The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 14, 1913, SECTION TWO, Image 17

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VOL XXXII nlKTiiAMJ, UKIUUJ, OUl-VX .Jiimnm. - - ;
I tne lact, as are a nan uueu uuiuia ,
whom big Arthur poured out his trou- I
1 bles. 1
-Ov li
Our Thousands of Pleased Customers Are Our Best Advertisements
-when you think of burins anything in furniture, carpets, rugs or stoves, just inquire among your neighb they
k,,t An;- ",,rnihin and how thev were pleased. You are sure to find many of them bought at GADbBYb , and teat
bought their home ff.1'" MtK bu7 DTaL3 for this sto re. It is our aim to make it pleasant and profitable for everyone
TTSSfiS? Yf are treated wi 2 courSy ! whether you wish to buy or not. We never urge a person to buy we let
our goo'ds and or prices speak for themselves. Open a eharge aeeount with us and we will give you more than a year to pay
for it if you need the accommodation.
Sale Room-Size Rugs
Patterns m0WM
Rugs from 6x? ?f
feet to 12x15 lu(sm
feet on display. t vCCSI
Anclo -Persians,
Indians. Ara
b i a ns, Royal
Worcesters, jitf
Bagdads, T e p- ffct.
1 1 1 A ? .
racs an nere m f
bottom p r i c es. t:
Some specials:
Oriental Wiltanns, 9x12 $27.50
Wilton Velvets, P.12. .. .$25.00
Eureka Velvets, 9x12 $14.50
Smith's Tapestries, 9x12, $15.00
Tyvan Art Rusrs, 9x12.. $12.00
Metropolitan Brus., 9x12, $18.00
All other brands equally low.
Don't forget we have the ex
tra large rugs in stock.
Unifold Bed Davenport
This bed is easy to operate. A child can change it from a Daven
port to a Bed, or vice versa. The mechanism is absolutely perfect,
guaranteed to work perfectly. The frame of the bed is of steel
angle iron and the springs and fabric are of the very best type and
quality, with plenty of clearance between bed and framework of
upholstering. No hard centers. Makes a very comfortable and
indestructible bed. Sanitary construction. Mattress can be re
moved for airing purposes. Prices range from $30 to $50.
Other Davenport Beds as cheap as $22.50
i f I I I
K -
Buy Your Bed Now We
Are Selling
$ 3.50 Iron Beds.
$ 4 50 Iron Beds.
$ 5.00 Iron Beds.
S 7.00 Iron Beds.
$20.00 Brass Beds.
.S 1.95
S 3.50
-S 3.75
.S 5.75
$25.00 Brass Beds. .$18.00
Sale Childs'Cribs $12.03 Mattresses $8.95
You Couldn't Explode a New
Method Gas Range If You Tried
Childs' white-enameled Crib,
with guaranteed spring and
drop sides. Special at Gndsbys'
this week $4.75
These splendid white cotton
felt Mattresses, weighing 40 lbs.,
are compressed down to six
Inches In thickness, remain soft
and elastic, and do not wad;
equal to the mattresses so exten
sively advertised at 15; abso
lutely sanitarv, durable and com
fortable. Gadsbys' spe- jQ QC
cial price only PO.iJ
Tkr Famou Nw Method
VeaMlatlBK Baklnff Orrn.
The burnt (ra cannot In any
wav tret into a New Method ven
tila'te.l oven. It passes around
the outside, distributing the heat
evenly on all Bides.
New Method burners use seven
parts air to one part gas. The
New Method range soon pays for
Gma Coaaectlons FREE.
I Gadsbys'. Special Library 'Table
This handsome Library Table
is quarter-sawed white oak
with rich, deep natural mark
ings, honestly made, beauti
fully finished, either fumed
oak or waxed golden oak;
height 32 inches; top 42x28;
leg's are 4-inch; large drawer
with wood knobs. Other
stores ask $20.00. Oadsby's
special price $12.00
Built of blued sheet steel;
oven lSxlSxllH Inches, with
door, heavily nickel trimmed;
blued sheet steel canopy over
main top equipped with plate
shelf; easy to keep clean;
broiler oven lJxlSxll Inches,
fitted with steel broiler pan,
wire broiler racks; electric
reided and retinned. Main top
equipped with four regular
burners and one viminerer. Buy
this range and save money.
