10 BEAL ESTATE. "For Swle II oneee. PIEDMONT HOME. ONLY 3200. COST OVER 14000. Near Jefferson High School. Near graded school, close to car line, in swell restricted district. 6 rooms; one more can be fin ished; large reception hall, large iiving-roam wilh fireplace, large dining-room, paneled. beam celling and nice, large buffet. Dutch kitch en, piped for lurnace. full base ment. Beautiful lot. SOxloo. facing east, on paved street; non-resident owner, hence sacrifice; reasonable cash down and monthly payments; no mortgage to assume. If you know values In Piedmont, you will realize that this Is a great bargain. Wo will be at 1321 Rodney ave. today from l:3u to 4 P. M. to show this place. At other times, call at oifice. Main 20S1. W. A. BARNES CO., 404-3 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Bta. ARB YOU PAYING KENT? Would vou prefer putting that money Into a home lor yourself? A home you would be proud of and proud to your friend.. 1 have a beautiful 6-room ....ai,.i full cement basement, furnace. laundry trace, hardwood floor, through out, large living-room, fireplace, bookcase, ' ....... r.Mni kitchen. breakfast- l. -v. ...(... lirhtlmr fixtures, in fact everything that goes to make up a com Plete home: close to Hawthorne car. Will ..... i-iT ri.iun. SH7 tier month. including interest. Owner. S-3 Chamber of Commerce. WE ARE BU1LDIXO 4 HOUSES ON THE WK3T SIDE. . o in,,t..' rble from PostofflCe the p. ices are J-4UO. $1550 and JMbS: each Louse is on a DoiluO-Iool lot: IbtK house, are located In Ulcnelyn.Uienelyn Is locat ed on the 4lh-street line of the S. I . ana over this line electric cars will be run- nine by January la. . These are the kind of homes to buy lop they really save you money, Easy terms. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 212 Selling Bids, phonea Main law) or A C261. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME FOR SALE. I am Just completing a splendid 1 room Colonial residence in tho center or . a choice restricted section. Conditions compel Immediate sale. Unless you have at least JUUO cash, or a good lot to trad. In Instead, it wouldn't pay you to In vestigate. Space forbids complete descrip tion of thi. home suffice It to .ay that If you are seeking a superior place wltn workmanship of the highest character, and refinement of detail beyond the av erage, this will appeal to you. In addi tion to the nine room, there Is a. large i . . . I aiM-nlnz oorch open sleep- In? noreh- nantrv. shower bath, large bathroom excellent basement and large attic. .No agent.. Write me and malt an appointment. H 5j. Oregonlan. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE Tr.viv.iTdv HilUK SACRIFICED. ,tie this place today. No. 4io E. lath t-K.tv-..n ThoniDSon and Tillamook. S room.-. sleeping porch, large attic, thor nuirhtv modern: easy terms. M. L. Gal lagher. Yeon lildg.. Main l.J- WEST SIDE WALKING DISTANCE. BEAUTIFUL HOME ONLY $0000, .. . . . o fu.nlir... laree sleep. rour Deuroo.'.a, a ....... . Ing porch, fine view; you will be delighted with mis nousc, PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212 Selling Bldg rhone Main li' or A 6-61. kie-'K CITY PARK. !.:-... w- s v ti:kms. -room bungalow, on .H.xloti east facing lot in choicest part of this district: large living-room with den adjoining, nreplace. ,ookases. veneer paneled .lining-room, damlv buffet, hardwood floor!, wnlte en amel" Dutch kitchen. 3 line white enamel . -, t.M..t fnti attic, sieemng- ,.m,nt floor laundry tras and turnace. An exceptional buy. Tahor 2Q: . . . t-i - T ITTI K! BI'VOALOW. E. 49th St.. near Sandy blvd.; paved tUstrict: rooms and sleeping P"r'h every modern convenience, price 3-v. easy terms Must be sold al L, Callagner. sol Yeoa Itldg once. M. M 17 MUST SELL. .-rk TiitiV IT ONCE. New. 6 rooms and bath, cement base ment. Swell plumbing, tinted walls, elec tric lights, hard-surface streets all paw. close to 1'nlon ave. 434 Shaver St.. corner E. th North. Key next door. Price -'-" right terms. (Free Insurance If you bring this ad.) Latiirop.ai5Abington bldg. pEAi'fin'"L"llAlVTllllRNK HOME. Fine new 5-room bungalow, on tav"l street; fireplace. furnace. hardwood Il.H.rs. hullt-m burfet and bookcases. - u:.- -nAmi...l imrch kitchen: every- ihin. enmolete and up-to-date. This fine . .i i.e seen to be appreciated. Prl.-e S37i. $oo cash, balance on easy terms. Phone Tabor 219. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Ceatitiful n. w buncalow. . room, and lnlod sleeping .rcli. on p.vc.l street; i e-..e.-. furn:,ce hardwood floors. swell e'ectrlc fixtures, all' up-to-date Dul'-'-. in conveniences; street Improvements all iald: this Is a swell home an must be seen to l appreciated: r.7"a': .-nsy terms. I'hone bargain at Tabor 21l. unnriiv ln COMPLETE. -room bungalow and sleeping P'rCn'. south fnclng on Hancock between E. 3..th and IP'.tli sts; street Improvements an in Must 1 seen to le ntipre.-iated. I". S. MORTGAGE INVESTMENT CO, Main 24l. 312-513 Yeon Bldg. Laurel hurst bungalow sacrificed OM.V SU'IV t --rt ttr.wi n.r.u. Must seil at once: cost mo to build. 1 T-.-e sro S.oo: sacrifice price. $41in. Stri.-tlv moilcrn. ' 7 rooms. Come out Sunday and see this bargain. H. Kerble, T3." Floral ave. Tabor ili. HiiMK FOR rt.V. Renilv to move In. Two beautiful, slght Iv l .-s" r.ovUai each, and a 2-rootn house. n.-trllv finished: 4 blocks from car. only 27 mi:iutes out. $.o cash, balance easy i-ivn.-r. 7h4 Spalding bldg. -on SM.K R-nut'tful new brick bunisalow, is iirihnmf ii strict. 3 m-oms. hard-surface streets. niodrn In eTery detail. Will mar riftre if taken within a few days. Cull B. 4MNi Sundays, or 40 Buchanan Mdg wek day-. t fnome 4-y.5 ier month. lOOx.OO corner K. 4lM nnd M-tn. 2-flnt dwell ttitc. nt-' it round and lots of fruit. Lib eral li-rm?. V. s. mokt;agk a ixvkstmfnt co , M.iln 2-1 1H. Yeon sHIdjr "see ist- e. irvinc;! S-room modern. 1 year old. ."."xlOO lot. 2 blo ks from Montavllh. car. Prtce IJOO, worth .T."0. Se us 'or term-i. V. S. MOKTiJAtiK INVKiTMKN'T CO, M.iio 01J-513 Yeon Hide. W A NT EST A f 1 1 . 1 S H E 1 f . I' SIN' ESS. i trace Md(ord. reffon. housw and two intt: pavt-d s.reits; no nurt(taice; vatn for estab!ishej 1'ortUnd lU!'ln'is r country home. 11 Eaat S-id. i. in .MHt itr.ut ,f ul. ttrictiy modern hown. nst sl ir Mt. Tabor, near Belmont; iwi j in. n.El) . KINO. M4 PrMinK Bldff., Third and Washington. -litH.M hous in Sunnyside with, paved str--il and mo-l-rn conveniences. I'.'w-" $!.. c:,h and pr month wlh rt pr ct-nt lntrsi. Ca'I und Mre J. 11. Scott r.l! V.r t-i-r Mdr. AN IDEAK IRVINGTON JME. For sale or trale. 7 roms, finished mt tic. all buili-ln convenances, complete in every detail, it will pay you to Investigate. East i.o want a reai- home? If su come out r,d look at 7l E. Ulst St. X. If you like the outIt!, cme in and see the ln-,!,(-. .f, better. I'hone O I'GOJi for full n't.rrr.a'-inn. Ownrr. no aent. fc-RtMM modern cottace. full lot. cement v. a'.ki atttr. basement, porch : near lau- reliiursi and c;trlir. $1.0 : terms. Thora- ti-s n. 3d. Main t . 