The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 07, 1913, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 27

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Edgerman. small mill. $3.50.
, 1 .mall miil. S2. I d.
Five men to 'work In lain mill. 12.50
and 2. .5.
2 shingle iiarytn (uprlgblj.
- packers. un.on wa g'-s.
Ten rocgh cartenters. S3 o.
Ten men to pt.e lumber on contract. SO
cents m if.
Lumber pliers. 2.5.
Suckerman. S.t.25.
Carriage-rider, large mill. 12.50 up.
Mid hands, city. -.
Mill hands. n -i5.
Ufs. -' .,
Ten woodcutter. 41.2,1 ana 91.35 com.
Farm hands.
Man and wife on farm. -Boilermakers.
Men to help build large dam for law-
mi: 1' 75
Two mm to fall and buck on contract.
Twenty llemaaers. i. cents per tic
tnola turnlsaed.
Laborers. U. S. Government work, fl.50
to I- ana board.
Ten pip line men. 2.75 per flay, 9 houra.
Four boys for box factory. 91.00. city.
( tiurrman, log camp. .,5.
Station men. logging road. IS, 23 aud 05
amp fltmkeyt. 9:15 and 910.
Waiter, small hotel, city. $25. r. and b.
Dishwashers, hotels and restaurants. 3u
. to 9 to.
Lu borers, teamsters wanted for city
Waiters, club, 940 up.
Others too numerous to mention here.
Open Sunday, 8 A. JI. to 4 P. M.
2.. 2. and 224 couch, bet. 1st and La.
To sell th. cheapest 1 to -acre tracts
within me lo-mile circle of Portland;
JWices range from t-'OO per ace up; terms
ki per cent down and'M per cent a month;
new commission deal that will Interest
ou. All tra, IS i.n Salem division of the
Oregon ElecTrlc line.
-;10 C.erllnxer B!dg.. id and Alder Sts.
Mtn of Rood business ability, versed
with Portland realty valuea; one with
au'o preferred: exceptional opportunity
ottered by luise realty lompur; corre
spondence strictly confidential. iive
references Slid experience in first lettor.
Aunresa Mi-nager City Department, P. O.
bo 42.
1 WANT a specialty salesman to sell a
well-established household necessity to
tintie- to a business-getter 1 can make
most, 'attractive offer; tell me hat you
have done and can do: then we will taik
it over no time for dilhs; am not running
a training school. 1 want a llvo one. K
305, oregonian,
A VulNi; man. able, honest and willing lo
work experienced in selling clothing, fur
nishings and shoes, can find steady Po
s 'i..n in (food clothing" store In Centralla.
Wash. Apply. giving aire. experience,
references and expected salary, box -OK
. ve .-v.
cniiana, .. n.
WA."i'KH first-class stenographer; young
man with .umber experience, one who can
' assist bookkeeper; none but first-class need
applv; good place for right man and good
future. Address, in own hand writing, P.
i. nix I'm, ci.j.
HIGH-CL SS automobile salesman by au
tomobile house having largest sale of
medium-priced cars in city; state age, ex
perience and references; no not answer
unless jou can deliver the goods. AK all.
(i.nsnn ian
tM'El.lKN. ED salesman wanted, one ac-'us-omed
to handing cloths and dress
g.euis and with some, experience trim
ming windows, a "good Job for the right
g-,n R.-ply. stating experience and sal
ary expeczeq. i oo--. ei-..,...
WANTED some good delivery boys. Apply
Lowengart Sc Co.
WA.MKl) stenographer .In our oflice at
Camus. Wash. App.y by letter to Crown
('nlumuia paper Co., "11 Yeon bldg., Porl-
WAISTS and skirt drapers with high ex
perience, also waist and sklrlmakers;
must have long expcrlem-ei 4114 Morrison.
OH: I. for general housework: must bo good
co.k; good wages. 009 Savicr St. Main
FiNL-HEKS on ladles' coats, steady work
and best wages to first-class experienced
hands. Tom Gallagher. 32 Wash. St.
WANTED Compettnt second girl; must
have bet of lererences. Is -N 20lh at.
I'hone Main 2"97.
WANT c:rl for light housework: good home.
Iniiut-e afternoons. Princess Kink, E. 1st
and Morrison.
ATHOH' rclll.Y ex7,er!cnce, solicitor for
hair vb-ora. The I'ansiaa Hair parlor. USil
KESPE'-'TAHLE elderly lady as housekeeper
at onre. call Sunday and Monday. 1U57 1.
iTouu-PA Yl.Mi position for two bright, ac
me iai!ie. sa.jr and commission. Uoom
:t!o. Northwest Mdg.. th and Wash.
CilKi, who underssanus cooking and general
housework In a small family. b4 N. 17th
St.. near Everett.
WANTED Seamstresses, shirt and pants
makers. Hlrscn-Wels Mfg. Co.. ii)5 Bum
side. WANTED Experienced hands on power ma
chines. Oregon Hat & Cap Co., -'tis 4
ad st
yl H operators and finishers: must be thor
oushlv experienced. Apply H. Llcbea &
t"i... lH Morrion St.
WANTED A neat capable girl for light
housework In fnmlly of three. Phone
C l'.wiC Address 1229 East 2!Uh N.
LAltlE Eastern concern wants reliable wom
an manager for branch office In Vancou
ver wash. 4."i Trinity Place. Apt. 1'-.
WOMAN' to do housework. 3 adults, all em
ployed; home more than watres. Call
even-ngs a'ler . tj4 East Allk'-ny.
ulRl. for light hnu.ework. small family.
e-Jv place. Call lt4 E. Alder. I'hone E.
ANTEt Reliable girl for second work in
sma.l family. Art-ly 274 N. -"th. cor.
Overton. Take "W" car.
WO.McIN wanted to work In fruit cannery.
Apply 2?') N. Front St.. near ATbtns Ferry,
West Side. Portland Canning Co.
WA.VTEli School girl to assist In house
work for room and board and small
wanes. Phone Columbia 3S2
W A N T E n Htirh tchool girl to work for
harj and room: no small children. Main
A YOt'Ntl lady of pleasing appearance as
attendant In doctor's Qffiee or similar po
sition. A.I 371. Oreeoninn.
liKK.-s.MAKEIt wanted for cleaning and dye
shop man. Main 3t45 or 411- Washington
WANTED tlirl for general housework: must
be a good cook: references required. Call
fl?." Everett before 2 P. M.
t;fKI, for rreneral housework, no washing:
ii! 3". references. Apply 5.14 E. 22A
srff, HI.r;i RI, to work for room and board.
l:"1 H.iwihorne ave. Tabor llV
WANTEO Experienced waist hand. 352 lnrh North, cor. Broadway.
TRADE srhool gtrl to help with housework,
t! s.-huyler st.
t:ir.I. In drl.-d fruit dept. Apply Lang &
Co . 1st and Ankeny.
APPRENTICES wanted for millinery. We
Pv while learning. 1?" 3d St.
lawn "
genera! housework. Phone Wood
:. .'7 Mason St.. Alameda Park.
NI'"E brlclv anprentiee rlrls
MI. DeAIbert. Main Mil.
for millinery.
-SCHOOI. g!r! that wants
nt ll'.'l Vancouver ave.
a home. Inquire
'ist with housework; small fam-
yol"Nl nurse girl to care for baby. 704
Northrup at. "V car.