Sale Dining Tables
Solid Oak Pedestal Table,
frolden onk. noiistied im
sh: extends six feet long,
42-inch top; Heavy peue.s
tal base. giving table
strength and design.
Gadsbys spe- C O tt
:M price 5IfcUl
Reg. $50, Special
Buy Your
fi k
Before the Rush
trx v -t -vmr;- 't
We have our Fall Heaters
here ready "for immediate
delivery. Don't wait till
everybody else needs theirs
and suffer a day or two for
?a' delivery.
New PIodel Heater
Cast Iron Linings
The principal feature of this Heater is slow com
bustion. One feed a day is all the fuel you need,
lias lare front feed door, swing-off top, with lid,
nickeled footrails and ornaments. Price, 18-inch,
for wood, $9.85. Others as low as $6.50
junior Airtight
With cast top and lid, sheet steel body,
steel linings. Three sizes $5.50,
$6.50 and $7.50. Same, with plain
steel top, in three sizes, $2.50, $3.50
'and $4.50.
-fteeulax S50 Eange, Guaranteed
Range, with high closet and duplex
grate, spring-balanced oven doors.
This is a heavy, substantial, durable
Range, made of the best quality cold
rolled steel. Adapted for coal or
wood. Oven thoroughly braced and
bolted, asbestos lining throughout,
nickel-trimmed section plate top.
''"iT"'!-'"'''T'-r !-!' 7"' rLrr?
that doesn't suit want something more' up-to-date and better,
phone us and we'll send a competent man to see it and arrange to
take it as part payment on the kind you want the Gadsby kind.
We'll make you a" liberal allowance for your goods and we'll sell
you new furniture at low prices. The new furniture will be
prompty delivered. Have furniture you'll be proud oL
Those Who Know of Dealings
in Portland Insist Pugilist
Was Sober on Signing.
Bis Boxer Sore on Arrival From I.os
Angeles Burns' Delay In Send'
ins Money Cause of Expose
of Fake Fight.
"Arthur Pelkey admits confession of
fake fight with Tommy Burns!" "Ar
thur Pelkey denies confession says he
was drunk." "Burns to bring charges
of criminal libel."
These and similar sizzling tele
graphic shots have so tangled up the
aftermath of the sensational expose- by
Pelkey of an alleged fake fight with
Burns at Calgary March 26 last, that
boxing fans over 'the country don't
know whether Pelkey is In a class with
a certain polar explorer or whether
Burns is the most abused mortal under
the sun.
While the writer has no desire to
add to the. worries of Tommy Burns,
the former champion's threat of crim
inal libel belongs on the vaudeville
So does Arthur Pelkey's "admission"
yesterday in Calgary that he was
"drunk when he signed the papers In
Portland September i," which same,
confession was published In The Ore
gonian five days later per an agree
ment with Burns' heavyweight protege.
Now for a few "inside" facts that
will tend to unravel the tangled skein.
Arthur Pelkey was as sober as a
saint when he made his confessioa of
fakery with Burns. Acting on a tip
received from a personal frienJ in Cai.
gary, the writer pinned the 215-pound
pugilist to an. admission of crooked
Pelkey at the time was in a recep
tive mood. He said that Burns had
given him a "rotten deal" during his
five weeks' vaudevillo tour down the
Pacific Coast. He cited that Burns
thought him a big farmer and always
hogged the spotlight; that Burns sold
him a dress suit for stage purposes at
"cost" price and then took 180 out of
his wages: that Burns cajoled him into
signing an agreement awarding him
50 per cent of his earnings, whereas
Tim aicGrath. had told him the proper
managerial percentaga was 26.
TJoIIta-u- had n tfllA nf WOA that Wfll
as lurid as any of Conan Doyle's nar
ratives. The excerpts above throw
light on only a few of Pelkey's griev-
., u. urhiflrtnpAH thorn tn .Tank
King, to the writer, to Dan Flood, of
the Lyric Theater, to Larry Madden,
whon ho vtrnrUpt three rounds with the
lottnp Huplnir hl twrt Havs' staV in
Portland, en route from Los Angeles
to Calgary, ana io oiners.
