16 TTTR SUNDAY OREGONIAN , PORTLAND, OCTOBER 26, 1913. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HIGH-CLASS BUSINESS CHANCES. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT COMPANY. iil8 Yeon Bldg., 5th and Alder. YEARS OV HONEST DEALIN3. BAKERY If you want a nice little bakery, making good money, we have a topnotcher for only $730. MEAT MARKET Located In center of rJuh farming district; beat equipped ahoy, slaughter-house and lease on pasture; 3 horsea. - wagons; price is right. GROCERIES. FURNITURE Al stock, on choice corner location, prosperous town of lwK: sales from $W to $T daily; In voice about $DHJ. MEAT MARKET Best location In Portland : employs three men ; rent only $40; owner has two shops and can't at tend to both. POOLROOM. CONFECTIONERY Only poolroom and confectionery in country town; $:!0'.M equipment; public hall pays rent; priced low. CONFECTIONERY, GROCERY, CI r.AKS Located on busiest part of Grand ne.; receipts $30 daily; owner must go L'ast and will sacrifice. LEST AVRA NT Exceptional buy In a rrMtaiirant, established seven years on Morrison St.; receipts $55 daily; . iirst class place. ricel furnished. WET "WASH LAUNDRY Do you want one oi the best wet wash laundries in Portland, clearing S400 monthly. Mod ern equipment, including auto delivery and wagons. Thoroufih investigation in V'.ted. TAILORING Doing leading business In city of G(HK; long established in excellent location. PICTURE SHOW. VAUDEVILLE If you have .j50. in money we can put you in one o the best-paylns picture and vaudeville houses in ihe etate of Oregon. , l.iifntfd in fin new concrete building; opera chairs, two boxes with willow seats trO-yard plush curtain, Kimball baby prand and electric piano, powers and Sim plex nuch ines, curtain ads pay $30 monthly. This place is elegantly equipped throughout and has no competition iu city of GUOO. COUNTRY GROCERY We have listed the leading grocery in larpe southern Ore gon town; concrete building; rent $10; cales run about $iN dally; located next to pjatoffice; invoice about $0ii0. CONCRETE PLANT Will sell on ac count of business In the east, the best equipped concrete block factory in Port land; does bis outside business In blocks, vaults, etc. We show that this clears from $150 to $1!0 monthly. UPHOLSTERING PLANT For only $S00 we will sell an upholstering plant that Is clearing $"M monthly; has full equipment of machinery; plenty of con tracts coming in. Sickness and old age reason for selling. RESTAURANT Although worth $1000. We will take only $."23 for one of the best located and patronized restaurants In Portland. This Is 'an exceptional snap. SKATING RINK Not far from heart of Portland and coining money; has orches trian that cost $18uo; skates, tools, signs and everything necessary ; monthly ex penses only .$75; pays big profits; $1030 takes the entire outfit. SALOON Finely equipped and well lo cated, hiph-class bar, paying only $100 rent for choice Washington -street loca tion; this is the biggest snap in the city for only ?21:K WE HAVE 1000 BUSINESS SNAPS DEAL WITH THE OLD RELIABLE ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1S Yeon bidg. Main S1. THE POWER OF " TRUTH Is an able and fearless article, exposing the present methods of financing corpora tions, with valuable suggestions of a remedy to abolish the rotten methods now in vogue. THOMAS W. LAWSON could have been the biggest man In the United States had he advocated such a remedy. We will send you free of cost a copy of this article, with half-tone photos and a bond and stock offering that will revolu tionize the financing of corporations. Iieilahlo bond and stock broker wanted. RIO ClMAKROXKb PLANTATION COM PANY, Third Floor. Nevada Bank Bldg. San Francisco. C'a!. PIIO Fl TABLE S AWM ILL FOR SALE ; MODEl'.X EQUIPMENT; DAILY CAPAC ITY 00,000 F1TET; IXCATION PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND. OS BANKS OF NAVIGABLE RIVER: LOGS FLOATED DIRECTLY TO MILL AT LOW COST: TJMBKK ACCESSIBLE AND LIMITLESS IN QUANTITY: DEMAND FOR PROD UCT EXCEEDS CAPACITY; FINE W H A R V1-7S. STEAM YACHT, MODERN CON V K X I K X "J EvS ; TELEGRAPH AND POSTOFFICE ON PROPERTY; MILL SITUATED IN HEART OF SALMON INDUSTRY; PKTCK REASONABLE; EX CEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY: FOR PAR TICULAKS. J. S. PUR DY, 320 POST ST., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. GENERAL merchandise store, with good paying postotnee. ir.ig is something real ly in class Al; 2S miles from Portland, on eitrlc lint; in good farming district, and several sawmills nearby. Small hotel in connection; will Invoice about $ii00; small rent, lnfr lease; no competition. A good ae:i can dp mane, a? 4h, oi '-goniHn. lUK h.i-t Act quicK. jiusiness calls me to Can i da. I will sacrifice my hotel and restaurant, worth $1600. for $10U0; ?2G0 easn, balance li years time, no interest; rent $50, 2-year lease; Investigate same at location. Hermann Restaurant and Hotel, Linnton, Or. FOR SALE Saloon, North End, independent license, biock .-u. saie, register, electric piano, cheap rooming-house on top, 17 rooms, partly furnished; '2 years' lease: cheap rent; price $2500. Will take $1.00 casn, oaiance on gooa security. .k. 4dtf, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for a reliable business chance office, established S years; it don't require experience beyond ability to show stores to customers; energetic man can make $1 n month. Particuhirsc 323 Lum bcr Exchange, 2d and Stark. CONFECTIONERY Hot and cold drinks, oyster cocktails, etc., clearing $175 month above all expenses. Gross expenses $2.f0 a day; cash sales average $3n dally. Profits .(. per cent at least figure. $2500 or in voice. 303 Lumber Exchange. HERE IS-SNAP INPICTURE SHOW." As I am leaving for Seattle I will sacri fice my old" established picture show, with good Income, low rent and good lease, if tanen at once, yud icon Didg. FOR SALE Furniture of 7-room house and honso and barn to lease; also first-class wood raw outfit with ood will of five years business; best In city. Call at 423 Hawtnorne ave. HALF interest in brokerage business; duties win be to show stores and other property. This is especially fine chance; references given and required; don t take much mony. Call 24S Stark st. RELIABLE contractor wants honest part ner to be timekeeper, oversee the men a work, etc.; pay $13 month salary; also large profits and your money secured, 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Starlc LOOK THIS UP TODAY. Stock and fixtures, C showcases, 2 wall cass, dru gs. ci ga rs and soda founta In, runny and stationery, all for $450; worth SVM Tabor 2312. ON account of sickness must sell small grocery for $350 cash ; doing cash busi ness; no delivery; 3 living-rooms; rent 525. D 477. Oregonian. FOR $200 you can get a business in good Ore gon town out of which hustler can make a good lH'ing. Give address and phone. AV f40, Oregonian. ONLY steam laundry In a live town, 50 miles from Portland, business $200 per week: good proposition. Terms. Address AV 545, Oregonian. MAN who can organize sales company, high class specialty, and Invest In company; can name his own salary. Mr. Harshman, 723 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A $7000 and a $10,000 stock of general merchandise to exchange for farms clear of Incumbrance, well Im proved. HOME BROKERAGE CO.. 323 Henry bdg. RESTAURANT and coffee-house, good loca tion, long Ian; last month's receipts $loe3: price $025 cash. Investigate. 