COOK for private boardine-house. 241 N.
22d St.
W" NTED Experienced sV-Irt and waist
help: also ereand girl. 2ol Cotumlda olds
M RSE for confinement family consists of
h-isand and wife. 4''10 dlst. Mount Scott.
fio eh'Idren.
glr! for general housework:
4?K Yamhill sr.
WANTED r.I-1 or woman for general house
work, fall Tabor 421 Monday.
WA N-d IT-'pers on waists and skirts:
also's'n erran.1 girl. US 13th st.
WANTED M dd!e-aced ladv hy couple:
must be ne. rood cook. i"2 K Couch st.
IHP.T. for genera! housework. Small family,
rood wares. SSI Hnyt.-
rfD Experienced help and apprentice.
!y at dressmaklnc parlors. 1,1 12th st.
GERM AN or Swedish girls to help with
nonwork. Phone rTast 204.'. TX 1043.
MIiTTnVTRV-apprentices at 4i." Morrison:
small pav whllo learning.
OIRI. for r-ncrsl housework. Apply 8l9 Tll-
IfttiK st. J t
SIX chorus cirlsTlorr season, start rehears
als Tueidsv. Room 2 Pantages Theater.
EX'rERIKN'rr.n rlrl, general housework.
n4 F. rtroadwsv. .
WANTED x r-oi rlrl for general house
work Call 3l Park st.
GIRT, to assist with general housework and
chlld-en. $2-". Woodiawn r.33.
WANTED '-fllUnerv Mmmn snd appren
tices. B O Case A Co.. Sth snd Onk.
GIRL wanted, general housework. 27 Sth.
for besch re.or-t hotel. Apply at .trr-floor
restaurant desk between b:30 and :au
A. M.
WANTED Woman of refinement to Intro
duce new scientific article; not required
to make sales, simply to explain proposi
tion and obtain permission for our regu
lar representative to call; experience not
necessary, but must be convincing talker
and of pleasing personality. K 331). Oro
gonlan. ;
WANTED Immediately, a forceful, self
confident lady of fair education and pleas
ing personality, who desires to fit herse.r
for a responsible position, where ability
and faithlul service will appreciated. Ap
plicants must be over 25. free ot Incum
brances and at liberty to travel. Straight
salary will be paid. M :i"2. Orcgonian.
W ANTED Largest farm paper on pacific
l oast desires lady representative to-secure
subscriptions at county fairs and farmers
meetinus during Fall and Winter; expense
will not be advanced, but competent party
can make over 91ou per month cleat,; give
street and telephone addresses. Farm
Paper. Itox AK. Jl'i, oreKOP"",
THE Municipal Department of Public Safely
for Young Women, 411) Merchants Trust
bldg.. will be giad to give advice or as
sistance to any woman or girl ho may be
In need. Interviews are confidential ex
' cept in cases demanding criminal .actior..
Office hours S:3u to 5. Mrs. L. G. Bald
win. Supt.
LADY representative wanted In all neigh
borhoods, also the small towns handy to
Portland to handle an article used by all
families. The demand for this article
will grow and you can make good- money;
either all or only your spare time. P. o.
box 277.
W A V T 1 : 1 , For Tabloid Dramatic Co.,
voung good-looking woman of experience,
soubrette and emotional leads, sue vstio
can sing preferred; also young gen. bus.
man who can play piano; other usetul
people write. Address Manager, b5 Wood
St., PortlandOr.
WANTED Capable girls tor cooks, second
work, general housework and child nurs
ing. Wo aim to place only girls we Can
recommend in homes we can recommend.
Domestic Service Bureau. 3ml Central bldg.,
loth and Alder. Main 7uu7.
EXPERIENCED woman for ladies' suit
department; must be able to handle al
terations, select goods, as well as being a
good ealesladv; good proposition for lady
who will leave city and go to a growing
town In Washington. R 340. Oregonian.
WANTED Representative to haml.e an ed
ucational specia.ty through bourds of ed
ucation only. Liberal terms to the right
party. Work Ciean and easy, and repre
sentative absolutely protecteil in the sale
of this specialty. C :!. Oregonian.
MARRIED woman or reliable girl who could
go home nights, for housework In small
rvmlj; no washing; good to right
patty. Call at 211J Glenn ave., near Haw
thorne. LADIES, earn fl2 weekly making sunltarS
t.elts at homo. No canvassing. Inclose
stamped envelope. Sanlta Mfg. Co., Cedar
Rapids, la.
YOUNG woman with good education who
would like to train for social serSlce; pay
940 per month, while learning. AH U0.1.
MANY of the best families of the city are
registered with the Domestic service Bu
reau for cooks, general housework and
s nd rlrls. HOtS Central bldg. M. 7ou7.
tl'Hl:l ENCED lady checker, with good
hotel references, will have steady position
If answer immediately and proof satisfac
tory. AD 3411. oregoniun.
TE.N'oaRAPHER, with some experience;
permanent position to right party; refer
ences required; salary 94U. AT S40, Orego
nian. GIRL, e'xperieoced In cooking and to assist
in general housework: 3 In lamllv ; good
home. 243 Cornell Road, head of Marshall
WANTED Either sex. 95 and up weekly,
spare Ume. audresslng. mailing. etc ; no
a. iv atuing. Scnu 4c for particulars. Venn
Co.. 1111 Alice St.. Oakland, Cal.
Pi. Ki.lC stenographers; best location ii: city,
finely furnished offices, estan iished busi
ness: verv reasonable. 5o3 Corbett bids.
Marshall 'l"
Five girls to learn beauty culture; pay
while learning; position guaranteed. 4uU
414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors.
9J..P'U PER day paid one lady In each town
to dlslrubuie free circulars lor concen
trated flavoring In tubes. Perinnncut po
sition. V E. Ilarr Co., Chicago.
WA.N'TI-iD For housekeeping in Swiss
bachelor's home, honest Catholic girl or
wlaow ;must be German native and not
over 35 years old. AO 330. oregonian.
COMPETENT woman cook wanted; cook
and helper, family of five, heavy wash
ings sent out; give references. 315 E. loth
WANTED Five bright, capable ladles to
travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; rail
road fare paid; 92--i to 9- per week. Call
Velvetiiia Shop. ti!5 Swelland b!dg.
WANTED Experienced woman for ranuly,
second work, no washing: 9-10; references.
Mrs. Clark W. Thompson, 'Cascade Locks.
WANTED Refined, capahie woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co., SO Roth
clilld bldg.. 4th and Washington.
MIDDLE-AGED woman or girl to assist
housework. 700 East 16th St.. Sellwood
811. ,
EXPERIENCED cashier. Apply Monday
.Monday morning, Goodyear Raincoat Co.,
34a Washington st.
W ashington bldg.. 270 s Wash., room 35.
near 4th. Phone Main SS'.o or A o2(i0.
COOKS. $40, 950; chambermaids, 935; wait
resses. Howe's Agency, an, 27oi Wash
ington. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework; reference required. 515
WANTED Thoroughly experienced and
competent stenograpner; salary 912 per
week. Address AO 2'.4, Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework, 3 adults in
famllv, good wages to competent girL.
ao 32d st. North. Phone Marshall jib?.