TSaIVav a nnr rtriink lint he was
sore. Burns had left him penniless In
Los Angeles and had told him to col
lect $300 from Tom McCarey, the Los
a r. whiph sum he al
leged McCarey owed him on an old
When he arrived in Portland, Pelkey
was almost on his uppers and he had
n hnrrna Jio from Mr. Flood to tele
graph Burns for money. Burns im
mediately sent mm
It was while warning ror isurns- re-
yiy - - - '
confession which has caused so much
discussion and contusion an over me
country. The confession was written
on hotel stationery in Pelkey's room
in the Perkins Hotel in this city, on the
night of September 4.
t I,,.,., inn rnuRt to make."
said the giant pugilist, remorsefully,
as he hanaea over me document, jluui
my Burns has more than a thousand
dollars of mine and If this is published
now he may say he doesn't owe me a
cent. Keep It until next Tuesday night
and by that time I can get to Calgary
and settle my accounts with him. Then
publish it."
The Oregonian kept its agreement
with Pelkey and held the sensational
expose until Tuesday morning, when it
was published, together with a fac
simile of the confession. Ignorant of
the speed with which news carries. Pel
key meantime had stopped off to visit
an uncle at Victoria, and Tuesday
morning found him at Victoria, and not
at Calgary, with Burns still custodian
of the Pelkey fortunes of war.
Pelkey admitted, when first inter
viewed at Victoria, that the confession
was true, and then, upon reflection, did
what many a man would have done un
der the circumstances, tried to crawl
from beneath the avalanche, hoping to
gain time for his settlement .with
Burns. . ,
r- t,A oiihia twfnr nrottoundea
some vi Lli " , ,
by Tommy Burns and his friends at Cal
gary are amusing.
Joe Price, sporting editor of the AI
bertan, at Calgary, comes to the former
champion's defense with a rebuttal that
Is boh novel ana instructive. . oajn
Taatnpa tmt wAfl rather
queer was that about Pelkey crawling
into Burns nouse oy me
order to do that Pelkey would have to
swim the Elbow River, as the rear oi
Burns' house is almost Iiusn againsi me
banks of this stream."
Some architects up In that country.
eh bo? Build their houses so that you
have to swim a river to get in tne oac
door. Probably have log-rolling con
tests on the front lawn: JUies verne
lso had a hectic imagination.
Meanwhile, Pelkey's talking appa
ratus presumably is still In good woric-
ing order and, as Colonel Roosevelt's
depredations In Africa didn t include
cornering all the ivory at me omim-
sonian Institution, we can iiron iui
tional evidence of Pelkey's toucning.
love for Tommy Burns wltnin tne next
few days.
roi ta-atr mav have been lying when he
accused his manager of fake fighting
in charity to Tommy cunia, a. smni
fighter in his day, why not take that
view of itT but the big fellow knows
. u . vA .,-Q a nnt Hrnnlc Tf he doesn't
know it, Larry Madden, a Portland po
liceman, who was present when Pelkey
drafted the confession. Is well aware of
Friends Induced Him to Drink With
Confession as Result, He Say.
CALGARY, Alberta, Sept. 13. (Spe
cial.) In the midst of the furore
created in the sporting world by the
publication of his statement repudiat
ing Tommy Burns as a friend and
manager, Arthur Pelkey returned to
Calgary this morning docile and peni
tent. To a little brandy taken for his stom
ach's sake the aspirant for the world's
premier pugilistic honors attributed his
The statement which was delivered
bv Burns reads:
"To the Sporting World My story
" Arthur M. Gnrj.
Eugene, Sept. 13. (Special.)
Arthur M. Geary, of Portland, for
two years graduate manager of
student activities at the univer
sity, has resigned his position
and will leave the last of the
week for Columbia University,
where he will completo his law
course. Mr. Geary's principal
achievement has been In the fi
nancing of the different student
affairs, eliminating a previous
yearly deficit of J1000 and in
place returning $300- to MOO a
year to the student treasury,
besides providing for his own
salary. In the furtherance of
this idea, he worked out a plan
of selling to the students at the
opening of the college year
tickets -at reduced rates that
would admit the student to all
football, track, baseball and bas
ketball games and all debates
and lectures provided on the
university campus
Geary was graduated from the
University of Oregon in the
class of 1910, having completed
his course in three years. He
won the Beekman oratorical
prize that year. The matter of
the election of Geary's substitute
will come before the athletic
council and the executive com
mittee of the Associated Students
probably next Wednesday.
from The Oregonian, saying my con
test with Burns was a fake and he
cheated me out of my money is entirely
"Tommy Burns has been the best
friend to me since I have been in the
boxing game. Previous to meeting him
all my arrangements were poorly paid,
not even giving me a living wage.