40 1st st. North, cor. Cowh. The Globe. PA RTNERSHIP -Want man who can do lleht office work; profitable business and will bear investigation; $250 required. In qulrc 311 Lumber Exchange. CLEANING and dye works for sale cheap If taken quick; will sell whole or half Inter, est; old stand; $35 to $85 a week. M 430. Oregonian. CASH butter store, owner will show you can make $125 month year round; can try before buying; only $1100. Call 248 Stark st. BIG paying theater for sal, under present management over two years; you can handle the receipts until convinced; owner sick; must leave. V 469, Oregonian. PARTNER with $2500 In good established business, part trade considered; good thing for rlgbt young man. F 40. Oregonian. SALOON In town of 6000; 4 places, limited, good business, good stock. Price $2850; write 820 North Hays St., Ft. Johns. Or. GOOD openings In city and country hotels. Goldschmldt's Agency. 208-9 Stock Ex change. 3d and Yamhill. GOOD opening for lawyer with a little money. Give address and phone. AV 550, Oregonian. Hl slK Pi'OaTCVITlE!. ALASKA PLACER GOLD. I am Jus down from Alaska. Have six placer claims on a proven creek. Claims above and below me are averag ing 3u cents per yard at a cost of 20 cents. I have srrcat water supply for worthing my claims. Need capital to pro- ide sluicing outfit. Will give half in terest to anyone who will finance me and give his investment back before 1 take any profits. Can- make big money for years. See nte in care of St. Charles Land Co., 201 Morrison street, Portland. A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. t have for sale a well established business which has netted a yearly in come of $7000 or 8000 for 8 or 10 years and is doing it now and there Is no rea son why it should not continue doing so If the right man gets it; this is an opportunity to reap a fortune from the other fellow's sowing: the price is $13, 000 $S000 cash and the balance on easy terms with good security. See McKee, room 507 fcwis bldg. $1 7."i0 CASH buys well-located weekly paper with circulation of about 1000. Good cyl inder press. Jobber, news and Job type, paper cutter, cabinets, imposing stones. Must leave present location this Fall on account of other business interests. An opening for good printer. Located in heart . of the valley. Plant and business worth $2.(0. Must have $750 cash as first pay ment, balance secured by mortgage. It will stand investigation. Address AV 5 SO, Oregonian. IF you are looking for a business where you can use all your ability, energy and time, and where intelligent industry can be cashed. And where the position is Just as big as the man or woman who holds It. Then we want to see you and can place you in a position where you can make money; strictly high-class busi ness; will stand closest investigation; small investment, (flft C. of C. MILLINERY and hat store, location best In city, near Grand ave. and E. Morrison. Apply 387 E. Morrison. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANTED STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE OK PIANOS. Must be in good order lor business, cheap rent, located within 130 miles of Portland $10,0o0 to $15,000). Will pay a first payment $11,000 actual cash value "INDUSTRIAL MOCK" of a reliable Portland corpora tion. ($7500 of this stock Is 8 per cent preferred.) Income S per cent to 12 per cent assured on this. Company now In successful operation, doing a business of over half a million dollars per annum (first-class bank references. Could pay small cash difference or assume on a de sirable proposition. Give description, loca tion and prce to get attention. J 43. Ore gonian. WANT to buy at once: Will pay cash: Light manufacturing business. Picture show, half or all. Small restaurant, half or all. Woodyard, half or all. If you. want to sell, call at once. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. WANTED, by owner, a responsible party to take a lease on new apartment-house just starring to build; plans will be re vised to unit tenant; can ba altered for n. family "notel if desired; close In, on Wen -Sidt; security required. B 440, Oregonian. WANTED Part or whole of good manufac turing or wholesale business for $ J 5,000 cash; also wanted, a good country general store, about $20,000, In good town, for cash. Give fullest particulars in first let ter. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. POSITION in manufacturing or dlstrlbu ting business by experienced bookkeeper and orrice man. wining to do some or the hard work building up a business; will consider investment. AE 473, Ore gonian. LOCATION wanted for weekly paper in , small town of 1000; would like to hear from Commercial Clubs that ere looking for paper; town must hav good future; agricultural community. Particulars. A. W. Stanley. 2711 Hoyt. Everett. Wash. HAVE $1000 to $3000 to invest In any legiti mate business that can show a profit and good prospects; would consider mercantile or light manufacturing. AO 466, Ore Ionian. WANTED A grocery business anywhere from $.1200 upwards, in exchange for good Portland property at right prices, for a client. A. E. Poulsen, 719 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2753. 11 AVE $1000 with services to invest In business. Must stand investigation. State nature of business In first letter for an swer. G 4GG, Oregonian. $5000 TO $10 000 to Invest In business by man with banking experience. Give full particulars. References. AL 471, Orego niun. GOOD general store wanted up to $10,000 in exchange for good Portland realty. See my agent, A. E. Poulsen, 710 Chamber of Commerce. WANT to buy into some small manufactory. Prefer woodworking ; can invest up to $1000. Give particulars first letter. W 4(4, Oregonian. WILL buv half of a navlnc woodyard in Portland If price is fair and owner is agreeabie. No agents; give . particulars. Y 531, Oregonian. YOUNG man will Invest $1000 and services In established, legitimate business; must bear thorough Investigation. AD 4bvt Ore gonlan. WANTED Interest in established business needing services of steady, reliable hus tler. Kerorences exchanged. Al 473, ore gonian. WANTED Country newspaper in live Ida ho, Washington, Oregon town; small cash payment. Give particulars. O 478, Ore gonian. YOUNG man wants Interest in business. Mupt stand Investigation and Rhow some thing for money invested. AE 400, Ore gonian. I WANT partnership In real estate business in gooa live town south of Portland; am hustler. AP 474, Oregonian, GENERAL store, with building preferred, up to $10,000; will pay $2000 cash and in come property. AV 573. Oregonian. TWO. lu-acre tracts, near good towns, for grocery or general merchandise. AC 473, Oregonian. IMPROVED acreage for good hotel or rooming-house. AC 472, Oregonian. STOCK A'D MONTJS. TALK WITH FLETCHER. 