WANTED Ladies In and out of city; big
money to hustlers- Call Room 4. 350
Morrison st,
WANTED 2 good weavers to work on car
riage cloth and flannels. Bandon W'ooien
Mills. Bamlon, Or.
WANTED Girl to do housework and plain
cooking for young couple with baby. W
337. Oregonian.
GIKL for general housework, family five
adults: no laundry. 000 Tillamook, Irv
ing ton car.
COMPETENT girl for general housework:
good wages, small family. Call Marsha. 1
41. 125o Thurman st.
MAN and wife to room and board; wife to
work for husband's board. Call 027 E.
Morrison st. or pnone East 217.
WANTED Competent girl for genera
housework. Phone Main 1108. looa Ita
leich st.
A GIRL to do general housework in small
famllv. Phone C 3043 or call at 6iS
Weidier at.
WILL give high school girl good home and
smart wages for her help. Near Jeffer
son High School. Woodiawn 727.
VANTErwPchoolgirl to assist with light
housekeeping In refined family. AP 35J,
Oregon. an.
WANTED Helper on coats.
Stark, room 1.
LADY for general housework, small family,
good wages. 433 E. 25th N. B car.
GIKLl to assist with general housework.
Phor.e East Htll.t. 87 East 10th st.
GiRL for general housework. Inquire mora.
Ings, 14S N. IStn. '
WOMAN, assist light housework, good home,
small wages. i2 Wasco St.
NEAT, experienced waitresses. Thompson's
new restaurant, 427 Washington St.
GIRL for general housework; German pre
ferred. 520 Halsey. cor. K. 11th N.
WANTED Women to work for husfands'
room and board. 97 Russell st.
WANTED Girl for general housework:
wages 935. Call Sfift Marshall.
GIKL for second work. 295 X. 24th st.
Phone A 2M2. Mar. 47fl."..
WANTED School girl to work lor room
and board. Phone East 44)25.
WANTED Experienced girl sewers. Apply
3 4 First St. North.
WANTED Servant. 68 East Broadway st-
services of several thoroughly experienced
cloak and suit, waist and millinery sales
women. Permanent positions and the very
best of salaries. Apply Monday morning
superintendent's office. 7th floor, between
8:30 and 111 A. M.
Cook (country hotel), 940.
Chambermaid, 925. room and board.
Two waitresses. -35 inonth.
Cook, 5 men. 930 :l nth.
Waitress tout). 940 month.
Chambermaid. 9o week .
Ladies' Dept. 205Vx Morrison!
WANTED A thoroughly experienced model
for trying on evening gowns and wraps,
permanent position excellent salary. Give
full particulats In first letter. AG 354,
WOMEN or girls who may be friendless ot
alone and In trouble will receive help and
udvice by calling. upon the Municipal Bu
reau for Protection of Women, 410 Mer
chants' Trust bldK.. 6th and Washington,
interviews are coiilidentiai, Mrs. Lola G Supt. t
GIRLS wanted on men's neckwear. Columbia
Neckwear Mfg. Co., Phoenix bldg.,- So
5th st.
Experience school teacher; 9 months
school; 970 per month; about 30 pupils;
grades primary to eighth, inclusive; must
havo experience. C. b.-Davis, Clerk, Slletz,
-Or. .
WE want at once several experienced so
licitors on an entirely new proposition.
A splendid money-maker. - Unless you can
produce and have faith In- your ability
nnd a willingness to work, do not apply.
For Interview call at il'l t-euing um&.
HOTEL cooks. 950; chambermaid. 98 week;
2 waitresses 935: restaurant. $10.50; sec
ond girl 930; boarding-house cook, 940.
34o waenuigLou 131.., wm .
WANTED For small modern hotel - In
thriving little town, a good cook; steady
position to right woman; state experience,
age and salnry expected. P 370. Orego
nian. . " '
LADY who understands dry gnods business,
has some knowledge of bookkeeping, and
can operate typewriter; -moderate salary;
steady position. Best references required.
Addi ess AH 331, Oregonian.
Col I'ETENT saleswomen .thoroughly ex
perienced In dress trimmings and laces,
art goods and gloves, corsets and,mus.ln
underwear. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morri
son. WANT young or middle-aged lady to travel
for a business house. 915 per week and ex
penses; expenses advanced at first-class
hotels. Call 4'J4 Morrison St., flat 12,
rooms 1 and 2. ' -
WANT capable woman to learn corset manu
facturing; stendy position and good pay
a'ter learning; state experience.. T 315,
cTTmT'ETENT bookkeeper, capable of doing
stenography Work; East Side resident pre
lerred. Address, stilling salary wanted, AK
' 354. Oregoniun. -
GIKL Not over 30 years of age, to clean
ten rooms, afternoons, at fe7 tith St.;
wages 15 a week. Call from 2 to 4 Sun
day. . ' ' .
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper who can oper
ate tvpevw-iter; 4V ply In handwriting, stat
ing experience and salary desired. AL
350, Oregonian.
cXl'.riYLTif school girl over 14, or girl at
tending business college who is willing to
work for room and board; some wages.
I'hone East 2323.
WANTED Young lady over 18; offite work,
nights: answer In own handwriting, stat
ine; age aud salary expected. V 3110, Ore
gonian. THE HOI.TZ STORE requires the services
of bright young women for millinery ap
prentlees. Apply & to io A. M. to supt.
The Holla Store, 5th aiTU Washington.
GIKL over ; for general housework; good
plain cook; 2 in family; heavy washing
given out; wages ' 93i. Refefences. 321
l-'th. corner clay.
AN intelligent, energetic woman over
work pleasant and Interesting; advance
ment curium if deserved. L 341), Orego
niun. ENERGETIC, reliable woman of pleasing
personality, fair education, permanent po
sition, splendid remuneration. 45 Trinity
Place. Apt. 12.
WANTED Girl or woman to take care of
baby and little girl 0 years old; good
home. Hill Hotel, 23d and Washington,
room 530.
i. 1 LKIKNCED girl wanted, sorter and
mark. Main Hand Laundry; good steady
, position. ot,7 Washington.
L.i'Ll.i.rl.T opportunity for lady desiring
to engage in paying, profitable business.
Advancement assured. 151 tx Broadway.
WANTED A practical nurso to assist with
care of sick man. Apply lli,s3 Berkley St.
Mrs. Hebner. Take St. Johns car.
WANTED Experienced makers. Bradshavv
liros.. wholesale millinery, Broadway and
FoR general housework. A competent girl
wltn reiereriecs; small family adults; good
wages. 1'nono Main Olio.
vVll.l. pav reliable man or woman 912.50 to
diitrlLutu 100 FREE pkgs. Perfumed Bo
rax Soap Powder among friends. No
money required. Ward Borax Co., 216 In
stitute. Clileaeo.
WANTED Five more men and women of
neat uppearance, having some selling abil
ity: good compensation. Apply 305 Lewis
bldg.. between :3U A. M. and 2:30 P. M.
WANTED A few more men and women to
demonstrate and take orders; business
easy to learn and very profitable. Call
in 403, llothcHHa biug
TEACHERS wanted; principals, specialists,
grade; free enrollment; state qualifica
tions. K. W. Teachers' Agency, Norm
Y a U una. W ash. '
MAKE money writing short stories; big pay:
send for tree booklet; tells how. United
.. .....4 i .... T, o Can ITrnnelBeo
KE.SFONS1BLE married couple to take care
of i-room house, centrally located. Call
r.S 14th st.
