10 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECE3IBER 14, 1913. BrSINESB OPTOBTIMTIES. R. II. OOODKIND CO.. INC. 1-40J-4:; Wiicox Kids. rv-rn-r 6th and UaililngLon Sts. HIKE I Kukll ATloN TO BUYERS. A bout Rui!im Any Kin!. Anywhere. Before yon buy uu- iarge free list of PNEoPALKD BAKOAINS. ilr. PKrrn. business Opportunity Dept. s p kT: iai-s. Not t n Kor in country town of t:rt0; no competition ; stoek and fixture. lto)0: w ill si! all r half interest, aecount of either li!in'5. Daily sales $j0. all cash. Tt K E RV A N D Oo"nK KtT I ONE R T. ihs;i to ti pr day. M'm f : lures and cienn stock : A-l location. Price iZ'tO' ; IUu'j cash, balance trade or time. V A N i; y ACT l HI NO B ITS I N ESS 'Veara .V"0 a. month oer all expenses, with an tin'imnl future. $150 buys the nin-hin rv anl sto'k ua hand. Any one can hand! this. SMALL GR 'PERT. At Irvj. . about 4 .".'. doing $25 per flav eash nuin,-i; i living room. ror.N'THY HoTEL AND KESTAL'RANT Ui n nr.w i !.n w It h j room; doing I Ouu &usriie. t'rlco f I0v0. Vi H-.VTP. Y M E A TMA RKET. Fully eijupp-M market and slaughter house, m good town nsr Portland; owing ff.O'J bones. I'rlrfl $1.(00. Lf 'N H R n M V M KKSTAVRA VT, One of :ne rest luil p. aces In Portland. r"r on-v doing f l to J0 per day Tp. i :" ni' iith. r-i 7x FETMNEIiV. On of the best li g a -class tores. In e ganr ' Nation Si 150 handle it. Posl- 1 1 v ; -'ar ."0 month, books open for insp -t n. ll'iME BAKERT. e-ith r. n'Mt-rn livimc-roumi. A dandy lut r ri.Tt-. ri.r only $0. ' downtown leaning and kepair shop. Kjfin't '.he.l 10 fjr; a real live p"ae. C ' - a r I n 5 ?. n week; runt $'- month. Price $;... Hi.m : Its a xnap. "m'LENDID CASH MAP.KET. J-."-., bus one of the best -equipped little It nt tr arkets tn I'ortland. doing $3 to 7 .i dav, ail -ash business : rent $'?... Tii-nth. Th.s is a dandy, and wilt stand li sp- -t i n 'iENERAI. A nm ri with nil'XTRT STORE. $ or $3vio cash will fnd thi lock, et good opening to get In right, handles everything feed. Ilve- KKsTaCKAXT THAT'S GOOD. onnt.-r and private tublff. seutinx ca fw.lty Tw ; downtown location. Must be old arfount of dentil. Present owner Kits m:i thi for past 7 years. Price hair lash. Its worth three times tl at. ?t --k t uns iNinrfrn, w :th Job. 41in lf:ilf interest ih-at. saloon. .?. Lrii'trin. nlco p lire. J'.'KO Pool hai!.i. to $j). $Tjtn Dry goods, ladles' store. T K CAN SKLL YH Rm" s5 1 X 9. V have iold titter: why not your R. fr. ;oODKI.D CO.. INC IMIS IS GOOD. I have teams. wagon. itradlns; equtn ffient, trams all work in tt now; also have a strt contract to mart on Jan. 1 and otier work: I an s;oln away, will sell tti9im:M and outl it. houe and IM. staTl and p:-rty of urdroo:n or will trade Ur lnd; th: will J a rood -hance for nmf n to .et Into an etablUfied contracting huainea ?. AO Orejcontan. 1V OWN Kfl. old-estTtbllshed. weil-payins;. ti:iliicumbTit central tnerchard'se store. 'alu iM-; .!:: one In town: would ex rh rinse fir unincumbered Portland prop erty. (;ng to 'alifomla. l'articulara in f : mi bter. Address A V i eg on Ian A SMAI.l. buHi;i- that w 111 m&ke nion-y for you. Ct z tr and confectionery, $4im. ore ot her. I -. Pmail erocery, $4'K. I'thera up ti ',M. Our buatness chances t.l r.tnd tlio most rigid Investigation, r. 1 7 Hnry b:dg: GOOD CHANCE. 1"0O c-tsh buys a ni e conn try store Tnaklnir nn-ney. t- Fuchs, -l-O Chamber of Commerce. PI MNESS orroRTVMTlESw WANTED. "WANT at..ck of g.nerul merchandise. 1o.immj lo llO.wni. any where In Oregon or Vih lng:oii. Kruil and alralTa lands in one ol l-el districts In Nort h west given in ex i I-.3H5'. Land ts ft-e of Incumbrance, has H"-'l tvatT ripht. portion Is ui orchard. :.17 H'nry M-U'. WANT general mdse. or hardware busi iif.; must be good; have some Rood In eouitt property that Is well rented and caa for ame; describe what you have In f i rut h-tter; deal with owners only. Ad uress box , Culver, Or. WOI'I.D INVEST $'0 to $U.06 la a first claas buslr.t-M propostttcn where I could use ail or part of my time; have had H jeurs' experience In business. Bank refer enres Riven and required. Address D 610, OreironU n. I WII.I buy a clnthlnq store from llO.ooo to 4-V.0. Part cain. part A-t Portland real estate and moriirages. Price must be at cash v aluation. All a r w rs confldcn tial. P. O. box. Portland 810. A Ci.iHNT v,.in;n to buy u, wel l-t eta b! iahed !c thing n:oie u it h tok from 10.U1H) to I m.iHH. within ."! mi.es of I'ortland. HAMMOND AIOKTGAGK COM I A NT, 4;;-4L'l ltarnber of I'ommerce. "WANTED Stock or groceries or general l.itfrctiandise In or out of city, up to Ssoimi i..- vm Will give 'and In Ors;on or Idaho with water right and free ot In- iiiitbrnrr e. .'.17 Henry bldtf. VANT woo.;aid in or ne:ir Portland In ex ttianice tor . acres fruit orchard or houv and lots In growing town In Idaho. Would consider stump lund at the right price. 7 litmry btdff. TV ANTED Tu correspond with parties who w-oi d like to buiid loosing engines by a party w ho lias bad several years" expe rience, in ti.e oiHls. T. C. tfewell, li4 Kast T.'t'a st. N"riir.. "W M.I Invest small amount now. more later, in established bu.sincsa that shows profits, if motif y run be absoluteiy secured; pnn- ipa!s cnl . i oi. ttregonian. YVANT TO I : I Y pool hall out of city; imit be a m or. erf - maker and price right. Give fu! I description as to expense aud re- cipts. h 3. Oregon lau. Yli.L buy grocery business If well located, and p.iy i or it w it h god real estate at icth vu'uTtion. No agents. Johnson, Mar sh .ill 4.V.::. liAYE client lni would buy a good general in -ch imi store '.roni $10.O't to $j."..ihm. h a m .kv i mortgage company. 4'.';i-4.4 Chamtter oi omnierce. I.l buy good grocery In I'ortland or trade No nar ry with established brokers. T :!. Ott-soniun. IK enn shuw tauiant up it n.u.t be KQml value would like res 1 o 1 1 km t . possibly $ I .".ovt. but risht. A D o!o. Oregontan. AV A NT ED M viiib picture machine and chairs. A reaver quick. u4 Spalding bldg. Marshall . 7 J. WANT working interest in established busl- ncs.'. moderate Investment. H OVl, Ore tf"lil:in. WANT to invent up to $.-aM. partner or whole in business ; ref. renew and full particulars in first letter; no agents, R C;9. Oregon tan. 1 1IAVK a client to lease an apartment- t.ou.c, f umirhed or unfurnished, W. J. Davie, 5 -j.". orlett bldg. YVANTBD ;rocery store that will iuvoice about jL'.'h. Mi:!n 1 lrtd. i rot'K AND BONDS. TALK WITH FLETCHER. A in. Life & Accident Md Jmni Automatic Call 4c Adv. Clock.... bid L'o Hillsioro g:irden tracts cheap I". iv.c. States Fire Ins bid ! Johnson - Hr.niford Siiie. bid pMN tu-egon limine j-tidni cheap fl.VMl Hc:ilty A.