10 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 9, 1913. REAL ESTATE. lor bale Farm. NOW Id THE TIME TO BUY. Why wait till Spring and pay more? you will never get that home In the country you uro planning for if you wait to -ay all cash. Vou can buy from the Lai ul Dept. of Hartman-Thompson Bank toe a moderate cash payment and the balance at 6 per cent. Call upon us and investigate our several bargains; we can suit every taste and pocketbouk. Among oiliers we have: 5 and 10-acre tracts set to commercial orchards, planted two years, located 4 of a mile from town on railroad. Only 350 cash, balance terms, including per petual water right. 5-acre tracts, all set to loganberries; cared for and maintained and Irrigated lor two years. Perpetual water right for use during dry Summer months. $-iG flown, bal. terms to suit. A fine farm of 31 acres, located only mile from town and school, all under cultivation. Deep black loam soil and Irrigated, suitable for dairying, hogs. ftoultry. truck and potatoes. Has nice Utle house 4 rooms) and good barn, fine fences and an Ideal home. JUuO down. 3 5 arret, with model dairy and new houre ana barn; 5 acres in apples. $2500 down. Call on the Land Dept. of Hartman & Thompson Bank, 269 Stark st., or Depot branch office. 63 X. 6th St. COLONIZATION. I 15,000 acres, cut over and partly burned oyer; 0O per cent level; 30 per cent beaverdam ; DO per cent can be cul- trvated. Railroad through center. Can furnish employment for several i hundred men; soil good. Price be- i low generally asked for such lands, and because It Is not a rough tract T it Is a sensible and worthy coloni- y.ation project. ' 8,000 acres, $30 per acre. This Is strictly ' high-class; a bis cut in prices, be- ! ing a group of Willamette Valley i farms, 35 miles from Portland, lh i . miles from railroad; about two- thirds In cultivation; rich. deep, f sandy and clayey loam, with about ? 15 to 110 per cent silt. Particularly adapted to dairying. GEO E. WAGGONER, 805 Yeon. 'GOOD. CHEAP LANDS, ALL CLEARED. 2 to 3 miles from railroad, 4 hours from Portland markets; finest soil, good eras ing good roads: for sale by owners. 414 1 fcpu'ldins bldg. We have lOO ACRES FOR 160O. i 320 ACRES FOR $3200. 1 204 acres, house, with spring water piped, $20 per acre. , 040 acres, house and springs, line wheat nch ner acre. 1 1 acres, finest fruit land, spring waicr, ' Si 250. i lt acres, 5-year-old bearing apricot or ' chard perfect condition; hydrant water i included, $2200. i Whv continue to talk about high prices'" In Oregon when you have these oP ! portunlties? These lands are good, climate i Ideal, no stumps to clear, all ready for I plow, close to railroad, no pioneering, and 1 price right. What more could be asked ? Pee us for easy terms wo will give bona ffde land workers. . WELL-IMPROVED 48 acres, good buildings, 36 acres orchard. V mile from boatlanding and R. R. station, fine view of Columbia ' River, on good auto road, less than 17 ' miles from Portland: If sold at once will co for $10,000. one-half cash. ' SO ACRES. 1 Only $25O0 cash: this is bargain; must bave money. 2 houses, some young or- chard, running water, plenty of outrange, fine place for stock. 2.r ACRES, $2300. AH In cultivation, 2 miles from Van couver, half mile from paved road, fair buildings. 2 acres prune orchard, fine family orchard assorted fruits. This Is big bargain and only goes at the prloe on account of sickness. ATKINSON & GILBERT, 112 West Gth St., Vancouver. Washington. " THE IDEAL HOME. 48 acres, within M mile of Fishers bont-fnndlng and R. R., school and church. 8-room house with bath, good barn, fruit bouse nnd woodshed, 25 acres cleared, 15 acres slashed, burned and seeded, 15 acres of bearing prunes, 2 acres of apples, cherries and pears, 2 wells, the finest of Bui'i and the be st locat ion on the Co lumbia River; It's cheaper than the un improved land around it. Price $10,000, $."ooo cash, balance G years; don't miss this chanco. E. F. GILBERT. 101 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. DAIRY RANCH ES. 8 5 acres, with model dairy and new houso and barn, 5 acres in apples; $2500 down. 50 acres, new house, barn for 10 cows; easv terms. 30 acres, bouse and barn ; terms. 40 acres, big house and barns, fine cor ner. 100 acres, large house, barns, etc. WILLAMETTE VALLEY IRRIGATED LAND CO., 268 Stark S treet. MUST SELL FINE STOCK FARM TO CLOSE UP ESTATE. ISO acres adjacent to Springileld, Or.; J0( cleared, 20 timber, balance pasture. New 5-room plastered house, barn 4ux44, 2 good wells, creek through place; good orchard, bars well every year. Price is only $45 an acre, and must be cash to close estate. One of the heirs will loan $1700 on place if desired. See our Port land representative, Mr. Atchison, at 210 Ger linger, bldg.. 2d and Alder sts. 40 ACRES, in Clarke County, Washington, about 25 miles north of Port land, on county rond, and 1 Ji miles from La Cen ter, through which the Pacific hig -vay runs; all under cultivation, 4-room house, and about 5 acres good orchard, 2 small streams water run through the platv. There is no better oail and no waste land. ' This place is being sold to settle nn cs- eired. Leonard Bros., 317 Chamber Com merce. 320 ACRES AT 520 PER. This will mukfl nn ideal stock ranch. The North Fork of Eagle Creek runs through it, several springs, county road, outside range unlimited," 6-room bouse, email barn, 0 acres cleared, family or orchard la bearing. This is not hard to clear. I know every foot of this land and ( can give you complete and accurate de scription. If you care to know more about this call on Perry KItzmiller, 432 Cham, of Commerce. IDEAL STOCK OR DAIRY FARM. 1100 acres, about 5 miles southwest of McMinnville, about 250 under plow, 850 slashed and seeded to grass, rest either iu timber or open space between ; mostly oak grub; part valley, balance upland; well watered and fenced ; house, barn, 3 stock sheds; $50 per acre. u. s. mortgage & investment co., Main 241S. 612-513 Yeon Bldg. A SNAP $17.50 PER ACRE. S acres, second-growth land, easy clear ing, near R. R. Btatlon, lots of cedar, running wa;er, very good soil; a real bargain either for making a farm or spec ulation, as land all around it is selling for $22,,5o to $30 per acre and going bigher all the time; will sell all or half; must go quick. Leonard & Petersen, Win lock. Wash. 60-AfMtFJ STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. Railway depot, store, postof fire and school on place, good buildings, good fence, good orchard, good soil, no stone, gravity Mater in buildings, fine trout stream, grass grows green the year round, price $40 per ucre, half cash, balance to suit buyer; no trade, no agents. Address 510 K. 4th st., Albany, Oregon. FARMERS AND HOMEPEEKEKS. We bave all kinds and sizes of choice farms from 1 acre up to 80.0 0O acres in a bunch. We handle only such farms which are wen worth the money ana where we can show you that you get naid for your work. If you want to get good valuo for your money and a square deal. see F. FT'CIIS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL MODERN PLACE For you modern people: 5 acres in culti vation, fenced, on two roads. elegant House, barn. etc. ' mile church, school, H mile electric station, store; 0 miles, 30 minutes Portland Courthouse; high class place; price $r000. Marshall 1345. BECKER, 327 Lumber Ex. 11 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 15 2-3 acres on Tualatin River, 3 miles irom Oregon v.uy-a. x eiectric toucnes it. lO acres cultivated, family orchard, good barn ana wen; price 4uu, casn, oat. to suit. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO., Main 2418. 512-513 Yeon Bldg. FOR RENT 10 0 acres, fis In cultivation. bal. good pasture, slightly rolling, extra fine orcnard. to nearing grape vines, all kinds prunes, cherries. apples. Bartlett pears and peaches : miles east of Rose burg, school, store, postof f ice and church IV miles. c t. htieppora, Roseburg Dlxonville, P. O. BARGAIN, if sold at once: 20 acres. WiT lameito Valley farm, 20 miles south of Portland, on S. P.. close to high school and churches: some stock- and other per sonal property; look this up; going to sell; all good inrm lana; terms. AV 597, Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner, beautiful 12H -acre ranch at Clnckamns Station, with fine 7 room bungalow, barn and chicken-houses, 2 good wel-ls. 3 fine cows, team and farm ing tools, 5 dozen chickens. 3 blocks from depot. 1 nquire R. E. Jenks, Clackamas, Oregon. PAYETTE VALLEY. IDAHO. One-half interest in 200 acres. $7500, will uso $4000 to Improve, orchard, ber ries. a!f t ; first-class titl. water right ; accept $2000 and yearly $1500; value after 4 years. $30,000; need money. Owner. Marshall 798. TEXTS school lands, $1.50 to $5 acre, 1-40 down, balance 40 years; Texas map f ree. Journal Publishing Co Ho as ton, Texas ft REAL ESTATE. For Sa l -Farm. IDEAL STOCK RANCH. $23 PER ACHE buys this fine stock ranch of 238 acres, lo cated midway between Portland and Se attle, with local markets that will take all stock produced at the very highest prices ; about 40 acres of bottom land, nearly all in cultivation ; 18 acres in tine cloTer meadow; the entire tract is the very best of feoil, no rock or gravel ; 150 acres tillable when cleared, abundance of good free outrange; line water sup plies, plenty of fruit, house, 3 barns, etc.; on good graveled county road in well set tled section; school right at the piace; 2 miles from town and within f miles of three good sawmill towns; very easy terms. 320 ACRES. About 15 acres now in ALFALFA; 75 to lOO acres the best of alfalfa land, with abundance of free water; balance good pasture land, with unlimited free range. Fine large creek crosses some timber along the creek. Nice orchard, 6-room house, barn, etc. This ranch is 1n the John Day Valley, on main county road, 2 miles from good town. Price $25 per acre. Will consider exchange. 480 ACRES. 160 acres in cultivation, part now sown to Fall grain, balance good pasture land with unlimited free range. Spring water piped to buildings. Good orchard. Good house, barn. etc. On main county road, 1 Mi miles from town. Price $15 per acre. Some exchange considered. Alvord & Co., 218 Board of Trade. AN OPEN CHALLENGE To match this anywhere in the Valley. About 250 acres, half fine river bottom land, considerable of which is genuine beaverdam. As a dairy and onion propo sition, without equal. There are two good bouses, a dairy barn Just completed, 46x 120, that cost $0000; 4 silos, good horse barn, large grain barn, large onion-house, warehouse and onion dryer and many oth er buildings; 7 horses, 33 high-grade J" sey cows. 19 Jersey heifers, a lot of hogs and hens arfd feed enough to carry everything through. Tho equipment of machinery is very complete. Deducting the value of the personal property, that cannot be re placed short of $15,000. this means less than $05 per acre for the best soil lying outdoors. Situated within 3 miles of steam and electric road and within 33 miles of Portland. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. 208-9 Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. THIS ONE IS EXTRA GOOD. 20 acres, lo miles east of Vancouver, Wash., near electric station. M mile to school; 12 acres in cultivation, balance slashed and open pasture; 5 acres fine onion land; good orchard and all kinds of small fruit and berries; good 5-room house. 4 rooms can be Added by finishing ups'afrs; sood barn, chicken-house and runs; hoghouses and sheds; C stand of bees; fine team of horses; 6 cows, 11 head of thoroughbred Duroo hogs, 1 registered boar, lOO chickens. 36 Indian Runner ducks, wagon, buggy, harness and all kinds of farm implements; 20 tons of hay, cream separator; 2 ricks of wood; tele phone stock. This is one of the best places In Clark Co. The price is $G50O. Can make good terms. R. H. GOODKI ND CO.. INC., 401-2-3 Wilcox bldg.. Cor. 0th and Wash. FINE DAIRY RANCH. 120 acres with new 7-room house, grav ity water sy3tem and bath ; on main county rock road, telephone and milk route; 3 good barns, 3 outbuildings; 45 acres in cultivation, 25 of which is creek bottom on 2 creeks. 00 acres sloping pas ture, 15 acres in fine timber, 100,000 ft. of fine saw timber, 55 acres practically level, all is open land except 15 acres of tim ber; there is 10o0 acres outside which can be used for range. Price $00 per acre; will trade for from 20 to 00-acre farm of equal value, partly improved, in the Willamette Valley. KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. IMPROVED WI I-iLAM ETTE VAbUSf FARM Centrally located between Newberg, Carlton. Lafayette and Yamhill, 452 acres red shot and black soil. Fenced .and cross-fenced. 3 CO acres in cultivation, balance slashed and in timber. Several good springs, 6-room house, large barn and numerous outbuildings, water piped ; $7.50 per acre ; $10,000 cash, balance 6 years, o per cent. Will consider Port land home to $6000. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO., Main 2I1S. 512-513 Yeon bldg. 33 ACRES, 2 H miles from Castle Rock, wash.; 10 acres cleared ana o acres more almost ready to plow ; large new house, new barn; 1 registered cow and 2 heifers, 2 horses, 3 registered pigs ; wood enough cut for 3 years; cultivator, wagon, har ness, a number of small tools; chickens and ducks. This place must be sacrificed and will be sold for $5000; will take $3000 in good house and lot in Portland, $2000 cash. KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. 100 ACRES, 3 acres in cultivation. 16 acres slashed, balance easily cleared: 60 miles from Portland, 24 miles to good town ; all fine land ; 2 creeks and spring on place ; 4-room house, barn, woodshed, fruit house, chicken house, one U20-egg Incubator; 00 assorted fruit trees, 150 chickens, 1 brood sow, 1 acres potatoes. Fall fruit, furniture and everything goes with the place. Price, if sold at once, only $25 per acre ; $1500 down, balance long time. 6 per cent. SMITH INVESTMENT CO.. 90 5th Street. Main 8770. 17-ACRE farm. 2 miles from McMinnville; J acres In timber, balance in cultivation, 3 acres pasture; good 6-room house, good barn, hog house and other outbuildings; fine well; 1 horse, 4 cows and 2 heifers, 60 chickens. 