story con eerns a young man who has a horror for the water because ha was nearly drowned In the ocean when a child. His sweetheart Is overturned In a boat, his college chum goes to the rescue and ha la looked upon as a coward. In after years he becomes a physician and will ingly gave his life to save from death the little daughter of his former sweet heart. "Three Babes In a Flat" la billed as one of the funniest and most highly entertaining Essanay comedies ever produced. Three young married couples take apartments In an apartment-house where no children are allowed. After a year rolls around the stork visits each of the three apartments, and then the trouble begins. The proud young par ents prove too much for the Janitor and the childless tenants In the house, and win a decisive victory. A splendid little Vltagraph comedy drama with a rural setting Is "Back to Eden." In which It Is shown that there Is no "EM en" complete without Its Adam and Eve. In this "Eden," however, there are two Adams and two Eves and two pairs of happy lovers. The Pathe Weekly, with its current events in motion pictures. Is on the bill. "Motion Picture Dancing Lessons," a Kalem film which created such a sen sation at the Columbia two weeks ago, has been secured by the management for a return engagement beginning De cember 28. Ssjnce this film was shown there have been repeated demands for Its reappearance. REAL LIFE PLAV AT GLOBE "The nonse of Discord' Is Powerful Blojrrnph Drama. How many homes are rained by Internal-discard! How many lives are ruined by a suppression of love and feeling' "The House of Discord." now on at the Globe Theater, Eleventh and Washington, is a strong drama. Illus trating what may happen In this kind of a home. The husband discourages his wife's evidences of love and the wife Is only saved from a fatal mistake by an accident, but It caused her years of separation from child and husband. It had occurred primarily through her fcelf-rihteous sister-in-law's domina tion and Interference. A like fate and downfall threatened the daughter, now reaching maturity. The mother's In sistence separated the child from her environment. Love and understanding did the rest. An decant educational rathe nature film Is "Birds of the Marshes," a com plete showing of these birds and their young In the native spots. Colored views of Naples. Italy, are beautiful. Cutey and Lillian Walker are seen in a sparkling comedy. "The Life-Saver." The fashion plates, re ceived direct from Paris, are already a feature at the Globe. HEI LICS THEATER F.leveath and MerrUea Ma. Pfcoaesi Mala 1 sad A 1122 7 NIGHTS BEGINNING TONIGHT Special Irlc Matlaeea TVedaesdar and Saturday WILLIAM A. BRADY (LTD.) PUEKMTS UGHTs DFOR BY GEORGE BROADHt'RST WITH A SPECIALLY SELECTED COMPANY OF ARTISTS laeladlag CHARM? MII.I.WARD EVELT5 W lEDI.nt G 11UBAKT CAVAXATGH DOHOT11V DAVIE CLYDE CRAWFORD FLOKE.E HESTOW HAHHY MAC FAVDEV Not a Dall Moment In the Entire Performance 1'laylag Everywhere to Crowded Hoaaee PRICES BOTH MATIVKF.S Ire Lower Floor 11.00 Balcony. rows, lie: 10 rows 60c I .K I I .owe I Balcc .EVEX1XGS " rer Floor 11.50. $1.00 Balcony 1.00. 75c, 50o L'E5 r b I Entlr I Balcc SEATS OW SELLING FOR ENTIRE ENGAGEMENT gele, Garidel's fiance, goes to the same restaurant with her cousin for a little luncheon and meets Claudlne and Garl dcL Claudlne is equal to the emergen cy, for he says she is the wife of Don dldier. a dealer In antiques In Paris, and on his behalf was to transact busi ness with Garidel. The young man hints incidentally that Dondldler Is the much-talkedVabout satyr. In the second act all the characters are. found In the shop of Dondldler In Paris. Dondldler no sooner starts In to do his share of the deceiving than his wife confronts him with what she believes to be proofs of his wickedness. Trouble files quick and fast, but all ends happily tn the final act. the scene of the nymphs and satyrs