1 1. lKVtNOTOX. Ktne comer. 11,v. east and nortn frontstK. fr s&le at a sacrifice. See pwner. rT4 E- lroalaay. r-.asT .f4i. T'vsv navments. new 4-room bouse, hath !,.t ."eis.lo. 2 blocks from 'car. firegory Ilelcbls. Owner. It ...... Oregonlsn. fi'UNr.lt. r-room housa. p.ved street. 20o; cash S.'-'e'i. $2i month. Including Interest. Owner. Box 74.".. S- ROOM modern bungalow, garara. hard surfaced streets. c!oe In; 2ois: luo down SIS rer. AD S'M. Oregonisn. VACANT 1X)T We will put a house on, "your Idea: terms. AD Oregonaln. FOR SALE- K. house and lot in tjunny alii. Call Jlwocr, Jiast 2o9S. 1U-AI. EJTATE. "tor Sale Houses. THREE SPECIALS. fJ200 New bungalow. 3 rooms and sleep ing porch, hardwood floor., lire place, full cement basement, every modern convenience, electric nx tures in; S2-JO down. baL very eaa. $3300 New bungalow, 5 room., sleeping porch, garage, fireplace. hardaood Iloora. every balll-in convenience, modern to date; 42A down. baU very easy. , $3500 New bungalow. 6 rooms, slceplng porch. hurdwood floors, fireplace, basement, laundry trays, electric fixtures In, every built-in conven ience. C. C. REAGAN, 212 Selling Bldg. Phones. Main IsoO; A tt-01. idi-iv v-eve- umtr SAPRIFICE. Price "fOOOii, big discount for large cash payment; I moved In my new homo last week; now Dusiness ans me m Located next to .V. E. corner Tillamook an.l -'To. ata It is uainted green: will make color to suit purchaser. It ha. a living-room laaa2 feet; I ta ian.iv a al.et,iite-rooms. .ieeuing porrli, oak floors, fireplace, etc., etc.: full lot garage, etc. Call at once if vou want a real bargain. STILES. OWNER, E. 85b4. p s. Real estate brokers recognised. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. f.J. - hnnmlnv with all bultt Jn convcnlen.es. Including hardwood iinnn f ir.. luce, full cement bawment. electric light fixture., ln.urance- f or 1 v-ars paid In advance, etc. Price $;12..U, $3i down and : per month, including interest at 7 per cent. You assume no mortgage. Buy direct from owner on con tract and save commission. Bungalow 47th and Division streets. THE BI"N'iALuV COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Oimiuerce. Main 32S. OWNER LEFT THE. CITY. Bungalow home of Carl ;ray. Jr.. for sale account hla removui Eaa-t. It Is a model hornet In lerfert condition: shade trees. floers, gaing'-, hatd-surfaco street and hue homes around. llou-e 1. beau tifully finished, compleie. and has a royal view of two rivers ami three mountains. The view- porch I. glassed In and ha. tireplace. One block from Weslover Ter race car and three from Thurmna-st. car. Lot TJxluo. If vou want a "Jewel" of a home and -'well set" let me show you this. P. It. VAN NICE. 7 Selling 'Vide. ROSE CITY TARK, DISTRICT. NEW BUNGALOW 3 ROOMS. $.K0 down buys this modern bungalow, with furnace, f Irepia.-e. bookcase., built in wardrobe, laundry tubs, close to car; extra large lot. 0ixH' leet: price 3ov't. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212 Selling Bldg. Phone Main 1m)0 or A 261. $-l.i.u Ilul.LADAY PARK, home. new. and one of tne nest in eiiner iivn.n.o.. or llolladav: IMOxloo corner, facing east and south, plenty of shrubbery and law ft and native trees; all big rooms; plenty of porch room; 2 bathrooms, four toilets. 4 lavatories. S flrep laces, fine Interior finish, liigli-clas. wa.l covering.: a feign class home and you deal with tho owner direct. A im. Oregonlan. that Vacant lot. WHY NOI TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? Wl3 WILL H'KNIMI r"t MONK ft'. BUILD 'APARTMENTS. RHSI DENCE. OR ANYTHING. PLANS FliEB WE ARE RESPONSHILE. WE KNOW. HOW. TALK. TO OCR CLIENTS. sec Oi l: WORK. WILL GIN E BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 24 ABINGTON BLDU. FREE BUNUALOW. Positively am leaving city; I have a large, strictly mouvrn 4-room bungalow, basement and street improvement In, 2 blocks from Roso City car, corner lot bv xlDo; pay owner small amount to show good fallh and rent for a limited time: then I will make you a deed, l'boua C 1. I r' you NEED $7.-.0, HEltE IT IS. 7-room modern home. The owner Is willing to sell for 7r less than he paid for It. Yes. it has hardwood floora. ftirnaco. fireplace, fixtures. Only $3"". Two block, from Hose City Park. E. 4Ulh at. Seeing Is llieving. See It. BCOTT-BKESLEY-DEANB CO.. 211-12 Ablngton Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 100x200 corner. E. Burnside. 84th and 83th sis.: lS-story concrete bungalow. 7 rooms and sleeping porch: modern in every respect: nice lawn. rose, and shrubbery, bearing fruit trees and gnrden; fine view. Bargain for $70mi. See us. U. S. MORTGAGE INVESTMENT CO, Main 241S. 512-513 Won lildg. BUNGALOW SACRIFICED. $.'.00 cash, or good secured paper., will buy a $ti:ll equity in new modern bunga low, corner lot. 1 block from car. Bal ance payable on easy terms. This 1. a positive sacrifice of $750 on the value of this property. LUEIiDKMAN.V. RULEY A CO, 913 Chamber of Commerce. SAVE YOUR RENT. TF TOlt HAVE 11100 TO T.OO IX CASH OR OWN YOUR OWN LOT. I WILL BUILD YOl'lt HOME AND FURNISH THE MONEY AND YOU CAN PAY THE BALANCE LIKE RENT. PLANS FREE. . A. l.o H IT, 415 Selling bldg. Main 013.1. IDEAL HOME. Corner KUllngsworth and Rodney its Modern 8-room house nnd fine garage; beautiful trees and grounds, lot luOxlll. Prico ono. See ll.V Rodney avenue. U. S. MORTGAGE INVESTMENT CO, Main 24l. 512-513 Yeon ill. Ik. FoK SALE Mooern home on Marshall st. In fasht.intble Nob mil iliMric:: .2 rooms. 2 baths. 2 sleeping porches and garage; 1-it oxl'li: will sell at a sacrifice. For fiirtlier particulars apply Gerlir.ger-Rlch-ards C.. 712 Selling bitlg. I'hone Mar. 17711. A SI.Vl. WANT TO BUILD A. HOMt Money and plan, furnished. I also do the bundling. Hair some choice lots .r your selection. Interest only 7 per cent; psyments like rent. AH 373. Oregonlan iPalCULAToHS. INVESTORS. HOME LOVERS. 2VTH AND KA.-T HARRISON. $ room, modern: hollow tile construc tion: lot oSxKHi; cost sh to build; about $2ooO worth of furniture: all for $75iJ. about x- cush. Tator 4'.H0. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. 5-rooin bumtalow, fruit trees And roses. Corner .vtd avcuuo nnd With street. $l..o. easy tertiis. U. d- MOKTOAOE A INVESTMENT CO, Jlain4is:&li:-51J Yeou Bldg. POKTLAN'D HEKlHTri" BARGAIN. Cosy modern l.ung.ilow. on ctrline, walk tna- distance. M I iK lot. splonUid view, ex clusive neiKhborhood; 5s2-v; terms $3iu cash and per month. Marshall It HOOK E. A SMI". 70(H) I.i hern 1 terms or will consider small er houw or n -siory nuxjem &unnysiue home with well-kept r round and frutt. Cosi.er of East 31st and Snlmnn. U. S. M 'liTtJAOE A INVESTMENT CO M.iin 1'41. 51J-01.1 Yeon Hlds. jni'r. o ROSE CITY l'nj:ai . cIo to car. st rooms, .ill built-in cor v-uinces. tnor oiishlv :ndern. to see this honi you will convln-d to buy at once. Write mc. R itW. m;onian. Cl-IEN'T has .".