3000 Automatic Call A Adv. Clock.... bid 2000 Douglas-Umpqua Mining bid 10 Lawyers Title & T. common ... .bid 1000 Normandy Loud & Imp bid 30 Pac. States Fire Ins bid $1000 Provident Trust bonds bid 100 Umbdenstock & Larson II. B....b!d 10 Union Pacific Life bid All other stocks and bonds permitted by the Corporation Commissioner to be sold. I WANT Oregon Home Builders. Pac. States Fire Ins. Provident Trust 6 per cent. Rea Uy Associates. FLETCHER, 225 Ablngton Bldg. LOS ANGELES, Cal., October 20, 1013. The undersigned desires to purchase bonds ot the Home Telephone &. Telegraph Com pany, of Portland, Oregon, to invest an amount not exceeding $8400, all unmatured interest coupons to accompany bonds. Sub mit offers in writing not later than No vember 6. 1M13, at 5 o'clock P. M. Right reserved to reject any or all bids and to require deposit of bonds offered, or, in lieu thereof, a cash deposit of 10 per cent of amount of bid. Address J. F. Jack, trust officer. Title Insurance ; Trust Company, Title Insurance building. Los Angeles, California. 150 EWBANK ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION CO. Stock left, take $75 a share cash, worth $100 today. AB 4r.O, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 rooms, beautiful place, elegant furniture and clean, 3-year lease, near 12th and Taylor sts., fine money-maker; will sell cheap. Call 101 4th st. WE have for sale a money-making small hotel, clearing about $200 per month. $1400. St. Charles Land Co.. 204 Morrl son st,, Portland. WANTED Rooming-house not Iesthan 20 rooms; state rent ; lease If any ; price, cash or terms. GToers only. AN 471, Ore gonian. 12 ROOMS, near 7th and Jefferson, well furnished and clean; rent $40, income $5. Price $600; cash $400. O. C. R. Ellis & Co., 309 Board of Trade. ROOMING-HOUSE, 12 rooms, located in cen ter of city; old a je compels me to give up; will sell to reliable people on terms. Chas. F. Parke, 52J. Foster Road. 10 ROOMS 9 H. K., all full, income $77 monin; goou location, ux lata su, corner of Taylor. FOP. RENT Up-to-date modern hotel, cen trally locatea. Dries building, & rooms, baths. C 466, Oregonian. INQUIRE for furnished and unfurnished rooms; walking distance. 266 Grand' ave. North. FOR LEASE 4S rooms, close m: rent ouljr $40 per month. Fee owner, 123 2d st. 13-ROOM house of housekeeping rooms for sale cneap. cjs s. i4tn. FOR SALE: Close-in West Side hotel, $2500; bargain. k 4t, uregoman. 80-ROOM apartment - houses good location. well furnished. $1350. Call 88 30th. NEWLY furnished, 8 rooms, cheap rent. easy terms, good income. 34S Montgomery. GOOD furniture for 9 rooms for sale. SCO Hoyt st. or M&rsnsu ROOMING-H017SE6. R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. 4 01-2-3 WILCOX BLDG. COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON STS. TEL. MARSHALL 468, A 1059. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKERS IN THE CITY. OLD ESTABLISHED ALWAYS RELIABLE: HIGHEST COMMERCIAL A.ND BANK REFERENCES. OUR PAST SUCCESSFUL RECORD IS A GUARANTEE OF RESULTS. APTrTM EXT-HOUS'b SPECIAL. OWN ER OK THE BUILDING INSTRUCTS US TO SELL THE FURNITURE AND MAKE A NEW 5-YEAK LEASE AT REDUCED RENT. READ EVERY WORD OF THLS. 1T IS CERTAINLY A GOOD BUY. G7 rooms, 0 2-room apts. and 3 S-rooms at present all rented but 2, house fur nished new 2 years ago; strictly modern; new 4-story briok bldg.; electric ele vator; ali otuslde; baths and kitchens; finest, West Side district; Just think, we can sell you this place FOR $4000, CASH. BAL. $50 MONTH, 6 PER CENT INT. Will make a new 5-year lease at $G a room; this Is an excellent buy and & fine speculation. HERE IS A BEAUTY. ALL 2-ROOM APARTMENTS. Located just off Washington, near 22d; very best of furniture, etrictly modern, new brick building, electric elevator; very, nesi or tenants; nouse practically rniea all year around; rent reduced to $390 a month for C8 rooms; 3 s-year lease; full price $5500; terms i cash, balance easy monthly payments. 95-ROOM APT. HOUSE. CO rooms, furnished, balance rented tin furnished; finest Nob Hill district; rent only $5 a room; long lease; full price $5500; terms $3000 cash; clearing over $200 a month; all brass beds, best of fur niture; a very nice place; easy to run? APA RTMENTHOUSE SPECIAL. One of the finest up-to-date apartment houses In the rity; SO rooms; new and elegantly furnished, finest of carpets throughout; the house has ail heavy brass beds, finest of mattresses, mahogany and solid oak dressers, chairs and rockers; the owner will guarantee this place has not had one vacancy all Summer. There Is a reason; it Is located In the Nob Hill dis trict, one block off the carllne; has nice, large rooms, porches for all apartments, allow no dogs nor children ; now has a wafting list. We can sell you this elegant place for $6000, , cash ; no trades con sidered. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. APARTMENT-HOUSE. EXCELLENT BUY'. 54 rooms, fine West Side location, rent reduced; now only $150 a month, 2year lease; no security wnatsoever ior lease this house is full and turning peopl away: the reason they can rent apart' ments so cheap Is on account of their low rent; we can sell you this bouse ior jsjduu terms cash; no trades considered. R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. KXTR A ORDINARY OFFER. 75-room strictly modern hotel, ground floor office and lobby, best of furniture, fine West Side location.- This is & fine speculation for someone. FULL PRICE $5500. Part cash, balance trade. Investigate. R. H. GOODKIND C. INC. A V EXCELLENT BUY. 3 S -room hotel, near Pantages Theater, all light, lance rooms, steam neat, run ning water, large oak dressers, enameled anu brass beds, silk floss mattresses, a fine transient house, two-thirds rented mpnriv rpnt S20O a month with lease: w can sell you this place for $2250, terms $loOO cash. R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. HAVE YOU $1000 CASH AND $4I00 WORTH OF PROPERTY? it mn show vou one of the best paying modern houses in the city; finest WMot sih lnrnticin rent reduced to room; full price $0000, equity $5000; don't overlooic tnis. R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. UNFURNISHED STRICTLY MODERN pAiviw.-nnTTSR von RENT. 57 rooms, steam heat, running water In every room, located on a fine, close-in West Side corner. Full information at of fice. No telephone lnformatinon given on this. SMALL APARTMENT-HOUSE. SELECT LOCATION, CHEAP. an rn.-tms etricti vmodern. brick build Ing, fine Weft Side location, very best of furniture, fine class of tenants; rent verv cheap, only a room; o-year iea.se. full price only $3500; terms. Can you beat it? R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. SEE THIS HOTEL. 90 rooms, extra swell furnish ings; 23 private baths, hot and cold water in every room ; nice large closets,, electric elevator, nice ground floor lobby ; one of the best locations In the city, clearing at the present time bet ter than $350 per month. Reasons for selling, owner has two and cannot attend to both. Y'ou can got this fine hotel without one cent of cash. Will trade for good farm or clear tract, or good house and lot. For particulars, call J. H. DIETZ. 