ball. CIITtTSTMAS OFFERrXG TOLD Ideal Holiday Play, "Shore Acres," Is Underlined at Baker Theater. An Weal Christmas play "Shore Acres," which will be the offering of the Baker Players Christmas week. commencing next Sunday matinee. It Is a New England drama, the first seen here In a long time. It Is the play In which the celebrated James Heme achieved his greatest success. "Shore Acres" Is a beautiful and charming blend of comedy and pathos, and the hero, old Uncle Nat. Is only a plain backwoods' farmer, but seldom has the English-speaking stage been graced by a more lovable character. It Is typically a home play and one that appeala to all classes. One of the well-known features Is the genuine turkey dinner, every detail of which Is In strict accordance with old-fashioned New England customs, so dear to the heart. There are a great number of typical New England characters and a story of rare charm and never-ending Inter est. Manager Baker selected "Shoro Acres" because it Is peculiarly adapted for the holiday season, has not been played here in many years and appeals to the young folks as well as the older ones. It makes everyone happier and better for seeing It. PINK LADY" CHRISTMAS PLAY French Farce to lie Attraction at Heillg, Beginning Decenrber si 3. Messrs. Stevens and Fisher's big company of New York and London fa vorites will return to the Helllg Thea ter for a three-day Christmas attrac tion, starting December 25. In "The Pink Lady." the phenomenally success ful musical play In three acts by C. M. 8. McLellan. author of "Leah Klesch na." "The Belle of New York." "The Little Cafe" and "Oh I Oh! Delphlne." with music by Ivan CarylL director of the Gaiety Theater. London, and com poser of such funeful scores as those of "Oh! Oh! Delphlne." "The Little Cafe." "The Duchess of Dantzlg." "The Toreadore." "The Runaway Girl" and "The Spring Chicken." "The Pink Lady" concerns the ad ventures of a young man named Gari del. about to be married, but who re pairs to a restaurant of Compelgite for a final luncheon with an old flame, Claudlne. the lady in pink. It is In the forest of Compeigne that a Beau Brummel. a veritable satyr, recently has kissed all the pretty girls In the neighborhood. It so happens that An- FAMOUS PLAYERS KEACn OCT Mammoth Productions Under Way From Celebrated "Movie" Stndio. Daniel - Frohman has communicated to the people's Amusement Company Portland's Model Photo-Play House Presents ALWAYS THE BEST ATTRACTION'S Refined and Entertaining Programme Sunday to Wednesday "A MIDNIGHT CALL" Pathe Drama With a Heart Appeal "BACK TO EDEN" Vltagraph Comedy-Drama "THREE BABES IN A FLAT" Roaring Esienay Comedy PATHE WEEKLY Special Musical Features Open 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. IOC ADMISSION IOC AKE THEATER Broadway and Morrison 8. rhone. Main 1. A 63CO. UKO. L. BAHIK, Manager. rHome of the Incomparable Baker Play era: Week Commencing TODAY (SUNDAY) Matinee, Dec 14, 1913 ' :. V' -t' ji j-v?, i c-hC f'sTv ' i -,A MA J! YTTirTn,? v ; vi s m a rj u lj i L f 'i. By Rnrhel Crothera 4 As played by Mary Mannerlng with great success. A problem play of keen Interest. A story that holds you. One law for the man. another for the wo ' man. A question now discussed every where. Stage I'ndrr Direction ef Jemen A. Bilk t,A. .-. .4 Sunday, weanesaay itsarenn uay) Edward Weedrnff. and Saturday MATINEES: Evening Prieee 53c. 33c, So and 7&e Sunday and Saturday Matinee SSe, OOe 2 WEEKLY BARGAINS All feats Monday Of Wednea. Night aitJC Matinee Christmas week attraction, beginning Sunday. SHORE ACRES the fact that the Famous Players' Studio has been greatly enlarged, and that there Is In the course of produc tion such splendid features as "The Squaw Man," "Garden of Allah." "A Daughter of Heaven," "Joseph and His Brethren." "The Bluebird." "The Melt ing Pot." "Potash & Perlmntter," "The Deep Purple." "Alias Jimmy Val entine." "Mrs. W'lggs of the Cabbage