-riH.m hous. modern, bath. plumbina. connected to sewer, paid ; sur face s; reels nnd sidewslks in. Hj says sell. Vake us an offer. Butterworth fcitepheron C.. Couch bldC- SEE 1321 RrDNKT AVE. East facin. ,V1"K and alley; B-room, 2 story, modern. Some snap nt $:.'00. U. S. M KTiAUE & INVESTMENT CO Matn .l:'Oia Yeon ildg. PEST HCY IN IRVINGTON. S-rom molern house. with cara-re; choice corner. 2 Mock, west of Tennis Club. 9 attto. terms. Jii.hr! in nil street Improvement... 0. (reK(nian; $42' Modem Rose City Park 11,-story bun Kn low. A rooms, lrenuttful east view. Consider (foil lot as f-ri payment. U. S. MORTCAiiK INVESTMENT CO, Main 2IS. 51U-aEI Yeou Hide. Do you want a home on southern slope Council Crest, with lots and small cot tage, chiekeua, for 14:.o? Y'ou can ouy It with SlaO. and baL like rent- J. F. Hsdlev. 51 Braiding bldg. jlT.e. NEAT 4 -room bungaio-.v. 7.'.xlo0 lot. fruit, berries and garden, close to car and scnool. Terms. Might take well located clear lot. Seneca C. Beach aY Co.. 112 Fire: st. Main 444. A 1044. 2T. H-YVN t'i'.TlOli 2.- IKWN. 4-riKim. plastered; wire fence; S14CHV. $.'5 down. SIJ- month, s per cent. Smith Wagoner Co.. Slock Exchange. MODERN 0-room residence on cor ner. SOr.Vi. near Washington High Schoc'.: nrlc bo'.ow value, out owner will sell. J 41'm. or?gonla!i. 3000 MODERN ft-room residence, on cor ner fyns..o. walking distance on East Stark st. Owner. I'hone East -H9T. STRICTLY mo.lern S-rcom house In In Ing lon; on Ilioadr.Ry c.rllne. .".77 K. 24th at. N r'h. rh me owner. Woodtawn 2rt.to. MoLll.RN liome bullt-ln effects: laan: want to leave: H-l".'; terms. Owner. 1 IN.; East l.Mh st. North. AHerta car. t iTTT.Tc. home, furniture and piano included If wanted; excellent condition. flfOO. Tabor 1433. Tills RUXDAT OHEGOMA!f, romXAXD. DECEMBER 7. 1913. RKAL TATK. lor bale -Houses, HAWTHORNE NOB HILL DISTRICT. AN XMAS GIFT. Tho flrat parties seeing thi. noma win buy it. A brand new. all modern, d-room house with lot 0O.10O, .located beautifully, with a view and surrounding, unsurpassed, on paved street. This house Is bulit for comfort and Joy. Living-room lx-o. wltn cosy fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases, dining room lssuo, built-in buffet, serving tablos anil rhlna closet: all of the finest materials possible. Kitchen that has every con venience and labor-saving devices, wltn bullt-ln cooling box. colls of '-old water keeping temperature wanted. Full cement , ' -. . .... -.'... ..a i.Mr.lr' laiKtt UHS'inlll. nrl'HB a..... - ' I sleeping room., welt ventilated. Large sleeping-room or den on lower iiwoi. Linen and clothe, closet.. Fine big sleep ing porch. Decoration and fixtures to please purchaser. Plenty ol room for garage. PRICK. $.V.nO; TERMS. Not a finer home in this district lor S6500. T. A. SUTHERLAND-. OWNER, 1CM Hawthorr.e. m TABOR 2'H" OK TABOR M. SEE THIS SUNDAY. BETWEEN 12 AND S. Five-room house, modern plumb ing, clo.e In and cloae to Haw thorne carllne: lot .Vixl02: the street la paved and the price of $2.".u0 la right; tho term, are easy: only I2o0 cash; If you haven't $2i cash come see It anyway. We are going to sell It Sundav. Why? It's close In and the price 1. right. 84S Ea.t S7lh Street. W. A. BARNES CO.. 404-5 Lewi. Bldg., 4th and Oak Eta. Main 2081. IF YOU WANT A HOUSE YOU WILL BUY " THIS ONE. Ono eight-room house located In the Esst SMe bon ton district on 5tth and Hawthorne, overlooking the whole city. This house has hri;e living-room and dlnlnr-room with hardwood floors, built in buff-t and bookcases, nice largo flre- plnce. large Dutch kitchen with all up-to-date cabinets, two large bedroom, down stairs, one of which could be u.ed for a breakfast-room; thr largo bedroom up stair., one of which can be used for sleeping porch: large bathroom, cemnt humnt with InumlrT trav. and furnace. on :.0xl20 lot. Price Itono. term. I.'.OO cash, balance to suit. Also ono seven room house in the same location at the same price. See owner. T. W. Nordby, 702 Couch bl.lg. BUNGALOW BARGAIN BUNGALOW New. modem, 5-room bungalow, only one block of Hawthorne csr, on hard surface street; lot .".OlloO. This place has Just been com pleted and wilt appeal to anyone looking for a nice. wel1-hillt little home with hardwood floor., fire place, etc. can arrange terms to suit; price $3000. F. K. TATLOR CO.. Ground Floor Henry HulMlng. -ROOM BUNGALOW 42d and Weldler Sts. T?WW Easy term. Fireplace,"" Dutch kitchen, piped for furnace; cement basement; shade and fixtures: 2 blocks to Rose City and Beaumont canines. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. MS Board of Trade. 4th and Oak. A BARGAIN On Prnwn St.. close to Union are. and Kllllngworth St.. good 7-room house; built years; cement base ment, etc.; owner must dlsposo of this house at once. Will sell for jrjoo; terms. Seo Geo. P. Henry. 32U Henry bldg. ARE TOr PAYING RENT? If so buy this 4-room cottage. 40 xlim lot. two blocks from car; prlco $1250; !2.- cash and $10 and In terest monthly. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 33. 102 Fourth SL A 3500. 1500 275 VCW RI-NGALOW SACRIFICED. Cash. Terms. Fits rooms, modern, corner lot oOxino. nsf ronf flreDlai e and bookcases, buffet, l.t.teH kitetien wnnii lift full basement sml Itrri. attic: window shades and full screens. One block to M-V car. A sacrl tlce of $7.-.. See owners 113 E. Cist St North, corner Flanders BTAP' l.ooir AD LISTEN! Here is a bargain. One 4-loom. strict I. knn,.l.iw with all bullt-ln con i-.nt.nr,. nnl 'a Holmes disappearing bed in the dining-room, making the house equal to a 5-room house. Cement side walks In front and all paid for. No In ,.l.r.nr., Price $1511. ThtS IS tw Mocks from the Rose City carlln". Terms, 5i down. Inl inre to suit. See owner. W. Nordby. "02 Couch bldg. vi-C-T VlllR linMrl An 11-room house with grand view of entire city: upper part of house rented for t-. -. nr m.. - one block from fr and a atreet Improvements completed and paid anvnn wuntlmr a fine home w-tth an In come should be pleased with this prop erty: one-half cash, balance easy terms. See Mr. Johnston. Realty i'ept. or HARTMAN THOMPSON Ri-EBYTHINn fOM PTa KTR V AID FOR 5-ronm mMlrn IutibIovt wilh room for 2 more roomi, full cement banement with cement noor, itomi omw. nruuiv u k., ut. in viriT-board. Iutrh kitchen hanl Btirfure utreM all paid; This la Jut t i.irtr-w fmm Hawthorre ave.. In fine nelKhborhood. Trice -(.-. tuny Icrms. 2-13 f-t ark St. KvMt AlaK IMetm'nt Park. b-nt houne In thin nectlon. had rooms. r-fepti'n hail, btlliarrt-room. l.ar.wod ftoorn. full baiw ment and attic, lot 63x1:7. with saraire. fruit treeii beautiful fl-iwera and lawn. If you want a home. nmo anl thla. an I nm Kn.njr to comi-ietcly fur nished. .m-I-MIn; 2 fine cows V: furnished. 500ir; -imy tfrmn. Rod ney ae. Phone Wovdlaw n t-?1. A SNAP. R-room buncalow, 4 blocks from carllne. This Is Just binsr finished, is modern In everv wav and worth more money. Price. K'4-hi; cash, $-0 per month. Includ Inr Interest. KI PPER IH-MPHRT. 