TTTI5 SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAm NOVEMBER 16, 1913. 15 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. IF you have any scrap iron, metals or ma chinery to soil, tee us. We are the largest doalers In the city. We have dismantled and handled the largest plants thai were ever sold in the Nor in west, and we can positively make you money If you give u the opportunity to bid on anything you have fur sale. No machinery la too large lor us to handle. We either buy or nandle cm consignment. Can furnish best of refer ences. Buying scrap Iron, machinery and pipe from sawmills that have been de MU'uyt'U is our specialty. J. siMgN & BRO Front and Grant Sts. WANTED Ambitious workman. Your work on actual Jobs pays for teaching; trade of , electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick laying. Only few months required ; 700 students last four years. Write for In formation. United Trade School Contraot ing Co.. Los Angeles. . LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date cars; electrical, civil engineering, surveying; methods most practical; room and board while learning; positions sar ii red ; satinf act ion gua ran teed ; catalogue free. National School of Engineering, 2110 West Seventh. Lor Ait gales, Cah LEVIN HAItDWARE A FUKMTUR3 CO.. 221 Front at., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools or any kind. If you have anything in this line, call A 7174 or Main iW72. Our buyer calls promptly. W'K buy for cash, second-hand National cash registers and sell them on. easy terms. R'-sisters guaranteed. W. J. Macauley, ;54 BumsUie. .Mam 1810. A lft 16. WE want to buy $100 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 days and piiy all the cash It Is worth. Wllliama A'e. Furniture Exchange. East nD6. WANTED Two flat-top and one roll-top sanitary dsks, with chairs; must be In good condition and a bargain. AP S62, Oregonian. W E pay ii ighest cash prices for second hand billiard and pocket tables. The Brunswick-Balke-Collander Co., 4 5th st. 1'hum.i Main 769. A 1769. MOW is the tim for you to have your stoves, ranges and heaters repaired and relined. Phone Woodlawn 3161. Phone answered Sunday. at.COND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash prices paid for ladles' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 2S. 204 3d St. The reliable buyer. SECOND-HAND MOTORS and generators. J nkrl ULrun ITh.otrln Wnrlra At tii-.ll 2 fill. ian at., corner Ulh. A RUSHMORE motorcycle, lamps and brack ets; must be In good condition and cheap. Call 3o3 Russell Bt. or phone East 5o4u. WANTED Typewriter, must be reasonable in price. Ciive all particulars In first let ter. T Oregonian. WANTED To buy combings; a witches made to order. 551 E. Yamhill. Phone East 1710. FAIR DE L W e pay best prices for second-hand clothing and furniture. Call Main 1)272. 60, 3d. Phone A S203. WANTED Some good laying .hens and second-hand Incubator. Address Mrs. Beuse kamp, S15 Tlbbets st. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly; estimates given. 1S4 1st., near Yamhill. Main 4773. DO not soli or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House, Iftl 2d gt. Mar. 4783. WANTED Jeweler's lathe and tools. 210 Globe bldg., 11th and Washington, Port land. COUNTERS and shelving wanted ; must be cheap; suitable for dry goods and cloth ing; spot cash, phone Woodlawn 2413. FORD AUCTION CO. pays most caan for any kin d of furniture. Main feijfil. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Main GOO. A 3606, WANTE D -To buy typewriter, desk. Phono Main 0633. WANTED Water power vibrator. AT 540, Oregonian. DIAMOND wanted, to 1 k.; must be a bargain. B 52d, Oregonian. WANTED Stocks of clothing, furnishings, shoes. Will pay cash. 425 Chamber Com. HKfP WANTED MALE. WANTED Subscription solicitors on leading daily in good Eastern Oregon city; splen did chance for anti-booze hustler; give references, sa-lary ext-ected. AV 610 Ore gonian. SA LESM FN' anted. laces. embroideries; only men with trade among dry goods and general stores need apply ; all terri tories. Murk Co., 416 Broadway, New York. WANTED High-grade office specialty talesman; must be man of good personal appearance and habits. This is a gooa opening for k live w ire. Do not apply unless experienced. Ask for Mr. Pinney, Sfiward Hole!, between 10 and 12 Sunday. fcPL.CN!1 D opportunity for gentleman, in telligent, of good address, interested in the study ot political economy ; also for several willing to take up permanent resi dence in other cities. Address fully, 212 i 'rlt-ntal bldr-f., Seattle. W ANTED Agents to sell "anol" concen trated extracts for making whiskies and cordials at home at half retailers' prices. Large, demand. 100 per cent profit. For particulars write W 540, Oregonian. WANTED 3 good men Interested in taking up watchmaking, engraving ; big demand, no question about positions. For particu lars, 210 Glove bldg.. 11th and Waahiug ton sts., Portland. WANTED Dry goods salesman In an in land country town; must be a hustler and not at'raia of work. Proler a man with general storo experience. No boozers need apply. A V J 13, Oregonian. bAijKM i?N to sell our check protector. It sells to every person who writes a check; circulars and information free; sample 25c. 'iVrry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton bldg., Toledo, )hio. W A N T ED 4 ciTEANMJUT. NICE- APPEAR IN' 5 SALESMEN. CALL MONDAY MO-tNIXG, 0:30. BRADLEY AUTOMO BILE CO., 31-33 llHh ST. NEAR WASH ASK FOR MR. HOOD. WRITE moving picture plays, $5d each, all or spare time; no correspondence course; d -tails free. Atlas Publishing Co., 42. 'incrhinatl, O. bTvM'K food Dalesman to work Oregon and !-ell dealers; plenty of advertising matter; a 'urge stund'ard line, call at Hotel Ore gon. Afk for Li. It. Ireland. SALESMAN To handle the most liberal and unrestricted lines 'of industrial and commercial accident and healtn policies on the market. 4U7 Spalding bldg. WANT 4 0 acres lodged off under contract ; no team needed ; good Winter job for 4 men; will pay $2.0 cash and deed for 10 acres land. .VI ." Chamber Commerce. W A XT ED Salesman ; must be well ac quainted with saloon and brewery trade; i-.-feience required, 352 Glisan. Ask for Francis. ' AOhNTtS wanted for rapid-selling article, something new, fine 'hristmaa present; salary or commission. 330 Stark St., tailor Shop. SOLICITORS for best household article on the market. Call today between 2 and 4 P. M. at room 633 Hoyt Hotel. WANTED Man to cut cord wood i mile Irom station, 20 miles from Portland. H. S., 2354 Tiicoma ave., Tacoma, Wash. EXPliKlENCKD advertising solicitors; sev eral papers; cash commission. 208 Madi son, opposite Plaza Park. W A NT ED Salesman f or established route. References. Grand Union Tea Co., 448 Washington. W ANT ED H experienced accident men. The ra'-ific Mutual Life Ins. Co., 201-802 Title a.