MAK.E money writing short stories; big
Hiy; send for free booklet; tells how.
I mted press syndicate. San Francisco.
SELL Wonder Cloth and make money. We
have it. Christy. 332 Lumber Exchange.
i'lSK Teachers' Agency secures positions for
eachers. 310 Journal bldg. Main 4$35.
ki El. I" W A N T E l M.t MCE LLA NEO t'S.
PP.EPARE yourselves thoroughly for a po
sition; we 11 do the rest; text books free.
Central Commercial College. Central bldg..
Tenth and Alder.
v,0'. EKNM ENT Jobs open to men, women;
915 to 9150 month; list positions free.
Franklin Institute, Dept, 327 F., Roches
ter. N. Y.
SaoiiO TO 910.000 yearly, real estate business.
Our system insures success; unparalleled
opportunity. Send for free book. Inter
stale Realty it Brokerage Co., Pittsburg.
PO RUTLAND law school gives three years'
course with degree. Ten instructors. En
roil now. 02ti Worcester block. Marshall
BECOME detectives; big pay: easy work;
trrsveiing opportunities. Write Frederick
Wagner, 1243 Lexington ave.. New xork.
P1TMANIC nnd Gregg shorthand, bookkeep
ing, auxiliaries; good positions. Phone
E"t 311'rt.
INTERNA riONAL correspondence schools
105 Third st. 'near Morrison), rooms 7
and K Phone Main 404S. A 3044.
Instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book
keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258.
MEN contemplating civil service examina
tion for postofficc. position. J 3S6, Orego
nian. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen; wages
ubout ?10; experience unnecessary; send
ae. stamp. Railway, care Oregonian.
CHANCE to learn to operate moving-pictura
machine; we can place three more men
In theater. 417 Rothchild bldg.
W ANTED at once, 2 men to learn to operate
moving picture machine. Call 512 Roth
scluld bldg.
WANTED Men. IS to 45, to become Port
land mall carriers, 95 to 9100 month; va
cii i ions. AY 217. oregonian.
2iH'l4TH ST. M'N 33. EXP. INSTRUC'N.
GF R 51 AN taught by the world-renowned
H-r.lter meth.wl. ",113 11th St.
SHORTHAND speed drills, any system; po-
-..o-Bnteoo t-'U Worcester hloelr
Gl ivl- Learn beauty parlor work. Earn
money while learning. 013 Rothchild bldg
PIANO studio. 209 14th. Main 38U3. Ar
rangementa for practice.
PARTY to assist in making motion pictures;
Utile money required. AL 365, Oregonian.
SHORTHAND, typewriting, 3-month course,
95 per month. 303 11th st.
LEAEN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date
cars; electrical, civil engineering,
surveying; methods most practical; room
and board while learning; positions se
cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue,
free. National School of Engineering. 2110
West Seventh, Los Angeles, Cal.
SALESMEN wanted, experience unnecessary.
Write tor large list of openings offer
ing opportunities to earn $luuo to 95vmh
a year while you learn, position assured.
Address Dept. 400, National Salesmen's
Training Ass n., Chicago, New York, Kan
sas. City, San Francisco.
NO EXPENSE to learn electricity, automo
biles, plumbing; correspondence lessons
furnished; then actual work on contract
Jobs; your work pays expense; 3oo stu
dents last year; get free catalogue. United
Trade School Contracting Co., Los An
geles. Cal.
WANTED How to get position you want;
clever way to get In touch with vacancies
and get ahead of other applicants; send
for free circular describing an Inexpensive
book of successful plans for securing posi
tions. Frank Aubrey, Bo 1VK4, Blsbee,
OREGON Barber College teaches you the
barber trade In 8 weeks; pays you while
learning; tools free; tuition reduced this
term; expert instructors; positions guar
anteed; special inducements to Ddies. 233
Madison St., 252 2d St.
THE Mohler Barber College will teach you
the trade In 8 weeks; tools free; send for
catalogue; 20 years In the business; 37
schools, a lifetime scholarship given to
each student; special inducements given
to ladies. 48 N. 2d st.
POSTOFFICE clerk, carrier and other Gov
ernment "exams" everywhere soon; get
prepared former U. S. Civil Service Sec y
Examiner. For booklet, L 108, Patter
son Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y.
I WILL start you earning 94 daily at home
In spare time, silvering mirrors: no capi
tal; freo instructive booklet, giving plans
of operation. G. F. Bedmond, Dept. 5b,
Boston. Mass.
ination Nov. 1. Parcel post requires clerks;
salary 9S00 to 91200. Free book. Pacific
states School. McKav bide.. Portland. Or.
SCHOOLS, 005 McKay bldg.. cor. 8d and
Stark sts. Phones: Main 1026, A 4121.
Also headquarters L C. S. Fraternity.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED To learn the milk-condensing
business; dairy school graduate with years
of experience on stock farm and creamery
and 14 months wltS the Page Condensed
Milk Co., as Intake man; reliable and not
afraid of work. Address AV 38o, Orego
nian. YOUNG man, age 30. desires position In a
country bank, where there is a good
chance to learn the business: have had
some experience; small salary; good ref
erence. E. J. McKee, Gen. Delivery,
v Pendleton, Or.
CREDIT MAN, well versed in retail in
Portland and wholesale in this territory,
now employed, but desires a change; ex
pert bookkeeper and systematizer; refer
ences. Could Invest up to 95000. AO 3ol,
WANTED By man 35, married, position as
assistant credit man; ten years' experience
with local trade, capable of making good;
now employed,' but desires change. AB
340. oregonian.
EXPERT lumber accountant will keep
small sets books any line business, rea
sonable; satisfaction guaranteed; can in
stall proper flliig and accounting sys-
. -. CJ -lOl ri.uMniifl
tenia. i , . . -.'--.'"- -
YOUNG married man, experienced In cloth
ing, hats and shoes, also trimmer and
sign writer, wishes position,' either city
or country; references. AG 352, Orego
nian. EXPERT bookkeeper and practical account
ant, best references, wants position wltn
opportunities for advancement. Call Sell
wood 542.
up books, prepare balance and statements.
Install systems. Gillingham. auditor. 414
Lewis bldg. Marshall 717.
YOUNG married man with eight years' ex
perience as an accountant desires position
with some goo Portland Arm. S 3ia,
YOUNG man of some experience wishes po
sition as stenographer; would do other
work part of time; can drive car. AL 351,
YOUNG man wants a few hours' stenographic
work evenings, by hour or piece. Use my
machine If desired. AM 340, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER 6 years' experience, age
24. now employed, desires change. N 328,
Oregonian. j
WANTED Permanent position, by an ex
perienced stenographer; city reference.
Call Sunday or Monday, Woodiawn 1420.
IS YEARS' experience in men's ready-to-wear
clothing; open for position. Phone
A 7373. .157 12jh st. J. W. Commings.
YOUNG man desirea office work; can keep
books and handle typewriter; city refer
ences, phone Main 8371,
SHORT accounts kept, part time. A-l refer
ences. K. F. Cheihlre, 408 Main st.
FATHER and son 15, would like to have
work on farm where boy could work for
board and clothes, father doing kind of
farm work. Phone Main 21!a. Call at
Men's Readlngroom, 4th and Burnside.