-sicialeA No. 1 bid -" 1'nion Pacific Life cheap All stocks and bonds ermitted by the Corporation, Cimnu.v.in:ier to b sold. I WANT Keal.i-M;iy Oil Eu States Fire liner Pdd. & T. Provhtent Tr. d par. Oregon Koine. HIOr-Realtv Asso. No, L FLKTCHKK, Ahingtoii itldg. .HAKt:; i; -r K k Mliua? Co., Ltd., for : or will ri hang j. W hat ha you ? I Vt sh.irt s in S-year. sclent If ic.tlly-ma.n-aed and eMning pouitry farm In Oregon. I'r.TtcIpat guaranteed. H tjil, Oregonian. ' PROVIDENT Tru3tCbond for f073. Phore Eas, -to;t. Jo shakes Pacific States Fire insurance st h k. 1P0. k Oregonian. Y"ANTi:i Puiluers. shares of Oregon i:t, oregonian. AIi KOOMING-IIOVSES. C.V2 e.-k; offer of 11 rooms, all H. K., .." .ess. ui st tune up; p.:ys wcli; .too i.-uy i;ter iuter.s:s. Main l.v, INd-llOvS'E for sale at sacrifice; poor r.aith inu uiuat leave tltj. AC Ottl. Ore gonian. K-ms E;t ; s rooms furniture, all r nt d. our ow n price. 1 Itu st. I'bone .V.4V I'OTrll. PoRTOLA. 2"Ji N. 31 sT M r i is. M.e condition : omf lease, cheap r- -t . T' : n i" t t.l! at sacrltU-r. 1-i I:-mjm. H. K., close in. avays full un ;il t loh. iU-r. Owner. pJ4 laivvnsdale st.. cor. T;;or. A MoDERN o-rooin apart ir.ont - house, a so 1-r.om houc Part irade. G O: e- conian. ii-iiousi hot-I in heart of city; w .It sscri 1 1 e i urnit ure and throw In lease, $.'0O n'T. P r.i'2. Oregonian. Y.'AXTKH Bi i 30-room roomhiK-house. 1 low rut, caso. u Oregonian, 1 ROOMING-HOI SLS. R. H. OfOrKI.D CO.. INC., 4'I-2-3 W11.CUX HLD'L. COR, CTH AND WASHINGTON tT. A FEW GOOD H'TKI- AND A PA HTM EXT !!lf;s ECU KX CHVNGB AND F K SAI-K. COUNTRY iloTrTT-. WITH It A R. For the bet of reasns we arc instruct ed to dispose of at on e t:iia oid-vatab-lih-J bu.inesF, tocatrd tn Kaaiern Orison, dolns; u cash tus.ness of uxor $:'oo a month; the full pr;ce of annm Is Jt'-.tHK), whlrh 1m iudes a :;-try brick build mc of Ztt rooms. ln-ri'thtT Hh ground, all of the furniture. a:o nit moo-rn tar fix tures. ln the lar Itct-nse. 'bua. team. Ngase Kiton, and a tiew Met ray re- ir.KThtor; tne total ctt or v. tit w are offering for :;.i,it"0 Is over $t;..iHMit but will sacrifice for quik wll ronsliter a small farm up to .-V"t; $1-J.tj cnli, ba.Miice of $ 1.1. !', long-time a met: Is; anyone who Is a ho:l man lonin lor pbk -tip In Cilit line wtil buy mis (iu.rk uptn investluatinc. To prove, every ui.v mnt mulf. owner will pay ail xpen5ei for ln etliratinc if r.ot as re cr-am ted boftks opened for thorough Investigation. sho-Tins what this i.!a.c 1-as dono for years, 12T.-ROOM AFT. HOCSK. Strictly m-Mierti. Wet Mdf, excellent lo- ration, clearing ?."..".o month above all expenses : prn fitM-Oo for turn it tire and lease; take $".o(hj tah. balance lakt pro:i-rt that is !nr of inc. WANT A FARM FOR THIS KINK APT. IKH'K. Want about v acres. cienred. not too far from Portland; don't witnt hiieh-prtr Innd: will gtve furniture ar.d leaa of this strlotlr modern p. ace, rlenrini; 'J.'0 for it. Thl im clear tf Incumt-rance and worth T.V'-; til put lu tuvu cash If tiect ssary. APARTMENT IfiM'lK SNAP, room. t ir:e 'st ide location ; atrtrtly mm! rn tirirk bMi;., electric leva. tor; very fine furniture, we sold this house same t ime; axt for f 7o00; e t an deiirr to you jf tkn tit -i,rc for fr.T.v. l-k t?rt cash. $"- O In pro;rt. ba.anoe of jitoy can b a.-?uTted on env tuontbly pa niftit; just th.r-k. the r-nt In only for so riM.ms; ry.ia',n $f.n a room. SMAt.l. APT. HOrK H.KAII OK IN'TMEKANE TO KXt.'HA N J 11 hn A IH'ME. r4 room, ptrb 1 1 niod. rn, I; no West Fldo location, well furnlsnd and lull, clear f litr. : price J,:.'mii; wants hotiiu t-tear of Inc. "What have CASH RKgt'lKKD as first p.T-ment on an extra wll f urT nlshd transM-nt ho-js-. mar Pantai;-s Theater; brt- k building, strict ly modern, full price g.;T". H. H. ;oODKINI) CO.. INC. It Alt' iA I V PRICK SOME TUAPt &. Rot IMS In Z-IttMtM APAIITMKNTS. always f . l.rd w ith in cinu f people; fine corner lorarioii. irry room llcht and outside; com pi t My and el .int i v fur nished; ex-dlent leas-i. 4 vrrn. pavs JJ'i'J a monrh ov. r A LT, EXPENSES oil will want it If you see It. Price lt'; terms, some trade. Come In Mondav and get it. O. C. R. KL.L1S & CO. t Tloard of Trace. -Ith and Oak sis. HOT EI WAKGAIN. 72 rooms, grotmd f'.oir oi.'ice, cen tral location, rent on?y ?T,n p-r mo., hot and cold water, all rms beau tifully furnished. nw making money. You can buy thrs hotel for the n-t few days Jor hh). some cas.i, bal ance trade. IHET7. ItlNGI.KIE. 316 Pat:wa3 Ex. Jild?. f A KG A IN. TV RENT AND TRICE. Ti-ROO.! HOTEL, central West corner; modern, private bith.t. (.. In vest l at in will conx irtce yioj that Is the h EST Itl'Y on the Market t Side An this dav item gu.. rn Sf & ear. Price SSJuu; -(vu can hannlc It. t. C. K EI,U!S &- CO. Hoard of Trail.. 4th and Oak Sts. I.OWKI FIAT. II rooms. West Side, best close-In lo. at ion ; modem ; furniture the ery b st and complete ; h a v y brn beds and other things lo correspond; ail nw few month aco. Kent onlv tv- rnum re-4-eipts fI. owner must leave and cuts pr;.-e to iT.'.O. 3j9 IKoard of Trade, 4th Mini (.ik sts. ROOMING-HOCSE. :; TiHims, goofi-corrier, rooms always full. l'to pr month profit, besides pood !: ing ; will tra'de e.ui: v or gtlVO for smaM tra t of land or h it!s' an.l lot. balance lltaj tnt In payments: give location aud pai liculara. A K T'.5, Orgo nlan. APARTMKNT-HOCSR TO TRA PK. fict loratlen In city; ;:o noartments; rent includes herit. water and phon In all apartments; will consider small amount of eusji and balance. iu gool real estate, 'all Yeon bl.lK. MARY E. LENT. Z22 Failing bl(iK.. 2d and Washington sta Hotels, rooming, at art men t -houses, SOLD AND Ki HANGED. Courteous and const derate treatment to all. Free auto service. Phone Main &od. TEN In r ire rooms, a fine located corner. iiar Uth tutfl Taylor; nil well equipped for housekeeping; god furniture and the best-paving house for the xe In Port In nd ; this must be sold niul ow tier wl It swrnflea for f.SM. Call t4 Hth. near Stnrk. NOTICE. We buy. sell and exebsmre rooming house, hotels and apart mcnt-houses for quick results and a square deal. DIKTZ Sr P.1NGI.FR. 816 Railway Exchange BMg. ."2 ROOMS. Steam heat, water In noms. electric Ticrhts and gas: rent MP.! a month: clenr Inc over $uo a month. Close in cn West Side; Kt cas!i to handle. Call oIS Yeon bldg. HEHE'S A SNAP. "0 roonm, beniltlfully furnishotl; rent leas than 4 a room; strictly niidrn house, all full, clears o nio. profit : almost gl--n away at $1 lo. tc;mK. Inquire loth St.. near Stark. SMALL APARTMEXTdlOrPK. "0 rooms, strictly modern, fine furni ture, verv best location; clears t least $" month and ytur apartmenL A real bargain ; terms or Kood trade. Kelly 4t i.ennart. t :j i iiamber t onimerce, CHEAP fr cash, terms, or will trait fr real estate, furnlturo of lo-r-min rooming house, new ami m first hiss rnndttlon. local d J block irom p sio. f ice; cheap irni. i none .n a rsiian 4U ROOMS. RENT l-r steam h-;it, hot and cold water In rooms, fire location, run by present own er a an. gtiort furniture; price $:;iKl. Call T.lSt Ye-m blip. FI HNITI LE of s.r..o a f'st for rai-. wry reasonable. Everything in I.ne co.ulitic-n. Suitab: placa for boarders. Fine loca tion, walking dret:ince. Itnt ' a mo. A :t7.'