THE STJSDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 14, 1913. The Store of 1 0,000 Practical Xmas Gifts-Lipman, Wolf e & Co. What 50 Cents Will Buy What $1.00 Will Buy What $2.00 Will Buy What $2.50 Will Buy What $5.00 Will Buy What $7.50 Will Buy ART NEEDLEWORK Cretonne covered hdkf. boxes. Glove boxes, cretonne covered. Toast books, cloth covered. Whisk Broom holders. Novelty r.oin holders. " Suede powder boxes. Pillow covers, stamped. Laundry bags for embroidering. CLOVES Infants white silk mittens. Child's fleece lined gauntlets. Child's lined dogskin gloves. Women's silk lined cashmere. Women's woolen golf gloves. Women's woolen mittens. Children's golf gloves. Children's mittens. PICTURE DEPARTMENT Silver or gold plate picture frames. Framed reproductions of old masters. Framed landscapes. DOLLS Kid body dolls. Dressed dolls. Dogs, Cats and Teddy Bears. Celluloid and bisque Kewpies. SIXTH FLOOR Imported dinner favors. Dainty statuettes. Small table jardinieres. Odd China and pottety vases. Brass tankards and urns. Quaint ash trays. China ring boxes. Tobacco jars, grotesque figures. FOURTH FLOOR Baby bibs of linen. Fancy aprons. Crocheted slippers. Crocheted scarfs and shawls. Boys neckties, knitted. Baby bootees, crocheted. Crocheted sacques. Rattles of celluloid. Mittens. Bonnets for baby. Boudoir caps. ' Corset covers. JEWELRY Ribbon Santoir chains. Gold-filled neck chains. Gold-filled cuff links. Gold-filled bar pins. Novelty back combs. Sterling silver pencils. Celluloid fans. Leather tie racks. Leather card cases. Playing cards in leather case. Drinking cups in case. Powder books. Address and memo, books. FROM THE STATIONERY SHOP Monogram box of stationery. Box of gold-edge cards and en velopes. Calendar of brushbrass. Brass letter opener. Fancy two-piece library set Fancy card or pin tray. Imported pencil set Brass trump indicators. Fancy ink well. - Pearl handle penknife. Fancy round supporters. Kodak album. Postcard album. TOILET ARTICLES Ivory picture frames. Shaving stand with mug and brush. Princess Ivory Combs. Shaving requisite in gift boxes. Manicure sets. Hat pin holders, ivory. The Power of a Dollar Is forcefully demonstrated in the Holiday Bazaar third floor, where thousands of Xmas gifts are assembled for your inspection. Nothing Over One Dollar FROM THE BASEMENT Guaranteed fountain pen. Holiday box of paper. Ever-ready safety razor. A library set of brass. Fine pocket knife. An electric flatiron. Box of engraved poker chips. DRUG . DEPARTMENT Perfume atomizers, cut glass. Perfume in fancy bottles. Military brushes, real ebony. Traveling brushes, ebony and ivory. Manicure sets in leather cases. Ivory buffers. Ivory brush trays. Traveling mirrors in ivory cases. Hat brushes, of ivory. Ivory tie racks. HABERDASHERY Silk mufflers. Silk hose. Silk neckwear. Suspenders. Linen handkerchiefs. Stick pin?, novelty. Cuff buttons, novelties. PICTURE DEPARTMENT Carbon photogravures. "Dreamland" and "Slumber land" studies. Ml Hood views. Reproductions of old Dutch , masters in color. DOLLS Beautiful assortment dressed dolls. Kid body and jointed dolls. SIXTH FLOOR Small bust of Shakespeare. Statuettes, such as the "Greek Slave." Large pottery vases. Brass desk calendars. Decorated steins. Table jardinieres. Nut and bon-bon dishes. FOURTH FLOOR Fancy aprons. Crocheted slippers. Newport scarfs. Knitted shawls. Boys Indian and play suits. Boys shirts and blouses. Boys pajamas. Baby sacques, crocheted and flannel. Baby slips and dresses. Baby record books. Comb and brush sets. Baby toilet articles. Baby shoes, of soft kid. Baby bonnets. MAIN FLOOR Fichu collars. Hand-embroidered hdkfs. Lace veils. Lace-trimmed neck pieces. Coat collars. Lace-trimmed handkerchiefs. Fichu collars. Box of hand-embroid. hdkfs. Lace cape collars. Net chemisettes. Madeira Embroidered hdkfs. Men's, women's and children's umbrellas. LINEN SECTION 20-in. Hand-emb. centerpieces. 50x 1 8-in. Jap. drawn scarfs. 30x30-in. Jap. drawn squares. 