The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 17, 1913, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 27

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LEVIN Hardware Furniture Co., 221 Front
su. buys second-hand furniture, carpets,
tore, roo$ei, hardware or tool of any
kind, it you have anything tn udi line,
call Main tu72-
Our buier calls promptly.
IF you have any kind of junk, pipe, metal
or machinery, call
We Pay the Hottest Cash Price.
Main 5QJ1. Front. Beu Salmon and. Taylor.
MATTKEimade over the new way at
amail cos:; no packing, do spreading, as
all others do. For particular ring Tabor
1433. Folding Mattress Co., 1104 Haw
thorne. SIX extra fine Boston terrier puppies; sire
"Littie Prisco i," la lbs.; dam Frisco
Beuiah," lo1 iiS.; these art dandies.
Little Prisco Bay at stud. E. 14th ana
Morrison. East 13'7.
FKATHER PUDS wanted to make iUo
feather mattresses; pay cash; feather tjcui
and pillows rciio ated. Phone Tabor 14:w.
Folding Mattress Co.. 1104 Hawthorne.
PLEASE give us a trial. Oriental House
Cleaning Works now open, first-class and
pneumatic cleaning work ; lowest price.
Phones M. 0014, A 4523. 445 Ulisan su
WE du anything and everything; collecting
Old blh our specialty. S4 Russell L
Fhor.e C 1161. room 5. Open day and
nig nt.
WE buy for cash aecona-nand National ch
register anu sell them on easy terms, w.
J. iiatau!. So 4 Buruslde at, phone Main
mitt, a mio.
WE want to buv llOOtt worth of accord
hand furniture in the next SO da.s and
ray ail the cash it is worth. Wiiiiams-
Ave. Furniture Exchange. Ilat "'''.
Highest prices pa.d tor ladies ui.d me:t i
cast -oil clothing and shoes. Call Main
2UV). 234 1st St.. The Giie.
QUA RT ERE D oak fl a t-'t op desk and chair;
mus! ha in rnmiition :in! a barct'l.
For particulars phone East 2555 or AD
3'-'i, Ortgunian.
W ANTE l To buy two of Mrs. O- S.
Fowler-Chumos electric batteries, second
hand ; ;.rice must be reasonable. N 273.
E''OND-H WD MOTORS and generators.
Robert Sk-en Ek-ctrlc Works. 400-402 Gil
san St.. corner th.
WANT 5x7 or tmxS" anaatlirmat lens
complete outfit; answer Monuay. Ait 293.
FAIR DFL We pay best prices for second
hand clothing and Call Main
9272. 60 h 3d. N. M. Glickman, prop.
WANT to buy from private family some
go.Ki, clean rurniture including gas range.
Mrs. A. C. Smith. lt7 EaiJt 10th st. N.
Buyer cails promptly; est una tea given.
1H4 1st, near Yamhill. Main 4773.
and pain lin reasonable.
Blia. A 2578.
up ; papering
Flnlay, M.ain
AN experienced logger with two donkeys
wants contract or will rent to right per
son. S 265. Oregonian.
WANTED by private party, slightly used
furniture for 5-roora bungalow. AC 253,
WILL buy Incomplete I. C. S. course in
civil engineering; state price, terms and
how complete. Address P 207, Oregonian.
WANTED Complete restaurant outfit;
mut be first-class and reasonable. Phone
C 259.
4IR-COMPRKSSOR. about 100 cu. ft. capac
ity. Standard Machinery Co. We rent or
sell. 49 2d St.
TRUNK Sample trunk; give description,
size and price. P 203, Oregonian.
HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off clothing
and shoes. Marshall 2354.
WANTED Letter filing cabinet. Mar. 138.
Are you in an office with a bunch of
dead ones? This office sells and trades
property every day. Do you ? 1 want a
good, live salesman.
See manager city department
Main 6S. 269 Washington St. A 6267.
MARRIED farm hand, familiar with horses,
to take steady position on large on-hard;
wagts $56. oo monthly; must be willing to
invest part of wages In small tract tn
nets hborhood ; small cash payment re
q u i red : so hool and store oa premises. Y
2'.'5. Oregonian.
SPECIALTY salesman by & Portland fac
tory whose sales double every month: an
unusual offer will be made to the rljrht
man; must Invest $500. fully secured.
Factory. K 302. Oregonian.
WANTED Capable shipping clerk familiar
with cits', kuoa at Die ores. Answer own
- haAdwt M'ug. stating age and experience.
G ot'o. Orgonlaa.
SECRETARY wanted, bookkeeping, corre-
eponuence, courteous to recel ve people ,
$-". Answer own handwriting. P 2W0,
WE can use a few German-Americans with
a wide acauaintance in Portland and vicin
ity. Call and see us. G22 Chamber of
Commerce bldg. Open Sunday afternoon.
ARE YOU looking for a steady -business
and Income? No Deddlinc or canvassing
Your address, that's ail. Clarence Allen,
box -J. Boston. Mass.
SALESMAN with experience in selling
advertising signs wanted; no other need
to apply. Call Monday between 2 and 5,
245 Holtaday ave.
MEN of ideas, with Inventive ability, write
for new list, "eeaeri inventions. -frizes
for Patents." Randolph ft Co., patent at
tornejs, Washington, D. C.
WANTED Commission driver at one of the
best laundries in tne city; a gooa propo
sition If you mean business. AJ 204, Ore
gonlan. WANT 15oO cords good fir, cut by contract
or cord, paying top price i'r immediate
work. Shack with stove furnished. 015
Chamber of Commerce. M. 1955.
WANTED By wholesale house, young man
as stenoirrapner and to maKe nimseit gen
erally useful. A3 2r9. Oregonian.
WAN'TE D Two salesman for Portland and
one ancouver, Wah; auto tire; Sunday;
quick seller to owners. F 2W, Oregonian.
MANAGER general merchandise store, coun
try ton u; permanent position. siavu loan
required. 17 Oregonian bldg.
GOOD country salesman wanted In provi
sion lire; do not answer unless you are
at present employed. C 274. Oregonian.
WANTED -Two fiTt -class salesmen, sal-
arv and commission to right party. Apply
402 Wash st.
HIGH-CLASS machinist and automobile man
for out-of-town, wages no ooject to rignt
man. V 275, Oregonian.
WANTED Stenogra and bookkeeper;
one wltn leieai experience preierreu.
S'3. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS auto painter wanted. Auto
Painting Co., 21st and W ashing ton sts..
t-ip floor. Covey bldg.
WANTED Wood turner, who can do band
sawing and Frank Schmltt A
Co.. E. 8th and Yamhill.
ORGANIZERS w anted ; sh ! a ry and commis
sion. The Fraternal Brotherhood. Last
J 553. C 2174.
DENTIST Licensed In Oreson, who Is cap
able of taking care or an estnnltshed prac
tice. Address AV 23. Oregonian.
WANTED So:t-itor to take orders for
guaranteed hiRh-grado coal. Eillefsen
Fuel Co.. 22 Stark st.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor;
edse proposition. Fhone Monday,
w oM 20S4.
REGISTERED pharmacist, desiring perman
ent connection, who nns financial re
sotirc . A H 2i0. Oreconlan.
MILKER for dairy ranch 60 miles out:
Jw?i or German preferred. tnli at room
112.", Yeon bldg., Monday forenoon.
