TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND DECE3IBER 14, 1013. 15 FOB BENT. Housekeeping Rooow. Ths Hr. I2th mud Marshall eta.; fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tee lights, h"( water, bath, laundry free. $12 per mouth up: a clean place, best n the ti for h money : short distance y from I ni'in Depot. Take S or ttiih-at. can iiorCi. i,"t off at Marshall. No dog. $l.."oj io $2.7o trk; clean, furnished houw keeping room. nu.Ui'n fr 2 r 4; free h .. iauid-r. bath, yard, gas Phone E. itfl Vancouver. y-SBifcnton. U car. O.SK .-..niuTt-ir f cr.iis.Kd 2-roora iuan liratr! a..a tmei; o.-.l i-0 per uionih. lt7 ITfn t . :e.r Ya.nluti. THE I'FSH' L. 2ith ami Cpshur. furnished 2-r--oni aot!- : M;a.u heat, hjfiil; $ L" up Mam 3 ";.:. l ake 'S, ' 2.". 1 or "W" tar north THE i;i,.iA. t oi. Alder; furnished hjnirk.! ,-i I.;. .. week up. Mt'ti.y furinsae.i fr-jnl huukekeepmg room?, v. a kr'rg ri.ftrntr. -s Holada. KoY 'KEri r. I . 12th, l.i rue row in, turnac f.r H . K.; all conveniences. Houekeeping-Kw In Private Family. "RfcFoEo looking fitf roMiim, houaekeep.ng. jiui?'i u or uniui hl-:;eu, in pi tvate fam ily, .ilso furnish - a u.i-1 1 urntsued flats, ti'-u.-" apt--., ei... and see our large ;:d com p.ete list : A mve 'uU tim. licit. .' u-.o rnun;-. No cost to von. I'uhTi.A.ND k:;n r al lie keai . ."nj Hnt.i'J av Ri ,g. Main p-t'.i'. I ;st U'l'u rooms with us. i tri.KM'l" housekeeping ronis with Du.cn laitr-ir-., Irii. first-iiana location: "VV" tar rifit I mii iitii, iii;d. Ibtn-st. cars: wa.kir.tr ii:-t;u:re to clly proper. e2.."V to w -k : rat'-s by tuont h. ,"Ti Couch at-, ...r.irr lth. -W.t Sid -Nice rrudepce district. Th r lai k-. li-fl. rl-nn, ir-Tit t i.iiar r"r?i-: f in ; v font t.-h'' ; r. mr 'I i:.m'; larg w 'd jnil K-i r-iiss. atrtu'ht l'tal f; yard, witfr. tlx hi. bt ii and p.icnu 1 rr. y aik hie dints Hhon Maratiail .IT'. l:;4 Purt.T, rf" car, 1100 M nuite. to'iij!.t for houifkeepln. n-vvi iliinar fiirnishp d, tficirio LiKiit. Nit-mn Ji: . iMundry. pti !-, all l'r'; nw U"i "HHiitiur Apt.." llti Helnioril, corner ant Snnn !! rar. H '-'Ml-. 1 L.u S NT la- iront f.ir hlit linii-5' Kr 'Inn , iv'itn M' d cinfortan' : I r:e liKlit. w : i er . Pt n pi'o.v, only f t 4 ir m-iu it ; ' i n.;; h.Misi'kffiii.: - room, k ft.' " iPHir'n. 171 1 "it -i i. fcNTlKK ui)pvr floor. i-onaistuiB of lnrv room nnd alc. fusrimre h.;it-d. t i plione. l:h nnd (fa;: cplrndul iit-ihbor-boxi: r'iisonailr lent. K. lotil eU PhPHU Krt ;14.V. illHu nar W. Fark Nicely furaiahed H. K. rooms, modern. In ery choice loca tion. wAiRiug distance. rvajtonabl rent; also 1 uun lurnliied room. I'bone Mam 2 Two completely fiirmehed outside rooir.i; furnaee hat. hath, laundry, phone, larsn; yard . w'knt; ti Imani-f ; t tlocki ?.! iridce. ek-cl nit:it'orhood. Haale. "WE have two clean, well furnished rooms, kitchenette, ga. bath, hot and cold water, near car. aiklns dutance ; t.o other roomer. 772 Eut Taj lor. E'as; ?2tk. U ELY furnished, clean II. K. rooms, close Jn; ail modern convenient es; also X connecting t-ast'inent romns: ro.d location, rtv iMiiv. phone ilartiuil 4"Jo. lAltiE front toom with alcove, newly fur nished, phone, bat'i and furnace heat; d :rabe for dressmaker. Broadway. i'.ione V sh:. a. 'i'Wi larKe clt an compl 'tely furnished front If. K. roo ni-4. first floor, sink. gas. f r-e hhts iii'd phone: po-rh. yard; one small Mild taken. 7; East Yamhill. 2 KOOMS, unf urni.he i. f.r tpht liousekeep Ins; 2.."'0 per wek; single rooms. $l.-"; b niinutea walk from I n:on Ipot. across St-d bridn- 2''.5 liTabee si ..uiai-ie Ii. K. rM.uis. cumpltteiy fur nisheu. Jo. Tliis inc ude !u-t. phono, I.Kl't. e:c. Xi-i E. Was:;., corner i-t. Pnone Ea-t p V ll.I. share our fine modern home with an aitreeable eouple ; pru reaFonable : r: fltifd noia-ht'orliKod ; close in, gooti car wrvlee. East M'i . WAKM and romfortable houeekeepini rooms, furnished or un.urnisried. hot and cold water and bath; large lawn. No. 4 North i7"' sr. Mam , UN room very ori' oi-t . for h: !v furnished. PUlt p.isekrfpinjr, clean. ; for I t .o. frk MarsKall 4. .MCKI.V fur ii is Mett, c.o.-e-in liousKCCpina s'i tt-. rh-ni. also sir. vie room witn Sleep ing mr.-h. .;.;! Yan.nlll. llLEKEEPIXO Up. ll 1.1'Wl.S Main -:7'. rotdiiS, $ 1 . 7."i ia; ave., cor. and Mm rison. 44 COU'MRIA ST 2-ro.m H. K. suite. very larger steam heat and phone; line pia a to laundL-r Fl-EAA N'T home lor rej,,:s!ule coup!-; evi r tl.i.ii; lurnihcd. Modern. f.ne lo- ratioi: fioSe in. iat FOK RENT : -an. rncdern V?. or dtii;le rooms, heftt.vl, cheap. K. 11 7 J1t si. North. Alberta car. Xi'j 13 TH T. 4-room completely furnished entire, fira: floor, modern, adults. Tauor H;Kj. Main ZiZ. S" Yeon bids. TV( ruotnav. completely furnished for house keeuit.g : everything furnished ; rent very ieap; flr.e location. Main -7".;. CU 4t1i. oTTTTe ev ni'-ei furnishetl housekeeping rooms: hot Hiid coM ftaer. its tor cook-iiik- 4!s Xehalcui ae.. Selluuod car. ENTIRB first and sc.ond floor. 3 rooms, all) modern conveniences. ntce; mnusucu, reasonable. .V.rt K. Alder at 13th XI "E house ke: pin st room. v .rv t hinjr fur nished, close in. ;-3 ier wetk. J.'.l Eroad way. FOK KENT Furnished, o l;cir.a:t moms, cl-e in, lath, electric, phone, t -heap. -7 1 M .;, 50m erv . LAKtiK frcnl room and kitchen, clean. nw lv furri5fi'd. bath, walkii. ttlsiam.-e; ia-i-s onlv: ?S month 2s 14th m. THREE furnished boueke.-iii-rooms In fiat. J blocks enst end Broadway bridge. 402 Ross. phone East210. TWO good Ilsht housek epine room, pri vate familv. r.o children. Phone Tabor 1220. NICE large furnished housekeeping rooms In private home. Ruth. and elec. 123 K. Rth.. 1 or. Alder. Photi- E. Nl 'ELY I urn 1. .etl r-.on.s. c.td ? nd hut wait--, ieam lurit. J-'.."o to .4.: -.r ween. t; J---!.'i-.-oi: ft. riiwe Main REFINED iadv ladv to siiire room. AP ."!, wants respectable grirl or rent, cheap hous keeplng Oregonlan. FI"KNISIIEL roo in t for houkeeylng ; also: pleasai.t fr"t room des.rabi for ont or two sht,,T,-in- B.fadw ay. EA rT-Y to. .:-. -1 mdern h'.usvkecpinK rcorii.. ery rcn-.or.ah'-; desirni le location. .".."4 E. Struk. orner H:ta. j F! " -v N .i- ti EL ;; js- keeptng rooms, civan ! nnd modern . f nvnace heat ; wa iking j r u.ee; il.eap rent. Main 7.C"1. j I.'iLE ami double housekeeplt-s front 1 nuns, ve.-y convenient, reasonable. 3 JO Taylor. X I- "E. convei.ieiit, room apt.. lu. Maishai! r.i'do. ;-room apt.. la 4.1 Fourth st CLEAN cos- rooms, homelike, hej:. bath, laundry, electricity, phone; reasonable. G'.'J Kearney. Salmon, iwo verv tlesirable rooms, fur nihei fr housekeeping ; other rooms. FINE. Jar j nnd kil oom. or. n'ol' ih s!" Ea.st porch S HtMiMS. fi:rni-he; ilSS Eat Morrison private hot:e. Call Phone East 41. THREE ci-an. atlv furnished H. K. rooms E. Stark. En-t .".ol4. east ma s TWO larr '. l!ht, furnlnhed housekeeping rooms, clean, convenient. 3uS Cobege. 7J;.f" 30T I. rear "Marshall Mri fur- " nlihed rooms: heat, lig-t, buth and phono. TWo" fir-nished hruekeep:vg room. 425 Ea t A-'l. P.'-nf- Kftt '',; T!i :EE tie uly f itriT: -h.d housekeeping Sl T YI OK CorrfoT table front suite and staple rwm ; eompletef or housekeeping. TIU'.I.K llir r 1 :: TV furnished hous-kep' E. Lth. WASH., f' J per f r n s ,-1 . 0:1th. U 1 oms for $1 NICE n:te furrisVed 41. rocms. oh cap. 227 t"hrrry st. Ktst 3il. KI IT3 E 2 cheap. 