2 7x1 8-in. Damask tray cloths. BOOKS Standard essays and poems in suede leather. iift books in suede leather. , The Safe Store . with broad aisles, large elevators, wide exits, waiting rooms, retiring rooms, accommoda tion .desks, express office, postoffice. rest rooms, perfect ventilation, attentive clerks, prompt de liveries and Merchandise ofMeritOnly A ft ART NEEDLEWORK Tapestry boxes. Fancy baskets. Pillow covers. CLOVES Women's Arabian Mocha, Dent Women's Dent cape gloves. Women's imported doeskin. Women's 8-button cape gloves. PICTURE DEPARTMENT Copy prints framed. Maxfield Parrish pictures framed. , Easel picture frames, dull gold. SIXTH FLOOR Handsome jardinieres. Large assortment pottery and hand-decorated vases. Dresden deco. fruit baskets. Dresden deco. 'flower baskets. Delft blue Dutcn wall plaques. Small brass figure groups. Bust of Schiller. Statuettes such as "The Three Graces." Brass and conn-r tankards. FOURTH FLOOR "' Fancy aprons. House dresses. Kimonos. Knitted shawls. Children's bonnets. Baby sacques. Baby wrappers. Baby dresses and slips. Baby toilet sets. Baby sweaters. Dainty lingerie. Boudoir caps. French chemise. Crepe de chine camisoles. Girls rain capes. MEN'S DEPARTMENT . Imported neckwear. Canes, various styles. Silk suspenders. English gloves. Silk mufflers. Manhattan shirts. Men's motor scarfs. Men's silk-lined gloves. STATIONERY SHOP r-Three-quire box of stationery. 1 00 Engraved cards. Fancy brass desk set Stationery in hand-painted boxes. Library set, of dull brass. White and silver ink wells. Dennison's handy boxes. JEWELRY German silver vanities. German silver mesh bags. Solid gold neck chains. Jewel boxes. Back combs, jeweled. Hair brushes. Hair pins, jeweled. MAIN FLOOR Box hand-embroidered hdkfs. Hand-embr'd chemisettes. Lace coat collars. Flare collars with fichu. Silk crepe de chine cellars. Real Irish crochet collars. Silk motor veils and scarfs. Men's and women's umbrellas. LINEN DEPARTMENT 24x1 5-in. hand-emb'd Madeira Towels. 45x56-in. Hemstitched linen pillow cases. 44x44-in. Damask lunch cloths. 45x45-in. Round scalloped em broidered cloths. The Men's Bazaar Floor Gifts for Men Only JEWELRY German silver mesh bags. Sterling silver lavallieres. Sterling silver match boxes. Solid gold lockets. Solid gold pendants. Gold-filled fobs. LEATHER GOODS Leather hand-bags. Collar bags. Beaded bags. Sewing bags. Manicure sets. Library sets. Flasks, leather covered. Portfolios, for travelers. PICTURES Genuine carbons, framed. SIXTH FLOOR Cut glass olive dish. Serving trays, of tapestry. FOURTH FLOOR Kimonos. House dresses. Fancy aprons. Crocheted shawls and scarfs. Children's bonnets. Infants sacques. , Infants wrappers. Infants dresses and slips. Dainty underwear. Children's rain coats. Boys' bath robes. Boys shirts. MEN'S FURNISHINGS Auto gloves. English neckwear. Manhattan shirts. Silver trimmed canes. Pajamas. Knitted ties. Dress shirts. FIFTH FLOOR Axminster rugs, 27x54 in. Matting covered utility boxes. Bissel's carpet sweepers. Real Navajo pillow tops. MAIN FLOOR Extra fine embr'd hdkfs. Hand-embr'd chemisettes. Medici collars with fichu. Hand-embroidered collars. All silk crepe de chine fichu. Real Irish lace collars. Belgian embroidered collars. Motor veils and scarfs. Chantilly lace drapes. M en s and women s urn: brell as. LINEN DEPARTMENT . 18x45-in. Madeira scarfs. Patten table cloths. Scalloped cut corner bedspread. Heavy thread silk stockings. Silk bloomers. BOOKS Fifty water color drawings of Oxford, with notes. "Pacific Shores from Panama." "The Spell of the Italian Lakes. "The Story of Rome," for chil dren. New edition Kipling's "Jungle Book." New art book in colors, "Ros ary of Girls." ART NEEDLEWORK Moire covered salt bottles. Whiskbroom holders. Tapestry-covered trays. Library table covers of felt Fancy "pin cushions. Work bags. Pillow covers. Shadow lace waists. jffi The Men's A Mezza- p) Flooer j Gifts 'Tja Tm Men miWk JEWELRY Ritz-Carlton bags. Gold-plated vanities. --Gun-metal mesh bags. Solid gold thimbles. Fans, exquisite designs. Sterling silver