CABINETMAKERS wanted; Me.idy work for
goo--, men. Lmn store r ixiure Co.. East
ind P w e'.l.
LIGHT work and quick returns. IT you
mitke g".vi have study work for reliable
party. 517 Henry b'.dg.
WANT a man acquainted In city, to assist
in promo t ing a manufacturing enterprise.
Phone East
WANTED Pan washer. Leigh ton's Dairy
Lunch, 332 asmnpion st.
LIVE agents wanted for new proposition.!
HI M.irritnn SI. A 4f J I
-- -
l'li,jTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest
Tart.-d. Cut berth atudio. l'ekuin bl d g .
ck barrel cooper. litS Mad-
Fon st.
W ANTED Boy IS or 1. years ;d. 3M Al-
uer st. References.
PHOTO COUPON axents. new winning; con
test offer, barony Studio. 346 Morrison.
CAPAUI.K woman, take charge school ureas
and c ret making. j04 Gootin.'ugh bids.
GOOD stable man wanted at Central Sta
bles, l.xit and Aider. Main 122.
WANTED A bread baker at once at Main
4. Oregon City.
YOUNG mn f.r cigar and news stand. Call
news-stand. rnln Depot.
W ANTED Boy for delivery; must have
fhel. Nan s Pharmacy. 0:h and AMr.
H. B. Lindsey
v - O- 4i li-kum bldg.
Boi wanted to deliver nackacei. AddIv Mr
fetrlrker, Oregon Hotel, this A. M.
W A NT ED F' rt-c Indies' tailor.
Aronwn. 41 Aider.
El-EVATGR boy wnnted.
Apply Lang A
Co.. 1st and Ankeny.
DISHWASHERS wanted. 173 North th.
(One of Utnr.i
Office Secretary Employment Department,
I A. C. A.
Young man, stranger, seeking employ
ment t$20 his total cash asset) If 1 pay
you $5 lor employment membership, I will
have only $ii between me and starvation.
Secretary If you pay $5 for employ
ment membership you will have the Y.
M. C. A. with all its resource between
you and starvation.
Result Young man Joined association.
In less than a week he had satisfactory
Record for 6 mo. ending June 0: -
Calls for men from employers Ili4
Pos. Hons filled lo;i7
Our special employment membership
"guarantees members will secure employ
ment or refund membership fee; gives
two months' full and 10 months' social
All young men seeding employment,
especially strangers, are cordially invited
to consult with the Secretary of the Em-
pluyinent Department.
HAVE you a trade? If over 17. Join the
l tuted states Navy immediate. y ana
learn trade such as electrician, carpenter,
icuman, machinist and coppersmith, etc -.rades taught to men of ability on
i o; rd snip or In Naval training schools.
3iake sure of good living for life. No
oitminent ever before oiferea such
6.pieniid opportunities lor free travel and
r.,j.h M?e knowledge. Good pay. good
f J. good sleeping accommodations
Plenty ot free amusement. Promotion
possible up to chief petty officer, then to
anant o; fleer. Some ambitious men win
coinmisjloi.a. Call at Navy Recruiting
Station. Railway Exchange bldg., Port
land. Or. Learn experiences of officers
ai.d enlisted men there. Write for inter
esting free booklet, 'The Making of a
Man-o'-Warsman. Tells all about life on
, a big warship. Address Bureau of Navi
gation. ! ox aC, Navy Department. Wash-
ini;.on. D. Ci
New York, recognized leaders in the man
ufacture of art caiunaars monthly cal
endar, blotters, post cards, leather novel
ties, wool pennants, etc.. for advertising
purposes. Is rad to make a contract for
l'J14 with a high-grade experienced sales
man to represent them iu this territory on
a commission basis only. If you are. a
real producer (and not a mere order taker)
with abundant initiative and hustle, this
is an unusual opportunity for you to muKe
a very desirable connection with the most
liberal and progressive house of its kind
in the world. Address R. A. Chapman,
president. Brooklyn, New York, Grand
street and Morgan avenue.
WANTED FOR L". ARMY, able-bodied
unmarried men between ages of IS and Si;
citizens of United States, of good char
acter and tempera to habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage. For Information apply to Recruit
ing Officer, Worcester building, 3d and
Oak sts.. Portland. Or.
LEVI' side line; our new line of Punch
Boards for Fall and Christmas trade is
now ready; best and easiest-selling lines
to be had; goods sold from illustration;
corn m iss 'ons paid weekly . live salesmen
can make from 150 to $100 per week sell
ing these goods as a side line. Department
Y, United Mates Factories Co., 160 North
Market st., Chicago, 11L
I WANT a real man with salesmanship In
him and some local acquaintance, 25 to
40 years old. Intelligence main requisite,
to nrcsent under instructions a DroDOsltlon
that compels admiration for Its merit and
integrity, l cannot use a "know-all"
a grafter; for the right man here is. In
truth, a real opening. Address box T -tw,
BOYS Now !s the time to put in your ap
plication for an Oregonian route. Will
havo some fine routes open shortly. We
want boys full of vim and vigor and ones
not afraid to work. Our routes are money
makers and we therefore want first-class
boys. Apply at once. 202 Oregonian bldg.
SALESMEN In various territories to sell
standard styles and fabrics of laces ana
embroideries from largest New lork stock
at cheapest market prices; liberal -credit
and terms; no objection to carrying other
lines; state references and experience; 10
per cent commission; weekly payments.
hoi iv, btation A. isew lorn.
SALESMEN, general and side line, to handle
part or entire line, enamel ware, cnina
ware, silverware, cut glass, cutlery, brass
goods, leather goods, premium goods,
aluminum ware, tinware, sot ions, etc.
W rite for territory. Liberal commissions
paid weekly. Dept. G, United btatea Fac
tories Co., 180 N. Market St., Chicago. 111.
free pocket sales outfit; easy seller; mer
chant guaranteed against loss; we pay ex.
press and take back unsold goods; our
promptly paid commission pays your en
tire traveling expenses; harvest season
now on; write quick. Temby Jewelry Co..
2-h5 S. Michigan are., Chicago.
WANTED Married man, with house fur
nishings for 4 rooms, to live on fruit farm,
1 miles from town and board 2 to 6 men,
farm employee; applicants state age, ex-
' pertence and references, aiso wages ex
pected. East Hood River Fruit Co., Mo-
si er. Or.
WANTED Man to drive and care for auto
mobile and look after garden and do
chores around house; wages $50 per month
and room and board; only willing worker
who understands facKard car need apply.
Answer, giving experience and references
to a e -;. uregoman.
Latest Drotected. weiKhs 3 pounds,
guaranteed 5 years, nickel finish, flexible
nozzle: win send sample ior inspection.
Chinese Corp., Dept. 1-A. 113 South Jef
ferson, Chicago.
HOW to get position; you want clever ways
to get in touch with vacancies and get
ahead of other applicants. Send for free
circular describing an inexpensive book
of successful plans for securing a position.
Fratik Aubrey, pox 1014, Bisbee, Arir.
MEN WANTED To sell trees and shrub
bery. Free outfit. Experience not nec
efary. Steady work. Commission paid
weekly. No Investment, deliveries or col
lections to make. Write for terms. Idaho
Nursery Co., Weiser. Idaho.