- Trust bldg. WANTED Experienced dredgemau, who has operatea electric suction dredge. Ad drePB Box G13. Aberdeen, Wash. FOUR high-grade stock salesmen; make cleanup immod iai ely ; state experience. A F 5; 8, Oregonian. LI VT3 f urni sah sman. to take charge of t'Vsnch office, on commission. See Sales Alv.1. Ii airman & Thr mj'Sor.. 2 Hi) Stark. MEX to work on gold dreer in California; good w ages iliv ysar round ; must have not Kss than $2tH. C &P3. Oregonian. WF. pay salary to competent salesmen. in'- ternatlonal l.rttr Club, 450 Y Jersey ave., Jersey Ctiy. N. .1. OK 'lANIZKHS to solicit men: ners and or ganize Ixlgcs. Order of owls; South Bend, I n 1 . Bitd. CLERK; must have experience; state line, and salary expected. AN 554 Oregon ian. HOI LER-M A K EUS wanted, first class only r. jiie others need . apply. Monks-Sherry Engineering Works. 17th and Front. EX I nN'i:r elderly couple on ranch for Winter; state wages wanted. AP 54;t Ovi-pofian. ' WANTED Ifarmni, tr'.r , -ail East 3" baritone singer for Bl 'H ITl.M A N for rn ilr work In clothing r--U low-priced lots; lib O ."('Si, Oregonian. W A . " T r: : T :: .-di.'.TjJo bolt, cutters, with or, to..!s; W'nrrs i-tb. Ca at 222 Couch MAM i' - m icim;or wanted at once. :. m. t.inOev Co . an Panama bldg. V A rLi -Tisht banc) cooper. 1S3 Madi ?cn st. W X T C 1 .V s- rub kitchen floors. T. W'.: 1 -: Dairy Lunch. 332 Washington. EXT.; '.: '"NCD he;. for bakery, night WAN a s sred solicitor. 641 First Bt. HELP WATKn-MATR INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If I pay ou $5 tor employment membership, I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment Membership, you will have toe Y. W . c. A., with ail ita resources, between you and starvation. Ken-jit Voting man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 9 months ending Sept. 30: calls for men from employers 1W81 Positions titled 1320 Special employment membership guar antees member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded. Gives two month full privileges, including use of gymnasium, swiruming pool, baths, etc., and ten months' social or nouse privileges, including the service of the employment aepartment for the entire- year. All young men seekiug employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, millworkers or In other skilled lines, are cordially invited to con sult with the Secretary of the advisory and employment department. REAL salesmen to represent us exclutively in Portland, Vancouver and towns on Co lumbia River, beginning January 1, 1014. W. have iarge, well-known in every way, , first-class line of exclusive copyright cal endars anu advertising specialties. Our line is so attractive and varied that each and every business in every town in coun try withe ut regard to size can be success fully solicited. Our goods are very attrac tive, but no more so than our reasonable prices. Commissions liberal. Exclusive territory assigned. Our company was or ganized liS2. Capitalized $20U.OOO. In close this advertisement with application. Merchants Publishing Co., Kalamaaou, Mich. LARGEST and best-know a concern of its kind on the Pacific Coast has a position for the men with ambition enough to spend, from now until the holidays learn ing a business which will pay him $3000 and over next year. ARE YOU THAT MAN? Ask yourself these questions; Have ou worked hard this year? How much money will you earn this year? Are you satisfied with the results of your efforts? Have you the necessary ambition to try to become a $5O0O-a-year man? If you have, see Mr. Cleaveland, sales man aged of the Fred A. Jacobs Company, 200 W ashington street. WANTED The International Life Insurance Company, of St. Louis. Mo., has opened offices for the Pacific Coast, 323 First National Bank bldg., an Francisco, and w ill of f-r liberal inducements to success ful salesmen, with opportunities to become managers in either California, Utah or Oregon. Superior contracts to local rep resentatives for Portland, Astoria and othrsr parts of Oregon. We issue an ex ceptionally attractive line of policies and pay high commissions. If you have no experience, are sure you possess ability and are alive and anxious to succeed, write us. SALESMEN and saleswomen can make a profitable connection with the Cosmopol itan Magazine if they are neat and have selling ability, and can furnish references. Chance to make from $15 to $20 a week. We furnish helps and make- the work as easy as possible. Address Cosmopolitan Magazine, 119 West 4iat at.. New York Cay. TRAVELING SALESMEN; GOOD SIDE LINE; FREE POCKET SALES OUTFIT; easy seller; merchant guaranteed against loss ; we pay express, take back unsold goods; our promptly-paid commission pays your entire traveling expenses; har vest season now on; write quick. Temby Jewelry Co., 2005 So. Michigan ave., Chi cago. SALESMEN, general and side line, to handle part or entire line; enamel ware,- china ware, silverware, cut glass, cutlery, brass goods, leather goods, premium goods, aluminumware. tinware, notions, etc.; write f r territory; liberal commissions paid weekly. Dept. G, United States Fuc t j-1.3 Co., ISO North Market, Chicago, II I. SALESM EN making small towns, whole time or side line, should carry our fast seiiing pocket slue line. Special sales pian allowing return unsold goods, Makes quick, easy sales. $4.00 commission on each order. .SUilKTH INC ENTIRELY NEW. Write for outfit today. Canfield Mfg. Co., 20fc Sigel bldg., Chicago, 111. WANTED For U S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between ages of 1H and 3t; citizens of United States, of goo4 charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For in fornation apply to recruiting officer, Worcester bldg.. Third 'and Oak sts., port land. Or. PERSEVERING salesmen make good money selling our clean, hardy, well matured fruit, shade and ornamental nursery stock grown on new volcanic ash soil on Yak ima Indian Reservation. Write today for proposition in exclusive territory. Wash Nursery Co., Toppenlsh Wash. SALESMAN 100 per cent profit; fixed in come lor life; goods undersell anything similar by more than half; soils to stores, by parcel post; everybody a prospective customer; exclusive territory; 20-year contract; must carry small stock. Black stone Ink Co., inc., San Francisco. SALESMAN For balance of year and 1914, experienced in any line, to sell general trade in Oregon. Unexcelled specialty proposition. Commission contract, S36 weekly and expenses. Continental Jewelry Co.. 8-4ii Continental Building, Cleve land, Ohio. A CO RPO RTATION OP MANY TEARS' SUCCESSFUL .BUSINESS EXPERIENCE DESIRES THE SERVICES OF A SALES MAN WHO CONSIDERS HIMSELF CAP ABLE OF EARNING 55OO0 OR MORE PER YEAR. A DD RE SS V 552, ORE GONIAN. WANTED Representative to handle an ed ucational specialty through boards: of ed ucation only. Liberal terms to the right party; work clean and easy, and represent ative absolutely pro tec tea in the sale of this specialty. AV 574, Oregonian. MARRIED farm hand, familiar with horses, to take steady position on large orchard ; wages $58.50- monthly; must be willing to invest part of wages in tract in "neighbor hood; small cash payment required; school, store on premises. AC &0J', Oregonian. A LIVE WIRE, sell puncture proof Fiber Compound and Tube Preserver to dealers and auto owners : guaranteed to close all punctures to a 30-penny spike, or money back l. ri. nainy raint tjo., 833 E. Eils worth st., Denver, Colo. SALESMAN Experienced man preferred. Very attractive line and proposition. Ex penses advanced against commissions. Va canny of Oregon for 1114, commence now. American Standard Jewelry Co., Detroit, Mich. I NEED good men. everywhere, part or all time, learn my business; make money vritb me; uo experience needed; desk, type writer and outfit free. W. M. Ostrander, Dept. 8$. 