9 pigs; nil Implements and tools including cream separator ; 2 stoves and all household goods goes with this place. Price only $4500; $1500 cash, balance long -tinitf. KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. A RSEDV'ILLE BARGAIN. 15 acres in hiiih state of cultivation, 4 'Sm acres in orchard, 3 Vi acres in straw berries; fine 10-room modern house, large barn and other outbuildings. This place must go. Owner going East.) Will accept good income property of equal value. The price Is too low to speak aloud. R. H. GOODKI ND CO.. INC.. 4IM-2.-:-; Wilcox bldg.. Cor. 6th and Wash. $45 PER ACRE $45. 200-acre farm, 150 in cultivation, 135 bottom land, 40 suitable alfalfa, 50 oak timber, fine hog pasture, near Roseburar. fine level rock road, all fenced, flowing rtLieu.ni aim springs, excellent rancn build ings, fine orchard and vlnevard. 2 waenns hack, buggies, furnaces, etc., all kinds of rancn tooia ana machinery; terms. Hatch, 610 Buchanan bldg. WORTH THE MONEY. 20 acres. 15 acres In cultivation, balance eanily cleared : 5-room house, good barn, 2 acres bearing orchard, 8 or 10 acres in clover, balance garden and potatoes; R. F. D. and cream route; price $2750, $1000 cash, balance terms. SMITH INVESTMENT CO.. 0O 5th St. Main K770. 40-ACRE dairy ranch to exchange for city property; unoui in cultivation, balance brush and timber; good house and barn. 4 cows, team, farm Implements, part or furniture; everything complete; value $0000; clear of encumbrances; consider good property to $4000. balance terms. SMITH INVESTMENT CO., 00 nth St. Main 8770 1 HAVE 100 acres in Tualatin Valley; 55 acres under cultivation. 20 ncre-n timber, '25 acres stump land; good buildings, ma cadamized road; reasonable tonus to right party. Let us tell you about this. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212 Selling Bldg. Phone Main lsoo or A 6261. 100 ACRES Only 34 miles from Portland, 2 miles from station, good soil, some good timber, good neighbors, and a big hop ard on ad joining ilace. This will make an ideal stock ranch. Price $2J per acre. Terms easy. Call 101 Second st. FOR SALE 20 acres, ideal poultry ranch, 1 y miles east of Clackamas statiou, on Damascus road, across from Smith's bird farm; will subdivido in 5 and 10 acre tracts. G. T. Daywalt, R. F. D. No. 1, Portland. o ACRES, all cultivated, house, etc. Worth $4000. Owner must sell. Price $2500 csh. This place is near Ellwood Station on the Mt. Hood line. T. W. NORDBY, 703 Couch Bldg. 100-ACRE dairy ranch In Tillamook Co.. 10 cows. team, wagon, harness. G hogs, 40 stands bees, chickens and farm tools, hay in barn ; take some trade. E. W. Baker, Hebo. Tillamook Co., Oregon. $25 PER ACRE Fine farm on the Colum bia. 150 acres cultivated, house, barn, shop and spring; will take some unincum bered Portland property as part payment. Jesse Hobson, 230 Sherlock bldg. FINK stock ranch, all equipped, to exchange for city property; this is a dandy place, worth $10,000. SMITH INVESTMENT CO.. 90 5th St. Main 8770. 1340-ACRE farm in Lake County, on Goose Lake. Fine house, barns and outbuild ings. Price $17.50 per acre. T. W. NORDBY. 702 Couch Bldg. Miscellaneous. BEG TO ANNOUNCE opening of our REAu ESTATE and EXCHANGE department. List your properry with us. We will trade what you have lor what you want. Prop erty of MERIT only will be considered. M'KENZIE & CO. Main 2801. 515 Gerllnger Bldg. TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS $1.50 to $5.00 acre; l-40th down, balance 40 years; In formation and Texas map free. Journal Publishing Co.. Houston. Tex. CITY property, farm acreage In large and small tracts, suitable for subdivision stock and dairy ranches and timber lauds T, ,W Kordby, 702-3 -tvcouch bids. REAL ESTATE. Miscellaneous. AREA of 3 lots. Council Cresi, southern stope, with cottage, small iruic. rowers, chickens, etc; only $16oO, with $20O cash, balance like rent. J .F. Hadley, 310 Spald ing bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT IRVINGTON or close-in business or residence property, vacant or otherwise, preferably, clear, that can be handled by an agent during my absence; will give even trade for any or all of: West Side income bearing flats, $105 monthly, equity $ 8,000 Mt. Tabor view roperty, clear. . . 10,000 Residence. $40 monthly, clear ... 7.5O0 Income bearing orchard clear. . . . 25,000 Owners answer with full particulars. Owner. P. O. Box 600. HIGH-GRADE AUTO, WANT LAND. New, powerful, 1913, 7-passenger tour ing car, with famous "Silent Knight" mo ter, 70-h. p., 6 cylinders. Retail price $5500. Will take second-hand car and dif ference, or will trade for good land. Could put In bu bur ban acreage to value of $30tH clear. C. A. RUFF, 823 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE customer for 6 to 8-room house with garage; price must not be over $3sU0 and on terms of not over $500 down; house must be fully modern and up to date. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, ' 212 Selling Bldg. Phone Main 1&U0 or A 626L LOT or lots (prefer Alberta district) as first payment on hne 6-room house with den on corner facing east; this is a fine resi dence and up to date; In good location; value $3000. L LAN CHARD & CLEMS ON, 702 AND 703 SELLING BLDG. DRUGGISTS ATTENTION. Have client -who wauts a first-class money-making drug store in large country town for about $10,000; has to stand closest Investigation. Give full particu lars in first letter. F. FL'CHS, 42U Chamber of Commerce. WANT strictly modern 6 or 7-room house not to exceed $5o0;j ; must be a bargain ; Irvington, West Mt. Tabor, Walnut Park or Piedmont preferred; . substantial cash payment. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO., Main 2413. 512-513 Yeon Bldg. HEINEY WANTS A HOME Of 6 rooms, modern, full lot, close In and the best that $4000 will buy; will pay $1000 cash and terms on balance. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 208-y Stock Exchange, Corner 3d and YamhllL WANTED 10 to" SO acres in Willamette Valley between Portland and Albany, must be on county road and not less than half clear; $300 cash and good monthly or yearly payments; must be snap. Full particulars first letter. B SOU, Oregonian. ' WANTED ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS 7 or 8 rooms, must be modern, city view and near carline; $7000 to $10,000 cash; ow ners only; give price, description and location In first letter. AS 472, Oregonian. I WANT a snap in a good lot; will pay cash and will only deal with owners; must have something that will show a good In vestment; give exact location or no at tention will be given. Y 511, Oregonian. WAN TE t M o d e rn home in Irvington or Laurelhurst; not to exceed $7000: room for garage. Hacker & Therkelsen, 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7502. WILL exchange for acreage with or without Improvements, a dental office, established 4 years ; a good proposition. Dentist, 111 5th ave. North. Seattle, Wash. WANT to buy a modern home, close to Union ave., about $2500 to $3000. Give exact description, location and terms. R 534, Oregonian. WANTED To buy modern large residence on East Side from party who will accept some cash and balance in country prop erty. AN 534. Oregonian. HAVE a buyer