WELL-ESTABLISHED manufacturing cor
poration desires a salesman to sell high
grade specialties on salary ; excellent op
portunity for advancement; permanent
employment. Address box AV 302, Ore
gonian. SKILL in the machine; requires no expert
to demonstrate; any salesman can sell our
complete combination vuicanlzer to auto
mobile owners; weight, 15 ounces; book
lets, prices, terms to agents on request.
Armstrong. 220 A Walker bldg., Seattle.
WANTED District manager, salesman and
organizer, every state; something out ot
the ordinary ; popular demand; quick
money; permanent; references required.
C. F. Davis, secretary, 1110 Van Nuys
bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
OH land. Elect ra. Archer County: pro
moter to organize companies and sell
small block land.
Ft- Worth. Texas.
SALESMEN wanted by the largest '.ace and
embroidery manufacturers. Liberal ar
rangements, rare opportunity. Can be han
dled as side line, Wilson. 401 Broadway,
New York City.
WANTED An assistant bookkeeper and
stenographer for lumber office; must be
quick and accurate. State experience,
references and salary wanted. AV $13,
WANTED Salesman for countrv work In
6. Oregon and N. California; liberal com
missions; experience not essential. If you
want something permanent and good ad
dress Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco, Oregon.
I NEED good men. everywhere, part or all
time, learn my business; make money wltn
me: no experience needed; desk, type
writer and outfit free. W. M. Ostrander.
Dept. M, 12 West list St., New York.
WANTEDExperienced dry goods man to
take charge of this department In dry
goods and clothing store; good oppor
tunity for right man. Address, giving
particulars, AV 314. Oregonian.
SALESMAN wanted; a high-grade office
specialty salesman, with pienty of nerve;
gie salesmanship experience tn full first
letter. D 300, Oregonian.
SALESMEN Seil merchants'
order books: large demand;
missions, pocket samples,
book Co., Chicago.
sales and
liberal com
Wlrth Sale.
ALES V EN wanted ; lace, embroideries;
onlv men with trade among dry-goods and
geinral stores need apply; all territories.
Merk 4 Co., 4ltl Broadway. New York.
iT'Ade: eood opening. Call or write. b32
. . . .
j;cti!,ti ave.
WANTED Drr Roods salesman with srener
ai store experience. Address Box 700, La
Grande. Or.
WANTED Experienced railroad disburse
ment accountant. Give full particulars and
phone number. C 272, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced shipping porter for
wholesale grocery bouse; none but ex
perienced need apply.A 2k 7, Oregonian.
WANTED One experienced apple Dlrker.
Aprly. with references to the Benton
County Growers' Association, Corvailis, or.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor. six
publications, cash commission. Clyde
Agency, Stock Exchange bldg.
HiGH-CLAaS salesman; will teach line and
give Interest in business: pay from start.
Address AT 2VO. Oregonian.
WANTED A drug clerk; a registered as-
s.stant preferred. Address AV ftuo, Orego
nian. WANTED Bookkeeper and collector who
can assist with optical work; must have
good references. X 2S3. Oregonian.
SPLENDID opening for life Insursnce
agents to represent Security Life Insur
auce Co. Call 1J4 Board of Trade bldg.
SALESMEN and disc - mgrs. for Oregon.
Nat. Casualty Co. 301 Rallwmy Ejfca. bldg.
Band reiawer, $3.
Two sticker men, S3.
Car-loading tallymen. $3.
Graders from planer, S.
Drag sawyer. $3.
Ratchet-setter, small mllL S3.
Mii. hands, city. $2.50.
Biacksmuh and sheer, S4, camp.
Blacksmith, country shop, S3.
Lath mill men. IM.O up.
Mill hands. $l'.&o and $2.75.
Camp flunkeys, $35 ana $40.
Loggers. $2.70 to $4.
Ten woodcutters. $1.-5 and $1.35 cord.
Farm hands, $:;u to $40.
hiugle bolt cutters.
Tiemakers, 13 cents tie.
Man and wUe, man to do common la
bor, woman to cook for small crew, $yu
Baker, small country shop, $50, room
and board.
Bnck.ajer, $5 and board.
Grade and track foreman, log road,
$3.00. -
Man and wife on farm, $50.
Others loo numerous to mention here.
Open Sunday. 8 A. M. to 12.
222 and 224 Couch, bet. 1st and 2d.
Man and wife, cooks, $75; country hotel.
Dish washers, $ aad $10.
W ai t er. b ea c h, $ 40.
N:ght cook, 1U.
Woman cook, ; family ot four.
Millyard men, $li.f0.
kid road barker, $3.
loo laborers, city work, $2 60.
0 N. d 6U
ing for a live wire to handle the advertis
ing of a high-class National magazine in
your city or state- Must be reliaote and
bring results from the start. If you are
outside, can handle with present position.
exceptional opportunity xor tne right man
to double his saiary. State age, experience
anu references, t. . Harvey, Sou North
Bt.. cnicasjo, liL
SALESMAN of ability and eneray. this ter
ritory lor 1014 to handle our copyright,
exclusive line of calendars, also advertising
specialties; liberal commissions; e
Ciusn e territory ; references required ; our
company thoroughly responsible; estab
lished 30 years. New line win be ready
December 13. Me Tenants Fubllsnlns; to,
Kalamazoo, Mich.
SALESMEN making small towns. wiute
time or side line, should carry our fast
selling pocket siue line, special sale plan.
allowing return unsold goods; makes
quicK, easy sales; 4 commission each
order; something entirely new ; w rite for
outfit today. Burd Mtg. Co., 212 Sigel.
tatafo, in.
SALESMAN for Oregon to sell merchants,
greatest specialty of the day; experienced
specialty salesman or mercnant preferred
$lu0 a week to right man; commission
contract; commissions paid weealy; state
experience, i ne enampion Kegister Co.
Society for Savings, Cleveland. O.
Latest, protected, weighs 3 lbs., guar. 0
years, nickel finish, flexible noszle, will
send sample xor inspection. Shinese Cor'
poration, 113 A, South J eff erson street.
Chicago, i a.
WILL LET labor contract for construction
of lumber shed; all materials lurnis ted
by us. Plans and specifications can te seen
at office Monday, August 18, Take United
Kan ways car. w est Oregon Lumber Co.,
Linnton, Or.
SALESMAN Experienced any line, to sell
general trade in Oregon. Unexcelled ape
clalty proposition. Commission contract.
$3o weekly for expenses. Continents,
Jewelry Co., $4-33 Continental bldg., Cleve
land, Ohio.
WANTED For an advertising campaign.
young men, not over 21 years of ase; ony
live wires and men willing to work need
apply; for such 1 have an exceptional op
portunity. Apply between 0 and 12 today.
Lincoln Apia, Apt. 24.
SALESMAN wanted to operate automatic
stamping machine, stamping names and
address on Key cnecKs. watch lobs, etc.;
finest outfit made, $100 cash required.
Apply Monday, 4 to o P. M. 3a0 Hancock
st., city.
WANTED Good wide-awake boy about IS
years old by wholesale house in shipping
department; good future. Call Main u.:(4
bunday between V and 12 A. M. or Monday
at 20 Front st.
SALESMAN for this territory; begin Sept,
1; splendid line for all classes of stores;
permanent position ; commission contract ;
expenses advanced right man. American
Standard Jewelry Co., Detroit, Mich.
SALESMEN to sell new educational spec
ialty to boards of education; no previous
experience necessary; liberal proposmon.
union bcnooi r urnismng 1.0.. vzi w. ai
Buren. Chicago. 111.