12 West Cist sU. New York. MEN wanted to clear land near Lents in exchange for eood Portland lota. Call today at 2183 East Stark. Altamead car to end, four blocks north, one east; good Winter Job; house free. ESTABLISHED fire insurance company wants man to solicit city business. Must have experience and good local acquain tance. Salary and commission. C 510, Ore gonian. WANTED Agents. 200 good articles, quick sei lers, sen a th ree red stamps for cata logues or call 21 SH East Stark. Portland, today Altamead car to end, four blocks nortn, one east NEW business proposition, need live sales man who can handle Pacific Coast; brand new specialty, no competition and sells wholesale; bond required. Harslman, 723 Chamber ot Commerce. SALESM AN Experienced ; staple line ; sell Oregon retail trade; $150 monthly advance against commission contract : splendid op portunity for a mon of ability. E. L Rice, Detroit, Mich. BHIGHT, clean-cut men to demonstrate toy raiiroans in aepartment stores during De. cemkr; references required. W. F. Haf ner. p. O. box HH1. Chicago, 111. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED to carry line ol cigars on road ; $HH) per month and expei. ses; experience not necessary. Cou tlnental Clc-ar Company. Wichita, Kan. I EN -SELLING is iroiitalle ami llirht prices to ageru s free; salesman's sample earn styles ror me. t urner & ttar rison Pen Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. WK reuuire in tel 1 1 i.-.-n t salesmen to sell ex- elusive - hand-colored bas-relief calendars. our own mau mi act ure ; cla&sist In A mer ica. Smith-Hecht Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Smv MONTHLY and expenses to travel, dis tribute s-amule-i. take orders or appoint agents- permanent. Miller, Polk and sh-rmun, i hioago. WANTED At Oreuon Chair Co.. 11SM) Mac udam st.. a cabinetmaker who understands spindle carving. WAN 1 ED Good, live men to sell watches d ia mopds and jewelry on the easy pay merit plan. Apply 27 Corbett bldg. LARGF1 husky man over six fet; easy work; must have good references. Room 427. Mnifran bldg., 11 to 1 today. WANT ED First-class saiddieinakers. steady em ploy men t. The threat w est saddlery (0.. t'aigary, 1 annua. PHOTO i-ouDon. best offered, beauty con lea; started, 'Jutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. tA 1.1!? V and dif-t. mgrs. Nat. Casualty I o. , o - Railway EX. Mdg. FOR SALE Cheap; birdseye maple dresser, new. Phone Aiain txv. PHOTO .ilh:tors. $Hu diamond ring given rrf. ,-a.rony hnioio. i-o5 juornson. A MAN to go out and get cleaning, press DKUO CLERK Registered and assistan . clrk. Nan's, 6th and Alder. MAN to sell -a household article; a gooa proposition, cau o n.. ittn soutn. HELP WANTED MALE. UNITED STATES Calendar Co., Cincinnati, will contract immediately with capable salesman to represent them exclusively In states Washington and Oregon, starting Jan. 1. 1914. Line comprises highest grade imported copyrighted domestic deluxe ad vertising calendars, novelties, leather and cloth specialties. Every business house pos sible customer. Large commissions; per manent position. Address sales manager. FIRST-CLASS salesman or man of proper timbre to enter selling field, for perma nent work starting December 1. Large es tablished institution. See Mr. Prentiss, 26 Oak st., Monday or Tuesday after 2 P. M. WANTED An idea! Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect our Ideas, they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash ington, D. C. EXPERIENCED salesmen, capable of taking charge of exclusive territory and seiiing ; selling experience with cash registers, add ing machines and check protectors pre ferred ; good money to live wires. 417 f Annex) Washington Hotel, between 8 and 12 A. M. SALESMEN for Oregon to sell merchants greatest specialty of day; experienced spe cialty salesman or merchant preferred. $100 a week to right man; comr.ission contract. Commissions paid weekp, ; staV experience. Champion Register Co., Cleve land, O. SALESMAN for general mercant.e trade in Oregon to sell a new proposition of merit. Vacancy now. Attractive cotmission con- " tract. $.35 weekly for expe-?es. Miles F. Hixler Co.. wholesale Jewel-s, 226-40 Gar lin bldg.. Cleveland. Ohio.' WANTED Farmer having $1000 cash to buy 14 Interest in 160-acre farm, worth $5u00, and work s&mi on shares, take charge and be own boss; or will sell other 4 interest on crop payment. Jesse Hob son, 23U Sherlock bldg. WANTED Gordon feeder, boy with at least 6 months' experience; good chance to fin ish learning trade; wages to start, $8 per week. In answering, state age, experience, together with reference. Address J 539, Oregonian. WANTED First-class solicitor; good money maker. E 5ti2, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. Competent stenographer, bookkeeper and general office assistant, one who has the ability to meet the public. This is a growing .business, and one must, be ca pable of advancing accordingly ; perma nent position with jreat possibilities for right party; references required. Address AM 544, Oregonian. WOMEN or girls wno may be friendless or alono and In trouble will receive neip ana advice by calling upon the Municipal Bu reau for Protection of Women. 410 Mer chants' Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. 3 nter views &.re confidential. Mrs. Lola G Baldwin, Supt. WANTED Thoroughly experienced Al cook lor small family hotel 111 tnriving country town ; must have daughter capable of waiting on tablo and general work; steady pot! lion to right party ; state experience and salary expected. S 4S'J, oregonian. LADIES that do fancy work of any kind to bring your work to our store ana iei us dispose of it for you to the holiday trade ; many ladies earn their Christmas money in this way. Bennett Mfg. Co., 392 Washington st. WOULD like to hear from young lady with good voice who wouia iiko to worn in sketch with refined young gentleman ; long engagement, experience unnecessary ; One who could travel. AS 577, Oregonian. WANTED Young girl for general house work in small taiiiuy, near city, oh-j a-j , light launury, pleasant home; salary $15; would raisu if eompetent! , NEAT young lady of good appearance for pun lie stenograpner ana ieuu ncwo Inquire at news stand. Hotel Ca-rlton, after P. M. today. WOMAN with child or middle-aged woman wishing good home, fond ol cniiaren, w help in home where mother Is away part of the- time on business. Phone E. 1234. LADIES Earn $i2 weekly making belts at home ; no canvassing; enclose siampeu self-addressed envelope. San ita Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, lows. $2.5u PER DAY paid one lady in each town t:j aistrioute iree circuiara iur cuidu trated flavoring in tubes; permanent po sition. F. E. Barr Co., Chicago. WANTED Either sex, flO up weekly, pleas ant spare time nome worn, no canvassing; send return envelope for particulars. Venn Co., 1111 Alice St., Oakland, Cat. WRITE moving picture plays, $50 each, all or spare time; no coi 1 esponoence course, details free. Atlas Publishing Co., 42. Cincinnati, O. I WANT to meet 3 giria who can juggle clu bs or wno would like to learn to lorm a juggling troupe; will bo taught free. Address AR 527, Oregonian. AN experienced maid for upstairs work and to assist in the care or two cniiaren anu 5 'years. Apply U4 N. 21st., corner Flan ders. EXPERIENCED woman to do housework and cooking for business woman not home during day; tine home, easy work; wages $15 F 5bT, Oregonian. AN excellent opportunity for bright, capable business woman ; good remuneration; state qualifications. Aaaress ax oaa, orego nian. , DRAFTSMEN Prepare for topographic draftsmen s examination U. s. government. Apply to box 86, San Francisco, Cal. MRS. HOWE S LADIES' AGENCY, . ."Washington bldg., 270 Vi Washington, room 3T, near 4th. Phone Main SS3ti or A 32tk.'