3 a lo 3 furnishtl II. uth. Main W5. K. rooms. TT O d Krrh rooms, completely fumised for house iptag. Apolv ."41 Pth st. rEST:A -ti.i: ronvi me: -e TWO - furnished bonsek-ep'ri e.Mitr'wg gi. fif1 t'!. One !a -rooms, g-e roo-rt ft-.; I P- 1 1 : ST. R.-.:se -tviiorrv-.icb?" renovated. Housekeeping and other room. i.j .Vt." .fohn on St.! N ICELY firT.)he'l t ront bousrkeepir.g : roon s. walk-r dftn t:ce. .14rt Yamhill at- j ycl";1. rni -.h. I h .usekee;ting rocms. regular kit 'bta. re-.t ft.'. )'.. .Uth st. I i '.N;S !'1H . K roo rnT M' tr.;h.. be:. r.i-r a rd h:T!.; n. No e i. lari. THREE h.-j-r-eTtnr-r.oms, ttTrntshed. J '"jre in. 24! f-rsind ave. N. i 2 SflTES '.ct;ekeep'R' r.oms. ho and : .-t.l1 -i-aT. ;l iv fr.l night. 7 :t .ToMi-wii. j 1. 2, 3 p.-m's-i-;;-::;pino rooms ? up. Uiini''n t. i LoV El.Y Irr Ji'k'j? room. Set.i. SI2 m.. e.-rt. shir wa'ic. -j:;'J Tenth. TBIiCE n-.f e.'s fiirnf-ied f. - h-u- d;eepiig nil "onvit;pi:. fs, w'nil l. K ". 4-th. S7 Vf'KK. fenih! ?r.-er .- i- ir. bfct. hut h. r ho tit ' 1 r'" f 'i 4 -j fers- .n. j'j ::. WKPIK. ive- i.- e caking gas. slrgle fi. K. room V'S Mrrtson tOB RE-NT. HOICKS FOK RKNT. Vroom houac. 2 loi, fvncei!. at Wod -lawn, H-room nodern ho;im( c-ner r.'dh and WvKam. Alberta curium. 15. H-room modern hi.uir, v!t in on Kast Sld. l."i. rJi-roni modern bouse, 3"" North l!th t., -'. fc-room mo-lern hoiie, .( Third t.. H-rotrn houst, lurn and 1 i-re cf jrrotir.d. i;-room Jnur. 1'7: re-on St.. $ ?5. 5-room n-.odern tiuiu"'". 1 K. 2Int st. North. $1H. -r k? m f;ut, f'.irnc and all other mod ern r.ner!rTir.. J-'. ',-rom fat. furni' and alt other mod ern fonvenU-nw, ll-roo'?! f!:it. elof in on Kayt S!d, v .Vroom flat. "" ! on Haul .d 'J. OTTO & HAKKfX r.KAi.TY CO. liili, Klrat t. x POARPI.VJ AND RtJOMlNa-HOrsIC It ROOMS. TWO BATHS. We haVe Juit finished puttirjr thi house hi f :rt -claii eon4i:ion by remoueiinn, palntmtT ami tlntlr.it, bih inside and cut; Kiwiatd at E. 2.".lh and E. iitirnUde SL., on i t a o M c k a from t h e K. Ankeny streetcar Lsrn. makes lht idt-al fur a private boarding ami roiuinx-houe; rent jo nrr month. MAa A VON POP.STE!., 104 2d :t., Limher Evcham-c bldt;. KOR RENT. ott.,c-fi and burirattiiMi at t.'.O. 13..V, JIT. Jin. j-;.. ?7.5u. .t.v J-itorv houses, H to 10 rooTfs, ?1t t'. 5 L'J Went Side l. eL'.". $.H. $:to. 5.r. wli!i Kruara, $ 10. 04 twith K.tray. Ir ini(t.u. Vfr,ST SIDE. H room. $t"; to r'nis, $40. We have o. hem. r.il! M-.in s:;v OLCMMIA TRl'ST l I A N V, .'in lioard f Trail 1'ldR. (;..- wVKRT'JX t.. near 21pt. nm-l- rn y-ro"iii ll'Hl!'. lrC Sleeplna-p'irrh ; 4 '..". N. 2.1 d and N-co'ai. rt-room .ijt.;te, $10. EAST hlliK. 117 Union ave. N.. ."-ro..m rot :ee. $1 X ". I.nton ave. N.. 5-rcm lint. $10. inquire I.OT'IS SOl.OMo t . S-ark St.. mar 1-'. !(; "M ne house, nicely tinted fcnd ready to o.-cupy: 4 bedroom: rt- rom. 'J -story hou on K. 'i"a ir nar K. -3d : choice rtlst rirt : $-'. A. H. IUKKKI.L. CO.. J2 MKay Bid.. 3d and Stark. I'OHTLAM) HKWHTB. auttlul rsid-nro, au modern convenlcncos, hixh c!.ifs r.eulu born cod. iarxe rounis. nii;uiitc:n: view, near iarj. school and club, also for easy tfenns or exchange. Owner. Iixkj Sp-idin b:l. Marna l 1756 KoR RcIXT Looking for an extra Rood home, recently built Centrally located, fitm neighborhood : rooms, swell sleep Ins; porch : every thin if ririt up to dat?; rent rea-'onahla to desirable tenants; ar age if waited fall 747 East Burnside s flA OOtl 5-room cottage, reception hali. lars pantry, bath, toilet, encioueri porch. atti basem-nt. eleetririty. Lot ."7xltd. t herrv tr-.'S. 2 blocks Mt. Sc:tt car. la bor 477. o.".l 4."ith ave. t-. E. $IX TO LEASE A new. 6-room house, hardwood flMrs. built-in buffet, wooj lift and all modem conveniences and one acre, on car line; will b-ase for two years at $15 per month. Appiy AC oa'., Oresoniaw. t-itoo.I bungalow. 2 blocks from Sunnyai't car; inoiK-m ; walls and wood a ork flu-My flniflied: owner lHCtuic city; will run: V unia'l famtlv "or -" p-r month, which la- 10 p r month Ita thmi it ' worth. f..t. T. Moor Co.. MS Ab.nffton uJdr-. i"R KENT Modem house. 5 ronni". s.eep in pore a. nardwod floors', buiii-in iiook rasi'n. etc.; ( i replace. !uri:nce. white eaa ni 1 Dutch kitcnen. hast Slid and Sal mon. MiOOM modem houj-e, partly furnished. 71 East fiurnfide, $Z0. I'hone Main ". a. id M-iri.aIl 37 U. or appiy to A. Mc'al man. Kr-nt HT water hvatetl, 7-room dwelllnie. 74'1 East 11th st. S. uth, to rent at low t "ure. Applv at premises today. J to 4 o'clock. fc..;Ii.Kid car, eff at Frankfort. o-R .tM cottage. L"o Gaines. 1. 1 e i r ho use, b.'.o lie ' in o n f . tl'.l. 70. 6-ro. in h"'i.-,e. UJd and E. Salmon. $.f. F. W. TUIKiLKR, I SHKKI.im K IW.Im;. LAlllfclLlinT. For rent ir lease, el. .int modern. S room ri-sidence, with hl.uard ro.n. til 1 ath and uarae. I'hone T:i("r 11. Kl(n I 4 -room house. Darn, liirj.- ch r n l.ouse. ground li;JxlA0. il month, e It. li East Ash. Montav.lla. ar to ;...th. f 1 . !.! ks south. NUMillun 111 rear. !d ni)i:K .".-room hous for rent a 7.'i i chigan ave.. f 1 per month, between FreiTu,nt and Reach. lniu:re at 74 Mich. Ii-aii ave. i-RnoM bouse for rent at Mh-htuan nv.. with pas. $ 1 1 per mrit n : bet we n Fre muii t ui.d Ucecli. lno,ulro 74H M :ctugun avenue. .n1-"i -!; t'.iM house. $l' -ooIn house, acrametito ?t. loth and Morrl- son sts. W. O. Waddel, Lumber Exrhange. NET. clean 3-room hi'ce. $7.i0 per month. si E. s;th st. N. Moniaviila car. Main ."."OJ. 1 1' Wash. st. i N E ;,-rMm modern house, tiisan at.. ,di l warden iid fruit. Wirier s wood !y; reaon.ible. Phone Main 1 1 EAT :;-ro.m houne. full lot, Pc.n Iltn St. X.. a i:tiith. Apply 7iil Or.-md u c. N. or call Wootllswn M. 7 -ROOM house, furnnce. fireplace. ga elec trbitv. staiii.nary tubs, sii.ttbs. larciuWRj de?irul)lt n'Mht'orhood. 7 in E. liurnid-. Dul JlLE house. MoniKomery st., near 4th: ruoma. 'W. 11. A. Holmes, 6ua Beck bid;. Phone Main ftT2, MoUc'K N 1 00 m ht'jc, go.d car serv io. on East Siile, only 5 i 2 per mont h trt re 111 !e pirty. Call 7t'j Konl bld. WE can rent your house for you. HA'KKR ft THERKELSEX. 3ul Spalding bldg. M. 7502. -!"UI Lour-', waikimr distance; turnace; $J."? in Hoi nd ay Addition. I.71 Multnomah, n-ar l"n 01;. I h'.ino East S.".!4. LA I" R ELH i'KST. S n-oms. nil mdVrn conveniences; rent .':;'-;!l-.k. Phone Tabor !'. Hul.'Mi to rent near Peninsular P:rk. J ." p.-r month: no ohjoctiotis to (hi.din: -ea iv t.-nant destrtd. A F r.-, I . OrcKonian. S- L o M house, barn. 1I. 7" Rhrte !.. ind rhlehorts: ft a, month. 2:;c. and Hura- I..o,tit. Alain 1 2. - I W E ST SI L E 1 S and 52 0 ; 5 and 6-room cottages at BiH and 170 t7th at., near Morrison. Cord Senstake. feu5 Teen blag, d- P. ) M new modern hons-:, fine lawn, 2 minutes walk to P. O., 1 block to 1-L car. ."I E. Sth. Mi'tIiiiX 7-room houae, Xorthrup near 21st, $44 month. Vanduyn A: Waltuqj. 31o t hamber of Commerce. Hit RENT .".-room botine. Stak St., 1 uh and llth, WM Side. $'2.0. tirn-ee of I'rtinmf Kt), bet. HOLtiES lo rent in all parts of the city. H A C KER A T 11 E K K ELS EN, 30 Spa'r'nj Mdaj. M. 7502. RENT it-room rot ta ., :, vomer E. 2i;h ami ne.viy reno tark. Tabor 5- l'.o M m'M'ern bunT.iltnv. $ 1 1 -aw; lionn-(!!ni:u-l. i.j'i Arnu.'t, n- ar :,d.h Kt. "aTl ill-: 'o:.-d .f Trad-. Vain "-. -x -''L -i.otM hour, barn, ;; bus; 7.. n:.lo Islai.d c ih ke::s. 