212-1.1:1 Chamber of 'ommerce. $ism EAritnieHi usr eqcit for j .um, cssh. Here is a aenutne bargain, an e.Kht-r.H.m and eleepinir-porch strictly modern hunailow. eleicint inside llnlsh. w a,..rv .-nnvenlence. Just opl-oslte I-artd j-nrk. Owner Koin away. Wulcit action j Ai OH H A A I3. 3Q OF.RMNOER T-LP. . ..... t. a ...room nouse on . iiw-iiin ..... ....v. nn.t ess and electricity, base- merit: on' Kmerson St.: cash, balance .rrPt. If vou wain a nome mean e. th'"" nwvmiin n.nMPON 2oJ..". Selling lildg. KL UVISHEU" HOlTlI'AT PARK HOME, lleatitlful two-storv and attic, with all 1 i...r.i-.mHnlii lot .".Ot.100. on cor- sii in.Drovements paid for; furnltora Included. I' c'.. I' OODDA K D tMKPKICK. 243 Stark St. inn ixTO'N. s n. bath and toilet: full basement, lawn. On Fast Kellv nearih re. iortoAc;f: investment co. PHICK lt00. Main 2418. 3I2-61S Twin Bide. riv p m .no K New modern 6-room bungalow; 'Ire place, bookcases, large buffet, oak floors, shades srd futures; view of city snd river: $H2.-.a: terms. Overlook Land Co., 214 Com. Club bldg. DO Y'Of WANT A HOME? We draw the plans, build the house, furnish the money: easy pnvrr.ents: low Interest. If you wsnt It GOOD see us. Hutterworth-Stephenson Co., Couch bldg., 4th. near. Washington. A HESPONPiriLB PARTY- Can hue. on terms like rent, a moderw fl-room house on Multnomah near E. 24th. Price $lt7.".n. V 8 MORTfiAGE INVESTMENT CO, Main 241 S. 612-513 Yeon Hl.ig. SACRIFICE SALE. Beautiful modern five. room bungalow; close to car: paved street: good neigh borhood: If sold soon will sell cheap. 117 Vast 21st st. North. Alberta car. Owner. 1RVISOTOX. For sale fl-room house, thoroughly mod ern, near 'lrvlngton club; price .a-Ki; all asssssmenls paid. Owner. Kast lisJO. IKVINGTON'8 HKST Bl'Y. B-room home, complete. 4l'x: every icxlern convenience: a bargain price. owner. AL r.Sfi. Oregonlan. u-l. K.a a terrain tn a n-room bungal close to car. The Westlyn Trust Co. 504 Rroadway bldg. .--. r.nve-V and 10 monthly, buya modern ".Vroom house; will give motorcycle free to buyer. M S74. Oregonlan NKW. modern nine-room rouse in iaiurci burst. fboaa -ior. Cut 2152. nKAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 92 PACIFIC ST. ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF SANDY BLVD, NEAR EAST 30TU ST. N. Five-room modern bungalow: fire place, bufirt. Dutch kitchen, etc.; lot SoxIihi. I'rlce reduce.l from $.i.."0 to .iisxi. Terms of $3" cash will handle this. will be open lor In spection today between 2:3d and 4.au I". M. This Is a real buy and close In. See It today or by appointment Monday. W. A. BARNES CO, 404-3 Lewis Bldg, 4th snd Oak Sts. Main 2usl. . IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 100 FEET FROM BROADWAY Wr are authorised to sell thla modern 6-room house with sleep ing porch, full lot SOx'.'-O feet, this house has never been occu pied. Price 5-0 below the actual market value, and will take a good lot or lots as part payment. If you are looking for a bargain, seo us. K. E. TATLOR CO, Ground Floor Henry Building. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $2300. Hardwood floors, fireplace cement restricted district, paving all ine from butlneie center. Terms. $3o0 caj balance small monthly payments. Interested In such a proposition, drop line to S 644. Oregonlan. l., . , uai u- HV OWNER. A beautiful 5-room bungalow located on .fc- wear lilDi OI All. ia.'Ol. un ....... . near Hawthorne, overlooking the city. This has one large front room with tire- i I...IH-I.. hookcases. large dining- r' . ,.v I...U..I. horTel DlltCll kitchen. two large bedrooms and bathroom, large closets, "cement basement with ndr trays, largo porch, hardwood floors In frSuT room and .hnlng-roora. up-to-date .,v wav. Price -""0. terms ;! cash, balance to suit. Couch bldg. T. W. Nordby. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. North lrvlngton. 6-mom modern Jo"' low. almost new. fireplace, paneled lining room. Dutch kitchen, full basement t so bedrooms and large attic and vemhln mod-rn and up-to-date, fine large fi1"'1' lot 50xl. rloso to lrvlngton car; hard surface street, splendid view; price only $27o. $250 cash. t- DF. YOCNG CO, r.14 Chamber of Commerce. ilAWTIIOl'.NK DISTiUCT. 6-rooill new modern bungsl-w. ab-olute. Iv the swellest and cixapest home in Portland: you ran t do belter; everything complete, light, fixtures and shades; I am owner and builder: If you will Just phone me I will tell you all nbout this one and many more new homes l am .ulldlnc. Phone J. W. MeFadden owner and builder. Tabor 344S or H 244a. Home Sunday. , FOR S ALB. House, lim Tsggart at, Richmond dis trict ; I built this house to live In; street work all In; all ass-sstnenis paid: go out and look at It: If lntcrrtc.'. write J. E. CROWE, owner. Hotel Marlon. Sal-m. Or. A FINE HOME CHEAP B-autlful hi me, one block from Ana-w-i u...,i,n ii ...itt car A rooms, cement ,n.e i ' modern bathroom. electric lishts. lot P'xUH), fruit, rose, and ber I'snis. i .j w- . , n,ovo and ... .,. worth 12IO0: youra for 105. OOI,UAnn A WIEDR1CK. 243 Stark St. T.t rmtOVT rnnHern. home. OI QUBrter Mock facing south and east, corner Williams ave. and Jarreti; every ihooc. . ence. Prlco J7..0'). H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 40t Wilcox Bldg. M. ii9. A 2iS. tii'n s"ftn. CASH. Two good lots. 4 by 10 feet each, with alley; 1', block, from Mount Scott carllne. near Gra). crossing: good plas tered house of 7 rooms and bath: good barn, lots fenced; a .nap; $2"0 cash, bal anco $13 per month. KAUFFMANN 4- MOORE. 525 Lumber Exchange FINE, modern 5-room bungalow, iur..avr and built-in t.uii.ii. mi. e....... . located only ', block from Haw 'borne car line This Is a fine home and worm mora money: $uh.O buy. it on very easy term, or we may accept a clear lot as part Pvmn,EIt HrMl.my. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. : GOOD TIME TO RI'H.D .... ......... .... I. v l'Tl f.NT WHY NOT DEAL WITH RESPONSIBLE FIRM YVHO CAN FURNISH TIIK MONEY . E S Y PA YM KN'TH. W E H A E I N K IT tot MANY IHERS. WHY N''T I'.'R YOI ? TAYLOR BUILDING t O, M KAY Bl.IXJ 5-hu $30 CASH. $20 PER MONTH. Splendid r.-room modern bungalow; full e.,..eni..l basement: moil car service; Drico. $17ai. is a snap. Srj-Sl1 t hambs-r of t'onnnerco mug. . 711 1 iimivc. iii"itr:. 1 arM corner 1 J-room house, built for owner's home; only best material used 1..J1HI.. finished and very modern '7 ."" L... ..:.a rlnu. etc. Price very reasonsble with good trma Kull Informa tion at office. Zimmerman. ils I.oard o. Trade, bldtf ; 7-x I.. v" ivrMTi: SNAP 8T X nlon ave. N-, 7 rooms, full mnt baUment. batlu '"t 5C.100;. procments pa?! for; lot orh..S'"; ; KuIl.llnT worth 1..00. Price J-0l. all OUPDA1ID & WIKUHICH 43 Stark .st. 11 . u rililllVE DISTIUCT. - i.it. from car. " extra larse cninr i.orch. evervtluii .trl'tlr first-class and all for 111" and "ir'.a.y VJcYt,?. e Mr. Huss. ll. of Really DCPtHARTMAN A THOMPSON ' i.vL'f Til .V ! laa s-nu riMnd new S-rom lunga.ow. cor al.t and Kil u . v.. f..r tmmcdlnte sale; inn am KDlitf 10 -'i'""' .