for a $15,000 to $30,000 dairy ranch within 30 miles of Portland, on or near the Columbia River preferred. Geo. Englehart, 213 Lumbermen bldg. WANTED Two to four acres near town and transportation, not over 20 miles from Portland, right price; give all details. Ad dress AM Oil, Oregonian. WANTED To buy in Patton road or Upper Portland Heights district, small house, pay $700 down, balance monthly ; must be a bargain. Owner only. AG 528, Oregonian. WANTED A good country store In Wil lamette Valley that $5000 cash will han dle. Give fullest description in first letter. F. FL'CHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 10 or 15 acres, high and sightly, with native trees, not improved, near city. East Side; price reasonable. A 504 Ore gonian. WANT substantial equity in 6 or 7-room modern house in good restricted district ; some cash, balance good securities. AM 438, Oregonian. IF YOU have property for sale cheap bet. Hawthorne ave. and Division st.. Grand ave and- 12th St., let us know, O 543, Oregonian. WANTED Prune orchard or cleared prune or peach land within 30 miles of Port land, from party that will take modern home in exchange. K 516, Oregonian. EQUITIES bought, houses, suburban acre age ; contracts ; exchange for what you want. Boggess & Co., 206 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. SMALL house in good locality; have acre age to trade on same. Owners, phone Main 51 2 forenoon. SPOT CASH for lot in Alameda Park at a bargain price. Reid Realty Co.. 206 Alder street. IRVINGTON Best 5-room bungalow that $4500 will buy. near Broadway car ; own ers only. N 517 Oregonian. A RESIDENCE lot for cash (owner only), Laurelhurst or Rose City Park prefererd. Address "AF 531. Oregonian. WANT 4 to 0-room modern house; our party can pay $100 cash and monthly payments. Geo. Englehart, 218 Lumber mens blclg WANTED View lot, 20 to 20 Hawthorne to Harrison; give clear lot, $1000, baL cash. A.T 534, Oregonian. $260 AND a 50x100 lot (clear as first pay ment on a 5-room bungalow in Sunny side district. Tel. Main 4789. LOT wanted in Rose City Pn rk; will pay cash ; m ust be a snap. O 52, Oregonian. ACH E AGE worth $1000 for equity in 7 room house ; mortgage $100 J. 413 Rail way Exchange. I WANT to buy a house, from the owner; give pnone. ai- oo, oregonian. WANTE D Acreage, closo in, near carline; give phone. AO 523, Qreg on ia n. WILL buy lots near good carline; give phone. AO 520, Oregonian. X WILL take a lot as first payment on a home. Phone N. Dunlap, E. 43Si). WANTED Relinquishment, gonian. 50C, Ore- WANTED -Lot at Barview. E. W. Gassett. 14- Vermont st. phone A 3710. WANTED Lot between $800 and $1200, for cash. Oregonian. WILL pay cash for a real bargain in an Alameda Park lot. AE 521, Oregonian. WANTED 3 or 4-room bouse in suburbs. Part cash; state price. A.T 510, Orcgonian. TWO lots. Rose City Park district: must be chep. Rogers. Phone East 2oT. WANT city home for close in country home, $3200. AL 433, Oregonian. WANT close in property for $5500 clear bun galow; will assume.' AL 435, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for lots and equities re stricted district. AS 4lS. Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. 140 ACRES. Mostly Willamette River bottom land, sandy loam. Ideal for truck gardening; 55 miles from Portland on suburban electric. Will give 5-year lease to Japanese, Chi nese or Italian gardeners. Inquire at 518 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. 15 ACRES for sale, 1 mile from Forest Grove; good Buildings, orchard, milk route; cheap, easy terms, with privilege of rent ing 73 acres adjoining; rich bottom land, all In cultivation. Owner, Box 327, For est Grove. FOR RENT 56-acre ranch; all clear; Al soil : 2 barns. 7-room house: 1 1-3 miles from town, 600 feet from landing; 50c fare on boat from Portland and 75c fare by rail. Wanted, a good responsible par ty. Inquire 72 eth st. A. Fieshman. FOR RENT lu acres near Vancouver; good soil, suitable for potatoes or gardening, running water for irrigation; house, barn; cash, terms. . George Atwood, R. G, Van couver, W ash. 30 ACRES adjoining- Oregon City. Good buildings, fruit and berries, cross fenced. Suitable for small dairy, chickens, etc. Call or address O. W. Eastham, 211 Coin- monwealtu bldg., Portlcnd, Or. FARM to lease. 52 acres, in clover, pasture, orchard, small fruit, and No. 1 garden soil; fine house; 8 miles from Portland, at Concord station, on Oregon City carline. W. J. Johnson. GOOD stock or grain ranch, 1700 acres, plenty .grass, water, fair buildings. J. B. ROBINSON 717 Corbett bldg. 11 ACRES adjoining city; old buildings; house, barn, chicken houses. Hi 487, Ore gonian. BASE L.INE RANCH FOR RENT. 16 acres in cultivation. Give long lease to good parties. 601 Couch bldg. FOR LEASE 10 acres first-class garden land, close in. C T. Belcher, 480 Going st. Phone Woodlawn 8070. TEN ACRES right in city, 7 In fruit; four room house modern, 1027 Peninular ave FOB BENT FARMS. DAIRY RANCH FOR RENT. 14 A acres, lOO under cultivation, balance in pasture; fair buildings, 15 acres of orchard, electrlo station on place; rent $65 per month; per sonal property for sale; ' 24 milch cows, 9 2-year-old heifers, 1 bull, 3 head of horses, pigs, chickens, 95 tons of oat hay, all farm ma chinery ; can give terms. H. A. DRYER, (The Acreage Man.) Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR RENT or sale, 80 A., improved farm near Gresham. E 538 Orcgonian. FOR SALE TDIBER LANDS. 160 ACRES of timber, Umatilla County, with 2 u. million feet, close to railroad, price $2500; trade for city property. 40Q McKay bldg. Main 134. CHEAP STUMP AGE. Ideal location for the mill; stream run- nlng to railroad spur. No. SS 5th. CHEAP 170 acres, good timber. Trinity County. California. If sold at once will take $1200 cash. K 531. Oregonian. TIMBER LAJDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M 'CRACK EN, 304 McKay bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANT large tracts of timber; give location, cruise and net price; have Eastern buy - era. Edw. W. Grlevish, 500 Dekum bldg. FARMS WANTED. WANTED 20 to 50 acres of land, nioely improved, on main county road: give low est cash price, nature of soil, level or rolling, full description of improvements and location in first letter; owners only; no agents. J. II. Hill. 42C Blackistone st., Portland Or. HAVE calls for improved stock ranch, 160 acres or more. If you want to sell or trade, write us, giving full description. Owners only. The Ate his on -Allen Co.. 210 Gerllnger bldg. WANT big Willamette Valley farm; must be good; will not assume; have good resi dence property and vacant lota well lo cated, all clear. O 684, Oregonian. WANTED Farm, some improvements, not over $2KK; must be cheap for cash. Write full particulars at once. AS 474, Orego nian. WANT farm. Give new $4O00 bungalow, incumbrance $1750, as first payment. Call at 473 Roselawn ave.. cor. 9th. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent a dairy farm of 8 to 15 cow, on the shares; In Washington. See Vandehey, phone 905. Forest Grove, Or. WANTED To rent, farm In good wheat belt. Eastern Oregon or Washington, equipped, on shares; good references. AF 503, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED farmer wants to manage or rent farm equipped with stock; indus trious, reliable, reference. AL 533, Ore gonian. FARM, 80 to 100 acres. In Willamette Val ley; have $2000 cash and $8000 good city property; farm must be improved. JACOB HAAS, Gerllnger bldg. RELIABLE man wants to rent about 10 acres of land, with privilege of buy ins;; state particulars. AK 637, Oregonian. WELL equipped farm to manage on shares; can furnish best references as to ability, character, etc V 4O0. Oregonian. WANTED to rent, from three to Ave acres near Portland. O 539, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. GO ACRES ON BASE LINE ROAD. " BEST FARM TRADE. This GO-a ere farm home is Just 20 miles east of the city on the Base Line road right at Chanticleer Tavern. One of the prettiest views In the world is obtained from the premises. It is located right on the road that Multnomah County has just appropriated $100000 to per fect. Mr. Lancaster has been em- . ployed to make it the greatest road in ths world. There are 60 acres, 40 acres in high state of cultivation. There is no better soil in the State of Oregon. Good 5-room house, fine large barn with full cement base ment. Best of spring water piped to house and barn. Nice earing orchard. Price $18,000. Take $13,000 in trade, time on balance. Remem ber the location, the view and let us tell you .that a syndicate has been formed and purchased a tract there which they are selling in one acre tracts at $10-00 per acre, and will erect a fine concrete hotel. HARGROVE & SONS. 122 N. 0th st. Main 4581, A 7259. FARMS TO TRADE. 104 acres, located at Roseburg; 35 acres bottom land in cultivation, balance Das ture and timber ; flue buildings; 6 acres orchard, 6 cows, 8 horses, implements, etc.: price $10.O00; take Portlajid property to $oooo. Daiance time, e per cent. 740-acre farm; 800 acres bottom land. In cultivation : no waste land ; fine set build ings, complete equipment of farm imple ments. 70 head cattle, S horses, 45 hogs; price $42,500; taku Portland property to $3o,0O. 60S Commercial Block. 15 ACRES on the Oregon Electric south of Beaverton, all In cultivation, a strictly modern 10-room house, barn 45x80, 60 tons of hay in the barn. 40 hogs, o horses, harness and wagon, rake, mower, harrow, disc and all small tools; a lot of chickens. 150 sacks of potatoes, 9 head of cows, 4 heifers, 2 calves, 3 acres of young or chard, 3 z acres of strawberries, 4 acres of kale; good well with pumping plant. For sale, including everything ; price, $9000, or will exchange for $5000 or $6000 stock of merchandise, or a good home In the city clear or lncumorance, ' W. H. LANG, 313 Ablngton bldg. A EXTRA GOOD STOCK AND DAIRY FARM. 452 acres, over 300 acres in cultivation. Is located near Carlton, Yamhill County, is fenced off in several fields with water in each field; has fair buildings, and is one of the best farms in the county; cash price is only $100 per acre, and will take a $10,000 residence in a good location in Portland as part payment. W. H. LANG, 315 Ablngton bldg. MERCHANDISE STORES TO TRADE $3500 stock groceries, doing $10O daily; will exchange for clear real estate. Three other stocks, $2000, $4500 and $60OO, for Portland property. $10,000 stock general merchandise, do ing fine business; trade for Portland prop erty. Other stocks merchandise to trade, $1. C00, $15,000. $22,000. $25,000 and $40,000. 6O8 Commerolal Building. CATTLE MEN. TAKE NOTICE! 1300 acres, with lots of outrange. In Eastern Oregon, where plenty of rain falls; river runs througn piace; 300 head cattle, 70 horses, 50 hogs, 100 chickens, plenty hay and feed, to exchange. Owner. William Johnson, 527 Cham, of Com. $25,000. Independence 120-a. ranch; every acre cultivated ; bldgs. new and modern ; Im provements, stock. Implements. crops, worth $10,000. included. Will take Port land to $18,000 and assume. C. M. C. 413 Chamber of Commerce. WILL trade splendid view lot on Kings Heights and from $1000 to $2000 in cash for good residence or other income prop erty; might assume additional indebted ness If proposition attractive; give full particulars. W C2S. Oregonian. A GOOD lot near Mt. Tabor worth $700; will exchange for a good heavy team of horses, wagon and harness. W. H. LANG, 315 Ablngton Bldg. Phone Main 3003. ' 282 ACRES, 30 miles out; 125 acres in cultivation. 25 in hops, good buildings, living water, graveled roads; easy terms; owner. William Johnson, 527 Chamber of Commerce. WHAT have you to trade for the best picture house in Portland; will guarantee 630O clear per month; best of reasons for trading. F 519, Oregonian. NICE beach lot, 50x100. valued at $100, fox sale or will trade for typewriter or good phonograph. K 503. Oregonian. HAVE unincumbered acreage, trade for a clear roomlng-housf, grocery or property. Owners only. H 507, Oregonian. WILL trade 20 acres California or 40 acres Klamath Falls for city property; what . have you ? 315 Northwest bldg. $1000 EQUITY in 7-room house to trade for automohih; give full particulars in first letter. G 514. Oregonian. HOUSE and lot, clear of Incumbrance, East Side, to exchange even for good auto; no Junk. Phone Main 606 or A 3606. $650 DIAMOND to trade for vacant lot in good vicinity; will give some cash differ ence O 610 Oregonian, TO EXCHANGE, WILLOUGHBT'S LIST OF B AR GAIN S. $ 4.500 No Incumbrance, 2 houses -and 5 lots, Ashland, Or., to trade in on city busi ness property. $10,800 No Incumbrance, 12 acres of orchard on electric line, close to North Yakima; want city home. $10,000 Equity $7000, four flats In good district; pays interest on Investment. Wants a farm. $16,500 Equity $0500. 4 flats close to 21st and Hoyt; fine proposition; wants a farm. $12,50Q No incumbrance; . business property, occupied by rooming-house; income $150 per per mo. ; wants improved farm; Roseburg district preferred. $ 8,000 80 acres, all In cultivation, level, close to railroad town, not far from Albany; bouse and barn, orchard; best farm In that section. Wants city property. A. T. WILLOUGK1IY & CO., 415 Corbett bldg. Main 8S55. HIGH CLASS PROPERTY. $1,000 Clear. Fine residence or business lot well located. Want small acre age near Portland or Willamette Valley. $2,500 Clear. All rich bottom In culti vation, 12 acres ; nothing bettor In the state. In loganberries it will net $300 per acre. Want Portland residence, clear. $3,009 30 - acre farm improved and stocked. Want Portland lots or acreage. $12,000 120-acre dairy farm with $2500 worth of stock. Will exchange for Portland income property up to $9000. $13,000 Several parcels income bearing real estate clear. Want $14,000 to $20,000 stock hard v.-are or mdse. $50,000 4."0- acre farm, Willamette Val ley near Portland. Want Portland income property. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry Bldg. EXCELLENT DAIRY RANCH. 