. BEST homes are securing some of the best maids or the city tnrougn tne uomeauc Service Bureau, 335 11th st. Main 7titi7. PUBLIC stenographic office location, Pres- sent occupant uesires to go nast aoout December 1. S 48o, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman to assist with house. work and take care 01 two cniiaren. xu Brugger's p.akery, Lents. ELDERLY woman 1.0 care for woman dur ing conf inemeu seyne housework. As 4S. Oregonian. W ANTED Retined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Via vi Co:, ww ttotn chiid bldg., 4th and Washington. COMPANIONABLE young . woman to assist with housework and care or one child. Call today. 343 Fargo st. Phone C 170P. WANTED First-class German cook, wages $40, best or reierences requireu. rnone Marshall 4472. ii 1 wholesale house, an ambitious woman not under 30, with or witnout ousiness experience. N 4tii, Oregonian. LADIES, $3 to 7 daily easily made selling one-piece patterns, ztza JiaarKet st., oau Francisco, excellent pruyuaiLK'n, w -p-v 3H Goodnough bldg. LADIES: Make bis money at home, spare time; never offered before. Write for particula rs. F. Ahlgren, Valier, Mont. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary lJarlors. WOMAN or girl to assist with general housework, family or tour ; must oe xona of chiiuren. rnone u s8. WE have good home for young girl, light housework and care of children; wages $10. 641 E. 30th near Pompeii. WANTED Girl to enter training school for nurses. South Bend General hospital, South Bend, Wash. WANTED School girl to assist with car of child for room and board. .Tabor 216. 527 E. SUth North. WANTED A young girl to do general housework, two in family, no children BOOKKEEPER, one who can wait on trade. Ringer Sewing Machine Co., 402 Wash ington. licit for holiday specialties; good money. Call 2S2 Washington st. Bennett Mfg. Co. WAIST finishers, only experienced apply come preparea to wotk. aiorrison. A GOOD kitchen lrr wanted at 70 Wes Park. rail arter z f. &i. WANTED An elderly lady to take care 2 children. 714 E. toth St.; Rose City c WANTED Oirl for general housework, 4 In family. Phone East 333. 672 Halsey st. GIRL to do general housework; 5 per week. Apply 242 Cook ave. APPRENTICE wanted: pay while leuruiug. Button Shop. 501 Royal building. COMPETENT girl for general housework in family of two. Marshall 5513. LADIES wanted, can make from $i to $15 per week. 3t8 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. APPRENTICE for dressmaking, 1137 E. Broadway. Tabor 24 1 7. WANTED A girl to do Irving, near 2 2d t. housework. 73-; LADY who can do repairing and pressing 274 4th. Call Monday before f A. M". WANTED Competent leather saleswoman. Address AP 527, Oregonian. EN PERIENCED girl for housework ; $ t'. St. Louis Agency. Main 2ft .in. WAITRESS wanted, not experienced. 312 Burn side. SCHOOLGIRL to assist small wages. C 1203. in housework fof N ICE girl for housework ; good home ; goo wages. 307 1 1th. apt. C. HOUSK-TO-HOU P I'j d e monstrators. S lllca Products Co., 42 Labbe hldg. WANTED Girl for housework. C 2245. KELP WANTED FEMALE, A COMPANY of long standing has a va." cancy on its staff which may be profit ably filled by some lady of good educa tion and pleasing personality. Applicants must be well recommended, of mature age (30 or over) and free to travel. This is a splendid opportunity for the right per son to work into a satisfactory position. AK 511, Oregonian. WANTED Competent young woman . for demonstration work ; must be an excel lent cake baker and be capable of meet ing people and selling product demon strated ; must be neat in appearance and possess a pleasing manner. Apply Monday between 8 and id A. M. at Oregon Hotel. Ask for Mr. Saint. HEXP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN ex , perienced in handling complaints and looking up delivery records ; must be active and ambitious. Apply between 8:30 and 10 A. M. at superintendent' office, 6ih floor, Meier & Frank store. WANTED Experienced solicitors, either gentleman or lady, to sell in the city a high-class line of Irish crochet, silk and linon laces, also a complete line of -ladies' St Ik embroidered wearing apparel and ta ble linens! liberal commission. Call Mon day. 191 Broadway, city. VAUDEVILLK Four original, unique acta for sale cheap ; comedy -drama, comedy, musical comedy ; will rehearse beginners. 244 Broadway W Monday evening. STENOGRAPHERS "d typists in demand; avail yourself of our fret practice rooms and frte employment bureau. i3U An keny st. PHOTOPLAYS bought, sold. Instruction. Western Photoplay Association, box WS, Chicago. TEACHERS wanted ; principals, specialists, grade; free enrollment; state quHlif lea tlons. N. W. Teachers' Agency, N. Yakima. FlSiC Teachers' Agency secures positions for tacherj. :il C, Journal bldg. Main 4JS-a. IIKLP WANTED MXSC ELLAN'EO'tj 8. CHAUFFEUR CHAUFJfEUK CHAUFFEUR The demand for competent chauffeurs and repairmen is greater than ever. Im possible to supply the demand, particular ly for the holiday and parcel pust deliv ery. We want sober, reliable men whom we can recommend for these positions to take our course repairing and driving au tomobiles. Tuition, part cash on enroll ment, balance at time of graduation; day and night classes. O R KG O N AU TO SCH OO JU. 2(H-6b 11th st.. corner of Jeferson. GOVERNMENT railway mall clerk. Cus toms-internal is.e venue exams every where soon. Got prepared former U. S. Civil Service secretary -examiner. Free booklet, I 10$. Write NOW, today Pat terson Civil Service School, Rochester. N. Y. SALEciMEN ; experience unnecessary, easy worn, big pay; write lor large list open ings offering; opportunities to earn .$1-00 to $5m month while you learn, position assured. Add less Dept. 4iJt, National Salesmeu's Training Ass'n, Chicago, New 1 orK, Kansas tuy, fran a rancisco. FIREMEN, BRAKEMSX lor railroads en tering roruanu ; wages $ 1 uu. xvuu.roa-u recruiting headquarters. Positions as sured competent, inexperienced men. Send age, stamp. . Railway Association. Dept. 8o, Brooklyn, K. Y. OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade in & weeks ; pays you while learning; tools free; tuition reduced this term; extra instructors; .years In business; position guaranteed ; special inducements to ladies. 2i3 Madison st., 252 2d St. 100 MEN wanted to bring this adv. to Mor rison Bridge Pressiug and Cleaning Par lors and receive 25 cents credit on it. Reg ular price, suits pressed 50c, French cleaned $1.50. 