'M 1 er .iicr.tli. 2. Id and Hum .Mi. - I'hotie Main :;s2. ' walkTx3 b i stance. r. rooms, modern. East it h street. !:Tiirh-W"orer t'o., Sik Excbanu. i-7.." l-R.--M c.uNv, m-Miein. 4-V h East ak t.. cur. s-1 , i ,.. -is mid furniture for saie if .d r-!. Ksi 2o:i E I N 7-. ci e:nenr. I'l.o .-aid. pantr). i-Oi-i-lKN -roiu hou-te. funiac- and fire 1 !.( . close In. Phine Ea-t 2iJ'!. MODERN S-ronn bouse, 009 Flanders, nsar .... chop- .;. a .i 1 or Ei t'o.. MOPEHS 7 r-oms. furnished or i:nf urr.1shel. $2u. 1 ; S. E. 2Jd X. Woodlawn .till. r?!OOM ho-ise. 7- Davis st.. between 2lst nd 2 .'d. Marsiiall 2.".3. M'iin $5i!. a. cl N room house, 1 tre;? ia furnace ens raii.. water heater. -.d Eat M:iin. o? 100ms and or- h. Iniuire I. to ;h ath. ..i E. Main ' 27 1'Jtii DESiRARLE ti and b-ro.m h.iuj.'j, "vs and ;;ioj Sen Rafael. clse in. East llo. park.' w-:: tig por.-h. -i nilt t!in.i 52". yam . Suiiiiyside 7.: L d.7- i. ;::;. n '-i '': o- il.iau e. t.-.S East -, funuu-c ; al. . ; Ior. er. itii. TWO -ro 1-oiUes. new ly 1 1:: tel. 4 I V '. ;.:--.NKV. fres.b!- tinted 7-Km boa: mire. ' t ; ie r.n ave.. H a v t ri'.n e Six"" rooms. p E2nih r.nd nT e7 iS. O'mI co'i iit ion. M.iin .UU-V. e. fur- Couch ,-R' oM bungalow, gas, eieelriclt . bat h. Myrtle Park. Mt. Scott. Sellwood 11. rr r M boue. modern eon ven.ences, $U. 4"4 East Ilth st. X. Broad wa nr. Ft ; KENT fl-roorr house, 1 East Alder: r2". Phone B 142S. ..-RooM c -ar. tt ;e. neri-t t ore Enrt M7. C : imM hoiisj. $20; nice -yard, -"et Ea.st 2th N. Main -VWVl. F V I P 0T cot tare, pew ly rtn-hed. covd 1 localiou. Tabor j. Nor-h. inoutre t in i.iji st Main i,..5. ! r.iLdJiV.N S l:ooM poii?. ei.ctr.c hht aud j a-- nl Jnrnacc. i'.u Ella s;. FOB RENT. Moaae. rOft RENT, d-rocm house, W. East OUaan St., v-room house, fraa and elet-trlclty. K. Oram. 1.V 'rwro couaae, E. Market t.. 111. 'room cotlni. i:UJ Corbet t st., $IX 'i-rooin house 1321 fortaett st , ? 17. 7 room house. ;0'J First st., $20. THE UWKKNVB CO.. 1TI FOI ItTH. H. t Uorr!ikn and Yamhill 8t. til 15. FOR KENT. 7 -room moder:i housi at 32d and Eaat MorrIiti si - s-r'toin mo! urn buncilo on East Tay- i r p; ner Mi. lbr. for only - $-0 i-r -r.ii l- r flat. l-ii and East Mr- r..son tits W lia.e otliers, please rail at our office. THE SH VW-FBKR COM PAN T, Mifn a.".. lv; Fourth st. A S.Qft. H E Al'TI Fin NVW WHIT Bo-ROOM BIN iAIOW at il4 Hrookin St.. hardwood floors, whirr enari.el k't'-heri ainl b.it h rooin. s'-recned sieepin port h. fuH cement base men;, furna'-e. tieciric ihts. f;ts. hot and r.dd wa'rr. atttr. blocks carllne. rent -! ."0. K y nrt door eaat. or tele phone owner. Main 7T."0 and al Mr. Oiil. Oak st. FOK A I.E OR RENT Modern 6-ro,-m 1 -srory bunur.iow. with alH-p.nr-pn li :.nt nil eonv.merife lit Rnaeirere Additi"ti, E. .Ith hi. X nc.ir HHonrk" will na.. II furiitt ire If A-nnted: cwm r lea. njr nry 1. I'hona C 2t9 lor !'tntnif.. I ItVlNOTON. f.arxe mrci modem house, 49 E. 17th North. Thompson and Ltraxe; 1 block t r-mr a n!o.-kn to s hool: Tina ia ii nd rusi-a; b't AuxlOO. Phone Marshall rats. Kit 'HT r.o!oH. t o b.itns. two fireplaces. pmu poich and 3 other porches tine ew, lot tiiixlibi. localeil in Eastmordand. near Reed ollejc: rnt per month. W. R. Kwn.iv, 4":; Journal b!dg 1'huue M rs ha II .M Ji . KNTCA fine new borne near corner Haw thorne nd 14th ; o bedrooms, aleentng tM.r. h. -, bathA - fireplm ea; everything mod rn ; gaa ranee, fiirpets : will leas to " re"iHiisit.ie party. Phone East .'..Ili.iiU rtio.i mnrlern. Ill and eiet'trlc itv. steel range cuimected. room freshly tint erl f i o ' t t recs a oo ;i VJ rd. near Julie ti-n - car lines, la minutes to business section. sen wood 14-V.i. .ciiwooa MC'DERX it-room bouse, furnace heat, walk ins distance. Earn Side. 2 bdr. fruit trees. paed atreela. Kood neignuornoou. iu rent. HM.U Main Tit;, or East 1315. I'oiTAi'.K o rm. 4. ciTntuii. 1: cottage 4 rmt. -'S7 Caruther. !: tint Uipi-rr u rms. 44!S Tt:i. $lt. KUWARUS COM PANY. 1H.'.-Rl 1st at. XEARLY new i rooms, bath, basement and nt lie : ras. hot water, e!cinc l"his, newly t.nted. balf tio.k Albert a cara. at l'.'-t Ap(y 173 E. 14th xortn. K. ! KENT or leas, strictly modern -rKm him.ie. corner Knl 3d ami Wasco. Holia r!f' Adfi.. waiknig distance. Phone East 4 1 eveniriKt. .i.'4-EKN il-rooni flat, every convenience, n.kinif distance, f.rat-rlass neiuh lorhotl, aUo a-iooni modern flat. Call 2o Pine. r. tth. k for Slraid. t!rEItN t-ro-m house. 2 sleeping porches, furnace. is. electric Pirhts. nrs street to I.lewelijn Schot.i. J bl'k i?cl!wood car, rNt l'-n ; ave. M.nii 1 .". ROOM col ta ge. 1 block to Elewelivn sc;i.oi. I block Sell wood car, T"man live. Main 1 E. l."th and furntfbed house. Portland ITeisrhta. For particulars write owner, D 613. Ore- ironian. Hol'SK of S ro..mii with one ncre. East 71st st.. tiear L'ltb ave. Apply tli at. Main aTT it ACTIVE biuigaioW. trict. Furnice. fartly i "h one y .1 1 sh.til --ill-. Hawthorne f urnisaed. dis. 25. tMALL nioderii butifialow, furnace, n re place, gas range. 1 tpiiig-porch. .isth and Kat A Itier. I lt4 BELMONT ST.. near :'.7tb. rooms and bat h. $ld. A. I- I'oulsen.- Marshal: 4 ." Roov.i. bath. etc. flO per month; tnke Wood.-: in k car. ff-t off car at E. 47t n. go hulf b'.rk routii. or phone M .iin7lt7. ;-i:iimM ni'brn house, oartlally f nrnij-he-t. a 1 ee tor: if porch and f ircp'ai e. 7" East Taylor. .;o pee i-i-.tith. I'hone E. I.Vis IF Y H" witn to rent a house or flat on the East Sole, call and se our list. otde.n Furniture Co., I'nlon ave. and E. Bumstde. LOVELY horiw in R smere for rent ; has large ibmiile gamge. 1 .11 '11 hen nens bltg. Jordan. I1U NEW beautiful S-mm bnncalow, fireplace. furnace, stone rrnnt. 1 1!mi t.. nun i. North. 2.V Phone C. 2i;n.1 or M. R40, - it" U "M coltaae. per moi.fh. !o r w and n; filer 11, 912. oO 7 Lat Hoyt st CLEAN ;-room cottage. k7 2d at., leiween Shermnn nnd 'n rut hers. i-R OM motiei : cottnge. 407 Ouild b--t. Tburma t nrd aughn. lo-H M mixiei 1 unit- 7' ltb. bouse 1 "A Tier 17 1 1 4th at. lu Park st. ii ..-roon modern house. Improved afreet. m ar car. Owner. Main 77. RI .'.-ROOM Frnnysltle eottage. bath, etc. Phone Tabor lk.J. Ho.MES, Irving ton. for rent. East 27S. W. H Herdmsn. MoKKN room hous, close in. good 1 cat ron. reasonable. I'hone East 573o. -it o.M r.'Un i:e. d1 7 Ov erto-i , hef t d-.:. Plo ne Main P2 1. $LV Key FlVE-Ro.M cottage. West Side. Jlu month. 'Joh nnt Tnunini. .Mnrshsll 12."4. FINE VM.nii- strtotly modern house for rent. df'irahl loe.'.t.on. Mi In : 474. li M' i.VTH, s!iail ItUtV -room houe, Fulton line. Mar 619 Momau bide;. 4- LOOM key s-,: -oti ag.e 4- Fniiing st.. $10 jnonth; M!niew:a. Marshall 2R3. $H Mo mere ,"i-riHiin cottnge, ! 1 I f Ri:HseII s: lota. Wok1- --' J. OKI IMOMS. tts E. "TH ST.. N. iKIl. flrnr.'l ave. n nl Ankeny. 3-R--OM modern fcoue. making e! ,s:ance. TO E :: t y. id. ton. Rent '.. FuniUhed llpna. WIIOW. il-'iiiK alone. wi;i rert rt larjre cheerful furntahc I rooms, pi inn, nicely lo cae . ': E. 47th. south Hawthorne ve. 1 11M PLET ELY fi.ri: :sl-el new 7-room house, furnace. 291 Olenn ave.. Haw : hoi i car. j I s : Kn IMS. farinshd, N. E. corner E. 7th and Shaver sis. J. J. Oeder, Crami r v anil E. Ankeny. X I" f-'.LY f irnished cottage, close tn. snt r.'nrb'.e Inquire manager. 422l2 East purnslde t. F ct KENT (V.