.l. .".47 U st. ROOMS, modern house. prtly Wjt Side location; beauttfuuy furnished tn slep. lim-foms: pays nicely. Price $7."a; gii.j bandies. livarl of Trad btog.. 4th and Onk str. 24 ROOMS. RENT I"0. lrice Jlotm. pnrt cash ; f irnare heoff : never a vacancy ; clears $7r. month EV KRY MoNTII : go.-d f irniltire. owner leaving city. Call '.i!i Yeon bldg. rto-ROOM A PA KTMFNT. ".7t rt. Ail moIern. brick build:ng. bath with each apartment ; rent less than $5 a room, good lease; $Ii;im nuti aud balarce to mil. 'all M Yeon bblg. N K L V FI ' It N I H F I I 7Tf EL Just opened for business ; central loca tion ; loiiC lase. splendid proposliion for hotel people. Lcnhnrt. t'2ii Chamber of t. ornmerce. 14 ROOMS. PENT it-.'i. Furnace heat, two baths. 4 rooms with running water; two room- par rent: clear ing 1 7a a month : price $ 1 loo. j;aMj vjah to hand). Call Cl-t Yeon bldg. li i:oois. on. t.Virt cash and balance at $1.1 a month; rent $."., furnace heat, part housekeeping; clearing about $'. a month. Sio this Monday. 1S Yeon bldg. HOARDING AND ROOM I NG-Hol'SIi. 4! ,leffrfon. near 14th M. 2d-is N. -.Mth st. See owner. TO LEASE. 2d rooms, close in. East Side, rent $75 per month. Inquire uolnei n Furn.ture Co., In ion a ve. and East Hurnstde. FOR A L Rooming-nou?e and restaur ant; Kood bufcine; m: chrao on ac count of family going away. 97 Kusseil s:re t -MO ! l.ntu-e. t . iceiy ft:; niched for 11 'it hou?kecpine : good location, payii:g weil; nu.? I re;: at r:u c. If von nuau bua:n as e.il t 14d 1 Hi h at. North. u- i;ooM ho'jso lor sale; f urnlim o god : rooms p.,y r. lit; centrally located. West SMe; modern, car; n agents. 175. K Oregonian. 40 ROOMS. $2M10. Good transient location, furniture A-l: rent only fl.'ai a Vnor.th; steirn hent: will give some terms. Call KM Yeon bldg. II I G II - iL APS BOA rdin G- HOI K Sidt-mlld furniture ; gool lo-ation; Is clearirz 2r.O month now; onlv ?"CO to nanuie ints. Chamber of Commerce. .OO.M t.N'G-HoI SE. rooms. 341 Tiliai st. tar--co yard, nei w. carlines. Ande:aon Priutiiig c.. Mam 4.n;s. or real- d n "o Wo(.d i wt. ll.ll. WANTED At once, room In r-house. 10 to i . ii u va i urn ii ure. price Hshi. some ter;rs. Phone Main 774. H. W. OAKLAND. 1M 4th l. WILL sacrifice pract:ca!l new furniture of 8-room house if sold this week: very de siraMe 1 M-ai on fir roo:ners. Main 4J04. THIS ft -room rooming-house sid one year ago for e-V.rt. price now. $'j;t.1; gpo cash, balance monthly payments. 8S loth s. ROOMING-HOPPS for rent. 0-room house, fine location; rent 'J.1; futnlture -M0, easy to get boarders. East 114?,:t. $40 RENT. Including sterm heat rnd w.fer, rooms .1 rented, fumlt'jre. yh in f.72'. AT a bargain, ll mm, strictly and very oomeiike. Jva 1-tn at. ROOMlNO-UOrSES. MAKY E. LENT. Falling; bldg.. 3d and Washtngton-HOTEI-S. ROOMING. APARTMENT HOLSES HoCGHT. SOLD AND EX CHANG El. If you want a place, large or small, we ran suit you: money advanced and terms arrnngeii to suit the purchaser. FREE AUTO SERVICE. PHONE MAIN SS0. HIGH-CLASS HOTELS. r'" ROOMS PRICE FJiuQO. Ground floor, office and lobbv; bus that meets all trains; guaranteed to be clear ing SluOO a month. ill give party with good real estate or cash a free trial, and gite your money back In three months if not as represented. A f trst-clasa hotel man CAN M KKK X FORTUNE HERE Kent niy - averages $5 per room. See th.s If ou want something good for your money. ROOMS PRICE 000. Located on a busy corner. 3 entrances, lobby. This place has all modem appoint ments. Including steam heal, running wa ter In rooms, private baiha. Ctfuo CASH KEVJCIKED. S4 ROOMS PRICE $fiO0. One of the classiest small houses In the city, furnished throughout with pew high grade furniture and carpets; ALL OL' T SIIE, light rooms. Will take some real estate. 44 ROOMS PRICE $rS0O. Terms arranged to suit ; corner brick, near Washington at. ; rent $175. This la an easv plaee lo handle, locate.! for either TRANSIENT OR STEADY ROOMERS. 30 ROOMS PRICK $?P0. PENT reasonable: VERY ELEGANTLY " Fni.v ISflEH. THIS IS A MONEY-MAKER FOR THE RIGHT I' ARTY. $1000 CASH REQLIRPD. A PARTMKNT-HOUPEf. gn RooMS. ail 2-rocm apartments, each with private bath. Price $30t; terms to suit. 0 ROOMS Pit ICE $2-00. Arranged In 2. 1 and 4 rooms, each with private bath. If you have some lota and I0m cash, the plate la yours. S : ROOMS. 1 and C-room apartmenta. , $1000 cash, required. BOArtDINU-HOLSES. ?g rooms West Side, bear 1 4 th and Morrison. Rent only 7i. Price $Uuu. easy terms to suit. WORKING MAN'S PLACE. r Hi )M.S PRICE $iO. Wilt take cheap lot of lots up to $300 and j" cash. This U a clean, well e.jutppcd ht-usc. with all the boarders you nt,i. Don t fail tn see this Monday Worth double the price asked, but dis agreement between partners compels alo at once. Kent only $J0. f" ROOMS PRICE 3in. THIS PLACE HAS HAH. ground -floor off.ee. d:nlns-room. etc. JO0O cash re quired. MARY K. LENT, J::-:4 Filling bldg., 3d and Washington FOR RENT I.Y-rnom house with 2 roomy sleeping porclus; Ideal locution: house tactically new. thon. uglily Ttioilern a tot In excellent condition ; running water In nariy i.ll the roiiiH; un esceitent oppir tunity fir iinyone who wishea to conduct a tlrid-cl.isA rooming or boat d 1 11 g-house ; rent very reasonable consi dering the splendid location. AL rI4. Oregoiilau. LOST AND FOt'Nl. THE following articles have been found In the cars of the Portland Hallway. Light A Power Company and turned In at the different diwsHm points. Owners may se cure same by applying at barna as Indi cated. Anketiy h.irn. A fiPIl 1 bottle, 2 suit caes, packages, 1 umbrella, I dull. Piedmont barn. Phone A til.il purse, 1 lu.ndhag. 1 stickpin. 1 suit case. 3 um brellas. 4 misc. urtiides. Scilwood barn, Phcne A Ciril 2 pHnt brushes, - grips, 1 writing tablet. 2 urn-bn-1 U, 1 knife. 1 book, 1 calendar. 1 handbag. 1 lurch box. Savler-sl. c ir house, phone A f.l.H 1 umlo-llns, 1 haiidtag. 2 lunch loes. LOST Three elk teeth, mounted, but un finished. In Job envelope, sornew here in busmess section or Multnomah Hotel; kirdly return to Claua Ac Son, Madeay hide. Reward. LOST Maltese cat, with face, legs, breast, and tip of tail white with dark spot un derneath chin. iteturn lo Fifth st. ami receive reward. LOST Hlcnded squirrel fur neck pie. In Coiumb'a Thei. ler. 'rhlajr evening. Finder ph-as: return tj 3o4 Ardmay Apt a. i;e wnrJ. Lost Gold and turfuo class pin on Al der. Iictnein ith and H road way. let te red L. If. ri.. 'Oi; reward If returned to J06 1 la rker Mp irlments. H ST A $."h bill by nn old soldier, let ween Morrison Htid Mnrke and '.tt; all 1 have lift w ecn nie nnd starvation. l.ivo ut Oregonian offli-e. Lv.