-.. this s no fake ad snd It will pay vou to see hi. before buying elsewhere; prir. L-So. ttwner.Jvast I'Hia. Woodlown i. ......r iMiicri iiI'liK Who will give me J.v.i. for ray ..-- eoulty tn beautiful suburban homer Must IhI this week: elOs will handle: most .1 irt.l. location, near Portland lor river view home AT Oregonlan. n-. t vtt i.ir.K d rooms, modern, near - '' ... '....anlanca. hard Surface. till pro-vemen,.....J paid; will ..K. 1- thn.1 coat in .ii"llr' .. r.,. terms. o f.m. t'rcgonian. ... .i-rii 1.- Itilt-St-: KOIt ."..M0. l"roonis. 7 rooms In earh part: strictly walks and cur. Hi and i.l ,1 f .r JAl'lIll HAAS. HKKI.IN'.KIt BI.1M. ...la-n- 7..T1 H 111 .1KII.-S ...- , SAVK RKNT M.lNKV. Tnml.ii.il bungalow. Insured si. .no .era 2 blocks station. C-ccnt fare. Kl bargain. I .-.. Ka-y ternia I.ll'.y. MA Selling bldlT Geo. Tt vi'irn v Tt 1 cn A I V aa- modern: location Ideal, up to standard of best lrvlngton houses. SaaOO: terms. NF.ll.AN AY PARKHII.U EOS STOCK K.XCHANOE HI-PC.. '" iio-.n"nTl gft2Sn Modern 5-room bungalow and sleeping THvrrh on Weldler near 2:h. lOOgliw or ul.lORTOAGE Y INVESTMENT CO, Main 241H: B12-6IS Yeon Bldg. FINE S-room lrvlngton Bungalow, lust com- r ' - . ... . i..a llvlia. roo tn . I.Iete.l: oaa i.oo.a. .-.. a -- break fast -room; all conveniences; a snap at Jo.'."": terms. Owner, J45 S lain St. . ESSt l'.". lli0 BUYS splendid home: 3'0 down; bsl ance to suit; artesian water In house: fine -bottom laud, tear Auburn c.rshots- I a -clfic highway and Seatlle-Tacoma Inter nrban. H. perkmnnn. Algora. Wash. RESIDENCE FOR SALE. New modern cottage. rooms. n,, J--53.1 north, near Vernon bchooL Mala 4.ns or m Woodlawn 2.'.21. IHV1NUTON SNAP Charming Dutch colo- IH. I.... - ...... . ii Lriii.- hI.I ll .1 II I , wen OUI.l. sen - J - take Irvlngum lot part payment. Mal M'7S. 1RV home modern s-room house, full ase meei oak floors, just coinp'.ct.sl and up to date: price :.r.l: terms. F. I'.th N. Phone East SW. Owner. r.iu "-ROOM house and lot aOxl". IIHOO: SVi blocks from car: cement walks and curbs; -ai-a tir.nu- S.'.oo cash. Owner, :4 rail Ing bldg.. 3d and Washington sts. . i rrcl I. T - room house, corner lot .'..I k.aiVM.i floors Karaite, everything uo i" date. I'hone owner. Woodlawn I2.".". a. room house, BnxlO" lot. on carllne. cheap for casn; will trade for Clarke County acreage. Address K Sir.', oregonlan. FOR SAI.1C 1 lot end 3-room house, on Mt. Scott line, near Firlnnd station; 1700 caau. Inquiry for terms, xaoor ewui. KF.A L KwT iTK For Sale Houses. NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW PRICE ONLY $2230 GROUND 81x100. Fireplace. modern plumbing, three short blocks from Woodstock car: ou will hot do any more ct aslrg for property If you would like big piece o: ground wrier you can have garden and chickens. Term, sion tash; we would like more. You'll buy It It you see It Yod'H have to hurry., we can't se.l this to but one party. W. A. BARNES CO, 404-3 Lewi. Ild., 4th and Oak Sts. Main 2CM. WHY IS IT? that you pass up home only 12 minutes out and co to the er.d of the line snd pay more money for les good.? Now be reasonable. Think of It. liere Is a 6-room moncrn houe on a comer, street Improvements nnd sewer In and paid for: price $l'.5ci; small j.avment doeu. balance $10 per month; with only ti per cent Interest. Y'ou have sense; now use 11. See this today, tomorrow, any time. Don't buv It If you can do letter c.scwhere. Seilwood car to Mall street, then go two blo.-ks west. I'sivr, sn E. 'h st. 1U75 ALI'.ERTA DlSTRKrT $1973. KXCLI'SIVK BARGAIN. 107.1 E. 25TI1 ST. NORTH.. New. inoilvni .-.-room bunga:ow, Dutch klt.-hen, r.anel dining-room, eh-trle f'x tures. built-in effects, enameled bath, full basement with cement floor, rooms tinted, other features: excellent neighborhood. close to schools, store", churches, etc.; It's the best buy In this town: price $175. terms. See tins today. Aiberla car to 2."th then Hi block north. lo7t E. 25th at. North. HAVE two housea that have to be sold this week; one 4 and one 5 rooms; all modern conv. mence.; both have east front, wilh i-ig porches atl'i good view of mount n ins ; $2d a month for the 4-room and $25 a mouth for the 5-room; th.s Incluii.s In ter. f sidewalk. In nnd paid for, good home for the man of llttlo money. Last 2.-4". Is-HooM lions- thoroughly modern, bath, tol.ct. fu.l-slre basement, laundry tras. lot 1"mi. to sell or exchange for acre age, doie to I'orilnrid or some pJO-1 town on in. am or el-cirlc line; prlco ".'e"; lit tle to l.a n.-isiim. .1. Mrs. It. Jeffries. 1H2 Burrait- st. Wo-.dlawn 11MI. WE will bu!M you a house on your lot or furnish the lot; you can pay tor n on easy terms; come In and talk It over with SCOTT-BEESLEY-DEANE CO. 211-12 Ablngton Bldg lor salt Business l'laccw. IF yoa iiav.- to.l mo.i.-rn rc. deuce, well located. tiso or ..imi, vvotth ll.e price, cicar. and a f.-w ttionsand dollars cash. e ... Let ,i,le I, H'OllOO CorilCr. 3 bi' SS Grim. I ave. and Morri&on st. Marshall llll... Hecker, .127 Lumber Excl.alige. IMPROVED buslnts. b.uck This property is in a district wr.n a greai iu.u.t;. now paying 12 per cent on tne price 1 ask. $12.iei. t'hone c a-.-. -Ti--VkVT U lNTKU. - Build to suit on Wet or Last Side. 10 per cent proposition, con'aidered. AE oiegoiuan. alol'EKN h-room house and 4-.UIIO fiat, on corm-i. 2 lots. '0" handles luia baigaiu. Oviiier. Woou.awu lo-'.l. " or ale Acreage. DANDY LlTiLii FARM. Fully storked and Equipped. 13 acres. : acr. s in cultivation. 40 Irul. tree. 4 year, old, nil kinds of berries, kule. cabbasav. hay. etc.: 5-rooin house and barn. 5 aci.a of this is very best of bot tom land, balance is rich loam, only -a. ics lh.it ute not. tillable; line spilui; of water close to l.ousc. a crecst that runs the year round foiin. one boundary ot ttie plaC. TtlC following gO. W It U the place; Horse. Walton. harnes.. pio s. barrow mot ..II n.-c. s.ary tools, all new lust t-pruii.-. Vou coiii'i look all over Ore gon and not Una a better place than tins. 2tv nul. s from l ortlaud. 2 mile, from -..i- i a,,..,,. on account of family reasons oivn. r wishes to sell. Price 2ai and will lake a ..-room b.i.Balow in I ort laii.l. ci. ..r of iiicuinbiancc, not to exceed SaOOH. balance vaa tun ut S per cent t O-Ol'KllAT 1VE REALTY CO, .'.02 Dckum Bl lg. " ..v ivh viM't r u.vNc'H. 14 l-'a acres hillside land tgentle southern sloie lo atcd only -2 mii. s from Portland, within 1 mile ot g.n-J town and best auto road out of 1 ort- land; flag station ini.- . "'"'' spring. ;u full bearing applo trres; acr-s scedeu; foi.e-d: in g 'd lieisiib.-rtoood near large creamer) ; line soil and .eas clearl.it. price luu ,er acre. -? ..a.-l not refuse any reasonable casn UaiLl'F.I)Ui:M ANN. BL-I.ET & CO.. V13 Chamber of Commerce. SIX. AUIU.-. Hood River. 1 '"" ctaee North Fork Hood Liver with wagon bn.Ue rn io-l on p.ace. .. . i n . I, n.itic fircli.iri.s t.oi torn. .'olnlni;. no in. uml.rar.ee: 3oo spot .