Patch." "The Fourth Estate." "A Man From Home," and an old production of "The Silver King." Among the directors who have been added to the staff are Hugh Ford, Frederick Ftanhope and Edward 8. Morange. Mr. Stanhope's training has been In the largest theaters of Lon don and New York. Mr. Morange has been the artistic guide In the stage production of "The Garden of Allah." He baa also visited Alaska for the United States Government. These two gentlemen, with Edwin 9. Porter, will have entire charge of future produc tions of Mr. Frohman's Famous Players. O Q C: O: At The People's Theater At . The People's Theater O o TODAY! First Matinee at 11:30 A. 31. The Mo tion Picture Classic in Seven Big Acts. -O : "The Sea Wolf ' Portraying the wealth of mind, the depth and thought of experience of America's most popular author. Jack London. It grips the heartstrings from start to finish. NOTE Through an error, announcement was made that the 'Battle of Waterloo' would be seen again at the People's Theater today. This Is wrens'. The big produc tion of "The Sea Wolf" will begin today and will con tinue for one week at the People's Theater. Positively No Increase In Prices. Bnleony toe. Lower Floor Sue, Bex Seata SUe. Reserve Roi Sent by Phoning Mnrahnll M or A SOSTt Continuous Performance. Curtain Rises lltSO A. M. 8i30 P. M. liwo P. M. 7:00 P. M. 2t30 P. M. 8l30 P. !. P. M. IOiOO P. yi. L -1 Coming Week of December 2 1 Charles Haw trey in "The Message From Mars" WASCO PLAY IS SUCCESS Student Present "Tompkins Hired Man" to 34 2 Paid Admissions. "WASCO. Or, Dec 13. (Special) Wasco Public High School presented Tompkln's Hired Man," a drama In three acta, before a large audience Sat urday evening. This Is the third play produced by the high school during the last 10 months. "Oak Farm" and "Football Romance" both met the hearty approval of audiences of over too. However, the receipts showed ZA2 paid admissions for the last perform ance. The Wasco High School Is favored with students of dramatic talent, and each performance calls for another. The high . school maintains a good literary and debating society which serves as a valuable asset to the stu dent body of SO members. The three plays brought Into the special school fund $424 gross receipts. which, less expenses, netted $320. This Globe Theater Eleventh and Washington. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Powerful Eiograph Feature, in Two Keels. The House of Discord Pathe Nature Play, Birds of The Marshes Pathe Colored, Environs of Naples Sparkling Comedy The Life Saver COTEY AND LILLIAN WALKER Miss Lewis, Soloist. Insnk for the jTydT -Vb-J-TTH EATER. ' ok frtne Moling Hear E rniTisnr " '' "T p" axo a lot a .Moving Bear. Q Q Q q W Dnninufiv -: V DftUflUlfsMI ADVANCED VAUDEYILLE Matinee ". . Ie Msht 15e 25e 24e Phones Main 6 and A 1020 V n AT TAYLOR STREET Week Beginning Monday Matinee, Dec. 15th CATHRINE COUNTISS AND HER COMPANY In the Dramatic Playlet THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT LILIAN HERLEIN STUNNING PRIMA DONNA IN HER SINGING NOVELTY Lew Hawkins The Brads Five Sullys Lennett & Wilson Three Dolce Sisters World's Events MATINEE DAILY lOOO SEATS AT 25c fund has been expended In purchasing hlirh school song- books. United States contour maps for physical geography, supplementary readers for the grades, equipment for athletics and track team, equipment for class room work In ge ometry, subscriptions for standard magazines and educational periodicals suitable to the several departments, special library books such as best ma. terial on domestic science and manual training, securing good speeches for graduating class sddress, and supply ing materials which add to the general efficiency of the teachers. Hospital ar Completion. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. Dec. 13. (Special) The new five-story 8t. Ella, abeth's hospital in this city, under con struction by the Klaters of Charity, will be completed within 10 days and will wv.uiwi vciuid v iiriBiinas. 