316 Railway Exchange. CLEAR $2SQ TO $360 PER MONTH. 84 rooms, rent $500 including steam heat and water, modern corner building, alt outside rooms, 3 year lease, running hot. and cold water In all rooms and some with privato baths; quarter-sawea oaic furniture, iron beds, floss mattresses and Axm nater rues throughout: price stuuu, terms to suit; this house always makes money; owner has run it for" 3 years and can show you. "see Air. vet oresc, R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. 401-402-403 Wilcox Bldg. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. YOUR OPPORTUNITY7HOTEL MAN. Can show you well-furnished, modern hotel of nearly 100 rooms, private baths. etc.. do ng a profitable business now, which can be greatly increased, where you can get in with small payment down, and good lease, if you can satisfy owner that you know the business, ana at a uak GAIN PRICE. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO. S09 Board of Trade. 12 ROOMS, good furniture, cheap rent: $225. 10 rooms, close in, concrete building; $150. 12 well-furnished rooms, Nob Hill dis trict, money-maker; $050 termB. j0 rooms, good location; $350, terms. 32 rooms, steam-heated, running water; price $1000, terms. SO rooms, modern brick apartment house, clearing $200 a month; $2730, terms. BUY THIS. MAKE $1500. 51-ROOM APARTMENT. In 3 rooms and bath each: thoroughly modern new brick, In choice West Side location, paying $180 A MONTH OVER ALL EXPENSES; rent $250, long lease. For a cash deal price Is $3500. Best buy on the market; is reaiiy worth $5000. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO. 509 Board of Trade. A GREAT BARGAIN. First-class apartment-house of 72 roomi, well furnished, moBtly occupied. Steam heat, all modern conveniences, centrally located. Long lease. Reasonable rent. Will sacrifice if sold at once. No agents. Communicate with following address, giv ing phone and address. Will see you and give full particulars. N 453, Oregonian. 42-ROOM APARTMENT, Nob Hill, near Washington st.. furushed new a year ago snd extra good, pa.mig a good profit over all expenses: rent $150. Owner Is obliged t run it with nirea neip. aim orrers tne furniture at less than cost. $2500; cash $1500, balance monthly. O. C. R. Ellis Co., 809 Board of Trade. 03-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. One of the finest houses in the city: rent $5.50 a room. S years lease; all new furniture, brass beds, etc. Price only $55K pan casn. See this If you want something up-to-date. Particulars, 618 Yeon bldg. TO LEASE 6 apartments on one floor. Two 4-room apartments. fc Two 3 -room apartments. Two 2-room apartments. Close In, rent $40. Jpquire LOUIS SALOMON & CO., 223 Stark St., near 2d. BEST HOTEL IN CITY. $0000 buys a 40-room hotel, corner brick building; positively the beat location on the West Side, long lease, cheap rent. Cleared $400 in September; will take city property up to $25t0. E. J. GEISER, 420 Chamber of Commerce. 44 ROOMS, $1900. Rent $100, food lease, all housekeeping and always full. This is a money-maker and worth investigating. Call 01S Yeon bidg. FOR SALE VILLA HOTEL. 32 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold run ning water; long lease; prlct $1200 cash; terms to right party. Apply owner, 23 V4 N. Third st. 14 ROOMS, $500. Best West Bide location, furnace heat, all single rooms, exceptionally well fur nished; good' terms on this. Call 018 Yeon bldg. 20 ROOMS, $750. 'Rent $75, good lease, mostly all house keeping; must be sold this week. Full particulars, tils Yeon bldg. FOR SALE cheap on acccount of sickness. 18 -room furnished house; long lease. 28 North 3d st. Marshall 1005. WANT ROOMING-HOUSE. Will give clear lot at Lents for same, value $450. Marshall 2700. FOR SALE 10-room rooming-house. West Side, doing good business, on 2 carl in es, at a bargain. Phone Main 3032. FURNITURE of 8 rooms for $135 house for rent, six blocks from P. O., rooms all rented. X 469, Oregonian. SMALL rooming-house lease, cheap rent; leaving city. ,AO 49L Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. BARGAINS IN MODERN APT.-HOUSE6. ALL ON WEST SIDE 320 rooms, well furnished and fulL $423 rent. For a farm samo value. 78 rooms, extra finn Diace. $G0OO 65 rooms, swell place; lobby below; good rent -and lease. Set It. .i-otx;. 5'. rooms: ta vour fancv: $.1200. 57 rnonu. rnt SU-.V.l: Dart trade: $4500. 43 rooms, elegant house, good rent; for a residence (no mortgage) ; $4-"00. IU rras., flew, rent $4; disappear. beds; baths, dressing-rooms; (terms : $- u 2 rms.. rent S100. bick. trade; $1 S00. SO rooras, strictly modern, electric ei vator. full house; rent $4.00: brick build ing; part casn and terms; $2000. Part caen and trade, $2000. I titn.pr.rtm n nurtments. swell IU nished. all occupied, good rent and build ing very close In; good lots and cash to i;uu, balance tuuu; easy lueuw, ntffl.ni Via a t aH . 45-room hotel, netting $250 per month; no better furnished; rent $4.25; on Wash in trrnn a barcaln Seo 1. We have hotels and rooming houses to exchange for acreage and reeideace. Call and wo can supply you in uarsama. VERY SWELL APARTMENT HOUSE. Do you want a swell home in the Nob Hill district and $2",u per month net Income?, If so, here is your chance, and you don't get It every day ; 52 rooms, all 3-roora suites, with privato baths; lots of closet room; every apartment Is light and faces a street; a large social hall, with fireplace, and the furnishings are simply elegant, the same as you would put into your own home; the rent is only ;io0 per month, with lease. This house very seldom has a vacancy, for the reputation Is Al and walking dis tance. For price and terms, sg' me. J. II. DIETZ, 810 Railway Exchange Bids. H. O. BANZER & CO., 415 Oorbett bldg. Main 8P55. To trade 20-room house, on 1st st, nnf VI o in thnt Yirt nahl S!50 DCr montn ove; expenses for last 0 years. Fine for transient. Price $20v0. ?& rnnms nart hotiHOkeenrnc OTI 4th St. near Morrison. 5-year lease, corner; al- wbvs rpntpd: epam ilO-O ner month: own er sick, must sell. Price JoOO; only $100 down. No trade. Anartment house. 10 apartments, 10 single roor.is, all nicely furnished. In good dNtrict. close in. lon- lease, pays $ MH and interest on money invested. Will trade for rnod cltv nroDertv. Price $t.00. List with us. we make a specialty of rooming-houses, apartment house. H. C. BANZER & CO. EXTRA BARGAINS. TRANSIENT AND STEADY ROOMERS 45 rooms, modern, corner, brick, best West Side location; steam heat, phones In all rooms, private baths, velvet carpets, best of furniture. All new. Paying s large profit. Good lease; best buy In Portland. Come and see this; cost $4000 to furnish one year ago; best reasons for selling; price WiOO. H. E. JAMES CO., S3 10th, near Stark. $250 CLEAR PROFIT MONTHLY. 8 4 rooms, modern corner brick ; large. lleht rooms with closets, furnished fine. and clean. Owner can show vou better than $250 OVER ALL EXPENSES. No better proposition on the market. Price $6000; $2000 cash will handle it. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO. 30 9 Board of Trade. $200 CASH REQUIRED. 