-y thr-e rooms, f urn tout-d ; tP-i:ii artnir i"urntur; cl ee to er r. 7fh nt. S. E. Co M F KT A HLF 2 -room lurnlriied liroise, Kenton. clo-.e in. 51" nionm. 1'iioiie Maiii s,'.;.'., or call Ht Ievn.iine f-t. COM PLETELV furnished 5-room bungalow with lare lawn. :.. Vancouver av. "U" car, ret off at Skb:nore. inoc M houte. f!ir::sietl. modern. $2'. p-ii.v i olurrtbia -1 -1. Sunda. I to 12 A. M. t'O M ''LKTEl T furn!-hd ft-room bouse. f.::.acc. pinno. raaiun-be. Tall MO K. ad at. WR car. FCKXISHED 4-rcom f.J room t -ottnge. East 1 171. t: unfurnished Ti 1 Burnside. 1 abu; W NT to rent mv ni-e'.y furalshed 5-ro.m bunrjalow. halT bbwtc from V.R rsr. 40. 1 K -nr;v,-orth ave. Phne Sellwood 4C. Mt TFl V ft-room burv.: -taw, newly fur n iiied. photo Kint ::7.1L Mv ' t. '. 7. -room bungalow on river north mk Cove- low rert. o"4. Oregoarian. Col PLET ELY furr Ish.-d -rocm houw iu .-v a - '"ti. 0.1 ear line. Et 4HS4. A NICELY fa M.. shed 414 Co!l-ge st -room cottage. Call $1 4 I'.0M. furnisheil, hath, near two ear! tv . v,.!;;.v.n .t.'.lO. 4' Malbry ave. IT "-r -on: 'urnisiwd house, phone "9. 3 " , La-rub st. T- I.OOM furMshrd r.Oai-. -"1 14 E. 2 Ith. Two. bln kr south Hawthorne avenue. ti I.oOM-. forn , .S! ur unf arnished. 2."o Ei'st 2it I St.. torn r Mailijuni. f. nil. ll Bill: ll d iouse. f 14 ti. in nth itiluutcs out. Mar. ." -' I . Fl!:NIMIED .i-rvm bouse In sell wood. Zt - ; . ave. j: V j F i r: x f - " n. 411 E. room modern h-use. cbe Oak and Pine. A - R Ei"- F:"tr'M furnished c.itUige. Phone I Marshuil r.::!t ! -ooni ni'idern '.Cr-e wlthi irrrh 3. ProoklWl. Sell. 1K02. 1 M furnished house. ! ath. ?e trlclty. . e tn. Inquire HVi ll ft m i k ie st. ! .I.Y fi"i ihed 7-rom I'um'ulnir, moil- $22. U I i V Ir; I " ir. St. art ha I! Hi .". PTiO IW Ci - Fiiniisi-ed li-inum 1 ial . ; tilavlrtu ilfchts. waicr. CeitliaL i Ft"i:NlSHKO lo.us--. n ii!nth; M.unt S ott car. Firl.nid St.itb-u. -! ' 77ib t. l.I.V.iTCN Fu.nisJid : ur; f urn u he. I Iiomsc. : 4-r.iil f:r-t. Kvt 72 : I. ii -1 :. .M i xu v for rent, furniture f r ale. E. L"th it. I OK REM. Fn rials hed Hons. WKUeFl'KMHHKb new bous. large II v-Irg-rooni. mahogany paie dtning-rovira. t be i rooms, tiled bathroom, laig- kitchen; bul ii -in refrigerator, but .er's pantry, large cement basement. Turnace, fireplace, hsid woo$ f li hi ra. month to suitable party. Phone C -!23. befu.e 1 P. M. Sunday, or write N ..n. oregoman. 271 WEST Broadway, tivr Midisou. 4. i and 6 room apartment, new.y u nd all beauttful'y furaiahed : new Wiiwn car pets, Circassian w alnut and f umad oak lurniturc. upho!otered mitn .-'panisn leather art nnr -d ior subie-.tnig jyart : deird : rent 42" anl $40. ft-ROO.NL v.eirfurn1shedTnice yard with fiowerc- good location; between two car lines. East Side; must be seen to be ap pret-lafvd; pi Ice 2.-; references exchanged. B'4o Arnold at. ft-RoOM hiuse. '.72 Mill s:.. with or wiih- out furniture; $ JO; sell furniture I. Kennedy. HoU fnion ave. X. Wood law n 171 S. 40. J. 1 Fbone 4-It OOM furnished house. Thorburu ave.. Mi. Tabor: targe grounds and orchard; per month. Key l:i4 Thorburn ave. Main P2L Kt'RXISHED bungaiows. apartments hous-s at SI., iJit. J $:t S4'i, $50, eOLT" M III A TRL'ST 00MPANY, 7.1s Board of Trade bldg. Mo I E RX 7-room bouse, complet-'ly fur nished, ail conveniences, new furniture, good location. Rent reason a tde. I'hone Woodlawn li!o. $i0 LOVELY furnithed. most modern -room house. Marguerite ave.; 110 small children. Call .t East Tavlor. 1'iione Sunday, R 13.M: weekdays. Tabor 19. i-ft OOM house, partly furnished with kit- h- en. as and lieatir.g stoves, etc.; on t-asi 4:id, 2 blocks north of Hawthorne ave,; !. Tabor 411i. $10 COTTAOK of 4 rooms. Xo small chi. tlren. Inquire 212 Second ave., I nts. Phone Marshal'. 20 Ud. Ask fr paity in room 4'. HANDSOME East Side residence, close in elegantly furnishsd. stuiii he.-tt gratis; rent 10J to party without children. Phone O 2i72. CHEAP rent for cosy furnished house, fam ily of ai'ults, who will take piooer tare same while owner Is away. i. 'M. ore goman. u-ROOM furnished bungalow with pbuto. gas nnd electric lights, .1 blocks from car, JS tMr monrJi. Inquire .".; Lnlon ave. X. Phone VoollHwn !, C 1o7. MOBKftX o-fooin bungalow, cninp.etely fur nished, with piano, electric lights, $17.50. 11'ii E. 24th X. Woodiawn 1-;(. 20 e-ROOM COTTAGE, close in, good lo cation. E.iaf Mde ; 1 lean and cosy. Kej . at 143 Graham ave. BEAL'TIFCLLY furnished mottern 5-room low er f -at, piano. & Broad way ; 432. &0 mont h. $U w-room furnished cottage, electric light, gas. but h , Wave-ly district. D. C. Free innn. till Railway Exchange. "I KNJSHEO ."-room collage son High S.-hovd. 2i. "Woodla n Trt7. near Jef fer L.andena. 0-R00M cottHce. Kern Park. Uath, o!ertrird:y ; near cars; chicken pens. Ta bor 1 l!ii. Mt Farland. .'io Yeon Idtig. CoMF'LETELY fui ntshetl 7 -room modern house, flrepiace; dceirable. reasonable. East t4 11. tro.liY furnished modern house. 4 rooms, and : urd . w aik.np- tli-itance. Mrs. K lug. 419 Kuiwav Exci.angc Main 4L1. X E 't modern, nice lr ir.gton. ,.l'3 E. Woodlawn car. O y furnish ! 'Join. Nor 21fi.. East 4-RooM funiishtd hou.e $15: jusr south aif Hawtlioin'-. P!pne Tabor -7- Stores. SfACK IN MOOEKN BASEMENT, venti lated nr.J well bunted ; N. . corner 4th and AI...T sts. ; suitablM for cafeteria, j'.'luting shop, etc : reasonable rent. ilr traii. Kticdnvr & U"jcr, hi:l Morgan bidg. FoR KENT Ground-floor room. sufiaMe lor any kind of shop or small factory. p;x7' ft.. Wat' r 1., r- .tr Aioriitoic; reahonable rent. IiPia:re 2t Chamber Commerce, Maiu i.su. Foit I: MX T Stores Xos. L1 nnd 2J Hair I i'-r:;e ave. : east end brhlg.. Ai-ply iiantuoine Doc; Co. Phone E.ist 2i.i. TH I'. EE-STORY brick. -".xJi.o feetT" betw een Morrison and Yam h til, fai Ing on First and Front. 1 J Madison st. NEAT bttle storeroom, t uitoble Aiitl eiuipin-d ftr real etite; rli;.p rent. Cull 4.1 Xorth ith st. Phone Main J:-. re:; TOi:Em, FI. W. Ii. WEBB, Oi:. PS AND BLIh;., Yeon b dg. Vain SEE 41!:i. bUK'K stor . eo. ;er 1 1 1 ti nnd Law t borne. Inr tent. Fairchild. V .2 Sherlock, FoR "iKXT-'t tireflamaker. 17 store, fine location for . Ilth sr Office OFFICES in HE. RT of CITY at prices v-ry ressnnah!". snTAUlia' f-.r MERCANTILE and t'HOFESlw. AL purposes. AxraUged to suit tenants. Jo.'l ,-Wftlunu b.fl. DESK room w nnied in centrally located of fice building by permanent and r.-spon sinle business man: address, with full par- KoU RENT oitices with every convenience, E;npr- ss bbl.. Broadwav and Yamhill. Mc Carirar. Bates & Lively. cents. Yeon bhig. CAN furnish defkroom and both '.elephones. In Wilcox bu tiding, to reliable party. Y i7.". (ireiiontan. DESK room In prtnni.!i of: both phones and oflice scrvkv Oregoman. re budding. $10. U (iif ?EK LooM. 10 1 er month; both phones, v : til t. I.ivatory. 