-ash. title soo.l. ah.i.a.t to uate. direct from owner no anenls or commission Oregon la n. no trade. N li.t Al'KtS t nlnproved land, near r.oldendale. Wash. Timbered. ru.mi.iB water, vheap hou se would excla:.rc for "r,lnn,'.',",r'" t, euual value; n.. ir.cumbi ance ; alaperacte. KiltlU C. K1.M-. 314 M.ald.ng Hl.ig.. Tlnrd and U aah.iigton. a7 ACitKS. S- cultivat.i. goou a-o.o 3S mllca from station, so PoVtiand; good It. It., also boat landing, worth eli.V'O. on account tinaliclal clrcuni stame. will sell for V-""" ba'an.e mortgage on property. Chamber of Commerce. .U Al 14--. I miles """'", - ,,,,o . .. . . -.. ..S V:.nc.uver. Wn.li.. 1"U Corns ,i". " -J . l acres. 11, n.ll-a from lal.-ground. ''rhese can be handled on easy terms. J. It. HAIGHT. llutler lildg., Vancouver, Wash. CHOI" H 40 acres, gA-cond-growth land i! acres cl'.rc.l. l a'.a.ice easy clearing ; f ne acres ciearun. i o.- -- i,.ic i.. i.v.,i v u. milfti from mlO' K, .. k-5 an acre. 3ou on . . . ...b l.nlBOCA oil time to BUll. Leonard at I'et. rsen. V Inlock. Washington. 4 Ml ACKK.S. nil In culliviiti"0 aim "-""- plow land. lair i.uii.miivi- . T ' , of Allcrta. to trnd-i lor llliim. t e a U- land or Portland property; this land has produced liii) Luslicls of outs -r i..re, !.ri.-a l-i: i-.r a.-ro. 1-1 :!. iregonian. rrr,- ..rc.v-c i.ir-rt: itARilAlN. W ill sell 'J or 4 acres, nil cultivated, no rock flna soil. This is up lor uulck sale sliiiHi an acre, half cash. Nothing like U. iot to be sold. JACOH 11AA5. Ucrllngcr Hlug- mp su.K CIIKAP. I own 14 acres i. mile from station, on electric line, perfectly level, on main county road; .will sell cheap, part cash. See or write J A. Troch. Vancouver. Wash. . SMALL TKACTri. Just what you want, reasonable and wilhl.i vour means, 1U and 'JO-arre tracts, all under cultivation. See .Mr. llohrbough. '"'Ha'rTMAN THOMPSON- FIVE acres, all In cult ival Ion. house, barn, chicken park, orchard, etc. Lady in need cf .monev will take Si',2.". for equity of S12.V. -ri0 cash, baiance easy terms. Tabor J.aiv . ACRKAC.K SNAP. 10 acres. 17 miles qui. fronting station on Saiem Electric. Jltou; terms. .Mill. AN Ar pai:kiiii.u :;o.-, HIK'K EXCHANC.E PLIwr - i .i.lik-.ilnn Vrootu house. A ' ' ' I" . -.: ..h. ..rri.ard. barn. 2 cblcken-nouses. plenty small irun; on ""-..' ;.", bargain: terms. U0 Oerllliger blug. V ood la a a ..ii, v - ACRES in Tualatin Valley. Just south " Vc.arden Ho!,,c. 2o fast trains d.lly So minutes to the city. mile to church store and school; barg-i.o in -- m- sale. 211 laimher la M und stark. h'R SAI.i; T4 A. veiy rich land, best has nice, large tract In fertile van spring:, on county roao nno ... -- a'aid place to start I uelress, as rear large b.gclng Industries. P. O. hog a.-,;ES iTTdcr cultivation, greenhouse, -c.-. i .n.i i.rJ. smail shack. 2 . 1 - . "n aleCI.'IC line! price glloo- small l ament dwu. balance ta a month. AS .VII. uregoiiian. lu ACRES on Oregon City carllne. Clacka- level and very desirable: bargain, cash and terms. A K ..4. oregollinu. 14 A' RES Close in. rmlil at station, on e;-ctrlc l'lne: rood creek. j lenH of wood: price 31j aa acre, terms m u.v. Ore.'Onlan. 1 - sCFlHsl river bottom, tl room nous", nm ii. fruit; 1-4 mne to town. bal.. own terms. Box "J. Castle Rock. Wash. HTci-'ST snap In Clarke County; 40 acrea of good soil. Jl acres cleared; price J500; $liiui down. See oancr. ruS W. 5th st-. Vancouver. Wash. 1 ACRES cultivated land, on Oregon Elec . trie; first-class garden land: price fiZi. See Mr. Oliver. 2'l Falling bldg. EKJIlT acrea near Mllwaukle. cheap- also J..mc, E. Ankeny; snap. AG 511. Orego '.an. - 2o' ACRES, price 1120.1. 400 below value, m.ist have money, owner. AF .167. Ore gonlan. . BARGAIN In real estate for cash 24acres within one mi.e nase '-i 1 1 '"---acre, iVro. A. is ox and. iJorlns, Or, HEAL ISTATE. Foc Sa I r Acreage. CHICKEN!. HOO OR DAIRY RANCHES FRUIT. BERRY OR VEGETABLE FARMS 5-10-2O-40-ACRE TRACTS SCAPPOOSE ACRJCS NEAR 1"OrJ i.ivn ta oieallv sdiiMnl for any of tne above purpose 2K-o acres divided in, tract, anv sue to suit from 4 acres up. at price ranging trom to pt acre Terms lo per cent down and ai yesr. In which to pay balance. 1 Kallroad through the land. plenty water everywhere and no rocks: soil can not bo excelled; g.wvt gravel roads; and) Is easllv cleared: district s hool anj s.ore, on property. If ou are luok.ns j"r. I nice home In a good community, and aso , an Investment mat will make you some. money, investlgaie k- ai i '-oc v Should vu run short of fun-'s ou can go to work In large logging camp ''"t on this property at wages ranging 2.5 up. Call or write for des-rlptlve literature, or ask for represeniai.v e csil on vou at home evenings. Phone MLUEUDEMANN. RULEY & CO. P13 Chamber of Commerce. COMING SOON. Electric cars are to be running on the FOURTH STREET LINK by January 13. These will give fine service for the suburban hnme dweller. Our West side acre tra.-t. lying along both sides of this lino with mountain water under pres sure available: stores. schools, graded roads, streets with si.ie waiks and other conveniences should appeal to the man who prefers an acre :to to 1.3'mlnutea out to a 5ox li lot for a home. The prl.-es. $"50 to .V'0 per acre, on terms like rent, place them within reach of evervone. Thev are sure to lr. r.-aso In value. Let lis tell you more about thern. TI1E SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, A 8300. . 102 Fourth St, Main 3a. mm DEEP SOIL. The best opportunity to bur r'rh land nt the remarkable low price of $15 to ::o per acre and easy terms: offers to.lny the Gravs Haroor district with Al.erd.-eii and Hoqulam. two of the most rapi llv-prow-lnr cities on the Picifio Coast with three transcontinental raliroaus. a M''""-" , I.,rh.ir and the largest lumber In dustrv In the world. T.'to lallil Is locatt.l within a ra.llus of B to 12 miles from Aberdeen. where labor conditions are most favorable and Is well watered, free from rocks and accessible by good mad. Over Phi satisfied settlers live on tl" land now: avoid delay and buy now. For further Information, write at once to WASHINGTON STATE" COLONIZA TION CO, ABERDEEN. WASH. FINK COl'NTRT HOME. Two acre, on Taylors ivrry road. 5 miles from Washington street and on -int csrline; lumc T-r-...m plastered - . . ' ' 1 , r- ate (in. hfarinc or- cl.ard. lots of shrubbery and batics. fine windmill. gd spring, barn anil other buildings: this Is ..rw of the flnst coun try homes In Portland and easily worth i-'eM'o. hut cvner must scil this w.-ek end is offering It at ::si..i. cash handles It. lluriy If you want tii's IK Yil.Nl CO.. r.14 rhamb.-r of Commerce. Sl'K.'l AL ATTKNTK'N. I", acres. 14 m'.Vs to Lewis River. . miles from W. -o.i. and; 1.'. acr.-i. in culti vation: ""..room house on cor.creie foun dation; a'so r.-ro..m houe in fair e,.n.ll t:u; bas large barn, splendid family til cl.srd. feni-cd and near the county r..ad: has all stock and Implements; 12 tors of I: av and con.;dernb: grain; pr!-e. ctery tMtig l.iclu.i.