TWO experienced prune driers vish places
handling kiln; best of references. Phone
Tabor 1877, or A 343, Oregonian.
COLORED man would like office cleaning
In the evenings. Call all the week. Mar
shall 0035.
APPLE MAN Thorough, capable (married),
wants position. Association or grower.
r. d-m, uregomari.
IAN and wife want Job In camp or country
hotel as cook and helper or cook and wait
ress. G 308. Oregonian.
MAN wants day work housecleaning. caring
for lawn, window washing per hour. Jani
tor work. Main 1926. A 2786.
PAINTER, good all-round hand, married,
wants work, 93 per day. B 321, Orego
nian. POSITION by married German-American as
salesman, clerk or other work; no objec
tion to leaving city. P 360. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy cook wishes position In pri
vate family; wages 940 month. Address
r.eorge Tana. 644 Washington st,
CARPENTER foreman with experience and
reference, wants situation by day or con
tract. Box 67, Woodstock.
PRINTER All-around man, sober, compe
tent, wants steady job In country office.
A M. Rhoads. Hamilton, Wash.
MAN and wife want position on ranch, ex
perienced In poultry and stock raising.
Tabor 1652 or B 339. Oregonian.
TINTING rooms, clean woodwork. $2.50 up;
painting, papering, varnishing, graining;
all work first-class. Call Main 2096.
CHAUFFEUR, experienced, wants position
to drive truck or private auto. Best ref
erences. East 8933.
MAN and wife want care of farm on small
salary; experienced; would like cow and
chickens furnished. T 322, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR First-class mechanic desires
permanent position; wages $60. Bast
WANTED Position by young man as ship--iing
or receiving clerk or packer, best
of references. AO 338, Oregonian. '
LABORER, experienced cement and plaster,
wants steady work of any kind. - L. 842,
Al DESIGNER, cutter and fitter would
like to secure position with same; best of
references. AR 839, Oregonian.
SUCCESSFUL salesman and office man seeks
employment where business building Is
needed. R 352, Oregonian.
MALE nurse wishes private nursing, nervous
and mental diseases preferred. L 352,
YOUNG man experienced In gent's fur
nishings desires position In or out of
Portland. AS 810. Oregonian,
DRUGGIST, seven years' "city and country
experience, reliable, good habits, local ref
erences. P 340, Oregonian.
POSITION as fireman; experienced with
oil or coal burners; references furnished.
AK 343. Oregonian.
ELECTRICAL foreman, experienced in draft
ing and Installing by plans, technical grad
uate. Marshall 857.
JAPANESE flrst-claes pastry and meat
cook wants position. AB 333. Oregonian.
yi KST-CLASS Japanese cook wants position
in private family. jR 337, Oregonian.
GOOD cook desires position; excellent ref
erences. A 343. Oregonian.
DRAFTSMAN', Al. wants work, temporary
or permanent. Tel. Marshall 9.
A" JAPANESE boy wants a position as
school boy. AG 339. Oregonian.
YOUNG man. 23, 'wants steady work of any
kind at once. C 34", Oregonian.
CARPENTER repairing and remodeling,
also new work. AR 337. Oregonian.
MILKER, experienced herdsman, would like
to handle 30 cows. AT 341. Oregonian.
MACHINIST and toolmaker looking for
work. B.-tO Couch st. A. Zelery.
JAPANESE desires situation, waiter in cafe
or saloon. J 361. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wishes position, general house
work, hotel or family. K 335. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced man as
male nurse. AG 335, Oregonian.
BOY of 16 wants work; any kind. Address
O. Hunt. 706 Smith, E. Portland.
MANAGER of apartment-house;
lenced; references. Marshall 3643.
POSITION wanted by an A-l stationary en
gineer; has had 13 years' experience In
Installing and running boilers, engines,
dynamoes and electrical machinery; have
own tools and can do my own repair work
Including winding of armatures; can in
stall automatic sprinklers and keep them
In good working order; am married and
strictly sober. Address O. B. Edwards.
South Bend. Wash., box 147. or phone
Red 128.
MILLWRIGHT, who Is capable of taking
full charge of operating or construction
of any sized sawmill or rock-crushing
plant, wants to get In touch with parties
that need a hustler. I work on either
salary or percentage; prefer percentage.
AT 353. Oregonian.
ENGINEER, all-around mechanic, wants po
sition; good repair man; can do steam fit
ting and plumbing; can handle high or
low-pressure heating systems, gasoline en
gines or pumps, electric motors; good ref
erences. L 335. Oregonian.
A NEW establishment the "Designer of
gowns" has been opened at rooms 512-13
in the Abington bldg.. where ladies can
have their gowns designed, cut and fitted,
ready to be finished by themselves, at
moderate prices. .
WAXTE D- Posit i on (n Washington or Ore
gon by embalmer and funeral director;
prefer opening with privilege of buying
part or all of business. Address E. H.
Claypool, Grays rviver, waan.
ATTORNEY', Michigan graduate, married,
clean, energetic, of real caliber, with five
years' commercial experience, wants con
nection with corporation in legal or credit
department. AP oregonian.
sires management of apt.-house on salary
or commission; excellent references; suc
cess already demonstrated in Portland.
Address P 341. Oregonian.
YOUXO man, well educated, would like
work forenoons; could wait on trade or
solicit: would do manual labor; small
wages. AR 369. oregonian.
MAN and wife with one child would like
position on farm; permanent, best of ref
erences, experienced in poultry and nog-
raising. i -J.". "r
HOTEL CHEF First-class, good references,
wife will do second, pastry, or charge of
dining-room; 17 years' experience, AK 342,
Tnli.UHiliLl reiiaoie auu
young man of 25 wants position as cigar
-,-.. u.,.i atom n,.r.rrn1 : guarantee to
main' good. AF 342. Oregonian.
MARRIED man, German, wants steady
work. Inside preferred; sober, industrious
and not afraid of work. F 33S. Orego-
CH iUFFET'R-mechanlcian. 12 years' expe
rience touring cars and trucks; location
immaterial. P. V. Marshall. 20S Gllsan St.
Phone A 14UM.
AS yard foreman of sawmill or retail yard,
years of experience, good cargo or car
man: references. Address J. A, Como,
box 36, Arleta, Or.
WANTED Place where high school student
can earn board and wages -while attend
ing school. A. F. W Corbett. Or., R.
F. D.
ACTIVE man. 50. experienced in apart
ments and rooming-house work, wants em
ployment, small wages. AO 352, Orego
nian. ,
A MIDDLE-AGED honest, reliable, mar
ried man wishes position as house night
watchman; have best reference. J 374.
CHUFFEUR, Japanese, wants position, pri
vate family; will take care of machine;
experienced; good reference. AP 33i, Ore
gonian. .
YOUNG man. age 23 years, good health and
habits, wants situation; anything con
sidered that offers advancement. AP 328,
POSITION on poultry plant. 20 years' ex
perience: understand orchard and farm
work; 45 years, single. AK 368, Orego
nian. , '
YOUNG man. German, wants position re
pair and drive auto, also do order work;
experienced and references. J 3SS, Ore
gonian. MOVING-PICTURE operator wants position,
either In or out of city. AK 370, Ore
EXPERIENCED chauffeur; can do all re
pairing; careful driver; wishes position.