1S54 Morrison, upstairs. I WILL start you earning $4 oaily at home in spare time, silvering mirrors; no capi tal; iree instructive booklet, giviug plans ot operation. G. F.. Kedmona, Dept. 5d .fcJostou, Mass. V O.V. EN Start fascinating; home business, tinting postcards, pictures, etc., spare time; make $12 weekly; samples, 10-c; particulars free. Art Int. b50 A. 130 Man hattan st.. New York. WANTED Traveling salesmen, experience unnecessary; learn while earning; position assured ; iiunareus opportunities now open. Write for particulars. Brads tree t System, Rochester, N. Y. Dept. 147. MOVING-PICTURE operators in demand a cnance 10 r young man to learn operat ing in theater under export operator at little- cost to yourseir. call Salmon, between 2 and 4 P. M. GOVERNMENT positions open to women; - Jfr75 month; write Immaaiately for iree list. Franklin Institute. Dept. - 005 H, Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Custom-House examinations soon; Parcel Post gaining, more clerks; $75 to $17UO. Free book. Pa ciiic States School, McKay bldg. WANTED At once, two men to learn niav iug-picture operating ; private, practical training ; position secured; call today, 12 totuchiia biug. MiN. women, get Government jobs, $00 per month; 12,000 appointments coming. Write for list of positions. Frankiiu Institute, Dept. 325 Ii. Rochester, N. Y. LADIES Earn $15 weekly, spare time, at .home; no sewing; sample and particulars for 10c. Ervin XJ. Uarr, 3s ban. u uiiau - St., .L.OS Anguies, tai. LEARN to write advertisements while em ployed; earn $25 to gluo weekly. Prospec tus free. page-Davis Co., 101 Page bldg., Chicago. MORE money, greater success by increased efficiency. bheidon School of Buainesw, Building and Salesmanship. Wm. A. Markert. Mgr., Spalding Bldg. BE a detective; earn $25 to $7 5 weekly ; chance to see the world with all expenses paid. Lorair.e System, dept 57, Boston, M 3 SS. MOLER Barber College will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. Write for free catalogue. A 4S N. 2d aL. LEARN to opt rate moving-picture machines; can place few mere in theater; reason able rates. 327 Failing bldg. PERMANENT position for man with few dollars with reliable company ; references. 003-4 S wetland bldg. BARBERS' BOARD OF EXAMC-:,iRS now located at 4u7 Morrison street, r-om 4U0, 1 A It! or a buiiumg. 1. At. Leauu, secretary. MEN, IS to 35, wishing to be railway mau clerks; "mO month. Apply for iuforma ti on. AV 5S1, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHERS, any system, speeded and placed in position. 029 Worcester block. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. The VHair Bazaar. Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash, and Part. WANTED At once, two men to learn auto repairing and driving. Call at Uawtnorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne a vs. SPANISH language taught y experienced native Instructor. Marshal 5354. Sotf Commonwealth bldj"". BE a detective; earn big money; easy work we show you. Write Frederick Vagae 1343 Lexington ave.. New York., dept. SR7. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGES Individual instruction GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258. SOLICITORS wanted, good pay, best propo sltloa In city. Moore Studio, Elks' bidg. iT UD Y law, day and night classes. Port laud Law School, 031 Worcester block. SHORTHAND, typewriting, $5 per month by expert teacher. 303 11th. SHORTHAND. , TYPEWRITING SCHOOL, 260 14TH ST. M. Srfl3. EXP. INSTRUC N. SPANISH Learn to speak Spanish. Victor Bonilla, 502 Swetland bldg. Main S6l. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. .Bookkeepers said Clerks. Vol NG niu.i w ith energy and ability ; ex perienced in bookkeeping, credit and col lection; total abstainer and references must have position Irrespective of salary and location. P 5 S 1. Oregon ian. EXCEPTIONALLY efficient dry goods man alt around trimmer, sifc;n writer, married, a&e JU, expert salesman. Address room ::u4. care Hotel Scott, WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. Gillingham, auditor. 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. COMPETENT, reliable accountant desires a position with a firm offering tho chance for advancement; good references. Phone C 21S4, or AG 519, Oregonian. WANTED Position, as store manager or , salesman in general merchandise store: 12 years' experience; bett of references; mar ried. AM 570, Oregonian. W ANTE D E v e 1 1 i n g wo rh, by young Ger man clerk w no holds a responsible posi tion with railroad company of this city. AE 511, Oregonian. MID DUE-AGE D man of ability wants " office, grocery or any inside work; ilo per week; ref rencts, AR 550. Oregonian'. POSITION wanted by card writer and trim mer; aiso experienc ed in men's l urnish department. P 587. Oregonian. WANTED Position by bookkeeper-stenographer, to do couple hours work In evening, or spare time. AK 55;, Oregonian. WANT position; reliable drug clwrk. 5 years' experience. Apply D 5S, Oregonian. MANDOLIN players for club; beginners taken. Call Woodlawn 316. BuOKKEPEliR wants a position. Phone Main 2 J 1 SITl'ATiONS WANTED MALE. Book-keepers sua A Clerks. FORMER manager and secretary of profit able business desires position; experi enced bookkeeper and office manager; operates typewriter; good executive abil ity ; experienced in collections and selling the trade; excellent references; . might make investment i secured. C 524, Ore gonian. COMPETENT man, 36, rood executive; abil ity, highest references, quick and accu rate at figures, bookkeeper, correspondent, familiar with grocery and commission busi ness, seeks employment with a reliable firm offering: the opportunity for advance ment on his merit. W 527, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and office man who can operate typewriter. Several years' ex perience in accounting and office man agement. Salary Is an object, but not insurmountaole and depends on chances for advancement. W- H. Harmon, ilood . River, Oregon. VHO WANTS ME! Clo-thing and furnish ing goods salesman, 15 years retail ex perience, jut arrived from Montana; good reason for leaving. I have the ability; not afraid of work; references. N 491, Oregonian. BouhKEtfEK, having wide experience in mercantile and manufacturing lines, de sires position; just finished work on audit of books of large Portland concern. D ."7, Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper, with best refer ences, has time to keep another small set of books; satisfactory work, moderate chargOB. Sunday and evenings phone East 27a; week days. Main 278U. THOROUGHLY experienced sober and in dustrious man with a family would like a position as clerk or salesman in a gro cery; can furnish best of city references. Phone B 27J'i. Miaoeilancous. CHAUFFEUR, first-class driver and repair man, from Pierce-Arrow factory, would like driving- position, private family. I can furnish Al reierence, also bond ; only steady position wanted. 