- l. only r.;.ci: a ill sell ..ri t-rms or eschang for good bunga.ow of same vain-. t'Ol.l MliIA TRl'ST COM PA NT. SIS Hour. I of Trade HulMlng. 10 AfRES-H AN" ACRK. lSjo ncres on Xehslem Itlver. All burned over land and easily cleared. Only s an n.-re. Half cash, bal nn. o all the time you a a.it. POIlll K. KKASEY A rn, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. Tiv.i Hi.ACItK TRACTS. tdesllt- locale." onlv 1' miles from Ptark St., on good road and In fire lo cality, near Tualatin Hiver. Small stream on land and ri. h l.'a. k loam soil: nl' growth of Alder trees, vvhl. n assures easy clearing: sultal-l" for any kind "f farm ing or splendid country h e sile; can b reached by l.n.n. h. Your choice, of enher tract for tl : lr a. re; .,.l cajli. balance long easv t. rrn. tl per cent. UEPIiKM ANN. Rl't.KV CO.. ;i!3 i haml.er ot Commerce. 3 ACRES. Splendid tract adjoining ei4v limits, all in cultivation, good house, l.arn. chlcken hous. . 1 horse. c..w. 41 he-is ithorough-br.-.isi. wagon, buggy', pb-w and smai.l tuols. all lor T".."..si; this is a snap and can be had on easy terms or will con sider close hoiio as part pa ment. Kl'I'l'KI! A Ili'MPHRV. 212-21.1 Cnamber of Con.nierco It'.ds. l-.I I, -I." I--V IIANi'H Of one acre loeated one-inl: mile north of tllibcrt Station on t. W. 1 electric line, it. t beyond l.ents. 1 ' It I ' K I11MHI .ie CASH Balance In monthly payment" of 15. Including Interest: i..w, plasiered bungn- na- f -. rw.ni. -b tc k II - lloll le and Well; well settled neighborhood, .lose, to school and store. KAI'FFMAN'N M.ior.E. HJ". Lumber Kw!ianc,e. FDR siiimvisiov. Immigration following opening of the catial will create a demand for good Innd. I have a large tract capable i.r irrigation on river and rail transportation contain ing lAwn.nn nronos.tion at a aa--nfice Drice of 1". an lo re. Tlie best, offering In the Pacific Northwest. AV t'.7.r. Oregonian. Terms. Owner. u ACP.E. HAl.l'EN HoMli. pn,n v ..i Si.!.: siil.Lir:.. on tho finest electric road in the stale, beautiful halt nee fae-'S on street near station and s.o-.i. The pri TMs it IS oniy Itl'Mr and i e'liiii ab-iit to tllil lotS. one of slii' h I h. tne Kast S!-!e e o '. A. RI.'FK. S'--'. ilisiance out on ,t . ost tnat: sl.'ei cash, -haniber of '.'tiim.-rce. i-I ECi'iUC l.lNi-1, ei-ht 1 locks of siation; thicken anl ln.it lanch-s near Portland: new sul'.ln i-io i li. .'-' "iics'iain: .. acres lli.i t.-.i-. s;.-i'- s acres. "aio .'i; 1 a- res. Su."'. l'-'-o l-i-r traci: best sill, fre-s T.O...I, sol i. in .vater; ucr.-age at tk-appooee, r.. 2.. S It" l - r a re Fl'.ANK M t Al'l ANU REAI.TS -0.. Oo; Y'e m bldg.. Port iand. 5 A'"Tk.S ONlTvTlO'lU. On new S. P. electric, close to station. 11c fare. o.. nilnui. s rid.-: a apindid tn ......n,., ..r v, .burl, an home, ituv while tho Ice Is right. Terms. 50 uown aud IJo a month. THE ATCHISMN-ALLEX C '.. 210 tjerlinger bi.ig.. '-'d and Alder sts. 10-ACltK bearing prune orehnrd. ill fine condition, on -.-iinou umii., ..u.u.. . Wa.Hli.; SUimi can be realized Irom this place next year: cheap, cash aud terms. A K. osi. IPregoIllutl. 1 1 imiol cad. lluMHsl'BAl' re'.inUihnienl lor aaie; -u liiliea up tn- Co uiiibla liner, ores aiue. .. cords of wood on ill land good; no ro. k nor -grav. -i : ''ine spring water; price $J"rti. l'hon-. B 22c:t. John Lowe. M East bth si.. Portland, oie. ld"-ACRl r.-lin.tusshment. 4 nil.es irom Prlnevllle. sma.i liouso anu oain. a. under cultivation, a'l acres under fence Must be d..--:o-d ot within ::0 i:ivs. Price I4.S). S. 11. Ellis. Prinevile, Or. lil.MIlSTl-lAD le!lnuuilim--nt wanted; full descripl l...a:bii. price. .-Ic. in lir.-t letter; lrora oaner only. Address O &lo. i.r.-a'-nisn. CAN locato a pany ou a go-al homestead. cl'.'S" '." Poi'.land. Phono Talr 210. Write Mr. cli.ini.ler. 1107 Itelm.int st. Ho.M ESTEAUS. near Portland, heavy tim ber, also il.inn no timber. Ceep soiL I'm-, y. l.;7 o..k. room 21. I or Nil -1 ruis I -sous. TlOOI RIVER ORCHAP.I1. Th! la bargain: 2.". acres, all well !m nroved: good buildings, 15 acr.-a oeannc orchard, spltxriihergs and New towns, plenty of fine water, on good ro.ad.41. nlles' from Hood River; price i K'.ioo- tills la ch'-ap and f:"e home, must be sold on account foreclosure; belongs to a widow; m acres mar this sold for Jj.-.,uiw short time WKIX AV OILTtERT. 112 ".Vest Sixth St., Vancouver. Washington. ll'il'D ItlVEIt BAR. IAIN, o.t acre, ail planted beat varieties, malalv Spur, and Nev. towns; 3 acres Hi lu and 12-v.-ar-n'.d trees: U acres set .n l'.MS s acres set in ll'lo; 5 miles from town on fine macadi n roa.i. , mile to church school and store. it has a centle eat sl pe b.-st for coloring apples; no letter fruit soil In the world: 2b.io lor quick sale: will sell 't- 211 Lumber Hi.. 2-1 ard Stark. FOR SALE BY' OWNER rnme orchard. In f-iil bearing: a money maker In P-eiil location. AJdress All'jn K-s-.n. A'lsnv, ores. ii. (jiM.il E.JI'ITY In 10-acre bearing or.-ha-l. 1 ml'e from Hood Klver. at a sacrifice. V .vvv tlregonlan. For Sale -Factory sites. i.irm: tcAi-Tiirtv SITE. wi'H 4C.il ft. railroad frontage, richt In the heart of St. Johrs factory district. Call Columbia SI. J. F. lillruore. 11JV Jer sey, At. Johns, RKAL ESTATE. l or Sale Farnta. STOCK RANCHES. ONLY $20 TO $ PER ACRE. $ :o per acre r.ne-scre ranch. 100 cleared; $ ;.m worth of personal property, lie: lire stock. In-p'ements. crop, furniture, etc.; 3 mile, trom sla t o-i. 12 miles from Corvaliia: .-hk csh needed to handle th.s. $ln an acre 225 acres, part cleared, near i ..r. a.l.i; 2 horses. 4 cows. 1 . i r.-1 a ca'v. s. implements, ebc; S2 casii. Id eais on balance at .'. per cei l. Better look tins up. $-,o an acre 320 acres. l'i' In cultivation. near si..; good btllliiins.: dandy pl.ne. owner wll. put in stock, tmpicme:.'.. and crops. $5vo caa-1 tl .ao a:.d any old terms on bal ance. $'20 n aci. 124 acres In Lincoln Co, or.iy ij ui. e :rom s'ation; about soo acres cleared and open; bulld ii. n not timili good: would ruaka a line slk ran- a; oaly $4SO i iii.'i srd long time on balance at per cent. The above -lo fiily samples of what have. Com" :n aiul see us. TtH-1 ATchis.jX-aLI.EN CO, 210 c.er..n" r ll:oj:, 2-1 and Alder Sts. SUNNY CALIFORNIA. 170 acies. 4 nil..s trom Red Bluff; tin roa.i : Jv acr- creek boti ':n alfa.la land balance r l::r lnl.s. line for grain: eliouh wo.,.l to piy tor ;a::d: all fenced; house and oi:t:;u:..i:rij-. This is one of tho best buys in the va.ley at JS'JcO; terms fUGcu cash. 69 acres. Irrigated: good house and barn; 12 rnilfs fi-.i.i l;. -l muff; 1 mile to scliool; Z m.i.-s to ponL'f .'ice : free water; 12 acres pvaclies. 3o a.-r.s oraii.-s. 1 ac: olives. 1 acre giap?. t acr.-s a.I-i.'a; good l.orse; cow an-i calf, clukei.s; a.l farm ing Implements; houi-e ju.nj..-.ed w.ch lino lu.-iilture. l'rico lor ail. STTuO; teru-S 2vio. ba.ance m 4 years al t per cent. 10 acres. miles from Red Bl-i'f: frcej Irrigation mi.e; liouso ter; school ai.