J 30, Oregonian
BAKER All-around bread and cake, wishes
steady position, day work; sober, reliable;
cltv or country. AF 307. Oregonian.
MAN with team wants work hauling cord
wood by day or contract. Address 2SS N.
17th st. fhone a i o-t-
POSITION on gentleman's place, experienced.
Also understand raising poultry. Single.
45 years old. AM 303, Oregonian.
vonvn Twn wants situation on farm; good
ploughman and teamster. AP 326, Ore
PUBLIC stenographer, special rates for con
tract work or by month. 41'J Railway Ex
change bldg.
EXPERIENCED order clerk wlBhes position
In grocery or mail order house. West Side.
AG 305. Oregonian.
CHEF, A-l dinner cook and meat cutter,
cafeteria or restaurant; sober, -steady.
Main 3539, Hett. ;
EXPERIENCED colored man wants janitor
work In office building; answer. P 372.
DAIRYMAN, experienced milker, wants sit
uation where sobriety and faithfulness will
be appreciated. AP 327. Oregonian.
CIGAR clerk wants situation In first-class
cigar store: cash bond to responsible party.
AP 320, Oregonian.
POULTRYMAN wants situation; experienced
In practical and scientific methods rais
ing and marketing. AP 325. Oregonian.
WAN'TED--Male nurse wishes private nurs
ing nervous and mental cases preferred.
Add pesa 275 'A Clay st. PhneMajn751g.
PRIVATE house, window cleaner, floors
waxed. Main 6573, evening. 205 V4 Wash
FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall
791 A 4910. Portland Waiters' Club. 148Vi
5th, Portland. Or. G. C. Gerald, manager.
CHEF, first class cook, good reference, good
all round, want position, city or country,
hotel or restaurant. AS 311, Oregonian.
NIGHTWATCHMAN, sober, reliable man.
just from the East, will work cheap for
permanent position. AO 337, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and. Stenographers.
STENOGRAPHER, four years' experience
law, machinery; 29 years of age; can take
any kind of dictation; accurate, rapid,
permanent: slight bookkeeping experi
ence. Have made good In every position
occupied. Will start at 915. Main 6114
after 6 P. M. ,
WANTED Stenographic position- by young
lady, thoroughly competent. Having nau
nearlv 4 years' experience with large East
ern flour milling company; can furnish
best of references. Phone East 5226.
COMPETENT stenographer, over 5 years'
, experience stenographic general offico
work, desires position; highest references;
rapid operator. Marshall 1372.
COMPETENT and experienced bookkeeper
and stenographer desires permanent posi
tion; best city references. Main 359:). D
341. Oregonian. "
POSITION by young woman experienced as
billing clerk. Junior bookkeeper, cashier.
V 340, oregonian.
BEGINNER wishes position stenogra
pher'; moderate salary. AB 350, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion; best references. Phone Marshall
201 7.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per
manent position. Best of references,
phone Main 6474.
COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper
desires position; ten years expeiieuoe.
Phone Marshall 2751.
YOUNG lady wishes position at clerical of
fice work or bookkeeping, 5 years' experi
ence. Call Marshall 1950.
STENOGRAPHER, 10 years' experience,
would consider position with reliable firm.
East 38.14.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per
manent position; moderate salary. Wood
lawn 2543. C8207. '
COMPETENT stenographer desires position;
not afraid of work: state salary. Address
4S2! 31st ave. S. E.
POSITION as cashier and bookkeeper, ex
perienced, good references. AR 351, Ore
WANTED Office work or private exchange,
permanent, or temporary. V 338, Orego
nian. OFFICE position wanted by an experienced
bookkeeper and stenographer. O 354. Ore
gon iaru
EXPERIENCED law stenographer wants po
sition half days, afternoons preferred.
Phone evenings. Woodiawn 1192.
EXPERIENCED stenographer would like
work afternoons. Phone Tabor 4737 or East
3636. J
COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper
desires position; experienceu; city reior
ences. A J' 319, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl, office work, typist,
good penman, quica at iiaurea. -q.h.
vnr-vfi lariv. stenograDher. desires position
experienced ; references. AP 340, Oregonian
WANTED Help , In dressmaking shop. 421
E." Broadway. '
PLAIN sewing by day or at home. 906 E.
Couc'n st.
DRESSMAKER, home or go out; good fitter;
reasonable. A 1369, Marshall 2371.
A THOROUGHLY reliable, up-to-date dress
maker and tailoress of unusual skill ana
' ability in creating new and novel high
class gowns of all models, with long ex
perience, has best references. Prices very
reasonable. Alters and retrims. Fit ana
work guaranteed. Mrs. Teademan, 4
Jeferson St., near 11th st.
BB YOUR own dressmaker Make your
suits, gowns and corsets at Parisian facl
entinc Dressmaking Academy, 00 cents per
LADY, you can have your coats rellned,
, . j .1 .i-.nln. eoAtS
latest style ureases nu - - --
made at home: a perfect fit guaranteed.
Phone Woodiawn 3492.
LADiES' tailoress wishes few more days
engagements. Best of work and refer
ences. Main 2227.
WANTED More engagements dv the day by
a competent seamstress that can cut, fit
or alterations. Telephone Sellwood 1982.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker from East de
sires work at home. 109 18th North. Main
1893. Mr. Parsons.,
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress
wishes engagements, reference. Phone E.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker from San Fran
cisco will sew In families. Phone Mala
EXPERIENCED seamstress will take more
engagements by day; can give good ref
erences. Main 7710.
LADIES' tailoring, alterations a specialty,
coats relined. Mrs. Muckler, 589 Wash
lygton. "
SEWING taken In, remodeling. 605 Love
joy. A 1467.
DRESSMAKER will go out to sew, $2 day.
Tailoring done. Marshall 1795.
LADY wishes work mending, darning tine
table linen; best references. Main 8047.
DRESSMAKING by day or at home; ex
perienced. East 0550.
TAILORED suits and corsets, work and fit
guaranteed. 301 Goonough bldg.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and designing
by day, $3.50 per day. Marsh. 4753.
DRESSMAKING for ladies or, children by
the day. phone A 30U8.
NURSE wants position in hospital, 1 Si
years' experience general and three years
insane hospitals; doing private nursing
In city. AN 352. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as practical nurse or
companion, by young lady of some experi
ence. Phone E. 1334, between 8 A. M.
and 5 P. M.
YOUNG LADY wishes position as nurse girl
to care for 1 or 2 children. W Jol, ore
gonian. PRACTICAL nurse requires case or churffe
of Invalid or child. Phone Main 189. Ad.
dress Mrs. Mackay. 420 Alder St.
NURSE wants maternity cases for Sept. and
Oct. Charges reasonable. Phone C J055.
NURSE, with best references, will help with
house or sew, $15 per week. C 1201.
EMPLOYER would like to secure position of
housekeeper in a good home for relined
rnlddle-ai;ed lady who has been in his
employ tor some time: lady fully com
petent to take charye of any home; also
familiar with country work and no ob
jection to nice country home; widower or
bachelor having tine home to keep up
would do well to write X :U2, Oregonian.
WIDOW with son 10, wishes position as
housekeeper- for widower, where son can
work for board and go to school; no ob
jection to ranch; can give good reference.
Call 139 E. Lincoln st. Take ML Scott
CAPABLE Eastern lady of middle age,
housekeeping for one or more men; rooming-house
or hotel; home more than wages
desired; triflers need not answer. Sellwood
271 or XX, 844 Ellsworth.