-'t' Ki om car between ArdenwAld and S:i ood. lady's brow n hat, wit h w hite plume. Address Wava Herring, EMucada, T. LtST Thursday nUht. black lynx collar ette. Return Moudny to I'.'lt 1st si., and ree-ive rcwarj. STOLEN from 3-17 E. 47th at., MerMe motor. cycle, license N be rewarded at 1 . P 3.TJ. Informfttlon will S Madison st. Mam 7M. LOST Iidy'a gold w.ndi. ltween tty atoi Htockv anls. Finder picas reiuru to 4-i7 Sumner st. H'ST Poal t runk and sprocket for moior cvi'rt at E. !h and Morrison; reward. Tel. i:. Jtf.i, room S. FiiCNO ttrt'idle WtM.dluwn l G bull pup. Owner, phone Lost Thursday evening: child's white ne k fur. Phone Tabor 100U. LOST Eatlo c!a w pin w it ii cameo locket. Wednesday. Cull Mtrshai). '.MV Iteward. SPIXIAL NOTICES. COTlLLHiN H X I.L largest and most ex clusive bal'room In the city: invitational I' a lie s 011 . v. M .r-h.i'l 313. now reaily for reservation. Prpals Invited. IN THH DISTRICT COURT of the United S'at. - fo- rue District of Oregon. In the matter uf Co-operutive Supply House, Inc., 1 ...1,.. u, t i-.euesi for bids. I will re ceive s.-at"d bids for th following prop erty, situated at Kukt First and East Madi son streets, I'ortland. or., up to and until 1 o'clock noon on Saturday. Decern b-r I. 1:13. said pioperty !cng formerly the property of the Co-operative Supply House, Inc.; tx gas engines, sail foods having been purchased Trotu the Gtlson Manufacturing Company by the Oo-operailve Supply Hiiiae, Inc.. and being of the inventoried value of fy.G.aO, ar.d a Wo oue lot of ex tras. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount off-red must accompany each bid. .1 1 subjw t to the approval of tuo court. inventory mav be seen at my office, and the property inspected upon appo.ntment. Dated this ltn day of December. 1V13. R. I- SAH1N. 740-747 Morran Uaig. loi Hand. Or. ii;orosAl-s for scpplies state in.s rrrcTio.N The Oregon Sia'e Hoaiu of ontrol will receive sealed bois for furnishing supplies ti the various state Institutions on D cmler .-. i'Jl l, at 2 P. M.. conistlng of i'ry;ods. (io;iing. furnishing, gro ceries, khoes, ha row arc. brooms, drusa. ja ints. oils, stationery, crockery, plumb ing, -etc.. for the semi-annu-il period rnd.fig Jure ::o, li'll. r specuM-fitlons and KheUtiles w KI be fur. ulslnd upon a pi ileal ion to the secretary. 1'a-h bid : be a companletl by a certified ctteck 111 the sum of lo per ent of ti.e yU'H amou.it of bid. payable lo lae Ore got. Stake Loaid ot Cutitrol. to be held a u ct: an tee ol toe laithlut 1 erf oruiancc of the contract. The Hoard rservea the right to reject arv or ail biOs or to accent ai: part of a bid. U. V.- GOODIV. Secretary. Oregon Stale Hoard ot Control. Sam. Oregon. L'eO. 2. It 1 3. SUA LED proposals w ill be received at the office of tho undersigned, 4H courthouse, ui.itl 1J M-, Wednesday, December 17, F.G.I, f -r the Improv em ent of tne Wood- - m-n: - hod grounds. Plans and apect f ligations mav i.e obtained at the. office of F. A. Naramore, Suit, of Properties, 33 Courthouse. DepMiit of $ J Is required fr l-lans and specifications. Cert it led check for 10 per cent of the rmount of iae prposaL payable to R, H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each propoa.T l. Hoard of Directors re serves t.iu right to reject any and all proposal a. R. !! THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated Dec. lo, 1X NOTICE OF PANKKL'PT SALE. NOTiCB IS HEKEBY GIVEN that the unueisigned, trustee In bankruptcy, in the matter of the estate of Frank Gor don Fowler, bankrupt, will receive offer.-, for and under order of court wiii sell to the highest bidder, for rash In hand, the stock of the said bankrupt. Frank Gordon Fowler, located at No. oHI Eighth St., In the City of Hoqulam, Washington. Paid stock Is a general merchandise stock eon sin'lng of dry goods, groceries and notlona, and la Inventoried at $3.1M.u7. Pida wl.l be received for presentation to the court by the undersigned at any time up to aud including December IS, DGS. GEO. E. HI KE, Trust, fcPEClAI NOTICES. Prepueals LnvU IN THE DISTRICT COT'RT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN IMSTKiCT OF WASHINGTON, feOCTH EKN DIVISION. In the matter of George W. Knnett and R. L. Brlttan. partners, as Kennett Rrlttan, and George W. Kennett and R. L. Airmail. Individually. I. the unders.gned. will receive sealed bids aa trustee of the abovr-entttled estatf at my office, the First National Bank at WalU Walla. Washington, for the follow ing property of the above-entitled estate: 1. A stock of goods, wares and mer chandise, al mated in the store formerly occupied by Hrlttan, lr.s West Mnln street. Walla Waila, Washington, of the Inven toried value of $3HSb.'.'4. 2. Fixtures pertaining to the same at said location. $lv. 3. Stock of goods, ware and merchan dise of s.sailar character situated at said location, but separate from the slock above referred to, of the Inventoried value of 4.'.U.L4fl. 4. Stock of goods, wares and merchan dise of similar character to the above, situated at the same place, but segregated from the above stocks, of the Inventoried value of $1.i3.2f. 1 .1. t ertain fixtures located In the store room formerly occupied by George W. : Kennett, I03 West Main street, of Uie In-, ventoried value of $It5oi.i. 5. eid bids w 111 be received for the above property up to and fnclnding 12 j o ciack. noon, Monday, December 22, lfi:J. Said bids to be accompanied by a certified 1 check for 10 per cent of the amount of-: fered. Itlds should be mad umn each r any of the parcels above numbered 1. 2.! a. 4 and f. separately, or upon alt of them st a whole. If the total of the hlkhest; bids for each of the parcels separately is greater than the highest bid for the prop erty as a whole, then ihe highest bid for each of the parcels separately will be ac cepted. Bin If tne highest bid for the whole Is greater than th total uf the highest bid for each separate parcel, then the highest hid for the whole will be ac cepted. Sas subject to t he approv al of tho court. The property may be Inspect ed upon the prltne'ses and an Inventory be seen by applying to the undersigned. In ventory Is a! so filed and mav be seen at th office of H.L. Ssbln. 740-747 Morgan bidg., Portland. Oregon. P. M. WINANS. First National Rank. Walla Walla. Wash. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION OR EG IN Jtt'ILDING. Senled propositi w:M ! received by the Panama-Paci 1 tc I met national Exposition Oregon rimn:sslon at room 41S Commer cial Club building. Portland. Or- until 12 M.. Tuesday, J 11 nun rv ll. I!G4. for the construction of the Oregon building. In ac cordance, with plans 11 ml Hpeclfl aions pre imred by Foulkes A Hogue. nrcliltects. Such proixtsnl mut be acct.mpanieil by a certified check, payable to tho order of the Panama-Pacific International Exposi tion regon Commission. In the aum of two thousand dollars o2.ihhj.ooi or the same will not be considered. When the nward of contract Is made all check will be returned to the respective bidden, ex cept that filed with the accepted proposal, which check will be returned uoon the signing of the agreement and filing of the required bond. A bond In the aum of fifty per centum 00 1 of the contract nrlee will t required for the faithful performance of uii' contract, Prgres-tve payments will bo made. i ho right tn reserved to reject any or all hid. Plans nnd specification may be seen nt room iisj cnui.ercial Club building and room 4oo t iregouiaii building. Portland, Oregon, and room 1 1 IS Cro kcr building. Mn t ranciM-o. t altroriita. on and af 1 londay. Dceemlr 1.1, HG3. Bidders for their ow n convenience may obtain plana ni 1 no cost price or mum printing same, for their exclusive use during the period of estimating, but It In understood that the title to nil plans and specifications remains witn tne t oiiimissiou, to whom they shall 1 reiurncn with tne proposal. PANAMA -PACI FIG INTERNATION AL EXPOSITION OREGON COM MISSION. 