The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 19, 1913, SECTION THREE, Image 37

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Fagea 1 to 10
iT ' n
Crocheting Lessons
Second Floor We cordially Invite you to at
tend the classes in knitting and crocheting',
to he held dally, 8:30 to 12. and 1 to 6. The In
structor, Miss Sophie Schaefer, will be grlad
to teach you anything you wish to know
about knitting and crocheting' with Fleish
er's Yarns. See Interesting exhibition In the
window. '
Olds, Wortman
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
TOYS, Dolls, Games, Etc.
On the Fourth Floor
Our stock of Dolls, Toys, Games and Holi
day Goods of all kinds is now complete.
Wouldn't it ,be a good idea to select now
and have the advantage of better assort
ments? Reservations made if desired.
H' of the ' H
1 Retail j
chopping &
GreenTrading Stamps Will Help to Secure Those Much WantedXmas Gifts
And That, Too,, Without Costing You One Cent Extra The Greatest Profit-Sharing Plan Known to Modern Merchandising Ask for Free Book
Distinctive Modes in New Evening Gowns and Dresses
lis WA 'UV S-sf. J f.'WiS; v4f-
Most Ex te nsive Showing in the Northwest
Second Floor Charming Evening Gowns of
crepe de chine, charmeuse, Canton crepe,
chiffons and messalines, in eveVy wanted
evening shade. Beautifully trimmed with
beads, jet, embroidered overdrapes, flowers,
fur bands, printed chiffons and other novel
effects. Round lengths or en train, with low
necks, long and short flJOOC ff
sleeves. Gowns $25 to ul
Second Floor Women's and Misses'
Dresses for street wear. A splendid show
ing of very newest modes in serges, wool
crepes, velvets, corduroys, crepe de chine
and charmeuse. Tailored and dressy mod
els for all occasions. Many smart combi
nation styles of serges and plaid silks,
peplums and draped or CJjCj Sf
plain skirts. $10 up
Fashionable New Coats $10.00 to $45. 00
New Lines Just Received See These!
Sizes for women, misses and juniors, in popular cutaway models, belted and faney
draped styles, with new drop shoulder effect. Many handsome new materials and col
orings are to be seen in these. Stylish mixed effects in tweeds, also the rougher ma
terials, including cheviots, boucle, chinchilla, etc., and many of velvets, CZ ff
velours and brocades. Latest colorings. Prices range from SIO.OO to P""1
An Unequaled Showing of Tailored Suits
$25.00, $35.00 and $38.50
Second Floor An interesting exhibit of smart, new Tailored Suits at above popular prices.
Nearly all of these have arrived within the past few days arid of course have not been
shown heretofore in Portland.. Stylish cutaways, belted effects and plain-tailored mod
els, in all wanted materials and colors. Very best workmanship. Sizes Z? tQ iO
34 to 44; also sizes in stouts up to 51. Prices range $25, $35 and P-POJt
NEW DRESS SKIRTS, $5 TO $35 The vogue for combination suits and dresses in
creases the popularity of the separate skirt. We are, as usual, prepared to show you the
'very newest ideas, and they are reasonably priced, too. , Plain tailored C??? ff
or draped eifects, in all fabrics and colors. Prices range irom ; to K,vvr
SoleP or tland Agents for Famous RevillonFreresFurs
All This Week A Feature Showing of
Carter's Knit Underwear
For Men, Women and Children
SEE SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAYS Contrast the usual stiff, bulky
Underwear with the soft, elastic weave of Carter's. The Carter invisible
rib makes a garment which can be stretched to two and a half times its
natural width and yet come back into perfect shape. This is what makes
a Carter model hue your figure and trive the perfect fit so necessary
with the present modes. Even the heaviest Winter weights are so '
plnstii tlmt tlipv rflsnnnd in vnnr tlifrlnf pf mnvomonl Afala in all cK'lnc
of garments for men, women and children. Supply your needs now.
Carter Union Suits for women, in
medium-weight cotton. Nicely fin
ished and perfect fit- T O
ting, and in all sizes P -
Carter's Union Suits for women, in
mixed cotton and wool. Finished
with beautiful cro- JO ff
chet edge. Garment
Carter's Union Suits for women, in
medium weight, all wool. Extra
good fitting and non- flj O EZf
shrinking.. The suitPJv
Carter's Union Suits for women, in
fine quality silk and wool, with
crocheted edge. Per
fet fitting. Suit at
Carter s Underwear for Men
and per- CZ
Carter's Vests and Pants for wom-.n)
feet fitting. Garment
Carter's Vests and Pants for worn-.
en, m mixea cotton ana wooi; very
serviceable; nicely fl? "I ff
Carter's Vests and Pants for worn- Y
en, in medium-weight pure wool ;
non - shrinking and
perfect fitting. At
Carter's Vests and Pants for wom
en, in fine quality silk and wool,
silk crochet edge,
Perfect fitting. At
: warn mt 9i a suma-,'.. .