8 rooms, new furniture, fine carpets. floss ma ttresses. best location in port land to rent rooms, fine home, $40 month profit above all expenses. Tills must be sold regardless of price. Call S3 10th. MODERN DOWNTOWN PLACE. 14 rooms ; steam heat ; good furniture; clearing big income; traded for this; enough said. Must sell. PRICE $600. HALF CASH. PARTICULARS 6S 10TH, NEAR STARK. 3 2 -ROO M BRICK. Transient hotel, steam heat., running water in all rooras. Price $1300; $500 cash and balance to suit. This Is a monry-maker and won't last long. Call Monday, 61S Yeon bldg. 10-ROOM house, furniture almost new, for sale; room full good people ; Income $125 a month; rent $40: good furnace; $500; 6 blocks from Olds & King. 447 Main. Call Monday. WILL sacrifice boarding-house on account of sickness. Call after 2 o clock Monday. C27 East Morrison, cor. 16th. LOST AND FOUND. HE following articles have been found In the cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as indi cated: Ankeny barn 1 pair ladles' gloves, 1 purse, 1 package, 3 umbrellas, 1 shirt waist and collar, 2 school books, 1 lunch pail. Sellwood barn Phone A 61311 book, 9 umbrellas, 1 ash pan, 1 tie pin, 1 vaiistu Piedmont barn Phone A 6131 1 charm, 1 glove, 1 handbag, 1 music roll, 1 lunch box, 1 pkg. shoes, 3 suitcases, 1 suitbox, 1 basket, 0 umbrellas, 1 automobile tire, 1 coat. Savler-street carhouse rphone A 6131 8 umbrellas, 1 pkg. shoes, 1 pair rubbers, 1 bojk, 1 rubber cap. LOST On Whitman ave. car Sunday after noon, basket containing pair lady's shoes and blue serge dress; finder please call East 318. The Maple Leaf, 7th and E. Burnslde. Reward. LOST If party who found pair of glasses on iekum ave.. w oodiawn, October 23. will return to 397 Tillamook st., or phone East 02tf, they will be rewarded. LOST Irish terrier pup, answering to name of "Prince , finder please phone M. E. Walker. Marshall 4500. Exchange 69. Reward. LOST Roll of manuscript on 2d, between Washington and Yamhill. Reward. Return or communicate Lydla Smith. SG7 Hood St. LOST Plain gold wedding ring, engraved 1875. Keepsake. Lost Monday night, Oc tober 33. Reward. 420 Alder at. LOST Package containing boy's satin suit. cor. jsroadway and Lanabee ; return to SG2 Larrabee and receive reward. LOST Between Sth and Columbia and 3u and Washington, Elks breastpin. Reward. Call Main 3407! LOST A lady's Mack hat on or near Alberta st. Finder please call 1009 E. 15th, cor. Wygant. Reward. LOST Package containing ladles' shirt Reward. 3i3 waist, tnread and-thimble. 12th. LOST Thursday, brown fur neckpiece, val ued aa a girt; reward, call evenings and Sunday. Main 8249; day, Marshall 55i'o. LOST Two blue feathers, Morrison, tween 3d and Dth. B l2. Reward. FOUNIi Fur collar, on Broadway. Owner, call iLast oau, pay aavertising cnarges. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Inviteo. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATU U OR TiiJS 113 litlCA OF OREGON. REQUEST FOR. BIDS. In the matter of O. M. Mahr, bankrupt: I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting of dry goods, ladies and children's clothing, fancy gooas and notions, men's furnishing goods, shoes, crockery and hardwace. groceries, etc., or the Inventoried value of $o't37.S7, and fixtures pertaining to the same of the in ventoried value of $234.50, situated at Falls City, Oregon, up to and until 12:00 o'clock noon on Tuesday, October 28. 1913, ' said goods being formerly tho property Oi (J. Al. 31 U. ui$ uuu oeing uttiuttgeu uy fire. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office, and the property and in ventory Inspected upon the premises at Falls City. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 18th day of Oct.. 1U13. R. L. SABIN, 740-747 Morgan bldg., Portland. Oregon. IN the District Court of the United States for the District or Oregon: In the matter of Henry F. Lage, bankrupt. Request for bids. l win receive sealed bias ior a stock of merchandise consisting of gro ceries, drugs, etc.. of the inventoried value of $745.34, and fixtures pertaining to same of the inventoried value of $2SS.50, situated at Hood River, Oregon, up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Mon day, November 3. 1013, said property be ing formerly the property of Henry F. Lage. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office, and also at Hood River, Oregon, where the property may be in spected. R. L. Sabin, 740-747 Morgan bldg., Portland, Oregon. Dated this 23d day of October, 1013. 6AELED proposals will be received at the orrice or tne unaersigned, 401 courthouse, until 12 M., Wednesday, November 5, 1013, for thn general work of alterations to cafe terla of Lincoln High School. Plans anri specifications may be obtained at the of fice of F. A. Naramore, superintendent of properties, 303 Courthouse. Deposit of $. is required for plans and specifications. Certified check for 10 per cent of 4he amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompan) each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all pro posals. R, H. THOMAS, School Clerk. October 24, 1913. NO. 2 Russell sawmill, complete with tim ber, if wanted, mile or R. R. station, 12 miles west Carlton. This mill is to b sold to the highest bidder on Monday, October 27. AV 546, Oregonian. SPECIAL NOTICB3. proposal Invited. SEALED proposal will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse, until 12 M., Wednesday. November 5, 1013. for tho Improvement of the Vernon school grounds. Plans aud specifications may be obtained at the office of K. A. Nuramore, tiu per in: indent of Properties. 303 Courthouse, after '2 P. M., Monday, Oc tober 27. Deposit of $2 Is required for plans and spici!ications. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount cf the proposal, payable to R, H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. October 25, 1013. MfKcellaoeous. IN the matter of the Coffman Candy Com pany I have for sale the confectioner., nr.d restaurant busineps formerly belong in it to the Coff man Ca::dy Cornpan', lo cated at No. Morrison street, near 3th, Portland, Oregon. This is a going concern. If interested please cull at my ofTico. No. 740 Morgan building, for par ticulars. R. L. SABIN. I WILL not be responsible for any debts con true ted by my wife, Mrs. E. O. Bali, form this date on; Oct. 24, 1913. E. O. BALL. FINANCIAL. WANTED A high-class promoter to assist in placing stock in motion-picture com pany. Money to be raised for the purpose of building studio. Have invention cover ing ali apparatus necessary for the man ufacture and production of pictures; also have the best technical photographic help in the United States. Investigate this. T 440, Oregonian. SIX per cent loans on farms, orchard lands, city resident or business property, to buy, bild, improve, extend or refund mort gages or other securities; terms reason able; special privileges; correspondence in vited. Department L, 018 Commonwealth bldg., Denver, Col. APPLICATIONS on hand fcr number good loans; also several mortgages for sale; arious amounts, from to $1 7 ,tmo. Henry C. Prudhomme, financial agent, Wiicox bldy. First mortgage securities exclusively. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 416 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. WE furnfsh the money at a low rate of interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent If we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see us. L. It. Bailey Co.. Inc., 324 Ablngton. CASH paid for good first or second mort gages on real estate or sellers' interest in contracts for sale. H. E. Noble, 310 Lum bermens bldg. SOME good sale contracts on land near Portland at liberal discount. Ask for Hiatt, 301 Board of Trade. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (first and second), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts bought. E. B. Miller, 410 Ab lngton bldg. HIGHEST prices paid for first or second mortgages and contracts. E. W. A. Peaks, 607 McKay bldg. s TO LOAN $tOW or more. H. L MURTON, 317 WORCESTER ELDG. MA "N 6933. WILL buy several Portland Home Telephone bonds at a bargain. O 47. Oregonian. Money to Loan Real Estate. WE HAVE the following amounts for im mediate investment in ortianu real es tate mortgages. $1000 At S per cent. $1.100 At 7 per cent. . $2000 At S per cent. $2500 At 7 per cent. $3000 At 7 per cent. $C(mh At 6 per cent. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN" ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VEIvY FLEX IBLE CONTRA CIS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO, 910 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 0 To S PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL. 300 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ON Improved city property, or for building purposes, 3 to s years time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association, 240 Stark st. MONEY TO- LOAN. Good supply for city and farm prop erty, 6 to 7 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St., near Washington. BUSINESS OR RESIDENCE. SUMS TO SUIT. TT. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO., Main 2418. 512-513 Yeon Bidg. TO LOAN! $1(VC00 for immediate loan at 7 per cent on Portland improved property; will di vide to suit. W 40i, Oregonian. MONEY to loan, 5 per cent to 8 per cent. any amount ; prompt service. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE party will lend $2000 at 7 per cent on close-in realty. Mate exact lo cation. No commissions wanted. b 4.1 Oregonian. WANT a mortgage loan T Large amount available for first mortgages on Portland real estate. Hammond Mortgage Company, 4L'.i Chamber or commerce. $HtOo TO LOAN at S per ctiit on Portland residence property. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE money to loan on good city or coun- trv property. nacKer & i nericeisen -o 306 Spalding bldg. M. 7592. $2500 TO LOAN on Portland property. HAMMOND MOU TliAlilS L'UMl'AKI, 423-421 Chamber of Commerce. FARM LOANS ONLY. MORTGAGE COMPANY FOR AMERICA, U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS. FARRIXGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. 1200.000 TO loan in auiru to suit: building loans; iune:i taisa u . u. mu-uiv Failing bldg. $5 TO, $2500 to loan on city and farm pror-erty. T. W. Nordby, 702-3-4 Couch bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Pjal estate eecuritv, current rates. 20L K Pfock Exchange Mtlg., .Id and Yamhill. MONEY TO LOAN Private party, improved city, farm property ; no commission. D 40.S, OregonI;in. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property; low est rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg., Third and Stark sts. $1500 TO LOAN at 7 per cent on close-in residence property. Hammond Mortgage Com pany, 423 Chamber of Commerce. SEE me for real estate loans and save money. Amounts of $1000 up. McKenuey, 515 Oregonian bldg. $1500 TO LOAN Immediately on store or In come property. P 474, Oregonian. IMMEDIATE loans, any amount, on real estate. 315 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK ST. $1000 IDLE money for first mortgages; pri vate funds. AO 4S. Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. H. MAXWELL, 31Q Chamber of Commerce. ejO PRIVATE funds for Immediate loan on first mortgage. AK 4G3. Oregonian, $40,000. $20,000. $I5.On0. ?ll,000, $t000, $0000 0O4 YEON BLDG. jioco TO $6000 private funds for good loan. Tabor 771. CLIENTS have various amounts for mort gages. See me. Ward, attorney. A'isky bldg. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. w. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent, W. H. Seltz & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGES bought, money loaned on real estate. Taylor, 317 Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no dfilay Henry C. Prudhomme. 80G Wilcox bldg. $200, $350. iCO'J, $900, $1200, $1800. Fred W. German Co., 632 Cham, of Com MONEY' TO LOAN OX REAL ESTATE. GEO. P. DEKUM. 228 HENRY BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. $1000 AND $4000 private money to loan on real estate. Main 8429. 832 Morgan bldg. MONEY to loan, city or farm lands. J. J. Cabalin. 63S Chamber of Commerce. Money loaned, real estate, contracts & &.., bought. H. Miley. 204 Geriinger bidg. $1200 AND $1000 to loan, 7 If good. Smith Wagoner Co Stock Exchange. $10-10 TO s.2000 to loan on good realty. 401 .Stock Exchange bldg-. $3'!tH, $3000, $1500, $300, $75 to loan now. Phone ilain 0101. JNION Safe Deposit & Trust Co. Loans. 234 oak St. Mortgage f.uO. $i;00 and $rC00 pi 7 por cent first mortgage. Fletcher, 225 Ablngton bldg. $1000 TO loan. See my atty., 413 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY, any amount, at current rates. F. W. TOBULER, lOrt Sherlock Bldg. HAVE $1000 to loan at S per cent on good city property: Box 5, Lents. MONS 1 to loan, city or farm. lands. J. Cahalln, fl3. Chamber of Commerce. 8 AND 7 per cent money, good security only. Fred S. William,, uift First st. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Kvai Estate. We have funds for approved real estate loans. Any a mou n t from $30u to $30,000. Lowest current rates. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. Mortgage Loan Department. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN. $'i2,iM at 7 per cent; will split; $20.0U at 7 per cent; $ir,003 at 7 per cent; $iO, at 7 per cent; $7'HX at 0 per cent; $5004 at tt per cent; $3.VM at 7 per cent; $1.VH at 8 per cent; $1200 at 8 per cent; $1aa at 8 per cent; $700 at S per cent. M'KENZIE & CO., Vain 2S01. 515 Geriinger bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. NEW COMPANY. NEW METHODS. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We are NOW READY to loan you money quick on salary, household goods, planus, real estate or autoa. OUR NEW RATES $ .35 weekly pays a $10 loan. $ .65 weekly pays a 5-5 loan. $1.10 weeKly pays a $30 loan. $1.90 weekly pays a JflUO loan. CAN YOU BEAT THEM on LOANS UP TO $100? If the HEAD of the family dies before the account Is paid In full and the payments are made as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. Y'OU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Given if Paid Before Due, PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 413 M ACLE A Y BLDG. BOTH PHONES Between 4th and Oth sts. on Wash. at. Open 9 A. M. to tt P. M.. Sat. till 8 P. M. PARTIES DESIRING LOANS should conrult us before closiug deal. Re member, we make salary Joans only at the best terms in the City of Portland and treat you. right. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. STATS SECURITY CO.. 309 Falling Bldg. Hours 8 A. M. to P. M. Saturdays until 9 P. M. WHY PAY EXORBITANT RATES OF IN TEREST? We will loan you money as low as 7 per cent on your diamonds and Jewelry. We are the most liberal licensed money lenders In the city. Our establishment is located at SS4 Washington St., near Broadway. Get our prices on forfeited dia monds. Diamond Palace, 334 Washington street. ELBY COMPANY. Square Dealing, Courteous Treatment. THE MOST LIBERAL LOANS MADE ON Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos. Au tos at tho lewest possible rates. ALL INTERVIEWS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Main 4817. MONEY for salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rate, easy payments. See me before dealing else where; confidential, D. D. Drake, 32s Henry bldg, SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS WANTING MONEY Apply Room 317, Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark its. IMMEDIATE and confidential loaus on fur niture, pianos, auto's, mortgages bought. BAUER, 200 Alder Su MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, pianos and warehouse receipts. Brown & Co.. room 10, Washington bUig. WE LOAN money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx Ac Bloch, 74 3d st. PRIVATE party will loan money on dia monds at reasonable rate, AB 870, Ore gonian. SWELL loans at reasonable rates, by pri vate party. A 400, Oregonian. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 3d, near Alder. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. MONEY sold on installments; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg Loans Wanted. 8 PER CENT loans wanted $3000 on fruit farm worth $23, t'OO; $11,000 on suburban, worth $1:3,000; $2500 on Riverside vacant, worth $10,000. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED $5000 from principals only, on $15,000 West Side property, improved. No brokers. Willing to pay t per ceni in terest. P 515, Oregonian WANTED Loan $000 to $750; will pay 8 per cent and expenses; no brokerage; se curity West Sido property. It 453, Ore gonian. WANTED $2000 for 8 years on o b acres located at East St. Johns; water front property; current rates. Owner, C 47o, Oregonian. m WANT $5000 ON FINE HOME, OCCUPIED BY OWNER. EXCELLENT LOCATION. VALUE $11,000. PREFER PRIVATE "M 0NEyv AK 47i' REGON1AN. JlSoo ON new home of seven rooms, strictly modern, occupied by owner; lot lO0x2. corner. Pay 8 per cent. B 453, Orego nian. FIRST mortgage loan of $3500 at 8 per cent on gilt-edge improved real estate; close in; worth $10,000. No agents. Ad dress N 471. Oregonian WANTED $2000 on close-in East Side im proved property worth $0000. Will pay 7 per cent. No agents. G 4H0,Oregonian. WANT to borrow $1500, first mortgage at 8 per cent on residence worth $4000. No brokers. O 401, Oregonian. $2500 WANTED on dandy new home in Laurelhurst ; good location ; Insurance $3000. K 463, Oregonian. WANTED t$0OO loan, from private party; best real estate security. AO 487, Orego ' nlan. WANTED $4000 to $5000 for one to three years; will pay 10 per cent interest; se curity good. AK 473, Oregonian. WANTED $3000 for 1 or 2 years on gilt edgo collateral security; will bear closest Investigation. AT 494, Oregonian. WILL give $30 for $1500 loan for 5 years at O ner cent on good improved property on carlin. Call Tabor 5102. TO SELL, $1200 mortgage on 100 acres at Lyle valued nt $2500; liberal discount. 400 McKay bldg. Main 034. WANT $500 short-time loan, second mort gage Irvington income property. AX 440, Oregonian. WANTED from private party $1230 at 8 per cent for three years on a first-class farm security. 405 Geriinger bldg. $lr.' Good contract on nic bungalow xor salft at liberal aiscount. t-.au jilt uoara of Trade bids. Main 74ri2, A 4W1. JSS.lKKt TO LOAN OITV OR FARMS. J. O. ROUNTRE E, Chamber of Commerce bids. WANT XTLH on orchard tract In Washing ton; mortgage of against this was rirU ln'july. Phone Main 724H. room 4. $it."oi LOAN wanted. 8 per cent, secured by l.t.uuu improveu property at ituinier, ur. Write owner. H 450, Oregonian. $10H0 WANTED on ?4(0O Improved farm; win pay up to iu per cent it necessary, tf 4fi7, Oreffonlan. I WANT to borrow SGOOO on my home, with 100x100, in fine residence location; value (14.O0O. O U37. Oregonian. WK HAVE cllonta deslrrng 0-year loans. S500O to (10,000, from private parties. T M. Word & Co.. 705 Yeon bldg. I CAN place your idle money on first niort gages. $1000 up; aosolutely no rlHK. M1JI.ONEY, 515 Oregonian bldg. $10,000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT ON rornanu improveu properly. ciiizen. riank, 120 Grand ave. WANT (2500 loan on rortland Heights home. 9 per cent, no brokers. At 4J0t Ore gonian. $53,000 WANTED, first-mortgage bonds se curity: interest quarterly. Ati 403, ore gonian. (3000 WANTED on 9000 farm near cily limits f'oruancl. a per cent ana expense. Griffin, Geriinger bldg. $1000 AV ANTED on imp. Oak roe acre- Commerce. WANT to borrow $1000. improved Portland property, pay a per cent. M. 4iy, urego nian. $2000 WANTED on $8000 city property. 8 per cent, (irlffin, Geriinger bldg. $1000 arm WANTED on $:i00O home, 8 per cent expense. Griffin, Oerlinger bldg. $500 WANTED on collateral security; inter est quarterly. AD 476 Oregonian. WANT $2500 on Portland Heights home. 8 per cent, no agents. AF 432. Oregonian. WANTED $5000. 8 per cent, on city prop erty, worth $15.000. Main 116B. S."oo AND $100O to loan on Installment con tract. AC 409. Oregonian. WANTED $::o00, 8 per cent, on fruit farm worth .$25,000. 401 Stock Exchange blug. $3O0O AT 7 per cent: close-In real estate. 51900O : no bono.. Tabor 2158. WILL pay reasonably for $1000. one year, good security. F 491, Oregonian. $7bo" TO man who gets mo $1350 loan on properly worth $2800. S 46G, Oregonian. $000: WILL give good security. R 4.S0, Ore gonian. $3500 ON $9000 residence property at 7 per cent; no commission. N 468. Oregonian. FI NAN C I AL. Loans Wanted. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGES FOR SALE: $."000 On 4 aires on Montgomery Drive, 7 four blocks fmni the curline. Value of security, $15. Olio. $4000 On 12,000 sq. feet of land and 5 8 room bungalow on Talbot Road. Security valued at $0UJO. $500 On 3 lots in Smith's Addition val b'c ued at $1500. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber cf Commerce. WANTED ON Al SECURITY. $10.o.ih, 3 years at 7 per cent, value $.10,. 0!M. West Side. $3500, 3 e;irs at 7 per cent, vaiue $10, 000. East Side. S'-SHio, 3 years at 8 per cent, value $0000. $liw, 3 years at S per cent, value $2300, East Side. $121.0, 3 years at S per cent, vaiue $2400, East Side. M KENZIE & CO.. Main 2S01. 