5d5. Orego nian. YOUNG man wishes situation as janitor, building or store work preferred ; experi ence a;d best of City reference given. Mr. Spear in, San Marco Hotel, 422 Wash ington. Phone Main 7954. POSITION with wholesale or manufacturing establishment wanted by young married man, reliable in every way. Money not tho object so much as chance to learn th business. AL. 507, Oregonian. MARRIED man wauts work on farm; is familiar with farm work and wants pri vate house tor housekeeping. Address Mr. John Nelson, 53 N. XHiix and Davis, W., Portland, or. MAN and wife want work on farm ; wifa good cook, man thoroughly experienced in all kinds of farming and care of sLock. A i52, Oregonian. MA.N with family wanta work at anything; can furnish $200 for a square proposition; 110 fakers need answer. C HI. Gardner, 313 14th st. Phone Marshall 5723. lot AG loan, lo Sears experience as drafts man and 4 years irrigation construction, wants work; best references. AV ttuu, Oregonian, MAN wishes position as superintendent In some big bunding; experience guaranteed. Phone K 28U0 or call at 935 E. Ankeny St., Apt. 2., YOUNG man wants work on farm, dairy ox crop farming ; experienced ; will take the short course at O. A. C. if desired; C 2iu5. K. ubti, Oregonian. WANTED Work by experienced dairy and pout try man, A-l teamster and stockman ; competent to act as manager. Address G. L, Barber, 1564 K. Flanders st. CHAUFFEUR employed by Martin & Forbes Co. for 3 years desires position; satisfac tion assured; references. Homer Stahl, 11 12nh st. WANTED Situation as night watchman or janitor; best of city references. Direct Watchman, 546 Kerney st. Phone Main 4502. EXPERIENCED genta' furnishings, hats and clothing, window trimmer; wants position trimming, evenings. O 517, Ore gonian. MAN ana wife want work on farm; exper ienced; no children, W. B. Baker. 3su,4 C3d st. S. E. WANTED as foreman or rent farm equipped. Expei ienued, reliable; references. AL 501, Oregonian. M ARR1 ED couple wishes position on farm or dairy ; separate housekeeping. AF 511 Oregonian. YOUNG man attending business college wishes work Saturdays; experienced as cierK. ah. aio, oregonian. COLLEGE student wants work for Satur day afternoons and evenings. T 501, - Oregonian. POSITION caring for farm or country place for Winter ; unquestionable references. P 537, O regon ian. PA INTER, jiood all-round hand, married, wants work; $3 per day. R. 6U6, Ore gonian. MA N understands boilers w ants work morn ings and eveninus fur room rent. L 5ol, Oregonian. MAN and wife want any kind of work to gether or separately. Wt E. Grand ave.. cor. Washington st. Mrs. Breckinridge. LINCOLN High commercial student wishes to secure work outside school hours; can use typewriter. AM "Mil. Oregonian. YOUNG man, good mechanic, would like position driving for private family ; refer ences given. J 521, Oregonian. YOUNG man, competent stenographer, de sires work from 3 till ti; all day Satur day; $5. L 5o2, Oregonian. WANTED Chauffeur's position, commercial or private; reliable; resident 13 years; know city perfectly. Call Tabor 43o3. WANTED Situation on farm, chores, etc.; small wages ; or will rent small chicken ranch. AO 57, Oregonian. YOU NG married man needs w ork : thor oughly experienced handling horses; good collector. Phone M arshall 3 0 5. iAN wants work; will take anything; will ing to work ; good reference. Call immc diateiy. Main ."did. WANTED Position as elevator watchman or light team work; best references. Phone Marshall 14. Call by 9 o'clock. WANTED uy elderly man. position as watch man or janitor or elevator man. Can give good reference. D 5J0, Oregonian. YOUNG man (good penmanl desires posi tion as bill or shipping clerk. Phone Main 72o2. . SPECIALTY SALESMAN desires change; 5 years in present place ; best of records. F, 5tl, Oregonian. 4 EXPERIENCED chauffeur, mechanic, de sires position driving pleasure ear or truck. Phone E. 5330. EXPERIENCED credit man, familiar with Coast territory, would change frem pres ent position. T 541, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS hotel cook wishes pus.uun in city or out, best references. Palmer, R. 304. Foster Hotel, 3d and Davis. COOK, first-class all-around man, sober, good reference, capable of taking charge. Griner. Main 4986. 270 4th. OIL and water well driller wanta to con nect himself with some good man or company. 430 V Jefferson st. Tel. A 4359. MA N. 3f, strong and willing, wants steady employment, any capacity. Phone Mar sha 11 2st)3. WOULD work for photographer that would be thankful for advice. AD 559, Ore gonian. HANDY man wants any kind of work, paint ing outdoor work, cleaning, etc. Call Monday, Main 717, A 1517. CHEF-COOK, first class, meat nnd pastrv, wants position in or out of city. Y 610, Oregonian. TEAMSTER (married), acquaintml with the citv, wants work. Phone B 2351. FiiiST-CLASd cook wants place in or out ot city; references. Main 717. WoULD like work in clothing store Satur day or by the week. AD 558. Oregonian. HaHM-.'ssM a KER v. ants position In or out of city; experienced. R 51 It, Oregonian. BRIGHT Japanese boy wants position at general housework. Phone A 7272. MAN. ag 25, wants work in city of any 1: Ind. AT 51 5, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man, R years' experience In men's furnishings; references. AJ 525, Oregonian. DRUG clerk, young man, with experience; best references. AK 526, Oregonian. JAPANESE strong boy wants position as porter. IJ 512, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants position us a school boy. F. Mayeda, K 5'4. Oregonian. FIRST aid man v.ants position. K". 522, Ore Ionian. STUDENT desires room and board In ex change for services. Phone Main 7095. WANTED Elevator or janitor work or caring for rooms. Phone Marshall 2751. POSITION by mechanical, structural and patent office draftsman. T 48S, Oregonian. MAN or man and wife want cook In camp; both goodworkers. AB 501. Oregonian. GOOD Chinese cook -wants position In fam iiy. A E 5'". Oregonian, CHAUFFEUR wants position driving aulo mohlle. AK 525, Oregonian. CARPENTER wants work; Winter wages. East 2000. BY experienced grocery clerk; good refer ence; a married man. AE 504. Oregonian. ALL-AROUND German baiter wants poel tion. cii y or country. AD 522. Oregonian. CARPENTER, first-class, wants Work, con tract or day. Phone Tabor 3529. SITUATIONS "W ANTED HAI.K. Micelhuteouju WISH to obtaia situation with good, sound firm, where l can invest soma money ana where honesty and energy, as well as ability, will ba appreciated; no wildcat - schemes wanted; would consider good mfg. ageucy here or elsewhere. AV 632, Orego--nian. EFFICIENT and capable middle-aged man, formerly traveling Impleuaeut salesman, wants position in city or country town; best references; familiar anu resourceful with most any business; not afraid of work; might invest if agreeable. Phone Woodlawn 3197. Address 211 Stanton st. YOUNG man, 30, at present enployed as , clerk and solicitor by retail grocery, wishes a position with some large tirm, wholesale preferred, where honest endeavor and etrict attention to business will be ap preciated; no booze or cigarettes. Phone B 3228. MACHINIST and inventor, married, wants work for private party or corporation ; model making, experimental work, this and that improved, repaired ; am an ex port in various lines; have fine references as to ability; wages $13 per week. R 50t. Oregonian. WANTED Position on ranch by young mar ried man, absolutely reliable and sober; experienced farmer, dairyman, gardener, proficient in handling all stock, and a competent engineer; graduate of agricul tural courses; a permanent position is de sired. N 4ti7, Oregonian. BY first-class window trimmer and show