WANT lady or gentleman to act as ad
vance agent on percemtage for first-class
concert company; must lurnlsh good ref
erences. Address F. F. T., 22a Ivy, Med
ford. Or.
WANTED Capable, thorough stenographer
with, lumber experience; oae who can
assess with office details; good student.
Apply Monday or Tuesday, 12 o'clock, 412
Kaiiway exchange oidg.
SALESMAN Capable specialty man, Ore
gon ; staple line on new, exceptional terms
vacant Sept. 1; attractive commission con
tract; $35 weekly, expenses. Miles V.
Bixler Co., y2t)33 Carlln bldg., Cleveland.
for the commercial department of an old
established accident and health company;
manager's headquarters at Portland; of
flce fully equipped. AV 324. Oregonian.
SALESM EN to sell our check protaotor; it
sells to every person who writes a check;
circulars and Information free; sample 25c.
Terry Mfg. Co., 123 Colton bldg.. Toledo,
WANTED A good salesman who can gel
results In selling auto and body polish to
hotel, garage, office blds. Call Sunday
at room .tiuo, Portland Hotel. C. H. Plum
mer. THE HuLTZ STORE requires the services
of a young man. 18 years of age. to run
passenger elevator. Apply 8 to 10 A. M.
to supt., the Holtz Store, 5th and Wash.
WANTED Woman or man and wife who
would look after apartments for use of
a good furnished apartment. Address
O 201, Oregonian.
SALESMEN Do you want $10 a day, side
or main line, retail and Punch Board
deals 7 Ten propositions. American Fac
tories Co.. St. Louis.
HAVE good territory in Oregon for three
fraternal Insurance organizers; first-class
order, first-class contract, T 261. Ore
gonian. WANTED Man to figure on electric wir
ing. 2004 Hawthorne, Dear S2d. Mount
Tabor car.
HOTEL cook. $40 ; man and wife. Janitors.
$40; chambermaid $2a, waitress $25, beach,
fare paid; t flrst-clsss hotel waitresses.
$35. fsre advanced; kitchen helper. $J5;
colored maid tout), $-&; housekeeper, $20,
no objection to child.
345 H Washington St.
WANTED Young or middle-aged lady to
travel for a business house; $15 per week
and expenses; expenses advanced at first
class hotela Cail 44 Morrison St., rooms
1 and 2.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
must understand plain cooking; other help
kept; wages $20. Apply between 10:30
and 2. 170 N. 22d St.
YCLNG woman, employed during the day,
to help in housework and in evenings in
return for board and room. AH 20U. Ore
gonian. WANTED A strong, competent girl to do
general housework- no washing; good
wag?s. A p ply 421 E. 30th st. N.
GIRL for general housework In small fam
ily; good noma tor .ism giri. auu, ore
gonian. NURSE, with some hospital exprlence, to
enter training for maternity nurse. K 203.
NEAT, energetic girl who wants to learn
millinery: must oe gooa sewer. Call
mornings. 410 Washington st.
WANTED" Waitresses. Apply basement
lunchroom. Olds. Wortroan A King, Mon
day morning.
WANTED Waitresses. Apply basement
lunchroom. Olds, Wort man a King, Mon
day morning.
W'i LI. furnish room to working uirl for
care of child evenings. Room 213, Van
Gorier Hoiel. 106 4 12th St.
SALESPEOPLE wanted daily at Eltlca Prod
ucts Co., 433 Stark-
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. 5aS E. ISth at. N. Fast 1014.
NURSE W..H for 2 boys about T year old;
1200 M.sstBaippl ave.
WANTED Talloress on ladies' garments;
a-so sklrtmaker. Aronson. 423 Alder.
THE Parisian Hair Parlor: first-class place
for ladles. 3S9 Alder. Main P665.
FIRST-CLASS mlllinery-makrs wanted.
Portland's Emporium. V2i Sixth st.
N EAT girl to assist In light housework for
room and board. Marshall 503.
GIRL for light housework, care of baby";
good home. Call Marshall 5707.
LADIES wanted, can make from $2-$4 a
day. Room 4. 350 Va Morrison.
MILLINERY malters. 185 Alder St.
Experienced and inexperienced. Apply
at superintendent's office, 6th, floor, be
tween 6:30 and t:30 A. M. & FRANK CO.
Camp helper, $30. room and board.
Waitress, $7 week, room and board.
Practical nurse. $25 month,
2 w aitresses t beach), $30 month.
Chambermaid, $.13 month.
Housekeeper, $20 month.
Ladle' Dept. 203 H Morrison.
Apply at desk, 7th floor restaurant, be
tween S:30 and S:30 A. M.
TH0 Municipal Department of Publlo Safety
for Young- Women. 4lO Merchants Trust
bldg., will be glad to give advice or as
sistance to any woman or girl who may be
In need. Inter views are coi.i'idential ex
cept in cases demanding cniniual action.
Oil Ice hours 3:30 to 5. Mrs. L. Q. Bald
win. Supt.
EXPERIENCED glove saleswoman; good
salary; permanent position, specialty
fc'Uve and hosiery store.
30t MorrUon St.
WANTED For an advertising campaign.
you nit ladies not over 21 years of age
only girls willing to work need apply; for
sucn 1 nave an exceptional opportunity
Apply between 9 and 12 today. Lincoln
Apts., Apt 24.
BRIGHT, steady girl to cook on hop ranch.
from 3 to 2o boarders: state xuu parti c
ulars and salary expected. . Write at one e.
lsuoell btmon, R. F. D. 3. box ttO-A, bA
THE HOLTZ STORE requires the services
of 2 millinery apprentices; aiso sever
saleswomen for dry kooos and notion
depis. . Apply 8 to 10 A. M. to supL, the
tioitx store, otn ana w as Kington.
WANTED Five bright, capable ladles to
travel, demonstrate ana sen aeaiers; ran -ruad
fare paid; $25 to $3U per week. CaU
Vel vetina Shop, 023 Swetland bldg., 6th
and Washington.
KEF1NLD young lady to keep house for
a-entleman with two children, both
tending high school; references required
and given; In answering, state address and
teiepnone number. O 2b, Oregonian.
WANTED First-class hairdresser and man
icure; must be A-l on hair work; write
at once, experience and saiary. Marin celo
tnop, cora w iley, Alooioru, or.
5 girls to learn beauty culture. Pay
while learning; position guaranteed. 400-
414 Dekum bidg. Sanitary parlora
WANTED Experienced cloak and suit
saleswoman for specialty house, Portland.
Must have best reierence; permanent posi
tion. AJ -o. oresomau.
LADIES Earn $12 weekly making sanltar
oelts at home; no canvassing; stamped
envelope for particulars- baulia Mfg. Co.,
Cedar Rapids, la.
STENOGRAPHER wanted for law office
tat a Mirf exoerience: small salarv to be
am with : position temporary, may be
permanent. Addreas R 285,Oregonlan.
WANTED Girl or young woman for gen
era I housework, also to 'assist with chil
dren; no washing; good home, good sal'
ary. Call 5J0 E. 20LU N.
MANY of the best families of the city ars
rvo-lstred with the Domestic Service iu
reau for cooks, general housework and
second gins. sue central oiag. ai. 1 00 1.