2 1 i ore con tap blug. 3 OFFP'e rooms, running water, private lav atory. Cambridge bid 3d -Mm rlson, r. 20. WarehoiifW. W A TtK H . V SE I ' AC E FOR LEXt! IX- Qi.'iia: 44 ist street. ior rent. t'Jii'a E. I'verett. Miace41aJMuiaa. TWO second-floor locations, suitable for M; ht manufacturing; central. Inquire Bni-u Front C. OA HACK -71. -Water, light; afr.A ide. Main TO I-tASE. Al Tc'MOBILE MEN N 1 ICE. 1." .Oliu square feet floor pa e. best lo cation for saleroom, supply' ho.; so or garage; ii.mv building, fireproof, juM com pleted, 14th, stark and Bui n.dde; w n. subdivide. M. M. RINOLER, 2H1 '-j Mrrlsn St. '.tatshn't :;ir:. FOK LEASE Huiid.ng. Cor. E. ld and Da vim sts., for a long let m of ears. uttnt e for ga.age, repair shop, general I lack -smitn sh.p or al-.eet metal or laundry: it you want n. act quick. Security leveiop nient Co., cor. 4tn aud Pine sts., ask Ior Strard. Bl SIXES OPPORTU NITIES. "lIESTAl HAXT KOR SALE. Furniture and Kiurea of resiaui-ani tn npolerit brick hotel bhlg for siilo cheap, with low rcitat; gvil chance fci the ngpt S 'I Ho.Vf At CO , wa ft nd Concord PI Jg. A REAL eRaning preying estahiiri- mr.t ; brand new ceipts f tt.'i weekly wagon, guofi route. ra c, $:;! buva v bole or $22. a half Esch. Mils. interest. Ulu Bbr. .'.'ANTED 1' irtner ; must have $.V for part inieiest, til.4.1 few dollars for traveling ex. ponsea. a bin; pavlt.g jorop.ii Inn j'op right part. t.a!i at roo.n u2 oilman Hotel, be te e j, 7 ao arid 4 ::t . F. M. Jones. WANT an a in crtbcs-p wags: only vc ;ouiis n.an for partner '.'trig siiop; pavs better than Ut'e mon y needed l'KJ Sher d and oak. 1 oc k Di.fg.. REST AIR A XT. first -ciasa plar-e gets the p.!cs and do-- the ihimiiss. extra well furnisneit: l ikes in at least $..i daii) ; P-ie 7it :i''J Lumber Exchange. WILL.$l."k per month be an Inducwment for your making a small tnvc vmeut In legitimate tiff.ee bustntss? In vesiiga tu. gin Lumber Exchange bldg. OFFICE post Ion. must be w illhig to m. ork. siT.all invest men I. fully secured ; w 11! pay L"o, per month; vxperp-nce not pe, s..r. Call PHI Sherlock bldg.. 31 and Oak. Ll M HER. 1.1 wei. irrigation project ne.-dr a pita I to .'.uu ;; f , no - k . r $1 iro-fl. 4h Worcester additional . profits 1 bbic. PAINT and wallpaper soit . XpMi pe-.- n-o Rent r.i!y ?"7. alKiui "iiei. all l.4i r-tnek s a.liig eisily W il Hit me PARTNER to -n-n dyeing avd pressing -flir'aa-iw; tavs 2I wk and na.f profits: 22.i r y iilied. ;ba Lumber Exchange. BAKERY and de" ltefnen. low rent, good bun m ens ; oily .!.'. S. t h .s. all 1 o;; Sherlock bb'.g.. :id nnd uuk sts. $1 . Bl YS best clt an f tiff and for the r.tt-n y ; g-M..i lo. a i!i!. 2LM, Y.i;n'i.:. i:ig s.1.. COMi'LET"" rrmchin. r dvelng plant, pr.-. lse f!f:red. IntiUire i4 S :iolt C i. I i Y wanted ill Port l.t lid real estate. clenp;ng and i-r.t bin. fling IT z f. 1 0 eg r c- . iTa 'i. stnnd. Wctt Side 'ad :i'lt Lumber Cheap rent, prb e Exchange. I L-. i!t SALE ilargaln In re .-.-tner and Job fflr. . Afldress AV :.!. o--g u.inn. FOR SALE Ry ow nc K-"d IticStioii; f.liei.j-1 s n . res it; 4r, Oregonian F:1 SALE irocery store; will I Tahor .;4. It 244.: In Sunday. BAKERY ard restaurs tit combmei, -. R vi, j roc;ns Phone A I :... RttEllY tre fr vale clteap t ido.u. m n testate. B. S. Ptieue, 0i Orcgmau bldg. Bl'!lKH OPPOKriMTlIKS. good i THRIVING suburb of Portland needs a barber: 1 am out Lira uu a building. new j and 1 n x i e m in thi -h 1 have reservttd room sx4j in which I should like hav a barber shop and pouirooin combined : 1 there ta no amusement for the young men j of this suburb and a good barber lt.ni poolroom In connection should make a kill-; Ins; here. Rent Is erv low. If intrested. . see me at i!2 Piatt Uldg.. southwest cor-1 ner rark and Washington sis. OWNEi; of t.;h pla.cr mine and water . tights w!he to tniulp ami work on large scale; vill 1ed substantial in :e rest to party advancing capital for Incorporating, etc.; hava Eiisient market for entire stock issua and mil reimburse outla : a place tn ui reel orate and position at mine In early Sprtng If tiesired. If you have. a litt.e realv money. gt;t busy. I hae the gxds. AO .".M'i. Ot-Konln. COME go to Nea4a wish tne an-l g--t in 'l A r. ;; I ml:if.: biom. Am Kong down this we-k to lose deal on big min". N-e." niouv to cover cost of trip and expenses. Will giv. I;t"-rsl inivresi ui this deal in! other ciui::a l liiv mun who an pro duce w hundred in cash. iub k action ti.'-nnarv ii eitlo-r von or I make any thing. Writ- "P.. iregonian row f r appoint mi nt. HOTEL in god smali town. aiern t re gin. now running, and a good proposition. ( iwnr will make change In managemetr t January 1. Low r-ni to th right people and a line chance to make moii'-y. IVeter it-an and wife to take cnarge. No saloon In town. Sew Mr. McNaught at It tei Sews id. Sunday betw een 2 and 4 P. '-. ir write aino. Il-niiimon t r. FINE opening In new tow n for general store, also bln-ksmith. smalt hole! now building, give terms. If u are carpenter or placer r looking for locution or want .". tr M acres fine land, we have it on our terms or exchange. It you want to invest some money where it will cam leg. call Sunday P. M. or Monday. L"a, Crand ave. liHOCEHY store, established business. Rent $ '. living rooms Included. Average shU i belter than Sl'ai. Hi Kid Investigation so licited. Prospective purchaser can remain In store until satisfied. Noon lunch served, which Is very pr-o';tahie in this locality. This p'ace sacriiiced for rash. Will con sider 'r e:!i. halam e lots or close-in acre e ge . 1 7 H e n ry b ! d g . MILLINERY. For snle. two fine miHincrv stores, lo cated a l Sta ton. Or., a. id Silver! on. tr. Roth good town with g od coun'ry around l hem Both stocks for sab at invoice. Full parrbu ars at ST. CHARLES' LAND CO. 2"4 Morrison St. WANT a good partner In the grocery busi ness ; young ninn preferred : have one of the best locntl'.us in the city; will give the best 01 reference, nnd a in 1.11 ex perienced grocery-man ; want a good hu--t ier: exjWT ictice not nereaaary. but will need $looti to $!2oO cash. Talk with Jordan, til'. Lumbermen bbig. WANTED immediately, state manag.-rs wiin $10iiti to s o 0 cash for Oregon and Wash ington by large r - sponsible manufacturing company; proposition should pay ?1!.CU to 1 1 j.utiH I l. st ear to right man ; ref erences. Call for P. H. Noll, sales man ager. Oregon Hotel. I'ortlaml. pr. FREE SToR E RENT- 'i;;ar. con.'ectionery anil light grocery; clean, fresh slock; do ing nice pitying busn-ss: 1 room m connection pa rent of a. I and over. Nothing like n in town. Fine place f-: man and wife. ?. Beard of Trade. 4th nnii (ink sis. $.,1,0 ( 1 1 j A R ST A ND ? :.m Buys a tlaudy cun- r ciur staml, boated on one of the most prom 1 net it streets of I'orfennd ; a great m.iip ; rent only $"" month. R. II. CtitilUvlXO .. INC.. 4ol-4 fJ-4"a Wllcoa Bblg. WANTED A man to take act Re manage ment of company hanotlng rapil-sciiin patent, who can invest $.".noti in same. For tune for man who connects. Don't a:iswr unless you have the money. B oHit, ore- RoIilHU. MEAT MAN. We have f r sale one of the best meat markets In Oregon, c'eurlng over a year. Complete equipment. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. 2 Morrison S:.. Portland. Or. W A XT ED A live, energetic mail w ltd suf -fulcnt capital I to i;large r.n est:- Ui h!. ! liiaitufacturtr. u busUiess 111 Portlnml. which hajt outgrow 11 its -esent ca toril ; w e need the r-g'.t ir.in tia much as the iimr.ev : $.tiM to It mi required. P ojit. t refconi;n. DELICAT ESSV;X. sidei. Ud In ntiun. tlomg good buMiirHs; pr -e ". fully ei;ipr-d . tills pal ty Iirm tH'eri In the so hie locution f r the pa st " y ea rs. but must sell 11 account of health. See Jordan. !! Lurn bermena litdg. FiR IMMEDIATE SALE. IMM'-OHAO: FICTI RE SIHW. Xow runniiiir in rtrt-n k nhat. sma'l amount f Pion-v will banob. very jow pnee. SMl'l li-WA;o.NEl; O'- StM k Exchange. $."a BL'YS me of the best-paving photo graph studios in Portland . best b.