lavallieres. German silver mesh bags. German silver draw string bag?. Sterling silver powder vanity. Sterling silver coat chains. Sterling silver enameled brace- lets. Cut steel shoe buckles. Rhinestone shoe buckles. Indestructible pearl beads. Vienna novelty lavallieres. Silver plated jewel case. Sterling silver puff jars. Sterling picture frames. Silver plated toilet sets. Gold plated jewel cases. Sterling silver lorgnettes. Gold plated lorgnettes. Dresden enamel lockets. Gold lockets. LEATHER GOODS Leather handbags. Beaded handbags. --Sewing bags. Traveling bags. Letter cases. Military sets. Music rolls. Portfolios for travelers. Picnic sets. FROM THE BASEMENT American electric iron. -r-Gillette safety razor. Large box Hurd's stationery. A fine scissor set A leather needle book. ; Waterman Ideal fountain pen. A desk set Holiday box Crane paper. Beautiful library set. MEN'S DEPARTMENT House jackets. Canes. Full-dress mufflers. Silk shirts. Bath robes. Fur-lined gloves. Night shirts. Pajamas. Sweaters, various styles. SIXTH FLOOR Gut glass bowls. 9-piece Bohemian liquor sets. Cut glass cake or fruit dish. Cut glass comports. Cut glass sugars and creamers. Imported brass desk set Imported nickel sugar and creamer on tray. Imported tete-a-tete sets. Imported relish sets, nickel frame. Imported porcelain cake box. 3-pt Chafing dish, nickel or copper. Percolators, nickel plated. MAIN FLOOR Marabou capes. Hand-made neck pieces. Hand-embr'd Madeira hdkfs. Marabou muffs. Caledonian lace-trimmed hdkfs. Fine hand-embr'd chemisettes. Hand-embroidered coat sets. Irish lace crochet collars. Fine Venise collars. Men's and women's umbrellas. Imported silk stockings. LINEN DEPARTMENT German embr'd lunch napkin sets. Round table cloths, scalloped. The Store Helpful With thousands of practicable, sensible, serviceable, season able gifts attractive ly displayed in every section of the store. Gifts suitable for every member of the family. Nowhere else do the displays ap proach those offered you in this store. Thousands of sat- isfied customers at- MEN'S DEPARTMENT House jackets. Silk shirts. ' Bath robes. Silk pajamas. SIXTH FLOOR Cut glass candlestick with shade. 8-piece Bohemian glass liquor sets. FIFTH FLOOR Genuine Indian blankets. Auto robes or steamer shawls. Down comforters. WAIST SECTION Silk, net and shadow lace waists. JEWELRY NOVELTIES Silk decorated fans. Solid gold lavallieres, diamond set Solid gold brooches. Enameled vanities. German silver mesh bag. Sterling silver chains. Solid gold fobs. LEATHER HANDBAGS Beaded handbags. Sewing baskets. Manicure sets. Tie cases of leather. Toilet sets in leather cases. Portfolios for traveling. MAIN FLOOR Marabou stoles. Silk scarfs, Dresden. Maltese lace handkerchiefs. Hand-made neckwear. Hand-made chemisettes. Irish crochet collars. Fine Venise coat sets. LINEN DEPARTMENT Genuine Madeira lunch napkin sets. 45 -in. round Cluny lunch sets. BOOKS "On Art." the Ufizzi gallery. 50 plates in color. "The Louvre" facsimile repro ductions in color of famous mas terpieces. ART NEEDLEWORK Fancy French opera bags. Ribbon embr'd hdkf. boxes. Ribbon embroidered glove and jewel boxes. Pin cushions, French ribbon embroidered. Hand-embroidered pillows. nterpieces and scarfs. Tapestry work boxes, fitted. What $10 Will Buy STATIONERY SHOP Gold-mounted fountain pen. Hurd's finest stationery in box. silk lined. lock and key. Large box Crane's paper, with monogram. SIXTH FLOOR Hand-colored photogravures, size 20x24 inches. Old gold picture frames. Bronze and marble statuary. Desk lamps with shades. Piano lamps with shades. Imported pottery vases. Cut glass water sets. Dresden decorated baskets. FOURTH FLOOR Negligees and kimonos. French lingerie. Crepe de chine underwear. Children's coats. Infants" coats. - Bath robes. Junior coats and dresses. Sport coats. Corsets. The Power of a Dollar Is forcefully demonstrated in the Holiday Bazaar. third floor, where thousands of Xmas gifts are assembled for your inspection. Nothing Over One Dollar WU J JT7 ft test this fact i