GOOD, capable woman with boy 7 would
like position as housekeeper; good cook
and manager; can easily cook for a club
of 2o or more, fraternity or sorority.
Phone Sellwood 10118.
YOUNG Norwegian woman, good appear
ance, babe 3 years, wants housework or
housekeeping; good references. East
1418. 219 Pagest.
YOUNG woman with boy S years old
wants work in housekeeping in family
or widower's home. Phone Tabor 3075 or
write AN 339. Oregoniun.
WANTED By middle-aged lady, position
as housekeeper in widower's home or good
rooming-house. Phone mornings East 2531;
good references.
A MIDDLE-AGED woman would like a po
sition as housekeeper. Call at Hotel Te
ton, room 59, across from the North Bank
YOUNG Japanese woman wants position at
no objection to wages. M 348. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER, German, good plain cook,
wishes work. phone Sunday, Woodiawn
POSITION managing housekeeper in refined
home. Would aid children in grade work.
W 352, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED hotel housekeeper wants
hotel or apartments; can help with fancy
rooking; references. V 3:11, Oregonian
REFINED woman wishes situation as house
keeper in good home for respectuble gen
tleman. B 320. Oregonian.
MANAGEMENT of an apartment-house by
woman of experience. K O. box .'iuS, city.
REFINED young woman wishes position as
housekeeper. Phone Marshall Jt2,i.
WANTED Situation In Christian family for
bright 10-year-old girl to work for $0 per
mouth and attend school or 915 month full
time. Apply Municip:4 Bureau for Pro
tection of Women.
TWO GIRLS from Astoria want position as
second girl, private family. Lalnolic pre
ferred. State .wages. AB 334, Oregonian.
GOOD girl wants general housework, small
family; also one as nurse lor children;
reference." Write M. 11. 163. 17th st.
GIRL about 16 ''to assist In general house
work In small family. Phone Marshall
3319. .
WANTED High school girl wants place to
work for room and board near v asning
ton High School. Phone Gresham 81.
REFINED lady will exchange light services
for room and board In small tamiiy; Dest
of references. AH 352, Oregonian.
AN experienced hotel or apartment house
woman wishes position as manager; best
references. O 341, Oregonian.
LADY desires position as companion house
keeper, or would take charge of Invalid.
A 340, Oregonian.
TEACHER wishes private pupils, or gov
erness, city or country. Phone Main 3025,
fil St. Francis Apts. -
By refined person, also graduate In mas
sage, for ladies' maid, or to an Invalid
person, also for comrianlan. Phone A 1940.
WANTED Copying and addressing: exper
ienced; .good references. P. O. box 510,
EXPERIENCED lady organist desires po.
sition in church; nominal salary. AS 320,
WANTED Washing and ironing by the
day or hour. Address 87 Shaver St.; also
hand laundry at home.
A LADY" with a child would like posltlun as
housekeeper in family with children. AM
3J r..nnnl.n
WASHING, ironing and house cleaning by
a tubman uhone Woodiawn 67(1.
DAY work, laundry work, for Monday and
Tuesday. Tabor 4723.
EXPERTENCED laundress wants bundle
washing at home. I'hone Main 7S33.
YOUNG woman wants steady afternoon
work. Mar. 4224.
GOOD laundress wants work for Monday and
Tuesday. Sellwood 1089.
YOUNG woman wants work by the hour.
Phone Main 1030.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
20c per hour. Phone Tabor 3308.
FIRST-CLASS cook, hotel; city; best ref
erenees. V 332. Oregonian.
PIANIST desires position; good sight reader
and accompanist. Phone Woodiawn 31011.
NORWEGIAN girl wants housework and
cooking in small family. 188 Halsey st.
WANTED To care for one or two children.
Phone AVoodlawn 1400.
WANTED Washing, cleaning, work of any
kind by woman. 490 Union ave.
LADY would like position as housekeeper.
492 Columbia st. Phone Main 3770.
LACE curtains, draperies, linens laundered
by expert. Called for. Tabor 317.
LACE curtains hand-laundered. Price reas
onable. Work guaranteed. Call Sell. Mil.
WANTED Day work by woman. Woodiawn
LESSON given in grammar grade studies,
music and German, 50c. Marshall 3016.
WILL care for children day or night; re-
' sponsible person. C 3293
CAPABLE woman wishes day work and
catering. Mrs. H. Linter. Woodiawn 401.
HARPIST desires permanent position. Call
mornings. East 1387.
WOMAN desires position as cook on boat. D
344, Oregonian.
MARRIED lady would like management of
apartment for rent. F 339. Oregonian.
At 472 Yamhill St.. Is now located at 3..Z
Yamhill, between Park and Broadway;
hats trimmed and remodeled; work guar
anteed. Phone Marshall 1954. Glad to
see- all my customers back for the- Fall
OFFICE work or clerical work, any kind,
wanted by neat, reliable young woman,
with pleasing manners; good penmanship ;
references. Phone East 4705. Ask lor
Mrs. Schofield.
RELIABLE woman with grown boy would
care for furnished house, owner leaving
city for Winter; or would take charge ot
apurtment-huuse; best of reference. Al
339, oregonian. m
CAPABLE, refined lady would like worn
evenings after 4: couia care ioi cuione...
invalids or old people or relieve nurse or
other work. Phone after viuday. -M.rvi
WOMAN of refinement, who can give good
references, wishes position; some iioiel
and rooming-house experience; can coo
fairly well; could take charge m aparl
ment or rooming-house. Taoor 1021
COMPETENT woman, fine laundress. de
sires permanent engagement Mon. or Tues.,
private family. Also dinneis and lunch
eons prepared. Marshall 5107.
BY middle-aged lady, employed during day,
a place to work evenings or be eoiuiiannot
to a lady alone, lor board. P 3i3, Oreso
nian. .
WANTED By reliable woman, a room in
exchange tor her presence nights, in the
-house of some lady who is timid and has
to slay alone. Address K 3::0, oret;oiiie n.
YOUNG lady student, business college or
high school, wanted to assist in small fam
ily for board and room. 117S Belmont su
Tabor 1196.
A LADY with a girl 2 years old wishes po
sition as housekeeper or general house
work or cook; can give references. Ad-
t I -,-.,-. nlln at
WANTED Good home for chuolgi'-l frolri
country, competent to heip with liitht
housework. Write Municipal Bureau tor
l, ,l nr W. iinei.
THOROUGHLY experienced motion-picture
pianist would like position. AL 332. Oie-
WANTED Housekeeping for widower with
children; by a capable, reliable iiildule
ased w idow. Olive E. Hem y, Portland.
LADY caterer will manage luncheons, din
ners, weddings and ail oiher evening par
ties. I mine Mn ot... ..
YOUNG lady vocalist wishes church position,
strong mezzo-soprano voice. AL 347, ore
gonian. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work by toe
day or cooking, best city references, tall
4 1 1 Sumner St.
EXPERIENCED woman would like day
work of any kind or chamber work. Cull
all the week. Marshall Oooo.
PIANO teacher, student of Wisconsin Con
servatory of Music, wants pupils. WooJ
lawn 3100.
EXPERIENCED lady wishes housecleaning
day East 402ii. Room 30. -Mon-dav
A. M.
W A ' T E 1 ) A ( i E N T S.