-atioa and rent reasonable : the plaet is res I ly worth $2o; a snan for the right pnrtv;i bMt of reason for selling. X '7". 1 rc- j goniwn I A DANDY reslauruit in midst of hotel tU- trict. low rem, fine custom, gets tray trade, from five hotels; t o much work for pres. j mt owner to i.sadle. Can be bought fori $:.". :tl . Lbr. E.ci. bldg. OKOCERY f-NAp. I Cne of 11. e best paving grneerjr storenj in Portland: Invoice about $lt. fiw rent and small xj-i'i; .It.ing big business; I hivestigste at once. .hs Commercial blo'-ar SMALL f ash store for rvale: if you w:mt a good Hitl' business, th.'t la gntwing nnl be hid- ieti tie nt of A icb. h.k tiitt up; $"hMi required. Call niu .!." Lumber Ex- biinge bblif. A buys my SNAP. ha!f interest Li- . ience not 112 house essarv. mViiK OM.fit. e W '.t Teco'it a ave. WANTED. FIRST MfRTt A"i E. Will t rade a hrand new automobile, electric started and lighted, car 1 uil qulped. for ?!( morinago on real -lni. Address P. O. Box JIhVJ Portia nd STRICTLY cash trrocerv, living-rooms, bath, no d'-ilvcrv ; dally ex pens mic. profits f " tlay net: $12')o. tr invoice: sll fixture. f:.tc. '3 Eurnber Exchange. 2d and Stark. BEST grocery or. m'trk.-t In Portland; re ceipts $'-0 to f 7 daily, no expensive fixtures, ad' fresh stock, whole will tw voice about $1 Hi. . sure bargain. 310 Lbr. Exch. building,. M E Rcl lANTSATTi; N t1oX We have o-d mom-,-- ma k ! n g country stores from $CJHi uu to .,o.iirio which will stand your ciosest 1 a vet i rra t ion. F. Fuchs, 42u Chamber f Com:iirce. F.i?. pAl.l'l Wliolrsule rl;ar business, well e'rabliyhetl and good ruinls, small nmount .: moaey w ill nandle; splendul proposi tion F fll7. oregonian. $i;noit ST CK general merchaml i-. prac tually new. In valley tow n. exf ban sr. for unincumbered Income property; owners on'y. I Oregonian. It A ROA I N Pool ami card room, cigir iiiid j confectionery ; terms, or part trade; Ik-i , ItM'atlon in tow a. I'hone Columbia 12. Call Bivi Phiiadclphia Ht St. Johns. j A PA IM1A IN nt is a bakery doing $2-". j to "n ila'lv-: P vfn g-rooms in connection ; , built-up district. It w on't last long. 3! 1 l.rmher Exchange bldg. i M i Ll.lN ERY Xw kTm k. up-to-date fix tures. gotHi Morr'son-s. btcation. cheai rent. Sru 1 !f!'f $2hi R" sold a once. Wort h j $ pa. Lea vmff clt y. AS o'H, i iregonra a. i lARTNEfi ea-itetl In strictly caah iu' n-s-: a good opening to right man. one win. is mt nfrn id to work : $2.".o rccutred. Call room :;i.i Lumtier Exchapge bld:. BINDIXt 1 opsn.iioii ; who wilt help n.e ssiai nestled: n oney goni-in. big returns to i;trty rwitic this; X".i a 1 t o secured. E ti. ire- LET us show vuu the neatest confectionery ! store In town;, on carllrie. bul:t-up tils- trict: sale on account of death: $tVm takes, 1:. quick r."t bin, oil' Lbr. Each. bldg. : ST L E lease .n Morrison st. running li j years, suretl : will net buyer Phi per ! ent prtnt. Ah -. orei?onian. FoR SALE cheap, a miik route with modern eqiiipm.it: pa-t cash or tiade for cows I'hone Tab .r r.I'3. r 1 R S A LE Saw mill. 2W. worth will tuk" lota or autoinobLe In trade, part o;- all. r.r Commercial bldg, INTEREST In au!di isit.r, .f new town, rati aittl h-irbor: return In a year 7.". per cent. A R 'L regutliaii. 1 "rant, Ic.ich counter, con ,obace,. Burgs :n. B ifc I. iv and B A X ETC Y, fine brb k ov en. gootl horse and watron. big tra!e and route; price t oi lav, J.'i-r. S"3 l.uml'fr Exchange. p VLR Fbi .-nd to it. stand, have no rail after G P. M. mc to n 1 1 at 12! Mi'DKl'.N ii-rHm hous. ." M nnd E. S.'.lmt.n; fi.rtia.ee. ttrepiaee. full baseail-Ilt. 2 biot ks fn-iit car. Main "tPl. Ol'KvTX; for uctfr nml drug store In e.- piill - -1 or I pg eoun t rv tnw n ; Tine or-po-tar-itv. See Mr. Irnl-s. 24d Oik st. MAN wilii eeibng ftldltty ami the 1 -. of rei rences wishes to l-ry lat'Teff iii a Kr.iv. ing I.UF'r.e. T ."!'.. trefToiila i. Pit'TCRE shows at larraln pric.-a are what -.v e ca ii'iVr vr.11 n inquiry. If in t rt e l. all for particulars at ail IJt. Erveh. 1-11 14 1VLF inteist in lUe pour lltlli.ird Pai-l-i s; imMiry-mil!. t or. .;d and Ald-r. EN'Ei.LENT opportunity for a dandy .el-lr?i.-. 4 lekuin ave. LAWYER will make collections nvwh.- on c.i;noiisson basis AT .:t.1, Or-gor.ian. FEW hundred, ttxturus; snap. sllf sell nice loi-drieas, ki Loubcl, 37 tUlik. BlINfc? OrPORTOSTltsi. ltED AND 1NVEST1CATE TH1-. Have you some each sua good Portland Income prop-rty to exchsngc for a a.oa :. k of c neral mer. 1 ancise; m l inven tory approx:mate'y $wn o . sales th is ar will to:! ful!y $3'.0o0. Must hav:e at !: :ioH cash, balance welj -rured; good to-f-iimn 011 e!e. trie line. rjS inbes from i nri lantl. farming ti istrict, s- eml latmlla t nd w .nd coat racting caTtip pear by ; po ci.-npetitittn. cheap rent. Deal wit'i uwnei. AM .":... iireffonian. MAN nit WOMAN v lady has made got! for lour years In a partnernip spe cial! v manufacturing hutiu-n whicn bus grown t-o iatge for her exclusive time. 01 her interests prev entln. w i.l sell part or all .f plant ; central, y located, long e tpe. splendid e.u:pment. ectabltshed wholesale route, with finest retail siore of lis kind in town; no agents: is pison-aid- nl liZ. AS Mi, atregonian. . 1 1 H YS u ibien-st n. roSji-ouilditit anJ !ano-c.earicg hiis.nens, a?ue Jj.V-o. biclud. tnr engines. hirse. wagons, camp and everything complete; r-.i'tint nov work ing on ni l lake all Winter at $L'. an acre, splendid busirss for sober man ; a t!ey n camp. No. 1 eq oipllier. I and pient T w .irk -dead; no lrifrs wanicd. Call .ll "1st it. North. OENERAL MERCHANDISE Stock of $.Vmk. .12 mnes from Portland, i.'n main line of S. I. Central location. In town of Tj'mi. only 2 general stres, ti'i; g god huMtietia, a god proposition. Writ- R. C. I'ainier. Hubbard, Or. S Lt K n mi:n. attention. Am c is usteti Mirh the saloon business; '-a v - bet loest p,n ) Vancouver: a-, era go as over $'2 n day for past year; ex -pei.se $; 1 ; clearing over a month; (..lartni-c ev.-.- statement and e 11 ctm- ince fu ; 2-"J cash plus invoice buys me. tt 1 i;..ni y blog. ON account f other interests I offer the leaoiitg cigar and con f -ct lonery store in a ru ing town of looo population at a 1 argaln ; established ti years; best loca tion in town; prtie $l.fU: some terms. Addrt-ss owner, T. Ii. tsriiicklcy. lude- penfience. Or. I'P'TrFtE SHOW AND VAt'DEVILLE. fbunilul new concrete building, town of 7tM.; ;;..n opera chairs, two boxes with wUtow chaira: Simplex machine, elegant equipment and furnlshiiiKS througtiout. elei-irlc and babv grand piano. prteff oniv 4'Nai; tcma 1'articuiars t;is Y-on bldg. ADDITIONAL CAPITAL Sto kbond "issue waft.-d. m 1, it be lr.iinii;Ur. .m commis sion; established financial hou-e; exien aive conned ions ; touch with spltal , no puu'i' ii : coit:ide;it tnl . iil consider sale "f securities. Address Dept. 4. Suite 4-io. 4'J Hi oad way. New York. FOR S.A LE Carpent.