GOOD live woman, capable of meeting pub
He. Splendid future for ambitious wom
an. After Monday 12 o'clock. Apt- 12,
40 Trinity Place, between luth and 2Utn.
WANTED A young lady who can sell pol
Islios to office bldgs.. hotels, garage
good proposition. Cull Sunday, room 60O,
Portland Hotel, ask for C. H. Pluramer.
tunity to learn botn artistic and eomraer
c;ai features of the business. Fraley. 214
AN experienced canvasser to secure subscrip
tion to well-known woman's magazine;
salary and commission. Address, giving ex
perience ana rererences, v tvv. oregonian,
15 TO $25 weekly for women at home; no
canvassing or peddling; ugm, easy, agree
ab.e. profitable work, M. W. Rand, box, 4,
Spokane. v asn.
w a ntki) Chorus alrls. aiso traD drum
nier. Call room 430 Alder Hotel after 11
A. M.
WANTED Experienced saleslady for Jew
ttrly store: must furnish good references.
iliin fc rfiocn. 4 jiurrmuu iu
lly of 4
st. N.
-Uirl for sreneral housework, fam
; phone East 2436. 444 E. 17tb
WANTED Midule-aged German woman or
girl as company 111 evenings, in exchange
for room. Inquire at Benton at.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavi Co., 009 Roth-
child bldg., 4tti anq Washington.
WANTED Experienced waitress in family
hotel. West aide. Aoaress au zio, ure-
TWO girls who can swim for diving act
out of city for rest of season. Frank
M. Frown, room 1, Pant ages Theater.
W ashington bldg.. 270 Wash., room IS.
near 4th. Phone Main 36 or A 3266.
WANTED Girl to do general house work,
family of 2, work light. Apply 660 Eliza
beth st ronianu neigais.
GiKL to learn beauty parlor work; position
a sure a. v tivanns aiiop. mu diumu
DINING-ROOM girl, also girl for chamber
w ork, to wait on taniea evenings, a urn
Camp bell. M a rs ha 1 1 bbl.
WANTED An experienced maid for general
housework; must be gooa cook. so Ba
st. N. Phone mornings. Mar. Jtf2g.
wavtfd Stenoaraoher and bookkeeper
one with legal experience prexerreo. r
304, Oregonian.
u-x vteD -Girl to do liaht housekeeping.
Apply at once at ui otin. imi n n.
WANTED Good, competent uirl for genera
housework. App:y ajonuay Between
hours 10 and 1. 211 N. 19th.
for Keneml housework and cooking
German airl preferred. u -40. ou x.
47th N.
WANTED Refined Christian woman, neat
noUSCKeeper, some eperee, iiuvm,
give phone. C 21. OfJBJt010
or a vTt'.n ThornuL-h'v experienced and
competent stenogra pner; saiary 41 per
Address AG 2W. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED waitresses. Apply tearoom,
4th floor, Olus, Wortmaa 4fc King.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
cooking. 7W2 Marsnaiu
WANTED Millinery trimmers, makers and
apprentice. Apply wjweniwi s u.
EXPERIENCED men's hat-trimmers. Ap.
piy at once, rtoyai nat worns. o hu
WANTED Capable girl for general house
work, tell wood la-
EXPERIENCED operators for cloaks and
uus. 1-0 iwi"
COMBINED private exchange operator and
stenographer. V 23, oregonian.
WANTED Girl to pose as artist's model.
Give telephone. N 2n7, Oregonian,
wanted Girl or woman for general house
work; 3 adults. 605 E. Morrison, cor, lath.
WANTED 2 live representatives for the
Barcley corset. Address room 1, 357 12th.
MAID for general housework.
Wasco st.
Apply 741
STRONG willing girl for general housework.
wag-s $30. m-2 rtaieign at. jiain 534
WANTED Girl to assist In general house
work. 343 Jftiu su
WANTED Five extra waitresses at Council
Crest Tavern on Sunday, 25chour.
GIRL for general housework. 656 North-
up, bet. 20th and 20th. Mrs. wen, Ballla,
WANTED Hoppickers. I will be at the St.
Charles Hotel Aug. 20, 21, 22; round trip
$1.30. Romeo Gouley, grower.
WANTED Expert pear packers about Aug.
20; transportation paid one way. Writ
W. A. Grserer, Dundee, Or.
MAKE - money - writing short stories; big
pay; send for free booklet; tells how.
United Press Syndicate, aa Francisco.
WANTED 12u0 hop pickers for well-known
hopyards of T. A. Livesley 4k Co., located
as foiiows; Lake Brook farm, consisting
of 16o acres in bops, also Holmes yard,
consisting of 2O0 acres, both near Salem,
Independence yard. Oo acres, ail located
on the Oregon Electric Kaiiway; will
have special train, for each yuj-d, leaving
Portland on or about September 1. witn
special reduced rates; will furnish free
wood, tents, chairs, tables, straw, best
spring water, oa ail grounds and a beau
tiful camping ground, wtthall conven
iences, such as stores, butcher shop and
bakery; will pay Ouc per box; yards in
excel 1 en j condition; do not wait, as taop
pickers will be plentiful this ear; come
early and make arrangements for tickets
which axe on sale at Dorcas Broa of; ice,
6u2 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts.,
Portland, phone Marshall 3216. A 1717:
for benefit ot working poote office wiii
be open 7 A, M. until 0:3u P. M.
HOPP1CK-ERS. NOTICE If you want to
pick hops in one of the best yards In
the stale, located eight miles norm ot
Salem, on the Willamette River, where
fine shady camp grounds, plenty of wood
and very best of water and other modern
accommodations are provided, write at
'once. Wt want 2i'0 pickers. September 1.
About three weeks' picking. pay 50
cents per box; fare via river, 5 cents to
Simon's landing, right at the yard, we
also meet all trains at Quinaty, oa the
Oregon Electric.
R. F. D. No. 8, box SO A. Salem, Or.
100O HOPPICKERS WANTED to pick 500
acres, clean crop, 22 kilns to fill dally ;
picking commences Sept. 1. About three
weeks' picking; we meet all trains at In
dependence, rent you a floored tent for
75c a week and furnish wood, water and
straw for bedding free; -new dance hall
100x50, on ranch; we pay 60c per box
picked and pay 5 per cent on the doiiar
bonus; beautiful camp grounds; largest
hop ranch In Oregon. Write and register
at once. E. Clemens Horst Co.. Inde
pendence. Or.
HOP-PICKERS for my Independence yard.
Fare $1.75 round trip; Lope Mugs' yard,
fare $1.25 round trip; Cbemvketa, or.
(Mission Bottom-land), Toy John's yard,
same, fare and land, same. All yards on
Oregon Electric Line. First -ctges hops.
Good accommodations. Write, phone or
call up held Back. 3ug First at., PorUano.
Both phones.
HOP-PICKERS wanted, ft per hundred
pounds; free camping houses, good water
.and wood; fare $1.30 round trip; tickets
on sale at office, 3tf 1 East Morrison, sl
Phone East 2453; special train Aug. 2S,
10 A. M. A. M. Bonis. Brooks. Or.
CALL at Dorcas Bros.' office. 002 Worcester
bldg., Portland. Or., for tickets and tents
for The John Morrison Hop Yard at Inde
pendence; free wood, tents, good water,
store, meat shop, bakeiy. Fare $1.75
round trip.
WANTED 500 hoppickers for the O. I. C.
hopyard. Inquire at O. I. C. liquor store.
24t si orris n su can irom w a. j.
