EDIT ORI AL AND SOCIETY SECTION THREE Fages 1 to lO PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1913. NO. 35. VOL,. XXXII. MIDSEASON ATTRACTIONS ON NORTH BEACHES ARE VARIED Surf Bathing, Parties,' Launch Trips and Dances Hold Interest of Throngs Seeking Recreation at Oregon and Washington Ocean Besorts. SEAVIEW. Aug. JO. (Special.) The event of the week was the delight ful muslcale given for the benefit of the newsboys of Portland at the Hackney cottage. Mrs. Allen Todd reclt. ed Shakespearean playa and Joseph Vanderleur gave Interesting talks cn chalk drawing. Miss Sims sang and was one of the principal entertainers. Several other guests contributed mu sical numbers. A number of Jolly Staview people built a big bonfire Monday evening. Those present were: Misses Rose. Mar garet and Bertlia Sehicht. Lillian and Madeline Stone.- Moliie Harnett. Pauline Jacobsen, Myrtle Miller. Marvel Case end Helen Adams, Henry Hefty, V. H. l-eraer, William MtKlm. Alfred and Jerome Stone. Frank Kror-an. Leo Ba ruh, Milton Wursweiler and Harry Perrln. Mr. and Mrs. John Klosterman and Miss Kcmu Klosterman have closed their Summer home at Seavlew. Miss Hasel Herrj-s. who has beea In Portland, has returned to the beach, where she is a guest at the Vaughan home. The B. Hagndorr. cottage has been closed for the Summer. Robert Stuart returned this week to Portland after spending several weeks in Seaview. Mrs. T. B. Wilcox has closed her at tractive Bummer bungalow. . Installed in a pretty cottage for Sep tember ere Mrs. G. V.". Collins and fam ily. Catlin Wolfard. wiener of the hcr.d! caj sir.yies at the Breakers tennis tournament, returned to Portland this week to prcparo for the Irvington tournament. s At the entertainment for the beneSt of the Methodist Kpiscopal Church last week the following; contributed to an unusuallv j:ooi programme. Mr. and Mrs. John Verstoeg. Mrs. lien Tcdd, Miss Edra Gates. Miss PMla. McDul fee. Miss Alda Boughton, Mrs. Herbert Willi.-im. John Kellahcr and Kus3ell Murdoch. Mrs. Em!l Schacht gave a delight ful dancing party Tuesday evening in honor cf her daughters, .Misses Rose, Margaret and Bertha Pchacht. Mr. ard Mrs. Henry Terry and chil dren are visitors in Seaview, AmsntTr.s I'fancier is Fpertding sev eral days v.lth Frank Vor. Grocr.we.ld at SetvieW. Mr. and Mrs. Koy Johnston, of I'xitnclsru, left for t'.ieir home on Mon day after a deli-rhtful stay at Seaview. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jonnstun ere spend!nr several day " at tlie cast. but will return scon to Portland, where they will pas- the "Winter. Miss Plsiia M-P.ufTee left Mon.Tuy t" join Miss Ne'l fc'heiiy's house p-rty j: Hood River. The J. W. McDonz'.Ci. after a stay of several weeks in ijrhview, returned to their home on Thursday. K. H. Covey and funiily left this wff!: for Momsra after a two months' visit at the coast. . Miss Johanna Cramer v. ill spend the rest of tiie Summer it her mother's Seavlew rotiitfc-e. Portland visitors at Hackney cottase during the past included G. C. RuG, "iV. E. Schurman. Mr. ar-1 Mrs. Thomas Hislop and daughter. Miss Anna DleJ erlcks, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Bryan. Leo Baruh. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roberts. Mrs. K. 31. Rreves and her gueris from Chicago, the Misses Mabel P.eeves and Ruth Boylston. R. G. lietluchan. Miss Philura E. Murch. Milton Smith. J. II. Boyer, Elmer Furrer. George M. Vinton, Miss Olive Dunnell, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Karnopp. Joseph Feldman. J. K. Citmeroc. Ethel C. Hyde, Mrs. Cutler Lewis, T. P. McKIm. Miss C. Joseph, P. E. Meyers, F. E. Cronan, Dr. Louis J. Fitzgerald. J. 8. Vcndellen, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Griffiths; TV. R, Kaser. Roscoe F. Hunt, Eloise Hunt ington, Lloyd A. Foster, W. L. Derra meier. One party from Weiser, Idaho, included Mrs. A. V. Hamilton. Miss Gertrude M. Ashley, Kate V. Ashley and Clark Hamilton. Jn a party from Boise were Mrs. A. W. Bryan. Mrs. W. B. Lyman. Mrs. S. D. Smith, Miss Olive Smith, and Floyd Allen. Miss Annette Michell, of The Dalles, and Mrs. M. Luedke aad her daughter, Anna, are at the Shepard cottage. Miss Madge Ceislinger. of New York, Mrs. Virginia Hood and the Misses Ella and Irene Vanlandingham. have returned to Portland after a pleasant visit at Sea View. Miss Margaret Henry and Miss Edi th Henry have returned to Tacoma. after spending a month at the Shepard cot tage. Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Moffat spent he week-end. Mrs. Moffat was nrcan- Green Trading Stamps Are Given on All Charge Accounts Providing Same Are Paid in Full On or Before the Tenth of Each Month Olds j W ortmani Reliable Store Hon: ISO 8:80 Dally, Except Saturday. (Fr$i We Give PL We Give (frrf t Green , J Green Mj$& iiiiiliB Hlliliit ' This Store Will Remain If TTtlnii Closed All Day Tomorrow ILtlULPM iL&iy WiLy I'll bfr-ibi-Uh ' fit lIu'Cw v '" lp?7-' ' kSa $ 7. ' - ' - - ' , Ir " tj ..--- -;-X ill 1st at the services of Scientists lost Sunday. the Christian Launch Pnrty Is Enjoyed. BEACH CKNTKR. Wnsh.. Autr. Merchandise Reliable Methods Saturday - tn ff.u w 'r"!2aW'?li ' " ' ' " I 1 i ";- r. ft, " V - It ;- i r k ; - " ' (Special.) A trip to Fort Canby and a ride In the launch "Autogo" were en joyed by a group of (rirls last Tuesday. The party Included Mrs. Francis Sealy and MiFses Norma Redman. Luclle Honrs (:30 A.M. to Si30 P. X. Bronaugh, Margaret Moore. Kathleen Sealy, Ruth Trowbritlge, Helen Adams, Elise Cramer and Florence Holmes. G. R. Knight spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. TL B. Knight, at her Beach Center cottage. Mrs. J. H. Knight was hostess at a pretty "800" party last Tuesday even ing. The J. A. Johnstone home was closed this week. Miss Ruth Kiernan left loin friends In Seaside. Tuesday to Mrs. E. Schiller and sons, Albert and Vera, closed their cottage at the beach last Friday. Mrs. John Barbey and Miss Hazel Barbey left Thursday for Portland af ter a delightful stay- of several weeks at Beach Center. Max Schultz Is visiting his mother, who has the Pawley cottage- this sea son. A. B. Coughey was a visitor over the week-end In Beach Center. Mrs. H. Mazon and Mrs. G. M. Maxon returned to Portland after several weeks' stay at the seashore. Mrs. Arthur Manners and her mother, Mrs. Smith, are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Manners for a week or two. Mrs. Katberlne E. Sloan, who has been Summering in her cottage at Beach Center, returned to' Portland Thursday. LOXG BEACH HOLDS GUESTS Surf Bathing Continues to Be One of Ciller Attractions. LONG BEACH. Wash.. Aug. 30. (Special.) This resort Is still proving attractive to many Summer visitors, who will pass the next few weeks In absolute rest, preparatory to the Winter's festivities and duties. Bath ing in the surf continues to be the the main diversion, with an occasional picnic and motor trip. Many of the younger set have returned to their homes on account of leaving early for schools In the East. A crowd of boys left last week for Cannon Beach, where Metzel Griffin will estertaln them at his home. The party ' Includes Martin Nelson, Will Corcoran, ' Leo - Malarkey. Robert Ma larkey. Harold Hoffard, P. Daniels, John Parsons, Percy McClung, R. Gil bert. Bart Spellman. Buck Garrett and Hugh Lacey. Mrs. L. Chambreau has closed her Meadows cottage and ia visiting rela tives in Portland. After a pleasant stay at Long Beach, Mrs. W. M. Taylor and daughter, Flor ence, closed their Summer home and returned to Waitsburg. Wash. In a pretty cottage at Long Beach are Mr. and Mrs. William Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. George Baer, of Seattle, closed their cottage. The Whittaker bungalow closed next week. Ed Humphreys and