1 -8gr
Charming S tyles
In the
New Waists
Are Here for Your
Second Floor Women who like
exclusiveness in Waist styles
always look to this store to sup
ply their needs.. Just now we
are showing an unusually at
tractive line in all the most fa
vored materials and colors.
Chiffon, Lace Waists
$2.95 to $37.50
Second Floor Latest creations
in lace, net, chiffon, crepe de
chine, messaline and combina
tions of chiffon and lace. Many
beautiful models for afternoon
and evening wear, with the chic
vest effect and square-cut col
lars. Others trimmed vith bands
of lace silk, 'fancy embroidery
and novelty buttons. All sizes
&Ss $$37.50
New Lingerie Waists
$1.49 to $22.50
Second Floor The wide variety
of styles makes choosing easy.
No matter what particular style,
or trimming, ' or material, you
favor, you are sure to find one
here that will suit you. High
or, low necks, long or short
sleeves. Many with popular
drop-shoulder or kimono effects.
Trimmings of frills, laces, em
broidery, buttons, -etc. Prices
range from EZf
$1.49 up to 01
Wonderful Sale of New &att Millinery
Carter's Union Suits for men,. in heavy
weight white and ecru cotton. Priced
Carter's Union Suits for men, in light
weight cotton, white and ecru. At
Carter's Union Suits for men, in heavy 1 f
Winter-weight cotton. Price, the suit P
Carter's Union Suits for men, in heavy GTj
ribbed cotton; white and ecru. Garni 't P-- t
Carter's Union Suits for men, in fine CZf
white lisle; beautifully finished. Price P.JM
Carter's Union Suits for men, in extra CP fij (f
fine quality. Perfect filling. Priced at
Carters Union Suits for Children
Carter's Vests and Pants for children, in
ribbed cotton. Sizes 18 to 32. 35 to
Carter's Vests and Pants for children, 3? f Ql
in wool and cotton mixed. 18-32. SO-V-1- "
Carter's Vests and Pants for children, 3? "S
in fine pure wool. Sizes 18-32. 80 to V UL
Carter's Union Suits for children, in
ribbed cotton. Sizes 1 to 8. GoC to
Carter's Union Suits for children, in
wool and cotton mixed. 1 to 8. SI to
Carter's Union Suits for children, in flJO O
all pure wool. Sizes 1 to 8. $1.60 to
Floor" Samples From One of the Largest and Best
Known Millinery Establishments iO- . :
America,' Comprising ' : 7 '
Hundreds of New Exclusive Styles
Not Shown Elsewhere in. Portland.
Millinery Department, Second Floor The premier Millinery event of
the season! Our Millinery buyer, who has just returned from New
York, announces a most remarkable sale of high-grade Trimmed Mil
linery. Hundreds of beautiful new Fall Hats, finest quality, hand
made foundations of silk velvet, with trimmings of fur,, flowers and
fancy feathers. Small, medium and large shapes, in every wanted
color. No two Hats alike in entire collection. Sale starts 8:30 A. M.
$10.00 to $15.00 Hats II $15.00 to $20.00 Hats
Odd Lines Bon Ton Corsets, $12.00 to $20.00 Grades, $9.95
Special Sale
Shadow Lace Allovers
$1.25 Grades 59c
$2.25 Grades 98c
Maia Floor 18 and 22-inch allover
Shadow Laces, in a variety of attractive,
new patterns, in white, cream and ecru.
Less than half price for these beau
tiful Laces. Supply your wants now.
New Pleatings and Frills Very latest
effects in Maline Frills and Pleatings,
in all the most wanted styles. If it's new
we have it, and at the right price, too.
We show them at, yd., for 25 and up.
$1.50 Neckwear 48 Many of the very
newest creations in light, filmy and
fluffy effects so much in vogue right
now. All the popular materi- Qf
als. Values to $1.50, Monday atC"U
October "Baby Week
Women9 s $1 Bungalow Apr ons7 3c
White Lawn Aprons 29c and 59c
Center Circle, Main Floor Another
big shipment of those popular Bun
galow Aprons have just arrived.
Every woman who sees them wants
a couple. Made from best quality
percale and trimmed with contrast-
colors. Regular Sl.UUV-?
Special tomorrow
Center Circle, Main Floor Women's
dainty white lawn Aprons, in
waitress styles, with large bibs, plain
or embroidery trimmed straps. Also
round aprons, tea aprons, maids'
aprons and large square aprons.
Two special lines, priced EZQf
for this sale at 29 and-
85c Linen Guest Towels Spec'l 62c
Hemstitched Guest Towels at 42c
Bargain Circle, Main Floor Special
one-day sale of Richardson's Irish
Linen Guest Towels. In size 15x24
inches. Hand-scalloped and hand
embroidered. Regular 85c
Towels. Special at only
Bargain Circle, Main Floor Fine
quality Linen Huck Towels, in many
attractive designs. Neatly hem
stitched and good quality. Size
15x24 inches. On special A O,
sale tomorrow at only, eaeh'''
Good Heavy Outing Flannel Special at 8c a Yard
Baby Book Free
Second Floor Ask for this valu
able little booklet on health and
care of the baby. It's free. "Baby
Week" special prices on Reuben's
Shirts, Arnold's Knit Goods and
Zummerli Bands and Shirts, as well
as other wearables for the little
ones. Experienced salespeople will
helfTyou choose the needed articles.