141 acres. miles from Roseburg; 15 acres heavy timber, balance level bottom j ib no. in nign state oi cultivation; tnis is the very best of soil ; new house, barn, granary, silo, all farming machinery and stock; 85 acres seeded to alfalfa, clover, timothy; all fenced ; on graveled county road, 14 mile to school: creamery In Rose burg; this Is the best dairy ranch In Douglas County nnd will stand the closest Investigation ; price $150 per acre : will take $10,000 In cash-valued Portland real estate. DOUGLAS BROS. & WALLACE, Roseburg-, Oregon. EXCHANGE FOR WESTERN OREGON FARM. 600-acre farm In Spokane Co., Wash. 200 acres In wheat (40 bu. land). 3O0 acres (lake bottom land) in meadow. 100 acres In pasture bordering on a lake. Very good buildings, R. F. D.. telephone, 6 miles to depot. $5000 worth of stock and machinery and plenty of water. Farm produced this year 600 tons of hay and 4000 bushels of wheat. Will trade for Willamette or Western Oregon Farm. WASHINGTON-O K EG ON I N VFS TM ENT CO.. 70S SELLING BLDG. $3S,OO0 7;xl0' Income, E vertt-s treet cor ner; will take $21,000 equity. 1-3 in secured notes, balance in unincum bered farm or city property. $55,000 income property; wll Rake $35,000 in one or more unincumbered city properties or acreage. $63,000, including three good- properties with somo Incumbrance, for first class property up to $75,000. GEO. ENGLEHART. 1S Lumbermens Bldg. WEST SIDE, walking distance, beautiful home on College St.. lower heights, mag nificent view of- whole city, rivers and mountains, modern in every way, sleeping porches, veranda, fireplace, furnace, shower bath, otc. ; sit on front porch and watch Rose Show parade pass by; $10,500, worth more, will take some cash and nice building site closo in lor equity of $0000. Address P 5G3, Oregonian. 44 A CR E S SOUTI i O IT "rEEDVILLE, Long road frontage on Farmington road, two miles from Reedville, three miles from Beaverton, 1 5 acres cleared, pasture, balance easily cleared, lies level with good surroundings; price $5600; no buildings on this; surrounding land is held at $200 an acre; exchange this for house and lot up to $4000. JACOB HAAS, Gerllnger bldg. $23,0M EQUITY in 1298 acres in Gilliam County, on the Condon R. R., 1000 acres in wheat, land in cultivation, 00 acres bottom. Irrigated ; good improvements, family orchard, spring water piped to house and btfrn. mortgage $17,2'Jo, part due this Fall; can't meet mortgage and will trade for anything of valuo. Box 42, Eugene, Or. Owner. EXCHANGE. 475-ACRK DAIRY RANCH. 85 miles down the Columbia, on the Co lumbia boulevard and 3000 fet of Colum bia River water front; good 7-room house and new 48xllG dairy barn; $75 per acre, on excellent terms. Washington-Oregon Investment Co., 70S Selling bldg. STOCK FARM WANTED West of mountains, in Oregon or Wash ington ; large acreage, good, cheap land, partly improved, not to exceed $12,500; will give clear income Portland business property, now leased, as part payment; owner ; no agents. Add ress J oh n Carlton. 1208 East Sherman St., Portland. Or. SEE 233 LAURELHURST AVE. New 8-room Laurelhurst house, strictly modern, finished in mahogany and white enamel; pri-;e $55oO; will take clear lots to $25iw;. nn U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO., Main 2418. . 512-513 Yeon Bldg. WANT HOUSE IN SELLWOOD. Have a nice 20-acre ranch, excellent soli, all In cultivation, flnn house, barn, and outbuildings, team, wagon, harness, chick ens and pigs all go, at a price of $0750. G. S. Smith Sc. Co., 432 Chamber of Com merce. MODERN 8-room house, hardwood floors, 2 tolh ts, Dutch kitchen, pantry, full base ment, cement floor, wash trays, furnace, large garage, lawn, rose s, etc. Also other property to exchange for lots or smaller places, or easy payments. L. E. Stelu metz. owner, 217 Abingotn bldg. - MODEL FARM FOR CITY PROPERTY. We have a model Willamette Valley farm of 120 acres with stock and imple ments, value $20,000, and will trade it for Portland property as owner Is no farmer. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. THOUSAND DOLLAR equity In 15-acres rich farm land. under cultivation, running stream. 50 miles from Portland, on west side R- R.. and surveyed e!ectrte line. Actual value $125 per acre. Will exchange for city lot to value of $1000. Balance on land, easy payments. Roy, 209 Third st. BEG TO ANNOUNCE opening of our REAL KtSTATE and EXCHANGE department List your property with us. We will trade erty of ME KIT only will be considered. M'KENZIE & CO. Main 2S01. 515 Gerllnger B!d. WANT HOMES FOR IMPROVED ACREAGE The very best of land to be found in Multnomah and Washington counties, at cash prices. If you have a house for country home, see G. S. Smith & Co., 432 Chamber of Commerce. 120 ACRES, near Estacada ; best of land. 2,000,000 ft. red and some yellow fir tim ber; on main county road; 3 springs, . good well, small creek; wiil sell as whole or divide; terms. Owner going East. AH 631, Oregonian. UNINCUMBERED AND MODERN. 7-room house on Everett, near E. 52d; price $3000 ; will trade for good 4 or 5 passenger auto and lots or acreage. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO., Main 241S. 512-513 Yeon Bldg WANT AUTOMOBILE. Have nearly 2 acres at West Ascot Sta tion, value $1500, want 5-passenger auto for about $750 as first payment for same. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade, 10-acre farm, 5 miles west of Warren; fine spring water and good improvements. Write or inquire of owner, only. Address Robt. McKamey, Warren, Or. R. F. D. No. 1. NEW, modern 7-room home, Dutch kitchen, buffet, full basement, wash trays, wood lift, etc. Price $2800. Lot or small first payment, balance easy terms. L. E. Stetn metz, owner. 217 Abington b!d. WANT close-in acreage to Portland or Van couver; will trade St. Johns business prop erty, all clear except city liens. AB 529, Oregonian. WHAT will you offer for 160 acres yellow pine and fir In Jackson County. Oregon? J. M. Rich, 111 6th ave. North. Seattle, Wash. IMPROVED ranch in Valley on S. P., near Oregon Electric. 15 miles Portland; trade for grocery or general merchandise, H 486, Oregonian. 40 ACRES near White Salmon; $2300 equity for a homo In Portland; will assume up to $2500 if right location and price. AE 509, Oregonian. I WILL assume. I own ISO acres and want East or West Side property wtlh or with out bldgs. Will take cloae-in acreage. 512 Piatt bldg. WILL exchange income Irvington flats for well-located vacant lots. F. E. Bowman & Co. $107. 50 certificate on new piano. What have you ? A. B., Cleone. Or., Box S7. WANT home or close-In acre for my Pope Hartford automobile. AB 528, Oregonian. WANT equity in house and lot for clear TO EXCHANGE. MUST EXCHANGE SOON. 800 acres wheat land in Sherman Coun ty, Oregon, part exchange and 16 years on deferred payments, at 6 per cent. $60 acres Sherman County. This Is one of the best wheat and stock ranches in the country. Part trade and terms. 7000 acres stock ranch In Eastern Ore ton, &0O0 sheep; Is splendid ranch and worth the money. 160 acres on Columbia River; raw land; gxod dairy runch. "SO acres near Hood River; 10 acres bearing fruit; 10-room bungalow; $4000 mortgage. Will take timber. 10-acre tract improved, 22 miles from Portland. 10 acres raw land in Newberg country; $1100. Will take vacant lots. Residence property in Portland to exchange for acreage or vacant lots. Portland property to exchange for California. See Hulse, Realty Dept. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I HAVE a first-class lot in choice residence district. East Yamhill between E. 28th and E. 29th; this district is practically built up with high-grade residences. Mortgage on lot of $1000, has 1 years to run at 8 per cent. I will exchange my equity of $1500 for Portland suburban acres co or lot: will not assume any indebtedness, nor will I consider any inflated values. rso attention will be paid to. answers unless same give exact location of prop erty offered and price asked, Q 469, Ore gonian. LARGE 7-room modern dwelling in most select part of city to exchange for close in acreage. THE FIRM THAT DOES THINGS, 203-204 Piatt Bldg. Tel Mala 9042. 5-ROOM house and 5 lots, 100x150, in Sheridan, Oregon; fenced with woven wire, barn for 7 head of stock, 46 bearing fruit trees, grapes, loganberries; adjoins high school ; price $220O no incumbrance ; will exchange for small place from 25 to 40 acres, close to some railroad town, or will consider larger stock ranch up to $Sommi to $10,090. Schiller B. Hermann, 812 Board of Trade. FINE ROGUE-RIVER VALLEY RANCH. 160 acres on Pacific Highway, 3 mi. from thriving town, 75 acres iu cultiva tion ; good outrange : 23 a. In 4-yr.-old pears, much other fruit, alfalfa, etc ; ir rigated ; good buildings, electric lighted; stuck and Implements ; $150 per acre; would exchange for Portland income-bearing property. AV 591, Oregonian. FOR SALE 320 acres; railroad station on place; two sets of buildings, one 12 -room house, one 6-room house, water piped to bouses and barn; 100 acres 4-year-old ap ples; 24 acres 2-year-old prunes; 20 acres loganberries, balance good tillable land; will accept Income Portland property as part payment ; balance can be arranged. See J. Baumgartner, Salem, Oregon. SHORT distance from Portland, on United Railway 2-acre tract, fenced, all in cul tivation, 6-room house, almost furnished, 4 rooms finished, barn with 0 tons of hay, 1 cow, 2 heifers, 5 hogs and poultry, 1 buggy, 20 sacks potatoes, patch of kale; cash price $1100; will accept $600 cash . and cheap lot for quick action. Schiller B. Hermann, S12 Board of Trade. ACREAGE FOR BUNGALOW. Ten acres, 2 miles from Vancouver, on main county road, in the rich prune belt, as part payment on modern bun galow In Portland. The bridge will dou ble this property. Owner, 722 Yeon building. IRVINGTON HOME. $6500 Modern 7-room house, located In best part of Irvington, near both Irving ton and Broadway cars; has furnace and is thoroughly modern; will exchange $40u0 equity for small farm or improved acro- O ALLAN A KASER. 722 Yeon Bldg. I HA E 10 acres fine land in Idaho. Pay ette Valley fruit district, 1 hk mi. from Payette, value $2100 ; unincumbered ; will exchange for house and lot in or near Portland or acreage with no incumbrance. 619 Marion st., city. I HAVE a fine big farm in the Willamette Valley which I want to sell cheap and will take some city property as part pay ; I want to see the owner not agents); no phoning. S. N. Steele, 432 Chamber o Commerce. i WANT the best 75 to 90-acre farm that $10,000 will buy; must be well located on M t. Hood, Etacada or Oregon Electric line; hate first-class city property, rented, and acreage, with some cash; no agents. Address F 532, Oregonian. lo OR 20- acres of 4-year-old apple orchard at Cove. Oregon, in Grand Konde Valley, for sale on e-asy terms, or will take good Portland property part payment. See owner. J. K. Wright, at Imperial Hotel, M onday. WILL exchange a $2500 business lot on Sandy road. Rose City Park, for equity In a bungalow or pp.y difference in cosh If bungaiow is free and clear. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. WANT 5 acres or more within 15 miles of th city, on good transportation, up to $2000, pay some cash and 2 lots, 50x100 tach, at University Park. O. O. R. Ellis & Co., 309 Board of Trade. WILL exchange eight lots, unincumbered, $1300 credit on new automobile and 120 acres timber land, subject to $700 mort gage, for bungalow this city. Wiil assume small mortgage. Main 328. TO EXCHANGE. ' A good real estate mortgage for $5000, C per cent interest; will exchange for home In tho city. Call Wallace invest ment Co., Room 518 Oregonian. HAVE 6 good houses in Portland, rents nearly $200 per month; small incumbrance; would exchange for good farm up to $-6.-000 if clear of incumbrance. Address own er. 272 Sark st. I HAVE several clients who want fl or ti ro om bungalows in Portland In exchange for country property and farms ; win be pleased to have your listings. Schiller B. Hermann, 812 Board of Trade. 5-ROOM, new, plastered house, full base ment; lot 40x120; well located: prrce $2500, no incumbrance; wants small farm and will assume to $5000. Schiller B. Her mann, 812 Board of Trade. A 8 -STORY brick apartment-house, well furnished, will lease furnished, or trade my equity In furniture for good home and give cheap lease; house is full and paying well. Address 51 Union ave. N. 160 ACRES of timber. Yamhill County, with 2i million feet, close to railroad price $2500; trade for city property. 40 tt McKay bldg. Main 134. IF you have anything anywhere you want to sell or trade, see Black, 451 Jefferson st. He matches you. Marshall 5725, A 4940. SELL 80 acres fine farm land Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, part cash, terms to suit: would consider good rooming-house, M 543, Ore gonian. WEST SIDE, modern apt. -house, full all the time, making money; will trade for houses, lots or land. This Is A-l. AF 532, Ore gonian, WILL TRADE three clear lots on best car lino, valued at $400O, for five or six-room modern bungalow or house; will give or take cash difference. A 558, Oregonian. WILL TRADE $1750 equity, mortgage long time. In modern 6-room bungalow for real contracts monthly payments or clear lots. P 059, Oregonian. $650 CASH equity, modern bungalow, 6044 87th avenue, S. E. ; will trade for auto mobile or lot of equal value. Phone owner. Tabor 893. I HAVE $10,000 worth of good Portland property, some income, $6T per month: will trade for good improved farm of same value. Owner, E 506, Oregonian. 4i ACHEd, near Portland, $250O; unincum bered, excellent location ; unimproved. 1 ,25',00o timber; want clear residence Owner. 10O Grand, North. WILL trade 80 acres unimproved, Reynolds Co.. Missouri, price $ 1T.O0, clear, for small houe and lot up to $2500l Main 0482, AN 504, Oregonian. WILL take unincumbered lot or acreage for $450 equity in 8-room partially furnished cottage balance $540 payable $7.50 month ly. Fred W. German Co., 932 C. of C. LOOK up exchans offered in today's Ore gonian by Schiller B. Hermann, 612 Board of Trade. WANT house and lot; exchange 160 acres land and 2 Mi million timber. Clatsop Co.; $350 0. B 493, Oregonian. EXCHANGE 28-foot launch, boathouse, for automobile or good lot. Tabor 8791, T 84. HOUS 1:7 and lot in Eltovar and 2 lots in Argyle for small modern bungalow. Ad dress 435 E. Stafford st. 80 ACRSS of ood timter in White Salmon district, va ue $2000, trade for equity in a InuKe. 