SECTION SIX Pages 1 to 8 Magazine Section VOL. XXXII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1913. ' V, 4 x- vl M i-j ' ' ' " ...-"...iiiin. i.-i. -t- -t .'i - tr : " -, ,y -. . . - "- . ' - s. - t r ? .v-r-.v.'.--. . t :- ' - ' ? ' - - tef if - : . . r; . . m v. f I - H .. " , '--' ' ' . ' ' ' R n 'A j -.1 " - -J-' - N SL ' ' -1 :; A p . iB t7 - A fc i&ifCt . k .: I--'"A :1 i fj$ri , " 1 y-: vxl 4 -l -j' r .... " n . - fr;r t, " . - lllO i&t: i f l A-i U -4 j kss . fi i' A" -11 ;: .... : I - v . - j;iwm$0&&&M$l a i ' i i ! PxbOvr7i HAYSTACK ROCK near PACIFIC CITY PHOT'C BY B.A.GIFFORD. NE of the attractions of the Oregon Coast to Summer visitors is its rugged scenery. ManyrocEy; promontories break the coast line, while here and there is a great rock, separated from its parent ridge by the wave action of centuries, rises in the breakers. Colonies of sea birds nest on their tops and sides, green with accumulated moss and slime. Often the erosion of time has molded these basalt outposts into strange shapes. One such is Hay stack Rock, near Pacific City, Or., in Tillamook County. It is so called from its striking resemblance to a haystack. NO. 39. t. i i .. i