"I did not sign such a statement
with the sporting editor of The Ore
gonian. He dictated the letter and
wrote it out, and I copied it over. I
just came out of the hospital in Los
Angeles and was sick when I took the
boat, and I was also seasick all the
way to Portland, and I was advised to
take some brandy. Never having been
in the habit of taking liquor, I was
influenced to do so by would-be
friends. Under the conditions, I would
have done almost anything. Tim Mc
Grath kept poisoning my mind against
my best friend, Mr. Burns, and a bunch
of would-be friends were doing the
same to me. Burns has settled every
thing' satisfactorily with nie every
week and ha does not owe me a cent.
Burns and I are still together, and will
be until the end. Hoping this Is satis
factory, I remains yours,
Pelkey afterward said: "You know
I had an operation on my nose while
in California. I got out from the hos
pital on Friday that the Willard
Young fight took place. I was feeling
pretty wobbly then. Two days later I
came up the Coast, and all the time
that I spent on the boat I was feeling
rotten. When I got to Portland, well
meaning friends suggested that a little
brandy would fix my stomach. Fawcett
was not one of them. He had nothing
to do with It. I fell for the advice, and.
nn ...nit t wnn noon under the
weather. Tim McGrath, who had been
with Burns and me a great ueai m
California, started to- fil me up with
stories about Tommy. At that, I think
he was sincere and believed he was do
ing me a good turn. When I got under
the weather in Portland I commenced
fenv t who nhuRpd. and. in conver-
tVF .lll'l". . ' ' '
sation with Fawcett, probably repeated
those thougnts. ie put mem i i-
and I copied and signed what he wrote.
Vardon and Ray Defeat Smith and
Low- In Professional Jlatch.
NTOW YORK. Sent. 13. Harry Vardon
and Edward Ray, the British visitors,
defeated Alec Smith and George Low
in a 36-hole professional four-ball
match over the llnKS or tne oajiusroi
Golf Club today. The Britons prac
tically clinched the match by coming
in fit-A im at thA end of - the morn
ing. After luncheon Smith and Low
made a game fight, but the match
proper ended on the thirteenth green.
where tne visitors won uy aim. w.
Going to the sixtn noie, .Kay, arter
putting his drive clear across to the
seventh fairway, lofted back over the
trees at a seemingly impossible angle.
Again, after driving In to the hazard
in front of the Island .tenth green, Ray
played out of the water to within four
feet of the pin and won the hole in
Kobldenu Stops Jack Reid.
PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 13 "Sam"
Robideau, the Philadelphia lightweight,
tonight practically knocked out Jack
Reid, of Australia, in the fifth round of
a scheduled six-round bout. The referee
stopped the bout.
Large' Gallery Witnesses Se
ries of Events at Row
ing Club's Regatta.
Contestants Have Many Mishnpsnnd
Between Barriers In River anil
Collisions of Boats Specta
tors Are Given Thrills.
Much amusement was furnished a
large gallery of spectators at the Port
land Rowing Club yesterday tiirc -h
the staplng of water sports new to this
city in its annual Fall regatta. Canoe
tilting supplied the bulk of the "funny
stuff." A four-paddle canoe race also
contributed its Quota of fun and ex
citement, as many spills took place,
both preparatory to and during the
race. Nine races were staged, and the
finishes all were' close.
A "dark horse" won the senior sla
gles championship, due to misfortune
and a raft of logs. Klmer A. Hanson
was the winner, with Fred It. Newell
a close second. The race carries with
it the Gloss singles championship lov
ing cup, to be held by the winner for
one yar.
There were Ave entries Captain
Pfaender, who was backed to win;
Fred it. Newell, Elmer A. Hanson. E.
O. Gloss and Arthur Alien. The race
for R quarter of a mile was nip and
tuck, with all five scullers well
bunohed. Pfaender and Gloss fouled
each other three times and were put
back from a lead of a length to sure
tailenders. A log raft was swung into
the stream at Windeniuth, and this in
terfered with Allen, Hansen and Newell.