card writer, with clothing, dry goods and . shoe experience, young, good habits, re liable. Lots of initiative; can change at once. What can you offer? AV tio8, Ore gonian. YOUNG physician of 10 years' experience wishes position with lugging camp or mining camp or as assistant with local physician ; can furnish references. Phone Main 4o63 or write H 430, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE with girl -4 years old want work on ranch, all kinds of experi ence and can take full charge. Reasonable wages. C H. Gaxdner, 313 14th tit. Phone Marshall 5723. POSITION as order clerk, billing clerk, of fice or read salesman ; 13 years' experi ence ; -9 years old ; first-class references; lumber experience In all branches. A J 507. Oregonian. YOUNG man 22, not afraid of work, at tending trade school, wants employment evculnsa and Saturdays; experienced in care of autos and housework. AT 502, Oregonian. ALL-ROUND American cook. neat, sober and steady worker, wants country job, hotel, rest., ranch or camp; reasonable wage. Address C. O. R.. 304 4th st. EXPERIENCED electrical and mechanical engineer wants situation; good d rafts -Vuan; machine shop experience. AT 5dU. Oregonian. EXPERT presser on Indies' or gents gar ments ; 5 yea rs experience on Hoffman, Becker & Wade machine; very experi enced with the irons. AH 507, Oregonian. SHOL clerk, cigar clerk, or short order cook, experienced in all. married man with fatuiiy,. neds work; take anything. F 5 12, Oregonian. CHEF wants position in commercial hotel or club out of city; very good kitchen . manager; will consider management ot small club. AL 5dO, Oregonian. WANTED by Ice cream maker, chance to learn candy making ; wages not so much 01 an object as chanco to learn. AH 5d0, Oregonian. INTELLIGENT and reliable youug Japan ese, excellent hotel boy, wishes any Kind of night work between 12 and ti. AJ 550, Oregonian. - PAIN TI NG, papering, tinting, "hard times prices" (still uu). Call J. A. Denueit, E. 157,, evenings. 7 to 8. SITL'ATaONa WANTED 1 EA1AUG. "Bookkeepers and Stenographer. COMPETENT, experienced bookkeeper witn knowledge of billing and stenography wanta permanent position ; good penman - and speller; city references. W Jodlawn 3030. EXPERIENCED' stenographer in allgeneral office work wants permanent position. Understands billing and willing worker. Can furnish good reference. T 551, Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, experi enced in all general office work; manu facturing or insurance; permanent. Phone Marshall 5V33. PRACTICAL business woman, 12 years ex perience in office, wauts position at once; nest references given. Gilo oris t. Mar snail 5512: A YOUNG GIRL desires position, oftlco girl and assistant, or exchange operator; ex perienced. Call Sunday and Monday. Phone Main 1731, apt. 23. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, also ex perienced in general office work; good penman. Can .give excellent references. Marshall 574. COM PET EN T and experienced bookkeeper, stenographer and general of rice assist ant wants position. Can give good refer ence Main 8333. FiiiST-Cl.ASS bookkeeper with 12 years' experience desires position at once; can 1 urnlsh excellent references. M T3U, Ore - gonlan. POSITION as, secretary by college graduate with secretarial training; moderate salary. Address 445 11th st., ur phone Marshall 1021. EXPERIENCED yuuue woman would like work in doctor's or dentist's otfaee ; reier ences. AT -542. Oregouiau. Y'OUNG lady wishes position as cashier with knowledge of bookkeeping; refer ences. Marshall 1S.S8. . STEADY, experienced telephone operator wishes position on private exchange. Cull Woodlawn 01 2. COMPETENT bookkeeper of 2 years ex perience ; can also do stenographic work; best of references. Phone Marshall 812. LIGHT office work nights by young ludy employed during day. Experienced" typist said exchange operator. s 5 i-S, oiegouiun. LADY stenographer wishes position, chance of advancement. Mot afraid of work. Main 5o2. LADY' bookkeeper, several years' experience, desires position; also stenographer; will leave city. D 510, Oregonian. YOUNG lady ' stenographer desires position; experience more an opject than wages. 5" 1 u. Oregon ian. N EAT, reliable young lady stenographer ; rive year experience, wishes position. Will kave Port. and AO 502. Oregonian. ST EN OC RAP HE It desires position ; expel leiieed; references, moderate salary. Phone V ood I a w n 1 1 3. WANTED Position as bookkeeper, oity or country, by young lady, experienced; ref erences. Tabor by 8. PUBLIC stenographer, all kinds work done reasonable. Room. tiltf Morgan bidg. Phone Marshall 1U16. YOUNG iady wishes position as stenog rapher. Experience wanted rather than salary, phone East 1O40. YOUNG lad y. experienced bookkeeper, de sires p-innanent position; can give best of city r-TVvenees. Seflwood U3t. EXPERIENCED, reliable bookkeeper, sten-t;-iupher. cashier, wanta work. Phone Main 5i7. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and billing clerk desires permanent position; city rei erences. J 620, Oregonian. EX PERT stenographer Phone Marshall 573o. desires position. COM PET EXT stenographer desires piece work. Phone Main 12. WANTED A position as stenographer, copy ist or bill clerk. Cad Marshall 0000. LADY typist wants copying or work to do at home. Phone East 131o. YOUNG lady desires offlctt work; can ope rate typewritei ; reference. Eust 5320. STENOGRAPHER Beginner, wants office work. R 554. Oregonian. NEA T of flea girl wishes position; operates typewriter; salary 3'j. b 40, Oregonian. I reeswaker . THOROUGH LY competent drersmaker from East would like a le more, engagements. S3 per day. Pho;:e Eisi liio8 Sunday or evenings- Biil YOUR own dressmaker Ala 1:0 your suits, gowns and corsets ut Purls1. r... Sci entldc Dressmaking Academy. 5o cents per day. tf''4 Goodnough b!dg. WANTED Dressmaking, lablu and bed linen to hem and emuroider. Phone Main 6174. GOOD seamstreas, will do alteration and plain sewing very reasonably. Soil wood 6S2. YOUNG lady with eon aid: rah le experience wants se wi.ig In shop or store. T 510. Oregonian. L RESSM A iClXxi, millinery, reasonable prices,' home or -lav. 182 'j Gibbs st. Main U104. EMERGENCY help for dressmakers or plain dressmaking, children's clothes or repair ing, phone Tauor ieu. GOOD seamstress wishes to Htw wi;h dress maker going out by day. Woodlawn So. DRESSM A KING Tailored skirts a special ty. UO E. 52d, corner Taylor. Tabor 2;7. PRETTIEST dresses and waists made at the lowest prices; work guaranteed. Mar. 60. iKe-T-Cl.ASS dressmaking by the day. $2.30 per d . Call Main S572 evenings. EXPERIENCED flrosamakr wants work by day or at home. Phone East 5H-JU. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wanta work. $3 day. Tabo. lid tailoresd 14P6. GOOD dressmaker and tailor-s wants work by day. Main 1885. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. MAE MARTZ, modiste; suits, gowns, dresses, alterations and makeovers solicited; prices reasonable. Phone Main S933. 