-l p- sioiiice a :in.l ail oulbuil.l.iigi; tami- 1.! ittiiileu: cli'. horses ana waiioi. milch cow; i a. res pcacnes, 1 acres vine janl. 2 acres a.laifa. A snap at. .... terms. We have mint places for sale that ws are s. :n.ig on tne best of terms, and -can suit yoa In a h"tne. Write for out Ir.e I.Jt H. lieroert l'.e Co.. ol a.- nut st., l;.d lilui'f. Ca.ifornia. l"lt STOI 'KUAN, HEAJJ THIS. 4i acres, al least a tillable, only aliaiitlv ci inc. 1" act. s In cultivation, l.ii. acres sias.!'.-! and seeded to tame grasis and 1-iiccd; .".-room 1"S lo-use. tair ban;. uual uu'bulld.ngs. fa.r orchard tnii snia I fruits, all we!! wat.r'd with springs aid creeks, good mi:, il lagged of:, sarroiin.i e.l 1 ii;:; r.vel larni. jolr.s land Belli!. for tl.'.o to ::.".'i per acre: only i ml., s fr.mi a g".d toe. n and on a good roa.i. rri.e nlv 17 per a r and good ter:ns: its llie ch.-aj.esi ar.d best tract In tli-s slate (or ? k. it will pay you to m v..s:fc,ate th:s if you a ant something Bii.m't ferret that Gilbert's garden tracts are the lest in Clarke Count, oniy S mlb s from uncoliver. one m.le f.-oin 1 ave-i strr-ers. cnlv fl-'d per acre; ;X w.ll hand.e; lu acr. s and your oun time on the balance. Aiwas see Gilbert lor bai caiiis. E. F. ;ll-P.F.l:T. lOl Washington Sc. Vancouver. V ash. A REAL. FARM. TS ncres, sin. ion, 'J n miles from K-el. I est CUitlV.Tl l'.ii. r-ar . 1 J a . niile fr-m Ore con Kleetr'o : e f.-om S. P. st.ci'U- ard I'-o portlaii.!: land pracucally rliv I.-a n s-.l. acres in balance t.:n:-er: creek in -es ill hi-i.. h.'pvard lertsed for one yea: ln-r gets ' or 'nil'. i.r.llr.arv t rliMuue rhimi adioin- Inr siria'.l iii.-ve ..f oik n.-w :.ir..' lam a:.d 'ri' family ..i.-lir-!. M"--k. -cles. tea. I, inipli ni.-nls. talo.-A. ! i u. oais. a.". la.ie tree, file nl out!u::dincs; la. l-.lnery. vohl "1 sacks cf r-"-t ins hav. et-.: pr..r:il p-o-.ertv ..rin ei.-'o. .-.e"---i- f -rni us 1'i it !irt. alone is well worth SJi.o per a r-: ..ur l.rie.! $;.-..": '"''' ca-h. balance in vears at fi per c -nt. We lia.- iii-; ct-d th.s larin and can heart ily rec.'Tii m.-n-l It. ;.J1.U.M'1 WlKI'ltlCK. -M3 Slark St. Vi hi: ..pp. UTl'MTI To secure Hi. b. st frm in '.he Wlllam c'.te .il."V with '.I'.'.'.- ouf.ay "t money; loo a.i.s 'f .l.-P. .l b soil. acres a perfect rulliv:ill...i. balarce timbered pas ture. It all .-!- g. t'.tiv l-.nar.ls W il lamette 111 r, w.ii.-l. i- obly -r l -t i-it. 1 mil- to i. E. l:v. and - niiles o Portland mam county I -i.'. It e - 1'- a'"1 -i'I r ur 1 1 coin eni.-n. es. spl.-n.!:-! !-r..,ri hoii-e. lire- burn, fuilv .-iu:.-.. I. .-,.-sn.iih sl. -P and two's, binder, n...... r. rake. ' wjcoi-i. s-. .ler. I-.nniiii. mill an-1 rve-r 7.... i i.c-de.l: Ii.ts s. it cows. 2r. hogs. eiii.k.-iis. hay ai.d main. ,".-' persona! properly free ..nd .-..ar. bull vou .". v.-ira '. per cent on b.ih.n. e. all .it our'of;. - Tn-s.l.iy and talk with owner. Cy-iiI Ki: I IVE KKAI..TI l . '..ij iMkiim li'-i.:. 100-ACP.E DAIRT RANCH ON" SANDY l:OAD -" AN ACRB. ino-acre dairy fnrni. close In. Ail cows, hom-s and implements go wuh tho place. Will take some trade, in uiiiiiumb.:e.l city proi-er-lv The man who wants n close-In d.iirv fi.rm it fJ"' an acre, well stocked, should iiiicslic-ite this. POP.!! E KEASEY & CO.. ;d "1oor Chamber ol Commerce bld. 20 ACT'.ES L't miles youth of Portland, on S: ! i:. !: .. acres c. ar.-o. co...ioe i-;..s:nic -I'd: a-li" i-ity l.mits of ;:.Miil I.e.i ,.!! '-irk sar.ily good .r i ur.c.tloM. beamed tM-tnngs. -!"'. -r.l" f.-c; goixl family l" ! lio'rs-- I Jel.-ev coll. 2 dozen i n. iv rubber-tired busgy. ;.irn...!. l 120-ea: riei'y Mandy Lee ,'l'.-. fu'l et of small toils: yirlce wtr I.-.". :: I.e., c.i-'i -iv. ... iniance yoo'I .e.u.a. i; i! i; ii 'IK :1. co.. Inc.. 4.11-2-lt W ilcoc bl.lt... ll.nicr ' !.! lt.'I "ln-liiiirton. EST Al tLI S U K I D A I RY. r."i acres, all Improved and under culti vation. . mile -a."t "I Jennings Lodge; good .'.-room house, barn and outuuild-.nffs, bearing ..rclii.r.l. Id head Jerseys, good team of h.-ri- .-i. lots of .-luckeiis and ducks: all nccesiry farm ii.n.lilncry and tools; has milk, route, income 'oii per month, v.io.i ir ail. or will eell ranch separate. JC.'.OO. Take good liuil.-'e to lul(i. balauoe l'-Ug 0l:ie. C. 5. llullTCiAllE INVESTMENT CO, Main -US. :il:-.'lll Yeou J:ld! 120 ACRES In Cilli mi County, two miles from station. Railroad runs directly through the land. l l"i acre's tn cultiva tion; expect to have 7on acres in Sum mer fallow tills year. All fenced and cross-fenced. I iui Idinc.-i fair; good water: some stock an. I machinery. J.mj.hI mort gage, five v-ars, 7 per cent. Will ex change e.iu.ty for good dairy ranch or city i-rol-rt. KI l'l'EP. HUMPHRY. 212-211: Chamber of Commerce. fc'Tt .. K K M M ci.nii'i.niv, t-oi.h. ii-'-iin-acrc M"k farm, 0 acres under culllvallon. :ol acres bottom iana. bal ance buini ..v.r Isr.u; good house, 2 btg barns, erai.arv. I!.e stream, all farm lm piemeir.s and inacii.ncrv: 27 cows. 9 hoga, l..i tors ha-- 'l" bu. oats. Value Jl'l.Oi'O. I.lU'il'KMANN, RI LEY .- CO., ..113 chamber of Commerce. SNAP IN DAIRY FARM. Have a 1 10-acro fine dairy isrm with lota -f stock and machinery I'D It for j. i boo. !C;,.mhi c.-.sh. balance 6 per cent oil time to suit. Take t'.iMi worth cf good Portland ii..iH.-rly. owner too old and wishes to retire. V. Fl'CHS. 42U Chamber of Commerce. 41 A' Kl-:S Ho in cu.tivanori. .':' ir.i.es out on ral.ro.id. ti-room house and outbuildings- 4I vduiii Irint trees in bearing, acre' strawberries; team of mares, cows, l ot... cltl.-l.-ns aid all farm machinery; $I'-S: SI'-J-' cash. ilv.a. S'-7 Lumber Exehanrc CHEAP FARM. 3ft ncres near Houlfu. coed buildings, on auto road, gocl soil, only $.00: c-isll balame -' y,-iri per cent Interest. Adioining 4U acres can !- rented. Nothing .-C.ealK-r in that locality. F. Fl'CHS, 4-'u Cli.irib.-r of Commerce. 0"th"k' LI I.L lll'N RIVER to ncrrs on the Iull Run River, S miles from c- tric s'a; "00,000 fast tiinher: beaver lam on one enc; value eau 1" r arre. 'ir. ai imuih LLKI"'KMANN. ULLF.r CO.. i.IU ciiamber of Commerce. l -MRY I: INCHES A SPECIALTY Ijel us s'i-.iv ;ou tne many bargains we have In tins ime. See Sara liewey. land d'I't'JH av.TM AN AV THOMPSON 1 WILL PROVE IT. l.eT'-scrc va.ley farm at H price of sur- rouii'i.nk' property: I.lie soil, good terms; l- ii ..i..-. A' '!r ss AL r.'".9. (..regorlan. l.k. ACRES FOR IsO'. b:ll.l::ii:s. road. line water, timber and co-.-i n-i,'i:''i:i; Y'amhill County. 4a ic- at .'! i4'.h sl. Ni.ttll. FINE fruit and alfalfa lane's, sunny Arizona, Slo to tin per acre: fertile soil, abundant eater. Ideal climate. Write. Board of Trad-. W ilcox. Arizona. IK ... ant to 1 uy 2 acres, fine new huil.l-lo-s of fruit, near earime. ldc fare. ' $.;'! down, rest like rent, address . 1. Ib.x I-nts. or l-ZXAS s-bo. 1 lnn-!s tl.r.O to tr. acre; 1-Ioth .'loivn. balance 4"l yc-irs; Texas map flea. Jour-a! I'ub!:hing Co.. Houston. Tex. i ACI:K, i'l in cul'i-.eii 'Vroom house. 1 i ices from Wi llal 10. 2U111 St. M. .in-1 Was:i. Owner. Woodlawn WSS,