4k, M. CLARK, President. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United Siat.-s ft.r the Distil, t of orctron. In the matter of MiyuT & Co., bankrupt. Re quest fnr liitl.i I will r:cev s.u I bids for the foi owing parcIsi of property, sit uated at ieiilale, ( ir In the storeroom formerly oc upi 1 by the above-named bankrupt, artiu property being formerly the ptopirty of said bankrupt, up to and until 12:00 o'clock noon on Friday, Decern bet 2d. t'.tyj: 1. Stock of gols. wares and merchan iue. ur.sisr.ng of g:oc-rles. tobacco, hard ware, tinwar , uiiKiiumi ion. ith kery. glassware, u.is, paints, wagon, farm im li in.-niM, ei:., of th iiiveittoiicd alue of $a402.Ml. vMif mule, three deliver wagons and one set hanic), of thu Inventoried value of $170. Fixtures pertaining to tho same of the Inventoried value of $SM.7.". 2. Certain buildings upon property not utide- leas.-, of Hie inventoried value of $1Ik. Bids to be received upon parcels No. 1 and No. 2 separately. Cerutied check foi to per cent must arcotupatiy cat h bid. Su rubjeci to the approval of the cou: t. Inventory of the property may be r-en at toy oil ice, and also it G .nilale. .r.. where the pnp.ity may le Inspected. Dated Hun 11th day of l.r:ib-r, 1IU3. It. L. S A BIN. 740-747 Morgan Bi-Ig. I'ortland. f. NOVICE TO CONTIl CTtHiS. Bids are requSsted as follows: fL drain 1 1 I:t p-zes from 10 In. to 2 in. ; exravatum ni. y!., and laying of t ie Including work r-mo. Ing lbcO ft. of S. In. drain tile. Bids opened Vvr. 2-. 113. 10 A. M. Specif. rat Ions now ready. UMATILLA DRAINAGE DISTRICT, Staaf.t Id. Or. Master's Notice. M V ST E R'S NOTICE. Brttlnh Bark Inverurie. Grey, master, from Aberdeen, Scotland Nelthr the ma! r nor t ii- undersign-'il onsiksiees of the aove-namcd vessel w.ll be rejipt.nsit'.e for any d t thai i.iay bo contracted by t he crew. Kt r. tLfford z Co. Mlsrellanewaa, !.".. 0 PER CENT lriiKHU'-n p.hirri Iboids EAST FoR K IRKUtATioV DISTRICT Hood Rive. iri i'Mi, For Sale. S aled proposals will te , reeived by the Hoard "f Directors of East F'k Irri gation Distri. t at tin Ir 01 f ico tn rooms and d. Hall building. Hod River. Oir gon. until I.Jo o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, January L'O. A. D. HI 4, fr the pui ctiase if 1 n H uuured Fif t V Tnuusand Dollars i$ l.'.O.ooo.tMji f Irrigation Duti let bonds authorued and suei by the above-named district, in denominations of $ I "011 each, dated July 1. l'.'l pay able in yearly in e:allments in those (ercentnges of the whole Issue as by law directed, commenc ing witi the expiration of ll yesrs from date of Issce and rmlnu at the expiration f jo ynr fr"tu urU- T i.sie, nau bear ing Interest ut the rate of six tdV per cent per annum, payable on the ilrst day of January and July of each year. Coupons fr the it:tiest are tt ta l-.eil to the bonds, and both principal and Interest ar: payable in lawful mon- of ;he United States of America at the office In the trenuror of said district, or at the fiscal n-ncy of the state of Ore gon In the City of New York. N. Y. The above described bonds are Issued for the purpose of procuring necessary reclamation works, and acquiring the nec essary property and rights therefor, to Irtuate and reclaim the lands within satd district, a: d otherwise carry out the laws of the State of Oregon relating to Irriga tion districts. The legality of these bonds has been approved up to this date by Messrs. Dil lon. Thomson A Clay, of New York, N. Y. 1 n 1 ua 1 1 f : cd bid only w 1 . 1 bo recel ve d . ami the successful bidder will be fur nished with at: original copy of the opin-l--n of the a bo e-mentioned attorneys, covering ti.e legality of the bomi. Each bid must be accompanied by a ccrufied c;:eck or cashiers click on some responsible bank In the City of Portlanu. Oieon. for an amount equal to two (?) per cent of tl;e face va'no of the bond, payable to tt.e president of East Fork li 1 Uatl tn D:st ri. t . to bo for fid ted as llii:ldated dstnaRcs in case the bidder snail wiilidravv his bid or shall fail or ncxiert to lake and pav for said boi"!a, sooti'd the seme be awarded to him. Toe ban Is wfcll be o!d to tne blrbM icspun siaic bidder, provided, however, the ri;hl lo reject all bi'Is p herery reserved. All projM should be mark en "Pro posals f or J rr.atton D 1st r let, bonds." and addressed to . I;. -1 one. president of East Kirk Irrigation District, rooms 5 aiid ft. Had Buliiimg. Il.'od River. Oregon. By nnlrr iff the board of dli ectora of Ea; Fork IrOgatlon l:trict. la:ed Dvccii.ber MUX GE'IRGE R. WILBUR. Secretary. WILL Mrs. Johnson, who lived at Tog Lv etett su, last June call at Holman Trans fer Company's warehouse. No. s Front St.. and pay charges ou her furniture? other. ui will be sold for storage charges. BARGES for Msiu 1410. rent. Apply A. 3. Pat-.ulla I1NANCI U CASH paid for jouu first cr second mort gagee un ral estate ur eMr Interest In i-ontricfs for sale. H. E. Noble. 310 Lm licmeii b iig. WE MAKE short term loans. 1500 oa approved bankable securities, s n A Ewlng. SB' Falling bids. upward Robert- FIRST and second tn'rtnges and build' ng contract bought. E. B. Miller. 410 Ington Mdg. Vft'iRTtiAGE LOANS, notee, contracts, mort gages first and second , equities pur - 'lased. F. H. Lewis 4V Co.. a erls Mdg. VV K LL Y notes, bonds and mor k -ce. Rab ertsoA . Ewlog, 3H) FaUUig bldg. nVClAL BANK FOR 6ALE AD unusual opportunity to embark in tne banking business in email, but growing community; $ 12,000 capital. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO.. Chamber of Commerce. CrtoP'K $1h lellcr" contract for sale, payable $ io per month; will discount to pay i per cent net. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 43-4-4 Chamber of Commerce. WE BL Y MORTGAGES AND NOT ITS. WESTERN" POND MORTGAGE CO.. 410 COMMERCIAL CLl B BLDG. WE furnish toe money at a low rate of In terest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent If we do the planning and hulldirg for you. It will pay you to see us. I I;. Bailey Co.. Inc.. 3-4 Aidn,tton WILL buy first contracts. A dl7. inortsiri aud oregonian. sellers' Muaey to Loan Heal Letate MONEY TO LOAN In sums to suit. on Improved real estate security . ."mm to $VMHMI. prompt service. Lowest rates. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO.. 423-4 J4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FARM LOAN. PEH CENT Must be first-cla aecurity , moucy on hand. COE A. M" K ENN A A CO.. 727 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security at reasonable rates In sums from $.':m and up. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 171 Fourth St. Between Motisou and YamhllL REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES UoUGHT AND U jLD II ARTM AN-THOM PSON HANK Mu.Vr.'V TO LOAN In sums to suit on tn.pi oved Portland property or for buiIJini; poci'oees; ioi.g ti'iv, with repayment piivi.eus. STRONG A CO., Fu.aucial Agen'.a, Suite Co;, fonroid Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FoH UCII.DiNG PCHPOjsES. VKRY FLEX ible contracts, no com m Hio.a COLLMBIA LI IE A Tltl'.T CO.. Pitt i PA LDING Bl lMi. $1200 AND ll.M'O AT S PER CENT, J--J1.0 AT T PER CENT. To imii r.n Mnpiiei real etate. 8CtTT-BEESLEY-DEAN E CO-, 211-12 Ablt.gL.n Bicig. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATk MTCLLITlfc AT S TO 8 PEP. CENT- EDWARD F. MALI g"0 CM V Ai PER Or" cuMaIERCE. TO LOAN. ?2m. 7 I";r cunt. Must be ftrst-class city real estate, not over one-third valuation. Cue a. m kenna it co.. 7l!7 chamber of Cotumerce Bidg. 6 AND 7' r M(. 1! V J AGE LO A NS. Any amount up to or. hand f r Immediate loan. Save tunc and mu r.ey by seeing us first. A. K. HILL. 41$ Kenry UI'!. MONEY-T tS LO A N " Good supply for city and firm prjp eity, 0 to 7 per cent. MALL A VOX KORsTEL. 10 Second St.. near Vv us'imgton. $1M'0 2 '' 7 and 8 per cent Bidg. STERLING FOSTER Yeon ywll lend up to gSo.lMJU oil real Cft luortgagts ut 0 per cent in lurge anioiinls v hot j there ai e good improvemen is. pre fer to dei I direct with the ow.ner. AS 2, 1 Tegonian. ON im proved city property or for buiidiug purposes. :; to s ea. s ttme; lit-cral pa.. -men: prlvilegek, money a.vaned as buKding 1 ro:;ie.-es. The Eiuiiai.,e Sav ii'F A Loan Association. ark st. $.ltHMl Lo A N w anted 011 v ulaye proper! y w hlch has 1 '2 new cottages, value at no. less than ?1."..imio Will pay wed tor anie. investigate at my expense. .IV 7o4. Oi . -gonlan. Money to imi, ." per cnl to b 1 tr uciii. any Hmiunt; prin-.p service. iiavm inu mortgage company. 4 L'l- - la Ctiatn oer of t 'utnun i ce. $20,000. 6 TO 8 per rent, sums to suit; bought. X Al. Orecunlaa. MAKE specialty of loans from ti to $3000; property examiried same day a; pii ation js made. A. 1 WillouKbby Co.. 41 Cor-b-tt h!dg. Main S'tSi. $0o TO loan on ral estate In or about Fori land ; submit iur security .: ; ,mj Piatt blog., southwest corner ot ParK and Washington st. To loan amounts from .,oO to f..io. (n u.i proved city pro peri y at cur ten t rat.- o; ltiterejit. Inuui: e ! Se. re. a 1 y, 1Y2 t.M. k Exchange bldg.. Sd nnd V:imnilT. HAVE $4:;00 avai'ublc t'r f.rsl mlg. on West side. Irving ton. I .an re i hurst t.r Hl l iday's Add. A. B. riiauson, 0 ". Chamber tf ommerce. MOi:TGA;K MAN6 .7i To 7 V H. E. M00NEY, Rootn 4-1 Falling LM. 'Main 210. $j'oi to ioan at om e u ci iroperty. p. r cent. Other sums t suit. 1 . s M'ltT CA:E A- INVESTMENT Co. Main 24u. S12-.MS Yeon bhiff. Vo. JIOIX., $I4mi. S'.-o-m. ti jt-oo-. .Vt. KEN.1E Ae CO.. .Mi G E R Ll.NtiL It BLDG. MAIN "MM. TO LOAN ;-.o.o tIi FA ItiGN'J O COMMERCIAL u. l Bi.DG. S'llt. b'l L"."' To bjn ions- bn ; 1: Failing 1 a im vv. ling M !;TG AGE Real estate security. T. S'.h k Exehang. td.ti LOANS. current rates, vot '.. T-l and Yjm'.iil ;-.U0O TO LOAN. CITY op. FAi;MS. J. O. LoVNTREr.. Chamber of loioiin rce b'.dg. 7-o AND $P On Improved real estate Va"?it-r Co., tock Exc'ia MoitTnA'iE Loans on ci esi rat- s. A. H. B.reii y pro; erl y !u w - Co., McKay lidg.. ;;d and stark sts. $'oo0. $l. ".!, ?Tm iio $TM, $.h;j. aisT M 2..Vm, lo property. .kjI i 1 ...:Kr bid g. lo IjAN. j. roved, c'ose on In. c. til. orv Illlilll - J. 1 r t . n.erce. :ier. 4 h.ltTlber $om iu LOAN at s etnte security. F. of Commerce. Fuchs, Fred man Ct., Lam. of i'' HAVE lo0 to loan 1 gel quick action. N per oreg. ei:t ; lUUSt T. :il. Mol;TSAGE LOANS, ti AND 7 PER 1 ' ENT. L'U SALOMON, XV- ST A L tv ST. money t. e':ibalin. city or .yrm iands. J. J. auibcr c '"inmrce. MORTGAGE LOANS nt current r.Ces. U H. MAXWELL. .Uti Chamber f Cointn-r-e. TO LOAN, 0 AND 7 Pr.R ToRe 1 !.';':, 10i SHKRIa t K TATK ac-r-t FI NDS. G p i ui" noma 1 r c:il. ount y. . E. Tho cn.- of 1 11 r-i Ei.m it'll on Tea, Lertia b'dg. and t'ollalciai AiRTGAGfc2 LOAN'S, any amount, no delay. Heary C. Pruunon-.me. sm wibox blog. money ti loan on real etai; GEO. P. DilKl I. 22- HIIM'.Y BLDG. Money loaned, real estate, bought. H. Mlley, "M nil ract !-r it ge 1 oi To f.'.ioi. Phone Tanor pnvaio fjads for good loan. 21. MOKTGAG E Lo A NS AT d AND 7 PICK CENT. Fit ED S. WILLIAMS. Jiji. 1ST ST. i.V'O AND $ast -res.1 estate. M.f mo'ier t i. a i: on h ;2 Morgan bldj. IIC'NEY. any amount, H. Seitg & Co., M' : a to per cent, raiding bldg. MoNEY to loin on Puprovcd dry pn per;y. Hidings 4. Riicy. 4t4 I tro.l w ay bldg. MONEY To I.O AN O N PEAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. HAVE $oo' to ioan. 7 per cent, on im proved lrvtngton pr.pr rty. Main -7v XoNEY t-i lo.n erty. AR T? on good city or farm prop. tiegnnian. lom To f",o to ioan on well Improv d firms, cad Main II;. 1 1 1't i Private : '. t'huml'ff y. first 1 'in rrrf'-i mortgagts n. . vIuni or Jb to loan at S s-nll fill. per cent. Mar jioNEV ;o lorn on rcil estate. J. J. Oo.i cor. Grar.d ave and E. Ai V.ny. M nry to liisn Uh4trla and Salarle. MONEY loaned 041 diamrrd. watches, jew. elry. pian3 and waren isi receipts Prown Co.. ro'.m . Winincton I dc LOANs on diamonds a. id Je e!rv. rtr.ctly cocfldentlaL 3d, near Aider, FINANCIAL. Money to Loam Chattels mod Salariee NEED XMAS MONEY QCICK? You can get It TODAY. Our RATES and Methods Compel Con sideration. Eventu-tiiv You Will Deal Here. WHY NOT NOW? WE LOAN ANY AMOUNT to Working people and oi'iers on Plain Notes. Furniture. Livestock. P:anos. Autos, btorane Receipts. Real Laia'.e or Motor ex cles. WE BLY MORTGAGES. You Do Not Jeopardize Vo-jr Furniture or s. I! Your I'nce of .MinJ IF VOL' DEAL WITH IS. 'HEAP XMAS RATES, vc-kiv pai a : loan. e. kly pay a loan. Veekiy pays a $ loan. $ .2:. s :. i I 1 -r week'y pavs a $1"0 I .'an. CAN YOU BEAT THEM NO CHARGE FOR APl'LIC T ION. NO EXTRAS. NO DELAY, on ai.L Loans If the HEAD of the fam ily dies before tic account Ls paid in full Mm! tae . n: a;e made as aree.l " K 1 ; I VK THE W 1 1 m i W A R EC EIPT I N KILL OF AC'"oi'NT. YOL" CAN GET IT TODAY. HI'S I X KS S CoXFIDENTlAL. Rebates G:v.n if Paid Bt f rtt Due. R n.A.vb Loan cuMpan y. 413 MACLEAY RI.Ik;.. bievn 4:h and ..th s:s., 0:1 Was-:, st. Lipcn S A. M. tr P. M. every da. Caw. write or phun Marsha' 1 "rfi. A CHRISTMAS MONEY FOR ALL WHO WANT IT. Don't wait until wo nro rushed, out call today. Loans frm $10 to $luO. and a.l are re quite is tl.itt uu aie workitig. We have money to lend at reasonable ch.ires nnd ev,t. nd to (j the pnvl.ege of p-ying it back m weekly t.r month. y payment iu a in vu 11 lb to suit your In come. No Mortgage. No l.NDORSfR. No PUBLICITY. Rebate giren ir pr.ld bciore due. REMEMBER. W e sr:int your bu-duc.. and as our cap ital is unlimited, we are in a position 10 defy all coinpe' itioa aud uBcr oU the bt-fci. couiract In tlio city. STATE SECURITY CO. ;;oj FAll.l.N; bldg. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL H 'CLOCK FKoM NOW I NTH. XMAS. WHY PAY Wu Will ! pf-r c. tit oil We are the ENoi; BH ANT a n o-a nuuiey y .ur iiiain-uiiis ni"t bin tiG i:c RATEa? as low as H a:.d jeweir. :.. d miiiifv 1 :. i : r :nni is s:rvet. 1 er 011 lorfciled b-r-.jers it th? city, uur est; 1-c.iled at ii.14 WaMi.i:;!i'n 1 -r.u'.i v ay . iet oui ; i:u-fc 1 ta mono -. D.a tr.ond i'u .ace. Money for sa!a:od people ami otners up on t ncir ovv n n wiie. n ap r. :es, easy p,i mctiis. ee me before dealing t. se w t. .e; confidentiaL D. D. Drn.e aS "lietiry Idog. PillVATc: PIVCE TO OBTAIN LOANS on la :mnii, w au-bes. Jew clri . automo Ln(s, mu.-:t al ii.Mtui.i-nb. Ad ti.trrvn.u8 s ric.iv confidential. K ov Chi: j :i 1 y, ' . 1 .u.n 1 er !;. B.og. I M M GDI ATE utid I l illi', t at mtn re. cotttlth utial b.;tns aut.'M and nioturcyc B. ucr. ! Ai'br st. r. i. AN 1 11! ! II if th Ar Ll.ch. :!' 0.1 d.aiitotidj aes charged b t 1 :t-i st. rid jewelry kctt. Marx u.airici was lis and jew -tllKlun bale.. Wm. H'i Y M'l.i 7. led J L-.-t ii F. A. 111 . c New ton. ei.tial. . bltig. laians anted. WANTED $J3 ll'CJS just b lo at 7 U'-K tnisl.i cent on new aige lot; value a.MtO. fc.'OTT-HEE 211-1-' "!-KV-li KANT. CO., AoitiKton J'Utf. ", a EA RS. i p. r c 1 uilty pear Hitti and HaLlioiiie ave. 1'.im1c, y.i;i, t p'-r 1 Jeitersoii-st. corner, valuation L. Karnopp, i;. Kx. Bldg.. I'tit, security o.ooi. john ml j:;i. ."ia WANTED AT PER CENT ON" I n i'ii proved lo: t.atiu HeiglUs property al J'o'm,. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 4 Ii - 4 J Cnamber of Commerce. 'O SELL j 7".o mig. mi so ucos of g.Mel t i'loul I..-.KC. v asa., ah: d it HI 111 on c U -Je .li So acfi I.JM- Co 'i ui y . a . .i.d $ 1 .".co; oi!it. R .".;;;. 1 ri;oi;iaii. il 11 A T JK'U'J for -1., t lie l i;y : m1 p s. n;i-ni:ii laliy and i.t.! . wi.l i.ol jjy orryornan. y cars uii be t Rtcjra i ; ;i.L un.:. out: l . l.t'H 1 ! 111 K $H IO AN I ED r.l 1 Lai. : e lli.ii st, v HAMMOND M 4.i-4J4 Char ij.CiJy. on J-iprovrd Snatn Portland rval estate. MonlMiy r ntai 2t eom :n .s.oa pa.d A (id 1 s N 4 1 j, oieotTiaa. LOAN" war led from private party, city pr-pcrO ns securit v . a,as $:hm. Pay H per cent. II. G. B i:l.e. aor GcrLugcr bldp. Want El al i-.- i'i ;o.:i:tig li.nii:. r v.. HAMMOND MoRTG 4-4'J C. .miner Jt.i,MHI. ciiViPAN Y, iiinief. e AGE WANTED Loan of , bus:nes oii..d:ne. atiioiiuT. W1.1 p iv 7 11 brfit-e.s A.but AS E:ll .-oi. the .-nt interest. N, WAN 1 L' nio.i t h . Private ..f 1 .to:i; I per cent for ;:is.i" d for I"' i. Ai. ill. tre- ob-le a;e- al s per cent 0:1 I'orlla.idl :. p-ov ed P.: s a It., d at $tou. 1 MOIiTUAdK Ci Ai PAN Y. "rai'iber of Ctmin.-r.-,-. j t v per cent oa tuo new mod- I io.-c i-i ; wi'l take eood auto 1 to l."i" as p-irt va. AC- j T- c- n an. WANT e eru hoases. Si ;.oo WA N i'LD proper v v nil llAMMuM" 4;-4J4 t Ml Bl 'T ce'lt d .l J '. "o aioi;TGAGi: hnii! r of 1 0:1 ucin, proved COMPANY. 1 'oni u rce. HA v i'. t.j st 1'iort a worth t-iiee tin; ti icl. V' ill se I fi; JJ.'.ou eti riop'it it mu. h. ci.,3l!.m (i j.. ject lo ae-ru.-. ;nt.I . i re 11 on ' n. est Add i. W A N T p. r l-uil. .M 1 !-.irs. F:o. nnd .1 niiii &tn for 4r jioiu.iti. quit k '.NT l b arm, in-., rt-riinti-r f'.VUV on improved Vailey 1 in. Ii. nk.e al Harrison. $: o-o from 1 to 0 :. wi.l pay ptr uui; no Urv;uulaii. NLUb Si. II T , i K.sj ty J t o V A Ll" ABLE euro, v . t tori .G. - got. an. T. unimprov j 3 or principals. .111 pie , AT i(ijoo NEW S-room liovis. corner; S per; Or gonian. WANTED- i Pmo to ctiI..rgo good pay ing .,iMii'v; ft.il .' reu;M.i.il. for ll ; g.--i security ; invest i.ite. AN 0tl. Oregon in 11, $1.cm W a N TK1 for e: mi w t.itf boat w..ith $lo.oiji. 41- cia;tibcr of Com ith. rt c "A i.E Fir-: mm Ik a e. :.."eMi, on row inod.-tn 11.1,; will pi re. Ad-ln- L Oregonian. . per bro- $.".ih. WA.NTKD on limits s p.r e,.rlt $7omi :,irm lo privalu 1 ear city rty. AN A c.lCRCti 1. r 1 I'i ' I" - T W A NT io.ai 1 1: iza ; ion u hin 1 to burrow Kas: Side private party, on improv- i alien worth v i . N home , i:;s. f- ."Upi ur.er. va.ue j-av S p.r , Orcsonian. to tr.vate p.tr;j. AC ON hlqii-i lass e Mt-'Mlt $JJ.00; 'AH. Oreo: lan. Improved wiil pay property, per ce:.u WANT f. 'Oi loan on Irvlugton res.deacc L . '-.'. oreeonlan. WANTED on a it n $ Io.oimi. Ii.side prop 1 Tt-icoman. VNT ! n my iiea r kf-nian. 10-room hoi. s -al --state --.or.. an. rt-Ji eMate Secut. P A ANTED P lenr Lj uri-i 11 "or A.H. I riv nte 7 rail. utst I. WANT U'0 Imri on JI-'0 property; P-r c--nt. 4.lrt Wori.er bldg. pay 11 WANT to borrow Immediately 5 :i 1 e p"ir '. goofl security. Ea 0 f f-rri prl t 4.".t5. WANT 2 iNI. f: ni p .v..'- p.. Ma.n w'Tv t p-cp--rty v..i!h CANTED p v e l u,-ies j-r improved Haw thorn M a : n 1 ; N rr 12 mot.ths; ion in n. g.KMi lo A .U 5-1 EAR lorn 10ki ftrxt mrt g;ige. 1- .r cept Inter. :d monthly. AC o'.i.. oiegon.it.. WANTED S"nrt fyr mcntha. god chattel see-irlty. AK .Vol. fregonlan. WANT:-:i-lAin $0d 6 moa. S per ceut. K tr, Uregouian. $-J."ni V . Ti.li (.it h per cent on new home i:car Aim i-l s' .1: 1-n -.a the Mi. Sc.nt car- liio v:rii. . j HAM M IN D MO!;TLGE COM PA NY. 4"J.l-'! Cia ii'lxt of riiniiiiTiv. Mb :i. ount ".". ' Ly I.irm taiiu, xv i.l di-I.S I f KL!1V LAND '0. ,:d an-l .mu. Ss. 7 iter ce:i. i.n ne.v lioine l j.-K-.i at J mUIGAG.-. t'uMI'A.NY. .r i:ber i' '..in-:i. ri j I $:.o.i w ,. i h ID iCJiln. 1.1 llA A! A! . N J-EXAXCIAL. LOb V saif e4. W ANTEI ON Al SECURITY. $ 1 7. "'Oo ti per cent. Value JkOV i' ten O.40, S.IH-O) per cent. A'alue Value Value Value Value Value eH i per cent- per cent. r per Cellt. per cent. S pr cent. 2.0'W' e.b'Kt 4.'o l.o J.oort M KENZIE CO.. Main 2M'L Grilrger BMg $.4HHA WANTED, 8 PER CENT On 40 acres near Cannon Beach. Includ ing s in::e of choicest bearh property and hoTei tot;ng $mhi; owner vaiues tlie prop erty at abov e 410.OOU; expenses of a pc; -serial examination will be paid. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 4j;;-4-4 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED- A JoO building lan at 9 per cent oa Sc.'iuy ier st. between iioia and 3o:h. i.i pay brokerage. Tu. V G. ANDERSON. 3-S Ch jnikr of Ctunmerce B!dg. W A N T E D LO A N ON BUSINESS PROP ERTY. $-0f at . pvr cent for $ years, ru-age on business property wortri Want f rsi mi' $"uv. ; fur it-: :n of years. 