6 P. M. If possible.
WANTED 75 hop pickers; very good hops,
plenty of sawsd wood and good water on
the ground a Address Feiler A. Barmaa,
Hubbard. Or
HOPPICKERS. families preferred, good
hops, 50c box; ail conveniences; excursion
rates. Fnone vvooaiawn ai. 1 10 i - a.
M., 7 to 0 P. M.
TEACHERS wanted holding a Washington
or Oregon certificate and references. Call
Monday ana Tuesday, swr etn st.
Yard at Mission Bottom. Cail office at
283 2d st.
DICKSON'S Business College Will give you
a start in life. b.. lis.
FlbrC Teachers' Agency secures positions for
teachers. 310 journal bldg. iituu 4300.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date
cars; electric, civil engineering.
survey ins: methods most practical; room
and board while learning ; positions se
cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalog uo
free. National School of Engineering. 2100
West Seventn, Los Angeles.
SALESMEN No experience required; nun
ilreda positions open paying to $uot0
year; position assureu where you can earn
Kood waaes while you learn. Write near
est oflice. Dept. 400, National feaieamen s
Training Association, Chicago. rew iui,
Kansas City, San Francisco.
WANTED I will teach several young men
the automobile business in ten weens uy
mail and assist them to aood posiuonv
no charge for tuition until position is se
cured, write touay. n. 0. rntc, u w"v.
bile expert, box 403, Los Angeles, CaL
THE Mnhln, Harbar Colleare will teach yOU
the trade in 8 weeks; tools free; send for
catalogue; 20 years In the business; 37
schools, a lifetime scholarship given to
each student; special Inducements given
to ladies. 4b N. 2d sl
POSTOFFICE clerk-carrier, other Govern
ment "exams everywhere soon; get pie
Dured: former U. fa. civil service secretary
examiner. Write now ror tree booxiet.
L 103. Patterson Civil Service fcnooi.
Kocnester, N. Y.
wiH OPERATORS In constant de
mand. Thla coming vocation taught at
v i n. a All the Year Round Day and
Nisht Schools; complete equipment; best
on Coass. -
WANTED 100 men and women to learn
hirw irari In a weeks: Dosition auaran-
teed: modern college; tools free; a trade
that you can get in business for yourself.
Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison st.
HOW 1 maul money writing for newspapers,
marazlnes and advertisers; I25o-word
tvoAwrltLen letter, alvlng pract'cal intor-
mation. tor 25 cents. Joel bnomaker.
Nelllta, "Wash.
ination Nov. L r a reel nost reuuires clerks;
salary $H00 to J12oO. Free book. Pacaic
States School, JdCjvay piog., rortiauu,
LADIES Why not make your own corsets?
We teach you how in a few hours, lur
nlsh materials and pattern to fit you;
fee very reasonable. 20Q FUedner bldg.
GOVERNMENT jobs open to men, women;
$65 to $150 month, list positions free.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 327 F.. Roches
ter. N. Y.
BECOME detectives; big pay; easy work;
traveling opportunities. Write Frederick
Wagner, 1243 Lexington ave., New lork.
rt HOULo, ovo sicivay oiu-, cor. ou uu
Stark sts. Phones: Main U26, A 412L
Also headquarters I. C. 8. Fraternity.
INTERNATIONAL correspondence schools,
165s Third st. near Morrison), rooms Z
and & Phone Main 4043, A 8044.
STENOGRAPHERS to take our rapid drills.
any system, for positions: a ay ana even
ing classes. 639 Worcester block.
GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get. My
free booklet X oo tons now. write totiay
now. Earl Hopkins. Washington, D. C.
FITMANIC and Gregg shorthand, bookkeep
ing, auxiliaries; good positions. Phone
East 3110.
SCHOOL teachers, coaching In public school
music reasonable, w neeiaon Annex, Apt
No. 2-
DUSTLES3 clothes lines; big agents propo
sition. Write today. Christy, 33Z Lumber
Exch ange.
WONDER CLOTH metal polisher; factory
agency; territory free, ennaty, ssz num
ber Exchange.
DAY and night school; special Instruction
In arithmetic and business forms, iroi.
Frank Hutchlns, 268 12th st.
instruction. LintijU miurimaau booh
keeplng. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar.4QS
LEARN to operate moving picture machine;
good pay, easy nours. &ecuro positions.
417 Rothchlld bldg.
WANTED Man and team
to haul wood
and lumber. Main a no.
KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College and
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG man wants position as stenographer;
have had some stenograpnio experience;
would do other work part of time if neces
sary. A R 26, Oregonlan.
ACCOUNTS audited, books balanced or
Closed, systems rsvieeq. . rt. cnesnire,
4'6 Main
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, office man;
employment actua.ty neeaea ; anytning
reasonable. 1030 Grand, North.
WHY work for a salary when you can
be your own oossr iuu win start you.
Call at 226 2d st, for particulars.
LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen, wages
about $100; experience unnecessary, bend
age, stamp. Railway, care Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper, stenographer
and office man wants position. Address
V 283. Oregonian.
I NEED work ; young married man, expe
rienced in oiiice iiu clerical wwn.
WANTED Position as salesman In legiti
mate line, 15 rears on the road; best of
references, AO 2WS, Oregonian.
AN A-l bookkeeper with commercial, man
ufacturing ana lumoer experience is open
for position. AK 294. Oregonian.
WANTED Men, 18 to 45, to become Port
land mall carriers, $5 to $ivO month; va
cations. AV 217. Oregonian.
HOTEL clerk, night or day. first-class ref
erences ana experience; state salary and
requirements. M 302. Oregonian.
GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn
money while earning, bia notnchiia bid-.
260 J4TH ST. -N. 93. f.Xt. INSTRUCN
POSITION By an experienced bookkeeper
GROCERY clerk wants steady place; refer-
w zvo. oregonian.
Bookkeepers asrd Clerks.
THOROUGHLY reliable man who ha suc
cessfully handled entire office of manu-
- facturing concern, wishes to locate In
Port. and: familiar with sales and credits
and tnorouichly understands bookkeeping
and auditing ; 13 years in last, position
and can furnish A-l references. AB 252,
NO EXPENSE to learn electricity, automo
biles, plumbing. Correspondence lessons
furnished ; then actual work on contract
joe; your work pays expense; Am) stu-u-ais
last year; get free catalogue. United
Trade bciiooi Contracting Los An-
OL NG man, stenographer, bookkeeper,
w notesalc, brokerage experience; tempor
ary emp;o ed; desires permanent posi
tion ; moderate salary ; excellent re for -eices.
Main o211.
-uLL'Aiti) young man, good habits, good
penman, sligut know.eufe booakeepuig,
br-st, would like oft ice position,
prvferauiy lumber business. F 304. Ore
g oiiiau.
EXPERIENCED young man stenographer
desues to locate with a reliab.e lurm;
hard worker and always makes goou.
AM 2l2 Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT (Scotchman) thoroughly
experienced bookkeeper and office man
desires position; would go out of the city.
X 2x oregonian.
up books, prepare balance and statements.
Install svsteius. Guitngham. auditor. 14
Lewia biatf. MarshaU 717.
AsaiSl ANT bookkeeping or clerical wura
wanted by mau who will make good if
giveu a chance. Fair typist; reference
AH 2t L, Oregonian.
Alts iiaoti.