-r shop and lumber ard tn the growing tow n of Y'oncalla, Or.; 4-hors gasoline engine, tip saw and small planer; rn incumbrance on the proof ri ; satisfactory reasons for sell ing; terms reasonable. Address the o n- er, Chas. fSumi.ers. loncalla, or. FoR LENT one of the beet openings for mar. with small means to go Into business at I 'a 1 ker, Oregon, general store, in rich farming community ; no store of its k.no ia tow n ; elegant storeroom. Just f inisheo. for rent. Address E. Zlelesh, Paraer. or. For SALE in of the best heating, plumb ;ng ftnd slice t metal businesses in the A il!an:-tte Valley ; invoices at about J tk.no ; clearing About $."su per vear. will tak $;;ooo cash to handle. If interested, send inquiries A V G-l, oregonian. ONE of the best planing mills In city needs more capital to care for increasing busi ness: n-ht man with .m-o to $7o" can . jecure v. king Interest. PACIFIC INCORPORATORS- CO.. ai-i Selling Bldg. ET A B LISH ED rn a 11 if a--i urer v an is state manager, hi h - das art U le ; should pay l"iin annu-..v. $..oo to :utt capital : "III pay e ,,!! Sen Cnlc'li.O if ytiu Hto man we want; ietere.es. Rfchaidsoti. old 'oonv b'd.. fhicao. O'AINti lo other interena. ta. 1 n a-; at in v oire good-pa ii;g bii6:nev m tow n with flv""tt month pavroif. Confettitr.ery. tn bi c-.s mri:r-i tea. etc. other imes culd b.- a tided. 1 lai (, liv tug - rooms. $ 20 rent. Ad'!rjt Bii "'. Carl: on. vr. lll'TTHIl, exgs. p . Have a strictly cas.'i 'beip. You can clear $ L'el oMvliig e.ll ei.pei:ses wild h -juelt.ess l Tore oj buy. Morean bidg. . ' e ior su . month r.'u-r "ii can try : h -.1:1 i-.Mim ;tj CAFETERIA ONLY 942 Mcm . h"-a:icn m Kast S(te: Pshed: do.i.g s.mk! business: a ah.ejt $!OlMI but must sace.fi,. reasons Call t;t,s Yeon bbig. od-estab-lil Invoice r for bsi i"A"I very attrjaetlve propi.i t ion for a god -ab sman with $-..'.u t invest for working tlhtereM it. a W 'U -e t a l, ; , h .., buSireSS. . PACIFit IN" U.l'UKAToliS- CO.. U selling Bldg -, 1' . N 1 N ; ;r ii. an u 11 lr"i t tn .'i;i;ima'.. s.-lf. O'Jttl-tor rora, mon.-v. tt:ip!e bne. R Jew hui.lri d'jl : busines tor hi.lt Bar. rile your ow fcrence given and 'i'l -e.1. M "24. Or- onian. U A VT to meet .1 wtrtv who h.- $'U'ni or 7tHMl tu invt-tt lii something tual is safe; the money you liivct.-d ntid cents ri the ,PU.ir back 111 it muiitbt.. AS ..t. Tea .ni tn. MOVINO Ph ri KE SPECIAU Buill for ihe-c r in lai ft" suburb; 2.V T'-ri chairs; Powers inai hine. Spec a I oner f.T a ft w days only. Call Yeop bldg. Ii l 1 H -1 "LASS business. .iwi;. r waii.s a I pai l n.-i he can dep-nd f.ri to l. ml : tn e. (i U suppli-s. etc. Will L-.ui-.'.t.-e oU $J.V iiioinY Ca.l room ::2i Morgan bid,;. M'ATill.V b. .ol c... f... p, . f"r 1--ss than 92 :t.ir. Lumb r s. fio w 11 tow n stre : can 1 P.ett rea.iMiu lor hitlige. SHI. llv. MONEY Eur-q-ean capital for investment ' In sttracilv cnterprnus. Address Banker 1 '-''I-L'. ILgii i;uiiorn, London. Eng- COol) opening for drug, furniture, crock-1 ery .v.ure. n:e new block corner Main st.; free reut to start. H. C. Deming. mre CiiamlM-r Coniinerce. Bedlands, Cal. PARTN'.R w inted for a good picture show. Don t require mu h money and 1 he flu ids aie ea-.ly learned. Call room Morgan hid;?. lIt; payii-i cuim; 0 haiifllc I:..- riie-ter for sale; under pi -.-s nt it over 1 Ati years; you can receipts until convinced; uwiur loave. AO ,V2. 'regoiuan. FIKNirrili: store. ecmiv field in a good railroad town; w,l est nbi:-h. d and pr.ying buiness; write lor pattlculara A' 17. . Tegonian. PARTNER Reliable man. small capital. In five years business; splendid patronage. and profitable; worth invesLigotiitg. I'nion nve. ESTAIILL-HED whobsaie Imuse iu Pf .tiMi.d li.ia oiM.iiing for a live, energetic man who i a liun active interest in the business. S-e P'd'insoii. ttol netinnd bldg. i.l . dye nnd leaning house. : nt i.ume advertises: fine bK-nt ion w in a t g"i.ig change Frisco this week. ;n:i Lumber j E M INi; One tlamly PB Ti KE THEATER. hous-. jieiitnit- mfr .'i'0 (oi- era i-tuloi. !kinK (t.Mid; reasonable. In- tuir- at '2'.- East -Ihj., .r id one R 1M44. ;mD East Fide grocery. Invoicing $4."fHi. doing S.v.oO per month, auto dellverv. and ever, thing up to date; c-an be bougiit right. Lumber Exchange. a snap. Rooming- hous-. in ,u - l ooms. rfjt;-;; iVeM tn ,1' .it only .li. $.".Ou cash. Cail ;-ii. "i. R. ai Ii . 1 VAHI.E or half lnt.iest general store, Por: Inn i ; about jsjooo. i.e stock, buildin.u: quick acihni. Owner. T fireironian. near new !, F-.'R AEt n-.-st furmshol modern hotel in an. Mnall city in the West; licensed bar ia connection : tei ma easy. S 7 ore B'.rla.i. WANTED S.nal. bake r lunch room pref.-i t: town ; full ry. w itli retail hiur. in t it ur cuu pa rt 11 u la rs. Y ."'. I , "A.--H 10.. : .11,. I on: ect loiit-ry inv. tMi for oiily $4ot cash if tiUn at caii 2In's Stark si. ia ing once. SCKE chance to innke money; mun have N.'ft; wdi fx.-liainf for taiinru'iilrc! vily piop. rty. Ca'l at :- Fin: -t. LI. K E. I'US 11: r-u pay la-it ear s taxes Wasamgtou AL FoR SALE or will lake partner, welle-bulit-up res-aiirant. gootl loiafmn. I'ail between II A . M. mid I P. M. .loo Uolladay ave. CLEAN .-ush loisine. iei, ring to $40 p-r week. ot much mon y required, call 2;1- Mark si. 4o.i 1. YS c.r.oy kitchen ,iw atowtt. r s7hi. i t's a winner. 32.; Lumber HALF IXTERRST ir: l.- ar.d p: -s. in 2 n--c. f-'.a' '. Ii.'i r- VAN ILI r -ii.!' ft 2Mi pjV'Tlr b.lSl r mo. ;, ; .:a'.,rhed cl ; i-friftn o Of iioii,)i n bus.' D : au with -.: pa . cery s:. , i ll V'K sain in ftt l. ba 1 bi tor. n op for sab-; largest i.ur 'a.li. A- Em 1 1'd to. Lents. etr a I secoiui -D. Wiu:i. li.-ie- :ianu t-re I ef.'U-n O.egoa. HA E a g''tl o .enini; lor i:e skftTp-rintv l'iMr" AV firt'cor !an i.' e man .n m;:t l.avc I'l'.Kd ST U:E. dotn- radi unl flail. cun t v b:iia " . hob town, J.iX'ii; -a.n '-. re-or:an. it leimt. i.vp.T, AM yl'h Ei"'II husinefis. ;..! iraf'e, , fii.iurr. m:ilr c.me.-!. 1 1 i - will make cr.-at s.ic-i.ift. I'ai; 2pi- Mark St. CI ; R a;d cnfectbmer :iap it 1 .1 ken so-o. store. 215 4th st. r-asonarde Ufa wash. Dr. Ma id Nel 7 - tj. i I Al'RA XT, lin Rv ai.siii. J2 1 irs t su iiS-ruvdai, rn l $12 Bl IN Ct O PPO BTIMT1E8. ol POHTI NITY knocks but 01.ee. Be cer .sin vou hear it. I wit', srdl 2t.a stork In a high -class w hiesal nieixsntile houe m Portland, with best commercial and bank rat'nsc. This business has been operated tindt-r san;e management tor years; ne er made less than 2- per cent. ften more ; is in t he be, f financial cord it .op . has plenty of capital. Tin- Is t lie first of this stock ever orTered for saiie. Its the iest safe Investment in Portland. A g'od pusi; Ion tan go with t hit stock to right j.art y. Some te.-rna might be arranged Satisfactory information nill be furn:slid anu-nf ss-rionslv inierened. This ad will i'ot appear strain. B oMj. Oregonian. THE U A iT'oRDERJOURS A U a. 16-year-old znouLhly. has by valuable Information and t:mey suggestions lo each issue helped thousauus of business men to suc cess. H Is an indisiensable publication for business ai n in ever line who are a?t-r more itade and especially va.uama for beginners Trade conditions, pros pects ai.d advertising methods pointed out In ever issje once a subn nber yoa will always want It. You will find it a necs essity for ou. Regular subscription prb e $1.0o; mix months' tnal suuscription. 