615 Cieriir.ger hide. $3000; Security new and strictly modern residence property, Mt. Tabor. Con servative cash valuu, $7000. $1200 40 acres lmprod, Washington County. Value $3500. $500 Business lot. Value $1S00. A. K. HILL, 410 Henry Bldg. $1500 WANTED ON A FIRST-CLASS BUNGALOW TO BE BUILT BY OWNKR IN 1R V1NGTON ON 100x100 CORNER; VALUE Ol PROPERTY WILL BE $10,000; MORAL RISK GOOD. D 473, OltKGONIAN. WILL sell $300o 7 per cent first mortgage unimproved Portland residence lets lu ex cellent locality ; will discount $-00 nr.d accrued interest. Western Ore gun Invest ment Company, 7 Of Selling bldg. WANT $(jou0 on new residence and 2 lot;;; coit 14,500; want $3500 on house and 3 lots on Williams ave., worth $N5;iO. GO DBA HO & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark l. WANTED $30,000 from private party at 8 per cent for two or throe years. First mortgage farm hinds. Improved. Will p;iy back substantial amount quarterly or semi -annually. AR 427, OrcBonian. 30,000 WANTED One to three years, real estate security a pj raised nt neariy four times amount of loan. KesponsiMe parties. Prefer to deal with principals. For par ticulars address X 404, Oregonian. $7000 LOAN wanted on high-class residence and quarter block, 2 blocks from 23d and Washington sts. Property worth $20,0o0w Principals only AB 454. Oregonian. WANT$iri06, 3 or Gyearsr3 per "cent. Se curity 25 acres worth $7500, 11 miles from Courthouse. East 0004. J. H. Everett, 155 E. 15th st. $800 WANTED 3 years, on close-la lots, worth $250; street Improvements, closs to two carllncs. Will pay 8 per cent. U 400, Oregonian. I'EKSONAL. HAIR-HA1H-H AIR-HAIR. $12 $4-lnch switches $ti, 2U-lm:h switches Balrdresaing Face massage Shampoo Manicure, 25c, 5 for 12 BcaiQ treatments $4.45 1.05 .25 .25 .23 1.00 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by electrlo needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade; switches any longth. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 4U0 412 Dekum bldg., fid and Washington. READ THIS. Genuine mink and ermine neck ptcs from $ up: silk and fur combinations, which can be duplicated with your old furs; we can save you 20 per cent on new orders and remodeling and trimming prices. The Fur Shop, 020 Swetland bids. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Belsingfora graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direc Hons; bath, massage, No. 7 East 11th at., second door south from East Ankeny car- line. Phone Eat 200, IS 1803. FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupe-makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 05c up; halrdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to order. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 540. SCIENTIFIC electric treatments for ail nervous and chronic diseases, rheumatism, paralysis, lung, stomach, bowels, kidney, bladder, pelvic, heart trouble, etc. ; also goltro, warts, moles removed. 002 Bu chanan bldg., 2864 Washington st. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc; massage and baths. 432 Salmon st., cor, 13th. Marshall 5083. Open Sundays. DIVORCE Without nototy. Consultation free. Reasonable fees. Attorney 70S Selling bldg.. Op. Oregonian, phone Main 4:93 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moies. etc., perma nently removed. Electric needle process. Established 1S94. Physicians references, lady operator, at room 22 Russell blag., corner 4th and Morrison. Phone Mrir. 1943. SPECIAL offer, limited time only; tho best fat-reducing treatment, combined with eight exquisite beauty preparations. Write for particulars. Dill Sales Co., box U3., Phoenix, Ariz. . IF YOU unuiu the merits of Barke Tonla for rheumatism, bolls, kidney, liver and bowei troubles, just ask your neighbor, who has used It; 75c the bottle at the Clemenson Drug Co.. Front and Morrison. WHY suffer from piles? Get rid of them quirklv the drugless way. Inexpensive, painless home treatment, free from drugs. Sent for 50c. Gbel Co., box 2..i. Rath drum, Idaho. rivorS society beauties and others become more l.wutlful by using our beautifieri H's a wonder; elffht part beauty treatment. Wri?e todav. Heinti Mail Order House, p. o. box 317, Boulder, Colo. - BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR All diseases; satisfaction guaranteed; class and Indi vidual instruction and training. Lora U Uttle. health expert. Tabor 1H73. THE FUR SHOP. nnmndellnK and new orders; trlrcmlngi be?t wSrk. nfw prices. 620 Swetlantf. bidg.. nth and W oan. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your v.lothel cleaned, pressed, buttons tewed on. rips repaired SI. no month: prompt calls and dehvSes. Unloue Tailoring Co.. 300 Stark. SEKOLA, a dellghtm preparat on In men wrmKies aim um-i r. - Let Sa till you how. Enterprl. Supply Co.. Df-pt . l-rarion, r. FKKE to ladles, liberal sample oi arrcatest mipennmuo nn -- ment known will be sent you. Address J. C. Cnborne. Holtood, Pa. REMOVED Mrs. Stevens. 20 years Port land's leading; palmist and clairvoyant, re moved to 2'Jl i Morrison St., Denson bile BOSTON graduate nurse nllj'Lumv.t,r",,i: ment. medical ymnatlrs. S(t. Yamh.ll t.. up one flight, room 7 DIVOKCES l.awer, reliable advice free. vers' experience; Room 404 Rothchlld bldg., 'IfiTi Washington St. MANICURING, shampooing and massaging done at your home. Phone Main 6.13'i. A 2 7 1. 0272. 1.. H, Kvans. SCM.P treatment and facial mastago. ilS Yamhill St., room 1; liouia 11 A. M. to P. M. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price Read ings, healings dally. Circles Tue. 2 W.u, and Fun. 8. 3".r'i Jefferson. Main Ml.U. &OPH1A li. SEll'. menial and spiritual scl. ntlst- ouestlon and message nights, wed N: dally. ns Alisky bldg. M. h4. MADE OF YOUR COMBI.NOS. Switches Hoc; curls and puffs, uc. .Sao. Itai y u"" ty rarlors. 400 U. kum bldg. M Ks S J MORRISON dtcum bathr an massage 'for rlieu.nutlsm, liimbago, etc. MudiS'n. A 4470. Marshall S'J.'.S. r 1 in i.-v.-z Nerve Tablets restore lost .Itality. aoc per box" 6 for $1.25. Stlts-Tayior Drug Co., auinwu, UK successful through science of names. numbers and physio forces. Room 203, Scott Hotel, liroadwny andAlikcnyj FACIA iJ massage and scalp treatments. R. B3. Hotel Gordon, W. Park and Yamhill. HAIR CUiropraetle scalp treatment, 20c. F. W. Hlohm. 307 Ooodnoiigh bldg. MRS POTTER, vibratory, scalp and facial treatment. 411 Northwest bldg. MS. NELLIR SPRING, chiropodist, 3501 Morrison, office 29. CHIROPODIST, formerly 145V4 Bdwy., no tjol Northwest bldg., 0th will Wash. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 Fliodner bld-r Main 347U. DR. MARIE C. UNOEK, .chiropractic-neuro. path, S74 1st st. i'Jiynu Marshall 48.H8. ELECTRIC treatments, baths and massage. 412 Northwest bldg. Sundays. 12 to 5. MRS. POTTER. Vibratory, scalp und facial treatments. 411 Northwest bidg. DIVORCES a specialty; advice free, easy terms. Law Bureau. 52S Lumbermen, bldg. LADY'S barber shop. 329 Uiisan, bet. 0th and Broadway. Face massage, 35c BALM OF FIGS. Compound Royal Tonla Tablets. 504 Davis st Phono Main 2393. CHIROPODY' Room 41. 143'4 Hroadway. Phone Main 29i .. opposite tsaker ineaier. I'll. .-T-CI. ASS treatments for scalp and ri!-nima:lsm 2104 -'th St.. pootn 5. COFFEE and two doughnuts for 5 cents. 220 4 Morrison t. JIM Fahy, write me -a San Francisco If you see tnis. w. a. w. PHEASANTS -prepared for hats. 020 b we Hand bldf.