POSITION wanted by dair man, German,
20, fuLy experienced to lake full charge
of herd of high-grade cows, A permanent
position desired, wnere good, clean quax
ters are supplied. AH 2i7, Oregonian.
AN AI advertising solicitor, who has sold
$i.uuO,tvO worm of advertising space for
uauy newspapers, has just cioseu an en
garfemei.t anu Is at Lberty ; "faaes" Deed
out answer. AP 3. oregonian.
WANTED By man and wife, position on
farm, man for farm work and wife to
cook; It ears experience general farm
lf.g ; references, it r.te H. Pctxuld, lis
Cook ave., station "B."
A T HO HOUGH business roan, 32, Scotch,
married, large experience inanur'g, trav
eling, control, etc., requires work, ready
to tackle any Job. Au dress Mackay, 420
Alder sc. Phone Main lsu.
UNIVERSITY graduate desires to complete
law course by w orKing with law lirm ;
will receive law degree next spring; can
co oitice worn anu nandie collections. A
2j'Z, oregonian.
ENGINEER Good - all-around mechanic
wants position; can do ateaoifltting and
plumbing; can handle gasoline engines
and eiectric power; good reierence. V 2V1,
luL'Nii man would like situation as en
gineer in some building; have had ex
perience In running heating piania; can
furnish references. S 274, Oregonian.
STATIONARY engineer or n rem an, or tend
ing buiiers, by steady man; 10 years ex
periences; references. Phone B 1447. 13u0
PRACTICAL man cook wants position; wide
and varied experience, economy and
kitchen management A-l. AD 3u4. Orego
nian. MAN 3D, German, ex p. In hotel wine room
and wholesale liquor, wishes Job; can do
porter or Janitor work; sober, industrious.
Fred Lust man, 200 Caruthers st., city.
YoUNG married man wislits position at
anything; experienced meat cutter and
grocery clerk; can drive auto. E 2D!,
WANTED Position as night clerk, hotel,
city or country, long experience East and
W est. thoroughly up-to-date. Phone Ta
bor 2402.
EXi'Li-.lENCED engineer wants steady em
ployment, stationary and hoisting, mine,
mill or factory; reference. Address AF
2ao. Oregonian.
WANTED Situation as driver for private
family by young man who can take care
of own car. Aduress Henry Ward, Klicki
tat Hotel, First and Holiaday ave.
WANTED Position as foundry foreman by
an experienced Eastern foundry man;
strictly sober and reliable. AE 291, Ore
gonian. POSITION wanted by middle-aged man as
n;ght watchman, janitor or management
oi apartment or rooming-oouse. raone
Home 1275, Main 4776.
SOBER, reliable married roan wants steady
wcrk, sawmill or box factory, or place
for man ai.d wife on ranch. Address
G. J. P., 1021 North Knowles avo.
A GERMAN Swiss, with wife, no children,
wants work on a dairy farm, where the
wife can do housework. .Theo. Gawn, 161
jtn su k., roriiand, or.
WANTED To work for dairyman who
wishes to increase his profits; I can help
you. i. vv imams, vio JUlcmgan ave.
fnone wooaiawn woi.
EXPERIENCED Japanese chauffeur wants
position in family; can do any family
work besides ; reference. K 202, Ore
SALESMAN with auto, if needed; young
married man ; reference and bond if re
quired, phone C 2U41 or X 2'Jl, Ore
gonian. MARRIED man of 30 wants charge of gas
oline power plant of any description, in or
out of town, or chauffeur; references. 10
E. 63d SC. Portland.
YOUNG Japanese woman wants position.
gou xaiiiuy, as nousewora. J sua, ore
gonian. MAN and wife wish position in camp as
cook and helper; man would do other
work. AM 2L Oregonian.
ELECTRICIAN, 10 years' experience water
plants, steam plants and suu-station oper
ating, wants position. K. -c 5. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED poultry man wishes posi
tion on poultry farm or would rent relia
ble. F 2'jb, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, IS, would like night position
of any kind, after 7 P. M. to 12 P. M.;
KOOrj references. D 305, Oregonian.
fuMTiu.N by reKisterj-d pharmacist, over 3
years' experience. Address R 22, Ore
gonian. .
FIRST-CLASS. all-around printer wants
job. "Printer." 333 N. 8th su, Corvailis,
Or. Ind. phone 2246.
GAS engine designer of long experience de
sires position, w m. aii. stu commercial
CHEF, A-l dinner cook and meat cutter,
wants work, cafeteria or restaurant; so-
ter and steady. AN 2fl7. Oregonian.
ALL-ROUND first-class farm and orchard
man. married, no children; state salary
and requirements. G 295, Oregonian.
MARRIED couple wishes position on farm
or dairy; separate, nouseaeeping require a
O 2!2, Oregonian
PAINTER, good all-around hand, married,
wants work, $3 per day. AO 97, Ore
gonian. JAPANESE boy cook, has experience, wants
a position in xuxniiy. Address l ana. S44
Washington St.
WANTUD By married man, position on
fat in ; experienced in gvneral farming
an I dairy. AN 2W. Oregonian!
YOUNG man, with motorcycle, wishes po
sition, lignt aeuvering. o o, orego
nian. THOROUGH, practical orchard man, wide
experience, wants position. j sis, ore
gonian. ELEVATOR or janitor, experienced, reliable
man. wants day work; references- E doij,
JAPANESE waiter, has experience, wants a
position in club. weny, 44 wasnmgton.
EXPERIENCED stationary or refrigerating
engineer desires permanent position; ref
erences. 322 Stanton St.
EXPERIENCED young man wants posi
tion as va let or nurse ; used to travel ;
best references. L 297, Oregonian.
MAN and wife would like position on farm
or cook in camp, botn competent. J-
238, Oregon ian.
FIRST-CLASS painters and paper-hangers;
old work a specialty. Phone Marshall
r31. 3ol Harrison st.
FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. MarshaU
791, A 4010. Portland Walters' Club, 148
5th, Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager.
CHAUFFEUR desires position, private car
preferred; good repair man, 7 years' ex
perlence; reference AD 2v0, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, Japanese, wluhes position In
private family, any kind auto, experi
enced, best of reference. X 237. Oregonian.
MARRIED GERMAN wants steady position;
do gardening and drive auto; also repair.
A R 22, Oregonian.
MANAGER or bartender; experienced, so
ber and reliable. Main 1141.
CARPENTER foreman wants situation, day
or contract. Address oox Oi. W oodstock.
YOUNG MAN of good habits would lik
sit ion on farm. C 28, Oregonian.
MAN wants day work painting, tinting,
lawn work, wlnrtow washing. Main 102"..
YOUNG man wants three or four hours'
employment, evenings. W 297. Oregonian.
FiKST-Ci-ASS kolsomtnlng. $3
Phone Tabor i:70 evenings.
per room.
WINDOW cleaning, new and empty houses.
Main 0."73 today or evenings.
JANITOR or houseman by active man, 50,
moderate w ages. E 2fK. Oregonian.
HOTEL CLERK, experienced, best local ref
erences, seeks position. B 281, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants position as stenographer.
J SOS, Oregonian.