133 12th. DRESSMAKER and ladles' tailor, by the day $3 ; experienced. Phone Tabor 4S3. PRACTICAL NURSE, hospital experience, wishes work, reference, institution pre ferred. Main 6i!4. Reasonable. PRACTICAL nurse, long experience and splendid references ; $ 15 a week. Mrs. McReynolds, Columbia 20, Monday. LADY wishes post as companion or care of invalid, $40 month. Apply AV 818, Ore gonian. MALE nurse desires position. N 504, Ore gonian. PRACTICAL nurse wishing work, phone Marshall 24SG. or day work. Mrs. Hill. EX PERI ENCED nurse seeks work at once. $10 per week. A 5057, room 18. Housekeeper, GOOD middle-aged housekeeper would like charge of rooming-house, or housekeeping for widower or club of young men. AG 572, Oregonian. RESPECTABLE middle-aged widow with boy 5 years, wants position housekeeper or cook fox men only; state wages. Mrs. Rees. Aurora, Or., route 1. LADY and grown son would like positions as caretakers of apartment-house or large first-class rooming-house. Experienced and best of city references. AH 55i, Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper in apartment house or private home. References ex changed. Middle-aged lady. E 512, Ore gonian. POSITION as housekeeper for widower's family, one or more men or rooming-house. Have girl of 8. 730 4th st. Phono Main 5324. NEAT, refined lady would like position to take charge of rooming-house or keep iiouae for respectable widower or baeh elor; ia a good worker. Phone A 2027. C.-n'ABLE woman wants place in Chris tian home to assist with house work lor hoard and room. AL 502, Oregonian. RE FIN ED, intelligent woman with boy of 5 wants place as housekeeper; good cook. Room' 55, Main 7771, Monday. WIDOW, 30, refined, excellent cook, house keeper, wishes position widower's family : city preferred. A 50U, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hotel manager, lady, wishes position hotel or roomiug-house. Phone Marshall 2043. REFINED young widow, stranger ' in city, wants position as housekeeper for wfdow t Of good address. AF 610, Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper In wid ower's family. Phone Main 3015. YOUNG widow with daughter, five, house keeping position. AB 500, Oregonian. WOMAN with girl of 8 wants place as housekeeper. Mrs. O'Connell, Main 3324. Domestic-. WANTED General housework by middle uged w oniu.11 ; good cook. AJ 505, Ore goman. COMPETENT colored woman with child 3 years, wishes position housework. Wood lawn S137. COLORED auntie, splendid cook, good ref erences, wants pl-ice in family, Southern preferred. Main 717, A 1517. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants home and small wageM for light housework in city. Main V17, A 1517. COLORED girfwanta day work. CaTl Wood lawn 343d. GOOD, strong girl wishes general housework. low wages. Phone Tabor 2403. CAPABLE girl wants to assist in boarding house. St. Louis Agency. Main 2 '.''.. WANTED By a woman, to assist in house work. Call C 3234. GIRL wants work in evenings for room and board. West Side. AF 5y, oregonian. . iiiisMellkUivouM. WANTED Position as general office assist ant by yuuug woman having thoruugn know ledge ajl all branches bookkeeping. Fine penman. AH 557, Oregouiau. SSI T I A'i ION warned, as houseimiid, by Sw e dish young lady. Aadress Rev. John OvuU's residence, 5 Is Aiil 1 st. Marshal. 114. WANTED, by middle-a god woman, good cook ; position in delicatessen, cafe ten u, restaurant or country hotel. AG 573, ore gouiau. EXPERIENCED young voinit wants wuu in country, preferably cooking for small i lew of men ; $30. Wood law a U5U. .AE 5'5, Oregonian. WOULD like tho care of a child from 1 to 3 years old ; good ref given If re quired. Address box 15i, Gresham. Or. YoUNG colored woman wishes morning's . work or party work; also day's work. AR 52. Oregonian. YOUNG lady w ants position as companion to elderly lady, city or country. D 5-l, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position, operator tel ephone exchange; reterencea. C oil, Ore gonian. POSITION w anted as saleslady or cashier; five years experience; references. Phone K. 1040 A G ILL w ho cannot spea k English wishes family work from 10 to 12. Wood law 11 EX PBKiEM:KO middle-aged Norwegian woman wants work as chambermaid. Phono Marshall 4-S. POSITION wanted Multigrapher and sten ographer; experienced. Phoiitt Marshall 40J after P. --M. WANTED To act as social letter writer, to address social Invitations or to read to convalescents. Phone E. 1 14. Fl ItST-CLASS woman cook desires posit ioli hotel, institution or restaurant. Man 203. WANT sin! 11 children to cure for; a goou home and motherly care; price AV 14. OreKonmn. EXPERIENCED Swedish lady wishes was ing, ironing and Cieaning by the ua. . Tabor &1S4. YOUNG lady, experienced cashier, hotel clerk, also In store w ork, desires position ; will leave city. P 536, Oregonian. COMPETENT cleaning woman want work, washing and ironing. Monday, Main 71 1, A 1517. WOMAN will do tine laundry work at home for only 75c dozen. Monday. Main 711. A 1517. COL RED girl w ith excellent references wishes wui k for half duy or few hours I hon Main (iT 13. WOMAN wirthes day work or am till bundle laundry by piece or dozen. Phone East 4244. A NEAT experienced Swedish girl wanta general housew-jrk where 2 or 3 in fam ily; on West side only. bus Ka-st Pavis. YOUNG woman with child of 2 wants house work; splendid cook; "fio. Gull Monday, Main 71 i, A 1517. STENOGRAPH ER Beginner, wants posi tion. Some experience. Small salary. Marshall SOlS. A 341. . LACE curtains nand Main 14&ti. Uiuudered. Phone LESS SONS given in grammar grade studies or music. 5oc ; references. Marsball 3tlG. NEAT girl wants work in doctor's or den tist's office; references. Woodlawn 31M yUNO lady wants casnier or store work; experienced : references. Marshall 4771. YOUNG girl wishes position as office girl; experienced. Monday, Main 2-4. GERMAN girl wants day work. Call Mon day. Phono East &t34. MAN1CU KlST wants position in barber shou. AB 5j3, oregonian. LACE curtains hand laundered; all work guaranteed; prices reasonable, tiellwood b'.'l V u M A N wants housework, 25o an hour. T c b o r J ti I , Tabor 2335. CoM PET EN T colored girl wants general h o u se w ork. Phone Marshall 3 20. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants woik half days ; call even in as. East 31?sl. EXPERIENCED lady wants work by hour. References given. Phone Sell wood 15'JS. LalE curtains draperies, linens lauudereU by expert. Called lor. Tabor ;t!7. GOOD pianist wishes position. Phone Mai Shall 5J24. Mt-s Ireiie Baird COMPETENT woman wants day work, Mon day and Tuesday. Main 550'.. AiltHlCAN woman wants v. crk day or hour. E. N2, room 1 :'.. EX PER LEN CED young lady w ishes position. :erk. biikerj and lunch. Tabor P.iiiO. MOTHER'S care for 1 or 2 children. Btx 275, washougal. Wash. WOMAN wants some kind of light wo: It evenings. AddreA V 517, Oregotuaii. YOUNG '"lad v wants position; dentist or doc tor's office: reference. AN 557, Oregonian. GERMAN woman, clean, wishes day work. W ood lu w n 354 i. W A NT E D Lau n d 1 v work by the day; good cook and housekeeper. Tabor 47-3. DAY work of any kind by entirely rom pa tent woman. Phone Woodlawn 3137. LADY wants general housework. Fair haven st.. St. Johns. A NEW coming Swedish girl w ishes gener-U housewor k ti 0 S 4 th s t. S . "i OVX lady wants work as excliiiiifce op erator; references. AE 51-!, Oregonian. LA'"E curtains was tied, 11 years' experience. Tabor 2445, C 2227. SCOTCH woman wants day work, washing. Ironing, cleaning. Phone Sell wood 1773.