STATE general agency for the l'-"'"
proof Typewriter speed Keys will be
placed with party in position to appoint
sub-agents and carry suliicient stock in
supply them. The keys sell on their
merit. Increase speed, prolong life of ma
chine, save operator nerve and eye strain
on account of the Herman suvi-r springs
that absorb the shoe k. I sod by In"
largest firms in the world, iiicludlim 1-. f.
Government. S. C. Osl.oi'i, ;;7.i Muliiiomau
Hotel, Sunday. 2 to 0; Monday. ' to 1
Beginners, established firms, deal wltn
rvspoiisiolu corporal ion. We lurnisn l-it
mall order line. Factory prices. Clas. y
proposition. Copyrighted prospectus. Free.
Write today. , , ,
44 E. 5th, Pittsburg, Kilusas.
EasY-SELLING sideline; traveling linn can
easily inciease their income hy culling on
retail millinery and department stores
Willi our proposition; 50 per cent coimuis.
sion on first orders. 25 per cent on repeat
orders; no big samples. Write quick tor
details. Millinery Trade Review. 118-
B.eadvvay, New York ii;y.
AGENTS Amazing invention. JS daily. l.."
per -'cut pi'oi.t. ,.o competition, worlds
b'st home massage macnine. works bv
Wllfr power; Heights both sncs. ! a i -
, t'.cviiars ami free book on "Beauty and
I'ealth." Address lilac istoi.e Co., ml
M.-red llli l.ldg.. Toledo. O.
MAN niBue 9.-...-.0 one hour, girl s7 "die week
selling endless neckties; patented . Just
show them sill on siKnt. l.m-k .ll'.c any
s'vlish necktie tie n dilferriil place eacn
time; 20 times as 1 die,. Sample nut
fit free If v Oil mean busiio ss. Yv rue
End less 'Necktie Co.. Kansas - ll J, Mo.
VNolLD vou accept a vacuum cleaner Just
for showing It to your I "Is- i ould
vou use a liav for a .it 1 1.: si, are lime.
Write for our great agents' oner on the
Jllly perfect vacuum cleaner ira'.e. Rex
Cleiner Co., 1193 Broadway, -New ork
WE start you in business, furnishing "'?
thii.e; men and woinen J-lii to 5oil
weekly operating our "New S.v stem spe
cialty Candv ructones." horn small
room anywhere, opportunity litetlme. no
canvassing: booklet free. Rugsdulu Co.,
box S, ilast Orange, N. J.
A REAL permanent business bettor than
running a slore; w e iiiaiaii acini e guaran
teed custom shirts, hosiery, underwear,
sweaters and nee Kites and seil througll
local representatives direct to wiarei.
Write Steadfast Mills. Dept. 29, Colioes.
N. Y.
UlENTS :!, S75 weekly selli..g guaran
tee! knit-goods, largest nianul act in er in
America. Write lor tree :
lars greatest money-making p roposi 1 ion
ever uttered. Ma.ilsou Mll.s. 4MI Broad
way. New York.
WE WILL pay you fl2n to il ist I -Unite 1 e
liglous literature In your c miMiiimly- 'vt.v
data work. Experience not required. M-m
or' woman. opportunity for proiii.o ion .
use spare time, int-riial dial l.iulo 1 i ess,
1012 Arch st., Philadelphia.
MAN L t- "ACT' IlKli desires placing valuable
a tencv. oeruetual repeater, income eai nei,
business 'builder, easy, no competition, pro
tected territory gu.unnteed. Automatic;
Perfection Company, 17 West 42.1, New-
AGENTS month!'
livind. Woodward l'oi
nut accessory. Aci
ever .-v-her ;. Quick
Woodward & Sou, Ni
tremendous de
Tire Pump; lt '
s cleaning up
action .icces.e.i i-.i bldg., T'oUui
I SE spare time picking up magazine sub
scriptions. Soliciting not sur. Lis
profits. Evervoue reads rua ;;a zmes. Ad
dress Circulation Mgr., 57i;l Drexel me.,
Bai Tu-oiits for vou; manufacture barley
crisu; pew confection, 5c pa. kage; cost you
1---'ms'ehlne, instructions n.niplet-j. h--1'1
prepaid. Send l-i mr siiiiipl-s. Hurley
l nsp Co.. li.ii'.i Hyclf 'si.. j-.nir i-
S5 TO $20 dalle-to hustlers selling our new
and wonderful line of goons. Large con
cern. Complete selling outfit free. Ex
,. ,-,. .,. y. m. J. 1 1 i e ii , manager,
Dept. 70. Chicago.
.Se.l.1 uo:!.-ir eoiniinatioii silk ties, socks,
monogram egf link stick pin set. tree, or
three silk neckties, smne set. tree, .. per
.. . fi, , ,-ee s'!t,,n!es. I'oin.-r Ncek-
vvear Co., 1873 Fourth. Daylon. O.
AGENTS Just out; wonderful
Her; self-
heating iron, 1 tent does a w
lug; low- priced; credit given; s
In teoi-keiK TilOlIiaS IlOll ll).,
rk's iroii
imple fr-'e
;.:i.;o iiup-
per St.. Dayton. i.
AGFN'TS 'f50 weekly, s.-lang our att. active
needle cases; samples. 115 need Irs. loc:
general agents make over $lun w-e.-k.y.
esy work, particulars free National
' Importing Co.. St. Louis
SALE. S.V! EN to sell our cheek prelector. It
sells to every peiFou w llo u nit s a check.
( irculnrs and infot matcjii Ire. . sa.npie
2,'ie. Terry MI'S. Co.. 1-2 lollon bldg.,
Tiilfflii, t).
GENTS You can't afford to accept ordi
nary proposition while agency for guar
anteed aluminum uf-nsns n
open; protected territory Am. Aluminum
Mfs. Co., Div. 2o59.Lc.iiotit, JUL,
AG E"NT" wauled. A l-rnnd new 25c house
hold article that will clear otl '.t per
day for the next 0 111011111.--. W rue quick.
.1. S. .legu-r o.. e in- ag".
WANTED Agents, men a, id w.
vass for a clean, prolna.ii
Cuil between 2 and 5 I. Al.. 1
in 21 't, 11'
tel Alder.
ONE person each locality as general agent
for complete line Polish mops. Self-Wringing
mops, 5 styles; fibre brooms, rlilk, I
Mop Co., 140 Grand ave, t hie-ago.
MKN and women; soinetning new. pin.c.-s
cluthesllne. rail :iu4 E. 9th, Smith. Home
phone B 1089.
SELL patent household necessities, ne-.v in
ventions. Ford Mfg. Co. , Inc., Newaik,
N. J.
LEGITIMATE substitute for slot machine'.
Patented. Sells on sight. $1. Parliculaii
Gisha t:o., Anderson, lud.
H ANTr.ll Tl KENT.
WANTED To rent 3 to 5 rooms, partly
furnished, walking distance of j la ,vt h-ii-im
School; must be reasonable. l'lwno 11
SIX or 1 7-room modern house, close in,
sleeping porch preferred: must be renson
ablo: adults. Phone E a. s t J52 2.
WANT to rent a good 4 or 5-rooin hung-i-low
north of Prescott St. for 1 or 2 years.
AH 327, Oregonian.