40rl McKay bldg. Main 934. HAVE good property to exchange for moving-picture theater, not particular about location. Phone Marshall 5725, A 4940. LIST your property with me and I will ad vertise same for you. Schiller B. Hermann, 812 Board of Trade. GOOD Portland securities for business up to $2000. Owner. A 581, Oregonian. 120 ACRES timber land for sale or ex change. Phone Tabor 5G. 160 ACRES land, North Dakota, trade Ore gon property. AN 503, Oregonian HAVE equity In lot at Alameda Park; will trade for anything1. P 56.1. Oregonian. HAVE uo Incumbered lots In Eastern Ore gon to trade for good Victrola. 083 C. of C. 6ALOON Will sell or trade for ma!l ranch, or town property. Phone Main 8633, TO EXCHANGE. "ALWAYS SOMETHING GOOD." "EXCHANGES WORTH INVESTI GATING." One of the best wheat and alfalfa ranches on Willow Creek, Eastern Oregon, containing 620 acres, 40 in alfalfa; free water right and plenty of water; all farm implements go with the place; price $16,000; wiil take half in trade, either Portland property or small valley farm. "MERCHANDISE BUSINESS That Is Doing the Business. This stock will Inventory about $12,000; doing about $100 per day cash business; long leas at $30 per month, which Includes cottage to live In. Don't overlook this if you are looking for a good paying prop osition; will take half in trade. WANT A HOME IN PORTLAND. Have a house and lot In one of the best residenoe districts In Seat tle; house Is old but comfortable; the real value is in tho lot; tine view of the Sound and Lake Union; the price of this place is $6000; owner wants a home in Laurel hurst or Lxvington, "WANT A HOME ON WEST SIDE, between ISth and 23d and Wash in ff ton nnd Overton sts. ; will go as high as $9000; havo a beautiful Portland Heights lot. corner, 60x 100, worth $5000; will pay balance cash or assume. "INVESTIGATE THIS." Have a concrete business block lo cated In one of the best little towns in Washington ; alfalfa and fruit district; leased for $160 per month; price $25,000, mortgage $S000, run ning five years at 7 per cent; wants vacant lots in good d 1st riot in Portland for equity, Irvington pre ferred. "HOOD RIVER 6XAP," 25 acres, 12 of which will be bearing next yoar; this place is lo cated la the upper valley and close to Park Dale; free and clear of in cumbrances; wants property in Portland; price $12,000. IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING GOOD TO TRADE COME AND SEE MY LISTINGS,- ARE ALL EX CLUSIVE. J. R. PRIGMORS, 1008 WILCOX BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1400. HAVE YOU SEEN THE PRESIDENT OF THE GLENHART REALTY CO. FOR EXCHANGES ? 5 acres. United Railways, all In culti vation; $1500; will consider a good vacant lot. 9 acres, all in cultivation, one mile Van couver; house, barn, etc. ; $4000; will consider good home in city. 10-room apartment. West Side, $12,500; will consider $OOOU on vacant property. 10 acres, house, cultivation, one mile Orenco, on Oregon Electric ; $35o0; will consider house 6 rooms, close in, 10-room, houso, 0 lots, $2400, for good acreage. 5-room house, 100x100, 4 lots, total $6800; will consider farm stocked to $suuo. $S500 contract mortgage; will consider first-class farm, well stocked. 422 Chamber of Commerce. MT. TABOR HOME FOR EXCHANGE. A beautiful 10-room house, with all modern runveiiiences, very large living-room, paneled dininti room and sot-in sideboard, li brary, break fast-room, 5 bedrooms, full basement, furnace. well-kept yards, bitumized streets; an ele gant house In an elepant neighbor hood. Value $12,500. What have you to exchange for owner's equity of $7500. LB NOIR, 228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 40 ACRES, unimproved, good spring, about M miles from Mt. Angel, fair road runs through it and connects with county road H mile distant- land practically all level; covered with brush and small timber ; easily cleared; soil deep black loam; price $250O, up incumbrance; will exchonga for unimproved city lots or house and lot. might assume or will consider good first mortgage in exchange. Schiller B. Her mann, M2 Board of Trade. 20 ACRES near Mosier. Or.; about 60 per cent good til lab It land ; big portion open and easily cleared; between S.oUO.oOO and 4,000,000 feet of yellow pine and tlr; run ning water on place; will exchange this property for smallelr tract of land m Willamette Valley or city property. This property is clea r of incuni b ranee. G. S. SMITH & CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. WANT 25 or 80-acre Improved farm In ex change for fine modern residence in Port land. THE FIRM THAT DOE3 THINGS, 203-204 Piatt Bldg. Tel. Main 9042. FOR TRADE. Where there is no snow and the sun shines year-round, IS miles of beach, the finest beach in U. S. ; a 1 4-room rooming house, hot and cold water, bath, electric lighted and well furnished, small alfalfa farm preferred. W hat have you? Ad dress owner, C. Mallory, box 45, Plsmo, California. 20O0 ACRES of land In Willamette Valley, in tracts of 160 to BOO acres, all in raw state ; 30,000,000 feet saw timber; land surrounded by Improved farms; equity $57.0OO, incumbrance $20,OoO, payable 4 equal annual payments, interest 5 per cent. Client unable to meet payments. Make m an offer in exchange for the equity. Schiller B. Herman, 812 Board of Tcade. MOVING-PICTURE show, 106 chairs, on Mississippi ave. ; Edison machine ; good operator will assist if wanted; will ex change for city property or will sell reas onable ; party owning name has farm in valley. Schluer B. Hermann, 812 Board of Trade. FOR SALE Steams 7-passenger automobile, In first-class condition, has never had hard usage; cost $4250. Need money and wiil sacrifice for $li50. Can inspect and test car to your own satisfaction ; will exchange for good lot. Call at 843 Sumner. MORTGAGES wanted running one to five years; will trade stock In good local well paying financial corporation at equal value; better than cash offer. T 505, Ore gonian. GOOD land, ready for plow, exchange for equities, store, rooming-house, lots or stock; what have you 7 Or will take good lot for carpenter work ; plans furnished free. Address G. f. DrisKeii, 150 lltn st. STORE building on Milwaukee street, size 20x52; 6-room flat above, lot 50x100; price s;3su0, mortgage $1200. Take lots acre age, auto for equity $2CO0. T 525, Ore Konian. ' iboxlOO, 7-ROOM bungalow, ncrw, no In cumbrance; price $7000; exchange for acreage, near Portland. L 4a7, Orego nian. WHAT have you to trade for a 820-acre wheat ranch? Will take 5-passenger late model auto as part payment. J 550, Orego nian. 40 ACRES or any part of same, all In cul tivation, adjoining Sheridan, Or., to trade for house In Portland. Main 4393. 70S Selling bldg. 5-ROOM house, clear of incumbrance, to trade for acreage; prefer Cornell road, 708 Selling bldg. Main 4993. HAVE 10 acres, no incumbrance, Oregon Electric, near station; will trade. A 560, Oregonian. ALBE RTA farm trade for Portland prop- Hndiey, Whccldon Annex, city. TO EXCHANGE Equity In lot for piano, motorcvele, launch or what have you? East 61 :"., B 3363. HOUSE and lot near Detroit. Mich., value A 1 500, no exchange for property In or ti'rar Portia nd. A V 571. Oregonian. FOR S. F. or bay property. $4000 bunx- Jow. Owner, 99 a K. 15ttt et, i