Ted Preble spent several days at the Wheeler home. Among the visitors at Long Beach is Francis Mare. At the A. T. Budd cottage P. C. Mor ton passed several days. Mrs. P. M. Tucker has as house puests Mr. and Mrs. D. . F. Pryer, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pryer, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pryer and Mrs. T. E. McClintock, of Missouri. Edmund Yorke spent the week-end with hi narnnta Mr and Sirs. Milton yorka. Miss Norma- Redman, who has been the guest of Miss Lucile Bronaugh, is visiting friends in Seaside. Miss Bessie Anderson spent the lat ter part of the week with Mrs. George Conway at Newton Station. W. Withers and family, of Spokane, and J. Withers and family returned to their homes last week. Mrs. William Beutelspacher Is the house guest of her daughters. Mrs. G. N. Kocher and Mrs. William Lindsay Hay. GEARHART COXTIXCES GAY Surfeit of Good Times Portion of Sojourners at Popular Resort, GEARHART. Or, Aug. 80. (Special) Gearhart has . been surfeited with good times this season, and so far there Is no cessation of these jolly affairs. All the visitors to thlsc "attractive re sort are unanimous in proclaiming this Summer the gayest and most delightful ever experienced. In the vernacular of the present day, "there is something doing every minute," as a glance at milady's calendar will prove. An added attraction for tomorrow is the paper chase to take Vlace in the afternoon. , The commanding officer and staff from Fort Stevens are going to participate In this event and a num ber of devotees of the saddle from Portland have also entered. The Good Roads convention brought forth a large number of visitors to Gearhart. Samuel Hill and party of 15 headed the list and Senator Jonathan Bourne arrived yesterday, adding in terest to the "notables" present. . The golf tournament of last week was one of the best held on Gearhart links and was responsible for the sur plus of men. as there were about 10 men to one woman attending the dance Saturday evening, thereby assuring more than enough partners for the vivacious young belles who "just love to dance." One of the attractive affairs of the week was the card party given at Gearhart Hotel to aid the little Cath olic chapel. The committee in charge of the affair realized $40 net and ev erybody had a good time. Prises were won by Mrs. J. W. Lothrop and W. G. Nease. About IS tables were made up and both bridge and 600 were played. A Jolly supper party was presided over by Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Honeyman Saturday evening and Mrs. James Dougherty was hostess at a similar af fair Sunday evening. ' F. G. Sykes, of New York, formerly of Portland, spent the week-end in the hotel. Mrs. John Latta returned to Portland Monday. Mrs. Charles T. Whitley and her father, Timothy Kinney, spent several days in Portland last week. Mrs. Frank Gilchrist Owen arrived In Gearhart Saturday to spend a fortnight and she is becoming an enthusiastic golfer and equestrienne. William L. Brewster spent a few days last week with his family. Russell B. Caswell also spent several days with his family, returning to Portland Wednesday. John A. Keating spent the week with his family. Chris Bell was also a visitor in Gear hart last week. - Mrs. J. W. Lothrop, of Spokane, who was one of the players in the golf tour nament, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Glendennlng during the tourna ment. Miss Polly Young, of the Barracks. and Miss-Claire Wilcox were guests of Miss Louise Burns last week. Mrs. E. E. Cookingham, who was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. George Marshall during the week, returned home Tues day. Prescott and Holt Cookingham. bouse guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oskar Huber, returned Wednesday accompa nied by Mr. Huber. Miss K&therlne Holbrook is a guest of Miss Dorothy Huber for a fortnight. Other visitors at Hotel Gearhart from Portland during the week included: Mrs. A. E. W. Peterson, S. A. Volkman, Henry K. B. Davis, Jr., Cark Le Wer nicke, E. J. Bragg, Mrs. Julius Louis son, Miss E. Rummeline. Miss Dolse Mansfield. R. Wilhelm. W. Burke. Jr.. w. K. Bishop, Mrs. W. R. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Silverstein, . Beatrice Lilly, Beatrice M. Locke, Florence Kendall. Ana McMicken, Ada G. Ken dall, Lenora Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. David C. Lewis, 8. A. Remmlin, Mrs. R. M. Dooly, Mrs. E. M. Meredith, Helen Meredith. J. J. Monohan, J. F. Calbreath, Helen Calbreath. Evelene Calbreath, Miss Sadie Noyes, Edna Church, Mabel D. Weed, Grace W. Gill more. C. V. Bowman, W. M. Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Kerron. Mrs. W. L Swank. Mrs. S. G. Macklln. C. B. Sew all, Miss Oskie Rotan, David Weiss, Alice Hornaday, Aline Johnson, John L. Burke, W. D. Lamed. Charles Rhea. Mrs. W. W. Farley and two daugh ters, Marlon - Kyle. Selma Meyer, Mrs. C E. Calbreath, C. H. Moore. F. H. Shea, J. R. Daviea, E. S, Higgins, Mrs. J. D. Wilson, M. & Jamison, J. J. Collins, A. C. Peel. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hotchkiss. William Burke, M. B. Fisber, CJ. E. Seberg, C. MacCarmack Snow, R. M. Jones, Jr., Gran Krueger, Mayme Heinl, W. M. Bauschbocn and wife. H. E. Pennell. Harry R. Pennell, ii a uurfri Ti M runii. Mrs. Viola Ma- der. Mrs. b! Tait, Mrs. Harry Lang. Miss Irma Rothctilld. Henry unmer, r. F-rhe ind sister. Mrs. Julia Reir.hart. Jerry E. Bronaugh. E. F-. Pike. Mr. and Mrs, E. N. Wheeler, tiaroia r.eeier. Helen Grace Wheeler. Helen Jones, r.n.v. nov'c Mr and Mrs. - John A. Jeffrey. W. H. Hamilton. Julia Parker. Out-of-town reople registered aurirg the week ne J. Wiiiielm. Eureri-. George C. Turnbull. Eugene: Robert W. Prescott. Eugene: Mrs. A. E. EggerU Chicago: Miss Willob'y. Belleville. Can ada: Mrs. C L. Anceney. Muntanr.: Elliabetli McCori. Montana: Mrs. Anna Newman. Fresno, Cel.: David Newman. Fresnj. Cal.: Mr. ar.d Mrs. 1). H. Moss. Seattle, Wash.: Miss Jersle C;g. Brook lyn N. Y.: P. B. Powers. Vancouver, U. C: 'Ausust.a HoweU. Spokane: Gayle A. Roberts, Astoria. Or.; Ruby . llammar strom. Astorli: Mr. and Mrs. G. Meyer. Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. W. Well. Siiokam. Wash.: Mr. anj Mrs. Sam Weil. Pasco. Wash.: E. E. Wheel, Chicago: F. E. hen- edict, St- Paul. Mo.: J. Kenney, linnton. P. B. Powers. Vancouver, li. C: Mrs. H. E. Bailey. Charleston. Wash.: Mrs. T. Raines. Bremerton. Or.: E. X. Wright. Pasadena. Ca!.: Mr. ard Mrs. W. B. Heath. Hood River. Or.: Mrs, F. Sanboin. Astoria; A. D. Morris. New York: H. E. Mueller. Chicaso. 111.: W. B. Brone:'.. St. Louis: HaJ-.el Mason. Helena, Mont.: Mrs. H. LeRoy Livermore and daughter, San Francisco. Cal.: Mrs. H. Wolf. Ala. buna: Paul R, Dickinson. Oswego, O-.: J. R. Stafford. Oregon City. Or.: J. IS. Gratke and family. George F. Judd. l)r. A. M. Kinney. W. R. Read. G. B. John son Frank Woodfleld. H. A. McDonnell, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dellinger. Astoria. Or : C. S. Revnolds. Toledo. O.: Mrs. C. E. Cameron, Seattle, Wash.: John Cameron. Seattle. TIOGA G VESTS HAVE PICNIC Mrs. W. C. Noon Is Hostess at Affair at North Head. TIOGA. Wish, Aug. 30. (Special.) Mrs. W. C. Noon gave a delightful pic nic at North Head and the fishing rocks In henor of her house guesU. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Currier, of Chi cago. . Miss Hlldreth Humason Is a house frest at the E. J. Jeffery home on thu P.idge. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Jeffery re turned on Sunday- to Portland. Miss Tillre Hauer Is visiting Mrs, Link Shaver at her seaside cottace. After a delightful fortnight at thy Schloth home. Miss Anna Weglou left for Portland Monday. Miss Pexey Bates Is the house guest of Mrs. William Bittle Wells at her Ti oga home. Mr. Wells was with his family for the weekend. Mrs. Hannah Johnson and Mrs. Wil liam Connell will close the pretty John son home Momiay. Mrs. C. B. Dar.l, Miss T. Anderson and E. C Dahl have taken a bungalow for a fortnight. A large bonfire was built by a num ber of Tioga colony Monday evening. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pilz, Mr. and Mrs. William Knowland, Mrs. E. L. Shaffer, Mrs. H. A. Pitter.ger, Miss Lena Schulze. Mrs. 3. Cranotich, Mrs. YTilliam Schulze, Florence Boyrie, Verda Helming, Gus Helming and Ed King. SEASIDE SEASON AT HEIGHT September Is Ushered in With Good Weather and Expectancy. SEASIDE. Or.. Aug. 30. (Special.) Perfect weather makes the Summer visitors loath to leave the beach re sorts, and the balmy September days bid fair to outnumber the present month in the way of an influx of pleasure-seekers. Each day brings down its full quota of visitors, who are plan ning to stay way through the cominsr month. Very few cottages are closlnp, and ail the fascinating diversions found at the beach at the height of the sea son are proving more attractive each week, and enthusiasm, instead of being on the wane, grows apace. One of the largest affairs of the week and perhaps the most deserving' was the card party given at Hotel Moore on Thursday afternoon for the benefit of the Catholic Church, whose only means of paying off its indebted ness is by subscription and through the efforts of the congregation. Philip Hart spent several days at the Wessinger cottage during the week. Miss Mary Agnes Sulgrove and Mrs. C G. Evans, of Helena, Mont., are so journing in Seaside. Mrs. E. C Johnson was hostess at a charming card party Tuesday after noon for the younger set. Mrs. M. J. Countiss, Mrs. E. M. Row land and Mrs. Stella Gabbert are oc cupying a cottage on Ocean avenue. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Jackson are domi ciled In the Necanlcum Nook. Miss Let a Rhodes is established In "Rest" Cottage. Occupying Axtell Camp are Mrs. J. M. Pollard and Mrs. George W. Cone. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Kellock arrived Sunday, and are domiciled In the Mer rill Cottage on the board walk, and ex pect to remain about a fortnight. Warren E. Thomas and W. A. T. Bushong spent the week-end in Sea side at the Bushong cottage. Gerald Eastham was a week-end guest of Thomas Kerr. t Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gerlinger, who have been spending the month of Au gust in Seaside, returned to town last week. Miss Romaine Wood and her fiance, Henry Wessinger, were guests at the Wessinger cottage last week. Sidney Eberle spent a few days in town last week. Captain J. J. Reynolds passed a few days in Seaside. Mrs. W. K. Smith is the house guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harkness Smith. Mrs. C E. Smith. Mrs. Walter Smith, and Mrs. Charles Schnabel were also visitors in Seaside last week at the Smith cottage. Dr. and Mrs. Harry McKay have given up the "Four Winds" cottage, and are now domiciled in the Foster cottage. - . Samuel Luders spent the week with his family. Dr. Rosendorf was a guest of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Rosenfeldt for sev eral days last week. Philip Grossmayer spent the week end with his family. Victor R. Finch was a guest last week at the home of his father-in-law. Mayor Alexander Gilbert Last week's guests at the C. S. Jack son cottage were Mr. and Mrs, L Pat terson and Mr. and Mrs. Roger in nott. Mr. and Mrs. Ira F. Powers spent several days of last week in Portland, and returned yesterday to close their beach cottage. Mrs. J. N. Finch, of Oakland, Cal., spent several days with relatives and friends at the beach. J. O'Neil is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. N. Hennessy. - Ex-Senator C. W. Fulton and the (Concluded on Pace 0.) L : : . , -n , 7- y