The racers had to pull far in to the
east bank of the river to avoid the
logs, and In the confusion of a sharp
turn Gloss crashed into Allen and the
latter was upset.
Strength Decide! Content.
From there the race was narrowed
down to Newell and Hanson and
weight and strength told, Hanson win
ning a well-earned race. Pfaender
won the event last year The officials
looked for a close battle of strength
between Gloss and Pfatnder, and they
were leading the field when their col
lision happened.
Gloss did the "come back" stunt
nicely. He will scull lor the club next
In a special match lace between the
senior doubles, in which there was
much rivalry, Fred Newell and Dave
Cooper won by four lengths in a mile
course from Chris Dyilund und Elmer
The four-oared races were exciting,
inches only separating the two light
weight crews, though both fours pulled
out of their course and the crew, at
which Letz was bow, lost the race by
jamming into the rowing club dock
three strokes from the finish. lno
winning four was composed of Dave
Cooper, stroke: H. S. Uigelow, No. 3;
Harry Gammie, No. 2; Virgil Hamlin,
bow, and the losers were William
Mathena, stroke: Harold Wenster, AO.
3; Lester Woodruff, No. 2, and Jacques
Letz, bow.
In a half-mile race, the heavyweight,
Ed Gloss, stroke; George MeFaul, No.
3; George W. Bates, Jr., No. 2. and
Arthur Allen, bow, pulled away from
George Faber, stroke; Walter Resing,
No. 3; Eddie Sammons, No. 2, and Wil
liam Gregory, bow, winning by a good
Women Tnke 1'nrt.
Harry Gammie took the men's sin
gle paddle canoe race over a quarter
mile course; Paul Campbell was second
and Walter Resing third in a close fin- .
ish. Harry Gammie and Virgil Ham
lin won the double paddle race with
Henry Pfaender and Amandus Pfaen
der second. Miss Sadie Havely and
Henry Pfaender were winners in the
mixed double canoe race. Miss Hor
tense Ballin and Virgil Hamlin were
second, with Miss Leah Ganzmiller and
Walter Resing third.
In the four-paddle canoe race, which
was introduced for the first time on
the Willamette, the Portland senior
four Hanson, Resing, Allen and Dyr
lund took first place, with Gammie,
Hamlin, Cooper and Woodruff second.
The canoe tilting was captured by
Virgil Hamlin and Elmer Hanson, after
a thrilling set of contests, the runner
up being Harry Gammie and Walter
Resing. There were nine stirring bouts
In this mimic warfare of stuffed clubs,
in nna nf the melees a contestant re
ceived a badly dlscqlored eye.
TOO OEIlciais OI me iekit.
Starter, R. C. Hart: clerk of the course,
George W. Bates; judges of finish. Rex
Conant and Floyd M. Warren; captain,
Amandus Pfaender.
Cochran Willing to Spend $90,000
for 75-Foot Racing Sloop.
BRISTOL, R. I., Sept. 13. Alexander
S. Cochran, of the New York Yacht
Club, owner of the sensational racing
schooner Westward, is negotiating for
a sloop to contend next year as a de
Af tha Amrira'a cun asralnst Sir
Thomas Llpton, it was learned today.
. r- f.l t ...MM.. rt
Mr. coenran, it is uaiu, io f uug
bear the whole expense and has named
$90,000 as the sum he is willing to put
into a 75-foot sloop. Negotiations with
Herreshoff were opened by Mr. Coch
ran several weeks ago, while he was
in Europe.
That the new Herreshoff defender is
to be a heavy boat is indicated by the
work which was begun today on the
new marine railway down which the
sloop will be launched. The piling and
timbers for the new structure were
seen today to be much heavier than
those used to launch the Reliance.
California Rugby Fourteen PIav
Xo-Score Game Willi Barbarians.
SAN' FRANCISCO, Sept. 13 Stanford
University and the University of Cali
fornia opened the rugby season today
with games in which Stanford was de
feated by a score of 5 to 3 by the San
Francisco Olympic Club, and the Uni
versity of California played a scoreless
tie game with the Barbarians of San
The innovation of 14-mcn lineups was
introduced for the first time in both
nri io9.2