2ac: no sample copies Address The Mai! Or der Journal, 120 Schiller bid-. Cbicasx 111. MK, BUSINESS MAN If y u cou.d secur n motor car ine ftistrtDu-tug agency lor a sejiing at $l4i. that in your w as l he b st constructed and sej ear o'J had ever seen, put about 7..Mi back of such own rnin-i i-asi'-bt to a oulil y 0.1 a propoai- tion 7 Ther-3 Is an opening of this kind for this termor-,, au opportunity to make a quick, prod: able hutoriegs. with no rinan ca! rik : t his offering 1 for a uuiu: s man of the hih'fit 1 vpe fn'y. S E V EX-S E V E X CO M PAN Y. How ard and Riv eside, r-pokalie. Wash. 1 Ooo M EN WANTED To give us the names of ieople who are talking aiitomoblle and want to bu. W will pay $-':. for each name when we sell thena a. car. Your name and prospect" name atrieCv ronf idential. Address AI TOMOILLE SALES I NDERWRITIX'I COM P ANT. P. O Bex lv2. Portland. PARTNER WANTED. Xew patented specialty. 110 coiiir'10'1 factory right uiine ess-try ; tairty itii bii ity to liMtidle olhce end ami invent small a mount money cm n wrurs nc- ha If i n -terest witti me. JtjtMMi to ?" nece-tary ; will make your fortune; strnig.il hi:sinc-s proposition. HAitSiiMAN, 72- C of C. MEAT MARKET. Located in good vailey citv : estabbshed 2-" enrs; in large and most complete equipment, slang f.ier-honse ami lease 011 pasture: does fini J2nhi to Mosul nionth ly. pries I turn. Will Hade part lo good Portiar.d property. Rart.culars I1 Yeon bldg. i'A RTNEJt W A N TED to run my w ell c tablisliel st.re business : hav e other in -Merest dema'iding my attention; will mil Unit siiare for $'."0. Man and vvile joe ferred . no experience necessary. Refer ences required ami given. 1. O. Box -III. Centralis. Wash. DP.FO STORE. EsiabPshed ri years; A-l location: ;o clean stock and fixture:.; making mo'ie ::ov ; owner must i-ave; Iotk 1 1 ovc: A R 7SS. Uregoniau. HAVE a high-c.ass mnnufa turnip sei fr.g pr;Ms!tion to offer. The propositi wli Interest anvune desirous of manu;a -turing ami selling a uevice well pio;ecteft b patents: simple to manutactuie atoi with a w idc market; w ili require an in vestment of $1UA4mi. A X 4eN, Oicou.a1 WANTED An Idea' Wl... can think of some simple thing to patent ? Protect oir Ideau. they may- In mt; 011 vvealtlt. Vi'eite i or 'N'-edfd I uve'ittuiis,"- " H a 1 Get Your Patent and Motiev." Randolpu tl Ct., Pi.t-.it Attoriies, U asltingloti.I c. FOR SALE A nice c-ries and flxtur w agfpu : w til ,-,) m clean stock of ;ro j. oe.i.ty tram ami oek at Invoice; i-x atei 2 earliTies. If ou are 011 a goml enj nc looking for s.imerhing good, b"k this up. AS Olego,;ai. X A X I ' F A "T ' lits s; a le ruu 11 a gei ;. -iat'ii!i rn'i i' J lul.'l" ottl! IlloIleV sala 1 V . i 'SO ll be; a I ei u . r-'tl . S. ! b'!tf.. Chleao. manace rua run t commit. t ilesmen : 4-o 11: on U 'n; r-fe t.ib! d..n; CAPTION. Bl Y Hits. Before closing d' al for so-' a'Vd Inter est 1:1 ef;aMii'i-d real esiat bus:tiess g I advice of For lard Reait . Board. F. U Pi K.St, Mecrtary. R chamber of t orr.merce Bldg. ill. ID business t-portunit r.o ee 1 t.c n.an: most. o 11 1 1 t e wni and w . . 1 p ou $lo mont h salary. Re,uir- s hum .1 investment, whi- h will m fu.ly secu:ei. Cm 1 1 roni '.i'2'. i 0. can bid 7 SI "K NESS fi.r.'es ii..- i. l.'rtHI equity 111 'i."!: It I. Will-, .t-e;r o-ae itictimirfd pitiperty. gotdan. H. 11 t rade r u-i Ore- i r)i S LE We I cs'a'jRttc.ed tti.sitieas 1.1 a go-d c.i." of 7o4. l,etl locati'-ii in town: go.l pa r-v.l. C lea r.n g from to $7' per n:u;ith. "Iftod re.on for aeding. Wlii s-11 all or half Interest. AV 67". Ur- gonian. HAVE s: ittly liikii-ci.tn ;rcciy. !..' town Oregon out s.H Portland. Cm w 1 1 st anrl t Iose-st lit vest 1 1 ton. or.r u luctMiitiy l-a viui tatc. Ku I Uiari l.imiUr Exc flange. Ki'l l.nLMQT of:i c. Partae- wt.ud f an oiil-established lalx.r age-icy. Requires lio , j."rt 'tf . t- .mil it li ii. y t lieip t.Mtl office, ship tim v.eil. etc. V.i:l pay tar.. pro I ; s. (1 rom .:jt .d nrjn b! i a. " O EN TS "t'EOTH IN e"T' R e! One of the newest and sw,h-j-t p-acs tn center of Washington street; only bigh ciass trail: r-'it reas ;abie. vVHI in voice. Call 01 i Yeon bldg. J CITY ami cn.,irrv IfOl-'lS f. 01 oeiu 1 ie iiml trade ; biSM to troce l-i ge; toillilrv resiat!r;:it t-d nitniey. Intjuirc 1. -Huchat.ai 1-big. and cafe pjiyloir fore buying. 1D est.:'dl-h-.l H good bUMT". 10 ;tocei. West Sil-, "i-i!.: w tu pive t . .ai . j i:. o If fiu ate I -ok: re for a pacing iiivv(- tnent ami m-aii business caii Bale 1. 111." Rum ber Ex"hti n ge. c A F FT E R i A AND BAKERY. IBS I N ESS : ENTRAL Lot CHEAP; CASH. PAL. ER. No a;kxt.-. B e2. o f nc, ii " r ATIOX. RENT BY OWN i'HK.; i.N IAN. I- - -SALE The best p.ed i.i sla.- gt-od fcus ! r ; pf.od town: $lte aJ dress A. E. Thei-ueau. Grand I 11. on I if tel. ;;s7 is East Bumsbl. BA K BE R "-HOP. ji! s. ompejled .tit k Ji l . "I f hair t.i .I trad.- ffi 1 ii i-i on 1. s. R. M. t.'iu ba' K-rn. Ne a h r. FLED RE Pa 1 t tier a t d. M li.-t steai-. sober man. wiiliim ;. w.rk. p-ty you a good e, aiso s'nai e .f proriis. Cull room '.V2 ji(.rx.ui bltl. lirll.Mi'NT STREET conlev -tioi.ery at.d nov elty store. Same ow 11 -r m . Bum -i..--s f J da'iy. 'lierti if.it. Sf.oti t-asn li'2'l Lumber Echai,-e. D. NT fig h t coiiif-et u urn ; n-t e xv 1 uJ v e ai-f-r Ureji.in pro;e.-t.. ai t:, le to sell tra-. . $ :.r.u profit on er .il-.: $jo will na.. ile. P.toiu Ka.4 3 .'.. 1 HI ' Y. :': r .. . a :i ;c a t or en. hot eis i-ks. bond s or uth pi o;ert y . a :iy kind w here, address Nor : 1. vv cs tern l'us:t.' encv . M in tie,; poiis. M 1 nr.. an I FIX E niAM.'S Xor man itli .o"' arm j .-ei vices t'i se; '..re thin! int-reit mfg. bus iness. Refei-.-nceS l pil.-i and f u ri: . f !l c i i i ivMixt. X .'. I. Oregon. an. i b' rrEST"OR r-7cTtEsiDExci-:. t i;c acr main ::e os. veil .s 2 1 i' .;i la nc 'r. x:: -on ca m, M. Bt-xt ; 1 . v a. HAVE exclusive s-ilc of thrc- splendid out side propositions ia shpe ir-raer.i i stores, ad in good towris. full iiif orr.ia tifn cheerfuliv given. :.i:t Lumber E-vhanj-e. F R S A L.E Motion i-.ciur- t h at or ca Ores barc;! in . must ma kt nr. . k s; Jo protect oLhei- Literes'.s. N nl.m. T'-To-DA TE poolro.-t; tlool Iwati'.a. tff-at. $oo week buMnesr. Lumber Exc 11a -. 1 w it 11 barter h clean. ! ti? iif:c 'fine and -t ii. I.: iAiTN Eil w an-d ."or hog i cow, bo.-'s. t ! and fe-d, or lbs vl.oie; plenty o: Phoi.e MsiM 7 rofm 22. a nch. liors half interest work be fid. R nT.i : V. one ef t he largest and he-i . old -esta blts:ie-l, niotiern, le-st lucat iot:. rod hutii'cs govt! pr .j .lSiti'.n fir good meicl-.snt : $7't '. T "S-". ob'BUhiHn. WE hav- wi.at u want for what you have. What beve you? uur 'ists are con tinually chanpmi;. Wateji our auvvrtis in board at I'l'- 'Stark st. SELL YOiTr BPS I NESS Or Buy a B'-siiiess. See W. LAWRENCE. : . Lumber Exi nai.v,e Bldg. Both Phones FtR RKNT Two tlousatid feet fi.M-r sp.t e iiianiif.icturuiK. ol ir.- r hiiI citiliee. After '.' A. I. Mend, j . Main Po4. WANTED R-L.ibie m:n b-lp n elore. tioofl p-.y and .nly ::'Mi i.juii-q. fail room -. Mot gnu i:ils. y IR SALE at iicob-e. I t;rir-'.n ic sbo, !ii ! to.lp.l. .".. Olfrf'i rt locate 1 sub rt 'an-l , 110 o- l;s m: par .i.'ti.e .11.. I.ljf.tcl eelliii; r no chain c.i. oregonian. g.MNM. I HAVE business which will staiul close in-ve.di-cation. Want partner. Se my agent, mil Swetiml tlt!g. i.E-T.M P. ANT i-ti-b es. -ji: for :e. cat. on. tin- 4ih n. O'vXDY nd ' mr. Yamhill on.- if .per v si ore. 1 l st.: prb-e $1 110 ; terma SA LE Et s I Ran ; 4;t M I I .LI NER V fir- foe ftab- Lo w . 'i.sai ; c-tv Piqa KN''l.i SIVE ca-h for t. i Ol S'0'i laj-t Lr4 big profits a