1 lie building contains accommodations for 12S patients. Including nearly lOu pri vate rooms, has two operating rooms, sleeping rooms for both nurses and members of the order, and a separate heating plant. The building and site have cost 1225,000 and the equipment will bring the cost to 1250.000. No dedicatory exercises will be held until the latter part of January. Baxter Mow, Idaho's Rhodes' Man. MOSCOW. Idaho. Dec. 13. (Special.) The University of Idaho faculty to night selected Baxter Mow. of Welser, graduated last June, for Idaho's seventh Hhodes scholar. There were four ellgl bles. Mow Is now teaching at Rupert, Idaho. PORTLAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA TODAY Heilig Theater 3 P. M. 53 MUSICIANS 53 Under Direction Carl Denton J HERBERT'S "IRISH, RHAP SODY" a feature of the programme POPULAR PRICES ' "The Hand of the Law" Big Feature Film at the Theater J See Thomas J. Tynan, warden Colo rado State Penitentiary, in remark able photoplay of human interest. (J See how Warden Tynan introduced the honor system in Colorado Pen itentiary. J See the capture of convicts by blood' hounds. (J See the sensational leap of escaping convict from automobile to runaway horse. All told in a dramatic story. J Here comes Kinemacolor again with a "Trip Up Mount Lowe," a new fashicn feature, "Coiffures and Hair Dressing," and "A Narrow Es cape," a dashing comedy. fj And don't overlook Esther Sund quist, the talented violinist. CJ H ere is another bit of interesting news: Wednesday Marion Leonard, the great favorite, presents "In the Watches of the Night?' a great dra matic story in three big, gripping reels. ADMISSION ALWAYS THE SAME TEN CENTS 2-.30 MATINEE EVERY DAY-2:33 Ml.t frlce. I9e. lit Anj Matinee Meat I Sc. BROADWAY AT YAMHILL Week Commencing Monday Matinee, Dec. 15 AN E.XTIl AOKDIX ARV SHOW LEW WELLS MONOLOGUE AND SAXOPHONE WILLISCH . JESTlNfJ JUGGLER JOB M4IWKLI, IREE.TS A NIGHT AT THE BATH 10 Comedians 10 .MATIKB SKAT ISC DARCY & WILLIAMS RAGTIME ROISTEREKS M0ND & SALLE SINGERS MIMICS DANCERS KATIE SAND W I N A ATHLETIC VENUS III r -7 V T T H EATER7 Tb n-w htmr Thfilrr Is KwolutHj irw extrtior Interior with ihr mo4 beautiful pirtom im b uern la 1'ortlmaU. K Ri 111 Photoplay Hits'! Sunday Monday Tuesday FEATURING "LOVE'S SUNSET". A BEAUTIFUL STORT. If jam waat I bar your raotioas aranard, are this pletara. Uncle John to the Rescue Comedy Drama Piano Manufacturing Highly Instructive General Bunco's Victory Full of Fun The Gusher Keystone Comedy nil ALL SEATS 10 CENTS - T - 1 l K(lrtl.KI) VAl DEVILlr: DROADWAI' AD AI.IIKIl ST. Week Commencing Monday Matinee, December 15th Powers Elephants DlrMt From the pw York Hippodrome The rfiMtloa of Two t'oatlnrata Otto Bros. Link & Robinson German Jesters In Mirthful Creations Demitrescu Troupe Benson & Bell Marvelous Bar Experts The. Pair That Please Pantagescope Pantages Orchestra Animated Events II. K. Evenson. Director Don I Forget the Daily Bargain Matinee, Every Seat 15c Popular rrlrrm Boxes and First Row Balconv Reserved. Box Office Open From li A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones A 2i36. Main 43. Curtain at ::S0. 7:15 and 9:10. Leonard and Onslow IN The Managers f'omesy Srrraaa Svt to Moale Fvortk aad Stark Simla-Kratlas; Flcwd. rroprletara Week Beginning Monday Matinee, December 15th Great Added Feature t 12-Tango Dancers-12 A E eautif ul 1 erpaichore&n Novelty Gorgeously Gowned and Artistically Presented NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Prices: Nights, 15c and 25c Matinee, Any Seat 15c The naral wireless station at Newport. 3!oom hunting li prrmltted In Vova Scotia R. I.. rertlY rrlvfcd n.essatres echaned I from KDtmber IS to November 2S. Gatna letiin . jtrt stations lu Arscnllns, s,uvv Is pctlfu! this year, alouee kltlra last year inlica aslant. t nuinbrd a7. 1 1 1.2