GENERAL MANAGER High-grade, expe
rienced man wants to come to Portland;
experienced In automobile business, aiso
manufacturing; my specie Hy is selling:
am employed at present general manager
lurge tetail tutumoifue business; if ou
want your business thoroughly systemlzed,
put on paying basis, conversant with law.
sales and management, high-class refer
ences, write L. E. Roberts. 2017 Emerson
ave. South. Minneapolis. Minn.
witn one concern seven years and will con
sider a change on or after September 10;
murougnty acquainted with Oregon. Wash
ington and California trade; can snow re
suits with sny line having merit; will not
consider real estate, stock or insurance:
position must carry salary, expenses and
commission; AI record and relet ence;
confidential. AL 2;7. Oregonian.
HoNEST young man, 25, of tn-st habits,
wants position driving and repairing auto,
have garage experience and am good re
pair man; will uo any other work besides;
I must have a job, in garage or private
party; salary reasonable; 7 ears in Port
land; know the city well; good reference,
R 300. Oregonian.
WANTED Position on ranch by tnn. 40,
married, experienced In general farm
work, gardening aad construction, hog
and poultry raising; owner can have en
tire management In my care; best of
references. K 297. Oregonian.
TRACTORS. Position wanted by practical man as
estimator, draugntsman and deliler;
competent In ail classes of construction
work. H iSs. Oregonsan.
1 CAN sell any mortal thing offered by any
human being aad consumed by any ether
human being anything of merit, no mat
ter what but no peadllng from door to
door; will be at liberty Monday. AM $6$,
Oregon tan.
A HIGH CLASS promoter, with best of ref
erences, is at liberty; has nana led both
large and amall propositions. i.aa no su
perior as an alert salesman; w net have
ou got for him; ' bus tea" concerns not
noticed. AO 2i. Oregon. an.
V ANTED Position on ranch by man, 20.
married, graduate of aKrl ultural courses,
and exr.i'iehcea fa general farm sou,
gardening and construction. A permanent
position is desired wnere good ciean Lviug
quarters are supplied. AK 213. Oregonian.
tk keepers and fdejiuc rap tiers.
STENOGRAPHER wishes position, young
lad y, experienced ; J ust ai rived in Port
land from East; eight years' experience,
five years in mercantile house as book
keeper and stenographer, three years wltn
law nrui. also did substitute work in real
estate and insurance office; have splen
did references and have come to the West
to locate. Address O 2Sw. oregonian, or
phone Main 1134.
LAW stenographer (wants position, six
years' experience; four years' legal ex
perience, much of It in deposition work;
aiso two years with mercantile company
as bookkeeper and stenographer. Can give
references. Address AH 23, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, employed, wishes to change;
thoroughly competent; 13 years experience
In accounting; understands lumber work
and no oojection to leaving city. H 3$4,
manent position with reliable corporation
or business firm. Can take charge of of
fice. References furnished. A dress B 270,
POSITION as private secretary by expe
rienced stenographer; highest city refer
ences. Address AF 2W), Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED and! capable bookkeeper
desires permanent position; fine references.
East 353.
INTELLIGENT, thoroughly competent ste
nographer desires position; highest city
references. Address AD 2 US, Oregonian.
GIRL wants office work; willing to start
with small salary. Phono Marshall 7u7,
room 24.
THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper and
stenographer; manufacturing or insurance.
Marshall 0033.
COMPETENT and accurate stenographer,
best references, desires position. Phone
Main 1218. room 3.
STENOGRAPHER, competent. Eastern ex
perience, legal preferred; permanent; sal
ary t5. Telephone Marshall 2652.
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer
desires position; best city references.
Wood lawn 2b01.
COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper
desires position. X 2btf, Oregonian.
LADIES living out of city can get first-class
dressmaker and ladies' tailor to come to
their homes by day or week. Best city
references. Reasonable. Phone evenings
and Sunday, Marshall 4471.
LB YoUK own dressmaker Make your
suits, gowns and corsets at Parisian Sci
entific Dressmaking Academy, 50 cents per
day. 3u4 Good no ugh bldg.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailoring
at reasonable prices; fit and work guar
anteed; alterations properly done. Mrs.
Teademan, 422 Jefferson st,, near 11th su
A FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will go out of
town by oay or week or work at
borne; Summer prices. AF 29 L Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED dressmaker goes out daily,
6:30 to 6:3u; style and fit guaranteed;
high-class work only; $4 per day. Miss
Bridgewater. Phone Main 9472.
FRENCH dressmaking; original, up-to-date
designs; reasonable. Wheeldon Annex.
A UG-il, Main 004L Mile. De Alberu
LADY wants all kinds of plain sewing or
dressmaking; reasonable prices. 26 East
11th st.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes a few
eng a gements out by day ; city reference.
Marshall 5S.
DRESSMAKING, all kinds sewing, $2 day,
or at home. Mrs. Fuller. 62U Lexington
ave., Sellwood.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker; alterations a
specialty. Phone Tabor 1893, CaU even-
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable
price, borne or day. 307 lOtb. su Main
DRESSMAKING, family sewing quick by
hand and machine, $1.00 day. East 3407.
DRESSMAKING and alterations, plain tai
lored waist, $1.50; skirts, $. Tabor 4U01.
GRADUATE nurse wishes patients at home
or care of Invalids, maternity cases. Phone
Columbia 430. 1700 Berkley St.
EXPERIENCED Infants nurse wants place
at once; wages $40 to $45 per month. Cail
or write. 654 Girard st.. University park.
PRACTICAL nurse wants mental or alco
holic patient; reasonable. B 282, Ore
gonian. NURSE wants charge invalid or bospltai
position: take contagious cases. East
GOOD practical nurse; doctor's references.
Main 6137.
N URSE wishes more cases; maternity
specialty. Terms to suiu Main 3297.
INVALID can have room care trained nurse,
home comforts; ref. Tabor 2213.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper, thoroughly
reliable. city and Eastern references,
wants position In first-class hotel or man
agement of apartment bouse. AO 2o9,
WOMAN, refined, middle-aged, thorough and
trustworthy, wishes position as housekeep
er in family not exceeding 3 or 4 members.
AI references. N 2tt4, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted as housekeeper by neat.
reliable, competent German lady, gooa
cook. In lady's or gentleman's home; give
phone. X 210, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted as housekeeper by
woman of refinement and education; ex
perienced with servants and children. D
207, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman wants position at beach;
housekeeper, AI cook; splendid references.
ftiOD0 4l or A.O zi-. oregonian.
LADY, with child, would like position man
aging rooming or iim uiicut-uuuc a
$01, Oregonian
POSITION as housekeeper; best of refer
ences given and required; experienced;
good manager. AD 3oO. Oregonian.
LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING by lady with baby
(quiet); excellent references, good cook.
A 300, Oregonian. .
BY two experienced nurses, more cases, any
kind, the care ox a ae.icaie cnna or in
valid. Will travel. Main 44C0.
AI ALL-AROUND cook, hotel, city; best
references. G 2i, oregonian.
CAPABLE lady wants housework, small
family. Mrs. Parks, 75 Grand ave. N.
WANTED To care for child from 2 to 3
years. C 2080.
JAPANESE woman, plain cook, wants po
sition, small family In city. AL 214, Ore
gonian. LADY wishes to do housecleanlng by the
day. Phone East 462. Call Monday.
WOMAN would like day work. Call Wood
lawn 21S2.
LACE curtains band laundered. Phone Wain
MIDDLE-AGED woman would like place as
housekeeper. Call 54 Shaver st.
FIRST-CLASS laundress wants position In
private family: steady. Phone Woodl. 504.
RELIABLE women desire to take horns
laundry work. Phone Tabor 2725.