Odd Lines Infants9 Coats at V Off
$1.35 Infants' Knit Sacques 98c
Infants' short cassimere Coats,
trimmed with braid or em
broidery. Well lined. Rcg-
$4.25 to $15.00 1
u 1 a r
Birdseye Diapers at Special
Prices for Tomorrow's Selling
18x-36-in. Diapers, doz., 99?
20x40-inch Diapers at $1.12
27x54-inch Diapers at $1.79
Infants' kimono - style Knit
Sacques. Also hand-knit plain
styles. Regular $1.35 grade.
On special sale Baby Ck fig
Week at low price of f O
$1.35 Baby Blankets at 9S
Infants' Cashmere Hose, 23
Hand-Made Slips at $1.19
Infants' Hand -Made Short
Dresses, special at $1.69
Sale Andirons and Fire Sets
House furnishings Dept., Third Floor
We have, without question, the most complete stock of fireplace
fixtures to be found in Portland. Our entire stock of Brass and
Black Andirons and Fire Sets will be sold at reduced prices.
I $2.25 Black Andirons, sale price, $1.80
; $3.25 Black Andirons, sale price, $2.60
, $4.25 Black Andirons, sale price, $3.40
' $5.00 Black Andirons, sale price, $4.00
$2.00 Black Spark Guards only $1.50
$2.25 Black Spark Guards only $1.70
$2.40 Black Spark Guards only $1.80
$2.75 Black Spark Guards only $2.05
V $3.00 Black Spark Guards only $2.40
-111 I
1 '11 v
' 'M
A i ! i
li it ' i
x is.
Great Oct. Sale
Third Floor Home-owners will appreciate
this splendid opportunity to buy floor cov
erings at such, rare savings. The. following
prices do not include laying. Scores of at
tractive patterns to choose from. All colors.
$1.45 Inlaid Linoleums
, At 95c Yard
Odd lines, in choice patterns and
colorings. Regular $1.25 to . $1.45
grades at 95 i' yard. Regular 60c
Printed Linoleums- at 43 the yard.
$50 Velour Portieres at $23.75
$1.60 Inlaid Linoleums
At $1.15 Yard
Very best Inlaid Linoleum in short
lengths and dropped patterns. Sev
eral choice patterns. At $1.15 yd.
Linoleum Remnants at Half Price.
$2.00 Sewing Tables
Special $1.48
Fine hardwood Sewing Table, with
measure on top. Beautiful finish
and substantially built.
Regular $2.00 Tables at
$25 Velour Portieres $13.75
Imported double - faced
French VelourrPortieres, in
various rich shades. Reg
ular $50.00 tfOQ 7CZ
grade, only PriJ. 4 &
In making purchases always
ings Stamps. They will be
Beautiful single-faced Ve
lour Portieres, with hand
embroidered borders. Reg
ular $25.00 T Q IJCZ
grade, only Vwf"
ask for S. & H. Green Trad
given free, for the asking.'
$55 Silk Portieres, Pair $27.50
$7.50 Wool Portieres $3.98
Rich, all-silk Portieres, with
hand-made applique bor
ders. Regular $55 grades.
Special at C97 Sfl
Arts and Crafts Wool
Crash Portieres, with rich
stenciled borders and colors.
Regular $7.50 (JJQ QO
grades. Pair P&.&O
only, pair
Regular $12.00 Arts and Crafts Portieres at only $6.98
Regular $35.00 All-Silk Portieres at, the pair, $1.7.50
$1.50 to $2.25 Art Cretonnes
Full 50 Inches Wide, the Yard Only
Third Floor Beautiful Art Cretonnes for fancywork,
draperies, coverings and many other purposes. Very
finest imported qualities, in attractive floral, foliage and many nov
elty patterns, in soft color effects. Grades selling formerly at $1.50
to $2.25 a yard included in this special offering. Buy now and save.
i "
Standard U. W. ft.
Sewing Machines
New Improved Standard
O.W.K. Sewing Machines,' in
full cabinet case. Only a lim
ited number at flJQf CTf
the low price jwlJW
Grape Juice Bottle
Corkers at 29c
Third Floor Best quality hard
wood, cherry-stained and tin
lined. Make bottling easy. On
special sale tomorrow O Chf
at the low price of only
Halloween Novelties
of All Kinds
See Morrison-Street Window
If you want to get the latest
ideas for Halloween entertain
ing, come to this store. Scores
of practical suggestions for
table and home decorations. In
vitations. Ghosts, Pumpkins,
Skulls, Caps, Jack-o '-Lanterns,
Cats, Witches, Owls, Silhouette
Novelties, etc., etc. On sale at
Stationery Dept., Main Floor.