1 nnci- pals n! y K fo.' Barber. LL EDDKMANN, ivLLEY & CO. -I Ci'amoe:- of Couiincrce. FOR SALE Mtg. of X.Iimni at H pr cent. s curcd by h'n.e thai .;d I-t shi; $ I MfO on Ros- cny park u-min. -. $;;ji on Rose City I'rK In.nsjM.w ; $looo on at reage Pislde city limits. ;'o on :: ;.s or:li $Jlit. A It. sur.-ON. Cl'i l":iatnbcr Cm-uer- e. j. B A fc. a f4i.n !irt mortgage to sell w hich 1 Jt.s foj- t.iiee ... vent, bearing Interest at Ce ra:.- .t 1 4-. r ceiL t er allium. e cureu by W, r-.de pr-.-eri:. c.oe in. Va.iicd at J.'"'.!"!. i-t s ;i;.m IE .NOh 1 .'.anibtr cl mcice WANTED Kc.ia.be r p ans and speciiicat! tioti to a I - lM com r a 100 to : L! i ni?h or 1 lor a:ne at 0 per OregoTiian. oi tractor to jrepare 01s. and l j..d a $10.-i-;.- bui.tiirg: m-jst be ecjrc a buiOmg ioan icni :n:c!'i y ji. A IoN Ol $Htu FI.'OM INDIVIDUAL. Vvui mane 1 liioiituly payments uf ij.".0 each fcr a loan of Pu. '.:n t.ow voa ii -(..( back ol it ;ijiu rotivmi e y ..u l return iL and luau ih sale. A -l 0:c gonl in. N i't'.lt tnte ;-o t.i o. chaitc! ecurit, Oregonian. l'LKO.NAL IIEIKS TUousan.!s of fnmilics are wanted to i !a:ni Iwrtunes, Manv now iiv ing 111 pov eriv a.e rich, but om 1 know it. Our N'-pak;o index, ent it .-sj "Mi 11 g Heira and N-,-xt of Kin. " a Ip'ia i-ri ica. 1 " ar-ran,-eil. coiit.lilik autheiit. -i list of un ciaiiiied itates and hens wanted and ad rtied tor in America ana abroad iu c!ai'ii fort 'ices. A I so cot.latis Chabcery 'ourt of Ei'g and ar.d lre.ai.-i lists, and Bank of England unclaimed uivideud )si. 1 tii'js.iinl of nanus m b"K. Yours or your ancestors' names may ho sun on g ti.em. t-end "c s;amp at once for irev booklet Bite: natiui, al Ciaim Ajjvr.cy, 114, Pi 1 1 d iirjr. Pa. LADIES. ATTENTION. I'll! . nd li.ivc our j:cw vio. t rays in a i It. no explained ; wi.l pv-sitiveiy 1 un u.muriitT, labing ha.r and &c. I jt and si in : iScae.-s ; ta n ad - untaq.: of tins great t-.v ol ha if goo. is. 110 p. r cent ott on every arn. le of hair 111 th store; comh :i ir. niL.e to vltier, lua.i oruvl'S soii. iud. 1 ' A u 1 S I A N HAIR PA R I . I R, Aiai. Mam s-;d;.. op p. olds. Wjrtman Ac Kint- HA I AIK-H A1K-HA1K, $12. 5 4 -i 11 ti SMitclic , 4ti, J0-li;i a s llcuci 1 ia.ru t csi:ig ......... Face massage Shattipoo Maiiu iiie, .C . o for ............. 12 A alp tieatmeuts Superfluous hair removed by $4.4 .... loo e.ecw.c rice.i.L-. Rjji.int.i-a not to return. v. ut ha:r 111 any sbaue ; switches any length. Pi uvs haif. Sanitary l'ariora, 4v j 41'J Dkuiii bldfc-, Jd and U a:iiiu;ton. RA DP.; Ul llo chrou. cured ure i-y the latest nature heahr. 11 m niedi utiles or oeiailol.s; a.i and acute diseases treated Si. I 111 I lie least time possible at oa. : over ji'uit t. siiniuiua.s a-i sinullt-st te ecuied at mv li. e; the most expeu- Sive. 1 11. est equipped West; ci'.is-uKaliuii 1 Mal.-orv, Naturopath, lug. privatu ollice 111 tin t fie. Dr. vv'. L. J12 Ruthcinid bui.u- TH E ? lo firtl prize offered by the Paris. an Art Institute which would cb-.m the most ib li.-ate ai:d finest colors without injuring was won by the formula which, t .tiili- r w uh a dozen other Sec: el formulas, w 'II b- for -a :i rd d 011 receipt -".o r. B'OX llTo. Portland. Oregon. I'. o?. 11 for hea It h. if al:t y a ad p.erve fe. end I cetns f'jr drug less lnjmt trea t me sits for indigest .ri, c ni ipat imi and ne: i-ufiii-w : vaia.tbie !;e:ilth and beauty hints free. Healta. b"X Mosier. - coa. 1 L uuuu; ire merits tf iiai Ke Ton:e fur 1 iieuitia'.is.'ii. bolts, kiuuey, liver i:m Loe. ;touii'.-i. just ask your ueghi'O.-. w ho h.m ue.l It. Tot the Dottle at ttt C en.ri.son Drug Co.. Front and Momsu : tlVilHh Ll ULs UAlH. moin. etc., permr r.rni:y remaved. EI ctric need .c ui uc-i LstteOlislied 1 aid 4. Physicians references, lauy oieratar. at room Ru5eil oa c-iti -r 4th and Morr.son. ph ne Mar. DO I EI1VF.T A: HANEHUT. leading ujg and toui-e-ioakers: flnet stck ot human hair g-od. svit- h's rolu p."..- up, tiaiiLiiesf-ing. inan.'-u: .i:g. face au i .j'.p treatments; c:nb.iii:i made up ti itdt r. is to. near Mori oi. Mam 04. iTL UMAX T RAINED N L" IIS E. First-class masseuse. irnin graduate, treats 1 iieumat iiii, lutt ba". nuht a::d bat ns. 4oJ Suliuoiu Marsoall OnJ. Open Sundays. bU'ilfi grad 11 TitAlNED NURSE Hejslngfora :ne, t heuiua i ism. n rvous and stom a.linents undei p!ibi - iaii a dire. - tioi.s: lath, mass.fge. No. 7 Last 11th st., i.e. oi,d dimr S..0U1 l-om Eii-t Ankeuy cat -ltne. rhone East 2, B 1 v. 3. li'RE WRI. out lio!ti :et ;. . Consultation free. R.-:isotiah1e f.u Alinii. v. 7" Sei'ltig bid;., op. Ores Phone Main 4..::. A 7 1 Di'.ESS Sl'ITS f-.r rnt Keep your clotnes; n, rips cleaned preps ton ions nw i repaired. $t . month; prompt ci lis :t -t deliveries. Cniuue Tailor.ne Co.. 'M'. stark. REV. G!:.NI1VRA LAKE will deliver n lec ture at the pu lors of the World's Advance Thought. "'It Yamhill St., Sunday night. lec. 1 4. at s oe4oek. " TMllV'VO 1 1 A BIT CURED. Let ni tell ou how 1 w as cured : send 2 stai.ip f"r replv. M. K. Reese. PoMce 'fTi.-er. 3o M A SS A ' I st-u.t tw Jitioarv I M . lro;,:.i Roj.a Place. St. Loti.s, Mo. ; personal Th.-. - j.u; .ne ra I a ! A . D. M. tram and t:i i s. commenclnr .1 sp- e;ril. J. i T. Is N. liGi. W ELL- Kyi " I Pi ED nsanicunng and chlrop m1 y pa: cr, bet location. L Ore Ionian. MLS. STLN'EN'S, Portland's I-iding pa.mt ai.d c.a irv ant, is b- ated 11'. I M rnoa st. N'evoi:s allmerits cured t- Ttius:c. g;ci;s- ..al-. .1 Wat - Law y d v ico free. 404 Itothcluld Llug.. - MADE OF YOUR OMBINGS. Switches. U0c; curls and pi:ffs. 7Sc. Rs . t. Ki.lir itary i-nuij i"i . i" - om Remodeling and new orders; frfmmrg; be-t work, low prices. G2 siveriand bidri. BOSTON" graduate nurse. snitr!urn. treat ment, medical pvinnastlcs. 3S7 Yamh.H st.. up one flight, room 7. SP1 R 1 TlA L medium. Rev. May Price Readings daily. .T i- ices. - ""'i 8. r.75 21 rt Martha I NS 1:1 r ' .i.jr. t 1 !. ry and card Mala 7i4L 1!.. :i 1 iTfis C" S. M JItf:!-1-" -f " bath! a: il m":i!'ie- r., ii'T, : l'imbKa. clc. S;u M.'"-. A 4 IT". Marshall a;.0S. fTM'F'N'Z NtiCTiU'H r-"tr. lout vitality. ' rlc" f -T h. f'T Stipe-Tayluf n:yIA 1MKI:"E. mani'-urir-S-VtTQ Ft., cor, .'.'h. roim S. 21'1-i Mj jjisS m: INS K!--tr.- t.ath. and tr-a;-ni. nt. 411 I'.'.thrhihl bUff.. 4th and Wa.i, CHll'.f 'i Ol'V Mr. Pttrr. vlt.r.lniy . a an 1 fic:! tr.-t:n-nta. 411 North.--. L'.fiK- MI-.S. .vi:i.i.if ST'RING. chiropodis; ; M M' 4' 1 i.!N rt h. fai-lal and scalp tr.auner.t. b!d. . H i UOI'OI'V ar.d p-alp treatment. Col N..rttiw-si Mds. Main 643. I: !.M F K!. compound Rrtvat Tr r"o Tj'.v '-"i l'avia ,t Phon. Main :3'-3. M A N I l i : ! N' i. & a;p iratnienu I'ffice 4'. 1' T St. Mc il. n. y .'jt'-rriiroas r.air remvd. Mr.. SI. HI T -X Kllflncr tld. Mala MANin'Rt; ,nd rtanoruTf tratn"tn. n. Hdtrl Gurdun. V. rark arri ramhtl- SfM.P nnd facial st.. rnm l. 11 a. M. to CHIRHrKAmC. .Irratirv tr.tm-nt. hath and ma.uc- 412 Nnrthw.at hM:. M. 3Tti-.i MKDICVU om !t-r Nativ. tablet for 23c H-rha for rheumatism. All drusglsla.